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2023-06-28 06:30:03

The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in 1931 in Lorain, Ohio. Her mother"s family had come to Ohio from Alabama via Kentucky, and her father had migrated from Georgia. Morrison grew up with a love of literature and received her undergraduate degree from Howard University. She received a master"s degree from Cornell University, completing a thesis on William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf. Afterward, she taught at Texas Southern University and then at Howard, in Washington, D.C., where she met Harold Morrison, an architect from Jamaica. The marriage lasted six years, and Morrison gave birth to two sons. She and her husband divorced while she was pregnant with her second son, and she returned to Lorain to give birth. She then moved to New York and became an editor at Random House, specializing in black fiction. During this difficult and somewhat lonely time, she began working on her first novel, The Bluest Eye, which was published in 1970.

Morrison"s first novel was not an immediate success, but she continued to write. Sula, which appeared in 1973, was more successful, earning a nomination for the National Book Award. In 1977, Song of Solomon launched Morrison"s national reputation, winning her the National Book Critics" Circle Award. Her most well-known work, Beloved, appeared in 1987 and won the Pulitzer Prize. Her other novels include Tar Baby (1981), Jazz (1992), and Paradise (1998). Meanwhile, Morrison returned to teaching and was a professor at Yale and the State University of New York at Albany. Today, she is the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Council of Humanities at Princeton University, where she teaches creative writing. In 1993, Morrison became the first -African-American woman to receive the Nobel Prize in literature.

The Bluest Eye contains a number of autobiographical elements. It is set in the town where Morrison grew up, and it is told from the point of view of a nine-year-old, the age Morrison would have been the year the novel takes place (1941). Like the MacTeer family, Morrison"s family struggled to make ends meet during the Great Depression. Morrison grew up listening to her mother singing and her grandfather playing the violin, just as Claudia does. In the novel"s afterword, Morrison explains that the story developed out of a conversation she had had in elementary school with a little girl, who longed for blue eyes. She was still thinking about this conversation in the 1960s, when the Black is Beautiful movement was working to reclaim African-American beauty, and she began her first novel.

While its historical context is clear, the literary context of The Bluest Eye is more complex. Faulkner and Woolf, whose work Morrison knew well, influenced her style. She uses the modernist techniques of stream-of-consciousness, multiple perspectives, and deliberate fragmentation. But Morrison understands her work more fundamentally as part of a black cultural tradition and strives to create a distinctively black literature. Her prose is infused with black musical traditions such as the spirituals, gospel, jazz and the blues. She writes in a black vernacular, full of turns of phrase and figures of speech unique to the community in which she grew up, with the hope that if she is true to her own particular experience, it will be universally meaningful. In this way, she attempts to create what she calls a “race-specific yet race-free prose.”

In the afterword to The Bluest Eye, Morrison explains her goal in writing the novel. She wants to make a statement about the damage that internalized racism can do to the most vulnerable member of a community—a young girl. At the same time, she does not want to dehumanize the people who wound this girl, because that would simply repeat their mistake. Also, she wants to protect this girl from “the weight of the novel"s inquiry,” and thus decides to tell the story from multiple perspectives. In this way, as she puts it, she “shape[s] a silence while breaking it,” keeping the girl"s dignity intact.


Biography / Criticism

Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford, the second of four children, to George and Ramah Wofford on February 18, 1931. Both of her parents came from sharecropping families who had moved North in pursuit of better living conditions in the early 1900s, and her father"s family had faced a great deal of discrimination. Due to these bitter memories and the racial troubles he endured during his childhood, he maintained a strong distrust of whites throughout his lifetime. Morrison"s parents instilled the value of group loyalty, which they believed was essential to surviving the harsh realities of racial tension during that era. As an African-American in a town of immigrants, she grew up with the notion that the only place she could turn to for aid and reassurance would be within her own community in Lorain, Ohio. Here, Morrison had "an escape from stereotyped black settings -- neither plantation nor ghetto".

She grew up in a lively household and was surrounded by songs, fairy tales, ghost stories, myths, music, and the language of their African-American heritage. A common practice in her family was storytelling; after the adults had shared their stories, the children told their own. The importance of both listening to stories and creating them contributed to Morrison"s profound love of reading.

Morrison"s parents encouraged her passion for reading, learning, and culture, as well as a confidence in her own abilities and attributes as woman. They educated Morrison before she was sent to school, and as an adolescent she became enthralled by classic literature, including Jane Austen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Leo Tolstoy. In an interview with Jean Strouse, Morrison described her childhood experiences with literature: "Those books were not written for a little black girl in Lorain, Ohio, but they were so magnificently done that I got them anyway -- they spoke directly to me out of their own specificity.” Morrison was especially impressed by the ability of her favorite authors to identify with and present their own cultural roots.

