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How To Save A Life的中文歌词

The Fray - How to Save a Life 冲突乐队- 怎么拯救你Step one you say we need to talk 第一步,你说我们该谈谈了 He walks you say sit down it"s just a talk 他走过来,你说坐,只是谈谈He smiles politely back at you 他朝你礼貌地微笑 You stare politely right on through 你也礼貌地看着他 Some sort of window to your right 你的右边是个窗户 As he goes left and you stay right 当他走向左边时,你还是呆在右边 Between the lines of fear and blame 就在惧怕与责备的界限上 And you begin to wonder why you came 你开始纳闷你干吗要来Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 Let him know that you know best 告诉他你很清楚是怎么回事 Cause after all you do know best 因为毕竟你确实很清楚 Try to slip past his defense , Without granting innocence 试着忽略他罪恶的防御Lay down a list of what is wrong 给不对劲的事列张单子The things you"ve told him all along 就是那些你以前告诉过他的事 And pray to God he hears you 然后就祈祷他能听到吧 And pray to God he hears you 但愿他听的到 Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 As he begins to raise his voice 他开始提高声音 You lower yours and grant him one last choice 你的声音却低了,赐予了他最后的选择 Drive until you lose the road 继续如此直至迷失 Or break with the ones you"ve followed 或是摒弃曾经遵守的信条 He will do one of two things 他将会选择其一 He will admit to everything 他将会承认一切 Or he"ll say he"s just not the same 也或许他会说他已经变了 And you begin to wonder why you came 你开始纳闷你干吗要来Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 How to save a life 怎样拯救你 How to save a life 怎样拯救你 Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend 我做错什么了吗? 就这样少了一个朋友 Somewhere along in the bitterness 有点儿讽刺 And I would have stayed up with you all night 我该整晚陪着你 Had I known how to save a life 如果我知道怎样拯救你 How to save a life 怎样拯救你 How to save a life 怎样拯救你

