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形容关系 relations 既形容词!!!!!!!!!!!

"关系"一般可指relationship 形容"关系" 可是: direct indirect relationship close open intimate casual secret healthy inter-personal personal basic customer business controlling family satisfactory temporary permanent. 2009-04-09 09:07:33 补充: some are adjective nouns: e.g. a business relationship 2009-04-09 09:15:59 补充: major minor chief main 2009-04-09 09:21:58 补充: fraternal(兄弟的) Close relation 亲密 Fair relation 良好 Adverse relation 恶劣 dangerous relation 危险 ......




  Relation与 Relationship的区别   1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.  relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:  The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。  It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。  2.in / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:  Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.  描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。  3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.  relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往  diplomatic relations 外交关系  international relations 国际关系  business relations 业务关系  The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系  He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。  4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:  There is close relationship between industry and trade.  工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。  A pure business relationship 纯业务关系  He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。  5.比较relation和relationship:  a.relationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:  A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。  -What"s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?  -She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。  b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:  Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。  c.如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:  Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。  Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。  d.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:  Some people say that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。


词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个-ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。具体区别见下面:这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,无分特殊和一般关系,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父母关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。




relationn. 关系,联系,叙述,故事,家属,亲戚relationshipn. 关系,联系;家属关系,亲属关系有一个更强调两者之间的关联

relation和relationship的区别? 要简短明确点

1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系。例如:The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系。It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系。2.in / with relation to sb. / sth. (正式)与某人 / 某事有关,涉及某人 / 某事。例如:Describe the location of the following lands, seas and cities in relation to New Zealand.描述下列陆地、海洋、城市的地理位置和新西兰之间的关系。3.relations between sb. / sth. and sb. /sth.relations with sb. /sth. (人,团体,国家等之间的)关系,联系,交往diplomatic relations 外交关系international relations 国际关系business relations 业务关系The friendly relations between our countries 我们国家之间的友好关系He broke off relations with his family. 他与家庭断绝了一切联系。4.relationship关系,联系:relationship between A and B. 例如:There is close relationship between industry and trade.工业与贸易之间有紧密的联系。A pure business relationship 纯业务关系He had a good relationship with his boss. 他和老板的关系很好。5.比较relation和relationship:a.relationship的用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多涵义。relation和relationship可以用来表示亲属关系。例如:A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来这里暂住。-What"s your relationship to her? 你和她是什么亲戚?-She is my cousin. 她是我的表妹。b.relationship 可以指强烈的感情关系。例如:Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。c.如果不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可以使用relations或者relationship。例如:Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联之间的关系正在改善。Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. 英国与美国之间关系很特别。d.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似之处或者一致性。例如:Some people say that there is no relation / relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence in life. 有人说电视中的暴力镜头和生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系。


前者含有物质的关系the relationg between wages and prices工资和物价的关系后者都是与人有关的关系the teacher has a bery good relationgship with her students这位老师和学生们关系很好

relation 和 relations有什么区别


In relation to 还是in relations to 哪个对

in relation to

『relations 钉宫惠理 偶像大师』歌词

「relations」水瀬伊织(钉宫理恵) - 偶像大师(感谢瀚海日语强人MaZhuo([烸湦]悠久之翼),以下为本人修正版) 夜のショーウインドーに アナタの後ろ姿を见た在夜晚的橱窗玻璃中 看到了你的背影人波がスチルのように 私も不意に立ち停まるの人潮仿佛突然静止不动 我也不禁停下脚步瞳に焼き付いたのは アナタとアノコの笑颜深深地留在我眼中的 是你和她的笑脸切なく苦しいけれど 闻くだけならば 简単じゃない虽然心中无比痛苦 但是想要问出口却也没那么简单认真的回答(原歌词即为中文)「べつに」なんて言わないで 「ちがう」って言って不要说“没什么” 请回答我“不对”吧言い分けなんか闻きたくないわ 胸が张り裂けそうで我才不想听什么借口 心痛的仿佛要破裂开来私のことが好きなら アノコを忘れて如果你喜欢我的话 就把她忘了吧どこか远くへ连れていって带着我到遥远的地方去吧 亲爱的 如果让你选 我和她 你会选谁(原歌词即为中文) 夜の驻车场で アナタは何も言わないまま夜晚的停车场 你还是继续保持沉默ラジオから流れるメロディ 私は今日を振り返るの从收音机中流出了旋律 我反复的聆听了一整天あの海 あの街角は 思い出に残りそうで那片海 那处街角 都还残存着我们的回忆この恋が游びならば 割り切れるのに 简単じゃない这份恋情即便只是游戏 要割舍却也没这么容易我爱你(原歌词即为中文)「じゃあね」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って不要说“(就这样)再见(吧)” 对我说“明天见”吧私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい就算你不能属于我也没关系 只要让我陪在你身边就好アノコにもしも饱きたら すぐに呼び出して如果已经厌倦了她的话 请立即呼唤我壊れるくらいに抱きしめて就如同要揉碎我般紧紧抱住我

Investor Relations代表什么?

投资者关系管理(Investor Relations Management,英文缩写为IRM),有时也简称为投资者关系(Investor Relations,英文缩写为IR) 诞生于美国20世纪50年代后期,这一名称包含相当广泛的意义,它既包括上市公司(包括拟上市公司)与股东,债权人和潜在投资者之间的关系管理,也包括在与投资者沟通过程中,上市公司与资本市场各类中介机构之间的关系管理。Investor Relations (IR) is a strategic management responsibility that is capable of integrating finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies, which ultimately contributes to a company"s securities achieving fair valuation.



relation 和 relations有什么区别?


Relation 同 Relationship 有咩分别?

虽然 Relation 及 Relationship 意思及用法都很相似,但两者并不完全通用,而且英式或美式英文用法也没有差异。 两者的分别,至少有以下几点: 首先, Relation 可以指「亲人或亲戚」,如 John is a distant relation of my wife. 这句中的 Relation 不可用 Relationship 代替。 第二,指亲人或爱侣之间的「关系」要用 Relationship 而非 Relation,如: Peter has a bad relationship with his father. 第三, 说无关婚姻的性行为要用 Relationship 而非 Relation ,如 We"ve had a relationship for three years now but we"ve never really discussed getting married. bartleby/68/63/5063 第四, 有些词语是一定要用 Relation 而非 Relationship ,如成语 In relation to 不可以改成 In relationship to ;Diplomatic relations 及 Race relations 亦如是。 你可以看一下 BBC 的 Learning English ,不过那里解释并不详尽: bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv235.s 通用的....英国惯用relation....美国多用relationship

"relation "and "relationship "之间的区别是什么?



relationship [简明英汉词典][ri5leiFEnFip]n.关系, 关联relation [简明英汉词典][ri5leiFEn]n.关系, 联系, 叙述, 故事, 亲戚


