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RStudio中untitled中输入代码,一直弹出save file 的提示,很烦,该怎么处理?

这是在RStudio中语句没有编辑完的情况,1.直接键盘按Esc键退出就可以把+号去掉,恢复正常的编辑状态,2.清屏用快捷键Ctrl+L 就可以清除所有编辑的语句。

God Save The Foolish Kings 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Foolish Kings歌手:House Of Heroes专辑:SuburbaHouse of Heroes - God Save The Foolish Kings ft. Stephanie SmithMidnight,At the school"Hind the bleachersThere"s gonna be a rumbleThe lions and the kingsAnd my baby, she criesIn her bed and she worriesAnd my baby, she praysGod save the kings!Promise me you won"t do anything crazyI promise you I won"t do anyting, babyPromise meI promise you nothing!We"re outcasts only "cause we choose to dream,We"re princes who"d rather dine with thieves,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kingsMidnight,At the school,Behind the bleachers,Hey baby, lets go, lets goThere"s gonna be a rumbleBut the cops won"t be notifiedWhoa, whoa, whoa, whoaSo the lions bear their armsBut the kings gonna break the hearts of their babies tonightWe"re desprate only "cause we"ve none to lose,We"re lions missing half our teeth,We"re honest only "cause the truth, it cannot hide,God save us, the foolish kings,God save us, the foolish kingsAnd we fight "causeWe"d rather break our bonesThan brave this loneliness,We draw blood "causeWe"re just trying to draw out some significanceBut I met God on the street tonightAnd he said,"Choose your battles wiselyOr you"ll never find Me"Promise me you won"t do anything crazy,Promise meI promise you,I promise you one thing!We"re devils try"n to earn our angels wings,We stumble at every turn indeed,We"re desperate chasing down the love to just survive,God save us, the foolish kings,Promise me you won"t do anything crazyGod save us, the foolish kings,Promise me, promise meGod save us,God save us, the foolish kings!

word用jacob转换成pdf时报错Invoke of: SaveAs,word是2003,在线等

首先word03对这个支持不好.推荐07以上.07sp2之后word才可以直接另存为pdf.以下代码对应的是word2010 Java代码 1. public class JacobTest2. public static void wordToPDF(String3. ActiveXComponentword 4. try { 5. app.setProperty(6. Dispatch docs7. Dispatch doc8. docs, 9. "Open",10. Dispatch.Method,11. new Object[]12. new13. //new Variant(type)14. Dispatch.invoke(doc,15. toFile, new16. Variant f = new17.,18. } catch (Exception19. e.printStackTrace();20. } finally { 21. app.invoke("Quit"22. } 23. } 24. 25. public static void main(String[]26. //源文件全路径27. String docfile ="D:28. for (int i = 0; i <29. //些路径test为实际存在的目录30. String toFile=31. wordToPDF(docfile,32. } 33. } 34. } JacobTest { wordToPDF(String docfile, String toFile,int type) { ActiveXComponent app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application"app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch(); = Dispatch.invoke( Dispatch.Method, Object[] { docfile, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch(); Variant(type),这里面的type的决定另存为什么类型的文件Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] new Variant(type) }, new int[1]); new Variant(false);, "Close", f); (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); "Quit", new Variant[] {}); main(String[] args) { 源文件全路径 "D:\服务实施描述报告(企业门户).docx"; < 18; i++) { 为实际存在的目录,s后面为要另存为的文件名toFile="d:\test\s"+i; wordToPDF(docfile, toFile,i); "Word.Application"); // 启动 的决定另存为什么类型的文件

Save Your Kisses For Me 的歌词和翻译?

ti:save your kisses for me][ar:natasha thomas][al:save your kisses]natasha thomas - save your kisses for mealbum: save your kisseseditor: flowerspider (qq 1878886 icq 151476238)save your kisses for meshow me how you miss meoh, so easilymy loving"cause i don"t wanna bea summer love fadethe way i am touching"s always heavenlyi love the way that you were loving meyou rubbed me up in the colour of your loveyou must be an angel high from abovehow can i be sure that you won"t goand what will be…are you gonna be there when i need someonewill i be always just the only onei don"t wanna have just another heartbreakso tell me it"s sure love true are a fakeone kissone loveone wordone lieone dreamgonna save it save it for me(summer love fade)(kisses for me)(how you miss me)i don"t wanna be a summer love fade(so easily)

Linen Saver是什么

Linen Saver 是亚麻储藏者;积攒亚麻的人。 a type of Linen Saver that is lint free 是一种亚麻的棉绒的储蓄者;或者说是囤积亚麻棉绒的人。

I thought I heard Mom say Martin saved a child .


美国亚马逊网站价签下面的英文“you save”是什么意思


单词辨音 noticed raised saved climbed ed的发音 注明音标!谢谢

noticed ["nu0259u028atu026ast]raised [reu026azd]saved [seu026avd]climbed [klau026amd]除了第一个发[t]音以外,其他的ed都发[d]音。-ed有三种发音:[t] [d] [id],若该单词以轻辅音结尾,则-ed发轻辅音[t];若该单词以浊辅音或元音结尾,则-ed发浊辅音[d];若该单词以t或d结尾,则-ed发音为[id]。

电脑每次开机出现lease re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and rember to save before quit!

进BIOS里恢复默认设置试试 顺便看看是不是主板电池没电了 开机时按DEL,进入CMOS设置,将CMOS恢复为最初的默认设置值,按F10,保存,退出! 在BIOS中有两个简单的选项,可以让你回到它最初的默认设置值。 在BIOS设置主菜单中,你会看到Load Setup Defaults与Load Turbo Defaults两个选项。虽然这两个选项都是为恢复默认值而设,但它们也是有区别的: Load Fail-Safe Defaults:它是将主板BIOS各项设置设在“最佳”状态下,便于发生故障时进行调试工作。如果你不小心修改了某些设置值而发生问题,便可以选择此项来恢复成主板出厂时的初始状态。 Load Optimized Defaults:这项是装入系统较高性能的BIOS设置。但是,如果你在使用中感觉到系统不稳定或是不正常,请先撤消到上一项,再了解问题的起因。 以上两项的设置很简单,只要将光标移动到Load Fail-Safe Defaults或Load Optimized Defaults设置项上,然后按下回车键,就会出现询问你上否要装入这个默认的设置值时,接着按下“Y”键即可 改完设置之后重起,如果还是原样子的话,差不多就是电池没电了,既然没电了就换电池吧 开机需要按下F1键才能进入,主要是因为BIOS中设置与真实硬件数据不符引起的,可以分为以下几种情况: 1、实际上没有软驱或者软驱坏了,而BIOS里却设置有软驱,这样就导致了要按F1才能继续。 2、原来挂了两个硬盘,在BIOS中设置成了双硬盘,后来拿掉其中一个的时候却忘记将BIOS设置改回来,也会出现这个问题。 3、主板电池没有电了也会造成数据丢失从而出现这个故障。 4、重新启动系统,进入BIOS设置中,发现软驱设置为1.44M了,但实际上机箱内并无软驱,将此项设置为NONE后,故障排除。 曾经有很多人问过这样的问题,下面将我遇过的此类问题做一下总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、Hareware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP for details,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 中文:监视功能发现错误,进入POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP察看详细资料,按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入COMS设置。 解释:有的主板具备硬件的监视功能,可以设定主板与CPU的温度监视、电压调整器的电压输出准位监视和对各个风扇转速的监视,当 上述监视功能在开机时发觉有异常情况,那么便会出现上述这段话,这时可以进入COMS设置选择POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP,在右面的**Fan Monitor**、**Thermal Monitor**和**Voltage Monitor**察看是哪部分发出了异常,然后再加以解决。 2、pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume 可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。 3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded Press F1 to contnue?DEL to enter SETUP 08/09/2000-i810-ITE8712-6A69ME1CC-00 cmos电池没电。 5、Warning!CPU has been changed!Please Enter CPU speed CMOS setup and Remember to save Before Exit! 这说明BIOS设置被冲掉了,要重新设置BIOS(又叫做CMOS设置)。开机按住“Del”键进入设置,看你的主板说明书。你的CPU频率是多少?在BIOS中要选好外频,倍频反正是锁定的。外频总是66、100或133,要看CPU型号,从低往高设置。如果是AWARD的BIOS设置,在首页就选Frequency/Voltage Control (频率/电压的控制),使用此菜单可以对频率、电压进行特别的设定。其中“Clock By Slight Adjust(时钟频率微调)”允许你选择CPU时钟频率。各种主板的BIOS设置有差别,可以参考自己的主板说明书进行调整。 6、cpu has been changed please re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and remember to save before quit! 有些主板上有个外频跳线,默认为100MHZ,还有些主板不支持自动调频.你只要进BIOS里把外频设置成你的CPU标准外频就可以了,倍频方面一般是自动设置,最好不要超频。 如果上述解决办法都不能解决的话,你可以检查CMOS旁边电路是否有烧坏的迹象,我的机器就是因为CMOS旁边的电路有问题,上述机决方法都试过了也没用,最后一烙铁就搞定。呵呵,不妨你也试试!