谁能帮翻译一下How to Save a Life的歌词


The Fray的《How to save a life》MV是什么意思



  wikihow这个网站有很多资料的~Method 1 of 3: Making Changes Close to Home  Scientists count five known animal extinction waves in Earth"s history, including the extinction of the dinosaurs, and many now believe we have entered a sixth wave.[1] This time, however, humans are the primary cause, through habitat reduction and destruction, over-hunting, pollution, food chain disruptions, and introduction of non-native species, to name a few factors. Beyond the loss of animal species forever, extinction threatens potential scientific and medical advances to be gleaned from animal life, and even possibly our food supply (through disruption of the pollination chain). It may seem like a problem that is too big for any one person to make a difference, but there are many changes we can all make to help prevent endangered species from becoming extinct species.  1  Go native. Endangered animals can seem like a far-away problem, but there are likely threatened species, from birds to bears to bugs, in your own neighborhood. Non-native (also called invasive) plant and animal species, which disrupt the ecological balance of a local habitat, are a significant cause of endangerment. Invasive plants that overrun native vegetation and invasive animals without existing predators can combine to devastate native animal populations.  Ad  When planting, choose plants and flowers that are native to the area. Native vegetation is more likely to attract native birds, butterflies and other insects, and other animals that may be endangered.  Remove invasive weeds and non-native plantings in favor of local varieties.  Build bird feeders suited to native species.  2  Grow naturally. Eliminate the use of chemical pesticides in your yard or garden in favor of natural deterrents. Give your local threatened or endangered species a fighting chance to thrive without dealing with unnecessary toxins. Water runoff can spread pesticide chemicals far from your home as well, so you will be benefiting a larger habitat than you might think.  Also, start composting to create natural, ultra-locally sourced fertilizer instead of relying on chemical-laced, long-distance hauled store brands.  3  Consider your space needs. Many people dream of having the huge backyard with the pristine green lawn, but the growing encroachment of humans into wildlife habitats is a major cause of species endangerment.  When it is time to move to a new home, think carefully about the amount of space you really need. Also consider the benefits of a smaller space (less mowing, for one!) as well as living in an area of existing development rather than a newly-carved suburban enclave.  If moving is not on your to-do list, consider whether it is possible for you to reduce your footprint on your own property. Would you be able to permit part of your land to return to a more natural state -- for instance, by replacing lawn space with native plantings that you allow to grow freely?  Method 2 of 3: Tackling Pollution and Climate Change  1  Shop for locally-grown organic produce. Support farmers who avoid chemical pesticides and can deliver produce to market without significant fuel consumption (and pollution). Every bit of pollution prevention helps endangered species, and you will help make organic farming the socially and financially sensible choice for growers.  2  Reduce, reuse, and recycle. If your municipality has a recycling program, make full use of it. Keep as much of your waste out of landfills as possible.  Landfills take up valuable space and some waste (like plastic bags and bottles) inevitably seems to make its way into wild habitats or the huge swirls of trash found out at sea, with negative consequences to animal life.  Buy products and food without packaging whenever possible. Take your own bags to the store. This will reduce the amount of garbage and waste you produce, not to mention the pollution resulting from the creation and distribution of this packaging. Whales and tigers will thank you.  Start an initiative to share specialty tools and seldom-used household items among neighbors.  Donate used toys, books, games, clothing, etc., to hospitals, shelters, daycares, or charities.  Before throwing something out, consider creative ways of reusing it. A toilet bowl flower pot may not be your style, but that old, beat-up kitchen table might make a nice little workbench.  3  Consider alternatives to driving. Walk or ride a bicycle to work or the market. It"s good for your body and produces zero emissions that negatively impact earth"s delicate climate balance. Take public transportation when available.  When you do use the car, drive more slowly. Animal-vehicle collisions are on the rise as human and animal habitats increasingly overlap, and this is a particular threat to certain endangered species. [2]  4  Save energy by turning off lights and electrical appliances when not in use.Unplug televisions, computers, and other items that still draw electricity even when turned off. This will stop the "vampire" energy drain of these devices.  You will cut pollution that damages the habitats of endangered species while also saving money. Not a bad deal. Make it a habit in your own life and share it with others. Tell them you can save them a buck and help the polar bears.  5  Don"t waste water. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and use water-saving devices on your toilet, taps and shower head. Fix leaky pipes and faucets promptly. Even a small drip can waste large amounts of water over time.  Growing human demand for water leads to changes in freshwater ecosystems, beyond just reducing water levels. For instance, the building of dams to make reservoirs can prevent salmon from reaching their spawning grounds.  Method 3 of 3: Working Together  1  Support national parks, nature reserves, and wilderness areas that protect endangered animal habitats. Visit them, spend money there, or volunteer at one.  Teach kids about protecting endangered species. Many parks have special programs and tours for children.  When you travel, consider ecotourism in areas struggling to protect large numbers of endangered species. For instance, there are plenty of locals in Madagascar, an island nation east of mainland Africa with a unique and fragile ecosystem, who would like to preserve their endangered species; give them a financial incentive to do so.[3]  2  Leave nature as you find it. When you visit a national park or simply take a walk in the woods, follow the rules and do simple things to keep the area pristine: pick up your trash; follow fire regulations; leave flowers, eggs, and even rocks and logs where you find them. Take only pictures and leave only footprints.  3  Join a wildlife preservation group. There are numerous national and international organizations that work to protect endangered species, and you may also find local organizations in your area. They might be doing things as simple as weed removal and native planting in the local nature preserve. Join them, or start a group yourself.  4  Encourage farmers and large landowners to establish wildlife habitats and leave groves of old trees standing. If you know someone in this situation, inform them of the benefits of doing so. If not, join an organization that supports farmers and others in making this choice.  5  Join your voice with others and be heard. They say the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" for a reason. If you believe endangered species deserve protection for their benefit and ours, let people know. Increased awareness is the first step toward making positive change.  Contact your elected representatives. Ask them to support not only legislation that protects endangered species here at home or supports the effort abroad, but also measures to reduce pollution and tackle climate change.  Speak out in your community. Help make fliers. Talk at a school, library, or community center. In a friendly but resolute manner, assist people in seeing the bigger picture, how the little things we do (or don"t do) impact the whole system, including species endangerment. Tell them how the loss of species creates a ripple effect that will in some way impact them as well, and not just in what animals they can see at the zoo.

一个女生的个签是“you save one,you save the world” 一个男生的个签是“like a dog like a god"

你救一个,你拯救世界像狗一样的神实在看不懂 这两句话有什么关系



憨豆特工里,加冕仪式开始的时候放的那首歌是什么?God save the king 么? 不像啊 求高手解答~~

天佑吾王》(God Save the King,《上帝保佑国王》)是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)的国歌及英联邦的皇室颂歌。


“God Save The King”。《天佑国王》是英联邦国家的国歌和皇室颂歌。

GOD save the queen:为何不用saves?如题 谢谢了

This is called the subjunctive mood.Another example of the subjunctive mood is "God bless you!" instead of "God blesses you!" 查看原帖>>

求god save the queen歌词(sex pistol的那首)


god save the queen 歌词

歌曲名:god save the queen歌手:Queen专辑:Live At Wembley 86God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen.

god save the queen性手枪歌词求译

God save the Queenthe fascist regime,they made you a morona potential H-bomb.God save the Queenshe ain"t no human being.There is no futurein England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantDon"t be told what you need.There"s no futurethere"s no futurethere"s no future for youGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queen"cos tourists are moneyand our figureheadis not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyall crimes are paid.When there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowersin the dustbinwe"re the poisonin your human machinewe"re the futureyou"re futureGod save the Queenwe mean it manwe love our queenGod savesGod save the Queenwe mean it manthere is no futurein England"s dreamingNo futureno future for youno fufure for me上帝保佑女王法西斯政权,他们让你白痴一个潜在的氢弹。上帝保佑女王她不是人类。没有未来在英格兰的梦想不要告诉你想要的不要告诉你所需要的东西。没有未来的没有未来的没有未来的你上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人我们爱我们的女王上帝救了上帝保佑女王因为游客的钱和我们的傀儡不是她似乎什么哦,上帝拯救的历史上帝拯救你的疯狂的游行哦上帝可怜所有犯罪的收入。没有未来怎么能有罪过吗我们是花朵在垃圾箱里我们是毒药在人类的机器我们的未来你的未来上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人我们爱我们的女王上帝救了上帝保佑女王我们的意思是人没有未来在英格兰的梦想没有未来为你没有未来对我来说没有fufure

