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rode用中文怎样翻译具体什么意思? 怎么个用法?

rode[rEud]vbl.ride的过去式ride[raid]v.骑, 乘n.骑, 乘ride[raId]vi.rode, ridden, riding(常与on, in连用)乘;骑;坐She was riding a bicycle.她在骑一辆自行车。They rode in the back seat of the bus.他们坐在公共汽车后面的座位上。骑马旅行He rides the borders.他沿着边界骑马。ride high成功riden.骑马旅行;坐车旅行He went for a ride in his car.他坐小汽车去转了一圈。马道take sb. for a ride欺骗ride out安然地度过(坏天气、危险等)ride up衣服向上拱;衣服缩上去



Hot Rod是什么车啊





(1)electrode (2)pole 在英语中有些情况下都包含或表示“电极”的意思_ole是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“杆;极点;电极”,作及物动词时意思是“用竿支撑”。_ゴ史⒁簦河? [ e"lektr__dz ] 美 [ e"lektro_dz ]_窘馐停旱缂?( electrode的名词复数 )_lectrodes 是什么意思及中文翻译:_?(n.) 电极( electrode的名词复数 )

Is it in that factory “Red Flag”cars are produced





rebirth n·复兴,轮回(人,或者王朝)regenerate v.回收(废物),悔悟reproduce v.(动物)繁殖,复制(copy)

Mighty Mo Rodgers的《No Regrets》 歌词

歌曲名:No Regrets歌手:Mighty Mo Rodgers专辑:Blues Is My Wailin" Wall幸田来未 - No Regret作词:渡辺彻作曲:h-wonder编曲:h-wonder譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら冷たい都会の 片隅に一人居场所も无くただずっと彷徨ってた気付いて欲しくて 叫び続けてた私の声は闇にかき消された伪りばかりの この世界で君だけは本当の私を见て欲しい譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら二度と来ない この瞬间に後悔はしないように隠しはしないで全ての能力(ちから)を今君に解き放て!果てなく続いてく 苦悩に负けそうで苦しいときでも君は一人じゃないどんなに辛くて 逃げ出したくてもその先にある明日へと 立ち上がれ!忘れないでいて 自分を信じることを真実は いつだって一つだけ终わりの无い 悲しみの世界だとしてもありのままの私で歩み出す逆らわずに このまま运命に委ねて辿り着いたその先できっと本当の自分に出会えると愿ってる譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら二度と来ない この瞬间に後悔はしないように隠しはしないで全ての能力(ちから)を今君に解き放て!

Mighty Mo Rodgers的《Dna》 歌词

歌曲名:Dna歌手:Mighty Mo Rodgers专辑:Red, White & BluesD.N.A中岛裕翔by:小保的主人Oh Yean Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し AM eight-oh-five/覚醒的征兆 AM eight-oh-five眠い目をこすってぼやけた世界にHello/揉着惺忪睡眼向模糊的世界Hello镜に映った自分の姿に幻灭/对镜子里的自己感到幻灭トラウマか?ストレスか?/是心理刺激吗?是压力吗?思い出したらきりがないよ/想的话没完没了いつでも笑颜ってやつは/笑脸这个家伙总是胸の底に眠ってる/在内心深处睡眠Oh Yean Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し yean yean~/覚醒的征兆Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し AM eight-oh-five/覚醒的征兆 AM eight-oh-five给芋头儿子~

我想问一下,rode nt usb,雷蛇魔音海妖,blue yeti这几款麦克风哪个录音质量更好?

楼主您好个人觉得男声选rode 女声选blue好些,rode以中低频好而见长,blue 特点多样,多以清亮高频好而见长但是注意usb电容话筒都是选用小振膜电容,所以敏感度会很高,注意调节系统录音音量。然后就是按价格区分,yeti是个老产品,现在价格便宜很多。Rode是个新推出的产品,价格上超过yeti很多哈。这个看你预算了,雷蛇确实不怎么样不推荐购买。

英语单词词性转换 帮忙回答一下吧 1.raft 2.underwater 3.require 4.rod 5.bamboo 6.reach 7.swallow

其实不明白你什么意思啊 ? 怎么转换呢??



