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通常需要在地图上标注出一些景点、建筑或者公共设施,可以选择使用矢量标注或者聚合标注。openlayers 添加矢量标注的原理是将标注添加到一个新建的矢量层上,再将矢量层添加到地图上叠加显示;聚合标注的原理同上,但它适用于标注的数据量非常大的场景,随着层级的放大,会展示更多的标注,缩小时,则将标注聚合显示,能够在大量加载标注时提高渲染性能。 1、矢量标注 2、聚合标注 openlayers 可以创建一个 Overlay 覆盖层,这个覆盖层能够展示自己写的 html 内容,从而实现添加各种所需的覆盖物。也可以通过这个方法来添加标注,但覆盖层添加的覆盖物会影响地图的拖动(即在覆盖物上进行滑动操作时地图无法响应,虽然可以通过设置 stopEvent 将滑动事件传递到地图上,但这样会导致在IOS端的覆盖物无法进行点击操作)。 因此如果要添加可以点击并且不影响地图拖动的标注时,建议使用矢量层标注,而如果要展示自定义的一些内容,如点击地图弹出对话信息框、地图上的自定义按钮等则使用覆盖层更加合适。 1、加载覆盖层 2、添加地图点击监听事件 原理大致与添加矢量标注相同,都是添加在矢量图层上,不过这里添加的是线对象。

openlayers 如何改变layer显示的顺序

你去看看OpenLayers的API,有OpenLayers. Layer. Image这个接口,这个是API 的地址,当然你还可以看看它的examples,地址是:

Winter Hours的《Rise》 歌词

Sung By:Origa感谢灵风提供歌曲上英文,中俄文,下原音(看死你^_^)I"m a soldier, meaning that I"mI"m a soldier, значит яI"m a soldier, znachit yaBoth the defendent and the judgeИ ответчик и судьяI otvetchik i sud"yaI"m standing on both sides of the fireЯ стою на двух концах огняYa stoyu na dvuh kontsah ognyaGoing around turns, overtaking death and lifeОгибая виражи, обгоняя смерть и жизньOgibaya virazhi, obgonyaya smert" i zhizn"I"m running to fight with the shadow of a lieЯ бегу сразиться с тенью лжиYa begu srazit"sya s ten"yu lzhiNo matter how many threads deception would weaveСколько б нитей не плёл обманSkol"ko b nitej ne plyol obmanTruth will show its face of lightПокажет лик света истинаPokazhet lik sveta istinaSave your tearsfor the daywhen our pain is far behindon your feetcome with mewe are soldiers stand or dieSave your fearstake your placesave them for the judgement dayfast and freefollow metime to make the sacrificewe rise or fallI"m a soldier, born to standin this waking hell I amwitnessing more than I can computepray myself we don"t forgetlies, betrayed and the oppressedplease give me the strength to be the truthpeople facing the fire togetherif we don"t, we"ll lose all we have foundAfter a dream to the edge of a chasmЗа мечтою на край пропастиZa mechtoyu na kraj propastiOnly that way can the world be savedЛишь только так можно мир спастиLish" tol"ko tak mozhno mir spastiDon"t you cry,Ты не плачь,Ty ne plach",Hide the tears,Слёзы спрячь,Slyozy spryach",Because a new day will startВедь настанет новый деньVed" nastanet novyj den"Your fireТвой огоньTvoj ogon"Will be heatedСогреватьSogrevat"By thousands of heartsБудет тысячи сердецBudet tysyachi serdetsBut now get upА сейчас поднимисьA sejchas podnimis"Hide the pain and fear farСпрячь подальше боль и страхSpryach" podal"she bol" i strahThe one who"s right will winПобедит тот, кто правPobedit tot, kto pravKnow that everything is in your handsЗнай, что всё в твоих рукахZnaj, chto vsyo v tvoih rukah


arcgis系列是一个完整的地理信息系统平台,说的更装13一点就是搭建了地理信息生态环境,而OpenLayers则是在WebGIS(主要是在浏览器客户端)中实现了地理信息系统的部分功能,OpenLayers本身是一个JavaScript 类库;实现类似功能并不局限于使用OpenLayers,也不局限于JavaScript,只要浏览器支持的环境都可以,如Adobe的flex和微软的silverlight(这两种技术均需要浏览器装相应的插件,逐渐被弃用),因此,可以说,arcgis(如果指的是全套产品的话)是一套完整的涉及地理信息的解决方案,内容很多,而OpenLayers只是在浏览器端仿造部分gis工具功能的小玩具,是个阶段性的产物,如果你自己牛b,你也可以写类似的类库。

Driftwood (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Driftwood (Lp Version)歌手:Chris Connor专辑:A Jazz Date With Chris Connor标题:Driftwood艺术家:PoisonblackLeft wading neck-high in dirtby the flood of wastewatersCompletely soaked to the boneFloating restless in time pining outThrough the unending strugglesStraight towardstowards the unknownwith nothing to hold ontoOh, always against the streamBeating through the debrisBut as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alrightOh, always against the streamRiding on the beliefThat as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alrightLeft sailing the sea of dirton a raft that is leakingMoved by the stench of the windWaiting the high-tide to cometo finally sink inIn the scumscum-tsunami with nothing to hold ontoOh, always against the streamBeating through the debrisBut as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alrightOh, always against the streamRiding on the beliefThat as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alrightOh, always against the streamBeating through the debrisAnd as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alrightOh, always against the streamRiding on the beliefThat as long as the scenerykeeps changing, it"s alright金属梦:66032164