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:God Save The QueenGod Save The QueenSex PistolsGod save the queenthe fascist regimethey made you a morona potential H-bomb !God save the queenShe ain"t no human beingthere is no future in England"s dreamingDon"t be told what you wantdon"t be told what you needthere"s no future no futureno future for youGod save the queenwe mean it manwe love our queengod savesGod save the queencos tourists are moneyand our figurehead is not what she seemsOh god save historygod save your mad paradeOh lord god have mercyall crimes are paidWhen there"s no futurehow can there be sinwe"re the flowers in the dustbinwe"re the poison in your human machinewe"re the futureyour futureGod save the queenwe mean it manwe love our queengod savesGod save the queenwe mean it manthere is no future in England"s dreamingNo future no futureNo future for youNo future no futureNo future for meNo future no futureNo future for youNo future no future for you


GOD 上帝SAVE 拯救THE 冠词 (无意思!)如果是 The God Save 上帝拯救 就OK了

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here Comes The Sex Pistols/SpunkGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Paul Rodgers&Queen专辑:Return Of The ChampionsBritish National AnthemGod Save the QueenGod save our gracious Queen!Long live our noble Queen!God save the Queen!Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us,God save the Queen.O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.Thy choicest gifts in storeOn her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign.May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice,God save the Queen.

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲:God Save The Queen(中英对照)歌手:Sex PistolsGod save the queen上帝拯救女王the fascist regime法西斯政权they made you a moron他们把你变成一个笨蛋a potential H-bomb !一颗潜在的氢弹!God save the queen上帝拯救女王She ain"t no human being她不是人类there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来Don"t be told what you want不要说你想要什么don"t be told what you need不要说你需要什么there"s no future no future没有未来 没有未来no future for you你没有未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王"cos tourists are money因为游客是金主and our figurehead is not what she seems我们的领袖不是她看上去那个样子Oh god save history噢 上帝拯救历史god save your mad parade上帝保佑你疯狂的阅兵Oh lord god have mercy噢 阁下 上帝充满仁慈all crimes are paid所有的罪恶都赎清When there"s no future当没有了未来how can there be sin如何还会有罪we"re the flowers in the dustbin我们是垃圾箱里的花儿we"re the poison in your human machine我们是你人类机器中的毒药we"re the future我们是未来your future你的未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for you你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for me我没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future for you没有未来 你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲:God Save The Queen(中英对照)歌手:Sex PistolsGod save the queen上帝拯救女王the fascist regime法西斯政权they made you a moron他们把你变成一个笨蛋a potential H-bomb !一颗潜在的氢弹!God save the queen上帝拯救女王She ain"t no human being她不是人类there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来Don"t be told what you want不要说你想要什么don"t be told what you need不要说你需要什么there"s no future no future没有未来 没有未来no future for you你没有未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王"cos tourists are money因为游客是金主and our figurehead is not what she seems我们的领袖不是她看上去那个样子Oh god save history噢 上帝拯救历史god save your mad parade上帝保佑你疯狂的阅兵Oh lord god have mercy噢 阁下 上帝充满仁慈all crimes are paid所有的罪恶都赎清When there"s no future当没有了未来how can there be sin如何还会有罪we"re the flowers in the dustbin我们是垃圾箱里的花儿we"re the poison in your human machine我们是你人类机器中的毒药we"re the future我们是未来your future你的未来God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的we love our queen我们爱我们的女王god saves老天保佑God save the queen上帝拯救女王we mean it man我们是说真的there is no future in England"s dreaming在英格兰的梦想里没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for you你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future for me我没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来No future no future for you没有未来 你没有未来No future no future没有未来 没有未来



god save us是什么意思

神灵 拯救我们这些吊丝吧!




需要用三单 God表示上帝,属于第三人称

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you

God Save The Queen 歌词

歌曲名:God Save The Queen歌手:Sex Pistols专辑:Never Mind The Bollocks, Here"s The Sex PistolsGod Save The QueenGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe ain""t no human beingThere is no futureIn England""s dreamingDon""t be told what you wantDon""t be told what you needThere""s no future, no future,No future for youGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queen""Cause tourists are moneyAnd our figureheadIs not what she seemsOh God save historyGod save your mad paradeOh Lord God have mercyAll crimes are paidWhen there""s no futureHow can there be sinWe""re the flowers in the dustbinWe""re the poison in your human machineWe""re the future, your futureGod save the queenWe mean it manWe love our queenGod savesGod save the queenWe mean it manAnd there is no futureIn England""s dreamingNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no future,No future for meNo future, no future,No future for youNo future, no futureFor you

god save the queen

上帝(GOD)是专有名词当中具有特殊地位的专有名词,英语用词的习惯就是绝对不加S,而且前面也不能有冠词the的。此类的还有angel ,等等。我们老师讲的时候就这样说,一般被认为是神仙的,后面的用法就很特殊。至于你说为什么不加ED,就因为这是一般现在时。不强调过去发生,不用一般过去时的。英国的国歌啊。。。你也拿出来问,咱们学就是学英语呢,人家怎么用就怎么对,不要太纠结于语法。你看国外的原声电影,他们犯了多少咱们小学生才会犯的低级错误呢~~~

