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哦!这恋爱的酸臭味!《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》

前几日看完《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》有点过于兴奋,有种唤起人恋爱里若有若无怦然心动感,便不住的推荐给身边的朋友们。 狗狗问我讲什么的,我想了下“大概是舔屏向的,禁欲军官爱上俏战俘”,隔着屏幕我都能感觉到狗桑捂着额头的那句“哦,爱情的酸臭味” 咬尽笔头后便暂且先这样安置题目。《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》被称为同性恋电影并不准确,内在性别并不是绝对的两分极端的划分,在生物学中,同性恋在某种程度上是属于正常现象。其可能作为人类初期社会组织的一个因素得以进化,形成了一种明确的亲密行为。同性恋是人类羁绊的一种形式上的体现。如果说异性恋的性行为是为了巩固人类关系的一种纽带,那么同性恋也是如此。 所以我更愿意说片子反应的是同性之爱。 影片并无任何肉欲,取代的是强烈且隐忍的同性之爱,而这种爱也掺杂着特定环境(缺乏女性)中对美的追求,男人间友谊和超友谊,类似生命间的惺惺相惜。 故事发生在战俘营中,讲述世野井上尉与战俘西里尔斯之间的纠葛。 西里尔斯是个风度翩翩、精致、生活中讨人喜爱的男性角色。即便深陷军事法庭也不卑不亢,枪决前的他不紧不慢对着墙面模拟梳洗打扮,行刑时要求正视射杀过程。被旧友劳伦斯称为士兵中的士兵。 也正是这份骄傲为了不使自己蒙羞,曾放任他人对弟弟的欺辱,出于背叛弟弟的自责,他踏上了自我放逐和赎罪的远征。对权威与压迫的反抗多少有当初背叛弟弟的一种自我无能的发泄。而他的透露出的风度与光彩,敢于追逐自我的行事作风,无疑给克制文化中的世野井产生了冲击,进而仰慕。 咋看西里尔斯对世野井是没有回应的,恃宠而骄,利用了世野井对自己强烈情感频频发难。 而意识到对西里尔斯倍加关注的世野井,内在平衡的打破,使得这份同性之爱化作不能承受的煎熬,成了世野井的地狱。这种深沉的爱被称为"邪念"被压抑。 世野井的本我与西里尔斯有着相似的骄傲和反叛,两只同样的鸟爱惜着各自的羽毛。 爱的本质是映射。即便战争造成两人身份地位的悬殊,世野井竭尽全力的保护着西里尔斯,并控制着自己强烈的感情。 在军事法庭上挺身而出的发声,在刑场上救走西里尔斯。而西里尔斯仿佛心里只有对他的仇恨。 战俘营中理性和情感爆发无不贯穿折磨着世野井。他拥有战俘营的绝对权力,感情上却处在绝对的弱势。 电影通过三次两人的对峙与角力把剧情和情绪一层层推染。第一次的正面对峙在世野井斩杀韩国战俘,他荷兰的恋人随之殉情,面对世野井下达的禁食令,西里尔斯不仅吃花还为同伴公然哀悼,当世野井冰冷的质问他时,他答道“但愿我是你的邪念之一”这是的西里尔斯更多的处于失望求死状态。 世野井对“邪念”自然无可奈何,强势身份下,感情里的世野井卑微且退让。两人间的第二次对峙,世野井为了维护规则,欲将劳伦斯牺牲,将西里尔斯禁闭。暗地里又偷偷每晚看护着西里尔斯。带着朋友逃离的西里尔斯与世野井有了第二次的对峙。他清晰知晓了世野对他的特殊甚至是宠溺。 两种文化背景下的冲突,直面和含蓄再一次正面交锋,使得世野说出看似不相关又真诚的“如果你打败我,你就自由了” 被“邪念”征服的世野井希望通过自我毁灭而完成对方的自由,从而实现自我的自由。下级士兵“那个男人是乱了你心性的恶魔”; 劳伦斯“我觉得他对你有好感”; 西里尔斯“你知不知道野井为什么这么想留住我”。 此时的世野井情感已不可克制的被流露。 两人的第三次对峙是全篇的高潮,其中一段镜头从世野井视野出发,在老弱伤兵上扫过,最终看似漫不经心定格停留在西里尔斯上,那几秒显得特别平静。紧接着又怕被破似的,马上挪开视线。让观众直接窥视他心中最隐秘深沉的情感。 世上人那么多只有你闪耀着光芒,装做你不在我眼里却总在心里,挥之不去。 西里尔斯在众目睽睽中掰过已僵直的世野井,亲吻了他的双颊。昭昭回应了一切,坚定且坦诚。情感在这刻热烈崩发,巨大的喜悦和羞愧使得世野井昏厥过去,扬起的武士刀如何也劈斩不下去。 西里尔斯离开时整理了衣袖,扣上上衣扣,体面的完成最终的牺牲。 重重被举起的情感最终被轻轻放下,世野井剪下了西里尔斯的一缕头发,行完军礼后离开,感情在此被具化,被埋葬。自由与赎罪将西里尔斯带向死亡,群体主义将世野井带向死亡。各自分别又走向相同的终点。 最终那缕被祭奠的头发为终结画上句号。 至今很难说西里尔斯对世野井是否存在感情,最后他站出来保护众人更像当初背叛弟弟的救赎。 “I wish I could sing” 曾经弟弟被屈辱时的场景和自己懦弱,在被置换场景中,他用自己的方式救出被俘虏的士兵,又或者是世野井本身。 死前他看到繁华里许下的诺言,只是这次他没有选择退缩,自我放逐终于魂归故里。 反战是片子的内核,其间充满了关系上的倒置,对抗与和解。 世野井内心的对抗, 在日本传统武士精神里,对同性的好感是被完全禁止和鄙弃的。 世野井对光一般的西里尔斯有着超越性别的仰慕与深情,自我追求与道德社会在世野井内部产生了强烈的对抗。而最终到底他与西里尔斯本质上达到了融合,和解。 战俘营体现出西方文化与东方文化的对抗,关于投降,东方重节气,宁死守节,西方重个人,投降是为了取得更大利益。 关于同性之爱,武士道视其为扰乱心性的恶魔,而西方更多了一份理解。 这之间对抗通过原上士与劳伦斯两个角色完成,借圣诞节达到和解。 “我不想恨那些作为个体的日本人”战争与个人的本质,人性相通,冲突与对抗的战争最终是人类的悲剧。 第一次圣诞节,酒醉的原上士释放了劳伦斯和西里尔斯,世野井露出难见的笑容,圣诞节是次不分国籍的、去身份的个人平等的释放。 第二次圣诞节身份对调的两人监牢里再见,原上士没了满含酒气涨红的丑态,开始会说英文,一如当初的劳伦斯。 “我只是不明白为什么是我,我分明和其余人做了一样的事情” 每个人都觉得自己做了正义正确的事情,而最终发现宛如荒唐的闹剧。 西里尔斯与世野井各自突破了自我的勇气,如种子,劳伦斯与原上士坐在监牢里突破了国家关系,平等的以朋友的身份交谈 道完那句 Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence,劳伦斯离开房间,原上士等待的是枪决的命运。一切又回到了残酷的对立和死亡,个体的善与群体的恶,绕不开的战争怪圈。和解付出的代价过于沉重。 曾看过一句评论,也许只有德国和日本才能拍出好的战争电影吧。之前对大岛渚的了解只是停留在《感官世界》(捂脸中…)觉得导演好残暴,表达方法粗粝直接,虽然能理解导演想表达性爱的疯狂和粗暴,观感还是有点…不好的。 坂本龙一的出演带给我最大的意外,因为听歌不看音乐人的习惯,他做的音乐和久石让一卦的,就自然把坂本龙一脑补成白发苍苍的老艺术家托着腮帮子,或者穿着燕尾服挥着指挥棒之类。 直到我看到他照片,惊的我下巴掉地。俊美清秀,眉眼中透着阴郁冷峻的气质。穿上军装简直是英俊本身。这个反转有点吃不消!这电影让我怀疑坂本龙一是不是本色出演,温柔的眼神、复杂的情绪,包括抑制不住的激动那一刻的涣散。难怪这部片子之后,很多人站坂本龙一和鲍爷这对CP。 天呐,完全能靠脸吃饭的人,偏偏要靠才华,能靠老天赏饭吃的演员,偏偏去做了音乐家。有才的人都这么任性的么。大卫.鲍伊出场的前几分钟我还停留在这个男的好眼熟的阶段,直到认出这是大卫.鲍伊的时候,他身上的光环加成瞬间就沸腾了,就差拿起荧光棒对着为鲍爷打CALL。毕竟他平时在我心目中是这样的,认不出来...额..也没有毛病,科科。 我看过他之前出演过一部科幻片《天外来客》说他是本尊是外星人我都不意外,何况演个外星人,可这次是天神变真人,给我的震惊一点也不亚于坂本龙一。 由于前面两位铺垫,北野武的出现都显得没那么意外,他出场时微微想,哟,这不是北野武嘛,这时候真年轻啊。里面显得特别青涩,才华已初见端倪。 不过做了大导演也经常出演下自己电影的主角的骚气男人,感觉怎么跨界都不会觉得意外。 整体观影体验特别神奇,前三十分钟反复在想为什么音乐人、摇滚歌手、导演在演电影。 更神奇的是,电影完整度完全没有因他们各自的光环而影响,特别自然,完成的简直不能再棒了。大岛渚简直太厉害了! 所以说,片名是劳伦斯先生的圣诞节,但可怜的劳伦斯先生已经被大神们的光辉照耀的剩下旁白的作用了,哈哈。以上完

宇多田光-Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence-FYI的中文歌词


宇多田光《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》这首歌出自哪张专辑=


merry christmas mr. lawrence是什么歌?

merry christmas mr. lawrence?这是它同名电影《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》的插曲。你是不是看了一个视频,翻奏几首名曲,前面几个是千与千寻和幽灵公主的插曲,都是久石让作品。后面的是其他作曲家的。epic tribute medley这首曲子各部分组成原曲分别为:《One Summer"s Day》 - Joe Hisaishi《Princess Mononoke Theme》 - Joe Hisaishi《The Legend of Ashitaka》 - Joe Hisaishi《Love Mellow》 - Tsunenori/Hus/Asia J《Another Day In the Life》 - Bop Alloy《Best Moments》 - Blazo & Kondor《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》 - 坂本龙一《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》- Skrillex



为什么KRIS 的外号是吴皇 和教主? 为什么SEHUN 的外号叫奶包 小诗心 白久? 为什么LA



futari unmei o kasaneru zutto zutto sagashiteita takaramono gakurayami no naka eto kieta tokiosanai koro ni mita yume no you nayasashisa ya ai nante uso da to akirameteita yoiroasereba ii sou omotteta sekai niitoshisa ga kanou sei ga umarerudakara tomadoi itami koete kakeru inryoku no kanata edakedo ushinau todoku hazu no nai inori o sasagunee tsutaete watashi wa kanarazu kimi o mamoru to chikaeru yofutari manazashi o unmei o kasaneruyozora ni matataita hoshi ga terasuyasashii taisetsu na omoide moano toki kanjiteita nukumori saefutashika na kioku no kage da to wasurekaketeta yokizutsukeau tabi mune o sasu kono itami nifurisosogu tokihanatsu Gravityhikari no mukou yami o koeteyukou inryoku no kanata enanimo iranai tatoe subete ushinau sadame demosoba ni iru yo kimi no hitomi no saki ni ashita ga mieru karafutari manazashi o unmei o kasanerusoukyokusen meguriau kisekimichibikareru miraidakara tomadoi itami koete kakeru inryoku no kanata edakedo ushinau todoku hazu no nai inori o sasagunee, tsutaete watashi wa kanarazu kimi o mamoru to chikaeru yososhite tobira o hiraku kokoro deau inryoku no kanata deitsuka todokeru negau kago no nai kotori ni narerunee, tsutaete watashi wa kanarazu kimi to mirai o tsukameru yosono te o tsukameru yofutari manazashi o unmei o kasaneru 来源:http://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/lyrics/claris/gravity/


christian的意思是:基督教的。Christian,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“ 基督徒,信徒”,作形容词时意为“基督教的;信基督教的”。单词发音:英[u02c8kru026astu0283u0259n]。美[u02c8kru026astu0283u0259n]。短语搭配1、Christian Bale 克里斯蒂安·贝尔;克里斯蒂安;克里斯汀贝尔。2、Christian Science 基督科学教会;基督教科学派;基督教科学会。3、Christian JACQ 克里斯蒂安·贾克;克里斯提昂·贾克;克里斯提昂。4、Christian Laettner 克里斯汀·莱特纳;莱特纳;克里斯蒂安;雷特纳。5、Christian Thielemann 克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼;蒂勒曼;提勒曼;蒂利文。双语例句1、He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。2、Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.大多数人认为他们是依照基督教的道德体系来处理自己的私生活和公共事务的。3、We"re all on Christian name terms here.我们这里所有的人都用教名相互称呼。4、Because he was a Christian, the judge let him off.由于他是基督徒,法官便对他从轻发落。

surprise amaze interest excite的区别



amaze:多指因wonder and bewilderment(难以弄懂或困惑)而引 起的惊奇. surprise:多用于因事情unusual and unexpected(不寻常或未料到) 而产生的诧异,侧重于“意外”.

leading to increased profits for the enterprise lead to后不应该加ing或名词吗?


