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澳洲女歌手joelle唱的save me的歌词翻译


save for a rainy day 中文是 未雨绸缪的意思我知道. 但是用英文怎么解释.

put something aside for a rainy day; hold something back for a rainy day; keep something for a rainy day. 引申为 to reserve something--usually money--for some future need.

save 是介词吗?



save (计算机)保存exit (计算机)退出





save是什么意思 详解save的含义和用法?

主要是以下4种意思1.求助,如save a child救1个孩子2.储蓄,如save money存钱3.节约,如save water节约水4.保存,如save a file保存文件


save money 节约save 挽救 保存






save time, save space, save life, save somebody from


save的名词形式为safety。save,英文单词,介词、名词,及物动词、不及物动词,作介词时意为“除...之外”,作名词时意为“救援,人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦”,作及物动词时意为“节省;保存;储蓄;解救”,作不及物动词时意为“节省;挽救”。短语搭配:Save Energy节约能源 ; 节能。save scheme保存配色 ; 储存方案 ; 保存方案。save data存储数据 ; 保存数据。save costs节省成本。save contents保存目录。Invulnerable Save特殊保护。SAVE statement保存语句。POWER SAVE省电。双语例句:So I should save my money。所以我应该节约我的钱。What should we do to save the earth ?我们应该做什么来拯救地球呢?Daniel: Do you have the workers to save me if anything should happen?丹尼尔: 如果发生什么情况,你们会有工作人员来救我吗?


存档 也就是游戏里保存进度的意思


柯林斯高级英汉双解词典有这个词的详细解释save/seu026av/( saves, saving, saved ) CET41. V-TIf you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation(英文注解). 救助; 拯救例 austerity program designed to save the country"s failing economy.…一个旨在拯救该国衰退的经济的紧缩计划。例:The meeting is an attempt to mobilize nations to save children from death by disease and malnutrition.该会议试图动员各国救助儿童,以免死于疾病和营养不良。2. V-T/V-IIf you save, you gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want. 储蓄例:The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.大多数人都想要储蓄,但到月底的时候却发现已经一分不剩了。例:Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.蒂姆和芭芭拉眼下正为郊区的一所房子攒钱。例:I was trying to save money to go to college.我当时正努力攒钱去上大学。PHRASAL VERBSave up means the same as save. 同save例:Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays or save up for something special.朱莉想留出一些钱去度假或是存些钱以备专门之需。3. V-T/V-IIf you save something such as time or money, you prevent the loss or waste of it. 节约例:It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within reach.在厨房里把常用的东西放在手边可以节省时间。例:I"ll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth.我会想办法给他省下从珀斯过来的机票费用。例:A new filter can save on energy bills.一个新的过滤器能节省能源开支。4. V-TIf you save something, you keep it because it will be needed later. 保留 (备用)例:Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup.把豆子彻底滤干,留下豆汁做汤。5. V-TIf someone or something saves you from an unpleasant action or experience, they change the situation so that you do not have to do it or experience it. 免去例:The scanner will reduce the need for exploratory operations which will save risk and pain for patients.扫描仪将减少所需的探查手术,从而为病患者免除风险和疼痛。例:She was hoping that something might save her from having to make a decision.她真希望有什么可以使自己免于作决定。6. V-T/V-IIf you save data in a computer, you give the computer an instruction to store the data on a tape or disk. 保存; 存盘[COMPUTING]例:Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly.要努力养成经常保存工作内容的习惯。例:Save frequently when you are creating graphics.当你在制图的时候要经常存盘。7. V-T/V-IIf a goalkeeper saves, or saves a shot, they succeed in preventing the ball from going into the goal. 救球; 扑救例:He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.他扑住了一次射门,球打在了他的头上。N-COUNTSave is also a noun. 救球; 扑救例:The goalie made some great saves.这名守门员扑住了几个好球。相关词组: save up其实多看例句就好了O(∩_∩)O~


