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work hard play hard意思是什么?

意思是:努力工作努力玩。重点词汇:work英[wu025c:k]释义:n.工作;功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品vt.使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进vi.工作;运作;起作用n.(Work)(英、埃塞、丹、冰、美)沃克(人名)[复数:works;第三人称单数:works;现在分词:working;过去式:worked或wrought;过去分词:worked或wrought]短语:work permit 工作许可;工作证;工作准证扩展资料:词语使用变化:playv.(动词)1、play的基本意思是指为了消遣和娱乐而进行身体的或精神的活动,即“玩,玩耍”,也可指与某人进行一场比赛,即“参加比赛”。play还可指“演奏乐器”。引申可指“开某人的玩笑”“扮演”“播放”“(泉水等)喷出”等意思。2、play可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。play还可用作系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。3、当play后接名词用于演出中作“扮演”解时,一般析为及物动词; 作“假装…玩”解时,常析为系动词。

work hard young什么意思

work hard young年轻时努力工作work hard[英][wu0259:k hɑrd][美][wu025ak hɑu02d0(r)d]努力工作; 例句:1.They work hard to keep their culture alive. 他们努力使他们的文化有生机。2.Many work hard to overcome difficult problems. 很多人努力攻克困难的问题

work hard in/on/at/for分别对应的意思及用法(后面跟哪些具体内容?),越详细越好

work hard in 在....中工作努力work hard on 在....方面工作努力work hard at在.....事情上工作努力work hard for为了.....而努力工作


WORK HARD PLAY HARD努力工作,努力玩例句:1.In america, they work hard and play hard, too. 在美国,人们辛勤工作,也尽情玩乐.

work hard,hard work ,hard-working的区别



Work hard : verb + adv 动词 + 副词 意为 : 工作努力Hard work : adj + verb 形容词 + 动词 意为 : 艰苦的工作Hard-working : verb-ing 复合动名词 意为 : 努力工作

work hard play hard意思是什么?

work hard play hard.努力工作,努力玩耍。There"s things in basketball that are vital and that"s to play hard play with energy and hustle. 关于篮球极其重要的就是,要努力地打,要充满活力地打,要积极地打。I work hard and play hard. 我既努力工作又尽情玩耍。Although Aussies work hard, they certainly play hard too, and it is not uncommon for workers to pop in for a spot of surfing on Manly, Bronte or Bondi Beach on the way home from work. 虽然澳洲人工作努力,但是他们玩的也猛烈,对于工人来说在从工作到回家的路上突然出现在曼利,朗蒂或者邦迪海滩上的冲浪场所也很正常。Looking for a honest and patient man who is understanding and consideration for one another; he is strong, intelligent and sexy, gentle, humble, who like work hard and play hard ... 他也应该是成熟的但心态永远年轻的,身体健壮,有智慧,有品位,有教养,有幽默感;细心的,谦恭的尤其对他的女人,事业心强且人道的。

work hard for sth是指

work hard on 着手努力做某事 work hard at 在...方面努力做 work hard for 为.努力 work hard to 努力去.


Success,as is known,is the pursuit of many ambitious people.It requires much of a person.In my view,above all,one should be a person of strong perseverance.Rome was not built in a day.On our long way to success,there are undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way.If we lose heart and give up halfway,nothing can be achieved.Throughout history,we have had many famous successful people in the world,of whom no one is weak-minded.Take the great American scientist Edison as an example,he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb,which lighted up the whole world.So we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of success.Furthermore,one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “Hard work leads to success”.Look at these around us and we"ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society.They usually achieve more than expected.Why do so many of our classmates of average intelligence go far ahead of others?Hard work is definitely supposed to be the answer.And still,I hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world.There"s no denying that our world is changing every day.So one can never be locked alone inside his own room,doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge.How can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of others?If so,that could be ridiculous.Success is what one desires.So long as one is perseverant,hard working and up-to-date,I am sure success is near at hand.

