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host communications是什么意思

host communications 英[hu0259ust ku0259mju:niu02c8keiu0283(u0259)nz] 美[host ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259nz] [词典] 与助通信; [例句]Hardware includes the test circuit, wireless transceiver and host computercommunications; we also developed corresponding software programs.硬件部分包括测试电路、无线收发和上位机通信,并编制了相应的软件程序。

传播Communications 英文缩写是什么



communications Co.,Ltd.加个tele 就应该具体指的电讯了 所以第一个更广一些

Communications 是通讯的意思,那简写是什么?


a sense of directions还是direction?

表示方向感用a sense of direction希望对你有帮助

Good Directions 歌词

歌曲名:Good Directions歌手:Billy Currington专辑:Doin" Somethin" RightBilly Currington - Good DirectionsBy:LikealanI was sittin" there sellin" turnips on a flatbed truckCrunchin" on a pork rind when she pulled upShe had to be thinkin" "This is where Rednecks come from"She had Hollywood written on her license plateShe was lost and lookin" for the interstateNeedin" directions and I was the man for the jobI told her way up yonder past the caution lightThere"s a little country store with an old Coke signYou gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaThen a left will take you to the interstateBut a right will bring you right back here to meI was sittin" there thinkin" "bout her pretty faceKickin" myself for not catchin" her nameI threw my hat and thought, "You fool, that could"ve been love"I knew my old Ford couldn"t run her downShe probably didn"t like me anyhowSo I watched her disappear in a cloud of dust.I told her way up yonder past the caution lightThere"s a little country store with an old Coke signYou gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaThen a left will take you to the interstateBut a right will bring you right back here to meIs this Georgia heat playin" tricks on meOr am I really seein" what I think I seeThe woman of my dreams comin" back to meShe went way up yonder past the caution lightDon"t know why, but somethin" felt rightWhen she stopped in and asked Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaMama gave her a big "ol glass and sent her right back here to meThank God for good directions:and turnip greensBilly Currington - Good DirectionsDoin Somethin Righthttp://music.baidu.com/song/5479471

Directions: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some st

原文尝试补充为: You are required to select the correct words to fill in the blanks.整段话的翻译为: A部分的指导,在这个部分,将有一个消息有十个空,你需要选择合适的词语填空。这里应该就是英语考试常见综合能力考查题型的完形填空,需要注意时态,语态,语法,语境以及相关的固定搭配和猜测词义等。

The Craze for Certificates Directions 英语作文 在线等 跪求

Campus Certificates craze If you just randomly ask a student on campus what he is busy doing ,very possibly, he mayanswer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind.Inverstigating a litte more ,you will find that this has become a new craze among college students.The reasons behind the phenomenon can be summarized into just one:the pressure of finding a job arter graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to copete for the limited job posts. How to make oneslf more competitive? Maybe more certificates at hand. Hoping that the employers might find one of them more attractive,the students are compelled to run from one exam to another.As far as I am concerned, the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificates, because exam certificates do not neceesarily represent one"s ability.For me one should work hard at his or her major.Opportunity will come to you if you are competeht enough in your field. Nowadays there is a "certificate craze" on campus . Thousands of college students are keen on working for various certificate, such as CET Band 4 and Band 6 certificates, Business English Certificate, and other different professional certificates.翻译:当今校园出现一股考证热,成千上万的大学同学热衷于各种各样的证书,比如英语四六级证书,商务英语证书,以及其他不同的专业证书。But why is there such a craze ? First , it has much to do with the fierce competitive workforce market. It is widely believed that the more certificates a college student has on graduation, the better chance he has for a decent job. Second, many students just want to prove themselves by working for a certificate.They have been interested in a certain field and have worked hard on it, so they want a certificate to justify their efforts.翻译:为何出现这样的狂热?首先,在市场竞争激烈的劳动力市场有许多工作要做,。人们普遍认为,一个持有更多认证的大学毕业生,他有机会得到一个像样的工作。第二,许多学生只是想通过认证来提高自己。他们一直感兴趣的某个特定领域并且努力的学习,所以他们想要一个证书来证明他们的努力成果。I think the certificate craze is good for both the society and students. When students combine their work for some certificates with their academic efforts,their college life will be more fruitful than otherwise.翻译:我觉得对于认证的狂热是有利于社会和学生的。当学生结合他们取得的认证和学术知识,他们的大学生活将是更加丰富。

give directions是什么意思

予以指示;指点;予以指示;指示方向;指路双语例句1. He proceeded to give Dan directions to the computer room. 他接着告诉丹去计算机房该怎么走。2. He did not give any directions. 他没有作任何指示.3. Depressed when, how is knowing good! Hope expert is great give directions! 郁闷的时候, 不知道如何是好! 希望专家多多指点!4. A court can give directions to a local authority. 法院能向地方当局发指示.5. For instance, they give directions to the lost traveller , I will say. 例如, 它们可以为迷途的旅人指引方向.