拯救大象Save the elephants不加s可以吗? 来自泰国的学生Students from Thailand可不可以说成the stud

都可以的 看你强调什么 加上the 表示强调 特指

save us s.o.s. 歌词

歌曲名:save us s.o.s.歌手:Hot Hot Heat专辑:make up the breakdownYou got to save us! S-O-S!I"m out of gas. I"m out out of touch.Shipwrecked ferry... marry me -or take me out to lunch.No, I won"t be coming home.Tell her that I still am on the road.Make sure she knows that I would change it if I could.There"s an exit door and it won"t open up for me!There"s an exit door and it won"t open up!You see? I heard a tick-tock, tick-tock, tick... talk to you on the phone.Ring-Ring... though I know that nobody"s home.Why not? Why not I ask?Why can"t we be creative?Why can"t we be together?

Thomas Savery是谁?


求翻译歌词 英文翻译成汉语 Mighty To Save

每个人都需要同情爱到多数民众赞成neverending让我怜悯落在每个人都需要宽恕在仁慈的救世主各国希望*合唱*救世主,他可以移动山哎呀,浩浩荡荡拯救他是强大的保存作者永远得救他站起来,征服了严重耶稣征服了严重所以,你带我找到我我所有的恐惧和失败填充我的生活我给我的生命跟进我相信一切现在我投降*合唱* x2照你的光,让全世界看到人的复活的耶稣国王x2荣耀歌唱*合唱* x2您轻服务,让全世界看到人的复活的耶稣国王x6荣耀歌唱

Mighty to Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty to Save歌手:Hillsong专辑:Mighty to SaveHILLSONG-Mighty To Save《Mighty To Save》HAEBIN NANGANG ENGLISH FELLOWSHIP哈尔滨南岗教堂英语团契Everyone needs compassion,Love that"s never failing;Let mercy fall on me.Everyone needs forgiveness,The kindness of a Saviour;The Hope of nations.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.So take me as You find me,All my fears and failures,Fill my life again.I give my life to followEverything I believe in,Now I surrender.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the graveSaviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...JesusShine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...JesusSaviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.Shine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x6)THE END

Mighty To Save (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save (Live)歌手:Michael W. Smith专辑:Wow Hits 2009Seventh Day Slumbe - Mighty To SaveEveryone needs compassionA love that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgivenessA kindness of a SaviorThe hope of nationsMy SaviorHe can move the mountainsMy God is Mighty to saveHe is Mighty to saveForeverAuthor of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveSo take me as You find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to followEverything i believe inNow i surrenderShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus

Mighty To Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save歌手:Don Moen专辑:I Believe There Is MoreDon Moen - Mighty To SaveEveryone needs compassionLove that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgivenessThe kindness of a SaviourThe hope of the nationsSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveSo take me as You find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to followEverything I believe inNow surrenderSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine Your light andLet the whole world seeWe"re singingFor the glory of the risen KingJesusShine Your light andLet the whole world seeWe"re singingFor the glory of the risen KingSaviour, He can move the mountainsSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine Your light andLet the whole world seeWe"re singingFor the glory of the risen KingJesusShine Your light andLet the whole world seeWe"re singingFor the glory of the risen King

Mighty To Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save歌手:HeartCry Worship专辑:HeartCry Vol. 1: Mighty To SaveSeventh Day Slumbe - Mighty To SaveEveryone needs compassionA love that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgivenessA kindness of a SaviorThe hope of nationsMy SaviorHe can move the mountainsMy God is Mighty to saveHe is Mighty to saveForeverAuthor of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveSo take me as You find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to followEverything i believe inNow i surrenderShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus

Mighty To Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save歌手:Encounter Worship专辑:Encounter Worship Volume 03Newsboys - Mighty to SaveShine your light and let the whole world seeShine your light and let the whole world seeEveryone needs compassion, love that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a saviourThe hope of nationsSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever, author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world seeShine your light and let the whole world seeSo take me as you find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to follow everything I believe inNow I surrenderSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever, author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveWe"re singing shine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingMy Saviour, You can move the mountainsYou are mighty to saveYou are mighty to saveForever, author of salvationYou rose and conquered the graveOh You conquered the graveOh my Saviour, You can move the mountainsYou are mighty to saveYou are mighty to saveForever, author of salvationYou rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen king

Mighty to Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty to Save歌手:Hillsong UNITED专辑:Mighty to SaveMighty To SaveEveryone needs compassion,Love that"s never failing;Let mercy fall on me.Everyone needs forgiveness,The kindness of a Saviour;The Hope of nations.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.So take me as You find me,All my fears and failures,Fill my life again.I give my life to followEverything I believe in,Now I surrender.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...JesusSaviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.Shine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x6)

Mighty To Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save歌手:Maranatha! Praise Band专辑:Platinum PraiseMighty To SaveEveryone needs compassion,Love that"s never failing;Let mercy fall on me.Everyone needs forgiveness,The kindness of a Saviour;The Hope of nations.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.So take me as You find me,All my fears and failures,Fill my life again.I give my life to followEverything I believe in,Now I surrender.Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...JesusSaviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave.Shine your light and let the whole world see,We"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus (x6)

Mighty to Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty to Save歌手:Newsboys专辑:God"s Not DeadNewsboys - Mighty to SaveShine your light and let the whole world seeShine your light and let the whole world seeEveryone needs compassion, love that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a saviourThe hope of nationsSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever, author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world seeShine your light and let the whole world seeSo take me as you find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to follow everything I believe inNow I surrenderSaviour, He can move the mountainsMy God is mighty to saveHe is mighty to saveForever, author of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveWe"re singing shine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingMy Saviour, You can move the mountainsYou are mighty to saveYou are mighty to saveForever, author of salvationYou rose and conquered the graveOh You conquered the graveOh my Saviour, You can move the mountainsYou are mighty to saveYou are mighty to saveForever, author of salvationYou rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen kingShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen king

Mighty To Save 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty To Save歌手:Lull-A-Bye Baby专辑:Lull-A-Bye Baby: WorshipSeventh Day Slumbe - Mighty To SaveEveryone needs compassionA love that"s never failingLet mercy fall on meEveryone needs forgivenessA kindness of a SaviorThe hope of nationsMy SaviorHe can move the mountainsMy God is Mighty to saveHe is Mighty to saveForeverAuthor of salvationHe rose and conquered the graveJesus conquered the graveSo take me as You find meAll my fears and failuresFill my life againI give my life to followEverything i believe inNow i surrenderShine your light and let the whole world seeWe"re singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus

loud pipes save lives 什么意思?

loud pipes save lives 大声的管道拯救生命loud响亮的,大声的,高声的; 响亮的,洪亮的,高亢的; 高声的,激烈的; 刺眼的,太招摇的; 大声地,高声地,响亮地pipes烟斗; 小管; 管子( pipe的名词复数 ); 管乐器; 音管

A Stitch in time saves nine 这句话什么意思啊?是什么俗语?


