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Papi是什么意思? (越狱第三季第十集里有这个单词)



随着科学进步的发展,特别是在互联网这一方面,现在人们可以非常轻松地实现上网,再加上网络流量的迅速崛起,人们可以随时随地的刷视频,许多小视频软件比如抖音等,非常深受大众喜欢,许多普通人都可以拍视频,很多人她拍视频收获了大量的粉丝,相信很多人都知道papi酱,一个集美貌与才华于一身的女子。papi酱怎么火的,从一人到团队的发展过程起底。 了解他的粉丝都知道他毕业于中央戏剧学院,硕士学历,很多人都不知道,以为她还是20来岁的小姑娘,其实她已经30多岁了,也迎来自己的小baby,出生于媒体专业的她,之所以活的这么迅速,还得益于她善于观察社会发展的眼睛。 很多人知道papi酱都是源于她搞笑的小视频作品,她的作品都比较善于观察社会的现状,然后再以搞笑的视频方式表达自己的看法,许多网友都觉得papi酱的三观很正,因此慢慢喜欢上了她。 刚开始拍视频的时候,papi酱还是一个人完成,一个人完成所有的对话,在许多人看来,觉得非常不可思议,不过也正是因为papi酱的努力,才有了今天的收获,后来越来越火。当然这也给她带来了许多经济收益,但是papi酱却大方的给母校捐助了一千多万,得到了许多人的赞许。papi酱,果真是网红界里一股清流。


1、《Papi》是Jennifer Lopez的歌曲名2、访问以面对面的形式进行,访问员协助被调查者完成问卷。当用纸笔书写记录的方法时,这种方法称为纸笔面访(PAPI)3、papi在西班牙语中有亲爱的、老兄等意思,是一种很亲近撒娇的叫法。4、一种化工原料,多亚甲基多苯基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,又称粗MDI、聚合MDI,主要用于生产各种硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料。5、PAPI是一种类似于VASI的装置,但只使用单排的灯所组合,通常为2或4个灯所组合。跟VASI一样,这个系统在白天有5英里的可见距离,在夜晚则有20英里的可见距离。这个装置也都是装在跑道的左侧。异氰酸酯的一种,即粗MDI,组成为50%的MDI和50%官能度大于2的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。褐色粘稠状液体。6、PAPI(Performance Application Programming Interface)在计算机科学领域是一套API,通过它可以访问硬件性能计数器,监测计算机运行时性能。







papi怎么读 papi的读音是什么

1、Papi,音标:[papi],n.(Papi)人名;(意、阿尔巴、俄)帕皮。 2、Papi, do you have any control over your neighborhood? 帕皮,你能控制住你的邻近吗? 3、Hey, look at that.Guess papi is more modern than you thought. 嘿看看看来我这个爸爸也不落伍啊。 4、Papis date is the woman I bought my pregnancy test from. 爸爸约会的对象是我买验孕棒的那个人。


His company expanded into a big one.extend延长(线性的)They extended the subway to the airport.Enlarge1)抽象意义上的“扩大”,如,扩大知识面enlarge my knowledge。2)照片的放大I want to have this photo enlarged.3) 数量上的增加。


