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什么是transcript key

国外学校在成绩单的背面一般都有对自己评分系统的说明,比如是4分制,12分制,或者是letter grade, 这些信息有助于学校更好的evaluate你的成绩。u200b您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

美本转学时候要上传financial transcript么




transcript abundance什么意思

transcript abundance转录丰度双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 转录丰度

我要研究的一个基因有多种转录变体(transcript variant),如何设计引物来分析基因的表达情况?


academic transcripts是什么意思


申请加拿大大学时interim transcript是什么东东?

你现在所能开出的成绩单,很多课都没有结课,当然只能开interim了。。。之后一般会再要求一份final transcript...

transcript variant 是什么意思

transcript variant转录变异体例句Detection of A Novel Transcript Variant of Porcine Cathepsin B 猪cathepsin B基因一种新转录变异体的发现

mRNA 的transcript variant 是什么意思?



他们的区别在于:transcript意思是抄本;副本;誊本;打字本。unigene意思是单基因簇;单一序列;单基因;基因簇。例句比较:transcript1、They wouldn"t let me have a transcript of the interview. 他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。2、We don"t know how the transcript leaked. 我们不知道文字本是怎么泄露出去的。3、The transcript is full of codewords, which is standard practice in any army. 抄本上全是密码,这种做法是所有军队的惯例。unigene1、The unigene is very important.单基因簇很重要。2、Many scientists are studying unigene.许多科学家在研究单基因簇。

求助 什么是Official Transcript(s)?




急!关于final transcript的问题

由于美国大学是提前申请的,很多同学申请的时候还没有毕业。他们是用大一到大三的成绩单申请的,所以要在最后报到时补一份最后一年或一学期的成绩单。你之前递交的成绩单如果是4年全的,你只要再递交一遍就可以了。 最好是学校密封盖章然后寄过去。

Call Transcript怎么翻译??

call transcript是通话详单吧,earning call transcript是不是收入通话详单,我也不晓得啦

ug and pg transcript什么意思

PG 指的应该是 postgraduate(研究生)UG 指的是 Undergraduate(本科生)

做PCR关于引物设计中基因的transcript variant是什么

你所说的情况是由可变剪切造成的。下面是引物设计原则,希望能够对你有所帮助:Firstly of all, you should know what you want to dectect. for example, one gene has 2 spliced forms (transcript variants), but contain differenent exons, the first variant contains exon 1, 3, and 4, the second contains exon 1, 2, and 4. so if you want to detect the total level of this gene, you should design the primer to clone the sequence of exon 1 or 4, if you want to dectect just variant 1, you should design the primer based on exon3. others just like this.

转录组测序中 gene 和transcript 的区别



transcript 能表示"成绩单" 成绩单 school report transcript report card 比如: 随信附上一份我的成绩单。 Attached is a transcript of my academic record.

transcript variant 是什么意思


为什么一个基因的mRNA有多个transcript variant


每次启动modelsim时在桌面上都要生成 transcript文件 ,如何修改此文件的路径?

modelsim打开后菜单栏Transcript下拉Transcript File,点击后随便起个名字save就行,会保存到仿真工程下跟work同一个根目录。这个文件主要是保存运行仿真时所有的打印记录,包括tb的display以及编译产生的error、warning等等



为什么一个基因的mRNA有多个transcript variant

  基因的Transcript Variant 和 isoform的区别如下:transcript variant是从结果来看的,一个基因产生了不同的mRNA;splice variant是从过程讲的,强调内含子剪切的方式不一样。variant指的是转录本的亚型,而isform指的是蛋白水平的。有的时候虽然variant很多但是对应的蛋白可能是重复的。有很多过程可以影响isoform的形成,如可变剪切,即不一定所有的外显子都用来形成成熟的mRNA,而且有时候什么内含子,外显子也不是绝对的。另外有RNA editing这个过程,会使得形成mRNA时某个特定的位置的碱基发生变化,也就是变成不是原来基因想要编码的东西。有个例子就是一个叫XBP-1的转录因子,它调控细胞的unfolded protein response,激活方式就是上游蛋白剪切其mRNA然后生成有活性的mRNA,所以这种variant的生成竟然也是调控的一种方法。



report card和transcript的区别?

1. report card means "(US)school report",译为“学生成绩报告单”。2. transcript means "(US)copy of an official record of a student"s work,showing courses taken and grades achieved",也译为“学生成绩报告单”。二者均属于美式用法,但后者侧重于说明该报告单较为正式,并且是副本,除显示出所取得的分数外,同时还显示了所选的课程名称。


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  transcript,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:成绩单。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

manuscript 和transcript 的区别?

Manuscript 是手稿,底稿,未出版前的手写原件,是原创作者最原始文件,manu前缀意为手工。transcript是录音文件的文字版,或成绩报告单,抄录的文本,手抄本,并非原始原作者首创文件。词缴trans 表转换,script 表写作。






成绩单双语对照词典结果:transcriptsn.抄本( transcript的名词复数 ); 转写本; 文字本; 副本; Not gmat scores or college transcripts, but the ability to work with others. 不是gmat的分数或大学的成绩单,而是和他们合作的能力。很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问手机用户点击右上角的【满意】如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

谁知道申请学校的时候transcript 是指什么???


Depeche Mode的《stripped》 歌词

歌曲名:stripped歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:tour of the universe(live in barcelona)StrippedDepeche ModeThe Singles 86>98StrippedDepeche ModeCome with meInto the treesWe"ll lay on the grassAnd let the hours passTake my handCome back to the landLet"s get awayJust for one dayLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneMetropoliceHas nothing on thisYou"re breathing in fumesI taste when we kissTake my handCome back to the landWhere everything"s oursFor a few hoursLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear youMake decisionsWithout your televisionLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you cryingJust for meLet me see youStripped down to the boneLet me hear you speakingJust for me

triple bottom line 啥意思

triple bottom line是什么意思中文翻译手机版三重底线triple: adj. 三倍的,三重的,三层的;三部分的;【法律】三者 ...bottom: n. 1.底,底部。 2.地基,基础;根底;底细,真相, ...line: vt. 交尾。例句与用法1. Principle : devoted to stakeholder engagement to maximizing the “ triple bottom line ” : economy ( accountability ) , society ( ethics ) and environment ( sustainability )原则:献身于利益相关者参与,推动企业最大限度地履行三重责任:经济(效益) 、社会(道德规范) 、环境(可持续)责任。

triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性

triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性

triple bottom line 啥意思?


triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性




在 JavaScript 省二级联动中,`options` 通常是指一个 HTML 元素对象的属性,它包含了这个元素的所有可选项。在省二级联动中,这个元素通常是一个 `select` 元素,用于选择省份。当省份选定后,对应的市级选项会动态生成并更新该 `select` 元素的 `options` 属性。每个 `option` 元素代表一个可选的市级名称,`options` 属性则包含了所有这些 `option` 元素的信息和属性,包括 `value` 和 `text` 等。通过 JavaScript 操作 `select` 元素的 `options` 属性,可以动态更新和控制这个元素的可选项,实现省二级联动的功能。例如,下面是一段 JavaScript 代码,演示了如何根据不同省份动态更新市级选项:```var provinceSelect = document.getElementById("provinceSelect");var citySelect = document.getElementById("citySelect");provinceSelect.onchange = function () { var province = provinceSelect.value; // 根据省份更新市级选项 updateCityOptions(citySelect, province);};function updateCityOptions(select, province) { // 根据省份从数据源中获取对应的市级信息 var cities = getCitiesByProvince(province); // 清空原有的市级选项 select.options.length = 0; // 重新添加新的市级选项 for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) { var city = cities[i]; var option = new Option(, city.code); select.options.add(option); }}```在这个例子中,`provinceSelect` 和 `citySelect` 分别是省份和市级的 `select` 元素对象,当 `provinceSelect` 选项发生变化时,会触发 `onchange` 事件,调用 `updateCityOptions` 函数来更新 `citySelect` 的选项。`updateCityOptions` 函数会根据当前选定的省份从数据源中获取对应的市级信息,清空原有的市级选项,重新添加新的市级选项,并将其作为 `options` 属性赋值给 `citySelect` 元素。这样就实现了基本的省二级联动效果。


这个 条件表达式 好吓人啊。你是看的哪个框架的源码吧

如何在一个utf-8编码的HTML中 在javascript中url跳转时把url中的汉字改为GBK编码






Javascript 面向对象的Class, 怎么写最好.

对于面向对象的写法, 从最基础的类开始, javascript就有很多种方法写一个类, 那到底哪种是最佳的呢? 和同事讨论, 认为以下的写法是最OK的. functionClassA(){var_this=this; //这是为了给ClassA的私有类使用本实例 var_field1; //private的成员变量 varprivateMethod1=function(){//private里调用private,直接用。 _field1=1;privateMethod2(); //private里调用public,用。 _this.publicMethod1();}this.publicMethod1=function(){//public里调用private,直接用。 _field1=1;privateMethod1(); //public里调用public,用。 this.publicMethod2();}ClassA.prototype.staticMethod1=function(){//静态方法}}functionuser(){vara=newClassA(); //public的调用,private的外面就看不到了。 a.publicMethod1(); //静态方法,必须加.prototype,没办法, JS能这样已经很不错了. //而且通过实例a.staticMethod1()也能调用。

_____March 20____26, the US first lady Michelle Obama was on a trip to China with her daughters...

B 试题分析:句意:从三月20日到26日,美国第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马和女儿、母亲在中国旅行。A.Between…and在……和……之间,B.From…to从……到……,据句意B符合题意。故选B。


var arr=[];//This program is made up of recursive arraysvar list=ul.getElementsByTagName("li");/*Javascript is a developed by Netscape LiveScript prototype inheritance of the object-oriented dynamic type case sensitive client script language, the main purpose is to solve the server-side language, Perl, for example, the speed of the legacy problems, to provide customers with more smooth browsing effect. At that time, the service side need to verify this data, because the network speed is quite slow, only 28.8 KBPS, validation step waste too much time. Then Netscape Navigator browser Javascript, provides the basic functions of the data validation.*/(function(){ if(list.length>4){arr.push(list.splice(0,4));arguments.callee(); }else{ arr.push(list); return "browsing effect. At that time"; };})();//The return value of this program is emptyalert(arr[0][1]);//Below is a list of the content of the return

javascript 的setinterval 如何在内部停止

var timer = setInterval(function(){var str1= $("#att").load("../../../../jax.php").text()if(str1==""){$("#att").load("../../../../jax.php")}else{//这里清除当前的这个interval 可以做到吗clearInterval(timer)}},1000)

javascript 关于setInterval() 怎么不无限循环下去问题 求大师解释啊 下面就是我自己写的两段代码



那你在设置循环的时候,指定一个名称,比如var timer1 = setInterval(function(){}, 222);然后你就可以清除这个指定的clearInterval( timer1 );


  javascript中的setInterval的函数主要是在制作动画或其他间隔性渲染(操作)效果时,对操作方法按照一定时间间隔进行调用的函数。  用法:  setInterval() 方法可按照指定的周期(以毫秒计)来调用函数或计算表达式。  setInterval() 方法会不停地调用函数,直到 clearInterval() 被调用或窗口被关闭。由 setInterval() 返回的 ID 值可用作 clearInterval() 方法的参数。  setInterval的表达式格式主要有:  setInterval(fnname,time,par1,par2,........parn);  setInterval(obj,fnname,time,par1,par2,......parn);  第一种是最常见的表达语法,其中fnname参数可以是一个匿名函数的引用或者是一个函数名,time是设定的调用faname的时间间隔,单位为毫秒,默认值为10毫秒,par1.......parn为可选参数,是传递给faname方法的参数。  第二种是使用对象方法的语法,faname参数是obj对象的方法,其他参数同第一种语法。

Last month I went to a long ___(travel/trip) to America. 选什么?

long trip=travellong travel=? 貌似没有,直接用travel就可以了啊!long 个人觉得,这里只是个时间上的“长”,而非距离上的“长” 如:a long (time) trip