Morrison graduated high school with honors in 1949 and went on to attend Howard University in Washington D.C. It was during this time that Morrison changed her name from ‘Chloe" to ‘Toni", (derived from her middle name, Anthony) so that her name would be easier to pronounce. Morrison was also a member of the Howard Repertory Theatre; their trips to perform gave her the opportunity to observe the African-American experience in the South. In 1953, she graduated from Howard University with a bachelor"s degree in English and a minor in Classics. Morrison went on to pursue graduate studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. In 1955, she completed her master"s thesis on the works of Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner and received a Master of Arts.

Following her graduation, Morrison began her teaching career at Texas Southern University. She returned to Howard in 1957 as an English instructor and began working on her own writing. There she met and married Harold Morrison, a Jamaican architect and fellow faculty member. The couple had two sons: Harold Ford and Slade Morrison.

During this period, Morrison joined a small writer"s group as a temporary escape from an unhappy marriage. She needed to be around people who appreciated literature as much as she did. For discussion, each member was required to bring a story or poem. After one week, Morrison had brought nothing so she quickly wrote a story based on a girl she knew during childhood who had prayed to God for blue eyes. Although her group enjoyed the story, Morrison put it away, thinking she was done with it. Over that same period the marriage deteriorated, culminating in divorce in 1964. After her divorce, Morrison left Howard University and began working as an associate editor for Random House in Syracuse, New York.

While working during the day, her housekeeper took care of her two sons. In the evening, Morrison cooked dinner and played with her sons until their bedtime, when she would start writing. She found writing exciting and challenging; she found everything else boring by comparison with the exception of partenting. In an interview with Nellie McKay, when asked how she manages these responsibilities, her response was, “Well, I really only do two things… It only looks like many things. All of my work has to do with books. It"s all one thing. And the other thing that I do is to raise my children which, as you know, I can only do one minute at a time” (McKay 140). In 1967, she was transferred to New York where she became a senior editor for Random House.

It was during this time when Morrison began to develop the story she had presented at her literature group. For several years, she tried to get the novel published, but after many rejections, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston accepted The Bluest Eye for publication in 1970. From 1971-1972, Morrison became the associate professor of English at the State University of New York while continuing her job at Random House. During this time, Morrison mentored African-American women writers, including Toni Cade Bambara and Gayl Jones and compiled and anthologized the works and histories of African-Americans. She also spent her spare time writing her second novel, Sula, a story focused on a friendship between two adult black women. It was published in 1973 and was nominated for the 1975 National Book Award in fiction.

Sula is the story of two women from a poor African-American community called ‘the Bottom" in Ohio. Nel is the only daughter of Helene Wright, a socially conscious and conservative woman. Sula is the only daughter of Hannah Peace and lives in a large and mysterious house with her grandmother Eva Peace. Nel comes from a very restrictive household whereas Sula is raised not so much with a sense of freedom as without boundaries. Her mother has had relations with many of the men in the Bottom and is considered to be quite beautiful. This seems to influence Sula"s sense of freewill and spirit later in the novel. Nel and Sula become fast friends and are inseparable through much of their childhood. Helene is initially apprehensive of her daughter"s friendship with Sula because of her mother"s reputation. However, Sula is a polite houseguest and Helene easily dismisses her fears. Each child prefers the others" home to their own because of the significant difference in atmosphere.

After high school, Nel and Sula"s paths diverge and do not intersect for another ten years. Nel stays in the Bottom and marries Jude Greene, a waiter at the local hotel and a member of the church choir. Sula leaves the Bottom and goes off to college, and like her mother, has many affairs with men. When she returns to the Bottom, she and Nel immediately pick up where they left off. However, Sula and Jude have an affair and Nel walks in on them. This incident ends the friendship between Sula and Nel, as well as the marriage of Nel and Jude. After Jude leaves her, Nel raises her two children alone, and has no communication with Sula for three years. The next time they speak is when Sula has become very sick and is near death. The novel takes a more explicitly philosophical turn as the two friends have their final conversation about what it means to be good or bad and how one knows the difference. Sula dies soon after this conversation and is buried in the town cemetery. In the final scene of the novel, Nel visits Sula"s grandmother, Eva, in a nursing home. Eva is quite old and appears to be forgetful of the memories Nel seeks to retell. Saddened by her conversation with Eva, Nel walks home; she finds herself at the town cemetery and realizes that she misses Sula, her one and only friend. This novel focuses mainly on the struggles of womanhood as faced by African-American women within their own communities and white communities as well. Morrison also concerns herself with what it means to be good and bad and how these very concepts are indefinable. The final scene between Nel and Sula is both touching and sad, as both come to question the other"s opinion and knowledge. Morrison also introduces several characters and scenes which challenge the reader"s sense of good and evil, especially the scene in which Chicken Little (a young boy who lives in the Bottom) is climbing a tree with the help of Sula and then falls into the river and dies. Nel and Sula do not know what to do, and neither one tells anyone what has happened. Definitions of good and evil are also challenged when Eva struggles to survive as a woman on her own with three children. Eva made many sacrifices and was able to sustain her family; however, later on in the novel she kills her own son after he returns from war with an addiction to drugs. The novel also questions American society as well as the choices made by those who live in it. After all is said and done, is it necessary for one to defend one"s actions? What is the point of a life lived for anyone else? Are sacrifices important to lead a ‘good and true life"? Sula raises these questions through the examination of two women who live out their own unique idea of a just life.

