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请问It remains vividly to me正确吗?


如何翻译The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten


用英文解释英语单词explored,ancient,prosperous,storeys,beneath,fragments,remains 快点

Explore: travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.Ancient: belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.Prosperous: successful in material terms; flourishing financially.Storey: floor, levelBeneath: extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact.;at a lower level or layer than.Fragment: a small part broken or separated off something.Remains: the parts left over after other parts have been removed, used, or destroyed.资料来源:字典

the evil you do remains with you. the good you d


Remains the same ,什么意思?


the questionremains

Whether引导的宾语从句: The question是主语,remains谓语动词,whether为引导词,之后的句子未remains的宾语

spark remains分别是什么意思?

spark:触发 发动 鼓舞 正常运转 火花remains:遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹; 废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额; 仍然是; 保持; 留下( remain 的第三人称单数); 留待

much remains怎么翻译

much remains许多遗迹remains 英[ru026au02c8meu026anz]美[ru026au02c8menz]n. 遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹; 废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额;v. 仍然是; 保持; 留下; ( remain 的第三人称单数) 留待;[网络] 尸体; 遗物; 剩余;[例句]The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims.问题是他是否完全意识到了这些要求。[其他] 形近词: domains romaine

it remains句型的用法,举几个例子翻译一下,谢谢!


is remaining和remains怎么用


remains 当它做尸体讲时单数还是复数 是谓语动词的单复数

当尸体讲的时候就是remains 谓语动词用复数

remains unknown是什么词性?

unknown 英[ˌʌnˈnəʊn]adj. 未知的; 不详的 remain 英[rɪˈmeɪn] v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余; 遗留; 继续存在; 仍需去做(或说、处理); 您好,remains是remain的三单形式remain是原形,可当系动词讲,也就是表状态remain unknown可以翻译成仍然是未知的,依旧不详。是系表结构,系动词+adj.欢迎追问,望采纳,谢谢!回答不易!

there remains 和 it remains的区别

there remains 是there be 句型的变形,意思是 仍然有. it remains 的意思是它仍然是,这要看主语到底指的是什么,具体情况具体分析.

这句话中的among remains为什么要加这个,怎么翻译合适

这是新概念第三册的句子。THE UNKNOWN GODDESS它遗失的头在公元前五世纪的遗迹中被发现。among 在。。中remains 遗迹,残余物

请问空中应该填什么啊?remains 还是 is remained?为什么呢!

选 remains ,因为原始建筑是“保留”下来的,不是“被保留”

remains remnants remainder

remains 遗留物,(遗迹;遗骨……)remnant 残留物,(零头布;残存者……)remainder 剩余物,差别还是有的,指代的东西是不同的(第一第三个比较相近,但第一个比较中性,第三个更多指代的是有用的东西,而第二个多指的残留的都是不好的,不要的)



残骸 英语 remains和wreck的区别

remains是人和动物的残骸 wreck是建筑、机械的残骸


两个意思是不一样的 remains指动植物遗骸、残骸 relic指废墟;纪念物;遗迹,遗物



请问remains,continues 表示依旧时有什么区别

这三个词所跨越的时间 remain(s)从过去直到今天为止 maintain(s)表示现在状态仍然如此 continue(s)表示从现在到将来继续如此


re main

remnant remains remainder怎么区分

  remnant 名词,残留部分,可数。  更多指遗迹,古物的残留部分,也可以指人,即残存者,少量情况指剩货。  remainder 名词,余下的部分,剩下的人数。  (和remain意思相近,可数,多与the连用)  remains 名词,指废墟,遗址(加不加s区别很大的)(remain也可以是名词,意思是剩余物,剩下的东西。为复数)


remains 名词,指废墟,遗址(加不加s区别很大的)(remain也可以是名词,意思是剩余物,剩下的东西。为复数)remainder 名词,余下的部分,剩下的人数。(和remain意思相近,可数,多与the连用)rest 做名词时指其余的人(物),通常与定冠词连用(the rest)。(the rest和the remainder差别不大,前者更加口语化,更多指人;后者一般口语中不出现,指人指物都可以,但相对于remain来说,指人更多;remain主要指物)remnant 名词,残留部分,可数。(更多指遗迹,古物的残留部分,也可以指人,即残存者,少量情况指剩货。这个词和remian、remainder、the rest的最大区别是,前者专门指代的是某物(也可以是一群人)遭受毁坏后留下来的一小部分,例如废墟、古董碎片、幸存者等,后者没有这方面限制,用处更广)四个词,用的最多的是remian和the rest,remainder和remnant更加书面。




