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in the past 过去的意思,怎么能用现在完成时

in the past + 时间段 这个结构指的是“始于过去一直持续到现在的动作或者状况,所以用现在完成(进行)时In the past 10 years China has speeded up urbanization.10年来,中国加快了城市化进程.He"s been looking so blue in the past few days.他怎么啦?这几天他看上去很沮丧.单独地in the past ”在过去“ 是过去时间状语,得和一般过去时连用.What kind of drugs did you take in the past?你过去吃过什么药?In the past she lived in a dream.过去,她过着梦一般的生活.

in the past 和 in past 的区别

in the past 在过去,表特指例句与用法:I"ve seen little of her in the past few weeks.近几周我很少见到她.Most English verbs are inflected with `-ed" in the past tense.英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式.I"ve been there many times in the past.我从前去过那儿很多次.He has been hounded by his creditors in the past few months.近几个月来,他一直被债主追债.The totality of such events in the past of an individual or a group.阅历个人或团体在过去所经历的这样事件的总和In the past seven years,in President Eisenhower"s administration,this situation has been reversed.在过去的七年里,艾森豪威尔总统的政府扭转了这一局面.Real incomes have gone up by 10% in the past year.去年实际收入提高了10%.A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作.in past在过去,从前,表泛指例句与用法:That which is past is gone,and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do,with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves,that labor in past matters.过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了.If Fernandez is shown the door,the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term.Fernandez is set to collect$400,000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195,000 salary.如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期.费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元.That politician he turned his coat twice in past three years.那位政客在过去的3年里曾两次改变立场.

in the past的用法

in the past 是个过去时间状语“ 在过去” 得和一般过去式连用In the past kitchen knives were made in a forge. 过去厨房用刀是在锻造厂打出来的而如果“ in the past +时间段”,指的就是延续到现在的一段时间,这时得和现在完成时连用In the past 10-odd years China has sped up urbanization. 10多年来,中国加快了城市化进程。请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

in the past用什么时态

in the past这个时间状语和一般过去时相搭配。动词的一般过去时,除了be动词根据人称和数,有was(第一、三人称单数)和were(第二人称单复数,第一、三人称复数)的区别外,一般动词的过去时不分人称,一律用过去式表示,其构成如下:一、规则变化:动词原形加-ed:help-helped 帮助open-opened 打开start-started 开始动词原形字尾有-e,则只加-d,如:like-liked 喜欢move-moved 移动动词原形字尾为辅音加-y,把y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 学习apply-applied 运用以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母(x除外),先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 停止rob-robbed 抢劫但是:mix-mixed 混合以c结尾的动词,先加上k再加上-ed,如:panic-panicked 惊慌picnic-picnicked 野餐二、不规则变化的过去分词,要单独记忆,如:bring-brought 带来find-found 发现sell-sold 卖put-put 放置come-came 来swim-swam 游泳。


  in the past是一个使用频率很高的短语,英语里面最经常考察的是inthepast加一段时间的时态用法。下面是我为你整理的inthepast加一段时间的时态用法,希望大家喜欢!   inthepast加一段时间的时态用法   现在完成时   in the past:   在过去; 以往; 平昔; 往昔   in the past与in the past+段时间的区别   in the past 是指过去的某个时间 ,只能与一般过去时连用   in the past 加一段时间,指的是从现在算起,往前推的一段时间,只能与现在完成时连用。   如 in the past three years ,i have learnt a lot .   在过去的三年里 我学到了许多东西   in the past造句   1. In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.   他过去曾与许多女演员和女小说家调情。   2. In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.   过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。   3. Experiences in the past become a part of us, affecting our tomorrows.   过去的经历成为我们的一部分,影响我们的未来。   4. A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year.   去年共有12名犯人从福雷斯特监狱逃脱。   5. In the past conservatives have been in the minority.   过去保守派一直占少数。   6. In Petersburg, 30 patrolmen have died violently in the past five years.   在彼得斯堡,过去5年中有30名巡警死于暴力事件。   7. This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.   这个传统同样深深地植根于过去。   8. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit.   过去的农业是以家庭为单位的。   9. In the past they have been the target of racist abuse.   过去,他们一直是种族虐待的对象。   10. In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs.   过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻。

in the past 和 in past 的区别

in the past 在过去,表特指 例句与用法: I"ve seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她. Most English verbs are inflected with `-ed" in the past tense. 英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式. I"ve been there many times in the past. 我从前去过那儿很多次. He has been hounded by his creditors in the past few months. 近几个月来,他一直被债主追债. The totality of such events in the past of an individual or a group. 阅历个人或团体在过去所经历的这样事件的总和 In the past seven years,in President Eisenhower"s administration,this situation has been reversed. 在过去的七年里,艾森豪威尔总统的政府扭转了这一局面. Real incomes have gone up by 10% in the past year. 去年实际收入提高了10%. A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years. 在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作. in past在过去,从前,表泛指 例句与用法: That which is past is gone,and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do,with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves,that labor in past matters. 过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了. If Fernandez is shown the door,the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term.Fernandez is set to collect$400,000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195,000 salary. 如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期.费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元. That politician he turned his coat twice in past three years. 那位政客在过去的3年里曾两次改变立场.

