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meet the requirement 正确还是meets the requerement


什么叫 independence requirements


General Requirements

Foundation elements must be proportioned both to interface with the soil at a safe stress level and to limit settlements to an acceptable amount. In the past 50 years fewbuildings ( but numerous embankment types ) have failed as a result of overstressing the underlying soil. However,excessive settlement problems are fairly common and somewhat concealed since only the most spectacular ones get published.Fewmodern buildings collapse from excessive settlements,however,it is not uncommon for a partial collapse or a localized failure in a structural member to occur. More common occurrences are unsightly wall and floor cracks,uneven floors ( sags and slopes) ,sticking doors and windows,and the like.The variability of soil in combination with unanticipated loads or subsequent soil movements ( e. g. ,earthquakes) can result in settlement problems over which the designer may have little control. In other words,current state-of-the-art design methods may greatly reduce the likelihood ( risk factor) of settlement problems but do not generally provide a risk-free project. In fairness,though,some problems are the direct result of poor design – either simple carelessness or lack of engineering ability.A major factor that greatly complicates foundation design is that the soil parameters used for the design are obtained before the project is started. Later when the foundation is in place,it is on ( or in) soil with properties that may be considerably modified from the original,either from the construction process or from installing the foundation. That is,the soil may be excavated and / or replaced and compacted; excavations tend to remove load and allowthe underlying soil to expand; driving piles usually makes soil more dense,etc. Any of these events either directly alters the soil ( replacement ) or modifies the initially estimated soil strength parameters.As a result of the uncertainties in loads,in soil properties,and in attempts to account for variability and any other factors,it is common practice to be conservative in designing this part of the system. We may quickly note,however,that this being the most important part but the most difficult to access if problems later develop,a conservative design or even an overdesign has a better return on investment here than in other parts of the project.Another factor that encourages conservative design is the fact that many geotechnical engineers tend to imply that their talents ( and design recommendations) are better than those of the competition. This generates a false sense on the foundation. When this happens and problems later occur ( unanticipated soil strata,water,excessive settlement,or whatever) ,the client is very likely to litigate ( i. e. ,sue) . This possibility means that geotechnical engineers should be candid about the status of the state of the art in this specialty and make the client fully aware that precise soil parameters are difficult if not impossible to quantify and that at least some design conservatism is prudent.Design conservatism means that any two design firms are unlikely to come up with exactly the same soil parameters and final foundation design. It would not be unusual for one firm to recommend the base contact pressure to be,say,200 kPa whereas another might recommend 225 or even 250 kPa — both with the use of spread footings. There might be a problem in ethics,however,if one firm recommended 200 kPa and the other recommended only 100 kPa, which would require a mat foundation or the use of piles. One of the recommendations is either overly optimistic ( the 200 kPa) or realistic; the other is either realistic or overly conservative. Being excessively conservative is an ethics problem,unless the client is made aware of the several alternatives and accepts the more conservative recommendation as being in his or her best interests.In summary,a proper design requires the following:1) Determining the building purpose,probable service-life loading,type of framing,soil profile,construction methods,and construction costs.2) Determining the client / owner"s needs.3) Making the design,but ensuring that it does not excessively degrade the environment, and provides a margin of safety that produces a tolerable risk level to all parties: the public,the owner,and the engineer.

specification requirement是什么意思

specification requirement规格要求,技术要求specification [,spesu026afu026a"keu026au0283(u0259)n] n. 规格;说明书望采纳 谢谢

your operating system (os) is not supported this game please check the system requirement中文意思


dietary requirement是什么意思

dietary requirement英[u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]美[u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]释义日粮需要量1This is another dietary requirement that is often overlooked.这又是一类常常被忽视的营养素。2What is the dietary requirement of cancer patient?癌症患者的饮食要求是什么?

administrative standing requirement什么意思

  administrative standing requirement:行政要求  administrative:行政管理的;管理类;管理型  双语例句:  1.The office offers the President the administrative means to be head of thegovernment in fact as well as in name.  办公处给总统提供了施政的工具,使他能名副其实地成为政府的首长。  2.He was an administrative genius, with none of the hidebound instincts of someof his peers in Cheltenham.  他是行政管理方面的天才,绝无他在切尔滕纳姆市的某些同事的那种狭小气量。  3.This administrative script is usually used to migrate process instances in bulk.  该管理员脚本通常用于批量迁移实例。  4.The script MUST BE FREE of any form of administrative auto biddingfunctions.  该脚本必须是任何行政职能自动竞标形式的自由。  5.Of all the spokespersons, Jiang lan is the only one who has no otheradministrative duties.  姜澜是所有发言人中,唯一没有其他行政职务的人。


make requirement 提出要求

legal requirement是什么意思


为什么在ISO9001标准中regulatory requirement要翻译成法规的要求?regulatory本身没有“法规”的意思啊!

regulatory requirement基本释义是管理机构要求翻译成法规也行咯

All requirements are met at 08:00 AM是什么意思?