盟军敢死队深入敌后,在第一关时、通过第一关后、第二关时,save game按钮都是灰色的。谁能教我如何保存

编辑如下文件,保存为reg注册表文件,然后导入:REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePyro] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePyroCommandos] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePyroCommandos1.0] @="" "DirIns"="." "DirCd"="." "Type"=dword:00000003

elasticsearch JPA执行save方法后,发现elasticsearch有文件生成,但数据库中没数据

由于需要提升项目的搜索质量,最近研究了一下Elasticsearch,一款非常优秀的分布式搜索程序。最开始的一些笔记放到github,这里只是归纳总结一下。首先,为什么要使用Elasticsearch?最开始的时候,我们的项目仅仅使用MySQL进行简单的搜索,然后一个不能索引的like语句,直接拉低MySQL的性能。后来,我们曾考虑过sphinx,并且sphinx也在之前的项目中成功实施过,但想想现在的数据量级,多台MySQL,以及搜索服务本身HA,还有后续扩容的问题,我们觉得sphinx并不是一个最优的选择。于是自然将目光放到了Elasticsearch上面。根据官网自己的介绍,Elasticsearch是一个分布式搜索服务,提供Restful API,底层基于Lucene,采用多shard的方式保证数据安全,并且提供自动resharding的功能,加之github等大型的站点也采用 Elasticsearch作为其搜索服务,我们决定在项目中使用Elasticsearch。对于Elasticsearch,如果要在项目中使用,需要解决如下问题:索引,对于需要搜索的数据,如何建立合适的索引,还需要根据特定的语言使用不同的analyzer等。搜索,Elasticsearch提供了非常强大的搜索功能,如何写出高效的搜索语句?数据源,我们所有的数据是存放到MySQL的,MySQL是唯一数据源,如何将MySQL的数据导入到Elasticsearch?对于1和2,因为我们的数据都是从MySQL生成,index的field是固定的,主要做的工作就是根据业务场景设计好对应的mapping以及search语句就可以了,当然实际不可能这么简单,需要我们不断的调优。而对于3,则是需要一个工具将MySQL的数据导入Elasticsearch,因为我们对搜索实时性要求很高,所以需要将MySQL的增量数据实时导入,笔者唯一能想到的就是通过row based binlog来完成。而近段时间的工作,也就是实现一个MySQL增量同步到Elasticsearch的服务。LuceneElasticsearch底层是基于Lucene的,Lucene是一款优秀的搜索lib,当然,笔者以前仍然没有接触使用过。:-)Lucene关键概念:Document:用来索引和搜索的主要数据源,包含一个或者多个Field,而这些Field则包含我们跟Lucene交互的数据。Field:Document的一个组成部分,有两个部分组成,name和value。Term:不可分割的单词,搜索最小单元。Token:一个Term呈现方式,包含这个Term的内容,在文档中的起始位置,以及类型。Lucene使用Inverted index来存储term在document中位置的映射关系。譬如如下文档:Elasticsearch Server 1.0 (document 1)Mastring Elasticsearch (document 2)Apache Solr 4 Cookbook (document 3)使用inverted index存储,一个简单地映射关系:TermCountDocuemnt1.0 14 1Apache 1Cookbook 1Elasticsearch 2 .Mastering 1Server 1Solr 1对于上面例子,我们首先通过分词算法将一个文档切分成一个一个的token,再得到该token与document的映射关系,并记录token出现的总次数。这样就得到了一个简单的inverted index。Elasticsearch关键概念要使用Elasticsearch,笔者认为,只需要理解几个基本概念就可以了。在数据层面,主要有:Index:Elasticsearch用来存储数据的逻辑区域,它类似于关系型数据库中的db概念。一个index可以在一个或者多个shard上面,同时一个shard也可能会有多个replicas。Document:Elasticsearch里面存储的实体数据,类似于关系数据中一个table里面的一行数据。document由多个field组成,不同的document里面同名的field一定具有相同的类型。document里面field可以重复出现,也就是一个field会有多个值,即multivalued。Document type:为了查询需要,一个index可能会有多种document,也就是document type,但需要注意,不同document里面同名的field一定要是相同类型的。Mapping:存储field的相关映射信息,不同document type会有不同的mapping。对于熟悉MySQL的童鞋,我们只需要大概认为Index就是一个db,document就是一行数据,field就是table的column,mapping就是table的定义,而document type就是一个table就可以了。Document type这个概念其实最开始也把笔者给弄糊涂了,其实它就是为了更好的查询,举个简单的例子,一个index,可能一部分数据我们想使用一种查询方式,而另一部分数据我们想使用另一种查询方式,于是就有了两种type了。不过这种情况应该在我们的项目中不会出现,所以通常一个index下面仅会有一个 type。在服务层面,主要有:Node: 一个server实例。Cluster:多个node组成cluster。Shard:数据分片,一个index可能会存在于多个shards,不同shards可能在不同nodes。Replica:shard的备份,有一个primary shard,其余的叫做replica shards。Elasticsearch之所以能动态resharding,主要在于它最开始就预先分配了多个shards(貌似是1024),然后以shard为单位进行数据迁移。这个做法其实在分布式领域非常的普遍,codis就是使用了1024个slot来进行数据迁移。因为任意一个index都可配置多个replica,通过冗余备份的方式保证了数据的安全性,同时replica也能分担读压力,类似于MySQL中的slave。Restful APIElasticsearch提供了Restful API,使用json格式,这使得它非常利于与外部交互,虽然Elasticsearch的客户端很多,但笔者仍然很容易的就写出了一个简易客户端用于项目中,再次印证了Elasticsearch的使用真心很容易。Restful的接口很简单,一个url表示一个特定的资源,譬如/blog/article/1,就表示一个index为blog,type为aritcle,id为1的document。而我们使用http标准method来操作这些资源,POST新增,PUT更新,GET获取,DELETE删除,HEAD判断是否存在。这里,友情推荐httpie,一个非常强大的http工具,个人感觉比curl还用,几乎是命令行调试Elasticsearch的绝配。一些使用httpie的例子:# createhttp POST :9200/blog/article/1 title="hello elasticsearch" tags:="["elasticsearch"]"# gethttp GET :9200/blog/article/1# updatehttp PUT :9200/blog/article/1 title="hello elasticsearch" tags:="["elasticsearch", "hello"]"# deletehttp DELETE :9200/blog/article/1# existshttp HEAD :9200/blog/article/1索引和搜索虽然Elasticsearch能自动判断field类型并建立合适的索引,但笔者仍然推荐自己设置相关索引规则,这样才能更好为后续的搜索服务。我们通过定制mapping的方式来设置不同field的索引规则。而对于搜索,Elasticsearch提供了太多的搜索选项,就不一一概述了。索引和搜索是Elasticsearch非常重要的两个方面,直接关系到产品的搜索体验,但笔者现阶段也仅仅是大概了解了一点,后续在详细介绍。同步MySQL数据Elasticsearch是很强大,但要建立在有足量数据情况下面。我们的数据都在MySQL上面,所以如何将MySQL的数据导入Elasticsearch就是笔者最近研究的东西了。虽然现在有一些实现,譬如elasticsearch-river-jdbc,或者elasticsearch-river-mysql,但笔者并不打算使用。elasticsearch-river-jdbc的功能是很强大,但并没有很好的支持增量数据更新的问题,它需要对应的表只增不减,而这个几乎在项目中是不可能办到的。elasticsearch-river-mysql倒是做的很不错,采用了python-mysql-replication来通过binlog获取变更的数据,进行增量更新,但它貌似处理MySQL dump数据导入的问题,不过这个笔者真的好好确认一下?话说,python-mysql-replication笔者还提交过pull解决了minimal row image的问题,所以对elasticsearch-river-mysql这个项目很有好感。只是笔者决定自己写一个出来。为什么笔者决定自己写一个,不是因为笔者喜欢造轮子,主要原因在于对于这种MySQL syncer服务(增量获取MySQL数据更新到相关系统),我们不光可以用到Elasticsearch上面,而且还能用到其他服务,譬如cache上面。所以笔者其实想实现的是一个通用MySQL syncer组件,只是现在主要关注Elasticsearch罢了。项目代码在这里go-mysql-elasticsearch,现已完成第一阶段开发,内部对接测试中。go-mysql-elasticsearch的原理很简单,首先使用mysqldump获取当前MySQL的数据,然后在通过此时binlog的name和position获取增量数据。一些限制:binlog一定要变成row-based format格式,其实我们并不需要担心这种格式的binlog占用太多的硬盘空间,MySQL 5.6之后GTID模式都推荐使用row-based format了,而且通常我们都会把控SQL语句质量,不允许一次性更改过多行数据的。需要同步的table最好是innodb引擎,这样mysqldump的时候才不会阻碍写操作。需要同步的table一定要有主键,好吧,如果一个table没有主键,笔者真心会怀疑设计这个table的同学编程水平了。多列主键也是不推荐的,笔者现阶段不打算支持。一定别动态更改需要同步的table结构,Elasticsearch只能支持动态增加field,并不支持动态删除和更改field。通常来说,如果涉及到alter table,很多时候已经证明前期设计的不合理以及对于未来扩展的预估不足了。更详细的说明,等到笔者完成了go-mysql-elasticsearch的开发,并通过生产环境中测试了,再进行补充。总结最近一周,笔者花了不少时间在Elasticsearch上面,现在算是基本入门了。其实笔者觉得,对于一门不懂的技术,找一份靠谱的资料(官方文档或者入门书籍),蛋疼的对着资料敲一遍代码,不懂的再问google,最后在将其用到实际项目,这门技术就算是初步掌握了,当然精通还得在下点功夫。现在笔者只是觉得Elasticsearch很美好,上线之后铁定会有坑的,那时候只能慢慢填了。话说,笔者是不是要学习下java了,省的到时候看不懂代码就惨了。:-)