皇后乐队的god save the queen 歌词

好吧 那应该是楼下的那个了,不过不是皇后乐队的是 Sex Pistols 的



dream catcher comeand save me这句歌词是那首歌里的

歌手 [Kara] 歌曲 [Dream Catcher] 歌词 Sweaty palms, racing heartCan"t seem to catch my breathI toss and turn with every wordThat you never even saidOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]My dreams [3x]"Cause I know they"ll never be realityReality [7x]In the dark, I rest my headI see fire, I see redBut your face is so clearI can"t help that I want you hereOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]And if I were to choose, I would choose to see youIn the dark there"s a spark, and it burns from the truthAnd if I could control what my mind would foreseeI"d be spared from the hope, and I"d be set free

六年级英语作文:How can we save water.

人家是六年级的 给点简单的

How to protect water ? How to save water? Why is water important??

I am able to help you but I hate to do so ,"cause you"re completely a lazy bone!!!

B22. I _______ the boy to save money, but he wouldn’t listen.

后面有一个to,所以要和wanted连用 make sb/sth adj 或make sb/sth do 这就是用法的区别

防弹少年团save me歌词

歌手:防弹少年团所属专辑:화양연화 Young Forever作曲 : Rap Monster/SUGA/J-HOPE/Ray Michael Djan Jr/Pdogg/Ashton Foster/Samantha Harper作词 : Rap Monster/SUGA/J-HOPE/Pdogg/Ray Michael Djan Jr/Ashton Foster/Samantha Harper난 숨쉬고 싶어我想能够呼吸이 밤이 싫어讨厌这个夜晚이젠 깨고 싶어现在我想醒来꿈속이 싫어讨厌活在梦中내 안에 갇혀서我被困于其中난 죽어있어正走向死亡Don"t wanna be lonelyJust wanna be yours왜 이리 깜깜한 건지为何如此黑暗니가 없는 이 곳은你不在的这地方위험하잖아这般危险망가진 내 모습逐渐崩塌的我的模样구해줘 날 나도 날 잡을 수 없어请救救我吧 我也无法抓住我自己내 심장소릴 들어봐请听听我心脏的声音吧제멋대로 널 부르잖아正肆意呼唤着你이 까만 어둠 속에서这里漆黑一片너는 이렇게 빛나니까只有你光芒万丈그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save me그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meSave me save me오늘따라 달이 빛나今夜月色格外耀眼내 기억 속의 빈칸我记忆中的空白날 삼켜버린 이 lunatic将我吞噬的这lunaticplease save me tonightPlease save me tonightplease save me tonight이 치기 어린 광기 속在这幼稚的疯狂之中나를 구원해줄 이 밤你拯救我的这夜晚里난 알았지 너란 구원이我知道 拯救我的你내 삶의 일부며 아픔을是我生命的一部分감싸줄 유일한 손길是能给予我庇护的唯一的手The best of me 난 너밖에 없지The best of me我只有你나 다시 웃을 수 있도록 더 높여줘 니 목소릴为了让我重新微笑 请提高你的分贝Play on내 심장소릴 들어봐请听听我心脏的声音吧제멋대로 널 부르잖아正肆意呼唤着你이 까만 어둠 속에서这里漆黑一片너는 이렇게 빛나니까只有你光芒万丈그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save me그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save me고마워 내가 나이게 해줘서谢谢你 是你让我成为我이 내가 날게 해줘서是你让我得以翱翔이런 내게 날갤 줘서是你赠予我翅膀꼬깃하던 날 개 줘서是你抹平起皱的我답답하던 날 깨줘서是你打破沉闷的我꿈 속에만 살던 날 깨워줘서是你叫醒了活在梦中的我널 생각하면 날 개어서想起你 我才能转晴슬픔 따윈 나 개 줬어我才能将悲愁抛之脑后Thank you 우리가 돼 줘서Thank you能成为我们그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall그 손을 내밀어줘 save me save me请伸出你的手save me save meI need your love before I fall fall

He_____for twenty years.A.has joined B.has been in the army C.joined D.have saved the army

B 吧。。。


先记save ,再记for

求找一首歌,演唱者是欧美女声,歌词中有“you are the only one who save me”