Introduction ~ magenta ~的中文译音

Introduction[,intru0259"du028cku0283u0259n] 谐音:英车达克逊magenta [mu0259"du0292entu0259] 谐音:么简特

and rode on all the rides是什么


Monte Rodrigo蒙特·洛里格拉曼恰产区珍藏2014年份价钱


请教“Amalia Rodigues Canta Poztugal ”的歌词。


produce a few notes

  这是原著中的一个文字游戏:   原文是爱丽丝来到仙境时和疯帽子、睡鼠、兔子一起喝茶时疯帽子说的一句类似谜语的话:“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”书里并没有给出明确的答案.   现在比较通行的解读有以下几种:   一、Because there is a b in both.   因为raven(乌鸦)和writing-desk(写字桌)中都没有B,而both中有个b无疑是废话.但是由于提问者的问句本身就没有意义(乌鸦本来就不像写字桌),因此用both中有个b这个无意义的话作答,并且raven和writing-desk中都没有b,因此更加无意义.   二、because there is a B in both and an N in neither.   如果将这句话作为对问题的答案而理解成“两个里面都有一个B并且都没有N.”的话,会发现根本不对,就会更糊涂.其实这句话的意思是“单词both 里面有一个B,单词neither 里面有一个N.” 这个答案有趣的地方就在于,用一个毫无意义的答案回答一个毫无意义的问题,虽然答非所问,却造成了一种类似于冷笑话的落差.   三、because Poe wrote on both.   这里的Poe指的是作家埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe),他曾于1845年发表了一篇广受赞誉的名为《乌鸦》(The Raven)的诗.因此这句话可以理解为两个意思:   “Poe wrote on raven.”(爱伦坡写过有关乌鸦的文章.)   “Poe wrote on a writing desk.”(爱伦坡在写字台上写文章.)   这个答案用一个文字游戏将八竿子打不着的爱伦坡拉扯进来,圆滑却不失有趣.   四、《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的原作者在该书出版30余年后的再版中加入了一则序言,对这个问题亲自给出了答案.      序言原文:   Auther"s Note      Enquiries have been so often addressed to me, as to whether any answer to the Hatter"s Riddle can be imagined, that I may as well put on record here what seems to me to be a fairly appropriate answer, viz. "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!" This, however, is merely an afterthought: the Riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all.      Christmas 1896      (作者序      读者们频繁地给我来信,询问书中疯帽匠的谜语到底有没有答案,我不妨在这里给出一个自己认为还算恰当答案,那就是“"Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!”.这是我后来才想出来的,最初写下谜语的时候根本就没有答案.      1896年圣诞节)   可见,作者本人并不能给出一个唯一的正确答案,真不知道他当年是怎么写出那个问题的,而且几十年后还兢兢业业地抠脑袋解答,真是可爱的有一拼.      作者给出的答案可以分为两部分来理解.第一部分是“Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat”.      note有“音符”和“笔记,便签”的意思,“音符”在这里可以理解为“乌鸦的叫声”.      flat有“平坦的”和“(色彩)单调的”意思,对于乌鸦来说既可以理解为其叫声单调乏味,也可以理解成它的毛色单一.      因此第一部分可以理解为“在写字台上可以写字儿,乌鸦会叫,尽管他们一个很平,一个很单调.”(翻译成中文就失去了原文的双关趣味).      第二部分是“it is nevar put with the wrong end in front”.      这里的nevar是作者故意将never写错的,但借用了never的读音跟词义.(有些版本的《爱丽丝漫游仙境》在出版时校对人员自作聪明将nevar改成了never,反而让这句话变得难以理解了.)      这句话可以理解成两个意思.   一个是:“将nevar的字母顺序倒过来排列就是raven(乌鸦).”   另一个:“你永远不会把写字台倒过来放.”   同样,翻译过来后双关的趣味就消失了.      小说作者以及众多的有爱读者们能把一个根本就没打算有答案的问题解答得这么有声有色还真是让人佩服.   ==============   以上为网络资料整理.   2010版《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是一部爱丽丝小说的衍生物,我个人认为这只是导演和编剧的一种带有个人情绪的理解,毕竟这句“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”是没有标准答案的.

