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pear,读音:英[peu0259r],美[per]。释义:n. [园艺]梨树;梨子。例句:I planted a pear tree in my garden yesterday.我昨天在花园里栽了一棵梨树。复数:pears。短语:pick pears摘梨。choke pear苦涩的梨。rotten pear烂梨。pear的同音词pair读音:英[peu0259(r)],美[per]。释义:n.一对,一双,一副。vt.把…组成一对。例句:This pair of shoes is too large for me to wear.这双鞋对我来说太大了,穿不了。变形:过去式paired,过去分词paired,现在分词pairing,第三人称单数pairs,复数pairs。


pear1、英 [peu0259] 美 [pu025br] 2、[园艺] 梨树;梨子3、n. (Pear)人名;(英)皮尔具体组句内容如下:1、I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it. 我误将这个苹果当作梨子,直到我尝了才知道。2、The pear trees are blossoming out early this year. 今年梨树很早就在开花了。3、Just toss a cup of berries — strawberries, blueberries, raspberries — and a sliced (but notpeeled) apple, peach, or pear into your blender. 把一杯莓子——草莓、蓝莓、山莓,还有一片没削皮的苹果、桃、或梨子放入你的搅拌机。


应该读 派额

chair和pear 读音是否相同?



"pear" 是一个英语单词,读音为 [pu025bu0259r]。它是指一种水果,也称为梨。下面是关于梨的一些介绍。梨是一种甜美可口的水果,形状多样,通常呈圆锥形或圆形,外皮光滑,颜色有黄、绿、红等多种。梨的内部果肉通常呈白色或黄色,质地柔软,多汁,口感清脆爽口。梨不仅味道鲜美,还富含多种营养物质,如维生素C、维生素K、膳食纤维和抗氧化剂等,对人体健康有很多益处。梨的种类繁多,全球有数百个品种。其中,一些常见的品种包括亚洲梨、巴特莱特梨、安杰尔梨、科蒂梨和帕克梨等。每个品种都有其独特的特点和口感。例如,亚洲梨通常呈圆锥形,口感爽脆,非常受欢迎。巴特莱特梨则呈圆形,果肉柔软多汁,略带酸味。梨是一种非常多用途的水果,可以生食,也可以用于烹饪和制作各种美食。生食梨时,最好选择成熟但仍稍硬的梨,以保持其清脆口感。梨可以直接食用,也可以切片或切块加入沙拉、果汁、果盘等中。此外,梨还可以制作梨酱、梨派、梨布丁等各式甜点和糕点。在烹饪中,梨常常用来制作各种美味的菜肴。梨可以用来制作水果沙拉、梨汤、梨酥等。在亚洲菜中,梨也常被用来烹制酱汁,增添口感和味道。梨的独特口感和甜味使其成为许多菜肴的完美搭配。除了食用,梨还有其他重要的用途。由于梨的果胶含量较高,梨可用于制作胶水。梨胶水是一种天然的胶粘剂,常用于粘合纸张、木材和其他材料。此外,梨树也是一种常见的观赏植物,其美丽的花朵和独特的叶子使其成为花园和公园中的常见景观。总的来说,梨是一种美味可口、多用途的水果。它不仅具有丰富的营养价值,还可以用于烹饪和制作各种美食。无论是生食还是加工,梨都能给人们带来愉悦的味觉体验。无论是作为水果,还是作为胶水的原料,梨都在人们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。


pears英语:[peu0259z]。pear是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“【园艺】梨树;梨子”。prickly pear,仙人掌果;神仙掌果;霸王树。balsam pear,【园艺】苦瓜;秋葵;瓜清脂减肥;凉瓜。梨起源于中亚地区,在中国分布于河北、山东、陕西、甘肃等省,在意大利、美国、西班牙、苏联、法国也有栽培。梨耐寒、耐旱、耐涝、耐盐碱、根系发达,喜光喜温,宜选择土层深厚、排水良好的缓坡山地种植,尤以砂质壤土山地为理想。梨的繁殖方式主要是嫁接繁殖。双语例句1、The teacher gave them a pear each.老师给了他们每个人一个梨。2、Is this your pear?这是你的梨吗?3、I like pear,Me too!I like banana,Me too!I like apple,Me too!我喜欢的梨,我也是!我喜欢香蕉,我也是!我喜欢苹果,我也是。


pear英 [peə] 美 [pɛr] n.梨子;梨树[例句]She was a short, pear-shaped woman.她是一个梨形身材的小个子女人。


英音[pe?(r)] 美音[per] 英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。


n. 梨;


pear[英][peu0259(r)][美][pu025br]n.梨(树); 梨树; 复数:pears

英语泛读1翻译:young willian skakespeare

young William Shakespeare年轻的威廉-莎士比亚

There appeared an _____ look on her face on hearing the _____ story. A.astonishing; astonish..

