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一种 静态的 弱类型的 运行在客户端的 和java没有任何关系的 脚本语言.


首先区分一下cast 和script的定义:1 cast只是一条命令,与equip castsequence target这些类似,这些命令每一条的功能都仅有一种而已,2 script直接翻译就是脚本,可以说是一个小程序,是由多条命令组合而成,在功能完整的情况下(wow曾经的版本中)可以做到判断buff状态、盗贼攒星、能量、怒气值,根据不同情况自动使用不同技能,做出不同反应就是由于脚本的功能过于强大,所以暴雪屏蔽了脚本中与战斗核心相关的所有命令,比如现在虽然在宏里可以用/cast 来施放技能,但是在脚本里的castspellbyname() 已经不能用了,同样的还有自动选择目标的targetbyname()但是在战斗以外的其他方面 脚本的功能仍然强大,比如随机喊话,判断目标姓名职业性别种族这些方面都可以用script目前在魔兽宏吧有个帖子里面有比较全面的数据,但是这是在3.05版本以前的,所以里面有些不能用了,选择的看吧


jq阿 貌似是不能。

同花顺 出现:脚本错误 script error怎么解决?

别想了 你在删东西的时候 删除了那个软件的脚步 可以在官网下个装


1、html 调用使用js 一共有三种方式,一种是行内onclick,一中是内嵌,一种是外链,你说的是外链。 2、外链的话,需要在头部引用一下外部文件,就像引用样式表那样。在head里这样写 3、一般js效果是在html元素加载完之后



script标签里的是什么意思? 我对script标签一点都不懂,没有用过



在HTML body部分中的JavaScripts会在页面加载的时候被执行。在HTML head部分中的JavaScripts会在被调用的时候才执行。——————————————————————————JavaScript应放在哪里页面中的JavaScripts会在浏览器加载页面的时候被立即执行,我们并不希望总是这样,有时候我们想让一段脚本在页面加载的时候执行,而有时候我们想在用户触发一个事件的时候执行脚本。head 部分中的脚本: 需调用才执行的脚本或事件触发执行的脚本放在HTML的head部分中。当你把脚本放在head部分中时,可以保证脚本在任何调用之前被加载。<html<head<script type=”text/javascript”….</script</headbody 部分中的脚本: 当页面被加载时执行的脚本放在HTML的body部分。放在body部分的脚本通常被用来生成页面的内容。<html<head</head<body<script type=”text/javascript”….</script</bodybody 和 head 部分可同时有脚本:你可在文件中放无数的脚本,因此你的文件中可以在body和head部分同时存在脚本。<html<head<script type=”text/javascript”….</script</head<body<script type=”text/javascript”….</script</body———————————————————————————–外部脚本的使用有时候你可能想在几个页面中运行同样的脚本程序, 而不需在各个页面中重复的写这些代码。这时你就要用到外部脚本。你可以把脚本写在一个外部文件中,保存在扩展名为 .js的文件中。注意:外部脚本文件中不要包含标记符<script!使用外部脚本时将标记符<script 的“src”属性值指向相应的.js文件就可以了:<html<head<script src=”xxx.js”</script</head<body</body</html注意: 记得这个指向外部脚本文件的script标记符就放在你通常会写脚本的地方!1:将JavaScript标识放置<Head... </Head在头部之间,使之在主页和其余部分代码之前预先装载,从而可使代码的功能更强大; 比如对*.js文件的提前调用。 也就是说把代码放在<head区在页面载入的时候,就同时载入了代码,你在<body区调用时就不需要再载入代码了,速度就提高了,这种区别在小程序上是看不出的,当运行很大很复杂的程序时,就可以看出了。当然也可以将JavaScript标识放置在<Body... </Body主体之间以实现某些部分动态地创建文档。 这里比如制作鼠标跟随事件,肯定只有当页面加载后再进行对鼠标坐标的计算。或者是filter滤镜与javascript的联合使用产生的图片淡入淡出效果2:放入html的head,是页面加载前就运行,放入body中,则加载后才运行javascript的代码~~~所以head里面的先执行。3:要是function就没有区别要是<scriptalert(1)</script会跟放的位置有关一个事head加载完就 alert 一个是要跟在body中加载循序alert客户端脚本一般放在 <head </head 之间,而且要用 <!-- -- 把代码括起来。如果浏览器不支持此脚本,那么浏览器会跳过它,不去执行,也不会提出错误信息


header里或者body里都可以<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title><script></script></head><body><script></script></body></html>