The article, “Toni Morrison"s Sula: a Satire on Binary Thinking” by Rita A. Bergenholtz argues that Toni Morrison"s novel Sula should be considered a novel in the tradition of satire. Bergenholtz begins by stating that Sula has been read in a variety of different contexts as a “black woman"s epic, a study of ‘female friendship", an ‘antiwar novel," a ‘fable," and an exploration of the ‘feminine psyche"” (Bergenholtz 1). However, in selecting one definition against others, it becomes clear that Morrison"s novel is indeed written with the sense of binary in mind, which, Bergenholtz argues, is what Morrison"s novel is “about”.

According to Bergenholtz, Sula should be read as a satire because Morrison is successful in causing the reader not only to rethink common societal problems, but also to reach a sense of catharsis in the process. The novel is engaging and humorous, as well as extremely tragic. One feels almost torn between these two opposing emotions and unsure of how to categorize the novel, which is exactly how Bergenholtz begins her argument. Bergenholtz continues by mentioning the theme of binary oppositions in the novel, most evident in the beginning of the novel in which Morrison begins with a joke about the town being named the “Bottom” even though it is on top of a mountain. Bergenholtz briefly analyzes each character to show that Morrison uses binaries in their descriptions and actions. Satire is a genre which is well paired with the notion of binary since satire, generally, is a subtle critique of accepted norms and mores.

Bergenholtz makes a strong case for the number of opposites that appear throughout the novel. One of the novel"s central themes of good and evil (the problem of dissociating one from the other) is also a compelling argument in her favor since good and evil are binaries. Nevertheless, despite this evidence, one can"t help but take a somewhat existentialist view of the novel. Given the complex nature of good and evil, it seems unlikely that Morrison is seeking a strict definition of either term. This is reflected in the complexity of the characters found in the novel, whose human flaws and various decisions defy categorization as merely good or evil. Just as the “Bottom” is actually the top of the mountain but, as white people begin to move to it, it becomes the “top”; these arbitrary definitions and terms seem to prove only that language is an imprecise tool at best, which lacks the ability to objectively define these abstract concepts. Bergenholtz does mention the difficulty with language towards the end of her argument; however, this brief passage begins what could be a much larger discussion, which is unrealized. Indeed, the end of the novel seems to be the most compelling evidence for the inability to truly understand human actions and justify right against wrong, as Nel breaks down and cries after the death of Sula. Despite the fact that Nel and Sula are “binary characters” who think and have opposing actions, Morrison concludes her novel with the sadness of the loss of the seemingly “amoral character” as viewed by the morally strong-willed character, Nel.

The publication of these first novels opened up new pathways for Morrison and encouraged her to write even more. From 1976-1977, she was a visiting lecturer at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, while also writing her third novel, Song of Solomon. Unlike Sula, this novel would focus on strong male characters, an interest she developed while watching her two sons start to grow up. This third novel was published in 1977 and won both the National Book Critic"s Circle Award and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. President Jimmy Carter nominated Morrison to the National Council on the Arts. By 1981, she published her fourth novel, Tar Baby, where she explored the interaction between black and white society.

After working at Random House for almost twenty years, Morrison left her position there in 1983. She was named the Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities at the State University of New York in Albany in 1984. While living in Albany, she started writing her first play, “Dreaming Emmett”. It was based on the true story of a black teenager, Emmett Till, killed by racist whites in 1955 after being accused of whistling at a white woman. The play"s first performance opened on January 4, 1986 at the Marketplace Theater in Albany. Soon after, she began work on her fift



支起帐篷的英文:Set up your tent.扩展:tent的读音:英 [tent];美 [tu025bnt]释义:n.帐篷;帐篷状物;塞子;vi.住帐蓬;vt.用帐蓬遮盖;向…供应帐逢;将塞条嵌进(伤口);观察,看护,照料变形:复数:tents过去式:tented过去分词:tented现在分词:tenting第三人称单数:tents短语:big tent大帐篷政策;tent city帐篷城;oxygen tent[医]氧幕put up a tent搭帐篷;strike a tent拆帐篷;take down a tent拆帐篷例句:1.They set up a tent near the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。2.The wind caused the tent to collapse.风把帐篷吹塌了。3.Please slacken the tent rope before it rains.下雨前,请将帐篷的绳索放松。
2023-06-28 04:53:221


搭建帐篷的英文短语:pitch a tent 。 tent: n.帐篷;帐棚; vt.住帐蓬用帐蓬遮盖;向…供应帐逢;将塞条嵌进(伤口);观察;看护;照料; 第三人称单数: tents复数: tents现在分词: tenting过去式: tented过去分词: tented 扩展资料   At night they didn"t pitch a tent, simply rolled off sleeping bags under the stars, he said.   晚上他们没搭帐篷就铺了个睡袋在星空下睡了。   We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.   我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。   We spent the night in a ropy old tent.   我们在一个破旧的帐篷里过了一夜。   Food will be served in the hospitality tent.   招待帐篷将有食物供应。
2023-06-28 04:53:421


2023-06-28 04:53:578

take a tent什么意思

take a tent带一个帐篷双语对照例句:1.You will need to take a tent and all your own supplies, including water.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-28 04:54:153


在帐篷下躲避日晒的老虎们,尾巴都栓在帐篷的固定绳上。Tenting 动词现在分词,利用帐篷。tie 绑着,栓着。
2023-06-28 04:54:251

protel 99 SE的PCB的过孔的属性中,tenting与override各是干什么用的啊 ?

