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consult a doctor是什么意思及用法


consultation fee是什么意思

consultation fee咨询费3.The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall, for the air pollution control fee exemptions and incentives in the foregoing paragraph, determine management regulations for targets, application qualifications, review procedures, revocation, cancellation, compensation and other binding matters. 前项空气污染防制费之减免与奖励之对象、申请资格、审查程序、撤销、废止与追偿及其它应遵行事项之管理办法,由中央主管机关会商有关机关定之。4.The famous surgeon charged a fee of$ 200 per consultation. 这位著名外科医生每次出诊要收取二百英镑。

consultation hours是什么意思

consultation hours诊疗时间接诊时间


A:May I help you?   B:Yes.I"m a financial manager of the Rui Hua Company.   A:I"m very glad to see you.   B:We want to open a US dollar account with your bank.Could you tell me the procedures?   A:You need an approval to open a foreign currency account with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange by submitting the business license and application form.   B:What shall we do next?   A:Then you go through the formalities for opening a foreign currency account with our bank by submitting the Certificate of Use of Foreign Exchange Account and the Foreign Exchange Account Opening Notice issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange?   B:I see.Thank you.   1   A:您需要什么服务吗?   B:是的。我是瑞华公司的财务经理。   A:见到您我非常高兴。   B:我们想在贵行开一个美元账户。请问有哪些程序?   A:首先你们应把营业执照和申请开立外汇账户的申请书呈交国家外汇管理局进行报批。   B:下一步该怎么办呢?   A:然后你们凭外管局核发的“外汇账户使用证”和“外汇账户开户通知书”来我行办理手续。   B:我明白了。谢谢。   2   A:Hello.Is this the Business Department of ICBC?   B:Yes.This is Xiao Wang speaking.   A:Can I inquire about my account balance by telephone?   B:Of course.You can do it through our telephone Banking Service.   A:Telephone Banking Service.What is that?   B:It is a call center which provides you with banking services.   A:How does it work?   B:You can dial the number,95588,then follow the instructions.   A:I understand.Thank you.   B:You"re welcome back any time.   2   A:喂。您是工行营业部吗?   B:是的。我是小王。   A:我能通过电话查询我的账户余额吗?   B:当然可以。您可以通过电话银行查询。   A:电话银行。怎么回事?   B:电话银行是电话中心,它通过电话为您提供银行服务。   A:如何操作呢?   B:您拨95588号码,然后按指令办即可。   A:我懂了。谢谢。   B:欢迎您随时光顾。   3   A:Excuse me.Is this the Peony Credit Card Department of ICBC?   B:Yes.What banking services do you need?   A:I"d like to apply for a Peony Credit Card.Is that all right?   B:Certainly.Do you want a personal card or a company card?   A:A personal card.   B:First,you need to fill out the application form and provide a photocopy of your ID card and then a photocopy of a guarantor,who also has to sign the application form.   A:Is any deposit necessary?   B:Yes.1,000 RMB yuan is required for any personal card.One more thing,you should pay handling charges for this service.   A:I know.How long does it take?   B:You"ll get your card in a week after we have received the required documents from you.   3   A:请问这儿是工行牡丹卡业务部吗?   B:是。您需要办理什么业务吗?   A:我想申请一张牡丹信用卡,可以吗?   B:当然。您想办个人卡还是公司卡?   A:个人卡。   B:首先,您需要填写这张申请表,提供一张您的身份证影印件,还有一张您担保人的身份证影印件。担保人需在申请表上签名。   A:需要保证金吗?   B:要的。个人卡需存1,000元保证金。还有您需交一些手续费。   A:我明白了。需要多长时间呢?   B:在收到规定证件后,一周之内您可以拿到牡丹卡。   4   A:Can I help you?   B:Yes.I want to have a Peony Card from your bank,but I don"t know what kind of card is best for me.   A:Well. We have a big Peony Card family, including Peony Credit Card,MoneyLink card,Peony International Card,Peony Special Card,etc.   B:What is a MoneyLink card?   A:Is is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses together.   B:“Versatile?” What does that mean?   A:You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any savings office or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with this card.   B:Anything else?   A:With this card,you may also enjoy services like consumption at POS terminals of all the specially-engaged commercial units, payroll agent service and agent payment for power and gas,etc.   B:That"s what I wanted.   4   A:我能为您效劳吗?   B:是啊。我想在贵行办一张牡丹卡,但我不知道哪一种卡方便。   A:嗯。我行的牡丹卡是一个大家族,包括牡丹信用卡,灵通卡,牡丹国际卡,牡丹专用卡等等。   B:什么是灵通卡?   A:它是一种多用途卡。   B:“多用途”?这是什么意思呢?   A:您可以在任何储蓄所存、取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账、查询。   B:还有其它用途吗?   A:有了这张卡,您还可以享受在所有POS机特约商户消费,代发工资,代交电费、水费等等。   B:这正是我想要的。   5   A:Mr. Jones,I"d like to introduce you a newly-opened business service called “Personal financing” .   B:What is that?   A:It is a compound savings account in RMB and Forex based on the MoneyLink card with time or demand deposits at your option.   B:How do I earn for me?   A:It can design you a multi-deposit composition according to your income.You can not only enjoy deposit or withdrawal convenience,but also retain term deposit interest through personal financing business.   B:Any other functions?   A:Besides this, we provide you “coordinated” financial mating services,such as multi-accounts in a card, interbank deposit and withdrawal,account transfer between bank and securities companies , commission collection and payment, network banking,etc.   B:That"s great.   5   A:琼斯先生,我给您介绍我行的“个人理财”新业务。   B:“个人理财”业务是怎么回事?   A:它是一种建立在灵通卡基础上,集本外币,定活期存款为一体的复合型存款账户。   B:它如何为我理财呢?   A:它可以根椐您的收入情况为您设计多存期存款组合方案。通过个人理财业务,您不仅可以享受到存取款的便利,还可以获得定期存款利息。   B:还有其它功能吗?   A:除此而外,我行通过“个人理财”为您提供“一条龙”金融配套服务,如一卡多户,通存通兑,银证转账,代收代付,网上银行等等。   B:那太好了。




动词形式:consult;形容词:consultative;consultation就是名词动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。形容词(Adjective),主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。 副词(Adverb 简称adv。)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词。


consultancy 名词 n. 咨询公司,顾问服务公司 consultation名词 n. 1. 咨询;商议;诊察 2. (磋商)会议;会诊 3. 参考;参阅




n. 咨询;磋商;[临床] 会诊;讨论会


n. 咨询;磋商;[临床] 会诊;讨论会


商议,磋商; 商讨会; [医] 会诊; 请教,咨询;

0range monster/pink cool girl什么意思

橙色怪物 / 粉色酷女孩

In L/C transactions, ___ is responsible for paying money and tendering documents.

