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小学五年级英语作文four seasons

The Four Seasons In spring, the weather is warm and comfortable. Sometimes it is rainy. Flowers grow and blossom. Animals get up. Birds sing everyday. They are very happy. People wear T-shirts and trousers. It is green everywhere in the country. There are many trees on the hills. If you go there, you can feel well. In summer, the weather is hot and rainy. People do not like to go out. But sometimes they go swimming. Because it is very hot. So they like to eat ice creams. We students like summer. Because they have a long holiday—the summer holiday. We do not go to school and visit many places. Autumn comes after summer and before winter. It begins to get cold. Sometimes it is windy. Leaves become yellow. We can see that many fruits and fields are yellow. The coldest season is winter. In some places, it snows. People wear coats and hats. Some children make snowman. They are happy. I like summer the best. And you?There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.  When spring comes, the weather gets warmer and everything comes back to life. The farmers are busy with sowing.  Summer is the hottest season. It often rains. It"s a busy season in the countryside.  Everybody likes autumn because the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It"s time for the farmers to harvest.  Winter is cold. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The farmers are busy preparing for the next spring ploughing.【参考译文】  一年有四个季节,它们是春、夏、秋、冬。  当春天到来时,天气变暖,万物复苏。农民们在忙着播种。  夏天是最炎热的季节,天常下雨,这是农村繁忙的季节。  人人都喜欢秋天,因为天气不冷也不热,农民们该收获了。  冬天很冷,昼短夜长。农民们忙着准备来年的春耕。Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter

一年有四个季节 是four seasons 还是 four season

……当然是seasons. season是可数的,四个季节就要用复数形式.



Four seasons里的英文什么意思?


英语作文four seasons40字

英语作文four seasons40字有奖励写回答共3个回答匿名用户Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter.

歌曲Four Seasons的中文版歌词是??

中文楷音:F瑟未r哇务哇特,哇幽未r得有我,F瑟未r哇务哇特,哇幽未r得有我,F瑟未r哇务哇特,哇幽未r得有我,F瑟未r哇务哇特,哎没笔幽开。啊拉稀,打诶哇,哇给啦有毒。扫恩那,得阿姨,苦你开戏柏。k啦哭,哭打哭,k撒布里别。啊啦翼,打给偶莫斗没得哇~。哎看f s d岁我骚妇特白。闹高你某~,啊啦打哇翼地一改斗。啊笔偶ruai,那五搜狗来我搜狗你,卡哇那 那一呀翼哦,白特里~。哈打啦,题开楼哈慈没打啦,卡那赛卡赛待,幽慈买搜尅啊撒幽尅来,翼粗买待。啊尅斗,卡瑟哭幽怒待米奈,扫了道一尅来,啊大拿没得好心,佛瑟四未司买,又慢一季度。没噶一,打给斗,打不搜五哇,斗给打,打给斗翼楼啊瑟怒。卡利发灵 啊了米四特gin,恩那你 卡赛啦打哦斗翼打蜡,蕊笔幽ruai,心五级个亿啦吧搜我,斗五农斗五哭得某,四待未四米。h 啦农h啦怒no怒幽楼绿,路卡哈那尅打,没粗了岁那吗哈四,闹个性白。啊课斗,啊累斗路幽度那米那,卡撒啦打哇翼得,啊打那没得好性~f sin 四未四买,幽买的啦哭。那都那幽都k猫豆高老你,啊里都楼吗你,啊打里那摩奥四路,奥猫翼白。啊翼某,幽买猫那某楼,翼慈猫黑待抱,啊打那没得好心~,f瑟四未四买,幽买了我哭~ four scene" four four seasonsfour scene" I"ll be alrightfour scene" four four seasonsfour scene" stay with me...four scene" four four seasonsfour scene" I"ll be alrightfour scene" four four seasonsfour scene" stay with me...four scene" four four seasonsfour scene" I"ll be alrightfour scene" four four seasonsfour scene" stay with me...four scene" four four seasonsfour scene" I"ll be alrightfour scene" four four seasonsfour scene" stay with me...

英语作文four Seasons

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter. I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. The spring is green. Summer is very hot. I can swim in the river. Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too. Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.

