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considerate adj.体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的 be considerate of 体谅 considered adj.经过深思熟虑的;被尊重的 considered as 被认为是…;被看作… considered opinion 信念;考虑后的意见


To form an opinion about; judge: 对…评价;判断: considers waste to be criminal. 认为浪费是有罪的 To take into account; bear in mind: 考虑到;顾及: Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training. 如果你考虑过她所受的良好训练,你对她的成功就不会惊讶了 To show consideration for: 体贴关心: failed to consider the feelings of others. 未能照顾到他人的感情 To think carefully; reflect: 仔细考虑;深思: Give me time to consider. 给我时间仔细考虑 回答者:I3adI3oy - 高级魔法师 六级 7-12 14:47consider作动词时主要有以下四种用法: 一、作"思考"、"考虑"(=think about)解,后面可接动名词、由"how, what等+动词不定式"或者从句作宾语.但要特别注意,consider后面不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语。例如: ①We are considering going to Hainan for the Spring Festival.我们在考虑赴海南过春节。 ②He has never considered how to solve the problem. 他从未考虑过如何解决那个问题。 ③Do you consider that we can finish the project ahead of time?你认为我们能提前完成这个项目吗? 二、consider v.还可作"顾虑到"、"顾及"、"体谅"(=take into account)解。这时其后用名词或动名词作宾语。例如: ①All of you should consider the feelings of other people. 你们必须顾及到他人的感情。 ②Although he has made such a stupid mistake, you should consider his youth.尽管他犯了那样愚蠢的错误,你应该体谅他还年轻。 三、作"认为"、"以为"、"觉得"(=be of the opinion, regard as)解时,后面多接宾语从句,这时一般不接动名词作宾语。例如: ①I consider that he is fit for the position of the manager. 我认为他胜任经理的位置。 ②We consider that you are not to blame.我们认为这不是你的错。 ③He has never considered the fact that his family is not very rich.他从未考虑过他家并不富裕这一事实。 consider作"认为"解时,后面还可以接一个宾语和一个动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成复合宾语结构,但这种结构的动词不定式主要是"to be+名词/形容词";有时也可以是其它不定式,不过这种不定式多用完成时。例如: ①We always consider him to be a weak leader. 我们一直认为他是个能力不强的领导。 ②They consider Jim (to be) the cleverest boy in their class. 他们认为吉姆是他们班最聪明的学生。 ③I consider her to have done wonderfully in the final exam. 我认为她在期末考试中表现得非常出色。 注:consider作"认为"解时,后面偶尔也出现接不定式作宾语的情况,不过这时大都用形式宾语it,而将真正的宾语后移。例如: Do you consider it wise to interfere?你觉得干预是明智的吗? 四、固定结构"consider... as/ to be+名词/形容词"多侧重于表示经过思考"认为……是……"。例如: ①We consider his suggestion as having possibilities. 我们认为他的建议具有可行性。 ②They considered the plan as reasonable. 他们认为这个计划是合理的


consider含有客观的思考和推理之意.从表层意思看,后面跟as 或to be 似乎差不多,都表示“把作为…来考虑…”或“认为...是…”,但是在深层意义上讲,二者之间还是存在一定的细微区别.as 表示某人/某物“就是”,to be 表示某人/某物“可能是”.如:We always consider these people as our true comrades. 我们一向把这些人看成真正的同志.(=We always consider that these people are really our true comrades.) I considered him to be a rascal. 我认为他是个流氓 (= I considered that he is likely to be a rascal.)除此之外,二者在用法上也有不同之处.as 后只能跟名词,跟形容词其实是as ...as 的省略,而to be 后既可以跟名词也可以跟形容词,如:People consider foxes as clever but sly animals. 人们认为狐狸是既聪明又狡猾的动物.【不宜于用consider foxes to be clever but sly animals,因为人们认为狐狸确实是这样】She is considered (to be) an intelligent woman. 她被认为是一个聪明的女人.【也可以用considered as an intelligent woman 但意思略有不同】We consider it (to be ) true.我们认为这是真实的.【不能用consider it as true】I consider what he said (as) reasonable. 我认为他说的有道理.【= I consider what he said (as) reasonable (as it is). 】


考虑,认为,觉得,以为;(指为作出决定而)仔细考虑;细想;体谅;顾及,端详;例句:Have you considered taking CET -4?你考虑过参加英语四级考试吗?希望能帮到您。