C 试题分析:考查形容词用法。过去分词转换的形容词通常形容人或者与人有关的事物;现在分词转换的形容词通常修饰事物;有一些与人有关的名词通常也是由过去分词转换的形容词修饰如look,expressione等。句意:听到这个令人惊讶的故事,在他的脸上有一个惊讶的表情。故C正确。点评:过去分词转换的形容词通常形容人或者与人有关的事物;现在分词转换的形容词通常修饰事物;有一些与人有关的名词通常也是由过去分词转换的形容词修饰如look,expression等。



No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my worl是什么意思



Newpearl(新珍珠)-V50电箱 Newpearl(新珍珠)-N34古典 Newpearl(新珍珠)-N05古典 Newpearl(新珍珠)-N40 Newpearl(新珍珠)-N30 Newpearl(新珍珠)-N20 Newpearl(新珍珠)-VGT新款 Newpearl(新珍珠)-VGT Newpearl(新珍珠)-800B Newpearl(新珍珠)-800A Newpearl 吉他158元-200之间 品质还算好 初学的入门琴其实挺重要的,一把好琴对你基本功的练习很有好处。电吉他推荐Squier 0921,800左右。木琴推荐Washburn D10s。,Cort的也行。能不买国产的就尽量别买,我国的批量吉他无论从开发还是制作都不是很好。求采纳

Sade的《Pearls》 歌词

歌曲名:Pearls歌手:Sade专辑:Love DeluxePearlsSadeThere is a woman in SomaliaScraping for pearls on the roadsideThere"s a force stronger than natureKeeps her will aliveThis is how she"s dyingShe"s dying to surviveDon"t know what she"s made ofI would like to be that braveShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives a life she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoesThere is a woman in SomaliaThe sun gives her no mercyThe same sky we lay underBurns her to the boneLong as afternoon shadowsIt"s gonna take her to get homeEach grain carefully wrapped upPearls for her little girlHallelujahHallelujahShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives in a world she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoes

Sade的《Pearls》 歌词

歌曲名:Pearls歌手:Sade专辑:Diamond Life/Promise/Love Deluxe (3 Pak)PearlsSadeThere is a woman in SomaliaScraping for pearls on the roadsideThere"s a force stronger than natureKeeps her will aliveThis is how she"s dyingShe"s dying to surviveDon"t know what she"s made ofI would like to be that braveShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives a life she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoesThere is a woman in SomaliaThe sun gives her no mercyThe same sky we lay underBurns her to the boneLong as afternoon shadowsIt"s gonna take her to get homeEach grain carefully wrapped upPearls for her little girlHallelujahHallelujahShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives in a world she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoes

Sade的《Pearls》 歌词

歌曲名:Pearls歌手:Sade专辑:The Best Of SadePearlsSadeThere is a woman in SomaliaScraping for pearls on the roadsideThere"s a force stronger than natureKeeps her will aliveThis is how she"s dyingShe"s dying to surviveDon"t know what she"s made ofI would like to be that braveShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives a life she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoesThere is a woman in SomaliaThe sun gives her no mercyThe same sky we lay underBurns her to the boneLong as afternoon shadowsIt"s gonna take her to get homeEach grain carefully wrapped upPearls for her little girlHallelujahHallelujahShe cries to the heaven aboveThere is a stone in my heartShe lives in a world she didn"t chooseAnd it hurts like brand-new shoesHurts like brand-new shoes


莎士比亚目前已发现的全部作品目录:(莎剧中文译名从流传最广的朱生豪译本;)悲剧*o 罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)o 马克白(Macbeth)又译:麦克白、麦克白斯、麦克佩斯o 李尔王(King Lear)o 哈姆雷特(Hamlet)又译:汉姆雷特、汉姆莱特、哈姆雷o 奥赛罗(Othello)又译:奥瑟罗o 泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯(Titus Andronicus)o 裘力斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)o 安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉(Antony and Cleopatra)o 科利奥兰纳斯(Coriolanus)o 特洛埃围城记(Troilus and Cressida)o 雅典的泰门(Timon of Athens)喜剧*o 错中错(The Comedy of Errors)又译:错中错喜剧、错误的喜剧o 终成眷属(All"s Well That Ends Well)又译:如愿o 皆大欢喜(As You Like It)o 仲夏夜之梦(A Midsummer Night"s Dream)o 无事生非(Much Ado About Nothing)又译:捕风捉影o 一报还一报(Measure for Measure)又译:请君入瓮、量罪记、将心比心o 暴风雨(The Tempest)o 驯悍记(Taming of the Shrew)o 第十二夜(Twelfth Night or What You Will)o 威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice)o 温莎的风流娘们(The Merry Wives of Windsor)o 爱的徒劳(Love"s Labour"s Lost)o 维洛那二绅士(The Two Gentlemen of Verona)又译:两贵亲o 泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯(Pericles Prince of Tyre)o 辛白林(Cymbeline)o 冬天的故事(The Winter"s Tale)o 暴风雨(The Tempest)历史剧*o 亨利四世,第一卷(Henry IV, part 1)o 亨利四世,第二卷(Henry IV, part 2)o 亨利五世(Henry V)o 亨利六世,第一卷(Henry VI, part 1)o 亨利六世,第二卷(Henry VI, part 2)o 亨利六世,第三卷(Henry VI, part 3)o 亨利八世(Henry VIII)o 约翰王(King John)o 里查二世(Richard II)o 里查三世(Richard III)诗*o 十四行诗(The Sonnets)o 爱人的怨诉(A Lover"s Complaint)又译:情女怨o 鲁克丽丝失贞记(The Rape of Lucrece)又译:露克丽丝遭强暴记o 维纳斯和阿多尼斯(Venus and Adonis)o 热情的朝圣者(The Passionate Pilgrim)又译:激情飘泊者o 凤凰和斑鸠(The Phoenix and the Turtle)其它疑为莎士比亚的作品*o 托马斯·莫尔爵士(Sir Thomas More)o 爱德华三世(Edward III)o 挽歌(Funeral Elegy)