All requirements are met at 08:00 AM这句话的中文意思是上午08:00满足所有要求

描述needs,features和requirements的区别和联系 需求

need 用户潜在需求(根据分析判断出的"用户需要什么")demand 用户主动强需求(用户强烈希望且要求得到反馈)requirement 用户请求(请求通常会按照一些预定的标准格式进行填写,且一般在提交请求后要求能够在限定时间内得到响应,如用户提交支付请求,系统需要响应用户,告知请求被许可或者不被许可)

法定准备率(reserve requirement)


dietary requirement是什么意思

  dietary requirement  英 [u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]  美 [u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]  [词典]日粮需要量;  [网络]饮食须求;  [例句]What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?  胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?

meet you requirement 是满足你的需求的意思吧?还有什么说法呢?

meet you requirement 符合/达到你的要求/规定 举例: 符合国际奥委会的规定 to meet the requirements of the International Olympic Committee

dietary requirement是什么意思


抱歉未能满足你的要求 可以这样说么sorry for not meeting your requirement


requirement for到底是对……的要求,还是……的需求

requirement for 就、 对…的要求/需求:Large buildings have specific requirements for firebrigade access. 大型建筑物的消防通道有具体要求。I believe we can satisfy your requirement for any reasonable quantity. 我相信我们能满足你方相当数量的需求。What is the time requirement for the tax registration? 税务登记在时间上有什么要求吗?The requirement for fat was,17.39 %,stable and higher. 但对脂肪的适宜需要量一直是较稳定且较高,即为17.39%。一般和for而不是of连用如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

美国签证two-year residence requirement

指中国人在美国一个J-1签证项目结束之后,必须回中国大陆待两年,然后才能申请其他类型的签证。美国J-1签证是一种非移民签证,签发给来美国参加美国国务院批准的“交流访问者计划”(Exchange-Visitor Programs)的各类外籍人士,目的是提供美国和其它国家之间的教育和文化交流的机会,以增进彼此了解,促进国际合作,发展国与国之间的友好关系。此类签证适用于赴美从事以下活动不超过一定期限的短期访问学者。如果想在J-1项目结束之后马上转其它签证,不回国服务两年,就必须在当前J-1结束前至少6个月申请豁免。先向中国驻美大使馆提交材料,中国大使馆同意之后向美国移民局发去一封允许豁免的信,然后自己再向美国移民局发去相关材料。

endorsement requirement 在法律上是什么意思

endorsement requirement背书需要的文件。一般是指各种汇票等票据背书时需要的文件,包括身份证、票据等。

entry requirement是什么意思

entry requirement入学要求双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 入职条件例句:1.That score is equivalent to the entry requirement for master"s degrees in most Britishuniversities..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

[A] replacement[B] supplement[C] requirement[D] substance


claim demand request requirement的区别

claim 提出要求,索赔,动词demand 命令,动词request 要求,动词requirement要求,名词


第一个单词的音标是[u02c8su026au014bɡju0259lu0259r],谐音的话我用拼音给你打出来,sen giu le er,森够了。第二个单词的音标是[ru026au02c8kwau026au0259rmu0259nt],rui quai er men te,瑞块耶门特。谐音和音标读音差别还是有点大的,可以多听几遍网络上词典的发音。或者直接学一下音标发音然后再拼读,所有的单词就都可以读啦。音标的学习可以自己找一下网上有视频。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。

requirement on 和 requirement of的区别

requirement on要求requirement o要求意思一样 表达形式不一样o Removed the Armory requirement on the Orbital Relay Deep Strike ability.o取去了在轨道的继电器上的军械库要求深刮砂能力。Modular software architecture is also designed based on the software requirement, the software architecture includes: USB host control drive, USB device drivers, I/ O management system and the application layer.本文还针对软件需求设计了模块化的软件架构,这个软件架构的层次包括:USB主机控制驱动,USB设备驱动,I/O管理系统和上层应用。


绝大多数e结尾动词,变为名词(加ment)是不去e的,例如 anouncement,agreement ,ect. 当e结尾的动词是不发音的开音节单词的时候,这个e要去掉,再加ing. 如:coming,choosing,loosing,loving ,etc 而如果动词结尾虽有e,但不是属于开心节并且不发音的情况,则直接加ing. 如:agreeing


The boss satisfied their requirements.he will be happy if we do as his reqiurement.


request和requirement同作名词时的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.request意思:n. 请求;要求2.requirement意思:n. 必要条件;要求二、用法不同1.request用法:用作名词的基本意思是“要求,请求”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,常与介词at,by,for,in,on连用构成介词短语。搭用由that引导的同位语从句,从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟式。例句:Hisanswertomyrequestwasanegative.我的请求遭到了他的拒绝。2.requirement用法:其后可接介词短语作定语,也可接that所引导的同位语从句或表语从句,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。例句:CandidateswhotheserequirementswillnotbeadmittedtotheUniversity.不符合这些要求的考生不能上这所大学。三、侧重点不同1.request侧重点:用于一般现在时。2.requirement侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。




