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请问调用JS 点击SPAN 代码该怎么写请教

主动触发事件是一个经常会用到的技巧,它很重要。它和事件绑定一样存在着浏览器兼容性问题。传统浏览器(IE8-)使用createEventObject来创建事件对象,用fireEvent这个方法来触发事件;现代浏览器用createEvent来创建对象,用dspatchEvent来触发事件。//获取浏览器版本var isIE=navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (d)/i);isIE=isIE?isIE[1]:undefined;//事件函数function onclick(e){ e=e||event; alert(e.msg||"表酱紫啦,人家羞涩啦~");};//给document绑定一个点击事件isIE<9 //传统浏览器使用attachEvent ?document.attachEvent("onclick",onclick) //现代浏览器使用addEventListner :document.addEventListener("click",onclick,false);//触发自定义事件if(isIE<9){ //传统浏览器 //创建对象 var event=document.createEventObject(); //给事件对象添加属性 event.msg="我是fireEvent触发的"; //触发事件 document.fireEvent("onclick",event);}else{ //现代浏览器 //创建事件对象 var e=document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); //初始化事件对象 e.initMouseEvent("click"), //给事件对象添加属性 e.msg="我是despatchEvent触发的"; //触发事件 document.dispatchEvent(e);};

求part of your world的歌词加翻译

Look at this stuff Isn"t it neat? Wouldn"t you think my collection"s complete? Wouldn"t you think I"m the girl The girl who has ev"rything? Look at this trove Treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Lookin" around here you"d think Sure She"s got everything I"ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty I"ve got whozits and whatzits galore You want thingamabobs? I got twenty But who cares? No big deal I want more I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see "em dancin" Walkin" around on those Whad"ya call "em? Oh - feet Flippin" your fins you don"t get too far Legs are required for jumpin", dancin" Strollin" along down a What"s that word again? Street Up where they walk Up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin" free Wish I could be Part of that world What would I give If I could live Outta these waters? What would I pay To spend a day Warm on the sand? Betcha on land They understand Bet they don"t reprimand their daughters Bright young women Sick o" swimmin" Ready to stand And I"m ready to know what the people know Ask "em my questions And get some answers What"s a fire and why does it What"s the word? Burn? When"s it my turn? Wouldn"t I love Love to explore that shore up above? Out of the sea Wish I could be Part of that world你看看这个东西是不是很精致?你不觉的我的收藏品很完全你不觉得我是拥有所有东西的女孩吗看看这些海底宝藏有谁能够将他们完全收藏也许你会,你会想是的,我拥有一切我已拥有了美丽你容貌我已拥有了无价之宝你要珍珠吗我有20个但我不在乎没有更多我想要的我想去人类的世界我盼望能与他一起跳舞漫步在海滩上那叫什么哦 脚如果能拥有那双脚我愿与它一起跳舞歌唱走在你条长长的那是什么字街一起漫步一起奔跑坐在你沙滩望着你夕阳多么希望能有一天与你为伴不知如何我才能够离开着海底不知如何我才能够用一天的时间在沙滩上晒太阳若有一天能出水面我愿用生命换得一切不论付出多少代价我也愿我已经准备好了解人类的世界让他们解开我心中的迷惑不在犹豫,不在害怕向水面冲我的希望,我的心愿愿所有梦想能够成真离开水面多么希望能有一天与你为伴

Miley的Part of the world歌词



仅在语义上有细微差别。spark sth off:be the immediate cause of (usu sth bad); lead to sth 直接导致(尤指坏事); 引发某事。这个off不能省略,且强调了【尤指坏事】。trigger (off):be the cause of a sudden (often) violent reaction; set an action or a process in motion成为突然发生的(常为激烈的)反应的原因; 发动; 引发。这个off是可以且常常省略的,且强调【引发的是本来就很紧张的情况】,可参考成语【一触即发】。并且不一定就是【坏事】,不带明显感情色彩。结论:语义上有差别,不能同等替换。


仅在语义上有细微差别。spark sth off:be the immediate cause of (usu sth bad); lead to sth 直接导致(尤指坏事); 引发某事。这个off不能省略,且强调了【尤指坏事】。trigger (off):be the cause of a sudden (often) violent reaction; set an action or a process in motion成为突然发生的(常为激烈的)反应的原因; 发动; 引发。这个off是可以且常常省略的,且强调【引发的是本来就很紧张的情况】,可参考成语【一触即发】。并且不一定就是【坏事】,不带明显感情色彩。结论:语义上有差别,不能同等替换。

JAVA用JTextField 和 JPasswordField 编写登录界面 每个用户有三次输入机会,错误时提示

import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.FlowLayout;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListenerimport javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JLabel;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JPasswordField;import javax.swing.JTextField;/** * 登录界面 */public class Login { private JFrame frame; private JLabel label1; private JLabel label2; private JLabel label3; private JPasswordField jf; private JTextField jt; private JButton yes; private JButton no; private int i=0; public Login(){ frame=new JFrame("登陆"); label1=new JLabel("家具销售系统"); label2=new JLabel(" 用户名:"); label3=new JLabel("密 码:"); jf=new JPasswordField(15); jt=new JTextField(15); yes=new JButton("登录"); no=new JButton("取消"); init(); addEventHandler(); } public void init(){ JPanel north=new JPanel(); JPanel center=new JPanel(); JPanel south=new JPanel(); north.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); center.setLayout(new FlowLayout(2)); south.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); north.add(label1); center.add(label2); center.add(jt); center.add(label3); center.add(jf); south.add(yes); south.add(no); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.add(north,BorderLayout.NORTH); frame.add(center,BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.add(south,BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public void showMe(){ frame.setLocation(500, 300); frame.setSize(250,150); frame.setResizable(false);//不能拖动大小 frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void addEventHandler(){ yes.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(jt.getText().equals("abc")&jf.getText().equals("123")){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "登陆成功"); }else{ if(i==2){ System.exit(0); }else{ i++; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "登陆失败,你还有"+(3-i)+"次机会"); } } } }); no.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); }public static void main(String[] args){ new Login().showMe(); }}注:1)用户名:abc 密码:123 2) 错误3次退出程序


import java.awt.*; public class aa { public static void main (String args[]) { Frame f=new Frame("包含面板的Frame"); Panel pan=new Panel(); Button b=new Button("请点击我"); b.setVisible(true); b.setLocation(100,200); f.setSize(800,800); f.setBackground(; f.setLayout(null); pan.setSize(200,200); pan.setBackground(; pan.add(b); //差这一句。。 f.add(pan); pan.setLocation(300,300); f.setVisible(true); } }满意请采纳。



JPanel panel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout())中的new BorderLayout()是什么意思啊?






寻找一部关于paparazzi狗仔队的法国或者意大利电影 中央六播放过大概2000年前后


LADY GAGA的paparazzi的MV是什么意思



Uh la la la,la la la laUh la la la(Oh~Oh~)Uh la la la,la la la laUh la la la(For the Girl"s For the Girl"s Generation)Cha cha cha cha扣哦西 米特baby 带恩哇西 大里ring ring呼西在 嗯哪吼都 西在嗯呐 呼里呼里Ki足一 呆路no呦 帕吧老希 啊那大噶闹早木到里闹 哎噶嗷呆 啊哈哈哈Hide and seek no everynight嘛达塔库style no塞的来莫到一ki几 吼西酷乃呐咔哟库 哟里吗笑 呐咔吗叫乃Life is a party噶来 几噶啦Sweet groove一自大呆 啊那大噶 Boom Boom Boom哈呆尼car chase 哈呐no aroundHi ki气 开达老的 Boom Boom Boom乃噶恩莫 自kiao啦来 呀she那衣 哎哦呀米喔 塞一特flashing噶塞特嘛乃Life is a party噶来 几噶啦Sweet groove么呆莫 撒么呆莫Boom Boom BoomUh la la la, la la la laUh la la la呀库素 to米塔一 噶麦呜咯 呜啦啦啦嘛几么 呜呆咯 啊那考莫 啦恰恰啦但滴呐 卡来大带 一额呆我 嘛嘛嘛嘛hi米字 no ki思no 思里鲁呆 哈啦哈啦捧搞呆里克 crazy night多ki嘛库 style no searching lightBad boy bad girl ki尼西乃奥到啦撒 来路要里 奥到鲁噶styleLife is a party达买 几吼到呜类路米自噶达 啦咋一莫Boom Boom Boom哟鲁no哈太 一搜莫卡该撒ki莫 哇里西太Boom Boom Boom呜哇撒噶 呜哇扫尼 到比hi西呆一来木一啊噶呆burning西呆库my nameWe"re the Girls, we"re the Girls Generation啊一西呆 啊一撒呆 塔达侃呐no你道no扣一莫 开噶来它扣一难呆噶慢呆ki乃 噶慢呆ki乃难呆搜 哇衣呆路 hi嘛莫乃闹啊几呆莫 靠几呆莫Boom Boom Boom米啦类 呆路吼到 咔噶呀库 哇达咔啦Come on friends 吼啦 哦依呆哟 ra达达Life is a party噶来 几噶啦Sweet groove一自大呆 啊那大噶 Boom Boom Boom哈呆尼car chase 哈呐no aroundHi ki字 开啦来呆 Boom Boom Boom扣喔来的 那米大no hi度自古噶依玛hi噶鲁达一哟 萌到你 噶哇鲁吗呆Life is a party噶来 几嘎啦Sweet groove么呆莫 撒么呆莫Boom Boom Boom



看《peppa pig》学语法:s101

《muddy puddles》Alright, run along you two:可以啊,你们两个快去吧。run along: 1. 走开 2. 延伸,贯穿I must check if it"s safe for you:我必须确认它对你来说是否安全 If it"s safe for you 是作为谓语check的宾语从句。 这里要注意: 只有宾语从句才可以用 if 引导。 Guess what we"ve been doing:猜猜我们刚才在做什么? guess 放置句首,是口语表达形式。have been doing是现在完成进行时:表示一直在做,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,也可也表示某种经历。在这里表示peppa 和 geroge刚才一直在玩。goodness me: 天哪。 为一种口语表达方式,And look at the mess you"re in:看看你们有多脏。mess:杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱在这里,you"re in 为宾语mess的补足语。 ———————————————————