Four seasons的歌词


求《four seasons》日文歌词(日文汉字要有假名)

Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 爱(あい)し合(あ)えば别(わか)れゆ(行)く そんな出会(であ)い缲(く)り返(かえ)した 记忆(きおく)深(ふか)く手(て)探(さぐ)りで 甘(あま)い阴(かげ)を求(もと)めては I can taste the sweetness of the past 何処(どこ)にも贵方(あなた)はいないけど I"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに 変(か)わらない爱(あい)を I believe 春(はる)の光(ひかり) 集(あつ)めたら 花(はな)咲(さ)かせて 夏(なつ)は月(つき)浮(う)かぶ海(うみ)で み(见)つ(诘)めて 秋(あき)の风(かぜ) 冬(ふゆ)の雪(ゆき)も その吐息(といき)で 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love もう一度(いちど) 愿(ねが)いだけの约束(やくそく)は 时(とき)がた(立)てば色(いろ)褪(あ)せる can you feel me underneath the skin? あんなに重(かさ)ねた思(おも)いなら we"ll be alright 信(しん)じていれば そう どんな远(とお)くても stay with me 春(はる)の花(はな)眠(ねむ)る夜(よる)に 迎(むか)えに来(き)て 夏(なつ)の砂浜(すなはま)に メッセージ残(のこ)して 秋(あき)の雨(あめ) 冬(ふゆ)の涙(なみだ) 饰(かざ)らぬ爱(あい)で 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか) 流(なが)れる时(とき)を心(こころ)に ありのままに 二人(ふたり)の日々(ひび)は もうすぐ思(おも)い出(で) 爱(あい)も梦(ゆめ)も忘(わす)れ物(もの) いつの日(ひ)でも 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love 胸(むね)の奥(おく) four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me...