首先,需要将以下代码编译成jar包,然后在flume中使用,代码转自这里 (如果发现需要依赖的工具类神马的,请在相同目录下的scala文件中找一找) package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume.sinkimport java.util.concurrent._import org.apache.avro.ipc.NettyServerimport org.apache.avro.ipc.specific.SpecificResponderimport org.apache.flume.Contextimport org.apache.flume.Sink.Statusimport org.apache.flume.conf.{Configurable, ConfigurationException}import org.apache.flume.sink.AbstractSink/** * A sink that uses Avro RPC to run a server that can be polled by Spark"s * FlumePollingInputDStream. This sink has the following configuration parameters: * * hostname - The hostname to bind to. Default: * port - The port to bind to. (No default - mandatory) * timeout - Time in seconds after which a transaction is rolled back, * if an ACK is not received from Spark within that time * threads - Number of threads to use to receive requests from Spark (Default: 10) * * This sink is unlike other Flume sinks in the sense that it does not push data, * instead the process method in this sink simply blocks the SinkRunner the first time it is * called. This sink starts up an Avro IPC server that uses the SparkFlumeProtocol. * * Each time a getEventBatch call comes, creates a transaction and reads events * from the channel. When enough events are read, the events are sent to the Spark receiver and * the thread itself is blocked and a reference to it saved off. * * When the ack for that batch is received, * the thread which created the transaction is is retrieved and it commits the transaction with the * channel from the same thread it was originally created in (since Flume transactions are * thread local). If a nack is received instead, the sink rolls back the transaction. If no ack * is received within the specified timeout, the transaction is rolled back too. If an ack comes * after that, it is simply ignored and the events get re-sent. * */class SparkSink extends AbstractSink with Logging with Configurable { // Size of the pool to use for holding transaction processors. private var poolSize: Integer = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_THREADS // Timeout for each transaction. If spark does not respond in this much time, // rollback the transaction private var transactionTimeout = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT // Address info to bind on private var hostname: String = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME private var port: Int = 0 private var backOffInterval: Int = 200 // Handle to the server private var serverOpt: Option[NettyServer] = None // The handler that handles the callback from Avro private var handler: Option[SparkAvroCallbackHandler] = None // Latch that blocks off the Flume framework from wasting 1 thread. private val blockingLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) override def start() { logInfo("Starting Spark Sink: " + getName + " on port: " + port + " and interface: " + hostname + " with " + "pool size: " + poolSize + " and transaction timeout: " + transactionTimeout + ".") handler = Option(new SparkAvroCallbackHandler(poolSize, getChannel, transactionTimeout, backOffInterval)) val responder = new SpecificResponder(classOf[SparkFlumeProtocol], handler.get) // Using the constructor that takes specific thread-pools requires bringing in netty // dependencies which are being excluded in the build. In practice, // Netty dependencies are already available on the JVM as Flume would have pulled them in. serverOpt = Option(new NettyServer(responder, new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))) serverOpt.foreach(server => { logInfo("Starting Avro server for sink: " + getName) server.start() }) super.start() } override def stop() { logInfo("Stopping Spark Sink: " + getName) handler.foreach(callbackHandler => { callbackHandler.shutdown() }) serverOpt.foreach(server => { logInfo("Stopping Avro Server for sink: " + getName) server.close() server.join() }) blockingLatch.countDown() super.stop() } override def configure(ctx: Context) { import SparkSinkConfig._ hostname = ctx.getString(CONF_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) port = Option(ctx.getInteger(CONF_PORT)). getOrElse(throw new ConfigurationException("The port to bind to must be specified")) poolSize = ctx.getInteger(THREADS, DEFAULT_THREADS) transactionTimeout = ctx.getInteger(CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) backOffInterval = ctx.getInteger(CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL) logInfo("Configured Spark Sink with hostname: " + hostname + ", port: " + port + ", " + "poolSize: " + poolSize + ", transactionTimeout: " + transactionTimeout + ", " + "backoffInterval: " + backOffInterval) } override def process(): Status = { // This method is called in a loop by the Flume framework - block it until the sink is // stopped to save CPU resources. The sink runner will interrupt this thread when the sink is // being shut down. logInfo("Blocking Sink Runner, sink will continue to run..") blockingLatch.await() Status.BACKOFF } private[flume] def getPort(): Int = { serverOpt .map(_.getPort) .getOrElse( throw new RuntimeException("Server was not started!") ) } /** * Pass in a [[CountDownLatch]] for testing purposes. This batch is counted down when each * batch is received. The test can simply call await on this latch till the expected number of * batches are received. * @param latch */ private[flume] def countdownWhenBatchReceived(latch: CountDownLatch) { handler.foreach(_.countDownWhenBatchAcked(latch)) }}/** * Configuration parameters and their defaults. */private[flume]object SparkSinkConfig { val THREADS = "threads" val DEFAULT_THREADS = 10 val CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = "timeout" val DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = 60 val CONF_HOSTNAME = "hostname" val DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "" val CONF_PORT = "port" val CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL = "backoffInterval" val DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL = 200}   然后在你的streaming中使用如下的代码package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import org.apache.spark.SparkConfimport org.apache.spark.streaming._import org.apache.spark.streaming.flume._import org.apache.spark.util.IntParamimport** * Produces a count of events received from Flume. * * This should be used in conjunction with the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent. See * the Spark Streaming programming guide for more details. * * Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port> * `host` is the host on which the Spark Sink is running. * `port` is the port at which the Spark Sink is listening. * * To run this example: * `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.FlumePollingEventCount [host] [port] ` */object FlumePollingEventCount { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 2) { System.err.println( "Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port>") System.exit(1) } StreamingExamples.setStreamingLogLevels() val Array(host, IntParam(port)) = args val batchInterval = Milliseconds(2000) // Create the context and set the batch size val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("FlumePollingEventCount") val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, batchInterval) // Create a flume stream that polls the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent val stream = FlumeUtils.createPollingStream(ssc, host, port) // Print out the count of events received from this server in each batch stream.count().map(cnt => "Received " + cnt + " flume events." ).print() ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() }}

展开图用英语怎么说? expanded view?

