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笔记本电脑开机时显示Unauthor i zed wwan network card is plugged in. power off and remove it 怎么解


Auction Market是什么意思啊?

auction market 英[ˈɔ:kʃən ˈmɑ:kit] 美[ˈɔkʃən ˈmɑrkɪt] [释义] 拍卖市场;Hong kong has become the third-largest auction market of art in the world, behind new york and london.香港已经成为世界第三大的艺术品拍卖市场,仅次于纽约和伦敦。拍卖市场通常指经纪人或交易所的代理人进行证券交易的体制。买主之间和卖主之间互相竞争以取得最优价格。大部分交易在客户双方(通过经纪人)之间进行,其余部分在客户(通过经纪人)与专家经纪人(或自营商)之间进行。 在拍卖市场中,由专门从事拍卖的机构,在规定的时间和地点,按照一定的规则,通过公开竞购的办法,把拍卖的商品卖给出价最高的买主。



vs2008下用 vb.net开发的应用,本机能运行。 另一台机器(装。net framework) 报 ora-06401错

这是我配置vs2005的模拟器,你参考一下吧。1. 在VS2005里新建项目中时,选择创建Platform builder for CE 6.0的OS Design,新项目可以自命名,这里命名为“MyEmulator”。2. 创建MyEmulator的向导中,BSP一定要选择“Device Emulator: ARMV4I”,下一步;3. 模板(Design Templates)选择“PDA Device”,下一步;4. 选择“Mobile Handheld”,下一步;5. 应用程序(Application & Media)就随自己的需要选择,下一步;6. 网络和通信(Networking & Communications)在此只选择“Local Area Network(LAN)”,下一步;7. 选择完成;8. 选择Acknowledge;到此工程建完;四.添加组件(可以根据需要添加,这里主要添加汉字相关的组件)(1) 添加汉字字库(这里要记得加入,很多人这里没有加入,就出现汉字只看到方框的现象):1. 在Catalog View添加“Core OS”-->“CEBASE”-->“International”-->“Locale Specific support”-->“Chinese (Simplified)”-->“Fonts”-->“SimSun & NSimSum(choose 1)”-->“SimSun & NSimSun”或者“SimSum & NSimSun (Subset 2_50)”;2. 在Catalog View添加“Core OS”-->“CEBASE”-->“International”-->“Locale Specific support”-->“Chinese (Simplified)”-->“GB18030 Data Vonverter”和“Monotype Imaging AC3 Font Compression”;(2)添加中文输入法:在Catalog View添加“Core OS”-->“CEBASE”-->“International”-->“Locale Specific support”-->“Chinese (Simplified)”-->“Input Method Editor”-->“MSPY 3.0 for Windows Embedded CE”;(3) VS2005中菜单“项目”-->“MyEmulator(项目名)属性”,配置选择“所有配置”,配置属性-->“Build Options”,在“Build Options”中去掉“Enable KITL (no IMGNOKITL=1)” (这里如果加入了KITL功能的话,可能在模拟器运行的时候,会一直是黑屏的);(4) “Locale”中,Locales先Clear All,然后选择“中文(中国)”,Default local选择“中文(中国)”;(5) 运行VS2005菜单“生成”-->“生成MyEmulator”;五.构建SDK:1. 运行VS2005菜单“项目”-->“Add New SDK…”,在SDK属性页中填写必要的信息,属性“Emulation”中Configuration 选择Debug,可以设置模拟器的显示屏大小及色深,还有内存大小,在此设置为240 x 320,16色深,128M内存,然后“应用”,“确定”。。2. 然后运行VS2005菜单“生成”-->“Build All SDK…”,顺利的话,就会在%WINCEROOTOSDesigns MyEmulatorMyEmulatorSDKsSDK1MSI下会有MyEmulator.msi;六.配置VS2005:1、先安装生成好的MyEmulator.msi。运行Visual Studio 2005,选择菜单“工具->选项”,打开选项设置对话框,从左边的树型列表中选择“设备工具->设备”,右边的下拉列表框拉到底可以看到 “MyEmulator”,这就是刚刚生成的那个模拟器。下面的设备列表里有两项,双击MyEmulator,设定传输为DMA传输,再点击“仿真器选 项”,在“显示”选项卡里设定好模拟器屏幕尺寸,颜色深度等,全部保存。2、用VS2005新建一个智能设备项目,向导选择平台时,先删除Pocket PC 2003,选择MyEmulator,完成。然后按F5运行程序,顺利的话定制的模拟器就会出来了(不过这个过程比较慢,需要等待一段时间)。