求consider 的用法

consider + to do 认为做某事怎样consider doing 被认为


  consider后可加动词的ing形式。consider用作及物动词可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。接动名词作宾语时,可用于进行时态。   扩展资料   consider   中文释义:v.(尤指为作出决定而)仔细考虑,细想;认为;以为;觉得;体谅;考虑到;顾及   词形:   第三人称单数:considers   现在分词:considering   过去式:considered   过去分词:considered   例句:   ThegovernmentisbeingaskedtoconsideraplantofixthedateoftheEasterbreak   人们要求政府考虑确定复活节假期日期的`计划。   ThisarticlecoverswhatIconsidertobethe"bigfive"codeanalysisareas   本文涵盖了我所认为的“五大”代码分析领域


考虑 的过去式或者被动式

considered与be considered的区别

句子后面还有个 will have to be 这个才是这句话的谓语动词所以 前面只能是非谓语 首先排除B而things是被思考的,是被动,而considering和having considered是表主动的,所以不选这里considered是作定语 修饰all things




1. consider + that e.g. If you consider that she"s only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.2.consider+doing e.g. I am considering changing my job.3. consider+ n.+to bee.g. I consider him to be a good teacher.e.g. I consider it a great honor to be here with you today.

considering that与considered 有什么区别

柯林斯英汉双解大词典 considered /ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259d/ 1. ADJ A considered opinion or act is the result of careful thought. 经过深思熟虑的[ADJ n] → see also consider例:We would hope to be able to give a considered response to the unions" proposals by the end of the year.我们希望在年底能对工会的提议给出一个深思熟虑的答复。considering that 考虑到…,就…而论网络释义 鉴于大学英语四级词汇常用短语(4) ... be considerate of 体贴。 considering that 鉴于。 correspond to 相当于;和…相符合 ...基于103个网页-相关网页 就 考虑到 顾及到短语Considering All That 考虑所有这些Considering That With Five 考虑到对于五Considering That The Government 鉴于掌握政府Considering That Situation 考虑着形势Considering That Certain Psychological 考虑到很多心理considering that theif 如同Considering That A 考虑到considering that of 由于Fllung burning considering that thehGet 网际慢车双语例句As you can see, that was an extraordinarily fast response, especially when considering that the response was initiated without warning. 如你所闻,这样的反应速度是非常惊人的,特别是考虑到这还是在没有任何预警的情况下。

be considered 和be considered as有什么区别?用法分别是什么?

不及物;及物be considered doing;be considered as sth(sb)考虑做某事;被认为是某物、人




Tom is considered as a member of the club.汤姆正在被考虑吸收成为那个俱乐部的成员。


considered 后可以接的介词太多了,包括among, before, beyond, by, for, in, within, 等等。例:The Louvre is often considered amongst the best museums in the world. John"s application has been considered before but it was rejected in favor of another candidate.The subject is considered beyond the scope of this paper. Yesterday"s piano recital was considered by critics to be one of his best.He is being considered for promotion to General Manager next year.When considered in the context of today"s technological knowhow, this invention simply does not pass the test.Education should always be considered within a cultural context.等等,等等。


你是说用法吧?可以找下 高考重点词汇用法精讲 consider

be considered to do 与be considered doing 区别,求详细

sb be considered to do 某人被认为要做某事sb be considered doing 某人被认为正在做某事百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答


considered用法及搭配如下:1.consider 意为“细想,考虑” 。consider +名词/代词。Have you considered the plan?你考虑过这个计划吗?2.consider + 从句。例如:Li Lei began to consider how he could pass the exam.李雷开始考虑如何通过这次考试。3.搭配:consider as,意为认为(把...看作);consider doing something意为考虑做某事。consider的用法:1、consider一般后面接doing,也可以接to do。只有在被动时才有be considered to do,此时是“认为”的意思,而consider doing是“考虑做某事”的意思。2、当consider用作及物动词可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。3、consider作“认为”解时,是正式语体,可接that从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语。其宾语补足语可由名词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词等充当。


considered考虑双语对照词典结果:considered[英][ku0259n"su026adu0259d][美][ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259d]adj.经过仔细考虑的; 经过深思熟虑的; 受尊敬的; 经过深思熟虑的看法; v.考虑( consider的过去式和过去分词); 想; 注意; 看重; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Is it possible that google itself considered working with a third party? 是否有可能是谷歌公司自己考虑与第三方公司合作?