work hard,hard work,hard-working在意思和用法上有何差别


work hard in/on/at/for分别对应的意思及用法(后面跟哪些具体内容?),

He works hard in the restaurant.他在那家餐馆努力工作.He works hard on mathematics.他在数学方面努力工作.He works hard at the reunion party.他在重聚联欢会上工作努力.He works hard for money.他为金钱而努...

work hard是加to do还是?

to do.例句 I work hard to earn more money。

work hard和hard work中的hard分别作的是什么词性?


work hard working hard hard work hard working的区别,要详细一点的,把最详细的拿出来吧!!急啊!!

1、work hard 是“动词+副词”的动词形式,可以变化成谓语形式,也可以变化成非谓语形式。2、working hard 是“动词+副词”的动名词形式。3、hard work 是“形容词+名词”,构成名词词组。4、hard working是“动词+副词”的名词化形式。

work hard和hard work中的hard分别作的是什么词性?


work hard in还是work hard at?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: work hard at sth. work at [简明英汉词典] 从事, 致力于, 钻研 work in [简明英汉词典]v. *** , 引进, 配合


work hard 的比较级:work harder。例句:There is little inducement for them to work harder. 没有什么动力能促使他们加把劲工作。

“work hard,play hard”什么意思?

好好工作 好好玩

work hard的用法及短语

work hard努力工作; 例如:There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals 扩展资料   I"ll work hard. I don"t want to let him down   我会努力工作,我不想让他失望。   Everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy   所有人都应该一起努力以重建经济。   How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?   你是怎样激励大家奋发高效地工作的?

hard work和work hard的用法

"hard work"和"work hard"都是表示"努力工作"的短语,但"hard work"是一个名词短语,而"work hard"是一个动词短语。需要根据具体情况选择正确的短语。"hard work"和"work hard"都是表示"努力工作"的英语短语,但它们的语法结构略有不同。以下是它们的用法:"hard work"是一个名词短语,表示"艰苦的工作"或"辛勤的劳动"。例如:Success is the result of hard work and perseverance.(成功是辛勤工作和毅力的结果。)I appreciate your hard work and dedication to this project.(我感谢你对这个项目的辛勤工作和奉献精神。)努力坚持"work hard"是一个动词短语,表示"努力工作"或"刻苦学习"。例如:If you want to succeed, you need to work hard and stay focused.(如果你想成功,你需要努力工作并保持专注。)She has been working hard to improve her English skills.(她一直在努力提高自己的英语水平。)

work hard后面加什么介词

work hard是努力工作的意思。后面不用加介词。 例如:There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals 扩展资料   I"ll work hard. I don"t want to let him down   我会努力工作,我不想让他失望。   Everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy   所有人都应该一起努力以重建经济。   How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?   你是怎样激励大家奋发高效地工作的?

work hard是什么意思

努力工作,这里顺便给你讲一下hard的具体意思:形容词 a. 1.硬的,坚固的The ice is as hard as rock. 冰像石头一样硬。 2.困难的,费力的[+to-v]George is hard to get along with. 乔治很难相处。 3.猛力的;辛苦的He gave the door a hard kick. 他猛力踢门。 4.刻苦的;努力的[B]She is a hard worker. 她是一个工作十分勤奋的人。 5.艰难的;难受的I know that he has a very hard life. 我知道他日子过得很艰难。 6.冷酷无情的;严厉的;严格的[(+on)]She is too hard on her pupils. 她对学生太严格了。 7.(气候)酷寒的It was a hard winter. 那是一个严寒的冬天。 8.【语】发硬音的(如c,g念成[k][g])9.(水)硬质的10.(毒品)毒性强的,使成瘾的[B]11.确实的;不容怀疑的[B]We confronted him with hard facts. 我们把铁的事实摆在他的面前。 12.【军】设重防的;(导弹发射场或导弹)设于地下可免受敌方空袭的副词 ad. 1.努力地;艰苦地She tried hard, but failed. 她努力尝试过,但未能成功。 2.猛烈地;重重地It"s raining hard. 雨下得很大。 3.困难地;困苦地The old man is breathing hard. 这位老人呼吸困难。 4.牢固地,紧紧地He held hard on to the rope. 他牢牢抓着绳子。 5.接近地;立即地One misfortune followed hard on another. 不幸接踵而来。