所有这三个方法,也就是save()、saveOrUpdate()和persist()都是用于将对象保存到数据库中的方法,但其中有些细微的差别。例如,save()只能INSERT记录,但是saveOrUpdate()可以进行记录的INSERT和UPDATE。还有,save()的返回值是一个Serializable对象,而persist()方法返回值为void。save与saveOrUpdate的区别save通过INSERT语句将对象保存到数据库,产生一个新的ID,将数据插入到数据库,并返回一个Serializable对象。saveOrUpdate能根据对象是否已存在,而执行插入或更新。显然saveOrUpdate更加灵活,但它需要额外判断对象是否已存在。save与persist的区别返回类型不同:save返回Serializable对象,而persist返回voidID赋值时机不同:二者同样用于将transient实例持久化,但persist不保证ID值立即赋给持久化实例,可能会在flush的时候给ID赋值。transaction外的行为不同:如果在transaction之外调用,persist保证会立即执行INSERT语句;而save则不保证(save返回一个identifier,如果必须执行INSERT来获取该identifier,则就会立即执行INSERT,而不论是在transaction之内或之外)使用场景:由于上述第三点区别,persist方法适用于被扩展的Session上下文的长期运行的会话中(useful in long-running conversations with an extended Session context);而save则不适用。


所有这三个方法,也就是save()、saveOrUpdate()和persist()都是用于将对象保存到数据库中的方法,但其中有些细微的差别。例如,save()只能INSERT记录,但是saveOrUpdate()可以进行记录的INSERT和UPDATE。还有,save()的返回值是一个Serializable对象,而persist()方法返回值为void。save与saveOrUpdate的区别 save通过INSERT语句将对象保存到数据库,产生一个新的ID,将数据插入到数据库,并返回一个Serializable对象。 saveOrUpdate能根据对象是否已存在,而执行插入或更新。显然saveOrUpdate更加灵活,但它需要额外判断对象是否已存在。save与persist的区别返回类型不同:save返回Serializable对象,而persist返回voidID赋值时机不同:二者同样用于将transient实例持久化,但persist不保证ID值立即赋给持久化实例,可能会在flush的时候给ID赋值。transaction外的行为不同:如果在transaction之外调用,persist保证会立即执行INSERT语句;而save则不保证(save返回一个identifier,如果必须执行INSERT来获取该identifier,则就会立即执行INSERT,而不论是在transaction之内或之外)使用场景:由于上述第三点区别,persist方法适用于被扩展的Session上下文的长期运行的会话中(useful in long-running conversations with an extended Session context);而save则不适用。


可以去看spectre的帮助,spectreuser.pdfSetting Actionnone Does not save any data (currently does save one node chosen at random).selected Saves only signals specified with save statements. This is the defaultsetting.lvlpub Saves all signals that are normally useful up to nestlvl deep in thesubcircuit hierarchy. This option is equivalent to allpub for subcircuits.Normally useful signals include shared node voltages and currents throughvoltage sources and iprobes.lvl Saves all signals up to nestlvl deep in the subcircuit hierarchy. Thisoption is relevant for subcircuits.allpub Saves only signals that are normally useful. Normally useful signals includeshared node voltages and currents through voltage sources and iprobes.all Saves all signals.


谓语动词 saves 是第三人称单数形式所以选 A. Woody








可以删除 OriginLab OriginPro 是一款功能强 大且功能齐全的数据分析软件。该程序提供许多功能,包括线性和非线性曲线拟合,模型验证

大学英语作文:存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?

  【篇一】存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?For the old people, they like to save money, because they need money to keep the sense of security. Once the emergent situation happens, they will take out the money and solve the problem. While for the young people, they like to spend money to find fun, happiness comes first. I think it is better to combine both of them. 对于老人来说,她们喜欢存钱,因为他们需要钱来保持安全感。一旦发生了紧急情况,他们会拿出钱来解决问题。然而对于年轻人来说,他们倾向于花钱来找乐子,幸福第一位。我觉得把存钱和花钱合起来用。 First, we need to save money. Once I was asked if worrying tomorrow was a good thing, now my answer is definitely yes. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow. If we meet the emergent situation in the future, money will be the best help. 第一,我们需要存钱。曾经有人问我担忧明天是不是好事,如今我的答案绝对是确定的。没有人知道明天会发生什么事情,但是我们可以存一些钱,这样就能更好地为明天做打算。如果我们在将来遇到紧急情况,钱会帮上很大的忙。 Second, we also need to spent money. The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living. So when we get the money, we will spend it and find the amusement. Life needs fun, we spend the money to improve our lives and enjoy life. 第二,我们也需要花钱。钱对于我们来说并不容易挣,我们是如此努力的工作来维持生活。所以当我们拿到钱,就会花钱来寻找娱乐。生活需要娱乐,我们花钱来改善生活,享受生活。 Saving money and spending money are both needed, we can find the balance between them and live the better life. 存钱和花钱都是需要的,我们可以找到两者的平衡,过上更好的生活。  【篇二】梅西又拿了金球奖 Messi Wins Ballon d"Or award AgainFootball is the world"s sport, though our football players" level is lagging much behind other countries, football in China is still very popular. The world famous football player like David Beckham is known to all, and the young players Messi and C. Ronaldo are favored by all. Messi takes the lead over C. Ronaldo in Ballon d"Or award, for Messi wins the fifth award. 足球是世界上第一大运动,尽管我们的足球球员水平落后于其他国家,但是足球在中国仍然是非常受欢迎的。世界足球运动员大卫贝克汉姆是众所周知的,年轻球员梅西和c罗纳尔多也是受到全世界球迷的喜爱的。梅西率在金球方面c罗纳尔多,因为他赢得第五个金球奖。 Messi wins his fifth Ballon d"Or award recently, which helps him makes the new record. When talking about him, I admire him so much, because of his experience. Messi is not a tall boy, when he was small, he got sick which made him grow up slowly. In order to fight against this disease, he started to play football, it not only made him become taller, but also helped him earn some money to the treatment. 梅西最近赢了他的第五个金球奖奖项,这帮助他创造了新的纪录。在谈到他的时候,我很钦佩他,因为他的经历。梅西不是一个高大的男孩,在他小的时候,他生病了,这让他长不高。为了对抗这种疾病,他开始踢足球,这不仅使他长得更高,同时也帮他挣些钱治疗。 Now, Messi is the world famous star, his story inspires so many teenagers. Messi and his girlfriend had a boy. Being a father makes Messi much more mature, the boy"s coming completes his life. 现在,梅西是世界上的明星,他的故事激励了很多年轻人。梅西和他的女朋友生了一个男孩。做一个父亲让梅西更加成熟,这个男孩的到来让梅西的人生更加完整。  【篇三】米老鼠的由来 The Coming of Mickey MouseMickey Mouse is very popular around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story. 米老鼠在全世界都非常受欢迎,自从它来到这个世界。现在米老鼠和它的家庭成员已经成为了迪斯尼乐园的主要人物。他们给人们带来了那么多快乐。米老鼠之父沃尔特迪斯尼创造这个可爱的人物,有着有趣的故事。 When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on two legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands. 迪斯尼在年轻的时候,他在芝加哥学习艺术。他曾与另一个年轻艺术家的在老建筑里共事。他们经常看见老鼠在老房子里跑进跑出,所以他们想到画一个卡通老鼠。这个老鼠不像真正的老鼠,它两条腿站立,有大眼睛和耳朵。最有趣的事情是,它戴着白色的手套。 They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character comes. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world"s biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people. 他们称之为米奇,这就是这个伟大的卡通人物的由来。很快这个可爱和有趣的形象在世界各地都出名了。它出现在屏幕上。电影受到了孩子们喜爱。然后它也出现在世界上的娱乐公园迪士尼乐园,逗乐了这么多人。 Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse. 沃尔特?迪斯尼是如此之大,他创造了一个受欢迎的偶像米老鼠。