  OpenLayers是一个用于开发WebGIS客户端的JavaScript包。OpenLayers实现访问地理空间数据的方法都符合行业标准。比如OpenGIS的WMS和WFS规范。OpenLayers采用面向对象方式开发,并使用来自Prototype.js和Rico中的一些组件。OpenLayers支持的地图来源包括了WMS,GoogleMap,KaMap,MSVirtualEarth等等,您也可以用简单的图片作为源,在这一方面OpenLayers提供了非常多的选择。  从OpenLayers2.2版本以后,OpenLayers已经将所用到的Prototype.js组件整合到了自身当中,并不断在Prototype.js的基础上完善面向对象的开发,Rico用到地方不多,只是在OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble类中圆角化DIV。OpenLayers2.4版本以后提供了矢量画图功能,方便动态地展现“点、线和面”这样的地理数据。  OpenLayers 是一个专为Web GIS 客户端开发提供的JavaScript 类库包,用于实现标准格式发布的地图数据访问.  OpenLayers 支持的地图来源包括Google Maps、Yahoo! Map、微软Virtual Earth 等。用户还可以用简单的图片地图作为背景图,与其他的图层在OpenLayers 中进行叠加。除此之外,OpenLayers 支持Open GIS 协会制定的WMS(Web Mapping Service)和WFS(Web Feature Service)等网络服务规范,可以通过远程服务的方式,将以OGC 服务形式发布的地图数据加载到基于浏览器的OpenLayers 客户端中进行显示。  在操作方面,OpenLayers 除了可以在浏览器中帮助开发者实现地图浏览的基本效果,比如放大(Zoom In)、缩小(Zoom Out)、平移(Pan)等常用操作之外,还可以进行选取面、选取线、要素选择、图层叠加等不同的操作。甚至可以对已有的OpenLayers 操作和数据支持类型进行扩充,为其赋予更多的功能。例如,它可以为OpenLayers 添加网络处理服务WPS 的操作接口,从而利用已有的空间分析处理服务来对加载的地理空间数据进行计算。同时,在OpenLayers提供的类库当中,它还使用了类库Prototype.js 和Rico 中的部分组件,为地图浏览操作客户端增加Ajax 效果。


这里主要介绍矢量切片图层在 Openlayers 中的应用,这里以加载 mapbox 样式图层为例来说明矢量切片图层的使用。例子中使用的是 OpenStreetMap 的街道数据,将提供免费的数据,但需要在官网申请一个 key 。进入 OpenStreetMap 的 官方文档 ,可以查看获取 key 的相关信息。 使用矢量切片图层跟使用其它图层的方法差不多,首先就是引入相关的类,如下所示: 然后再创建相关的图层: 加载图层后的效果图如下所示: MVT 为 Mapbox Vector Tiles 的缩写,表示数据来源格式采用的是 Mapbox 的矢量切片,加载地图时,将以切片的方式来加载数据,切片大小默认为 512 x 512 。 由于矢量地图的数据是保存在客户端的,但保存数据仅仅是一些渲染相关的,还有可以获取到 geometries ,我们就可以利用这一点来对地图做一起交互,这里做一个示例,当鼠标移动时,在鼠标移动所处的位置根据 geometries 来绘制一个矩形。 首先为地图添加一个 pointermove 事件,然后再使用 forEachFeatureAtPixel 来获取当前点关联的要素,在将 geometry 添加到矢量图层上。效果如下所示:

new openlayers.layer.tms是个什么

new openlayers.layer.tms是个什么new openlayers.layer.tms意思是:新地图层TMSnew的意思是新的layer意思是层


例子: untiled = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "topp:state", "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms", { layers: "topp:state", transparent:"true", format: "image/png" }, { isBaseLayer:false, opacity:"0.3", singleTile: true, ratio:1 }, ); 设置一下opacity这个属性,可以实现图层叠加显示。


切换到layout viewinsert菜单,点击data frame




西城高三?哈哈哈这个句子warm 和 dry 是两个并列的形容词lay是躺。layer 就是躺床上用的被子。



为什么arcgis的layers properties中没有经纬度显示呢?

在arctoolbox中,找到data management tools/features/ADD XY coordinates,双击,在出现的对话框中选择你的rep图层,然后OK 就可以了,重新打开属性表里就会有经纬度了。

google earth中Layers没了怎么办啊


请问Altium Designer下Gerber转PCB,layers怎么设置啊?



######### tf的官方文档,我根据自己的理解加的注释 ########## encoder_inputs = tf.random.normal([32, 10, 8]) #input_shape=[batch_size, encoder_max_len, embeding_dim]:[32,10,8] gru = tf.keras.layers.GRU(4) #return_sequences默认为False,即只返回最后一个单元的output;return_state默认为False,不返回最后一个单元的hidden_state output = gru(inputs) print(output.shape) #只输出最后一个单元的output,所以shape=[32,4] gru = tf.keras.layers.GRU(4, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) #return_sequences=True,返回每一个单元的output,encoder_max_len那么长的序列;return_state=True,返回最后一个单元的hidden_state whole_sequence_output, final_state = gru(inputs) print(whole_sequence_output.shape) #输出每个单元的output,所以encoder_output.shape=[32,10,4] print(final_state.shape) ########## 关于attention接收的是最后一个单元的hidden_state,还是整个序列的hidden_state,还是整个序列的output? ########### 我感觉是没有标准答案的。首选用整个序列的hidden_state,但是老师课上说每个RNN单元的输出就是hidden_state,所以整个序列的hidden_state=整个序列的output(这里是否真的等于我还是怀疑的);其次采用最后一个单元的hidden_state,毕竟包含了前面的序列信息,应该要扩展维度进行计算。但是,我觉得LSTM、GRU是采用了门控机制,最后一个单元的hidden_state过滤了部分信息,所以个人不建议采用。 整个序列的hidden_state=整个序列的output?在GRU里面是肯定的。从下面这个图看得出来######### 在LSTM里面用什么计算attention? ######### Attention计算是全局的,每个输出单词都要计算一次。另外,LSTM中,h和c,区别主要是,c可以理解成是记忆主线,h可以理解成短时记忆,h是根据当前输入组合产生的门控信号。H是单个的,c是累积的。 c主要是保存前面单元传过来的记忆信息+这个单元要记忆的,起到记忆作用;h主要还是保存这个单元重要信息的。 所以LSTM用C计算的更好。