前面how引导的一个句子作主语 相当于第三人称单数的概念 当然加s了


There看成第三人称单数形式。 基本都是,例如There comes bus. there放句首作主语还要倒装,here也一样。


ruins 是破坏,毁灭的意思。remains 是剩余的,遗留的


remains 是单复数同形的 用于“遗体”的意义时,随后的动词都用复数 例如: His remains lie in the churchyard.




ruins: 尤指被损坏后的残存物捣毁的东西:被破坏的人、物体或建筑物 废墟,遗迹:被毁坏、瓦解或腐烂的某物的遗迹:studied the ruins of ancient Greece.研究古希腊遗迹这里在的old house是自然遗存物 用remains望采纳。

remains,remainders, remnants 有什么区别

remains剩余物、残留物、剩饭菜;古代遗物、遗迹 。remaindor其他人员、剩余物、剩余时间;差数、余数。 remnant残留部分、剩余部分;零料、布头。


remains 名词,指废墟,遗址(加不加s区别很大的)(remain也可以是名词,意思是剩余物,剩下的东西。为复数)希望能帮助到你!请采纳,谢谢!!


这两个词只有作名词且为复数形式(ruins,remains)时词义才有重叠。ruins专指建筑、城市等的废墟,而remains可以指各种东西留下来的东西,除了用于建筑,其它例子如“剩饭”(the remains of yesterday"s dinner),还有一个比较常用的意思是指人的“遗骸”。用于建筑时,我个人感觉ruins有一种历史的沧桑感,remains不带感情色彩。


remains在这里为名词,his remains一并作为主语。

remains 英文解释

n. 残余;遗骸

remains,remainders, remnants 有什么区别



做动词时,remain 保持,依然,剩余,留下,逗留remains是它的第三人称单数时的形式it remains to be done 尚待完成,尚未完成remain with属于;归于:Victory will remain with us forever.胜利将永远属于我们。做名词时,remain 遗迹,剩余物,残骸remains是它的复数形式,常用remainsCeramics, clothing, and the well-preserved remains of a young woman were also discovered, he said.同时也发现了陶器、衣物与保存完好的年轻女人遗骸。


remains 和 still 倒是都有 “仍旧” 、“依然” 的含义,但是二者的词性有本质的区别,不可同日而语。remains 是动词 remain 的单数第三人称形式) ,用作谓语动词;still 是副词,用作状语。

remains作遗体意思时是单复数同形吗 做剩饭什么的,遗址意思是谓语动词用复数吗

remains只有在以复数形式存在时才有遗体、剩饭菜等的意思,这个时候动词要用复数,例如:1、On the table were the remains of the evening meal.2、Her remains are buried in Beijing.




区别在于:remains指的是遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹;废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额。remainders指的是剩余物( remainder的名词复数 );其他人员;差数;廉价出售的图书。例句解释:remains1、More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country. 在该国北部挖出了更多的人类遗骨。2、Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime. 在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。3、There are Roman remains all around us. 我们周围都是古罗马的遗迹。remainders1、What this does is it takes those little remainders. 这所做的就是将那些很少的余数。2、If either of these remainders is0, the function returns true. 如果这两种情况的余数有一个是0,那么此函数返回true。3、After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain.维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。


remains剩下的东西,残留物remainings 这个单词是错的


remains 名词,指废墟,遗址(加不加s区别很大的)(remain也可以是名词,意思是剩余物,剩下的东西。为复数)remainder 名词,余下的部分,剩下的人数。(和remain意思相近,可数,多与the连用)rest 做名词时指其余的人(物),通常与定冠词连用(the rest)。(the rest和the remainder差别不大,前者更加口语化,更多指人;后者一般口语中不出现,指人指物都可以,但相对于remain来说,指人更多;remain主要指物)remnant 名词,残留部分,可数。(更多指遗迹,古物的残留部分,也可以指人,即残存者,少量情况指剩货。这个词和remian、remainder、the rest的最大区别是,前者专门指代的是某物(也可以是一群人)遭受毁坏后留下来的一小部分,例如废墟、古董碎片、幸存者等,后者没有这方面限制,用处更广)四个词,用的最多的是remian和the rest,remainder和remnant更加书面。


remains 英[ru026au02c8meu026anz] 美[ru026au02c8menz] n. 遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹; 废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额; v. 仍然是; 保持; 留下( remain 的第三人称单数); 留待; [例句]The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims.问题是他是否完全意识到了这些要求。[其他] 原型: remain

only the truth remains in “spotlight.”


