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bench work是什么意思

bench work 英[bentu0283 wu0259:k] 美[bu025bntu0283 wu025ak] [词典] 钳工工作; [例句]The item of "factory practice" was bench work this morning.今天上午工厂实习的项目是钳工。




benchmarking英["bentu0283mɑ:ku026au014b]美["bentu0283mɑ:ku026au014b]词典(企业管理上的)标杆学习网络基准化分析法; 对标; 定标比超双语例句 Connotation and relationship among knowledge management best practice and benchmarking企业知识管理最佳实践和标杆学习的内涵及关系


EVOLABTech推出产品EVOLAB Benchmark,EVOLAB Benchmark是由EVOLABTech耗时近一年时间研发的区块链项目技术尽职调查测试系统。

Benchmark 是什么意思嘛?

benchmark美 ["bentʃ.mɑrk]英 ["bentʃ.mɑː(r)k]n.基准v.用基准问题测试 标杆;标准;基准点复数:benchmarks 现在分词:benchmarking 过去分词:benchmarked 例句筛选1.In terms of environmental, technical and internal management, willbecome the industry benchmark .无论在环境,技术和内部的管理,都将成为行业的标竿。2.I find it interesting that this example is not included in the benchmark.我发现它很有趣,这个例子不包括在基准。




benchmark[英][u02c8bentu0283mɑ:k][美][u02c8bentu0283mɑ:rk]n.基准,参照; 标准检查程序; 水准标; vt.检测(用基准问题测试); 第三人称单数:benchmarks复数:benchmarks现在进行时:benchmarking过去式:benchmarked过去分词:benchmarked双语例句1Otherwise, you can call various accessors of Benchmark to generate a custom report.除此之外,还可以调用Benchmark的各种访问函数来生成定制的报告。2Google ventures also is expected to participate, alongside certain existing shareholders like benchmark.除了现有的股东外,如基准资本(Benchmark),谷歌风投(Google Ventures)预计也会参与投资。


benchmark 读音为:英[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:k] 美[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:rk]。释义如下:n. 基准,参照; 标准检查程序; 水准标;vt. 检测(用基准问题测试);例句:1、The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准。2、We ran a rough benchmark.我们运行了一个粗略的基准。3、This is not a TPC-H benchmark result.这不是一个TPC-H的基准测试结果。英语流利和准确技巧英语流利是指:能够实时地使用英语清晰、流畅地表达自己。语言准确是指:英语词句、语法正确和精确,沟通无错误。实际上,native speaker的英语词句也并非100%准确,但由于语言流利顺畅,并不影响整体沟通和理解。在学英语时,不要害怕犯错,但并不是要给自己找借口,忽略语法错误,重要的是敢于表达,提高流利度。同时,也要摆正心态,从错误中学习和反思。


benchmark的意思是基准,或者说是基准数据集。一、Benchmark简介Benchmark是一个评价方式,在整个计算机领域有着长期的应用。Benchmark在计算机领域应用最成功的就是性能测试,主要测试负载的执行时间、传输速度、吞吐量、资源占用率等。二、Benchmark的组成Benchmark的核心由3部分组成:数据集、 工作负载、度量指标。1、数据集数据类型分为结构化数据、半结构化数据和非结构化数据。由于大数据环境下的数据类型复杂,负载多样,所以大数据Benchmark需要生成3种类型的数据和对应负载。2、工作负载互联网领域数据庞大,用户量大,成为大数据问题产生的天然土壤。对工作负载理解和设计可以从以下几个维度来看:密集计算类型;计算范式;计算延迟和应用领域。3、度量指标性能高估的两大利器就是Benchmark和Profile工具。Benchmark用压力测试挖掘整个系统的性能状况,而Profile工具最大限度地呈现系统的运行时状态和性能指标,方便用户诊断性能问题和进行调优。

marketing specialist是什么意思

marketing specialist 营销专家网络释义1. 市场专员例句:1.When a senior marketing specialist position opened up for the eastern north americaregion, he pounced. 当北美东部地区需要一位高级市场营销专员时,汤姆立刻申请了这个职位。


benchmark 读音为:英[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:k] 美[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:rk]。释义如下:n. 基准,参照; 标准检查程序; 水准标;vt. 检测(用基准问题测试)。例句:The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准。We ran a rough benchmark.我们运行了一个粗略的基准。This is not a TPC-H benchmark result.这不是一个TPC-H的基准测试结果。The benchmark interest rate is effectively zero, but that leaves quantitative easing and other unconventional measures.基准利率实际上已经为零,但这留下了定量宽松和其它非常规措施。Only a portion of this system was allocated for this benchmark.这个系统只有一部分被分配给这个基准测试。The PBC administers two different benchmark interest rates: one year lending and one year deposit rate.中国人民银行负责管理两个不同的基准利率:一年期贷款利率和一年期存款利率。But China surpassed even this benchmark last year.但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。Now, the driver should be able to create the agents and start the benchmark.现在,驱动程序应该可以创建代理和启动基准了。Traders and analysts are split over whether China will abandon the benchmark.在中国是否会放弃基准协议的问题上,交易员和分析师观点不一。There is a peculiarity with this benchmark that I have no explanation of.这个基准测试有一个我还没有解释的特性。



iOS 静态库和动态库打包framework流程(纯swift版/swift、OC混编版)