In L/C transactions, ___ is responsible for paying money and tendering documents. A.the buyer B.the seller C.the banker D.nobody 正确答案:C

deconsolidation service是什么意思


linear system is consistent什么意思

linear system is consistent 线性系统是一致的

linear relations是一次函数吗?

是的。线性关系是一次函数关系。两个变量之间存在一次方函数关系,就称它们之间存在线性关系。 正比例关系是线性关系中的特例。 或者说,如果可以用一个二元一次方程来表达两个变量之间关系的话,这两个变量之间的关系称为线性关系,因而,二元一次方程也称为线性方程。

Ant build编译的时候,console窗口没有输出,右下角的进度条有提示,但一下编译就


Still loving you歌词翻译(Scorpions)

still loving u-scorpions 依然爱你(蝎子)time,it needs time !时间,这需要时间!to win back ur love again.用来再次赢得你的爱情.i will be there,i will be there !我将在那里,我将在那里!love,only love !爱,只有爱!can bring back ur love someday.可以在某天带回你的爱情.fight,babe,i"ll fight !战斗,宝贝,我将战斗!to win back ur love again.用来再次赢得你的爱情.i will be there,i will be there.can break down the wall someday.可以在某天击碎阻隔你我的墙.if we"d go again.如果我们必须再走一遍.all the way from the start.我们以前曾走过的所有道路.i would try 2 change.我将会去尽力改变.the things that killed our love.那些毁掉了你我间的爱情的事物.ur pride has built a wall,so strong.你的骄傲曾筑起了一堵那样坚固的墙.that i can"t get through.而我无法穿越is there really no chance ?真的没有机会了吗?to start once again.以再次开始.i"m loving u !我正爱着你!try,baby try !试一下,宝贝,试一下!to trust in my love again.去再次相信我的爱love,our love !爱,我们的爱!just shouldn"t be thrown away.是不应该消逝的yes,i"ve hurt ur pride,and i know.是的,我曾伤害了你的尊严,我明白.what u"ve been through.你曾经经历的一切.u should give me a chance.你应该给我一个机会this can"t be the end.这一切不应该结束.i"m still loving u !我依旧爱你!i need ur love !我需要你的爱!i"m loving u !我爱你!

关于提单consignee和notify party的问题


sustainable production and consumption 需要稿费吗

sustainable production and consumption不需要稿费,而且你提交文章进行评比上架后,你还能获得平台给你的稿费。提到sustainable production and consumption,就不得不先说一下其出版商MDPI。MDPI前身是林树坤(湖北汉川人,获瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院获得有机化学博士学位)1996年成立的国际分子多样性保护组织(Molecular Diversity Preservation International),其主要工作是收集交流化合物样品、永久收藏具有历史价值的样品等。该组织先期创办了一个在线发表期刊Molecules,受到广泛欢迎,后来又陆续扩大刊物规模,并于2003年开始收取版面费。2010年6月该组织更名为MDPI(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,多学科数字出版机构),其发展的宏伟蓝图就此铺开。根据官网介绍,MDPI主要致力于向全球科研人员快速传播科学知识,是开放获取出版(Open Access Publishing)领域的世界先驱之一。MDPI总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,同时在中国、西班牙、塞尔维亚、英国和泰国设有分公司;在中国设有4个办公室,分别位于北京通州,北京海淀、湖北武汉和天津。MDPI目前出版200余种期刊,其中被SCIE/SSCI收录的期刊已超过70种。sustainable production and consumption于2009年创刊,在MDPI网站首页的期刊列表中排在首位,显示出该刊的重要地位。

什么是“Sustainable Solutions”?

“Sustainable Solutions”的意思是可持续解决方案,这个概念是由低碳办公联盟提出的,结合当前社会现状,探讨办公的变化和趋势,寻找更人性化、更绿色的办公模式,让可持续战略更加具体、可落地,让低碳行动更加切实可行,尤其在当前疫情冲击下,办公模式的可持续性解决方案也是应对当前办公模式转变、推动企业进行低碳转型的重要途径。


ion 英["lau026au0259n] 美[u02c8lau026au0259n] n. 狮子;名人;[天文学、占星术]狮子(星)座;勇士,名流 名词复数:lions [例句]You might be eaten by a lion.路上的狮子可能会吃掉你。



lions 怎么读


在寡头市场中,为什么生产者剩余(producer surplus)大于消费者剩余(consumer surplus)



分别在于tractions系traction的众数 traction 是名词 不可以好似第一位回应人的例子 go系verb 加es(即goes)系因为主语系 he she it or 一些 单数名词 而traction 系noun 加s是众数 verb & noun 加s/es 的原因是不一样也没有关系的 不要搞乱 The different beeen "tractions" and "traction" is there has "s" at the end. The word with "s" at the end mean "Plural". For example: I go shopping. He goes shopping. 参考: my knowledges


处理 汇报


n. 处理, 会报;汇报(transaction复数)





transactionsn. 事务;处理( transaction的名词复数 );(一笔)交易例句:1All transactions have been charged to your account. 所有交易都记在你的账户上了。2No one knew of these transactions, nor was he going to mention them to anyone else. He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb; he had to suffer in silence. 这件事谁也不知道,他又不能对任何人提起,真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。3This includes the transactions and the business process state. 这包括事务和业务流程状态。4In this model, you manage connections rather than transactions. 在这个模型中,您将管理连接,而不是事务。


依照你目前的情况,你应该不是申请去读研究生吧,猜想你是申请去插读本科。所以你应该填第二项,也就是below honours degree level qualifications,实际上就是高中学历。如果你参加的2+2项目,在读完国内2年后,能够给你发一个什么qualification(资格证),也可以添第三项。不过,我觉得你最好添第二项。