这里的script 是什么意思?



script分javascript和vbscript两种脚本。<script></script>没有显示指明是哪种脚本<script type="text/javascript">指明了脚本是VBScript但现在浏览器中,没有明确说明,默认都作为javascript解析。


如果是.sh文件,./*.sh,或者source *.sh



电脑的Script文件夹在哪里好意思我是充实的直接用cmd可以的,但我不会设置密码例子:1..要用cmd在D盘建立a..文件夹,设置隐藏属性2.打开记事本,输入start d:a.. (注释:打开隐藏的a..文件夹,可以在之前设置密码,我不会),保存为“打开防删除文件夹.bat”文件,注意后缀名为bat。一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 喜迎新春




javascript :html脚本语言,非常的强大。特别是现在web2.0 大部分处理都是在页面上通过javascript处理的~



script 怎么读 ? 有浊化吗?/

si ke ri pu te


首先,“script”可以意味着一段编写好的计算机程序代码,通常由计算机语言编写而成,并执行特定的功能。脚本编写语言有多种,如JavaScript、Python和Ruby等等。通过脚本,可以让计算机自动化地完成很多任务,提高生产效率。其次,“script”还可以指电影或戏剧的剧本,即故事情节,对话和场景等的描述。电影或戏剧的成功与否取决于脚本的质量,它需要仔细构思和定稿。此外,“script” 还可以指代日常交流中的口头语言或说话方式的规范,这种规范通常被用于交际的礼貌性目的。例如,面试时,我们可能要学习何时启动对话、如何开始和结束对话、回答问题的方式等等,这都是一种应用了“script”的交际模式。总之,“script”的用途广泛,主要与计算机编程、文学、戏剧和社会交往等相关。理解该单词及其不同含义可以帮助我们更好地沟通、协作和创造。




script 英[skru026apt]美[skru026apt]n. 脚本,手迹;书写体铅字;剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本vt. 为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本;编造第三人称单数:scripts;过去分词:scripted;名词复数:scripts;现在分...[例句]Running this script returns the following error.运行这段脚本会获得如下错误


script 英[skru026apt] 美[skru026apt] n. 脚本,手迹;书写体铅字;剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本 vt. 为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本;编造 第三人称单数:scripts;过去分词:scripted;名词复数:scripts;现在分... [例句]Running this script returns the following error.运行这段脚本会获得如下错误。


script[英][skru026apt][美][skru026apt]n.脚本,手迹; 书写体铅字; 剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本; vt.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; 编造; 第三人称单数:scripts过去分词:scripted复数:scripts现在进行时:scripting过去式:scripted例句:1.Running this script returns the following error. 运行这段脚本会获得如下错误。