jolimark24-pin printer是哪个牌子打印机


电脑里打印机选项里的docuworks printer是什么意思?具体用法


谁能为我详细介绍一下:.Net Framework 的功能和特点,谢谢

.NET Framework.NET Framework是在Microsoft .NET平台上进行开发的基础,.NET Framework以及针对设备的.NET Framework简化版为XML Web服务和其他应用程序提供了一个高效安全的开发环境,并全面支持XML。大家一定对Web Service模型在.NET中的重要性都有所了解,那么,我们如何才能容易地部署、维护一个可支持几百万客户端的Web Service呢?这需要选择恰当的基础架构,也就是.NET Framework设计的目标。 .NET Framework是在Microsoft .NET平台上进行开发的基础,.NET Framework以及针对设备的.NET Framework简化版为XML Web服务和其他应用程序提供了一个高效安全的开发环境,并全面支持XML。Visual Studio Visual Studio .NET 介绍Visual Studio .NET 是一套完整的开发工具,用于生成 ASP Web 应用程序、XML Web services、桌面应用程序和移动应用程序。Visual Basic .NET、Visual C++ .NET、Visual C# .NET 和 Visual J# .NET 全都使用相同的集成开发环境 (IDE),该环境允许它们共享工具并有助于创建混合语言解决方案。另外,这些语言利用了 .NET Framework 的功能,此框架提供对简化 ASP Web 应用程序和 XML Web services 开发的关键技术的访问。本主题包含有关下列内容的信息: Visual Studio .NET 的特色 阅读 Visual Studio .NET 中的 Visual J#、智能设备应用程序、ASP.NET 移动设计器、Windows 窗体、XML Web services 以及 XML 支持的概述。 .NET Framework 阅读公共语言运行库、统一编程类和 ASP.NET 的简要概述。 入门 找出教程、模板和迁移信息,使您为使用此 Visual Studio 版本做好准备。 Visual Studio .NET 的特色本节包含有关此 Visual Studio 版本中的一些最新工具和技术的信息。Visual J#Visual J# 是一种开发工具,供熟悉 Java 语言语法的开发人员在 .NET Framework 上生成应用程序和服务时使用。该工具将 Java 语言语法集成到 Visual Studio .NET 集成开发环境 (IDE) 中。Visual J# 还支持 Visual J++ 6.0 中具有的大多数功能,包括 Microsoft 扩展。Visual J# 不是一种用于开发在 Java 虚拟机上运行的应用程序的工具。使用 Visual J# 生成的应用程序和服务只在 .NET Framework 上运行。Visual J# 由 Microsoft 独立开发。它没有经过 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 的认可和批准。有关更多信息,请参见 Visual J# 介绍。智能设备应用程序Visual Studio .NET 集成开发环境现在包括开发智能设备(如 Pocket PC)应用程序的工具。通过使用这些工具和 .NET Framework 精简版(.NET Framework 的子集),您可以在个人数字助理 (PDA)、移动电话和其他资源受约束的设备中,创建、生成、调试和部署在 .NET Framework 精简版上运行的应用程序。有关更多信息,请参见智能设备项目。ASP.NET 移动设计器ASP.NET 移动设计器扩展了 ASP.NET 和 .NET Framework,可用来生成移动电话、PDA 和寻呼机的 Web 应用程序。此设计器集成在 Visual Studio IDE 中。您可以创建移动 Web 应用程序,使用移动设计器修改移动 Web 窗体,然后生成和运行该应用程序(所有这些操作都是在 Visual Studio 中完成的)。有关更多信息,请参见 ASP.NET 移动设计器入门。Web 窗体Web 窗体是用于创建可编程 Web 页的 ASP.NET 技术。Web 窗体将自己呈现为浏览器兼容的 HTML 和脚本,这使任何平台上的任何浏览器都可以查看 Web 页。使用 Web 窗体,通过将控件拖放到设计器上然后添加代码来创建 Web 页,与创建 Visual Basic 窗体的方法相似。有关更多信息,请参见介绍 Web 窗体页。Windows 窗体Windows 窗体是用于 Microsoft Windows 应用程序开发的、基于 .NET Framework 的新平台。此框架提供一个有条理的、面向对象的、可扩展的类集,使您能够开发功能丰富的 Windows 应用程序。另外,Windows 窗体可作为多层分布式解决方案中的本地用户界面。有关更多信息,请参见 Windows 窗体介绍。XML Web ServicesXML Web services 是可以通过 HTTP 使用 XML 接收请求和数据的应用程序。XML Web services 不受特定组件技术或对象调用约定的制约,因此可由任何语言、组件模型或操作系统访问。在 Visual Studio .NET 中,可以使用 Visual Basic、Visual C#、JScript、C++ 的托管扩展或 ATL Server 快速创建和包含 XML Web services。有关更多信息,请参见使用 XML Web services 进行 Web 编程。XML 支持可扩展标记语言 (XML) 提供描述结构数据的方法。XML 是 SGML 的子集,非常适合在 Web 上传送。万维网联合会 (W3C) 定义了 XML 标准以使结构化数据保持统一并独立于应用程序。Visual Studio .NET 完全支持 XML,提供了 XML 设计器以使编辑 XML 和创建 XML 架构更容易。有关更多信息,请参见 XML 架构和数据和 XML 设计器。.NET Framework.NET Framework 是用于生成、部署和运行 XML Web services 和应用程序的多语言环境。它由三个主要部分组成: 公共语言运行库 运行库实际上在组件的运行时和开发时操作中都起到很大的作用,尽管名称中没有体现这个意思。在组件运行时,运行库除了负责满足此组件在其他组件上可能具有的依赖项外,还负责管理内存分配、启动和停止线程和进程,以及强制执行安全策略。在开发时,运行库的作用稍有变化;由于做了大量的自动处理工作(如内存管理),运行库使开发人员的操作非常简单,尤其是与今天的 COM 相比。特别是反射等功能显著减少了开发人员为将业务逻辑转变为可重用组件而必须编写的代码量。 统一编程类 该框架为开发人员提供了统一的、面向对象的、分层的和可扩展的类库集 (API)。目前,C++ 开发人员使用 Microsoft 基础类,而 Java 开发人员使用 Windows 基础类。框架统一了这些完全不同的模型并且为 Visual Basic 和 JScript 程序员同样提供了对类库的访问。通过创建跨所有编程语言的公共 API 集,公共语言运行库使得跨语言继承、错误处理和调试成为可能。从 JScript 到 C++ 的所有编程语言具有对框架的相似访问,开发人员可以自由选择它们要使用的语言。 ASP.NET ASP.NET 建立在 .NET Framework 的编程类之上,它提供了一个 Web 应用程序模型,并且包含使生成 ASP Web 应用程序变得简单的控件集和结构。ASP.NET 包含封装公共 HTML 用户界面元素(如文本框和下拉菜单)的控件集。但这些控件在 Web 服务器上运行,并以 HTML 的形式将它们的用户界面推送到浏览器。在服务器上,这些控件公开一个面向对象的编程模型,为 Web 开发人员提供了面向对象的编程的丰富性。ASP.NET 还提供结构服务(如会话状态管理和进程回收),进一步减少了开发人员必须编写的代码量并提高了应用程序的可靠性。另外,ASP.NET 使用这些同样的概念使开发人员能够以服务的形式交付软件。使用 XML Web services 功能,ASP.NET 开发人员可以编写自己的业务逻辑并使用 ASP.NET 结构通过 SOAP 交付该服务。有关更多信息,请参见 Soap 社区链接。 有关更多信息,请参见 .NET Framework 概述和 .NET Framework 的内容。入门您可以通过若干方法来熟悉此 Visual Studio .NET 版本。Visual Studio .NET 演练演练指导您使用 Visual Studio .NET 一步步完成任务。使用演练熟悉此产品并了解可以如何一起使用不同的技术。 胖客户端应用程序演练 描述创建基于 MFC 的胖客户端应用程序的过程。 Web 窗体应用程序演练 描述创建基于 Web 的、与为 Visual Basic、Visual C# 或 C++ 的托管扩展编写的业务对象组件集成在一起的应用程序的过程。 创建和访问 XML Web services 演练 描述使用 Visual Basic 或 C#、C++ 的托管扩展或 ATL Server 创建 XML Web services,然后从应用程序中使用该 XML Web services 的过程。 演练:创建分布式应用程序 描述使用 Visual Basic 或 Visual C# 创建多层分布式应用程序的过程。 Visual J# 演练 列出许多演练,这些演练集中讲述如何使用 Visual J# 完成编程任务,例如创建分布式应用程序、创建和访问 XML Web services 以及使用 Web 窗体等等。 有关其他演练,请参见 Visual Studio 演练。企业级模板Visual Studio .NET 提供了若干项目模板,您可以使用它们来开始开发分布式应用程序。企业级模板定义分布式应用程序的初始结构,并且还提供应用程序设计方面的结构性和技术性指导。除预定义企业级模板外,还可以创建自定义模板,供开发人员在小组环境中使用。有关更多信息,请参见企业级模板演练和使用企业级模板创建分布式应用程序的优点。迁移现有应用程序每一个版本中都有一些工具和技术被更好的方法所取代以实现您的编程目标。因此,用早期的 Visual Studio 版本创建的应用程序可能需要更新,以便用当前的 Visual Studio 版本正确地加载和生成。

帮忙写篇英语作文?what is important when working in a team


But being a team leader can be a lot of work, But being为啥能做主语?


dirty work 中文歌词austin

Rolling my sleeves up in here立刻卷起我的袖子Make you smile ear to ear让你开怀大笑Girl I been hitting that, hitting that graveyard shift姑娘啊我一直在,一直在上夜班You won"t find another one built for this你不能找其他人代替我Dirty work, ooh肮脏的活儿,哦Dirty work肮脏的活儿Baby I don"t need your help亲爱的我需要你的帮助I"d do it all by myself我自己可来不了Girl I been putting in, putting in over time姑娘我一直在,一直在上班You ain"t gotta tell me what"s on your mind你不要告诉我你在想什么Dirty work, ooh肮脏的活儿,哦Dirty work肮脏的活儿Cause when you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事儿You"re gonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事儿You know I do it with love你知道我爱干这事儿Each night I do it for you每天晚上我都为你忙活It"s the dirty work肮脏的活儿Somebodies gotta do it有人又想干这个活Dirty work肮脏的活儿So we"re getting into it所以我们又突入到“劳动”中Dirty work肮脏的活儿Go and get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来You know it ain"t no nine to five你知道现在才五次还没到九次We"re going sundown to sunrise我们一直干从黄昏到黎明Dirty work肮脏的活儿Dirty work肮脏的活儿I"m filthy down to the core我真是肮脏到家了Leave all your stress at the door帮你排解所有的压力You know you need to stop scrubbing with Mr. Clean你知道你可以停止和Clean先生停止摩擦了Bring it right here, come next to me过来,到我身边来Dirty work, ooh肮脏的活儿 哦Dirty work肮脏的活儿Cause when you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事儿You"re gonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事儿You know I do it with love你知道我爱干这事儿Each night I do it for you每天晚上我都为你忙活It"s the dirty work这种肮脏的活儿Somebodies gotta do it有人又想干这活儿了Dirty work肮脏的活儿So we"re getting into it所以我们投入到"劳动"中Dirty work肮脏的活儿Go and get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来You know it ain"t no nine to five你知道现在才五次还没到九次We"re going sundown to sunrise我们一直干从黄昏到黎明Dirty work肮脏的活儿Dirty work肮脏的活儿Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Dirty work肮脏的活儿Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Dirty work肮脏的活儿Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐Cause when you do what you love因为当你做你爱做的事儿You"re gonna love what you do你就会爱上你做的事儿You know I do it with love你知道我爱干这事儿Every time I"m with you每天晚上我都为你忙活It"s the dirty work这种肮脏的活儿Somebodies gotta do it有人又想干这活儿了Dirty work肮脏的活儿So we"re getting into it所以我们投入到"劳动"中Dirty work肮脏的活儿Go and get your body moving来吧,让你的身体扭动起来You know it ain"t no nine to five你知道现在才五次还没到九次We"re going sundown to sunrise我们一直干从黄昏到黎明Dirty work肮脏的活儿

