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Paul Anka的《Bad Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Day歌手:Paul Anka专辑:Classic Songs, My WayChiddy Bang feat. Darwin Deez - Bad DayDarwin Deez, Theodore Grams, yeahEverday oughta be a bad day for youThat"s right, uhWe used to be so strongBack then we was right, now we so wrongShe was Beyonce, I could"ve got my Hov onAnd when she hang up on me, I tell her hold onQuit that shit, I don"t use forceToday is a bad day, we"ve been divorcedWhen I think about stress, I don"t really need itBut this is plagiarism, cause my shortie just cheatedAnd shortie conceited(She out of her mind, I wish she had Louis and a card in decline)She had school with no aid, no HIVHope you don"t get in the club with that fake IDWhy would you hurt somebody that you called your man for?And I hope you get evicted by your landlordBut, she be messin" with meAnd I"m hoping she lose my number indefinitelySoEverday oughta be a bad day for youUhEverday oughta be a bad day for youI guess you can"t remember all the times that I was thereYour emotions on a roller coaster, no fun fairYou had me on the phone, but hate me when I come thereXaphoon, let"s cut it down to a drum snareYeah, yeah, just like thatI hope I hope you go deaf so you can"t hear shitYeah, I hope I hope you go blindCause you look me in the face and you laugh when I cryMaybe you should wonder why your apartment is always so empty(Maybe you should wonder that)Well I hope you get locked out of that apartment and have to call Jenny(Ohh, I hope you get locked out)Cause everday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for youShe"s way too complexWhen we argue, she takin" shit out of contextAnd, I know I could have did moreBut I"m never home, I was always on tourI could be anywhere in the world, had one wishTo be with you until you gave that dude a tongue kissAnd this is hard for me to say like a tongue twistMy heart don"t beat for you so let the drum hitAnd, you know I just got promotedNow I be the boss and I hope you get demotedHapiness is a warm gun, live it fully loadedAnd shit got worse when I explodedBoom, I wrote it soon, I hope you brought a cab payAnd I hope you get detention on a half dayI wish I could use your blouse for an ashtrayCause for you, everyday should be a bad dayEverday oughta be a bad day for youXaphoon you crazyBut so am IEverday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for you

Cabernet Sauvignon Vin De Pays D’OC2008多少钱一瓶

Vin De Pays 是法国葡萄酒法定分级制中的第三级,叫地区餐酒。(简称VDP级,在法国的法定分级制中属于第三级,最高级为法定产区酒AOC,后面依次为优良地区餐酒VDQS,地区餐酒VDP,日常餐酒VDT。从今年起,VDQS这一级别将被取消。) 法国原产VDP级别的酒,目前通常的国内零售价格一般在50~100。D"OC是产区名称:奥克产区;Cabernet Sauvignon 是葡萄品种:加本力. 苏维翁,又叫赤霞珠。

Party Boy详细资料大全

PARTY BOYS是由罗志祥为首的台湾演艺圈范围内都是罗志祥好友组成的私底下聚会玩乐的组合,party boy这个团体成立于02年,有一群可爱,爱玩爱闹,有一些小幼稚的大男生组成,成员一共有8个人,平时私底下会办一些party,以及会自导 *** 一系列的DV上传到网上,由于近些年来,罗志祥在全球的迅速走红,这个团体也越来越受到大众的认识和支持,现在已经正式成立了官方后援会。 基本介绍 中文名 :Party Boy 团长 :红BOY罗志祥 局长 :绿BOY卫斯理 组长 :蓝BOY 小苇 团队成员,团长,蓝BOY,绿BOY,粉红BOY,原意, 团队成员 PARTY BOYS成员有: 股长——黄BOY红毛 灵魂人物——粉红BOY小方 哔哔人—— 软软 山姆 团长 红BOY罗志祥 出生地:中国台湾基隆市 绰号:小猪,主任(Party boy 都会叫),国王,罗祥,罗姓少年,罗一球,罗主理人(STAGE店长),蛋仔(做DANCER时期),阿祥(爸爸叫),祥祥(妈妈叫),舞王 猪姐(蔡依林叫),猪大牌、志祥(杨丞琳叫) 血型:A 型 现住地:中国台湾 语言:国语,闽南语,日语,英语也好了很多 星座:狮子座 出生日期:1979年7月30日 生肖:羊 身高:180CM 体重:65KG 收集物品:香水、银饰,帽子、手机、Nike鞋、牛仔裤、手表、公仔、墨镜 爱好:篮球、游泳、睡觉、看电视、上网、打电动 特别专长: 爵士鼓、跳舞、钢琴、唱歌、编舞、即兴作曲、戏剧表演、主持,模仿,书法 个性:电视上超级外向,幽默,喜欢想事情,对不熟悉的人比较闷(私下慢热型) 座右铭:机会靠左手,命运靠右手,努力靠双手!机会可以走过路过, 但绝对不要错过 !生存是我的事 ,定义是别人的事! 口头禅: 是不是、......的意思是?、有没有、......惨了! OK的... @#$%@(着急或者激动的时候,哈哈)、谁受得了、你在干嘛呢..好了(很可爱的声音)、我的妈呀、 *** (善意的),大过年的~,我也没听说过耶~~(娱百常说) 、屁咧 喜欢的事:跳舞、买衣服、逛街 讨厌的事:无故被责骂、被误会 喜欢的食物:肉松、红豆冰、卤肉饭、绿蛋糕、凤梨包、高丽菜 鸡蛋 讨厌的食物:青菜、猪肉(主要是不吃可以看到猪的形状的猪肉,并不是不吃猪肉) 喜欢的水果:西瓜、木瓜 喜欢的花草:玫瑰 喜欢的颜色:红、黑、亮的颜色都喜欢 喜欢的动物:狗、猫、猪、熊 害怕的动物:蛇、面包虫类似等 喜欢的运动:打篮球、跳舞 喜欢的季节:冬(因为可以任意搭配) 喜欢的音乐类型:HIP-HOP黑人音乐、抒情歌 不喜欢的女生类型:很假的、做作 喜欢的男偶像:郭富城、林志颖 最喜欢的女歌手:安室 *** 惠、李孝利 最喜欢的电影类型:爆笑、爱情、恐怖 最欣赏的电影:《初恋情人》、《摩登大圣》 最喜欢的男演员:金·凯瑞 教育程度:培德影视科 经纪公司:天地合娱乐制作有限公司 唱片公司:金牌大风 出道时间:1996年 蓝BOY 小韦 性别:男 生日:1978/9/6 血型:AB型 身高:178公分 体重:73公斤 学历: 职业:钱柜驻唱员 爱好:跳舞,看电影,听音乐 最喜欢的:都喜欢 最讨厌的:不真实的做 *** 撒谎巴结的小人 自我介绍: 大家好,我们是PARTYBOYZ~~这句自我介绍~~相信很多人都已经通过各种的网听了八~~没有过~我们不是搞笑团体~~也不是跳舞团体~~我们只是一各很普通简单幼稚的团体~~给大家带来欢笑的团体~~团员们也都是互相扶持~互相体谅与帮助的好兄弟~~我是团员小韦~~小韦是我~在我的地盘里有着不为人知一面~也有关于我们喜怒哀乐的一面~如果你想知道~就请进来我们的无名相簿一探究竟吧!!相信你会了解更多的PARTYBOYZ!!我是PARTY BOYZ的水蓝BOY~~~ 绿BOY 卫斯理 暱称:dicker卫 英文名:Wesley 血型:O型 生日:1980/11/10 星座:天蝎座 身高 : 171CM 体重: 58KG 口头禅:要不要去佬佬! 兴趣:电影、音乐、冲浪、篮球 专长:词曲创作、吉他 个性:内敛、怕人多的地方、有自己的想法 座右铭:成为一个打不死的蟑螂 愿望:用我的音乐来对这个世界有所贡献 收藏:吉他、球鞋、裤链、公仔 喜欢的女生类型:聪明、独立、有想法、可爱、眼睛会放电的女生 喜欢的穿着方式:看心情 最难忘的事:可以出唱片 最喜欢的事:玩乐团 最讨厌的事:失恋 最喜欢的花:向日葵 最喜欢的食物:妈妈烧的菜 最讨厌的食物:便当 最喜欢的水果:水蜜桃 最讨厌的水果:榴梿 最喜欢的颜色:粉红色配咖啡色 最讨厌的颜色:橘黄色、浅蓝色 最喜欢的动物:猫 最害怕的东西:蜘蛛 最喜欢的运动:篮球、冲浪、Golf 最喜欢的季节:冬天 最喜欢的音乐类型:嘻哈、民谣、摇滚 最喜欢的男艺人:beck、Cold play、周星驰 最喜欢的女艺人:椎名林檎、艾薇儿 最喜欢的乐团:N.E.R.D 、Dragon ash、Creed 最喜欢的电影类型:战争、喜剧 粉红BOY 小方 生日:1976/12/11 血型:B型 身高:很高 体重:很瘦 学历:很聪明 职业:专治不开心有限公司亚洲区总裁 爱好:扶老太太过马路 自我介绍:大家好没有错 我就是大家最爱的粉红男孩小方是也,也是PARTY BOYS的唯一团长(我自以为啦)本身是一位帅到不行的型男欢迎大家有空多来留言喔~party boy的灵魂人物 原意 party boy 是一个美国俚语,指的是热衷于社交的男生,或者是喜欢参加聚会和派对的不务正业的男生