Qualification n. W3 [C usually plural] 〔通过考试或学习课程取得的〕资格;学历 | [C usually plural] 〔胜任某一工作或职位所需的〕技能条件,资格;资历 | [U] 取得资格,合格,达到标准

qualifications 怎么填

qualifications英[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]美[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.资格; 条件; 资格,条件; 合格证书( qualification的名词复数 ); 限制网络先决条件; 资格,条件双语例句 Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。


qualifications英[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]美[kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.资格; 条件; 资格,条件; 合格证书( qualification的名词复数 ); 限制网络先决条件; 资格,条件


qualifications[英][kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz][美][kwu0252lu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.资格,条件; 合格证书( qualification的名词复数 ); 资格; 条件; 限制; 例句:1.The biggest reason is a mismatch between the qualifications employers arelooking for and the skills job hunters have. 最大的原因是,雇主寻求的资质与求职者具备的技能之间未能有效对接。2.There is also a boom in specialised qualifications. 其他专业性的资格课程也欣欣向荣。

交易成本(Transactions Costs)与沉没成本(Sunk Cost)



《Consent to Kill》(Vince Flynn)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13R7hNPraasWDpeGdHuHU0A 提取码:v2uv书名:Consent to Kill作者:Vince Flynn出版社:Atria出版年份:2005-10-11页数:464内容简介:For years, Mitch Rapp"s bold actions have saved the lives of countless Americans. He has killed with impunity, tortured to avert disaster, and shown he will do whatever it takes to prevent terrorists from fulfilling their bloody wishes. His battles for peace and freedom have made him a hero to many, and an enemy to countless more. In the tangled, duplicitous world of espionage, there are those, even among America"s allies, who want to see Mitch Rapp eliminated. They have decided the time has come.Now, the powerful father of a dead terrorist demands vengeance in its simplest form -- an eye for an eye, and Rapp instantly becomes the target of an international conspiracy. This time, he must use all of his vigilance and determination to save himself before he can turn his fury on those who have dared to betray him.

一文带你畅游视觉关系检测(Visual Relationship Detection)

视觉关系识别/检测 任务不仅需要识别出图像中的物体以及他们的位置(detection),还要识别物体之间的关系(relationship)。例子如下图所示,输入为一张图片,输出为objects和bounding boxes,以及objects之间的关系,如<person on motorcycle>。 视觉关系识别是图像理解的基础,可以 应用 在 挑战: 这篇文章将整理与视觉关系相关的论文,并作简要的介绍。论文列表: 第一篇是比较经典的论文,提出了一个数据集VRD和一个结合语言先验的关系预测模型。 Visual Phrases只有13个类型,Scene Graph 有两万多关系,但是它平均每个对象只有大约2个谓词关系。除了这三个数据集,还有有名的 VIsual Genome 大数据集,包含99658张图片,19237个关系,标注了物体类型,位置,属性和物体间的关系(场景图),还有caption,qa。虽然数据量大了,但是数据集的标注还是会有一些没有被标注的,毕竟组合多。 思考:论文利用了语言先验word embedding,对预测起到了很大的帮助,但是先验知识可能会使得关系预测倾向于频繁的关系,而忽略了视觉方面的信息。一个解决方案是先预训练视觉模型。然而,真正合理的融合先验的方式我觉得不是简单的乘法(先验可能会误导),是一个思考的点。 **Motivation: **这篇论文的启发是来源于知识图谱中,使用转移向量(translation vector)来表示实体之间的关系(见 Trans系列的知识表示 )。在视觉关系中,通过将对象的视觉特征映射到低维的关系空间中,然后用对象间的转移向量来表示对象之间的关系,比如person+ride=bike。如下图所示: 所以为了让 能够接近 ,即相似,loss函数为 在实验中,单从在VRD数据集上的predicate预测,与上一篇论文Lu对比是没有提升的(44<47),这是这篇论文中没有说明的,是我从两篇论文的实验数据中发现的。这篇论文在另外两个任务上效果比Lu的好些,我觉得有可能是用了Faster RCNN的缘故。 除了这三个任务的实验对比,还加了图像检索,zero-shot关系检测(没有Lu的好),特征重要性分析的实验。实验也表明了关系检测任务对目标检测任务的准确率的提升,不过其实很少。 更多相关的可参考原论文。 思考:论文用TransE来表示关系空间中对象与predicate的关系,如何映射到关系空间,更好的表达对象的联系,甚至predicate间的关系,是值得研究的一个点。(比如结合语言先验等,因为我觉的它的效果其实应该比不上加了语言先验的) 这篇论文跟上一篇论文类似,都是将<subject, rel, object>中的subject和object映射到一个空间中,他们间的关系表示为 .上一篇是基于知识图谱embedding的TransE(NIPS2013,Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data),而这一篇是基于TransD(ACL2015,Knowledge graph embedding via dynamic mapping matrix)。这是一个研究的方向,怎么将object,relationship很好的在embedding空间中表示。 论文的整个框架如图: 思考:这也是篇关于投射对象和关系到另一空间的论文,不过任务稍有不同,效果也比上一篇好些。同上,embedding也是可研究的一个方向。 这篇论文使用场景图scene graph来建模图片中对象以及它们的关系,任务是生成场景图: 这篇论文的亮点就是利用上下文信息以及消息传递,迭代更新以更好地预测关系。这是一个在场景图层级上的新的预测关系的方式,其消息传递方法等都是可以改进的地方,甚至结合embedding。 这篇论文的主要贡献是使用因式分解的方法来得到信息先验(a factorization scheme that yields highly informative priors),也就是关系的先验分布,即两个object间的predicate分布。 这个分布是通过张量分解的方法得到,具体是: (1) 张量构建Tensorize :关系张量 , i, j是对象,k是关系,表示为关系k的矩阵 的堆叠,每一个值对象i, j在数据集中有关系k的次数。张量表示可以反映objects间的内在联系,关系分布等。 最后BP训练SG网络,θ设为0.2. 在实验中,论文对比了Lu的Visual Relationship Detection with Language Priors,和Xu的Scene Graph Generation by Iterative Message Passing,都有较好的提升。 思考:这篇论文通过张量分解的方式来得到关系的先验分布,与论文Visual Relationship Detection with Language Priors用到的语言先验有着异曲同工之处,都是用predicate的先验分布来调整网络预测的关系,提升zero shot能力。 不过我认为这种直接相乘的调整方式是比较粗糙的,需要更好的方式来融合先验分布与视觉上预测的分布。 这是一篇用场景上下文信息和实体间的关系来改进目标检测的论文,举个被错误检测的例子说明上下文的作用: 这篇论文做的任务不是关系预测,而是利用关系来消歧关系中的相同类的对象,其实是根据关系元组,来定位对象的位置。比如下图中需要确定人踢球是图中的哪个人,在什么位置。 论文首先用attention到对象object/subject,然后用predicate的卷积核来进行注意力的shift,同时object和subject需要结合。 这又是李飞飞团队做的工作(他们团队做了很多relationship相关的工作,语言先验那篇,迭代消息传递那篇等),做的是语句生成图像,利用了场景图表示语句中对象间的关系/联系,一个很有趣的研究,应该是第一个使用场景图的图像生成尝试了。 Sentence一般包含多个对象,以及对象间关系的描述,是比较复杂的,从上图也可以看出,直接从语句到图像效果是很差的。但是当我们把语句解析为场景图,然后再生成图像,可以更好的生成图像表示对象间的关系。 具体做法大致是根据场景图做布局预测 (layout prediction) 预测对象的位置,最后结合噪声,用生成网络生成图像。具体细节这里就不啰嗦了,列一下最终效果吧。 可以看出,对象的位置基本位于正确的位置,不过生成的图像质量不是很高,所以还是有很大的改进空间的。 这篇论文是Arxiv上今年7月份的论文,利用图像中的对象间的关系和对象属性,做QA任务。关系挖掘根据图像和问题得到一系列相关的fact——关系,对象属性,然后再attention到需要的fact上,联合视觉特征最后得到最终answer。 思考:这种提取fact的方法为QA提供了高层的语义信息,也符合人的思维方式。相比于我之前调研过的方法( 一文带你了解VQA ),可以认为这是知识的补充,之前的方法有的是只有类,属性信息,或者是额外的文本形式的知识,本论文的方法多了关系的检测,且用一个网络来提取高层语义用于QA,相比直接做数据增强更具解释性。不过论文没有用到那个bottom-up attention,这是我觉得可以改进的地方。 至此,有关VIsual Ralationship的相关问题,方法大家应该有个大致的了解和收获。有什么问题和想法欢迎一起交流学习。