少女时代paparazzi英文版歌词 因为我是手机上的,看不到,请各位电脑上的同胞,帮我到网上搜索一

Paparazzi 少女时代 (翻唱 英文版)oh lalala, lalalalaOh lalala, Ooh Oohoh lalala, lalalalaoh lalala(With the girls, with the Girls" Generation)Cha, cha, cha,chaCome over here now baby, hurry up and call me ring, ring, ringYou pretend to be natural but that makes you look so fakeAnd you sensed it, I know you paparazzi all to well nowThe smile you, you have been waiting for ahahahaHide and seak is every nightEphemeral Star of the satelliteDon"t you want a better tabloid?Let"s get along we workd in the same field after allCHORUS:Life is a party, garage and then to suite roomAnd you are always going boom, boom, boomExciting car chase, flashing all aroundThey"re getting closer to us boom, boom, boomYou know you can"t put a price tag on this little love affaitDarkness is gone cause flashing lights from moneyLife is a party, garage and then to suite roomSleeping or awaky I hear boom, boom, boomOh lalala, lalalalaOh lalalaI really wanna watch the hidden screen Ooh lalalaEven the kid who always looks sincere lachachalaThat handsome guy at home is just a boy to his mamamamaWith the thrill of kissing nervously in secret of coursePunk-A-Delic crazy nightThe excited stars they"re searching lightBad boy, bad girl I do not careIt"s more stylish to lead than to be ledCHORUS:Life is a party, damage can be sold even hereI was searching for it then boom, boom, boomThe end of the night, hiding in shadowsIt was forestalled and then hear boom, boom, boomAnd after the word has been spread all around news tabloidsBut before it starts burning down it"s seriousWith the girls, with the Girls" GenerationAll I"ve done was just to give and recieve loveBut what kind of love, only filthy love from youI can"t take no more, I can"t take no moreI have no time not even for just talkingRight over here, right over thereBoom, boom, boomOoh, OohOoh, OohIt is a shining wheel that can be seen in the dark tonightCome on friends, come here if you want it ratatataCHORUS:Life is a party, garage and then to suite roomAnd you are always going boom, boom, boomExciting car chase, flashing all aroundThey"re getting closer to us boom, boom, boomNow until the teardrop that has been shed finally hits the groundA shining diamond it will turn into soon yeahLife is a party, garage and then to suite roomSleeping or awake I hear boom, boom, boom


转supergirls吧:呜啦啦啦啦~啦啦啦啦~呜啦啦啦啦~OH~~~OH~~~呜啦啦啦啦~啦啦啦啦(FOR THE GIRLS",FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION)(MUSIC)扣呜西 米投忒尼 太木呜西 太里RINGRING呼西在 嗯啊好到 西在呜呐 呼里呼里KI足一 呆吕闹要 帕吧老希 啊嫩大噶闹早木到里闹 哎噶嗷呆 啊哈哈哈 HIGH THAT SIGNAL EVERYNIGHT嘛达塔库撒 NO 塞的来莫到一KI几 吼西可乃呐咔哟库 哟里莫笑 呐咔毛叫乃~ LIKE THIS PARTY噶来 几咔里SWEET GROUP一自咔呆啊嘛达噶 BOOM BOOM BOOM哈乃尼扣却 哈呐都ALL ROUNDHI比去 开达老的 BOOM BOOM BOOM乃达呜毛自KIAO呐来呀心嘛一 哎偶要尼哇塞一塔退心塞特MORNINGLIKE THIS PARTY噶来 几咔里SWEET GROUP喃呆莫 撒么呆莫 BOOM~ BOOM~ BOOM~ 呜啦啦啦啦~啦啦啦啦~呜啦啦啦啦哈库思 讨米塔一 咔麦呜咯 呜啦啦啦嘛几嘛 不呆咯 啊莫考莫 啦恰恰啦但滴呐 咔来咯开 一也呆莫 嘛嘛嘛嘛西米自 木KI思咯 思里鲁呆 哈啦哈啦捧搞呆里 CRAZY NIGHT讨KI嘛库 START NO SIZE TONIGHTBAD BOY BAD GIRL KI里西乃奥到来撒 来到要里 奥到鲁噶STYLE LIKE THIS PARTY达麦 几吼到呜呆鲁米自噶达 啦咋一莫 BOOM BOOM BOOM哟鲁到哈太 一搜莫咔该 撒KI莫 哇里西太 BOOM BOOM BOOM呜哇撒噶 呜哇扫尼 到比一西呆一来木一啊噶呆 BURNING西呆库麦宁 (FOR THE GIRLS",FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION) 啊一西呆 啊一撒呆 塔达侃呐嫩米道道靠一莫 开噶来打靠一喃呆噶嘛乃KI乃 噶嘛乃KI乃喃一扫 哇一呆吕 HI嘛莫乃闹啊几呆莫 靠几呆莫 BOOM BOOM BOOM 米啦嫩 呆吕吼到 咔噶哟库 哇度咔呐COME ON FRIENDS 吼啦 OH WE 呆哟 RUA DADA LIKE THIS PARTY噶来 几咔里SWEET GROUP一自咔呆啊嘛达噶 BOOM BOOM BOOM哈乃尼扣却 哈呐都ALL ROUNDHI比去 开啦老的 BOOM BOOM BOOM考毛哎达 嘛米呆莫 HI度自古达一呐一噶鲁 达一哟萌到一搞哇鲁毛呆LIKE THIS PARTY噶来 几咔里SWEET GROUP喃呆莫 撒么呆莫 BOOM~ BOOM~ BOOM~

lady gaga paparazzi mv里的男主角是谁啊


lady gaga的歌曲Paparzzi的剧情是什么意思啊?顺便给我歌词哈,最好有中文。

We are the crowdWe"re c-comin" out我们从人群之中走出来Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味It"s so magical是多麼的神奇We"d be so fantastico我们就应该如此的美好Leather and jeans皮革、牛仔裤Garage Glamorous迷人的GarageNot sure what it means不确定它们代表著什麼But this photo of us it don"t have a price但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的Ready for those flashing lights准备好要面对那些闪光灯Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa,PAPARAZZI狗仔,狗仔队啊Baby there"s no other superstar-亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that boy is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊I"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsyeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the sets,Eyeliner and cigarettes我会默默的在后台支持你的表演天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星眼线笔和香菸Shadow is burnt-呛鼻的烟雾Yellow, dance and we turn胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著My lashes are dry双眸是乾涩的Purple teardrops I cry但我流下了矫柔的泪水It don"t have a price这是无价的Loving you is cherry pie爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道Real good, We dance in the studio感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞Snap Snap to that shit on the radio关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾Don"t stop for anyone不要因为任何人而停下了舞步We"re plastic, but we still have fun就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场看完歌词你就明白了


貌似没有脱身。先说说MV的内容(个人理解):刚出道的GAGA和明星男友互相利用,被狗仔队拍下照片(看MV里那个男友的眼神就知道了,但是又像是GAGA利用男友,只能说是互相利用),想要获得名声,在阳台上被男友推下去,导致了暂时的残疾,不知道是不是GAGA怀恨在心,或者想要更大的名声,伪装成女佣接近男友,让男友服下毒药而死去。后来重返舞台的GAGA依然受到大家的欢迎(貌似突然闪出来的那张报纸说了什么《WE LOVE。。》后面那个应该说是her,我们依然爱她吧),但是你没看见GAGA旁边的两个警察吗? 被推进警车了。后面看那个拿着牌子拍照的部分就是已经被捕了啊。这个MV有点难理解,我也看了好多遍才明白大概意思。。。。看一下歌词吧!关于上面GAGA是不是利用男友的话,看这里就知道了,貌似是很想让狗仔队追逐然后成名的样子:(GAGA也许一开始不要让男友再和自己搂搂抱抱那是做出来的。。看歌词她多想让狗仔队追逐)LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队)We are the crowdWe"re c-comin" out我们从人群之中走出来Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味It"s so magical是多麼的神奇We"d be so fantastico我们就应该如此的美好Leather and jeans皮革、牛仔裤Garage Glamorous迷人的GarageNot sure what it means不确定它们代表著什麼But this photo of us it don"t have a price但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的Ready for those flashing lights准备好要面对那些闪光灯Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa,PAPARAZZI狗仔,狗仔队啊Baby there"s no other superstar-亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that boy is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊I"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsyeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the sets,Eyeliner and cigarettes我会默默的在后台支持你的表演天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星眼线笔和香菸Shadow is burnt-呛鼻的烟雾Yellow, dance and we turn胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著My lashes are dry双眸是乾涩的Purple teardrops I cry但我流下了矫柔的泪水It don"t have a price这是无价的Loving you is cherry pie爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道Real good, We dance in the studio感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞Snap Snap to that shit on the radio关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾Don"t stop for anyone不要因为任何人而停下了舞步We"re plastic, but we still have fun就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场

少女时代 PAPARAZZI歌词含义

中文歌词: ALL Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La   Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh   La La La La La La La Oh La La La   FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION   Tiffany 边看著我边打电话的BABY Ring Ring   郑秀妍 不自然的 故作镇定   徐贤 我发现了喔 PAPARAZZI 就是你   sunny 摆出期待中的笑容 Aha Ha Ha Ha   泰妍 每晚上演的捉迷藏 泰妍 每晚上演的捉迷藏   孝贤 又吸来一堆卫星绕著我打转   秀英 想要更好的报导题材吗?   yuri我们之间岂不是该打好关系   ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间   允儿 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom   ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围   sunny 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom   徐贤献上贴了标价无止尽的爱   泰妍 划破黑暗的闪光灯 是能带来金钱的美景   ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间   Tiffany 睡著也好醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom ALL   Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La   泰妍 想窥探隐私 捕捉画面的秘密 La La La   sunny 揭发真面目 连那个孩子也不放过 La Cha Cha La   郑秀妍 对那个潇洒的他来说 家不过是...Mama Mama   徐贤 秘密之吻的刺激感 花瓣纷飞般落下   Tiffany 真的是 We Crazy Night   允儿心跳不已的 追星之夜   郑秀妍 Bad Boy Bad Girl 别在意   秀顺 比起受别人鼓动 舞出自己才是StyleALL Life is a Party 只有揭开疮疤才能大卖啊   Yuri 被找到的下场只有 Boom Boom Boom ALL 深夜之中 潜伏的影子   sunny 早就在身边打转 Boom Boom Boom   郑秀妍为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后   泰妍 在事态白热化之前 拼命搧风点火吧   ALL FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION   徐贤 明明只不过是爱人与被爱   泰妍 这样的恋情是什麼肮脏的爱情吗   郑秀妍 无法忍耐了 无法忍耐了   sunny 为何总是引起骚动 没有休息的时候吗   孝渊 那边也是这里也是 Boom Boom Boom   Yuri 因为总是发著会引起注意的光芒啊   Tiffany Come On Friends 好了 过来吧    Oh La Ta Ta ALL Life is a Party   从车库到我温暖的房间   秀英 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom   ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围   泰妍 不过是才掉下的一滴眼泪   郑秀妍 竟然变成发著光的钻石   ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 睡著也好 醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom

lady gaga 唱的paparazzi 的中文音译

We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out   我们从人群之中走出来   Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you   我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味   It"s so magical   是多么的神奇   We"d be so fantastical   我们就应该如此的美好   Leather and jeans   皮革、牛仔裤   your watch Glamorous   你的外表如此迷人   Not sure what it means   不确定它们代表着什么   But this photo of us it don"t have a price   但这些专属于我们的照片是无价的   Ready for those flashing lights   准备好要面对那些闪光灯   Cause you know that baby i   因为亲爱的你知道   I"m your biggest fan   我是你最忠实的粉丝   I"ll follow you until you love me   我会一直追随你直到你爱上我   Papa-Paparazzi   狗仔队   Baby there"s no other superstar   亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了   You know that I"ll be Papa-Paparazzi   你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊   Promise I"ll be kind   保证我会很温柔的对待你   But I won"t stop until that boy is mine   但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃   Baby you"ll be famous   亲爱的你将会成名   chase you down until you love me Papa-Paparazzi   而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊   I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show   我会默默的在后台支持你的表演   Velvet ropes and guitars yeah   天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他   cause you know I"m starting between the sets   没错,你知道我是从人群之中开始的   Eyeliner and cigarettes   眼线笔和香烟   Shadow is burnt   呛鼻的烟雾   Yellow, dance and turn   胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳着   My lashes are dry   双眸是干涩的   Purple teardrops I cry   但我流下的泪水   It don"t have a price   这是无价的   Loving you is cherry pie   爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派   Cause you know that baby I   因为亲爱的你知道   I"m your biggest fan   我是你最忠实的粉丝   I"ll follow you until you love me   我会一直追随你直到你爱上我   Papa, Paparazzi   狗仔队   Baby there"s no other superstar   亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了   You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi   你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊   Promise I"ll be kind   保证我会很温柔的对待你   But I won"t stop until that boy is mine   但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃   Baby you"ll be famous   亲爱的你将会成名   chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi   而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊   Real good, We dance in the studio   感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞   Snap Snap to that shit on the radio   关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾   Don"t stop boy ,let it rewind   男孩,别停下来,让磁带一直播放   We"re blast, but we still have fun   就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场   I"m your biggest fan   我是你最忠实的粉丝   I"ll follow you until you love me   我会一直追随你直到你爱上我   Papa, Paparazzi   狗仔队   Baby there"s no other superstar   亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了   You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi   你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊   Promise I"ll be kind   保证我会很温柔的对待你   But I won"t stop until that boy is mine   但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃   Baby you"ll be famous   亲爱的你将会成名   chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi   而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔队

求少女时代paparazzi 的平假名歌词

PAPARAZZI呗:少女时代Oh La La LaLa La La LaOh La La LaOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh OhOh La La LaLa La La LaOh La La LaGirls" Generationこっち见(み)て Baby 电话(でんわ)したり Ring Ring不自然(ふしぜん)なほど 自然(しぜん)なふりふり気付(きづ)いてるのよ PAPARAZZI あなたが望(のぞ)む通(とう)りの笑颜(えがお)で Aha Ha Ha HaHide&SeekのEvery Nightまた沢山(たくさん)の Satelliteもっと良い记事(きじ)欲(ほ)しくない? 仲良(なかよ)くやりましょう 仲间(なかま)じゃないLife is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム いつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom派手(はで)にCarChase 花(はな)のAll Round引(ひ)き付(づ)けらて Boom Boom Boom値段(ねだん)も付(つ)けられやしない爱(あい)を闇(やみ)を裂(さ)いて Flashが Sight of MoneyLife is Party ガレージからスイートルーム 寝(ね)ても覚(さ)めても Boom Boom BoomOh La La LaLa La La LaOh La La La隠(かく)すと见(み)たい仮面の Oh La La La真面目(まじめ)ぶってる あの子(こ)も La Cha Cha LaDandyな彼(かれ)だって 家(いえ)では Mama Mama秘密(ひみつ)のKissのスリルでハラハラ本当(ほんとう)で We Crazy Nightときめく StarのSearchLightBad Boy Bad Girl 気(き)にしない踊(おど)らされるより 踊(おど)るが StyleLife is a Party ダメージほど売(う)れる见(み)つかたら最後(さいご) Boom Boom Boom夜(よる)の果(は)て 潜(ひそ)む阴(かげ)先回(さきまわ)りして Boom Boom Boom噂(うそ)が噂に 飞(と)び火(ひ)して以来燃(も)え上(あ)がって Burningして行(い)く前(まえ)に爱(あい)して 爱(あい)されたたけなのにこの恋(こい)も汚(けが)れた恋(こ)いなんて我慢出来(がまんでき)ない 我慢出来(がまんでき)ないなんて騒(さわ)いてる 暇(ひま)はないのあっちてもこっちても Boom Boom Boom见(み)られてるほど 辉(かがや)くわ だからCome On Freinds ほら おいでよ Oh La Ta TaLife is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム いつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom派手にCarChase 花のAll Round引き付けらて Boom Boom Boomこぼれた涙(なみだ)の一粒(ひとつぶ)が今(いま)光(ひか)るダイアモンドに変(か)わるまでLife is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム 寝(ね)ても覚(さ)めても Boom Boom Boom真的是我自己做的!!


We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out  我们从人群之中走出来  Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you  我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味  It"s so magical  是多么的神奇  We"d be so fantastical  我们就应该如此的美好  Leather and jeans  皮革、牛仔裤  your whatch Glamorous  你的外表如此迷人  Not sure what it means  不确定它们代表着什么  But this photo of us it don"t have a price  但这些专属于我们的照片是无价的  Ready for those flashing lights  准备好要面对那些闪光灯  Cause you know that baby i  因为亲爱的你知道  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  Papa-Paparazzi  狗仔队  Baby there"s no other superstar  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be Papa-Paparazzi  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous  亲爱的你将会成名  chase you down until you love me Papa-Paparazzi  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊  I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show  我会默默的在后台支持你的表演  Velvet ropes and guitars yeah  天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他  cause you know I"m starting between the sets  没错,你知道我是从人群之中开始的  Eyeliner and cigarettes  眼线笔和香烟  Shadow is burnt  呛鼻的烟雾  Yellow, dance and turn  胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳着  My lashes are dry  双眸是干涩的  Purple teardrops I cry  但我流下的泪水  It don"t have a price  这是无价的  Loving you is cherry pie  爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派  Cause you know that baby I  因为亲爱的你知道  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  Papa, Paparazzi  狗仔队  Baby there"s no other superstar  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous  亲爱的你将会成名  chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊  Real good, We dance in the studio  感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞  Snap Snap to that shit on the radio  关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾  Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步  We"re blast, but we still have fun  就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  Papa, Paparazzi  狗仔队  Baby there"s no other superstar  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous  亲爱的你将会成名  chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔队


Uh la la la la la la la Uh la la laoh oh ohUh la la la la la la la Uh la la laFor the Girl"s For the Girl"s Generation cha cha cha cha 边看着我边打电话的baby daring RING RING扣哦级米蝶baby 蝶无哦西 daring RING RING不自然的 故作镇定胡西zei 乌拉后都 西zei无呐虎里虎里我发现了哦 paparazzi 就是你ki足以蝶路诺哟 paparazzi 阿娜打嘎摆出了期待中的笑容 ah ha ha ha诺走木都理诺诶嘎无都 ah ha ha ha每晚上演的捉迷藏还蝶C诺 every night又吸来一堆卫星绕着我打转嘛打大哭四大诺 塞无赖想要更好的报道题材吗?摸都一ki后西哭耐我们之间岂不是该打好关系呐嘎哟哭呀里吗休呐嘎嘛家耐life is a party 从车库到我温暖的房间life is a party 级嘎啦C room不知何时你已经出现 boom boom boom一字打蝶啊呐打嘎 boom boom boom华丽的跟车追逐 开花般的全面包围哈类你看切丝 哈呐路哦round一旦被盯上就 boom boom boomhe给足给啦那大 boom boom boom献上贴了标签无止境的爱耐啦无摸字kio呐类亚希那一爱诺划破黑暗的闪光灯 是能带来金钱的美景呀米我赛的排西赛都嘛内life is a party 从车库到我温暖的房间life is a party 级嘎啦C room睡着也好醒着也好 boom boom boom呐蝶摸撒呐蝶摸 boom boom boomUh la la la la la la la Uh la la la想窥探隐私 捕捉画面的秘密 uh la la la卡哭素都米打一卡妹无拉 uh la la la揭发真面目 连那个孩子也不放过 la cha cha la马季妹补 蝶路啊呐扣咯 la cha cha la对那个潇洒的他来说 家不过是mama mama打你呀卡类路都一页呐蝶 mama mama秘密之吻的刺激感 花瓣纷飞般落下he米足诺ki素诺素以路蝶哈拉哈拉真的是 we crazy night哄都蝶 we crazy night心跳不已的追星之夜都ki嘛哭star诺赛chu latbad boy bad girl 别在意bad boy bad girl ki里西耐比起受别人鼓动 舞出自己才是style哦都啦素类读哟你哦都路给stylelife is a party 只有揭开疮疤才能大卖啊life is a party 打灭级后都无诶路无被找到的下场只有 boom boom boom米字给蝶呐撒一叠 boom boom boom深夜之中 潜伏的影子哟路诺哈蝶 一苏诺看给早就在身边打转 boom boom boom撒ki摸哇一西蝶 boom boom boom为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后无哇撒嘎 无哇撒你 都比hi西蝶依赖在事态白热化之前 拼命煽风点火吧摸为哦嘎蝶啵你西哭嘛耐For the Girl"s For the Girl"s Generation 明明只不过是爱人与被爱爱西蝶爱萨鲁她搭给呐你这样的恋情是什么肮脏的爱情吗都诺ke一摸ke打类蝶够呐蝶被找到的下场只有 boom boom boom米字给蝶呐撒一叠 boom boom boom深夜之中 潜伏的影子哟路诺哈蝶 一苏诺看给早就在身边打转 boom boom boom撒ki摸哇一西蝶 boom boom boom为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后无哇撒嘎 无哇撒你 都比hi西蝶依赖在事态白热化之前 拼命煽风点火吧摸为哦嘎蝶啵你西哭嘛耐For the Girl"s For the Girl"s Generation 明明只不过是爱人与被爱爱西蝶爱萨鲁她搭给呐你这样的恋情是什么肮脏的爱情吗都诺ke一摸ke打类蝶够呐蝶华丽的跟车追逐 开花般的全面包围哈类你看切丝 哈呐路哦round一旦被盯上就 boom boom boomhe给足给啦那大 boom boom boom不过是才掉下的一滴眼泪扣我累蝶呐米打摸hi都阻无蝶以耐竟然变成发着光的钻石一打路大一哟摸都哟哇一嘎类life is a party 从车库到我温暖的房间life is a party 级嘎啦C room睡着也好醒着也好 boom boom boom呐蝶摸撒呐蝶摸 boom boom boom也不知道行不行 将就着看吧


LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队)We are the crowdWe"re c-comin" out我们从人群之中走出来Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味It"s so magical是多麼的神奇We"d be so fantastico我们就应该如此的美好Leather and jeans皮革、牛仔裤Garage Glamorous迷人的GarageNot sure what it means不确定它们代表著什麼But this photo of us it don"t have a price但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的Ready for those flashing lights准备好要面对那些闪光灯Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa,PAPARAZZI狗仔,狗仔队啊Baby there"s no other superstar-亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that boy is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊I"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsyeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the sets,Eyeliner and cigarettes我会默默的在后台支持你的表演天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星眼线笔和香菸Shadow is burnt-呛鼻的烟雾Yellow, dance and we turn胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著My lashes are dry双眸是乾涩的Purple teardrops I cry但我流下了矫柔的泪水It don"t have a price这是无价的Loving you is cherry pie爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道Real good, We dance in the studio感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞Snap Snap to that shit on the radio关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾Don"t stop for anyone不要因为任何人而停下了舞步We"re plastic, but we still have fun就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场 MV的意思当今美国的舞曲皇后Lady Gaga拍摄了歌曲《Paparazzi》的MV,这首长达8分钟的MV更像一部电影短片,有完整的故事情节。Lady Gaga在片中扮演一位处于混乱状态的初涉影坛的小明星,男主角是《Generation Kill》,《真爱如血》等电视剧的主演Alexander Skarsgard。整个MV投资巨大,可谓奢华,Lady Gaga在MV里换了N套衣服,整个片子仿佛一场时装秀,会牢牢的吸引住观众的眼球,让你一刻也不会转移。在MV的拍摄过程中,也传出不少八卦,Lady GaGa因不满Alexander Skarsgard欲借她上位故意让狗仔队偷拍,还将Alexander打得流血。GAGA被男主角利用,不顾GAGA的形象故意给狗仔偷拍。扭打中把GAGA推下楼,导致GAGA残疾。GAGA经过漫长的恢复期后,乔装成类似女优的服务生,在饮品里下药毒死了推她下楼的男主角,并成功不留痕迹的离开现场。GAGA重返舞台后爱她的人依然爱她,歌迷们都还是一如既往的支持她。而曾经利用背叛她的人下场可见一斑···

Lady GaGa的《Paparazzi》歌名是什么意思啊?顺便求歌词和中文翻译,谢谢!

LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队) We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out 我们从人群之中走出来 Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you 我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味 It"s so magical 是多么的神奇 We"d be so fantastic,oh 我们就应该如此的美好 Leather and jeans 皮革、牛仔裤 your whatch Glamorous 你的外表如此迷人 Not sure what it means 不确定它们代表着什么 But this photo of us it don"t have a price 但这些专属于我们的照片是无价的 Ready for those flashing lights 准备好要面对那些闪光灯 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 PAPA,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, 亲爱的你将会成名, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show 我会默默的在后台支持你的表演 Velvet ropes and guitars yeah, 天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他 cause you know I"m starting between the sets, 没错,你知道我是从人群之中开始的。 Eyeliner and cigarettes 眼线笔和香烟 Shadow is burnt- 呛鼻的烟雾 Yellow, dance and turn 胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳着 My lashes are dry 双眸是干涩的 but the teardrops I cry 但我流下的泪水 It don"t have a price 这是无价的 Loving you is cherry pie 爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, 亲爱的你将会成名, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 Real good, We dance in the studio 感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞 Snap Snap to that shit on the radio 关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾 Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步 We"re blast, but we still have fun 就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, 亲爱的你将会成名, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊


意思是狗仔队啊 呵呵


日语原歌词:【ALL】Ooh La-La LaLa La La La Ooh La-La LaOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh OhOoh La-La LaLa La La La Ooh La-La La(FOR THE GIRLS")Ooh La-La La(FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION)【帕尼】 こっち见てベイビー电话して Ring Ring Ring【西卡】 不自然なほど自然なフリフリ【忙内】気づいてるのよパパラッチあなたが【sunny】望むどおりの笑颜でア・ハハハ【泰妍】Hide & SeekのEvery Night【忙内&孝渊】瞬くスターのサテライト【秀英】もっといい记事欲しくない?【帕尼&yuri系】仲良くやりましょう仲间じゃない【ALL】Life is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム【允儿】いつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom【ALL】派手にCar chase 花の all around【西卡】ひきつけられてBoom Boom Boom【忙内】値段もつけられやしない爱を【泰妍】暗を裂いて Flashが咲いてマネー【ALL】Life is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム【帕尼】寝ても醒めてもBoom Boom Boom【ALL】Ooh La-La LaLa La La La Ooh La-La La【泰妍】隠すと见たい 画面のOoh La-La La【sunny】真面目ぶってるあの子もLa Cha Cha La【西卡】ダンディーな彼だって家ではMama Mama【忙内】秘密のキスのスリルでハラハラ【帕尼】Punk & Deli クレージーナイト【允儿&yuri系】ときめくスターの Searching Night【西卡】Bad Boy Bad Girl 気にしない【秀英&sunny】踊らされるより踊るがスタイル【ALL】Life is a Party ダメージほど売れる【yuri系】见つかったら最后Boom Boom Boom【ALL】夜の果てキスの影【sunny】先回りして Boom Boom Boom【西卡】噂が噂に飞び火して以来【泰妍】盛り上がって burning していく前に【music~~】【ALL】FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION【忙内】爱して爱されただけなのに【泰妍】どの恋も汚れた恋なんて【西卡】我慢できない我慢できない【sunny】なんて騒いでる暇はないの【孝渊】あっちでもこっちでもBoom Boom Boom【music~~】【yuri系】见られてるほど辉く轮だから【帕尼】Come On FriendsほらおいでよLa Ta Ta【ALL】Life is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム【秀英】いつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom【ALL】派手に Car chase 花の all around【帕尼】ひきつけられてBoom Boom Boom【泰妍】こぼれた涙も一粒が今【西卡】光るダイヤモンドに変わるまで【ALL】Life is a Party ガレージからスイートルーム寝ても醒めてもBoom Boom Boom


We are the crowd We"re c-coming out Got my flash on it"s true Need that picture of you It"s so magical We"d be so fantastical Leather and jeans Your watch glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us It don"t have a price Ready for those flashing lights "Cause you know that baby I I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars Yeah cause you"ll know I"m staring between the sets Eyeliner and cigarettes Shadow is burnt Yellow dance and return My lashes are dry But with teardrops I cry It don"t have a price Loving you is cherry pie "Cause you know that baby I I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi Real good (We dance in the studio) Snap, snapped (That shit on the radio) Don"t stop boy, rewind We"ll blast it but we"ll still have fun! I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi

求翻译Lady GaGa ——Paparazzi 歌词的中文意思


paparazzi MV里面的意义是什么?

paparazzi是狗仔队的意思 首先,MV的布景和音乐就充满了意大利情调,gaga和MV男主的对话貌似也是意大利语。从报纸上的头条写着“THE EVENING STAR”可知gaga扮演的是一位刚窜红的新星。 gaga被男主带到阳台上亲热,gaga发现被人拍照了,gaga让男主停下来,他不停,还叫gaga看镜头。(可想而知男主是在利用gaga上头条)gaga急了,用酒瓶砸男主,男主就把gaga推下阳台。而对着受伤的gaga,狗仔队只是一个劲地拍照。 接着,gaga出院,但是却没有狗仔队来拍照,可知出院后的gaga已人气大跌。下车跳舞,还有当中那些插进来的各种死法,本人猜测可能是代表原来善良的gaga已死。 然后,康复的gaga和男主坐在一起,但却形同陌路,她站起来放下杂志上面写“the new it girl”可知男主另结新欢了,没人气的gaga对他已经没有了吸引力。gaga给男主倒饮料,从戒指里到处药粉往水里下毒,把男主毒死。 gaga打电话报警(有个声音说“hello……nine one one”911 警察局 她说“i just killed my boy friend”杀了男朋友) 后来一些警察过来检查尸体,把gaga带走,在门外受到大批狗仔队包围,gaga没有丝毫害怕,反而搔首弄姿让狗仔队照相。可以看出gaga毒死男友是有预谋的,就是为了让狗仔队拍照,聚集人气。 本人觉得此处最有讽刺意味。先是男主利用gaga,后来反而让gaga利用,还赔上了性命。 其中,三幅头条写着"she"back" (她的真面目)"we love she again"(我们将继续爱她) "she"s innocence"(她是清白的)说明gaga 已经成功聚集人气,再次成为闪光灯的宠儿 。 gaga送到警察局,进监狱之前要拍照,gaga还在那里摆弄姿势,然后照相的人叫gaga面对镜头,gaga很不情愿地照了一个正面照。

少女时代 paparazzi 日文全假名或带假名歌词



  首先,MV的布景和音乐就充满了意大利情调,gaga和MV男主的对话貌似也是意大利语。从报纸上的头条写着“THE EVENING STAR”可知gaga扮演的是一位刚窜红的新星。  gaga被男主带到阳台上亲热,gaga发现被人拍照了,gaga让男主停下来,他不停,还叫gaga看镜头。(可想而知男主是在利用gaga上头条)gaga急了,用酒瓶砸男主,男主就把gaga推下阳台。而对着受伤的gaga,狗仔队只是一个劲地拍照。  接着,gaga出院,但是却没有狗仔队来拍照,可知出院后的gaga已人气大跌。下车跳舞,还有当中那些插进来的各种死法,本人猜测可能是代表原来善良的gaga已死。  然后,康复的gaga和男主坐在一起,但却形同陌路,她站起来放下杂志上面写“the new it girl”可知男主另结新欢了,没人气的gaga对他已经没有了吸引力。gaga给男主倒饮料,从戒指里到处药粉往水里下毒,把男主毒死。  gaga打电话报警(有个声音说“hello……nine one one”911 警察局 她说“i just killed my boy friend”杀了男朋友)  后来一些警察过来检查尸体,把gaga带走,在门外受到大批狗仔队包围,gaga没有丝毫害怕,反而搔首弄姿让狗仔队照相。可以看出gaga毒死男友是有预谋的,就是为了让狗仔队拍照,聚集人气。 本人觉得此处最有讽刺意味。先是男主利用gaga,后来反而让gaga利用,还赔上了性命。  其中,三幅头条写着"she"back" (她的真面目)"we love she again"(我们将继续爱她) "she"s innocence"(她是清白的)说明gaga 已经成功聚集人气,再次成为闪光灯的宠儿 。  gaga送到警察局,进监狱之前要拍照,gaga还在那里摆弄姿势,然后照相的人叫gaga面对镜头,gaga很不情愿地照了一个正面照。



paparazzi 少女时代 罗马歌词

但是童鞋 你不脚的这是韩文的吗。。。

lady gaga paparazzi mv演的是什么

等等,我这就看看去 就是楼上两个人加起来的,她男朋友不是狗仔,是想利用这些来什么的...