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Linkin Park的We Made It的歌词这个版本就很正了,不需要另外翻译了。

pa nuo mu duo tu tuo里那个是三拼音节?

nuo duo tuo是三拼音节。三拼音节是指在声母和韵母之间还有一个介母,形成一个音节有三个拼音成分


是 。_吧倍救砑且恢挚梢远圆《尽⒛韭淼纫磺幸阎亩约扑慊形:Φ某绦虼虢星宄某绦蚬ぞ摺!吧倍救砑庇晒诘睦弦槐卜床《救砑_唐鸬拿郑罄从捎诤褪澜绶床《疽到庸焱吵莆胺床《救砑薄_鞍踩阑と砑被颉鞍踩砑薄?_煞阑鹎降摹盎チ踩鬃啊薄_叭δ馨踩鬃啊钡扔糜谙缒圆《尽⑻芈逡聊韭砗投褚馊砑囊焕嗳砑际粲谏倍救砑冻搿!?

What he told me to do was that I should get fully prepared before the interview! 给翻译一下


求《Papa Roach - Last Resort 》无损音乐百度网盘下载

链接: 提取码:FYFPLast Resort由来自美国加利福尼亚州的摇滚乐队Papa Roach(蟑螂老爹)演唱,收录于他们2000年发行的录音室专辑《Infest》(横行霸道)中。这首歌很受欢迎,当年获得了巨大的成功,也是乐队在全球影响力最大的一首歌。



Papa Roach - Last Resort歌词翻译

For crying out loud I‘m running from a comedown 我高亢呐喊逃离情绪的低落God forbid I know I‘ve been a letdown 但愿不会如此,我知道让你失望了Reaching for the sky while laying in a gutter 都已掉到沟底,还想一飞冲天Kicking and screaming I‘m singing bloody murder 脚踢嘶喊地我悲歌叫救命I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I can‘t be your angel when I‘m living like a devil 我魔鬼般的生活使我难作你的天使Can‘t be your lover when I‘m living like a rebel 我叛逆的生活使我难作你的爱人Don‘t want your pity and I don‘t want your help 我不要你的怜悯与帮助Don‘t try to save me go take care of yourself 别想拯救我,还是照顾自己吧I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I‘m alive! 我热情奋发!Sick of the pain sick of the sorrow 我厌恶伤痛与悲哀Sick of today I‘m sick of tomorrow 我厌恶现在与未来I‘m addicted to the misery in my head 我在痛苦的深渊不能自拔I better stop before I end up dead 我还是停止吧,以免撒手人寰So I climb to the top just to fall to the bottom 因此我攀高以便坠落到底And I climb to the top just to fall to the bottom 我攀高以便坠落到底I‘m alive when I‘m vulnerable I‘m out of control I‘m losing my soul 当我感到脆弱时我热情奋发,我已失控正受人支配I can‘t be your angel when I‘m living like a devil 我魔鬼般的生活使我难作你的天使Can‘t be your lover when I‘m living like a rebel 我叛逆的生活使我难作你的爱人Don‘t want your pity and I don‘t want your help 我不要你的怜悯与帮助Don‘t try to save me go take care of yourself别想拯救我,还是照顾自己吧


AICPA(美国注册会计师)考试只有四门考试科目,全球通过率在50%左右,1年12个月都可以参加考试,单科有效期18个月,成绩有效期内单科考试无次数限制,大多数考生基本1年考取。并且报考55州区要求各不相同,考生可以根据自己的情况灵活选择适合自己的报考州。AICPA考试一般州条件要求:1、学士学位或即将取得学士学位,个别州(例如:Vermont)可以允许大专学历2、120个以上总学分的规定(也有要求150个学分的州)3、具有一定会计学分和商业学分的规定4、有个别州(如Alaska)可以以一年会计师事务所工作经验代替所需会计学分以上要求往往需要同时具备。AICPA考试共有四科,分别是AUD,BEC,FAR,REG四科考试学习内容不同:■审计与鉴证 (AUD): This section covers knowledge of audits of issuer and non-issuer entities, attestation engagements for issuer and non-issuer entities, preparation, compilation and review engagements, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.■商业环境与理论 (BEC): This section covers knowledge of the general business environment and business concepts that candidates need to know in order to perform audit, attest, accounting and review services, financial reporting, tax preparation, and other professional responsibilities in their role as certified public accountants, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.■财务会计与报告 (FAR): This section covers knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles for business enterprises (public and nonpublic), not-for-profit entities, and state and local government entities, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.■法律法规(REG): This section covers knowledge of federal taxation, ethics and professional responsibilities related to tax practice, and business law, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.AICPA在中国被承认吗承认的,美国USCPA证书不仅可以在美国用,同时得到众多国家的认可,免考ACCA的8门考试科目,豁免香港,加拿大,澳大利亚等CPA证书。持证人可以在四大会计师事务所、美企、投行、合资企业以及在美国上市的中国企业就职;除了这些企业,USCPA持证人也广受与美国有商业贸易往来的国企、民营企业以及其他国家的外资企业的欢迎。从刚起步的创业公司,到一直发展很好的跨国企业,USCPA持证人总能找到适合自己的岗位。并且是企业招聘财务经理、财务总监等岗位的优先录用条件。

pads2007如何重新PO:修改走线后如何重新COPPER POUR

tools-pour manager, 选中flood all,点击start就可以了

Tinie Tempah的《Pass Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Pass Out歌手:Tinie Tempah专辑:StreetDance (Music From & Inspired by the Original Motion Picture)Tinie Tempah - Pass OutIt"s ok,I"m good,Let"s Go!Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Lets have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(So) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Yeah (i) yeah, i"m in charge now,I"m a star and i bought my fucking cast out,I live a very very very wild lifestyle,Heidi and Audrina eat your heart out,I used to listen to ‘you don"t wanna bring arms house"I got so many clothes i keep"s em in ma aunts house,Disturbing London baby we about to branch out,Soon ill be the king like Prince Charles Child, Yeah!Yeah, yeah and there ain"t nobody fresherSemester to semester, ravin" with the freshers20 light bulbs around my table and my dresserCLK Kompressor, just in case that don"t impress herSay hello to Dexter, say hello to Uncle FesterGot them gazing at my necklace and my crazy sun protectorsG-Shocks i got a crazy don collectionHaters, i can"t fuckin" hear your receptionYeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!This shit was meant to last me 24 hrs manYeah, They say hello, they say ‘ola and they say bonjour,I"m pissed i never got to fly on a concord,I bin Southampton but ive never bin to Scunthorpe,I"m fucking crazy with the kicks, call me Jean Claude,About to be a bigger star than my mum thought,Cos every day i got a groupie at my front door,Now I drive past the bus i used to run for,Where"s my fucking clap, where"s my encore?I walk alone, cos I was born alone,I chirps her just for fun, I never ever call her phone,I leave her in the club, i never ever walk her home,DL the f"kin foundation, im the cornerstone,I"m born famous,I"m sorta" known,If your son doesn"t,I bet your Daughter knows,Check out my visual, checkout my audio,Extra ordinary, yo, hope you enjoyed the show,Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Woh ho, woh ho ho...Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Look at all the drama we started, Now"imIn here layin" on my back,Sayin" DJ wont ya gimmie one more track(so) Let it rainLet it pour awayWe wont come downUntil we hit the ground and pass out!(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Pass out (echo)Pass out (echo)