2020-06-17 RIPSeeker: 用于从RIP-seq实验中识别蛋白质相关转录本的统计R包

RIPSeeker使用具有负二项分布概率的双态HMM(two-state HMM with negative binomial emission probability)从RIP-Seq比对中推断和区分RIP峰值。虽然RIPSeeker是专门为RIP-seq数据分析量身定做的,但它也提供了一套集成在这个独立软件包中的生物信息学工具,全面解决了从比对后处理到可视化和注释的各种问题。此外,还提供了一种基于规则的方法,作为一个名为 [rulebaseRIPSeek]( 的附加函数,用户可以根据给定单端或双端比对的自动检索在线Ensembl注释,获得RIP(和对照)中基因/转录本表达的RPKM/FPKM(和fold-change)。 [ripSeek]( 的前端主功能对于大多数应用程序来说已经足够了。该函数将比对获得文件(BAM/BED/SAM)的路径作为唯一必需的参数,并输出预测的RIP区域。可选参数,用户可以通过 "cNAME" 指示控制第一文件参数列表中的哪些文件以实现经验错误发现率(eFDR)计算。如果设置了参数 "biomaRt_dataset" 和/或 "goAnno" ,则 ripSeek 将返回与RIP预测的基因组上下游相对应的带注释的RIP预测和GO富集通路。用户也可以通过 logOddCutoff 、 pvalCutoff 、 pvalAdjCutoff 、 eFDRCutoff 指定统计显著性分数的阈值。 我们都知道RIP(RNA Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation)是RNA结合蛋白免疫共沉淀。顾名思义,是进行RNA结合蛋白(RBP)与RNA之间的研究。利用免疫共沉淀的方法将蛋白-RNA复合物拉下来,将RNA结合蛋白所结合的RNA提取出来,并对其进行高通量测序,鉴定出基因和蛋白结合位点,那么将会对RNA与蛋白质相互作用在调节mRNA和非编码RNA功能方面提供研究的途径。理想情况下,通过RIP对目的蛋白结合的RNA进行富集后,目的蛋白结合的RNA或者目的蛋白在RNA上的结合区域,在对应的参考基因组位置上,测序reads的覆盖度会显著升高,相对其他非结合区域形成明显的 peak 。所以,通过测序数据检测peak,可以获知目的蛋白结合的RNA,以及可能的结合的区域等信息。 RIPSeeker是一个基于隐马尔可夫模型进行从头分析RIP peaks预测的免费开源Bioconductor R包,有着较高的敏感性和特异性。RIPSeeker区分正负链,可以鉴定链特异性的peak区域,有利于链特异性非编码RNA的鉴定。并且,RIPSeeker不局限于鉴定狭义上的peak区域,其适用于检测更大范围的峰值分布,以鉴定不同长度范围分布的整条结合转录本。所以,这也是为什么进行RIP-seq数据分析的时候,我们选择RIPSeeker的主要原因。不同于其他的peak calling方式,可以说RIPSeeker是为RIP-seq量身定做的。 虽然RIP-seq实验和ChIP-seq以及RNA-seq有着相似之处,但是RIP-seq有一个最根本不同的目标,就是发现目的结合蛋白相关的转录本。如上图所示,展示了3种不同模式下的比较。在ChIP-seq中,目的蛋白结合的双链DNA被抗体拉下来,然后进行高通量测序。由于reads通常短于双链DNA片段,测序数据会显示出一个特性,即真正的结合位点,会在与片段长度接近的一个距离d上,产生正负链的一个对称峰,如上图(a)所示。而由于RNA转录本是单链的,在ChIP-seq中观察到的双链DNA的双峰性质就不适用于RNA-seq和RIP-seq。因此,也就不适合用通过查找这种双峰的模式来进行RIP-seq的分析。并且,针对RNA来说,我们还需要考虑到剪切比对的形式,因为剪切事件的存在,也不能跟双链DNA的模式相同,比对reads不能直接沿着基因组延伸。 RIPSeeker的作者,将RIPSeeker与各种高通量测序分析中流行的其他算法进行了比较。作者选择了三种ChIP-seq算法,包括MACS、QuEST和HPeak;两种RNA-seq算法Cufflinks+Cuffdiff和Rulebased算法和一种PAR-CLIP算法PARalyzer。 通过各方法的比较,发现对于相同的数据来源,所得到的峰的个数差别很大。这可能是由于不同方法之间使用的打分规则和peak长度不同所致。MACS在ENCODE数据上表现出来是检测的峰数量更多,这是由于别的方法在很大程度上会将接近的peak峰区段连接成一段较长的连续区间。针对RIPSeeker和个别其他方法来说,针对两个生物学重复,它们鉴定得到的peak重复度一般高于50%(如下图柱状图灰色部分)。为了比较不同方法之间结果异质性,作者使用同一数据集,对任意两种方法的结果重叠情况进行了比较。