「relations」水瀬伊织(钉宫理恵) - 偶像大师(感谢瀚海日语强人MaZhuo([烸湦]悠久之翼),以下为本人修正版)夜のショーウインドーに アナタの后ろ姿を见た在夜晚的橱窗玻璃中 看到了你的背影人波がスチルのように 私も不意に立ち停まるの人潮仿佛突然静止不动 我也不禁停下脚步瞳に焼き付いたのは アナタとアノコの笑颜深深地留在我眼中的 是你和她的笑脸切なく苦しいけれど 闻くだけならば 简単じゃない虽然心中无比痛苦 但是想要问出口却也没那么简单认真的回答(原歌词即为中文)「べつに」なんて言わないで 「ちがう」って言って不要说“没什么” 请回答我“不对”吧言い分けなんか闻きたくないわ 胸が张り裂けそうで我才不想听什么借口 心痛的仿佛要破裂开来私のことが好きなら アノコを忘れて如果你喜欢我的话 就把她忘了吧どこか远くへ连れていって带着我到遥远的地方去吧亲爱的 如果让你选 我和她 你会选谁(原歌词即为中文)夜の驻车场で アナタは何も言わないまま夜晚的停车场 你还是继续保持沉默ラジオから流れるメロディ 私は今日を振り返るの从收音机中流出了旋律 我反复的聆听了一整天あの海 あの街角は 思い出に残りそうで那片海 那处街角 都还残存着我们的回忆この恋が游びならば 割り切れるのに 简単じゃない这份恋情即便只是游戏 要割舍却也没这么容易我爱你(原歌词即为中文)「じゃあね」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って不要说“(就这样)再见(吧)” 对我说“明天见”吧私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい就算你不能属于我也没关系 只要让我陪在你身边就好アノコにもしも饱きたら すぐに呼び出して如果已经厌倦了她的话 请立即呼唤我壊れるくらいに抱きしめて就如同要揉碎我般紧紧抱住我


应该是翻唱偶像大师的relations吧...这里是原版歌词.....夜の ショーワインドーニ アナタの后ろ姿(すがた)をみた 人波たが スチルのように 私の不意に 立ち止まるの 瞳に焼き付いたのは アナタとアノコの笑颜 切なく苦しいけれど 闻くだけならば 简単じゃない 「べつに」なんて言わないで 「ちがう」って言って 言い分けなんか闻きたくないわ 胸が张り裂けそうで 私のことが好きなら アノコを忘れて どこか远く 连れて行って 夜の驻车场で アナタは何も 言わないまま ラジオから 流れるメロディ 私は 今日も 振り返るの あの海 あの街角(かど)は 思い出に残りそうで この恋が游びならば 割(わ)り切れるのに 简単じゃない 「じゃあね」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って 私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい アノコにもしも饱(あ)きたら すぐに呼び出して 壊れるくらいに 抱きしめて 「ゴメン…」なんて言わないで 「またね」って言って 私のモノにならなくていい そばに居るだけでいい アノコにもしも饱きたら すぐに呼び出して 壊れるくらいに 抱きしめて 壊れるくらいに 抱きしめて 爱して在夜里的商店橱窗看到了你的背影街上人流 仿佛静止了一般我突然 停住了脚步灼痛我双眼的 是你和“她”的笑容虽然内心纠结痛苦但仅仅是听听原委的话 不也是很简单的吗?不要说“没什么” 说“不是这样的”吧我不想听那些不相关的话胸口疼痛得就快要裂开如果喜欢我的话 就忘了“她”无论多远 都带着我一起去在夜里的停车场你一直什么都没说从广播里 流泻出的旋律让我不禁回忆起那片大海 那处街角依然留存在回忆中如果这份恋爱只是游戏的话把它切断吧 不是很简单的吗?不要说“别了” 说“再会”吧*即使不是我的东西也无所谓呆在我的身边就好如果对“她”厌倦了的话马上把我叫出来用接近破坏的力度 抱紧我吧*不要说“对不起”什么的 说“再会”吧*Repeat*用接近破坏的力度 抱紧我 爱着我吧


Relation 1. A logical or natural association beeen o or more things; relevance of one to another; connection: the relation beeen *** oking and heart disease. 2. The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship. 3. A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative. 4. The way in which one person or thing is connected with another: the relation of parent to child. Relations 1. The mutual dealings or connections of persons groups or nations in social business or diplomatic matters: international relations. 2. Sexual intercourse. 假如你有整句问会更好。 不过试假设知道所问为何来回答。 从文字角度,简单地是单众数之分, relation - 单一种关系。 relations - 多种或多重的关系。 e.g. The relation beeen me and my boyfriend.「关系」一定最少两人(样东西),所以两样的关系用单数 Human relations are very plicated. 人际关系是很复杂的。 一般人际关系客观而言是指一个跟个人以外的人的关系,所以实上是对众人的众数。 I have an intimite relation with my wife. 我跟我妻子有亲密的关系。 The relations beeen Legislators and Governments officals is very tense. 立法会议员跟 *** 官员的关系非常紧张。 由于有多位议员又有多位官员又有多种议题所以用众数relations一定唔会错。 2010-02-23 13:51:43 补充: The relations beeen Legislators and Governments officals ARE very tense. [MY MISTAKE] 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运!


relation n.关系,联系;亲戚(关系);说话,叙述,报告;比率,比数relations n.彼此间的看法,两者的关系;关系( relation的名词复数 );亲戚(关系);亲属(关系);(事物之间的)关系relationship n.关系;联系;浪漫关系;血缘关系在美剧里面有时候说have a relation with sb.也是说谈恋爱

请问:relation 与 relationship 的区别

relation更抽象一些,relationship更富有感情色彩. relationship用法最广,包括了relation和relations的许多含义.relation和 relationship可用以表示亲属关系.relationship可以指强烈的感情联系.若不侧重个人关系或友谊时,可用relations 或relationship.relation和relationship可以表示事物之间的相似处或一致性. 更明了的举一个例子你就懂了:当提及中外关系的时候,全世界只有一个国家,我们是用relationship的.有些和我们有relation的国家媒体在那里颠倒黑白,有些relation国家的领导说要考虑考虑行程,当然有更多有relation的国家支持我们.但是,能够站在我们身边,一同面对那些丑恶嘴脸的,是我们真正的朋友.RELATIONSHIP,患难见真情.