Frodus的《Explosions》 歌词

歌曲名:Explosions歌手:Frodus专辑:Conglomerate InternationalMarques Houston - ExplosionOoooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Marques HoustonMattress musicOooooooooooTake oneHere we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"m grabbing you, you grabbing meYour body"s hereI can"t believe it either one us can even breatheNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)Here we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"l l lick licklick lick licklick lick licklick until I cover every inch of youNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchinDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosionFeels like big bumps going all around ya(ooooooooo)And everything"s falling down around yaOh babyBut we can"t be fakeSee the look on your faceAnd it"s telling me that you love itTelling me that you need itOh girl here it comes againExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)4ever R&B OR制作


Danee是mbk的练习生。1999年12月23日出生。4岁开始美国成长,后来被韩国娱乐公司发掘。曾经与F-ve Doll合作过《Can you love me》曾经被传加入T-ara子团T-ARA N4曾经在2014年客串出演过韩剧《My Lovely Girl》原有机会在2015年Mbk娱乐以DIA成员出道,但因风格不符合而被弃权。在2016年与DIA的两名成员参加Mnet Produce 101,两名成员分别是Cathy和Chayeon。

scale product是什么意思?有什么几何意义?

请问楼主是在哪里看到这个名词的?我暂时还不知道是什么意思。但是还是希望能帮助到楼主。scale1名词 n. 1.刻度;尺度;刻度尺[C]This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches. 这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度。2.比率;缩尺[C]This map is drawn to a scale of 1 inch to 50 miles. 这幅地图是以一英寸代表五十英里的比例绘制的。3.等级;级别[C]Are teachers high on the social scale? 教师的社会等级高吗?4.大小;规模[C][U]It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。5.【音】音阶[C]6.【数】进位法[C]7.【古】梯子;阶梯[C]及物动词 vt. 1.攀登;到达...的顶点He learned to scale a rock face from his father. 他从他父亲那儿学得攀登崖面的技巧。2.用缩尺绘制(图等),按比例排列不及物动词 vi. 1.攀登scale2名词 n. [C]1.天平,秤[P]My kitchen scales are not accurate. 我的厨房秤不精确。2.天平盘,秤盘及物动词 vt. 1.把...过秤2.按重量把...分成均等部分不及物动词 vi. 1.重(若干)He scales 120 pounds. 他体重为一百二十磅。scale3名词 n. [C]1.鳞,鱼鳞;介壳I scraped the scales off a herring before I cooked it. 我烧青鱼前先把鱼鳞刮去。2.鳞状物3.障眼物[P]4.介壳虫及物动词 vt. 1.刮去...的鳞片;剥去...的介壳[(+off)]不及物动词 vi. 1.(鳞片般地)剥落[(+off)]The paint scaled off the wall. 漆从墙上剥落。product名词 n. [C]1.产品,产物;产量;出产They came here in search of new markets for their products. 他们来此为他们的产品寻找新市场。2.结果,成果The plan was the product of many days of careful thought. 这个计划是许多天仔细考虑的成果。3.作品,创作4.【数】(乘)积20 is the product of 5 and 4. 二十是五与四的乘积。5.【化】(化学反应的)生成物如果是按照英文翻译,加上你说的几何意义。大概意思是:进位法(乘)积吧。(我是初三学生,理解有限。楼主还有什么要问的,我再尽力试试吧。)


produce 是生产的意思provide 是提供的意思,比如,provide somebody with

harrods rewards有什么用


lead to 和cause 以及produce 的区别

---- lead to 导致; 把…带到; 领到; (道路) 通向; ----cause n. 原因; 事业; 动机; 理由; vt. 引起; 导致; 成为…的原因; 使遭受; ----- produce vt. 产生; 生产; 制作; 创作; vt. 制造; 出示; 引起; [经济学] 生利; n. 产品; 产量; 产额; 结果;


yield 和 produce 在名词方面意思一样. 不过农产品一般我们会用 yield

production yield output 意为产量有什么区别?