work hard

作文标题: work hard 关键词: work hard 小学一年级 本文适合: 小学一年级 作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com 本作文500字左右是关于小学一年级的作文500字左右,题目为:《work hard》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。Work hard,everybody say that .Work hard ,every children don"t want to hear it.but my friend ,if you didn"t want your parents always say that,please work hard by yourself. How can you work hard? If you are reading,at thesame time ,still thinking another things,you can"t learn it.That just your body is reading. If you don"t want to learn anything now,you can take a break .And then you can play a sport sometimes.So your brum have a good rest.Next ,you are going to work .You "ll see,you can grasp all the lessons . What? You don"t belive me. Try it !You can see your parents never say any "work hard!".

为什么是work hard

work hard: 副词的位置非常灵活,可前,可中,可后. 1.hard是副词,work是动词,副词修饰动词常放在动词后面是很正常的. 2.频度副词,程度副词常放在句子前面. 3.避免岐义产生, hard work也是可以的,但当hard是形容词时,work是名词时,意思就变了, “繁重的工作”,“难以应付的工作”.

work hard 和work hardly的区别

work hard 努力工作,努力学习没有work hardly 这种说法,hardly 是“几乎不”的意思。

work hard to do还是work hard doing?


work hard 和hard work这两个短语中hard分别做什么词性?

1.work hard hard是副词,修饰动词work做状语,意思是“努力地工作/学习”. 这个短语在句中一般做谓语. 如:They work hard at English. 他们努力学习英语. 2.hard work hard是形容词,修饰不可数名词work做定语,意思是“艰苦/艰难的工作”. 这是一个名词短语,在句子一般可以做主语/宾语/表语等. 如:Learning English is hard work. 学英语是一项艰苦/艰难的工作.

work hard是什么意思

意思是:努力工作 请速速采纳

work hard中文翻译

努力工作,这里顺便给你讲一下hard的具体意思:形容词 a. 1.硬的,坚固的The ice is as hard as rock. 冰像石头一样硬。 2.困难的,费力的[+to-v]George is hard to get along with. 乔治很难相处。 3.猛力的;辛苦的He gave the door a hard kick. 他猛力踢门。 4.刻苦的;努力的[B]She is a hard worker. 她是一个工作十分勤奋的人。 5.艰难的;难受的I know that he has a very hard life. 我知道他日子过得很艰难。 6.冷酷无情的;严厉的;严格的[(+on)]She is too hard on her pupils. 她对学生太严格了。 7.(气候)酷寒的It was a hard winter. 那是一个严寒的冬天。 8.【语】发硬音的(如c,g念成[k][g])9.(水)硬质的10.(毒品)毒性强的,使成瘾的[B]11.确实的;不容怀疑的[B]We confronted him with hard facts. 我们把铁的事实摆在他的面前。 12.【军】设重防的;(导弹发射场或导弹)设于地下可免受敌方空袭的副词 ad. 1.努力地;艰苦地She tried hard, but failed. 她努力尝试过,但未能成功。 2.猛烈地;重重地It"s raining hard. 雨下得很大。 3.困难地;困苦地The old man is breathing hard. 这位老人呼吸困难。 4.牢固地,紧紧地He held hard on to the rope. 他牢牢抓着绳子。 5.接近地;立即地One misfortune followed hard on another. 不幸接踵而来。