展开图词典:[化] developed pattern; ledgement; stretch out view网络:TILE; Net; developing drawing

Science Citation Index Expanded 是sci吗

Science Citation Index Expanded是SCIE。SCIE是汤姆森公司在原有的SCI文摘版源刊基础上精选了另外的部分杂志所形成的网络版。  SCI和SCIE的区别:SCI和SCIE(SCI Expanded)分别是科学引文索引及科学引文索引扩展版(即网络版),主要收录自然科学、工程技术领域最具影响力的重要期刊,前者收录期刊3600多种,后者收录期刊6000多种,学科覆盖150多个领域。查找SCI刊源有两个途径:①访问ISI公司网站:  SCI相当于EI核心,而SCIE相当于EI非核心。虽然你偶尔发现SCIE的影响因子可能比SCI还高,但就其影响价值仍不如SCI。ISI通过它严格的选刊标准和评估程序挑选刊源,而且每年略有增减,从而做到其收录的文献能全面覆盖全世界最重要、最有影响力的研究成果。办的比较好SCIE杂志可能成为SCI杂志,而办的较差的SCI杂志可能变为SCIE,甚至被SCI和SCIE所放弃。

Seven Seas [Ocean Rain / Expanded] 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Seas [Ocean Rain / Expanded]歌手:Echo & the Bunnymen专辑:Ocean Rain [Collectors Edition]Babyface--Seven SeasBackground Vocals:Marc Nelson,Melvin Edmonds,"Face"Sitting by the windowAll day thinking of youWatching the days go byI started to cryBut they weren"t tears of sadnessThey only meant I love youAnd I wanna tell you girl that I, oh II"ll travel round the seven seas for youIt"s written in the melody I adore youI wrote my love a symphonyTo show you there"s nothing I won"t doBaby I"ll walk around the China Wall for youIf there"s a way I"ll do it all for youAnything you want me toYou know I would doPeople think I"m crazyThey say I"m just a nothingLetting my life pass me byBelieving you"re with meWell I can"t speak for no oneBut in my heart I know you love meAnd that"s why I"ll always tell you IOh I, oh I, oh IDo do do do do doDo do do do do do do doDo do do do do do...

英文中expanded form是什么意思?




expand enlarge extend 都有扩大的意思~那他们的区别是什么呢?

expand:become greater in size,number or importanceextend:make (sth) longer or larger (in space or time)enlarge:(cause sth to )become larger

sci expanded收录期刊是指什么

Science Citation Index Expanded是SCI的扩展版,SCI收录3000余种期刊,以前可以通过光盘或者手工翻阅可以检索。现在整合到Web of Science中,通过网络可以检索,期刊也增加到6000余种,所以称为Science Citation Index Expanded。 关于期刊的问题可以咨询《发表吧》他们比较了解。



Antd table的expandedRowRender额外展开行以及注意事项

像这样子,前面有个加号,点击额外展开子表格 用的是expandedRowRender这个属性,值另外传一个子table组件进去就行 有个需求是加号的时候,页面上只允许有一个展开,即点击第一个加号展开后,再点击第二个加号,第一个要收缩回来,第二个子表格展开,antd默认的是,都能展开,现在要做成类似手风琴一样的效果,只能展开一个, 用expandedRowKeys,放在state中进行维护,比如说 那么就是展开第一行的子表格,并且这样设置了后,点击加号展不开了,因为表格的展开,受state中的expandedRowKeys值控制,不能点击展开了,要让他点击展开,又得用另外一个属性 onExpand 但是这里只有expanded,和record的参数,expanded表示这次点击是展开还是收缩,Boolean类型 record就是你tableSource的数据 应该在这里,onExpand的时候,setState,并且把行号,塞到数组里,但是没法获取行号 就先给tableSource的数据用forEach循环一下,每条数据额外加个属性rowKey,值为循环的index 这样子行号就等于record.rowKey,所以在onExpand里面 如果是点击减号收缩的话,那么这个onExpand的参数expanded,就会变成false,这里用if判断了一下,收缩,那就把expandedRowKeys清空 因为只能有一个展开,所以这个expandedRowKeys虽然是个数组,也只能放一条数据,那么收缩的时候,就是全都没有展开的情况,直接清空数组就行