yield 常指农作物产量,但并不只表示农作物产量 . Production除了常表示工业产量外,也可以表示其他出品,像电影、出版物;output 是机器﹑ 工人等的产量,比如钢产量和人均生产量.

yield 和 production的区别



Yield虽然是生产的意思,但更多的是讲,生产的收益.意思是说, number of good products除以number of total products.Product 是名词,产品的意思.

trod with stir enough怎么翻译


英文论文中introduction部分,establish a niche和 occupy the niche有什么不同


orodispersible tablet是什么意思

orodispersible tablet口服崩解片剂.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

产品的价格。如何用英语翻译?是the price of the production 还是 the price for the production。

3. I notice that the advertisement leaves out the price of the product. 我注意到广告没有提到产品的价格. 来自《简明英汉词典》4. You can also increase sales by lowering the product price. 你也可以通过降低产品价格来增加销售

Mass Production的《Galaxy》 歌词

歌曲名:Galaxy歌手:Mass Production专辑:Welcome To Our World「日剧-辣妹逮捕令 OP」GALAXY歌:片濑那奈dandandan dodidodidandandandandan dodidodidandan何を求める急ぎ足恋は追うほど逃げるだけ日々の探究心 刹那主义で胸騒ぎ 始终、相撃ちにdandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yahクロアゲハ 闇夜に身を隠して见たいものはいつでも见えないのは何故?dandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yah私のココロは永久に 双眼镜にうつらない星今は爱という约束事确かめてみたいだけひとつずつ触れることで自由になれるdandandan dodidodidandandandandan dodidodidandanyah yah yahdandandan dodidodidandandandandan撃ちまくろうyah yah yahdandandan dodidodidandan银河色の弾丸dandandan 撃ちまくろうyah yah yah

massive production和 mass production有区别吗?

produce有家产品的意思,所以我推测mass produce指农业生产;mass production指工业生产。

英语问题 the production is now three times what it wa

  慈母手中线,   游子身上衣。   临行密密缝,   意恐迟迟归。   谁言寸草心,

production是什么意思 英语production是什么意思

1、n.生产;制造;制作;产量;(自然的)产生,分泌;上映,上演,播出,制作。 2、Production of the new aircraft will start next year. 新飞机的生产将于明年开始。 3、Cars are checked as they come off the production line. 汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。 4、The new model will be in production by the end of the year. 新型号将于年底投产。


prod是生产日期。PROD是production date英文的简写,意思是生产日期。例如PROD.170823就是生产日期是2017年8月23日的意思,也有的会写BEST BEFORE:20180823,就是说到期时间是2018年8月23日的意思。预包装食品的保质期查看方法保质期的标示方式可以有“xx个月(或xx日、或xx天、或xx周、或x年等)”,也可以标示为“最好在……之前食(饮)用”等。因此,在标签上还要标示食品的贮存条件,标示方式有“常温”“冷冻”“冷藏”“避光或阴凉干燥处保存”等。当同一预包装内含有多个标示了生产日期及保质期的单件预包装食品时,外包装上标示的生产日期应为最早生产的单件食品的生产日期,或外包装形成销售单元的日期;外包装上标示的保质期应按最早到期的单件食品的保质期计算。也可在外包装上分别标示各单件装食品的生产日期和保质期。



swing producer是什么意思

swing producer生产调节者; [英][swiu014b pru0259u02c8du:su0259][美][swu026au014b pru0259u02c8dusu025a]


producer生词本去背诵英 [pru0259u02c8dju:su0259(r)] 美 [pru0259u02c8du:su0259(r)]n.生产者,制造者; 制片人; 煤气发生炉; 自养有机体网 络制片人;生产者;生产商;发生炉复数: producers 1. They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer. 他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一空缺职位。2. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企3. The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator. 今天的电视制片人必须既是新闻人,又是教育者。4. Her marriage to film producer Michael Greenburg fell apart. 她和电影制片人迈克尔·格林伯格的婚姻破裂了。5. Europe"s largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium. 欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击采纳为满意回答你的采纳是我前进的动力记得好评和采纳

This product requires at least 256 MB Physical Memory.