Jackson C. Frank的《Relations》 歌词

歌曲名:Relations歌手:Jackson C. Frank专辑:Jackson C Frank「relations」作词:mft作曲:中川浩二编曲:中川浩二歌:水瀬伊织(钉宫理恵)夜の驻车场でアナタは何も言わないままラジオから流れるメロディ私は今日を振り返るのあの海 あの街角は思い出に残りそうでこの恋が游びならば割り切れるのに 简単じゃない「じゃあね」なんて言わないで「またね」って言って私のモノにならなくていいそばに居るだけでいいアノコにもしも饱きたらすぐに呼び出して壊れるくらいに抱きしめて终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8031670


关系上,我们要看词缀。我正好在学词源学,词缀分为前缀prefix和后缀suffix,后缀往往改变单词的意思和词性。这个-ship,表示的是一种:关系,是那种抽象的关系,内在的关系。具体区别见下面:这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,无分特殊和一般关系,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,即使有分别,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父母关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。Relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。


RELATIONS 和 RELATIONSHIP在表示两者(人 ,国家 ,ETC)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的.比如中美关系,两者都可以 和FRIEND,FRIENDSHIP;MEMBER,MEMBERSHIP的关系类似,但要复杂一点,主要原因是在于RELATION本来就是抽象的东西.FRIENDSHIP可以看成FRIEND之间的一种关系.RELATIONSHIP也可以看成RELATION的关系,就是关系的关系. 比如: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND MY FATHER,我和父亲的父子关系上的感情层面的关系,可以用好或者不好来形容 THE RELATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS MAN IS SON AND FATHER.表示一种客观存在的联系,就是父子联系.就没有好和不好的概念,因为它是客观存在的关系. 因此,RELATIONSHIP可以带有感情的意思,比如用来指一段恋情. relation 1.A logical or natural association between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection:"the relation between smoking and heart disease" 2.The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship. 3.A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative. 4.The way in which one person or thing is connected with another:"the relation of parent to child" 5.relations a.The mutual dealings or connections of persons,groups,or nations in social,business,or diplomatic matters:"international relations" b.Sexual intercourse. 6.Reference; regard:"in relation to your inquiry" relationship 1.The condition or fact of being related; connection or association. 2.Connection by blood or marriage; kinship. 3.A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other:"He has a close relationship with his classmates". 4.A romantic or sexual involvement. relation KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.关系,关联[U][(+between/to)] Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系似乎十分密切. 2.(国家,团体,人等之间的)关系,往来[P][(+between/with)] They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries. 他们急于同邻国发展友好关系. 3.血缘关系,亲戚关系[U][(+to)] 4.亲戚,亲属[C][(+of)] He had no other near relations. 他没有其他近亲. 5.【婉】肉体关系[P][(+with)] 6.【律】(导致起诉的)告发[U][(+of)] 7.叙述[U][(+of)] His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷. 8.叙述的事,故事[C] relationship KK:[] DJ:[] n. 1.关系,关联;人际关系[U][C][(+between/to/with)] The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides. 孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的关系. 2.亲属关系;姻亲关系[U][(+to)] :3.风流韵事;恋爱关系[C] What is your relationship to the victim? 你是受害者的什么人?


-ship,表示的是一种关系,是抽象的关系,内在的关系。这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。“What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”“What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”(注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)在以上情况下,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父女关系。John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。


relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:(一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).(二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。(三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。 如有疑问,请追问!


relations指关系( relation的名词复数 );亲戚(关系);亲属(关系);(事物之间的)关系。而relation有短语:in〔with〕 relation to

road options怎么用






on sale的中文意思是(尤指在商店)出售,上市;折价销售,减价出售。一、读音on sale的英语读音是[u0252n seu026al]。二、例句1、The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.出售的鱼来自我们自己的近海水域。2、All tickets go on sale this Friday.所有票在本星期五开始销售。3、There are 32 different kinds of chocolate on sale along with the bread and cakes.有32种不同的巧克力与面包和蛋糕一起出售。4、English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.英语教材和词典到处都有卖的。5、He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men"s Store.他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。

求解,英语中for sale和onsale的区别

for sale和on sale的区别:无论在英国或是美国,for sale都是“(较大件商品)供出售(但仍未售出)”的意思。【例如】His former home is for sale at $495,000.他从前的住宅现在上市出售,要价四十九万五千美元(但是,小件物品如果是非卖品,可以说not for sale)。on sale则在英美有区别。在英国也接近于for sale,但不是指房地产或汽车之类的大件商品,而是指小件零星的商品。【例如】English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere. 英文课本和词典,到处都有出售。在美国,则指“(小件商品的)减价出售”。【例如】He bought a sports jacket on sale at Dick"s. 他在迪克商店减价时买了一件运动上衣。美国许多商店,每当减价时就挂上On Sale的招贴,有时干脆只标出一个Sale。




on sale是指打折。for sale 是指正常售卖。

Keaton Simons的《Currently》 歌词

歌曲名:Currently歌手:Keaton Simons专辑:Can You Hear MeKeaton Simons - CurrentlyMy love is a storm, she doesn"t wait for meAnd now that she"s gone, I fear that she"ll never beBack in my arms, well she held me tightAnd I just might be losingWhen the rain comes down, clouds will rollLord and the wind will blowYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youMy love is an ocean, she glides like a seagullShe is the potion that makes me emotionalShe is a song that the wave sings to the shoreIn the key of a gentle breezeYou are everything to me and moreYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youYou are my undertow caught in a riptideAnd I am currently in love with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55729714


当 准备 讲时是不可数名词,当用于食物、药品和化妆品等时可数,可单可复; preparations n. 准备;预备;准备工作;(医药、化妆品等)配制品,制剂; preparation的复数 扩展资料   Preparations have got under way for a week of special events in May.   五月份特别活动周的准备工作已经开始。   We made preparations to move to new offices.   我们已准备好要搬到新办公室。   The country is making preparations for war.   这个国家正在进行备战。   The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.   准备婚礼要几周,而婚礼仪式本身还不到一小时。   She busied herself with the preparations for the party.   她忙于准备晚会。   The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness.   各项准备工作均以日耳曼人缜密的精神完成。


preparotions:准备,准备工作,配制剂(名词preparation的复数形式)表示在某时间.常用介词at,on,in等。prepare的用法搭配:prepare用作及物动词时,prepare sth.表示准备,后接名词或代词作宾语;prepare用作不及物动词时:prepare for sth.表示为什么什么做准备

大学英语作文pros and cons of living in the big city

If we live in the big city ,there are some pros. For example, There are big universities in the big city. There are still good doctors in the hosiptal. We can buy all kinds of goods in shopping malls . We can also have more available jobs in the big city. We still can use all kinds of transportation easily. When we are free, we can go to the movies and theaters. We will find friends easily. There are also big supermarkets and many restaurants in the big city.But there are still some cons in the big city. The air and water are not as fresh as in the countryside. The traffic is heavy. The goods and services are expensive. We should pay more on the housing. We may hard to find sincere friends. Sometimes We may be nervous about our life.In my opinion , I like to live in the countryside. Because I can enjoy fresh air and water, so I can be healthy. The health is the most important . If we are not healthy, we will lose everything.


preparations[英][prepu0259"reu026au0283nz][美][prepu0259"reu026au0283nz]n.准备工作; 准备( preparation的名词复数 ); 配制剂; 安排; 准备工作; 例句:1.Hollywood is making final preparations for its biggest night of the year. 好莱坞正为今年最隆重的一个夜晚做最后的准备。2.Preparations for valentine"s day begin around china after the spring festival. 春节过后,中国各地都开始为情人节的活动做准备了。



ifyoucanu2019 t connect the dots looking forwarduff0c canyouconstruct them looking backwardsuff1f

