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大学英语四级语法精讲:look,seem 与appear 的区别

  三者均可用作连系动词,意为“好像”、“似乎”等,区别如下:   1. 从词义上看:look 指视觉印象;appear 指外表给人的印象;这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear 的不确定性更大一些。seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。   2. 从句型搭配和用法上看:   (1) 三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be (且较少见)。如:   正:He seems [appears,looks] to be tired. 他好像很累了。   正:He seems [appears] to have travelled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。   误:He looks to have travelled a lot.   (2) look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能。如:   He looks [seems] like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。   (3) appear 和 seem 不用于进行时态,但 look 有时可这样用。如:   正:He looks [is looking] well. 他看上去气色不错。   误:He is seeming [appearing] well.   (4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句。如:   It looks [seems,appears] as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。   It seems [appears] that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。   注:后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so,not 代之。如:   A:Are they reliable? 他们可靠吗?   B:It seems [appears] so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。   另外,比较以下同义句型:   It seems [appears] that he is ill.=He seems [appears] to be ill. 他似乎病了。


"appear" 是一个英文动词,表示出现或显露。它有几个常见的意思:1. 出现:指某人或某物在视野、场景或存在中变得可见或出现。例如:- "The sun appears in the morning."(太阳在早上升起。)2. 显得:指某人在他人眼中给人一种印象或感觉。例如:- "He appears tired after a long day of work."(他在一天的工作后显得疲倦。)3. 看起来:表示某事物或情况给人一种外表或印象。例如:- "It appears that we will have good weather tomorrow."(看起来明天天气会很好。)4."appear" 还可以用作正式用语,表示参加法庭或公共场合的出庭。例如:"The defendant will appear in court tomorrow."(被告将于明天出庭。)

appears怎么读 appears英文解释

1、appears,读音:美/u0259pu026ars/;英/u0259pu026au0259s/。 2、释义:v.出现;呈现;看上去好像(appear的三单形式)。 3、例句:He appears to be thriving.他看起来兴旺发达蒸蒸日上。


不是日本人,看滨崎步演唱会,只看:舞台+灯光+舞蹈+现场+震撼。。。 看滨崎步单曲,只看:风景+表演+服装+美丽+感动。。。我是滨崎步的忠实FANS!!!!!! 世上唯爱步步!!!!!!


appears (HAL"S Progress) 歌词歌手:滨崎步ko i bi to ta chi wa to de mo si a wa seso u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na iha zi me te no de n wa wa zyu wa ki womo tsu te ga fu ru e te i tani ka i me no de wa wa ru su de n nime se zi ga no ko de i tana na ka i me no de wa de i ma ka ra a ou yo teso n na fu tsu u no ma i ni chi no na kaha zi ma tako i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa seso u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na izyu u ka i me no de n wa de fu ta rito o ku e te ka ke ta yo nete wo tsu na i de a ru ko to su ruwa da si ni te re te i ta yo neso re ka ra na n do me ka no yo ru wo tobi ko e teka e ri no ku ru ma no na ka de ki su wosi ta yo nesi ro ku ka ka ya ku yu ki ga to te mo da i su ki deso re de mo kyo ne n wa ha na re te i tayoko do si no fu yu wa fu ta ri si te mi re ru ka nasu go se ru ka na i e ru ka nai e na ka ta me ri ku ri su ma su woku zu ri yu bi ni hi ka a ta yu bi wa woi ta ina n do u gu ra i ha zu si ti su ta ? wada si ta chiko i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa seso nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ta nema ru de su be te ga so u ma ru de na nimo ka mosu be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te i ruka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u noto ko ro na n te da re ni mo wa ka ra na