为同学翻译papa was a rodeo歌词,力求表达更加准确和贴切,请求知友们指点!

Papa was a rodeo(By Sara Lov)I like your twisted point of view, Mike 你那游目骋怀的奇思妙想,仿佛为我流淌,麦克I like your questioning eyebrows 我的心绪早已锁在你想要洞悉一切的眉穹,麦克 You"ve made it pretty clear what you like 你点滴爱好,我都已明了,将视若珍宝 It"s only fair to tell you now 抱歉,是时让你知晓 that I leave early in the morning 我无法再同你耳旁细语悄悄and I won"t be back till next year 今晨离别是明年归来的彩票 I see that kiss-me pucker forming 我看清了你那不舍的索吻祷告 but maybe you should plug it with a beer, cause 但还请你,借酒浇愁,因为你不知道Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀 I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱 Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家 Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下 Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,与你预想有差Papa was a rodeo 你爱上的人,她只爱天涯 The light reflecting off the mirror ball 舞厅灯似玛瑙 looks likea thousand swirling eyes 如同千眸闪耀 They make me think I shouldn"t be here at all 听到四周鼓噪,明白此地非我宝岛 You know,every minute someone dies 你我心自明了,此生逝时难料 What are we doing in this dive bar 何必在此犄角,让生命盲目燃烧 How can you live in a place like this 你怎可被懦弱环绕,不去尽情奔跑Why don"t you just get into my car 为何不让我带你前行,精彩要一起寻找and I"ll take you away I"ll take that kiss now, but 让我带你起舞翩翩,彼此相恋无间,但切莫忘记我曾有言Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,与你预想有差Papa was a rodeo 你爱上的人,她只爱天涯 And now it"s 55 yearslater甲子转瞬不见We"ve had the romance of the century 浪漫已融百年After all these years wrestling gators 千载搏击诗篇,眨眼已被收殓I still feel like crying when I think of what you said to me 回首你我往昔,耳语清晰不变,不禁落泪连连Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,应该小心幸福哪天轰然坍塌Papa was a rodeo 因为你爱的人,她只爱天涯 Before you kiss me you should know - Papa was a rodeo 轻触我唇之前,别忘我已有言,家父是个牛仔What a coincidence,your Papa was a rodeo too 当初青春丽韶,若你不说,何会料到:令父也爱驭缰奔跑,一生不懂寂寥,直到慢慢终老。

求Sara Lov的papa was a rodeo这首歌的中文歌词翻译!

我喜欢你扭曲的观点来看,迈克我喜欢你的疑问的眉毛你明确清楚你喜欢什么这仅仅是公平的,现在就告诉你我早上早点走而且我不会回去了,等明年再来我看kiss-me单孔奏法的形成但也许你应该插头,喝杯啤酒,引起“爸爸”是一个牛仔竞技- safe " n " "roll妈妈是一个摇滚乐队我能演奏吉他,然后我就知道了避免绳子能站立得住家里到处使用柴油天然气时,爱是卡车司机的手永远不会再多呆上长得够一夜情之前你吻我时你应该知道爸爸是个牛仔竞技从镜子反映出的那些光球看起来像一千盘旋着的眼睛它们让我觉得我不应该在这儿你知道,每分钟都有人死我们正在做在这潜水酒吧你怎么能住在这样的一个地方呢你为什么不直接进入我的车吗我会把你带走,我会把这吻了,但是“爸爸”是一个(男孩)牛仔…现在的情况是,55年以后我们一直都是这个浪漫的世纪经过了这些年摔跤盖我还是觉得想哭了,当我想起你对我说了什么“爸爸”是一个牛仔竞技…之前你吻我时你应该知道——“爸爸”是一个马术竞技会真是太巧了,你的爸爸是一个牛仔竞技也