这是原苹果公司总裁乔布斯(Steve Jobs)对史丹佛大学 2004 年度毕业生的演讲中讲的。原文:“you can"t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”。翻译:“虽然你现在可能看不见未来,但在未来的某个时刻,当你蓦然回首时,这个‘未来"便是你曾经所走过的点点滴滴,你的成就作为。”正如乔布斯所说的,当下的“因”很难在它发展的过程中看到“果”,但只要有信念,学会坚持,然后才会发现,这些事情都是会有结果的。相信这些即将来临的事物,在更远的未来肯定会连在一起。乔布斯被认为是计算机业界与娱乐业界的标志性人物,他经历了苹果公司几十年的起落与兴衰,先后领导和推出iMac、iPod、iPhone、iPad等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐、生活方式。扩展资料:乔布斯人物评价:1、乔布斯是美国最伟大的创新领袖之一,他的卓越天赋也让他成为了这个能够改变世界的人。(美国总统奥巴马评)2、很少有人对世界产生像乔布斯那样的影响,这种影响将是长期的。(比尔盖茨评)3、他懂得如何创造出令人惊叹的伟大产品。(保罗艾伦评)4、他不一定是技术发明的伟人,但他肯定是洞悉人性的伟人。(张颐武评)参考资料来源:百度百科-乔布斯

four seasons的英语作文


the four seasons是什么意思


以Four seasons题的英文小作文

亲,你看看这个吧,There are four seasons in a year.T hey are spring,summer,fall and winter .一年中有四个季节.它们是春、夏 、秋、冬.I like spring.It is warm.It often rai ns.I can plant trees and flowers in spri ng.The spring is green.我喜欢春天 .暖和,经常下雨.我可以在春天种树,种花.春天是绿色的.Summer is very hot.I can swim in t he river.Summer is red.夏天很热.我可以在河里游泳.夏天是红色的.Fall is a good season.I can fly kites in fall.I can eat many apples too.Fall is yellow.秋天是个不错的季节.我可 以在秋天放风筝.我也可以吃很多苹果.秋天是黄色的.Winter is cold.It often snows.I wis h I can make a snowman in winter.Win ter is white.冬天很冷.经常下雪.我希望我可以在冬天堆雪人.冬天是白色 的.I love all the seasons,because they are beautiful.我喜欢所有的季节,因为它们都很美.

英语作文four seasons40字

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring , summer, autumn and winter. In spring, it"s warm. I can fly a kite. In summer, it"s hot. I can eat ice creams. In autumn, it"s cool. I can climb mountains. In winter, it"s cold. I can make a snowman. I like winter. What season do you like?

写一篇英语短文:Four seasons

There are four seasons in one year and they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it"s usually not too cold or hot and you can see a lot of beautiful flowers. In summer it"s always very hot and people will go swimming. Well in autumb the leaves will fall off the trees and the grass turns yellow and in winter people will go out to play the snowman and have snow fight.

安室奈美惠four seasons歌词(中文+日文)

中文版: Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone I"ll be ok 相爱就分手 不断重复的邂逅 在记忆深处 摸索着甜蜜的阴影 I can taste the sweetness of the past 即使你无处可寻 I"ll be alright 只要闭上眼 你就会出现 不变的爱 I believe 沐浴着春的光芒 花正盛开 在月亮浮出的海面上 可以找到夏的踪影 但愿秋风冬雪的气息能够温暖我 four seasons with your love 决意重生 只有索取的爱 会随着时间褪色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 如果连那样的想念 we"ll be alright 坚信下去的话 无论相隔多远 stay with me 迎来了春天的花眠之夜 在夏天的沙滩上留下信息 但愿秋雨冬泪以丝毫未经掩饰的爱 温暖我 four seasons with your love 在梦中 逝去之时 将永远铭记心中 两个人在一起的日子 顷刻间就化作记忆 爱和梦都是被遗忘的东西 总有一天会温暖我的心 four seasons with your love 我心深处 four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... 日文版: Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone I"ll be ok 爱し合えば别れゆく そんな出会い缲り返した 记忆深く手探りで 甘い阴を求めては I can taste the sweetness of the past 何処にも贵方はいないけど I"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに 変わらない爱を I believe 春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて 夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて 秋の风 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love もう一度 愿いだけの约束は 时がたてば色褪せる can you feel me underneath the skin? あんなに重ねた思いなら we"ll be alright 信じていれば そう どんな远くても stay with me 春の花眠る夜に 迎えに来て 夏の砂浜に メッセージ残して 秋の雨 冬の涙 饰らぬ爱で 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love 梦の中 流れる时を心に ありのままに 二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出 爱も梦も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love 胸の奥 four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me...

安室奈美惠Four Seasons平假名歌词

Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 爱(あい)し合(あ)えば别(わか)れゆく そんな出会(であ)い缲(く)り返(かえ)した 记忆(きおく)深(ふか)く手(て)探(さぐ)りで 甘(あま)い阴(かげ)を求(もと)めては I can taste the sweetness of the past 何処(どこ)にも贵方(あなた)はいないけど I"ll be alright 目(め)をつぶればそこに 変(か)わらない爱(あい)を I believe 春(はる)の光(ひかり) 集(あつ)めたら 花(はな)咲(さ)かせて 夏(なつ)は月(つき)浮(う)かぶ海(うみ)で みつめて 秋(あき)の风(かぜ) 冬(ふゆ)の雪(ゆき)も その吐息(といき)で 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love もう一度(いちど)愿(ねが)いだけの约束(やくそく)は 时(とき)がたてば色褪(いろあ)せる can you feel me underneath the skin? あんなに重(かさ)ねた思(おも)いなら we"ll be alright 信(しん)じていれば そう どんな远(とお)くても stay with me 春(はる)の花(はな)眠(ねむ)る夜(よる)に 迎(むか)えに来(き)て 夏(なつ)の砂浜(すなはま)に メッセージ残(のこ)して 秋(あき)の雨(あめ) 冬(ふゆ)の涙(なみだ) 饰(かざ)らぬ爱(あい)で 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love 梦(ゆめ)の中(なか) 流(なが)れる时(とき)を心(こころ)に ありのままに 二人(ふたり)の日々(ひび)は もうすぐ思(おも)い出(で) 爱(あい)も梦(ゆめ)も忘(わす)れ物(もの) いつの日(ひ)でも 暖(あたた)めて欲(ほ)しい four seasons with your love 胸(むね)の奥(おく) four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... 好啦~~~,望采纳哦~

关于four seasons的英文作文(50字左右)

year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.The first season is spring.The...

Four Seasons 安室奈美惠的完整歌词

欲しかったもの1つずつ手に入れてその中でも代わりのない宝物があって磁石みたく理由もなくただ惹かれてく心を暖めあうように二人を包んだ春の风过ごした瞬间が増えて胸に刻む君との seasonsずっとこの先も缲り返すと信じて明日晴れても雨の日でももう今は君に逢えない远い波にさらわれたあの夏の梦一晩中そばにいてもまたいつもの日常に戻される夜明けを恨んだりもしもいつかこの世界の终わりが来てそれでも二人なら一绪だと思ってた秋の夜瞳を闭じればいつもよみがえる君との seasonsそのぬくもりと痛みは消えないまま优しさが足りなかったね不器用な仆に残った最后に见た想い出はあの冬の涙so i cannot forget4 seasons we"ve live in君がいない四季を渡るよso i cannot forget4 seasons we"ve live inあの空も悲しみも抱いてso i cannot forget4 seasons we"ve live in过ごした瞬间が増えて胸に刻む君との seasonsずっとこの先も缲り返すと信じて明日晴れても雨の日でももう今は叶えられない远い日々に置いてきたあの二人の梦so i cannot forget4 seasons we"ve live inso i cannot forget4 seasons we"ve live inおわり

有首歌的一句是“like four seasons in one day ",谁知道这首歌的名字?