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should examinations be replace with other forms of assessment

General aptitude tests, such as the SAT in the United States, are used in certain countries as a basis for entrance into colleges and universities. A criticism associated with this use of these tests is that they are known to be subject to practice effects, and do not necessarily assess the accumulated learning of students during their schooling years. However, the goal of these tests is not to assess accumulated learning; they are designed to measure aptitude, not achievement.Similarly, college entrance exams are criticized for not accurately predicting first-year university grade point average(GPA) as well as high school GPA. However, the intent is for test scores to be used along with other measures in university selection; large-scale test scores are only one aspect of the university selection process. Universities are free to place more emphasis on high school GPA or extracurricular activities. Any criticism might be better directed to a university than the test itself, which most people consider fair.The content of the exam might not correspond with its intended use or representation. An example of this would be for an exam to have the ratio of questions in geometry, calculus, and number theory dissimilar to the ratio of these questions present in the environment for which the exam is intended to serve as a predictor of future performance. As an extreme and unrealistic example, a mathematics exam may ask solely about the names, birthdates, and country of origin of various mathematicians when such knowledge is of little importance in a mathematics curriculum. This need for a test to be valid for its use is AERA and NCME Standard 1.1 for educational and psychological testing. If it is used for other than its intended purpose, the burden of proof of validity rests upon its user.People are variously susceptible to stress. Some are virtually unaffected, and excel on tests, while in extreme cases, individuals can become very nervous and forget large components of exam material. To counterbalance this, often teachers and professors don"t grade their students on tests alone, placing considerable weight on homework, attendance, in-class discussion activity, and laboratory investigations (where applicable). Conversely, in some high-stakes testing cases, the pressure induces examinees to rise to meet the exam"s high expectations.Through specialized training on material and techniques specifically created to suit the test, students can be "coached" on the test to increase their scores without actually significantly increasing knowledge of the subject matter. However, research on the effects of coaching remains inconclusive, and the increase might be simply due to practice effects.Although test organizers attempt to prevent it and impose strict penalties for it, academic dishonesty (cheating) can be used to obtain an advantage over other test-takers. On a multiple-choice test, lists of answers may be obtained beforehand. On a free-response test, the questions may be obtained beforehand, or the subject may write an answer that creates the illusion of knowledge. If students sit in proximity to one another, it is also possible to copy answers off other students, especially if a test-taker knows that particular person knows the material better than they do. Despite such issues, tests are less susceptible to cheating than other tools of learning evaluation. Laboratory results can be fabricated, and homework can be done by one student and copied by rote by others. The presence of a responsible test administrator, in a controlled environment, helps to guard against cheating.


relation/relationship 关系,联系,往来;常常在文章中用作the relation/relationship betwwen A and Brelationship 更强调关系,比如说男女的暧昧关系;correlation/correlationship 相互关系,强调相互;相关性;related 有关的,强调A和B之间有联系;correlated 相互关联的,常常表示一件事引起另一件事。

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relationship 和 correlation 意思和用法上有什么不同?


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歌曲名:Underdog歌手:Imagine DragonsImagine Dragons - "Underdog".Early morning take me overFather, father, fatherTake me to the topOh oh oh ohEarly morning wake me upFather, father fatherThis is not enoughOh oh oh oh.Hey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey! The underdogHey! I""m the underdogHey!.Early evening settle downFather, father, fatherWho am I to blame?Oh oh oh ohEarly evening hush me overFather, father, fatherAre we just the same?Oh oh oh oh.Hey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey! The underdogHey! I""m the underdogHey!.Living the low lifeLow lifeLow lifeLiving the low lifeLow lifeLow lifeLiving the low life.Hey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey, that sounds like my luckI get the short end of itOh I love to be, I love to be the underdogHey! The underdogHey! I love to be the underdogHey! The underdogHey! The underdogHey! The underdogThe underdogHey!.http://music.baidu.com/song/23474654