intensive fieldwork可以译为精耕细作吗?

这个意思不是“精耕细作”,应该是指密集/繁重的田间劳作。精耕细作应该是intensive farming。

Kelly Clarkson-Because Of You歌词翻译

Because of you翻译歌词 王澈译 I will not make the same mistakes that you did我不会和你犯一样的错误 I will not let myself 我决不会如此 Cause my heart so much misery 因为我的心里充斥着苦难I will not break the way you did我不会以你的方式告别 You fell so hard你已如此不幸 I\\\"ve learned the hard way我了解了那种痛苦 To never let it get that far就是为了阻止它重现 Because of you因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk我不曾偏离我的人生轨迹 Because of you因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt我知道在安全的地方嬉戏不会受伤害 Because of you因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me我连自己都不再信任,不信任周围所有人 Because of you因为你 I am afraid我害怕迷失自己 I lose my way当我迷失自我 And it s not too long before you point it out没多久你就指出了问题所在 I cannot cry我不能哭 Because you know that s weakness in your eyes因为我看见了你眼中的软弱 I\\\"m forced to fake我被迫伪装自己 A smile, a laugh everyday of my life微笑,大笑,每一天 My heart can\\\"t possibly break我的心不会再破碎 When it wasn\\\"t even whole to start with因为它一开始就不完整 Because of you因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk我不曾偏离我的人生轨迹 Because of you因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt我知道在安全的地方嬉戏不会受伤害 Because of you因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me我连自己都不再信任,不信任周围所有人 Because of you因为你 I am afraid我害怕迷失自己 I watched you die我看着你的心死去 I heard you cry every night in your sleep我每天都能听见你梦中的哭泣 I was so young我还太年轻 You should have known better than to lean on me你应该知道我更需要依赖着你 You never thought of anyone else你不再关心其他人You just saw your pain你只看到了自己的痛苦And now I cry in the middle of the night而现在我在每个午夜哭泣For the same damn thing理由与你相同Because of you因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk我不曾偏离我的人生轨迹Because of you因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt我知道在安全的地方嬉戏不会受伤害Because of you因为你I try my hardest just to forget everything我拼命的想要忘记过去的一切Because of you因为你I don t know how to let anyone else in我不知道如何再让别人停留在我的心里Because of you因为你I m ashamed of my life because it s empty我为自己的灵魂感到羞愧因为它的空虚Because of you因为你I am afraid我害怕迷失自己Because of you因为你Because of you因为你

英语歌,stronger(kelly Clarkson 歌词意思

You know the bed feels warmer你知道床总是最温暖的Sleeping here alone当你可以一个人占有You know I dream in colour你知道我要我的梦想是缤纷的And do the things I want而我要活出自我You think you got the best of me你以为你把我打败了Think you had the last laugh以为你让我再也笑不出来Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你一定想著我再也快乐不起来Think you left me broken down以为你让我支离破碎Think that I"d come running back以为我会哭著爬回去找你Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong宝贝你一点都不了解我,因为你大错特错What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单You heard that I was starting over with someone new你听说了我又有了新的对象They told you I was moving on, over you其他人告诉你我重新振作起来而且放下你/忘记你了You didn"t think that I"d come back你没想到我还会回来I"d come back swinging我腰杆直挺的走回你面前You try to break me, but you see你想把我打倒,但你已经明瞭What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单Thanks to you I got a new thing started真感谢你让我又重新出发Thanks to you I"m not the broken-hearted感谢你让我变得不再脆弱Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me感谢你让我不再只为别人著想You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning你知道你的离开仅是我重新出发的起点(In the end...)What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我是孤单的What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter能伤害你的事情才能让你变成武士Footsteps even lighter迈步更茁壮Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"re gone你的离开不代表我要痛彻难耐What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强,更坚强Just me, myself and I只有我跟我自己才做的到What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger能伤害你的事情才能让你更坚强Stand a little taller站得更高吧Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone我一个人不代表我孤单

kelly clarks 的《call me》 歌词 感谢感谢

应该是Kelly Clarkson吧?Call Me – Kelly ClarksonI"ve been holding every breathing andit"s all I can doHaging on every word andJust like a fool, I throught I could get over youSo Call me, when you fall in loveSo I can get on with my lifeCall me, when you find the oneI"ve been thinking what I was all this timeWhen you fall in loveCall meTaking the long away hope andWhen I get homeIt"s all just been a bad dreamThen I"m not aloneAnd you aren"t gone and move onSo Call me, when you fall in loveSo I can get on with my lifeCall me, when you find the oneI"ve been thinking what I was all this timeWhen you fall in loveCall meEven know I know its wrongThe holding to this holding onIts coping, what could it be?I know the truth, and know it hurtsAnd now I know its not the worstLetting go it"s not give inSo Call me, when you fall in loveSo I can get on with my lifeSo call me, when you find the oneI"ve been thinking what I was all this timeWhen you fall in loveCall Me

kelly clarkson在参加美国偶像时的所有参赛歌曲


Kelly Clarkson的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Breakaway脱离Kelly Clarkson - GoneWhat you see"s not what you getWith you there"s just no measurementNo way to tell what"s real from what isn"t thereYour eyes they sparkleThat"s all changed into lies that drop like acid rainYou washed away the best of meYou don"t careYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou"re wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneSometimes shatteredNever openNothing mattersWhen you"re brokenThat was me whenever I was with youAlways endingAlways overBack and forth, up and down like a rollercoasterI am breakingThat habitTodayYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou"re wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneThere is nothing you can saySorry doesn"t cut it, babeTake the hint and walk away"Cause I"m goneDoesn"t matter what you doIt"s what you did that"s hurting youAll I needed was the truthNow I"m goneWhat you see"s not what you getWhat you see"s not what you getYou know you did itI"m goneTo find someone to live forIn this worldThere"s no light at the end of the tunnel tonightJust a bridge that I gotta burnYou were wrongIf you think you can walk right through my doorThat is just so youComing back when I"ve finally moved onI"m already goneI"m already goneOh, I"m already gone, gone, gone, goneAlready goneI"m gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1483940