Papa Was a Rodeo 歌词

歌曲名:Papa Was a Rodeo歌手:Sara Lov专辑:i already love youPapa Was a RodeoSara LovI Already Love YouI like your twisted point of view, MikeI like your questioning eyebrowsYou"ve made it pretty clear what you likeIt"s only fair to tell you nowthat I leave early in the morningand I won"t be back till next yearI see that kiss-me pucker formingbut maybe you should plug it with a beer, causePapa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoThe light reflecting off the mirror balllooks like a thousand swirling eyesThey make me think I shouldn"t be here at allYou know, every minute someone diesWhat are we doing in this dive barHow can you live in a place like thisWhy don"t you just get into my carand I"ll take you away I"ll take that kiss now, butPapa was a rodeo Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoAnd now it"s 55 years laterWe"ve had the romance of the centuryAfter all these years wrestling gatorsI still feel like crying when I think of what you said to mePapa was a rodeo Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoWhat a coincidence, your Papa was a rodeo too

introduction to Shakespeare??????

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare has the reputation as one of the greatest of all writers in the English language and in Western literature , as well as one of the world"s pre-eminent dramatists. Shakespeare is among the very few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy. Shakespeare"s works have been translated into every major living language, and his plays are continually performed all around the world. Romeo and Juliet concerns two noble families of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, that have feuded for generations. Romeo attend the masque at the Capulet house, he see Juliet. They proclaim their love for one another with their "love sonnet" Romeo remain on the Capulet estate after the party The young lovers decide to marry without informing their parents, because they would undoubtedly disallow it due to the hate between the clans With the help of Juliet"s Nurse the two are wedded the next day. Franciscan priest Friar Lawrence, performs the ceremony, Things take a darker turn Tybalt, Juliet"s cousin, meets up with Romeo and attempts to provoke a sword fight. Romeo refuses Mercutio, Romeo"s frend takes up the challenge. Mercutio be fatally wounded by Tybalt. Mercutio dies Romeo, in his anger, slays Tybalt. The Prince punish Romeo to exile. Just after Romeo leaves, Capulet breaks the news to Juliet that he has fix the date of Paris and Juliet"s wedding as three days hence Friar Lawrence, a dabbler in herbal medicines and potions, gives Juliet a potion and a plan: the potion will put her in a death-like coma for two and forty hours; she is to take it before her marriage day, and when discovered dead, she will be laid in the family crypt. Meanwhile, the Friar will send a messenger to inform Romeo, so that he can rejoin her when she awakes. The two can then leave for Mantua and live happily ever after. Juliet takes the potion, and things proceed as planned. The Friar"s messenger is unable to reach Romeo due to Mantua being under quarantine, and Romeo learns only of Juliet"s "death" through a servant. Grief-stricken, he buys some strong poison, returns to Verona in secret, and proceeds to the Capulets" crypt, determined to join Juliet in death. Upon arrival he encounters Paris, who has also come to mourn privately for his lost love. After killing Paris in a duel, Romeo drinks the poison after seeing Juliet one last time, Friar Lawrence then arrives and, enter upon the womb, finds the dead bodies of Romeo and Paris. It is at this point that Juliet awakes and, seeing the surrounding death, seeks answers. Juliet cannot imagine a life without Romeo and so she stabs herself fatally with his dagger. The two lovers lie dead side by side, devoted until the last breath of life. The two families and the Prince converge upon the tomb. They are horrified to find Romeo, Juliet, and Paris all lying dead, and Friar Laurence reveals to them the love and secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The feuding families are reconciled by their children"s deaths and agree to end their violent feud.

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词组的意思是: 激增的能源产量

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牛津英语8b课文翻译 Chapter5 Lang Lang: Piano Prodigy


牛津英语8b课文翻译 Chapter5 Lang Lang: Piano Prodigy

郎朗是我们这个时代最年轻而且最出名的钢琴演奏家。纽约时报说:“他是如此的惊人!”然而,郎朗的生活远远比这句话来的有趣。1982年,郎朗出生在中国的沈阳。他第一次接触西方经典音乐是在看‘猫和老鼠"动画片时听到的。那时候他才2岁。郎朗在3岁的时候开始上钢琴课。而且在他5岁的时候,他就获得了沈阳市钢琴比赛的第一名。从那以后,他获得了越来越多的奖项。但是,郎朗的成功是要付出代价的。他的父亲对他非常严格。当同龄人都在玩游戏和玩乐北京时,郎朗却在不断的练习钢琴。在那里,郎朗进入了中国最好的音乐学院。当时才17岁,郎朗得到了一个很好的机会。 1999年的8月,在美国的一个著名音乐盛事,一个钢琴家突然病倒了。郎朗就被选为代替这个钢琴家出席演奏。这是一个巨大的成功,郎朗的生活从此改变。如今,郎朗每年要演奏150个演出。他曾与世界最大的乐团演出,而且也参加了2008年北京奥运会的表演。郎朗说他要感谢他的父母,因为他们一直鼓励和支持着他。