少女时代的《PAPARAZZI》 歌词

PAPARAZZI作词:Fredrik Thomande、Johan Becker、いしわたり淳治作曲:Fredrik Thomander、Johan Becker演唱:少女时代こっち见てBaby 电话したりRing Ring不自然なほど自然なフリフリ気付いてるのよPaparazzi あなたが望む通りの笑颜で a-hahahaHide And SeekのEvery Night瞬くスターのSatelliteもっと イイ记事 欲しくない?仲良くやりましょ 仲间じゃない?Life Is A Party ガレージからSuite RoomいつだってあなたがBoom Boom Boom!派手にCar Chase 花のAround惹きつけられてBoom Boom Boom!値段もつけられやしない爱を闇を裂いたFlashが裂いてMoney!Life Is A Party ガレージからSuite Room寝ても覚めてもBoom Boom Boom!隠すと见たい画面のulalala真面目ぶってるあの娘もラチャチャラダンディな彼だって家ではMama! Mama!秘密のKissのスリルでハラハラPunkadelic Crazy NightときめくスターのSearching LightBad Boy, Bad Girl 気にしない“踊らされるより踊る”がStyleLife Is A Party ダメージほど売れる见つかったら最後 Boom Boom Boom!夜の果て 潜む影先回りしてBoom Boom Boom!噂が噂に飞び火して以来燃え上がってBurningしていくMy Name!What a Girl What a GIRLS" GENERATION爱して爱されただけなのにどの恋も汚れた恋なんて我慢出来ない 我慢出来ないなんて騒いでる暇もないのあっちでも こっちでも Boom Boom Boom!见られてるほど辉くわ だからCome On, Friends ほらおいでよratataLife is A Party ガレージからSuite RoomいつだってあなたがBoom Boom Boom!派手にCar Chase 花のAround惹きつけられてBoom Boom Boom!こぼれた涙の一粒がいま光るダイヤモンドに変わるまでLife Is A Party ガレージからSuite Room寝ても覚めてもBoom Boom Boom!


We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out我们从人群之中走出来Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味It"s so magical是多么的神奇We"d be so fantastical我们就应该如此的美好Leather and jeans皮革、牛仔裤your watch Glamorous你的外表如此迷人Not sure what it means不确定它们代表着什么But this photo of us it don"t have a price但这些专属于我们的照片是无价的Ready for those flashing lights准备好要面对那些闪光灯Cause you know that baby i因为亲爱的你知道I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa-Paparazzi狗仔队Baby there"s no other superstar亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be Papa-Paparazzi你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that girl is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous亲爱的你将会成名chase you down until you love me Papa-Paparazzi而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show我会默默的在后台支持你的表演Velvet ropes and guitars yeah天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他cause you know I"m starting between the sets没错,你知道我是从人群之中开始的Eyeliner and cigarettes眼线笔和香烟Shadow is burnt呛鼻的烟雾Yellow, dance and turn胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳着My lashes are dry双眸是干涩的But the teardrops I cry但我流下的泪水It don"t have a price这是无价的Loving you is cherry pie爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派Cause you know that baby I因为亲爱的你知道I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa, Paparazzi 狗仔队Baby there"s no other superstar亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that boy is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous亲爱的你将会成名chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊Real good, We dance in the studio感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞Snap Snap to that shit on the radio关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾Don"t stop girl ,let it rewind女孩,别停下来,让磁带一直播放We"re blast, but we still have fun就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场I"m your biggest fan我是你最忠实的粉丝I"ll follow you until you love me我会一直追随你直到你爱上我Papa, Paparazzi狗仔队Baby there"s no other superstar亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊Promise I"ll be kind保证我会很温柔的对待你But I won"t stop until that boy is mine但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃Baby you"ll be famous亲爱的你将会成名chase you down until you love me Papa, Paparazzi而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔队

Lady Gaga的《Paparazzi》 歌词

歌曲名:Paparazzi歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:THE BORN THIS WAY BALL TOURLady GaGa - PaparazziThe FameWe are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziReal good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have funI"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-Paparazzi

求LADY GAGA 的《paparazzi》歌词完整版

Lady GaGa - PaparazziWe are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mePapa-PaparazziBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mePapa-PaparazziBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziReal good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have funI"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mePapa-PaparazziBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-Paparazzi

Lady Gaga paparazzi歌词

首先 很庆幸 我 也很喜欢这首歌,再一个我也有歌词 !喜欢她的一切 ! PaparazziWe are the crowd We"re cuh-coming out Got my flash on it"s true Need that picture of you It"s so magical We"d be so fantastic, oh Leather and jeans your watch glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us It don"t have a price Ready for those flashing lights "Cause you know that baby I... I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-Paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your... Papa-Paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-Paparazzi I"ll be your girl backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars Yeah cause you know I"m starting between the sets Eyeliner and cigarettes Shadow is burnt, yellow dance and return My lashes are dry... But the teardrops I cry It don"t have a price Loving you is Cherry Pie "Cause you know that baby I... I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-Paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi Real good, We"re dancing in the studio Stop-stopped, That shit on the radio Don"t stop, for anyone We"ll Blast it but we"ll still have fun I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-Paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-Paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi

Lady Gaga的Paparazzi 歌词翻译?

LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队) We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out 我们从人群之中走出来 Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you 我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味 It"s so magical 是多麼的神奇 We"d be so fantastico 我们就应该如此的美好 Leather and jeans 皮革、牛仔裤 Garage Glamorous 迷人的Garage Not sure what it means 不确定它们代表著什麼 But this photo of us it don"t have a price 但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的 Ready for those flashing lights 准备好要面对那些闪光灯 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I "m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars yeah, cause you"re my rock star In between the sets, Eyeliner and cigarettes 我会默默的在后台支持你的表演 天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他 没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星 眼线笔和香菸 Shadow is burnt- 呛鼻的烟雾 Yellow, dance and we turn 胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著 My lashes are dry 双眸是乾涩的 Purple teardrops I cry 但我流下了矫柔的泪水 It don"t have a price 这是无价的 Loving you is cherry pie 爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 Real good, We dance in the studio 感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞 Snap Snap to that shit on the radio 关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾 Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步 We"re plastic, but we still have fun 就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 追问: 感觉不太对得上呢 回答: 不会哦


狗崽队= =、

少女时代 paparazzi的音译歌词

lady gaga《paparazzi》的歌词以及翻译!速度!!

We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out 我们从人群之中走出来 Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you 我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味 It"s so magical 是多麼的神奇 We"d be so fantastico 我们就应该如此的美好 Leather and jeans 皮革、牛仔裤 Garage Glamorous 迷人的Garage Not sure what it means 不确定它们代表著什麼 But this photo of us it don"t have a price 但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的 Ready for those flashing lights 准备好要面对那些闪光灯 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars yeah, cause you"re my rock star In between the sets, Eyeliner and cigarettes 我会默默的在后台支持你的表演 天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他 没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星 眼线笔和香菸 Shadow is burnt- 呛鼻的烟雾 Yellow, dance and we turn 胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著 My lashes are dry 双眸是乾涩的 Purple teardrops I cry 但我流下了矫柔的泪水 It don"t have a price 这是无价的 Loving you is cherry pie 爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 Real good, We dance in the studio 感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞 Snap Snap to that shit on the radio 关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾 Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步 We"re plastic, but we still have fun 就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 这样对吗

Lady gaga 的歌 Paparazzi的中文意思是什么?

LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队) We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out 我们从人群之中走出来 Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you 我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味 It"s so magical 是多麼的神奇 We"d be so fantastico 我们就应该如此的美好 Leather and jeans 皮革、牛仔裤 Garage Glamorous 迷人的Garage Not sure what it means 不确定它们代表著什麼 But this photo of us it don"t have a price 但这些专属於我们的照片是无价的 Ready for those flashing lights 准备好要面对那些闪光灯 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 I"m your biggest fan 我是你最忠实的粉丝 I"ll follow you until you love me 我会一直追随你直到你爱上我 Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊 Baby there"s no other superstar- 亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了 You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI 你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊 Promise I"ll be kind 保证我会很温柔的对待你 But I won"t stop until that boy is mine 但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃 Baby you"ll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI 亲爱的你将会成名,而我会一直追随著你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊 I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars yeah, cause you"re my rock star In between the sets, Eyeliner and cigarettes 我会默默的在后台支持你的表演 天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他 没错,因为在人群之中你就是我的摇滚巨星 眼线笔和香菸 Shadow is burnt- 呛鼻的烟雾 Yellow, dance and we turn 胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳著 My lashes are dry 双眸是乾涩的 Purple teardrops I cry 但我流下了矫柔的泪水 It don"t have a price 这是无价的 Loving you is cherry pie 爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派 Cause you know that baby I 因为亲爱的你知道 Real good, We dance in the studio 感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞 Snap Snap to that shit on the radio 关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾 Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步 We"re plastic, but we still have fun 就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场

Lady Gaga的《Paparazzi》 歌词

歌曲名:Paparazzi歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Fame MonsterPaparazziLady GaGa We are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mePapa-PaparazziBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...Real good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have fun