IE8 javascript 对象 Object.defineProperty相关问题

Javascript作为一种语言,有个美誉,开发者可以重新定义任何事情。虽然这在过去的一些javascript可以,但是ECMAScript5中已经开始得到改变,例如,我们可以使用Object.defineProperty创建一个不能被修改的对象的属性。一、基本用法假如我想构建一个math.js库,看下面的实例:var mathObj = { constants: { "pi": 3.14 }, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} 在上例中,如果有人改变pi的值,那么我们将不会得到正确的计算结果,虽然有很多方法可以解决此问题,但是最简单的方法是使用pi属性不可写。看下面实例:var mathObj = { constants: {}, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} Object.defineProperty(mathObj.constants, "pi", { value: 3.14, writable: false});mathObj.constants.pi = "Benjamin";//Outputs: 3.14console.log(mathObj.constants.pi);Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)方法接收三个参数:需要添加或修改属性的对象,属性名称,属性描述options。从上例可以看出,当给pi赋值为“Benjamin”时,最后输出的值还是3.14。 但是如果给math.js使用“use strict",将会报错,和给undefined赋值一样:"use strict";var mathObj = { constants: {}, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} Object.defineProperty(mathObj.constants, "pi", { value: 3.14, writable: false});mathObj.constants.pi = "Benjamin";//<span style="color: #ff0000;">Outputs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property "pi" of #<Object></span> console.log(mathObj.constants.pi);第三个参数的options中,writable默认值为false,所以在上例中可以省略,configurable默认值为false,如果你想使用你的库的用户故意重写pi的值,你可以设置configurable值为true。

javascript 如何获得padding 与margin

<div id=a style="padding:12px; margin:16px">12345</div><script>alert(document.getElementById("a").style.paddingLeft);alert(document.getElementById("a").style.marginLeft);</script>


"TRIPS"协议是《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED ASPECTS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS)的简称。这个文件是知识产权保护的国际标准。《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》( TRIPS) 是WTO 法律体系的重要组成部分。TRIPs协议第64条专门规定了争端解决的机制。该条有三款,其中第1款规定:“由争端解决谅解所详细阐释并运用的1994年关贸总协定第22条和第23条的各项规定应运用于本协议下的争端磋商与解决,本协议另有规定者除外。”这项规定实质上是一个“引导条款”,将TRIPs规定的知识产权国际争端解决程序导向了WTO附件2的“关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解”(DSU),因此除了TRIPs协议第64条的特殊规定外,该谅解全面适用于WTO框架下知识产权国际争端的解决。[资政知识产权]



20悬赏 2篇英语作文 1.A Field Trip( 一次野外旅行) 2.My best friend(我最好的朋友)


my school trip初中英语作文

  校园生活总是丰富多彩的,集体活动也会有很多,你们一起旅游过吗?你知道怎么写一篇关于我的校园旅行的 英语 作文 吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的学校旅行 初中英语作文 ,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!  my school trip初中英语作文篇1   I went on a trip to Hainan with my family on during the holiday.We went there by plane.After we got off the plane,we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there.There were other people there too.Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the sea.Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach.We ate seafood like shrimps and craps,and drank some abalone soup.   We all didn"t want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful,and there were so many other exciting things to try,but sadly it was time for us to go.   It was definitely an exciting trip.If I have a chance to go there again,i will be more than happy to visit the place again.   my school trip初中英语作文篇2   I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.   It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn"t move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water and ate some food.   After a while he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.   my school trip初中英语作文篇3   Last week I went to mount Emei in SiChuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxi to Beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.   Half an hour later, we got on the train. On the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached SiChuan. There, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. Even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.   my school trip初中英语作篇4   On National Day, I went to the royal ocean base with my mother and friends.   As soon as I entered, I was attracted by a snow-white bear. It was white and lovely all over. We looked at the colorful fish, the less flying penguins, the terrible whales, the moving mermaid performance and the wonderful dolphin tops. In the tropics, you see carnivorous crocodiles and birds that eat worms...   After watching the animals, we went to the newest dinosaur world 2 - water playhouse in the royal Marine base.   We were all armed, just in case we went swimming. As the saying goes, there is only ten thousand people who are not afraid of it.   My mother and I went to the game area first. We climbed the office slide and then passed through the dense water gun area. But I was unlucky enough to be shot in the water gun area, and I was wet all over. We also played the hanging ghost, first to wear a soft thing on your neck, and then to pull a hook with your hand, a man would climb up the pole and hang you by the machine. You don"t have to be afraid that you"re going to fall down, because there"s a jump carpet.   my school trip初中英语作篇5   I"m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation.   However, I"m afraid there"s some bad news. I"m planning to take part in an international conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit. All the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More importantly, I"m lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research team at the Conference. I really can"t miss it.   I understand that it"ll be your first time to this city and I"m your only friend here. I"ve asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay in my room. He is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. Hope you two will get on well and have a nice holiday!   my school trip初中英语作篇6   Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, some people even quit their jobs to do it. The trip without plan was favored by many people since a few years ago, it was the attitude towards life.   今天,随着生活水平的提高,人们有更多的钱去追逐娱乐,旅行是他们的第一选择。因此在公共假期期间,有很多人在旅途中,有些人甚至放弃自己的工作去旅游。说走就走的旅行在几年前就受到了欢迎,这是一种生活态度。   Though people are proud of taking the independent travel, especially when they just go anytime and anywhere, only a few people take action. Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan. So I asked two of my friends to joined my team. We booked the tickets and and hotel, then the next day, we took the train. We talked and appreciated the scenery outside the window. When we arrived the city, we just walked along the street and enjoyed the feature.