英语语法 | appear, look, seem 的区别

appear, look, seem 这三个都可以作为连系动词,表示“看起来....” "似乎..." 但是在实际的表达上面呢,还是有用法上的区别的。 词义上 1、Appear 是说给某个人(尤指外貌)给他人带来的印象;但是人也不是光看一个照面就能认识清楚的,所以可真可假,而且不确定的可能更大哦; 2、Look 更注重的是看到的表象的东西;但是表面的东西有时候也是可真可假; 3. Seem的话,侧重的是某种迹象给别人带来的推测,虽然有依据,但是也不一定是对的; Seem在三个单词中可能性是最大的。 在句型搭配上 1.三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be (且较少见)。 例如: 正:He seems / appears / looks to be tired. 他好像很累了。 正:He seems [appears] to have travelled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。 误:He looks to have travelled a lot. 2. look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能。 例如: He looks / seems like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。 3. appear 和 seem 不用于进行时态,但 look 有时可这样用。 例如: 正:He looks /is looking well. 他看上去气色不错。 误:He is seeming / appearing well. 4. 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句。 例如: It looks / seems /appears as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。 It seems / appears that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。 注:后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so,not 代之。 例如: A:Are they reliable? 他们可靠吗? B:It seems / appears so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。英语语法 | appear, look, seem 的区别【 春喜外语 】供稿!春喜外语,学英语告别复读模式,与 真人外教一对一 面对面交谈,不管帅哥还是美女都任你选择。 在线英语培训 ,只要有网络就可以轻松进入学习状态,老师、上课时间、地点你说了算。5年时间12000名学员的共同选择,欲了解更多详情,欢迎咨询在线客服! 此文章首发于 春喜外语 官网


appears (HAL"S Progress) 歌词 歌手:滨崎步 ko i bi to ta chi wa to de mo si a wa se so u ni te wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra n e ma ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na i ha zi me te no de n wa wa zyu wa ki wo mo tsu te ga fu ru e te i ta ni ka i me no de wa wa ru su de n ni me se zi ga no ko de i ta na na ka i me no de wa de i ma ka ra a o u yo te so n na fu tsu u no ma i ni chi no na ka ha zi ma ta ko i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so u ni te wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra n e ma ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na i zyu u ka i me no de n wa de fu ta ri to o ku e te ka ke ta yo ne te wo tsu na i de a ru ko to su ru wa da si ni te re te i ta yo ne so re ka ra na n do me ka no yo ru wo to bi ko e te ka e ri no ku ru ma no na ka de ki su wo si ta yo ne si ro ku ka ka ya ku yu ki ga to te mo d a i su ki de so re de mo kyo ne n wa ha na re te i ta yo ko do si no fu yu wa fu ta ri si te mi r e ru ka na su go se ru ka na i e ru ka na i e na ka ta me ri ku ri su ma su wo ku zu ri yu bi ni hi ka a ta yu bi wa wo i ta i na n do u gu ra i ha zu si ti su ta ? wa da si ta chi ko i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so ni te wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ta n e ma ru de su be te ga so u ma ru de na ni mo ka mo su be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te i ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u no to ko ro na n te da re ni mo wa ka ra na


vi.1. 出现;显露Gradually a smile appeared on her face.她脸上渐渐地露出笑容。2. 似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)]It appears they are right.看来他们是对的。He appeared to be talking to himself.他似乎在自言自语。3. 出庭,到案[Q]She will appear in court next Friday.下星期五她将出庭。4. 演出;陈列;露面[Q]The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival.这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出。5. 出版,发表

句型"It seems," 和"It appears that,"有何异同

1. 相同点这两个词都可表示“看起来像”、“似乎”,其后均可接形容词、名词、不定式等,且有时可互换。如:She seems (appears) (to be) honest. 她似乎很诚实。He seems (appears) (to be) an honest man. 他看起来像个诚实人。2. 不同点(1) 含义上的不同:appear强调外表给人的印象,有时含有一种并不符合实际的感觉;seem常指有一定根据的内心判断,这种判断往往与实际情况比较接近。试比较:He seems very young. 他看起来很年轻。He may appear a fool but actually he"s quite clever. 他看起来也许很傻,但实际上他很聪明。(2) 结构上的差别:1) seem之后可接like,而appear之后不能接。如;He seems like a fool. 他看上去像个傻瓜。2)两者均可用于以it开头的句子。但要注意:appear 之后接that引导的从句,而seem之后可接that也可接as if / as though 引导的从句。如:It seems as if you"re right. 看来你似乎是对的。It seems that he is ill. 他好像是有病。It appears that I am wrong. 看来是我错了。注:appear 之后有时也可接as if。如:It appears as if they"ve lost interest 看来他们已失去了兴趣。


appear英 [əˈpɪə(r)] 美 [əˈpɪr] vi.发表;出现,显现;出庭,出场;演出分析与答案:由于appear是动词,所以be后面不能直接加appear(原形).但是可以加非谓语动词形式(不定式、动名词、过去分词等)