save 为节约的意思时,近义词为economize save 为挽救时,近义词为hold succor





save up如何造句

save up money


saved 谢谢,望采纳




save一个常用的英语单词,它的中文翻译有多种,包括“节省、保存、拯救、保护”等。下面是save的相关用法:节省:save可以表示节省的意思,例如:We need to save money for our trip.(我们需要为旅行节省钱。)He always tries to save energy.(他总是努力节省能源。)保存:save可以表示保存的意思,例如:You should save your work before you shut down the computer.(在关闭电脑之前,你应该保存你的工作。)We need to save these documents for future reference.(我们需要保存这些文件以备将来参考。)拯救:save可以表示拯救的意思,例如:The firefighters saved the cat from the burning building.(消防员从着火的建筑中拯救了这只猫。)The doctor saved the patient"s life.(医生挽救了病人的生命。)保护:save可以表示保护的意思,例如:We need to save the environment for future generations.(我们需要为子孙后代保护环境。)The government is trying to save the endangered species.(政府正在努力保护濒危物种。)除了以上的基本用法外,save还有很多固定搭配:save up:储蓄、积攒。例如:I am saving up for a new car.(我正在为一辆新车储蓄。)save for:为……而储蓄。例如:I am saving for my daughter"s college education.(我正在为女儿的大学教育而储蓄。)save on:节省、减少。例如:We can save on electricity by turning off the lights.(我们可以通过关灯来节省电费。)save from:拯救、保护。例如:The lifeguard saved the swimmer from drowning.(救生员从溺水中拯救了游泳者。)




“save”这个单词可以有不同的中文意思,以下是常见的几种:1、保存,储存这是最常用的意思,表示在某处存储东西以便将来使用。例如:Don"t forget to save your work before you log out of the computer.(在退出电脑之前别忘了保存你的工作。)You can save this document to your hard drive or to the cloud.(你可以把这份文件保存到硬盘上或者到云端。)2、挽救,拯救这个意思表示从一个危险状态中进行救援并使其恢复正常。例如:The paramedics worked hard to save the injured person"s life.(急救人员拼命地挽救伤者的生命。)We need to act quickly if we want to save the company from bankruptcy.(如果我们想让公司避免破产,我们需要迅速行动。)3、节省,省略这个意思表示减少开销或时间消耗,或者删去不必要的内容。例如:Turning off lights and unplugging appliances when you"re not using them can help save energy.(当你不使用灯和电器时,关闭它们能够节约能源。)Let"s save the small talk and get down to business.(我们少说闲话,进入正题吧。)4、保护,防止这个意思表示保护某物不受到损害或危害。例如:Wearing a helmet can save your head in case of an accident.(在事故中佩戴头盔可以保护你的头部。)My antivirus software saved my computer from a major virus attack.(我的杀毒软件保护了我的计算机免受病毒攻击。)请注意,由于第一个和第二个意思最为常见。


很多种,比如save money 就是节省积攒钱,就是节省的意思如果save someone" life 就是挽救的意思,挽救某人生命所以这个得看具体语境


救,节约 waste浪费






"save"是一个常用的英语单词,有多种不同的意思。下面是一些常见的意思及相关知识:1.拯救、救援:"Save"可以表示拯救或救援的意思。例如,"The lifeguard saved the drowning swimmer."(救生员拯救了溺水的游泳者。)在这个例句中,"save"表示救援。2.保存、存储:"Save"还可以表示保存或存储的意思。例如,"Don"t forget to save your work before you close the program."(在关闭程序之前别忘了保存你的工作。)在这个例句中,"save"表示保存。3.节省、省略:"Save"还可以表示节省或省略的意思。例如,"I"m trying to save money for my vacation."(我正在努力为我的假期省钱。)在这个例句中,"save"表示节省。4.保留、保护:"Save"还可以表示保留或保护的意思。例如,"We need to save the rainforest for future generations."(我们需要为未来的世代保护雨林。)在这个例句中,"save"表示保护。除了以上的意思,"save"还有许多其他的用法和相关知识。例如,"save"还可以用作名词,表示救援或拯救的行动。另外,"save"还可以用于体育比赛中,表示防守方成功挽救了对方的得分机会。


vt. 保存; 节省; 储蓄; 解救; vi. 节省; 挽救; 救球; prep. 除…之外; [例句]This makes it extremely simple to save what you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later.如此一来,用电子书签保存所找到的网页内容就变得非常简单,日后也可以再次访问。[其他] 第三人称单数:saves 现在分词:saving 过去式:saved 过去分词:saved






save意思是拯救,储存,保存。save,英文单词,介词、名词,及物动词、不及物动词,作介词时意为“除...之外”,作名词时意为“救援,人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦”,作及物动词时意为“节省;保存;储蓄;解救”,作不及物动词时意为“节省;挽救”。基本用法1.save基本意思是采取措施把人或动物从险境中解救出来或使其“脱离危险,免受损失”,可指从危险、灾难、困难、错误中救起某人或拯救某人的性命,也可指人储存金钱、食物、节省时间(以备自救)等,有时还可指人“保全面子、名声”等。2.save作“救,拯救”解时,只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。3.save作“储蓄,储存”解时,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。4.save作“节省”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。