需要的:PKHEX 以及 SaveDataFiler(下附)首先将GW系统升级至2.6(这是为了方便安装CIA文件,只要你能够在3DS上安装上SAVADATAFILER可以无视这一步)2.在3DS上安装SAVEDATAFILER(具体操作见CIA格式如何安装的教程)3.以上准备完成后进入实机操作。实际操作:打开3ds,进入GW的虚拟系统模式。2.按SELECT打开游戏选择界面,点击你要打开的口袋妖怪游戏(X或Y)。切记,此时不要打开游戏,只需要上屏幕出现3D图标即可。3.打开SAVEDATAFILER。选择下屏幕的USER窗口(最左边的那个),按Y导出存档。4.在3DS上的操作完成。转电脑上进行修改存档。电脑端操作:(以下以修改口袋妖怪为例)把sd卡插入电脑(这是前提,因为存档在sd卡上)2.打开pkhex。在窗口左上角,选择file选项,随后点击open,打开在sd卡上的存档。默认路径是:/filer/usersavedata/2014xxxxxxxx/e。在这个文件夹中有一个main文件,无格式。打开了存档后的界面如下:首先是大家比较关心的凭空创造一个精灵:在左边的SPECIES中选择你要创建的宠物的名称,(性格,等级,道具,特征等等可以待会儿调,也可以先调好)2.在右边的空格子内右键SET,就可以创建一个新的宠物(如果不是在空格子内右键SET,则会把原先的宠物替换成你要创造出来的宠物)接下来是调整性格,等级,道具,特征:在左边,性格调整在NATURE选项中;等级在LEVEL选项中;特征在ABILITY选项中;道具在HELD ITEM选项中。接下来是调整宠物的参数,其中MET是指你在哪里与这宠物相遇(这里就不介绍了,记住如果有前代定点就不要选择出生在XY,另外精灵球不要修改违法了)主要介绍的是个体值,努力值,及配招。首先是个体值与努力值,要进入STATS中调整看一下就知道怎么调了吧。接下来是配招,在ATTACKS中调整左边的RELEARN MOVES指的是回忆技能。配招不要非法配就行。其他的操作大家可以自己尝试,什么图鉴啊,连胜纪录啊,都可以调整。之后是比较关键的一步(如何保存修改):切记不要在左上方的FILE选项中选择另存为,要在右边窗口的SAV选项中进行保存。保存出来也是MAIN文件。将这个文件与SD卡上的MAIN文件替换一下就行。最后一步在3DS上进行操作:打开3DS,进入GW虚拟系统。打开刚刚的口袋妖怪ROM。(同样停留在3D图标显示即可)2.打开SAVEDATAFILER,刚刚是在左边的USER窗口,现在要使用SD窗口,这时在下屏会有一黄条,也就是刚才的存档,点击一下,按A覆盖。3.打开游戏就可以发现自己已经成功进行了修改。

求一首英文歌名 女的唱的 比较快 里面有一句歌词是you are trying to save m


A Stitch in time saves nine 是什么俗语

小洞不补,大洞吃苦。亡羊补牢,贵在及时一针及时省九针;一针不补,十针难缝e.g. Men say that a stitch in time saves nine, and so they take a thousand stitchestoday to save nine tomorrow. 人们常说及时一针顶九针,于是他们今天就补上个一千针以省去明天的九针。

A Stitch in time saves nine 是什么俗语


A Stitch in time saves nine 是什么俗语

a stitch in time saves nine 小洞不补,大洞吃苦Men say that a stitch in time saves nine, and so they take a thousand stitches today tosave nine tomorrow. 人们常说及时一针顶九针,于是他们今天就补上个一千针以省去明天的九针。

A Stitch in time saves nine 是什么俗语

A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补大洞吃苦; stitch[英][stu026atu0283][美][stu026atu0283]n.(缝纫或编织中的)一针; 缝法; 衣服; (缝合伤口的)缝线; vt.缝; 缝补; 缝合裂口; 缝缀; vi.缝针,缝纫; 第三人称单数:stitches复数:stitches现在进行时:stitching过去式:stitched过去分词:stitched双语例句:He told me to stitch it up myself.他跟我说让我自己缝起来。

A stitch in time saves nine是什么意思

A stitch in time saves nine小洞不补大洞吃苦; 例句:1.Cleaning with natural ingredients saves you time from fishing through all the products at the store, saves you money and makes you a little moreenvironmentally friendly. 使用天然原料来洗涤可以节省在商场中挑选洗涤产品的时间,可以节约金钱,还可以更加环保。

Save a Prayer 歌词

歌曲名:Save a Prayer歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Live from LondonSave A Prayer (Us Single Version)Duran DuranYou saw me standing by the wall,Corner of a main streetAnd the lights are flashing on your window sillTake a chanceLike all dreamers can"t find another wayYou don"t have to dream it all, just live a dayDon"t save a prayer for me now,Save it "til the morning afterNo, don"t say a prayer for me now,Save it "til the morning after ...Pretty looking road,try to hold the rising floods that fill my skinDon"t ask me why I"ll keep my promise,I"ll melt the iceAnd you wanted to dance so I asked you to danceBut fear is in your soulSome people call it a one night standBut we can call it paradiseDon"t save a prayer for me now,Save it "til the morning afterNo, don"t say a prayer for me now,Save it "til the morning after ...Save A Prayer "til the morning after ...