推荐Christian Aguilera 的Hurt风格接近的欧美歌曲

美国Billboard Hot 100冠军: Genie in a bottle (1999) What a girl wants (1999) Come on over baby (2000) Lady marmalade (2001) 英国金榜冠军单曲: Genie in a bottle (1999) Lady marmalade (2001) Dirrty (2003) Beautiful (2003) 世界单曲榜冠军单曲: Genie in a bottle (1999) What a girl wants (1999) Come on over baby (2000) Lady marmalade (2001) Nobody wants to be lonely(2001) Beautiful(2003)

Christina Aguilera的genie in a bottle歌词?

  Christina-Gennie In A Bottle  I feel like I"ve been locked up fight  For a century of lonely nights  Waiting for someone to release me  You"re lickin your lips and blowing kisses my way  But that dont mean I"m gonna give it away  Baby.Baby Baby  Oh~~~~, my bodys sayin lets go go  Oh~~~~, but my hearts sayin no no  If you mant to be with me  Baby there"s price to pay  I"m a genie in a bottle  You gotta make a big impression  If you want to be with me  I can make your wish come true  You gotta make a big impression  I gotta like what you do  The musics banging and the lights down low  Just one more dance and were good to go  Waitin for someone who needs me  Hormones racing at the speed of light  But that dont mean its gotta be tonight  Baby.Baby.Baby  Just come and set me free  Baby and I"ll be with you  I"m a genie in a bottle, baby  Come come come ~~  阿擦的作品:  音乐作品  《Christina Aguilera》同名专辑 1999  《Mi Reflejo》 拉丁情怀(西班牙语) 2000  《My Kind Of Christmas 》恋恋祝福(圣诞特别专辑) 2000  《Just Be Free》 自由自在 试音专辑(非官方) 2001  《Stripped》 裸 2002  《Back To Basics》 返璞归真 2006  《Keeps Gettin" Better—A Decade Of Hits》一路长红u2027十年精选 2008  《BIONIC》 超u2027未u2027来 2010  电影作品  《Burlesque》舞娘俱乐部 2010

christina aguilera 的好听的歌

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 越多越好(最好是可以直接下下来) 解析: 1,BEAUTIFUL(无数次被人翻唱,描写同性恋故事的一首歌,也是CA目前最有名的歌曲) 2,FIGHTER(NBA季候赛的主题曲,不知道听过没有,很耐听) 3,REFLECTION(CA出道第一首作品,电影花木兰主题歌,也是这首歌让CA在出专辑前就红遍了全世界)4,GENIE IN A BOTTLE(CA第一张专辑的主打歌,CA早期的称号“瓶中精灵”就由来于此,也是CA第一首冠军单曲) 5,WHAT A GIRL WANTS(CA首张专辑的第二支单曲,也是CA的第二首冠军单曲,甚至超过了瓶中精灵) 6,COME ON OVER(ALL I WANT IS YOU)(CA自己比较喜欢的一首歌,曾被改为西班牙文,也曾在MV里加上RAP,反正很舞曲也很耐听的一首歌,朗朗上口) 7,PERO ME ACUERDO DE TI(一定要听的一首西班牙文歌,比天涯海角好听的多,代表CA逐渐向天后转型,MV里更是表现出了无尽的忧伤和孤独 8,DIRTY(CA里程碑式的一首歌,在MV里,CA大胆向全世界宣布,我不再是流行偶像,更是性感天后) 9,CRUZ(出自CA空前成功的专辑STRIPPED,非常励志的一首歌,旋律第一遍听就觉得很好听而且很耐听) 10,DREAMY EYES(作为CA迷,很惭愧的说,我也不知道这首歌什么时候的,也很少有人提起,但是听过的人没有说不好听的,绝对是经典)


鲍勃迪伦的《I want you 》歌词如下:The guilty undertaker sighsThe lonesome organ grinder criesThe silver saxophones say I should refuse youThe cracked bells and washed-out hornsBlow into my face with scornBut it"s not that wayI wasn"t born to lose youI want you, I want youI want you so badHoney, I want youThe drunken politician leapsUpon the street where mothers weepAnd the saviors who are fast asleep, they wait for youAnd I wait for them to interruptMe drinkin" from my broken cupAnd ask me toOpen up the gate for youI want you, I want youI want you so badHoney, I want youHow all my fathers, they"ve gone downTrue love they"ve been without itBut all their daughters put me down"Cause I don"t think about itWell, I return to the Queen of SpadesAnd talk with my chambermaidShe knows that I"m not afraid to look at herShe is good to meAnd there"s nothing she doesn"t seeShe knows where I"d like to beBut it doesn"t matterI want you, I want youI want you so badHoney, I want youNow your dancing child with his Chinese suitHe spoke to me, I took his fluteNo, I wasn"t very cute to him, was I?But I did it, though, because he liedBecause he took you for a rideAnd because time was on his sideAnd because I . . .I want you, I want youI want you so badHoney, I want you链接在这儿:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/q6jhY8r7Gss-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lz认真听一下吧,女主唱的是这几句The cracked bells and washed-out hornsBlow into my face with scornBut it"s not that wayI wasn"t born to lose youI want you, I want you然后分裂的胖子接了这几句I want you, I want youI want you so badHoney, I want you-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------如果lz还想要翻译的话自己百度一下吧。。。。。就这些了


布里斯托尔Bristol字典无此单词 brist

hare krishna什么意思

hare krishna什么意思的介绍如下:HareKrishnatemple克利须那神庙位于南非德班。是沙斯沃斯(Chatsworth)的智力庙(TempleofUnderstanding)中最值得一看的,宣扬的是印度宗教的神。最好听的歌声那是在从前,在一个克利须那神庙里有个守夜人,每晚守护神庙防止盗窃,因为庙中的神殿内有一尊克利须那神像,它的冠冕上镶嵌着一块硕大的宝石。守夜人为了保持清醒,整夜不停地唱颂歌。一天晚上,祭官从庙旁走过,从庙里传来五音不全的破锣嗓子唱的跑调的歌声。身为古典音乐大家的他愤怒地冲进庙内。“不许喧哗!”祭官喊道,“你的破锣嗓子打扰了神庙的清静。你不知道克利须那神在休息吗?滚出庙去,永远别再回来!”守夜人吓得立刻离开了。几分钟后祭官的气消了,才意识到刚才过于冲动,现在没有人看守神庙了。他决定亲自看守到次日清晨,然后找个新守夜人。过了不到一个钟头,忽听沉重的脚步声从神殿传来。他检查殿前后的两个门,门锁得好好的,也不可能有人从他眼皮底下溜过去。他把耳朵附在门上听,脚步声仍未停息。祭官担心是狡猾的窃贼发现了其他进入神殿的路,便打开门冲了进去。原来是克利须那神像在来回踱步,祭官不禁大吃一惊。哦,今晚好福气,他想。因为我工作得好,克利须那神向我显灵了。“神啊!”祭官喊道,届膝跪下,“您为什么向我显灵?”“我睡不着,”克利须那生气地回答,“那个整夜为我唱催眠曲的人不在了。”祭官惊呆了,但随即恢复了机智,说:“让我为您唱吧,神,我是最出色的音乐家。”他从隔壁取来坦布拉琴,调好音,开始以古典拉格曲调吟唱他听见守夜人唱的那首歌。他的弹奏非常完美,唱出的每个音调也非常准确。但是克利须那听了几分钟后,摆摆手说:“我听古典拉格调几个世纪了,我自己唱得比你要好很多。不,我一定要听那个守夜人唱。15年来我一直听他的歌,只有他的歌能令我安宁。”“但是,神,”祭官说,“他五音不全,鼻音太重。让我弹奏坦布拉琴,你随着它的乐声休息吧。”“别烦我!”克利须那说,“立刻把守夜人找来。”祭官吓坏了,不敢再争论下去,赶紧跑到守夜人的住所。他听见里面传来呜咽声,敲了敲门。过了一会儿,守夜人才流着泪打开门。“你哭什么?”祭官问。“我离开了心爱的神庙,”守夜人说,“我的生命只有奉献给神才有意义。”“你走运了,”祭官酸溜溜地说,“克利须那神在神殿里显灵了,他要你去给他唱歌。”此刻守夜人的眼中流出的已是欢乐的泪水,他立刻跟随祭官而去。他们来到神庙,克利须那还在里面踱步。“你离开后,我怎么也睡不着,”克利须那说,“请开始你的祈祷歌,然后锁上门,就像你每夜所做的一样。”祭官锁上门,守夜人双膝下跪,惊奇地呆望着克利须那。祭官只得摇摇他,他才开始唱。他的歌声像以前一样粗哑,甚至更加不连贯,祭官倒吸一口凉气,心想克利须那受到这种噪声的冒犯,一定会打他俩一顿。但是克利须那却好像非常高兴。忽然祭官发现,守夜人的歌声中有一种声音,是他以前从未注意过的。祭官曾在印度各地举办音乐会,也听过很多的演唱会,但在他的生命中从未听到过这种声音。


She has long hair. 她留长发。注意:hare (野兔)。Hers is long hair. 她的是长发。注意:hers 和her虽然都可译成"她的",但用法不同。

非洲“沙漠之花”:超模——Waris Dirie

Waris Dirie(华莉丝·迪里)是一位传奇女性,是第一位登上《VOGUE》的黑人超模,被誉为“非洲女权斗士”,福布斯评选的全球30位女性典范之一。  Waris 于1965年出生在索马里加勒卡约的一个游牧部族。 幼年时,Waris按照索马里习俗就被施以女性割礼。12岁时,父亲为了得到五头骆驼,被迫嫁给一个老头,在出嫁前,Waris在母亲的默许下,孤身一人赤脚逃婚,一路辗转,历经困难重重,来到英国。 1987年,Waris在詹姆斯·邦德电影《The Living Daylights(007之黎明杀机)中出演了一个小角色。1995年,BBC为其模特生涯拍摄了一部名为《A Nomad in New York》(游牧人在纽约)的纪录片。 1998年,Waris 发表了她的第一部作品《Desert Flower》(沙漠之花),这部自传迅速成为了国际畅销书。她后来还先后发表了《Desert Dawn》(沙漠黎明)、《Letter To My Mother》(致我母亲的信)、《Desert Children》(沙漠之子)等畅销书。 2002年,Waris创办了沙漠之花基金会组织,旨在帮助女性提高割礼危害的认识以及自我保护意识。Waris随后又与人合作,一起创办了多个基金会,维护妇女尊严和权利,以及支持她的家乡索马里的发展。 2009年,根据Waris自传畅销书《Desert Flower》(沙漠之花)改编的同名故事片上映,由埃塞俄比亚超模 Liya Kebede(莉亚u2022科贝德)饰演Waris,获得了多个电影奖项,从而引发了人们对Waris苦难经历的广泛关注和同情。 2010年,Waris被非洲联盟任命为和平大使。 Waris作为一名人权主义者和联合国反割礼大使,曾遭遇过多次的暴力袭击和迫害。但是Waris并没有因此退缩和放弃,她依旧在为妇女的尊严和权利不懈努力和奔波着。她是当之无愧的“非洲女权斗士”,是全球女性的典范和表率。



Texas A&M University corpus Christi

恩..不错的选择. 美国排名不错. 我人是在读法学院.