求八年级下册第五课Lang Lang:Piano Prodigy的翻译

朗是最年轻的和最著名的钢琴家的时间纽约时报说:“他是惊人的”,然而,郎朗的故事很有趣多了这个简单的句子 郎朗生于1982年在沈阳,中国总是看着汤姆和杰瑞卡通电视上,当他第一次听古典音乐。他只有两岁开始学钢琴.Lang朗在沈阳国际钢琴比赛中仅仅两年后他从那时起,他赢得了许多奖项。 然而,郎朗" s成功付出代价他的父亲很苛刻了他在练习弹钢琴当其他孩子他的年龄是玩游戏和乐趣。

the prodigy的《piranha》 歌词

歌曲名:piranha歌手:the prodigy专辑:Invaders Must DieInvaders Must Die - PiranhaTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartYou better not, lose controlIt pulls you under, it will take you wholeYou better not, lose controlIt pulls you under, it will take you wholeYou better not, lose controlIt pulls you under, it will take you wholeYou better not, lose controlIt pulls you under, it will take you wholeTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apartTeeth, grip, razor sharpBites hi-power, tear you apart

The Prodigy的《Omen》 歌词

歌曲名:Omen歌手:The Prodigy专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 72Invaders Must Die - Omenit"s an"s an"s an Omen..NOW!the writings on the wallit won"t go awayit"s an Omenyou just run out of automationNOW!the writings on the wallit won"t go awayit"s an Omenit"s an"s an Omen..NOW!the writings on the wallit won"t go awayit"s an Omenyou just run out of automationNOW!..NOW!..NOW!the writings on the wallit won"t go awayit"s an Omenyou just run out of automationNOW!the writings on the wallit won"t go awayit"s an Omenit"s an"s an Omen..NOW!it"s an OmenNOW!..NOW!..NOW!..NOW!..

Prodigy Finance 藤校商学院本科生能否申请无抵押助学贷款

申请国家助学贷款需要提供材料: ⒈ 国家助学贷款申请书; ⒉ 本人学生证和居民身份证复印件(未成年人须提供法定监护人的有效身份证明和书面同意申请贷款的证明); ⒊ 本人对家庭经济困难情况说明; ⒋ 学生家庭所在地有关部门出具的家庭经济困难证明。学生本人对其提供证明材料的真实性承担法律责任。专科生以本科名义申请,材料不符,当然办不下来。

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Prodigy : 1. 神童 【音乐】一些国外乐队的中英文名称对照 ... PIL 公众形象 Prodigy 神童 RadioHead 广播迷/收音头乐队 ... 2. 惊人事物 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(P4)1 ... prodigiouss 很大的 prodigy 惊人事物 prodrome 先兆 ... 3. 天才 心理学专业词汇英语翻译(页 20) - 外语学习交... ... prodigy 神童 prodigy 天才 prodromal stage 前驱症状期 ...


奇迹 奇事 奇才

The factory produces half a million pairsof shoes every year,80%-------are sold abroad.


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productivity 英[u02ccpru0252du028cku02c8tu026avu0259ti] 美[u02ccprɑ:du028cku02c8tu026avu0259ti] n. 生产率,生产力; [经济学] 生产率; [生态学] 生产率; His method of obtaining a high level of productivity is demanding. 他那种提高生产率的方法实施起来非常困难。短语:labor productivity 劳动生产率high productivity 高生产力productivity gains提高生产力primary productivity 第一生产力


productivity英 [pru0252du028ck"tu026avu026atu026a]美 [,produ028ck"tu026avu0259ti]n. 生产力;生产率;生产能力productivity 生产率,生产力,生产能力primary productivity 初级生产力,第一性生产力,初级生产率soil productivity 土壤生产力,地力,生产力

生产力用英语怎么说?productivity 与production capacity有什么区别?