选择 iOS -- Framework&Library , 点击 next 如果打包文件中使用了第三方库,建议pod管理,并告知用户使用pod安装,避免用户重复导入。跟平时开发逻辑一样,打开 .xcworkspace 工程。 操作完之后工程目录显示 把打包需要的文件添加到项目中。 如果想要这个类或类里面的方法被外面使用,需要配合pubic修饰供外面使用 由于以上获取的framework只能在对应的版本上运行(即真机只能在设备上运行模拟器版本只能在模拟器上面运行使用),所以需要合并framework版本。 合并framework版本: sudo lipo -create (此处请填写真机AppVest文件路径) (此处填写模拟器AILLSDK文件路径) -output 自定义合成文件存储路径(合成文件的名字AILLSDK) 因为真机版本和模拟器版本的framework都存在arm64架构,导致架构重复,不出意外,会提示合并失败。如下 处理合并失败的问题 最后,将 XX.framework(真机或者模拟器framework都可)文件夹 拷贝出来,替换AILLSDK(本文使用的)为刚才合并的新文件。 查看替换后的framework支持全部真机模拟器架构。 我在合并binary文件之后,仅拷贝出 Release-iphoneos 文件夹下的 XXX.framework ,并替换掉AILLSDK二进制文件。导入项目中使用模拟器运行,报错,显示找不到架构。 解决方案 拷贝所有的modules到 再替换掉AILLSDK二进制文件,导入项目,如果framework中内含第三方库,需要在所在的工程中使用pod加载,否则会提示编译失败。 至此,编译成功。U0001f389U0001f389U0001f389U0001f389U0001f389 不管是在framework封装的内部,内部swift类调用内部的OC类,还是内部的OC类使用内部的swift类,还是外部工程swift类使用framework内部OC类,还是外部工程OC类使用framework内部swift类。原理是一致的,以下来介绍下: 在 AILLSDK.h(你自己创建framework时候生成的.h文件) 中添加import导入 #import <AILLSDK/OC类名.h> 在oc的 .m 或 .h 文件中,导入 #import <AILLSDK/AILLSDK-Swift.h> , 也就是 你自己framework名-Swift.h




英语单词benchmark有两层含义,做名词时,它的意思是基准。复数:benchmarks做动词时,它的意思是检测。第三人称单数:benchmarks;现在分词:benchmarking;过去式:benchmarked;过去分词:benchmarked。benchmark 读音为:英[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:k] 美[u02c8bentu0283mɑ:rk]。释义如下:n. 基准,参照; 标准检查程序; 水准标;vt. 检测(用基准问题测试);例句:The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准。We ran a rough benchmark.我们运行了一个粗略的基准。学习英语的心态在学英语时,不要害怕犯错,但并不是要给自己找借口,忽略语法错误,重要的是敢于表达,提高流利度。同时,也要摆正心态,从错误中学习和反思。英语流利和准确技巧英语流利是指:能够实时地使用英语清晰、流畅地表达自己。语言准确是指:英语词句、语法正确和精确,沟通无错误。实际上,native speaker的英语词句也并非100%准确,但由于语言流利顺畅,并不影响整体沟通和理解。以上内容参考自链接:百度百科-benchmark

International marketing和global marketing的区别是什么?不是international trade是marketing!

golbal marketing 把国际市场当做一个整体,产品不会细分。International marketing 产品会针对不同市场而细分, 而且可能会在国外设有分支。

trade marketing和promotion的区别是什么?作为决策哪个更容易收到短期回报?

marketing is about selling, promotions is about communication.

什么是trade marketing

什么是trade marketing 交易市场 trade marketing 英 [treid u02c8mɑ:ku026atu026au014b] 美 [treid u02c8mɑrku026atu026au014b] 词典 商业营销 网路 渠道营销; 通路行销; 通路营销 双语例句 1 Know domestic and international trade, marketing and contract signing, etc. 职位描述:懂得国际国内贸易,营销和签订合同等。 brand marketing主要针对的是终端使用者的需求。考虑如何让人们选择这个品牌而不是其他。终极目标是让终端使用者满意。 trade marketing主要针对的是零售商的需求。考虑如何通过让这个产品上架来提高零售商的营业额啊利润什么的。要达成这个目的的话基本首先要满足终端使用者需求(不然根本卖不动谈什么为零售商提高营业额…),但是视点不同,终极目标是让零售商满意。 如楼上匿名答主所说,TM通常在marketing和sales之间工作。通过marketing了解终端使用者需求,通过sales了解零售商需求。 贸易营销 Work with IPG marketing team, regional trade marketing team and regional salesteam, the regional consumer marketing program specialist are responsible forfollowing key areas. 与IPG市场部、区域贸易市场部、区域销售部一起工作,区域消费市场计划专家主要有以下工作。 trade /treid/ n. 贸易 v. 交易,交换 market /ma:kit/ n. 交易 v. 推销, 买东西 trade marketing 贸易交易 trade marketing是什么部门 trade marketing 贸易市场 双语对照 词典结果: trade marketing [英][treid u02c8mɑ:ku026atu026au014b][美][treid u02c8mɑrku026atu026au014b] 商业营销; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. Mark rusher trade marketing director, orion group. 猎户星出版集团贸易市场主管。 digital marketing和trade marketing的区别 Trade marketing is a discipline of marketing that relates to increasing the demand at wholesaler, retailer, or distributor level rather than at the consumer. 可理解为大客户经理 adobe marketing cloud什么是 adobe marketing cloud Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE)释出了一款新演算法引擎及其在 Adobe Marketing Cloud 受 众核心型服务(Audience Core Services)方面取得的进展,这些技术可将资料驱动营销与广告技术融为一体。当今的广告主们仍将过多精 力投放于展示广告竞标的形式,以及由各种供应商提供多样化的广告购买途径及付费方式,因而程式化广告购买对他们来说仍将是一个挑战。通过原生整合程式化购 买,Adobe 将市场带到营销人员面前,并使不同渠道拥有始终如一的消费体验,从而获得不断增长的投资回报率(ROI)。新的 Audience Core Services 使品牌接触到各种渠道的大量受众及行为资料,包括CRM系统、网站以及应用,同时利用新演算法利器,通过 Adobe Media Optimizer 覆盖付费媒体的受众。 Adobe 数字营销副总裁 John Mellor 表示:“我们认为之前在程式化方面的努力持续性较差,且只着眼于现场广告竞标。而一个可以囊括所有目标群体、资料以及实现技术定价和媒体成本透明化的一站式平台,则已经是朝向真正的程式化迈出了一大步。它还可与其他Adobe Marketing Cloud 解决方案共享细分受众群体,这使得资料在不同渠道均可活跃起来,并确保无论营销人员通过哪一渠道与目标群体沟通,受众接收到的资讯都是一致的。” 望采纳。 什么是Marketing marketing 英 [u02c8mɑ:ku026atu026au014b] 美 [u02c8mɑ:rku026atu026au014b] n.销售,经销,行销,商品销售业务; 市场学; 商品自生产者转移到消费者手中的一系列有关机能; 〈集合词〉市场购买的货品,适合市场上销售的货品 vt.出售; 为出售提供 vi.卖; 买 1. The direct marketing industry has bee adept at packaging special offers. 直接邮寄广告业在特卖品的包装方面已经变得非常熟练了。 2. Are your products and services petitive? How about marketing? 你们的产品和服务有竞争力吗?营销又怎么样呢? 3. Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud"s job. 把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。 4. Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception. 现在市场营销已无处不在,图书也不例外。 5. It"s been a tricky business marketing his new invention. 推广他的新发明一直是件棘手的事情。