Save me – Shinedown的歌词 最好是中英文的~


Avenged Sevenfold的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Avenged Sevenfold专辑:Nightmare-金属乐Album title: NightmareRelease year: 2010Avenged Sevenfold - Save MeLET"S GO!We all know, they all know!Sorry, did I wake your dreams?Some questions run to meWe only, only wake up when we sleepMet by the lunar light,Trouble"s all we findLost our way tonight (tonight)Is it something we said?Is it something we said to them?Is it something we said?!(Save me) I"m trapped in a vile world(Save me) Where the endings are the same as every otherWe"re only here to die(Save me) you"re losing my only dream (save me)I can use some guiding light, some place to goIf you hear me, let me knowWe all know, they all know!Ever since the day you left my fates been set unknownHow many years to walk this path aloneSo much to see tonight, so why"d you close your eyes?Why can"t I shut mine?Is it something we did?Is it something we did to them?Is it something we did?!(Save me) I"m trapped in a vile world(Save me) Where the endings are the same as every otherWe"re only here to die(Save me) you"re losing my only dream (save me)I can use some guiding light, some place to goIf you hear me, let me knowIf you hear me, let me knowAh-ah-ah-ah-ah-ahHelp me find my waySaid, help me find my wayNo pulse inside of me,Stone cold lips and heresyAll lies into a degree,Losing who I wanna beYou"ll find out, right nowHe may be out of his mindBut someday you will find,That sanity has left us all blindAnd dragged us all behind,A moment seen with those eyesCrystal blue disguise,They say that all beauty must dieI say it just moves onIf you"d only open your mind,Then someday you will findThat sanity left us behind,And walk right through the darkI can see the picture"s clear as yesterday,Pictures of my ownI can hear the voices begging you to stay,But know you"re not alone.(Save me) I"m trapped in a vile world(Save me) Where the endings are the same as every otherWe"re only here to die(Save me) I"m losing my only dream (save me)I can use some guiding light, some place to goIf you hear me, let me knowIf you hear me, let me knowTonight we all die youngTonight we all die youngTonight we all die youngTonight we all die youngTonight we all die youngTonight we all die youngTonight we all dieTonight we all die young!

save to specialists

save to大致相当于固定用法吧,意思是but to,except to 除了一些专家,他的大部分作品鲜为人知



以Save the birds 写一篇英语作文,字数80字左右.

Yesterday afternoon, I was sleeping at home. Suddenly,a wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.  In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.  Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.

#pragma SAVE #pragma REGPARMS ...... #pragma RESTORE 单片机程序中这三句话是什么意思?求指点

SAVE 是把 AREGS, REGPARMS, OPTIMIZE 这三者的设定暂时存起来,等到RESTORE的时候恢复。REGPARMS 是让编译器透过暂存器来传函数参数。因为中间那些函数(isalpha..)是这样定义的。这样的函数速度快些。初学者不必管这些细节,直接用就是了。

正当防卫2的完美存档放在哪里?无论在我的文档里的Square Enix,还是在游戏安装目录的save文件夹下,放了网

正当防卫2存档文件目录位置如下放在游戏根目录里面存档文件名如下JustCause2Save00JustCause2Save01JustCause2Save02JustCause2Save03JustCause2Save04JustCause2Save05JustCause2Save06JustCause2Save07JustCause2Save08JustCause2Save09JustCause2Save10按键设置存档在我的文档【Square Enix】文件夹,注意:是按键设置在我的文档【Square Enix】文件夹。

save your presence

saving your presence[口语](在你面前)说句冒昧的话,恕我冒昧 save 节省,保存 presence 存在,出场

完型填空英语save the wild tiger的整篇翻译

Save the Wild Tiger When people think of tigers, they think: strong and dangerous. But now, the big animalis calling for our help. There were once eight kinds of 1 in the world, but three died out during the 20th century. In the last 70 years, the 2 of Siberian tigers (东北虎) has gone from as many as300 to 3 22 somewhere. The Siberian tiger has been 4 dying out completely. If the government doesn"t make any efforts, it"s quite 5 that there will be no more Siberian tigersin China in ten to twenty years. In order to double the number of wild tigers in the 6 ten years, the World WildlifeFund (世界自然基金会) has started a program recently. It 7 save wild tigers and put anend to tiger hunting and killing. China, together with twelve other 8 , has joined in. Wild animals, such as red deer and wild pigs, are the main 9 of the tigers. Thehunting of these animals is the greatest threat (威胁) to tigers. So the most important thing is 10 the animals that tigers eat. To protect the wild tigers, we need to call on more people to stop eating and hunting wild animals. ( ) 1. A. pigs ( ) 2. A. name ( ) 3. A. less than ( ) 4. A. in need of ( ) 5. A. possible ( ) 6. A. last ( ) 7. A. aims to ( ) 8. A. cities ( ) 9. A. friends ( ) 10. A. to sell B. tigers B. kind B. more than B. in danger ofB. impossible B. next B. used to B. provinces B. food B. to kill C. deer C. number C. bigger than C. in front of C. necessary C. past C. refuses to C. countries C. members C. to save

bios中save profiles什么意思?




He found a good doctor to save his mother,怎么读?