为什么报errors prohibited this user from being saved


为什么报errors prohibited this user from being saved

errors prohibited this user from being saved禁止该用户被保存的错误

为什么报errors prohibited this user from being saved

你好!errors prohibited this user from being saved错误禁止该用户被保存

save me from myself 吉他谱

Capo on 2nd FretRiff 1E|-------------|B|-------------|G|-------------|D|-------------|A|-------------|E|-2-1-0-------|Bm F#5 Bm F#5It"s not so easy loving meRiff1 Em7It gets so complicated Em9 F#7All the things you gotta be Bm F#5Everything"s changing Bm F#5But you"re the truthRiff1 Em7I"m amazed by all your patience Em9 F#7Everything I put you throughEm9 F#7And when I"m about to fall BmSomehow you"re always waiting D9Your open arms to catch meEm9 F#7 BmYou"re gonna save me from myself D9From myself, yesEm9 F#7 Bm F#5You"re gonna save me from myself Bm F#5 Bm F#5My love is tainted by your touchRiff1 Em7Well some guys have shown me aces Em9 F#7But you"ve got that royal flush Bm F#5 Bm F#5I know it"s crazy everydayRiff1 Em7Well tomorrow maybe shaky Em9 F#7But you never turn awayEm9 F#7Don"t ask me why I"m crying Bm"Cause when I start to crumble D9You know how to keep me smilingEm9 F#7 BmYou always save me from myself D9From myself, myselfEm9 F#7 Em7You"re gonna save me from myselfI know it"s hard, it"s hardBmBut you"ve broken all my wallsEm7You"ve been my strength, so strong Em9 F#7And don"t ask me why I love you BmIt"s obvious your tenderness D9Is what I need to make meEm9 F#7A better woman to myselfBm D9To myself, myselfEm9 F#7 BmYou"re gonna save me from my myselfChords Used:BmE|-x-B|-3-G|-4-D|-4-A|-2-E|-x-F#5E|-x-B|-2-G|-2-D|-2-A|-4-E|-2-Em9E|-X-B|-3-G|-4-D|-3-A|-X-E|-3-F#7E|-X-B|-2-G|-3-D|-2-A|-X-E|-2-D9E|-X-B|-5-G|-5-D|-4-A|-5-E|-X-

运行程序出现“segmentation violation - exiting after doing an emergency save”

我也遇到了这样的情况,我说一下我的过程吧,因为我也不知道是因为啥,是哪一步怎么回事,1.最开始电脑可能死机了一下,慢慢的后来,就点开建立part旋转模型(我旋转模型是使用的“select geometry”的第一个按钮(19.2版本ANSYS是一个剪头被一些红色环绕))的时候就闪退,再后来就是出现这个segmentation violation对话框,点完就直接退出,很纳闷2.试着覆盖安装,相同的建part旋转模型操作,依旧有问题,失败,郁闷+13.百度说可能是独显和集显的问题,右键发现确实N卡的控制面板没有了,百度说在电脑的控制面板里找N卡的控制面板,结果是→无,我更加确信了是因为显卡的问题导致。(我曾经N卡驱动自己降过一次版本,因为更新的新版本和模拟器不适配)多方百度,q群咨询,还没有能有效搞出N卡的控制面板的方法,最后实在没办法,想起来可以咨询戴尔技术,得知有可能是安装的N卡驱动和硬件或者软件不是很兼容,建议重新下载老版本的显卡驱动,安装好自动会有N卡控制面板。抱着半信半疑,戴尔官网-支持-产品支持-选择自己的电脑输入服务编号-驱动程序和下载-选择相应的操作系统和类别-系统显示你可用的驱动下载-点击N卡-旧版本-选你想要的旧版本,点击下载后等待,你会怀疑你的网速出了问题,巨慢,应该是渠道有问题,下载好后,安装(比较简单,根据提示操作)果然右键有了N卡的控制面板,喜悦值UpUpUp。一顿设置后(如何设置百度:笔记本电脑N卡如何设置)。抱着试一试的心态点开icemcfd,相同操作设置part,ending,the same。苦恼++,啊,作业怎么办。4.疑问:是不是不能重新安装,重新安装和卸载了再重新安装是不是会不同,前者是不是会遗留问题。后者重新安装又是一个新的。开始百度如何将ANSYS卸载干净。开始操作,卸载ANSYS,删除系统变量,(和百度图片不对应,随便删了几个带ANSYS的),删除注册表,差一点拉闸,人家说的是那个文件夹,里(重读)面service文件夹,里面关于ANSYS的,我差一点把一整个删除,然后不知道会不会让自己的电脑变成板砖。一顿找,找不到算了。好像是没有,重新安装。啊,安装好了,激动心,颤抖手,试了一下,握星,好了。再试一次,直接问号,有拉闸,same ending。绝望,作业没法做了。坐等老师批5.老师说要不你把你的文件给我,我给你试试,啊,苍天,我的老师也太好了吧。害,也不知道cfx还好用不,和同学视频,告诉我的情况,同学说,哎,不对,part不用这样选面,按Ctrl就能旋转模型。我试了一下,握星。我又活了。前后折腾了三四天吧建议:自带的驱动程序,不要随意升级,没有用,从技术支持那里问到,只要不影响现在的使用,更新一般没啥大用,我猜想:出厂的硬件和软件都是测试过的比较契合,更新的话,硬件和驱动,硬件之间,驱动之间,还有软件有没有适应新的驱动,应该都是个问题。最好不更新。除非配置很好,需要更新来提升体验。2.遇到问题不要慌,多问,多查,多想。总会解决的,在这个过程中也认识了很多好心人。谢谢你们

求高手,骑马与砍杀无双三国不能存档!?出现红色的英文 转骑砍中文网不知道能不能帮你





tensor flow中saver函数

训练完一个模型后,为了以后重复使用,通常我们需要对模型的结果进行保存。如果用Tensorflow去实现神经网络,所要保存的就是神经网络中的各项权重值。建议可以使用Saver类保存和加载模型的结果。1、使用方法保存模型sess: 用于保存变量操作的会话。save_path: String类型,用于指定训练结果的保存路径。global_step: 如果提供的话,这个数字会添加到save_path后面,用于构建checkpoint文件。这个参数有助于我们区分不同训练阶段的结果。2、使用tf.train.Saver.restore方法价值模型sess: 用于加载变量操作的会话。save_path: 同保存模型是用到的的save_path参数。下面通过一个代码演示这两个函数的使用方法假设保存变量的时候是checkpoint_filepath="models/train.ckpt",checkpoint_filepath)则从文件读变量取值继续训练是saver.restore(session,checkpoint_filepath)

求以前关于节约时间的英语作文,“why to save time”,高中水平,希望是原创无雷同,谢


热血街区电影版 smoky出战时那首歌叫什么名字? 歌词里有 can you save me save me now.