滨崎步的《Appears》 歌词

歌曲:appears歌手:浜崎あゆみ作词:浜崎あゆみ作曲:菊池一仁编辑:Natsuの风恋人达は とても幸せそうに 情侣们幸福的手をつないで歩いているからね 手牵手走在路上まるで全てのことが 上手く 仿佛一切都いっているかのように 见えるよね 过得很好真実はふたりしか知らない 但真相只有彼此知道初めての电话は受话器を 第一通电话持つ手が震えていた 握着听筒的手在发抖2回目の电话はルスデンに 第二通电话メッセージが残っていた 在你的答录机里留了话7回目の电话で今から会おうよって 第七通电话说着要不要出来碰个面そんなふつうの毎日の中始まった 就像普通日常的会话恋人达は とても幸せそうに 情侣们幸福的手をつないで歩いているからね 手牵手走在路上まるで全てのことが 上手く 仿佛一切都いっているかのように 见えるよね 过得很好真実はふたりしか知らない 但真相只有彼此知道10回目の电话でふたり 第十通电话远くへ出かけたよね 两人相约出游远方手をつないで歩こうとする 手牵着手走在路上私に照れていたよね 让人感觉有点害羞それから何度目かの夜を飞びこえて 后来又经过了多少个夜晚帰りの车の中でキスをしたよね 相吻在回家的车上白く辉く 雪がとても大好きで 好喜欢洁白闪亮的雪それでも 去年は离れていたよ 但去年却没能一同度过今年の冬はふたりして见れるかな 不知今年的冬天是否能一起看雪过ごせるかな 言えるかな 不知是否能一起过 是否能说出口言えなかったメリークリスマスを 那句没能说出口的圣诞快乐薬指に光った指轮を一体 闪耀在无名指上的戒指何度位はずそうとした 私达 彼此究竟有多少次其实想要摘下?恋人达は とても幸せそうに 情侣们幸福的手をつないで歩いているからね 手牵手走在路上まるで全てが そうまるで何もかも 仿佛一切都 是啊仿佛一切所有全てのことが 上手くいっている 都过得很好かのように 见えるよね 真実の 但事实的真相ところなんて 谁にもわからない 又有谁知道

滨崎步的《Appears》 歌词

歌曲名:Appears歌手:滨崎步专辑:A(ロゴ表记)Best浜崎あゆみ - Appears作词∶浜崎あゆみ作曲∶菊池一仁恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいっているかのように 见えるよね真実はふたりしか知らない初めての电话は受话器を持つ手が震えていた2回目の电话はルスデンにメッセージが残っていた7回目の电话で今から会おうよってそんなふつうの毎日の中始まった恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね真実はふたりしか知らない10回目の电话でふたり远くへ出かけたよね手をつないで歩こうとする私に照れていたよねそれから何度目かの夜を飞びこえて帰りの车の中でキスをしたよね白く辉く 雪がとても大好きでそれでも 去年は离れていたよ今年の冬はふたりして见れるかな过ごせるかな 言えるかな言えなかったメリークリスマスを薬指に光った指轮を一体何度位はずそうとした?私达恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てが そうまるで何もかも全てのことが 上手くいっているかのように 见えるよね 真実のところなんて 谁にもわからない

appear的用法 包括短语和例句

vi. 1.出现;显露 Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 她脸上渐渐地露出笑容. 2.似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)] It appears they are right. 看来他们是对的. He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自语. 3.出庭,到案[Q] She will appear in court next Friday. 下星期五她将出庭. 4.演出;陈列;露面[Q] The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival. 这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出. 5.出版,发表 His third play appeared under the title "The Web". 他的第三个剧本用《网》作书名出版.

look,seem 与appear 的区别

三者均可用作连系动词,意为“好像”、“似乎”等,区别如下:  1. 从词义上看:look 指视觉印象;appear 指外表给人的印象;这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear 的不确定性更大一些。seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。  2. 从句型搭配和用法上看:  (1) 三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be (且较少见)。如:  正:He seems [appears,looks] to be tired. 他好像很累了。  正:He seems [appears] to have travelled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。  误:He looks to have travelled a lot.  (2) look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能。如:  He looks [seems] like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。  (3) appear 和 seem 不用于进行时态,但 look 有时可这样用。如:  正:He looks [is looking] well. 他看上去气色不错。  误:He is seeming [appearing] well.  (4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句。如:  It looks [seems,appears] as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。  It seems [appears] that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。  注:后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so,not 代之。如:  A:Are they reliable? 他们可靠吗?  B:It seems [appears] so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。  另外,比较以下同义句型:  It seems [appears] that he is ill.=He seems [appears] to be ill. 他似乎病了。