My Trip To Beijing英语作文

  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我精心整理的My Trip To Beijing英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇1   on july 5th my parents took me to beijing. we stayed at huabei hotel. on the first day, we went to the great wall. the great wall is very long and old. it has millions of bricks. each brick is very big and heavy. lots of people from different countries like climbing the great wall. we felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the great wall.   we also went to the palace museum. the palace museum has 9999 palaces. it has a very long history. i bought a lot of souvenirs of the palace museum. what nice palaces these are! i visited the palace museum and felt excited. if you want to know more about the palace museum, you can go to beijing and have a look.   the following days, we went to the summer palace, tian tan, north lake and xiang hill. i now know more about the history of china. i also like modern beijing. the 2008 olympic games will be held in beijing.   later, i went back with my parents by train. i really enjoyed the trip to beijing.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇2   I had a 5-day holiday last month .My parents and I decided to go to Beijing for our holiday.We went there by plane.The first we paid a visit to the Great Wall,which is famous throughout the world.Ealy in the moring we left for the Great Wall. When we got to the bottom of it,we saw a crowd of people there.Boys and girls ,young and old ,men and women were everywhere.We were all excited and began to climb it.We followed the steps ,walking towards the top of the Great Wall.Wow! What a nice view! The sun was shining ,the wind was blowing ,and the small hills are connected to each other .The great Wall lies on the earth ,just like a huge long dragon. Soon we reached to the top of the Great Wall.Everything seemed to be under us.We were wild with joy and couldn"t help shouting out!   That was the best trip in Bejing that we can"t forget!   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇3   I had a wonderful trip to Beijing with my parents .We left for Beijing on July 20th.We went there by plane.We went to Tian"an Men Squre which is the biggest squre in the world.   Of course,we also watched the national flag there.But there were too many people.So I couldn"t see anything.I was a little bit sad.Then,we visited the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.We took lots of pictures.When I visited the Great Wall,I wasvery excited.We met a group of foreigners and talked with them in English.What a relaxing vacation I had!   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇4   Last summer vacation,I went on a trip to Beijing.During my trip,I vistied a lot of famous sight-seeings.For instance,I went to the Great Wall on the first day.This really made me tired out.But the scene was indeed wonderful and I had a really good time there.There is a famous saying," he who cannot surmount the Great Wall is not a true man",and I have conqured the Great Wall!Besides,I also went to the Summer Palace which was once where the royal family of ancient China lived.The architecture was so gorgious that I couldn"t take my eyes off them.   I took a lot of pictures in all the places and I also talked with foreigners in English.Beijing is a megapolitan city,therefore a lot of foreign visitors went to enjoy their time there.We became friends and I felt so happy there.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇5   Yesterday, I went to Tiananman square in Beijing with my friend Wang Ming and Li Lei.   We visited the monument to the people"s heroes, the Great Hall of the people, National Museum and some places of historic interest. At first, there were not many people in Tiananman square. After a while, more and more people came to us. I can"t find my friends, I feel nervous and anxious. After a while, Wang Ming and Li Lei found me. We had a good time in Beijing.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇6   There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend.   In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as follows: we should not litter anywhere in order to keep our campus clean; we should love flowers, grass and trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we should behave well instead of running after one another, quarreling and fighting noisily; we should care for others so that our school will be full of love. We believe our school will become more and more beautiful and peaceful.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇7   In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.   What an interesting picture! A western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think it"s a bit funny, for we Chinese take for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way.   Maybe using one fork will do a better job, In my opinion, we don"t need to copy others" ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇8   On July 5th my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall. collected by   We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look. collected by   The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.   Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇9   wow!you got 5000 rmb,and you want to go Bejing and have fun?Well,you can take a tour package and save or the hassle in planing the trip or you just take a train there and just walk around yourself like a vegabond but eat well and stay well.If you are adventurous enough try some weirdo food.   If you are a real man,check into a hotel and call a dame for fun,however,do wear condom to protect yourself.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇10   Well, the first place I suggest that you visit is the Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, which is said to be one of the wonders in the world. It has a history of more than twenty centuries. It is amazing to see such a huge wall was made entirely by hand.   The other place worth visiting is the Palace Museum, which was built in 1406. Twenty-four emperors once lived there. from there the ruling emperors issued orders. You can learn a lot about Chinese history by visiting this Palace.   What a pity that you can"t stay longer, otherwise, you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes such as Summer Palace, Bei Hai park.. and so on.   嗯,我建议你首先去的地方是长城,世界上最长的城墙,据说是世界奇观之一。 它有二十多个世纪的.历史。 看到如此巨大的墙壁完全是手工制作的,真是太神奇了。   另一个值得参观的地方是故宫博物院,它建于1406年。24位皇帝曾在那里居住。 从那里统治的皇帝发布命令。 参观这座故宫,您可以了解很多中国历史。   可惜您不能久留,否则您可以参观颐和园、北海等许多其他历史名胜和美景 公园……等等。   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇11   Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.   There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.   We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇12   As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.So more and more people want to visit Beijing.   I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring,for the weather of that time is very fine,neither too hot nor too cold. The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for its beautiful sence and cultural inheritance.   If you want to have a enjoyable journey,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one days journey,you can taste the Zha Jiang Mian,a kind of traditional food in Beijing.   There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park,visit theSi He Yuanand so on.   I hope you can have a happy time in Beijing.   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇13   On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall. We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are!   I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look. The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing. I like this trip!   My Trip To Beijing英语作文 篇14   Beijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it. In recent years, the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly. You can see more museums, parks an shopping centers here and there.   More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up. What"s more, a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel, such as CNG or LPG, are put into use, to prevent air from being polluted. Water in the rivers is clean again. Wherever you go, you can see green trees, grass and beautiful flowers. All these make life in Beijing more convenient, pleasant and colorful.   Beijing is still advancing to the bright future.