Kelly Clarkson的《Respect》 歌词

歌曲名:Respect歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:American Idol: Greatest Moments「RESPECT」作词∶ARIA作曲∶ARIA歌∶ARIATime has come...Stand up people!! Stand up!!Respect yourself!! Respect your mind!!AND...Respect the music!!やつれた颜でどうしたの!?怒りの先は何なの!?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?批判はしない! ただ言っとくけど美谈でもないわ! そんなの!Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?繋がれたいなら自由夺われたいなら止めはしないわただListen to me now!乾いてんの? 求めてんの?じゃI give you what you want & what you needHey Baby...この音にのって Fever上げてまだ遅くないわ こっちへおいであんなのより そんなのよりWelcome to my party! C"mon C"mon!壊れたいなら ブッ飞びたいなら连れてくわ ホラListen to me now!どこまでも 何度でもじゃI give you what you want & what you needHey Baby...虚ろな目じゃダメ通せない!ここはそんな安い场所じゃない!Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?軽く见てちゃダメ!とんでもない!ここに天国ならあるじゃない!?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?Baby what"s going on?RESPECT! 手遅れになる前に!RESPECT!You know? わかるでしょ? この意味!?あんなのより そんなのよりWelcome to my party! C"mon C"mon!繋がれたいなら 自由夺われたいなら止めはしないわ ただListen to me now!乾いてんの? 求めてんの?じゃI give you what you want & what you needHey Baby...ソノ気になれば今あげる尾を引くぐらいの今あげるどこまでも 何度でもじゃI give you what you want & what you needHey Baby...壊れたいなら ブッ飞びたいなら连れてくわ ホラListen to me now!乾いてんの? 求めてんの?じゃI give you what you want & what you needHey Baby...この音にのって Fever上げてあたしの声で目を覚ましてあんなのより そんなのよりWelcome to my party! C"mon C"mon C"mon!【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/9156162

谁给介绍一下Kelly Clarkson


kelly clarkson的的英文歌词和中文翻译

Because Of You - Kelly ClarksonI will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会重复你犯过的错误 I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery 我不会让自己的心承受如此痛苦I will not break the way you did, 我不会破坏你选择的方式You fell so hard 你吃尽苦头I ve learned the hard way 我也已经知道痛苦的滋味so never let it get that far 所以我不会让自己一错再错Because of you 因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来都不会偏离常轨Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会站在安全的一方以免自己受到伤害Because of you 因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现很难去相信自己以及我身边的每一个人 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 I lose my way ,And it s not too long before you point it out 在你指出道路的不久前,我迷失了方向I cannot cry 我不能哭 Because I know that"s weakness in your eyes 因为我知道这在你眼里是软弱的表现I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life 在生活中的每一天我被迫强颜欢笑My heart can"t possibly break 我的心可能早已破碎 When it wasn"t even whole to start with 甚至在最初之时就不再完整Because of you 因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来都不会偏离常轨Because of you 因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会站在安全的一方以免自己受到伤害Because of you 因为你I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me我发现很难去相信自己以及我身边的每一个人Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕I watched you die 我看到你日渐憔悴I heard you cry every night in your sleep 每晚,我都听见你在睡梦中哭泣 I was so young 我当时太小 You should have known better than to lean on me 你早该知道而不是还依赖于我You never thought of anyone else 你从来不考虑别人的感受 You just saw your pain 你只在乎自己的痛苦And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing 如今我亦因为同样的事情在深夜里哭泣Because of you 因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来都不会偏离常轨Because of you 因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt我学会站在安全的一方以免自己受到伤害Because of you 因为你 I try my hardest just to forget everything 我尽我最大努力去忘掉一切Because of you 因为你 I don t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道如何去接纳别人 Because of you 因为你 I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 我为我的生命如此空虚而感到羞愧Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 Because of you因为你 Because of you 因为你

kelly clarkson 结婚生子了吗?


Kelly Clarkson的歌属于什么曲风?


Kelly Clarkson的《I Want You》 歌词

歌曲名:I Want You歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:All I Ever Wanted(Deluxe EditiI Want YouKelly ClarksonHot-tempered with the shortest fuseYou"re such a mess with an attitudeYou"re working hard, but you"re paying moreYou never talk if you don"t have toYou got a job, but you hate the manWho takes it all like Uncle SamI want you, you, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youOut of gas, so you walk for milesTo pick me up in your worn out shoesYou never settle, never take too muchYou count on me, just like I count on youKiss me, like when I first saw youI figured out I couldn"t be without youYou, you, you, you,-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youI want youYou, you, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youNo one will else will do(I want) No one makes me smile(I want) No one gets me howI want no one else, it"s youYou, you, youI want you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youI want youYou, you, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youYou"re so hot-tempered with the shortest fuseYou"re such a mess with an attitudeYou, you, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youI want you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youNo one will else will do(I want) No one makes me smile(I want) No one gets me howI want no one else, it"s youYou, you, youI want you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youYou, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youYou and me, walking togetherScrewing up, for worse or for betterYou, you, you-you, you-youI, I, I-I-I, I want youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2182519

《What Doesn’t Kill You》的中文歌词翻译,Kelly clarkson唱的跪求!百度查的读着不顺畅。

You know the bed feels warmer你知道被窝里的温暖Sleeping here alone一个人睡在这里也一样You know I dream in colour你知道我多彩的梦想And do the things I want我做我想做的事Think you got the best of me你认为你得到了最好的我Think you had the last laugh认为你笑到了最后Bet you think that everything good is gone我打赌你会觉得所有好事一去不返Think you left me broken down你以为你让我崩溃Think that I"d come running back认为我会跑着回来Baby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrong亲爱的你不了解我,因为你错得彻头彻尾What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Footsteps even lighter脚步也更加轻松Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离去并不代表我的结局What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强Just me, myself and I只做我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞You heard that I was starting over with someone new你只听说我和别人有了新的开始But told you I was moving on over you但告诉你我已经凌驾于你You didn"t think that I"d come back I"d come back swinging你不会想到我会回来,我会惊艳复出You try to break me what you see你试过击垮我可事实是What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Foot steps even lighter脚步也更加轻松Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离去并不代表我的结局What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强Just me, myself and I只做我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞Thanks to you I"ve got a new thing started因为你我才有了一个新的开始Thanks to you I"m not a broken hearted因为你我才不是一个破碎的心Thanks to you I"m finally thinking about me因为你我终于开始为自己打算You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning In the end...你知道最后你离开的那一天正是我的开始…What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes a fighter杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Footsteps even lighter脚步也更加轻松Doesn"t mean I"m over cause you"r gone你的离去并不代表我的结局What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强Just me, myself and I只做我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大,更坚强Just me, myself and I只做我自己What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大Stand a little taller站得高一点Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone I"m alone当我独处时不代表我感到寂寞,我傲然独立

有一首英文歌 kelly clarkson里面有一句歌词的翻译是打不倒我的困难让我变得更坚强,坚强

What Doesn"t Kill You

Kelly Clarkson的《Hear Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Hear Me歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Breakaway脱离Hear me, hear meYou gotta be out thereYou gotta be somewhereWherever you are I"m waitingCause there are these nights whenI sing myself to sleepAnd hoping my dreams bring you close to meAre you listeningHear me I"m crying out I"m ready nowTomorrow upside down, find meI"m lost inside the crowd, its getting loudI need you to see I"m screaming for you to pleaseHear meCan you hear meI used to be scared of letting someone inBut it gets so lonely being on my ownNo one to talk toNo one to hold meI"m not always strongOh I need you hereAre you listeningHear me I"m crying out I"m ready nowTomorrow upside down find meI"m lost inside the crowd its getting loudI need you to see I"m screaming for you to pleaseHear meI"m restless and wildI fall but I tryI need someone to understand (can you hear me)I"m lost in my thoughtsAnd baby I faught, for all that ive gotCan you hear meHear meI"m cryin out, I"m ready nowTomorrow upside down, find meI"m lost inside the crowd, it"s getting loudI need you to see I"m screaming for you to please {Hear me(x4)}Can you hear meHear meCan you hear meHear mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1161639

kelly clarkson

walk awaybecause of you


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engagement marketing 帮忙想个地道点的翻译??