trade marketing 如何理解




his latest book,Animal Liberation,sparked a nationwide debate .....中为什么是sparked 而不是sparking

sparked 是谓语,his latest book sparked a nationwide debate Animal Liberation 书名,插入语要用ing形式没谓语了

work out make out figure out 所有意思用法总

work out 有健身,练肌肉减肥的意思,多见于美国口语,还有做出某个问题的动作,注意是做出不强调过程,还有就是资源用尽的意思

请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写,拼凑,填写 keep out 不许入内,挡在外面 hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发 work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出

make out在为“理解”意思时相同的词组,好像有work out .figure out.还有吗

还有puzzle out, 但是work out,figure out 和 puzzle out可以互换.比较倾向于“通过努力而解决某事” make out一般在口语中不会做“理解”使用,要理解也是clear. 比如,你理解我的意思吗?可以直接说成" Are we clear?" 我们要解决这个事情.可以说成 " We have to work / figure / puzzle this out" 或者 " It has to be settled"

make out在为“理解”意思时相同的词组,好像有work out 。figure out。还有吗

catch on to。read off

make out在为“理解”意思时相同的词组,好像有work out 。figure out。还有吗


marked out 与make off有什么区别


请问make out keep out hand out work out各是什么意思?

make out 书写, 拼凑, 填写keep out 不许入内, 挡在外面hand out 把...拿出来; 施舍; 分发work out 可以解决; 作出; 设计出

figure out,make out,find out,work out的区别,什么时候可以互换?

figure out解决 make out弄清楚 find out发现 work out想出...解决方法 1和4比较接近,其实还是有细微区别的,千万别只看中文解释,最好参考一下英英词典

team work makes the dream work,什么意思


We all like working ______ Ching


初一英语题单项选择1.We all like ______ in the park. A.play B.playing?

1.We all like _B_____ in the park. A.play B.playing C.plays D.are playing like doing sth 喜欢做某事 2.I run in the morning.It is B_______for my health. A.bed B.good C.well D.favourite be good for 对什么有好处,5,B B,1,B.be like doing something喜欢做某事 B.be good for对什么有好处,0,B B,0,初一英语题 单项选择 1.We all like ______ in the park. A.play B.playing C.plays D.are playing 2.I run in the morning.It is _______for my health. A.bed B.good C.well D.favourite

我想知道 如果一个句子里有定语 比如说 My mother is a worker 这里的mother被my 修饰 那主语是 mother

My mother is a worker 这句子里没有定语啊



英语问题:amount to 和work out to 的区别,求详解

work out to 是“(某一费用)总计为..... ” 因为work out有计算,算出的意思,所以work out to 有“算下来总计....”的意思amount to 是“(数量上)达到,总计” 你的那句话是什么?

求翻译。If a man stopped working,he would amount to nothing.

如果一个人停止了劳动 那他什么都不是



英语about the story得意什么意思WiFiMasterkey

about the story关于这个故事


Are you seriously?




I need a master key 我需要一把万能钥匙





NY是什么的缩写?Little Big Man Booking?这个什么意思?代表什么? New York, NY 10013-1507全景是这个!

NY 是“纽约州”的简写,美国50个州之一(相当于中国的省级行政区划),地址中州名一般用两位字母的简写。前面的New York是“纽约市”。Little Big Man Booking 是公司名 希望帮到你。

marketing executive 到底是经理还是专员

Marketing Executive的汉语意思:(参考有道词典)1.销售主管Marketing Assistant 销售助理Marketing Executive 销售主管 Marketing Representative 销售代表 ... 2.市场部主任简历制作交流中心 ... manager 经理 marketing executive 市场部主任 marketing manager 市场部经理 ... 3.市场专员上海盛发投资管理有限公司,市场专员(Marketing Executive),找工作,招聘...

work breakdown structure是什么意思

work breakdown structure[英][wu0259:k u02c8breikdaun u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259][美][wu025ak u02c8breku02ccdau028an u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a]工作分解结构,任务分解结构; 例句The work breakdown structure of a project is a multi-level system thatconsists of tasks, subtasks, and work packages. 工作分解结构是一个多层次的系统,包括大任务,小任务和工作包。

There________some animal shows in the Ocean Park next week. A.are going to be. B.is going to be


There ______ a knife and a fork on the table .


连词成句。 .is, the, park, in, a, there, forest(?)

Is there a park in the forest.

The students expected__________to be less homework. A.there B.it C.that D.one


标志牌上写park at your own risk 是什么意思

at your own risk 是由自己负责;自担风险的意思那个标志牌放在什么地方?

Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt with us. They also play with us. But a lon...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:C小题4:D小题5:C 小题1:根据单词的意思,和具体语境,故选C小题2:根据文章内容Dogs can go back to the Stone Age.中的描述,可知答案为A小题3:根据文章内容可知答案为C小题4:根据文章内容大意可知答案为D小题5:根据文章内容大意可知答案为C

leangoo 。 teambition。worktile。哪个好一些?


It is _____ easy for me to work out the problem. 答案有 so和 very,用哪个?为什么?