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rip是剥离之意 DVDrip作为一种DVD的备份技术,定义可以更宽泛些,将DVD的视频、音频、字幕剥离出来,再经过压缩或者其他处理,然后重新合成成多媒体文件,我们都应该可以称之为DVDrip。有很多网友问及SCREENER,TS,TC,PDVD是什么意思,以及质量如何。也看见有网友发表关于电影发布版本术语的解释,我觉得有不确切的地方。比如PROPER并不代表质量完美,TS或Telesync并非指从放影机转制。其实Telesync和CAM都是用digital camera或camcorder在影院录制(俗称枪版),质量起伏很大。 下面是我从VCDQuality.com转摘的关于这些术语的解释。本人现在翻译了关于片源部分。中英文对照,因为错误总是难免的。 翻译者:huaye at TLF BBS Source 来源 CAM - A cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. A mini tripod is sometimes used, but a lot of the time this wont be possible, so the camera make shake. Also seating placement isn"t always idle, and it might be filmed from an angle. If cropped properly, this is hard to tell unless there"s text on the screen, but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen. Sound is taken from the onboard microphone of the camera, and especially in comedies, laughter can often be heard during the film. Due to these factors picture and sound quality are usually quite poor, but sometimes we"re lucky, and the theater will be fairly empty and a fairly clear signal will be heard. CAM通常是用数码摄像机从电影院盗录。有时会使用小三角架,但大多数时候不可能使用,所以摄像机会抖动。同时由于放摄像机的座位并非总是空的,使得有时拍摄不是水平的。如果后期剪裁很好,这很难看出,除非屏幕下方有字幕。由 于声音是从摄像机自带的话筒录制,所以经常会录到观众的笑声等声音,尤其是喜剧片。因为这些因素,图象和声音质量通常都很差。但有时很幸运电影院相当空,这样会录到好一些的声音。 TELESYNC (TS) - A telesync is the same spec as a CAM except it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people). A direct audio source does not ensure a good quality audio source, as a lot of background noise can interfere. A lot of the times a telesync is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality. Quality ranges drastically, check the sample before downloading the full release. A high percentage of Telesyncs are CAMs that have been mislabeled. 除了使用外置的音源(一般是影院座椅上为听力不好的人设的耳机孔),TELESYSNC(TS) 和CAM的标准是相同的。这个直接的音源并不能保证是好的音源,这是它因为受到很多背景噪音的干扰。很多时候TS是在空的影院录制,或是用专业摄像机在投影室录制,所以图象质量可能比CAM好。质量的起伏可能很大,在下载前最好查看SAMPLE。很大比例的TS是从CAM错误标记成。 TELECINE (TC) - A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon. Generally the film will be in correct aspect ratio, although 4:3 telecines have existed. A great example is the JURASSIC PARK 3 TC done last year. TC should not be confused with TimeCode , which is a visible counter on screen throughout the film. TELECINE (TC) 使用电视电影机从胶片直接数字拷贝,其图象和声音质量应该很好。但由于使用的设备和费用很高,TC很少见。通常会使用正确的高宽比,但有时也有4:3的TC。去年的侏罗纪公园III是一个很好的例子。不应将TC和TimeCode(时间码)混淆,时间码是一个在屏幕上可见的计数器。 SCREENER (SCR) - A pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use. A screener is supplied on a VHS tape, and is usually in a 4:3 (full screen) a/r, although letterboxed screeners are sometimes found. The main draw back is a "ticker" (a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number). Also, if the tape contains any serial numbers, or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape, these will have to be blocked, usually with a black mark over the section. This is sometimes only for a few seconds, but unfortunately on some copies this will last for the entire film, and some can be quite big. Depending on the equipment used, screener quality can range from excellent if done from a MASTER copy, to very poor if done on an old VHS recorder thru poor capture equipment on a copied tape. Most screeners are transferred to VCD, but a few attempts at SVCD have occurred, some looking better than others. SCREENER(SCR)是在电影发行VHS录象带之前送到录象出租店及其他地方用做促销目的。SCREENER使用VHS录象带,通常使用4:3(全屏)的高宽比,但有时也会有LETTERBOXED(1.85:1宽银幕) SCREENER. 主要的缺点是有“TICKER”(在屏幕下 方滚动的消息,包含版权和反盗版电话号码)。同时,如果录象带包含任何序列号或可以导致查出录象带来源的记号,这些记号必须被遮掉,通常使用一个黑斑遮住上述部位。有时这些记号只出现几秒钟,有时也可能不幸在怎个电影中出现,而且有时会很大。根据使用的设备,SCREENER的质量可能是极好,如果是从原版拷贝;也可能很差,如果是从翻录的拷贝录制,同时又使用很烂的捕捉设备和录象机。大多数的SCREENER被转制成VCD,现在也出现了SVCD;有些看起来比 另一些好。 DVD-SCREENER (DVDscr) - Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterbox , but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good. Usually transferred to SVCD or DivX/XviD. DVD-SCREENER(DVDscr)和SCREENER相似,但是从DVD转制。通常是1.85:1宽银幕,但是不包括零售版会有的花絮。TICKER经常不在黑边里,所以会影响观看。如果转制者稍有技术,DVDScr应该很好。通常被转制成SVCD或DivX/XviD。 DVDRip - A copy of the final released DVD. If possible this is released PRE retail (for example, Star Wars episode 2) again, should be excellent quality. DVDrips are released in SVCD and DivX/XviD. DVDRip是从最终版的DVD转制。如果可能,应该是使用预售版(比如,星球大战2)。质量应该很好。通常被发布成SVCD或DivX/XviD VHSRip - Transferred off a retail VHS, mainly skating/sports videos and XXX releases. VHSRip是从零售版VHS录象带转制,主要是滑冰/体育内容和XXX发布。 TVRip - TV episode that is either from Network (capped using digital cable/satellite boxes are preferable) or PRE-AIR from satellite feeds sending the program around to networks a few days earlier (do not contain "dogs" but sometimes have flickers etc) Some programs such as WWF Raw Is War contain extra parts, and the "dark matches" and camera/commentary tests are included on the rips. PDTV is capped from a digital TV PCI card, generally giving the best results, and groups tend to release in SVCD for these. VCD/SVCD/DivX/XviD rips are all supported by the TV scene. 从电视(最好是从数码有线电视/卫星电视捕捉)转制的电视剧,或接收由卫星提前几天向电视网传送的预播节目(不包含加密但有时有雪花)。有些节目,比如WWF RAW IS WAR包含多余的部分;"DARK MATCHES"和CAMERA/COMMENTARY测试被包含在TVRip里。PDTV是从PCI数码电视卡捕捉,通常效果最好;破解组织倾向于使用SVCD来发布。VCD/SVCD/DivX/XviD rips也都被用于发布TVRip。 WORKPRINT (WP) - A workprint is a copy of the film that has not been finished. It can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes (Jay and Silent Bob) . WPs can be nice additions to the collection once a good quality final has been obtained. WORKPRITN (WP)是从未完成的电影拷贝转制而成,可能会缺失镜头和音乐。质量可能从最好到很差。有些WP可能和最终版本相差很远。(MEN IN BLACK的WP丢失了所有的外星人,代之以演员);另一些则包括多余的镜头(Jay and Silent Bob). WPs可以作为有了好质量的最终版本后的附加收藏。 DivX Re-Enc - A DivX re-enc is a film that has been taken from its original VCD source, and re-encoded into a small DivX file. Most commonly found on file sharers, these are usually labeled something like Film.Name.Group(1of2) etc. Common groups are SMR and TND. These aren"t really worth downloading, unless you"re that unsure about a film u only want a 200mb copy of it. Generally avoid. DivXRe-Enc是从原始VCD发布用DivX编码成的小一些的文件。通常可在文件共享网络找到。它们通常以Film.Name.Group(1of2)等形式命名。常见的发布组织有SMR和TND。这些版本通常不值得下载,除非你不清楚某部电影,只想要200MB的版本。一般应避免。 Watermarks - A lot of films come from Asian Silvers/PDVD (see below) and these are tagged by the people responsible. Usually with a letter/initials or a little logo, generally in one of the corners. Most famous are the "Z" "A" and "Globe" watermarks. 很多从Asian Silvers/PDVD (参看下面)来的电影带有制作人的标记。通常是一个字母,名字缩写或图标,位于屏幕一角。最有名的是"Z","A"和"Globe". Asian Silvers / PDVD - These are films put out by eastern bootleggers, and these are usually bought by some groups to put out as their own. Silvers are very cheap and easily available in a lot of countries, and its easy to put out a release, which is why there are so many in the scene at the moment, mainly from smaller groups who don"t last more than a few releases. PDVDs are the same thing pressed onto a DVD. They have removable subtitles, and the quality is usually better than the silvers. These are ripped like a normal DVD, but usually released as VCD. Asian Silvers / PDVD是亚洲盗版商发行影片的,通常被一些发布组织购买来当做他们自己的发布。Silvers很便宜,在很多国家都很容易找到。发布Silvers很容易,所以现在有很多发布,主要是由一些小的组织发布;这些组织通常发布几个RELEASE后就不见了。PDVD和Silver一样,不过是压在DVD上。PDVD通常有外挂字幕,质量也比Silver好。PDVD象普通的DVD一样转制,但通常用VCD的格式发布。