怎么用英语给老外指路Give Directions

直走 go straight 左右拐 turn right turn left 前后in the front of behind 对面across from

give directions是什么意思

give directions给予指示双语对照词典结果:give directions予以指示; 例句:1.Responded I can only give directions from your current location.Siri回答,我只能从你的当前位置进行导航.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

in the directions什么意思? from the directions什么意思? 有什么区别??

in the directions朝各个方向from the directions是从……方向

Directions (25’): Write an English composition according to the information given below in Chin..

Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When an earthquake happens, first we should calm down, which is the most important. Shouting and crying is of no use. Follow the teachers" guidance and keep our actions in order. Second, hide beneath our desks with the schoolbags on our heads if we are in class. That can keep us a little safer. Be sure not to jump off the building. Third, if we are on the playground, don"t move. Sit on our feet and use hands to cover our heads so that they can be kept from being hit on. At last, help each other. Faced with natural disasters, individual power is tiny. Only by uniting can we overcome the difficulties. These are my suggestions. Keep them in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of an earthquake!Another version: Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When a fire breaks out, don"t forget to call 119 for help and tell the police the detailed address so that the firefighters can get there in time. Then we should try to find a safe exit to escape. Never take a lift because the electricity may be cut off if there is a fire, otherwise we will be trapped in the lift. Next, if we can"t find the way out, just stay in a room. Don"t open any hot door but stay close to the floor! As we all know, smoke can be more dangerous than fire. In many cases, the air near the floor is fresher. If possible, try to cover our mouths with wet towels to prevent taking too much heavy smoke and wait for rescue. There are my suggestions. Keep in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of a sudden fire! 略

关于这个的作文。 Directions:For this part,you areallowed 30 minutes to write a compositi

Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what"s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue.Firstly, I think people"s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.

大学英语作文标题:An Application LetterDirections:Write an applicatio?

Ms Kate Allen Economics Dep. University of Edinburgh 21 Hill Place,ET 89DP Edinburgh,UK Dear Ms Allen, I read with great interest the prospectus of graduate studies of your university.I am particularly interested in the course of economics.I wonder if you could consider me as an applicant for the MA course of Economics and Statistics beginning in October,1998. I am a graduate of the Economics Department of Beijing University where I have had four years of training in Economics,World Economic History,Applied Economics,Mathematics and other subjects.I hold a SBC degree in Economics.I am enclosing a certified copy of my academic record at the university.You will notice that I have obtained very good results in Mathematics and Applied Economics. After my graduation in 1987,I worked for seven years at Shanghai Besearch Institute of Economics.In 1994,I was transferred to Shanghai Ocean Shipping pany where I am still working now. I have always found economics an interesting subject.I would like to further my study in this field at your college.I hope you can send me relevant information about the course. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Li Lin,1,Subject: Applying for the job Dear Sir, I am very interested in the job you have advertised about. I have came across it on the newspaper"s job column the other day. I am a newly graduated stu...,3,大学英语作文 标题: An Application Letter Directions: Write an application letter for a job you are interested in in reality.Make sure to include: reason for writing(including how you found out about the job,the real one,seriously); relevant information about yourself; how to contact you; closing. 单词左右100

give directions是什么意思

give directions予以指示; 例句:1.Responded I can only give directions from your current location. Siri回答,我只能从你的当前位置进行导航。2.According to alycia hund and colleagues at illinois state university, there are two waysto give directions. 根据伊利诺斯州立大学的艾丽西亚洪德和同事们所言,为人指路有两种方法。


directions[英][du026a"reku0283nz][美][du026a"reku0283nz] 读:狄 如爱 可 新子year中国真好 为你解答如若满意,请点击[采纳答案]或【满意】 O(∩_∩)O谢谢如若您有不满意之处,请追问,我一定改正!希望给您一个正确答复!祝您学业进步!