Pass Out (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Pass Out (Radio Edit)歌手:Tinie Tempah专辑:The Brit Awards Album 2011Pass OutTinie TempahIt"s ok,I"m good,Let"s Go!Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Lets have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(So) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Yeah (i) yeah, i"m in charge now,I"m a star and i bought my fucking cast out,I live a very very very wild lifestyle,Heidi and Audrina eat your heart out,I used to listen to ‘you don"t wanna bring arms house"I got so many clothes i keep"s em in ma aunts house,Disturbing London baby we about to branch out,Soon ill be the king like Prince Charles Child, Yeah!Yeah, yeah and there ain"t nobody fresherSemester to semester, ravin" with the freshers20 light bulbs around my table and my dresserCLK Kompressor, just in case that don"t impress herSay hello to Dexter, say hello to Uncle FesterGot them gazing at my necklace and my crazy sun protectorsG-Shocks i got a crazy don collectionHaters, i can"t fuckin" hear your receptionYeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We wont come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!This shit was meant to last me 24 hrs manYeah, They say hello, they say ‘ola and they say bonjour,I"m pissed i never got to fly on a concord,I bin Southampton but ive never bin to Scunthorpe,I"m fucking crazy with the kicks, call me Jean Claude,About to be a bigger star than my mum thought,Cos every day i got a groupie at my front door,Now I drive past the bus i used to run for,Where"s my fucking clap, where"s my encore?I walk alone, cos I was born alone,I chirps her just for fun, I never ever call her phone,I leave her in the club, i never ever walk her home,DL the f"kin foundation, im the cornerstone,I"m born famous,I"m sorta" known,If your son doesn"t,I bet your Daughter knows,Check out my visual, checkout my audio,Extra ordinary, yo, hope you enjoyed the show,Yeah (yeah) we bring the stars out,We bring the women and the cars and the cards out,Let"s have a toast a celebration get a glass out,And we can do this until we pass out.(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!Woh ho, woh ho ho...Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Look at all the drama we started, Now"imIn here layin" on my back,Sayin" DJ wont ya gimmie one more trackUh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,,Uh, Look at me i been a cheeky bastard, Man"im,(so) Let it rainLet it pour awayWe wont come downUntil we hit the ground and pass out!(so) Let it rain,Let it pour away,We won"t come down,Until we hit the ground and pass out!

pour attention to 可以替换 pay attention to吗?

可以,写作文时用pour attention into 替换 pay attention to 可以拿高分


Text 3When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be -- even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right -- it can hardly be classed as Literature.This, in brief, is what the Futurist says; for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress. We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall int0 the river -- and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.”This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed?59. This passage is mainly ________.[A] a survey of new approaches to art[B] a review of Futurist poetry[C] about merits of the Futurist movement[D] about laws and requirements of literature60. When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to ________.[A] determine its purposes[B] ignore its flaws[C] follow the new fashions[D] accept the principles61. Futurists claim that we must ________.[A] increase the production of literature[B] use poetry to relieve modern stress[C] develop new modes of expression[D] avoid using adjectives and verbs62. The author believes that Futurist poetry is ________.[A] based on reasonable principles[B] new and acceptable to ordinary people[C] indicative of basic change in human nature[D] more of a transient phenomenon than literature答案:59. [B]60. [A]61. [C]62. [D]

求《king of the parking lot》这首歌的 歌词 ★ 卜超 制作 They tore my high school to the ground and put a new wing in the east lot On my old parking spot It stands reminding me of how I wish that i could travel back in time Change my state of mind So if you"re still in your teens listen to me It"s hard to see beyond these walls Of who (who) and who not to be Socially Maybe you"re in you"re out But in the end when all your hats are in the air Nobody"s gonna care So fair the weight Freshmen hold on It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the queen of the nerds and the king of the prom get a job Look at them now She"s living her dreams while he sleeps with his crown So be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years Next time you"re walking through your school Take at who"s surrounding you Or hounding you Cause it"s all just castles in the sand When your tassel"s on the left side of your head You"re never going back So hope (?) It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the king of the nerds and the queen of the prom get a job What did you know? He"s a CEO and she answers his phone So be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years And as for your grades I know they"re important Everyone wants to be a wiz Cause all of it goes on permanent transcripts I just don"t know where mine is So fair the weight Freshmen hold on cause every homecoming court moves on It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the queen of the nerds and the king of the prom get a job Look at them now She"s living her dreams while he sleeps with his crown So be cool, be hot, be weird oh Be hot, be wild, you"re here oh Be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years Just four years

king of spain 歌词

歌曲名:king of spain歌手:moxy fruvous专辑:bargainvilleOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Oh... my unspeakable wife, Queen Lisa (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I work at the Pizza PizzaRoyalty, lord it looked good on meBuried in silk in the royal boudoir or going nuclear freeOr playing Crokinole with the Princess of MonacoTelling my jokes to the OPEC leaders, getting it all on videoOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)A palatial palace, that was my home (now I eat humble pie)Moxy FruvousI"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I vacuum the turf at SkyDome (once he was the King of Spain)I can"t wait, I"m lowering interest rates, my people say:"King, how are you such a genius?There"s a roof overhead and food on our plates!"It"s laisez-faire, I don"t even give a careLet"s make Friday part of the weekendAnd give every new baby a chocolate eclairOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Hey Clinton! Hey Yeltsin! Got problems? You phone me (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Now the Leafs call me up to drive the Zamboni (once he was the King of Spain)Now some of you are probably wondering how I cam to be living in CanadaTell us, King!You see late one night when the palace was asleepOut of my royal chambers and into the garden I creepAnd I wait till the appointed time, when the moon is lighting the pitchAt which point my peasant friend, who looks just like meArrives and we make a switchPrince and pauper, junior and whopperWorld made up of silver and copperOut of my own volition, I took a change of positionSo next time you drool in the pizza lineRemember, slower pizza"s more lusciousThe King of Spain never rushes!!!Once I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble)I was looking for off-handed ways to improve us (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I"m jamming with Moxy Fr乿ous! (once he was the King of Spain)

求blank space的歌词

把stolen kisses写成slowly kisses了


Dear David This is Jim sanders, the Sales manager of Mertion International Co. Our company will hold a new Year Party to thank all the client"s support. All this time your company---the Union Trading and our company have achieve mutual benefit and win-win results owing to our long term and stable cooperation. So as our most important client , we sincerely invite you to take part in our new Year Party. Our new year Party will be held on Jan.20th in our company"s hall. At that time, you can also bring your colleagues to this party. I hope that with the help of this party, we can both achieve the further development of our relationship and create a brillant future together.Thanks&Best Regards

帮忙英语造几个句子用it is apparent that 谢谢

1)It is apparent that Avicii is still the best DJ in the globe.2)It is apparent that Martin garrix doesn"t deserve to be the best DJ of the year.3) It is apparent that House music is the most popular genre in Electronic music.4) It is apparent that Hardwell is the best producer in electronic music works in this globe.



物理里面的apparent weight 到底是什么?什么情况下为0


The first type is apparent in中那个是主那个是系那个是表


apparent molecular weight 是相对分子质量么?


it is apparent that.是什么意思

很明显。双语例句1.It is apparent that the witness is lying.很明显证人在撒谎。2.It is apparent that site analysis is significant to museum design at the conception stage.博物馆建筑在前期设计构思中,基地分析的重要性不容忽略。3.It is apparent that the visible Brownian motion depends on the size of the invisiblebombarding molecules.很明显,可见的布朗运动与不可见的撞击分子的大小有关。4.However, it is apparent that even under these adverse conditions an extra 55,360 t of yieldare possible.但是,很明显,即使在这种不良条件下,增加55360吨产量还是可能的。5.It is apparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of cooperation inour daily life. 这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们在看似不可克服的挑战与困境面前,最重要的是拥有自信。

it is apparent that.是什么意思

itisapparentthat的意思是很显然的。  双语对照例句:  Iwasabitdepressedbyourapparentlackofprogress.  我对我们看似缓慢的进展感到有些沮丧。  Itquicklybecameapparentitwasabadcall.  于是,它迅速变成了一笔显而易见的糟糕交易。

—She was late for the party.—That’s _________she had forgotten the exact time. A.why B.ho

C 试题分析:考查表语从句:句意:--她聚会迟到了。--这是因为她忘了确切的时间。That is because…那就是因为…,because引导的是表语从句,that is why…那就是…的原因, how怎样,whether是否,不符合句意,选C。

apparent steel

apparent steel use 明显的用钢 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1.表观钢铁需求量 残阳诚心为您解答每一个问题 如果还有其他疑问, 互相帮助,

apparent power是什么意思

apparent powerun.表观功率;视在功率视功率;表现功率;视载功率例句筛选1.rated apparent power on valve side额定阀侧表观容量2.apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses.明显的能够看到感觉范围以外的东西。

"The negative aspects are also apparent."什么意思

The negative aspects are also apparent.消极方面也很明显。重点词汇解释:1、negativeadj. 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的n. 否定;负数;底片vt. 否定;拒绝2、aspectn. 方面;方向;形势;外貌3、apparentadj. 显然的;表面上的扩展资料:aspect的用法:aspect表示事物等的方面时,专指由意外情况或特殊原因造成的表面变化。aspect 表示外貌;外表时,多用于文学作品中。用于人时指某人所特有的外貌。用于(事)物时指某(事)物给人造成的特殊印象。暗示人或物的外貌,外观由于观察者角度或看法的改变而产生了剧变。aspect表示朝向;方位时,一般指窗户或建筑物的正立面所朝的方向。

英语school is apparent怎么翻译?