生产的的动词形式用英语怎么说?product or production?还是??


状语从句英语语法 1。Airsickness is produced by a disturban

D.although,句子B.lest it should go wrong,以防 that ,在于C.for all his learning,尽管

状语从句英语语法 1.Airsickness is produced by a disturban?

D.although,句子 B.lest it should go wrong,以防 that ,在于 C.for all his learning,尽管,9, Michael125 举报 能详细点么,,, 第一题,其他答案只能接名词 第二,其它语义都不对 第三, 表异同点时用in that从句 第四,其它都有接句子,状语从句英语语法 1.Airsickness is produced by a disturban 状语从句英语语法 1.Airsickness is produced by a disturbance of tje inner car, __psychogenic factors,such as fear,also play a part. spite of B.neither C.nor D.although 2. The motorist looked over the engine carefully __on the way. that it should go wrong B.lest it should go wrong order that it should not go wrong D.for fear that it should not go wrong 3.This approach is superior to that one __it provides explicit accounts. which this way that order that 4.__ ,he remains stupid. A.though his learning B.through all his learning C.for all his learning D.however his learning 越详细越好.

Neyobecause Of You (Produced By Stargate) 歌词

歌曲名:Neyobecause Of You (Produced By Stargate)歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:The CollectionBecause Of Youne-yoWant to but I can"t help itI love the way you feeljust kinda stuck betweenmy fantasy and what is realI needed when I want itI want it when I don"ttell myself I stop every dayknowing that I won"tI got a problem and Idon"t know what to do about iteven If I did I don"t knowIf I would quit but I doubt it I"mtaking by the thought of itAnd I know this much is truebaby youhave become my addictionI"m so strung out on youI can barely movebut I like itand it"s all because of youand it"s all because of youand it"s all because of youso and it"s allbecausenever get enoughshe"s the sweetest drugsthink of it every secondI can get nothing doneonly concern is the next timeI"m gon get me someknow I should stay away fromcause its no good for meI try and try but myobsession won"t let me leaveI got a problem and Idon"t know what to do about iteven If I did I don"t know IfI would quit but I doubt it I"mtaking by the thought of itAnd I know this much is truebaby youhave become my addictionI am so strung out on youI can barely movebut I like itso and it"s all because of youso and it"s all because of youand it"s all because of youso and it"s all because ofnever get enoughshe is so sweet as drugsAnd I know this much is trueI"m so strung out on youhave become my addictionI"m so strung out on youof you of youand it"s all because of youso and it"s all because of younever get enoughshe"s the sweetest drugsshe"s the sweetest drugs

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Introduction to Sweden

Sweden is situated at the center of Europe, has been carrying out mutrual policy country, still has not joined European Union until now. Switzerland is a multi-languages country. 65% person speak German, 18% person speak French, 10% spoke Italian, 1% said Latin Roman language, 6% said other languages. There are 30 extra implementations federal systems in the world, Switzerland is the smallest one. However, its 26 states divisions and four languages use, it becomes one of the most complex nation. The Swiss entire boundary take the plateau and the mountainous region as the focus, the beautiful Alp in this country which is European several big rivers"origin place, the hydro-electric and the forest resources are rich. The entire Swiss oral agreement is 7500000 people, is equal to Beijing or the Shanghai population one about the half; But in its area 41,000 squares, compare with Chinese biggest area - Xinjiang, only has it 1 / 40. although it is small, actually included each kind of climate, approached the polar region from the mountain severely cold weather to the warmth, besides the tropics climate, it may be said had it all. Switzerland"s scenery certainly is not unique, her lakes do not have so many as Finnish, the glaciers look not so big as Iceland, but all of the landscape in Swiss is very near. One will see the different natural scenery with train in 24 hours.



the darkest nights produce brightest stars.是什么意思

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