首先将得到的经纬度坐标(一般为经纬度)转换为度格式,转换公式为=LEFT(C3,3)+MID(C3,FIND("°",C3)+1,2)/60+MID(C3,FIND("′",C3)+1,4)/3600 (注:各参数根据具体情况而定)。重新生成一张Excel表,对应的x,y坐标分别生成两列,第一行为列名(如x,y)下面依次排列各坐标信息。将次Excel表保存为.csv文件。导入数据并生成shp文件:ArcMAP下面,菜单tools-Add XY Data…,形成一个新图层,在生成的图层上点右键,选data-expot data…,导出成.shp文件。在toolbox,点击Data Management Tools---Layers and Table Views--Make XY Event Layer也可以完成此操作。转换过程中,主要坐标系的选择。

进入注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USER后,删除LAYERS里面的东西 对电脑有影响吗?










at the hop 歌词 Danny & The Juniors的老歌

u3000u3000(Artie Singer - Johnny Medora - Dave White)u3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bahu3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!u3000u3000Well, you can rock it you can roll itu3000u3000You can slop and you can stroll it at the hopu3000u3000When the record starts spinnin"u3000u3000You chalypso* when you chicken at the hopu3000u3000Do the dance sensation that is sweepin" the nation at the hopu3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Well, you can swing it you can groove itu3000u3000You can really start to move it at the hopu3000u3000Where the jockey is the smoothestu3000u3000And the music is the coolest at the hopu3000u3000All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000[Instrumental Interlude]u3000u3000Well, you can rock it you can roll itu3000u3000You can slop and you can stroll it at the hopu3000u3000When the record starts spinnin"u3000u3000You chalypso* when you chicken at the hopu3000u3000Do the dance sensation that is sweepin" the nation at the hopu3000u3000Well, you can swing it you can groove itu3000u3000You can really start to move it at the hopu3000u3000Where the jockey is the smoothestu3000u3000And the music is the coolest at the hopu3000u3000All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bahu3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!





and n years ago today run in the same groove,really is ironic什么意思

英文:and n years ago today run in the same groove,really is ironic中文: N年前的今天如出一辙,真是讽刺可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的不畅通很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


RSA算法它是第一个既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名的算法。它易于理解和操作,也很流行。算法的名字以发明者的名字命名:RonRivest,AdiShamir和LeonardAdleman。但RSA的安全性一直未能得到理论上的证明。它经历了各种攻击,至今未被完全攻破。一、RSA算法:首先,找出三个数,p,q,r,其中p,q是两个相异的质数,r是与(p-1)(q-1)互质的数p,q,r这三个数便是privatekey接著,找出m,使得rm==1mod(p-1)(q-1)这个m一定存在,因为r与(p-1)(q-1)互质,用辗转相除法就可以得到了再来,计算n=pqm,n这两个数便是publickey编码过程是,若资料为a,将其看成是一个大整数,假设a=n的话,就将a表成s进位(s因为rm==1mod(p-1)(q-1),所以rm=k(p-1)(q-1)+1,其中k是整数因为在modulo中是preserve乘法的(x==ymodzandu==vmodz=>xu==yvmodz),所以,c==b^r==(a^m)^r==a^(rm)==a^(k(p-1)(q-1)+1)modpq1.如果a不是p的倍数,也不是q的倍数时,则a^(p-1)==1modp(费马小定理)=>a^(k(p-1)(q-1))==1modpa^(q-1)==1modq(费马小定理)=>a^(k(p-1)(q-1))==1modq所以p,q均能整除a^(k(p-1)(q-1))-1=>pq|a^(k(p-1)(q-1))-1即a^(k(p-1)(q-1))==1modpq=>c==a^(k(p-1)(q-1)+1)==amodpq2.如果a是p的倍数,但不是q的倍数时,则a^(q-1)==1modq(费马小定理)=>a^(k(p-1)(q-1))==1modq=>c==a^(k(p-1)(q-1)+1)==amodq=>q|c-a因p|a=>c==a^(k(p-1)(q-1)+1)==0modp=>p|c-a所以,pq|c-a=>c==amodpq3.如果a是q的倍数,但不是p的倍数时,证明同上4.如果a同时是p和q的倍数时,则pq|a=>c==a^(k(p-1)(q-1)+1)==0modpq=>pq|c-a=>c==amodpqQ.E.D.这个定理说明a经过编码为b再经过解码为c时,a==cmodn(n=pq)但我们在做编码解码时,限制0intcandp(inta,intb,intc){intr=1;b=b+1;while(b!=1){r=r*a;r=r%c;b--;}printf("%d ",r);returnr;}voidmain(){intp,q,e,d,m,n,t,c,r;chars;printf("pleaseinputthep,q:");scanf("%d%d",&p,&q);n=p*q;printf("thenis%3d ",n);t=(p-1)*(q-1);printf("thetis%3d ",t);printf("pleaseinputthee:");scanf("%d",&e);if(et){printf("eiserror,pleaseinputagain:");scanf("%d",&e);}d=1;while(((e*d)%t)!=1)d++;printf("thencaculateoutthatthedis%d ",d);printf("thecipherpleaseinput1 ");printf("theplainpleaseinput2 ");scanf("%d",&r);switch(r){case1:printf("inputthem:");/*输入要加密的明文数字*/scanf("%d",&m);c=candp(m,e,n);printf("thecipheris%d ",c);break;case2:printf("inputthec:");/*输入要解密的密文数字*/scanf("%d",&c);m=candp(c,d,n);printf("thecipheris%d ",m);break;}getch();}



go aco rrs和goalong有什么区别?