谁能翻译son of dork的《little things》歌词?

Watergrave 水的坟墓 Through the windows 穿过了窗户 Up the Stairs 爬上了阶梯 Chilling rain 冰冷的雨水 Like an ocean 就象汪洋 Everywhere 四处曼生 Don"t wanna reach for me do you 你不愿向我伸出援手,不是么 I mean nothing to you 对你而言,我什么都不是 The little things give you away 这些小事泄露了你的心思 And now there"ll be no mistaken 现在不再有任何误解 The levies are breaking 提防在崩塌 All you"ve ever wanted 你所想要的 Is someone to truly look up to you 只是有人对你的仰首崇拜 And six feet under water 在水下的六英尺处 I do 我这样做了(意思是等政府做出回应时, 这些受害者已经被淹没在水下了,所以只能仰头看地上的人) hope decays 希望在减退 Generations disappear 世代在消失 Washed away 被水卷走 As a nation Simply stares 而这个国家只是在冷眼相望 Don"t wanna reach for me do you 你不愿对我伸出援手,不是么 I mean nothing to you 对你而言,我什么都不是 The little things give you away 这些小事泄露了你的心思 But now there"ll be no mistaken 现在再不会有任何误解 The levies are breaking 堤防在崩塌 All you"ve ever wanted 你所想要的 Is someone to truly look up to you 只是有人对你的仰首崇拜 And six feet under water 在水下的六英尺处 I do 我这样做了 And six feet under 在水下的六英尺处



在任务管理器中有network service local service 还有system三种,他们有什么区别,各自是什么意思

任务管理器中进程的用户名分为4种:本地管理员用户名(比如你的是Admin)、system(系统)、NETWORK SERVICE(远程服务)、LOCAL SERVICE(本地服务)。另外,“用户名”不能作为判断是否是木马进程的标准!!





windows内为什么会有Local service 和Network service两个用户?它们两个有什么用处?

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 操作系统/系统故障 问题描述: 嘿嘿,谢谢了 解析: 什么是 Neork Service? 问:在 IIS 6 中,Web 应用程序的工作进程设置为以进程标识“Neork Service”运行。在 IIS 5 中,进程外 Web 应用程序则设置为以 IWAM_<服务器名> 帐户运行,这个帐户是普通的本地用户帐户。可否提供有关这个新帐户的信息,它对于安全性以及管理来说很重要吗? 答:Neork Service 是 Windows Server 2003 中的内置帐户。您说得很对,了解 IIS 5 上的本地用户帐户(IUSR 和 IWAM)与这个内置帐户之间的区别是非常重要的。为了理解这一点,您应该知道,Windows 操作系统中的所有帐户都分配了一个 SID(安全标识,Security ID)。服务器是根据 SID,而不是与 SID 相关的名称来识别服务器上所有帐户的,而你我在与用户界面进行交互时,则是使用名称进行交互的。服务器上创建的绝大部分帐户都是本地帐户,都具有一个唯一的 SID,用于标识此帐户隶属于该服务器用户数据库的成员。由于 SID 只是相对于服务器是唯一的,因此它在任何其他系统上无效。所以,如果您为本地帐户分配了针对某文件或文件夹的 NTFS 权限,然后将该文件及其权限复制到另一台计算机上时,目标计算机上并没有针对这个迁移 SID 的用户帐户,即使其上有一个同名帐户也是如此。这使得包含 NTFS 权限的内容复制可能出现问题。 内置帐户是由操作系统创建的、一类较为特别的帐户或组,例如 System 帐户、Neork Service 和 Everyone 组。这些对象的重要特征之一就是,它们在所有系统上都拥有一个相同的、众所周知的 SID。当将分配了 NTFS 权限的文件复制到内置帐户时,权限在服务器之间是有效的,因为内置帐户的 SID 在所有服务器上都是相同的。Windows Server 2003 服务中的 Neork Service 帐户是特别设计的,专用于为应用程序提供访问网络的足够权限,而且在 IIS 6 中,无需提升权限即可运行 Web 应用程序。这对于 IIS 安全性来说,是一个特大的消息,因为不存在缓冲溢出,怀有恶意的应用程序无法破译进程标识,或是对应用程序的攻击不能进入 System 用户环境。更为重要的一点是,再也不能形成针对 System 帐户的“后门”,例如,再也无法通过 InProcessIsapiApps 元数据库项利用加载到 Iinfo 的应用程序。 Neork Service 帐户在创建时不仅仅考虑了在 IIS 6 中的应用。它还具有进程标识 W3WP.exe 的绝大部分(并不是全部)权限。如同 ASPNET 用户为了运行 ASP 应用程序,需要具有 IIS 5 服务器上某些位置的访问权限,进程标识 W3WP.exe 也需要具有类似位置的访问权限,而且还需要一些默认情况下没有指派给内置组的权限。 为了管理的方便,在安装 IIS 6 时创建了 IIS_WPG 组(也称为 IIS 工作进程组,IIS Worker Process Group),而且它的成员包括 Local System(本地系统)、Local Service(本地服务)、Neork Service(网络服务)和 IWAM 帐户。IIS_WPG 的成员具有适当的 NTFS 权限和必要的用户权限,可以充当 IIS 6 中工作进程的进程标识。以下位置具有指派给 IIS_WPG 的权限: u2022 %windir%helpiishelpmon – 读取 u2022 %windir%IIS Temporary Compressed Files – 列出、读取、写入 u2022 %windir%system32isrvASP Compiled Template – 读取 u2022 Ipub oot(或内容目录)- 读取、执行 另外,IIS_WPG 还具有以下用户权限: u2022 忽略遍历检查(SeChangeNotifyPrivilege) u2022 作为批处理作业登录(SeBatchLogonRight) u2022 从网络访问此计算机(SeNeorkLogonRight) 因此,Neork Service 帐户提供了访问上述位置的权限,具有充当 IIS 6 工作进程的进程标识的充足权限,以及具有访问网络的权限。

进程中的用户名local service和network service都是什么意思?


求助:hyperworks10.0 win7安装方法,按照网上介绍的方法安装后提示erro,请高人指点..

hyperworks10.0 win64 安装方法1、安装hypermesh源文件,这个很简单,点击光盘中的setup.exe文件即可。本文以安装到默认路径(C:Altairwin64)为例,不同的记得要修改。2、将MAGNiTUDE文件夹拷贝到磁盘根目录,去掉只读属性。3、用记事本打开MAGNiTUDE文件夹中的altair_lic.dat文件开始修改!关键一:1、首先删除#Don"t change anything beside port value (7788, if necessary)这句话,然后用你的计算机全名替换SERVER this_host 007330757468 7788中的this_host2、语句 VENDOR altair_lm 之后的文件路径由C:Altairhw10.0securitywin32altair_lm.exe改为C:Altairwin64hw10.0securitywin64altair_lm.exe4、在当前位置复制altair_lic.dat,并粘贴到当前位置,然后将复制后的文件格式改为altair_lic.log现在把MAGNiTUDE文件夹中的hw10.0文件夹拷贝到安装目录C:Altairwin64hw10.0,替换掉原先的文件,有对话框时全部选“是”。关键二:5、从开始里面打开flexlm utilities(打开方法:开始->程序->Altairhyperworks10.0 win64->Tools->Admin tools->flexlm utilities),进入config service,新建一个service name(新建的方法:点一下Service Name后的选择框),比如hypermesh10win64,在下面的三个指向路径的位置自上而下依次指向:  C:Altairwin64hw10.0securitywin64lmgrd.exe  C:Altairwin64hw10.0securityALTAIR_LIC.DAT  C:Altairwin64hw10.0securityALTAIR_LIC.log  不勾选use services,点击save services,在出现的对话框中选Yes保存。6、进入start/stop/reread,不勾选force server shutdown,点击stop server,然后点击start server,看到提示启动成功就可以了。7、打开hyperworks就可以用了。本方法在Windows vista Business 64bit 环境中一次成功!注意:每次启动hyperworks10.0之前都要先进入服务器(打开方法:开始->程序->Altairhyperworks10.0 win64->Tools->Admin tools->flexlm utilities)在start/stop/reread选项上点击start sever,看到左下角提示"start server successfully!"之后才能启动hyperworks10.0各部件。

三星i9300 s voice用不了,总是提示Network operation timed out please try agin


请问;Network BOOT Protocol怎么设置啊?是PXE吗?