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ConnectingIOReactor ioReactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(); PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(ioReactor); cm.setMaxTotal(100); CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpAsyncClient = HttpAsyncClients.custom().setConnectionManager(cm).build(); httpAsyncClient.start(); String[] urisToGet = { "", "", "", }; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(urisToGet.length); for (final String uri: urisToGet) { final HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri); httpAsyncClient.execute(httpget, new FutureCallback<HttpResponse>() { public void completed(final HttpResponse response) { latch.countDown(); System.out.println(httpget.getRequestLine() + "->" + response.getStatusLine()); } public void failed(final Exception ex) { latch.countDown(); System.out.println(httpget.getRequestLine() + "->" + ex); } public void cancelled() { latch.countDown(); System.out.println(httpget.getRequestLine() + " cancelled"); } }); } latch.await();

expanded edition是什么意思

expanded edition扩展版请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

SCI和SCI expanded有什么区别


Les Paul And Mary Ford的《Whispering》 歌词

歌曲名:Whispering歌手:Les Paul And Mary Ford专辑:The Hit Makers/Time To DreamEvanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)



Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense


如何确定unity shader中pass的执行顺序

unity shader中的pass的执行顺序是依据pass在shader中出现的先后顺序来确定的。然后通过配制每个pass的LightMode Tag,来选择具体执行哪个pass。以surface shader举例说明:surface shader展开来后,可以看到如下pass。pass{ Tags{"LightMode"="Vertex"} }pass{ Tags{"LightMode"="ForwardBass"} }pass{ Tags{"LightMode"="Deferred"} }这三个pass是相互排斥的,永远只可能执行其中一个pass。那unity是根据什么来选择执行哪个pass的呢?unity通过摄像机下的Rendering path来选择相应的pass。Rendering path=Legacy Vertex Lit时,选择"LightMode"="Vertex"的pass。ForwardBass与Deferred将不会被执行。Rendering path= ForwardBass时,优先选择"LightMode"="ForwardBass"的pass,ForwardBass不存在时,选择Vertex。Deferred将不会被执行。Rendering path= Deferred时,优先选择"LightMode"="Deferred"的pass,Deferred不存在时,选择ForwardBass,ForwardBass不存在时选择Vertex。以上就是passt选择的规律。还有一些别的pass,如"LightMode"="ShadowCaster"依赖的就不是摄像机的Rendering path,而是Mesh Render里的Cast Shadows了

在国际单位制中,质量的单位是(  )A.NB.kgC.PaD.


"Take a walk through the big park on Center Avenue."中为何 要用through?through不是从空间内部穿过吗

Through:Means:- one side of an opening or location to the other.Example: The car went through the tunnel.穿过!

walk through the park是什么意思

公园漫步 这样才文艺吗 不见得是强调穿过的结果,而是过程

联想ThinkPad SL410k KGC 升级内存、CPU,和双显卡的问题!

用百度搜索 三星笔记本 - 游戏屋论坛 游戏屋

求《重回血腥死亡营》2008年免费高清百度云资源,Vincent Pastore主演的

链接:提取码: 38dz 《重回血腥死亡营 Return to Sleepaway Camp》导演: Robert Hiltzik主演: Vincent Pastore、Jonathan Tiersten类型: 喜剧、恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2008-11-04片长: USA: 86 分钟又名: 血腥死亡营5、沉睡野营地5如往常,很多孩童们都聚居在Manabe营里度暑假。但是这个暑假,营里地工作人员得到地工资并不理想。营主弗兰克把大多数地利益都戴进本身地口袋里。终于,奇怪地事情发生了,孩童们和工作人员一个一个慢慢失踪。而且他们地尸体变成僵尸!罗尼是一名在那里工作差不多有20年地人员,他想起20多年前,曾经在另一个营里发生地恐怖事件。但它们是否有连系呢?

"Take a walk through the big park on Center Avenue."中为何 要用through?through不是从空间内部穿过吗

因为公园是一个立体化的,如果是穿过,只能从内部穿过,因此用throughthrough:从内部穿过,如:through the window、through the parkacross:从表面穿过,如:across the bridge、across the street

请帮忙翻译美国地名, 谢谢! 100 Park Court Rohert Park, CA 94928

100 是门牌号 (地址的)Park Court 是街的名字 (court是一条不通的巷子英文街有几种字眼street, avenue, boulevard, lane)Rohert Park 是城市名字CA 加利福尼亚州 (在美国西部)94928 邮递区号



spare that spider 中that是什么意思

Spare [that] spider, 不要伤害[那只]蜘蛛。Spare the spider, 既可以译为 不要伤害[那只]蜘蛛(根据上下文),也可以是 不要伤害蜘蛛(这个物种,泛指)。