vi. 1.出现;显露 Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 她脸上渐渐地露出笑容. 2.似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)] It appears they are right. 看来他们是对的. He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自语. 3.出庭,到案[Q] She will appear in court next Friday. 下星期五她将出庭. 4.演出;陈列;露面[Q] The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival. 这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出. 5.出版,发表




appears读音:美/u0259pu026ars/;英/u0259pu026au0259s/。appears解释及用法:1、用做联系动词(linkv.):看来;好像(look/seem)。2、用做动词(v.):出现(be seen)出现;呈现;显现(to start to be seen)造句:1、China,says the report, "does not appear to have broadened its concept of operations" to encompass sea control in waters beyond Taiwan.翻译:报告说,中国“似乎并未将军事演习范围拓宽”至台海以外。2、Added customs inspections don"t appear to target rare earth, though such shipments may have been caught up in the wider slowdown.翻译:加强海关检查似乎并没有以稀土为对象,但在海关清关全面减缓的过程中,这类货物可能也已经被殃及。

出版社Pearson Prentice Hall位于哪个城


Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits: My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Toxic (Digital 45)Baby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

toxic的歌词 britney spears(布兰妮) 的

Baby, can"t you see, I"m callin" 亲爱的 难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warnin" 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 You"re dangerous, I"m fallin" 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape, I can"t wait 我无路可退 我不想空等 I need a hit, baby give me it 我需要你 让我拥有你 You"re dangerous, I"m movin" it 你是个危险情人 让我深深痴迷 Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 Losing my head, spimming round and 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 复歌 Oh, the taste of your lips, I"m on a ride 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 You"re toxic, I"m slippin" under 你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 Oh" the taste of your poison paradise 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you 让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 难道你不知道 And I love what you do 你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 但我却深深为你着迷 It"s getting late to give you up 渐渐地 你的毒入侵我的身体 I took a sip from the devil"s cup Slowly it"s taking over me, Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s inthe air and it"s all around 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel it now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS X2 复歌 X2 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了


pear英 [peu0259]美 [pu025br]n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子n. (Pear)人名;(英)皮尔[网络短语]pear 梨子,梨,PEARprickly pear 仙人掌果,神仙掌果,霸王树balsam pear 苦瓜,秋葵,瓜清脂减肥


pear [per /peu0259]n. 梨子, 梨树










  应该是REAR,车上REAR空调是后挡风玻璃加热除霜功能的意思。使用后挡风玻璃加热除霜功能可以去除附着在汽车后挡风玻璃上的雾气,以改善驾驶人的能见度,增加行车安全。   pear是控制后雨刷器的开关的意思。雨刷器是安装在风窗上的重要附件,用来刷刮除附着于车辆挡风玻璃上的雨点及灰尘的设备,可以改善驾驶人的能见度,增加行车安全。因此,它对于行车安全具有重要的作用。   以电动风窗雨刷器为例,介绍其基本结构和工作原理。电动风窗雨刷器是用电机驱动的,一般由刮水刷臂、刮水刷片总成、橡胶刷片、刷片支座、刷片支持器、刮水刷臂心轴、雨刮器底板、电动机、减速机构、驱动杆系、驱动杆铰链、雨刮器开关以及雨刷器开关旋钮等组成。当然带有雨刮ECU的雨刮器,还配备有电控单元ECU。电动风窗雨刷器是用电动机驱动的,刮水器的左右刮水刷片被刮水刷臂压靠在风窗玻璃外表面上,电动机驱动减速机构旋转,并通过驱动杆系统作往复运动,带动刮水刷臂和刮水刷片左右摆动,刮刷风窗玻璃。