意思有区别;go across走过(一般指的是横穿,或表面穿过) go along 沿着什么走(尤其是指沿着路走)例如:Volunteer: Go across the square and turn the left, you will find the bathroom. 志愿者:穿过这个广场以后向左转,那里有洗手间。Only one or two people at a time go across.平日里,这座桥上一片寂静,每次也只有那么一两个人走过。You might consider this a feature: it encourages you to fix your errors as you go along.您可能认为这是一条特性:它鼓励您在继续前进之前修改您的错误。



Leader (Ep Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Leader (Ep Version)歌手:Phantom Planet专辑:Phantom Planet EpRaise The DeadPhantom PlanetLeaderThere are so many signs the end is nowOur leader told us so besidesWe follow him blind, to and froWherever he decides to goHe speaks, we listenWe"ll see his visionHe explained so easilyWe are all the missing piecesMaybe you"ll fit right in tooAsk yourself, it might be trueNow join our hands and come alongThe day"s about to dawnYou feel it comingOn and on the hour"s upon youNow it won"t be longYou feel it comingNow we"ll put you in our uniformEveryone will be rebornWear us over where your heart isYour new life with us has startedYou"ll speakHe"ll listenWe"ll seeHis visionJoin our hands and come alongThe day"s about to dawnYou feel it comingOn and on the hour"s upon youNow it won"t be longYou feel it comingSitting on it all aloneWe"re on a ticking bombYou feel it comingOn and on the hour"s upon youNow it won"t be longYou feel it comingYou feel it comingYou feel it coming(You feel it coming)You feel it comingYou feel it comingJoin our hands and come alongThe day"s about to dawnYou feel it comingOn and on the hour"s upon youNow it won"t be longYou feel it comingSitting on it all aloneWe"re on a ticking bombYou feel it comingOn and on the hour"s upon youNow it won"t be longYou feel it comingYou feel it comingYou feel it comingYou feel it comingYou feel it coming

remaining continuing persisting maintain ing 的区别?

remaining 剩下的continuing 持续性的persisting 坚持maintain 保留的

emerging leaders怎么做

emerging leaders:新型领导者。新型领导者的特征:(1)高学历、有知识;(2)外语好,有国际化视野;(3)有战略思维和创新能力;(4)有风险意识及风险掌控能力;(5)靠人格魅力来领导。

群星的《Slackers》 歌词

歌曲名:Slackers歌手:群星专辑:Club Game CD2Son of dork----SlackerMy friend"s a computer hackerBut in school everybody said he was a slackerHe writes science fiction novelsHe builds whole towns and villages from cola bottlesHe does equations just for funEats low carb ice cream with his MumSews Cub Scout badges on his sweaterHe"s just a feeling you ignoreA dumb computer hackerTrash can on the floorA pitiful disasterCried to sleep at nightWhen he never got it rightCos he never realisedIt doesn"t even matterLater on in lifeHe"s drowning in his laughterThree kids and a wifeHe"s happy ever afterStoked to be aliveWith his dream up at NasaLoving everydayWell, I guess it really pays to be a slackerHe stays up all night playing TetrisAsteroids, Pacman written on his "games to get" listWasted nights spent up in his bedroomTough times, long nightsMust have been a lot to get throughHe"s getting sharp pains in his wristIn his world girlfrien"s don"t existCan"t even get an ad on "My Space"(poor guy)He"s just a feeling you ignoreA dumb computer hackerTrash can on the floorA pitiful disasterCried to sleep at nightWhen he never got it rightCos he never realisedIt doesn"t even matterLater on in lifeHe"s drowning in his laughterThree kids and a wifeHe"s happy ever afterStoked to be aliveWith his dream up at NasaLoving everydayWell, I guess it really pays to be a slackerHe"s the one all alone in despairHe"s the one who thinks life isn"t fairHe"s the one sitting right over thereHe"s the lonely guy on the sideLooking kinda shyYou could see him ridePassing by on a pedal bikeHe"s the funny typeKinda like "Napoleon Dynamite"He"s just a feeling you ignoreA dumb computer hackerTrash can on the floorA pitiful disasterCried to sleep at nightWhen he never got it rightCos he never realisedIt doesn"t even matterLater on in lifeHe"s drowning in his laughterThree kids and a wifeHe"s happy ever afterStoked to be aliveWith his dream up at NasaLoving everydayWell, I guess it really pays to be a slackerIt pays to be a slacker!