  apparent有明显的;表面上的等意思,那么你知道apparent的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    apparent的用法:   apparent的用法1:apparent的基本意思是“显而易见的”,多表示可以看得见有形的事物,通常指凭直观印象或常识推想即可明白和了解事物,有时含经过一定的推理后才能明确显示出来的意味。   apparent的用法2:apparent也可指“貌似的”,即不管看上去多明显,却不符合事实或科学道理。   apparent的用法3:apparent作“清晰可见的”“显然的”解时通常用作表语。    apparent的用法例句:   1. It rapidly became apparent that rock"n"roll was a very broad church indeed.   摇滚乐实际无所不包,这一点很快就显而易见了。   2. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason.   这类人可能会莫名其妙地感到头晕。   3. The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film.   在早期影片中已经显露出了明星相。   4. A timeless comic actor—his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless.   作为喜剧界的常青树——他的简单淳朴与自然大方无人能及。   5. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress.   我对我们看似缓慢的进展感到有些沮丧。   6. A change in the pattern of his breathing became apparent.   他的呼吸方式明显起了变化。   7. Management hostility is apparent in about a third of non-union workplaces.   在大约1/3不雇用工会会员的工作场所明显可见仇视管理层的现象。   8. He was seen as Mr Olsen"s heir apparent.   他被视为奥尔森先生理所当然的继任者。   9. Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness.   他毫无个人魅力可言,这让记者们很失望。   10. It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.   从面容上一眼就可以看出她确实心绪烦乱。   11. She received the news with apparent unconcern.   她接到这消息时显然无动于衷。   12. It was a moonless night, and many stars were apparent.   那天晚上没有月光, 可以看见许多星星.   13. His apparent unwillingness would disappear if we paid him enough.   如果我们付足了钱,他露出的那副不乐意的神情就会消失.   14. This represents an apparent reversal of previous US policy.   这标志着美国政策的明显倒退.   15. The weakpoints of the play became apparent in dress rehearsal.   在彩排中,这出戏的不足之处才暴露出来.




用自己的理解来翻译的: You were my conscience 我曾良心发现遇见了你 so solid now you"re like water 所以现在你就像水一样凝固了 We started drowning 我开始走进水中喝饱一顿来反省一下自己! not like we"d sink any further 我们不喜欢互相靠近吗? But I let my heart godan 但我人在心已不在了 去了另一个地方 it"s somewhere down at the bottom 我的心呢走向水底的某个地方藏起来 But I"ll get a new one. 但我会从头开始 come back for the hope that you"ve stolen 回来的希望再次被你偷走了 I"ll stop the whole world 我将放弃完整的明天 I"ll stop the whole world 放弃完整的明天 from turning into a monster, and eating us alive 变成一个怪物,吃我们的肉活着 Don"t you ever wonder how we"d survive? 你不想知道我们如何生存吗? But now that you"re gone the world is ours 但现在你走了,世界是我们的 I"m only human 我是自己孤单一个人 I"ve got a skeleton in me 整个人就像骷髅一样 But I"m not the villain 但我还是不会伤害你的 despite what you"re always preaching 尽管你总是罗哩罗嗦的 Call me a traitor 叫我叛徒我都甘心呐 I"m just collecting your victims 我只是你的俘虏 They"re getting stronger, 这些都在慢慢变得成熟 I hear them calling 可是就在这成熟中 我听到了希望在招手 I"ll stop the whole world 我为你放弃了整个世界 I"ll stop the whole world 为你放弃了整个世界 from turning into a monster, and eating us alive 变成一个怪物,吃我们自己的肉苟活着 Don"t you ever wonder how we"d survive? 你不想知道我们如何生存吗? But now that you"re gone the world is ours 但现在你走了,世界是我们的 Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tension 你说我们的矛盾和解决不了的矛盾都是因为我喜欢做作自以为是 And not always knowing the answers when you"re gonna lose it, you"re gonna lose it. 不知道答案时,你会失去它,你会失去它。 I"ll stop the whole world 我为你放弃了整个世界 I"ll stop the whole world 为你放弃了整个世界 from turning into a monster, and eating us alive 变成一个怪物,吃着肉或者啊!活着 Don"t you ever wonder how we"d survive? 你不想知道我们怎样活着嗫? But now that you"re gone the world is ours 但现在你走了,我还是关在自己的狭小世界里 I"ll stop the whole world 为你放弃吧 小宇宙! I"ll stop the whole world 为你放弃吧 小宇宙! from turning into a monster, and eating us alive 失去你 我变成了只会吃没有思想的丧尸! Don"t you ever wonder how we"d survive? 你知道我没有你的日子是怎么过的吗! But now that you"re gone the world is ours 但是终究还是选择分手离去,我还能怎么办?!

distinct apparent两者区别?


virtual, apparent, imaginary 如何区别?

virtual 实质上,实际上apparent: 明显的imaginary:虚构的,想象中的apex:the highest point (of something); "at the peak of the pyramid" the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed starsvertex: the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure 同apex1

past event for exact time reference是什么意思?

past event for exact time reference过去的事件以获取准确的时间参考

apparent conspicuous有何区别?

apparent ----1. 显然的, 明白的, 清晰可见的 2. 表面上的, 貌似(真实)的conspicuous----- 显眼的, 明显的

apparent 这个英语单词 怎么读

额攀润特 !

翻译歌词 paramore的crushcrushcrush

我有很多话想对你说 是啊,我想到了很多我注意到你的眼睛总是盯着我 它们一直在这里它是没有意义的根本 它们就像你的嘴 潦草了你的谎言与真理, 你的小间谍 它们就像你的嘴 潦草了你的谎言与真理, 你的小间谍 粉碎 粉碎 粉碎 粉碎,粉碎(双,三,四!) 没有任何一个比较安静的晚上独自 只有一个,我们俩谁的依靠 这从未发生过 我想我再做梦 让我们比这更 如果你要玩游戏,像一 那么,来吧,来吧,让我们玩 因为我宁愿假装浪费我的生命 也不要忘了整整1分钟,你 它们就像你的嘴 潦草了你的谎言与真理, 你的小间谍 它们就像你的嘴 潦草了你的谎言与真理, 你的小间谍 粉碎 粉碎 粉碎 粉碎,粉碎(二,三,四!) 没有独自一个比较安静的晚上只有一个,我们俩的依靠 这从未发生过 我想我在做梦 让我们比现在这个更 摇滚,宝贝 难道你不知道,我们都是孤独的吗? 我需要东西唱摇滚,嘿 难道你不知道,宝贝,我们都是孤独的吗? 我需要东西唱摇滚,嘿 难道你不知道,宝贝,我们都是孤独的吗? 给我点唱 没有独自一个比较安静的晚上 只有一个,我们俩的依靠 这从未发生过 我想我在做梦 让我们不,哦 没有独自一个比较安静的晚上只有一个,我们俩的依靠 这从未发生过 我想我在做梦 让我们比……比这更 ……

all i wanted -paramore 歌词 。。兼翻译。。谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

[00:00.63]Paramore - All I Wanted [00:01.99] [00:14.08]Think of me when you"re out [00:15.96]When you"re out there [00:20.53]I"ll beg you nice from my knees [00:27.15]And when the world treats you way too fairly [00:34.01]Well, it"s a shame I"m a dream [00:37.74] [00:41.20]All I wanted was you [00:47.89]All I wanted was you [00:54.75] [01:07.32]I tihnk I"ll pace my apartment a few times [01:13.92]And fall asleep on the couch [01:20.56]And wake up early to black and white reruns [01:27.26]That escape from my mouth [01:31.73] [01:34.50]All I wanted was you [01:41.09]All I wanted was you [01:47.82]All I wanted was you [01:54.44]All I wanted was you [02:01.61] [02:14.22]I could follow you to the beginning [02:20.75]Just to relive the start [02:27.33]Maybe then we"d remember to slow down [02:34.02]At all of our favorite parts [02:37.73] [02:41.05]All I wanted was you [02:47.77]All I wanted was you [02:54.41]All I wanted was you [03:01.14]All I wanted was you [03:07.79]All I wanted was you

apparent 的名词是什么意思?

apparence :外观;apparent:adj. 显而易见; 明白易懂; 显然; 貌似的; 表面上的; 未必真实的;