创建 maven 工程使用下面命令创建一个普通的 maven 工程:bash$ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.cloudera.sparkwordcount -DartifactId=sparkwordcount -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false将 sparkwordcount 目录重命名为simplesparkapp,然后,在 simplesparkapp 目录下添加 scala 源文件目录:bash$ mkdir -p sparkwordcount/src/main/scala/com/cloudera/sparkwordcount修改 pom.xml 添加 scala 和 spark 依赖:xml <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.scala-lang</groupId> <artifactId>scala-library</artifactId> <version>2.10.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-core_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.2.0-cdh5.3.0</version> </dependency> </dependencies>添加编译 scala 的插件:xml <plugin> <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId> <artifactId>maven-scala-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>compile</goal> <goal>testCompile</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions></plugin>添加 scala 编译插件需要的仓库:xml<pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>scala-tools.org</id> <name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name> <url>http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases</url> </pluginRepository></pluginRepositories>另外,添加 cdh hadoop 的仓库:xml <repositories> <repository> <id>scala-tools.org</id> <name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name> <url>http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases</url> </repository> <repository> <id>maven-hadoop</id> <name>Hadoop Releases</name> <url>https://repository.cloudera.com/content/repositories/releases/</url> </repository> <repository> <id>cloudera-repos</id> <name>Cloudera Repos</name> <url>https://repository.cloudera.com/artifactory/cloudera-repos/</url> </repository> </repositories>最后,完整的 pom.xml 文件见: https://github.com/javachen/simplesparkapp/blob/master/pom.xml 。运行下面命令检查工程是否能够成功编译:bashmvn package编写示例代码以 WordCount 为例,该程序需要完成以下逻辑:读一个输入文件统计每个单词出现次数过滤少于一定次数的单词对剩下的单词统计每个字母出现次数在 MapReduce 中,上面的逻辑需要两个 MapReduce 任务,而在 Spark 中,只需要一个简单的任务,并且代码量会少 90%。编写 Scala 程序 如下:scalaimport org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.SparkContext._import org.apache.spark.SparkConfobject SparkWordCount { def main(args: Array[String]) { val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Count")) val threshold = args(1).toInt // split each document into words val tokenized = sc.textFile(args(0)).flatMap(_.split(" ")) // count the occurrence of each word val wordCounts = tokenized.map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) // filter out words with less than threshold occurrences val filtered = wordCounts.filter(_._2 >= threshold) // count characters val charCounts = filtered.flatMap(_._1.toCharArray).map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _) System.out.println(charCounts.collect().mkString(", ")) charCounts.saveAsTextFile("world-count-result") }}Spark 使用懒执行的策略,意味着只有当 动作 执行的时候, 转换 才会运行。上面例子中的 动作 操作是 collect 和 saveAsTextFile ,前者是将数据推送给客户端,后者是将数据保存到 HDFS。作为对比, Java 版的程序 如下:javaimport java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import org.apache.spark.api.java.*;import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.*;import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;import scala.Tuple2;public class JavaWordCount { public static void main(String[] args) { JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Count")); final int threshold = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // split each document into words JavaRDD tokenized = sc.textFile(args[0]).flatMap( new FlatMapFunction() { public Iterable call(String s) { return Arrays.asList(s.split(" ")); } } ); // count the occurrence of each word JavaPairRDD counts = tokenized.mapToPair( new PairFunction() { public Tuple2 call(String s) { return new Tuple2(s, 1); } } ).reduceByKey( new Function2() { public Integer call(Integer i1, Integer i2) { return i1 + i2; } } );另外, Python 版的程序 如下:pythonimport sysfrom pyspark import SparkContextfile="inputfile.txt"count=2if __name__ == "__main__": sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonWordCount") lines = sc.textFile(file, 1) counts = lines.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" ")) .map(lambda x: (x, 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b) .filter(lambda (a, b) : b >= count) .flatMap(lambda (a, b): list(a)) .map(lambda x: (x, 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b) print ",".join(str(t) for t in counts.collect()) sc.stop()编译运行下面命令生成 jar:bash$ mvn package运行成功之后,会在 target 目录生成 sparkwordcount-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 文件。运行因为项目依赖的 spark 版本是 1.2.0-cdh5.3.0 ,所以下面的命令只能在 CDH 5.3 集群上运行。首先,将测试文件 inputfile.txt 上传到 HDFS 上;bash$ wget https://github.com/javachen/simplesparkapp/blob/master/data/inputfile.txt$ hadoop fs -put inputfile.txt其次,将 sparkwordcount-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 上传到集群中的一个节点;然后,使用 spark-submit 脚本运行 Scala 版的程序:bash$ spark-submit --class com.cloudera.sparkwordcount.SparkWordCount --master local sparkwordcount-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar inputfile.txt 2或者,运行 Java 版本的程序:bash$ spark-submit --class com.cloudera.sparkwordcount.JavaWordCount --master local sparkwordcount-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar inputfile.txt 2对于 Python 版的程序,运行脚本为:bash$ spark-submit --master local PythonWordCount.py如果,你的集群部署的是 standalone 模式,则你可以替换 master 参数的值为 spark://<master host>:<master port> ,也可以以 Yarn 的模式运行。

求助关于spark mapToPair和reduceByKey遇到的问题,求助


求would you like to work in big cities or small towns after graduation,and why?150字的作文

I would like to work in a big city as there are more/better chances of earning cold hard cash in the city area since the expansion and advancement of globalisation. Furthermore, it would be better if I get a job in the city area as there are many incentives for someone that is working in the city, one good example is the convinience of transport that any city must have. The various forms of transport in the city is one thing that not all small towns may provide to its people, hence this is one good reason why I would like to work in a big city as compared to a small town. Another reason why I would like to work in a big city is because I grew up in a city, I understand the structure of the society in a city area, and since this is extremely beneficial to my work life, then why not take advantage of this point and put it into good use?现场打出来的,以后需要文章碰巧我在线就能帮你解决,顺便练练水平~~

spark streaming应用日志怎么看?