In past 和In the past的意思和区别

in the past:在过去,以往;在过去;(过去) →多与过去时连用 eg:keep in mind the past and look toward the future:以史为鉴,面向未来 Classifications in the Past:几种主要分类法的简介 几种主要分类法的简介 someday in the past:过去某一天 过去某一天 in past:和 in the past差不多,也是“在过去”的意思,但是不常用 eg:In past teaching management,a lot of universities can only produce through artificial way. 在以往的教学管理中,许多高校只能通过人工的方式生成.

in the past是什么意思

在过去 过去

in the past什么意思


in the past用什么时态

in the past用于一般过去时:He worked as a driver in the the past +一段时间名词应该用现在完成时(以现在时间为基准); 或用过去完成时(以过去时间为基准):In the past five years we have made great progress.He told us that he had made great progress in the past five years .

in the past是什么意思

in the past time 在过去的时间祝您生活愉快,望采纳。

in the past是什么意思

您好,很高兴为您解答:in the past 在过去I was a baby in the past.希望能够帮助您!

C#WPF Binding 中的Path什么意思

<TextBox x:Name="txt1" /><TextBlock x:Name="txt2" Text="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=txt1}" /> //绑定的是名为txt1的 TextBox(控件类型)控件,但是TextBlock要显示的当然不是控件类型了,所以需要一个标示再次指定显示什么,Path就有用了,在这里表示TextBox类型控件的Text值,就是说,txt1中显示的值。"{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=txt1}" 标示 txt1中的Text的值。<TextBlock x:Name="txt2" Text="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=txt1}" /> 如果 txt1.Text 是“这是txt1”,txt2由于它的Text绑定了txt1.Text属性,所以txt2.Text 显示的也是“这是txt1”,而且如果txt1.Text的值变动,txt2.Text的值也变动。

hadoop集群搭建(Hadoop 3.1.3 /Hive 3.1.2/Spark 3.0.0)

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patrick nuo的《5 Days》 歌词

歌曲名:5 Days歌手:patrick nuo专辑:赤沙印记@四叶草.2 电视剧原声大碟Patrick Nuo--5 DaysIt was love at first sighton the second of julyMet her on the third floorFour times in one nightIt was a little bit of magicAnd the time stood stillShe took me to another sideshe got the key to my willTell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days-sunshine-one-way-tripWhere she touched my soul when I touched her lipsShe said "boy take me to whereever you godestination anywhere"But destiny said no.Tell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days,... can"t you hear me?Five nights,... where you are?Five days,... can"t you fell me?Five nights,... you"re still my loveIt was so great when we were together, babySo great when we were togetherIt was so great when our days were endless, babySo great when we were togetherTell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days,... can"t you hear me?Five nights,... where you are?Five days,... can"t you fell me?Five nights,... you"re still my loveIt was so great when we were together, babySo great when we were togetherIt was so great when our days were endless, babySo great when we were together爱嘉凤的卖男孩嘅火柴

patrick nuo的《5 Days》 歌词

歌曲名:5 Days歌手:patrick nuo专辑:赤沙印记 四叶草2Patrick Nuo--5 DaysIt was love at first sighton the second of julyMet her on the third floorFour times in one nightIt was a little bit of magicAnd the time stood stillShe took me to another sideshe got the key to my willTell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days-sunshine-one-way-tripWhere she touched my soul when I touched her lipsShe said "boy take me to whereever you godestination anywhere"But destiny said no.Tell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days,... can"t you hear me?Five nights,... where you are?Five days,... can"t you fell me?Five nights,... you"re still my loveIt was so great when we were together, babySo great when we were togetherIt was so great when our days were endless, babySo great when we were togetherTell me how could such a good thing only last...One, two three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days once in a lifetimeFive nightsToo good to be trueThe universe is passin" byBut I can"t forget ourOne, two, three, fourFive days,... can"t you hear me?Five nights,... where you are?Five days,... can"t you fell me?Five nights,... you"re still my loveIt was so great when we were together, babySo great when we were togetherIt was so great when our days were endless, babySo great when we were together爱嘉凤的卖男孩嘅火柴

求Patrick Nuo 的five days 的完整歌词。

Patrick Nuo - 5 Days歌词it was love at first sighton the second of julymet her on the third floorfour times in one nightit was a little bit of magicand the time stood stillshe took me to another sideshe got the key to my willtell me how could such a good thing only last....1-2-3-4-five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passin" bybut i can"t forget our1-2-3-4-five days sunshine one way tripwhere she touched my soulwhen i touched her lipsshe said: "boy take me to wherever you godestination anywhere"but destiny said notell me how could such a good thing only last...1-2-3-4-five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passin" bybut i can"t forget our1-2-3-4-five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passin" bybut i can"t forget our1-2-3-4-5 days can you hear me5 nights where you are5 days can you feel me5 days you are still my loveit was so great when we were together, babyso great when we were togetherit was so great, when our days were endless, babyso great when we were togethertell me how could our forever only last....1-2-3-4-five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passin" bybut i can"t forget our1-2-3-4-five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passin" bybut i can"t forget our1-2-3-4-5 days can you hear me5 nights where you are5 days can you feel me5 days you are still my loveit was so great when we were together, baby(my love) so great when we were togetherit was so great, when our days were endless, baby (endless baby)so great when we were together

Five Days-Patrick Nuo的歌词

Patrick Nuo-Five days中文歌词 Five days--Patrick Nuoit was love at first sighon the second of Julymet her on the third floorfour times in one nightit was a little bit of magicand the time stood stillshe took me to another side.she got the key to my willchorus tell me how could such a good thing only last...1-2-3-4five daysonce in a lifetimefive nightstoo good to be truethe universe is passing bybut I can"t forget our1-2-3-4five days-sunshine-one-way-tripwhere she touched my soulwhen I touched her lipsshe said: "boy take me to wherever you godestination anywherebut destiny said no # (five days) can you hear me (five days) where you are(five days) can you speak to me (five days) you still my loveit was so great when we were together, babyso great when we were togetherit was so great, when our days were endless, babyso great when we were togethertell me how could our forever only last.... 英文歌词: 这是第一次爱的叹息 这是一见钟情在JULY的这一刻在这一晚和她在三层相遇了4次这真的有点神奇时间也在这一刻停止她把我带到了另外一个世界她拥有能满足我愿望的钥匙可是告诉我为什么那么美好的事情只持续了1,2,3,4 5天一生只有这一次5个夜晚真实的美好世界就这样过去了~但是我不能忘记我们1-2-3-4 五天 一生一次 五晚 真实的美好世界就这样过去了~但是我不能忘记我们 ……如果满意,希望要采纳哦。。。