Decode - Paramore的歌词,要中英的

How can I decide what"s right 怎样才是对的 我已无法判断When you"re clouding up my mind? 当你模糊着我的心神 I can"t win 我无法获胜You"re losing sight 你失去踪影All the time 总是这样Not gonna ever own what"s mine 从来无法拥有本属于我的东西 When you"re always taking sides 当你总是站在与我相对立的一方 But you won"t take away my pride 但你无法带走我的尊严 No, not this time 至少 这一次不会 Not this time 这一次不会 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well 我曾经那么地了解你 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白The truth is hiding in your eyes 真相就藏在你眼中 And it"s hanging on your tongue 呼之欲出 Just boiling in my blood 我愤恨难忍But you think that I can"t see 但你却还以为我什么都看不到 What kind of man that you are 你到底是什么样的人If you"re a man at all 又或者男人本身就是像你这样 Well, I will figure this one out 好吧 我会自己去寻找真相 On my own 自己去寻找(I"m screaming, "I love you so") (我尖叫着“我如此地爱你”) On my own 自己去寻找 (My thoughts you can"t decode) 你却无法理解我的内心How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白了 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I used to know you so well 是啊 曾经那么地了解 I think I know 我想我明白了I think I know 我想我明白了There is something I see in you 我看见了你内心深处隐藏的一些东西 It might kill me 虽然可能是致命的 I want it to be true但我希望那能是真的


apparent的意思:显然的。显然是汉语词语,拼音:xiǎn rán,意思是容易看出或感觉到;非常明显,公开显露貌。容易看出或感觉到;非常明显。《吕氏春秋·审应览·重言》:臣闻君子有三色,显然喜乐者,钟鼓之色也。《三国志·卷三五·蜀书·诸葛亮传》:兴复二郡,威镇凶暴,功勋显然。《后汉书·周燮传》:“吾既不能隐处巢穴,追绮季之迹,而犹显然不远父母之国,斯因以滑泥扬波,同其流矣。”明 冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四回:“庄公曰:‘寡人筹之熟矣。段虽不道,尚未显然叛逆,我若加诛,姜氏必从中阻挠,徒惹外人议论,不惟说我不友,又说我不孝。我今置之度外,任其所为,彼恃宠得志,肆无忌惮。待其造逆,那时明正其罪,则国人必不敢助,而姜氏亦无辞矣。"”造句:1、显然都不是,其缘由,用诸葛亮的话说,就是“人心思汉”。2、当王耀第二个下联出来的时候,隆冬强顿时面如土色,嘴角狠狠的一抽,整个人无力的瘫倒在椅子上,浑身的力气像是抽干似的,双目无神,显然打击很大。3、这座塑料厂火势猛烈,消防车的水柱显然是杯水车薪,无济于事。4、那个矿洞显然是一个高产的矿洞,现在虽然钨砂价钱不高,而且还要面临着一个低谷,但是在过了这个低谷之后,马上就会反弹,而且是反弹好几倍。


apparent可以用作形容词 apparent的基本意思是“显而易见的”,多表示可以看得见有形的事物,通常指凭直观印象或常识推想即可明白和了解事物,有时含经过一定的推理后才能明确显示出来的意味。apparent也可指“貌似的”,即不管看上去多明显,却不符合事实或科学道理。 扩展资料   apparent作“清晰可见的”“显然的”解时通常用作表语。   apparent(ly)常指“看起来明明这样而其实未必这样”。




How can I decide what"s right 怎样才是对的 我已无法判断When you"re clouding up my mind? 当你模糊着我的心神 I can"t win 我无法获胜You"re losing sight 你失去踪影All the time 总是这样Not gonna ever own what"s mine 从来无法拥有本属于我的东西 When you"re always taking sides 当你总是站在与我相对立的一方 But you won"t take away my pride 但你无法带走我的尊严 No, not this time 至少 这一次不会 Not this time 这一次不会 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well 我曾经那么地了解你 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白The truth is hiding in your eyes 真相就藏在你眼中 And it"s hanging on your tongue 呼之欲出 Just boiling in my blood 我愤恨难忍But you think that I can"t see 但你却还以为我什么都看不到 What kind of man that you are 你到底是什么样的人If you"re a man at all 又或者男人本身就是像你这样 Well, I will figure this one out 好吧 我会自己去寻找真相 On my own 自己去寻找(I"m screaming, "I love you so") (我尖叫着“我如此地爱你”) On my own 自己去寻找 (My thoughts you can"t decode) 你却无法理解我的内心How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白了 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I used to know you so well 是啊 曾经那么地了解 I think I know 我想我明白 了I think I know 我想我明白了There is something I see in you 我看见了你内心深处隐藏的一些东西 It might kill me 虽然可能是致命的 I want it to be true但我希望那能是真的


Decode - Paramore How can I decide what"s right? When you"re clouding up my mind Can"t win your losing fight all the time Not gonna ever own what"s mine When you"re always taking sides You wont take away my pride No not this time Not this time How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I think I know The truth is hiding in your eyes And its hanging on your tongue Just boiling in my blood, But you think that I can"t see What kind of man that you are If you"re a man at all Well, I will figure this one out on my own(I"m screaming "I love you so..." But my thoughts you can"t decode) How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I think I know Do you see what we"ve done? We"re gonna make such fools of ourselves Do you see what we"ve done? We"re gonna make such fools of ourselves How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I use to know you so well I think I know I think I know There is something that I see in you It might kill me I want it to be true


正确答案为:apparent porosity[陶瓷] 显气孔率;虚表孔率

推荐几首pixie lott和paramore的好听的歌

Cry Me Out ...pixie lott

Paramore的《circle》 歌词

歌曲名:circle歌手:Paramoretake this time to realizethat you always shut your eyesin the midst of trialand everything is always rightand I think that it"s timethis battle must be wonbut you pushed it asidepushed it asidepretend that it"s gonethis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overtake this time to realizethat you always force a smilein the midst of trialand everything is always rightand I think that it"s timethis battle must be wonbut you pushed it asidepushed it asidepretend that it"s gonethis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overand it never endsit never endsand it never endsand it never endsno, it never endsthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s overthis circle never endsand it"s time you just face it, don"t pretendthat it"s over, it"s over

Paramore的《Decode》 歌词

歌曲名:Decode歌手:Paramore专辑:Twilight (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Paramore - DecodeHow can I decide what"s rightWhen you"re clouding up my mind?I can"t winYou"re losing fightAll the timeNot gonna ever own what"s mineWhen you"re always taking sidesBut you won"t take away my prideNo, not this timeNot this timeHow did we get here?I used to know you so wellHow did we get here?Well, I think I knowThe truth is hiding in your eyesAnd it"s hanging on your tongueJust boiling in my bloodBut you think that I can"t seeWhat kind of man that you areIf you"re a man at allWell, I will figure this one outOn my own(I"m screaming, "I love you so")(My thoughts you can"t decode)How did we get here?I used to know you so well, yeahHow did we get here?Well, I think I knowDo you see what we"ve done?We"ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesDo you see what we"ve done?We"ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesHow did we get here?I used to know you so well, yeahHow did we get here?Well, I used to know you so wellI think I knowI think I knowThere is something I see in youIt might kill meI want it to be true

Paramore的《Breathe》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathe歌手:Paramore专辑:b-sidesBreatheParamore/Title : BreatheArtist : ParamoreI climb, I slip, I fallReaching for your handsBut I lay here all aloneSweating all your bloodIf I could find out howTo make you listen nowBecause I"m starving for you hereWith my undying loveAnd I, I willBreathe for love tomorrowCause there"s no hope for todayBreathe for love tomorrowCause maybe there"s another wayI climb, I slip, I fallReaching for your handsBut I lay here all aloneSweating all your bloodIf I could find out howTo make you listen nowBecause I"m starving for you hereWith my undying loveAnd I, I willBreathe for love tomorrowCause there"s no hope for todayBreathe for love tomorrowCause maybe there"s another wayBreathe for love tomorrowCause there"s no hope for todayBreathe for love tomorrowCause maybe there"s another wayI climb, I slip, I fallInto your empty handsBut I lay here all aloneSweating all your blood

Paramore的《My Heart》 歌词

歌曲名:My Heart歌手:Paramore专辑:Live in the UK 2008My HeartParemoreAll We Know Is Falling......I am finding out that maybe I was wrongThat I"ve fallen down and I can"t do this aloneStay with me, this is what I need, please?Sing us a song and we"ll sing it back to youWe could sing our own but what would it be without you?I am nothing now and it"s been so longSince I"ve heard the sound, the sound of my only hopeThis time I will be listening.Sing us a song and we"ll sing it back to youWe could sing our own but what would it be without you?This heart, it beats, beats for only youThis heart, it beats, beats for only youThis heart, it beats, beats for only youMy heart is your"sThis heart, it beats, beats for only youMy heart is your"sThis heart, it beats, beats for only youMy heart is your"sThis heart, it beats, beats for only youMy heart, My heart is your"sMy heart is your"sMy heart is your"sMy heart is...