这玩意是防嗮霜么?Directions 提示,指示: 在暴露在阳光 15分钟之前( 涂抹) 重新 (涂抹): 1. 在游泳或者流汗80分钟后 2. 用毛巾擦干之后立刻(使用) 3. 最少每两小时 (涂抹)

can i have directions to the post office?中为什么“direction”要加s

direction本身就有复数形式例如:Giving Directions指点方向;指路;指引方向;指出方向Good Directions正确的方向Correct Directions辨明方向可能提问人的意思去邮局的路不止有一条,所以用了复数形式,不影响句意。


方向 望采纳






direction. directions.




Directions读法为/du026a"reku0283(u0259)nz/。具体内容如下:1、Directions的含义Directions是指导,说明的意思。通常用于给某人介绍如何做某件事情,或者引导他们到达一个地方。2、Directions在英语教学中的应用Directions是英语教育中比较重要的一个部分,特别是对于初学者来说。教学内容通常包括问路和给出方向的表达方式,并且需要进行大量的实践和练习。3、Directions的常见表达方式在问路时,我们通常会使用Where is...?或者Could you tell me how to get to...?这样的表达方式。在给出方向时,我们可以使用go straight,turn left/right这样的词组,或者描述其中的路口或地标等。4、Directions相关的短语和表达方式"on the corner of"表示在一个拐角处,例如"the store is on the corner of Main and Elm street.""across from"表示在对面,例如"the post office is across from the library.""around the corner"表示在邻近的转角处,例如"The bank is just around the corner."5、如何学好Directions首先需要熟练掌握基本的词汇和表达方式,尝试通过多练习,加强听力和口语能力。其次可以通过使用地图或者模拟实际情境来提高学习效果。最后需要坚持不懈的学习,以达到流利使用Directions的目的。


你好打开注册表 开始菜单 运行 regedit定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonshell 数据 修改 为 explorer.exe

reported statements and questions 中文?

resported statements and questions重新整理的陈述和问题statementsn.说明;说法;表白;表态;声明;陈述;报告;结算单;清单;报表v.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定statement的第三人称单数和复数questionsn.问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑v.正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑question的第三人称单数和复数

in our fown there are parks and stations什么意思


in a relationship with是什么意思

在一个关系双语对照例句:1.Tasha is now listed as in a relationship with jason carter.塔莎是现已被列为卡特在与贾森的关系。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!



an ecosystem consists

A 该句句意为一个生态系统由一个区域内的可以相互作用的生物和非生物成的。根据句意可知,________ interact with one another是定语从句,修饰先行词the living and nonliving things,故排除what,what不能用于定语从句。在该定语从句中,interact 缺少主语,因此排除B项。That 既可以代指人,也可以代指物,who只能代指人,根据中的先行词是the living and nonliving things 是既有人又有物,因此只能选择A项。 【考点定位】考察定语从句关系词的选择。





twist balloons是什么意思


高中英语345页1.An ecosystem consists of the living andnonliving t?

第一个句子,你的最关键的一个动词打错,难怪这么多天没人回答 intercat 为interact ,并且应该用三单,不能用动词原形 那么答案是that 就很简单,先行词是生物和非生物,living andnonliving things,定语从句是____intercat with one another.那么这个定语从句中缺少主语,只能用that,并且不能省略 in an area 不是先行词,是介词短语做后置定语,在这里做地点状语也讲得通,中心词还是生物,比如 a bird in the tree,你就不能把树误认为中心词 2 先行词是those,定语从句是lives were affected ,这个定语从句里,主系表结构,或者说是被动,不缺主语谓语,缺少的是lives 的定语,因此用关系代词的whose(这个词就是用来做定语的) 3 你说those 是主语,一点也没错,who的意思也就是those,但是如果你不用连词who,那么这个句子岂不就是有了两套主谓?who 是连词,就是让你连句子的 4 which 引导非限定性定语从句,那么重点分析一下从句: _he remembers starting ,_ remembers doing sth,这个sth 没有啊,因此缺少宾语 其实你这么看,把starting要还原成start 来看,他是及物动词,没有跟宾语,因此缺少宾语 starting 这个动名词本身是因为要和前面的动词remember 避免成为两个动词而做的变形,2,高中英语345页 1.An ecosystem consists of the living andnonliving things in an area_____intercat with one another.A that B where C who D what 问如何确定先行词 如何不是area 另外with oneanother 为什么不能where 引导 我觉得这句里面也没有地点状语 2.The book tells stories of the earthquakethrough the eyes of those_____lives were affected A whose B that C who Dwhich 另外分析下 成分特别是引导词后的 3.Happiness and success often e tothose_____are good at recognizing their own strengths A whom B who C what Dwhich 此题答案是who 我觉得those 就是主语啊 怎么还用who 引导主语从句 和第二道题进行对比 4.The president of the world Bank says hehas a passion for China,_____he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A where B which C what D when which 做宾语我就郁闷了 starting这应该是动名词吧 为什么后面还有宾语啊?