ALL Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION 帕尼 边看着我边打电话的BABY Ring Ring 西卡 不自然的 故作镇定 忙内 我发现了喔 PAPARAZZI 就是你 顺圭 摆出期待中的笑容 Aha Ha Ha Ha 太妍 每晚上演的捉迷藏 孝玄 又吸来一堆卫星绕着我打转 秀英 想要更好的报导题材吗? TiYu 我们之间岂不是该打好关系吗? ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 小鹿 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围 西卡 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom 忙内 献上贴了标价无止尽的爱 太妍 划破黑暗的闪光灯 是能带来金钱的美景 ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 帕尼 睡着也好醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom ALL Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La 太妍 想窥探隐私 捕捉画面的秘密 La La La 顺圭 揭发真面目 连那个孩子也不放过 La Cha Cha La 西卡 对那个潇洒的他来说 家不过是...Mama Mama 忙内 秘密之吻的 *** 感 花瓣纷飞般落下 帕尼 真的是 We Crazy Night Yu鹿 心跳不已的 追星之夜 西卡 Bad Boy Bad Girl 别在意 秀顺 比起受别人鼓动 舞出自己才是Style ALL Life is a Party 只有揭开疮疤才能大卖啊 Yuri 被找到的下场只有 Boom Boom Boom ALL 深夜之中 潜伏的影子 顺圭 早就在身边打转 Boom Boom Boom 西卡 为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后 太妍 在事态白热化之前 拼命搧风点火吧 ALL FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION 忙内 明明只不过是爱人与被爱 太妍 这样的恋情是什么肮脏的爱情吗 西卡 无法忍耐了 无法忍耐了 顺圭 为何总是引起骚动 没有休息的时候吗 孝渊 那边也是这里也是 Boom Boom Boom Yuri 因为总是发著会引起注意的光芒啊 帕尼 Come On Friends 好了 过来吧 Oh La Ta Ta ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 秀英 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围 帕尼 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom 太妍 不过是才掉下的一滴眼泪 西卡 竟然变成发著光的钻石 ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 睡着也好 醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom *转自PTT-SNSD版 日文歌词跟空耳 字数限制关系我贴网址 (我之前回答过了) 参考: I (am Sone) 我知道桃园永全当铺有在收 因为我之前有拿我的手机去那周转过 他们服务很好 人又亲切 里面灯光明亮 重点是 我拿手机去周转 他们小心翼翼的帮我包起来 让我好放心 还拿信封袋封口 妥善保管我的手机 好贴心的服务 你可以先打电话去咨询 或直接去咨询 满意在借 老板人非常好

求简美妍的 paparazzi 这首歌的歌词,要读音,最好用汉语音译,音译要标准一些,知道的人帮帮忙哦!谢谢。


paparazzi的歌词 中文意思是什么

狗仔队 。。。。 paparazzi we are the crowd we"re cuh-coming out got my flash on it"s true need that picture of you it"s so magical we"d be so fantastic, oh leather and jeans your watch glamorous not sure what it means but this photo of us it don"t have a price ready for those flashing lights "cause you know that baby i... i"m your biggest fan i"ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi baby there"s no other superstar you know that i"ll be your... papa-paparazzi promise i"ll be kind but i won"t stop until that boy is mine baby you"ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi i"ll be your girl backstage at your show velvet ropes and guitars yeah cause you know i"m starting between the sets eyeliner and cigarettes shadow is burnt, yellow dance and return my lashes are dry... but the teardrops i cry it don"t have a price loving you is cherry pie "cause you know that baby i... i"m your biggest fan i"ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi baby there"s no other superstar you know that i"ll be your papa-paparazzi promise i"ll be kind but i won"t stop until that boy is mine baby you"ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi real good, we"re dancing in the studio stop-stopped, that shit on the radio don"t stop, for anyone we"ll blast it but we"ll still have fun i"m your biggest fan i"ll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi baby there"s no other superstar you know that i"ll be your papa-paparazzi promise i"ll be kind but i won"t stop until that boy is mine baby you"ll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi

有谁知道《Paparazzi》这首歌的歌词吗?Lady Gaga唱的

We are the crowdWe"re c-coming outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of you It"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticalLeather and jeans Your watch glamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us It don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lights"Cause you know that baby II"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazziBaby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be yourPapa-paparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazziI"ll be your girl Backstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah cause you"ll know I"m staring between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and returnMy lashes are dryBut with teardrops I cry It don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pie"Cause you know that baby II"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazziBaby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be yourPapa-paparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazziReal good(We dance in the studio)Snap, snapped(That shit on the radio)Don"t stop boy, rewindWe"ll blast it but we"ll still have fun!I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazziBaby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be yourPapa-paparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi

lady gaga-parazzi

"paparazzi" 原是法文 即狗仔队的意思o Lady Gaga 的 MV一向以重本及出位取胜 但从歌词理解 这首歌是讲一个歌迷 她迷恋一个巨星 就好像狗仔队般的跟出跟入 我不会停止跟着你 直至你完全属于我为止o 很老实说 Lady Gaga 很多歌曲的节拍都不错 很适合跳舞 但畧稴歌词比较差 一般都没有带给听众什么讯息 如她能够在歌词上下些苦功 那必成为真正的天王巨星o 其实讲 paparazzi (狗仔队) 的歌 Michael Jackson 在 2001年 Invincible 专辑中的一首歌 叫做 "Privacy" (私隠) 是相当有出讯息 这首歌 MJ 是为他的好朋友 英国戴安娜皇妃而作 当年戴安娜皇妃与查理斯皇子离婚后 在1997年8月31日 戴安娜皇妃在法国巴黎与他的埃及富商男朋友渡假 正当她们乘车途中 她们的车被 paparazzi 一直跟着 为避开 paparazzi 最后在慌乱下撞车而死o 歌词非常有意思: *** /watch?v=i69uc2hYZJk 其中部份歌词: Ain"t the pictures enough why do you go through so much. To get your story you need so you can bury me.......... 图片还不足够吗 何解你们还要搅这么多事 去编你们的故事 是否要置我于死地. ............ I need my privacy I need my privacy So paparazzi get away from me.......... 我需要私隠 求求你们狗仔队 请远离我吧! Some of you still wonder why one of my friends had to die 有人仍很疑惑问何解 我其中一个朋友是怎样死的 To get a message across that yet you haven"t heard 这事件已众所周知 你还未听闻吗 My friend was chased and confused like many others I knew 我朋友是因被追逐在混乱下而死的 我所知就如其他人所知的一样 But on that cold winter night my pride was snatched away..... 但在一个寒冬的晚上 我的尊严也被剥夺 ....... MJ 其实有很歌曲是控诉传谋的失实报导 是有心有灵魂的 当你认真听 MJ 的歌及留意他的歌词 你便知道MJ 与 Lady Gaga 的创作水平高低 你便知道为何全世界这么多f为这舞台王者仍念念不忘o 但 Lady Gaga 还年青 她仍是现今乐坛最炙手可热的歌手 但希望她真的能够在歌词上下些功夫 因她很多歌 如 Dirty Beautiful Rich Bad Romance 等等 歌词真的没有什么意思o Voice without message is Noise 没有讯息的声音是噪音; 歌也是一样 一首经典歌曲 随了旋律优美外 歌词同样重要 一首歌的歌词便是这歌的灵魂o 对不起 我似乎离了题 但我只是慨叹现今乐坛青黄不接 没有一个真正世界级的天王巨星而已!! Sorry!!! "It has a real genuine powerful message about fame-whoring and death and the demise of the celebrity and what that does to young people. The video explores ideas about sort of hyperbolic situations that people will go to in order to be famous. "Paparazzi" has been critically acclaimed for its fun-filled club-friendly nature and is considered the most memorable and telling song from the album. The acpanying music video shows Gaga as a doomed starlet hounded by photographers and in the process almost killed by her boyfriend. It shows her survival eback revenge on her boyfriend and experiences on the way to fame. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Paparazzi_(Lady_Gaga_song)


paparazzo 专门追逐名人的摄影记者paparazzi 无固定职业的摄影师



少女时代 Paparazzi 这个是谁?叫什么吗名字。对不上号了。呵呵




paparazzi的歌词 中文意思是什么

狗仔队 我们的人群 我们cuh-coming出来 有我的一闪一闪的是真实的 需要你的照片 真神奇 我们将非常精彩,哦 皮革和牛仔裤 你的手表的魅力 不确定是什么意思 但这张照片 它没有价格 准备这些闪光 因为你知道,宝贝,我…… 我是你最大的球迷 我要跟你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 婴儿没有其他的超级巨星 你知道,我将是你的… papa-paparazzi 答应我要和蔼可亲 但是我不会停止,直到孩子是我的 宝贝,你要出名 追你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 我将成为你的女孩在后台你的节目 丝绒绳和吉他 你知道我对事业的开始集合。之间 眼线和香烟 阴影被烧掉、黄色的舞蹈和回报 我的睫毛乾……但那晶莹的泪花,我哭了 它没有价格 爱你是樱桃派 因为你知道,宝贝,我…… 我是你最大的球迷 我要跟你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 婴儿没有其他的超级巨星 你知道,我将是你的 papa-paparazzi 答应我要和蔼可亲 但是我不会停止,直到孩子是我的 宝贝,你要出名 追你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 真的很好,我们在跳舞 stop-stopped,大便打开收音机 不要停止,因为任何人 我们要让它见鬼去吧,但我们仍然会有一些有趣的 我是你最大的球迷 我要跟你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 婴儿没有其他的超级巨星 你知道,我将是你的 papa-paparazzi 答应我要和蔼可亲 但是我不会停止,直到孩子是我的 宝贝,你要出名 追你直到你爱我 papa-paparazzi 扑克脸 我想握住em”就像在德州玩 “就让它们叠婴儿的打我就陪我(我爱它。) 运气和直觉玩卡片和铲子开始 之后,他已经上瘾了。我会玩的人在他的心 哦,哦,哦,哦,ohhhh,ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh 我要让他热,告诉他我已经得到了 哦,哦,哦,哦,ohhhh,ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, 我要让他热,告诉他我已经得到了 我看不懂, 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 妈妈妈妈妈妈从)。 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 妈妈妈妈妈妈从)。 我想他对辊筒 一个小赌博是有趣的,当你和我在一起,我爱它。) 俄罗斯轮盘赌不是同一没有枪 和孩子的爱如果它不是粗糙不好玩的,好玩的 哦,哦,哦,哦,ohhhh,ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh 我要让他热,告诉他我已经得到了 哦,哦,哦,哦,ohhhh,ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, 我要让他热,告诉他我已经得到了 我看不懂, 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 妈妈妈妈妈妈从)。 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 妈妈妈妈妈妈从)。 妈妈妈妈妈妈从)。 我不会告诉你,我爱你 拥抱或亲吻你 因为我bluffin "我松饼 我没有说谎,我刚刚跟我的love-glue-gunning stunnin” 就像一只小鸡在赌场 带上你的银行付款前你出去 我承诺,保证这一点 检查这只手,我好极了 我看不懂, 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂, 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂, 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 我看不懂 我看不懂 不,他不会读我的扑克脸 (她的爱没有)。 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸 p-p-p-poker脸,p-p-poker的脸

有谁能清楚地看懂lady gaga的paparazzi的mv是什么意思?