Network Boot Protocol:无盘启动协议,默认设置为“PXE”。 Boot Order:启动优先级 Int 19h:最高优先级。系统始终优先从网卡无盘启动 PnP/BEV(BBS):第二优先级。系统优先从BBS BIOS启动 ROM Disable:屏蔽BOOTROM。即不通过网卡启动 Int 18h:启动顺序按BIOS设置。如果固定为通过网络无盘启动,建议按默认值“Int 19h”,无须修改;如需在网络无盘启动和本地硬盘启动之间选择,则建议设置“Int 18h”。 Show Config Message:是否显示提示信息。默认设置为“Enable”。 Show Message Time:显示提示信息停留的时间。建议修改为3 Seconds节省启动时间。 设置好了开机重起这属于专业操作自己不会设置,最好缺省安装。可以用缺省的方法恢复以前的设置。硬件安装好,windows支持即插即用,自动安装参考资料只是一个厂家的提供的方法。供参考。不同的产品有不同的设置方法。购买产品,可以找厂家的技术支持或者看说明书

there 什么three什么inthepark

正确可填为:There are three people in the park.中文翻译为:在公园里有三个人。in the park在公园里例句:1、On Saturdays we hang about in the park.每到星期六我们都在公园里闲逛。2、With that, I would stroll with my grease-stained bag across the street, sit under the large oaks in the park and enjoy my meal.拿到吃的以后,我就会带着油渍四溢的纸袋走到街对面,坐在镇公园的大橡树下享受我的晚餐。3、They wandered in the park.他们在公园里遛了遛。

wireshark在解析数据包中的protocol时,是依据通信特点还是 端口号?


stand for;look through;work out。的过去式和过去分词。

stand-stood-stood for look-looked-looked through work-worked-worked out

Set xlbook2 = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(tarFile)这句报错,求大神帮忙!!

xlbook2每次用完后要先关闭退出,然后才能再次Set xlbook2,否则就会出错!

l usually ride my bikeinthe park 什么意思

应该是:l usually ride my bike in the park l usually ride my bike in the park的中文翻译l usually ride my bike in the park 我通常在公园里骑我的自行车


Sigma是日志文件中用于威胁检测的规则格式。对于日志数据,“Snort规则”适用于网络流量,“YARA签名”适用于文件数据。它很容易写和读。写出Sigma规则只需要几分钟。 在右边,你可以看到一个简单的西格玛规则,检查“系统”事件日志的线索,密码转储活动。检测部分包含1+个可由规则作者自由定义的标识符(选择、关键字、quarkspwdump)。在条件condition中使用这些选择器selectors来构建规则。 它还包含一个描述,参考,可能的误报和一个等级。 分析人员使用Sigma为他们的SIEM或日志管理解决方案生成搜索查询。Sigma repo包含一个转换器,允许转换通用规则ElasticSearch, Splunk, QRadar, Logpoint, Windows Defender ATP (WDATP)和ArcSight。即将在7月底发布的SPARK 1.14版本就做到了这一点。它将Sigma规则应用于本地事件日志。这样,您就能够将您曾经为SIEM定义的搜索应用到本地事件日志中。 通过这种方式,您可以“查询”没有连接到您的SIEM的独立系统,并发现环境中其他常见的盲点。我们提供了当前的规则集,它是公共Sigma库的一部分,并包含了超过200个规则与我们的SPARK程序包以加密的形式。(* .yms) 你可以把你自己的Sigma规则添加到"./custom-signatures/sigma/"文件夹在SPARK计划目录。 要激活Sigma扫描,请使用新的“-sigma”参数。 目前只有SPARK支持这个功能,没有计划在THOR中也实现。 该功能目前对所有用户都是免费的,但可能会成为一项收费功能,根据用户的计划,到今年年底必须另行授权。 有关所有特性的完整概述,请参见比较表。