结果显示,RIPSeeker和其他方法之间有比较好的结果重叠(一般>50%)。 基于敏感度和特异性的ROC评价显示,RIPSeeker在大多数测试中占主导地位。RIPSeeker在识别信号峰方面的敏感度和特异性优于其他方法。 为了证明RIPSeeker软件包的实用性,作者将RIPSeeker和其他发表的6个工具,作用于3个RIP-seq数据集和2个PAR-CLIP数据集。基于受试者曲线,RIPSeeker表现出优越的敏感性和特异性。来自RIPSeeker鉴定所得的peaks,在后续的生物学研究中,可通过特定基因的富集情况、已发表的一些motif结果、与目的蛋白相关的典型转录本等,被进一步证实。 参考文献: [1]. Li Yue,Zhao Dorothy Yanling,Greenblatt Jack F et al. RIPSeeker: a statistical package for identifying protein-associated transcripts from RIP-seq experiments.[J] .Nucleic Acids Res., 2013, 41: e94. [2]. Zhang,Y., Liu,T., Meyer,C.A., Eeckhoute,J., Johnson,D.S.,Bernstein,B.E., Nusbaum,C., Myers,R.M., Brown,M., Li,W. et al.(2008) Model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS). Genome Biol.,9, R137 [3]. Valouev,A., Johnson,D.S., Sundquist,A., Medina,C., Anton,E.,Batzoglou,S., Myers,R.M. and Sidow,A. (2008) Genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding sites based on ChIP-Seq data. Nat. Methods, 5, 829–834. [4]. Qin,Z.S., Yu,J., Shen,J., Maher,C.A., Hu,M., KalyanaSundaram,S., Yu,J. and Chinnaiyan,A.M. (2010) HPeak: an HMM-based algorithm for defining read-enriched regions in ChIP-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, 369. [5]. Trapnell,C., Williams,B.A., Pertea,G., Mortazavi,A., Kwan,G., van Baren,M.J., Salzberg,S.L., Wold,B.J. and Pachter,L. (2010) Transcript assembly and quantification by RNA-Seq reveals unannotated transcripts and isoform switching during cell differentiation. Nat. Biotechnol., 28, 516–520 [6]. Roberts,A., Goff,L., Pertea,G., Kim,D., Kelley,D.R., Pimentel,H., Salzberg,S.L., Rinn,J.L., Pachter,L. and Trapnell,C. (2012) Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks. Nat. Protoc., 7, 562–578 [7]. Corcoran,D.L., Georgiev,S., Mukherjee,N., Gottwein,E., Skalsky,R.L., Keene,J.D. and Ohler,U. (2011) PARalyzer: definition of RNA binding sites from PAR-CLIP short-read sequence data. Genome Biol., 12, R79 [8]. Zhao,J., Ohsumi,T.K., Kung,J.T., Ogawa,Y., Grau,D.J., Sarma,K., Song,J.J., Kingston,R.E., Borowsky,M. and Lee,J.T. (2010) Genome-wide identification of polycomb-Associated RNAs by RIP-seq. Mol. Cell, 40, 939–953