中文歌词ALL Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION 帕尼 边看著我边打电话的BABY Ring Ring 西卡 不自然的 故作镇定 忙内 我发现了喔 PAPARAZZI 就是你 顺圭 摆出期待中的笑容 Aha Ha Ha Ha 泰妍 每晚上演的捉迷藏 泰妍 每晚上演的捉迷藏 孝贤 又吸来一堆卫星绕著我打转 秀英 想要更好的报导题材吗? TiYu 我们之间岂不是该打好关系ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 小鹿 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围 西卡 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom 忙内 献上贴了标价无止尽的爱 泰妍 划破黑暗的闪光灯 是能带来金钱的美景 ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 帕尼 睡著也好醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom ALL Oh La La La La La La La Oh La La La 泰妍 想窥探隐私 捕捉画面的秘密 La La La 顺圭 揭发真面目 连那个孩子也不放过 La Cha Cha La 西卡 对那个潇洒的他来说 家不过是...Mama Mama 忙内 秘密之吻的刺激感 花瓣纷飞般落下 帕尼 真的是 We Crazy Night Yu鹿 心跳不已的 追星之夜 西卡 Bad Boy Bad Girl 别在意 秀顺 比起受别人鼓动 舞出自己才是StyleALL Life is a Party 只有揭开疮疤才能大卖啊 Yuri 被找到的下场只有 Boom Boom Boom ALL 深夜之中 潜伏的影子 顺圭 早就在身边打转 Boom Boom Boom 西卡 为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后 泰妍 在事态白热化之前 拼命搧风点火吧 ALL FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION 忙内 明明只不过是爱人与被爱 泰妍 这样的恋情是什麼肮脏的爱情吗 西卡 无法忍耐了 无法忍耐了 顺圭 为何总是引起骚动 没有休息的时候吗 孝渊 那边也是这里也是 Boom Boom Boom Yuri 因为总是发著会引起注意的光芒啊 帕尼 Come On Friends 好了 过来吧 Oh La Ta Ta ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 秀英 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom ALL 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围 帕尼 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom 帕尼 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom 泰妍 不过是才掉下的一滴眼泪 西卡 竟然变成发著光的钻石 ALL Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间 睡著也好 醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom

Paparazzi(Stuart Price Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Paparazzi(Stuart Price Remix)歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Remix(Jp Limited Edition)PaparazziLady GaGaWe are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziReal good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have funI"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mefollow you until you love meBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-Paparazzi





lady gaga - paparazzi歌词什么意思啊

We are the crowd We"re c-coming out Got my flash on it"s true Need that picture of you It"s so magical We"d be so fantastical Leather and jeans Your watch glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us It don"t have a price Ready for those flashing lights "Cause you know that baby I I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars Yeah cause you"ll know I"m staring between the sets Eyeliner and cigarettes Shadow is burnt Yellow dance and return My lashes are dry But with teardrops I cry It don"t have a price Loving you is cherry pie "Cause you know that baby I I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi Real good (We dance in the studio) Snap, snapped (That shit on the radio) Don"t stop boy, rewind We"ll blast it but we"ll still have fun! I"m your biggest fan I"ll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there"s no other superstar You know that I"ll be your Papa-paparazzi Promise I"ll be kind But I won"t stop until that boy is mine Baby you"ll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi 译文我们的观众我们的C -出来上了我的闪存是真的需要了解你这是如此神奇我们希望如此荒诞皮革和牛仔裤您的手表魅力不知道这意味着什么但是,这张照片对我们它没有价格准备好这些闪灯事业你知道我的婴儿我是你最大的风扇我会跟着你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队婴儿没有其他的超级巨星你知道,我将您的爸爸,狗仔队承诺我会客气但我不会停止,直到那孩子是我的婴儿您将著名大通你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队我将你的女孩在您查看后台天鹅绒绳和吉他原因是你会知道我凝视之间的套眼线和香烟影子烧毁黄河舞蹈和返回我的睫毛是干但是,随着泪水我哭泣它没有价格爱你是樱桃馅饼事业你知道我的婴儿我是你最大的风扇我会跟着你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队婴儿没有其他的超级巨星你知道,我将您的爸爸,狗仔队承诺我会客气但我不会停止,直到那孩子是我的婴儿您将著名大通你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队真正的好 (我们舞蹈工作室) 管理单元,终结 (这狗屎的电台) 不要停止男孩,倒带我们会爆炸,但我们仍会有乐趣! 我是你最大的风扇我会跟着你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队婴儿没有其他的超级巨星你知道,我将您的爸爸,狗仔队承诺我会客气但我不会停止,直到那孩子是我的婴儿您将著名大通你,直到你爱我爸爸,狗仔队

Jim Johnston的《Paparazzi》 歌词

歌曲名:Paparazzi歌手:Jim Johnston专辑:Raw Greatest Hits The MusicLady GaGa - PaparazziWe are the crowdWe"re c-comin" outGot my flash on it"s trueNeed that picture of youIt"s so magicalWe"d be so fantasticoLeather and jeansGarage GlamorousNot sure what it meansBut this photo of us it don"t have a priceReady for those flashing lightsCause you know that baby I...I"m your biggest fanI"ll follow you until you love mePapa-PaparazziBaby there"s no other superstarYou know that I"ll be your...Papa-PaparazziPromise I"ll be kindBut I won"t stop until that boy is mineBaby you"ll be famousChase you down until you love mePapa-PaparazziI"ll be your girlBackstage at your showVelvet ropes and guitarsYeah, cause you"re my rock starIn between the setsEyeliner and cigarettesShadow is burntYellow dance and we turnMy lashes are dryPurple teardrops I cryIt don"t have a priceLoving you is cherry pieCause you know that baby I...Real good, We dance in the studioSnap Snap to that shit on the radioDon"t stop for anyoneWe"re plastic, but we still have fun




以paparazzi作为歌名的歌曲有三首你看看是哪首啰 歌曲:paparazzi 歌手:lady gaga 专辑:the fame [ar:lady gaga][al:the fame][by:李泽昊]lady gaga - paparazzilrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangwe are the crowdwe"re cuh-coming outgot my flash on it"s trueneed that picture of youit"s so magicalwe"d be so fantastic, ohleather and jeansyour watch glamorousnot sure what it meansbut this photo of usit don"t have a priceready for those flashing lights"cause you know that baby i...i"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be your...papa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzii"ll be your girl backstage at your showvelvet ropes and guitarsyeah cause you know i"m starting between the setseyeliner and cigarettesshadow is burnt, yellow dance and returnmy lashes are dry... but the teardrops i cryit don"t have a priceloving you is cherry pie"cause you know that baby i...i"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be yourpapa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzireal good, we"re dancing in the studiostop-stopped, that shit on the radiodon"t stop, for anyonewe"ll blast it but we"ll still have funi"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be yourpapa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzi paparazzi 歌手:switchfoot 专辑:learning to breathe Chorus:tunetune for the paparazzitune for the paparazzithis is a tune the paparazzithe who"s who and the so and so"sthis is a tune for the graven images of marilyn monroewe saw your face on the magazinewe heard the song on the mp3chorusyou"re stuck in my headstuck in my headstuck in my headyou can close your ears and your eyesbut the pop will never leave you alonetune for the paparazzileave me alonewith your social lingoyou try so hard to stay on topleave me alonewith your little jinglewith your picture perfect popwe read the article in seventeenwe saw the video on mtvchoruspop will never leave you alonenoooothis is a tune for the late nirvanathe teen spirit rock and rollthis is a tune for the velvet elvis"son the 90210i thought my eyes were gonna get off cleantill i read your lips on the tv screenyou were busy saying what you didn"t meannow everyone is singing along with your ridiculous songyou got it stuck yougot it stuck in my headstuck in my headstuck in my headyou can close your ears and your eyesyou can close your ears and your eyesbut the pop will never leave you alonetune for the paparazzitune for the paparazzipaparazzi 歌手:xzibit 专辑:at the speed of life 1996, the Disfunctional member of the Alkohaliks familyIt"s XZIBIT, Bring it live, one time, like this[Verse One]Sometimes I wonder if it"s all worth my whileXzibit stay versitilewith Million Dollar lifestyleand I can feel it as a child growin" upthe niggaz that were real and the niggaz that were scared as fuckthat"s why Xzibit only roll with a chosen fewYou ain"t really real, I can tell when I look at youSo ease off the trigga talk, you ain"t killin shitit"s not affecting me or the niggaz that I"m chillin withI don"t believe the hype or buy a Woof ticketNigga you make a gang of noise and never seem like a cricketI guess that"s why we never kick ita lot of niggaz are soft and get tossed tryin to fuck with the liquidHow many niggaz do you know like this?Also claimin that they"re riding but they really turn bitchIt don"t make senseEither you"re a soldier from the startor an actor with a record deal tryin to play the partlike datXzibit[Chorus:]It"s a shameniggaz in the rap gameonly for the money and the fameEXTRA LARGEIt"s a shameniggaz in the rap gameonly for the money and the famePaparazzi [Verse Two]I don"t need no lights no camerasjust action god dammitnever no superstarI"m more like a planetso my composure is kept while others start to sweatA merchant from the fog with my fucked up dialoguetry to live high on the hog leaves you bankruptand niggaz you spent it on, would not give a fucknow that"s deep, how deep, It"s deeper than AtlantisHome of the scandalousBig Bad Los AngelesDangerous, VandelousYo, not to be trustedso how the fuck is you hardnot being scared by the boulevardI"m pulling that card and sayin Gin muthafuckarI"m breakin it down, my sounds, so crowds are like deaffrom the Westputtin whole counties to the testit"s all in perspectiveBreaker one-nine copythis is for the niggaz gettin caught up in the Paparazzi[Verse Three]Niggaz smoke stress and cross dressbut I just play the backothers going through schemes and pipe dreamsfor a contractreal tightly rolled, fuck "em all how I feelI made a cool half milbefore I had a record dealthere for you look and stare like it"s magictoo much of anything can make you an addictwhen devils be startin static, forgot the automaticI set it off straight, I spread hate, then I vacate, but waitwho dare to cross this pathyo, I do ya like mathcut with glass, make a blood bathso on behalf of all niggaz I get drunk withsmoke a lot of blunts withI dispose of your punk shitkeep it all in perspectiveCarbon Copies gettin caught up in the Paparazzi