700 morris park avenue,bronx 邮编是多少

邮编 10462700 Morris Park Ave, Bronx, NY 10462布朗克斯,又译勃朗市、布朗士,是美国纽约市的五个行政区之一,与纽约市下五个县之一的布朗克斯县边界线相同,后者是纽约州62个县之一。 布朗克斯区乃纽约市五个区中最北面的一个,拥有最多公园用地,著名的美国职棒大联盟纽约洋基队的主场乃位于此。

one park avenue是什么意思

one park avenue一个公园大道双语对照例句:1.New york, usa: a family swims in one of three converted dumpster pools on parkavenue. 美国纽约:一家人在派克大街上三个废料箱改造的泳池中的一个里游泳





park avenue是什么意思


跪求X Japan的《Forever Love》 罗马音对照歌词

《forever love》 永恒的爱 作词 : YOSHIKI/ 作曲 : YOSHIKI 已经无法独自前行 时代的风如此强烈 啊,应该已经习惯了 互相伤害这样的事 但是现在. 啊,就

如何用export修改环境变量 以及 PATH与$PATH的区别

PATH的值是一系列目录,当您运行一个程序时,Linux在这些目录下进行搜寻。用以下命令可以看到PATH的值。$ echo $PATH例如,在主机中,用户yogin的PATH值为:/opt/kde/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/yogin/bin其中“:”为分隔符。所以,上面的一串目录可以看成是如下的目录列表。/opt/kde/bin/usr/local/bin/bin:/usr/bin/usr/X11R6/bin/home/yogin/bin同样,也是主机中,用户root的PATH值为:/opt/kde/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/root/bin要修改所有用户的PATH值,您可以以root身份编辑/etc/profile文件,修改其中包含“PATH=”的一行。例如,您可以使用pico编辑器打开/etc/profile文件。$ pico -w/etc/profilepico是一个文本编辑器,而-w选项关闭了长行回绕功能。如果您想将当前目录加入到PATH中,则将“.”加入PATH中,此时PATH的设定如下:PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:."export PATH注意:在修改了PATH值或任何环境变量后,都要用export将其输出,新的PATH值才能生效。更多相关:

如何用export修改环境变量 以及 PATH与$PATH的区别

PATH的值是一系列目录,当您运行一个程序时,Linux在这些目录下进行搜寻。用以下命令可以看到PATH的值。$ echo $PATH例如,在主机中,用户yogin的PATH值为:/opt/kde/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/yogin/bin其中“:”为分隔符。所以,上面的一串目录可以看成是如下的目录列表。/opt/kde/bin/usr/local/bin/bin:/usr/bin/usr/X11R6/bin/home/yogin/bin同样,也是主机中,用户root的PATH值为:/opt/kde/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/root/bin要修改所有用户的PATH值,您可以以root身份编辑/etc/profile文件,修改其中包含“PATH=”的一行。例如,您可以使用pico编辑器打开/etc/profile文件。$ pico -w/etc/profilepico是一个文本编辑器,而-w选项关闭了长行回绕功能。如果您想将当前目录加入到PATH中,则将“.”加入PATH中,此时PATH的设定如下:PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:."export PATH注意:在修改了PATH值或任何环境变量后,都要用export将其输出,新的PATH值才能生效。更多相关推荐:

跪求LINKIN-PARK的Leave out all the Rest和Numb的中文歌词

《LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST》 林肯公园 --天下足球片尾曲I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失你恐惧万分 But no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意 After my dreaming, I woke with this fear: 梦醒了恐惧依然没有消散 What am I leaving when I"m done here? 我该怎么面对我所做的一切 So if you"re asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 And don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, and leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 I"ve taken my beating, I"ve shared what I"ve made I"m strong on the 我会面对挫折我们一起承担 surface, not all the way through I"ve never been perfect, but neither have you 表面上坚强的我并没有把一切做好其实我们永远都不会完美 So if you"re asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done 我要从头开始忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 Don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Forgetting all the hurt inside that you"ve learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 让我远离那些迷失的理由 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 Leave out all the rest 让我留在你的记忆中 Forgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕,当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 I can be who you are. 我会为你而改变