watsons英文发音怎么读 请尽量写下音标



应该是“Watsons”吧!!! 在1828年,有一位叫A.SWaston的英国人在广州开了家西药房,取名广东大药房。1841年药房迁到香港,并用广东方言将公司名译为“屈臣氏大药房”(A.SWastons&company)




watsons是屈臣氏。屈臣氏是一家香港上市公司,主要经营保健品、个人护理和美容产品的零售业务。公司的前身是1902年在香港成立的药房,现已成为全球最大的连锁药房之一。屈臣氏在全球拥有超过1.5万家门店,覆盖香港、中国大陆、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、韩国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯和英国等地。公司旗下品牌包括屈臣氏、卫视家庭药房、香港胶囊、佰草集、欧舒丹、兰芝、菲洛嘉、苏菲等。屈臣氏的使命是为顾客提供全面的健康、美容和个人护理解决方案,为员工提供良好的工作环境和职业发展机会,为社会做出积极的贡献。公司一直倡导让一切变得更美好的企业文化,通过持续创新和提升产品品质,赢得了广泛的客户信任和好评。屈臣氏必买的东西1、屈臣氏卸妆巾这款抽拉的卸妆湿巾出差、旅行带着很方便,一张纸就可以卸除全脸的淡妆或者防晒。它分为两款,一种是适合干性肌肤,一款适合混合或者油皮。2、屈臣氏一次性棉内裤这也是一款外出和下雨天的必备神器,屈臣氏的这款一次性内裤是棉的,很舒适,就像是穿自己的内裤一样,有大小尺码可以选择,非常方便。3、屈臣氏压边化妆棉屈臣氏有很多种的化妆棉,这款算是比较好用的,也不掉棉絮,吸水性也很好,也是一直做活动的商品,经常买一送一,或者买二送一。以上内容参考: 百度百科-屈臣氏


watsons怎么读如下:[w①stn] 。watsons是屈臣氏。屈臣氏是一家香港上市公司,主要经营保健品、个人护理和美容产品的零售业务。公司的前身是1902年在香港成立的药房,现已成为全球最大的连锁药房之一。屈臣氏在全球拥有超过1.5万家门店,覆盖香港、中国大陆、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、韩国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯和英国等地。公司旗下品牌包括屈臣氏、卫视家庭药房、香港胶囊、佰草集、欧舒丹、兰芝、菲洛嘉、苏菲等。屈臣氏的使命是为顾客提供全面的健康、美容和个人护理解决方案,为员工提供良好的工作环境和职业发展机会,为社会做出积极的贡献。公司一直倡导让一切变得更美好的企业文化,通过持续创新和提升产品品质,赢得了广泛的客户信任和好评。屈臣氏必买的东西1、屈臣氏卸妆巾这款抽拉的卸妆湿巾出差、旅行带着很方便,一张纸就可以卸除全脸的淡妆或者防晒。它分为两款,一种是适合干性肌肤,一款适合混合或者油皮。2、屈臣氏一次性棉内裤这也是一款外出和下雨天的必备神器,屈臣氏的这款一次性内裤是棉的,很舒适,就像是穿自己的内裤一样,有大小尺码可以选择,非常方便。3、屈臣氏压边化妆棉屈臣氏有很多种的化妆棉,这款算是比较好用的,也不掉棉絮,吸水性也很好,也是一直做活动的商品,经常买一送一,或者买二送一。


ding some cows for breeding purposes. The first ays,

watsons 这是啥意思?