Break into the Dark_Valentine&Rui&Afrojack

Save Me, San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me, San Francisco歌手:Train专辑:Train-Itunes Session EpSave Me, San FranciscoTrainI used to love the TenderloinTill I made some tender coinThen I met some ladies from MarinWe took the highway to the OneUp the coast to catch some sunThey left me with this blisters on my skin.Don"t know what I was on,but I think it grows in OregonSo I kept on going, going, gone, right throughI drove into Seattle rain,fell in love then missed the trainThat could a took me right back home to youI been highI been lowI been yes, and I been oh hell noI been rock "n roll and discoWon"t you save me San FranciscoWoohoo ohEvery day"s so caffeinatedI wish they were Golden GatedFillmore couldn"t feel more miles awaySo, wrap me up return to senderLet"s forget this 5 year benderTake me to my city by the BayI never knew all that I hadNow Alcatraz don"t sound so badAt least they"d have a hella fine merlotIf I could wish upon a starI would hitch a cable carTo the one place that I"ll always call my homeI been highI been lowI been yes, and I been oh hell noI been rock "n roll and discoWon"t you save me San FranciscoI been upI been downI been so damn lost since you"re not aroundI been reggae and calypsoWon"t you save me San FranciscoTo tell you the truthI miss everything...everythingIt"s a wild, wide, beautiful worldBut there"s a wide eyed girl back thereAnd she means everything...everythingI been stopI been goI been yes and I been oh hell noI been rock "n roll and discoWon"t you save me San FranciscoI been upI been downI been so damn lost since you"re not aroundI been reggae and calypsoWon"t you save me San FranciscoWoohoo ohWon"t you save me San Franciscowoohoo ohWon"t you save me San Francisco

电脑出现 enter power save model 如何解决

电脑英语词汇表 access arm 磁头臂、存取臂 access time 存取时间 adder 加法器 address 地址 alphanumeric 字母数字的 analog computer 模拟计算机 analyst 分析员 area 区域 array 数组、阵列 assembler 汇编程序 automation 自动化 band 区 batch processing 成批处理 binary code 二进制码 binary digit 二进制位、二进制数字 bit 比特、二进制的一位 branch 分支、支线 brush 电刷 buffer storage 缓冲存储器 calculator 计算器 call instruction 呼叫指令 card punch 卡片穿孔机 card reader 卡片阅读机、读卡机 cell 单元 channel 通道、信道 character 字符 check digit 校验数位 circuit 电路、线路 to clear 清除、清零 clock 时钟 code 代码 to code 编码 coder 编码员、编码器 command 指令、命令 compiler 编译程序 computer language 计算机语言 console 控制台 control unit 控制部件、控制器 core storage、 core store 磁心存储器 counter 计数器 cybernetics 控制论 cycle 循环 data 数据 data processing 数据处理 debugging 调试 decision 制定 digit 数字、数位、位 digital computer 数字计算机 disc、 disk 磁盘 display unit 显示装置 drum 磁鼓 to edit 编辑 electronics 电子学 emitter 发射器 to encode 编码 to erase 擦除、清洗、抹除 feed 馈送、供给 to feed 馈送、供给 feedback 反馈 field 字段、信息组、域 file 文件 floppy disk 软磁盘 floppy disk drive 软磁盘机 flow chart 流程图 frame 帧 hardware 硬件 identifier 标识符 index 索引 information 信息 inline processing 内处理 input 输入 inquiry 询问 instruction 指令 integrated circuit 集成电路 to interpret 解释 item 项目、项 jump 转移 key 键、关键码 keyboard 键盘 latency time 等待时间 library 库、程序库 linkage 连接 to load 装入、寄存、写入、加载 location 存储单元 logger 登记器、记录器 loop 循环 machine language 机器语言 magnetic storage 磁存储器 magnetic tape 磁带 matrix 矩阵 memory 存储器 message 信息、报文 microcomputer 微型计算机 module 组件、模块 monitor 监视器、监督程序、管程 nanosecond 毫微秒 network 网络、网 numeric、 numerical 数字的、数值的 octet 八位位组、八位字节 operator 操作员 optical character reader 光符阅读机 optical scanner 光扫描器 output 输出 overflow 溢出、上溢 panel 平板 parameter 参数、参量 perforator 穿孔机 peripheral equipment 外围设备、外部设备 personal computer 个人计算机 printed circuit 印制电路 printer 打印机 printout 打印输出 to process 处理 processing unit 处理部件 program 程序 to program 程序编制 programmer 程序设计员 programming 程序设计、程序编制 pulse 脉冲 punch 穿孔 to punch 穿孔 punched card、 punch card 穿孔卡片 punched tape、 punch tape 穿孔纸带 punch hole 孔、穿孔 random access 随机存取 to read 读 reader 阅读程序 reading 阅读 real time 实时 record、 register 记录 redundancy 冗余 routine 例行程序 selector 选择器、选择符 sentinel 标记 sequence 序列、顺序 sequential 顺序的 serial 串行的.连续的 shift 移位、移数 signal 信号 simulation 模拟 simulator 模拟器、模拟程序 software 软件、软设备 sort 分类、排序 sorter 分类人员、分类机、分类程序、排序程序 storage 存储器 to store 存储 subroutine、 subprogram 子程序 switch 开关 symbol 符号 symbolic language 符号语言 system 系统 tabulator 制表机 teleprinter 电传打字机 terminal 终端 terminal unit 终端设备 timer 时钟、精密计时器 time sharing 分时 timing 定时 track 磁道 transducer 传感器、翻译机 translator 翻译程序、翻译器 to update 更新 Winchester disk drive 温彻斯特磁盘机、硬盘机 working storage 工作存储器 缩写部分CSS: Cascading Style Sheets,层叠格式表 DCD: Document Content Description for XML: XML文件内容描述 DTD: Document Type Definition,文件类型定义 HTML(HyperText Markup Language,超文本标记语言) JVM: Java Virtual Machine, Java虚拟机 OJI: Open Java VM Interface,开放JAVA虚拟机接口 SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language,标准通用标记语言 SMIL: Synchronous Multimedia Integrate Language(同步多媒体集成语言) VRML:Virtual Reality Makeup Language,虚拟现实结构化语言 VXML(Voice eXtensible Markup Language,语音扩展标记语言) XML: Extensible Markup Language(可扩展标记语言) XSL: Extensible Style Sheet Language(可扩展设计语言) CTI:Computer Telephone Integration,计算机电话综合技术 DBS: Direct Broadcast Satellite,直接卫星广播 DWDM: Dense WaveLength Division Multiplex,波长密集型复用技术 MMDS: Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service,多波段多点分发服务 PCM: Pulse Code Modulation,脉冲编码调制 PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network,公用交换式电话网) TAPI: Telephony Application Programming Interface,电话应用程序接口 TSAPI: Telephony Services Application Programming Interface,电话服务应用程序接口 WDM: WaveLength Division Multiplex,波分多路复用 ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不对称数字订阅线路 AH: Authentication Header,鉴定文件头 AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/数据主机板附加直立插卡) ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议) ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,异步传输模式) BOD(Bandwidth On Demand,弹性带宽运用) CBR(Committed Burst Rate,约定突发速率) CCIRN: Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking,洲际研究网络协调委员会 CCM(Call Control Manager,拨号控制管理) CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line(消费者数字订阅线路) CGI(Common Gateway Interface,通用网关接口) CIEA: Commercial Internet Exchange Association,商业因特网交易协会 CIR(Committed Infomation Rate,约定信息速率) CTS(Clear to Send,清除发送) DBS-PC: Direct Broadcast Satellite PC(人造卫星直接广播式PC) DCE: Data Circuit Terminal Equipment,数据通信设备 DES: Data Encryption Standard,数据加密标准 DMT: Discrete Multi - Tone,不连续多基频模式 DNS(Domain Name System,域名系统) DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications,线缆服务接口数据规格) DTE: Data Terminal Equipment,数据终端设备 EBR(Excess Burst Rate,超额突发速率) ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload,压缩安全有效载荷 FDM: Frequency Division Multi,频率分离 Flow-control流控制 FRICC: Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee,联邦调查因特网协调委员会 FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议) Ghost:(General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬件导向系统转移) HDSL: High bit rate DSL,高比特率数字订阅线路 HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议) ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol,因特网信息控制协议) IETF(Internet Engineering Task Framework,因特网工程任务组) IKE: Internet Key Exchange,因特网密钥交换协议 IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4,第四版因特网信息存取协议 Internet(因特网) IP(Internet Protocol,网际协议) ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network,综合服务数字网络) ISOC: Internet Society,因特网协会 ISP(Internet Service Provider,因特网服务提供商) LAN(Local Area Network,局域网) LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,轻权目录访问协议 LOM(LAN-on-Montherboard) IAB: Internet Activities Board,因特网工作委员会 IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force,因特网工程作业推动 L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol,二级通道协议) LMDS: Local Multipoint Distributed System,局域多点分布式系统 MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension,多用途因特网邮件扩展协议 MNP: Microcom Networking Protocal MODEM(Modulator Demodulator,调制解调器) NAT(Network Address Translation,网络地址转换) NC(Network Computer,网络计算机) NDS: Novell Directory Service,Novell目录服务 NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol,网络新闻传输协议 MSN: Microsoft Network,微软网络 OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角频率部分多路复用) P3P(Privacy Preference Project,个人私隐安全平台) PDS: Public Directory Support,公众目录支持 PGP: Pretty Good Privacy,优良保密协议 PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection,因特网内容选择平台 POF: Polymer Optical Fiber,聚合体光纤 POP3: Post Office Protocol Version 3,第三版电子邮局协议 PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol,点对点通道协议 RADSL: Rate Adaptive DSL,速率自适应数字订阅线路 RARP(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,反向地址解析协议) RDF: Resource Description Framework,资源描述框架 RSA(Rivest Shamir Adlemen,一种因特网加密和认证体系) RTS(Request To Send,需求发送) SIS: Switched Internetworking Services(交换式网络互联服务) S/MIME: Secure MIME,安全多用途因特网邮件扩展协议 SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,简单网络管理协议) SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协议) SKIP: Simple Key Exchange Internet Protocol,因特网简单密钥交换协议 SUA(Single User Account,单用户帐号) TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议) UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter,通用异步接收/发送装置) UDP(User Datagram Protocol,用户数据报协议) ULS: User Location Service,用户定位服务 VOD: Video On Demand,视频点播 VPN: virtual private network,虚拟局域网 WWW(World Wide Web,万维网,是因特网的一部分)