可以做拯救解释 可以 用于银行存钱解释


save 英[seɪv] 美[sev] vt. 保存; 节省; 储蓄; 解救; vi. 节省; 挽救; 救球; prep. 除…之外; [例句]One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast. Three other men were saved昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。[其他] 第三人称单数:saves 现在分词:saving 过去式:saved 过去分词:saved






save有保存的意思。“save”一词有“保存、存储”的意思,可以用作动词。例如,“save a file”表示“保存一个文件”,“save your work”表示“保存你的工作内容”。此外,“save”还可以表示“救助、保护”,例如“save a life”表示“挽救一个人的生命”。“save”虽然最常见的含义是“拯救”、“救助”,但是在不同的语境中,它的含义可能会有所不同。我们需要具体情况具体分析,理解其实际意义。“save”还有其他一些常见用法。例如:1、“save money”表示“省钱”、“储蓄”,例如“I am trying to save money for a trip”意为“我正在努力为旅行省钱”。2、“save time”表示“节约时间”,例如“Using a pressure cooker can save time in the kitchen”意为“使用压力锅可以节省厨房的时间”。3、“save the planet”表示“拯救地球”,是环保主题中常用的呼吁语。例如“Let"s all do our part to save the planet”(让我们都为拯救地球尽一份力)。4、“save the date”是一种通知、邀请语,表示“请将某个日期保存下来”,例如“Don"t forget to save the date for our wedding next month”意为“别忘了把我们下个月的婚礼日期记下来”。save的短语1、Save time - 节省时间。2、Save money - 节省钱。3、Save energy - 节省能源。4、Save resources - 节约资源。5、Save the planet - 保护地球。6、Save someone"s life - 拯救某人的生命。7、Save data - 保存数据。8、Save a document - 保存文档。9、Save the day - 救了一天。10、Save for a rainy day - 为了不时之需而储蓄。



save 居然是个介词,真的吗

真的,prep. 除…之外; save 英[seu026av] 美[sev] vt. 保存; 节省; 储蓄; 解救; vi. 节省; 挽救; 救球; prep. 除…之外; [例句]One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast. Three other men were saved昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。[其他] 第三人称单数:saves 现在分词:saving 过去式:saved 过去分词:saved


救命,to save one"s life


拯救; We should try to save water. 我们应设法节约用水。 扩展资料   Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy.   当局鼓励房主给住房加隔热装置以节约能源。   They are campaigning to save the area from building development.   他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。   I"m saving for a new car.   我正攒钱想买辆新车。   I"m not very good at saving.   我不大攒得住钱。   He"s saving his strength for the last part of the race.   他保存体力,以便在比赛的最后阶段发力。   She saved a little girl from falling into the water.   她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。





请问save 什么意思



save 保存close 关闭


“Save”是一个英语单词,它的基本含义是“拯救、节省、保存”。具体来说,“save”有以下几个含义:拯救:指从危险、灾难、困境等方面拯救某个人或物。这个词通常用于描述一个人或团体对于生命、财产、文化遗产等方面的拯救行为。例如:The lifeguard saved the drowning boy.(救生员拯救了那个溺水的男孩。)The organization is committed to saving endangered species.(这个组织致力于拯救濒危物种。)节省:指节约使用某种资源,如节省时间、金钱、能源等。这个词通常用于描述某个人或团体在生活、工作、生产等方面的节约行为。例如:I need to save some money for my vacation.(我需要为我的假期省些钱。)The company implemented energy-saving measures to reduce costs.(公司采取了节能措施来降低成本。)保存:指保护某个物品或信息不受损坏或丢失。这个词通常用于描述某个人或团体对于文物、资料、文化遗产等方面的保护行为。例如:The museum has saved many ancient artifacts from destruction.(博物馆保护了许多古代文物,使它们不被毁灭。)






save 有节省的意思,keep有保持的意思.用法上有很大的不同.比如:Keep healthy.保持健康的身体.这句话就不能说成save healthy.