1. 以My seasons为题写于篇作文不少于40个单词 Winter There are four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, fall and winter. My favourite season is winter. it is cold in winter and it sometimes snows, but I can play with snow. I like to have a snow fight with my friends and make snowmen. I like to ski on the snow and skate on the ice. What"s more, I like the winter holiday and the Spring Festival. So winter is my favorite season! 注:what"s more: 另外 Summer I like summer best. It is hot in summer, but I can go swimming, because I like swimming very much. When summer holiday es, I often go to the beach with my friends and we always have a good time. Besides, in summer, there are many delicious fruit, such as, watermelon, peach and so on. So my favorite season is summer! 注:besides 此外 and so on 等等。 2. 以My seasons为题写于篇作文不少于40个单词 I think we are lucky that we live in China,because we can try different kinds of climates in one year.in my mind,autumn is my favourite season in a year.autumn is a beautiful season and you can see the fallen leaves on the streets.autumn is a harviest season that you can have lots of fruits to enjoy.in autumn,you also can see many people fly kite on the grassland in the evening,it is an enjoyable thing to me.。 3. 以seasons为题写一篇小短文50个单词 There are four seasons in the year. They"re spring, summer, autumn and winter. 一年有四个季节.它们是春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。 Spring is warm and sunny. In spring days, everything in our nature is green, so we can go out to release ourselves and breathe the fresh air. I think it"s a good way to enjoy our beautiful nature. 春天是温暖又阳光灿烂的。在春天,自然界中的一切都是绿色的,所以我们可以释放自己,呼吸新鲜空气。我认为这是享受美丽的大自然的一种很好的方式。 Summer is hot and rainy, but summer is the best season for entertainment, because we can go swimming in the sea and enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the beach. It must be very interesting. 夏季炎热多雨,但夏季是休闲娱乐的最佳季节,因为我们可以在海里游泳,在沙滩上享受美丽的阳光。那肯定很有趣。 Autumn is very cool and fortable, and it is also the best season for harvest. In autumn days, the farmers are busy in their fields. If we had a chance, we could go to the countryside and pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables. 秋天很凉爽舒适,也是收获的最好季节。秋天的时候,农民们在他们的田野里忙碌。如果我们有机会,我们可以去乡下摘一些新鲜的水果和蔬菜。 Winter is very cold and freezing. In winter, our world is covered with white snow, so we can either make snowmen or fight with snow. And we can also enjoy the beautiful ice lanterns in Harbin. But I prefer to go to Sanya during that time. As it"s on Hainan Island, the weather is always so temperate. Even in December, I can still enjoy the green palm trees, the beautiful sea, the sunny beach and the blue sky. Maybe I can find endless pleasure there. 冬天很冷,很冰。冬天,我们整个世界都被雪覆盖了,所以我们可以堆雪人或者打雪仗。我们还可以欣赏哈尔滨的美丽的冰灯。但我更喜欢在那段时间去三亚。因为它是在海南岛,天气总是很温和。即使是在十二月,我仍然可以享受绿色的棕榈树,美丽的大海,阳光明媚的沙滩和蔚蓝的天空。也许我可以在那里找到无穷的乐趣。 4. 【帮写英语作文请以Myfavoriteseason写篇短文,40词即可.】 My favorite seasonMy favorite season is summer. In summer, I can go swimming with my friends in the lake. Because the weather is hot, I can enjoy a box of ice-cream to cool myself down. Also, I love the feeling of being showered in the sunshine. I love summer!。 5. 以 the seasons为题写一篇短文,不少于40字.提示:1年有哪几个季节 There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.The spring is my favorite,because the temperature is getting warmer and warmer, and all the trees and flowers became more and more powerful and beautiful.The people can go to the outside to enjoy such wonderful scenes of the spring. I like the spring beacuse it can bring the life to all the things. 6. 英语作文 Seasons50字 season The four sasons are different.Spring is a warm season.There are many beautiful flowers.It looks beautiful.Summer is very hot and there are a lot of rain.We eat ice cream in this season.But there is a lot of text.In the cool autumn, farmers will harvest a lot of fruits uncle.There will be a lot of red maple leaves.Winter is very cold.Will be under a lot of snow in winter, we can make a snowman, snowball fights, and that is really very happy. Seasons are changing, but each have their own characteristics, do you think? 7. 40字英语作文:My favourite season My favorite season is autumn. Because it is cool and windy but it isn"t hot or cold in autumn. Autumn is a harvest seaon. The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges, mangos, bananas, apples, pears and so on.或; There are four seasons in a year: spring、summer、autumn and winter. I love them very much but my favorite season is spring. It"s warm and cool. In spring, leaves turn green and flowers turn beautiful. They e out of the ground. The birds sing very well. In spring, we can play outside all day. The air is fresh and it makes us fortable. Maybe some people don"t like rain because it makes us unhappy. I like the rain very much. I love spring because it gets warmer. Animals run out of their holes, it makes me pleasant. Spring is the time for planting. The ground bees softer and warmer from the rain and the sun.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333332626131,多谢。 8. 围绕seasons写一篇英语小短文不少于50字 seasonsThere are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.In spring, flowers contend. I can fly a kite.Summer, the scorching sun. I can go swimming or eat ice cream.In autumn, fruits. I can eat the sweet fruit.In winter, Snow gleams white. I can and *** all partners to make a snowman, snowball fights.A year the four seasons change multiterminal!中文翻译: 季节一年有四个季节,他们分别是春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。 春天,百花争鸣。我可以放风筝。 夏天,骄阳似火。我可以去游泳或者吃冰激凌。 秋天,硕果累累。我又可以吃到香甜的果实了。 冬天,白雪皑皑。我可以和小伙伴们一起堆雪人、打雪仗。 一年四季变幻多端啊。 9. 用The Four Seasons为题写一篇作文 The Four seasons A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons. The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants e to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields. The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up. The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. The weather bees cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers. The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time, for spring es again soon. 四季 一年有四季,每个季节有三个月,每个季节的气候都不一样。生命的轮回由四季控制。 第一个季度是春季。春季的三个月为三月、四月和五月。在这段时间里,天气温暖、晴朗,万物复苏。冬眠的动物们也醒过来了,农民们开始忙农活。 第二个季节是夏季,包括六月、七月和八月。天气非常热,而且老是下雨。人们能游泳、观光。夏季也是万物生长的好时候。 第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月。天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落。这是一个收获的季节。 最后一个季节是冬季,这一季包括十二月、一月和二月。天气非常冷,大多数植物都死了。有时候还下雪,人们可以滑冰和滑雪。但是冬天不会太长,因为春天马上就要来临了。