paparazzi 中文歌词翻译,谢谢



歌名:Paparazzi歌手:少女时代发行时间:2012-06-27专辑:Paparazzi发行地区:日本歌词(日文):Oh La La LaLa La La LaOh La La LaOh Oh Oh Oh Oh OhOh La La LaLa La La LaOh La La Laこっち见てベイビー电话して Ring Ring Ring不自然なほど自然なフリフリ気づいてるのよパパラッチあなたが望むどおりの笑颜でアu30fbハハハHide & SeekのEvery Night瞬くスターのサテライトもっといい记事欲しくない?仲良くやりましょう仲间じゃないLife is a party ガレージからスイートルームいつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom派手にCar chase 花の all aroundひきつけられて Boom Boom Boom値段もつけられやしない爱を暗を裂いて Flashが咲いてマネーLife is so party ガレージからスイートルーム寝ても醒めても Boom Boom Boommv截图 (7张)隠すと见たい 画面のウu30fbラララ真面目ぶってるあの子もラu30fbチャチャラダンディーな彼だって家ではマu30fbマママ秘密のキスのスリルでハラハラPunk & Deli クレージーナイトときめくスターの Searching NightBad Boy Bad Girl気にしない踊らされるより踊るがスタイルLife is a party ダメージほど売れる见つかったら最后 Boom Boom Boom夜の果てキスの影先回りして Boom Boom Boom噂が噂に飞び火して以来盛り上がって burning していく前にWhat a Girl What a GIRLS" GENERATION爱して爱されただけなのにどの恋も汚れた恋なんて我慢できない我慢できない なんて騒いでる暇はないのあっちでもこっちでも Boom Boom Boom见られてるほど辉く轮だからCome on friends ほらおいでよラu30fbタタタLife is a party ガレージからスイートルームいつだってあなたが Boom Boom Boom派手に Car chase 花の all aroundひきつけられて Boom Boom Boomこぼれた涙も一粒が今光るダイヤモンドに変わるまでLife is so party ガレージからスイートルーム寝ても醒めても Boom Boom Boom中文歌词:【Jessica】Ooh La La La La La La La Ooh La La LaOh Oh Oh Oh Oh OhOoh La La La La La La La Ooh La La La【徐贤】FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION【Tiffany】CHA CHA CHA CHA 边看著我边打电话的BABY Ring Ring【Jessica】 不自然的 故作镇定【徐贤】 我发现了喔 PAPARAZZI 就是你【Sunny 】摆出期待中的笑容 A-Ha Ha Ha【泰妍】 每晚上演的捉迷藏 每晚上演的捉迷藏【孝渊&徐贤】 又吸来一堆卫星绕著我打转【秀英】 想要更好的报导题材吗?【Tiffany&Yuri】我们之间岂不是该打好关系【ALL】 Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间【允儿】 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom【ALL】 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围【Jessica】 一旦被盯上就 Boom Boom Boom【徐贤】献上贴了标价无止尽的爱【泰妍】 划破黑暗的闪光灯 是能带来金钱的美景【ALL】 Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间【Tiffany 】睡著也好醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom【ALL】 Ooh La La La La La La La Ooh La La La【泰妍】 想窥探隐私 捕捉画面的秘密 Ooh La La La【Sunny】 揭发真面目 连那个孩子也不放过 La Cha Cha La【Jessica】 对那个潇洒的他来说 家不过是...Mama Mama【徐贤】 秘密之吻的刺激感 花瓣纷飞般落下【Tiffany】 真的是 We Crazy Night【允儿&Yuri】心跳不已的 追星之夜【Jessica】 Bad Boy Bad Girl 别在意【秀英&Sunny】 比起受别人鼓动 舞出自己才是Style【ALL】 Life is a Party 只有揭开疮疤才能大卖啊【Yuri】 被找到的下场只有 Boom Boom Boom【ALL】 深夜之中 潜伏的影子【Sunny】 早就在身边打转 Boom Boom Boom【Jessica】为了制造谣言 点起火苗之后【泰妍】 在事态白热化之前 拼命搧风点火吧【Tiffany】FOR THE GIRLS" FOR THE GIRLS" GENERATION【徐贤】明明只不过是爱人与被爱【泰妍】 这样的恋情是什麼肮脏的爱情吗【Jessica】 无法忍耐了 无法忍耐了【Sunny】 为何总是引起骚动 没有休息的时候吗【孝渊】 那边也是这里也是【允儿】Boom Boom Boom【Yuri 】因为总是发著会引起注意的光芒啊【Tiffany】 Come On Friends 好了 过来吧Oh La Ta Ta【ALL】 Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间【秀英】 不知何时你已出现 Boom Boom Boom【ALL】 华丽的跟车追逐 开花般全面包围【泰妍】 不过是才掉下的一滴眼泪【Jessica】 竟然变成发著光的钻石【ALL 】Life is a Party 从车库到我温暖的房间【泰妍(领唱)】睡著也好 醒著也好 Boom Boom Boom

lady gaga的Paparazzi讲的是个什么故事?


以A wonderful day in the Beijing World Park写一篇80词左右的短文!

A wonderful day in the Beijing World ParkOn a clear Sunday morning,Millie together with her friends took a bus to the Beijing World Park ,which is highly spoken by lots of people. However,Millie felt a little sick all along the way.But she was completely attracted by over 100 man-made places of interest around the world at the moment she entered the park .The splendid buildings were totally a visual feast .They had a good time there and took many photos.It"s a really wonderful day.


paparazzi是狗仔队的意思 首先,MV的布景和音乐就充满了意大利情调,gaga和MV男主的对话是瑞典话。导演是瑞典人。从报纸上的头条写着“THE EVENING STAR”可知gaga扮演的是一位刚窜红的新星。 gaga被男主带到阳台上亲热,gaga发现被人拍照了,gaga让男主停下来,他不停,还叫gaga看镜头。(可想而知男主是在利用gaga上头条)gaga急了,用酒瓶砸男主,男主就把gaga推下阳台。而对着受伤的gaga,狗仔队只是一个劲地拍照。 接着,gaga出院,但是却没有狗仔队来拍照,可知出院后的gaga已人气大跌。下车跳舞,还有当中那些插进来的各种死法,本人猜测可能是代表原来善良的gaga已死。 然后,康复的gaga和男主坐在一起,但却形同陌路,她站起来放下杂志上面写“the new it girl”可知男主另结新欢了,没人气的gaga对他已经没有了吸引力。gaga给男主倒饮料,从戒指里到处药粉往水里下毒,把男主毒死。 gaga打电话报警(有个声音说“hello……nine one one”911 警察局 她说“i just killed my boy friend”杀了男朋友) 后来一些警察过来检查尸体,把gaga带走,在门外受到大批狗仔队包围,gaga没有丝毫害怕,反而搔首弄姿让狗仔队照相。可以看出gaga毒死男友是有预谋的,就是为了让狗仔队拍照,聚集人气。 本人觉得此处最有讽刺意味。先是男主利用gaga,后来反而让gaga利用,还赔上了性命。 其中,三幅头条写着"she"back" (她的真面目)"we love she again"(我们将继续爱她) "she"s innocence"(她是清白的)说明gaga 已经成功聚集人气,再次成为闪光灯的宠儿 。 gaga送到警察局,进监狱之前要拍照,gaga还在那里摆弄姿势,然后照相的人叫gaga面对镜头,gaga很不情愿地照了一个正面照。

paparazzi 少女时代歌词



怕 怕 rua(日乌啊rua) Z(短音)C(带着的长音)


意大利语,意大利姓氏Paparazzo所对应的单词“蚊子”的复数形式。现在普遍翻译成狗仔队。 此职业首次出现于1958年。后传入香港,被翻译成Puppy(小狗),读音和追踪行为皆相近。逐渐反正成为人熟知的狗仔队。

求Lady Gaga的Paparazzi的中文歌词

  LADY GAGA - PAPARAZZI(狗仔队)  We are the crowd We"re c-comin" out  我们从人群之中走出来  Got my flash on, it"s true need that picture of you  我突然察觉到被跟拍的滋味  It"s so magical  是多么的神奇  We"d be so fantastic,oh  我们就应该如此的美好  Leather and jeans  皮革、牛仔裤  your whatch Glamorous  你的外表如此迷人  Not sure what it means  不确定它们代表着什么  But this photo of us it don"t have a price  但这些专属于我们的照片是无价的  Ready for those flashing lights  准备好要面对那些闪光灯  Cause you know that baby I  因为亲爱的你知道 I  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  PAPA,PAPARAZZI  狗仔,狗仔队啊  Baby there"s no other superstar-  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous,  亲爱的你将会成名,  chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊  I"ll be your girl Backstage at your show  我会默默的在后台支持你的表演  Velvet ropes and guitars yeah,  天鹅绒的绳索和你的吉他  cause you know I"m starting between the sets,  没错,你知道我是从人群之中开始的。  Eyeliner and cigarettes  眼线笔和香烟  Shadow is burnt-  呛鼻的烟雾  Yellow, dance and turn  胆小的人,就只有我们尽情的跳着  My lashes are dry  双眸是干涩的  but the teardrops I cry  但我流下的泪水  It don"t have a price  这是无价的  Loving you is cherry pie  爱你就像酸甜的樱桃派  Cause you know that baby I  因为亲爱的你知道  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊  Baby there"s no other superstar-  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous,  亲爱的你将会成名,  chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊  Real good, We dance in the studio  感觉真好,我们在舞蹈室里尽情的跳舞  Snap Snap to that shit on the radio  关掉,快关掉从收音机传来该死的垃圾  Don"t stop for anyone 不要因为任何人而停下了舞步  We"re blast, but we still have fun  就算被别人批评,我们还是要好好的玩一场  I"m your biggest fan  我是你最忠实的粉丝  I"ll follow you until you love me  我会一直追随你直到你爱上我  Papa,PAPARAZZI 狗仔,狗仔队啊  Baby there"s no other superstar-  亲爱的这里没有别的巨星了  You know that I"ll be your Papa-PAPARAZZI  你知道我将会成为你的狗仔,狗仔队啊  Promise I"ll be kind  保证我会很温柔的对待你  But I won"t stop until that boy is mine  但在我得到你之前绝对不会轻易放弃  Baby you"ll be famous,  亲爱的你将会成名,  chase you down until you love me Papa, PAPARAZZI  而我会一直追随着你直到你爱上我,狗仔,狗仔队啊



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