你好!朗读句子,一般涉及两个问题——一是断句,即就是句子的意群划分,目的是找到句子中完整意义表达的群落,也就是合适的停顿点。所给句子可以断句如下——慢读He /found /a good doctor/ to save/ his mother.快读He found /a good doctor/ to save his mother.更快朗读He found a good doctor /to save his mother.二是准确读音和朗读技巧,包括连读,失去爆破,弱化,浊化,语音语调等。He found~a (连读) good~doc~tor(失去爆破) to save his mother .

Save Me Now 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me Now歌手:Andru Donalds专辑:Andru Donaldshere i amin a place that i have never beenout of loveand afraid that you wont let me in ((no))you cant tell me and i started to feelthat my senses have left me to diewhere is my strength when i need it the mosttell me have you done with my mindoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowall the time that i gave awayi gave to you ((oh))and all the love that i never madei"ll make to you ((yeah))nothing will be more electric to methen to give you a taste of the love that i hidein my condition i"m totally losttell me what have you done with my prideoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowand i"ll stop loving you no waycant stop fantasizingwith you in my mindloves you girl loves youwhere is my strength when i need it the mosttell me have you done with my mindoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationwont you save me nowi could drown babyin this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowsave me nowsave me now

Save Me Now 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me Now歌手:Andru Donalds专辑:Best Ofhere i amin a place that i have never beenout of loveand afraid that you wont let me in ((no))you cant tell me and i started to feelthat my senses have left me to diewhere is my strength when i need it the mosttell me have you done with my mindoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowall the time that i gave awayi gave to you ((oh))and all the love that i never madei"ll make to you ((yeah))nothing will be more electric to methen to give you a taste of the love that i hidein my condition i"m totally losttell me what have you done with my prideoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowand i"ll stop loving you no waycant stop fantasizingwith you in my mindloves you girl loves youwhere is my strength when i need it the mosttell me have you done with my mindoh save me nowfrom the depth of my infatuationi could drown in this sea of love and isolationwont you save me nowi could drown babyin this sea of love and isolationi"ll take you downif you just save me nowsave me nowsave me now

求类似于 give it up,save it ,put it up,这种短语本身带有it的短语。

take it easy别紧张 make it clear弄清楚It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花...的时间 I find/feel/think it difficult to do... 我发现/感到/认为做某事很难. Let"s have/make it ... 让我们约定在... make it early 把时间定的早一点 when it comes to 一谈到;就...而论as it is事实上,实际上,既然如此,像现在这样as it were可以说,可谓;似乎for what it is worth 不论真假 queen it over以女王自居,称王称霸,在女性中逞强live it up狂欢一场,(一反常态地)纵情欢乐,过豪华奢侈的生活have it off(同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通call it quits同意就此结束,表示愿意和解call it a day今天就到此结束,就干到这里为止,收工make it达到预定目标,及时抵达,走完路程,(病痛等)好转take it on the chin吃败仗,遭受痛苦as luck would have it碰巧,幸运;不巧,不幸have it coming应得,值得,当之无愧have it away(同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通play it by ear随机行事, 无计划地进行ham it up演得过火,装腔作势,夸张 cool it放松下来catch it受责备, 挨骂, 受罚 get it了解, 懂得get it on 兴奋, 激动 be with it 精通世故,深知内情;时髦,时兴ask for it 自寻麻烦,自找苦吃on the face of it 乍看上去,从表面上看leg it 步行,步走pig it 像猪一样挤在一起,拥挤不堪;争先恐后地吃snuff it 死,断气 you said it一点不错!可不是!buy it 放弃,被杀 lord it over向...逞威风, 对...称王称霸whoop it up欢闹,吵吵嚷嚷,大肆宣扬,大做文章,热情支持hoof it步行

make money和save money有什么区别?


英语作文《how. tosaveenergy》

Our teachers and parents often remind us that we should save energy in order to cut down on our daily expenses. Saving energy can take only a few minutes on planning. There are many things we can do right now to start saving energy and cutting down on costs in school and at home.In school, don"t forget to turn off the lights of your classrooms if there is nobody inside. If the day is beautiful and the sun is so bright, keep the lights off during the day. Keep the air conditioners off if nobody is inside the classroom or the teacher" office. If the room temperature is not hot, turn on the fans instead of the air conditioners of our classrooms. Don"t forget to turn off the computers when students finish homework in their computer lab. Don"t forget to turn off the LCD TV and the Hi-Fi when nobody is inside of the leisure room of our student center.At home, my parents often tell me to shut down all electricity in my bedroom and my entertainment center. I live in a luxury apartment with central air conditioners and heaters in China. I used to live with my parents before my attending middle school. My home has many large rooms. My parents gave me two rooms at home, my bedroom and my entertainment center. I do all my homework, play video games and watch TV in my entertainment center. Hehe ^_^ My classmates often tease me, "Vicky, you have got too much living and playing space at home. " At my entertainment room, you will see my personal laptops, PS3, ipot, LCD TV, Hi-Fi, remote controlled robouts. I used to leave them on. That was why my parents often complained about that.Now, I"m studying in a private middle school. Students have to live in dorm, so that I usually visit my parents on weekends. Although I know that I should turn all my stuff off, I am too lazy to do that all the time. I think I should start saving energy at home, after helping you with this English composition.