William Shakespeare (baptised April 26, 1564 – died April 23, 1616)[1] was an English poet and playwright widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, and the world"s preeminent dramatist.[2] He wrote approximately 38 plays and 154 sonnets, as well as a variety of other poems.[3] Already a popular writer in his own lifetime, Shakespeare became increasingly celebrated after his death and his work adulated by numerous prominent cultural figures through the centuries.[4] He is often considered to be England"s national poet[5] and is sometimes referred to as the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard")[6] or the "Swan of Avon".[7] Orthodox scholars believe Shakespeare produced most of his work between 1586 and 1612, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are under considerable debate, as is the authorship of the works attributed to him. He is counted among the very few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy, and his plays combine popular appeal with complex characterisation, poetic grandeur and philosophical depth. Shakespeare"s works have been translated into every major living language, and his plays are continually performed all around the world. In addition, Shakespeare is the most quoted writer in the literature and history of the English-speaking world[8], and many of his quotations and neologisms have passed into everyday usage in English and other languages. Over the years, many people have speculated about Shakespeare"s life, raising questions about his sexuality and religious affiliation.



do yo like pears一yes,ido是什么意思?

这是一个助动词“Do”开头的一般疑问句pear【梨,梨子】 like【喜欢】Do you like pears ? 你喜欢梨子吗?Yes,I do. 是的,我喜欢


pears读音:英[peu0259z],美[pu025brz]pears的意思是:梨。pears是pear的复数形式。pear是一个名词,作名词时意思是“梨树;梨子”。短语搭配:1、prickly pear:仙人掌果 ; 神仙掌果 ; 霸王树。2、balsam pear:苦瓜 ; 秋葵 ; 瓜清脂减肥 ; 凉瓜。3、Pear Harbor:珍珠港。扩展资料:例句:1、I like apples better than pears.翻译:苹果和梨比较起来,我更爱吃苹果。2、There is an apple, two pears and some oranges on the plate.翻译:盘子里有一个苹果,两个梨子和一些桔子。3、Here is an apple and two pears for you.翻译:这是给你的一个苹果和两个梨。4、She likes pears, peaches and other juicy fruits.翻译:她喜欢梨、桃和其他多汁的水果。5、Apples and pears must be picked in the autumn.翻译:苹果和梨一定要在秋天摘。

《3》 Britney Spears的歌词内容

歌曲名:3 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:3 (Digital 45) 3 Britney Spears 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" Babe, pick a night To come out and play If it"s alright What do you say? Merrier the more Triple fun that way Twister on the floor What do you say? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin"! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Three is a charm Two is not the same I don"t see the harm So are you game? Lets" make a team Make "em say my name Lovin" the extreme Now are you game? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" What we do is innocent Just for fun and nothin" meant If you don"t like the company Let"s just do it you and me You and me... Or three.... Or four.... On the floor! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin"

请教,求比较下mantis 26 spear 20 axios 20三款鸟包

仿货吊牌颜色写的是RANDOM,很可疑,还有背包里的洗标,菲律宾制造那联的顶部,有个数字组合,前面是MODEL号,后面是PO号,就是二维码前面的那串POXXX的,看看能对上没,还有一点就是肩带上的鸟表,产地标只绣MADE IN PHLIPINES的会稳当点,MADE IN/FABRIQUE AUX PHLIPINES这个标的得小心点,但这个标的MANTIS 26正品也好像有,这个我不100%确定,但我发现tb上3,400的那些货都是MADE IN/FABRIQUE AUX PHLIPINES。希望能对你有帮助。




disappear[英][ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)][美][ˌdɪsəˈpɪr]vi.不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝; 第三人称单数:disappears过去分词:disappeared现在进行时:disappearing过去式:disappeared 例句:1.Recent frictions in the us-pakistani relationship are unlikely to disappear quickly. 美国-巴基斯坦关系近期出现的摩擦不太可能很快消失。




from作介词,后面的动词要变成ing形式。India also wants to prevent the herbs from disappearing.印度同样希望保护草药免于消失。


disappear是动词,加ed就是形容词,表消失的一种状态。原意是使。。。消失,通常加ed使用。many fish are disappeared--------好多鱼不见了。



消失的英文是什么 我要形容词. 是disappeared还是disappearing?还是其他的?