Four Seasons 歌词

歌词名称:《Four Seasons》 歌手:AiMiNi [Four Seasons铃声下载] [AiMiNi彩信下载] 《Four Seasons》歌词: 本歌词由拼音翻译,如有错漏,敬请指正 Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok Aishi aeba wakare yuku sonna deai kurikaeshita 爱し逢えば别れ夕そんな出会い缲り返した Kiwoku fukaku tesaguri de amai kage wo motomete wa 记忆ふかく手さぐりで甘い影を求めては I can taste the sweetness of the past Doko ni mo anata wa inai kedo 何処にもあなたは居ないけど I"ll be alright Me wo tsubureba soko ni I"ll be alright 目を瞑ればそこに Kawaranai ai wo I believe 変わらない爱を I believe Haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete 春の光集めたら花咲かせて Natsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete 夏はつき浮かぶ海で见つめて Aki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de atatamete hoshii 秋の风冬の雪もその吐息で温めて欲しい four seasons with your love Mouichido Four seasons with you love もう一度 Negai dake no yakusoku wa toki ga tateba iroaseru 愿いだけの约束は时がたてば色あせる can you feel me underneath the skin? Anna ni kasaneta omoi nara あんなに重ねた想いなら we"ll be alright Shinjite ireba sou We"ll be alright 信じていればそう Donna tooku temo stay with me どんな远くても stay with me Haru no hana nemuru yoru ni mukae ni kite 春の花眠る夜に迎えにきて Natsu no sunahama ni message nokoshite 夏の砂浜にmessage残して Aki no ame fuyu no namida kazaranu ai de atatamete hoshii 秋の雨冬の涙饰らぬ爱で温めて欲しい four seasons with your love Yume no naka Four seasons with your love 梦の中 Nagareru toki wo kokoro ni ari no mama ni 流れる时を心にありのままに Futari no hibi wa mou sugu omoide 二人の日々はもうすぐ想いで Ai mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hi demo atatamete hoshii 爱も梦も忘れ物いつの日でも暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love mune no oku Four seasons with your love 胸の奥 four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... 中文歌词 Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅 摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽 I can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然四处都找不到你 I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛 不变的爱就在那里 I believe 集满春光 让花绽放 春天里凝视 浮著明月的海 秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 再一次 只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会退色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积 we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错 无论相隔多遥远 stay with me 在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我 在夏日的沙滩上 留下message 秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在梦里 把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里 我俩共渡的岁月 即将成为回忆 无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为他们带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在心深处 four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons[gē cí] 歌词歌词是诗歌的一种,入乐的叫歌,不入乐的叫诗(或词)。入乐的歌在感情抒发、形象塑造上和诗没有任何区别,但在结构上、节奏上要受音乐的制约,在韵律上要照顾演唱的方便,在遣词炼字上要考虑听觉艺术的特点,因为它要入乐歌唱。歌词与诗的分别,主要是诗不一定要入乐(合乐),歌词是要合乐的。歌词一般是配合曲子旋律一同出现的,歌词是歌曲的本意所在。现代一般是配合音乐,便于哼唱的语句。

小学五句话作文Four Seasons


求four seasons的日文+中文歌词+罗马拼音

Four seasons ◎日文歌词&罗马拼音 Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 爱し合えば别れゆく そんな出会い缲り返した aishi aeba wakare yuku sonna deai kurikaeshita 记忆深く手探りで 甘い阴を求めては kioku hukaku tesaguride amai kagewo motometeha I can taste the sweetness of the past 何処にも贵方はいないけど dokonimo anata ha inai kedo I"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに I"ll be alright mewo tsubureba sokoni 変わらない爱を I believe kawara nai ai wo I believe 春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete 夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて natsuha tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete 秋の风 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しい aki no kaze huyu no yukimo sono tameikide atatame te hoshii four seasons with your love もう一度 four seasons with your love mou ichido 愿いだけの约束は 时がたてば色褪せる negai dakeno yakusokuha tokigatate bairoaseru can you feel me underneath the skin? あんなに重ねた思いなら a n na ni kasaneta omoi nara we"ll be alright 信じていれば そう we"ll be alright shinnjite ireba sou どんな远くても stay with me donna tooku temo stay with me 春の花眠る夜に 迎えに来て haru no hananeru yoruni mukae ni kite 夏の砂浜に メッセージ残して natsu no sunahamani messe-ji nokoshite 秋の雨 冬の涙 饰らぬ爱で 暖めて欲しい aki noame huyu no namida kazaranu aide atatamete hoshii four seasons with your love 梦の中 four seasons with your love yume nonaka 流れる时を心に ありのままに nagareru toki wo kokoroni arinomamani 二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出 futari no hibiha mousugu omoide 爱も梦も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しい ai mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hidemo atatamete hoshii four seasons with your love 胸の奥 four seasons with your love mune no oku four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... ◎中文歌词 Four seasons of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four seasons of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four seasons of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four seasons of love and laughter I"ll be ok 一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅 摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽 I can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然四处找不到你 I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛 不变得爱就在那里 I believe 集满春光 让花绽放 夏天里凝视 浮著明月的海 秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 再一次 只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会褪色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积 we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错 无论相隔 多遥远 stay with me 在春花沈睡的夜里 来迎接我 在夏日的沙滩上 留下message 秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在梦里 把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里 我俩共度的岁月 即将成为回忆 无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为它们带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在心深处 *four seasons, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four seasons, four four seasons four scene, stay with me..... ------------------------ [ti:Four Seasons] [ar:安室奈美惠] [al:STYLE] [by:Yuki.C] [00:17.86][00:12.08][00:06.37][00:00.78]Four scene of love and laughter [00:15.01][00:09.27][00:03.53]I"ll be alright being alone [00:20.33]I"ll be ok [00:23.64]ai shi a e ba wa ka re yu ku so n na de a i ku ri ka e shi ta [00:34.99]ki o ku fu ka ku te sa gu ri de a ma i ka ge wo mo to me te wa [00:47.41]I can taste the sweetness of the past [00:51.09]do ko ni mo a na ta wa i ta i ke do [00:56.77]I"ll be alright me wo tsu bu re ba so ko ni [01:02.44]ka wa ra na i ai wo I believe [01:08.19]ha ru no hi ka ri a tsu me ta ra ha na sa ka se te [01:13.91]na tsu wa tsu ki u ka bu u mi de mi tsu me te [01:19.66]aki no ka ze fu yu no yuki mo so no to i ki de a ta ta me te ho shi i [01:28.50]four seasons with your love mou i chi do [01:37.91]ne ga i da ke no ya ku so ku wa to ki ga ta te ba i ro a se ru [01:50.26]Can you feel me underneath the skin? [01:53.93]an na ni ka sa ne ta o mo i na ra [01:59.64]we"ll be alright shin ji te i re ba sou [02:05.32]don na to o ku te mo stay with me [02:11.00]ha ru no ha na ne mu ru yo ru ni mu ka e ni ki te [02:16.39]na tsu no su na ha ma ni messa ge no ko shi te [02:22.41]aki no a me fu yu no na mi da ka za ra nu ai de a ta ta me te ho shi i [02:31.22]four seasons with your love yu me no na ka [02:34.57]na ga re ru to ki wo ko ko ro ni a ri no ma ma ni [02:39.51]fu ta ri no hi bi wa mou su gu o mo i de [02:45.25]ai mo yume mo wa su re mo no i tsu no hi de mo a ta ta me te ho shi i [02:54.02]four seasons with your love mu ne no o ku [03:37.72][03:32.02][03:26.30][03:20.58][03:14.82][03:09.09][03:03.43][02:57.76]four scene,four four seasons [03:34.85][03:23.44][03:11.98][03:00.57]four scene,I"ll be alright [03:40.56][03:29.13][03:17.77][03:06.27]four scene,stay with me... [03:44.04]记得采纳啊