workers compensation是什么意思


the leaders音译歌词

太r来比交奈 奈噶 那哦秒(Wass Up) 句搞大 该奈都 摸 米giao及r 毛里 个不套 把r 个噶及 大len swagger 大啦哈gi也 抱恰 一 丝他一len 奈搞 today 也be你得r 句r 扫(Wass Up) 大 那满 把啦bua what`s love 撒无及的r 吗r过 巧巧你 一接 come come and 耐噶 一来扫 皮过奈 加r难搞 那啦噶及过 too fast to live too young to die 摸m及本 加及满 奈 摸扫里嫩 Gulliver 那一嫩 交及吗 你 把大 Sullivan 汗抱 都啊大噶秒 warrior my name is G G G G baby baby GD GD baby baby you want fame? playing is stupid little game yo chiki girls form is my face, my frame Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up~ Now anybody wanna know (Whats up) that the boy name teddy what he up to 奈 毛里 扫 噶啦 gi米 你 扫办 为诶 要r 扫噶啦 够呢r都 搞办 为诶 yeah 那了m 太熬那扫 讲滚噶m yo so deep ho and 加m素哈m 加m素哈门 把r老 把了秒 比还 比还gi嫩 fly fly哈秒 Teddy GD we the ace CL she a queen have 2ne1 the black jack beat that big bang in your face pow now take that we the leaders of new school how you love that 搞了m搞里 当当 奈 米来嫩 强强 那 里gi过 西p大秒 可搞 为哈m汗 桑桑 let you 噶不嫩搞 过个b木聊b 关光 looking at my feet my shoes are lanvin Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up~ We we we da we da leaders you ain`t in the game you just cheerleaders 奈 那因 ninteen vision嗯 HD 毛林 挂 恰一及 他过难 卖b si 一米 Cool哈么r 闹毛扫 难 恰噶我 要老 抱 木带爱 不了r 及拼 帮花抱m Cuz I`m hot 熬接那 新gi喽 And this number 1 spot it`s my home sweet home 那r 大卡哈快 吗拉拉 故地 哈r太秒 奈bua啦 吗m巧老m 加r duai那bua啦 I just do what I wanna 熬接那 及kir搞 及kir句啦嫩 Lady 大b该 But I`m flipping and freaking it 啊句 抱了 扫b该 Ready or not here I come We don`t Care eh eh eh 可 怒噶 啊拍一搞 忙扫里及吗r过 接把 老扫 皮还 And i`m CL the one and only baddest female Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up Whats up~

权志龙GD的the leaders歌词

Don"t really get better than thisDon"t act like you ain"t surprisedWhat"s gonna happen sooner or later, babyYou can call us the leaders of the new schoolWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassup[GD]ud154ub808ube44uc804uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ub098uc624uba74 (Wass Up)uc8fduc5c8ub2e4 uae68ub098ub3c4 ubabb ubbffuaca8uc9c8uba38ub9ac ub05dubd80ud130 ubc1c ub05duae4cuc9c0 ub2e4ub978 swaggerub530ub77cud558uae30uc5d4 ubc85ucc28 uc774 uc2a4ud0c0uc77cuc740 ub0b4uaebctoday uc608uc05cuc774ub4e4 uc904 uc11c (Wass Up)ub2e4 ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10 what"s loveuc2f8uc6b0uc9c0ub4e4 ub9d0uace0 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc774uc81c come comeand ub0b4uac00 uc774ub798uc11c ud53cuace4ud574 uc798ub09cuac74 uc54cuc544uac00uc9c0uace0Too fast to live, Too young to die ubab8uc9d1uc740 uc791uc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ubaa9uc18cub9acub294 Gulliverub098uc774ub294 uc801uc9c0ub9cc uc774 ubc14ub2e5uc758 Sullivanud55cubc88ub354 ub3ccuc558ub2e4ud558uba74 warriorMy name is G G G G baby babyGD GD baby baby You wanna flame?You want fame? Playin" your stupid little gameYou should check your girl"s phoneThat"s my face in the frameWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassup[Teddy] Now everybody wanna knowWith that boy named Teddy, what he up to?ub0b4 uba38ub9ac uc18d uac00ub77d uc774ubbf8 ub2c8 uc120ubc18 uc704uc5d0uc5f4 uc190uac00ub77d uc624ub298ub3c4 uac74ubc18 uc704uc5d0 yeah ub098ub984 ud0dcuc5b4ub098uc120 uc7a5uad70uac10yo, so deep ho and uc7a0uc218ud568uc7a0uc218ud568uc740 ube68ub7ec ube60ub974uba74 ube44ud589uae30ube44ud589uae30ub294 fly, flyud558uba74 TeddyGD be the ace; CL, she a queenHave 2NE1 they black jack; beat thatBig Bang in your face pow; now take thatWe the leaders of the new school, how you love thatuac78uc74cuac78uc774 ub2f9ub2f9 ub0b4 ubbf8ub798ub294 ucc3ducc3dub0a0 uc774uae30uace0 uc2f6ub2e4uba74 uadf8uac74 uc704ud5d8ud55c uc0c1uc0c1let you uae4cubd80ub294uac74 uace0uae09ubb34ub835uad00uad11keep looking at my feet, my shoes are lanvin*Wassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassup[CL]We, we, we da, we da leadersYou ain"t in the gameYou"re just cheerleadersub0b4 ub098uc778 nineteen, visionuc740 HDuba38ub9b0 uaf49 ucc28uc788uc9c0 ud0c0uace0ub09c ub9f5uc2dcuc774ubbf8 coolud568uc744 ub118uc5b4uc11c ub09c ucc28uac00uc6ccuc5ecub7ec ubc88 ubb34ub300uc5d0 ubd88uc744 uc9c0ud540 ubc29ud654ubc94Cuz I"m hot uc5b8uc81cub098 uc2e0uae30ub85dAnd this number 1 spotIs my home sweet homeub0a0 ub530ub77cud558ub824 ub9d0uc544ub77c uad73uc774 ud560ud14cuba74ud574ubd10ub77c ub9d8ucc98ub7fc uc798 ub3fcub098ubd10ub77cI just do what I wannauc5b8uc81cub098 uc9c0ud0acuaec0 uc9c0ud0acuc904uc544ub294 Lady ub2f5uac8cBut I"m flipping and freaking it uc544uc8fc ubc84ub987 uc5c6uac8cReady or not here I comeWe don"t Care eh eh ehuadf8 ub204uac00 uc55euc5d0uc788uac74ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0ub9d0uace0 uc81cubc1c uc5b4uc11c ud53cud574And I"m CL the one and only baddest femaleWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupWassup, wassupWassup wassup wassupOkay be mad at me all you wantWe on some major league shitSo you just gotta stop hatin"And step your game upThat ain"t how you do itWe"ve been running this shit from day oneSo be thankful for your style, you"re welcomeThat"s all me homiesYG baby, "09 till infinity - one!