ESC 退出 保存一般是F10 具体看你的游戏设置时哪个键 都可以更改的




英[seu026av];美[seu026av]一、释义v.储蓄;救;挽救;拯救;节省;保存;保留;避免,免得;收集;救助;攒钱;收藏;救球(阻碍对方得分)n.(守门员的)救球;prep.除了;除…外;conj.除了二、基本用法1、save基本意思是采取措施把人或动物从险境中解救出来或使其“脱离危险,免受损失”,可指从危险、灾难、困难、错误中救起某人或拯救某人的性命,也可指人储存金钱、食物、节省时间(以备自救)等,有时还可指人“保全面子、名声”等。2、save作“救,拯救”解时,只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。3、save作“储蓄,储存”解时,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。4、save作“节省”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。三、双语例句1、So I should save my money.所以我应该节约我的钱。2、What should we do to save the earth?我们应该做什么来拯救地球呢?3、Daniel:Do you have the workers to save me if anything should happen?丹尼尔: 如果发生什么情况,你们会有工作人员来救我吗?四、短语搭配Save Energy节约能源;节能;save scheme保存配色;储存方案;保存方案;save data存储数据; 保存数据;save costs节省成本;save contents保存目录;Invulnerable Save特殊保护;SAVE statement保存语句


maintain,conserve,preserve,save,store 这些动词均有“保存,储藏”之意。maintain → 指保持原样,不增不减conserve → 较正式用词,指小心地使用难以补充的资源或贵重物,免遭浪费或毁坏,以备不时之需。preserve → 侧重将物品完好无损地保存下来。save → 普通用词,指尽量少用,以争取数量上有所增加。store → 普通用词,指将物品存放,以备将来使用。


柯林斯高级英汉双解词典有这个词的详细解释save/seu026av/( saves, saving, saved ) CET41. V-TIf you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation(英文注解). 救助; 拯救例 austerity program designed to save the country"s failing economy.…一个旨在拯救该国衰退的经济的紧缩计划。例:The meeting is an attempt to mobilize nations to save children from death by disease and malnutrition.该会议试图动员各国救助儿童,以免死于疾病和营养不良。2. V-T/V-IIf you save, you gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want. 储蓄例:The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.大多数人都想要储蓄,但到月底的时候却发现已经一分不剩了。例:Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.蒂姆和芭芭拉眼下正为郊区的一所房子攒钱。例:I was trying to save money to go to college.我当时正努力攒钱去上大学。PHRASAL VERBSave up means the same as save. 同save例:Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays or save up for something special.朱莉想留出一些钱去度假或是存些钱以备专门之需。3. V-T/V-IIf you save something such as time or money, you prevent the loss or waste of it. 节约例:It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within reach.在厨房里把常用的东西放在手边可以节省时间。例:I"ll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth.我会想办法给他省下从珀斯过来的机票费用。例:A new filter can save on energy bills.一个新的过滤器能节省能源开支。4. V-TIf you save something, you keep it because it will be needed later. 保留 (备用)例:Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup.把豆子彻底滤干,留下豆汁做汤。5. V-TIf someone or something saves you from an unpleasant action or experience, they change the situation so that you do not have to do it or experience it. 免去例:The scanner will reduce the need for exploratory operations which will save risk and pain for patients.扫描仪将减少所需的探查手术,从而为病患者免除风险和疼痛。例:She was hoping that something might save her from having to make a decision.她真希望有什么可以使自己免于作决定。6. V-T/V-IIf you save data in a computer, you give the computer an instruction to store the data on a tape or disk. 保存; 存盘[COMPUTING]例:Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly.要努力养成经常保存工作内容的习惯。例:Save frequently when you are creating graphics.当你在制图的时候要经常存盘。7. V-T/V-IIf a goalkeeper saves, or saves a shot, they succeed in preventing the ball from going into the goal. 救球; 扑救例:He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.他扑住了一次射门,球打在了他的头上。N-COUNTSave is also a noun. 救球; 扑救例:The goalie made some great saves.这名守门员扑住了几个好球。相关词组: save up其实多看例句就好了O(∩_∩)O~