年终工作总结英文版范文Year-end Work Summary

The year end is ing before we move on to the new year it"s high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me doing this annual review is like getting a report card. It"s no different with my annual review – except these results aren"t for my studies – they"re bigger. They"re for my life. 时间转瞬到年底,在我们步入新的一年之前,我们所有人都应该对这一年做个回顾总结。对于我来说,年终总结就像是拿成绩单。年终总结和成绩单一样,只不过收获的并不是学习成绩,它们更重要,是关于我的人生。 Importance of Year End Reviews 年终总结的重要性 So why is it important to do a year end review? There are 4 simple reasons: 年终总结为什么这么重要?有这样四个简单的理由: 1. Draw lessons from the year 从一年中吸取经验教训 What have you experienced this year? What have you learned from them? With every experience we face there are important things to learn. We can either let these incidences pass us by or we can stop to understand internalize them and draw lessons from them. Life is your school and the lessons are dressed up as your everyday incidences. You don"t want to be living year after year without learning from your experiences. That"s just sleepwalking your life away. 这一年,你经历了些什么?从中你又学到了些什么?我们面对的每一次经历,都有一些重要的东西值得学习,我们可能会让发生的这些事情就从我们的生命中匆匆而过,或者我们也可以选择停下来,理解并消化这些经历,从中学到经验教训。生活就是你的学校,这些经验教训会假扮成每天的琐事。你也不想年复一年只是过生活,却从不从经历中学到些什么吧,那样的话,你只是在梦游度日。 There are a lot of lessons which I learn every year. Looking back at my review for 2007 one of the biggest lessons I learned is that our reactions to life"s situations is a choice and it"s up to how we make out of situations we encounter. This realization came after a highly intense period at my job. At that time I was already a positive person but the situation was so out of control that it really made me negative. It was after a short period of feeling miserable that I realized that the reality was such and it was up to me to make the best out of it. I could either sit and bitch about it which would do absolutely nothing to change the situation or I could take action and make the best out of it. This *** all shift in my mindset created a big shift in my reality – it made me a lot more proactive and solution-oriented. It made me realize that many of us generate unnecessary baggage with negative situations in life and it"s all about taking action to create the lives that we want. Happiness is truly a choice. 每年我都能学到很多。现在回头看看我2007年的总结,我学到的最重要的一课是“我们对生活环境的反应是一种选择”,取决于我们如何解决遇到的情况。这种感悟是在我的工作经历了一段高度紧张的阶段之后得出的。其实那时候我是个很积极向上的人,但是当时的情况完全不在我的掌控下,让我也变得消极了。有那么一小段时间,我觉得很痛苦,然后我就意识到,生活就是这样,如何做到最好取决于我自己,我可以选择干坐在那里抱怨牢骚,但这根本对改变现状一点帮助都不起;我也可以选择采取行动做到最好。这样简单的心态转变使我的生活出现了很大的改变:我变得更加主动,积极选择解决问题的方法。这也让我意识到,我们许多人在遇到不利状况时,总是背负了太多不必要的包袱,只要采取行动,我们就能创造想要的生活。幸福快乐其实只是个选择。 Because I would write down lessons I learned each time (in my life handbook) I could then build upon my learnings. Rather than deja vuing through life situations every time I would think about how I could apply what I had learned earlier and how I could do something different. As a result I kept moving forward in my growth. 因为我每次都会记下学到的经验教训(在我的生活手册里),所以我从所学中慢慢成长。每次总结后我都会想,下次遇到我会如何利用之前学到的改正错误,而不是一次次的重复犯错栽跟头。就这样,我在成长的路上一步步前进。 2. Wrap up what you"ve done this year 打包今年所做的事情 Many things can happen in a year and this is the perfect time to wrap them up. Were there any ups and downs? Did you get a promotion? Did you recently quit your job and joined a new workplace? Did you just Start up a business? Did you move to a new place? Did you just end an unhappy relationship? Did you move on from a bad partnership? Any major events took place? Or perhaps there are nothing significant that happened? 每年都会发生许许多多的事情,现在就是你把之前的事情打包的最佳时机。生活中有一些起起落落?你升职了?最近刚辞职进入新的工作环境?刚开始创业?搬到新地方?刚结束一段不快乐的感情?走出了一段很糟的伙伴关系?发生了很多大事?也或许没什么重要的事情发生? This is the time to wrap up the year. It"s time to let go of past baggage tie up the loose ends tidy up your feelings and get ready for what"s ahead. 现在是该打包这一年的事了,也是时候放下这些过去的包袱,做一些收尾让工作有始有终,收拾起情绪,准备迎接即将到来的新一年。 3. Regain focus 重新找到重点 After working for a few years you"d find that the years sort of just start to blend into each other. Soon it"s hard to tell one year apart from the next. Subsequently it"s so easy to fall into a routine without being conscious of it. Sometimes I hear people menting that they"re not sure what exactly they"ve been doing with the past few years of their lives because everything just seems like the same. 工作了几年后你会发现,每年似乎开始有些混在一起的感觉,很难把它们区分开来。然后不知不觉,工作就很容易变成例行公事的老套路。有时候我会听到人们在说,不知道过去的几年具体都干了些什么,因为一切看起来都一样。 It"s just like driving. When you"re driving in a car it can be hard to see where you are and where you"re heading to. On the other hand pausing for a short moment to look at the map can be amazingly helpful. Where are you right now? How far have you traveled? Where do you want to go to? Doing so helps you to regain focus. 这就像开车一样。当你开车的时候,很难看出来你开到哪和要去哪。而另一方面,如果你停下来看看地图,你会发现超级有帮助。你现在正在哪儿?你走了有多远了?你想去哪儿?年终总结会帮你重新找到重点。 Like I mentioned above doing my annual review is like getting the report card for my life. How do I grade myself for this year? Do I give myself an A+? A? B? C? D? or even F? This asses *** ent reminds me if I have lived this year the way I had wanted to. 我之前提到过,写年终总结,就像拿成绩单一样。今年给自己打多少分?A+? A? B? C? D? 还是F? 这样的自我评估会提醒我,让我反思过去的一年是否是我想要的生活方式。 4. Start the next year on a high note 以高起点开始下一年 Last but not least your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note. As I"m going to share later in the post doing your review includes setting your goals for the next year. For this year 2011 my one single biggest goal was to build this blog. So this year while other people were figuring out what to make out of their year I was a person on a mission. By mid-year I had already exceeded some of my goals and now that it"s the end of the year I"ve acplished what I had set out to do at the beginning and more. 最后,年终总结会帮你从一个高起点开始下一年的工作和生活。正如我稍后要跟大家分享的,年终总结会包括你下一年的目标。2011年我的最大目标是建好这个博客,所以在这一年,当其他人还在找寻到底该干些什么的时候,我已经是一个有任务的人了。年中的时候我就已经超额完成目标,现在到年末,我已经完成了年初的目标,甚至做的更多。 Exercise: Write Your Year End Review for 2011 练习:写下你的2011年终总结 Let"s get started on your year end review for this year! 从今年开始写下你的年终总结吧! Take out your life handbook or if you don"t have your life handbook take out any notebook or blank piece of paper. If you have a blog you can copy the questions and answer them in your blog entry. 拿出生活手册,如果没有的话,就随便拿本笔记本或是张白纸。如果有博客,也可以把这些问题复制过去在你的博客里回答。 Set aside some quiet time with yourself for 30-45 minutes or so. Now write your answers to the following 6 questions: 给自己留出30到45分钟的安静时间,现在写下对这6个问题的回答: 1. What are your biggest acplishments this year? (Acplishments here refer to any results you are proud of) 今年你最大的收获是什么?(这里的收获指任何你感到骄傲的结果) 2. What are the biggest lessons you"ve learned this year? 今年最大的教训是什么? 3. On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with how you spent the year? (Or if you prefer giving grades what grade would you give yourself for how this year turned out beeen F- to A+?) Why? 如果让你从1到10给自己打分,今年你对自己的满意程度是几分?(如果你喜欢分等级的话,那么从F-到A+你今年表现怎么样呢?)为什么? 4. What do you want to acplish next year such that it"s your best year ever? Alternatively: 最想完成什么样的目标让明年成为最棒的一年?或者: If it"s now Dec 31 of next year what do you want to see in your life? 如果现在是2012年12月31日,你希望自己生活是怎样的? What does it take to make you feel a 10/10 satisfaction level at the end of next year? 到明年年底,什么事情会让你对自己百分百满意? 5. What new habits to cultivate that will help you to achieve your goals in Q4? 为了实现第四个问题中的目标,你应该培养那些新习惯? 6. What are your immediate next steps to achieve these goals? 为了实现这些目标,下一步你马上会进行什么? Take as much time as you need to write your review. These are the very same questions I use for my personal review every year so I"ve no doubt that you"ll find them useful in yours. 写年终总结别着急,慢慢来。每年我都会拿这些问题来问自己,所以我肯定你们会发现这些问题很有用。 If you want you can get started with questions 1-3 first which are more reflection questions for the year. Spend a couple of days to think about them before moving to questions 4-6 which are about the year ahead. 如果愿意的话,可以先从问题1到3开始,这些都是更值得思考的年终问题。花上几天时间想一想,然后再回答问题4到6,这些是关于你来年的计划。

加拿大高中物理问题!!!!!关于work 和 power

卫星质量150kg,净推力10N(推力减去重力,合力)因此,加速度是a=10/150=1/15m/s^2根据vt^2-v0^2=2as,其中vt=15m/s, v0=0, a=1/15m/s^2解得s=1687.5m如果根据功计算:重力对机械能变化没有贡献,推力有贡献为机械能增加。因此,净推力的功=(F-G)*S,等于 动能变化量1/2*mv^2,联立,代入数值:10*S=1/2*150*15*15,解得S=1687.5m

marking criteria是什么意思

marking criteria评分标准criteria[英][krau026a"tu026au0259ru026au0259][美][krau026au02c8tu026aru026au0259]n.(批评、判断等的)标准,准则( criterion的名词复数 ); (criterion的复数); 例句:1.China does not meet any of those criteria. 中国不符合这些标准中的任何一项

里的一首歌名(Newyork minute)

rocxy和她乐队唱的 Wakefield,一个不知名的小乐队,表演的是daivd bowie的歌Suffragette City,原声里头有 原声很难找到迅雷有,但不是原声http://mp3.gougou.com/search1?search=Suffragette%20City;&id=1011964

in a New York minute 是什么意思?是俚语吗?!