work hard,play hard什么意思

work hard,play hard努力工作,努力玩双语对照例句:1.Here hong kong"s work hard, play hard ethic is in perfectharmony. 香港人把“拼命干活、尽情放松”的理念发挥到了极致。2.But for some high achievers who take a "work hard, play hard"approach to life, researchers say, working hard in one domainproduces more energy for others. 但研究人员说,对一些信奉“努力工作,尽情享受”的事业有成人士来说,在一个领域的努力工作会带来对其他领域的更多精力

work hard 和 hard working该怎么用

举例子比较清晰She works hard 她工作很认真hard working中间应该有连字符hard-- working作为形容词,工作努力的She is a hard-- working girlO(∩_∩)O~

work hard是副词结构的短语,那么hard work是什么结构的短语


work hard和hard work中的hard分别作的是什么词性?

work hard 中work作动词讲,hard作副词。hard work中hard作形容词,work作名词,hard修饰work

工作(学习)努力是work hard 还是hard working

Work hard

work hard at和work hard on 的区别


work really hard与work hard,有什么区别?

意思基本上相同,只是程度不同work really hard工作/学习真的很努力work hard 努力工作/学习

work hard后面加什么

work hard后面可以加介词副词。 例句: You will have to work hard if you are to succeed. 要想有所作为,你必须苦干。 扩展资料   There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.   有很多人会努力工作来实现这些目标。   The UN will have to work hard to stop history from repeating itself.   联合国必须努力工作以阻止历史重演。   She doesn"t work hard in the study.   她学习不努力。   It"s a hard work, so you must work hard.   这是一件艰苦的工作,因此你必须努力去做。

work hard 和 study hard 是一个意思吗

work hard 的意思更广泛:努力工作,勤奋学习,认真做工study hard 努力学习

work hard&hard work各是什么意思?study hard&hard study呢?

work hard努力工作,动词短语 hard work 繁重的工作,名词短语 例句: If you work hard you will succeed. 如果你努力工作,你就会成功. The poor old man must be got away from his hard work for a rest. 必须帮助这位可怜的老人摆脱他繁重的工作去休息一下. study hard&hard study用法亦是如此. study hard 学习用功 hard study 努力的学习

什么时候用try hard什么时候用 work hard

努力去做某事 try hard to do sth 勤奋工作 努力工作 work hard 我尽力(努力了) I tried hard

hard work work hard 这两个词为什么一前一后


hard work 中文翻译



我们教work hard,不知道另一个对不对,我读起来觉得是hard work比较顺,可是老师教的是....

“work hard”和“hard work”的区别。

work hard 努力工作hard work 有难度的工作

work hard是加to do还是?


work hard 与 hard work 的区别

work hard 努力工作, 动词词组;例如:Success belongs to those who work hard. 成功属于那些努力工作的人。 hard work, 繁重的工作,艰苦的工作,努力的工作, 名词短语;例如,The best cure for boredom is hard work.治疗无聊最好的办法是努力工作。 His success is entirely due to hard work.他的成功完全是努力工作的结果。

Work hard 什么意思


学习努力的英语是work hard 还是study hard


work hard 和hard work这两个短语中hard分别做什么词性?

work hard 副词hard working 形容词

英语work hard和work harder区别是什么?

work hard努力work harder更努力

Hard work 的中文意思是什么

Hard work 的中文意思是什么?hard既有形容词词性(硬的;坚强的,困难的,辛勤的,勤勉的),还有副词词性(努力地), work既有名词词性(工作),还有动词词性(工作),当hard 放在work前面时,hard是形容词词性,work是名词词性,hard放在名词work前,做定语, 所以hard work 翻译为中文是困难的工作。

hard work和work hard有什么区别,意思有什么区别?