2023-06-28 04:54:342


2023-06-28 04:54:442


tents英[tents]美[tents]n.帐篷( tent的名词复数 ); 帐,罩hey don"t want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires.他们不希望人们踩踏草坪、支帐篷或生火。They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents.他们在一块岩石平台上找到了一个可以搭帐篷的地方。Where the tents are set up, it used to be the parking lot.搭帐篷的地方是以前的停车场。
2023-06-28 04:54:512


1、正片与负片区别。 2、负片和正片什么意思。 3、pcb正负片是什么意思。 4、负片和彩色负片。1.正片和负片的区别是:意思不同,原理不同,用处不同等等。 2.一、意思不同负片:一般是tenting制程,其使用的药液为酸性蚀刻。 3.正片:一般是pattern制程,其使用的药液为碱性蚀刻。 4.原理不同负片是因为底片制作出来后,要的线路或铜面是透明的,而不要的部份则为黑色或棕色的,经过线路制程曝光后,透明部份因干膜阻剂受光照而起化学作用硬化,接下来的显影制程会把没有硬化的干膜冲掉,于是在蚀刻制程中仅咬蚀干膜冲掉部份的铜箔,而保留干膜未被冲掉要的线路,去膜以后就留下了所需要的线路,在这种制程中膜对孔要掩盖,其曝光的要求和对膜的要求稍高一些,但其制造的流程速度快。 5.用处不同负片就是为了减小文件尺寸减小计算量用的。 6.有铜的地方不显示,没铜的地方显示。 7.这个在地层电源层能显着减小数据量和电脑显示负担。 8.不过现在的电脑配置对这点工作量已经不在话下了,负片使用,容易出错,焊盘没设计好有可能短路什么的。 9.电源分割方便的话,方法有很多,正片也可以用其他方法很方便的进行电源分割,没必要一定用负片。
2023-06-28 04:54:581


2023-06-28 04:55:071


负片一般是tenting制程其使用的药液为酸性蚀刻,正片一般是pattern制程其使用的药液为碱性蚀刻。PCB正片的效果凡是画线的地方印刷板的铜被保留,没有划线的地方敷铜被清除, 如顶层、底层的信号层就是正片,PCB负片的效果凡是画线的地方印刷板的敷铜被清除,没有划线的地方敷铜反而被保留。简介负面电影是KODAK100、KODAKMAX、FUJIFILMSUPERIA100、冲洗后与现实场景的颜色相反,即电影上显示的黑色实际上是现实中的白色,与现实中的颜色相反,C41工序冲洗后需要翻转颜色。反转电影如FUJFILM,RDP,HP,ODAK10VS,10G,即电影完全不同的是真实的黑色电影,拍摄电影使用负面电影,因为洗涤后与现实景物的颜色相反,所以需要用正面电影和负面电影重叠曝光洗涤后是放映的电影,正片使用少市面上看不到销售。
2023-06-28 04:55:261


PCB正片工艺是做的干膜且是碱性蚀刻走正片工艺制版的话, 相对于生产而言是比较简单的,毕竟可以二次沉铜。在开始电镀沉铜的时候做整版沉铜,这个时候因为是一次加工可以做到先8-10um, 后面进行贴干膜对位然后在进行二次沉铜加厚到成品铜厚35um 在接着就开始进行镀锡蚀刻了。因为走正片工艺中间有做一次干膜。蚀刻的时候镀铅锡的位置是保留的.干膜保留的位置直接蚀刻掉。 PCB负片工艺是做的湿膜且是酸性蚀刻走负片工艺的话做电镀沉铜的要求是一次性的 沉铜之后做整版电镀内部铜厚是直接加厚到表铜35um然后在做贴膜后蚀刻。跟正片不同的是贴干膜的地方是保留的,没有做贴膜的位置蚀刻掉。当然正负片工艺不会影响板子的质量,只是处理方式不同而已。负片工艺相对于快板工厂而言是不错的选择,毕竟所有工序都是一次到位,相对正片工艺而言。比较适用于批量工厂,交期不是很急的,做正片工艺可以减少报废率。一次沉铜厚度不够可以二次缓冲。当然负片工艺也是有自己的优点1.无铜孔:做附片工艺可以保证100%无铜相信在前面优秀的你就看出了负片工艺生产流程中的不同。负片工艺做的孔是不用干膜封住直接蚀刻的。如果是走正片工艺的话干膜稍微有个小洞孔内就会镀上锡.蚀刻的时候孔的铜就蚀刻不掉2.走负片的话都是整版镀铜的.相对于图形镀铜来说,他的均匀性比较好.3.铜分层的几率偏。前面也说了负片制版走的整版镀铜。相对于做2次沉铜的正片工艺来说结果显而易见.4.不过相对于邻国的日本企业来说。他们更倾向于负片工艺,毕竟这种工艺做出来的板更稳定且节省时间
2023-06-28 04:55:484