linkin park中文歌词。

Linin Park - Leave Out All The RestI dreamed I was missing, you were so scaredBut no one would listen, "cause no one else caredAfter my dreaming, I woke with this fearWhat am I leaving when I"m done here?So if you"re asking me, I want you to knowWhen my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missedDon"t resent me, and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory, leave out all the restLeave out all the rest, don"t be afraidI"ve taken my beating, I"ve shared what I madeI"m strong on the surface, not all the way throughI"ve never been perfect, but neither have youSo if you"re asking me, I want you to knowWhen my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missedDon"t resent me, and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory, leave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so wellPretending someone else can come and save me from myselfI can"t be who you areWhen my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missedDon"t resent me, and when you"re feeling emptyKeep me in your memory, leave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so wellPretending someone else can come and save me from myselfI can"t be who you areI can"t be who you are-----END-----我梦见我很想念, 你是如此害怕,但没有人会听,因为没有人照料后,我做梦, 我叫醒这怕什么,我离开时,我不行了呢? 如果你问我,我希望你知道我的时候, 忘记错了,我帮我留下了一些理由不容错过不怨恨我, 而当你感觉空洞,不让我在你的记忆, 离开了其余所有离开所有的休息,不要怕,我走我的跳动, i"ve分享我了,我坚强的表面,并非所有的途径,我从来没有去过完美, 但是不管你,如果你问我,我希望你知道我的时候, 忘记错了,我帮我留下了一些理由不容错过不怨恨我, 而当你感觉空洞,不让我在你的记忆, 离开了其余所有漏下其余所有忘了所有伤害里面你" 好冒充别人能救我自己,我不能你是谁,当我的时间 来了,忘记了错误,我做了帮我留下了一些理由不容错过不怨恨我, 而当你感觉空洞,不让我在你的记忆, 离开了其余所有漏下其余所有忘了所有伤害里面你好冒充别人能救我自己,我不能你是谁,我不能 你是谁

linken park《leave out all the rest 》歌词翻译谁知?

英文歌词: I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared But no one would listen, "cause no one else cared After my dreaming, I woke with this fear What am I leaving when I"m done here? So if you"re asking me, I want you to know When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest, don"t be afraid I"ve taken my beating, I"ve shared what I made I"m strong on the surface, not all the way through I"ve never been perfect, but neither have you So if you"re asking me, I want you to know When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Forgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself I can"t be who you are When my time comes, forget the wrong that I"ve done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Forgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself I can"t be who you are I can"t be who you are 中文翻译: 我梦见我失踪了,你是如此的害怕  但是却没有一个人愿意听着, "因为没有其他人关心  我的梦想,,我从梦中醒来我的恐惧  我走我 " m做吗?  所以如果你 "你问我,我想让你知道  当我死的时候,忘记了错误的,我 "终于完成  帮我留下一些原因,被错过  不要 " t责备我,当你 "你感觉空洞  让我在你的记忆里,省去所有其余的人 所有其余的离开,不要 "不要害怕  我 " ve把我的举止,我 " ve分享我所制造的  我 " m坚强的表面,并不是所有的前进  我以前从未去过 "完美,但是也没有你  所以如果你 "你问我,我想让你知道  当我死的时候,忘记了错误的,我 "终于完成  帮我留下一些原因,被错过  不要 " t责备我,当你 "你感觉空洞  让我在你的记忆里,省去所有其余的人  把所有其余的人  在你忘记了所有的伤害 "明白了藏得那么好  假装别人也能快来救我从我做起   我可以 " t做你自己就行了  当我死的时候,忘记了错误的,我 "终于完成  帮我留下一些原因,被错过  不要 " t责备我,当你 "你感觉空洞  让我在你的记忆里,省去所有其余的人  把所有其余的人  在你忘记了所有的伤害 "明白了藏得那么好  假装别人也能快来救我从我做起  我可以 " t做你自己就行了  我可以 " t做你自己就行了

求Lincion Park[Leave out all the rest]歌词中文翻译

leaveoutalltherest该放手,就放手  IdreamedIwasmissing,youweresoscared我在梦中惊醒,看到你脸上的恐惧 Butnoonewouldlisten,causenooneelsecared 这刻没有人在听,也没人想听Aftermydreaming,Iwokewiththisfear迷惘带我行走好像还在梦里   WhatamIleavingwhenI"mdonehere?一路走来,我留下了什么   Soifyou"reaskingme,Iwantyoutoknow当你问起我,但愿你会明白  Whenmytimecomes,forgetthewrongthatI"vedone当我离开时,忘记我所犯过的错误  Helpmeleavebehindsomereasonstobemissed并使我忘记那些令我迷失的理由 Anddon"tresentme,andwhenyou"refeelingempty  但别再用你的寂寞埋怨我Keepmeinyourmemory,andleaveoutalltherest  让我留在那儿,剩下的该放手   Leaveoutalltherest  就放手  Don"tbeafraid  不要迟疑  I"vetakenmybeating,I"vesharedwhatImade  我会清点伤口,残局我自己担当 I"mstrongonthesurface,notallthewaythrough  佯装勇敢虽不是本性坚强  I"veneverbeenperfect,butneitherhaveyou  我未曾完美,但你不也一样  Soifyou"reaskingme,Iwantyoutoknow当你问起我,但愿你已明白 Whenmytimecomes,forgetthewrongthatI"vedone当我离开时,忘记我所犯过的错误  Helpmeleavebehindsomereasonstobemissed  并使我忘记那些令我迷失的理由  Anddon"tresentme,andwhenyou"refeelingempty  但别再用你的寂寞埋怨我Keepmeinyourmemory,andleaveoutalltherest  清空脑海,让我独自在你记忆中行走  Leaveoutalltherest  剩下的都放手  Forgettingallthehurtinsidethatyou"velearnedtohidesowell放开怀中深藏的伤Pretendingsomeoneelsecancomeandsavemefrommyself  没人能直达内心把我拯救出去   Ican"tbewhoyouare  我无法变得和你们一样  Whenmytimecomes,forgetthewrongthatI"vedone  当我离开时,忘记我所犯过的错误   Helpmeleavebehindsomereasonstobemissed  并使我忘记那些令我迷失的理由  Don"tresentme,andwhenyou"refeelingempty  如果你感到寂寞,请不要恨我 Keepmeinyourmemory,leaveoutalltherest 清空脑海,让我独自在你记忆中行走Leaveoutalltherest  放手让它走   Forgettingallthehurtinsideyou"velearnedtohidesowell伤痛藏得再深也要放开Pretendingsomeoneelsecancomeandsavemefrommyself 不要假装会有人给我们释怀   Ican"tbewhoyouare  我无法成为你们(人类)   Ican"tbewhoyouare  也不会为此改变