先说重点,如果要支持ie11,crypto的版本就一定要用我写的 "@types/crypto-js": "^4.0.2", "crypto-js": "^4.0.0", ① 安装 npm install crypto-js@4.0.0 ----这个一定要用这个版本,或者更低一点,再低的我没有试,反正这个是支持ie的-如果不考虑ie就忽略 npm install --save @types/crypto-js ②创建 好了 就这样引入啦~ ③使用 简简单单~ 就这样吧~


方法一: 删除 ISScript 以及与该程序相关联的注册表项: 具体步骤:1. 单击开始,然后单击控制面板。 2. 单击“添加/删除程序”。 3. 在“目前安装的程序”列表中,单击 ISScript 程序项(如果有的话),然后单击“删除”。注意 如果您在执行完这一步骤后收到本文“症状”部分中的错误消息,请退出“添加/删除程序”,然后转至第 4 步。 4. 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。 5. 在“打开”框中,键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。 6. 单击下面的注册表项: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInstallerProducts799411B8369C3D11BBDA000CF495697A 7. 在“文件”菜单上,单击“导出”。(为了防止误操作做个备份) 8. 在“导出注册表文件”对话框中,键入文件名,选择文件的保存位置,然后单击“保存”。 9. 右键单击在第 6 步中找到的注册表项,然后单击“删除”。 10. 在“编辑”菜单上,单击“删除”。 11. 在提示您确定删除时,单击“是”。 12. 退出注册表编辑器。 13. 重新启动计算机。

WWE TripleH和Shawn Micheals说的Suck It是什么意思啊



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求一篇Planning a trip aboard的演讲稿

Getting thereThe most accessible ways to reach Disneyland Paris are by air, on the Eurostar direct to Paris or with your car via Eurotunnel. Paris" main airport is Charles De Gaulle, and plenty of airlines offer flights to Paris from airports across the UK. These include: Aer Lingus, Air France, bmibaby, British Airways, easyJet, flybe,, Ryanair.From Charles De Gaulle it"s pretty straightforward to travel on to the resort. You can catch the handy VEA Navette , a scheduled shuttle-bus service that leaves approximately every 15 minutes, seven days a week (trains run from 8.30 in the morning with last train times varying throughout the week). The journey to Disneyland takes around 45 minutes and costs around 16 euros for an adult ticket and 13 euros for children from 3 to 11 years old (under 3s travel free). Tickets can be purchased on board.Alternatively you can catch an RER train, which offers a faster transfer to the resort (35 minutes) but doesn"t run as regularly as the Navette. You"ll need the RER line A4 from Paris, which drops you off at the end of the line at Marne la Vallee/Chessy station, just 100 metres from the resort.If you"ll be travelling by car from Calais (either from the Eurotunnel or ferry arrival points) your journey to the resort is via the motorway and takes around 3 hours. There is free car parking at all Disney hotels and a paying car park at the actual park. If you"d prefer to travel on the Eurostar train you can pick this up at either London St Pancras or Ashford International in Kent - the journey takes just over 3 hours. The big bonus of travelling via Eurostar is there is no additional transfer hassle - your train drops you off direct at the gates of the Disney resort.

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中文 :破烂换钱

rip van winkle评价

小说《瑞普·凡·温克》(Rip van Winkle)是美国小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859)的名篇。以下内容可以参考:)~~ RIP VAN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving,telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that,he returned to the villege where he came from,and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election,and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Erving"sattitude againstthe American revolution,and his approving of the past.On reading it the second time,it occured to me that Erving only showed his bewilderment:comming out of the oppressed life,people were at a loss about what they should do.   Erving was not cherishing the past and opposing the present.   First,Rip was not happy long before revolution,and he hated to do labour work on his own bussiness,and that was constantly under the criticism of Dame Van Winkle.Surely Dame was superior to Rip in his family,so the life of Rip could not at all be labelled as happy.   secondly,Erving showed no opposition against the new America.After he had settled down in the villege,he even made friends with the rising generation,enjoying the idle life he had long been dreamed of. There is strong resemblence between Rip Van Winkle and the American people,Dame Van Winkle and the English government.Before revolution,Rip was a meek man who"would rather die on a penney than work for a pound",who had good relationships with the villegers.He lived a peaceful life except for the existence of Dame Van Winkle,his termagant wife who would taught him lessons in every possible way.The American people was also trying to live a peaceful life and the rule of the British government made it impossible.The Americans suffered the oppression for a long time.   The war was over and Rip returned to his villege only to find the great change in the small villege,which is the sample of the change in America.No one in the villege recognised him.People talked about hot issues he has no interested in.Dame Van Winkle was gone and he was free now.However,he had no idea what he should do.The past had passed for ever,despotism was gone.No one was going to tell Rip what he should do.No one was going to force him to do anything.The American people is free to choose now,but they have no idea of what to choose.They were led into a new kind of life to which they were strangers.They were groping in the dark for the way ahead.   By holding Rip Van Winkle as an symbol for the American people and all these analysis ,I reached the idea that Whshington Erving showed no radical attitude against the revolution but his bewilderment after the revolution.