spaceship[英][u02c8speu026asu0283u026ap][美][u02c8spesu02ccu0283u026ap]n.(尤指小说中的)宇宙飞船复数: spaceships双语例句1.The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.那位科学家没有算出那艘宇宙飞船什么时候会到达木星。2.Yet another spaceship has been sent up recently.最近又发射了一艘宇宙飞船。3.They shot the spaceship up into the sky.他们把飞船发射上天。4.The spaceship is already being counted down.宇宙飞船已开始倒数计时了。5.They have launched a spaceship.他们发射了一艘宇宙飞船。

FPA乐嘉性格色彩测试 绿15 蓝9 黄4


求黑塔利亚冷战组PALA的《Mr.Mr ColdWar》qaq



典型红色 uf06c 高度乐观的积极心态。uf06c 喜欢自己,也容易接纳别人。uf06c 把生命当作值得享受的经验。uf06c 喜欢新鲜、变化和刺激。uf06c 经常开心,追求快乐。uf06c 情感丰富而外露。uf06c 自由自在,不受拘束。uf06c 喜欢开玩笑和调侃。uf06c 别出心裁,与众不同。uf06c 表现力强。uf06c 容易受到人们的喜欢和欢迎。uf06c 生动活泼,好奇心强。uf06c情绪波动大起大落。uf06c 变化无常,随意性强。uf06c 鲁莽冲动,轻信他人,容易上当受骗。uf06c 虚荣心强,不肯吃苦,贪图享受。uf06c 喜欢走捷径,虎头蛇尾,不能坚持。uf06c 粗心大意,杂乱无章。uf06c 不肯承担责任,期待有别人为自己的人生负责。uf06c 缺乏自控,毫无纪律。uf06c 容易原谅自己,不吸取教训。uf06c 不稳定和散漫。uf06c 拒绝长大。uf06c 借放纵来麻痹自己的痛苦和烦恼,而不去认真思考生命的本质。


你可以尝试以下几种方法解决这个问题:1. 按下电源按钮,以完全关闭计算机并断开电源。然后再次启动电脑,同时按住F12键,直到出现“Preparing One-Time Boot Menu”屏幕。不要松开F12键,直到选择了要启动的选项。2. 尝试使用其他F键,例如F2,F8或F10,看看是否可以访问其他启动选项。3. 重置计算机的BIOS设置。要这样做,按下电源按钮以关闭电脑,然后按下并保持电源按钮不动,直到计算机关闭。然后,断开所有外部设备,包括键盘和鼠标,按下电源按钮并立即按下F2键。在BIOS配置实用程序中,查找“Load Defaults”选项,将其设置为“Load Optimized Defaults”,然后按F10保存并退出。4. 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,建议联系Dell客服或就近的专业维修中心进行检修和维修。


VB中的Dir1.Path & File1.FileName是什麽意思呀?


The pain is real but life goes on. PS I love you.



其实也不应该说是异常,应该是多种因素导致的使用问题。一般在有了一定Java编程经验之后,大家都习惯用PreparedStatement代替Statement。其好处就不用多说了。但是却在开发中出现了问题。如有表:create table test(02id int,02name0202 varchar2(3000))当执行插入语句到stmt.setString(2, myString);的时候,出现如下异常:java.sql.SQLException: 数据大小超出此类型的最大值而myString变量的内容为超过700的中文字符(测试的英文字符为2000个)。也就是说一个中文字符占据了3-4个字节,而且英文字符个数也不对,这好像有点不可思议。分析原因:1、驱动程序在把SQL语句发给数据库前,PreparedStatement会对字符串进行预处理并进行转义替换;2、字符集原因。通过阅读PreparedStatement文档,发现有一个setCharacterStream方法可以解决这个问题:stmt.setCharacterStream(2,new InputStreamReader(myString, myString.length());替换之后中文字符可达1400多。上次对PreparedStatement的setString中字符串长度这个问题没有解决透彻,也没有深入分析其中的原因。现在通过Oracle提供的JDBC文档来详细看看问题的来由。我们都知道Oracle提供了两种客户端访问方式OCI和thin,在这两种方式下,字符串转换的过程如下:021、JDBC OCI driver:在JDBC文档中是这么说的:“If the value of NLS_LANG is set to a character set other than US7ASCII or WE8ISO8859P1, then the driver uses UTF8 as the client character set. This happens automatically and does not require any user intervention. OCI then converts the data from the database character set to UTF8. The JDBC OCI driver then passes the UTF8 data to the JDBC Class Library where the UTF8 data is converted to UTF-16. ”022、JDBC thin driver:JDBC文档是这样的:“If the database character set is neither ASCII (US7ASCII) nor ISO Latin1 (WE8ISO8859P1), then the JDBC thin driver must impose size restrictions for SQL CHAR bind parameters that are more restrictive than normal database size limitations. This is necessary to allow for data expansion during conversion.The JDBC thin driver checks SQL CHAR bind sizes when a setXXX() method (except for the setCharacterStream() method) is called. If the data size exceeds the size restriction, then the driver returns a SQL exception (SQLException: Data size bigger than max size for this type) from the setXXX() call. This limitation is necessary to avoid the chance of data corruption when conversion of character data occurs and increases the length of the data. This limitation is enforced in the following situations:(1)Using the JDBC thin driver (2)Using binds (not defines) (3)Using SQL CHAR datatypes (4)Connecting to a database whose character set is neither ASCII (US7ASCII) nor ISO Latin1 (WE8ISO8859P1)When the database character set is neither US7ASCII nor WE8ISO8859P1, the JDBC thin driver converts Java UTF-16 characters to UTF-8 encoding bytes for SQL CHAR binds. The UTF-8 encoding bytes are then transferred to the database, and the database converts the UTF-8 encoding bytes to the database character set encoding.”02原来是JDBC在转换过程中对字符串的长度做了限制。这个限制和数据库中字段的实际长度没有关系。所以,setCharacterStream()方法可以逃过字符转换限制,也就成为了解决此问题的方案之一。而JDBC对转换字符长度的限制是为了转换过程中的数据扩展。根据实际测试结果,在ZHS16GBK字符集和thin驱动下,2000-4000长度的varchar字段都只能插入1333个字节(约666个汉字)