consign 指委托,托付assign 指分派,安排希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢!




C#事务 TransactionScope sp=new TransactionScope(); try{ dosth(); ///事务结束 sp.complete(); } catch { ///事务回滚 sp.rollback(); } ///事务关闭 sp.close()

什么是consumer perception

consumer perception:消费者知觉;

consumption tax和excise duty都翻译成消费税,这两者有什么区别啊


current consumption是什么意思

current consumption 日常消费;电流消耗 消耗电流;消费电流;输入电流例句筛选1.Letting their tax cuts expire might reduce those bequests, but it will not reducetheir current consumption significantly.让其减税计划过期也许会减少那些遗产,但不会显著减少他们当前的消费。2.The city"s current consumption of ground water has gone 10 billion cubicmeters over it"s warning levels.该市目前的地下水消耗量已经达到1千万立方米,高于警戒水平。

current consumption是什么意思


power consumption是什么意思

power consumption 功率消耗; 功耗; 消耗功率; 耗电量consumption 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] n. 消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学] 消耗性疾病; [例句]The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。

consumption capacity是什么意思

消费能力。用 市场消费(或叫市场收入)中 来源于中产阶级所占份额 进行统计计算得出的各种统计数字。例如,某月,人均用于衣食住行的费用。

automous consumption是 exogenous consumption吗



post-是个前缀词,意思是“…之后”consumption是个名词,意思是“消费”所以post-consumption意思是“消费后”或者“后消费”典例短语:post-consumption consumer 后消费时代的消费者


4MATIC 4轮驱动的意思,奔驰用,奥迪的四驱技术叫quattro

entry for consumption是什么意思

entry for consumption英 [u02c8entri fu0254: ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] 美 [u02c8u025bntri fu0254r ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n][经] 进口货物申报单consumption英 [ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n] 美 [ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n]n.消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学]消耗性疾病网 络消费;消耗;消耗量;消费量复数: consumptions双语例句1. Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption. 这些酒中大部分都不适于人类饮用。2. There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat. 肉类消费量略有增长。


consumption-oriented 是由 “名词+形容词性过去分词” 构成的合成词形容词,consumption 指消费的行为,oriented 表示 “导向的”,合起来就是 “消费导向的”。

consumption concept是什么意思


conspicuous consumption是什么意思

conspicuous consumption[英]ku0259nu02c8spikjuu0259s ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n[美]ku0259nu02c8spu026akjuu0259s ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259nn. 炫耀性消费,挥霍;摆阔性消费[例句]Since then , conspicuous consumption appears to have increased.从此后,炫耀性消费便增加了。

voyage ;quantitative ;consumption ;这英语用谐音怎么读?