workhard和hardwork的区别:1、二者词性不同:work hard:意思是努力学习;辛勤工作(这里的work是动词,hard是副词。用来形容人工作很努力。)hard work:意思是努力工作;繁重的工作(这里的work是名词,hard是形容词。用来形容工作比较困难、繁重。)2、二者形容对象不同:work hard:work hard是动词短语,形容人的品质。hard work:hard work 为名词短语,形容事物。扩展资料:work hard造句示例如下:(1)She complained that he did not work hard.她抱怨他工作不努力。(2)She is very tenacious and will work hard and long to achieve objectives 她是个锲而不舍的人,为了达到目标愿意长期苦干。(3)The president will have to work hard to restore his credibility. 总统将不得不努力使公众恢复对他的信任。(4)Everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy 所有人都应该一起努力以重建经济。(5)The Government will have to work hard to win back the confidence of the people 政府必须勤奋工作以重新赢得人民的信任。(6)Magicians do not dabble, they work hard. 魔术师可不是随便玩两下的,他们下了苦功钻研。(7)There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals 有志之士将会共同为实现这些目标而努力。

work hard to do还是work hard doing?


努力工作的英语翻译到底是work hard 还是hard work?


the went to (/)people"s park,but we both went to (the)people"s cinema yesterday afternoon.


为什么有work hard 而不是hard work

work hard:副词的位置非常灵活,可前,可中,可后.1.hard是副词,work是动词,副词修饰动词常放在动词后面是很正常的.2.频度副词,程度副词常放在句子前面.3.避免岐义产生, hard work也是可以的,但当hard是形容词时,work是名词时,意思就变了,“繁重的工作”,“难以应付的工作”.

work hard和hard working的不同

work hard是工作努力的意思,是个动词词组,重点是工作;hard working是努力的工作的意思,是名词词组,它可以理解为work hard的名词形式~~~

work Hard 相当于形容词吗?

在这次课程设计的撰写中,我得到了许多人的帮助。 首先我要感谢我的老师在课程设计上给予我的指导、提供给我的支持和帮助,这是我能顺利完成这次设计的主要原因,更重要的是老师帮我解决了许多技术上的难题,让我能把系统做得更加完善。在此期间,我不仅学到了许多新的知识,而且也开阔了视野,提高了自己的设计能力。 其次,我要感谢帮助过我的同学,他们也为我解决了不少我不太明白的设计上的难题。

work hard后面加什么动词

work hard指的是工作努力,在句子中常作谓语,后面可以加介词或名词等。 例句: The mechanics work hard to keep the helicopters airworthy. 机修工们为了保障直升机的适航性而努力工作着。 扩展资料   We all work hard in our school.   我们在学校都努力学习。   He could work hard and study hard.   他还可以一边努力干活,一边努力学习。   Work hard at your lessons.   努力学功课。   Bees work hard in flowers.   蜜蜂在花丛里辛勤地工作。   Work hard and try to make a living.   努力工作,努力谋生。   Students shall work hard every day.   学生应该每天努力学习。

"work hard, play hard "的中文意思


work hard是什么意思?它的用法?

work hard[英][wə:k hɑrd][美][wɚk hɑː(r)d]努力工作; 劳碌; 苦干; You couldn"t work hard enough for it. 你再努力工作也不足以受此殊荣。American diplomats work hard to develop ties with an increasingly powerful european parliament. 美国外交官正在努力加强与日益强大的欧洲议会加强联系。You must work hard, understand? 做活要勤力点知道吗?You work hard towards a personal goal. 你为着个人目标努力工作着。So does the devil work hard. 魔王努力工作亦是如此。

work hard的中文


work hard的中文



意思是努力学习;辛勤工作。这里的work是动词,hard是副词。用来形容人工作很努力。work hard是动词短语,形容人的品质。例句:She complained that he did not work hard.她抱怨他工作不努力。hard它本身既是一个形容词也是一个副词。意思是:形容词时有硬的,困难的,棘手的,坚强的。当副词时有坚定地,严重地,努力地。先看hard 当作形容词:例如 You are a hard worker。你是一个努力地勤奋的工人。这里hard是形容词,修饰的是名词worker。hard当副词:You work hard。你工作努力。这里hard是副词修饰的动作是work。

work on 后面加什么

work on加宾语,可以是代词,名词,或者是从句

work on是什么意思


work on后面接什么?