支持mysql的,下面是示例sparkstreaming使用数据源方式插入mysql数据importjava.sql.{Connection,ResultSet}importcom.jolbox.bonecp.{BoneCP,BoneCPConfig}importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactoryobjectConnectionPool{vallogger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)privatevalconnectionPool={try{Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")valconfig=newBoneCPConfig()config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://")config.setUsername("test")config.setPassword("test")config.setMinConnectionsPerPartition(2)config.setMaxConnectionsPerPartition(5)config.setPartitionCount(3)config.setCloseConnectionWatch(true)config.setLogStatementsEnabled(true)Some(newBoneCP(config))}catch{caseexception:Exception=>logger.warn("Errorincreationofconnectionpool"+exception.printStackTrace())None}}defgetConnection:Option[Connection]={connectionPoolmatch{caseSome(connPool)=>Some(connPool.getConnection)caseNone=>None}}defcloseConnection(connection:Connection):Unit={if(!connection.isClosed)connection.close()}}importjava.sql.{Connection,DriverManager,PreparedStatement}importorg.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtilsimportorg.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds,StreamingContext}importorg.apache.spark.{SparkConf,SparkContext}importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory/***记录最近五秒钟的数据*/objectRealtimeCount1{caseclassLoging(vtime:Long,muid:String,uid:String,ucp:String,category:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String,newsId:String)caseclassRecord(vtime:Long,muid:String,uid:String,item:String,types:String)vallogger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)defmain(args:Array[String]){valargc=newArray[String](4)argc(0)=""argc(1)="test-1"argc(2)="test22"argc(3)="1"valArray(zkQuorum,group,topics,numThreads)=argcvalsparkConf=newSparkConf().setAppName("RealtimeCount").setMaster("local[2]")valsc=newSparkContext(sparkConf)valssc=newStreamingContext(sc,Seconds(5))valtopicMap=topics.split(",").map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMapvallines=KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,zkQuorum,group,topicMap).map(x=>x._2)valsql="insertintologing_realtime1(vtime,muid,uid,item,category)values(?,?,?,?,?)"valtmpdf=lines.map(_.split(" ")).map(x=>Loging(x(9).toLong,x(1),x(0),x(3),x(25),x(18).toInt,x(29),x(30),x(28))).filter(x=>(x.muid!=null&&!x.muid.equals("null")&&!("").equals(x.muid))).map(x=>Record(x.vtime,x.muid,x.uid,getItem(x.category,x.ucp,x.newsId,x.autoSid.toInt,x.dealerId,x.tuanId),getType(x.category,x.ucp,x.newsId,x.autoSid.toInt,x.dealerId,x.tuanId)))tmpdf.filter(x=>x.types!=null).foreachRDD{rdd=>//rdd.foreach(println)rdd.foreachPartition(partitionRecords=>{valconnection=ConnectionPool.getConnection.getOrElse(null)if(connection!=null){partitionRecords.foreach(record=>process(connection,sql,record))ConnectionPool.closeConnection(connection)}})}ssc.start()ssc.awaitTermination()}defgetItem(category:String,ucp:String,newsId:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String):String={if(category!=null&&!category.equals("null")){valpattern=""valmatcher=ucp.matches(pattern)if(matcher){ucp.substring(33,42)}else{null}}elseif(autoSid!=0){autoSid.toString}elseif(dealerId!=null&&!dealerId.equals("null")){dealerId}elseif(tuanId!=null&&!tuanId.equals("null")){tuanId}else{null}}defgetType(category:String,ucp:String,newsId:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String):String={if(category!=null&&!category.equals("null")){valpattern="100000726;100000730;\d{9};\d{9}"valmatcher=category.matches(pattern)valpattern1=""valmatcher1=ucp.matches(pattern1)if(matcher1&&matcher){"nv"}elseif(newsId!=null&&!newsId.equals("null")&&matcher1){"ns"}elseif(matcher1){"ne"}else{null}}elseif(autoSid!=0){"as"}elseif(dealerId!=null&&!dealerId.equals("null")){"di"}elseif(tuanId!=null&&!tuanId.equals("null")){"ti"}else{null}}defprocess(conn:Connection,sql:String,data:Record):Unit={try{valps:PreparedStatement=conn.prepareStatement(sql)ps.setLong(1,data.vtime)ps.setString(2,data.muid)ps.setString(3,data.uid)ps.setString(4,data.item)ps.setString(5,data.types)ps.executeUpdate()}catch{caseexception:Exception=>logger.warn("Errorinexecutionofquery"+exception.printStackTrace())}}}


几个基本概念: (1)job:包含多个task组成的并行计算,往往由action催生。 (2)stage:job的调度单位。 (3)task:被送到某个executor上的工作单元。 (4)taskSet:一组关联的,相互之间没有shuffle依赖关系的任务组成的任务集。 一个应用程序由一个driver program和多个job构成。一个job由多个stage组成。一个stage由多个没有shuffle关系的task组成。

请教一个关于使用spark 读取kafka只能读取一个分区数据的问题

我先写了一个kafka的生产者程序,然后写了一个kafka的消费者程序,一切正常。生产者程序生成5条数据,消费者能够读取到5条数据。然后我将kafka的消费者程序替换成使用spark的读取kafka的程序,重复多次发现每次都是读取1号分区的数据,而其余的0号和2号2个分区的数据都没有读到。请哪位大侠出手帮助一下。 我使用了三台虚拟机slave122,slave123,slave124作为kafka集群和zk集群;然后生产者和消费者程序以及spark消费者程序都是在myeclipse上完成。 软件版本为:kafka_2.11-,spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11-2.1.0,zookeeper-3.4.9 spark消费者程序主要代码如下:Map<String, Object> kafkaParams = new HashMap<>();kafkaParams.put("bootstrap.servers", "slave124:9092,slave122:9092,slave123:9092");kafkaParams.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");kafkaParams.put("value.deserializer","org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");kafkaParams.put("group.id", "ssgroup");kafkaParams.put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); //update mykafka,"earliest" from the beginning,"latest" from the rear of topickafkaParams.put("enable.auto.commit", "true"); //messages successfully polled by the consumer may not yet have resulted in a Spark output operation, resulting in undefined semanticskafkaParams.put("auto.commit.interval.ms", "5000");// Create a local StreamingContext with two working thread and batch interval of 2 secondSparkConf conf = new SparkConf();//conf被set后,返回新的SparkConf实例,所以多个set必须连续,不能拆开。conf.setMaster("local[1]").setAppName("streaming word count").setJars(new String[]{"D:\Workspaces\MyEclipse 2015\MyFirstHadoop\bin\MyFirstHadoop.jar"});;try{JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(5));Collection<String> topics = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("order"));JavaInputDStream<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> oJInputStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(jssc,LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent(),ConsumerStrategies.<String, String>Subscribe(topics, kafkaParams));JavaPairDStream<String, String> pairs = oJInputStream.mapToPair(new PairFunction<ConsumerRecord<String, String>, String, String>() {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Tuple2<String, String> call(ConsumerRecord<String, String> record) { try {BufferedWriter oBWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("D:\Workspaces\MyEclipse 2015\MyFirstHadoop\bin\mysparkstream\MyFirstHadoop.out",true)); String strLog = "^^^^^^^^^^^ " + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + " mapToPair:topic:" + record.topic() + ",key:" + record.key() + ",value:" + record.value() + ",partition id:" + record.partition() + ",offset:" + record.offset() + ". "; System.out.println(strLog); oBWriter.write(strLog); oBWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();} return new Tuple2<>(record.key(), record.value()); }});pairs.print();jssc.start(); //start here in factjssc.awaitTermination();jssc.close();}catch(Exception e){// TODO Auto-generated catch blockSystem.out.println("Exception:throw one exception");e.printStackTrace();}

帮我把这连成句子 city, we, a ,picnic, have, in, often , one, large ,of the parks谢谢了

We often have a picnic in 后面就不会了,是不是题目出错了?