《宫》中《Herpaps love》 的韩文及中文的歌词是什么?





这个有一个专业术语 tension -packer 张力封隔器 所以tension-packed 应该是 被封隔的张力

but they pants are all blue


compare to与compare as的区别

to 指对比的参照物as 指对比的功能参照

Which of the following pairs are rhymes?


Linkin Park和Busta Rhymes最新超强合作We Made It的中文歌词

  together we made it we made it  我们在一起就做到了,我们做到了  even though we had our backs up against the wall  即使我们走投无路也好。  and they told us  他们告诉我们  we were never going to get it  说我们永远做不到  but we took it on the road on the road  但是我们就此四处奔走  on the roooooad on the road on the road  四处奔走,四处奔走  see i think i survived the worst  看吧,我想虽然我只是在最痛苦的日子里幸存下来了,  but my life is glorious  但是我的生命依旧荣耀  but i know that i need to be hurdled  但是我知道我需要越过障碍,  and i"m so victorious take a look i"m a symbol of greatness back home  我胜利地望一眼我这个是凯旋归家的标志  as force accumalted the wind and but a believe  像疾风(accumalted 查不到)【这句翻译没看懂】  i"m so notorious didn"t know i"ve been  我这么恶名昭彰还不知道我在  buying my bread even though we rapping now 为生计发愁纵然我们在这里玩rap  (yes)  and now when u look on my trip  现在你看看我的旅程  higher level tramping now  我走到了更高的地位  together we made it we made it  我们在一起就做到了,我们做到了  even though we had our backs up against the wall  即使我们走投无路也好。  and they told us  他们告诉我们  we were never going to get it  说我们永远做不到  but we took it on the road on the road  但是我们就此四处奔走  on the roooooad on the road on the road  四处奔走,四处奔走  when it all got started we was steadily  一切开始之时,我们还很坚定(怎么会是was,不是该were?)  just getting rejected  只是被排斥而已  and it seemed like nothing we could do  我们似乎什么也做不到  would ever get us respected  这样反而获得我们的尊重(是的,这一句非常奇怪)  and thus we was stressed  而我们压力巨大  and the worst they probably said was we"re pathetic had all the pieces to that puzzle just a way to get connected  可最糟糕的还是他们可能要说我们这样很悲惨,仅仅为了保持而被困惑整的疲惫不堪  and i was fighting  我在奋斗  through every ryhme  在每一个旋律里奋斗 (没有ryhme只有rhyme,想必又是歌词错误吧)  tighting up every line never resting the question  绞紧每一条神经从不放过任何问题  and i was out of my mind  我疯了  and it finally came time to do it or let it die  最终有了机会去拼命地干  so put the chips on the table  所以就把筹码准备好吧  and told me to let it fly ohhh  告诉我自由地去飞吧  singing yea  自由地去歌唱  together we made it we made it  我们在一起就做到了,我们做到了  even though we had our backs up against the wall  即使我们走投无路也好。  and they told us  他们告诉我们  we were never going to get it  说我们永远做不到  but we took it on the road on the road  但是我们就此四处奔走  on the roooooad on the road on the road  四处奔走,四处奔走  look in case you misunderstanded excatly what i"m building  看,万一你误解了我的建树  shit that i could leave for my children  妈的,我还能把这些留给我的孩子(我怀疑原歌词是live for 而不是leave for ,因为说不通)  (children) children (children)  now i only wake up i smile to see how far i come fighting for sales on a strip to get hussle from nights  现在我醒了,我微微地笑了,为我所看见我努力的销售额而微笑了(hussle查不到这个词,应该是hustle吧)  in jail on a bench  在监狱里的长凳上,  using my muscles son (实在不知道该怎么翻译)  to count money ---  为了剩下一点点的钱而已  but now i live when i dream you see me finally getting it  但是当我梦见你看见我最后得到这一切时健在  let"s make a toast to the hustle -----  为这些忙碌而干杯把  ohhhh singing  为这些忙碌而歌唱吧