是workers吧...打错吧? worker是工人 employee是 雇员 employer,是雇主, 应该解决问题了吧

关于 GD&CL&Teddy《The Leaders》的歌词



the leaders领导人您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!




别克LaCrosse君越(Lacrosse)是上海通用在2006年2月22日推出的一款全新中高档轿车,它的定位是在君威和荣御之间,主要竞争对手为天籁、雅阁等。上海通用推出君越的目的是为了取代君威的位置,占据国内中高档车市场的重要一席。 上海通用别克LaCROSSE君越,集通用全球同步的先进平台、国内外优势资源和自主研发于一身,携前沿科技的领先动力和一流的安全技术为您创造纵横驰骋的驾驭快感,豪华配备与考究工艺提供舒适奢华的极品乘坐体验。君越是纯正的美国车,其美国原型车为通用别克LaCrosse。该车在美国是取代“世纪”和“君威”的车型。LaCrosse和庞蒂克GrandPrix,雪佛兰黑羚羊以及蒙特卡罗共用一款W平台的底盘,这款车在设计过程中美国通用并没有花太多的心血,没有耗费太多的人力物力。 上海通用将LaCrosse拿到中国,在泛亚中心进行了改动后定名为君越,以中高档车的身份进入中国市场。

请问 reimbursement compensation区别

reimbursement 是报销的意思compensation 是赔偿的意思两个意思都不一样啊



dear leaders用法正确吗

Dear leaders:用法是正确的。

workers compensation是什么意思

workers compensation 英[u02c8wu025c:ku0259z] 美[u02c8wu025aku0259z] 劳工灾害补偿,工人补偿金 [例句]Whether your lawsuit is a personal injury lawsuit , medical malpractice , workers compensation or any other legal action , you want to get the best lawyer possible.不论你是人身伤害官司诉讼,医疗事故、工人补偿或其他任何法律行动,吃出最好的律师可能.如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

哪位亲有G-Dragon的《The Leaders》的中文歌词啊?先谢啦!

Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up 电视里我出现的话Wass Up 睡死被吵醒也不敢相信 swagger 从头到脚都是不一样swagger 模仿起来真吃力 这style是我的 today Wass Up today 漂亮MM在我面前排起队Wass Up what"s love 都只看着我what"s love 别吵架 慢慢来 现在 come come and come come and 因为这样我累死了 知道我长得帅 too fast to live too young to die too fast to live too young to die 身材矮小 Gulliver 但我的嗓音Gulliver 小小年纪 Sullivan 这大地上的Sullivan warrior 回转一圈乃是warrior my name is G G G G baby baby GD GD baby baby you want fame playing stupper little game yo check it girls form is ma face and afraid Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up lady Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up now anybody want it know with that boy name teddy oh what he up to oh what he up to 我脑中的调子 已经在你身板之上 十根手指今天也在键盘上 yeah yeah 我出生也伴有将军感 flow so deep ho and flow so deep ho and 潜水艇潜水艇太快 fly 太快就换飞机 飞机fly fly Teddy fly的话要数Teddy Defeat a ace CL she a queen have 21 the black jack beat that big bang in your face pow now take that we the leaders of new school how you love that 脚步堂堂 我的未来苍苍 要赢我那绝对是危险的想象 let you let you 挑衅那显然是高级武力观光 looking at my feet my shoes are lanvin Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up lady Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up We we we da we da leaders you ain"t in the game you just cheer leaders ninteen vision HD 我年纪ninteen vision是HD 头脑聪明 天生美资 cool 已经超越cool到极致 我很冷 几次都在舞台引火的纵火犯 Cuz I"m hot Cuz I"m hot 任何时候都新记录 And this number 1 spot it"s my home sweet home 别模仿我 硬要如此就试试看吧 看看能否如愿以偿 I just do what I wanna I just do what I wanna Lady 符合何时都懂得守住所该守住的lady身份 But I"m flipping and freaking it But I"m flipping and freaking it 真没教养 Ready or not here I come Ready or not here I come We don"t Care eh eh eh We don"t Care eh eh eh 谁在面前都不踌躇 请快点让开 And i"m CL the one and only baddest female Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up lady Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up Wass Up

权志龙《the leaders》的中文歌词


英语Earlier caravan leaders怎么翻译?






Fast Cars (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fast Cars (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Buzzcocks专辑:Another Music In A Different Kitchen (Special Edition)You got a fast carI want a ticket to anywhereMaybe we make a dealMaybe together we can get somewhereAnyplace is betterStarting from zero got nothing to loseMaybe we"ll make somethingBut me myself I got nothing to proveYou got a fast carAnd I got a plan to get us out of hereI been working at the convenience storeManaged to save just a little bit of moneyWe won"t have to drive too farJust "cross the border and into the cityYou and I can both get jobsAnd finally see what it means to be livingYou see my old man"s got a problemHe live with the bottle that"s the way it isHe says his body"s too old for workingI say his body"s too young to look like hisMy mama went off and left himShe wanted more from life than he could giveI said somebody"s got to take care of himSo I quit school and that"s what I didYou got a fast carBut is it fast enough so we can fly awayWe gotta make a decisionWe leave tonight or live and die this wayI remember we were driving driving in your carThe speed so fast I felt like I was drunkCity lights lay out before usAnd your arm felt nice wrapped "round my shoulderAnd I had a feeling that I belongedAnd I had feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someoneYou got a fast carAnd we go cruising to entertain ourselvesYou still ain"t got a jobAnd I work in a market as a checkout girlI know things will get betterYou"ll find work and I"ll get promotedWe"ll move out of the shelterBuy a big house and live in the suburbsYou got a fast carAnd I got a job that pays all our billsYou stay out drinking late at the barSee more of your friends than you do of your kidsI"d always hoped for betterThought maybe together you and me would find itI got no plans I ain"t going nowhereSo take your fast car and keep on drivingYou got a fast carBut is it fast enough so you can fly awayYou gotta make a decision