you pay my money back

you pay my money back你还我钱。例句 1 I won"t leave here until you pay my money back! 你不还钱我就不走了! 2 If you can"t pay back my money after three days, I"ll tell your parents about it. 如果你三天之后不能还我的钱,我将把此事告诉你父母。 3 “ Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan?” “你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?”

Pay back my money quickly!有这种说法吗?

用give me back the money quickly 比较好点





固话座机显示parallel use,听筒没声音,打不进也打不出,怎么解决?



可以用偏移啊,画平行线多麻烦 Parallel每次结果不一样该如何处理


parallel desktop中的三台虚拟机组成两个网络

当以桥接网络模式运行时,Windows 在网络中显示为拥有其自身 IP 地址和网络名称的单独的计算机。注意:桥接网络较共享网络模式更为复杂,您可能需要联系您的系统管理员以正确安装设置。如何配置 Windows 在桥接网络模式下工作: 1、选择以下其中一种方法: u2022 点击菜单栏中 Parallels 图标,按选项 (Alt) 键,按住该键选择 配置 。 u2022 如果在屏幕顶部可以看见 Parallels Desktop 菜单栏,请选择虚拟机 >配置。 2、点击硬件然后点击网络。 3、在网络窗格中确定已选定了已连接选项。4、从列表中选择适合的网络适配器。要将虚拟机的适配器连接至 Mac 当前的网络适配器,请选择 默认适配器。注意: 在 MAC 地址栏,您可以更改目前分配给 Windows 的 MAC 地址。MAC 地址是在第一次安装 Windows 时自动生成的。但是,您仍可以通过在 MAC 地址栏输入其它地址或点击 生成 按钮来修改默认的 MAC 地址。在输入新的 MAC 地址时,请确认它在网络中是唯一的。如果您无法配置 Windows 在桥接网络模式下正常工作,请考虑使用 共享网络 或 Host-Only 网络。

parallel desktop虚拟出来的硬盘越来越大,怎么办



写法跟expdp命令一样 如导出命令: expdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=exp.log导入命令只需把expdp换成impdp就行 impdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=imp.log注意事项:首先从导出的机器中传到要导入数据库的机器上,如Windows可以放在D:imp 文件夹下(如果两台机器操作系统不同,需使用二进制传输dmp文件)在要导入数据的数据库创建导入导出目录SQL>create directory as "D:imp";3.命令行中开始导入 impdp 用户名/密码 schemas=用户名 directory=exp dumpfile=*.dmp logfile=exp.log

英语parallel to的汉语意思是什么?


关于C# parallel 的运行问题 为什么经常出现错误提示?

并行方法可能有问题.看看这个书 C#并行编程高级教程:精通.NET 4 Parallel Extensions

parallel 这个单词用谐音怎么读


hispi mipi parallel有什么区别



通过Parallels 运行魔兽。1、下载Parallels 软件,打开安装;下载软件时要注意尽量下载破解版本的,因为破解版的可以免费使用。2、第一次登陆软件,首先需要创建一个虚拟机,然后用户可以通过光盘的方式安装虚拟机上的系统,或者导入通过Boot Camp安装的系统。3、通过导入虚拟机迁移XP系统后,可以开启parallels 的透明模式,让WIN和macos完美的融合,让使用者感觉不到虚拟机的存在。