最新人工加速老化硅测试关键字:有机硅改性聚酯;耐用膜光洁度; QUV-B老化机,人工加速老化硅测试简介 > 预涂卷材涂料经济环保,符合当今的社会和经济发展的需要,因而越来越广泛。随着技术的不断进步,其应用已经延伸到家电领域,装饰,家具等,但其主要目的是建筑行业,大量的外用膜,需要一个长期持久的美丽的装饰性和防护性能。有机硅改性聚酯具有优异的耐污染性,耐候性,良好的附着力,固化速度快,适应预涂卷材涂料的要求,非常适合准备采用耐磨的膜内完成。编写的涂料形成的涂层具有优良的自洁,光泽和保色性,耐粉化性和坚韧耐磨。 p>桥接相结合的聚硅氧烷改性的聚酯树脂可分为两种类型的Si-C和硅发生前者由含羧基的有机硅(氧)烷基,与多元醇制备该反应中,由于昂贵的原料,工艺复杂,尚未工业化生产。编写的,后者由含羟基的聚酯,硅(氧)烷氧基或羟基基团的含有硅,硅(氧)烷氧基烷氧基的缩合反应,原料易得,生产工艺简单,这是广使用。 /> />考虑到工业化可行性和成本的因素,聚硅氧烷改性的聚酯树脂是由后者开发的,由含羟基的含烷氧基的硅氧烷缩合反应制备的聚酯树脂。有机硅改性,大大提高了耐久性的涂层。反应:≡的SiOR + HOC≡→≡的SiOC≡+ ROH。 实验部分1.1原材料间苯二甲酸(IPA):> 99.5%,工业,己二酸(ADA):> 99.5%和行业环己烷二羧酸(CHDA):进口新戊二醇(NPG):> 99%,工业,三羟甲基丙烷(TMP):工业,二月桂酸二丁基锡,化学纯:有机硅中间体:道康宁公司二甲苯:工业; HY-C-02薄的材料:江苏鸿业涂料公司生产的卷材涂料稀释剂,R-706钛白粉:杜邦金红石;二氧化钛Lonman996:龙蟒金红石钛白粉TS-6200:美国杜邦,金红石Tinuvin928 Tinuvin5060 Tinuvin123:紫外线吸收剂,Ciba Specialty Chemicals公司,BYK-450:酸催化剂,自行车公司; EFKA-3777:流平剂,BYK - 埃夫卡HY-C-101浅黄色底漆:江苏鸿业涂料公司生产的聚氨酯底漆。 1.2实验程序1.2.1树脂的合成配有搅拌,温度计,回流冷凝器,水分离器的烧瓶中依次加入IPA212.4g ,,CHDA220.1g ADA31.1g,NPG277.0g,TMP58.4g,二甲苯80克和二月桂酸二丁基锡0.4克,缓慢地加热至约120℃,继续搅拌,缓慢加热至140℃,或约回流脱水,慢慢升温约3小时升温至200°C,保温1小时反应后,将温度升高到220℃,时间为约1小时后,将反应在此温度下保温,直至3毫克KOH /克的酸值为的结尾反应中,反应完成后,冷却至160°C或更少,加入HY-C-02稀释剂609.3克进一步加入有机硅中间体213.9克和二月桂酸二丁基锡,锡0.9克,缓慢加热至170℃,或在启动阶段该反应中,甲醇的分离回流,继续升温反应12小时,使温度升高至约180℃下,观察样品的树脂的透明性和凝胶时间,该树脂是一种透明的凝胶时间< 2分钟,冷却,得到硅氧烷改性的聚酯树脂固体含量为60%的材料。 1.2.2涂料硅改革聚酯树脂100克干净的烧杯中越薄的钛二氧化碳180G和适量的HY-C-02与高速分散小砂光机搅拌均匀,加入适量的锆珠,研磨和分散刮板细度≤15μm的,排放到实验室取得分散粘贴。颜料与粘合剂之比(P / B)为75/25的糊剂,固体含量:65%。 糊100g加入硅改聚酯树脂37.9克,交联剂氨基树脂9.9克的,BYK-450.19克,EFKA-3777.12克的和适量的HY-C-02薄的材料,高速分散搅拌白面漆。 1.2.3性能测试1.2.3.1工艺条件10厘米x 6厘米所述黄石0.4毫米镀锌板,水洗,铬液处理去除干燥150℃烤1分钟,10#刮板刮HY-C-101浅黄色底漆,烘干,20#锅铲刮面漆干燥。测试复合膜物业。 炉温度:330°C,烘烤时间:2930岁;板温度:224232°C。干膜厚度:底漆56微米,面漆: 12至13微米之间。 模型的制备,性能测试,包括:T型,膜的厚度,铅笔硬度,耐MEK擦拭(来回1.2.3.2检查)和耐老化性能。 2结果与讨论2.1测试结果2.1.1力学性能测试机械属性,如上述表1中。 表1自制的有机硅改性聚酯和力学性能不同的对比度样的结果根据表1中的数据,自制有机硅改性聚酯和对比类的机械性能没有显着的差异。 2.1.2老化性能测试结果(1)不同类型的树脂QUV-B老化试验结果对比自制的有机硅改性的白色油漆配制与各种类型的与白色漆系统板的聚酯树脂相比,其老化性能(QUV-B)相比,差异。结果如下。 测试条件:I型60°C无冷凝水4H;模式Ⅱ50°C加上冷凝4H,我PLUS II为一个循环。 不同类型的涂料的光的损失率随时间而改变,如图1所示。 图1中,氟碳树脂无锡力FEVE相同的化学树脂,耐用聚酯在建常州涂料化工研究院开发耐用的聚酯树脂HDPE。图1中的结果可以发现,有机硅改性聚酯白漆QUV-B测试结果可以达到400H不失光,600H光损失率是20%,电影的衰老速度比白色耐用的聚酯漆和普通聚酯白色油漆,但稍低于氟树脂的白色油漆。 图1树脂体系高光泽光损失率趋势(2)有机硅改性聚酯树脂人工加速老化(阳光老化试验机)测试结果 a> 白的模板漆编写根据国家涂料检测中心人工测试程序加速老化测试,测试条件:温度(65±2)°C,湿度60%80%。该试验结果示于图2。 图2硅改聚酯树脂人工加速老化试验结果另外,人工加速老化试验,高光泽涂层3000H测试ΔE值1.9,无粉化;昏暗的灯光下2400H试验后涂层的ΔE值1.7,粉之一。 基于上述结果,硅改性的树脂人工加速老化试验可以达到2000小时(损失的光,变色及粉化的1个)。 2.2硅氧烷改性的聚酯树脂红外光谱分析自制的聚硅氧烷改性的聚酯树脂的红外光谱如图3所示。 图3的硅氧烷中间体的红外光谱(IR)图3,2840.6厘米-1,1192.9厘米-1和1079.8厘米的Si-OCH 3的吸收峰,这些吸收峰在硅氧烷改性的聚酯的红外吸收谱的消失,指示反应完成的聚酯和聚硅氧烷中间体。 图4聚酯树脂红外光谱图5有机硅改性聚酯红外光谱2.3钛白粉老化性能>测试选择的三种不同类型的金红石型钛白粉,钛白粉检查老化性能(QUV-B)的影响。实验,杜邦TS-6200和龙蟒996二氧化钛,除二氧化钛外,其它实验条件相同。该试验结果示于图6。 图6钛白粉老化性能在图6中可以发现,不同厂家金红石型钛白粉的老化测试的结果影响不大。 2.4紫外线吸收剂老化性能自制的有机硅改性树脂,观察到R-706二氧化钛白色颜料,制备不同数量和类型的紫外线吸收剂涂层老化性能(QUV-B)。在图7所示的结果。 图7紫外线吸收剂老化性能图7,分别为空白对照,即,不含有添加的紫外线吸收剂,加入2%(基于总固体树脂含量,下同)928 123和1%,在5060中添加1.5%和3%的5060配制成的老化试验结果的白色油漆。 从上述结果中可以发现,添加UV吸收剂的表面涂层,该涂层的耐老化性能。 2.5消光老化性能准备自制有机硅改性树脂和R-706钛白粉白色油漆,二氧化硅消光量的不同,观察消除光粉末涂料老化性能(QUV-B),在图8所示的结果。 图8消光老化性能的影响图8中,高光泽涂层600H光损失率约19%;轻涂600H光损失率约21%;低光涂料600H光损失率约28%。 这些结果表明,消光老化性能,消光量的增加,涂层的耐老化性能的下降。 结束语合成的一种有机硅改性聚酯在预涂卷材涂料制备涂层的机械性能,可以实现线圈加工要求,编制,紫外光加速老化试验(QUV-B)可以实现400H基本不失光,人工加速老化试验可以达到2000小时,失光,变色。