Did you get off work翻译成你下班了吗? 对不

have, not did

英语off duty和get off work区别?

off duty 主要是对应: 需要值班的那些工位,没有值勤 的工作内容get off work 主要是一天工作时间到了 下班

be off work和be off duty的区别

off duty下班Only one doctor is on duty today - the other doctor is off duty.off work 意思是不上班

off duty和off work的区别

off duty 主要是对应: 需要值班的那些工位,没有值勤 的工作内容get off work 主要是一天工作时间到了 下班

那位同志帮我搞一下Dark side of the moon的歌词

The lunatic is on the grass.The lunatic is on the grass.Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.Got to keep the lunatic on the path.The lunatic is in the hall.The lunatics are in my heart.The paper holds their folded faces to the floorAnd every day the paper boy brings more.And if the dam breaks open many years and soonAnd if there is no room upon the hillAnd if your head explodes with dark forebodings tooI"ll see you on the dark side of the moon.The lunatic is in my head.The lunatic is in my headYou raise the blade, you make the changeYou re-arrange me till I"m sane.You lock the doorAnd throw away the keyThere"s someone in my head but it"s not me.And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your earYou shout and no one seems to hear.And if the band you"re in starts playing different tunesI"ll see you on the dark side of the moon."I can"t think of anything to say except...I think it"s marvelous! HaHaHa……

Sky Larkin的《Geography》 歌词

歌曲名:Geography歌手:Sky Larkin专辑:The Golden SpikeThao With The Get Down Stay Down-Geography★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Oh, geographyIs gonna make a mess of meOh, geographyIs gonna make a mess of meMy my mouthA confessional cannonRun away from meWith the most reckless of abandonAre you unhappy for me?I am unhappy for youAll I can think to doGet you get you get youGood good good goodBut I don"t knowWhat I don"t knowWell I don"t knowWhat I don"t knowOh, ohFire compelsFire consumesYou are a cheaterYou are too fireproofYou are fireproofI am a smoky plume I amClimb a ladder up toYour bedroomBut I don"t knowWhat I don"t knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10316650

by the end of next year he will have worked in th


谁能帮忙提动点关于Dylan Thomas(狄兰·托马斯)的资料 life work 等等都可以

Dylan Marlais Thomas (October 27, 1914 – November 9, 1953) was a Welsh poet and writer.Dylan Thomas was born in the coastal city of Swansea, Wales. His father David, who was a writer and possessed a degree in English, brought his son up to speak English rather than Thomas"s mother"s, Florence Hannah Thomas, native language, Welsh. He had one sister, Nancy, who was nine years older than him. His middle name, "Marlais", came from the bardic name of his uncle, the Unitarian minister Gwilym Marles (whose real name was William Thomas). Thomas was unable to actively fight in World War II because he was considered too frail, however he still served the war effort by writing scripts for government propaganda.He attended the boys-only Swansea Grammar School, in the Mount Pleasant district of the city, where his father taught English Literature. It was in the school"s magazine that Thomas saw his first poem published. He left school at age 16 to become a reporter for a year and a half.Thomas"s childhood was spent largely in Swansea, with regular summer trips to visit his mother"s family on their Carmarthen farm. These rural sojourns, and their contrast with the town life of Swansea, provided substance for much of his work, notably many short stories and radio essays and the poem Fern Hill.Thomas wrote half his poems and many short stories when he lived at the family home at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive; And death shall have no dominion is one of the best known works written at this address. His highly acclaimed[1] first poetry volume, 18 Poems, was published in November 1934. The publication of Deaths and Entrances in 1946 was a major turning point[2][3][4] in his career, with widespread recognition that a great poet had indeed emerged. Thomas "became a very successful orator...was extremely well-known during his life for being a versatile and dynamic speaker and he was best known for his poetry readings."[5] His immensely striking and powerful voice would captivate American audiences during his speaking tours of the early 1950s. He made over two hundred broadcasts for the BBC.Dylan Thomas met his wife Caitlin and "the love affair started in a Fitzrovia pub in the spring of 1936. A young Irish dancer called Caitlin Macnamara sat on a stool at the bar: blonde, blue-eyed and drinking gin. To the drunken Welsh poet who staggered towards her through the smokey fug of The Wheatsheaf, she appeared an angelic beauty. And when finally the poet reached her, eccentrically laying his head in her lap, he mumbled a proposal of marriage. This unorthodox first encounter between Dylan Thomas and his wife is a central part of the Bohemian mythology that surrounds the memory of one of Britain"s best loved creative talents."[6]In 1937, Thomas married MacNamara and would have three children with her, although the marriage was tempestuous. There were affairs and rumours of affairs on both sides; Caitlin had an affair with Augustus John before, and quite possibly after, she married Thomas. In January of 1939 came the birth of their first child, a boy whom they named Llewelyn (died in 2000). He was followed in March of 1943 by a daughter, Aeronwy. A second son and third child, Colum Garan, was born in July 1949.Thomas liked to boast about his drinking. He was known to comment, "An alcoholic is someone you don"t like who drinks as much as you do."[7] During an incident on November 3, 1953, Thomas returned to the Chelsea Hotel in New York and exclaimed "I"ve had 18 straight whiskies; I think this is a record."He collapsed on November 9, 1953 at the White Horse Tavern, in Greenwich Village, Manhattan after drinking heavily while on a promotional speaking tour; Thomas later died at St. Vincent"s Hospital. The primary cause of his death is recorded as pneumonia, with pressure on the brain and a fatty liver given as contributing factors. His last words, according to Jack Heliker, were: "After 39 years, this is all I"ve done." Following his death, his body was brought back to Wales for burial in the village churchyard at Laugharne. His wife, Caitlin, died in 1994, and was buried alongside him. It is said that Mr. Thomas"s favorite drink was the Whiskey Sour, which, on several occasions, he referred to as "jolly good nosh, this."As would be expected of a famous poet whose best known line is "Do not go gentle into that good night", many memorials have been constructed or converted to honour Thomas. Tourists in his home town of Swansea can visit a statue in the maritime quarter, the Dylan Thomas Theatre, and the Dylan Thomas Centre, formerly the town"s guildhall. The latter is now a literature centre, where exhibitions and lectures are held and is the setting for the city"s annual Dylan Thomas Festival. Another monument to Thomas stands in Cwmdonkin Park, one of his favourite childhood haunts, close to his birthplace at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive. The memorial is inscribed with the closing lines from one of his best-loved poems, Fern Hill: "Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means/Time held me green and dying/Though I sang in my chains like the sea."[11] This is inscribed on a rock in a closed-off garden within the park. Thomas"s home in Laugharne, the Boat House, is also a memorial. The Powerful Coolmore Stud have a Colt (horse) called Dylan Thomas which won the Irish Derby on the 2nd July 2006.Several of the pubs in Swansea also have associations with the poet. One of Swansea"s oldest pubs, the No Sign Bar, was a regular haunt, renamed the Wine Vaults in his story The Followers.In 2004 a new literary prize, the Dylan Thomas Prize,[12] was created in honour of the poet. It is awarded to the best published writer in English under the age of 30.His obituary was written by his long term friend Vernon Watkins.A class 153 locomotive was named Dylan Thomas 1914 - 1953.Igor Stravinsky wrote In memoriam Dylan Thomas: Dirge canons and song (1954) for tenor voice, string quartet, and four trombones, based on "Do not go gentle".A song by a Welsh rock band, The Rambones, pays tribute to Thomas in the final line, as they sing, "I choose to go gentle, but I promise/It"s with no offense to Dylan Thomas".The cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band contains a photograph of Dylan Thomas.Alternative rock band The Slip make a reference to the poet in their 2006 song, "Airplane/Primitive" from the album Eisenhower: "It is the day before the rest of my life / And I feel like Dylan Thomas".Musician Ben Taylor named his 2003 album "famous among the barns" as tribute to Dylan Thomas.In the Simon & Garfunkel song "A Simple Desultory Philippic" they sing ironically: "He doesn"t dig poetry. He"s so unhip that / When you say Dylan, he thinks you"re talking about Dylan Thomas, / Whoever he was".