considered[英][ku0259n"su026adu0259d][美][ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259d]adj.经过仔细考虑的; 经过深思熟虑的; 受尊敬的; 经过深思熟虑的看法; v.考虑( consider的过去式和过去分词); 想; 注意; 看重; 例句:1.I"m considered a difficult girl. 我被认为是难搞的姑娘。2.The three considered the idea. 这三个家伙开始考虑这个问题。



Ordinary Differential Equations是什么意思

Ordinary Differential Equations常微分方程;微分方程式;常微分方程组双语例句1. His work remains mathematically in the realm of ordinary differential equations. 他的工作在数学上就停留在常微分方程的范围.2. Methods: The qualitative theories of ordinary differential equations are used. 方法运用常微分方程定性理论进行讨论.3. Higher - order singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations have important applications in Fluid Dynamics. 高阶奇异常微分方程在流体动力学中也有重要的应用.4. Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. 常微分方程之数值解.5. When solving different ordinary differential equations, we may take the analytical solution or numerical solution. 不同类型的常微方程可以采用解析解法或者数值解法.

differential thermal expansions翻译


unable to implement settings due to insufficient video card specifications 怎么解决啊?!!




高分奖励,英译汉,关于箱包的要求 Design Specifications

Item Number = AP-02: 物品编号 = AP-021. 1200D material1. 1200D 材料 2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body 2. 玻璃纤维蜂形隆起身体(不太确定有点专业了)3. 5 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20” + 14” Beauty Bag with rear strip to attach with trolley handle 3.5中设置 = 32"/29"/26"/20"+14" 漂亮的袋子后面设有手握推把4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Red/Body Black + All Dark Grey4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 前面红/身体黑 + 全深棕色 5. Side bump Protection as shown in pictures 5. 侧面撞击保护措施,如图.6. Corner Piping protection for all corners as shown in pictures6. 侧角边的保护措施,全部角都要有,如图. 7. Silver coloured metal based zippers #10 7. 银色材质的金属拉链 #108. Hardened Transparent Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures 8. 坚固透明的橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,如图.9. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint 9. 内部垫 210D, 低毒的 - 深棕色和银色的版权图标10. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The dept marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side. 10. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32"案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度11. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth 11. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之3012. Metal based combination lock for each pc except beauty bag12. 金属底部复合锁伪码除去漂亮包包其他都要有. 13. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures13. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片 14. Large tractor wheels – Transparent 13. 大的滑轮 - 透明15. Internal Trolley system with clear plastic PP handles and silver colour trolley as shown in pictures 15. 内部推把系统要明显塑料PP把手和银色的推把,依图片.16. Side logo strip as shown in pictures 16. 旁边的标签依照图片17. Extension support at base as shown in pictures. 17. 底部支撑加长的部分依据图片Item Number = AP-202: 物品编号 = AP-2021. 600D material 1. 600D材料2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body 2. 玻璃纤维蜂式隆起身体3. 4 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20” 3. 4个规格 = 32”/29”/26”/20”4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Royal Blue(Black Zippers)/Body Black + All Navy/Bottom Pc Burgundy 4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 贵族蓝(黑拉链)/身体要黑色 + 全海军色/Pc Burgundy底部.5. Black coloured zippers #105. 黑色拉链 #10 6. Black Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures 6. 黑色橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,依图7. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint 7. 内部垫 210D, 低毒, 深棕色和银色版权标签.8. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The depth marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side.8. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32"案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度 9. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth 9. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之3010. Metal based combination lock for each pc 10. 金属底部复合锁伪码每个都要有11. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures 11. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片12. Large tractor wheels – Transparent 12. 大的滑轮 - 透明13. Internal Trolley system with Black plastic PP handles and Black colour trolley as shown in pictures 13. 内部推把系统要黑色塑料PP把手和黑色的推把,依图片.14. Extension support at base as shown in pictures14.底部支撑加长的部分依据图片

name of commodity&specifications是什么意思


what specifications 什么意思


general specifications是什么意思

general specifications规格总览;一般规格;通用规格例句1.Aerospace. Constant displacement hydraulic motors. General specifications.航空和航天.恒排量液压马达.总规范2.INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. PISTON RINGS. PART 4 : GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS.内燃机.活塞环.第4部分:总规范3.TOLERANCES FOR BUILDING. DIMENSIONS AND POSITIONS. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS.建筑中的公差.尺寸和位置.一般规范4.Protection of timber used in buildings; general specifications建筑物中使用的木材防护。通用规范5.Resistance welding equipment - Transformers - General specifications applicable to all transformers.电阻焊设备.变压器.适用于所有变压器的通用规范

product specifications是什么意思

product specifications.的释义,网络释义: 产品规范;