shocking party音绎歌词

Shocking Party原名:Shocking Party作词:畑 亜贵作曲:板垣祐介编曲:板垣祐介歌:A-RISE专辑:Notes of School idol days ~Glory~翻译:冰封之幻影Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!Party!Shocking Party!!开始的准备怎样了 ?(来吧 来这儿吧)Party!Shocking Party!!世界回转起来(来吧 来这儿吧)并不是为了其他人(和我freedom)全凭自己而已(Go,go!we are freedom)并不是其他人的错(心已freedom)主角是自己吧?这是明白的吧?想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!Venus!Charming Venus!!战斗的同时前进吧?(看吧 看着现在)Venus!Charming Venus!!抓牢世界(看吧 看着现在)强势才是真话(孤独的passion)交托给他人可不行(Go,go!we had passion)强势才是真心(危险的passion)无论谁都算他人吧?这是明白的吧?想付出更多付出更多 唯一的Love但是在明月消失之前想付出更多付出更多 唯一的LoveFeel&touch...Charming Venus!!并不是为了其他人(和我freedom)全凭自己而已(Go,go!we are freedom)并不是其他人的错(心已freedom)主角是自己吧?这是明白的吧?想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!你也dancing!想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!

Bob will _____ Japan to take part in a contest. A. come back for B leave for C. returnD. leave off


the passenger 歌词

歌手不是Kings Of Convenience有两版,一版Michael Hutchence翻唱,收录在《永远的蝙蝠侠电影原声》里,前奏超级精彩!!!第一次听到才上高中,无法言语当时的震惊!原版Iggy Pop,但听了上面那个再听原版。。。只想把歌手的制作团队拖出来打

小学英语填充:In spring .we like to ride_________1.bicycle 2.outside 3. in park




pay 与 finance怎么区别

pay和finance还是比较容易区别的:payvt.& vi. 付款;偿还;补偿;(对…)有利 vt. 给予;支付 n. 工资;薪水;报答 (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:don"t worry!I"ll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。(5)pay money back 还钱。例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I"ll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。financen. 财政;金融;财源;资金 vt. 为…供给资金, 从事金融活动;赊货给…;掌握财政 名词n.1. 财政;金融;财政学[U]He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance.他凭着自己的理财本领得到了这个职位2. (对事业的)资金支援[U]3. (常用复数)财源;资金;(国家的)岁入;财务情况[P];资金供应The country"s finances have improved.这个国家财政状况改善了。及物动词 Vt1. 供资金给;融资,为...筹措资金Our project is adequately financed.我们的工程资金充足。2. 赊货给不及物动词 Vi 1. 筹措资金We are financing for the housing project.我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。

chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information。bit在这里是什么意思,书上翻译的是单位,

就是片、区的意思,引申就是单位的意 思


正确的表达应该是“ be there or be square ”吧——“不见不散”的意思




(1)动态SQL1: 不能是查询(SELECT)语句,并且没有宿主变量. 用法:拼一句动态SQL语句,并用EXECUTE IMMEDIATE执行,如: EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CREATE TABLE test (test_col VARCHAR2(4)); EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE INSERT INTO TABLE test ("AAAA");EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE DELETE test WHERE test_col="AAAA";(2)动态SQL2: 不能是查询(SELECT)语句,并且输入的宿主变量数目是知道的, 用法:拼一句动态SQL语句,用PREPARE,EXECUTE语句执行. strcpy(sqlstring, "DELETE FROM test WHERE test_col = :?"); EXEC SQL PREPARE sqlproc FROM :sqlstring; EXEC SQL EXECUTE sqlproc USING :emp_number;