Waston"s称为「屈臣氏」,因为广东话的「屈」发「哇」音.屈臣氏 广东话发音是"袜神息". 大约 十前,有位香港富商因为在香港有极大的经济实 ,被英 皇册封 为屈臣氏爵士,所以他开的店叫做WATSONS屈臣氏. 屈臣氏集团——全球第三大保健及美容产品零售集团,在亚洲和欧洲拥有3300多间零售店。去过的人真切地享受到它舒适的购物体验,没去过的对它“个人护理专家”的大名也是如雷贯耳。自1989年4月在北京开设第一家店,如今已发展到四十多家。2002年屈臣氏个人护理店在全球的销售额超过人民币610多亿,仅中国便超过5个亿。屈臣氏为何在短短十五年内就在竞争激烈的国内零售业内迅速发展壮大,引来了如此高的关注度和认同度呢?








million百万billion=1000millionbillion 10亿trillion=1000billion所以trillions =1000*10亿=10000亿





是for no reason还是reasons


no reason和no reasons哪个正确

no reason,是个短语,表示“没有理由”。有理由,可以是多个,所以在肯定状态下可以用复数reasons。没有理由,则暗含没有任何理由,只能用单数reason,因此no reason是正确的。

budget-conscious travelers什么意思

budget-conscious travelers善于精打细算的旅行者双语例句1The 40 mile-per-gallon highway rating will undoubtedly catch the attentionof budget-conscious consumers.该车型具有每加仑40英里的公路燃油效率等级,无疑将受到善于精打细算消费者的青睐。2The latest quarter suggests McDonald "s has struggled to upsell the newmenu to budget-conscious Americans.最新的季报似乎说明麦当劳未能成功地向量入为出的美国人推销新的菜单。

这个可以加上questions嘛?即…ask any questions either。


questions 的谐音怎么读


questions 的谐音怎么读



The writer no longer has the eagerness to answer questions. "the" 在 eagerness 前面是需要的. 这是因为我们不能只是说 "事" (thing/eagerness),我们要说 "这事" (the thing/the eagerness). the eagerness 在这里是指这份渴望.


1.I prefer pop music because it makes me feel exciting.2.I think it"s not a good habit because it can make people lose their attetion on studying.3.Exercise can help us keep fit.I usually spend 7 hours.4.I think i would like to watch movie at home,because it is free.I think basketball is a good way because it not only make fun but also keep healthy.5.Love,because if they don"t love each other,they can"t keep for long。6.Ads often tell people the fake thing,so people can"t trush them all.They make people buy things they don"t need sometimes.7.People hate pet cos pets make them angry sometimes,like make their houses dirty,i think dogs are better becausr they are loyal 8.They are short-sighted and wrong.They can wear anything they like,but they should take care of others and the bad men>9.I will think if he will give back or not,if he will give back,i will help him.I will buy a big house for my family.10.People do bad things because of their lust.Don"t open door for a stranger.11.They are afraid of being stupid and use wrong grammers.Don"t be shy,be brave,and remember on one will laugh at you because you make mistakes at English.12.It"s very quick to find what you want.It"s bad sometimes becausr bad people can use it to do bad things.很费力气请给分吧谢谢


questions英文的读音是[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz]。questions的词性:1、名词questions是question的复数,作名词时意思是问题、疑问、难题。2、动词questions作动词时意思是询问、提问、怀疑。questions的短语搭配:any questions任何问题、任何疑问、有问题。frequently asked questions常问问题、常见问题。unanswered questions未解答问题、未回复问题。lingering questions遗留问题、悬而未决的问题、挥之不去的问题。bunch of questions很多问题。trivia questions琐碎问题。audience questions观众的问题、读者的问题、听众的问题。answer open-ended questions有开放性答案的问题、言之有理即可的问题、答案不唯一的问题。his fact-finding questions他提的为寻求事实的问题、他的为了探讨真相的提问。computer-related questions电脑问题、与电脑相关的问题、关于计算机的问题。carefully worded questions谨慎措辞的问题。tricky public-policy questions棘手的公共政策问题、棘手的公众政策问题。questions的双语例句:1、Before asking questions about the course design,read the syllabus.在询问有关课程设计的问题之前,请阅读教学大纲。2、I wrote down all the questions that puzzled me about life.我写下了所有令我困惑的关于生活的问题。3、The coaching will answer the members" questions.教练将回答会员的问题。4、Questions about subject content are generally welcomed.关于话题内容的问题通常是受欢迎的。5、They provide valuable questions for researchers to study.它们为研究人员研究提供了宝贵的问题。