耳机插座的规格说明 Specifications:

额定负荷 Rating DC50V 0.5A 机械寿命 Mechanical Life 5,000 cycles Min接触电阻 Contact Resistance 50mΩMAX电气寿命 Electrical Life 5,000 cycles Min绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance 100MΩMIN适用温度 Ambient Temper.Used -25 ℃ to 85 ℃耐高压 Withstand Voltage AC 500V(50-60HZ) 1min适用湿度 Ambient Humidety Used 85% RH焊接温度 Soldering Temper 260±5°10s插拔力 Operating Force 3-30N耳机插座封装 Earphone socketpackage:耳机插座分为两种封装:SMT贴片封装、DIP插件封装。


specifications[,spu025bsu0259fu0259"keu0283u0259nz] n. 规格(specification的复数形式);说明书例句:It needs steel rolled to 300 different specifications. 它需要轧成3百种规格的钢材。


规格 技术参数 性能规范 产品规格

product specifications是什么意思

product specifications产品规格例句:1.The final step in gasoline production is the blending of fuels with different octane ratings, vapor pressures, and other properties to meet product specifications. 在汽油生产的最后一步是将辛烷值、蒸汽压及其它性质不同的燃料进行混合,以满足产品规格。



Sixteen Tons 歌词

歌曲名:Sixteen Tons歌手:The Cactus Brothers专辑:The Cactus BrothersSixteen Tons-Merle TravisSixteen TonsMerle TravisSome people say a man is made outta mudA poor man"s made outta muscle and bloodMuscle and blood and skin and bonesA mind that"s a-weak and a back that"s strongYou load sixteen tons, what do you get?Another day older and deeper in debtSaint Peter don"t you call me "cause I can"t goI owe my soul to the company storeI was born one mornin" when the sun didn"t shineI picked up my shovel and I walked to the mineI loaded sixteen tons of number nine coalAnd the straw boss said "Well, a-bless my soul"You load sixteen tons, what do you get?Another day older and deeper in debtSaint Peter don"t you call me "cause I can"t goI owe my soul to the company storeI was born one mornin", it was drizzlin" rainFightin" and trouble are my middle nameI was raised in the canebrake* by an ol" mama lionCain"t no-a high-toned woman make me walk the lineYou load sixteen tons, what do you get?Another day older and deeper in debtSaint Peter don"t you call me "cause I can"t goI owe my soul to the company storeIf you see me comin", better step asideA lotta men didn"t, a lotta men diedOne fist of iron, the other of steelIf the right one don"t a-get you, then the left one willYou load sixteen tons, what do you get?Another day older and deeper in debtSaint Peter don"t you call me "cause I can"t goI owe my soul to the company storeby jojohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2618881

采购合同翻译 "Specifications"shall mean....as set forth in the Purchase order as the same may be


Discrepancies in specifications在国际贸易中的意思是什么?

Discrepancies in specifications应该是商品规格上的差异

product specifications是什么意思




technical specifications是什么意思

技术条件的意思。标准中规定产品达到的各项性能指标和质量要求,如材料牌号、表面质量、物理性能、化学性能、力学性能、工艺性能、内部组织、交货状态等。有时还包括一些供参考 的性能指标。牌号是技术条件中的首要内容,同一牌号的材料可能有不同的保证条件、交货状态、使用加工种别、质量级别等。


specifications 工程设计书 [科技] 规范 [管理] 规格 [科技] 详细计划书 [科技]


specifications[英][spesu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz][美][spesu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.规格; 载明; 详述; (产品等的)说明书; 说明书( specification的名词复数 ); 详细的计划书; 载明; 详述; 例句:1.Our first step is releasing the specifications and mechanical drawings. 第一步是,发布规格说明和机械图纸。2.Exports can help spread costs, but different countries demand different specifications,which pushes costs back up. 出口可以帮助摊低成本,不过各个国家需求的规格不同,反过来又推高了成本。