在SAS中proc expand是做什么用的求详细解释

1.proc expand主要用来处理时间序列问题,比如,将日线数据转换为月度单位数据(季度、年);求数据的平滑值(移动平均、求和、方差等等)。,have是你需要操作的数据集,out=want,want是expand操作得到的结果数据集3.第一个id是数据中的一个变量,对其进行降序排序;第二个id是proc expand语句的一个函数,id函数表示对数据have中一个数值型变量进行识别,通常id后面的变量是时间变量(year,month,day...).id 函数要与by函数一起用,且它后面的变量不能有重复值。


安静的待著 不然滚蛋

need for speed payback是极品飞车19吗




英语翻译 我们预料我们的计划会受到抵制.(resistance anticipate)

We expect that our plan will be resisted We expected that our plan can receive resisting We anticipate encountering/that we will encounter resistance to our plan

sparsely和rarely 区别

rarely,adv. 很少地;罕有地;极精彩地;珍奇地,绝佳地。表肯定。Sparsely,adv. 稀少地;稀疏地;零落地

this year we took part in () art show in shanghai

in an art show

求救thinkpad a22e 2655 36j 安装不了modem

那东西没用,我的电脑是IBM(390E),重装系统后也没法上网了,我也是网卡驱动,MODEM驱动下了一大堆,都没用,最后还是靠了在网上搜到的SWCC ETHERNET你也可以搜一下,如果仍然没法上网,给我发邮件,我跟你说

do you e什么 the tour in japan?

enjoy 喜欢如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步


1、APQP=Advanced Product Quality Planning 中文意思是:产品质量先期策划(或者产品质量先期策划和控制计划)是QS9000/TS16949质量管理体系的一部分。产品质量策划是一种结构化的方法,用来确定和制定确保某产品使顾客满意所需的步骤。目标是促进与所涉及每一个人的联系,以确保所要求的步骤按时完成。有效的产品质量策划依赖于高层管理者对努力达到使顾客满意这一宗旨的承诺。2、PPAP:Production Part Approval Process,生产件批准程序(PPAP)规定了包括生产和散装材料在内的生产件批准的一般要求。PPAP的目的是用来确定供应商是否已经正确理解了顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,以及其生产过程是否具有潜在能力,在实际生产过程中按规定的生产节拍满足顾客要求的产品。3、QPS:quality process system 质量程序系统审核

2Pac的Hit Em Up中文歌词?

2PAC 很喜欢他 I ain"t got no motherfuckin friends 我没有他妈的朋友 That"s why I fucked yo" bitch, you fat motherfucker 那就是为什么我操了你的婊子,你这死胖子 (take money) West side!! (拿上钱)西岸! Bad Boy killers Bad Boy杀手 (take money) You know the realest is niggaz (拿上钱)你知道谁是最真实的黑鬼 (take money) We bring it to you (拿上钱)我们让你知道 (take money) (拿上钱) Verse One: Tupac First off, fuck your bitch and the click you claim 最后给我离远点,我要声明我操你的婊子 Westside when we ride come equipped with game 当我们西岸到来的时候我们已经整装待发 You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife 你说你说花花公子但是我曾经干了你的老婆 We bust on Bad Boy niggaz fucked for life 我们这辈子和Bad Boy的混蛋干上了 Plus Puffy tryin ta see me weak hearts I rip PuffyBiggie Smallz and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark ass bitches 另外,Puff想要看我心跳变的微弱 我撕碎自以为是的BIGGIE还有JUNIOR M.A.F.I.A这些被划定目标的婊子 We keep on comin" while we runnin for ya jewels 我们不断前进,向你们的钻石跑来 steady gunnin, keep on bustin at the fools, you know the rules 抓好枪,让它对着白痴们的胸前,你知道这就是统治者 Little Ceaser, go ask ya homie how I leave ya 一会停止了,去告诉你的兄弟我是如何离开你们的 cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces, now be deceased 戳烂你的屁股,把你切成岁片,现在你已经成了死人 Lil Kim, don"t fuck around with real G"s Lil Kim别烦真正的帮派分子 Quick to snatch yo" ugly ass off tha street, so fuck peace 快点抬起你丑陋的屁股离开这条街,去他妈的和平 I let them niggas know it"s on for life 我让那些黑鬼知道这是一辈子的 So let the West side ride tonight (haha) 所以今夜让西部掌控这一切(haha) Bad Boy murdered on wax, and killed Bad Boy被暗杀,已经死了 Fuck wit" me and get ya caps peeled, you know, see... 和我作对你的帽子会掉落,你知道,看… Chorus: Grab ya glocks, when you see Tupac 掏出枪,当你看到2pac Call the cops, when you see Tupac, uhh 叫警察,当你看到2pac Who shot me, but ya punks didn"t finish 谁开枪打了我,但是你这白痴没有把我干掉 Now ya bout to feel the wrath of a menace 现在你们会感受到我的愤怒 nigga, I hit em" up... 哥们,干掉他们. Interlude: Tupac Check this out, you muthafuckas know what time it is 听着,你们这些混蛋知道这是什么时候 I don"t even know why I"m on this track 我不知道为什么我会在这首歌里 ya"ll nigguz ain"t even on my level 你们这些黑鬼和我不是一个水平 I"ma let my lil homies ride on you 我将让我的小兄弟来管制你 bitch made-ass bad boy bitches, deal with it!! 婊子养大的BAD BOY的婊子们,解决它! Verse Two: Fatal Get out the way yo, get out the way yo 滚开,滚开 Biggie Smallz just got dropped Biggie Smallz已经摔倒了 Little Moo, pass the Mac, and let me hit him in his back Little Moo到Mac,现在让我在他背后给他们一击 Frank White need to get spanked right, for settin tracks Frank White要打你的屁股,坐好了 little accident murderer, and I ain"t never heard-a ya 小业余谋杀者,我从没听说过你 Poisinous gats attack when I"m servin ya