满意回答pear 梨pair 双; 对


pear的读音:英[peu0259(r)]美[per]双语例句She bit into a ripe juicy pear. 她咬了一口熟透了的多汁的梨I was only ill once and that came of eating an unripe pear. 我唯一一次生病是因为吃了未熟的梨。Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most. 把梨放入苹果汁中,最多煮10分钟左右。The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums 你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade 有时我会拿一本书去梨树底下,坐在斑驳的树影中看。Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard. 到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。Peel the pears and remove the cores. 将梨削皮去核。In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees. 花园里,苹果树和梨树患枯枝病最明显。


pear [per /peu0259]n. 梨子, 梨树




pear 梨 英[peə] 美[pɛr


n.(名词) 梨, 梨树; 梨状物 alligator pear 鳄梨 anchovy pear 鲚梨 birchleaf pear 棠梨 callery pear 豆梨 Chinese pear 砂梨 free-stone pear 无仁梨 preserved pear 梨脯 sleepy pear 过熟并开始腐烂的梨 snow pear 雪梨 tiger pear 橙黄色仙人掌 ussurian pear 花盖梨

pear怎么读 pear英语怎么读

1、pear的英语读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。 2、pear:n.梨;复数:pears。 3、When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it.肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。




pear是可数名词也是不可数名词。pear可以用作名词,当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词;表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。pear还可表示“梨树"。pear用作名词的用法例句:This pear is rotten at the core.这个梨子的果心腐烂了。Would you like a pear?想吃吗?pear-shaped是梨形的意思,它的意思是“没有达到预期,搞砸了”。据说这句俚语的典故源自以前的英国飞行员,他们在接受训练时必须“绕圆圈”飞行,但由于难度颇高,因此飞行员往往会飞成“梨形”“pear-shaped”,而非正圆形“perfect circle”。几经演变,后来英文就以这句话来比喻一件事情“未如原先预期”或“搞砸了”。在英文中,是否可数对于名词十分重要,它影响着一个名词在使用时的形式。对于可数名词来说,单数需要使用原形,而复数通常就需要在词尾加"s";而不可数名词则一般都用原形。






ear 耳朵。。。


单词发音英[peu0259(r)];美[per]pear是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“[园艺] 梨树;梨子”。短语搭配prickly pear仙人掌果 ; 神仙掌果 ; 霸王树balsam pear[园艺]苦瓜 ; 秋葵 ; 瓜清脂减肥 ; 凉瓜双语例句1、The teacher gave them a pear each.老师给了他们每个人一个梨。2、Is this your pear?这是你的梨吗?3、I like pear, Me too! I like banana, Me too! I like apple, Me too!我喜欢的梨,我也是! 我喜欢香蕉,我也是! 我喜欢苹果,我也是!


英[peu0259r],美[per]释义:n. [园艺]梨树;梨子。pear例句:I planted a pear tree in my garden yesterday.我昨天在花园里栽了一棵梨树。复数:pears。短语:pick pears摘梨。choke pear苦涩的梨。rotten pear烂梨。当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词; 表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。pear的同音词pair读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。释义:n.一对,一双,一副。vt.把…组成一对。




pear,读音:英[peu0259r],美[per]。释义:n. [园艺]梨树;梨子。例句:I planted a pear tree in my garden yesterday.我昨天在花园里栽了一棵梨树。复数:pears。短语:pick pears摘梨。choke pear苦涩的梨。rotten pear烂梨。pear的同音词:pair读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。释义:n.一对,一双,一副。vt.把…组成一对。例句:This pair of shoes is too large for me to wear.这双鞋对我来说太大了,穿不了。变形:过去式paired,过去分词paired,现在分词pairing,第三人称单数pairs,复数pairs。


pear 英[peu0259(r)] 美[pu025br] n. 梨(树);梨树 名词复数:pears




  pear是一个英文单词,是名词,作为名词的时候意思是:“[园艺]梨树;梨子”。   具体内容单词发音:   英[pe(r)];美[per]。   pricklypear仙人掌果;神仙掌果;霸王树。   balsampear[园艺]苦瓜;秋葵;瓜清脂减肥;凉瓜。   PearHarbor珍珠港。   Theteachergavethemapeareach.   老师给了他们每个人一个梨。   Isthisyourpear   这是你的梨吗?   Ilikepear,Metoo!Ilikebanana,Metoo!Ilikeapple,Metoo!   我喜欢的梨,我也是!我喜欢香蕉,我也是!我喜欢苹果,我也是!