各位大师们,请问protel 99se中,过孔的属性中,有solder mask还有tenting overide这些是干什么用的啊 ?

2023-06-28 04:56:222


花生收获设备 挖掘机/沙克尔/逆变器 结合 转储车 藤空调 藤举升机 桂盟是一个公认的领导者在开发,设计,制造和花生收获设备。我们提供各种各样的产品来处理花生收获作业的各个阶段。 挖掘机,振动筛,逆变器 每亩收获后每亩满意! 旨在帮助提高通过提供优质的挖掘/反相工作所累了花生损失较少,更容易,更快的利润相结合。 配备了专利的污垢敲击车轮可用于高效的土壤和碎片从藤蔓清除可调。 易于调整,能在大藤条件下使用。 低维护和修理费用。 动力输出驱动的标准,液压驱动可选 点击这里挖掘机沙克尔逆变器选项。 点击这里为美国花生行距图(pdf档案) 在世界上最流行的逆变器! 二排模型 (30“ - 40”行模式) 4行模式 (型号为30“ - 40”行模式) 六行模式 (型号为30“ - 40”行模式) 8排刚构模型 (型号为30“ - 40”行模式) Flex的逆变器模型设计的粗轧和地形 可在4和6行模式 液压只 用于地形梯田 每个温德罗独立花车 36-38英寸的行距只 挖掘机沙克尔逆变器选项: 皮带输送机驱动器 穿长造成的停机时间和减少更换成本链,响尾蛇酒吧储蓄和链轮 底部直径较小的托辊轴给出了一个比较温和的皮卡产量节余 露营 与周围地区花生藤蔓各方花生内侧转动,而不是直线上升 葡萄藤干花生前更好的分离造成的结合 建议仅沙
2023-06-28 04:56:291


2023-06-28 04:56:381


PCB正片和负片是效果相反的制造工艺正片:凡是画线的地方印制板的覆铜被保留,没有画线的地方覆铜清除,如:顶层、底层、信号 层就是正片。负片:凡是画线的地方印制板的铜被清除,没有画线的地方覆铜被保留,Internal Planes层线(内部电源/接地层)内电层,用于布置电源线和地线。放置在这些层面上的走线和其他对象是无铜的区域。
2023-06-28 04:56:561

altium designer 怎么设置不显示过孔的阻焊层呢?

2023-06-28 04:57:041


正片,一般是pattern制程,其使用的药液为碱性蚀刻。是在顶层和地层的的走线方法,用Polygon Pour进行大块敷铜填充。 其工艺为:需要保留的线路或铜面是黑色或棕色的,而不要部份则为透明的。经过线路制程后,透明部份因干膜阻剂受光照而起化学作用硬化。显影制程会把没有硬化的干膜冲掉,然后在铜面上镀锡铅,然后去膜,接着用碱性药水蚀刻去除透明的那部分铜箔,剩下的黑色或棕色底片便是我们需要的线路。 负片,一般是tenting制程,其使用的药液为酸性蚀刻。走线的地方是分割线,即生成负片之后整一层就已经被敷铜了,只需要分割敷铜,再设置分割后的网络即可。 其工艺为:需要保留的线路或铜面是透明的,而不要的部份则为黑色或棕色的。经过线路制程后,透明部份因干膜阻剂受光照而起化学作用变得硬化。显影制程会把没有硬化的干膜冲掉,在蚀刻制程中,去除底片黑色或棕色的铜箔,去膜以后,剩下的底片透明的部份便是线路。 简单来说,其制造工艺为: 正片:工艺就是(双面板)开料-钻孔-PTH(一次电镀也叫加厚铜)-线路-二铜(图形电镀)然后走SES线(退膜-蚀刻-退锡) 负片:工艺就是(双面板)开料-钻孔-PTH(一次电镀也叫加厚铜)-线路(不经过二铜图形电镀)然后走DES线(蚀刻-退膜) 负片的好处在于默认大块敷铜填充,在添加过孔、改变敷铜大小等操作都不需要重置,可以省去重新敷铜计算的时间。 PCB负片没有去死铜选项,若有死铜,可先在原来的铜箔板上加镀一层厚铜,然后有所选择地进行保留或去除,此为减成法。如果在铜箔上将需要保留的线路位置在图形转移工序后显露出来,用来进行有所选择的加厚镀铜锡,此为正片流程法。 捷配是专业的极速PCB打样工厂专注于PCB板打样和PCB小批量打样服务常规单双面线路板、4层线路板24小时出货6层PCB板48小时出货不收加急费在线计价下单方便快捷。更多可了解:
2023-06-28 04:57:221