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英语好的速度!!!!!!!!!!!!!!write a passage about someone or something that changed your life





意思就是天津付运费嘛. 基本上就是预付的意思.你可以跟货代说啊,如果是到付就叫他们打FREIGHT COLLECT

提单上忘记打"FREIGHT PREPAID"会出什么问题?????


货代中CIF付款条件都用Freight Prepaid?求指点,谢谢






packing insurance freight 是什么意思?


freight prepaid是什么意思


Freight Prepaid 运费谁负责

Freight Prepaid :运费预付,用于CIF 条款Freight Collect :运费到付 用于FOB条款我也是刚学习的,欢迎指教

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”


在信用证中的"Freight paid "和"freight collect "有什么不同吗?

freight paid 恐怕是你打错了吧,应该是freight prepaid 意思是运费预付,freight collect 意思是运费到付,至于说freight paid 根本就没有这种说法

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”

什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid” 答:“freight prepaid” 是运费预付。首先如果采用C组和D组贸易术语成交的合同都要是要运费预付,C组有CFR/CIP/CPT/CIP。D组有DAF/DES/DEQ/DDU/DDP。这些术语都有“freight prepaid” 的情况。采用FOB术语术语属于装运合同,这类合同卖方只要在规定时间完成交货就可以,不负责运输,由买方负责办理运输和支付相关费用。但是买卖双方商定由卖方负责运输也可以,这个时候也会出现“freight prepaid” 希望蛋卷的回答可以帮上你。


在信用证中的"Freight paid "和"freight collect "有什么不同吗?


什么贸易术语要“freight prepaid”



freight 指由轮船、飞机、火车或汽车运送的货物,parcel 指邮政或快递寄送的包裹。例如:The railwayswill carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic. 铁路将承担比例高得多的货运量。He had a largebrown paper parcel under his left arm. 他左臂下夹着一个大牛皮纸邮包。


Clothes, pants. Hat, dHat, dress, woman"s skirt coat, sweater, socks, shorts, jacket, shirt.

求《okay spanner you win》全文,要英文

Okay.Spanner,YouWin!SometimesI thinkmyselfasecondDel.Wearepushedtodosomethingparentswantandtheothersappreciate.Soitseemsthatwhatarewesupposedtodonowisstudyingdayandnight.andonlybystudyingharderandhardercanwemakeothersbeproudof us.Buttobehonest,I havetosay,I donotlikestudyatall.Itoncegainedothers`respectowingtomygreatgrades.soI usedtostudyhardtogetgoodgradessoastosatisfymyabhorrentvanity.butnow.idonotthinkso/I believetherearesomethingmoreimportantthanstudy.Forexample,I likedrawing.Ithastakenmeover,includingmyheart.I canspendalldayinpaintingjustasmalllovelyflowersinsketch,butI cannotspendevenoneminuteindoingexerciseonweekend.maybeI amcrazy.ButI doenjoyitandI hopeonedayI canliveinaliferelatedtoarteveryminute.I canwellrememberwhenI decidedtomakepaintingasagreatpartofmylife,mymothersaidtome..‘youcannotputyourheartintopaintinganymorebecauseyouareahighschoolstudentnow.”ButI likeart.Livingwithoutartisjustlikefishliveswithoutwater.DoI havetoputmyinterestasidejusttogetreadyforentranceexamination?Ifitisso,I willjustdonothavemoretimetoinsistonmyhobby.I always thoughttostandandfightagainstit.butI didnot.Iamacoward.ireallydonotwanttoletmyparentsdown,.allI candonowistohidemythoughtsfrommyheartandburymyselfinstudy.I wonderifonedaywhenmyparentssupportmetodothethingsI like,weatherI willfindthatstudyisthethingI enjoyedinreality.justasDel.Heislucky.I alwaysthinklikethat.hegainsalotfromtheexperienceandheissurebrilliantignoringthepressurefromothers.Well,ifoneday,ididwellinstudy,(on,I havetosay,teacher,Ireallylikeenglish.itismyfavoritesubjectsoI ampuzzledwhyyouthinkthatI donothaveinterestinit,justbecauseI cannotreciteapassage?ButdidI failedeverytime?.idonotliketotoreciteitbecauseI thinkcomprehensionismoreimportant.ievenboughtsomebookslikethemostbeautifulEnglishtoreadeveryday…I enjoyit.I would...well,itseemsimpossible.Idonotlikeit..I wanttoyelllikeDel,I`mfree.I canbemyselfintime.WrittenbyVivian

boundary spanners是什么意思

boundary spanners巡边员; 边裁spanners扳手双语对照词典结果:spannersn.扳手( spanner的名词复数 ); 破坏计划; 阻挠进程; 从中捣乱; 例句: There is still potential for politicians to throw spanners in the works, whether it"s negotiations over the fiscal cliff in the us, elections in italy and germany, or more stand-offs over how to fix the eurozone. 各国政治人物仍可能从中作梗,不论是美国财政悬崖谈判、意大利和德国的大选,还是有关如何解救欧元区的对峙


spanner 两边是六角形的圈圈的wrench 大小可以调整的
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