节约 挽救






save[seiv]vt.解救, 保存, 保全, 保留, 节省, 储蓄vi.挽救, 节省, 救球 prep.除...之外 n.救援








save拯救双语对照词典结果:save[英][seu026av][美][sev]vt.节省; 保存; 储蓄; 解救; vi.节省; 挽救; 救球; prep.&conj.除…之外; n.救援,救援; 第三人称单数:saves过去分词:saved现在进行时:saving过去式:saved以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It has helped companies save billions. 它帮助一些公司节约了数十亿美元。


save vt. 节省;保存;储蓄;解救vi. 节省;挽救;救球prep. 除...之外n. 救球,救援n. (Save)人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦[ 过去式 saved 过去分词 saved 现在分词 saving ]网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 保存 节约 节省 存钱短语


save英[seu026av]美[sev]vt.保存; 节省; 储蓄; 解救vi.节省; 挽救; 救球prep.&conj.除…之外n.救援,救援第三人称单数:saves现在分词:saving过去式:saved过去分词:saved双语例句This makes it extremely simple to save what you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later.如此一来,用电子书签保存所找到的网页内容就变得非常简单,日后也可以再次访问。


save翻译成中文的各种形式分别的意思为:vt.解救, 保存, 保全, 保留, 节省, 储蓄vi.挽救, 节省, 救球prep.除...之外n.救球save也可指函数:save函数,外文名:function,是一种计算机函数,其含义为:保存当前工作空间的所有变量到文件名制定的文件中,此文件后缀名通常为mat。如果不指定文件名变量,则会默认保存到matlab.mat这个文件中的一种运算符法。


save[英][seu026av] [美][sev] 生词本简明释义vt.节省;保存;储蓄;解救vi.节省;挽救;救球prep.&conj.除…之外n.救援,救援第三人称单数:saves过去式:saved过去分词:saved现在分词:saving易混淆的单词:SaveSAVE以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.VERB拯救;搭救;挽救;救助If you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation. ...a final attempt to save 40,000 jobs in Britain"s troubled aero industry... 为保住陷入困境中的英国航空业的 4 万份工作所作的最后一次努力


save [seiv]vt.拯救, 挽救He saved her life ever.他曾经救过她的命。vt. & vi.储蓄, 贮存He has never saved.他从来不储蓄。节省I am going to take the bus to save money.为了省钱, 我打算乘公共汽车去。n.(足球等)阻碍对方得分的动作, 救球prep.&conj.除了protect [pru0259u02c8tekt]vt.保护; 保卫The troops were there to protect the townspeople.部队驻扎在那里以保护市民。关税保护The country"s car industry is so strongly protected.该国对本国的汽车工业严加保护。help [help]vt. & vi.帮助We"ll be happy to help if you need us.如果你需要的话, 我们将乐意帮助你。有助于, 有利于Every little helps.点点滴滴全有助益。vt.避免; 抑制, 克制She burst her crying; she couldn"t help it.她放声大哭, 无法控制自己。n.帮助, 援助John acknowledged Jill"s invaluable help.约翰对吉尔的宝贵帮助表示谢意。助手, 帮忙的人或物补救办法, 治疗方法It was past the help of man.它不是人力所能挽救的。


可能是原因是,scrnsave.exe是被病毒利用的也可能是超级解霸自行设置修改的,因为scrnsave.exe是屏保程序如不常用屏保程序建议删了此程序关于启动项,到注册表中键位HKCUControl PanelDesktop将字符串值名为SCRNSAVE.EXE的值改为C:WINDOWSsystem32ssmypics.scr保存再进行修复即可