specifications英 [spesu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz] 美 [spesu026afu026a"keu026au0283nz]n.规格; 载明; 详述; (产品等的)说明书; 说明书( specification的名词复数 ); 详细的计划书; 载明; 详述 双语例句1. Our work must answer the specifications laid down. 我们的工作应符合所定的规范.2. This sketch does not conform with the specifications. 图文不符.3. It needs steel rolled to 300 different specifications. 它需要轧成3百种规格的钢材.4. Troll"s exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon. 特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。5. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work. 建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。

isa transactions是sci吗

SCI二区期刊名字 ISA TRANSACTIONS 期刊ISSN 0019-0578 2015-2016最新影响因子 2.600 是否OA开放访问 No 通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710 涉及的研究方向 工程技术-工程:综合 出版国家或地区 UNITED STATES 出版周期 Quarterly 出版年份 1962 年文章数 223

英语翻译:syndicate covering transactions




Dalton Transactions 投稿求助

Dalton Transactions ISSN号:1477-9226影响因子:3.838MedSci指数:8.1003一审周期:超快,1-2周投稿难易程度:较难DALTON T杂志属于化学行业,“无机化学与核化学”子行业的优秀级杂志MedSci评语:DALTON T 杂志级别还可以,但是相对来说,比较冷门,关注人数偏少,有些可能是国内不太熟悉,但该杂志在国际仍然有相当知晓度的。因为缺少中国人投稿,稿源可能未必丰富,发表有可能有很大的机会哦。

ieee transactions on什么意思

ieee transactions onIEEE 例句:1.This research, the results of which were published in ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, demonstrates that linear techniques are just as good as support vector machines ( svm) for the gender recognition problem. 这项研究的结果已经在ieee模式分析与机器智能汇刊上发表,它向我们展示了在解决性别识别难题的时候,线性技术也可以做到和支持向量机(svm)技术一样好。

IEEE Transactions中 的 Letter 大概要多久


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journalizing and posting transactions记账和过账journalizing and posting transactions记账和过账

philosophical transactions是什么意思

philosophical transactions哲学汇刊双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 哲学会刊例句:1.The 21 papers published today in a special open access edition of the philosophicaltransactions of the royalsociety.org are part of a uk government foresight study on thefuture of the global food industry. 今天在royalsociety.org哲学会刊特别公开版发表的21篇论文是英国政府有关全球粮食行业未来前瞻研究的一部分。

isa transactions是几区

SCI二区期刊名字 ISA TRANSACTIONS期刊ISSN 0019-05782015-2016最新影响因子 2.600是否OA开放访问 No通讯方式 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710涉及的研究方向 工程技术-工程:综合出版国家或地区 UNITED STATES出版周期 Quarterly出版年份 1962年文章数 223

IEEE Transactions,AE想表达什么意思?婉拒

AE: Associate Editor,应该指你的paper在副主编手上吧

Dalton Transactions 杂志怎么样,影响因子多少?

Dalton Transactions ISSN号:1477-9226影响因子:3.838MedSci指数:8.1003一审周期:超快,1-2周投稿难易程度:较难DALTON T杂志属于化学行业,“无机化学与核化学”子行业的优秀级杂志MedSci评语:DALTON T 杂志级别还可以,但是相对来说,比较冷门,关注人数偏少,有些可能是国内不太熟悉,但该杂志在国际仍然有相当知晓度的。因为缺少中国人投稿,稿源可能未必丰富,发表有可能有很大的机会哦。

ieee transactions投稿周期一般为多久

这个是一系列期刊,普遍在1~2个月吧,要看文章和运气,有时快又是慢大部分期刊的投稿状态如下,供参考,时间就要看各个期刊了,不同的期刊千差万别。1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑 Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。3.2. Editor Declined Invitation 也可能编辑会拒绝邀请,这就需要重新指定编辑3.3. technical check in progress 检查你的文章符不符合期刊投稿要求4.编辑接手处理后也会有2种状态4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计会挂了 1)英文太差,编辑让修改。 2)内容太差,要拒了。除非大牛们直接被接收。4.2. Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿5. Under review这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。6. Required Reviews Completed审稿人的意见已上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定7. uating Recommendation评估审稿人的意见,随后你将收到编辑给你的decision8. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的。9. Revision Submitted to Journal又开始了一个循环。10. Accepted 恭喜了11. Transfer copyright form 签版权协议12. uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿13. In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对14. Manuscript Sent to Production 排版15 in production  出版中