City Lights (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:City Lights (Lp Version)歌手:Lucky Boys Confusion专辑:Throwing The Gamehere, herelet"s just stay hereyou should love me herehere, herelet"s just stay herei should love you, dearwhen the wind comesand the sun againmy love i"ll be herei found a way truein silence with youwhat do you hearand what do you want to hearhere, hereget me out of herewake me under city lightsan apple and a kiss on my earfly like dayslet time erase all our mistakesi found a way truein silence with youwhat do you hearand what do you want to hear小猪

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请问神秘园in our tears的歌词大意

Miserere nobis Lacrimae meae panis Dona nobis pacemMeum cor contritum est. Miserere nobis Lucerna verbum tuumFirmamentum meum.Benedictus Dominus Dona nobis pacem Benedictus Dominus是这个么?

I am a person leading a lifestyle.leading是什么用法?


英语作文“montrey—a city of diversity”

Hi!Beijing,the capital city of China,is a very beautiful and important city.It is one of the most ancient cities in China.There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so on.Beijing is also the centre of politics,economy and culture of our country.Owing to the open-door policy,great changes have taken place since 1978.Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere.The living condition of Beijing citizen is getting better and better.Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.I"m sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few years.I love China!I love Beijing!

why is biodiversity important

生物多样性重要,参考:)~~Biodiversity or biological diversity is the diversity of and in living nature. There are a number of definitions and measures of biodiversity. Biodiversity is a neologism and a portmanteau word, from bio and diversity. The term biological diversity was coined by Thomas Lovejoy in 1980, while the word biodiversity itself was coined by the entomologist E. O. Wilson in 1986, in a report for the first American Forum on biological diversity organized by the National Research Council (NRC). The word biodiversity was suggested to him by the staff of NRC, to replace biological diversity, considered to be less effective in terms of communication. Since 1986 the terms and the concept have achieved widespread use among biologists, environmentalists, political leaders, and concerned citizens worldwide. This use has coincided with the expansion of concern over extinction observed in the last decades of the 20th century. Biological diversity has no single standard definition. One definition holds that biological diversity is a measure of the relative diversity among organisms present in different ecosystems. Diversity in this definition includes diversity within species and among species, and comparative diversity among ecosystems. Another definition, simpler and clearer, but more challenging, is the totality of genes, species, and ecosystems of a region. An advantage of this definition is that it seems to describe most instances of its use, and one possibly unified view of the traditional three levels at which biodiversity has been identified.

a diversity of什么意思

a diversity of......的多样性 双语例句1Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此多样化的动植物栖生地。 2The university has conducted a diversity of activities to enhance the students " comprehensive qualities.学校开展了丰富多彩的活动来提高学生们的综合素质。

the number and diversity是什么意思?是一个词组吗

the number and diversity的数量和多样性That initiative aims to increase significantly the number and diversity ofAmerican students studying in China.这项计划旨在大幅增加美国学生到中国留学的人数与多样性。不是词组,是句子的一部分若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}



使用immunarch包进行单细胞免疫组库数据分析(七):Diversity estimation

在 Immunarch 包中,我们可以使用 repDiversity 函数计算免疫组库的多样性。它提供了多种方法去评估Repertoire的多样性,可以通过 .method 参数进行设置。您可以选择以下方法之一: 我们还可以通过 .col 参数来设置要选择的序列和基因片段。例如,如果您想在核苷酸水平上估计多样性,您需要设置 .col = "nt" ,在氨基酸水平则设置 .col = "aa" 。如果您想估计与 V 基因片段耦合的CDR3氨基酸序列的多样性,您需要设置 .col = "aa+v" . repDiversity 函数默认情况下为 .col = "aa" 。

It is the diversity that是什么用法?

It is强调句型结构:It is/was+被强调部分+that引导的从句(如果被强调部分是人,也可用who代替that)。被强调的部分通常是句子的主语、宾语或状语,这种句型不能强调谓语或定语。

workplace diversity的意思?以及意义方法和使用?谢谢

workplace diversity其中文意思是工作场所的多样性。其主要讲的是组织中人的问题,即人带给组织的共同性和差异性。 这个一般作名词使用,是研究企业文化和人力资源管理中常常使用到的一个专业术语,通俗讲就是人的多样性,包括性格、生活习惯、文化习惯、工作方法和处事手段等等。使用?很多地方都可以使用,尤其是写论文的时候。 :)

《Fever 1793》 By Laurie Halse Anderson 的中文名字叫什么啊


求多篇关于unity and diversity主题的英语演讲稿!谢谢


haplotype diversity是什么意思

单倍型多样性例句:1.The high haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were corresponding to very large population size and extensive distribution of pelophylax nigromaculata in palaearctic region and oriental region. 这样高的单元型多样性和核苷酸多样性与黑斑侧褶蛙作为古北界和东洋界的广布种,种群大是相应的。