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《iOS Animations by Tutorials Third Edition: iOS 10 and Swift 3 edition》(raywenderlich.com Team)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10gUJ6RMbBUjITMueTCkVHA 提取码: af1i书名:iOS Animations by Tutorials Third Edition: iOS 10 and Swift 3 edition作者:raywenderlich.com Team出版社:Razeware LLC出版年份:2016-12-27页数:414内容简介:There"s no denying it: creating animations is one of the most enjoyable parts of iOS development.Animations are fun to create, they breathe life into your user interface, and they make your app a delight to use.In this book, you"ll learn about iOS animation in Swift from beginning to advanced through a series of hands-on tutorials and challenges, that make your app look and feel great.Who This Book Is ForThis book is for intermediate to advanced developers, who already know the basics of iOS and Swift development and want to dive deep into animations.Topics Covered in iOS Animations by Tutorials:View Animations: Start with the basics by learning how to animate views: size, position, color, and more. Springs: Make your animations bounce with realistic spring behavior. Transitions: Add subtle transitoins when you add or remove subviews. Keyframe Animations: Learn how to make complex animations with precise multi-stage timing. Animation and Auto Layout: Learn how to animate with Auto Layout by animating constraints. Layer Animations: Dive deeper and use layer animation for more advanced techniques. Shapes and Masks: Learn how to use shapes and layer masks for cool effects. Gradient Animations: Make moving gradients like the “slide to unlock” screen. Stroke and Path Animations: Animate lines moving over time along a path. 3D Animations: Rotate, translate, and scale your layers over time in three dimensions. And much more, including: Particle emitters, frame animations, third party animation libraries, and more!作者简介:About the AuthorMarin Todorov is one of the founding members of the raywenderlich.com tutorial team. He is an independent iOS consultant and publisher, and also has a background in web and desktop development. Besides crafting code, Marin also enjoys blogging, writing books and speaking at conferences. He happily open sources code.

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1,victim-list没什么可分析的。2,process-list中关于各个process的详细信息很重要。3,再看process中的inputbuf。这个tag表明了process正在运行的语句,因此对于定位死锁非常重要。但这里有一个问题,比如上例中,inputbuf是一个存储过程,其中又嵌套了很多其他的存储过程,而我们需要在其中找出直接导致死锁的语句并优化,从而解决或减少死锁。自此我们已经有的信息是:导致死锁的语句由inputbuf中的语句调用,同时导致死锁的语句必定是对表MatchService的修改语句。如果存储过程很简单,到此DBA已经能够找到直接导致死锁的sql了,分析过程到此结束。而如果存储过程很复杂,则需要进一步分析。4,现在再进一步考察tag, executionStack。executionStack表明了死锁发生时,由该process调用的,正在运行的所有sql。上例中有4条sql。同时仔细观察上例可以发生,两个process的executionStack是完全相同的,因此考察一个就可以了。另外,如果procname不为空则直接得到了sql,但上例中该tag为空。我们可能还需要找出包含该sql的具体存储过程,然后进行优化。出了用sql查询外,推荐使用一个叫“SQL Search”的第三方工具,很方便,免费的。


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歌曲名:Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix)歌手:New Order专辑:The Rest Of New OrderPennywise - ConfusionI can"t believe what I have foundThe world has been turned upside downEverything you thought you knew was trueIs exactly the opposite point of viewTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayUnanswered questions all aroundNo conclusions for us nowNo resistance can undoThe lies fed to youThrough and throughSo take your pabulum and be doneIt"s all the same for everyoneSometimes I wish I"d never met youSo many times tried to forget youTried hard but things won"t changeWon"t someone take this all awayTake this confusion all awayWe need the answers here todayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7681540



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英文Whoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohWhoaI"m waking up to ash and dustI wipe my brow and I sweat my rustI"m breathing in the chemicalsI"m breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison busThis is it, the apocalypseWhoaI"m waking up, I feel it in my bonesEnough to make my systems blowWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactiveWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactiveI raise my flags, don my clothesIt"s a revolution, I supposeWe"re painted red to fit right inWhoaI"m breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison busThis is it, the apocalypseWhoaI"m waking up, I feel it in my bonesEnough to make my systems blowWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactiveWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactiveAll systems go, the sun hasn"t diedDeep in my bones, straight from insideI"m waking up, I feel it in my bonesEnough to make my systems blowWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWelcome to the new age, to the new ageWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactiveWhoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I"m radioactive, radioactive[8] 中文我在烟尘弥漫中醒来我揉搓眼睫,汗流过铁锈般的躯体我呼吸着充满化学物质的空气我振作精神,好生收拾了一番,然后排上去监狱的车就是这样,这是天启喔哦哦我正在觉醒,骨子里渗透出来的觉醒足以使我系统重启迎接新次元,新次元迎接新次元,新次元喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性我举起我的旗帜,给我的衣服染色我猜想这是一次革命我们被刷成红色以便融入队伍我振作精神,好生收拾了一番,然后排上去监狱的车就是这样,这是天启我正在觉醒,骨子里渗透出来的觉醒足以使我系统重启迎接新次元,新次元迎接新次元,新次元喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性系统开动,太阳未沉深入骨髓,由内而外我正在觉醒,骨子里渗透出来的觉醒足以使我系统重启迎接新次元,新次元迎接新次元,新次元喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性喔哦哦哦哦,喔哦哦哦哦我是具有放射性的,具有放射性

急求Imagine Dragons 的Destination中英文歌词

DESTINATION作词:王啸坤 作曲:王啸坤不平静的相似处境打扰挑衅你的心犹豫不定反复分析结论却总被否定别故意钻进骗人的圈逃出可不简单谁没比谁更享有特权霸气些就是对u gotta knowgotta know成千上万的歌gotta knowgotta know哪些悄然沉默gotta knowgotta know不能这样退缩destination gotta know gotta know别总说你都做了gotta know gotta know假装你很失落gotta know gotta know展开不屈的手destination不死心的糟糕过去丢向前行的脚底遗憾造就各种娇气计划变成不一定堵住还狂喷苦水的嘴现在开始起飞未知世界不等你拖累去发现就是对u gotta knowgotta know成千上万的歌gotta knowgotta know哪些悄然沉默gotta knowgotta know不能这样退缩destination gotta know gotta know别总说你都做了gotta know gotta know假装你很失落gotta know gotta know展开不屈的手destinationu gotta knowgotta know成千上万的歌gotta knowgotta know哪些悄然沉默gotta knowgotta know不能这样退缩destination gotta know gotta know别总说你都做了gotta know gotta know假装你很失落gotta know gotta know展开不屈的手destinationdestination 是这个吗