我一举 框特体悟 肯桑pe损可以去有道词典或百度翻译搜 都会教你的

cost 和 expense 和consumption有什么不同

cost 成本expense 费用consumption 消耗

expenditure 和expense 和 consumption的区别?


the consumption 用法

1. N-UNCOUNT(燃料、自然资源的)消耗量,消费量 The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of them that is used or the act of using them.2. N-UNCOUNT吃;喝;饮用 The consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the amount that is eaten or drunk. 3. N-UNCOUNT消费 Consumption is the act of buying and using things. 4. PHRASE供(某人或某个群体)使用,享用 If you do or say something for a particular person"s or group"sconsumption, you do or say it especially for them, although your private thoughts or plans may be very different.5. N-UNCOUNT同 tuberculosis Consumption is the same as tuberculosis .


请判断下面单词的音节个数consumption音标[k?n"sΛmp??n]释义n.消耗量;消耗 A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5正确答案:C




consume 消费的意思希望能够帮到楼主







consumption与disposable personal income的区别和联系?

从字面上看,consumption就是消费,disposable personal income是个人可支配收入,我的理解是,一个是支出,一个是收入,消费来源于个人可支配收入





fuel consumption是什么意思

  fuel consumption_翻译  fuel consumption  英 [fjuu0259l ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] 美 [u02c8fjuu0259l ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n]  [释义]耗油率,燃料消耗(量)  [网络]燃油经济性; 耗油量; 油耗;  [例句]Coal currently plays a dominant part in China"s energy consumption, making up70 percent of its fuel consumption.  当前,煤炭在中国能源消耗量中处于主导地位,占到了燃料消耗量的70%。


consumptionn.消费;肺病;耗尽;[医学]消耗性疾病depletionn.消耗,用尽;耗减我理解你的困惑,都有耗尽、消耗的意思。。。其实这样理解就简单了:consumption源于consume,所以一般消费性的耗尽是用consumption,尤其是商务英语;而depletion源于deplete,所以一般损害性的消耗用deplete。。。而且consumption也很少用作耗尽这个意思,多数时候出现都是当消费讲。。。比如说Fuel consumption就是燃油消费量,而fuel depletion则是燃油耗尽。。。


consumption[英] [ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n][美] [ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n]n.消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学]消耗性疾病;[例句]The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。[复数]consumptions


1. consumption在英语里是个不可数名词,当然不能加复数词尾. 2 . expenditure既是可数、也可不可数.一般指开支或支出的总额度,应该是整体的意思,在这短语中也不应该加复数词尾. 但可以表示某次的某个支出或开支的额度,前面用a. 如:an expenditure of ten thousand yuan.一万元的开支额度


消费。The goverment is encouraging domestic consumption.政府正在鼓励国内消费。


consumption动词形式是consume。词汇搭配great consumption 消费量大;popular consumption 大众消费。media consumption 媒体消费;consumption abroad 境外消费。consume的用法consume只能用作及物动词,表示“消费;吃;消耗”的意思,指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等。英语动词有五种基本形式,即原形动词、第三人称单数现在式、过去式、过去分词和现在分词。原形动词就是字典中或我们的教科书单词表中所给予的形式。动词的过去式和过去分词的构成有规则的和不规则的两种。英语动词根据其意义和句法作用,可分为实义动词、系动词、情态动词和助动词四类,其中情态动词和助动词于后续将作详尽说明。动词的五种基本变化:原形;第三人称单数;现在式;过去式;过去分词。


consumption的动词形式是consumpt请记住这个规律:凡事-sume结尾的动词变成对应的名词后都要把-me改成-mption,比如:1、assume --> assumption2、consume --> consumption3、presume --> presumption4、resume --> resumption还有需要注意的就是:浊辅音[b]结尾的动词在变成名词时也要“由浊改清”,也就是b改成p再加tion,比如:1、absorb --> absorption2、describe --> description3、prescribe --> prescription4、subscribe --> subscriptionconsumption是名词消费,消耗,消费量例如the consumption of coal 煤的消耗consuming是动名词,是动词consume的ing形式