你这里提的两个单词都有消失的意思,第一个disappeared 是已经消失的意思,还可以表示失踪的意思,第二个单词diappearing ,是正在消失,逐渐消失的意思!所以要看你的意思是什么了!

Disappearing 歌词

歌曲名:Disappearing歌手:Wishbone Ash专辑:The Power Of EternityAnberlin - DisappearWe"re the last of the sleepless onesLeft behind by those we left behind tonightQuiet now let our poison takeWere we always just your lost cause mistakesWait for me, will you wait for meNeed you on my sideWay for me, make way for meWith arms wideAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindDark lit streets are no place for kidsBut it gives us more of a home than you ever didWe"re the silentists left to our own demiseYou"re still our last chance to get out of this place aliveWait for me, will you wait for meWith arms wideAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behind




disappear英 [du026asu0259"pu026au0259]美 ["du026asu0259"pu026ar]vi. 消失;失踪;不复存在vt. 使…不存在;使…消失

disappear的形容词 disappear有形容词吗?

1.答案:disappearing 正在消失的 2.disappear是不及物动词,其不能用于被动语态,所以不能用其过去分词做形容词. 再如:remaining(剩余的/剩下的)可以做形容词,而remained不能做形容词.



With her anger ______, the thought of punishing him arose in her mind. A.disappearing B.add.

C 考查动词辨析:A. disappearing消失B. adding增加C. growing增长D. boiling沸腾,句意是:随着愤怒逐渐增加,惩罚他的想法在她脑海里产生。用不及物动词grow,选C。

a disappearing spouse什么意思



A ship is disappearing below the horizon.

2017-12-06 Disappearing Delta

A:埃及地中海沿岸地尼罗河三角洲肥沃的土地正在以惊人的速度被腐蚀,据估测有些地域的腐蚀速度已近达到1年100米。在过去,过去,随着地中海的流动所冲刷的海岸线的土地,会被冲到三角洲的尼罗河的沉淀物替补,但是这种情况不再发生了。 B:到现在为止,人们把三角洲的土地流失怪罪于埃及南部阿斯旺的两座大坝,这两个大坝几乎拦截了所有的原本会流入河流的沉淀物。在大坝建成前,尼罗河自由自在的流淌,从北面的非洲内部带来大量的沉淀物从而沉淀在尼罗河三角洲。这种情况延续了7000年的历史,最终肥沃的淤泥膜覆盖了22000平方千米。每年的洪灾会向三角洲地区引进新的富含营养物的泥沙,用于替代被海水冲走的土地,为埃及最富饶的食物生长区域配发肥料需求。但是当20世纪建造阿斯旺大坝用来提供电力和灌溉,保护拥有巨大人口的开罗中心,和他周边的地区不受洪灾和旱灾,在南部,大多数富含天然肥料的沉淀物在大坝上面积累下来,一半冲到上游的N湖,而不是向下流到三角洲。 C:然而现在,故事又有了新发现。据显示,阿斯旺大坝出来的不含沉淀物的水在它流向800公里外的开罗时,一边腐蚀河床和河岸一边积累淤泥和沙子。研究院的DJS发现到流向开罗的水样本,在它流入金三角之前,显示水里面大概有850克/立方米的沉淀物-几乎是没建大坝时候的一半。“我非常遗憾直到我读了50-60本研究后,这个重要性才深深的震惊到我。”S在MG中说到。仍然有很多沉淀物冲到三角洲,但是几乎没有沉淀物被带到地中海来补充海岸线,所以这种沉淀物一定是被三角洲自身给困住了。 D:然而在开罗北部,尼罗河大部分的水被转移到1万公里的灌溉渠中,仅仅有少部分直接通过三角洲到达大海。在灌溉渠中的水是静止的,或者移动的非常之慢,因此不能带动沉淀物。S解释到。沉淀到渠水中的沉淀物后来会被农民灌溉到田地里,或者被和水一起抽到四大新鲜水池,水池坐落于三角洲的外缘附近。所以只有非常少的沉淀物会到达海岸线来弥补被地中海河流冲刷掉的部分。 E:三角洲平原的农业、水池的渔业以及水产业要负责大量的埃及食物供应。但是等到这一区这一片池水没有了沉淀物,它负载着来自于40千多万人的家-开罗地区市政的,工业的、农业的污染。污染物越积越多。S说到。依据他对三角洲水池沉积物的调研,华盛顿大学的FS同意他的观点。例如在M水池,水银、铅、铜、和锌随着阿斯旺大坝的建筑增加,廉价电力,主要电力产业的发展成为可能。自从水银集中大量增加。引擎里面的铅用铅作原料,其他的工业资源也以惊人的速度增快。这种污染很容易就进入食物链,影响渔业和农业的发展。另一个问题是农业污染包含肥料,它刺激植物的增长同时它又扰乱这个区域的生态,严重的影响到了渔业。 F:按照S的说法,国际环境组织正在高度关注这个区域,部分原因是尼罗河三角洲的水土流失和污染问题,但是根本上是因为他们害怕这种情况对整个地中海沿岸地生态圈系统产生影响。但是没有容易的解决方案,在不久的将来,S认为又一个解决方案会出来那就是制作人工食物,用来替代尼罗河三角洲的水路,正如在大坝建成前的天然食物一样。他说到,然而从长远看,一个可变的进度譬如减少海水盐分可能有助于增加水里面的含量。在我看来,埃及必须设计出一种方案引进更多的水流入河流和三角洲。说起来比做起来容易,尤其是在一个人口极速增长的沙漠地带,这就更难了。