1、在表示体力活动时,work on sth. 指具体地改变宾语,可以表示制造,修理某物。而work at 后只接地点,不接被改造,被影响的对象物当宾语。He managed to work the screw on. 他设法把螺丝装好了。The little child was working on a branch with a knife to make a gun.那个小孩住在削树枝来制造玩具手枪。I"m tired to death; I"ve been working on the wall the whole morning.我累得要死,整个上午我都在粉刷墙壁。work at the table/desk 则表示在桌子旁工作,学习。2、在表示智力活动时,work on sth. 是具体地改变宾语,近似于invent,make。而 work at 却不能改变宾语,近似于discover,study。He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。He is working at English Grammar。他在学习英语语法。

We will work ______ we are needed. A.whenever B.because C.since D.wherever.选A为什么不对,谢谢


Work on 和work at 的区别

on可以表示某物平面直接接触地放在另一物的上面,是较具体直接的“面接触”,而at常表示某人停留在某个笼统的地点范围里,是较概括抽象的大概位置的“点存在”,没有具体直接的接触.从这个基础出发,work on sth.就有“直接平面接触”地作用于宾语,具体地改变宾语的状态的意思;而work at sth.就没有那么具体直接,它只表示“点存在”,如在某个地方工作或在某个领域从事研究,没有直接具体地对宾语起作用,起影响的意思.在表示具体的体力活动时,work on sth.可以表示制造,修理某物,例如:1.The little child was working on a branch with a knife to make a gun.此句的work on 便是“削树枝来制造玩具手枪”2.I"m tired to death,I"ve been working on the wall the whole morning."此处的"work on"便是“粉刷墙壁”.而work at the table/desk则表示在桌子旁工作,学习.表示具体体力活动时,work at 后只接地点,不接被改造,被影响的对象物当宾语.work on sth.与work at sth.容易混淆费解的地方是在它们表示智力活动的时候.我们可以说"work on his English homework",但却不能说"work on English Grammar".为什么呢?这还要从有没有直接具体地对宾语起作用,起影响的角度来分析."work on his English homework"是创造发明性质的劳动,近似于invent,make,而 work at English Grammar则是在服从,遵守既定知识体系的前提下的学习,研究活动,近似于discover,follow,study.work on sth.是直接具体地改变宾语,往往是很快就可以见到变化结果的创造性的智力活动,比如出墙报,写小说,做作业等;而work at sth.却不能改变宾语.象“学习英语语法”,“学习希腊历史”与“做英语作业”“写历史小说”不同.“作业”和“小说”可以任由你创造,改变;但“语法”和“以前的希腊历史”却是只能学习研究,不能改变和创造了的,因此只能用"work at".work at sth.的结果也不是马上可以看到的,它是抽象长期的,不直观外露的知识收获.work at 的主语都是人,而work on 的主语可以是人,也可以是物,因为物也可以对人产生影响.例如:3.The teacher"s words worked on him,and he realized he had made a mistake.4.the drug in the drink began to work on him.he fell asleep and the thief robbed everything of him.

work in和work at和work on有什么区别

prep.)work at sth1.在…工作 work at one placeHow long have you


1、表达意思不同,worku2002atu2002u2002学习、研究、写作、致力于,worku2002onu2002表示“从事(某项工作)”可译为“造、创作、画、做”;2、侧重不同,worku2002onu2002侧重于具体对象;worku2002atu2002只说明所从事工作的性质(即时间、精力用在某一方面的事情上),而不在于说明正在做什么。扩展资料:work at是从事某方面的工作,如I work hard at English.work on是继续工作,如They worked on after a short rest.work on 与work at 都可表示“致力于”,“做”在表示体力活动时,work on sth. 指具体地改变宾语,可以表示制造,修理某物。而work at 后只接地点,不接被改造,被影响的对象物当宾语。参考资料:百度百科-work