关于The.Ataris的Act V, Scene IV: And So It End的歌词

正确的歌词 应该是I"d steal a breathe right from your hearthe smell of incenseIt fills the air inside this roomThe Casa Blanca loveShirt about the floorA casket lined with pillsAnd a bitter taste of absenceWash it downAnd so it ends like it beganA town in crushAlong this interstateA war in scriptureA crack to fade andThese dead seats will remainWhen bodies turned to dustAnd from this monumentI will drown inside the anguish of your heartA new dawn broke this morningTears were raining in this roomAs the ugliest holy waterBut the image was a blurThis world is like a whoreSo ravish and so beautifulSo bitter cold and all aloneAnd if I had my wayI"d wake up on the day we metAnd tremble in your arms for hoursAnd try to make you hear the sweetest noteBut not tonightWe"d die inside each other armsWe"d rebel in our last embraceI"d steal a breathe right from your heartAnd kiss you as we dieI rest my lifeless head upon your heart... ForeverI rest my lifeless head upon your heart... ForeverI rest my lifeless hate upon your heart... ForeverMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... I"m sorryMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... So sorryMaybe I"ll be sunlight after all... So sorry!Maybe I"ll be sunlight after all.

Ludacris Featuring Pharrell -- Money Maker的歌词

Guys, D/L the song from Limewire right now! It worths you do it! Lyrics are shown as follows: tell me would you Well baby I"ve been around the world But I aint seen myself another girl like you This ring here represents my heart But there is just one thing I need from you saying I do Because, I can see us holding hands walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us in the country side sitting in the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me Ain"t gotta do nothin crazy See all I want you to do is be my love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot My love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot My love My loooooooove Looooooove My loooove My loooove Now If I wrote you a love note And make you smile with every word I wrote what would you do Would that make you wanna change your scene And wanna be the one in my scene tell me would you See what"s the point in waiting anymore Cause girl I"ve never been more sure that baby it"s you This ring here represents my heart And everything that you been waiting for Just saying I do Because, I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us in the country side Sitting in the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me Aint gotta do nothin crazy See all I want you to do is be my love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot my My love My love My love And I know no woman that could take your spot my My love My looooooove Loooooove My looooove My loooooove [T.I. Raps] Shorty, cool as a fan On the new once again but Still has fans from Peru to Japan Listen baby, I don"t wanna ruin your plan But if you got a man, try to lose him if you can Cause your girls real wild throw your hands up high Wanna come kick it wit a stand up guy You don"t really wanna let the chance go by Because you ain"t been seen wit a man so fly Friend so fly I can go fly Private, cause I handle mine t.i. - Call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can"t deny I"m patient, but I ain"t gonna try You don"t come, I ain"t gonna die Hold up, what you mean, you can"t go why Me and you boyfriend we ain"t no tie You say you wanna kick it with an ace so high Baby, you decide that I ain"t your guy Ain"t gon lie ,Me in your space But forget your face, I swear I will Same mark, same bullet anywhere I chill Just bring wit me a pair, I will I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us in the country side Sitting in the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Gonna make you my lady Girl you amaze me Aint gotta do nothin crazy See all I want you to do is be my love Love My love Love My love Love And I know no woman that could take your spot My love Love My love Love My love Love And I know no woman that could take your spot My looooooove Loooooove My looooooove My Looooove

Lalah Hathaway的《Rise》 歌词

歌曲名:Rise歌手:Lalah Hathaway专辑:A MomentRise (The Dog Barks)Ryan CabreraWinding down, tying upIn this waxed and empty boxTwisted nights, drowned in wineDropping shots in empty barsBroken glass, moments pastHold now, the dog barksBroken windows, broken doorsBroken chairs on broken floorsAll these things remind me of youI rise away, don"t feel no pain"Cause you"re with me nowIn time it seems a slower songIt"s a perfect soundSleep right through the day and we fade awayYou flow right through my veinsLike a morning rainLike a morning rain, yeahDown the stairs to neon roomsBlink eyes and cheap perfumesAll these strangers getting strangeFeeding off each other"s painI crawl inside, inside my headRusty springs and burning bedsFrozen people, frozen lungsFrozen buildings block the sunAll these things remind me of youI rise away, don"t feel no pain"Cause you"re with me nowIn time it seems a slower songIt"s a perfect soundSleep right through the day and we fade awayFlow right through my veinsLike a morning rainLike a morning rain, yeahAlone, my home, away from youAlone, my home, a wasted viewAlone, my home, away from youI rise away, don"t feel no pain"Cause you"re with me nowIn time it seems a slower songIt"s a perfect soundSleep right through the day and we fade awayFlows right through my veinsLike a morning rainLike a morning rain, yeahLike a morning rainLike a morning rain, yeahLike a morning rainLike a morning rainLike a morning rainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3456947

这是什么香水呢 上面写着 original in Paris




Earth Crisis的《Nemesis》 歌词

歌曲名:Nemesis歌手:Earth Crisis专辑:SlitherForce-fed delusions from the overseer"s hands.Won"t swallow a doctrine that denies the truth.Most absorb the sickness, saturated in the vile, immersed.The weak fall quickly to blind conformity, in line.I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.Earth CrisisI spared myself the pain they"ll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.The source of the collapse, is what is taught to pity.Portray themselves as victims, they"re the antagonists.Dilute to breakdown the ones who resisted with force.Paint their self-defense as acts of aggression to all.I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.I spared myself the pain they"ll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.Encircled by demons that rush from the shadows, I hold strong and repel their attack.Surrounded by demons that brand me a devil, each single one thirsts for my blood.Encircled by demons that rush from the shadows, I hold strong and repel their attack.No I, I won"t submit.No I, I won"t relent.I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.I spared myself the pain they"ll suffer when it all finally comes to haunt.Madness is now what is seen as normal, impulsiveness has been set unchained.So few question what is encouraged, locked inside of the alien"s cage.http://music.baidu.com/song/14241028

急求Tristania —— A Sequel of Decay歌词翻译~~!!!!

在衰落我采取thee 由手 太虚弱... 获取被许诺的土地 太虚弱... 拿走您的痛苦 太朽烂虚弱... 续集 5月milleniums 聚集 在使荒凉的灵魂海市蜃楼 在离开和哀痛之间 我助长我的事后的想法 在thy 小时浩大的dejection"s haunt... 减少 天使迷路在我的门 很虚弱和失去内 啜泣在她的天yore 我腐蚀进来 她的污点和泪花在我的地板 她带来的哀痛 生活的献身用旧 在衰落进来 5月thy 盒盖放出从鲜绿色海 一即将发生孤零零 虽然thy 痛苦赎回, 生活它似乎是 一个易碎的圣所在衰落我采取thee 由手 太虚弱... 获取被许诺的土地 太虚弱... 拿走您的痛苦 太朽烂虚弱... 续集 5月milleniums 聚集 在使荒凉的灵魂海市蜃楼 在离开和哀痛之间 我助长我的事后的想法 在thy 小时浩大的dejection"s haunt... 减少 天使迷路在我的门 很虚弱和失去内 啜泣在她的天yore 我腐蚀进来 她的污点和泪花在我的地板 她带来的哀痛 生活的献身用旧 在衰落进来 5月thy 盒盖放出从鲜绿色海 一即将发生孤零零 虽然thy 痛苦赎回, 生活它似乎是 一个易碎的圣所 http://fanyi.cn.yahoo.com/translate_txt http://hi.baidu.com/法拉利之家



Last week I went to Beijing with my parents. There are hundreds of tourist senic spots and historic


M-Flo的《prism》 歌词

歌曲:prism歌手:m-flo作词:Taku Verbal&Lisa作曲:Taku Verbal&Lisa宇宙に浮かぶ惑星 「PLANET 01#」で今日は FUNKTURNIZED DRYER LIGHTS の exhibition,急いで行こう! My timeマシーンで…时を飞び越えて、tei家で寄り道してたら窓の外に woo…, 虹色の地球!?Why don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!ねぇ、トリップしようよ!Pluto people も C"mon let"s go!ぶっ飞んでるくらいが、ちょうどいいよ!Why don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!Yeah, peace な心で…人生を楽しく生きよう! この瞬间をgotta Live it like never before!(RAP))Global Astro vehicle on the way to Plutosee me in the cockpit, my afro is rainbowspandex swim cap for whiplash protectionwhen we swing past, billboards written in dingbatmeteorite bike fiends, on Harrys going at light speedforget sight-seeing ,interplanetary pirates get feistywhen I insert the disc, I mean serious businesselicit ecstatic responses from mister and missesit"s like I"ve been living for ages, devastatin stages after stagesoccupy floor spaces, with beings from all raceseven nutcases, I"m old school…blast the stereo with Stetsasonic, watching Jetsonswith my Panasonicprototype TV, monochrome, babymanifesting the incandescent, into the triple darknessboob tube filaments, shooting into the 7th galaxywhy don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!ねぇ、想像の场所へ!Pluto people も C"mon let"s go!はじけてるくらいが ちょうどいいよ!Why don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!Yeah, 爱を信じて!人生を楽しく生きよう! この瞬间をgotta Live it like never before!Hit プリズム. Com, 飞び出すネオ butterfliesyou can synchronize and crystallize, retro visionScroll しつつ seek information(RAP)This dub is freaky freaky, making party people steamyre-boot the system, start the extraspectioncelestial retro-resurrection, infectious optical illusionpatterned and dated selection, it"s classicnot suitable for the ignorant masses, I pass themwith this ride, it"s fly octane, deranged from and figureaeronautic features to beat ya, rag-top withbleachers so everybody can hopinplanet to planet baby, poly-urethane burning asteroidsprobing earth like Yuri Gagarin, sonic shots bring mannequinsback to life like Lazarusforget diamonds, I bring you a 100 karat meteoriteextraordinaire, got a asterisk next to my name on your black listput mustard on my Kielbasa, watching Farrah Fawcett on my electronicthree hundred sixty planetarium screenいくつもの扉を开いていけばそこにいつか忘れていた世界があるWhy don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!ねぇ、トリップしようよ!Pluto people も C"mon let"s go!ぶっ飞んでるくらいが、ちょうどいいよ!Why don"t we go!, colorful world!, beautiful world!Yeah, yeah, yeah,…人生を楽しく生きよう! この瞬间をgotta Live it like never before!http://music.baidu.com/song/20485505