market-book ratio什么意思,金融方面的

市场价值比率又称市价比率,是指普通股每股市价和公司盈余、每股账面价值的比率。它是销售净利率、销售毛利率、资产报酬率、股东权益报酬率这几个指标的综合反映,管理者可据以了解投资人对公司的评价。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考,不作任何建议。应答时间:2021-03-31,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html


departure-to-distribution-network离开,配电网双语例句1. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge. 他们办完行李托运,到候机室找了座位坐下。2. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived. 离出发的时间越来越近,最后飞行员终于到了。

求灵云乐队 darkest hours中英翻译歌词

额,只有英文歌词诶~These frantic memories They bring me down, tormenting peace The darkness drowns me I"m restless without sleep When day breaks, I"m still awake, I recall my mistakes I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! Those frozen memories Laid out for me, all I can see The night surrounds me Destroying harmony What lies beneath, demising me? I"ve lost my purity I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone, I"ll be never alone, never again, never alone... When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. I"ll make my way through the darkest hours of my days! [Solo] When all my hope is gone, I"m waiting for the dawn I raise my head and find my own way out of the dark I"ve left my past behind I"m reaching for the light I"m not afraid to live my life - I"ll take what is mine. http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/parole.php?groupe=Stratovarius&nom_album=Elysium&l=cn

Hye-Kyung Park的《Marry Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Marry Me歌手:Hye-Kyung Park专辑:Park Hye Kyung Vol.5旅行团 - Marry作词: 孔阳/LISA作曲: 韦伟你 在我的文字里你 在我的音符里你在我的身体里所有能感应我在你的愿望里我在你的疯狂里我在你的感动里穿透了空气marryWould you marryWould you marry mewill you always be with me海浪冲刷的印迹模糊世界的距离有过疯狂的足迹那是我和你就算世界忘记你消逝你在时间里我将自己的生命和你在一起marryWould you marrymarry mewill you always be with memarryWould you marryWould you marry megive your real heart to me旅行团 - Marrylisten the sound of your heart beattouch the temperature of your breathlove a new day a new life is meant to beyou & melaugh with meAnd cry with meoh girl my girlwill you always be with melaugh with meAnd cry with meoh girl my girllet"s complete the love story就算世界忘记你消逝你在时间里我将自己的生命和你在一起旅行团 - Marryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2604968

东方神起darkness eyes日文歌词

SEEK IN (THE) DARK HERE IS NO UGHTS (CAN"T SEE THE LIGHT) SEEK IN (THE) DARK FEEL A DARKNESS EYES (DARKNESS ON MY EYESI"m just in deep REM Kodoku no umi no naka I don"t know how mae ni susumu zure Tachidomatte Kagari ochiteiku Itsuwari no kakera Nigiri tsubushite Shitatte ni ochiru wa Dark in my mind Boku wa yowasa ni kakurete * Deguchi no nai kunou kakae Kawaita sekai tatazunderu ** Kokoro fukaku kareta kanjou second eye (I can"t see the light) Here is no light Yume no hazama samayoi tsuzuke (I can"t open my eyes) Darkness on my eyes Kinou, kyou mo asu mo mienai (I can"t see the light) Kotae wo sagashite Boku wa boku wa ittai doko e to Ikeba ii no Sotto sawattara sugu ni kowareru (kowareru) Mujou na yasashisa nado iranai (uso tsuite) Omoi kokoro no tobira shimeta mama kibun dekizu On ga kiku, kurushinderu I just... kiwa ima modose ni itaru yo Zaiaku no e no ii take me there Takaku hada no yami no koori de second eye Here is no light Hitomi tojite hohoenderu Darkness of my eyes Ore wa kareta kanjou boku wo Jama shiteirunda Boku wa boku wa kotae mienai Zetsubou no naka Raindrops falling from heaven I couldn"t remember They took away my love so weak It"s raining on my heart My stupid broken heart Baby please, don"t go No light, no sound * Repeat ** Repeat Boku wa boku wa ittai doko eto Ikeba ii no? Second eye... (can you see the light?) Here is no light Second eye... (darkness of my eyes) Feel darkness eyes