imagine dragons 的 wirriors的歌词 与中文翻译

As a child you would wait ,and watch from far away .当你还是懵懂小孩,常等待并在远处观看比赛。But you always knew that you"d be the one work while they all play 但你早已心怀期待,决心登上舞台。In youth ,you"d lay---awake at night and scheme当你年少独自入睡,总在半夜突然醒来。Of all the things that you would change决心尽力改变一切,But it just a dream……但终究只是个梦罢了。。。Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……The time will come when you will have to rise 当你已有实力问鼎,你的时代就会到来Above the best and prove yourself 击败最强证明自己Your spirit never dies你的斗志永盛不衰Farewell , I" ve gone to take my throne above对着大众挥手作别,我已让出我的华盖But don"t weep for me ,cause this will be the labor of my love不要为我落寞徘徊,因我内心依旧澎湃。Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town !我们是建立这座城池的勇士!Here we are don"t turn away ,now我们现在就在这里,不要走开We are the Warriors that built this town from dust我们是建立这座城池的勇士,满身尘埃……

Imagine Dragons gold中文歌词

First comes the blessing of all that you dreamed曾经的你得到了梦想中的一切 But then comes the curses of diamonds and rings但之后金钱施的咒语接连而至 Only at first did it have its appeal它的外表诱惑了你But now you can"t tell the false from the real你失去了判断能力 Who can you trust?还能相信谁 Who can you trust?还有谁可信 When everything, everything, everything you touch turns to gold, gold, gold当你所触碰到的一切变成黄金 Everything, everything, everything you touch turns to gold, gold当你所触碰到的一切变成黄金 Gold黄金Gold黄金 Gold Gold

Imagine Dragons 的 Demons 中文歌词!

When the days are cold当暗无天日And the cards all fold当希望落空And the saints we see我们看见的圣人们啊Are all made of gold熠熠闪光,遥不可及When your dreams all fail当梦想沦落And the ones we hail当深陷逆境Are the worst of all这是最黑暗的日子吧And the blood"s run stale连血液都跟着腐朽I want to hide the truth我想隐藏这真相I want to shelter you帮你构筑虚拟的天堂But with the beast inside但我内心的野兽There"s nowhere we can hide蠢蠢欲动,呼之欲出No matter what we breed不管我们以何为食We still are made of greed贪念是我们的本质This is my kingdom come我的欲望王国已经筑起This is my kingdom come我的欲望王国已经筑起When you feel my heat当你感受到我的炽热Look into my eyes请凝视我的双眸It"s where my demons hide那里藏着我内心的恶魔It"s where my demons hide那里藏着我内心的恶魔Don"t get too close不要靠我太近It"s dark inside这里再无光明It"s where my demons hide那里藏着我内心的恶魔It"s where my demons hide那里藏着我内心的恶魔When the curtain"s call当所有的一切落幕Is the last of all这就是结束了吗When the lights fade out当所有光都熄灭All the sinners crawl罪恶开始蠢蠢欲动So they dug your grave他们掘翻你的坟墓And the masquerade揭穿你的伪装Will come calling out大声尖叫吧At the mess you made在这一片狼藉中Don"t want to let you down我不想你受伤害But I am hell bound却被困束,无能为力Though this is all for you尽管我所做的一切都是为了你Don"t want to hide the truth不想掩藏这真相No matter what we breed不管我们以何为食We still are made of greed贪念是我们的本质This is my kingdom come我的欲望王国已经筑起This is my kingdom come我的欲望王国已经筑起When you feel my heat当你感受到我的炽热Look into my eyes请凝视我的双眸It"s where my demons hide那里藏着我内心的恶魔It"s where my demon

Natural (Imagine Dragons演唱歌曲)歌词中文翻译

Will you hold the line只有你还没有放弃When every one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me当其他所有人都停止了尝试 被挫折磨尽了希望In this house of mine我所在之处Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me凡事皆有因果报应 没有什么得来轻而易举 所以告诉我Will the stars align?星星是否会排列成线Will heaven step in? Will it save us from our sin? Will it?上帝之手是否会介入 更改冥冥中的定数 将我们从犯下的罪恶中解救"Cause this house of mine stands strong而我无所顾忌 因为我建立的国度会永恒伫立That"s the price you pay这就是你要付出的代价Leave behind your heartache, cast away不要沉溺于眼下的心碎 抛之脑后告诉自己Just another product of today这不过是今天遇到的又一小事而已Rather be the hunter than the prey别再学猎物般逃窜 要像猎人一样主动出击And you"re standing on the edge,现在你站在悬崖的边缘Face up "cause you"re a抬起头面对 因为你Natural生来如此A beating heart of stone就像坚石般强有力的心跳You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬To make it in this world在这个世界寻到自己的立足之地Yeah, you"re a natural这就是你的天性使然Living your life cutthroat在残酷的竞争中生存You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬Yeah, you"re a natural是的 这就是你的天性Will somebody是否有人能够Let me see the light within the dark trees" shadows and让我看见穿过窸窣树影透下的斑驳的光What"s happenin"?发生了什么Lookin" through the glass find the wrong透过放大镜的镜片仔细找寻着Within the past knowin"过去的错误的足迹Oh, we are the youth我们年轻气盛 意气风发Call out to the beast,肆意释放内心隐藏的兽性Not a word without the peace, facing而嘴里的话语却不忘和平A bit of the truth, the truth而这只是你尚需了解的冰山一角That"s the price you pay这就是你要付出的代价Leave behind your heartache, cast away不要沉溺于眼下的心碎 抛之脑后告诉自己Just another product of today这不过是今天遇到的又一小事而已Rather be the hunter than the prey别再学猎物般逃窜 要像猎人一样主动出击And you"re standing on the edge,现在你站在悬崖的边缘Face up "cause you"re a抬起头面对 因为你Natural生来如此A beating heart of stone就像坚石般强有力的心跳You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬To make it in this world在这个世界寻到自己的立足之地Yeah, you"re a natural这就是你的天性使然Living your life cutthroat在残酷的竞争中生存You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬Yeah, you"re a natural是的 这就是你的天性Deep inside me, I"m fading to black, I"m fading我的内心深处 正在一点一点被黑色侵蚀吞没Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won"t break it即使用我手上的血所立的誓约 也无法改变这一切I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear我能够感觉到 结局的走向由我们掌舵 我发誓我一定会做到Gonna make it不顾一切地成功I"m gonna make it我会不顾一切地成功Natural生来如此A beating heart of stone就像坚石般强有力的心跳You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬To make it in this world在这个世界寻到自己的立足之地Yeah, you"re a natural这就是你的天性使然Living your life cutthroat在残酷地竞争中生存You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬Yeah, you"re a natural是的 这就是你的天性Natural生来如此Yeah, you"re a natural是的 这就是你的天性