跪求research paper on Toni Morrison,英文的,如果要钱也可以!2天时间

Biography / CriticismToni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford, the second of four children, to George and Ramah Wofford on February 18, 1931. Both of her parents came from sharecropping families who had moved North in pursuit of better living conditions in the early 1900s, and her father"s family had faced a great deal of discrimination. Due to these bitter memories and the racial troubles he endured during his childhood, he maintained a strong distrust of whites throughout his lifetime. Morrison"s parents instilled the value of group loyalty, which they believed was essential to surviving the harsh realities of racial tension during that era. As an African-American in a town of immigrants, she grew up with the notion that the only place she could turn to for aid and reassurance would be within her own community in Lorain, Ohio. Here, Morrison had "an escape from stereotyped black settings -- neither plantation nor ghetto".She grew up in a lively household and was surrounded by songs, fairy tales, ghost stories, myths, music, and the language of their African-American heritage. A common practice in her family was storytelling; after the adults had shared their stories, the children told their own. The importance of both listening to stories and creating them contributed to Morrison"s profound love of reading.Morrison"s parents encouraged her passion for reading, learning, and culture, as well as a confidence in her own abilities and attributes as woman. They educated Morrison before she was sent to school, and as an adolescent she became enthralled by classic literature, including Jane Austen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Leo Tolstoy. In an interview with Jean Strouse, Morrison described her childhood experiences with literature: "Those books were not written for a little black girl in Lorain, Ohio, but they were so magnificently done that I got them anyway -- they spoke directly to me out of their own specificity.” Morrison was especially impressed by the ability of her favorite authors to identify with and present their own cultural roots.Morrison graduated high school with honors in 1949 and went on to attend Howard University in Washington D.C. It was during this time that Morrison changed her name from ‘Chloe" to ‘Toni", (derived from her middle name, Anthony) so that her name would be easier to pronounce. Morrison was also a member of the Howard Repertory Theatre; their trips to perform gave her the opportunity to observe the African-American experience in the South. In 1953, she graduated from Howard University with a bachelor"s degree in English and a minor in Classics. Morrison went on to pursue graduate studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. In 1955, she completed her master"s thesis on the works of Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner and received a Master of Arts.Following her graduation, Morrison began her teaching career at Texas Southern University. She returned to Howard in 1957 as an English instructor and began working on her own writing. There she met and married Harold Morrison, a Jamaican architect and fellow faculty member. The couple had two sons: Harold Ford and Slade Morrison.During this period, Morrison joined a small writer"s group as a temporary escape from an unhappy marriage. She needed to be around people who appreciated literature as much as she did. For discussion, each member was required to bring a story or poem. After one week, Morrison had brought nothing so she quickly wrote a story based on a girl she knew during childhood who had prayed to God for blue eyes. Although her group enjoyed the story, Morrison put it away, thinking she was done with it. Over that same period the marriage deteriorated, culminating in divorce in 1964. After her divorce, Morrison left Howard University and began working as an associate editor for Random House in Syracuse, New York.While working during the day, her housekeeper took care of her two sons. In the evening, Morrison cooked dinner and played with her sons until their bedtime, when she would start writing. She found writing exciting and challenging; she found everything else boring by comparison with the exception of partenting. In an interview with Nellie McKay, when asked how she manages these responsibilities, her response was, “Well, I really only do two things… It only looks like many things. All of my work has to do with books. It"s all one thing. And the other thing that I do is to raise my children which, as you know, I can only do one minute at a time” (McKay 140). In 1967, she was transferred to New York where she became a senior editor for Random House.It was during this time when Morrison began to develop the story she had presented at her literature group. For several years, she tried to get the novel published, but after many rejections, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston accepted The Bluest Eye for publication in 1970. From 1971-1972, Morrison became the associate professor of English at the State University of New York while continuing her job at Random House. During this time, Morrison mentored African-American women writers, including Toni Cade Bambara and Gayl Jones and compiled and anthologized the works and histories of African-Americans. She also spent her spare time writing her second novel, Sula, a story focused on a friendship between two adult black women. It was published in 1973 and was nominated for the 1975 National Book Award in fiction.Sula is the story of two women from a poor African-American community called ‘the Bottom" in Ohio. Nel is the only daughter of Helene Wright, a socially conscious and conservative woman. Sula is the only daughter of Hannah Peace and lives in a large and mysterious house with her grandmother Eva Peace. Nel comes from a very restrictive household whereas Sula is raised not so much with a sense of freedom as without boundaries. Her mother has had relations with many of the men in the Bottom and is considered to be quite beautiful. This seems to influence Sula"s sense of freewill and spirit later in the novel. Nel and Sula become fast friends and are inseparable through much of their childhood. Helene is initially apprehensive of her daughter"s friendship with Sula because of her mother"s reputation. However, Sula is a polite houseguest and Helene easily dismisses her fears. Each child prefers the others" home to their own because of the significant difference in atmosphere.After high school, Nel and Sula"s paths diverge and do not intersect for another ten years. Nel stays in the Bottom and marries Jude Greene, a waiter at the local hotel and a member of the church choir. Sula leaves the Bottom and goes off to college, and like her mother, has many affairs with men. When she returns to the Bottom, she and Nel immediately pick up where they left off. However, Sula and Jude have an affair and Nel walks in on them. This incident ends the friendship between Sula and Nel, as well as the marriage of Nel and Jude. After Jude leaves her, Nel raises her two children alone, and has no communication with Sula for three years. The next time they speak is when Sula has become very sick and is near death. The novel takes a more explicitly philosophical turn as the two friends have their final conversation about what it means to be good or bad and how one knows the difference. Sula dies soon after this conversation and is buried in the town cemetery. In the final scene of the novel, Nel visits Sula"s grandmother, Eva, in a nursing home. Eva is quite old and appears to be forgetful of the memories Nel seeks to retell. Saddened by her conversation with Eva, Nel walks home; she finds herself at the town cemetery and realizes that she misses Sula, her one and only friend. This novel focuses mainly on the struggles of womanhood as faced by African-American women within their own communities and white communities as well. Morrison also concerns herself with what it means to be good and bad and how these very concepts are indefinable. The final scene between Nel and Sula is both touching and sad, as both come to question the other"s opinion and knowledge. Morrison also introduces several characters and scenes which challenge the reader"s sense of good and evil, especially the scene in which Chicken Little (a young boy who lives in the Bottom) is climbing a tree with the help of Sula and then falls into the river and dies. Nel and Sula do not know what to do, and neither one tells anyone what has happened. Definitions of good and evil are also challenged when Eva struggles to survive as a woman on her own with three children. Eva made many sacrifices and was able to sustain her family; however, later on in the novel she kills her own son after he returns from war with an addiction to drugs. The novel also questions American society as well as the choices made by those who live in it. After all is said and done, is it necessary for one to defend one"s actions? What is the point of a life lived for anyone else? Are sacrifices important to lead a ‘good and true life"? Sula raises these questions through the examination of two women who live out their own unique idea of a just life.The article, “Toni Morrison"s Sula: a Satire on Binary Thinking” by Rita A. Bergenholtz argues that Toni Morrison"s novel Sula should be considered a novel in the tradition of satire. Bergenholtz begins by stating that Sula has been read in a variety of different contexts as a “black woman"s epic, a study of ‘female friendship", an ‘antiwar novel," a ‘fable," and an exploration of the ‘feminine psyche"” (Bergenholtz 1). However, in selecting one definition against others, it becomes clear that Morrison"s novel is indeed written with the sense of binary in mind, which, Bergenholtz argues, is what Morrison"s novel is “about”.According to Bergenholtz, Sula should be read as a satire because Morrison is successful in causing the reader not only to rethink common societal problems, but also to reach a sense of catharsis in the process. The novel is engaging and humorous, as well as extremely tragic. One feels almost torn between these two opposing emotions and unsure of how to categorize the novel, which is exactly how Bergenholtz begins her argument. Bergenholtz continues by mentioning the theme of binary oppositions in the novel, most evident in the beginning of the novel in which Morrison begins with a joke about the town being named the “Bottom” even though it is on top of a mountain. Bergenholtz briefly analyzes each character to show that Morrison uses binaries in their descriptions and actions. Satire is a genre which is well paired with the notion of binary since satire, generally, is a subtle critique of accepted norms and mores.Bergenholtz makes a strong case for the number of opposites that appear throughout the novel. One of the novel"s central themes of good and evil (the problem of dissociating one from the other) is also a compelling argument in her favor since good and evil are binaries. Nevertheless, despite this evidence, one can"t help but take a somewhat existentialist view of the novel. Given the complex nature of good and evil, it seems unlikely that Morrison is seeking a strict definition of either term. This is reflected in the complexity of the characters found in the novel, whose human flaws and various decisions defy categorization as merely good or evil. Just as the “Bottom” is actually the top of the mountain but, as white people begin to move to it, it becomes the “top”; these arbitrary definitions and terms seem to prove only that language is an imprecise tool at best, which lacks the ability to objectively define these abstract concepts. Bergenholtz does mention the difficulty with language towards the end of her argument; however, this brief passage begins what could be a much larger discussion, which is unrealized. Indeed, the end of the novel seems to be the most compelling evidence for the inability to truly understand human actions and justify right against wrong, as Nel breaks down and cries after the death of Sula. Despite the fact that Nel and Sula are “binary characters” who think and have opposing actions, Morrison concludes her novel with the sadness of the loss of the seemingly “amoral character” as viewed by the morally strong-willed character, Nel.The publication of these first novels opened up new pathways for Morrison and encouraged her to write even more. From 1976-1977, she was a visiting lecturer at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, while also writing her third novel, Song of Solomon. Unlike Sula, this novel would focus on strong male characters, an interest she developed while watching her two sons start to grow up. This third novel was published in 1977 and won both the National Book Critic"s Circle Award and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. President Jimmy Carter nominated Morrison to the National Council on the Arts. By 1981, she published her fourth novel, Tar Baby, where she explored the interaction between black and white society.After working at Random House for almost twenty years, Morrison left her position there in 1983. She was named the Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities at the State University of New York in Albany in 1984. While living in Albany, she started writing her first play, “Dreaming Emmett”. It was based on the true story of a black teenager, Emmett Till, killed by racist whites in 1955 after being accused of whistling at a white woman. The play"s first performance opened on January 4, 1986 at the Marketplace Theater in Albany. Soon after, she began work on her fift

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求Chris Brown的get like me和Lloyd的Hazel的歌词

Chris Brown get like me(David Banner) Young Joc: Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, get like me, Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit David Banner: Got a chip in my engine,26 inch rims,got fade away money, bitch i"m ballin out the gym, got my old school pumpin, hit wheel, on recline,if you think a nigga broke, you out yo monkey ass mind,(yeah) diamonds on my pinky,(yeah) hand on the pine, touch and die, yo mama do the second line(yeah), screens fallin from the sky, syrup fallin in my cup, old school chevy, thang, comin down(nigga), what, got diamonds in my mouth, got som gucci on my seat, got g"s on my(ay) bitch its cold when i speak, got a freak on my arm, got a charm around my neck, you can gone pass the mike, watch i"m bout to catch wreck, still screamin out mayne, pistol in my hand,southside so thowed(thowed in the game), big face on my chain, 84"s on the frame, big bodies comin down, hoggin up both lanes, stuntin(stuntin)is a habit, get like me, Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit Chris Brown: The name you know of A little bit change now your boy done blown up And I"m doing things that gets exposed Stunting aint a thing to me And it"s obvious it"s plain to see That you gone make us both Get into some things That"ll scare grown folks Shi* they might even say You should leave me alone Don"t be scared You need to get like me Stunting is a habit Just gotta have it Shawty can throw anything at me I"m gonna bag it When she sees the carrots They real just like a rabbit Can"t no other boy Do the things you like He aint your type Change your life But if you did your homework Girl I"m pretty sure you know what I got Drop top singing know Jones and Banner gonna roll Let me stop Stunting is a Habit stuntin(stuntin)is a habit, get like me, Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit. Jim Jones: They told me stuntin" was an artform(like Da Vinci) Winter time no top but the car on(Lambourgini) We don"t park we leave the car on The bad bitches gimme hard on The say my rides like Purple label My garage like horses in the stable(horsees) Cars all pretty hard or more drippy like the Frankie better It"s banks stopped all betters It"s tank top in good weather my niggas all wit it Treat out whips like our bitches We take the top off and then we jump off in they guts just like we jump up in the sluts They say we smoke good Puff ferraris up in dope hoods Because we so hood it"s all good Say stuntin" is a habit, so put it in the air 100 thounsand worth of carrots so I put it in my hand stuntin(stuntin)is a habit, get like me, Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the- get like me Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit, put it in the air, Have you ever seen a chevy with the butterfly doors, stuntin (stuntin) is a habit --------------------------------Lloyd - Hazel[lloyd:]yeah[Verse 1:]ooh yeahi can remember when i met youyou hadall of my homies talkin bout youand ithought itd be cool if i got at youso we can spend a lil timei can get to know you, tell me ya nameim beginnin to seethe more we hang together..babygirl i like youcuz your betterthan any average chickthat i was rollin witi knew it was love at first sight[Hook:]I never met a girl like you beforeI can count on youwhenever i need to take it slowand you be taking me up up and away we goya got my eyes so lowand they damn near closed[Chorus:]and ey Hazeli like youcan"t see myself without you,my sweet hazelcuz i think im in love (im in love)ey hazeli like youcant see myself without you,my sweet hazelgirl, i think im in love (im in love)[Verse 2:]Multiple times[?] people be tellin meto let ya gobut tha bond i got witchuis stronger than they even knowand just to prove it to ya girlya know i love ya so muchI hit tha corner store for youand scrape tha guts out a dutchits like tha things you sayto me when im feelin hurtya pick me up when i go thru itthats why i put you firstwhen everybody be constantly stressinit worse[?]you tha one that i come running toto ease mah nerves[Hook:]and I never met a girl like you beforeI can count on youwhenever i need to take it slowand you be taking me up up and away we goya got my eyes so lowand they damn near closed[Chorus:]and ey Hazeli like youcan"t see mahself without you,my sweet hazelcuz i think im in love (im in love)ey hazeli like youcant see mahself without you,mah sweet hazelgirl, i think im in love (im in love)LOOVEE[talking:]girl come herelemme take a look at them purple highlights in ya hairhahathats craazyya knowusually id share you wit mah homiesbut i think ima keep you all to mahselfya dig? yeah.[Chorus:]ey Hazeli like youcan"t see mahself without you,my sweet hazelcuz i think im in love (im in love)ey hazeli like youcant see mahself without you,my sweet hazelgirl, i think im in love (im in lov, im in love)ey Hazeli like youcan"t see mahself without you,my sweet hazelcuz i think im in love (im in love)ey hazeli like youcant see mahself without you,mah sweet hazelgirl, i think im in love (im in love, in in love)llloooveee