美剧 别对我说谎 第十集结尾音乐。Four seasons in one day-Crowded House


The Four seasonsA year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants come to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up.The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. The weather becomes cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers.The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time, for spring comes again soon.四季一年有四季,每个季节有三个月,每个季节的气候都不一样。生命的轮回由四季控制。第一个季度是春季。春季的三个月为三月、四月和五月。在这段时间里,天气温暖、晴朗,万物复苏。冬眠的动物们也醒过来了,农民们开始忙农活。第二个季节是夏季,包括六月、七月和八月。天气非常热,而且老是下雨。人们能游泳、观光。夏季也是万物生长的好时候。第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月。天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落。这是一个收获的季节。最后一个季节是冬季,这一季包括十二月、一月和二月。天气非常冷,大多数植物都死了。有时候还下雪,人们可以滑冰和滑雪。但是冬天不会太长,因为春天马上就要来临了。

The Four Seasons in a Year 一年四季

There"re four seasons in a year and every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other.   Spring is the first season. All plants come to life. It"s time for farmers to get ready for their fields.   Summer is the second season,which is very hot. It often rains in summer.   Autumn is the third season, which is getting cooler and coller. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. At the same time, it"s a harvest time.   Winter is the fourth season, which is very cold. Sometimes it sonws heavily. 【参考译文】   一年有四季,每季有三个月,每一个季节的天气都与其他季节不同。   春天是第一个季节,万物复苏,此时是农民们忙于种田的时候。   夏天是第二个季节,天气很热,经常下雨。   秋天是第三个季节,天气变得越来越凉。叶子开始落地。同时,秋天也是收获期。   冬天是第四个季节,天气很冷,有时下大雪。

the four seasons是什么意思

四季,four 四season季节,

Four Seasons 的歌词翻译

歌词名称:《Four Seasons》 歌手:AiMiNi 本歌词由拼音翻译,如有错漏,敬请指正 Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok Aishi aeba wakare yuku sonna deai kurikaeshita 爱し逢えば别れ夕そんな出会い缲り返した Kiwoku fukaku tesaguri de amai kage wo motomete wa 记忆ふかく手さぐりで甘い影を求めては I can taste the sweetness of the past Doko ni mo anata wa inai kedo 何処にもあなたは居ないけど I"ll be alright Me wo tsubureba soko ni I"ll be alright 目を瞑ればそこに Kawaranai ai wo I believe 変わらない爱を I believe Haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete 春の光集めたら花咲かせて Natsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete 夏はつき浮かぶ海で见つめて Aki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de atatamete hoshii 秋の风冬の雪もその吐息で温めて欲しい four seasons with your love Mouichido Four seasons with you love もう一度 Negai dake no yakusoku wa toki ga tateba iroaseru 愿いだけの约束は时がたてば色あせる can you feel me underneath the skin? Anna ni kasaneta omoi nara あんなに重ねた想いなら we"ll be alright Shinjite ireba sou We"ll be alright 信じていればそう Donna tooku temo stay with me どんな远くても stay with me Haru no hana nemuru yoru ni mukae ni kite 春の花眠る夜に迎えにきて Natsu no sunahama ni message nokoshite 夏の砂浜にmessage残して Aki no ame fuyu no namida kazaranu ai de atatamete hoshii 秋の雨冬の涙饰らぬ爱で温めて欲しい four seasons with your love Yume no naka Four seasons with your love 梦の中 Nagareru toki wo kokoro ni ari no mama ni 流れる时を心にありのままに Futari no hibi wa mou sugu omoide 二人の日々はもうすぐ想いで Ai mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hi demo atatamete hoshii 爱も梦も忘れ物いつの日でも暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love mune no oku Four seasons with your love 胸の奥 four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... four scene, four four seasons four scene, I"ll be alright four scene, four four seasons four scene, stay with me... 中文歌词 Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being along Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅 摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽 I can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然四处都找不到你 I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛 不变的爱就在那里 I believe 集满春光 让花绽放 春天里凝视 浮著明月的海 秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 再一次 只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会退色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积 we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错 无论相隔多遥远 stay with me 在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我 在夏日的沙滩上 留下message 秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在梦里 把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里 我俩共渡的岁月 即将成为回忆 无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为他们带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在心深处 four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons

英语作文four seasons每个季节至少60词

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, everything starts green. Flowers start to come out. In summer, we can swim in the river because the weather is hot. Autumn is a harvest season. Farmers are very busy. Some people go hiking. In winter, it often snows in the north of China. Children usually like making snowmen happily.

Four Seasons 歌词

歌曲名:Four Seasons歌手:Nonfirmato专辑:Wellness - Mental Relaxation Program Vol.9Four SeasonsED3 朱雀のレイ(宫田幸季)桜舞い散る街 駅の改札口偶然の出会いに 感じた奇迹海辺染める夕日 君に歩调合せ初めてつないだ手 茜色の夏季节は巡り行く 君を今爱する幸せを 告げよう落ち叶の公园で そっと瞳闭じて重ねた唇に 誓った约束寒さに冻える日 星を眺めながら君の肌の温もり 覚えた优しさ季节は巡り行く 君を今爱する幸せを 告げよう季节は巡り行く 君を今爱する幸せを 告げよう季节は巡り行く 君を今爱する幸せを 告げよう欢迎联系415481617http://music.baidu.com/song/15154714

安室奈美惠 - four seasons 罗马文歌词


关于four seasons的英文作文(50字左右)

year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons. The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants come to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields. The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up. The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. The weather becomes cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers. The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time, for spring comes again soon

日文歌“four seasons”的中文意思

Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone I"ll be ok 有爱就有别离 这样不断重复的邂逅 在记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的影子 I can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然哪裏也找不到你 I"ll be alright 闭上眼你仿佛就在身边 不变的爱 I believe 沐浴著春天的阳光 花正在盛开 在映著月光的海面上 可以找到夏天的踪影 但愿秋风冬雪的气息能够温暖我 four seasons with your love 再一次 只有索取的约定 会随著时间褪色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 假如是那样的想念 we"ll be alright 坚信下去的话 无论相隔多远 stay with me 迎来了春天的花眠之夜 在夏天的沙滩上留下信息 但愿秋雨冬泪 以毫不遮掩的爱 温暖我 four seasons with your love 宛如梦一般 逝去之时 将永远铭记心中 两人在一起的日子 已经化作记忆 爱和梦与被遗忘的东西 縂有一天会温暖我的心 four seasons with your love 心的深处 four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me...(×3) 顺便副上日语和罗马音Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be ok 爱し合えば别れゆく そんな出会い缲り返した 记忆深く手探りで 甘い阴を求めては I can taste the sweetness of the past 何処にも贵方はいないけど I"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに 変わらない爱を I believe 春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて 夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて 秋の风 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love もう一度 愿いだけの约束は 时がたてば色褪せる can you feel me underneath the skin? あんなに重ねた思いなら we"ll be alright 信じていれば そう どんな远くても stay with me 春の花眠る夜に 迎えに来て 夏の砂浜に メッセージ残して 秋の雨 冬の涙 饰らぬ爱で 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love 梦の中 流れる时を心に ありのままに 二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出 爱も梦も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しい four seasons with your love 胸の奥 four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me... 好像和2楼的找的一样啊~~但愿能被采纳哦~~谢谢楼主~~

以“Four seasons”为话题写一篇作文 !!!谢谢!!