节省时间,节省钱用英语怎么说?save money .save time 还是spare time

正确说法是,save money and save times

this song saved my life歌词中文

This Song Saved My Life  simple plan  I wanna star to letting you know this 愿群星能替我告诉你  Because of you my life has a purpose 因为你,我的生命有了目标  You helped me be who I am today 你帮助我成为了现在的自己  I see myself in every word you say 在你说的每一个字中,我都看到了自己  Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me 有时我感觉没人能理解我  Trapped in a world where everybody hates me 我被困在这个世界,每个人都在讨厌我  There"s so much that I"m going through 我经历了太多的挣扎  I wouldn"t be here if it wasn"t for you如果不是你,我无法到达这里  I was broken, I was choking 我曾经受伤,我曾经感到窒息  I was lost, This song saved my life 我曾经迷惘,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was bleeding, stop believing 我曾经流血,我曾停止相信  Could have died, This song saved my life 我差一点死去,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was down, I was drowning 我曾经低落,我几乎溺死  But it came on just in this time 但它在这时来到身边  This song saved my life 这首歌拯救了我的生命  Sometimes I feel like you"ve know me forever 有时候我觉得你永远都能理解我  You always know how to make me feel better 你总是知道怎样让我感到安慰  Because of you my dad and me 因为你,我的父亲和我  Are so much closer than we used to be 比从前更加亲密了  You"re my escape when I"m stuck in this small town 当我被困在这个小镇时,你是我 的逃避之处  I turn you up whenever I feel down 每当我情绪低落,我就会听你们的歌  You let me know like nobody else 你让我知道,和别人不一样,  That it"s okay to be myself 坚持自己,没什么不好。  I was broken, I was choking 我曾经受伤,我曾经感到窒息  I was lost, This song saved my life 我曾经迷惘,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was bleeding, stop believing 我曾经流血,我曾停止相信  Could have died, This song saved my life 我差一点死去,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was down, I was drowning 我曾经低落,我几乎溺死  But it came on just in this time 但它在这时来到身边  This song saved my life 这首歌拯救了我的生命  You"ll never know 你永远都不会知道  what it means to me 这对我意味着什么  that I"m not alone, 我不是独自一人  that I"ll never have to be 我也永远没必要孤单  I was broken, I was choking 我曾经受伤,我曾经感到窒息  I was lost, This song saved my life 我曾经迷惘,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was bleeding, stop believing 我曾经流血,我曾停止相信  Could have died, This song saved my life 我差一点死去,但这首歌拯救了我的生命  I was down, I was drowning 我曾经低落,我几乎溺死  But it came on just in this time 但它在这时来到身边  This song saved my life 这首歌拯救了我的生命My life" My life !(This song saved my life)My life" My life !(This song saved my life)My life" My life !(This song saved my life)My life" My life !This song saved my life歌词来源:百度百科



帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time

Now most of the students are like to do the homework until the last minute,it not only waste time,the work quality is not high. In my opinion,we can save time by the following means: First,make good preparations.Write down yourto-do list and arrange the things in order of importance.For example,beforeyou go shopping,a shopping list will help you to buy things quickly. Second,change the way you work and liveeffectively.Learn new skills and methods to solve problems. Third,record the time you spend on a certainmatter.Keep for at least a month.Find your habit in time-consuming and improveit. Many people say that time is money,But a *** y view,I think time is even more valuable than money.Time can cause moneywhile money can"t cause time!Famous writer Lu Xun has said that wasting others"time is a kind of murdering.He meant the time is very precious.I really agreewith him,because as for us,time is precious for us to study.If we save everysecond,we can learn more in the same long time,maybe an hour or a day.But howto save time?Well,first I think we should make a plan before we do everything.So that you needn"t spend much time thinking what to do next.And it"s aimportant thing that we must know the right ways of doing things.When we haveexcellent skills,we will spend less time finishing doing things.That"s how wecan save time.And never forget:It depends on whether you realize the time isimportant or not.The time is just so precious,and we are supposed to save it.

帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time?

Now most of the students are like to do the homework until the last minute,it not only waste time,the work quality is not high. In my opinion,we can save time by the following means: First,make good preparations.Write down yourto-do list and arrange the things in order of importance.For example,beforeyou go shopping,a shopping list will help you to buy things quickly. Second,change the way you work and liveeffectively.Learn new skills and methods to solve problems. Third,record the time you spend on a certainmatter.Keep for at least a month.Find your habit in time-consuming and improveit. Many people say that time is money,But a *** y view,I think time is even more valuable than money.Time can cause moneywhile money can"t cause time!Famous writer Lu Xun has said that wasting others"time is a kind of murdering.He meant the time is very precious.I really agreewith him,because as for us,time is precious for us to study.If we save everysecond,we can learn more in the same long time,maybe an hour or a day.But howto save time?Well,first I think we should make a plan before we do everything.So that you needn"t spend much time thinking what to do next.And it"s aimportant thing that we must know the right ways of doing things.When we haveexcellent skills,we will spend less time finishing doing things.That"s how wecan save time.And never forget:It depends on whether you realize the time isimportant or not.The time is just so precious,and we are supposed to save it.,1,帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time 要求80词 内容包括时间的意义和重要性 还有节省时间的好方法

reserve和save区别? 感觉差不多,不知道怎么区分, reserve能做保存的意思用吗?