蚀刻后的酸洗一般使用稀H2SO4(4%)。印刷版蚀刻目前业界一般使用的是H2O2/HCl系列和NaClO3/HCl系列。通常使用于单面板蚀刻、多层板的内层蚀刻或Tenting流程的外层蚀刻上。 双氧水/盐酸:最高可蚀刻铜约160克/公升。 反应:Cu + H2O2 + 2HCl →CuCl2 + 2H2O 氯酸钠/盐酸:最高可蚀铜达180克/公升 反应:3Cu + NaClO3 + 6HCl → 3CuCl2 + 3H2O + NaCl
2023-06-28 04:57:311


、pad跟via用混着用,导致出问题1.当你的文件是pads或是protel时发给工厂,要求过孔盖油,千万要注意,你要仔细检查一下你的插件孔(pad)是不是也有用了via的,否则你的插件孔上也会上上绿油从而导致不能焊接争执点:插件孔要的肯定是上面要喷锡的,你怎么盖油了,我怎么用,在说这话的时候请你检查文件,用是pad设计还是via设计的!2.当你的文件是pads或是protel时把文件发给工厂,下单要求是过孔盖油,有很多客户用pad(插件孔)来表示导电孔,从而导致你的导电孔开窗,可能你想要的是过孔盖油,到时候可能争执点就是,我要的就是导电孔盖油,为什么给开窗了呢,那请你检查一下你的文件设计!如果你是via就按via处理,如果是pad就按pad处理!因为没人会知道你那是导电孔,那是插件孔,而via跟pad是唯一的标识,请大家清楚!二、via在转换过程中,因设计不标准或是你对转换gerber设置规则不清楚,而导致出问题当你发的是gerber文件那工厂厂家则无法分出那些是过孔那些是插键孔,则唯一能识别的是按文件加工,那有助焊层那就有开窗!争执点:我要的过孔盖油的,你现在给我开窗了,我可能导致短路,那请检查一下你的文件,你出的gerber就是菲林文件,工厂没有办法来检查你的是导电孔还是插键孔,请你检查gerber文件,是不是有助焊层,有的话就开窗,没有的话就盖油三、如何在protel或是pads设计出过孔盖油!——这在是最标准的做法,如果设计标准了,则一定不会出错!在protel中via属性中有一个tenting选项,如果打上勾,则一定是盖油那么你转出来的就全是盖油了,在pads中,pads转文件是要想过孔(via)盖油方法:在输出soldermask即阻焊层时只要勾选上上solder mask top ——下面的via,代表全部过孔开窗,不勾选即过孔盖油总结一下:pad按pad做,这就是插件孔,via你有两种选择,如果提供原文件,下单时候让你选,如果提供gerber文件,一定要请检查gerber文件是否符合你的要求
2023-06-28 04:57:371


2023-06-28 04:57:451


TOP solder和BOTTOM solder 设置之后表示印制板上的绿油不会覆上,直接露铜,如果你在一根导线上又画了一条线在solder层的时候做出来的印制板那条导线画solder的地方都是露铜的,如果在没有铜线的地方画solder则此部分不会有绿油覆盖。要想将过孔加阻焊的话则在过孔的属性中将force complete tenting on top和force complete tenting on bottom两个选项打勾即可
2023-06-28 04:58:072

protel dxp 2004中,如何设置过孔上的白油?见附件。

would appreciate __back this afternoon.
2023-06-28 04:58:143

enting 中文是什么意思

2023-06-28 04:58:304


裸铜覆阻焊膜(SMOBC)工艺SMOBC板的主要优点是解决了细线条之间的焊料桥接短路现象,同时由于铅锡比例恒定,比热熔板有更好的可焊性和储藏性。 制造SMOBC板的方法很多,有标准图形电镀减去法再退铅锡的SMOBC工艺;用镀锡或浸锡等代替电镀铅锡的减去法图形电镀SMOBC工艺;堵孔或掩蔽孔法SMOBC工艺;加成法SMOBC工艺等。下面主要介绍图形电镀法再退铅锡的SMOBC工艺和堵孔法SMOBC工艺流程。 图形电镀法再退铅锡的SMOBC工艺法相似于图形电镀法工艺。只在蚀刻后发生变化。 双面覆铜箔板-->按图形电镀法工艺到蚀刻工序-->退铅锡-->检查---->清洗 --->阻焊图形-->插头镀镍镀金-->插头贴胶带-->热风整平---->清洗 --->网印标记符号--->外形加工--->清洗干燥--->成品检验-->包装-->成品。 堵孔法主要工艺流程如下: 双面覆箔板-->钻孔-->化学镀铜-->整板电镀铜-->堵孔-->网印成像(正像) -->蚀刻-->去网印料、去堵孔料-->清洗-->阻焊图形-->插头镀镍、镀金 -->插头贴胶带-->热风整平-->下面工序与上相同至成品。 此工艺的工艺步骤较简单、关键是堵孔和洗净堵孔的油墨。 在堵孔法工艺中如果不采用堵孔油墨堵孔和网印成像,而使用一种特殊的掩蔽型干膜来掩盖孔,再曝光制成正像图形,这就是掩蔽孔工艺。它与堵孔法相比,不再存在洗净孔内油墨的难题,但对掩蔽干膜有较高的要求。 SMOBC工艺的基础是先制出裸铜孔金属化双面板,再应用热风整平工艺。
2023-06-28 04:58:392