Stuck On You 有没有人可以翻一下这首歌啊,PARAMORE的很好听哦。。


paramore《playing god》歌词和中文翻译

ParamorePlaying God Can"t make my own decisions or make any with precisionWell, maybe you should tie me up so I don"t go where you don"t want meYou say that I"ve been changing, that I"m not just simply agingYeah, how could that be logical?Just keep on cramming ideas down my throatWo-o-o-ho-ohYou don"t have to believe meBut the way I, way I see itNext time you point a fingerI might have to bend it backOr break it, break it offNext time you point a finger... I"ll point you to the mirrorIf God"s the game that you"re playingWell, we must get more acquaintedBecause it has to be so lonely... to be the only one who"s holyIt"s just my humble opinion, but it"s one that I believe inYou don"t deserve a point of view, if the only thing you see is youWo-o-o-ho-ohYou don"t have to believe meBut the way I, way I see itNext time you point a fingerI might have to bend it backOr break it, break it offNext time you point a finger... I"ll point you to the mirrorThis is the last second chance(I"ll point you to the mirror)I"m half as good as it gets(I"ll point you to the mirror)I"m on both sides of the fence(I"ll point you to the mirror)Without a hint of regret... I"ll hold you to itI know you don"t believe meBut the way I, way I see itNext time you point a fingerI might have to bend it backOr break it, break it offNext time you point a finger... I"ll point you to the mirrorI know you won"t believe meBut the way I, way I see itNext time you point a fingerI might have to bend it backOr break it, break it offNext time you point a finger... I"ll point you to the mirror

急需Paramore - Thats What You Get 的歌词`

Thats What You Get 那就是你所获得的 No sir 不先生(或者 没有先生) Well I don"t wanna be the blame, not anymore 我不想被责怪,不再 It"s your turn to take a seat 它是轮到(你)的位置 We"re settling the final score 我们正在解决这最后的评分 And why do we like to hurt so much? 为什么我们喜欢如此伤害? (或 伤害那么多) I can"t decide 我不能决定 You have made it harder just to go on 你使它更加坚强下去 And why, all the possibilities 为什么,所有的可能性 Well I was wrong 那么 我错了 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating 我用这殴打的声音淹没的我所有的意识(或者 我淹没了我所有的意识和殴打的声音) And that"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 I wonder 我不知道 How am I supposed to feel when you"re not here? 当你不再的时候我该怎么去感觉?(或者 我该有怎样的感觉) Cuz I"ve burned every bridge I ever built 因为我烧毁了我修筑的没做桥梁 When you were here 当你在这儿的时候 I still try 我让然常识 Holding on to silly things, I never learn 等待着傻的事情(或者 傻傻的等待),我学不会(或者 我从来没学过) Oh why, all the possibilities 哦。为什么,所有的可能行 I"m sure you"ve heard 我确定你听(说)过 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating 我用这殴打的声音淹没的我所有的意识(或者 我淹没了我所有的意识和殴打的声音) And that"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的

paramore 的crash crash crash 歌词

Paramore - Crash Crash CrashI got a lot to say to youYeah i got a lot to sayI noticed your eyes are always glued to meKeeping them here and it makes no sense at allTHey taped over your mouthScribbled out the truth with their liesYour little spiesTHey taped over your mouthScribbled out the truth with their liesYour little spiesCrush...crush...crush...Crush, crush (1,2,3,4!!!)Nothing compares to a quiet evening aloneJust the one two of us is counting onThat never happens, i guess i"m dreaming againLet"s be more than thisIf you wanna play it like a gameWell come on, come on let"s playCause i"d rather waste my life pretendingThan have to forget you for one whole minuteTHey taped over your mouthScribbled out the truth with their liesYour little spiesTHey taped over your mouthScribbled out the truth with their liesYour little spiesCrush...crush...crush...Crush, crush (1,2,3,4!!!)Nothing compares to a quiet evening aloneJust the one two of us is counting onThat never happens, i guess i"m dreaming againLet"s be more than this nowRock and roll baby, don"t you know thatWe"re all alone now, i need something to sing aboutRock and roll honey, (Hey) don"t you know babyWe"re all alone now, i need something to sing aboutRock and roll honey, (Hey) don"t you know babyWe"re all alone now, give me something to sing aboutNothing compares to a quiet evening aloneJust the one two of us is counting onThat never happens, i guess i"m dreaming againLet"s be more than, noNothing compares to a quiet evening aloneJust the one two of us is counting onThat never happens, i guess i"m dreaming againLet"s be more than, more than thisOhh, mmm...</B>

paramore的Thats What You Get 歌词中文翻译

Thats What You Get 那就是你所获得的 No sir 不先生(或者 没有先生) Well I don"t wanna be the blame, not anymore 我不想被责怪,不再 It"s your turn to take a seat 它是轮到(你)的位置 We"re settling the final score 我们正在解决这最后的评分 And why do we like to hurt so much? 为什么我们喜欢如此伤害? (或 伤害那么多) I can"t decide 我不能决定 You have made it harder just to go on 你使它更加坚强下去 And why, all the possibilities 为什么,所有的可能性 Well I was wrong 那么 我错了 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating 我用这殴打的声音淹没的我所有的意识(或者 我淹没了我所有的意识和殴打的声音) And that"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 I wonder 我不知道 How am I supposed to feel when you"re not here? 当你不再的时候我该怎么去感觉?(或者 我该有怎样的感觉) Cuz I"ve burned every bridge I ever built 因为我烧毁了我修筑的没做桥梁 When you were here 当你在这儿的时候 I still try 我让然常识 Holding on to silly things, I never learn 等待着傻的事情(或者 傻傻的等待),我学不会(或者 我从来没学过) Oh why, all the possibilities 哦。为什么,所有的可能行 I"m sure you"ve heard 我确定你听(说)过 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 当你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)那就是你所得到的 I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating 我用这殴打的声音淹没的我所有的意识(或者 我淹没了我所有的意识和殴打的声音) And that"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 Hey, make your way to me, to me 嘿,让我用你的方式(来做做),让我来 And I"ll always be just so inviting (so inviting) 我将总是这么邀请 If I ever start to think straight 如果我开始一直认为 This heart will start a riot in me 我的心将会一直骚动(或者 一直骚动我的心) Let"s start, start - hey! 让我们开始把,开始,嘿! Why do we like to hurt so much? 为什么我们喜欢如此伤害? (或 伤害那么多) Oh, why do we like to hurt so much? 哦,为什么我们喜欢如此伤害? (或 伤害那么多) That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 That"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的 Now I can"t trust myself with anything but this 现在,我不能让(或者 没有)任何东西使我相信,但是这个 And that"s what you get when you let your heart win, woah 那你让你的心胜利(或者 取胜)了(的时候)这就是你所得到的

paramore the only exception准确中文歌词翻译


求paramore的I caught myself歌词?最好中英文歌词都有

歌名:I caught myself歌手:Paramore语言:英语所属专辑:Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (International Deluxe Version)发行时间:2008-10-28Down to you,压倒你You"re pushing and pulling me down to you.你拉扯着我 你扑倒了我But I don"t know what I,然而我却不知道我渴求什么Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself.现在我已经回过神来 我不能再继续下去I"m saying something that I should have never thought.我现在说的那些话 从前从未想说过Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself.既然我现在已经清醒 我就必须停止这样做From saying something that I should have never thought of you.从一些我本不该说的 对你的想法说起吧You"re pushing and pulling me down to you,你拉扯着我 你扑倒了我But I don"t know what I want,然而我却不知道我渴求什么No I don"t know what I want.真的 我不知道我渴求什么You got it, you got it,但你知道 你知道Some kind of magic.你拥有一种魔力Hypnotic, hypnotic,催眠的魔法You"re leaving me breathless.你独自离开 留下快窒息的我I hate this, I hate this,我讨厌这样 我痛恨这样You"re not the one I believe in.你不是我信任的那个人With God as my witness.上天可以作证Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,既然我现在已经清醒 我就必须停止这样做I"m saying something that I should have never thought.我现在说的那些话 从前从未想说过Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,既然我现在已经清醒 我就必须停止这样做From saying something that I should have never thought of you.我现在说的那些话 从前从未想说过You"re pushing and pulling me down to you.你拉扯着我 你扑倒了我But I don"t know what I want.然而我却不知道我渴求什么No I don"t know what I want.我不知道我渴求什么Don"t know what I want.不知道自己想要什么But I know it"s not you.但 想拥有的绝不是你Keep pushing and pulling me down,继续糊弄我吧But I know in my heart it"s not you.(无论怎样)我的心不属于你Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,既然我现在已经清醒 我就必须停止这样做From saying something that I should have never thought.我现在说的那些话 从前从未想说过Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,我现在已经清醒From saying something that I should have never thought of you.我现在说的那些话 从前从未想说过I knew, I know in my heart it"s not you.我知道 我知道在我的内心深处不是你I never know what I want, I want, I want,我永远不知道我想要的Oh no, I should have never thought.哦 不 我本该从来不想