qsave ["kju:seiv] 意思保存文件quit [kwit] 意思是离开、退出

John saved me at the risk of his own life这句话翻译起来好别扭,这里的at该怎么翻译?具体作用

87. Those flowers looked as if they (好长时间没有浇水了).88. Fred bought a car last week. It is (比我的车便宜一千英镑).89. This TV program is quite boring. We might ____

let me be a super hero,save you.

let me be a super hero,save you.让我成为一个超级英雄,拯救你。



一首歌,有句歌词叫 who can save my life 是叫什么歌

歌词“who can save my life”出自歌曲《Save My Life》。歌曲名称:Save My Life 歌手:Xandria语言:英语所属专辑:Now & Forever: The Best of Xandria发行时间:2008-06-06歌曲时长:3分54歌词:My soul feels emptyI"m drowning in my tearsIt"s pain I"m learningMy heart is achingGot poison in my veinsIn hell, I"m burningwho can save my lifeSave my life, save my lifeLet these tears be our secretYou and I, you and IOnce we were so close, save my lifeIt"s all or nothingI"m asking you to giveLet live or dieEverything is betterThan this silent lieSay that it"s no liewho can save my lifeSave my life, save my lifeLet these tears be our secretYou and I, you and IOnce we were so close, save my lifeI need you to save my lifeSave my life, save my lifeLet these tears be our secretYou and I, you and IOnce we were so close, save my lifeSave my life, save my lifeLet me feel you breathingIn your hands, in your handsIs the heart of mine, save my life

求Xandria的Save My Life 的歌词

My soul feels empty I"m drowning in my tears It"s pain I"m learning My heart is aching Got poison in my veins In hell I"m burning save my life save my life let these tears be our secret You and I You and I once we were so close save my life It"s all or nothing I"m asking you to give let live or die Everthing is better Then this silent lie Say that it"s no lie save my life save my life let these tears be our secret you and I you and I once we were so close I need you to save my life save my life save my life let these tears be our secret you and I you and I once we were so close save my life save my life let me feel you breathing In your hands In your hands Is the heart of mine save my life

Save My Life 歌词

歌曲:Save My Life(中英对照)歌手XandriaMy soul feels empty我的灵魂感到空虚I"m drowning in my tears我溺死在我的眼泪It"s pain I"m learning我在学习不那么痛苦My heart is aching我的心是疼痛的Got poison in my veins在我血液中的流淌的毒药In hell I"m burning在地狱里,燃烧着我save my life挽救我的生命save my life挽救我的生命let these tears be our secret让这些眼泪成为我们的秘密You and I你和我You and I你和我once we were so close我们曾经是如此亲密无间save my life挽救我的生命It"s all or nothing豁出去了I"m asking you to give让我问你let live or die让我死还是活着Everthing is better一切都很好Then this silent lie那么,这个沉默的谎言Say that it"s no lie说,这绝不是谎言save my life挽救我的生命save my life挽救我的生命let these tears be our secret让这些眼泪成为我们的秘密you and I你和我you and I你和我once we were so close我们曾经是如此亲密无间save my life挽救我的生命save my life挽救我的生命save my life挽救我的生命let these tears be our secret让这些眼泪成为我们的秘密you and I你和我you and I你和我once we were so close我们曾经是如此亲密无间save my life挽救我的生命save my life挽救我的生命let me feel you breathing让我感觉你的呼吸In your hands在你的手中In your hands在你的手中Is the heart of mine是心脏的我的吗save my life挽救我的生命


二者都有“拯救、挽救、援救、营救”的意思 ,但save还有保存,节省、节约、储蓄的意思。 Rescue更能表达拯救的紧迫性.如果是从危险中拯救就用rescue 如果是从某种状态中把某人拯救出来就用save比较合适

求救Rescue和Save有区别吗? 拯救小猪翻译成英文怎样合适?



二者都有“拯救、挽救、援救、营救”的意思 ,但save还有保存,节省、节约、储蓄的意思。 Rescue更能表达拯救的紧迫性.如果是从危险中拯救就用rescue 如果是从某种状态中把某人拯救出来就用save比较合适

help me ,save me




save me和help me 有什么不同

save me挽救,拯救,祈求时有时候会用help me帮助我,寻求帮助的时候会用

Do you prefer to save money or spend it off?why?

Do you prefer to save money or spend it off?why?你想存钱呢还是把钱花完呢? 为什麽?

翻译一下歌词save me from myself是什么意思


are you suryou what tooverwriteyoursave什么意思


save safety safely和 safe的用法。(急需)

save是动词,译为“保存,节约”save the money.存钱 save it省省吧 save resource节约资源safe是形容词,译为“安全的”I am safe now.现在我安全了。safety是名词,译为“安全”please fasten your selt belt for your safety.为了安全起见,请系好安全带。safely是副词,用开修饰动词或形容词,译为“安全地”We arrived there safely.我们安全地到达了那里。

理一下: safe safety safely save 比如词性.. 意思.etc



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