has been disappearing 意思 和 are disappearing 有什么区别吗

has been 是现在完成时,are是一般现在时

disappear什么意思 disappear中文意思

1、disappear:v.消失; 不见; 不复存在; 灭绝; 消亡; 失踪; 丢失; 2、[例句]The black car drove away from them and disappeared.那辆黑色轿车驶离了他们的视线。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:disappears;现在分词:disappearing;过去式:disappeared;过去分词:disappeared.



Disappearing 歌词

歌曲名:Disappearing歌手:Screaming Trees专辑:Uncle AnesthesiaAnberlin - DisappearWe"re the last of the sleepless onesLeft behind by those we left behind tonightQuiet now let our poison takeWere we always just your lost cause mistakesWait for me, will you wait for meNeed you on my sideWay for me, make way for meWith arms wideAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindDark lit streets are no place for kidsBut it gives us more of a home than you ever didWe"re the silentists left to our own demiseYou"re still our last chance to get out of this place aliveWait for me, will you wait for meWith arms wideAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behindAlone, left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behind



disappearing acts是什么意思

disappearing acts消失行为I usually put a white line around the edges of the figure-a broken line, of varied widths, sometimes disappearing in the darkest shadows-but I find that makes the figure pop and acts as an indication of backlight.我通常放一些白线条围绕图形边缘一个断开的有不同宽度的线条,通常会在最暗的阴影处消失但是我发觉那使图案突出而且体现为背光痕迹。disappear 英[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccdu026asu0259u02c8pu026ar] vi. 不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝; [网络] 失踪,消失; 不见; 不见,消失; [例句]The sky turns magenta and whole buildings disappear.天空呈现一片紫红,建筑物全都隐匿不见。[其他] 第三人称单数:disappears 现在分词:disappearing 过去式:disappeared过去分词:disappeared 形近词: reappear


disappearing消失双语对照词典结果:disappearingv.不见,消失( disappear的现在分词 ); 不复存在; 掩始; 隐显; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It is hard to imagine this abundance disappearing. 很难想象这些选择消失后会是什么样子。


  disappearing  [u02ccdisu0259u02c8piu0259ru026au014b]  v.不见,消失( disappear的现在分词 );不复存在;掩饰;隐显  双语例句  1. Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.  迈耶森在7月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。  2. She caught sight of a figure disappearing into the darkness.  她看见一个人影儿在黑暗中消失了。  3. Her latest disappearing act may be no more than a stunt, or a smart career move.  她最近玩消失也许只是一个噱头,或是其职业生涯上的一着妙棋。  4. The world"s tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.  世界上热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。    5. Janet"s husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.  珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。

win32.hack.pearmort.a.241664 是什么病毒啊?


A drunk man walked in,____ in appearance. A:repulsive B:reluctant C:reproachful D:reputed


话说matlab 中spear函数可以求出两个向量或矩阵的spearman 相关系数,但是数理统计工具箱中并没有这个函数

的确没有spear函数,我们是用corr来计算的:[RHO,PVAL] = corr(X,Y,"name",value)其中name可以是type,rows,tail,而value分别如下:type: "Pearson" (the default) computes Pearson"s linear correlation coefficient "Kendall" computes Kendall"s tau "Spearman" computes Spearman"s rhorows "all" (the default) uses all rows regardless of missing values (NaNs) "complete" uses only rows with no missing values "pairwise"computes RHO(i,j) using rows with no missing values in column i or jtail "both" — Correlation is not zero (the default) "right" — Correlation is greater than zero "left" — Correlation is less than zero希望能帮到你。

Pearl Jam的《Deep》 歌词

歌曲名:Deep歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:TenOn the edge, windowsillPonders his maker, ponders his willTo the street below, he just ain"t nothin"But he"s got a great view, and he sinks the needle deep, yeah...Whoa, can"t touch the bottomIn too deep, yeah...oh, can"t touch the bottomOh, on the edge of a know-nothin" townFeelin" quite superior, the aged comeTo the sky above he just ain"t nothin"But he"s got a great view, and he sinks a burning knife deep, yeah...Ooh, can"t touch the bottomIn too deep, yeah...uh huh, can"t touch the bottomIn too deep...Ohhh...Ohhh...Ow...On the edge of a Christmas clean loveYoung virgin from heaven...visiting HellTo the man above her, she just ain"t nothin"And she doesn"t like the viewShe doesn"t like the view, she doesn"t like the viewBut he sinks himself deepOh, can"t touch the bottomIn too deep, yeah...oh, can"t touch the bottomCan"t touch the bottomDeep, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...Oh, yeah, the bottom, yeah...