你可以从中文翻译来体会他们的区别 save是保存,节省,拯救什么的 reserve是保留的意思,基本不翻译成保存把 reserve有留出某些东西,暂时不用,以备后用的意思

上古卷轴5输入代码出现这个是什么意思? Compiled script not saved。

mod加载序号对了没,就是025692a1中的02,你换成01,03,......,试试。x0dx0ax0dx0a你输入的格式不正确x0dx0a追问:x0dx0a标准应该怎么输x0dx0a回答:x0dx0aplayer.additem空格+武器代码+空格+数量(如player.additem 00013969 1)x0dx0a个人推荐推荐几个代码给你,其他就别用了,用了就没意思了x0dx0a负重 player.forceav weight 9999x0dx0a弓箭+弓(上古卷轴5的低级弓太假了,那支箭都射穿了脑袋才掉一丁血)所以调个高级弓箭玩起来才真实嘛x0dx0a龙轻甲白色状态:x0dx0a0001393D 龙轻鞋子x0dx0a0001393E 龙轻盔甲x0dx0a0001393F 龙轻手套x0dx0a00013940 龙轻头盔x0dx0a00013941 龙轻盾牌x0dx0a然后是恶魔重白色状态:x0dx0a0001396A 恶魔重鞋子x0dx0a0001396B 恶魔重盔甲x0dx0a0001396C 恶魔重手套x0dx0a0001396D 恶魔重头盔x0dx0a0001396E 恶魔重盾牌x0dx0a龙轻甲无可匹敌后缀附魔x0dx0a头盔:x0dx0a000D7A0B +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a000D7A0F 水中呼吸x0dx0a盔甲:x0dx0a000D79BF +25点轻甲技能(好了,这次能用了,由于是用笔记本记下来的刚才看错8了,抱歉)x0dx0a000FE2E5 +50%耐力回复x0dx0a手套:x0dx0a000D79E7 +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a0010DF70 加偷窃成功率(数据忘了40%?)x0dx0a0010DF73 加开锁成功率(数据忘了40%?)x0dx0a鞋子:x0dx0a000FDA06 +40%潜行有利x0dx0a000D79A9 +50点负重x0dx0a盾牌:x0dx0a0010DFA9 +22%魔法防御x0dx0a龙轻甲头盔和盔甲的法师附魔x0dx0a头盔:x0dx0a000D79F9 Alteration技能加成x0dx0a000D79FC Conjuring技能加成x0dx0a000D79FF Destruction技能加成x0dx0a000D7A05 Illusion技能加成x0dx0a000D7A0E Restoration技能加成x0dx0a000D7A08 魔力上限x0dx0a盔甲:x0dx0a0010CF50 Alteration技能加成成x0dx0a0010CF53 Conjuring技能加成x0dx0a0010CF56 Destruction技能加成x0dx0a0010CF59 Illusion技能加成x0dx0a0010CF5C Restoration技能加成x0dx0a恶魔重甲无可匹敌后缀附魔x0dx0a头盔:x0dx0a000D7AE9 +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a000D7AED 水中呼吸x0dx0a盔甲:x0dx0a000D7A9D +25点重甲技能x0dx0a手套:x0dx0a000D7AC5 +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a鞋子:x0dx0a000D7A8B 无声移动x0dx0a0010DF79 +70点耐久上限x0dx0a盾牌:x0dx0a0010DFA3 +22%魔法防御x0dx0a龙重甲无可匹敌后缀附魔x0dx0a头盔:x0dx0a000D7A77 +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a000D7A7B 水中呼吸x0dx0a盔甲:x0dx0a000D7A2B +25点重甲技能x0dx0a000FE2FA +50%耐力回复x0dx0a手套:x0dx0a000D7A53 +40%弓箭伤害x0dx0a鞋子:x0dx0a000D7A1E 无声移动x0dx0a盾牌:x0dx0a0010DFA6 +22%魔法防御x0dx0a玻璃轻甲无可匹敌后缀附魔x0dx0a头盔:x0dx0a000D53D5 +35%弓箭伤害x0dx0a000D53D9 水中呼吸x0dx0a盔甲:x0dx0a000D5386 +22点轻甲技能x0dx0a手套:x0dx0a000D53AE +35%弓箭伤害x0dx0a000FCEF6 加偷窃成功率x0dx0a000FCEF3 加开锁成功率x0dx0a鞋子:x0dx0a000D5371 无声移动x0dx0a盾牌:x0dx0a0010DFB5 +20%魔法防御(很漂亮的盾牌)x0dx0a000139B5 恶魔弓x0dx0a000139B7 恶魔大剑x0dx0a000139B9 恶魔剑x0dx0a000139B6 恶魔匕首x0dx0a弓:x0dx0a0001DFE0 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a0001DFEF 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a0001DFF5 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a0001DFFC 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a0001DFEC 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a箭支:x0dx0a000139CO +24物理攻击,但箭头是月牙形的,感觉非常的不准x0dx0a000139BF +20物理攻击,头成牙状,非常非常的帅,我一般用这个,感觉比上面那个准x0dx0a匕首:x0dx0a0001DFFF 25点吸血x0dx0a0001E002 30点吸魔x0dx0a0001E008 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a0001E082 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a0001E085 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a0001E0D6 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a0001E0D9 30点吸耐x0dx0a0001E0E7 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a大剑:x0dx0a00028D60 25点吸血x0dx0a00028D63 30点吸魔x0dx0a00028D68 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a00028D74 