谁有Shots-Imagine Dragons的歌词,中英翻译

I"m sorry for everything oh everything I"ve done我对我所做的一切都倍感歉意Am I out of touch?我是否已失去联系?Am I out of my place?我是否已固步自封?When I keep saying that I"m looking for an empty space当我说我我在寻找一块空旷之地时Oh,I"m wishing you"re here哦,我希望你就伴我身边But I"m wishing you"re gone但我又希望你已远去I can"t have you and I"m only gonna do you wrong我无法拥有你而且我只会辜负你的真心Oh,I"m going to mess this up我会搞砸一切Oh,this is just my luck这就是我的命运Over and over and over again每次都是如此I"m sorry for everything oh everything I"ve done我对我所做的一切都倍感歉意From the second that I was born it since I had a loaded gun自我出生之时我就有了上膛之枪And then I shot,shot,shot a hole through everything I loved然后我疯狂射击我所珍爱的一切Oh,I shot,shot,shot a hole through every single thing that I loved扫射着我所珍爱的一切Am I out of luck?我是否好运已尽Am I waiting to break?我是否会崩溃?When I keep saying that I"m looking for a way to escape当我说我正竭尽全力寻觅逃离一切之法时Oh,I"m wishing I had,what I"ve taken for granted我希望我拥有我所渴望的一切I can"t help you when I"m only gonna do you wrong我无法拥有你,我只会辜负你的真心Oh,I"m going to mess this up我会搞砸一切Oh,this is just my luck这就是我的命运Over and over and over again每次都是如此I"m sorry for everything oh everything I"ve done我对我所做的一切都倍感歉意From the second that I was born it since I had a loaded gun自我出生之时我就有了上膛之枪And then I shot,shot,shot a hole through everything I loved然后我疯狂射击我所珍爱的一切Oh,I shot,shot,shot a hole through every single thing that I loved扫射着我所珍爱的一切In the meantime can we let it go与此之时我们我们随其而去At the roadside that we used to know?在我们首识的路标处We can let this drift away我们就让这随风而去Oh,we let this drift away让这随风而去At the bay side where you used to show在我们曾经漫步的海湾In the moonlight where let it go在皎月之下我们放下过去We can let this drift away我们就让这随风而去Oh,we let this drift away让这随风而去And there"s always time to change your mind因为你总是改变你的心意And there"s always time to change your mind因为你总是改变你的心意Oh,love ,can you hear me?哦,我的爱,你是否闻我的心声Oh,let it drift away哦,就让这随风而去I"m sorry for everything oh everything I"ve done我对我所做的一切都倍感歉意From the second that I was born it since I had a loaded gun自我出生之时我就有了上膛之枪And then I shot,shot,shot a hole through everything I loved然后我疯狂射击我所珍爱的一切Oh,I shot,shot,shot a hole through every single thing that I loved扫射着我所珍爱的一切In the meantime can we let it go与此之时我们我们随其而去At the roadside that we used to know?在我们首识的路标处We can let this drift away我们就让这随风而去Oh,we let this drift away让这随风而去At the bay side where you used to show在我们曾经漫步的海湾In the moonlight where let it go在皎月之下我们放下过去We can let this drift away我们就让这随风而去Oh,we let this drift away让这随风而去And there"s always time to change your mind因为你总是改变你的心意And there"s always time to change your mind因为你总是改变你的心意Oh,love ,can you hear me?哦,我的爱,你是否闻我的心声

关于美国著名摇滚乐队Imagine dragons(梦龙)的评价


求Imagine Dragons 一首名叫Drive的歌词

Imagine Dragons - DriveGet me right, all it takes is silent nightI want my eyes to see these lightshold hold hold on hold hold onbut when it comes it goesI am on my knees, oh forgive me get me right, look at these people flying kitesthey seem to live forgotten nightshold hold hold on hold hold onbut when it comes it goesI am on my kneesoh forgive meDrive, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh ohI, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh oh Oh get me right, all it takes is starry nightsI want my eyes to see these lightshold hold hold on hold hold onbut when it comes it goesI am on my kneesoh forgive me get me right, look at these seagulls in the airthey seem to yell just like we carehold hold hold on hold hold onbut when it comes it goesI am on my kneesoh forgive meDrive, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh ohI, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh oh Drive, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh ohI, I got my head on arightI got my people strapped tightI got my head on arightoh oh oh oh

monster 的中英文对照歌词。

Ever since I could rememberEverything inside of me,Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)I was never one for pretenders,Everything I tried to be,Just wouldn"t settle in (oh oh oh oh)If I told you what I was,Would you turn your back on me?And if I seem dangerous,Would you be scared?I get the feeling just because,Everything I touch isn"t dark enoughIf this problem lies in meI"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside meA monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger.Can I clear my conscience,If I"m different from the rest,Do I have to run and hide? (oh oh oh oh)I never said that I want this,This burden came to me,And it"s made it"s home inside (oh oh oh oh)If I told you what I was,Would you turn your back on me?And if I seem dangerous,Would you be scared?I get the feeling just because,Everything I touch isn"t dark enoughIf this problem lies in meI"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.A monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger.I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.A monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger

Bleeding out —— Imagine Dragons 歌词翻译

"Bleeding Out"流血I"m bleeding out我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你When the day has come当那一天来的时候That I"ve lost my way around当我迷失了我的路途And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground当四季都躲藏在大地之下When the sky turns gray当天空化成灰色And everything is screaming当所有东西都在惊叫I will reach inside我会伸手进去Just to find my heart is beating才能得知我的心在跳动Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住But innocence is gone但是无辜的都消失And what was right is wrong对的都变成错‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你When the hour is nigh当时机将近And hopelessness is sinking in当绝望在陷入And the wolves all cry所有的狼会嚎哭To fill the night with hollering将所有的不满充斥了夜晚When your eyes are red当你眼睛变红And emptiness is all you know当你所知道的都是虚无With the darkness fed黑暗充斥着你I will be your scarecrow我会成为你的稻草人Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住Oh, you tell me to hold on你让我坚持住But innocence is gone但是无辜的都消失And what was right is wrong对的都变成错‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you (for you)我在为你流血(为了你)I"m bleeding out for you我在为你流血‘Cause I"m bleeding out因为我在流血So if the last thing that I do如果我最后要做的Is bring you down是要让你堕落I"ll bleed out for you我会为你流血So I bare my skin所以我赤裸著我的肌肤And I count my sins我数算我的罪过And I close my eyes我闭上我的双眼And I take it in我接受一切I"m bleeding out我在流血I"m bleeding out for you, for you.我在为你流血,为了你End吾辈尽力了。。。在翻译这首歌的时候还在一边听,好像不小心爱上imagine dragons 了希望喜欢!