cultural diversity是什么意思


请告诉我关于unity and diversity的名言佳句

Unity and DiversityUnity and diversity are philosophy concepts, they are the important principle the world must obey.All things in the world, such as flowers, birds, they must undergo the all process including growing up, developing and dying out. As we know, there are many rules we should abide in our society life such as law and code, school rules and so on, even including the traffic rules. But all of them have different ways to live and different characteristics to show. Let"s illustrate this with the growing processes of the creature, they have different aims for growing, different ways for living and different effect on environment. All these phenomena in our life show us unity and diversity existing wherever and whenever.At first, let"s talk something about unity.Unity means we should coordinate our efforts to one goal. It is very important to us. Peace will disappear if the world is without unity; The development of a country"s economy will be held back if without unity; It will turn to dirty and in a muddle if a city without unity; It will cause quarrels if a family is without unity. On the other hand, if we want to win a competition as a team, every player should cooperate with each other. To our students, to every class, all the classmates should keep together, hand in hand. In this way, we will have much more power. So, everything can"t do without unity.However, it doesn"t mean that our life need unity only, diversity can"t be lost, it also be very important. For example, if the people in the world all have the same face, you can imagine that the world must be in great trouble. So, there are many kinds of human races, their hair, eyes and skin are different in color, their languages, dispositions are different too. It"s just because of the diversity of creature, the nature can be full of vitality; It is also due to the diversity, the economy will be developing, the country will be more and more prosperous then and only then. Therefore, there is diversity existing, the world can be abundant.Above all, I think, unity and diversity contact with each other. For instance, if a team is good at individual skills but poor in teamwork, it can never succeed in a game; At the same time, if it only has unity but no individual skills, it can never succeed in the game too. As a result, unity is the foundation of diversity, and diversity is the expanding of unity, we should get balance at them.



unity in diversity是什么意思


是diversity of 还是 a diversity of


通信中的diversity product是什么意思


diverse 名词形式是什么

diversity 或 diverseness diversity 比较常用 不是 diversion.Diversion 是 divert 的名词形式.

alpha diversity和beta diversity的区别

在微生物组研究中,alpha diversity即“分析在单个样本中有多少种不同的序列”;beta diversity即“分析在一定范围内样本中,各种不同序列的分布情况”。网页链接网页链接

What does culture mean to U?What does diversity mean to U?

更新1: Please tell me in English. Culture (文化) Culture is the mon way or patterns in which people of the same nationality people of the same living place or people of the same workplace do or handle things usually with regard to their beliefs tastes living styles and eating habits. The uniqueness of all these ects is generally formed by the far-reaching influence from history traditions and customs. ___________________________________________ Diversity (多样化) To me “Diversity” denotes harmony and prosperity. It is a positive term expressing that you have different varieties of something you are talking about. That me a lot of choices are available for us to choose from. Let"s take Hong Kong as an example. Though very *** all in size Hong Kong is a prosperous metropolitan city which creates a harmonious environment for cultural diversity (中国香港是一个文化共融的社会). People of different nationalities can live here in a patible way and there is no such a problem of racial discrimination as in some foreign countries.


UnityAll things in the universe are one. They began as one. They may end as one. They are all made of the same basic matter/energy, and they interact with one another other, constantly.All things on earth are one: plants, animals, rocks, oceans and atmosphere. All living creatures had a common origin, all depend on each other, and shape and are shaped by non-living things. Life has radically altered the earth"s atmosphere, and moulded many aspects of its geology. The Gaia system is an organic evolving whole embracing the biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. All humans on earth are one. We descend from the same family of common ancestors. We are, in a quite literal sense, siblings, and like siblings we depend on each other"s love and care and responsibility. We are interdependent not just in our families and communities, but in nations, and increasingly on a global scale - just as we are also interdependent with nature and the earth. DiversityYet at the same time things are many.Matter-energy is embodied in many different particles and bodies. Life has evolved into many unique species - at least 1.5 million that we know of - and each individual of each species is unique. Diversity is essential to the beauty and interest of nature and the universe. Without it everything would be blank and monotonous.All these beings have their own separate existence. Existence as a separate individual is always more or less temporary, from the day"s life of a mayfly to the billions of years of a star. Sooner or later, humans, cats, trees, planets, stars will end their temporary existence and be reabsorbed, recycled and recreated as part of new phenomena. Yet even if their existence is temporary, this does not mean that it is unreal or unimportant.Animals with nervous systems and senses have a greater degree of separation. Their consciousness make each one see themselves as separate. And in many respects they are separate: driven to seek survival, even at the expense of other individuals or other species.Recognizing unity and diversityWe often think too rigidly in terms of either/or, black/white distinctions. Philosophical systems that talk about unity tend to deny or play down diversity, as if it were in some way not real, or not important. Yet this devalues individual things and creatures. It makes us look at them in a distant and abstract way, makes us ignore their particularity.Other systems focus too much on diversity and ignore the ways in which things are united and interdependent. This too carries the risk that we see ourselves only as isolated individuals, in competition with each other.Yet we do not have to make an all-or-nothing choice between unity and multiplicity. Both exist and for wholeness we must embrace both. Imagine you are standing on a rocky shore by the ocean, on a breezy day. The reach ahead of you is ultimately linked with every stretch of sea on the planet. It is a unity, a vast watery whole.But in front of you, where water interfaces with air, what you see is waves, hundreds of thousands of waves: some enormous, others smaller, others again tiny waves on the backs of waves. Each of these waves is a distinct entity, with its own characteristics. They are a multiplicity.The Multiplicity and the Unity are one and the same thing, a thing that is both many and one at the same time. The waves, and the currents underwater, make up the ocean. The ocean is the underlying basis for every wave. Neither the ocean, nor the waves, can be understood in isolation from each other.The One is the Many, the Many are the One We need a sense of the unity of life and of humans for the sake of human welfare and for the survival of the planet. We need a sense of unity with the cosmos so that we can connect with Reality.But we also need a sense of individuality, for the sake of our own dignity and independence and of the loving care for others. We need it to appreciate each natural form, each animal and plant, each human person in their uniqueness.We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity.We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles.The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.
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