come along等于appear 吗

不等于。come along,快点,来吧,进步的意思。Come along,lady,Time for you to get home.来吧,美女。你该回家了。appear ,出现,发表,演出。Something appeard in his mind when it comes to his childhood.当讲到他童年的时候,他脑海中显现出一些事情。

cover(反义词) appear(反义词)


有首英文歌 歌词是 i have a pear i have an apple

May i have an orange是不是这首英文儿歌呢希望对你有所帮助 望采纳


apple苹果, orange桔子, banana香蕉, pear梨, peach桃子, mango芒果, pineapple菠萝, watermelon西瓜, grape葡萄, lemon柠檬,plum梅,strawberry草莓, blueberry蓝莓,sugarcane甘蔗,grapefruit西柚,cherry樱桃,prune李,waxberry杨梅,passion fruit西蕃莲,honey-dew melon密瓜

a string of pearls a strand of pearls 什么区别

As nouns the difference between string and strandis that string is (countable) a long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together while strand is the shore or beach of the sea or ocean; shore; beach or strand can be each of the strings which, twisted together, make up a yarn, rope or cord. As verbs the difference between string and strandis that string is to put (items) on a string while strand is (nautical) to run aground; to beach or strand can be to break a strand of (a rope).

turn up show up appear arise区别?

up调高调大声音。Show up出席出现。Appear出现,arise上升。

show~~~~~appear ~~show up 的区别

show演出; 表演; 节目: a TV quiz show 电视上的智力竞赛节目appear 出现; 显现; 呈现: A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上 show up露面 ,露出。I intend to show up this liar 我打算使这个骗子露出真面目

"appear"和"show up "的区别?

appear: v. 出现,显得例句与用法: 1. A truck appeared over the hill. 一辆卡车在山丘上出现。 2. Mr. Green had to appear before the committee to explain his behavior . 格林先生必须在委员会上出面解释他的行为。 3. A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上. 4. She appears to have many friends. 她好像有很多朋友. 5. He promised to be here at four o"clock but didn"t appear until six. 他答应四点钟来, 可是六点钟才到. 6. His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世. 7. A rash has appeared on his body. 他身上出现了丘疹. 8. Don"t make him appear a fool. 别把他弄得像个傻子似的. show up: v. 揭露, 露出, 露面例句与用法: 1. Billy had been fasting against Cooper for three days before the debtor showed up. 比利为索债在珀门前静坐绝食三天,欠债人库珀才露面。 2. His show-off only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的卖弄只不过暴露了他自己的无知。 3. Careful contrast of the two plan show up some key difference. 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异 4. The dust on the shelf show up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘。 意思不同,见上

"appear"和"show up "的区别?


show~~~~~appear ~~show up 的区别

Show展示给别人看,apear表现出来的样子,show up 炫耀

appeareth 是appeared 还是appear

appearance , 名词, 外貌,外表


happen有意外发生的意思,相当于汉语中的“碰巧发生”,例句:I don"t know what happened.我不知道发生了什么(碰巧)。appear的意思就是“出现;显现”,没有什么特别的强调碰巧,就是正常使用就行了。 happen的相关例句 All these changes happened over a period of time. 所有这些变化都是在一段时间内发生的。 You must on no condition tell them what happened. 你决不能告诉他们所发生的事。 This is the second time it"s happened. 这已是第二次了。 You don"t happen to know his name, do you? 你不会碰巧知道他的名字吧? He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. 他向我保证这种事情绝不会再发生。 appear的相关例句 This problem first appeared in the inner cities. 这个问题最初在市区中心出现。 Your name will appear at the front of the book. 你的名字将出现在书的前页。 It would appear that this was a major problem. 看来这是个主要问题。 The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. 从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。 The president appears likely to change course on some key issues. 总统看起来可能要在某些重要问题上改变方针。


appear , seem , look 看来很相似,均有“好象,看起来象”之意,其区别如下: 一、含义上的差异 appear 是指根据事物的外表表象做出判断的,但实质上并不一定如此;seem是表示说话人主观上的判断,暗含有一定的根据,往往接近事实的判断;look是根据视觉印象而得出的判断,实质上也可能如此。例如: She is fifty but she appears young . 她五十岁了,但看起来很年轻。(其实并非如此)

系动词seem, appear, look 用法有何区别


there seem/seems 和there appear/appears句型



appear英-[u0259"pu026au0259]美-[u0259"pu026ar]释义vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场ear发“u026au0259”

用英文appear造句 他似乎很健康

He appears to be healthy (in good health).