有关节约理财方面的谚语和成语,用英语表达,要求分别包括save spend,meet

精打细算jīng dǎ xì suàn【解释】打:规划。精密地计划,详细地计算。指在使用人力物力时计算得很精细。【出处】茹志鹃《妯娌》:“再看红英自己,那是连半个钟头的工都不肯耽误的,也从没见她吃过一口零食,一看就知道是个会精打细算、会过日子的人。”【结构】联合式。【用法】用作褒义。一般作谓语、宾语、定语。【正音】精;不能读作“jīn”。【辨形】算;不能写作“蒜”。【近义词】克勤克俭、一丝不苟【反义词】大手大脚、粗心大意【例句】她从来不迟到、不早退、不请假、不吃零嘴、不花零钱;真是个会~的小姑娘。【英译】careful calculation and strict budgeting

How to Save a Life 歌词

歌曲名:How to Save a Life歌手:The Fray专辑:Now That"s What I Call The 00sStep one you say we need to talkHe walks you say sit down it"s just a talkHe smiles politely back at youYou stare politely right on throughSome sort of window to your rightAs he goes left and you stay rightBetween the lines of fear and blameAnd you begin to wonder why you cameWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeLet him know that you know bestCause after all you do know bestTry to slip past his defenseWithout granting innocenceLay down a list of what is wrongThe things you"ve told him all alongAnd pray to God he hears youAnd pray to God he hears youWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeAs he begins to raise his voiceYou lower yours and grant him one last choiceDrive until you lose the roadOr break with the ones you"ve followedHe will do one of two thingsHe will admit to everythingOr he"ll say he"s just not the sameAnd you"ll begin to wonder why you cameWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeHow to save a lifeHow to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeHow to save a lifeHow to save a life

求how to save a life中英文歌词对照


求how to save a life中英文歌词对照


澳大利亚国内预定机票Rex Net/saver/biz/flex是什么意思,价格为什么不同?

这里有比较详细的介绍 不同的票,有不同的规定

Eduardo Saverin资料

Eduardo Saverin(出生于巴西圣保罗)是一个巴西裔美国籍企业家和经理人。他因和Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz 以及Chris Hughes一起创办了大名鼎鼎的社交网站Facebook而为人所熟知。据报道他在公司中有5%的股份,截至2011年1月市值2.5亿美元。Eduardo Saverin出生在巴西圣保罗的一个富裕的犹太家庭里,但是他在美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密长大,他的父亲是一个巴西实业家,从事出口贸易,服装,运输和房地产等行业。Eduardo在迈阿密的Gulliver读了预科,然后他进入哈佛深造,初入校园的他那时已经是凤凰S.K.俱乐部的成员和哈佛投资协会的主席。Saverin从哈佛毕业后,他在石油行业的战略投资中净赚 300,000 美元。2006年的时候,他以优异的成绩从哈佛毕业(经济学学士学位),自此以后,他一直住在新加坡。在他大三的时候,Saverin遇到了他的哈佛校友,那时在读大二的Mark Zuckerberg, 他们都觉得没有一个可供哈佛学生交流沟通的专门的社交网站,所以他们一起建立了Facebook.Saverin作为FB的共同创立者,他担任了FB的首席财务官,也就是财务总监和网站的业务经理。随着Facebook在美国各大学间的迅速扩张,Saverin和Zuckerberg内部因意见不合而产生了矛盾。 第二年夏天,Saverin待在纽约(他当时在雷曼兄弟投行实习,对,就是那个现在已经不存在了在金融危机中倒下的全美第四大投行),Facebook的服务器迁至加州。由于外来的投资越来越多,资金主要来自风险投资家和PayPal的创始人Peter Thiel以及早期为Facebook提供资料共享服务的Sean Parker, Sean Parker开始渐渐掌管财务并让Zuckerberg当了FB的CEO.所以Saverin对于Facebook日常运营事物的直接参与以及他在Facebook的影响力就逐渐被削弱了。Saverin起诉Facebook的案件最终以庭外和解的方式解决,虽然相关判决是被封存了的,但是公司还是承认Saverin是Facebook的创始人之一。为此,Saverin签署了一份保密协议。2011年的电影《社交网络》详细描绘了Saverin和Mark Zuckerberg之间从共同创立Facebook到对簿公堂的过程,在剧中,Saverin是由Andrew Garfield扮演的。



save the people是什么意思?

save the people用四川话来说也还是拯救人民的意思;四川话,属汉语西南官话,又称巴蜀方言。现今四川话形成于清朝康熙年间的“湖广填四川”的大移民运动时期,是由明之前流行于四川地区的蜀语和来自湖广、广东、江西等地的各地移民方言逐渐演变融合而形成的。成都话是川剧和各类曲艺的标准音,同时由于四川话内部互通度较高,各方言区交流并无障碍,四川话为统称词,因而四川话本身并没有标准音。分布范围四川话的使用人口主要分布于信封盆地一带,覆盖了除部分非汉族聚居区外的整个四川省与重庆市(除开,是使用人口最多的汉语分支之一。蜀话内部互通度较高,词汇、语法、声韵等方面都较为一致,一般根据古入声的今读情况分为如下图所示的4个方言区:入声归阳平的川西片、入声保留的灌赤片岷江小片、入声归去声的灌赤片仁富小片和入声归阴平的灌赤片雅棉小片。从保持中古时期蜀语特点的多少来看,川北、川东片由于地理区位等原因,是明清以来湖广等地移民的主要聚居区,受外来语言影响较大,保持古音较少,是语言的发展区,为新派四川话;

电脑开机出现save configuration and reset是什么意思下面现在yes或no?


求一首歌,MV有个男的在弹钢琴,一个黑人在做体操,是个励志的歌,歌词有save me

是Kate Perry的Firework的MV,或者是Hall of Fame的MV,看你的描述更像前者,求采纳

电脑开机加载内存提示F1:Save changes

开机DEL进BIOS,F10保存,Save changes不是提示你保存设置么!

三国志11怎么储存?我的文档/koei/savedata/ ?具体的说怎么存??