啊力吖~啊吧吧力吖 这是高潮好像,一首英文歌,女的唱的,有没有大神告诉我下

2023-06-28 04:58:462


2023-06-28 04:59:101


2023-06-28 04:59:184


将你照片上的solder mask中的tenting勾选即可。
2023-06-28 04:59:252

Growing up in one of the poorest, most crime-ridden(犯罪猖獗的) communities on the south si

rmance dimensiuring team s
2023-06-28 04:59:353

altium的PCB过孔里有两个选选项 “force complete tenting on top”与

2023-06-28 04:59:423


2023-06-28 04:59:513


I am a third-year colloge student in China, majoring in business administration with a GPA of 3.9, while 4 is total. May I apply for attenting the business administration courses in your university?
2023-06-28 05:00:053

Altium Designer 上有很多过孔,怎么样一下子把所有的过孔都盖上绿油?

按Shift+F键,点任一过孔,点OK;在出现的下一对话框中,勾选Solder Mask Tenting-Top与Solder Mask Tenting-Bottom即可
2023-06-28 05:00:121

The key to improve spoken english is to speak. The reason why foreigner speak english so well, b

The key to improve spoken english is to speak.提高英语口语的关键是说话。The reason why foreigner speak english so well, beause they speak english all day, like we speaking chinese. In such situation, how couldn"t they speak english well? the same way we can use in our daily study. We can speak english to each other in school. in the space time, we can speak english with ourself. pretenting a foreigner is talking with you. After a long time of praticing, i sure that, the spoken english will be improve very well.为什么外国人说英语很好,因为他们整天说英语,就像我们说汉语。在这种情况下,他们怎么不讲英语好吗?以同样的方式我们可以用在我们的日常学习。在学校我们可以相互说英语。在时空中,我们可以和自己说英语。pretenting一个外国人和你谈话。录象很长一段时间之后,我确信,将提高英语口语非常好。
2023-06-28 05:00:181

在Altium Designer的PCB上,怎样设置成过孔被绿油覆盖

选中一个via,右键选find similar object.然后在pcb inspector 中勾上solder mask tenting-top 和solder mask tenting-bottom就行了.或者还有个变通的方法,在altium示例pcb上看到的,在solder mask expansion规则里新建一个针对via的规则,并把expansion设置成一个比较小的负数.这样放置的via都是被mask层覆盖的.在altium的3D模式下可以看出区别(来源
2023-06-28 05:00:262


n.帐篷;帐棚 vt.住帐蓬用帐蓬遮盖;向…供应帐篷;将塞条嵌进(伤口);观察;看护;照料第三人称单数: tents复数: tents现在分词: tenting过去式: tented过去分词: tented短语搭配crib tent 有帐婴儿床tent introducer 塞条导引器Tent Card 座台餐牌 ; 立卡 ; 展示卡party tent 宴会帐篷 ; 派对篷房 ; 聚会帐篷relief tent 救灾帐篷pet tent 宠物帐篷 ; 宠物帐 ; 宠物篷kids tent 儿童帐篷fishing tent 钓鱼帐篷
2023-06-28 05:00:441


2023-06-28 05:01:122

we tent stop谐音中文

we tent stop中文谐音喂 屯特 斯多破tent 英[tent]美[tu025bnt]n. 帐篷; 帐篷状物; 塞子;vi. 住帐蓬;vt. 用帐蓬遮盖; 向…供应帐逢; 将塞条嵌进(伤口); 观察,看护,照料;[网络] 账篷; 帐篷; 搭帐篷;[例句]He had pitched his tent in the yard.他在院子里搭起了帐篷。[其他] 第三人称单数:tents 复数:tents 现在分词:tenting 过去式:tented 过去分词:tented
2023-06-28 05:01:191


2023-06-28 05:01:262


2023-06-28 05:01:341


2023-06-28 05:01:531


2023-06-28 05:02:081


2023-06-28 05:02:182


就是外层的一个区别一个是电镀后,外层曝光,显影 镀二铜 镀锡 蚀刻 剥锡一个是电镀完成后直接蚀刻成线路
2023-06-28 05:02:285

ranting 造句子

rantingv.夸夸其谈( rant的现在分词 );大叫大嚷地以…说教;气愤地)大叫大嚷;不停地大声抱怨复数: rantings 形近词: renting cantina tinting tenting wonting双语例句Do we really have to sit and listen to his mindless ranting all evening? 我们真的得整晚坐着听他那愚蠢的夸夸其谈吗?
2023-06-28 05:02:541