歌曲Four Seasons的中文版歌词是??

中文版-1: 一旦相爱又分开 不断重复如此的邂逅 搜索记忆的深处 寻找甜蜜的遮蔽 i can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然四处都找不到你 i"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛 不变的爱就在那里,i believe 集满春光 让花绽放 夏天里的凝视 浮着明月的海 秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖 four seasons with you love 再一次 只有心愿的承诺 随着时光会褪色 can you feel me underneath the skin 我俩的感情既然曾经再三积累 we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错 无论相隔多远 stay with me 在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我 在夏日的沙滩上 留下message 秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖 four seasons with you love 在梦里 把流逝的时光就这样放在心里 我俩共度的岁月 即将成为回忆 无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为它们带来温暖 four seasons with you love 在心深处 four scene, four four seasons four scene, i"ll be alright four scene, four four season four scene, stay with me…… 中文版-2:Four scene of love and laughter I"ll be alright being alone I"ll be ok 相爱就分手 不断重复的邂逅 在记忆深处 摸索着甜蜜的阴影 I can taste the sweetness of the past 即使你无处可寻 I"ll be alright 只要闭上眼 你就会出现 不变的爱 I believe 沐浴着春的光芒 花正盛开 在月亮浮出的海面上 可以找到夏的踪影 但愿秋风冬雪的气息能够温暖我 four seasons with your love 决意重生 只有索取的爱 会随着时间褪色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 如果连那样的想念 we"ll be alright 坚信下去的话 无论相隔多远 stay with me 迎来了春天的花眠之夜 在夏天的沙滩上留下信息 但愿秋雨冬泪以丝毫未经掩饰的爱 温暖我 four seasons with your love 在梦中 逝去之时 将永远铭记心中 两个人在一起的日子 顷刻间就化作记忆 爱和梦都是被遗忘的东西 总有一天会温暖我的心 four seasons with your love 我心深处 four scene,four four seasons four scene,I"ll be alright four scene,four four seasons four scene,stay with me...

一首叫"four seasons"的歌的歌词

w-inds.- pieces作词:masaya igor作曲:masaya编曲:yoshihiro toyoshima masaya溢れ止まらない鼓动どうにも出来无いと知っても谁かに呼ばれた名前を雔しきれずに绮丽に纺うこの手は谁かを沘した気がした"pieces" imagine your wish…期待込めた胸に i wish未来染めた时に i wish时代流れのまま you wish ?if you have power say i wish过ぎた年月驯れ合いは恐いと知り过ぎ理性を押さえ込まれたずっと声を张り上げ现実を呗い尽くして手にした大切な音もささいな间违い认められずに否み綼けて踏み外す君への道程をさえない视界を越えていけたら荣しい程正しい叫び信じ许した全ては终わらない未来へと繋がり手纸の様に残る记忆の奥それを抱いて抱いて抱き缔めてもっと见つけて磨いていつから欠けた仆の欠片今强く信じてよ流れた涙剥がれた姿仆にはどちらも駄目だだって嘘が无いなら薄ら笑いが出来てる自分を舍てた时计针止まらぬ four seasons川の流れの横 my reason 捜した…remember 自分に嘘つけない straight liner局面打开?曲げるslider 口だけ达者许されないなぁ so i迷う声耳向けず 空 儚く高く neverthelessgod bless us, plus minus, r.g"s us 伟大なる mother earthwhat"s delicious ?理由皆捜す忘れた呼び舍て worth3分の2使った my 宇宙 wishes 元につかの间の tune未来へ问いかけ what peace is ? my advantage pieces…たまには见とれた君の景色に縡取る色は淡く渗んだ温もりを与えた境を越えて行けたら正しい事决める喜び信じ许した全ては変わらない光にも繋がり照らした夜に落とす希望の种それを抱いて抱いて抱き缔めてもっと见つけて描いて明日から架けた君の欠片ほら强く信じてよpiece of my wish… messages to be free we run deeppiece of my wish… hope to be grown up and keeppiece of my wish… time for imagination only信じ许した全ては终わらない未来へと繋がり手纸の様に残る记忆の奥それを抱いて抱いて抱き缔めてもっと见つけて磨いていつから欠けた仆の欠片今强く信じてよone piece of your need is the key to be freekeep, what you believe and seeone piece of your heart you know your bravehearthold it, and take it softone piece of your need is the key to be freekeep, what you believe and seeone piece of your heart you know your bravehearthold it, and take it softpieces, places,希望抱き what peace is ?辉くsmile in your faces,未来信じ what peace is ?hm... yeah...集めてまとめた pieceshm... yeah... positively get pieces终わり

Four Seasons 歌词

歌曲名:Four Seasons歌手:潘迪华专辑:潘迪华与世界名曲作词:湘玲 作曲:云心人群拥挤成一片海洋我在其中找不到方向我的爱情在什么地方我会停在什么样的港湾春天夏天秋天又冬天日复一日总一成不变寂寞常常不经意出现陪伴我的那个人会是谁一口一口吃着同样的孤独一字一字写着一样的日子电视里不断上演相同的故事而我的心事何时才落幕努力寻找通往明天的道路总是不停重复昨天的脚步而我的感觉逐渐变得麻木我要的幸福在何处Oh~故事何时落幕http://music.baidu.com/song/53836801

初一英语作文 four seasons 40字左右

Four Seasons A year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons. The first season is spring.The three months in it are March,April and May.During that time we have warm weather and fine days.All plants come to life.Animals wake up from hibernation.It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields. The second season is summer.The three months are June,July and August.The weather is very hot and it often rains.People can go swimming and sightseeing.It is time for all things to grow up. The third season is autumn.The three months are September,October and November.The weather becomes cooler and cooler.Leaves begin to fall to the ground.It is the harvest time for farmers. The fourth season is winter.December,January and February are the three months of that season.The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that time.Sometimes it snows.People can enjoy skating and skiing.But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon

What are the four seasons?