TS(准枪版)、TC(胶片版) 、DVDSCR(预售版) 、HD RIP(高清版)、DVD,HDVD,DVD5,DVD9 DVD英文全名Digital Video Disk,即数字视频光盘或数字影盘、R5(俄罗斯5区版)、HD RIP(高清版)、BD(蓝光版)、720P和1080P则是视频的分辨率,1、TS(准枪版) TSTELESYNC缩写TS与CAM版标准相同使用外置音源(般影院座椅听力设耳机孔)音源能保证音源受背景噪音干扰TS空影院或用专业摄像机投影室录制所图象质量能比CAM画面起伏论坛现般TS版经修复清晰TS版。2、TC(胶片版) TCTELECINE缩写TC使用电视电影机胶片直接数字拷贝画面质量错,亮度足些昏暗候制作TC使用音源自TS音质差画面质量远TS太讲究TC版错选择。3、DVDSCR(预售版) SCRSCREENER缩写DVDSCR预览版或者测试版DVD非式版版本预览版 DVD 获取通mpeg-4技术进行高质量压缩视频格式能比DVDRip早发布画质稍差(经些黑边屏幕滚消息包含版权反盗版电号码 影响观看)没严格划画质应与TC版差。4、HD RIP(高清版) HDRip HDTVRip(高清电视资源压缩)缩写用DivX/XviD/x264等MPEG4压缩技术HDTV视频图像进行高质量压缩视频、音频部封装.avi或.mkv文件再加外挂字幕文件形视频格式画面清晰度更高。5、DVD,HDVD,DVD5,DVD9 DVD英文全名Digital Video Disk,即数字视频光盘或数字影盘,利用MPEG2压缩技术储存影像 。6、BD(蓝光版) BDBlue Disk简称翻译文蓝光影碟意思蓝光影碟转录视频音频画面清晰度高 。7、 720p格式标准数字电视显示模式750条垂直扫描线720条见垂直扫描线16:9辨率1280×720逐行/60Hz行频45KHz D51080p格式标准数字电视显示模式1125条垂直扫描线1080条见垂直扫描线16:9辨率1920×1080逐行扫描专业格式 外576i标准PAL电视显示模式625条垂直扫描线576条见垂直扫描线4:3或16:9隔行/50Hz记576i或625i 。拓展资料:分辨率可以从显示分辨率与图像分辨率两个方向来分类。显示分辨率(屏幕分辨率)是屏幕图像的精密度,是指显示器所能显示的像素有多少。由于屏幕上的点、线和面都是由像素组成的,显示器可显示的像素越多,画面就越精细,同样的屏幕区域内能显示的信息也越多,所以分辨率是个非常重要的性能指标之一。可以把整个图像想象成是一个大型的棋盘,而分辨率的表示方式就是所有经线和纬线交叉点的数目。显示分辨率一定的情况下,显示屏越小图像越清晰,反之,显示屏大小固定时,显示分辨率越高图像越清晰。图像分辨率则是单位英寸中所包含的像素点数,其定义更趋近于分辨率本身的定义。


<select name="GoodsName" id="Goods" onchang="SelectGoods()">//用函数看上面,你的绑定事件名写错了,应该是onchange,少了个e。

fripside-fortissimo the ultimate crisis是 某科学的电磁炮 哪里的歌



为什么用 patch cable,不用 strip cable 解释如下:patch cable 是指:临时电缆。不是指斑、块。所以,不能取 strip 窄长之意。二者根本不是一回事。除此以外,patch 与 strip 的区别也很大,简要说明一下哈:与衣物有关:patch (up) a/the clouth 补衣服;he strip off 脱光衣服,strip to her underwear就差内衣没脱了哈与机器相关:the broken-down car have been patched and driven away 修理汽车 strip down a car"s engine 卸下车子的引擎