求imagine dragons的《lost cause》 歌词和翻译 谢谢!

lost cause(这原意是说必定失败的事无望之人,个人觉得在科学怪狗这个电影里应该是暗指他们对自己宠物做的实验。)oh, dig my shallow grave掘出我的薄墓it"s not me you"ll save你救回的已不再是从前的我"cause I"m a lost cause因为我已无药可救a lost,lost cause实是无望之人wait,all this time taht I have spent away,wait将时间耗费在无尽的等待上makes me think that I might be okay假装一切还像往日一般the kiss of death will have to wait等待最终的死亡之吻my head ,is holding on to all those things you said你说过的话不断地浮现在我的脑海you taught me to be strong and get through it ,the mist of darkness in my head你曾说我要坚强,熬过脑海中的浓雾黑夜oh, dig my shallow grave(重复的就不一一打了。)it"s not me you"ll save"cause I"m a lost causea lost,lost causewait ,no one said what"s lost cannot be found世人都说已逝之物无法挽回you are here to make it safe and sound可你就在我眼前安然无恙oh we,can make it, out alive我们可以做到,重获生机fate,hath its way when all that"s learned is sin命运自有其道我们不断犯错(虾米音乐上的英文歌词是这么写的,但我觉得不像我听得觉得应该是fate,happened explained what knowledge done is sin附上中意:冥冥之中好像知识带来的却是罪恶)nothing really matters in the end不过这一切都不重要as long, as you ,are with me,friend只要,朋友,你在我的身边oh, dig my shallow graveit"s not me you"ll save"cause I"m a lost causea lost,lost causeno one can understand melike you can understand没人能像你一般了解我no one can fill your shadow没人能填补你离去后留下的阴影"cause you are all I am因为你就是我的全部oh, dig my shallow graveit"s not me you"ll save"cause I"m a lost causea lost,lost cause

求 Imagine Dragons - Natural 下载

你好,歌曲ImagineDragons-Naturalnatural百度网盘下载 提取码:pzle 《Natural》是乐队ImagineDragons演唱的一首歌曲,收录于ImagineDragons2018年11月9日发行的专辑《ORIGINS》中。

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《Thunder》 - Imagine Dragons直接点击下载MP3格式望采纳

Imagine Dragons dream中文歌词 求翻译


Imagine Dragons的《My Fault》 歌词

歌曲名:My Fault歌手:Imagine Dragons专辑:Continued SilenceI took a walk on a Saturday night,fog in the air, just to make my mind seem clearwhere do I go from here?I see my breath pushing steam through the air,shaking hands run through my hair,my fears, where do I go from here?Is it my fault,is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.My fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.Walking down to the waters edge,asking why I"m here instead of home,now I stand alone.I stop to stare at the ocean sideIm breathing in just to feel it"s side with hislike you were here with me.Is it my fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.My fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.Oh its on the wall, its loud, its in the brightest light,its when the world is moving.Oh its in the faintest cry, its in the lovers eye,its when I need you most, And dont you know,Is it my fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.My fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.Is it my fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.My fault, is it my fault?We"ve been missing each other,We"ve been missing each other.http://music.baidu.com/song/15235517

新人求解Imagine Dragons到底有几个人

原来有6个,现在有5个。现在的Dan Reynolds——主唱;Ben McKee;Wayne "Wing" Sermon;Daniel Platzman;Ryan Walker!

求Imagine Dragons-Dream mp3 下载

Imagine Dragons全部歌曲直接点击普通下载就行高品质音乐MP3格式希望能采纳


这是歌词的中文翻译MV最后妹子的宠明显变身鸣人用了螺旋丸外加奥特曼的X射线歌词翻译原帖地址http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=il4iXU0Dd-PjzgwANKSNaUM7vTj4rVRyLX2bPiOGuF1xx8sKlrJErC17Z--2eGBjUtwTtmMChg5trePjvv8UhqOhhhhhhhh (x4) 哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦I"m waking up to ash and dust. 我在灰烬和尘土中醒来I"m wipe my brow and I sweat my rust 我擦拭着眉上的汗水感觉我快要生锈了I"m breathing in the chemicals (breath hee) 我呼吸着化学物质(呼吸声......)I"m breaking in. 我入侵着I"m shaping up. 我计划着Ejecting out of the prison bus. 逃出监狱的巴士This is it the apocalypse. 这是天启Whoa ohh. 哦哦哦I"m waking up. 我醒来了I feel it in my bones. 我感觉它在我的骨头里Enough to make my systems blow. 足够让我爆炸Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元 Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦 Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的I raise my flag. 我举起旗帜I got my clothes. 我穿好衣服It"s a revolution I suppose. 我想这是一场革命We"ll paint it red to fit right in. 我们会把它涂成红色,这正合适I"m breaking in. 我入侵着I"m shaping up. 我计划着Ejecting out of the prison bus. 逃出监狱的巴士This is it the apocalypse. 这是天启Whoa ohh. 哦哦哦I"m waking up. 我醒来了I feel it in my bones. 我感觉它在我的骨头里Enough to make my systems blow. 足够让我爆炸Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦 Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的All systems go. 所有系统中The sun hasn"t died. 太阳还没有死去Deep in my bones. 深深的从我的骨头里Straight from inside. 散发出来I"m waking up. 我醒来了I feel it in my bones. 我感觉它在我的骨头里Enough to make my systems blow. 足够让我爆炸Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元。Welcome to the new age. 迎接新纪元To the new age. 新纪元Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦 Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦Whoa ohh oh oh. 哦哦哦哦哦I"m Radioactive Radioactive. 我是放射性的刺客信条三的主题曲~~~~~~~~
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