in a New York minute


New York Minute 歌词

歌曲名:New York Minute歌手:Sanne Salomonsen专辑:A Jazz Life - The Very Best OfFrench Montana Ft. Jadakiss - New York MinuteNew YorkIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Things could get pretty strangeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute(whoo-oooo-oooh-oooh)French montana(in a new york, new york, new york)French montana:You can get your neck broke, face cracked, laid flatAnd give everything that you made back, 8 clapMake a sunvisor out ya wavecapPray that new york minute"ll bring mase backShame that remy took 8 flat, you know the game wackAnd every last rapper here tryna bring the name backIt ain"t rap, niggaz better stay strappedOr you could call the stick-up boys, try to get your chain back(in a new york minute)They thought the game was overWhen b.i.g. died, then the homie hov took it over(in a new york minute)They shot pac 5 timesYears later, them boys took shyne(in a new york minute)That ain"t even the leastAkon signed the hottest nigga in the streets(in a new york minute)We gave swagger to the gameStill and all, everything can changeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Things could get pretty strangeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute(whoo-oooo-oooh-oooh)(in a new york, new york, new york)(Jadakiss:)You could get your wig clapped, kidnapped, bitch-slappedA 2 to 4 could turn into a 6 flat, if thatC-4 to your moms front door, gift-wrappedWhole fanbase could start thinkin" that your shit"s wackYou could be at the gas station and get ya whip jackedGet yapped, pay a nigga bread, get ya xxxx backRight back, everything could change, just like thatGet pulled over on your way bringin" that white back(in a new york minute)Rappers stopped sellin"Kim did a year and a day for not tellin"(in a new york minute)Fox went death in one ear too, shortly after that she did a year or two(in a new york minute)I beat the case, not enough evidenceGet ready to see a black president(in a new york minute)You can download a whole albumNow you see where these niggaz get their style fromIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Things could get pretty strangeIn a new york minute (whoo-oooo)Everything can changeIn a new york minute(whoo-oooo-oooh-oooh)(in a new york, new york, new york)http://music.baidu.com/song/2570591

working professional proficiency是什么意思

working professional proficiency工作的专业水平

New York Minute 歌词

歌曲名:New York Minute歌手:Don Henley专辑:The Very Best OfHarry got upDressed all in blackWent down to the stationAnd he never came backThey found his clothingScattered somewhere down the trackAnd he won"t be down on Wall Streetin the morningHe had a homeThe love of a girlBut men get lost sometimesAs years unfoldOne day he crossed some lineAnd he was too much in this worldBut I guess it doesn"t matter anymoreIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get pretty strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteLying here in the darknessI hear the sirens wailSomebody going to emergencySomebody"s going to jailIf you find somebody to love in this worldYou better hand on tooth and nailThe wolf is always at the doorIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get a little strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteAnd in these daysWhen darkness falls earlyAnd people rush homeTo the ones they loveYou better take a fool"s adviceAnd take care of your ownOne day they"re here;Next day they"re goneI pulled my coat around my shouldersAnd took a walk down through the parkThe leaves were falling around meThe groaning city in the gathering darkOn some solitary rockA desperate lover left his mark,"Baby, I"ve changed. Please come back."What the head makes cloudyThe heart makes very clearThe days were so much brighterIn the time when she was hereBut I know there"s somebody somewhereMake these dark clouds disappearUntil that day, I have to believeI believe, I believeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteYou can get out of the rainIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York Minutehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9477149

New York Minute 歌词

歌曲名:New York Minute歌手:Don Henley专辑:Actual Miles: Henley"S Greatest HitsHarry got upDressed all in blackWent down to the stationAnd he never came backThey found his clothingScattered somewhere down the trackAnd he won"t be down on Wall Streetin the morningHe had a homeThe love of a girlBut men get lost sometimesAs years unfoldOne day he crossed some lineAnd he was too much in this worldBut I guess it doesn"t matter anymoreIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get pretty strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteLying here in the darknessI hear the sirens wailSomebody going to emergencySomebody"s going to jailIf you find somebody to love in this worldYou better hand on tooth and nailThe wolf is always at the doorIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get a little strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteAnd in these daysWhen darkness falls earlyAnd people rush homeTo the ones they loveYou better take a fool"s adviceAnd take care of your ownOne day they"re here;Next day they"re goneI pulled my coat around my shouldersAnd took a walk down through the parkThe leaves were falling around meThe groaning city in the gathering darkOn some solitary rockA desperate lover left his mark,"Baby, I"ve changed. Please come back."What the head makes cloudyThe heart makes very clearThe days were so much brighterIn the time when she was hereBut I know there"s somebody somewhereMake these dark clouds disappearUntil that day, I have to believeI believe, I believeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteYou can get out of the rainIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York Minutehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8540574

in new york city ,horses must be given a 15-minute "coffee break"for each two hours of work的意思




谁知道New York minute(纽约时刻)里面两个很帅的男主角是谁,叫什么名字

饰演Trey Lipton(即在酒店房间遇见那两姐妹的高个帅哥,有一米九三哦)的是Jared Padalecki(贾德·帕达莱奇)。饰演Jim(即骑自行车的那位帅哥,有一米八多,年纪比贾德·帕达莱奇大几岁)的是Riley Smith(瑞利·史密斯 )。因为我也很喜欢所以早就找了资料,希望帮到你了(*^__^*)

the sad cafe和new york minute的中文翻译


New York Minute


New York Minute 歌词

歌曲名:New York Minute歌手:Eagles专辑:Hell Freezes OverHarry got upDressed all in blackWent down to the stationAnd he never came backThey found his clothingScattered somewhere down the trackAnd he won"t be down on Wall Streetin the morningHe had a homeThe love of a girlBut men get lost sometimesAs years unfoldOne day he crossed some lineAnd he was too much in this worldBut I guess it doesn"t matter anymoreIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get pretty strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteLying here in the darknessI hear the sirens wailSomebody going to emergencySomebody"s going to jailIf you find somebody to love in this worldYou better hand on tooth and nailThe wolf is always at the doorIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteThings can get a little strangeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteAnd in these daysWhen darkness falls earlyAnd people rush homeTo the ones they loveYou better take a fool"s adviceAnd take care of your ownOne day they"re here;Next day they"re goneI pulled my coat around my shouldersAnd took a walk down through the parkThe leaves were falling around meThe groaning city in the gathering darkOn some solitary rockA desperate lover left his mark,"Baby, I"ve changed. Please come back."What the head makes cloudyThe heart makes very clearThe days were so much brighterIn the time when she was hereBut I know there"s somebody somewhereMake these dark clouds disappearUntil that day, I have to believeI believe, I believeIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York MinuteYou can get out of the rainIn a New York MinuteEverything can changeIn a New York Minutehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2164162

New York Minute

纽约时刻 歌曲





跪求一英文歌 Work it harder make it better Do it faster

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger作者Daft Punk

Work it harder, Make it better. Do it faster, Make us stronger中文是什么意思






什么是benchmark study

benchmark study基准研究双语对照词典结果:benchmark study[英][u02c8bentu0283u02ccmɑ:k u02c8stu028cdi][美][u02c8bu025bntu0283u02ccmɑrk u02c8stu028cdi]基准研究; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A benchmark study of site usability suggests that improvements have been slow incoming, as sites seek to add more features. 一项著名的网站可用性研究显示,这方面的改进行动在一直很缓慢,因为许多网站总是在添加功能上动脑筋。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


benchmark[英][ˈbentʃmɑ:k][美][ˈbentʃmɑ:rk]n.基准,参照; 标准检查程序; 水准标; vt.检测(用基准问题测试); 第三人称单数:benchmarks复数:benchmarks现在进行时:benchmarking过去式:benchmarked过去分词:benchmarked例句The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准。




标杆管理法。 由美国施乐公司于1979年首创,西方管理学界将其与企业再造、战略联盟一起并称为20世纪90年代三大管理方法

Benchmark 代表什么意思??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Benchmark的翻译是基准,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:用作衡量任何形式表现的任何比较标准。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
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