音乐梦剧场 歌词由John petrucci 尼古拉斯: 哪里,我们从那里来? 我们为什么在这里? 何去何从的时候,我们的死活呢? 什么是超越 怎样打好之前? 什么事情是一定的人生? 他们说: "生活是太短了, " "这里和现在" "你只是给一杆" 但能不能有更多, 有我住之前, 或可这一切,我们已经得到吗? 如果我死在明天 我就是所有权 梦剧场 因为我相信 之后,我们正在经历 精神继承 从前我害怕死亡 从前我认为死亡是完 不过,那是以前 我不害怕了 我知道我的灵魂将超越 我可能永远找不到所有的答案 我可能永远不会明白为什么 我可从来没有证明 我所知道的是事实 但我知道我仍然要尝试 如果我死在明天 我就是所有权 因为我相信 之后,我们正在经历 精神继承 维多利亚: "的大举措,要有勇气 因为我已不再在这里 但请决不辜负 你的记忆力对我的消失" 尼古拉斯: 安全,在轻环绕箱 免费的恐惧和痛苦 我的质疑态度 已帮我找到 意思是我人生的又 维多利亚的实质 最后,我觉得 在和平与女孩在我的梦想 现在我来这里 它的完全清楚 我发现什么所有这一切都意味着 如果我死在明天 我就是所有权 因为我相信 之后,我们正在经历 精神继承 hypnotherapist : "你是再次包围了一个辉煌的白光。容许轻带领您远离你的过去,并把这个一生中,由于轻消失,你会慢慢淡出回到结论 sness记住你的教训。当我告诉你睁开眼睛,你们会回来到现在,感觉和平焕然一新。打开你的眼睛,尼古拉斯" 。

谁可以告诉我paramore 唱的My Heart的歌词?


Paramore的《Future》 歌词

歌曲名:Future歌手:Paramore专辑:ParamoreFuture--Paramore~I"m writing the future,I"m writing it out, loud.We don"t talk about the past,We don"t talk about the past now.So, I"m writing the future,I"m leaving a key here.Something won"t always be missing,You won"t always feel emptier.Ah-ah, mm-mm,Ah-ah-ah-ah, mm-mm.Just think of the future,And think of your dreams.You"ll get away from here,You"ll get away eventually.So, just think of the future,Think of a new life.And don"t get lost in the memories,Keep your eyes on a new prize.Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah,Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah,Mm.~Edit by 六道飘零

Paramore的《Renegade》 歌词

歌曲名:Renegade歌手:Paramore专辑:Singles ClubAnd the grass wasn"t green enough hereAfter watering it with my tearsI"m not sure where you wentNow we are just past tenseAnd the snakes, they are slithering inChasing me to my endI can"t say where that isI"m running againAnd when I get thereIt won"t be far enoughI"m a renegade, it"s in my bloodIf ever I get thereIt won"t be fast enoughI"m a renegade, I always wasAnd the spark never lit up a fireThough I tried and tried and triedThe wind came from your lungsA hurricane from your tongueAnd I"ll keep your secrets with meRight behind my teethYour anger, your anchorBut I"ll sail much further on,Ah, on, aahh, on ahhhhAnd when I get thereIt won"t be far enoughI"m a renegade, it"s in my bloodIf ever I get thereIt won"t be fast enoughI"m a renegade, I always wasI"m running, I"m running, keep runningI"ll Keep running, running, running...Running, running, running...And when I get thereIt won"t be far enoughI"m a renegade, it"s in my bloodIf ever I get thereIt won"t be fast enoughI"m a renegade, it"s in my bloodI"m a renegade, I always was

Paramore的《Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Now歌手:Paramore专辑:ParamoreNow--Paramore~Don"t try to take this from meDon"t try to take this from meNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owDon"t try to take this from meDon"t try to take this from meNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owFeels like I"m waking from the deadAnd everyone"s been waitin" on me"Least now I"ll never have to wonderWhat it"s like to sleep a year awayBut were we indestructibleI thought that we could brave it all (all)I never thought that what would take me outWas hiding down belowLost the battle, win the warI"m bringing my sinking ship back to the shoreWe"re starting over, we"ll head back inThere"s a time and a place to die but this ain"t itIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owDon"t try to take this from meDon"t try to take this from meNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owDon"t try to take this from meDon"t try to take this from meNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owWish I could find a crystal ballFor the days I feel completely worthlessYou know I"d use it all for goodI would not take it for granted (granted)Instead, I have some memoriesFor the days I don"t feel anythingAt least they will rememberNot to make the same mistakes againLost the battle, win the warI"m bringing my sinking ship back to the shoreWe"re starting over, we"ll head back inThere"s a time and a place to die but this ain"t itIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owThere"s a time and a place to dieThere"s a time and a place to dieAnd this ain"t itThere"s a time and a place to dieAnd this ain"t it, this ain"t itThis ain"t itThere"s a time and a place to dieThere"s a time and a place to dieBut this ain"t it, noIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owIf there"s a future, we want it now(Now-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow)If there"s a future, we want itNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owNow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow~Edit by 六道飘零

Paramore的《Be Alone》 歌词

歌曲名:Be Alone歌手:Paramore专辑:ParamoreBe Alone--Paramore~So what if I don"t have,A lot to talk about?I shut my mouth and keep it,Locked until it counts.And what if I don"t ever want,To leave my house?Sit on the couch while,All my friends are going out.(Oh), you should be alone,Yeah, you should be alone,You should be alone with me.We could be alone,Yeah, we could be alone,But never get too lonely.I"ll make the journey down the hall,Back to my room.And come on time, and let it rot,Inside it"s tomb, (inside it"s tomb).See, I ain"t one to climb,Some social attitude.So shine your light,At all the cool kids will abuse.(Oh), you should be alone,Yeah, you should be alone,You should be alone with me.We could be alone,Yeah, we could be alone,But never get too lonely.(We could be alone, together).Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh.I"m alone, now I"m in love,With you alone.Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh.Come, be alone, and be in love,With me alone.Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh.You should be alone,Yeah, you should be alone,You should be alone with me.We could be alone,Yeah, we could be alone,But never get too lonely.You should be alone,Yeah, you should be alone,You should be alone with me.We could be alone,Yeah, we could be alone,But never get too lonely.~Edit by 六道飘零

Paramore的《Part II》 歌词

歌曲名:Part II歌手:Paramore专辑:ParamorePart II--Paramore~What a shame, what a shame we all remainSuch fragile broken thingsA beauty half betrayed,Butterflies with punctured wings.Still there are darkened places deep in my heart,Where once was blazing light, nowThere"s a tiny spark.Oh Glory,Come and find me,Oh Glory,Come and find me dancing all alone,To the sound of an enemy"s song,I"ll be lost until you find me,Fighting on my own,In a war that"s already been won,I"ll be lost until you come and find me,You Glory.What a mess, what a mystery we"ve madeOf love and other simple things,Learning to forgive,Even when it wasn"t a mistake.I question every human,Who won"t look in my eyes,Scars left on my heart, formed patterns in my mind.Oh GloryYou will find me dancing all aloneTo the sound of an enemy"s song,I"ll be lost until you find me,Fighting on my own,In a war that"s already been won,I"ll be lost until you come and find me,You Glory.Like the moon, we borrow a light.I am nothing but a shadow in the night,So if you let me I will catch fire,So let your glory and mercy shine.~Edit by 六道飘零

Paramore的《Monster》 歌词

歌曲名:Monster歌手:Paramore专辑:Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)You were my conscience,So solid, now you"re like waterAnd we started drowning,Not like we"d sink any fartherBut I let my heart go,it"s somewhere down the bottom.But I"ll get a new one,Come back for the hope that you"ve stolen.I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world is oursAhh ah ah ahh ah ahI"m only human,I"ve got a skeleton in mebut I"m not the villain,despite what you"re always preaching.Call me a traitor,I"m just collecting your victimsAnd they"re getting strongerAnd I hear them calling (calling, Calling)I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world is oursWell you thought of straight desolutionsBut I liked the tensionAnd not always knowing the answersYou"re gonna lose itYou"re gonna lose itI"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster and eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Well now that you"re gone, the world...I"ll stop the whole world,I"ll stop the whole worldFrom turning into a monster eating us aliveDon"t you ever wonder how we survive?Now that you"re gone, the world is ours

paramore 歌词

是when it rains哦And when it rains,雨天时On this side of town it touches, everything.小镇上的一切都被抹上了雨的色彩Just say it again and mean it.请认真地再对我说一遍We don"t miss a thing.我们没有错过任何事...You made yourself a bed.你为自己在最黑暗的深渊里At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)找到了一席之地And convinced yourself that,却自己骗自己It"s not the reason you don"t see the sun anymore.你不是因为这才看不到阳光And oh, oh, how could you do it? 你怎么能这么做Oh I, I never saw it coming. 我不曾预感到这事的发生Oh, oh, I need the ending. 我需要一个"了结"So why can"t you stay 你为什么不留下Just long enough to explain?至少请留下足够的时间填满你的解释And when it rains,再下雨时Will you always find an escape?你还会千方百计的逃避吗Just running away,一个劲地逃避From all of the ones who love you,逃避一切爱你的人From everything.逃避所有的事You made yourself a bed.你为自己在最黑暗的深渊里At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)找到了一席之地And you"ll sleep "til May 直到五月花开And you"ll say that you don"t want to see the sun anymore 你说你再也不想看见阳光了And oh, oh, how could you do it?你怎么能做这些事Oh I, I never saw it coming.我没有看见一切的发生And oh, oh, I need the ending.但我需要一个结果So why can"t you stay just long enough to explain?你为什么再不多留下多一秒至少完成你的解释Take your time.Take my time.慢慢来吧Take these chances to turn it around. (take your time) 抓住扭转的机会Take these chances, we"ll make it somehow 抓住机会 我们总会成功的And take these chances to turn it around. (take my...)抓住扭转的机会Just turn it around. 扭转一切Oh, how could you do it?你怎么能那么做Oh I, I never saw it coming.使我毫无准备Oh, oh, how could you do it?你怎么能那么做Oh I, I never saw it coming.我甚至对此一无所知Oh, oh, how could you do it?你怎么能那么做Oh I, I never saw it coming.我是感到那么的出乎意料Oh, oh I need an ending.我需要个了结So why can"t you stay 你为不能多留下一会Just long enough to explain?给我一个解释.