看过rip van winkle这书的读后感

"Rip Van Winkle" is about a man named Rip Van Winkle, who lived in a little Dutch town in the Hudson Valley。 Everyone in the town was very fond of him because he would help anyone who needed help and he would play with the children。 The thing he couldn"t do was tend to his farm because it seemed that everything he did failed, so he would go out and fish or go to the town inn and listen to the gossip。 His wife Dame Van Winkle would get angry at him for being lazy and not tending to the farm。 One day he decided that he had one option to get away from his wife and the farm, which was to take his gun and dog and go into the woods and hunt squirrels。 He spent all day looking for squirrels, but couldn"t find any。 So he lied on the grass and after awhile he noticed it was getting dark, so he started back。 As he did this, he heard someone calling his name and then he saw a ghost appear carrying a keg of liquor on his back。 So they both went together down the woods until they came to this opening where they saw these weird dressed people playing 9 pin。 Rip and the ghost walked up towered them and the ghost poured liquor into the flasks for the people to drink and Rip started to drink too until he passed out on the ground。 The next mourning he woke up and didn"t know what to tell his wife。 He reached for his gun, but all he saw was a rusted out gun instead of the well oiled, shiny gun。 Then he looked for his dog and he couldn"t find his dog。 So he went back in town and everyone stared at him like they didn"t know him。 He looked at himself to see what everyone was staring at and he saw that he had a beard a foot long。 He looked around the village and nothing was familiar, even his house which looked like a run-down shack。 He went to the tavern to see if he recognized anyone, which he didn"t。 Then he started calling the his friends names to see if anyone has heard of them and they all said that they were have moved on or dead。 Then he asked if they have heard of the name Rip Van Winkle and they all pointed to his son, which looked just like him。 This made Rip think that he had woke up someone else because his son looked just like him。 Then a woman with a child in her arms came to see the man。 Rip had overheard the name of the child was Rip and he asked her who was her father and she said her father was Rip Van Winkle, who left when she was a child twenty years ago。 Then Rip told her that he was her Events, no matter how small can change a society, a culture, and an outlook in the blink of an eye。 Whether it is in a war, a speech, a gesture, or even a novel。 Washington Irving made an incredible impact from his short story "Rip Van Winkle", drawing the events surrounding him to form a simple story with deep meaning。 To bring to a pinpoint, the story shaped the American culture as the American culture shaped the story。 From this folklore, others have grown from it。 Some believe that Rip in fact did not fall asleep, but took adventurous journeys in foreign lands with strange people。 Art and child-like fantasies have been the median to which the stories have been 。municated。 Drawings consist of fairy-like areas and magical settings have attracted children and adults alike。 "Rip Van Winkle" has affected elements across the board。 It shows up everywhere。 Since 1819, the story, the name, and what it stand for has touched all parts of the arts, literature, education, and culture。 The number of editions that the story has accumulated is higher than most and 。es in all forms of literature from cheap paperbacks to elaborated illustrations that have be。e classics。 Mentioned in other literature, in politics, and in a variety of languages, it is used to define what our country became after the revolutionary war and how the British perceive the Americans。 The fact that Rip fell asleep due to the effects of a drink。 England felt that the Americans were lazy alcoholics that would fall apart if not for the British authorities controlling them。 The story of Rip Van Winkle has almost 。e to the point where it has be。e 。mercialized。 If one travels into the Catskills, they will 。e across an array of tourist attractions ranging from hotels, to Lakes, to gas stations。 There is a tour 。pany that travels from New York to the Catskills。 There one will find a famous garden with the same name。 In conclusion, the story Rip Van Winkle has affected and in turn, been affected by American society。 How can we apply this to modern day society? Are we still able to 。pare that way that are government has evolved? Not only was it new beginning for a new style of writing it was a new start for a country。 Washington could in no way have known how much his story would effect our culture。 (403 字) 2011-10-24 7:24:46