1.John Cena 《The time is now》2.Christian 《Just close your eyes》3.Batista(离开WWE) 《I walk alone》4.Legacy(已解散) 《New day》5.Randy Orton 《Voices》、《Burn in my light》6.Jeff Hardy(现在TNA,新出场乐在摔角在线下载) 《No more words》7.Kane 《Man on fire》8.Kozlov 《Pain》9.The Great Khali 《Land of Five Rivers》10.Steve Austin(退休,名人堂成员) 《I Won"t do what you tell me》11.The Rock(离开WWE) 《If you smell...》12.Roddy Piper(退役,名人堂成员) 《Hot Rod》13.Undertaker 《There"s no grave》(2011新出场乐)14.Maryse 《Pourqoui-》15.Kelly Kelly 《Holla》16.Eve 《She looks good》17.Dolph Ziggler 《I"m Perfection》18.Shawn Michaels(退休,2011WWE名人堂成员) 《Sexy Boy》19.Edge 《Metalingus》20.Triple H 《The Game》、《King of kings》21.Maria(被解雇) 《With Legs Like That》22.Kofi Kingston 《SOS》23.John Morrison 《Ain"t No Make Believe》24.Chris Jericho(暂时离开WWE) 《Break The Walls Down》25.Mr. McMahon 《No Chance In Hell》26.Mark Henry 《The Wall》27.Beth Phoenix 《Glamazon》28.The Miz 《I Came To Play》29.Mickie James(被解雇) 《Obsession》30.Michelle McCool 《Not Enough for Me》31.JTG 《Bringin Da Hood T U》32.D-Generation X 《Are You Ready》33.Melina 《Paparazzi》34.Chavo Guerrero 《Chavito Ardiente》35.Shelton Benjamin(被解雇)《Ain t No Stoppin Me》36.Nexus 《We Are One》37.Sheamus 《Written In My Face》38.Bret Hart(退役,名人堂成员)《Return the Hitman》39.Tiffany 《Insatiable》40.Ezekiel Jackson 《Domination》41.Evan Bourne 《Born to Win》42.Primo 《Oh Puerto Rico》43.Zack Ryder 《Radio》44.The Hart Dynasty(已解散)/Natalya 《New Foundation》45.The Bella Twins 《You Can Look But You Can"t Touch》46.Chris Jericho & The Big Show 《Crank the Walls Down》47.The Corre 《End Of Days》48.CM Punk 《This Fire Burns 》49.Ted DiBiase 《I Come From Money 》50.Cody Rhodes 《Smoking Millor》51.Drew McIntyre 《Broken Dreams》RAW主题曲《Burn it to the ground》(当前使用中)《To be loved》(2008年-2009年)SmackDown!主题曲《Know Your Enemy》(当前使用中)《Let it Roll》(2009年-2010年)《If you rock like me》(2008年-2009年)NXT主题曲《We Are Wild & Young》(当前使用中)约翰的音乐叫 ain"t no make believe 歌词我就不知道了,wwe选手的出场音乐在上面

die,expire,perish,pass away有什么区别?求解

die, decease, expire, perish, pass away 这些动词或短语动词均有死或死亡之意。 die : 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。 He died a millionaire.(他死时是个百万富翁。) decease : 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。


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法国电影《触不可及intouchables》1.Plilip是谁? 2.Driss是谁?

Plilip是瘫痪的富商Driss是街头无业游民 后来照顾PLILIP

In the past,tourist would head off on holiday for




Tony Christie的《Feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:Feelings歌手:Tony Christie专辑:The Tony Christie Love CollectionFeelingsVhaldemarFight To The EndTrust is growing, words are runningFeelings change your points of viewYeah!!!Veins are burning, sweat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Tunders bursting, wind is burningMind is turning sensitiveLights spinning, gaseous feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!soloVeins are burning, weat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/8575767

bloodline --Matt Morris歌词求解释。。

好吧。。我想偷懒找现成的翻译。。结果没有,那就手翻吧。。LZ等等哦。。 ——(请先看:有关翻译,从没听过这歌,刚听了,觉得调子很抒情,可歌词完全不是这个意思,网上有人说只是被男人抛弃了,不过我自我理解的意思应该是女主被强 X了,被神……也就是他是圣母玛利亚,不过不是自愿的。以下是翻译)bloodline-血统/世系(以下均翻为血统)She was a girl living in the city clinging to old religion她是个住在城里的女孩,紧握古老的信念Praying for electricity to keep it warm for the little ones她祈祷能够给小不点们保温(1)Nobody made her wise to the things a girl might find没人教她一个女孩该知道的事情In a belly of a hungry man who don"t care nothing about his bloodline在一个饥渴男人的肚子里,那个毫不在乎血统的男人She got lost in the bloodline她迷失于血统里Heavy cost of a bloodline代价沉重的血统She goes on she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline深夜她哭泣,她延续他的血统(2)So much riding on a bloodline骑来骑去的血统(3)Why is he hiding from the bloodline?为何他要躲避那血统It ain"t right she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline这样不对。她不该为了延续他的血统在夜晚哭泣She heard heaven is invite-only reserved for Christian soldiers她听说天堂只接受定好位的基督徒们Not unwed girls living in the city asking for change from strangers而不是她这种住在城市里,向陌生人要零钱的未婚女孩。But father said Jesus loves her even though she never married但神父说耶稣爱她,即使她没结过婚God loves her more than the Christians do she"s part of his holy bloodline神爱她胜于爱那些基督徒,她是他(神)血统的一部分She got saved in the bloodline她在血统中被拯救The price he paid for the bloodline他为血统所付出的代价(4)Changed her life, she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline这改变了她的一生。她在夜晚哭泣,延续他的血统。(5)She believes in the bloodline她相信这个血统。Lives and breathes by the bloodline她的生活和呼吸都附于这个血统。With all her might she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline她用尽全身的力量在夜晚哭泣并延续他的血统Ohhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooo哦。…………I know I should have never left her to shoulder all the burden我知道我从不应该让她去背负所有的重担。She probably won"t forgive me god might not even她估计不会原谅我,或许神也不会。I made a cross and lay it on her back我做了个十字架,放在她背上。But I never broke her spirit and she owes that to her bloodline我从未折伤她的灵魂,她要感谢她的血统。She stayed strong for the bloodline I did wrong by the bloodline为了血统,她很坚强。我做错的血统。(6)She went on she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline夜晚,她继续哭着,然后延续她的血统。(7)Sacrificed for the bloodline paid the price for the bloodline为了血统而牺牲,也付出了代价。For all her life she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline她哭了一生的夜晚,然后延续了她的血统Ohhhhhhhhhh she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline ooooooooooooo哦~她哭一整晚,延续了她的血统。哦~其实!!我翻到这里…………要更改一下。。kept alive his bloodline 大概不是我之前译的‘延续血统"而是‘让这个血统活下去"不过我就不改了,LZ知道意思就好了……大概是要让她和他的孩子活下去吧。1.这句里有electricity,也就是电,不过我觉得加了中文这个词怪别扭。2.‘延续血统",听起来有那么个意思吧……3.‘骑来骑去"riding是骑的意思……夜晚里,这……4.这句里的‘他"是替众人被钉在十字架上的神(毕竟说了代价?)也就是说歌词里所有提过的‘他"都是神???5.这里我开始N怀疑女主是圣母玛利亚- -。。6.后半句我费解。7.注意,变成‘她"了,不再是‘他"



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翻译 this is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness




陈奕迅Lonely Christmas歌词

谁又骑着那鹿车飞过忘掉投下那礼物给我凝视那灯饰 只有今晚最光最亮却照亮我的寂寞谁又能善心亲一亲我由唇上来验证我幸福过头上那飘雪 想要栖息我肩膊上到最后也别去么Merry,merry christmas Lonely,lonely christmas人浪中想真心告白但你只想听听笑话Lonely,lonely christmas merry,merry christmas明日灯饰必须拆下换到欢呼声不过一刹明晨遇到 亦记不到和谁在醉酒中偷偷拥抱仍然在傻笑 但你哪知道我想哭和谁撞到 亦怕生保宁愿在醉酒中辛苦呕吐仍然在头痛 合唱的诗歌听不到




女神异闻录系列新作ARPG游戏女神异闻录5S已经登陆PS4平台,本作目前支持官方中文版,persona系统是游戏中的特色元素,下面来看看强力persona以下的P有个共同点, 右侧四招都是继承来的, 左侧大多是自带或吃卡另外, 三身以上合体, 可以继承五个技能, 或更多?有点忘了以下前五只是打RISKY难度固定会出:明けの明星: 这招是专门拿来打宝魔, 可以无视属性, 直接对宝魔造成伤害, 但要连发四~五次带三心得是拿来开场, 升攻防速用的ドミニオン和アリス, 攻略RISKY难度主力, 恐怖异常配合ソウルスティ_ル, 可以定怪兼吸回SPアリス带二招解敌方三强化, 及我方三降, 来配合ヒ_トライザ和ランダマイザマハンマオン和死んでくれる?, 是祝福和咒杀版的范围即死技ドミニオン的デビルスマイル和恐怖率UP是吃技能卡マハコウガオン打祝福伤害, 和メシアライザ_全体回复兼异常解除最强物攻P, 配合冰和雷的属性异常打战术伤害用核热配合冰雷火属性异常打战术伤害,使用技能卡学チャ_ジ, 物伤倍化给义经用; 而コンセントレイト法伤倍化给自己用,不过很少用到チャ_ジ和コンセントレイト下面三只冰雷火代表インフェルノ是前方圆型范围, 但是这只P比较好作, 且マ_ラ和ルシファ_有其他的用途, 所以选这只真理の雷和ダイアモンドダスト范围有点小, 好像是前方圆型范围念动伤害, 或配合恐怖异常打战术伤害咒杀属性专用, 比较好作风属性, 使用技能卡学メシアライザ_, 配合火属性异常打战术伤害, 专门拿来刷冲绳刚魔サマリカ_ム满血复活, 不过后期直接吃药,只有风属性弱点的敌人很少, 通常直接即死, 只有不能即死又只有风弱点的, 才会用铳属性物攻第二把交椅


一、城市  法国   巴黎是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一。地处法国北部,塞纳河西岸,距河口(英吉利海峡)375公里。塞纳河蜿蜒穿过城市,形成两座河心岛(斯德和圣路易)。市区人口217万。城市本身在巴黎盆地中央,属温和的海洋性气候,冬暖夏凉;1月平均气温3℃,7月平均气温18℃,年平均气温10℃。全年降雨分布均衡,夏秋季稍多,年平均降雨量619毫米。 编辑本段二、人物  帕丽斯 希尔顿   帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton),女商人、模特、时尚设计师、歌手、演员、作家、希尔顿集团承继人之一,拥有挪威,德国,爱尔兰,意大利4国血统的混血儿   帕里斯   普里阿摩斯和赫卡柏的儿子,裁决了赫拉,雅典娜,阿佛洛迪忒(维纳斯),谁是最美的女人,裁决了谁拥有金苹果.帕里斯是与神有着“金苹果之约”的风流男子,可以得到世上最美的女人。因为他的出现,祭司认定他会给特洛伊带来毁灭式的命运,便被放逐到伊达山放牧多年。嗣后,为了向希腊讨还自己的姑母赫西俄涅。帕里斯奉父亲之命去到了希腊本土,在那里遇到了海伦。他与海伦迅速相爱,并且毫不犹豫地进行了名垂千古的一次私奔。这同时拉开了特洛伊战争的序幕。帕里斯擅长放冷箭,数名希腊名将为此受伤。特洛伊战争将近结束之时,特洛伊小王子帕里斯(Paris)在特洛伊的盟友太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)的指点下,暗箭射中阿基里斯的脚踝,致使阿基里斯最后死亡。阿基里斯死后,帕里斯被愤怒的希腊神射手菲罗克忒忒斯用毒箭杀死。   Paris   公元1世纪图密善(Domitian)帝国时期的罗马演员。   帕丽斯 迈克尔 凯瑟琳 杰克逊   世界流行天王迈克尔杰克逊的长女,   出生日期为1998年4月3日,现年12岁   帕里斯   威廉 莎士比亚的文学作品《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的人物。朱丽叶被迫与其订婚,最后被罗密欧杀死。 编辑本段三、姓名  Paris也作为姓氏或名字,详细内容请参见“帕丽斯”、“帕里斯”。 编辑本段四、植物  genus Paris,重楼属植物   Paris quadrifolia,多年生草本,高20-30厘米。根状茎细长,匍匐。茎单一,绿色。 编辑本段五、音乐  Paris (band), the mid-1970s project by ex-Fleetwood Mac guitarist Bob Welch (musician)   Paris, Texas (band), a music band   Paris (rapper), Oakland black nationalist rap artist   Paris (1928 musical), the 1928 Cole Porter musical   Paris (2003 musical), a musical written by Australian rock musician Jon English   Paris (La Oreja de Van Gogh album), the 2004 re-edition of Lo que te conté mientras te hacías la dormida (2003) by La Oreja de Van Gogh   Paris (Malcolm McLaren album), a 1997 concept album by Malcolm McLaren   Paris (Paris Hilton album), Paris Hilton"s debut album   Paris (Supertramp album), a 1980 double-disc live album by Supertramp   Paris (The Cure album), a 1993 live album by The Cure   Paris (The Flowers of Romance album), a 2006 concept album by The Flowers of Romance   Paris (Putumayo album), a 2006 world music compilation album. 编辑本段六、核心  Paris核心是Barton核心的继任者,主要用于AMD的闪龙,早期的754接口闪龙部分使用Paris核心。Paris采用90nm制造工艺,支持iSSE2指令集,一般为256K二级缓存,200MHz外频。Paris核心是32位CPU,来源于K8核心,因此也具备了内存控制单元。CPU内建内存控制器的主要优点在于内存控制器可以以CPU频率运行,比起传统上位于北桥的内存控制器有更小的延时。使用Paris核心的闪龙与Socket A接口闪龙CPU相比,性能得到明显提升。