Remains Of You 歌词

歌曲名:Remains Of You歌手:Mads Langer专辑:Mads LangerBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid


这四个单词都有“剩余物”的意思,但它们在用法和语境上有些不同:1. remains:通常指人或动物的遗骸,也可以指废墟、古迹等剩余的部分。例如:The remains of the lost hikers were found after a week.(失踪的徒步旅行者的遗体在一周后被找到了。)2. remainder:通常指被留下的东西中的剩余部分,是一个数除以另一个数时余下的部分。例如:The remainder of the cake is yours.(你可以把蛋糕剩下的部分拿走。)3. rest:通常指剩余的部分或数量,且强调剩余部分的数量较小或不重要。例如:She ate the rest of the pizza.(她把比萨剩下的部分吃掉了。)4. remnant:通常指一个整体的剩余部分,强调这个剩余部分与原来的整体相联系。例如:The remnant of the old building was preserved as a museum.(老建筑的残存部分被保留为博物馆。)

句子理解remains relatively constant?

AP Physics 的语言里面,一般表示为保持相对静止

句子理解remains relatively constant

the basic difference remains constant简化后的句子如上所示,所以很好理解为什么remain用三单形式了remain, 保持,继续 stay the same; remain in a certain staterelatively, adv.: 是修饰形容词constant的艺术家们在有关美术(纯艺术)和应用艺术的素材方面的态度的根本差异始终没有改变

为何是remains不是is remaining


all that remains的faithless歌词

Faithless lyricsWith all our hopes and dreams answeredAre we not lostWith nothing driving us forwardWe count the costHow can we, not believe in ourselvesWe let our lives fade awayStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStay strong and let honor guide you, this can"t be wrongMake no mistake of our meaning this is our callLet the hopeless let them be renewed.Let weakness fallStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongHow can we not believe in ourselvesDon"t let our lives fade awayLet hope be renewedLet weakness fallStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belong

what remains of our chalk road是什么意思

what remains of our chalk road我们的粉笔路的残骸例句1、A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。2、Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime.在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。3、The fossil remains of apemen can help us infer how they lived.猿人化石可以帮助我们推测猿人的生活情况。4、The remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore海滨凸立着的战时防御工事的遗迹5、He wiped off the remains of the lather with a towel.他用毛巾抹去余下的皂沫。

In my remains 和castle of glass的GTP吉他谱 跪求 有的大神请发529583970这个QQ上 万分感谢


你这套配置整体还是比较不错的,6代ii5处理器加上AMD R5显卡整体性能还是比较可观的,一般的网络游戏都可以完美运行,whairemainsofedithfinch这款游戏也是可以玩的,只要不开高特效,高画质还是可以完美运行的。

a body at rest remains at rest


The Song Remains The Same 歌词

歌曲名:The Song Remains The Same歌手:Led Zeppelin专辑:Final Cut Knebworth Park CD1Artist: Led ZeppelinAlbum: House of The HolySong: The Song Remains The Same I had a dream. Crazy dream.Anything I wanted to know, any place I needed to goHear my song. People won"t you listen now? Sing along.You don"t know what you"re missing now.Any little song that you knowEverything that"s small has to grow.And it has to grow!California sunlight, sweet Calcutta rainHonolulu starbright - the song remains the same.Sing out Hare Hare, dance the Hoochie Koo.City lights are oh so bright, as we go sliding... sliding... sliding through.

Love Remains The Same 的中英文歌词翻译???

Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Samethousand times I"ve seen you standing 上千次我看到你站在那里 Gravity like a lunar landing 你对我来说仿佛具有月亮般的吸引力 You make me want to run till I find you 让我如此沉迷 I shut the world away from here 我离开了我原来的世界 I drift to you, you"re all I hear 我向你飘去,你就是我听到的全部 As everything we know fades to black 我知道所有的一切都会随着时间流逝而退色 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 I find a place where we escape 我找到了一个适合我们的地方 Take you with me for the space 我会带你前往那里 The city buzz sounds just like a fridge 城市的喧嚣仿佛嗡嗡作响的巨大冰箱 I walk the streets through seven bars 我穿过七个酒吧的街道 I have to find just where you are 我必须要找到你在哪 The faces seem to blur 周围的面孔都变得模糊 They"re all the same 仿佛看起来都是一样的 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 So much more to say 我有很多的话想说 So much to be done 我有很多的事想做 Don"t you trick me out 不要再让我离开你 We shall overcome 我们应该一起克服困难 It"s all left still to play 我们一定要把过去忘记 We - should have the sun 生活应该有阳光 Could have been inside 过去的一切 Instead we"re over here 就让它深埋心底吧 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 Too much time too long defending 经过这么久的挣扎 You and I are done pretending 我们都结束伪装吧 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 Everything will change 每件事都会改变…… I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 I wish this could last forever 我希望我们的爱是永恒的 I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 As if we could last forever 如果我们永不分离 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变