pear的中文含义是梨树,梨子。 短语词组 balsam pear 苦瓜 pear tree 梨树 pear juice 梨汁 prickly pear 仙人掌,仙人球 扩展资料   例句:   1、She bit into a ripe juicy pear.   她咬了一口熟透了的"多汁的梨。   2、The pear is very juicy.   这梨水分很多。   3、There are lots of pear trees near the house.   屋子近旁种着许多梨树。   4、Pear trees are grafted on quince rootstocks.   梨树被嫁接到榅的根茎上。


pear是一个英文单词,是名词,作为名词的时候意思是:“[园艺]梨树;梨子”。 具体内容单词发音: 英[pe(r)];美[per]。 pricklypear仙人掌果;神仙掌果;霸王树。 balsampear[园艺]苦瓜;秋葵;瓜清脂减肥;凉瓜。 PearHarbor珍珠港。 Theteachergavethemapeareach. 老师给了他们每个人一个梨。 Isthisyourpear 这是你的梨吗? Ilikepear,Metoo!Ilikebanana,Metoo!Ilikeapple,Metoo! 我喜欢的梨,我也是!我喜欢香蕉,我也是!我喜欢苹果,我也是!


pear,读音:英[peu0259r],美[per]。释义:n. [园艺]梨树;梨子。例句:I planted a pear tree in my garden yesterday.我昨天在花园里栽了一棵梨树。复数:pears。短语:pick pears摘梨。choke pear苦涩的梨。rotten pear烂梨。pear的同音词:pair读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。释义:n.一对,一双,一副。vt.把…组成一对。例句:This pair of shoes is too large for me to wear.这双鞋对我来说太大了,穿不了。变形:过去式paired,过去分词paired,现在分词pairing,第三人称单数pairs,复数pairs。








PECL和PEAR的区别和联系:PEAR 是“PHP Extension and Application Repository”的缩写,即PHP扩展和应用仓库。  PEAR 将PHP程序开发过程中常用的功能编写成类库,涵盖了页面呈现、数据库访问、文件操作、数据结构、缓存操作、网络协议、WebService 等许多方面,用户可以通过下载这些类库并适当的作一些定制以实现自己需要的功能。避免重复发明“车轮”。PEAR 的出现大大提高了PHP 程序的开发效率和开发质量。  PECL 是“PHP Extension Community Library”的缩写,即PHP 扩展库。  PECL 可以看作PEAR 的一个组成部分,提供了与PEAR 类似的功能。不同的是PEAR的所有扩展都是用纯粹的PHP代码编写的,用户在下载到PEAR 扩展以后可以直接使用将扩展的代码包含到自己的PHP 文件中使用。而PECL是使用C 语言开发的,通常用于补充一些用PHP难以完成的底层功能,往往需要重新编译或者在配置文件中设置后才能在用户自己的代码中使用。 php学习总结:最直接的表述:PEAR是PHP的上层扩展,PECL是PHP的底层扩展。它们都是为特定的应用提供现成的函数或者类。









梨子英语怎么读 pear

梨子英语的读法是:英[peu0259(r)]美[per]。梨是蔷薇科梨属植物,通常品种是一种落叶乔木或灌木,极少数品种为常绿,叶片多呈卵形,大小因品种不同而各异。花为白色,或略带黄色、粉红色,有五瓣。果实形状有圆形的,也有基部较细尾部较粗的,即俗称的“梨形”。不同品种的果皮颜色大相径庭,有黄色、绿色、黄中带绿、绿中带黄、黄褐色、绿褐色、红褐色、褐色,个别品种亦有紫红色。野生梨的果径较小,在1到4厘米之间,而人工培植的品种果径可达8厘米,长度可达18厘米。梨的果实通常用来食用,不仅味美汁多,甜中带酸,而且营养丰富,含有多种维生素和纤素,不同种类的梨,味道和质感都完全不同。梨既可生食,也可蒸煮后食用。在医疗功效上,梨可以通便秘,利消化,对心血管也有好处。例句:1.山顶上则种植了梨子树和桃子树。The mountain peaks are planted with pear trees and peach trees .2.你知道你送我一盒梨子吗?知道。Did you know you sent me a box of pears ?3.科林斯太太: 这是谁的梨子?Mrs. Collins: Whose pear is this?4.梨子干有着生殖器一样的形状。Pears dried in the form of genital organs.5.老院的梨子不算有名,但却极有用。Pears old homes is not known, but very useful.6.她发誓戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。She swears to wear the pearls that appears to be pears.7.在那边的那些是什么?葡萄和梨子。What are those over there?Grapes and pears.