谁能翻译一下《four seasons》 歌词

歌词:Four scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being alone……I"ll be ok爱し合えば别れゆく そんな出会い缲り返した(相爱就分手,不断重复的邂逅)记忆深く手探りで 甘い阴を求めては(在记忆深处,摸索着甜蜜的阴影)I can taste the sweetness of the past何処にも贵方はいないけど(即使你无处可寻)I"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに(只要闭上眼,你就会出现)変わらない爱を(不变的爱) I believe春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて(沐浴着青春的光芒,花正盛开)夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて(在月亮浮出的海面上,可以找到夏的踪影)秋の风 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しい(但愿秋风冬雪的气息能够温暖我)four seasons with your love もう一度(一度重生)愿いだけの约束は 时がたてば色褪せる(只有索取的约定,会随着时间褪色)can you feel me underneath the skin?あんなに重ねた思いなら(如果连那样的想念)we"ll be alright 信じていれば そう(坚信下去的话)どんな远くても(无论相隔多远) stay with me春の花眠る夜に 迎えに来て(迎来了春天的花眠之夜)夏の砂浜に メッセージ残して(在夏天的沙滩上留下信息)秋の雨 冬の涙 饰らぬ爱で 暖めて欲しい(但愿秋雨冬泪,以丝毫未经掩饰的爱,温暖我)four seasons with your love 梦の中(在梦中)流れる时を心に ありのままに(逝去之时,将永远铭记心中)二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出(两个人在一起的日子,顷刻间就化作记忆)爱も梦も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しい(爱和梦都是被遗忘的东西,总有一天会温暖我的心)four seasons with your love 胸の奥(我心深处)four scene,four four seasonsfour scene,I"ll be alright……four scene,four four seasonsfour scene,stay with me...英语偶就没翻了,英语很破~如果有翻译错的地方多多包含哈~

l like autumn best of four seasons. 翻译

在四季中我最喜欢秋天l like autumn(秋天) best of four seasons(四季)

求Four seasons的日文歌词


the four seasons作文50次

A year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.The first season is spring.The three months in it are March,April and May.During that time we have warm weather and fine days.All plants come to life.Animals wake up from hibernation.It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.The second season is summer.The three months are June,July and August.The weather is very hot and it often rains.People can go swimming and sightseeing.It is time for all things to grow up.The third season is autumn.The three months are September,October and November.The weather becomes cooler and cooler.Leaves begin to fall to the ground.It is the harvest time for farmers.The fourth season is winter.December,January and February are the three months of that season.The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that time.Sometimes it snows.People can enjoy skating and skiing.But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon.翻译:一年四季 一年有四季,每个季节有三个月,每个季节的气候都不一样.生命的轮回由四季控制.第一个季度是春季.春季的三个月为三月、四月和五月.在这段时间里,天气温暖、晴朗,万物复苏.冬眠的动物们也醒过来了,农民们开始忙农活.第二个季节是夏季,包括六月、七月和八月.天气非常热,而且老是下雨.人们能游泳、观光.夏季也是万物生长的好时候.第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月.天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落.这是一个收获的季节.最后一个季节是冬季,这一季包括十二月、一月和二月.天气非常冷,大多数植物都死了.有时候还下雪,人们可以滑冰和滑雪.但是冬天不会太长,因为春天马上就要来临了.

Four Seasons三年级英语作文

Tthere are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall and ng is warm and sunny. the trees are green and flowers are beautiful. we can plant trees and run on the grass. Summer is my favorite season. the weather is very hot, sometimes it rains. I like to swim in the swimming pool. andI can wear my beautiful dress. and I can eat ice is a beautiful season. the weather is very cool. we can eat a lot of fruits. and the leaves are colorful. Winter is very cold. but in nanhai it does not snow. we can not play with snow. I like the four seasons very much. 标签: Seasons 三年级 作文 英语

four seasons的歌曲歌词

Four scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be ok爱し合えば别れゆく そんな出会い缲り返した记忆深く手探りで 甘い阴を求めてはI can taste the sweetness of the past何処にも贵方はいないけどI"ll be alright 目をつぶればそこに変わらない爱を I believe春の光 集めたら 花咲かせて夏は月浮かぶ海で みつめて秋の风 冬の雪も その吐息で 暖めて欲しいfour seasons with your love もう一度愿いだけの约束は 时がたてば色褪せるcan you feel me underneath the skin?あんなに重ねた思いならwe"ll be alright 信じていれば そうどんな远くても stay with me春の花眠る夜に 迎えに来て夏の砂浜に メッセージ残して秋の雨 冬の涙 饰らぬ爱で 暖めて欲しいfour seasons with your love 梦の中流れる时を心に ありのままに二人の日々は もうすぐ思い出爱も梦も忘れ物 いつの日でも 暖めて欲しいfour seasons with your love 胸の奥four scene,four four seasonsfour scene,I"ll be alrightfour scene,four four seasonsfour scene,stay with me... 【版本一】Four seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be ok一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽I can taste the sweetness of the past虽然四处找不到你I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛不变得爱就在那里 I believe集满春光 让花绽放夏天里凝视 浮著明月的海秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖four seasons with your love 再一次只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会褪色can you feel me underneath the skin?我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错无论相隔 多遥远 stay with me在春花沈睡的夜里 来迎接我在夏日的沙滩上 留下message秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖four seasons with your love 在梦里把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里我俩共度的岁月 即将成为回忆无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为它们带来温暖four seasons with your love 在心深处*four seasons, for four seasonsfour scene, I"ll be alrightfour seasons, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me【版本二】Four seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour seasons of love and laughterI"ll be ok有爱就有别离 那样不断重复着的邂逅在记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的影子  I can taste the sweetness of the past虽然哪里也在不到你I"ll be alright 闭上眼你仿佛就在身边不变的爱 I believe沐浴着春天的阳光 花正在盛开在映着月光的海面上 可以找到夏天的踪影但愿秋风冬雪的气息能够温暖我Four seasons with your love 再一次只有索取的约定 会随着时间褪色can you feel me underneath the skin!如果是那样的思念We"ll be alright 坚信下去的话无论相隔多远 stay with me迎来了春天的花眠之夜在夏天的沙滩留下的信息但愿秋雨冬泪 以毫不遮掩的爱 温暖我Four seasons with you love 宛如梦中逝去之时 将永远铭记心中两人在一起的日子 已经化作记忆爱和梦与遗忘的东西 总有天会温暖我的心Four seasons with your love 心的深处four seasons, for four seasonsfour scene, I"ll be alrightfour seasons, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me(*4遍) Four scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be okai shi a e ba wa ka re yu kuso n na de a i ku ri ka e shi taki o ku fu ka ku te sa gu ri dea ma i ka ge wo mo to me te waI can taste the sweetness of the pastdo ko ni mo a na ta wa i ta i ke doI"ll be alrightme wo tsu bu re ba so ko nika wa ra na i ai woI believeha ru no hi ka ri a tsu me ta raha na sa ka se tena tsu wa tsu ki u ka bu u mi de mi tsu me teaki no ka ze fu yu no yuki moso no to i ki de a ta ta me te ho shi ifour seasons with your lovemou i chi done ga i da ke no ya ku so ku wato ki ga ta te ba i ro a se rucan you feel me underneath the skin?an na ni ka sa ne ta o mo i na rawe"ll be alrightshin ji te i re ba soudon na to o ku te mostay with meha ru no ha na ne mu ru yo ru nimu ka e ni ki tena tsu no su na ha ma nimessa ge no ko shi teaki no a me fu yu no na mi da kaza ra nu ai de a ta ta me te ho shi ifour seasons with your loveyu me no na kana ga re ru to ki wo ko ko ro ni a ri no ma ma nifu ta ri no hi bi wamou su gu o mo i deai mo yume mo wa su re mo no i tsu no hi de moa ta ta me te ho shi ifour seasons with your lovemu ne no o kufour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, i"ll be alrightfour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me