如何用parallel desktop安装虚拟机

在安装以前,首先建议准备一个用于安装 Windows 系统的镜像文件。这就好比在电脑上安装系统一样,需要有光盘安装系统。Windows 的安装镜像,可以百度搜索下载一个即可。如下图所示,这里所指的安装镜像是以 iso 结尾的。接下来请打开 Parallels Desktop 的控制中心,点击 + 按钮来创建一个新的虚拟机。随后在建立虚拟机类型时,这里以新安装一个虚拟机系统为例,先选择“安装 Windows”图标,再点击“继续”按钮,如图所示接下来是让我们选择要安装系统的来源,也就是我们之前说到的系统镜像。这里可以点击“手动查找”按钮,如图所示5随后可以看到有三种方式选择安装系统的来源,可以从光盘、镜像文件,或 USB驱动器。这里以选择“镜像文件”为例,然后提示我们把镜像文件直接拖到窗口里。6我这里是拖放的一个 Windows8.1 的镜像文件,等它识别成功以后也会显示系统的类型,点击“继续”按钮。7接着会显示在安装系统的一些选项,如果你不想在此输入安装系统的密钥,可以取消。好了以后请点击“继续”按钮。

series 和 parallel 接口是干嘛用的

series 是串行口,数据线只有1位; parallel 是并行口,数据线是一个字节,8位!

parallel文件如何拖到Mac 桌面 需要怎么设置




Parallel Desktop 退出融合模式的方法

在之前的文章中讲到可以使用虚拟机来在Mac OS下面使用Windows系统,其中Parallel Desktop是众多虚拟机软件中非常好用的一款。 [Mac电脑使用Windows的“正确姿势” - ] Parallel Desktop引入了一种叫做融合模式,这种模式把Windows在后台运行,我们打开Windows应用软件的时候,就如同打开一个Mac应用一样。但这个方法的缺点就是,在使用当前的Window应用时,输入法切换很不方便并且Windows一直在后台运行也比较耗电。 笔者更加推荐,Windows单独在一个窗口运行的方式,这样Windows的使用习惯完全能够过度过来,如果不使用Window系统,可以在Windows系统下直接关机。 下面介绍一下如何进入和退出融合模式: 进入融合模式 1. 首先让Parallel Desktop运行在窗口模式 2. 在苹果电脑屏幕顶端 找到查看 找到查看进入融合模式 退出融合模式的方法: 1.点击 屏幕底端的Window 图标,打开Windows开始菜单 2. 这个时候,找到屏幕顶端的查看 进入退出融合模式 这里要注意的点是保证屏幕左上角的活动窗口是Window10 虽然今天介绍的方法看似很简单,但是不细心的同学可能需要很多时间摸索才能真正找到退出融合模式的要点。



fluent serial 和parallel的区别















首先,analogous只做形容词,意思是sth similar in some way to another thing,即相似的,但程度轻,比如“睡眠在某种意义上类似于死亡”就用analogous,这个词比较正式,一般用在书面语。而counterpart只做名词,指a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/sth in differ,也就是(作用相当的)人或物(但某意义上相对应),这个词一般用于指代前文提到的对应,比如前文提到了男鞋,那counterpart就可以代替女鞋,两者虽然相似,但又相对应,偏书面语。parallel可以作名词动词形容词,都有相似之意,这个词用得比较普遍,very similar or taking place at the same time,它的本意是平行的,所以强调程度很重,基本相等,可以认为是极其相似,平时说的相似,除了similar,就是这个词比较多。


副词与形容词相同,即:parallel 平行地;并列地


parallel的动词是parallels。一、释义:平行的、相同的、类似的、并联的、对比、双杠、相似物、相比、相应。二、词汇搭配:1、afford a parallel:提供了相似性。2、have no parallel in modern times:现今无与伦比。3、draw a parallel between:在~之间作出比较。4、draw a parallel with:与~相比。5、find parallels among:在~(三者以上)之中找出类似的事。6、bear a parallel to:与~相似。例句:1、In the parallel world, there might be an answer for everything.在平行世界里,似乎有一切的答案。2、Parallel processing is the most important peculiarity in this design.其中,并行化的设计理念是该设计的最大特点。3、The railway lines run parallel to the road.铁路线和那条道路平行。4、My experience in this matter is parallel to yours.在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。5、My experience in selling is parallel to yours.在销售方面,我的经验和你相仿。



matlab中 parallel命令什么意思,是干什么用的?

powericon该命令根据已知参数对模型仿真中用到的参数进行计算powericon("UniversalBridgeCback",gcb);powericon("SetInternalModels","set",block,WantBlockChoice); 另外GCB=General Circuit Breaker 总电路断路器;给你推荐一个论坛 matlab中文论坛,我一般找东西都去那,很给力的!!
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