在游戏中点保存,(游戏中左上角第三个图标“功能”--储存);保存后的存档在我的文档KoeiSan11 TcSaveData里网吧里可以玩,上面的文件夹里是存档,你把他拷贝下来,放到U盘,网络硬盘,或MAIL里,每次玩的时候把这些文件放到上面的文件夹内,游戏中读取即可

Need for speed most wanted Save Editor



Let"s save the panda is one of the most lovely. Animals on land, but these years, panda nurseries get Salles and stains. If we don"t protect them. Pandas live in China. They are fat, but smart. Adult pandas are black and white. Bamboo is their favorite food. They must be protected because they are in great danger. Because of the bad environment, the situation is getting worse and worse, and they live in a very poor place.让我们拯救熊猫是最可爱的。陆地上的动物,但这些年来,熊猫保育院变得灰暗和污点。如果我们不保护他们。熊猫生活在中国。他们很胖,但很聪明。成年熊猫是黑白相间的。竹子是他们最喜欢的食物。他们必须受到保护,因为他们处于极大的危险之中。

It’s great that all the visitors who _______ on the island were saved. A.trapped B.have bee

D 试题分析: 句意:所有被困在岛上的游客都得救了,这真是太棒了。本题考查过去完成时的被动语态。由were saved 可知此事发生在过去,且被困应在被救之前,应用过去完成时,同时,visitors 和trap构成被动关系。 考点:

$17.32 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25这句话是什么意思?




英语演讲 if I were Harry Potter when I grow up If I have a lot of money save money

if I were Harry Potter when I grow up, If I have a lot of money save money意思是:如果我长大后是哈利波特,如果我拥有无尽的钱( a lot of money save money意思是:除了钱还是钱,save在这里是介词:意为“除了。。。”)整句话是虚拟语气,建议把have改成had,既可以表示对现在的虚拟,也可以表示对将来的虚拟,这样更好,前后一致;如果不改,则前半句是虚拟(were),后半句是条件句。

质量效应3 Gibbed.MassEffect3.SaveEdit 这个存档修改器已下载,我想问下如何修改好感度


英语翻译Did the detectives save the diamonds?The plane was late

侦探找回宝石了吗? 飞机晚点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一个早上.他们在等着一包从南美运来的珍贵的宝石.几个小时前,有人告诉警方,小偷打算去偷这些宝石.当飞机到达时,部分的侦探在主楼中等待着,而其他人在机场上等着.两个男人把包裹从飞机上带了出来,接着把它带到了海关大楼,当时两个侦探在门口保卫着,另外两位打开了包裹.令他们惊讶的是,包裹中装满了石头沙子.

デモニオンII ~魔王と三人の女王~全CG存档有 但是没有SAVE文件夹 如何覆盖?

你可以试着搜索 DEMONION2 SAVE 这个文件夹~在C盘里尤其是我的文档这个文件夹里搜索

求以act now to save water为题的英语作文

Water is very important to us.Without water,people can not live .But now most of people do not save water.Many people always forget to turn off the tap.This will waste lots of water.And a lot of people like taking a shower for a long time.It is wrong.A few people do not drink all the water before throwing away the bottles.We should save water.How to save water?Here are my advice.Act now to save water First,we should remember to turn off the tap.This will save lots of water.Second,we could take a shower quickly.Third ,why not drink all the water before throwing the bottles away?It can also save water.

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:the sex pistols专辑:JubileeGod save the QueenGod save the Queen看雪飘过制作,11359914God save the Queenthe fascist regime,they made you a morona potential H-bomb.God save the Queenshe ain"t no human being.There is no futurein England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantDon"t be told what you need.There"s no futurethere"s no futurethere"s no future for youGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queen"cos tourists are moneyand our figureheadis not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyall crimes are paid.When there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowersin the dustbinwe"re the poisonin your human machinewe"re the futureyou"re futureGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queenwe mean it manthere is no futurein England"s dreamingNo futureno future for youno fufure for me

Save My Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Save My Dream歌手:韩国原声带专辑:DJmax Portable1未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don"t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是把我当作朋友tell me how can I make this real告诉我怎样才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go无论去到哪里我都会想起你but you don"t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你oh how I wish,you are here beside me,哦 我多希望 你就在我的身旁loving you with all of my heart,用心爱着你I wish you know how much I love you,我多希望你知道 我有多爱你its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁If I tell you`how I feel will you be here,我该不该告诉你 幻想着你在这里be here with me~~和我厮守oh am I dreaming, or just fantasy,梦着你 也许只是梦幻一场how can I know if you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉oh am I dreaming, or just reality,梦着你 也许有一天会如愿以偿please let me hold you in my arms throughout the night请让我拥着你 时时刻刻Just like a friendyou treat me like it should be,



he saved the dying boy in time

你好!he saved the dying boy in time他救了奄奄一息的男孩

Saver,Flex和Flex Plus航班奖励之间有什么区别

当你在淡季旅行或者拥有灵活的旅行时间时,Saver奖励可为你带来最高性价比体验。适用于经济舱或商务舱的往返旅行。最长可停留三个月。旅程中可中转一次。出票后每次更改旅行日期需支付25美元手续费。取消未使用的Saver奖励机票需支付75美元手续费。制定出行计划时,Flex奖励可为你提供更多灵活选择。 Flex奖励比Saver奖励需要更多Skywards里程,但在旺季和热门航班上可为你提供更多座位选择。适用于往返飞行。最长可停留三个月。旅程中可中转两次。可随时免费更改旅行日期。取消未使用的Flex奖励机票需支付50美元手续费。Flex Plus奖励为你在旺季和热门航班上提供更多奖励座位选择。各类舱位等级均可享受Flex Plus奖励,用于往返和单程旅行。最长可停留一年。旅程中可中转两次。可随时免费更改旅行日期。在旅行开始前,可免费取消机票。


有区别,主要体现在里程积累和退改签规定上。SAVER ---SAVER PLUS---FLEX SAVER 里程积累比例依次增大,退改签规定逐渐宽松,但是票价也是逐渐增加。


ENDOS保护器/ / /往NON-END有效EK而已

Skywards Flex 和 Skywards Saver 票价有什么区别?

票价无任何资格或购买限制。 较之 Saver 票价,Flex 票价可获得更多飞行里数。 Flex 票价可赢得 100% 的基本飞行里数——同时适用于 Skywards 飞行里数和级别里数。



Great God Who Saves--Laura Story 英文歌词

ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69c uc815ub9d0 uad1cucc2euc744 uac70uc57c ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69c uc6b0ub9ac ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 ub0b4 uc0acub791uc744 ub193uccd0ub3c4 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c uad1cucc2euc544 uc9c8uac70uc57c ub9c8uc74c uc5ecubbf8uace0 ud55cuaecf ub2e8uc7a5uc744 ud558uace0 uadf8ub300uc640 uac14ub358 uac70ub9acuc5d0ub3c4 ud63cuc790uc11c uc529uc529ud55c uac78uc74c uc0b4uc9dd ubd89uc5b4uc9c4 uc5bcuad74 ub108ub97c uc78auae30 uc88buc740 ub0a0 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c uc0acub791 uc0acub791 uba40ub9ac ub5a0ub098ub77c ub0b4 ub108ub97c ubbffuace0 ub208ubb3c ud758ub9b0 ub0a0 ub450uace0 uc815uc0c1uc5d0 uc62cub77c ub108uc758 uc774ub984 ud1a0ud55c ub0a0 ub098ub97c ub204ub974ub358 uc559uae08uac19uc740 uae30uc5b5ub3c4 uc228uc744 ubab0uc544uc11c ud55cuaecf ubc49uc5b4ub0b8 uc624ub298 ub108ub97c uc78auae30 uc88buc740 ub0a0 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c uc78aub294uac83ucbe4 ubcc4uac70 uc544ub2c8uc600uc9c0ub9cc uc120uba85ud574uc9c4 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774uc5ec uc5b4ucc0cud558ub098 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc544 uba40ub9ac ub5a0ub098ub77c ub0b4 ub2e4uc2dc ub110 ubd99uc7a1uc9c0 uc54auac8c 李秀英Grace的中文歌词 Grace 嘟噜噜嘟噜 真的会好的 嘟噜噜嘟噜 虽然我们放弃了我傻傻的爱情. 啦喏啦喏啦,啦喏啦喏啦,会好的 调整好心情,精心装扮,自己走在曾经与他踱步的街道 豪迈的步伐,微红的脸 忘记你的好天气 就算眼泪流淌也没关系 啦喏啦喏啦,啦喏啦喏啦 都是为了洗涤伤痛 从今后就是自由的我,爱情,爱情离我远去吧, 我就是那个相信你而流泪的我 来到屋顶吐露你的名字 将附压着我的沉淀的记忆 喘一大口气用力吐出 今天是忘记你的好天气!
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