consume名词形式为consumption。 consume作为动词,中文含义有“消耗”、“耗费”、“吃”、“喝”、“使充满”; consumption作为consume的名词形式,中文翻译为“消费”、“消耗量”、“肺病”、“肺结核”等。 复数形式为consumptions。 扩展资料   一、consume的中文释义及双语例句   consume作为动词,意为消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等);吃;喝;饮;使充满(强烈的感情)。   例句:The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.   电力工业消耗大量的.矿物燃料。   Rage consumed him.   他无比愤怒。   The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.   那座旅馆很快被大火吞噬。   The memories consumed him.   他沉浸在回忆中。   It"s just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data   获取如此大量的数据非常费时。   It was work which consumed most of his waking hours   他醒着的时候大部分时间都在工作。   He has developed a consuming passion for chess.   他对下棋产生了极为浓厚的兴趣。   二、consumption的基本释义及双语例句   consumption作为名词,中文释义有(能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量;消费;肺病;肺痨;肺结核。   例句:Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.   燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。   He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.   他被劝告减少饮酒。   The food was not fit for human consumption.   这食物不适合人吃。   In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.   在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。   Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent   消费下降了25个百分点。   The seeds were not meant for human consumption   这些种子并不是给人吃的。


consumptionn. 消费;消耗;肺痨[网络短语]Consumption 消费,消耗,消费Air consumption 耗气量,空气消耗量,空气消耗率inflated consumption 消费膨胀,花费膨胀,消耗膨胀例句:1、Water consumption decreased during the winter. 冬季期间水消耗量减少。2、This mentalist yearn easily trigger a large-scale consumption campaign. 这种心态容易引发一场大规模消费高潮。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


消耗 耗费请采纳


1. 消费, 消耗; 消费[耗]量2. 肺病; 结核病3. 耗尽,用完4. 【医学】消耗性疾病;身体耗损,憔悴;(尤指)痨病consumption in socialist society 社会主义社会的消费 quota of materials consumption 物资消耗定额 strategy for consumption development 消费发展战略 Water Storage and Consumption 存水量与耗水量。 consumption of alcoholic drinks. 大量地消费酒精制品。


Consumption消费双语对照词典结果:consumption[英][ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n][美][ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n]n.消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学]消耗性疾病; 复数:consumptions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.China must shift from investment and exports towards consumption. 中国经济必须从投资和出口转向消费。


consumption 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] n. 消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学] 消耗性疾病; [例句]The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。[其他] 复数:consumptions 形近词: assumption resumption subsumption



consecutive,continued 区别

consecutive[英]ku0259nu02c8sekju0259tu026av[美]ku0259nu02c8su025bkju0259tu026avadj.x09连续的,连贯的;[语]表示结果的[例句]Spain has had four consecutive quarters of contraction.西班牙已经连续四个季度出现萎缩.continuex09[英]ku0259n"tu026anju:[美]ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuvt.vi.link-v.x09继续,连续vi.x09持续;逗留,停留;维持原状vt.x09美[法律]延期;使延伸;使持续;继续说[例句]Or should I say ,continue.或者,我应当说是,继续.continuousx09[英]ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s[美]ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259sadj.x09连续的;延伸的;绵;联绵[例句]Continuous manufacturing could transform the pharmaceuticals industry.连续制作模式会改变整个制药行业的面貌.

console 和ethernet什么意思


It is ( ) Monday morning .We are having lessons?

应该是A, on


电脑重置过程中出现confirmations使用 IRST(或混合硬盘)、BCD 损坏重置电脑 大家在 Win10 的 [ 此电脑 ]- [计算机]-「设置」-「 更新 和安全」-「恢复」中,就可以看到“ 重置此电脑 ” 功能 [开始]。 如果 电脑 未正常运行, 重置电脑 可能会解决问题。 重置 时,可以选保留个人文件或删除个人文件,然后重新安装 Win dows。


confirmationsn.确认; 证据; 证实( confirmation的名词复数 ); (基督教中的)坚信礼; 双语例句 1The subsidiary"s manager had used the defendant"s stationery for the written confirmations of orders placed by phone.附属公司经理使用被告的信笺对电话订单进行了书面确认。2It essentially scans email to find receipts and order confirmations, picking up any tracking numbers along the way.它主要是对电子邮件进行扫描,从中拣出收据、定单确认信、以及追踪号码。

autonomous regions是什么意思

autonomous regions 西班牙自治区;摩尔多瓦自治区例句筛选1.General plans for land use of provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities shall be approved by the State Council.省、自治区、直辖市的土地利用总体规划,报国务院批准。2.Execute the economic autonomous power in national autonomous regions andpromote the economic sustainable development around Bohai行使民族自治地方的经济自治权促进环渤海经济持续发展

the committee___ ten members.A.consists of B.are made up of

A这个委员会有10个成员。B are为复数可以排除

sql里的FK外键和 references是什么关系?constraint 又是什么,什么时候该用它?