pear pear pear


pear是一个英文单词,是名词,作为名词的时候意思是:“[园艺] 梨树;梨子”。 pear这个英文单词,很多时候会给学习者造成一定的困难,是因为学习者没有真正的理解这个词的含义,下面让我们一起去了解pear这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英[peu0259(r)];美[per]。 02 prickly pear仙人掌果 ; 神仙掌果 ; 霸王树。 03 balsam pear[园艺]苦瓜 ; 秋葵 ; 瓜清脂减肥 ; 凉瓜。 04 Pear Harbor珍珠港 。 05 The teacher gave them a pear each. 老师给了他们每个人一个梨。 Is this your pear? 这是你的梨吗? I like pear, Me too! I like banana, Me too! I like apple, Me too! 我喜欢的梨,我也是! 我喜欢香蕉,我也是! 我喜欢苹果,我也是!






pear [per /peu0259]n. 梨子, 梨树







pear,读音:英[peu0259r],美[per]。释义:n. [园艺]梨树;梨子。例句:I planted a pear tree in my garden yesterday.我昨天在花园里栽了一棵梨树。复数:pears。短语:pick pears摘梨。choke pear苦涩的梨。rotten pear烂梨。pear的同音词pair读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。释义:n.一对,一双,一副。vt.把…组成一对。例句:This pair of shoes is too large for me to wear.这双鞋对我来说太大了,穿不了。变形:过去式paired,过去分词paired,现在分词pairing,第三人称单数pairs,复数pairs。


disappear应该是disappeared,过去式Little by little the snow disappeared, didn"t it?很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

MATLAB中parse error at function :usage appears to be invalid MATLAB syntax什么意思

直译:解析错误功能:使用似乎是无效的语言语法 网上有人遇到和你一样的问题,他是少加了end,你可以试试

1.We can play together.2.We have art class at 3:00 p.m..3.It‘s below the pears.(肯定回答)

1 can we play together?2 we have art class at 3p.m.all right?3 is it below the pears?


fade 褪色, .使褪色 disappear .消失, 不见

Pearl Jam的《Fatal》 歌词

歌名:Fatal所属专辑: DCU Center, Worcester, MA歌手:Pearl Jam歌词:How good is he? How warm are his eyes? You"ll see it"s not a reprise Did he arrive too late and too tethered away To put on his suit and his tie? How good is he? How warm is his heart or ego, telling him which place to park? Did he relate? The message is clearly, hardly grounds for dismissal Outright... grounds for dismissal outright... I wake up and wait up When anger"s in fashion I wake up and wait up It echoes through the mansions I wake up and wait up When April"s in May, oh, uh-oh I wake up and wait up The answers are fatal The answers are fatal I wake up and wait up The answers are fatal If he"s truly out of sight, is he truly out of mind? If he"s truly out of sight...


look 多指看上去的,相貌feature 着重于富有特色的,有特征的容貌appearance 着重于外观的,相貌,形象 look 和 appearance 常可以互换

Duke Pearson的《New Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:New Girl歌手:Duke Pearson专辑:Introducing Duke Pearson S Big BandI want a new girl, the kind everybody wantsThe kind that"d shout it out and then we laugh it offI"ll be her terrorist and she will be my looterEye of Fatima painted on her motor scooter and...She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueAnd then she gets in bed with youI want a new girl who will show me how to have a good timeAnd get closer to my life"s designIn the darkness, candlelight across my faceI feel myself fall into grace and...She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueAnd then she gets in bed with youMan sometimes I get to feeling so left outAnd then I"m here again, I"m crying in my beer againLoneliness closes down like a jailThis is a lonely tale I"m singing in my jail cellShe"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with you!She"s brand newShe"s brand newShe"s brand newWe walk Manhattan in a dark silver suitIn the blowing wind, no demons persecutedAnd in the darkness, candlelight across my faceIn my mind I see...She"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with youYou know she"s brand newYou know she"s brand newYou know she"s brand newMan sometimes I get to feeling so left outBut then I"m here again, I"m crying in my beer againLoneliness closes down like a jailThis is a lonely tale, this is a jail cell!She puts on eye-shadow, a deeper shadeA deeper shade of blueI"m very pleased in meeting youShe"s got a smile so wide, she eats the painThe pain I"m going throughAnd then she gets in bed with you(panting)More, more, more!More, more, more!