jira scriptrunner 怎么调试

1.创建并配置SQL Server数据库创建一个JIRA用于存储问题的数据库,如:jiradb。排序规则类型必须是case-insensitive, accent-insensitive以及language neutral,例如:"SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_CI_AI"。如果你的SQL Server安装的默认排序规则没有被修改,检查排序规则类型设置进行修改。SQL Server使用Unicode编码存储字符,这足以防止任何可能的问题。创建一个与JIRA连接的数据库用户,如:jiradbuser。这个数据库用户不能是该数据库的拥有者,但应该在db_owner角色中。在数据库中为JIRA表创建一个空的"schema",如:jiraschema。在SQL Server中的"schema"是用来包含对象的命名空间,并且不同于传统的数据库模式。你不需要创建任何JIRA表、字段或关系(JIRA会在首次启动这个空模式时创建这些对象)。可参考Microsoft documentation查看更多SQL Server模式信息。确保该用户在新创建的模式中有连接数据库以及创建和写入表的权限。如果在JIRA设置SQL Server数据库还有问题可参考Setting Up a SQL Server database for JIRA。确保TCP/IP 可用于SQL Server并且正在监听正确的端口(SQL Server安装默认端口为1433)。阅读Microsoft documentation查看更多如何启用网络协议(TCP/IP)以及如何配置SQL Server来监听特定的端口。确保SQL Server在适当的身份验证模式下运行。默认情况下,SQL Server在"Windows Authentication Mode"下运行。但如果你的用户没有与受信任的SQL连接关联,如"Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452"就是在启动JIRA时出现的错误,这时你需要修改身份验证模式为"Mixed Authentication Mode"。阅读Microsoft documentation了解身份验证模式并修改身份验证模式为"Mixed Authentication Mode"。取消SET NOCOUNT选项(查看由SET NOCOUNT引起的MS SQL Server错误),方法如下:打开SQL Server Management Studio并导航到Tools > Options > Query Execution > SQL Server > Advanced。下面的截屏显示的就是MSSQL Server中此设置的配置面板。确保SET NOCOUNT选项不被选上:*当连接SQL Server 2008时还需要在Server > Properties > Connections > Default Connections属性框中清除no count选项。截屏如下:通过选中新建的数据库点击右键连接Query Console并选择"New Query"。执行以下命令来设置隔离级别。






javascript的生命周期 只限于当前页面。 刷新后,生命周期就又是新的开始了。。。所以你说的问题 不能实现,只能靠cookie存储 读取,但是cookie很不靠谱,首先是存储量,其次是不安全



请问大神,Chrome插件使用content_scripts ,添加js和css ,请问在火狐中怎么实现?

试试这个,仅供参考,具体看官方文档:var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");var self = require("sdk/self");tabs.on("ready", function(tab) { worker = tab.attach({ contentScriptFile:"data/config.js") }); worker.port.emit("alert", "Message from the add-on");});//

火狐谷歌浏览器中 a 的href属性里怎么写javascript代码才能被识别,



safair 浏览器会直接跳转到javascript:; 所以最后写成 javascript:void(0);

A href="javascript:;的作用?


Rip Slyme的《Galaxy》 歌词

歌曲名:Galaxy歌手:Rip Slyme专辑:Good Job!作词:RIP SLYME作曲:RIP SLYME编曲:RIP SLYMEGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the grooveStep up! 始まりの合図 おれと一绪に カム!!Don"t believe the hypeそうさShowみたいなら アホみたいにLike a virgin いつものようにDiveまずRootin" (yeah) 决めてGroovin" (yeah)君と二人で朝までCruisin" (yeah)この宇宙に Oh Wonderful worldOh What a funk-a-ful earth!!闇夜照らす スターダスト体で表现 この情热大陆ぶっ飞んで天の川まで会いに行く梦中で君の目の前で踊って无重力リクライニングさぁ行くぜ 本格的に今夜素敌にCosmic dance fever夜の浜辺がフロアJust dance for me鸣らせよShow time (hands clap)Shake your bodyターニラッで身体はBurnin" hot2発で (clap clap) 果てまでDon"t stopToss it up, Toss it upお年顷だって耻らうなよ大人になったって たしなむサ永远のDanceとMusicYou copy? I copy 爱とBeats爱の海で溺れて 永远にさぁDanceとMusicでYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah爱の波にまかれて 永远にさぁBounceだCosmicにYeah Yeah Yeah Yeahああマジやっばいね ラヴリ気あっ 君可ー爱ーね セクスィー朝から晩 ぶっとーしで世界中たった二人で乱れて悩ましいジャンジャン騒いでラーラマースィー大胆なダンス狂おしいもっともっと 君が欲しいIt"s lovely time ノリでべらぼうに爱しちゃった(アーン)食らったメガトンパンチ爱の陨石が目指そうとするのは0n the beachそのパラダイスは洪水でも バラ大好き ほおずり(うん痛い)危険おかしてはダンスコズミック バカンス 後悔すら远くに流れる様にNiceでスムース溢れ出す リズムとブルースムガムチュー 君にムチュー踊る仆らはまるで宇宙无いものねだりのI want youじゃないムガムチュー 君にブチュー触れるな2人の宇宙エンピーバリアーYou copy? I copy 爱とBeats爱の海で溺れて 永远にさぁDanceとMusicでYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah爱の波にまかれて 永远にさぁBounceだCosmicにYeah Yeah Yeah YeahI know youうぬぼれて 永远にさぁDanceとMusicでYeah Yeah Yeah YeahYou know me饮み込まれて 永远にさぁBounceだCosmicにYeah Yeah Yeah YeahMove on, You"ve got itMove on, Baby you"ve got itMove on, You"ve got itMove on, Baby you"ve got itGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove, Galaxy in the grooveGalaxy in the groove爱の海で溺れて 永远にさぁDanceとMusicでYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah爱の波にまかれて 永远にさぁBounceだCosmicにYeah Yeah Yeah YeahI know youうぬぼれて 永远にさぁDanceとMusicでYeah Yeah Yeah YeahYou know me饮み込まれて 永远にさぁBounceだCosmicにYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah


ajax只不过就是JS里面的一个分支而已 只不过调用了一个XMLHTTP组件而已下面代码就是一个ajax 你觉得他和JS代码有没有什么区别? 根本没区别


AJAX全称为Asynchronous JavaScript And XML直译就是异步的JavaScript和XML(这里我们主要介绍下JavaScript中AJAX的应用)通常当JavaScript向服务器发送请求获取数据时,服务器会返回数据。在传统没有使用AJAX的网页中,需要刷新页面使其重新加载。而AJAX可以使网页在不重新加载页面的情况下对网页的局部进行更新。(比如,当你要放大地图的时候,你会不断的向服务器请求地图当前位置的详细信息,服务器返回数据给你,这里我们并不需要重新加载整个页面,不然用户体验就太差了。而是局部更新页面。)由于我不可能在这写一个地图这样复杂的例子,而为了演示AJAX的使用,我借用了秒秒学的一个简单示例:// 简单的AJAX举例。// 1: 创建请求变量var myRequest;// 浏览器的特征检查。if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //若支持,则是火狐、谷歌等浏览器。myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // 若不支持, 则是IE浏览器。myRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}// 2: 为请求添加事件处理代码。myRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){console.log("匿名函数被调用!");console.log(myRequest.readyState);if (myRequest.readyState === 4) {var p = document.createElement("p");var t = document.createTextNode(myRequest.responseText);p.appendChild(t);document.getElementById("mainContent").appendChild(p);}};// 3: 配置发送请求"GET", "simple.txt", true);myRequest.send(null);//....使用AJAX主要分三部分,如示例中的1、 创建请求的变量。在script文件中,首先声明XMLHttpRequest对象,这也是题主说的Ajax的核心。浏览器页面能通过XMLHttpRequest对象和服务器进行通讯。因为这个对象的创建因浏览器的不同而有区别。所以我们要用if语句判断XMLHttpRequest是否存在。2、 为请求添加事件处理代码创建好XMLHttpRequest对象后,就可以向服务器发送请求了,不过我们首先处理服务器响应的事件。当服务器响应后会触发myRequest对象的onreadystatechange事件。在onreadystatechange事件中我们看到myRequest调用了readyState属性,readyState有4个值表示目前响应所在的阶段,各数值表示如下:l 1:请求已经建立,但是还没有发送(还没有调用 send())。l 2:请求已发送,正在处理中(通常现在可以从响应中获取内容头)。l 3:请求在处理中;通常响应中已有部分数据可用了,但是服务器还没有完成响应的生成。l 4:响应已完成;您可以获取并使用服务器的响应了。我们一般只关心readyState的值为4的情况,表示响应已完成。3、 配置发送请求使用open方法配置请求。它有三个参数:1、第一个参数表示用GET获取服务器中的数据。2、第二个参数是一个服务器地址,这里我们用本地的simple.txt代替,省去创建服务器的麻烦。3、第三个参数true表示请求是异步的,即当请求发送后,JavaScript不会为了等待服务器的响应而阻塞,它会继续执行后续代码。配置好请求后,用send方法发送请求,这里给send传递的参数是null,若有其它参数需要发送,也可以传递给send方法。


JavaScript能流行,一个很重要的原因是AJAX技术的应用。在网页中有很多的应用。举两个常见的AJAX应用的例子:1、 在搜索中,我们输入关键字时,网页会实时展现搜索结果;这是用AJAX实现的。2、 使用地图时,地图会根据用户显示的位置不停的更新。这也是通过AJAX实现。那么什么是AJAX呢?AJAX全称为Asynchronous JavaScript And XML直译就是异步的JavaScript和XML(这里我们主要介绍下JavaScript中AJAX的应用)通常当JavaScript向服务器发送请求获取数据时,服务器会返回数据。在传统没有使用AJAX的网页中,需要刷新页面使其重新加载。而AJAX可以使网页在不重新加载页面的情况下对网页的局部进行更新。(比如,当你要放大地图的时候,你会不断的向服务器请求地图当前位置的详细信息,服务器返回数据给你,这里我们并不需要重新加载整个页面,不然用户体验就太差了。而是局部更新页面。)由于我不可能在这写一个地图这样复杂的例子,而为了演示AJAX的使用,我借用了秒秒学的一个简单示例:// 简单的AJAX举例。// 1: 创建请求变量var myRequest;// 浏览器的特征检查。if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //若支持,则是火狐、谷歌等浏览器。 myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // 若不支持, 则是IE浏览器。 myRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}// 2: 为请求添加事件处理代码。myRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ console.log("匿名函数被调用!"); console.log(myRequest.readyState); if (myRequest.readyState === 4) { var p = document.createElement("p"); var t = document.createTextNode(myRequest.responseText); p.appendChild(t); document.getElementById("mainContent").appendChild(p); }};// 3: 配置发送请求"GET", "simple.txt", true);myRequest.send(null);//....使用AJAX主要分三部分,如示例中的1、 创建请求的变量。在script文件中,首先声明XMLHttpRequest对象,这也是题主说的Ajax的核心。浏览器页面能通过XMLHttpRequest对象和服务器进行通讯。因为这个对象的创建因浏览器的不同而有区别。所以我们要用if语句判断XMLHttpRequest是否存在。2、 为请求添加事件处理代码创建好XMLHttpRequest对象后,就可以向服务器发送请求了,不过我们首先处理服务器响应的事件。当服务器响应后会触发myRequest对象的onreadystatechange事件。在onreadystatechange事件中我们看到myRequest调用了readyState属性,readyState有4个值表示目前响应所在的阶段,各数值表示如下:l 1:请求已经建立,但是还没有发送(还没有调用 send())。l 2:请求已发送,正在处理中(通常现在可以从响应中获取内容头)。l 3:请求在处理中;通常响应中已有部分数据可用了,但是服务器还没有完成响应的生成。l 4:响应已完成;您可以获取并使用服务器的响应了。我们一般只关心readyState的值为4的情况,表示响应已完成。3、 配置发送请求使用open方法配置请求。它有三个参数:1、第一个参数表示用GET获取服务器中的数据。2、第二个参数是一个服务器地址,这里我们用本地的simple.txt代替,省去创建服务器的麻烦。3、第三个参数true表示请求是异步的,即当请求发送后,JavaScript不会为了等待服务器的响应而阻塞,它会继续执行后续代码。配置好请求后,用send方法发送请求,这里给send传递的参数是null,若有其它参数需要发送,也可以传递给send方法。这样AJAX的简单使用例子就说完了,以上示例来自教程网站秒秒学,希望对你有帮助。


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