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a00028D77 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a00028D81 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a00028D84 30点吸耐x0dx0a00028D92 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a剑:x0dx0a00028E7A 25点吸血x0dx0a00028E7D 30点吸魔x0dx0a00028E83 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a00028F46 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a00028FDD 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a0002950E 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a0002954B 30点吸耐x0dx0a00029560 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a单手锤:x0dx0a00028DD4 25点吸血x0dx0a00028DDC 30点吸魔x0dx0a00028DE4 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a00028DF0 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a00028DF4 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a00028E28 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a00028E5D 30点吸耐x0dx0a00028E76 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a单手斧x0dx0a00029563 25点吸血x0dx0a00029572 30点吸魔x0dx0a00029578 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a00029584 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a00029587 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a0002958E 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a00029594 30点吸耐x0dx0a00029597 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a双手斧x0dx0a0001DD41 25点吸血x0dx0a0001DD4A 30点吸魔x0dx0a0001DD9C 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a0001DFB9 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a0001DFC8 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a0001DFCE 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a0001DFD1 30点吸耐x0dx0a0001DFD4 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a双手锤x0dx0a0002959A 25点吸血x0dx0a0002959D 30点吸魔x0dx0a000295A4 一刀解决36级下召唤生物x0dx0a000295B0 造成60点魔法伤害x0dx0a000295B3 一定几率6秒麻痹x0dx0a000295B9 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石x0dx0a000295BC 30点吸耐x0dx0a000295BF 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒x0dx0a法杖:x0dx0a00029B7B 恶魔指挥之杖,抢夺对手召唤出来的召唤生物的指挥权x0dx0a0004DE5B 龙之祈祷之杖,在地上放出一个闪电墙,持续伤害,持续时间长,当心伤到队友,另不要在城里用,有人走过来你就完了。x0dx0a00029B73 10秒麻痹的法杖。。。x0dx0a00029B82 火球术法杖,五火球神教万载万载万万载x0dx0a00029B85 火墙法杖x0dx0a00029B86 冰墙法杖x0dx0a00029B87 闪电法杖x0dx0a0007A4FB 每秒50点火伤害的火焰喷射x0dx0a000BE121 60秒点灯x0dx0a000BE122 很牛叉的60秒内杀死吸收灵魂x0dx0a0010076D 每秒50点电伤害的杨教授之吻x0dx0a0010FCF2 90点火伤害的不爆炸火球术x0dx0a0010FCF7 90点冰伤害的冰球x0dx0a 祝你游戏愉快

skin saver什么意思?

skin saver是皮肤保护器的意思。重点词汇解析:skin  基本词汇  英 [skɪn]      美 [skɪn]    n. 皮肤;外皮;皮囊n. 惊讶;生气vt. 剥皮;削皮;贴皮;蹭破皮;<俚>击败When he fell he just broke the skin.当他跌倒时,他只擦破皮肤。crack skin 使皮肤皱裂 expose skin 露出外皮词汇的用法skin的基本意思是“皮”,既可指人或动物身体外层可长毛发的“皮肤”(此时是不可数名词),也可指某些水果、蔬菜的外皮,还可指做成皮衣的“皮,皮革”(此时是可数名词)。skin前如有描述性定语修饰时,可加不定冠词。skin也可指液体冷却时或置于空气中上面形成的表层或薄层。skin用于科技术语时,可表示机器的“外壳,蒙皮”。

save the whale是什么意思啊?


spare save意为节约时有何区别

spare有多余,空余之意 save是节约


if you save sth, you can use it in the futurehow can you use the forty minutes you saved in the future?if you spare some time, you don"t waste it, or you have more time to do something else.
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