为什么there be或者there live(stand, appear, seem, remain, exist….) 句型 也是全部倒装?


balsam pear中文翻译

Study of the high activity balsam pear dietary fiber 高活性苦瓜膳食纤维粉的研究 The development of non alcohol pght balsam pear beer 低度淡爽型苦瓜啤酒的研制 The clonal propagation of balsam pear momordica charantiaia l 苦瓜试管苗的快速繁殖 The development of pght alcohol balsam pear beer 低度淡爽型苦瓜啤酒的研制 High - yield cultivative technique of balsam pear 高优1号苦瓜高产栽培技术 Trial development of balsam pear draft beer 苦瓜保健啤酒的试制 Manufacture technogy of balsam pear beer 苦瓜啤酒的生产技术 Trial make of health beer of balsam pear 苦瓜保健啤酒的研制 In vitro clonal propagation of balsam pear in vitro clonal propagation of balsam pear 用离体培养无性繁殖苦瓜 Golden balsam pear beer 金苦瓜啤酒 Golden balsam pear 金苦瓜啤酒 Balsam pear beer 金海滩啤酒 Pumpkin root , mulberry leaf , jade bamboo , guava leaf , balsam pear , reed root , honeysuckle , tieguanyin tea etc 南瓜根、桑叶、玉竹、番石榴叶、苦瓜、芦根、金银花、铁观音等。 Effects of copper , molybdenum , sipcon nutrition on balsam pear momordica charantia yield and quapty in o vegetable fields 在2种蔬菜土壤上铜钼硅对苦瓜产量和品质的影响研究 [ ingredients ] pumpkin root , mulberry leaf , jade bamboo , guava leaf , balsam pear , reed root , honeysuckle , tieguanyin tea etc 南瓜根、桑叶、玉竹、番石榴叶、苦瓜、芦根、金银花、铁观音等。 Florida produced in the united states selected first - class grapefruit the extraction of fruit fiber , add lemon , balsam pear , bananas and other fruit essence 选用产自美国佛罗里达上等西柚所提取的水果纤维,添加柠檬、苦瓜、香蕉等果物精华。 Not daily it is face of a piece of balsam pear , want to try to search fun from inside the job , find out the working way that makes you be interested to try to be done more from inside your profession a bit 不要每日都是一张苦瓜脸,要试著从工作中找寻乐趣,从你的职业中找出令你感爱好的工作方式并尝试多做一点。 Further cultivating callus and *** yzing the factors changing its physiological characteristic will make a remarkable breakthrough in developing new species of balsam pear with nutritional value and medical value 对于愈伤组织进一步的培养,分析改变其生理特性的因素,这对于定向的培养出可供人们利用营养价值和药用价值丰富的苦瓜品种将会是非常有潜力的突破。 Shengyuan maintenance blood - sugar capsule is chooses the cactus , the balsam pear , the black bee bee glue , the kudzu root four pelts the sugar ingredient reasonably to blend , purifies the highly effective multi - skill health product by the modern biotechnology extract which but bees , has the bidirectional adjustment , the control blood sugar , the activation and the nutrition island of langerhans beta cell , the promotion endogenous secretions insupn secretion , enhances the human body sugar metabop *** and the fat metabop *** abipty , strengthens the pancreas function the function , at the same time also has the repair diabetes pver , the kidney damage , the prevention and the improvement diabetes illness ppcation function 圣源维糖软胶囊是选择仙人掌、苦瓜、黑蜂蜂胶、葛根四大降糖成份合理配伍,以现代生物科技萃取精制而成的高效复合型健康产品,具有双向调节、控制血糖,激活和营养胰岛细胞,促进内源性胰岛素分泌,提高人体糖代谢和脂肪代谢能力,增强胰脏功能的作用,同时又具有修复糖尿病肝、肾损伤,预防和改善糖尿病并发症的作用。 Huidong tales advantage of its cpmate and topographical benefits to develop specialty products and industries and has estabpshed such eco - friendly specialty agriculture as mercial bamboo plantation , poultry and pvestock farming and mini waterpower plants in the mountainous region , such suburban specialty agriculture as fruit and vegetable growing and processing , freshwater apuaculture and poultry farming in the waterfront region , and such export - oriented specialty agriculture as potato and balsam pear growing , marine aquaculture and marine fishing in the coastal region 惠东县坚持因地制宜、分类指导、培育发展特色优势产品和产业,使山区形成以种植经济型竹类、家畜养殖和小水电等生态资源特色农业;沿江形成以优质水果和蔬菜种植与深加工、淡水养殖和禽类饲养为主的城郊型特色农业;沿海形成以出口马铃薯和大项苦瓜、海水养殖和海洋捕捞为主出口的创汇型经济特色农业。

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe End

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe End
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