开始界面wireshark是捕获机器上的某一块网卡的网络包,当你的机器上有多块网卡的时候,你需要选择一个网卡。点击Caputre->Interfaces.. 出现下面对话框,选择正确的网卡。然后点击"Start"按钮, 开始抓包Wireshark 窗口介绍WireShark 主要分为这几个界面1. Display Filter(显示过滤器), 用于过滤2. Packet List Pane(封包列表), 显示捕获到的封包, 有源地址和目标地址,端口号。 颜色不同,代表3. Packet Details Pane(封包详细信息), 显示封包中的字段4. Dissector Pane(16进制数据)5. Miscellanous(地址栏,杂项)Wireshark 显示过滤使用过滤是非常重要的, 初学者使用wireshark时,将会得到大量的冗余信息,在几千甚至几万条记录中,以至于很难找到自己需要的部分。搞得晕头转向。过滤器会帮助我们在大量的数据中迅速找到我们需要的信息。过滤器有两种,一种是显示过滤器,就是主界面上那个,用来在捕获的记录中找到所需要的记录一种是捕获过滤器,用来过滤捕获的封包,以免捕获太多的记录。 在Capture -> Capture Filters 中设置保存过滤在Filter栏上,填好Filter的表达式后,点击Save按钮, 取个名字。比如"Filter 102",Filter栏上就多了个"Filter 102" 的按钮。过滤表达式的规则表达式规则 1. 协议过滤比如TCP,只显示TCP协议。2. IP 过滤比如 ip.src == 显示源地址为192.168.1.102,ip.dst==, 目标地址为192.168.1.1023. 端口过滤tcp.port ==80, 端口为80的tcp.srcport == 80, 只显示TCP协议的愿端口为80的。4. Http模式过滤http.request.method=="GET", 只显示HTTP GET方法的。5. 逻辑运算符为 AND/ OR常用的过滤表达式过滤表达式 用途http 只查看HTTP协议的记录ip.src == or ip.dst== 源地址或者目标地址是192.168.1.102封包列表(Packet List Pane)封包列表的面板中显示,编号,时间戳,源地址,目标地址,协议,长度,以及封包信息。 你可以看到不同的协议用了不同的颜色显示。你也可以修改这些显示颜色的规则, View ->Coloring Rules.封包详细信息 (Packet Details Pane)这个面板是我们最重要的,用来查看协议中的每一个字段。各行信息分别为Frame: 物理层的数据帧概况Ethernet II: 数据链路层以太网帧头部信息Internet Protocol Version 4: 互联网层IP包头部信息Transmission Control Protocol: 传输层T的数据段头部信息,此处是TCPHypertext Transfer Protocol: 应用层的信息,此处是HTTP协议wireshark与对应的OSI七层模型TCP包的具体内容 从下图可以看到wireshark捕获到的TCP包中的每个字段。实例分析TCP三次握手过程看到这, 基本上对wireshak有了初步了解, 现在我们看一个TCP三次握手的实例三次握手过程为这图我都看过很多遍了, 这次我们用wireshark实际分析下三次握手的过程。打开wireshark, 打开浏览器输入 http://www.cnblogs.com/tankxiao在wireshark中输入http过滤, 然后选中GET /tankxiao HTTP/1.1的那条记录,右键然后点击"Follow TCP Stream",这样做的目的是为了得到与浏览器打开网站相关的数据包,将得到如下图图中可以看到wireshark截获到了三次握手的三个数据包。第四个包才是HTTP的, 这说明HTTP的确是使用TCP建立连接的。第一次握手数据包客户端发送一个TCP,标志位为SYN,序列号为0, 代表客户端请求建立连接。 如下图第二次握手的数据包服务器发回确认包, 标志位为 SYN,ACK. 将确认序号(Acknowledgement Number)设置为客户的I S N加1以.即0+1=1, 如下图第三次握手的数据包客户端再次发送确认包(ACK) SYN标志位为0,ACK标志位为1.并且把服务器发来ACK的序号字段+1,放在确定字段中发送给对方.并且在数据段放写ISN的+1, 如下图:就这样通过了TCP三次握手,建立了连接


  Non-marking 无痕橡胶:和BRS1000相反,不进行掺碳工艺,不会在地板上留下痕迹。多用于篮球鞋。一般来说,比较正规的室内球场,会有告示,只允许穿穿着non marking底的鞋进场.这样不会在地板上留下痕迹. 这种技术不代表鞋子的耐磨程度 。  Non-marking outsole 无痕橡胶鞋底,Non Marking 一般情况下都会在大底的底部,当然也可能会在边墙上面。  目前世界各大品牌均会有一些款式会用到此标示


Non-marking outsole 无痕橡胶鞋底,Non Marking 一般情况下都会在大底的底部,当然也可能会在边墙上面。目前世界各大品牌均会有一些款式会用到此标示Non Marking 的西班牙语为:No Deja Marca法语为: Ne Marquant PAS




Linkin Park的《Given Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Given Up歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Bleed It OutMade by BIG UNCLEWake in a sweat againAnother day"s been laid to wasteIn my disgraceStuck in my head againFeels like I"ll never leave this placeThere"s no escapeI"m my own worst enemyI"ve given up, I"m sick of feelingIs there nothing you can say?Take this all away, I"m suffocatingTell me what the fuck is wrong with meI don"t know what to takeThought I was focused, but I"m scaredI"m not preparedI hyperventilateLooking for help, somehow, somewhereAnd no one caresI"m my own worst enemyI"ve given up, I"m sick of feelingIs there nothing you can say?Take this all away, I"m suffocatingTell me what the fuck is wrong with mePut me out of my misery!Put me out of my misery!Put me out of myPut me out of my fucking misery!I"ve given up, I"m sick of feelingIs there nothing you can say?Take this all away, I"m suffocatingTell me what the fuck is wrong with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18012784
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