brisk记忆方法:联想记忆:她生性活泼(brisk),身手敏捷(brisk),不(bu)怕冒险(risk)例句:1、 She adopted a brisk businesslike tone.(她用一种公务口吻,说话干脆利落。)2、Sales were brisk at an Ottawabookshop.(该手册在渥太华书店的销售量很不错。)3、Both purchasing and marketing are brisk.(购销两旺。)4、His tone became brisk andbusinesslike.(他的语气变得自信干练而务实。)5、A brisk massage can restore the body"s vigor.(轻快的按摩能恢复体力。)6、Its central market does a brisktrade.(中心市场也出现繁荣。)7、Her brisk treatment of analmost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air.(她对一个几乎是禁忌话题的干脆处理令人耳目一新。)8、Sales of imported electronics are brisk.(进口电子产品的销售就很兴隆。)9、The business is brisk.(买卖兴隆。)

“热爱学习”可以这样翻译吗?cherish deep love for studing

语法没问题但是有点复杂楼主可以参考一下:keen on studying

求BOA的Moon & Sunrise日文版罗马歌词

aoi sora wa itsumo onaji dekodo kona oshigi se nekanashimi dosabi shisa mo subetekakushi te iru mitaisore chiga wo tabi ni so wo itsukakonna watashi mo matahitotsu no omoide no kokoro nikizami konda mitaiyasashii egaowarai au anofutari no shiawase nimo o saigo no higa kieru konokaze ga fuitemachi wakyo omo hito na mia furerukimi no ko ega sukoshihana rete yukusora wa dakakuk imi no kokoro mitai nito o kutenamida kakegawatashi no sobani iruso o waseru naiyo kimi woshiro iku mo wa itsumo ki magurejidai toki mi mayo oyoro kobi mo no komo ri mo itsukakatachi ogae te yukuano ko mamo teta eiga saemorebai baru ni ka wariosana kara tashon ne n" taji noima wa mo o wakara naihito wa ikutsu noomoide otsuku no no daro o de moi erukimi to ae te yuka ata honto*tsuki gata rasuyoru ga akaeru taiyo gakagayakusonna hu wo ni watashi wasurete yukuwa so demo naeho ho emu koto wasete kina koto nenamida dakegasona o ni naite irumata ae ba wara ru yo onikaze ga fuitemachi wakyo omo hito na mia furerukimi no ko ega sukoshihana rete yuku

大家有懂韩文的吗?能帮我把东方神起的Rising Sun用中文音译过来吗??

1Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. 2.yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. 3.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. 4.Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. 5.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? 6.Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. 7.Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! 8.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? 在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!

急求东方神起RISING SUN 的中文歌词和韩文音译```万分感谢!!

1.Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back.2.yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao.3.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.4.Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now.5.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why?6.Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. 7.Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up!8.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga

求“Rising sun”的用拼音写的歌词

<Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [ 믹키 ] Now , I cry under my skin..하늘을 향해 간 나의 눈물로 만든 비가 대지에 내려도 세월에 박힌 내 아픔을 씻어가도 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 용서 , 내센 절대적인 사치 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 표적 없이 날아간 길을 잃은 분노 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 나 , 미련 같은 말로 기도하는 속죄 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] Here I go , come back ! [ 시아 ] 힘을 잃어버린 날개 , 재가 되어 버릴 것만 같은 날들 비상하리란 꿈의 파편들로 맞은 나의 아침엔 반짝임이 없는데 [ 영웅 ] 진실은 누구라도 갖고 있는 것 하지만 보여준 얼굴엔 거짓뿐인걸 영윈에 남겨진 나를 찾는가 ? *[ All ]나를 닮아 가슴 안에 가득 차 키져가는 Innocent 불꽃은 밝게 타오르게 , 마지막이 찬란한 노을처럼 ( I""""m ) waiting for rising sun... [ 믹키 ] Now , Burn my eyes , Sun comes up , blowing the fog Never lies , to be your mind . Got to be a true [ 유노 ] 내 갈 길이 101 깨달음에 깨달음에 도달할 수가 없는 게 현실인걸 나의 태양 앞에 부끄럽지 읺게 , I just try me.. And now.. **[ 최강 ] 정말 , 혼돈에 끝은 어딜까 ? [ 영웅 , 시아 ] Somebody talks 매일 같은 답은 아냐 [ 최강 ] 절망 , 행복의 밑그림 일까 ? [ 영웅 , 시아 ] Somebody talks 시간만이 아는 해답 [ 시아 ] 인생은 마치 끝없는 궤도를 달리는 별 같아 [ 영웅 ] 마치 수많은 질문과 해답을 찾아가 , 미완성의 그림을 그려가는 것 [ 최강 ] ( Do ) you know why ? [ 믹키 ] 이 시간은 언제나 홀러가 , 돌아오지 않는다는 것을 잘 알아 하루하루 후회를 남겨 두지마 . . 고독이 낳은 분노마저 삼켜봐 [ 최강 ] 고단해진 슬픔의 눈물에서 실현되는 행복의 가치를 믿어봐 [ 유노 ] 시련들이 내민 손에 작은 입맞춤 , 고난의 뜰에 핀 나의 순수합 아무것도 징한 건 없겠지만 , 매일 새로운 날이 게속 될 테니까 《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!

谁知道rising sun的拼音歌词,谢谢?

东方神起的拼音歌词拿走喽!谢谢亲!这个rising sun我找了好久了

东方神起 Rising Sun引进版本的歌词


《rising sun》的中文歌词

只有拼音RisingSun(uc21cuc218) 1.Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. 2.yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. 3.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. 4.Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. 5.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? 6.Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. 7.Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! 8.na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga

东方神起的rising sun发音~谢谢~

Rising Sun罗马拼音 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. ha neu leul hyang hae gan na eul nun mul lo man deun pi ga。 dae ji ei nae lyeo do sei wo lei pa kin nae a peu meul ssi seo ga do。 [昌珉]No! [允浩]yong seo nae gein jeol dae jeo kin sa ji。 [昌珉]No! [允浩]pyo jeo keob si na la gan gi leu li leun pun no。 [昌珉]No! [允浩]na mi lyeon ga teun mal lo gi do ha neun sog joi。 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]hi meu li leo beo lin nal gae jae ga doi eo beo lil geot man ga teun nal deul pi sang ha li lan ggu meui pa byeon deul lo ma jeun na eui a chi mein ban jja ki mi eom neun dei。 [在中]jin si leun nu gu la do jat go in neun geat ha ji man po yo jun eol gu lein geo jit bbu nin geol。 yeong wo nei nam gyeo jin na leul chan neun ga? *[ALL]na leul tal ma ga seu ma nei ga deuk ja keo jyeo ga meun,Innocent。 pul ggo cheun pal kei ta o leu kei ma ji ma ki chal la nan no eul cheo leom。 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog。 Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true。 [允浩]nae gal gi li 101 ggae da leu mei ggae da leu mei do da lal su ga eom neun kei hyeon si lin geol na eui tae yang a pei pu ggeu leob ji an kei,I just try me..and now **[昌珉]jeong mal hon do nei ggeu teu neo dil gga? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks mae il ga teun da beu na nya。 [昌珉]jeol mang hyaeng bo keui mit geu li mil gga? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks si gan ma ni a neun hae dab。 [俊秀]in saeng eun ma chi ggeu teob neun kuei do leul da lli neun byeol ga ta。 [在中]ma chi su ma neun jil mun gwa hae da beul cha ja ga mi wan seong eui keu li meul keu lyeo ga neun geot。 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 [有天]i si ga neun eon jei na heu lleo ga do la o ji an neun geo seul ja la la。 ha lu ha lu hu heui leul lan gyeo du ji ma.. go do ki na heun pun no ma jeo sam gyeo bwa。 [昌珉]ko da nae jin seul beu meui nun mu lei seo si lyeon doi neun haeng bo keui ka chi leul mi deo bwa。 [允浩]si lyeon deu li nae min so nei ja keu nib mat chum ko nan eui ddeu lei pin na eui sun su ham。 a mu geot do jeong han geo neob keitt ji man mae il sae lo un na li kyeo sog doil tei ni gga。 [Rising Sun]韩文歌词(完整版) uace1uba85 : Rising Sun (uc21cuc218) uac00uc218 : ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30 [ubbf9ud0a4] Now, I cry under my skin.. ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] uc6a9uc11c, ub0b4uac90 uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] ub098, ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] Here I go, Come back! [uc2dcuc544] ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c, uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4 ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 [uc601uc6c5] uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78 uc601uc6d0uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00? *[All] ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ucee4uc838uac00ub294 Innocent ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c, ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc (I"m) waiting for Rising sun... [ubbf9ud0a4] Now, burn my eyes. Sun comes up, blowing the fog Never lies, to be your mind. Got to be a true [uc720ub178] ub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78 ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc54auac8c, I just try me..and now **[ucd5cuac15] uc815ub9d0, ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c? [uc601uc6c5,uc2dcuc544] Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0 [ucd5cuac15] uc808ub9dd, ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c? [uc601uc6c5,uc2dcuc544] Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5 [uc2dcuc544] uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544 [uc601uc6c5] ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00, ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83 [ucd5cuac15] (Do) you know why? [ubbf9ud0a4] uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud758ub7ecuac00, ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8..uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10 [ucd5cuac15] uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10 [uc720ub178] uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4, uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud568 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc815ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc, ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uacc4uc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c * Repeat ** Repeat [uc720ub178] Rise up! Rise up! Background Vocals by ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30,uc720uc601uc9c4 Guitar: Groovie. K Strings Arranged by uc2ecuc0c1uc6d0 Strings Performed by K-Strings Recorded by uc720uc601uc9c4 at S.M. Boomingsystem Strings Recorded by uc815ub450uc11d,uc870uc900uc131,ud558uc815uc218,uae40uade0uc911,uac15ud574uad6c at Booming Sound Mixed by uc720uc601uc9c4 at S.M. Boomingsystem 中文: 失去飞翔力量的翅膀 几乎化为灰烬的青春时光 想要飞翔的梦想破裂成为碎片的早上 没有一丝的阳光 世间原本充满了真实和善良 可是每个人都已穿着虚假的伪装 谁能告诉我该如何的躲藏 突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的Innocent 熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后只像天边灿烂的晚霞 (Im)waiting for rising sun Now, burn my eyes. Sun comes up blowing the fog. Never lies to be your mind Got to be a true I just try me..and now 到底混沌的尽头在哪里 Somebody talks 每天有不同的回答 绝望是通往幸福的门窗 Somebody talks 只有时间知道解答 人生就像那永无止境的轨道 将星月都围绕 就像在寻找无尽的问题与解答 就像要完成一幅遗留下的画 (Do)you know Why? 紧紧跟着岁月的脚步走 覆水难收时间一去就不回头 不要把后悔留给青春时光 在孤单的面前变的更坚强 用伤心的眼泪换来的幸福 它的价值要记住千万不要忘 A~Rise up! 突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的Innocent 熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后只像天边灿烂的晚霞 Im)waiting for rising sun 到底混沌的尽头在哪里 Somebody talks 每天有不同的回答 绝望是通往幸福的门窗 Somebody talks 只有时间知道解答

谁有RISING SUN 英文版的歌词啊??

<Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , I cry under my skin..ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] uc6a9uc11c , ub0b4uc13c uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ub098 , ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] Here I go , come back ! [ uc2dcuc544 ] ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c , uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4 ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 [ uc601uc6c5 ] uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78 uc601uc708uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00 ? *[ All ]ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ud0a4uc838uac00ub294 Innocent ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c , ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc ( I""""m ) waiting for rising sun... [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , Burn my eyes , Sun comes up , blowing the fog Never lies , to be your mind . Got to be a true [ uc720ub178 ] ub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78 ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc77auac8c , I just try me.. And now.. **[ ucd5cuac15 ] uc815ub9d0 , ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uc808ub9dd , ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5 [ uc2dcuc544 ] uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544 [ uc601uc6c5 ] ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00 , ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83 [ ucd5cuac15 ] ( Do ) you know why ? [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud640ub7ecuac00 , ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8 . . uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10 [ uc720ub178 ] uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4 , uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud569 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc9d5ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc , ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uac8cuc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c 《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!


<Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [ 믹키 ] Now , I cry under my skin..하늘을 향해 간 나의 눈물로 만든 비가 대지에 내려도 세월에 박힌 내 아픔을 씻어가도 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 용서 , 내센 절대적인 사치 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 표적 없이 날아간 길을 잃은 분노 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] 나 , 미련 같은 말로 기도하는 속죄 [ 최강 ] No! [ 유노 ] Here I go , come back ! [ 시아 ] 힘을 잃어버린 날개 , 재가 되어 버릴 것만 같은 날들 비상하리란 꿈의 파편들로 맞은 나의 아침엔 반짝임이 없는데 [ 영웅 ] 진실은 누구라도 갖고 있는 것 하지만 보여준 얼굴엔 거짓뿐인걸 영윈에 남겨진 나를 찾는가 ? *[ All ]나를 닮아 가슴 안에 가득 차 키져가는 Innocent 불꽃은 밝게 타오르게 , 마지막이 찬란한 노을처럼 ( I""""m ) waiting for rising sun... [ 믹키 ] Now , Burn my eyes , Sun comes up , blowing the fog Never lies , to be your mind . Got to be a true [ 유노 ] 내 갈 길이 101 깨달음에 깨달음에 도달할 수가 없는 게 현실인걸 나의 태양 앞에 부끄럽지 읺게 , I just try me.. And now.. **[ 최강 ] 정말 , 혼돈에 끝은 어딜까 ? [ 영웅 , 시아 ] Somebody talks 매일 같은 답은 아냐 [ 최강 ] 절망 , 행복의 밑그림 일까 ? [ 영웅 , 시아 ] Somebody talks 시간만이 아는 해답 [ 시아 ] 인생은 마치 끝없는 궤도를 달리는 별 같아 [ 영웅 ] 마치 수많은 질문과 해답을 찾아가 , 미완성의 그림을 그려가는 것 [ 최강 ] ( Do ) you know why ? [ 믹키 ] 이 시간은 언제나 홀러가 , 돌아오지 않는다는 것을 잘 알아 하루하루 후회를 남겨 두지마 . . 고독이 낳은 분노마저 삼켜봐 [ 최강 ] 고단해진 슬픔의 눈물에서 실현되는 행복의 가치를 믿어봐 [ 유노 ] 시련들이 내민 손에 작은 입맞춤 , 고난의 뜰에 핀 나의 순수합 아무것도 징한 건 없겠지만 , 매일 새로운 날이 게속 될 테니까 《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!

东方神起rising sun的歌词中文拼音和中文谐音

没有拼音的,只有罗马音的。还有,中文谐音。。。很奇怪的。还是按罗马音唱吧~ 罗马音的: Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga 中文发音 : 有仟:Now I cry under my skin喊能来赶乃都目录满的比噶 地进乃来到三路ki带呀土mer起扫噶都 允浩:(no)要不色一gi叫带起gi色几(no)土就赶色那里个里不恩(no)那一到他色土ki挖拉素几(no)hero go comeback 俊秀:一木里老po里ca乃赶 见开对有破里个吗个疼吗忒 批森moon to破里o to than路吗几那一啊几满宽恰一好难than 在中:窘几毛怒木啊到噶到when恩噶 哈几吗破也求里路一噶就破拧giao hing我嫩难桥几吗里恰难卡 神起:乃读太满 开僧把的噶的强 靠几卡(k)Innocent里扑ture百开他哦得开吗几吗开恰满老木桥咯waiting for rising sun 有仟:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the fog Never lies to be your mind got to be a true 允浩:乃噶gi do want to know 该大里满to 噶海素噶翁(m)能该话西gi kiao why can乃该读哭拉起按开 I just try me and now 昌珉:从满红到你ki起闹地把(somebody talks)乃里噶疼卡得啊娘 从满hing不gi米哭一地把(somebody talks) 俊秀:西更吗你啊拧太噶he say更吗起he到门快到了 他里niong票海大 在中:吗起素吗怒起木到海大恰恰噶米我送er可里门可里他拧高 昌珉:You know why~~ 有仟:你起噶能猛家拉很老噶(高拉)我翁拉能工能家僧高老噶他啊嫩难木他ki拖起吗 he的满碰扑吗就三ki但 昌珉:拖他来就三to米论木来扫西家但乱him包给家几你到把~~ 允浩:西家你do来米so给in吗求m哦那地那gi my素素啊(阿恩)告到叫er高闹该几吗乃三无那你快扫关太你噶 昌珉:啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 神起:乃读太满 开僧把的噶的强 靠几卡(k)Innocent里扑ture百开他哦得开吗几吗开恰拉满老木桥咯waiting for rising sun 昌珉:从满红到你ki起闹地把(somebody talks)乃里噶疼卡得啊娘 从满hing不gi米哭一地把(somebody talks) 俊秀:西更吗你啊拧太噶he say更吗起he到门快到了 他里niong票海大 rising sun rising sun

谁请贴一下东方神起唱的RISING SUN的歌词 汉语和韩文的都要哦 谢谢

<Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , I cry under my skin..ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] uc6a9uc11c , ub0b4uc13c uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ub098 , ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] Here I go , come back ! [ uc2dcuc544 ] ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c , uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4 ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 [ uc601uc6c5 ] uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78 uc601uc708uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00 ? *[ All ]ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ud0a4uc838uac00ub294 Innocent ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c , ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc ( I""""m ) waiting for rising sun... [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , Burn my eyes , Sun comes up , blowing the fog Never lies , to be your mind . Got to be a true [ uc720ub178 ] ub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78 ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc77auac8c , I just try me.. And now.. **[ ucd5cuac15 ] uc815ub9d0 , ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uc808ub9dd , ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5 [ uc2dcuc544 ] uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544 [ uc601uc6c5 ] ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00 , ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83 [ ucd5cuac15 ] ( Do ) you know why ? [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud640ub7ecuac00 , ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8 . . uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10 [ uc720ub178 ] uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4 , uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud569 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc9d5ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc , ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uac8cuc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c 《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!

东方神起RISING SUN 的英文版歌词


东方神起RISING SUN 的英文版歌词

Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga

我想要东方神起rising sun的拼音歌词


rising sun 歌词

<Rising Sun>东方神起 Rap:now I cry under my skin. han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang. di jie nai la du. se lo ba ki dai a men. qi sou ga dou.yob se. nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie. tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no. na. yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai. jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te. pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai. an qia gi mi ho nen dai. ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao. hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma. ka si ma li ga de qia. tao jiao da ni Innocent. du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai. ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo. I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog. Never lies to be your mind got to be a true. nai gai bi du wo lu wang. gai dai lu mai. gai dai le mai. dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao. nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai. I just try me and now. qiao mai. own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba, somebody talks, mei ga tuen da gu ta nia. qiao yi ma. hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks. xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga, yi sai en ma ji. gv dao nen tuai go nv. ta li nen piao ga ta. ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga. mi wa sao ai ku li mu. ku li ta lin gao-er. you know why? Slow down. yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga. duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la. ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma. wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba, ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou, xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu, bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha. a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma. nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga, a~rise up! na lu ta ma. ka si ma li ga de qia. tao jiao da ni Innocent. du gu qu bai gai. ta wu lu gai. ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo. I"m waiting for rising sun. qiao mai. own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba, somebody talks, mei ga tuen da gu ta nia. qiao yi ma. hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga. somebody talks. xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga。

《rising sun》的歌词注音

<Rising Sun> Rap:now I cry under my skin.han ne li lan gai gan mai yi nu mu lu man du bi giang.di jie nai la du.se lo ba ki dai a men.qi sou ga dou.yob se.nei gai qiu dai tou gai yi sou qie.tou jiu diao xi na li gai gi lu yi lu bu no.na.yi yo ga te ma lu ki dou wa nu sou que.here I go come back. yi mu li lo bo li na gai.jie ga duai yao po li go ma ga tuen na te.pi si ma lu lan wu mai po pian buen lo ma ji na ye a qi mai.an qia gi mi ho nen dai.ji xi na nu bu la dao ga gao win nen gao-er ha ji ma bu yao jiu na gu lin ga ji bu nin giao.hiao wo nai na giao ji na lu qia nun gao. na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun. Rap:now burn my eyes sun comes up blowing the flog.Never lies to be your mind got to be a true.nai gai bi du wo lu wang.gai dai lu mai.gai dai le mai.dou da ha su ga ong min gai hang xi ni giao.nai tai a pai tu ku lup xi a kai.I just try me and now. qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga,yi sai en ma ji.gv dao nen tuai go nv.ta li nen piao ga ta.ma qi .si ma nun qi mu bo hai da bu qia jia ga.mi wa sao ai ku li mu.ku li ta lin gao-er.you know why? Slow down.yi xi ga lolong jia wa hu lo ga.duo la o ya nen da nen go si jia la la.ha lu wa lu wu wa lan gu du ji ma.wu du li nang bu mu ma jiu sang kiao ba,ko ga lai ji si pu mai nu mu lai sou,xi liang dai nen hin bu gi ga qi in dou ba. Rap:xi lai li li lai mi sou nai jia gu yin ma jiu-mu,bo nai li gi lai pi yi na yi su su ha.a mu go tou jio ma go no gai ji ma.nai sai lu wu na li kao su duai dai ni ga,a~rise up! na lu ta ma.ka si ma li ga de qia.tao jiao da ni Innocent.du gu qu bai gai.ta wu lu gai.ma ji ma gi qia la nan no wu qiao lo.I"m waiting for rising sun.qiao mai.own dou nai gu qi nao yi ba,somebody talks,mei ga tuen da gu ta nia.qiao yi ma.hing bu gi mi gu li yi ga.somebody talks.xi gen ma ni a yi hai ga [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , I cry under my skin..ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] uc6a9uc11c , ub0b4uc13c uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] ub098 , ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4 [ ucd5cuac15 ] No! [ uc720ub178 ] Here I go , come back ! [ uc2dcuc544 ] ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c , uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4 ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 [ uc601uc6c5 ] uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78 uc601uc708uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00 ? *[ All ]ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ud0a4uc838uac00ub294 Innocent ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c , ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc ( I""""m ) waiting for rising sun... [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] Now , Burn my eyes , Sun comes up , blowing the fog Never lies , to be your mind . Got to be a true [ uc720ub178 ] ub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78 ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc77auac8c , I just try me.. And now.. **[ ucd5cuac15 ] uc815ub9d0 , ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uc808ub9dd , ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c ? [ uc601uc6c5 , uc2dcuc544 ] Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5 [ uc2dcuc544 ] uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544 [ uc601uc6c5 ] ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00 , ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83 [ ucd5cuac15 ] ( Do ) you know why ? [ ubbf9ud0a4 ] uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud640ub7ecuac00 , ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8 . . uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10 [ ucd5cuac15 ] uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10 [ uc720ub178 ] uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4 , uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud569 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc9d5ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc , ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uac8cuc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c 《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复* 重复** [允浩]Rise up!Rise up!