four seasons的中文歌词

一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅 摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽 I can taste the sweetness of the past 虽然四处都找不到你 I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛 不变的爱就在那里 I believe 集满春光 让花绽放 春天里凝视 浮著明月的海 秋天的风 冬天的雪 但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 再一次 只有心愿的承诺 随著时光会退色 can you feel me underneath the skin? 我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积 we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错 无论相隔多遥远 stay with me 在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我 在夏日的沙滩上 留下message 秋天的雨 冬天的泪 但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在梦里 把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里 我俩共渡的岁月 即将成为回忆 无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物 但愿你永远能够 为他们带来温暖 four seasons with your love 在心深处 four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons four scence, Stay with me.. four scence, four four seasons four scence, I"ll be alright four scence, four four seasons 24

求‘Four Seasons-安室奈美惠’的中文歌词

额。、歌词是这样的Four scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being alongFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being alongFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be alright being alongFour scene of love and laughterI"ll be ok一旦相爱又要分开 不断重复如此的邂逅摸索记忆的深处 寻求甜蜜的遮蔽I can taste the sweetness of the past虽然四处都找不到你I"ll be alright 一旦闭上了眼睛不变的爱就在那里 I believe集满春光 让花绽放春天里凝视 浮着明月的海秋天的风 冬天的雪但愿用你的呼吸 带来温暖four seasons with your love 再一次只有心愿的承诺 随着时光会退色can you feel me underneath the skin?我俩的感情既然曾经再三累积we"ll be alright 只要去相信 没错无论相隔多遥远 stay with me在春花沉睡的夜里 来迎接我在夏日的沙滩上 留下message秋天的雨 冬天的泪但愿用真实无华的爱 带来温暖four seasons with your love 在梦里把流逝的时光 就那样放在心里我俩共渡的岁月 即将成为回忆无论是爱是梦还是被遗忘的事物但愿你永远能够 为他们带来温暖four seasons with your love 在心深处four scence, four four seasonsfour scence, I"ll be alrightfour scence, four four seasonsfour scence, Stay with me....four scence, four four seasonsfour scence, I"ll be alrightfour scence, four four seasonsfour scence, Stay with me....four scence, four four seasonsfour scence, I"ll be alrightfour scence, four four seasonsfour scence, Stay with me....four scence, four four seasonsfour scence, I"ll be alrightfour scence, four four seasonsfour scence, Stay with me...记得采纳哦!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Four Seasons 歌词

歌曲名:Four Seasons歌手:安室奈美惠专辑:STYLE本歌词由拼音翻译,如有错漏,敬请指正Four scene of love and laughterIll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterIll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterIll be alright being aloneFour scene of love and laughterIll be okAishi aeba wakare yuku sonna deai kurikaeshitaし逢えばれ夕そんな出会いり返したKiwoku fukaku tesaguri de amai kage wo motomete waふかく手さぐりで甘い影を求めてはI can taste the sweetness of the pastDoko ni mo anata wa inai kedo何にもあなたは居ないけどIll be alright Me wo tsubureba soko niIll be alright 目を瞑ればそこにKawaranai ai wo I believeわらないを I believeHaru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete春の光集めたら花かせてNatsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete夏はつき浮かぶ海でつめてAki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de atatamete hoshii秋の冬の雪もその吐息で温めて欲しいfour seasons with your love MouichidoFour seasons with you love もう一度Negai dake no yakusoku wa toki ga tateba iroaseruいだけの束はがたてば色あせるcan you feel me underneath the skin?Anna ni kasaneta omoi naraあんなに重ねた想いならwell be alright Shinjite ireba souWell be alright 信じていればそうDonna tooku temo stay with meどんなくても stay with meHaru no hana nemuru yoru ni mukae ni kite春の花眠る夜に迎えにきてNatsu no sunahama ni message nokoshite夏の砂浜にmessage残してAki no ame fuyu no namida kazaranu ai de atatamete hoshii秋の雨冬のらぬで温めて欲しいfour seasons with your love Yume no nakaFour seasons with your love の中Nagareru toki wo kokoro ni ari no mama ni流れるを心にありのままにFutari no hibi wa mou sugu omoide二人の日々はもうすぐ想いでAi mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hi demo atatamete hoshiiもも忘れ物いつの日でも暖めて欲しいfour seasons with your love mune no okuFour seasons with your love 胸の奥four scene, four four seasonsfour scene, Ill be alrightfour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me...four scene, four four seasonsfour scene, Ill be alrightfour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me...four scene, four four seasonsfour scene, Ill be alrightfour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me...four scene, four four seasonsfour scene, Ill be alrightfour scene, four four seasonsfour scene, stay with me...http://music.baidu.com/song/53589575

寻four seasons歌词中文译词!!


the four seasons是什么意思


小学生英语作文:The Four Seasons

【 #小学英语# 导语】小学生写英语作文,可以先从简单的小动物或者简单的人物着手,在平时的练习中,一定要注意多多积累词汇,这样才能写出优秀的作文。以下是 考 网整理的《小学生英语作文:The Four Seasons》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】   Spring is the frist seasons of year,trees and flowers are beautiful and flourish.   Summer is the second season of year,the days arelonger and the nights are shorter. The sun get up early and get down late.   Autumn is the third season of year.Everything is turn yellow in Autumn.   Winter is the coldest season of year,we can make a snowman and play snow games.   I like summer best,because I can rat ice-cream in summer. 【篇二】   There are four seasons in a year. They are spring、summer、fall and winter.   I like spring. It is warm. It often rains. I can plant trees and flowers in spring. The spring is green.   Summer is very hot. I can swim in the river.   Fall is a good season. It is nice. I can fly kites in fall. I can eat many apples too.   Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.   I love all the seasons, because they are nice. 【篇三】   In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.

用 The Four seasons为题目,写一篇英语小作文,不得少于60个单词 急急,马上就要

The Four seasonsA year has four seasons.Every season has three months.The weather of one season is different from that of any other.The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.The first season is spring.The three months in it are March,April and May.During that time we have warm weather and fine days.All plants come to life.Animals wake up from hibernation.It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.The second season is summer.The three months are June,July and August.The weather is very hot and it often rains.People can go swimming and sightseeing.It is time for all things to grow up.The third season is autumn.The three months are September,October and November.The weather becomes cooler and cooler.Leaves begin to fall to the ground.It is the harvest time for farmers.The fourth season is winter.December,January and February are the three months of that season.The weather is very cold,and most of the plants die at that time.Sometimes it snows.People can enjoy skating and skiing.But winter doesn" t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon.
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