appear 和fear各是什么意思


There comes/appears 的句型后面的come/appear为什么能加s 这个哪个语



高考英语词汇:appear,look与seem的区别 三者均可用作连系动词,意为“好像”、“似乎”等,区别如下: 1. 从词义上看:look 指视觉印象;appear 指外表给人的印象;这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear 的不确定性更大一些。seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。 2. 从句型搭配和用法上看: (1) 三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be (且较少见)。如: 正:He seems [appears,looks] to be tired. 他好像很累了。 正:He seems [appears] to have travelled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。 误:He looks to have travelled a lot. (2) look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能。如: He looks [seems] like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。 (3) appear 和 seem 不用于进行时态,但 look 有时可这样用。如: 正:He looks [is looking] well. 他看上去气色不错。 误:He is seeming [appearing] well. (4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句。如: It looks [seems,appears] as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。 It seems [appears] that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。 注:后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so,not 代之。如: A:Are they reliable? 他们可靠吗? B:It seems [appears] so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。 另外,比较以下同义句型: It seems [appears] that he is ill. =He seems [appears] to be ill. 他似乎病了。


译文:因此管理者应该采取貌似不太直观的方法 -- 如果公司未能抓住特别的机会,他们就应该详细说明是什么引起会导致失误。1、appear 和 look、seem 是同义词,属于系动词,指从外表上看 “似乎是”, 后面可以用形容词充当表语。2、that appear counter intuitive 是修饰 approach 的定语从句,意思是 “好像是反直观的方法”。3、中间的 "-" 是破折号,英语称作 dash,表示意思的突然转折。


appears(出现)--滨崎步appears_出现(HAL"SProgress)歌手名:AyumiHamasaki专辑名:浜崎あゆみ作曲:菊池一仁作词:滨崎步恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで步いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね真实(ホントウ)はふたりしか知らない初めての电话は受话器を持つ手が震えていた2回目の电话はルスデンにメッセみジが残っていた7回目の电话で今から会おうよってそんなふつうの每日の中始まった恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで步いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね真实(ホントウ)はふたりしか知らない10回目の电话でふたり远くへ出かけたよね手をつないで步こうとする私に照れていたよねそれから何度目かの夜を飞びこえて归りの车の中でキスをしたよね白く辉く 雪がとても大好きでそれでも 去年は离れていたよ今年の冬はふたりして见れるかな过ごせるかな 言えるかな言えなかったメリみクリスマスを药指に光った指轮を一体何度位はずそうとした?私达恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで步いているからねまるで全てが そうまるで何もかも全てのことが 上手くいっているかのように 见えるようね 真实(ホントウ)のところなんて 谁にもわからない出现情侣们幸福的 手牵手走在路上彷佛一切都 过的很好 但真相只有彼此知道第一通电话 握著听筒的手在发抖第二通电话 在你的答录机里留了话 第七通电话说著要不要出来碰个面 就像普通日常的会话情侣们幸福的 手牵手走在路上彷佛一切都 过的很好 但真相只有彼此知道第十通电话 两人相约出游远方 手牵手走在路上让人感觉有点害羞 后来又经过了多少个夜晚相吻在回家的车上好喜欢洁白闪亮的雪 但去年却没能一起渡过不知今年的冬天是否能一起看雪 不知是否能一起过 是否能说出口 那句没能说出口的圣诞快乐闪耀在无名指上的戒指彼此究有多少次其实想要摘下 情侣们幸福的手牵手走在路上仿佛一切都 是阿彷佛一切所有 过得很好 但事实的真相 又有谁知道

滨崎步的《Appears》 歌词

歌曲名:Appears歌手:滨崎步专辑:水晶玻璃音乐精选ko i bi to ta chi wa to de mo si a wa se so u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na iha zi me te no de n wa wa zyu wa ki womo tsu te ga fu ru e te i tani ka i me no de wa wa ru su de n nime se zi ga no ko de i tana na ka i me no de wa de i ma ka ra a o u yo teso n na fu tsu u no ma i ni chi no na ka ha zi ma tako i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na izyu u ka i me no de n wa de fu ta rito o ku e te ka ke ta yo nete wo tsu na i de a ru ko to su ruwa da si ni te re te i ta yo neso re ka ra na n do me ka no yo ru wo to bi ko e teka e ri no ku ru ma no na ka de ki su wo si ta yo nesi ro ku ka ka ya ku yu ki ga to te mo da i su ki deso re de mo kyo ne n wa ha na re te i ta yoko do si no fu yu wa fu ta ri si te mi re ru ka nasu go se ru ka na i e ru ka nai e na ka ta me ri ku ri su ma su woku zu ri yu bi ni hi ka a ta yu bi wa wo i ta ina n do u gu ra i ha zu si ti su ta ? wa da si ta chiko i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ta nema ru de su be te ga so u ma ru de na ni mo ka mosu be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te i ruka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u no