architecture construction building三者有什么区别. 求大神回答,网上的看过了。

building:A building is a structure that has a roof and walls, for example a house or a factoryconstruction:Construction is the building of things such as houses, factories, roads, and bridges.architecture:Architecture is the art of planning, designing, and constructing buildings.这是他们的英文解释,可以看出他们的区别的。

architecture construction building三者有什么区别

architecture指建筑学,是门学科. construction指建造,是兴建楼房时候用的. building指的就是一般的建筑物,简单说就是楼. Architecture is a complicated subject which involves lots of physics. The school has been under construction since three years ago. This is an adorable building.


building一般指房屋或楼房construction为建筑物architecture是体系结构; 建筑学; 建筑风格; 结构



翻译structures and expressions什么


Associate Consultant是什么职位



世行工作类别 STT/STC: 短期顾问职位,通常按天数或者小时数付工资;一年最多只能工作150-190天。

consultant engineer是什么意思

consultant engineer[英][ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt u02ccendu0292iu02c8niu0259][美][ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt u02ccu025bndu0292u0259u02c8nu026ar]顾问工程师; 双语例句1He"s earning a fortune as a consultant engineer.他当顾问工程师赚取大笔的钱。

senior consultant是什么意思


SAP Consultant需要掌握哪些知识和技能

槭荈I/CO。SAP顾问分两类,一类是内部顾问,一类是外部顾问。外部顾问又分两类:技术支持顾问和实施顾问。对于无论哪一类顾问,SAP的操作和企业实务经验都是必要的(引用:“有SAP软件使用经验”),但实务经验比SAP的操作要更重要些(引用:“财务也有了4-5年经验”)。内部顾问重点在了解SAP的功能的操作,外部顾问重点在通过沟通来了解客户企业的实务流程。目前能够得到的SAP学习资料以英文资料为主;外部顾问所面对的客户,有很多是外国企业,沟通时英语是个通用的工具。因此不论内部顾问还是外部顾问,良好的英语能力,特别是读、听、说的能力很有必要。(引用:“我朋友英文完全没问题”)SAP软件系统分SAP B1,SAP A1(EEC 6.0),SAP R/3等版本,提供给不同规模的企业使用,其中SAP B1是中小企业的(亚太地区),SAP A1和SAP R/3适合大型企业(不分地域),特别是R/3,很多跨国集团都在用。由于企业规模不同,对SAP顾问的要求也就不同:SAP的模组有MM(采购和库存),PP(生产计划),SD(销售与分销),FI/CO(财务会计与成本会计)等核心模块,还有HR(人力资源)、CRM(客户关系管理)、LO(物流)等特殊功能模块。对于SAP B1,因为是中小企业使用,实务流程一般不是很复杂,因此顾问被要求熟悉所有模块的操作和企业实务流程。在用人方面,倾向于先会软件操作,再学实务流程。对于SAP R/3,因为的企业规模庞大,实务分支多而且杂,因此每个功能模块有专门的顾问负责。再用人方面,倾向于先会专业知识,再学软件操作(引用:“本行业是财务会计”)先说说现状:SAP行业的人员流动方向一直是从内部顾问至外部顾问。从职业发展来看,外部顾问在工作过程中获得的知识积累和职业技能提高程度都远高于内部顾问。打个比方,如果工作所能获得的知识和技能其来源是树的话,那内部顾问只能仅从一颗树上获取,而外部顾问可以从一片森林中获取。至于薪资问题,国内R/3顾问年薪10万到60万RMB不等,跟地域、企业规模和个人业务能力有关。虽然不知道你的朋友期望的工作地点在国内还是在国外,但SAP顾问这个职业在哪里都很有发展的,数据表示,SAP卖软件给企业挣1块钱,顾问就能从企业挣到4块钱,呵呵。预祝你的朋友找到理想的工作!


reseach→assistant consultant→senior consultant→ Master consultant 新锐人论坛


consultant 常用词汇 英 [ku0259n"su028cltu0259nt]     美 [ku0259n"su028cltu0259nt]    n. 顾问;咨询者;<英>会诊医生counselling 英 ["kau028ansu0259lu026au014b]     美 ["kau028ansu0259lu026au014b]    n. 咨询;辅导

Associate Consultant是什么意思

Associate Consultant助理顾问双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 副调研员2. 副顾问例句:1.After graduating in may 2013, she accepted an associate consultant offer from a.t. kearney. 2013年5月毕业后,她接受了科尔尼公司提供的一个助理咨询师岗位。

什么是it consultant

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