有。复数:requirementsrequirement可做可数名词,可是是复数形式。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。n. 要求; 所需的(或所要的)东西; 必要条件; 必备的条件;[例句]Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession研究生学历是从事教学工作的最低要求。


Requirement,英文单词,是require的名词形式,作名词时意为“要求;必要条件;必需品”。短语搭配:acknowledgement requirement对承认的要求energy requirement能量需要 ; 能源需要 ; 需能量 ; 能量需要量water requirement[土壤]需水量 ; 又称需水量 ; 对水资源的需求test requirement试验要求 ; 测试断言 ; 测试要求irrigation requirement灌溉需水量 ; 灌溉需要量 ; 灌水定额 ; 浇灌需要量disclosure requirement公开资料规定 ; 披露要求 ; 公开的要求Gross Requirement需求量 ; 总需求 ; 毛需求 ; 毛需求量fertilizer requirement[农][植]需肥量Business Requirement业务需求 ; 务需要




requirements of




应该是the requirements of...were... 谓语动词通常根据 of 前的名词数量走.但在口语中也可见到依据最靠近谓语动词的名词变化的.如:None of us understand what is going on now. 不过,建议在考试中按语法规则选答案为佳.

英语翻译 请问demand与requirement有什么区别?

requirement表示要求是一个可数名词啊比如:quality requirement 质量要求demand除了做名词表示要求需求之外(也可数),还有可以做动词和人名vt.要求;需要;查询 vi.需要;请求;查问n.[经] 需求;要求;需要n.(Dem...



requirement 与 for 还是of连用?


requirement demand 作为名词时的区别 尽量全面些


含有 “需求” 意思的几个单词 want、need、demand、requirement 有什么异同?

1)need表示因缺少而需要某物或需要做某事,尤其强调这种需要的迫切性; 2)want表示从一般需要的意向到强烈、迫切的要求以及各种程度不同的愿望。3)从根据上说, demand一般指客观上必要,缺此不可,多来自权威方面。4)requirement则指基于事物内在原因提出的要求。




Indications+regarding+use+requirements标志的使用要求+ + +双语对照例句:1.Finish daily job on time and meet all related requirements regarding qualitymanagement systems and ehs management systems. 按时完成每日工作,须符合质量管理体系和ehs管理体系的相关要求。2.Detailed requirements regarding the inspection and enforcement system referred toin paragraph 1 of this regulation are set out in part a of the code. 关于本规则第1款所述的检查和执行系统的详细要求在守则a部分中规定。

有人能回答 customer requirement 和 customer expectation的区别...

customer requirement 客户的要求customer expectation 客户的期望requirement: 这是你必须要做到的,比如产品的尺寸,数量,包装。这些落实到合同里面的实打实的需要遵守的。expectation: 既然是期望,那么完成期望客户很满意,但是如果实在客观条件下完不成,客户也可以谅解。如客户期望交货期可以提前。。但是提前不了,那也就是期望。

meet requirements是什么意思

meet requirements满足要求双语对照例句:1.He noted that for many years, the member-nations have not been willing to meet requirements for cargo planes, refueling aircraft, helicopters and intelligence capabilities. 盖茨指出,北约成员国多年来不愿意满足在货运飞机、空中加油飞机、直升机以及情报能力等方面的需求。2.Bank of america corp., for example, is required to raise$ 34 billion to meet requirements of the u. s.government"s stress test for lenders. 比如,美国银行(bank of america corp.)需要筹集340亿美元资金以满足美国政府的压力测试对它的要求。

immigration requirement是什么意思


注册dnf美服时出现You do not meet the requirements to register for an account.是怎么回事


请教高手这些是什么意思?Requirement .

米格火炬。 米格火炬25支AK 。 36科威特第纳尔。 24科威特第纳尔。 松下型二零零安培 四零零安培 空气等离子体炬的P - 80模型。 米格火炬spere 36第纳尔。 1.conical喷嘴- 36科威特第纳尔。 2.swan nack - 36科威特第纳尔。 3 。扩散- 36科威特第纳尔。 米格火炬spere 25ak 。 1.conical喷嘴。 2.swan nack 。 3.Mig linner 。


request [ri"kwest] n. 请求;需要1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority正式的消息,提交给一个权威/当局以要求某事/物。requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n. 要求;必要条件;必需品requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n.1. required activitythe requirements of his work affected his health 2. anything indispensableallow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions 3. something that is required in advance看英文意思很容量区分。

require的名词是requirement 还是 requisite ,requisition 又是怎么的 混了

require的名词是requirement requisite 既可做名词也可做形容词 形容词的意思是必需的,而名词是必需品的意思 requisition 既可做名词也可做动词 名词为征用、需要、需求的意思,动词与for 连用表示征用

require的名词是requirement 还是 requisite ,requisition 又是怎么的 ? 混了 求解 谢谢额


Schooling is a ____requirement for children over five years old in Britain and the US.___上填什么