求Rip Van Winkle 英文读后感,300词以上

Report of Rip Van Winkle These days I"ve read a passage named Rip Van Winkle . It"s a short story written by Washington Irving published in 1819. The story is about Rip Van Winkle, who lived under his wife"s controlling, an obedient henpecked husband. He is always criticized by his wife for lazy in housework and not caring about the family at home. In fact ,he does .He was ready to attend to anybody"s business but his own;but as to doing family duty ,and keeping his own farm in order ,he found it impossible .He has a good temper to his neighborhood , which gained him such universal popularity . One day ,Rip take to the outside of the house to avoid his wife"s blames with his dog .On his way back home ,Rip happens to meet a stranger and follows him .There ,he drink some miracle wine and falls asleep .Morning ,he wakes up and finds something usual happen to him .His clothes worn out ,his dog is gone ,his gun missing .At first ,he thought it is just a joke that the stranger played on him .He hurriedly goes home ,for he is afraid of his wife .As soon as he goes back to the village does he know what has happens .He has already slept for 20 years!During his sleeping-days ,his wife is dead and his friends have died in the war or gone other somewhere else .He immediately gets into trouble when he said he himself was a loyal subject of George Ⅲ ,not knowing that in the meantime the American Revolution has taken place and he is not supposed to be loyal subject of any hanoverial any longer . Fortunately , the mistakes disappear and he lives a more happy life again without his hash wife . Through the action and words from Rip ,I learn that it is a little bit sad when the author faces the past time .He is sad to see the changes between peoples and

哪里有《Rip Van Winkle》的英文内容的总结?

以下内容可以参考:)~~ RIP VAN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving,telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that,he returned to the villege where he came from,and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election,and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Erving"sattitude againstthe American revolution,and his approving of the past.On reading it the second time,it occured to me that Erving only showed his bewilderment:comming out of the oppressed life,people were at a loss about what they should do. There is strong resemblence between Rip Van Winkle and the American people,Dame Van Winkle and the English government.Before revolution,Rip was a meek man who"would rather die on a penney than work for a pound",who had good relationships with the villegers.He lived a peaceful life except for the existence of Dame Van Winkle,his termagant wife who would taught him lessons in every possible way.The American people was also trying to live a peaceful life and the rule of the British government made it impossible.The Americans suffered the oppression for a long time.

哪里有《Rip Van Winkle》的英文内容的总结?

以下内容可以参考:)~~ RIP VAN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving,telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that,he returned to the villege where he came from,and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election,and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Erving"sattitude againstthe American revolution,and his approving of the past.On reading it the second time,it occured to me that Erving only showed his bewilderment:comming out of the oppressed life,people were at a loss about what they should do. There is strong resemblence between Rip Van Winkle and the American people,Dame Van Winkle and the English government.Before revolution,Rip was a meek man who"would rather die on a penney than work for a pound",who had good relationships with the villegers.He lived a peaceful life except for the existence of Dame Van Winkle,his termagant wife who would taught him lessons in every possible way.The American people was also trying to live a peaceful life and the rule of the British government made it impossible.The Americans suffered the oppression for a long time.


我听到过这样一个故事,颇为有趣,以下叙述就用第一人称: 我是个普通的大学教授,喜欢古典音乐;恰巧离家近的地方有一家音响店。平时写写东西,下班后都......
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