Pad of Via is tenting.是 什么意思

恩 PAD在集成电路制造中是焊盘的意思
2023-06-28 05:03:021


I am, perhaps, not in the right spirit tonight . 今晚我也许心境不好。 I have enty essays to mark tonight . 今晚我有二十篇文章要评分数。 Darpng , you look so kissable tonight . 亲爱的,你今晚美得诱人欲吻。 The film will be shown in the open air tonight . 今晚电影在露天演出。 Everything"s above board here tonight . 今儿晚上在这里,什么都得公开。 We are tenting tonight on the campground . 我们今晚要在营地的帐篷里住。 I"d just as soon not go to the theater tonight . 我倒宁愿今晚不去看戏。 It"s much better he shouldn"t e tonight . 最好他今天晚上还是不要来吧。 I must have some tonight and that"s flat . 我今晚一定要一些,无二话可说。 We tried to reach them tonight . 我们曾设法今天夜里就通知他们。 She is scheduled to give a speech tonight . 她定于今晚演讲。 We are going to stretch a point tonight . 今晚我们打算破例。 And you"ll bear with us tonight . 今天晚上你就多包涵包涵了。 The sunset is gorgeous tonight . 今天晚上日落的景色美极了。 You are not quite yourself tonight . 你今晚有点儿不大正常。 Tom "s tonight "s guest on the chat show . 汤姆是今晚谈天说地节目的特约嘉宾。 Tonight he wanted to pass for a gentleman . 今天晚上,他要作为一个绅士来度过。 I hope to have my revenge tonight . 今天夜里我可要报仇了。 Who "s going to cook tonight ? let us toss up . 今晚谁做饭?咱们掷硬币决定吧。 You may thank your stars i"ve e back tonight . 我今晚回来,你该谢天谢地呢。 I request her to dine with me tonight . 今晚我请她吃饭。 I "m afraid it might rain tonight . 我看今晚恐怕要下雨。 She is billed to lecture tonight . 贴海报说她今晚演讲。 Tonight "s play begins at 7:30 . 今晚的演出七点半开始。 What is on at the cinema tonight ? 今晚电影院演什么?。 I"ve a heavy date tonight . 今天晚上我还有个重要约会。 You may thank your stars i"ve e back tonight . 我今晚回来,你就该谢天谢地才是。 There will be a run-through of the whole play tonight . 今天晚上要把全剧排练一次。 Her dress tonight was a simple black wool . 她今晚穿的就是一件样式简单的黑羊毛衫。 Tonight "s curtain is at 7:30 . 今晚的演出七点半开始。 It is an auspicious occasion to do so for tonight . 今晚是这样做的一个吉祥的时刻。 Are you ing to the hop tonight ? 今晚你来跳舞吗?。 There is a wrestpng match tonight . 今晚有摔交比赛。 The whole gang "s here tonight . 今晚伙伴们都在这里。 What is on the box tonight ? 今晚电视上有什么节目?。 He "s not pkely to e tonight . 他今晚不见得会来。 I shall sleep in new york tonight . 今晚在纽约过夜。 You are full of mystery tonight ; what is going on ? 你今天晚上很神秘,搞的什么名堂? On behalf of my colleagues , i address you tonight . 今晚我谨代表我的同事对诸位讲话。 Where shall we camp tonight ? 我们今晚在哪里宿营?
2023-06-28 05:03:092


选A,因为involve是使...忙于的意思,比如:How should we involve ourselves in school life?我们应该怎样投入学校生活?一般用sb be involved in 这里是被动,所以用过去分词.
2023-06-28 05:03:161

fIREHOSE的《Too Long》 歌词

歌曲名:Too Long歌手:fIREHOSE专辑:Flyin" The FlannelYael Naim - Too LongBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulOpening a door, packing stuff.,I waited for so longOutside myselfYou see I was pretentingTo be someone elseI was longing to seeWho i wanted to beAnd I"ve been waiting on my ownI"ve been waiting for too longNot strong enough to be with youAnd I"ve been making up my worldI"ve been painting it with goldNot strong enough to see youI irrigate illusionsThen let them growHow can I pacify myself?And let goAnd I run wild to seeWho I turned out to beI"ve been waiting on my ownI"ve been waiting for too longNot strong enough to be with youAnd I"ve been making up my worldI"ve been painting it with goldNot strong enough to see youI"ve been waiting on my ownI"ve been waiting for too longNot strong enough to be with youAnd I"ve been making up my worldI"ve been painting it with goldNot strong enough to see youI"ve been waiting on my ownOMG! French!! I don"t speak French!I"ve been waiting on my ownI"ve been waiting for too longNot strong enough to be with youAnd I"ve been making up my worldI"ve been painting it with goldNot strong enough to see youSee you...(I can hear bing bing sounds!)
2023-06-28 05:03:231