求:东方神起RISING SUN的韩语歌词

Rising Sun歌词Now, I cry under my skin.. ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4No! uc6a9uc11c, ub0b4uac90 uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 No! ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178No! ub098, ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4No! Here I go, Come back!ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c, uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78uc601uc6d0uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00?ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ucee4uc838uac00ub294 ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c, ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc (I"m) waiting for Rising sun...Now, burn my eyes. Sun comes up, blowing the fogNever lies, to be your mind. Got to be a trueub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc54auac8c, I just try me..and now**uc815ub9d0, ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c? Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0uc808ub9dd, ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c? Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00, ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83(Do) you know why?uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud758ub7ecuac00,ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8..uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4, uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud568uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc815ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc, ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uacc4uc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c* Repeat

rising sun 的歌词翻译

《Rising Sun》 [有天]Now,I cry under my skin.. 向往天空,用我的眼泪做成的雨 就算下在大地 就算洗净被岁月钉牢的我伤痛 [昌珉]No! [允浩]原谅,对我来说是绝对的奢侈 [昌珉]No! [允浩]不着痕迹飞走的那迷途之路 [昌珉]No! [允浩]我苟延残喘的语气祈祷能赎罪 [昌珉]No! [允浩]Here I go,come back! [俊秀]失去力量的翅膀 深怕会变灾难的那些天 必会飞翔的梦想中 得到破灭的早晨中并没有所谓的曙光 [在中]谁都会有所谓的真实 但显露出来的脸上却只有虚假 在找寻停留在永远中的我吗? *[ALL]酷似我 充满在我心里并扩大中的Innocent 火花要明亮的上升 就像最后是灿烂的夕阳般 (I"m)waiting for Rising sun... [有天]Now,burn my eyes。Sun comes up,blowing the fog Never lies,to be your mind。Got to be true [允浩]我要走的路是101 在领悟又领悟中 到达不了这就是现实 让我在我的太阳前 并不会感到羞耻 I just try me..and now **[昌珉]真的 混乱的终点会是在哪里? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks并不是每天的答案都一样 [昌珉]绝望 只是幸福的地图吗? [在中,俊秀]Somebody talks只有时间才会知道答案 [俊秀]人生就像是奔跑在无止境的轨道上的星星 [在中]就好比为了找寻无数的问题与答案 完成着未完成的图画 [昌珉](Do)you know why? 间奏 (slow down) [有天]这时刻总是会消逝 知道不会再回来了 不要每天只留下后悔 吞噬那孤独而产生的愤怒吧 [昌珉]在那因孤单而悲伤的泪水里 试着相信现实的那幸福价值 [允浩]试炼伸出双手的那微小轻触 在苦难的庭院中盛开的我那纯真 虽然什么都未定 但每天都会持续全新的一天 [昌珉]啊,rising sun 重复*

东方神起rising sun 拥抱 歌词译音


求“Rising sun”的用拼音写的歌词

只有中文,自己翻译吧[雇虐] now, i cry under my skin..窍疵阑氢秦埃唱狼传拱肺父电厚啊措瘤俊郴妨档技岿俊冠腮郴酒悄阑灸绢啊档[弥碍] no![蜡畴]侩辑,郴罢例措利牢荤摹[弥碍] no![蜡畴]钎利绝捞朝酒埃辨阑酪篮盒畴[弥碍] no![蜡畴]唱,固访鞍篮富肺扁档窍绰加了[弥碍] no![蜡畴] here i go, come back![矫酒]塞阑酪绢滚赴朝俺,[矫酒]犁啊登绢滚副巴父鞍篮朝甸[矫酒]厚惑窍府鄂厕狼颇祈甸肺嘎篮[矫酒]唱狼酒魔浚馆娄烙捞绝绰单[康旷]柳角篮穿备扼档爱绊乐绰巴[康旷]窍瘤父焊咯霖倔奔浚芭窿挥牢吧[康旷]康盔俊巢败柳唱甫茫绰啊?唱甫脆酒啊娇救俊啊垫瞒目廉啊绰 innocent阂采篮灌霸鸥坷福霸,付瘤阜捞蛮鄂茄畴阑贸烦(i"m) waiting for rising sun...[雇虐] now, burn my eyes.[雇虐] sun comes up, blowing the fog[雇虐] never lies, to be your mind.[雇虐] got to be a true[蜡畴]郴哎辨捞101柄崔澜俊柄崔澜俊[蜡畴]档崔且荐啊绝绰霸泅角牢吧[蜡畴]唱狼怕剧菊俊何掺反瘤臼霸,[蜡畴] i just try me..and now[弥碍]沥富,去捣俊场篮绢掉鳖?[康旷,矫酒] somebody talks[康旷,矫酒]概老鞍篮翠篮酒衬[弥碍]例噶,青汗狼关弊覆老鳖?[康旷,矫酒] somebody talks[康旷,矫酒]矫埃父捞酒绰秦翠[矫酒]牢积篮付摹[矫酒]场绝绰彼档甫崔府绰喊鞍酒[康旷]付摹荐腹篮龙巩苞秦翠阑茫酒啊,[康旷]固肯己狼弊覆阑弊妨啊绰巴[弥碍](do) you know why?[雇虐]捞矫埃篮攫力唱汝矾啊,[雇虐]倒酒坷瘤臼绰促绰巴阑肋舅酒[雇虐]窍风窍风饶雀甫巢败滴瘤付..[雇虐]绊刀捞澈篮盒畴付历伙难毫[弥碍]绊窜秦柳浇悄狼传拱俊辑[弥碍]角泅登绰青汗狼啊摹甫瓜绢毫[蜡畴]矫访甸捞郴刮颊俊累篮涝嘎勉,[蜡畴]绊抄狼躲俊巧唱狼鉴荐窃[蜡畴]酒公巴档沥茄扒绝摆瘤父,[蜡畴]概老货肺款朝捞拌加瞪抛聪鳖唱甫脆酒啊娇救俊啊垫瞒目廉啊绰 innocent阂采篮灌霸鸥坷福霸,付瘤阜捞蛮鄂茄畴阑贸烦(i"m) waiting for rising sun...[弥碍]沥富,去捣俊场篮绢掉鳖?[康旷,矫酒] somebody talks[康旷,矫酒]概老鞍篮翠篮酒衬[弥碍]例噶,青汗狼关弊覆老鳖?[康旷,矫酒] somebody talks[康旷,矫酒]矫埃父捞酒绰秦翠[蜡畴] rise up! rise up!end

东方神起的《Rising sun》的歌词及韩语发音!!

专辑名称:Rising Sun演唱歌手:东方神起唱片公司:S M Entertainment发行时间:2005年09月17日专辑语种:韩语专辑1CD 专 辑 介 绍 :东方神起 (TVXQ) 以升起太阳《Rising Sun》为题,推出第二张大碟,为韩国流行乐坛再次带来光与热! 一行五人的TVXQ 继2004年10月发行首张大碟《Tri-Angle》,接着主攻日本市场,成功细碟打入Oricon细碟榜No. 7,在日韩乐坛无人不知TVXQ!他们再进一步进军中国,又在韩国首尔奥林匹克运动场馆举行可容纳一万人的音乐会,并同时为第二张大碟《Rising Sun》打响头炮! 在新碟中,TVSQ 与不少著名音乐人如Yoo Young Jin、 kenzie、Hwang Sung Je 和 All-4-one 成员 Jamie Jones 擦出不少音乐火花,12首新曲中最瞩目当然是主打歌“Rising Sun (Pure)”(第三首),他们将东方韩国音乐元素揉合于Break Beat及Analog Sound 音效,乐迷一听之后必定耳目一新! ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30 2uc9d1 - Rising Sun (东方神起-Rising Sun)专辑曲目:01 Tonight 02 Beautiful Life 03 Rising Sun (Pure) Rising Sun (uc21cuc218) [ubbf9ud0a4] Now, I cry under my skin.. ud558ub298uc744 ud5a5ud574 uac04 ub098uc758 ub208ubb3cub85c ub9ccub4e0 ube44uac00 ub300uc9c0uc5d0 ub0b4ub824ub3c4 uc138uc6d4uc5d0 ubc15ud78c ub0b4 uc544ud514uc744 uc53buc5b4uac00ub3c4 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] uc6a9uc11c, ub0b4uac90 uc808ub300uc801uc778 uc0acuce58 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] ud45cuc801 uc5c6uc774 ub0a0uc544uac04 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 ubd84ub178 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] ub098, ubbf8ub828 uac19uc740 ub9d0ub85c uae30ub3c4ud558ub294 uc18duc8c4 [ucd5cuac15] No! [uc720ub178] Here I go, Come back! [uc2dcuc544] ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub0a0uac1c, uc7acuac00 ub418uc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub0a0ub4e4 ube44uc0c1ud558ub9acub780 uafc8uc758 ud30cud3b8ub4e4ub85c ub9deuc740 ub098uc758 uc544uce68uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc784uc774 uc5c6ub294ub370 [uc601uc6c5] uc9c4uc2e4uc740 ub204uad6cub77cub3c4 uac16uace0 uc788ub294 uac83 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ubcf4uc5ecuc900 uc5bcuad74uc5d4 uac70uc9d3ubfd0uc778uac78 uc601uc6d0uc5d0 ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub098ub97c ucc3eub294uac00? *[All] ub098ub97c ub2eeuc544 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uac00ub4dd ucc28 ucee4uc838uac00ub294 Innocent ubd88uaf43uc740 ubc1duac8c ud0c0uc624ub974uac8c, ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc774 ucc2cub780ud55c ub178uc744ucc98ub7fc (I"m) waiting for Rising sun... [ubbf9ud0a4] Now, burn my eyes. Sun comes up, blowing the fog Never lies, to be your mind. Got to be a true [uc720ub178] ub0b4 uac08 uae38uc774 101 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 uae68ub2ecuc74cuc5d0 ub3c4ub2ecud560 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub294 uac8c ud604uc2e4uc778uac78 ub098uc758 ud0dcuc591 uc55euc5d0 ubd80ub044ub7fduc9c0 uc54auac8c, I just try me..and now **[ucd5cuac15] uc815ub9d0, ud63cub3c8uc5d0 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub51cuae4c? [uc601uc6c5,uc2dcuc544] Somebody talks ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 ub2f5uc740 uc544ub0d0 [ucd5cuac15] uc808ub9dd, ud589ubcf5uc758 ubc11uadf8ub9bc uc77cuae4c? [uc601uc6c5,uc2dcuc544] Somebody talks uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc774 uc544ub294 ud574ub2f5 [uc2dcuc544] uc778uc0dduc740 ub9c8uce58 ub05duc5c6ub294 uada4ub3c4ub97c ub2ecub9acub294 ubcc4 uac19uc544 [uc601uc6c5] ub9c8uce58 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc9c8ubb38uacfc ud574ub2f5uc744 ucc3euc544uac00, ubbf8uc644uc131uc758 uadf8ub9bcuc744 uadf8ub824uac00ub294 uac83 [ucd5cuac15] (Do) you know why? [ubbf9ud0a4] uc774 uc2dcuac04uc740 uc5b8uc81cub098 ud758ub7ecuac00, ub3ccuc544uc624uc9c0 uc54aub294ub2e4ub294 uac83uc744 uc798 uc54cuc544 ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud6c4ud68cub97c ub0a8uaca8 ub450uc9c0ub9c8..uace0ub3c5uc774 ub0b3uc740 ubd84ub178ub9c8uc800 uc0bcucf1cubd10 [ucd5cuac15] uace0ub2e8ud574uc9c4 uc2acud514uc758 ub208ubb3cuc5d0uc11c uc2e4ud604ub418ub294 ud589ubcf5uc758 uac00uce58ub97c ubbffuc5b4ubd10 [uc720ub178] uc2dcub828ub4e4uc774 ub0b4ubbfc uc190uc5d0 uc791uc740 uc785ub9deucda4, uace0ub09cuc758 ub730uc5d0 ud540 ub098uc758 uc21cuc218ud568 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc815ud55c uac74 uc5c6uaca0uc9c0ub9cc, ub9e4uc77c uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ub0a0uc774 uacc4uc18d ub420 ud14cub2c8uae4c * Repeat ** Repeat [uc720ub178] Rise up! Rise up! 04 Unforgettable 05 Love Is Never Gone 06 Love After Love 07 Dangerous Mind 08 One 09 Love Is... 10 Free Your Mind (Feat. Trax) 11 Love Is All I Need 12 Always There...
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