介绍一下 Paramore乐队

  paramore,是一支来自美国的年轻乐队,风格是典型的EMO-PUNK,音乐自然而紧凑,散发着浓厚的流行摇滚元素,乐队目前已发行3张专辑。  成员介绍  paramore中文翻译“帕拉摩尔”Acoustic吉他&键盘手&主唱:『Hayley Williams』 生日:12/27/88 出生地:Meridian,MS 喜爱的乐队:Jimmy Eat World、Underoath、Kent、Mewithoutyou、The Chariot  Josh Farro主音吉他&和声:  『Josh Farro』 生日:9/29/87 出生地:New Jersey 喜爱的乐队:Jimmy Eat World、Underoath、The Chariot、Death Cab For  Cutie、Mutemath  Taylor York吉他手:『Taylor York』 (09年加入成员) 生日:12/17/89 出生地:Nashville, TN 喜欢的乐队:Justin York, Ken Andrews, Yann Tiersen, Jimmy Eat World, Jonny Greenwood, Minus The Bear, Foo Fighters  贝司手:『Jeremy Davis』Jeremy Davis生日:8/02/85 出生地:Noth Little Rock,AK 喜爱的乐队:Underoath、The Chariot、As I Lay Dying And....、Acceptance、TREOS  鼓手:『Zac Farro』Zac Farro生日:6/04/90 出生地:New Jersey 喜爱的乐队:Thrice、Death Cab For Cutie、Sigur Ros、Kent、Underoath  乐队经历  这个年轻的乐队成立于美国Franklin,Tennessee,当13岁就开始唱歌的Hayley从她的老家Meridian搬到当地时遇到了同样热爱音乐的两兄弟Josh Farro和Zac Farro.随后bass手Jeremy Davis,Hunter Lamb加入乐队,一再增添了歌曲更为坚实的音乐架构。他们给自己起了一个特殊的名字 - Paramore。 随后他们开始在当地校园进行演出,并为一些大牌乐队做垫场嘉宾(据说,某日参加MCR的演唱会时,PARAMORE热场,简直是把场炒得HIGH翻了天),获得了不小的名气!经过几年不断努力练习下,这组青涩的活力队伍,已经登上Purple Door、Warped Tour等重要大型音乐祭典舞台。之后PARAMORE的才华被唱片公司相中,他们的首张作品邀请到了制作人James Wisner (Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Underoath) 和Mike Green (Yellowcard, The Black Maria) 来担任。专辑发行后也获得了很好的反响,这也为他们07年的新专辑奠定了基础。07年6月,请到David Bendeth (Breaking Benjamin、Bruce Hornsby)与John Janick (Fall Out Boy、Panic!At The Disco)联手制作的签约华纳后第一张新专辑《Riot!》正式发行,很快就进入了Billboard等排行榜的前列,几个月内便取得了40多万张的销量,这也见证了乐队在过去一年里长足的进步。 女主唱Hayley Williams——个只有17岁的女孩。她的嗓音声音粗野,狂放不羁,具有相当的震撼力和爆发力。一个Emo-Punk乐队,音乐自然而紧凑,无处不散发浓厚的流行摇滚元素,正如同他们07的新专辑的名字《Riot!》那样,狂而不躁。因此很多人都相信他们会成为未来的王者。在08年的格莱美奖公布提名时,他们也凭借着自己出色的表现,获得了“年度最佳新人奖”的候选资格。  乐队作品及风格  「超人再起之超人之声」电影原声带中,Paramore清新演绎了著名乐队Foo Fighters的摇滚曲<My Hero>。 2005年7月26日发行首张专辑《All We Know Is Falling》,风格是典型的EMO-PUNK。All We Know Is Falling专辑歌曲: 1. All We Know 2. Pressure 3. Emergency 4. Brighter 5. Here We Go Again 6. Never Let This Go 7. Whoa 8. Conspiracy 9. Franklin 10. My Heart 2007年6月12日发行第二张专辑《Riot!》,依然延续上一张专辑的EMO风格,节奏更为紧凑,旋律更为出色。Riot!专辑歌曲:  1. For a Pessimist I"m Pretty Optimistic  2. That"s What You Get  3. Hallelujah  4. Misery Business  5. When It Rains  6. Let the Flames Begin  . Miracle  8. CruchCrushCrush  9. We Are Broken  10. Fences  11. Born For This  其他歌曲: Other Songs Untitled (Temporary) O" Star Circle Rewind Decoy Decode Stop This Song I caught myself *


Paramore简介 PARAMORE由5位成员组成,女主唱Hayley Williams只有17岁,bass手Jeremy Davis (21),主吉他手Josh Farro (18), 鼓手Zac Farro (15)以及第2吉他手Hunter Lamb (20) . 这个年轻的乐队成立于美国Franklin,Tennessee,当Hayley从她的老家Meridian搬到当地时遇到了同样热爱音乐的两兄弟Josh Farro和Zac Farro.随后bass手Jeremy Davis,Hunter Lamb加入乐队,他们给自己起了一个特殊的名字 - PARAMORE. 开始在当地校园进行演出,获得了不小的名气!之后PARAMORE的才华被唱片公司相中,他们的首张作品邀请到了制作人James Wisner (Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Underoath) 和Mike Green (Yellowcard, The Black Maria) 来担任! 之所以喜欢这个乐队是因为女主唱Hayley Williams - 一个只有17岁的女孩.她的嗓音声音粗野.狂放不羁,具有相当的震撼力和爆发力。一个Punk乐队,音乐自然而紧凑,无处不散发浓厚的流行摇滚元素,最亮点当然是Hayley Williams的声音了! 《暮色》主题曲《Decode》

Pangalusian Island的具体地址是什么

Pangalusian Island是巴拉望的一个景点,具体地址是Pangalusian Island, El Nido, MIMAROPA, Philippines,为了避免旅行期间找不到此景点,最好提前规划路线,选择适合自己的交通方式。此景点周边还有很多酒店、景点、餐厅值得体验,比如:景点蛇岛与Pangalusian Island距离2.58kmSimizu Island与Pangalusian Island距离2.98km皮娜秀岛与Pangalusian Island距离3.21km酒店爱妮岛度假酒店-拉根岛与Pangalusian Island距离6.65km阳光岛度假村与Pangalusian Island距离7.16km莱克西亚旅馆与Pangalusian Island距离7.72km餐厅BoodleFight Restaurant & Bar与Pangalusian Island距离8.9kmBella Vita El Nido与Pangalusian Island距离8.99kmilly(爱妮岛)与Pangalusian Island距离9.39km。

Don’t wait for pain to love a person 这句英语什么翻译啊


我想要it gets better 的歌和歌词~是关于Obama演讲的那个歌 。作者是Jay Kuo & Blair Shepard

Hey friendWhen you feel like you"re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateIt"s not the endYou"re not out there on your ownThere"s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like youNo end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you that"s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDon"t give up (Don"t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineIt"s time you took the stageDon"t give upCause your life is like a bookAll you got to do is turn the pageThere are friends yet to meet,There are songs to be sungThere are beautiful sunsetsAnd battles are wonThere"s love to be found if you just stick aroundDon"t give up your life has just begunIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, better歌的话网上就能下载。


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歌星Lewis Capaldi人气不减空降英榜冠军,他的唱功如何?

Lewis Capaldi回归新单Forget Me首周强势空降冠军宝座。睽违两年时间,首专大爆红的Lewis Capaldi终于宣告了二专企划,率先预热的这一首单便凭借着出色的销量成功在首周就空降榜首
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