滨崎步 appears 中文歌词

Appears<滨崎步>情侣们幸福的手牵手走在路上仿佛一切都过得很好但真相只有彼此知道 第一通电话握着听筒的手在发抖第二通电话在你的答录机里留了话第七通电话说着要不要出来碰个面就像普通日常的会话 情侣们幸福的手牵手走在路上仿佛一切都过得很好但真相只有彼此知道 第十通电话两人相约出游远方手牵着手走在路上让人感觉有点害羞后来又经过了多少个夜晚相吻在回家的车上 好喜欢洁白闪亮的雪但去年却没能一同度过 不知今年的冬天是否能一起看雪你只是否能一起过 是否能说出口那句没能说出口的圣诞快乐 闪耀在无名指上的戒指彼此究竟有多少次其实想要摘下? 情侣们幸福的手牵手走在路上仿佛一切都 是岸 仿佛一切所有都过得很好但是事实的真相又有谁知道 日文:恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね真実はふたりしか知らない始めての电话は受话器を持つ手が震えていた2回目の电话は ルスデンにメツセージが残っていた7回目の电话で今から会おうよってそんなふつうの每日の中始まった恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てのことが 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね真実はふたりしか知らない10回目の电话でふたり远くへ出かけたよね手をつないで歩こうとする私に照れていたよねそれから何度目かの夜を飞びこえて帰りの车の中でキスをしたよね白く辉く 雪が とても大好きでそれでも 去年は 离れていたよ今年の冬はふたりして见れるかな过ごせるかな言えなかったメリークリスマスを薬指に光った指轮を 一体何度位 はずそうとした 私达恋人达は とても幸せそうに手をつないで歩いているからねまるで全てが そうまるで何もかも全でのことか 上手くいってるかのように 见えるよね 真実のところなんて 谁にもわからない 罗马音:ko i bi to ta chi wa to de mo si a wa se so u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na iha zi me te no de n wa wa zyu wa ki womo tsu te ga fu ru e te i tani ka i me no de wa wa ru su de n nime se zi ga no ko de i tana na ka i me no de wa de i ma ka ra a o u yo teso n na fu tsu u no ma i ni chi no na ka ha zi ma tako i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so u nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ra nema ru de su be te no ko to ga u ma kui te ru ka no yo ni mi e ru yo neho n do u wa fu ta ri si ka si ra na izyu u ka i me no de n wa de fu ta rito o ku e te ka ke ta yo nete wo tsu na i de a ru ko to su ruwa da si ni te re te i ta yo neso re ka ra na n do me ka no yo ru wo to bi ko e teka e ri no ku ru ma no na ka de ki su wo si ta yo nesi ro ku ka ka ya ku yu ki ga to te mo da i su ki deso re de mo kyo ne n wa ha na re te i ta yoko do si no fu yu wa fu ta ri si te mi re ru ka nasu go se ru ka na i e ru ka nai e na ka ta me ri ku ri su ma su woku zu ri yu bi ni hi ka a ta yu bi wa wo i ta ina n do u gu ra i ha zu si ti su ta ? wa da si ta chiko i bi to ta chi wa to te mo si a wa se so nite wo tsu na i de a ru i te i ru ka ta nema ru de su be te ga so u ma ru de na ni mo ka mosu be te no ko to ga u ma ku i te i ruka no yo ni mi e ru yo ne ho n do u noto ko ro na n te da re ni mo wa ka ra na


日文: appears "Album Version" 作词:浜崎あゆみ 作曲:菊池一仁 编曲:H∧L 恋人达は とても幸せそうに 手をつないで歩いているからね まるで全てのことが 上手く いってるかのように 见えるよね 真実(ホントウ)はふたりしか知らない 初めての电话は受话器を 持つ手が震えていた 2回目の电话はルスデンに メッセージが残っていた 7回目の电话で今から会おうよって そんなふつうの毎日の中始まった 恋人达は とても幸せそうに 手をつないで歩いているからね まるで全てのことが 上手く いってるかのように 见えるよね 真実(ホントウ)はふたりしか知らない 10回目の电话でふたり 远くへ出かけたよね 手をつないで歩こうとする 私に照れていたよね それから何度目かの夜を飞びこえて 帰りの车の中でキスをしたよね 白く辉く 雪がとても大好きで それでも 去年は离れていたよ 今年の冬はふたりして见れるかな 过ごせるかな 言えるかな 言えなかったメリークリスマスを 薬指に光った指轮を一体 何度位はずそうとした?私达 恋人达は とても幸せそうに 手をつないで歩いているからね まるで全てがそうまるで何もかも 全てのことが 上手くいっている かのように 见えるよね 真実(ホントウ)の ところなんて 谁にもわからない 中文: appears 现身 "Ablum Version" 情侣们幸福的 手牵手走在路上 仿佛一切都 过得很好 但真相只有彼此知道 第一通电话 握着听筒的手在发抖 第二通电话 在你的答录机里留了话 第七通电话说着要不要出来碰个面 就像普通日常的会话 情侣们幸福的 手牵手走在路上 仿佛一切都 过得很好 但真相只有彼此知道 第十通电话 两人相约出游远方 手牵着手走在路上 让人感觉有点害羞 后来又经过了多少个夜晚 相吻在回家的车上 好喜欢洁白闪亮的雪 但去年却没能一同度过 不知今年的冬天是否能一起看雪 不知是否能一起过 是否能说出口 那句没能说出口的圣诞快乐 闪耀在无名指上的戒指 彼此究竟有多少次其实想要摘下? 情侣们幸福的 手牵手走在路上 仿佛一切都 是啊仿佛一切所有 都过得很好 但是事实的真相 又有谁知道
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