work on的用法意思,例句,具体一点

从事于…; 致力于...,继续工作; 努力影响,说服... 例句: 1. Actually,I was seeking more challenging work on some sort of track." 而实际上,我希望接受一些挑战性更强的工作.” 2. Nobody likes to work on sundays. “没人喜欢在周日工作. 3. His students work on school laptop computers. 他的学生在学校的笔记本电脑上学习. 4. Marty has done extraordinarily wide-ranging and influential work on developments in chinese society in the chinese family and other issues. 马丁在中国社会和家庭的发展及其他议题上,进行了广泛的研究,影响深远. 5. Parallel teams work on each new generation of products. 并行团队致力于所有的新一代产品. 例句由百度翻译提供.

“work in”、“work at”和“work on”有什么区别?

work in、work at和work on的区别如下:1、释义不同。work in意为:在…工作;插进;引进;掺和work at意为:在…工作;从事于…,致力于…work on意为:从事于…;继续工作;努力影响[说服];致力于2、表达的意思不同。work in通常指在什么地方工作(工作单位的规模较大);work at从事某事,或者是致力于某种工作;也可以指在小规模的地方工作;work on表示“从事(某项工作)”可译为“造、创作、画、做”。3、强调的对象不同。work on sth.中,sth是work的具体对象;work at sth.中,sth只说明所从事工作的性质,即时间、精力用在某一方面的事情上,而不在于说明正在做什么

work at,work on,work in的区别及用法

work on 与work at 可通用,表示“忙于……”。但在work on sth. 中,sth是work的具体对象;而在work at sth. 中,sth. 只说明所从事工作的性质,即时间、精力用在某一方面的事情上,而不在于说明正在做什么。如:He is working on/ at a novel. 他正在专心写一部小说。They have worked at this subject for many years. 他们从事这项课题的研究已经好多年了。Bob worked hard on organizing other singers to sing for him for free.鲍勃积极地组织其他歌唱家为他义务演唱。work out 算出;解决①Can you work out how much money it will need? 你能算出需多少钱吗?②I"ve worked out the problem. 我已解决了这个问题。

work in 与work on 都是什么意思?有什么区别吗?

看这个对你是否有帮助:work on sth 影响…;对…起作用;继续工作;从事于…;设法说服例1.And his idea was that gravity did work on the water and falling, and that work led to the generation of heat.他的想法是重力对水起了作用,使水翻滚,从而产生了热能.(重力对水做了功)例2.I have to work on thanksgiving,eventhough I don"t want to. 即使我不愿意,感恩节我还是要继续工作.例3. Does that book work on you?那本书对你有用么?Does that method work on the problem.那个方法能解决这个问题么?例4. He works on helping the poors to solve basic living problems.他致力于(从事于)帮助穷人解决基本的生存问题.work in 在…工作;把…编进去.例1.He works in a big company in the city.他在市里的一个大公司里上班.例2.Would you please work my name in the list as well?你能把能吧我的名字也编入到名单里去?


work on的意思是工作。work at和work on的区别如下:1、work at侧重于指在某个地方工作或在某个工作领域研究。【例句】How long have you been working at the bank?你在银行里工作多久了?2、work on的意思侧重于从事(某项工作),继续从事。【例句】He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近一年多来,他一直在写一部新小说。3、work on还能表示影响,对…起作用【例句】This medicine works on him.这种药对他起作用。work on双语例句:1、The director worked on in the office until ten o"clock last night.主任昨晚在办公室工作到十点。2、The nut has been worked on the spindle.螺帽已经拧在轴心上了。3、The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。4、In order to make him accept our suggestion,I decided to work on him immediately.为了让他接受我们的建议,我决定立刻对他做工作。

work on是什么意思


work on什么意思中文翻译

从事于.. ,对..有作用

work on是什么意思

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