questions怎么读 英语questions怎么读

1、questions英[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz]美[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz],n.问题; 疑问; (待讨论或处理的)事情; 议题; 课题; 怀疑; 困惑;v.正式提问; 质询; 问; 表示疑问; 怀疑。 2、[例句]Id like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。




questions的意思是问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑;正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑。短语搭配:in question 讨论中的;成问题的;考虑中的to the question adv. 针对论题;切题answer the question 回答这个问题;(马在赛马前测试时)跑得很好out of the question 不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上no question 毫无疑问without question 毫无疑问open question 待决的问题;容易讨论的问题ask a question 问一个问题out of question 毫无疑问question mark 问号good question 好问题;不易回答的问题beyond question adv. 毫无疑问;无可争辩an open question n. 未解决的问题personal question 个人问题raise a question 提出问题例句:1、Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。2、I need a simple yes or no to my questions.我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。3、I"d like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。4、It"s time we got on to the question of costs.我们该讨论成本问题了。5、I spent most time on the first question.我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。

questions什么意思 questions的解释

1、意思:问题,疑问。2、释义:(待讨论或处理的)事情,议题,课题,怀疑。3、语法:question的基本意思是需要回答的“问题”,尤其指讨论中的事物,需要决定的事物、查询、事件等,即“议题,难题”,是可数名词。4、例句:His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions. 他的拂袖而去必然会招来很多疑问。



选词填空,答案是questions,讲解一下其他三个为什么不能。listen to后跟的词有限制吗


rhetorical questions是什么

rhetorical question(用以加强语气的)反诘,反问;修辞性疑问句例:Don"t you know you are mistaken again?你难道不知道你又错了吗? Can"t you tell me what has happened?你不能告诉我发生了什么事情吗? Why don"t you let him speak the secret out ?你为什么不让他把秘密说出来?

(外语)the question/the questions/questions/question.(问题内容如下)

四个放在句子里都对。不同在于表达的不同。一般说来,加定冠词the都是特指,加s的是复数。不加冠词又是单数question 只会出现在成语里。如:out of question (毫无疑问) ; out of the question (大成问题)




首先说一下,many too这个是不存在的,因为many不可以用来修饰too的,只有much可以 题目中 these questions 而不是question,因为question是可数名词,另外正确的句子是 these questions are much too easy.你少了谓语动词are了



ask questions什么意思

ask questions问问题双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 问问题2. 提问题例句:1.Children can ask questions that are very direct. 孩子们可能会非常直接的问一些问题。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



killer innovations什么意思?

killer innovations杀手级创新


家具品牌_琅滴?_琅滴?/Innovation 品牌产地:欧洲创建日期:1971品牌档次:知名品牌 依诺维绅家具有限公司,1971年创立于丹麦,大_褪鄙腥硖寮揖呱笠?,主打高端功能沙发。


  find extensions for applications  寻找应用程序的扩展  双语例句  1  The big backlog of applications  大量积压的申请表  2  This could help candidates with future applications and interviews.  这样做或许能帮助求职者在未来的申请和面试中更好地表现自己。  3  The time-lag between theoretical research and practical applications  理论研究与实际应用之间的时间差

make inventions and innovations是什么意思

make inventions and innovations发明创造双语对照词典结果:make inventions and innovations发明创造; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Creative gadgets and inventions designed for people who love tocook. 为热爱做菜的人设计的创意小工具和小发明。

mega建树时select codon positions是什么意思

select codon positions选择密码子位置select codon positions选择密码子位置

Body Positions and Holds cpp in closed Hold 这两句英文在拉丁舞里是什么意思?

Body Positions and Holds 保持体位(这个不太把握) cpp in closed Hold 闭式握持时的反身侧行

数学里pivot positions什么意思

主元位置 一般都是某个线性代数的开始位置 if后面跟的条件

liquidate long positions 是什么意思?

liquidate/liquidation 两- 变现;平仓;清算;清盘;了结 港- 清偿(债务);结束 台- 断头;清算 liquidation of "net long" positions 港- "长仓"平仓 liquidation of position 内- 平仓 港- 斩仓 具体什么意思我也不知道,没玩过期货,自己理解吧
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