IEEE transactions系列期刊中有几个一区的?


isa transactions的手稿交pdf吗

是的,isa transactions文档格式:一般要注意pdf文档页数和文档大小。Transactions是一本关于测量和自动化科学与工程进展和最新技术的期刊,对领先的工业从业者和应用研究人员具有价值。测量的主题包括: 传感器,感知系统,分析仪,信号处理,过滤,数据压缩,数据校正,故障检测,推理测量,软传感器,硬件接口等; 以及支持它们的任何技术,例如人工智能,模糊逻辑,通信系统和过程分析。自动化的主题包括: 离散事件和连续过程控制的统计和确定性策略,建模和仿真,事件触发,调度和排序,系统可靠性,质量,维护,管理,防止损失等; 以及支持它们的任何设备,技术和最佳实践,例如优化,学习系统、战略制定、安全以及人类接口和培训。

初次投稿ieee transactions杂志时需要写作者简介吗

是的,在初次投稿IEEE Transactions杂志时需要写作者简介。


首先,你要加载程序包 library(arules)click_detail <-read.transactions(data.buying,format="basket",sep=",",cols=c(2)) click_detail后面不是等号而是<-



isa transactions是什么意思

ISA Transactions,外文期刊名称,主要收录自动化,工程技术,控制系统等方面的论文,2018年JCR分区已经是SCI一区期刊了,在相关领域影响比较大。

Pending Transactions是什么意思

英文:Pending Transactions中文:未完成的交易可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的结果不是很流畅也许是翻译水平有限,请见谅很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~



bill and hold transactions 是什么交易?


transactions on electrical and electronic materials 是顶刊吗


命名空间"System"中不存在类型或命名空间名称"Transactions"(是缺少程序集引用吗?) 大神们求解决~

提供一种方法以在事务边界内包装回调方法。命名空间: System.Web.Util程序集: System.Web(在 System.Web.dll 中)使用时在项目的引用里面添加对System.Web.dll的引用,然后在添加命名空间的引用using System.Web.Util;

IEEE Transactions 是什么?

IEEE的通讯期刊,有些是SCI收录的Engineering Village是查询是否EI索引的网站

international transactions是什么意思

international transactions国际交易双语对照例句:1.They suggest that international transactions can be financed and settled using high-grade corporate bills and bonds. 他们建议,国际交易可以使用评级高的企业票据和债券来进行融资和结算。2.The most radical solution of all is a new global currency that could be used in international transactions and would float alongside domestic currencies. 最为根本的解决方法是一种全新的全球性货币的出现,其可以用来进行国际交易并随着国内货币浮动。


基本用法都一样不同的是TransactionScope继承了IDisposable接口也就可以放在using块中操作在using块结束时 也就是using(TransactionScope scope=new TransactionScope())中的scope被释放前没有执行Complete()的话 释放scope时会自动回滚using块中的内容这点要小心

debit transactions 什么意思?

借方业务(交易)debit n. 1. 【会计】借方 vt. 1. 把...记入借方 transactions 2. 交易;业务;买卖

投稿ieee transactions 必须得是member or fellow 吗

你好:问:This has also been done because the list of authors entered in ScholarOne Manuscripts must exactly match that shown in the submitted manuscript 答:作者的简介在投初稿时暂时不需要。作者列表信息不对,你文中提交的作者名单和在scholarone系统里提交的作者名单不一致,通常是由于你漏掉或多写了某位作者希望能帮到你!

wseas transactions这个杂志系列怎么样

杂志还可以,至于杂志评级,澳大利亚有个专业评级的机构,Australian_Ranked Journal List,可参考。请采纳~

java程序设计 新的account类(transactions数组)

LZ 这是发帖子分享学习成果呢?

ISA Transactions的格式

isa transactions文档格式:一般要pdf文档页数和文档大小。Transactions是一本关于测量和自动化科学与工程进展和最新技术的期刊,对领先的工业从业者和应用研究人员具有价值。测量的主题包括: 传感器,感知系统,分析仪,信号处理,过滤,数据压缩,数据校正,故障检测,推理测量,软传感器,硬件接口等; 以及支持它们的任何技术,例如人工智能,模糊逻辑,通信系统和过程分析。自动化的主题包括: 离散事件和连续过程控制的统计和确定性策略,建模和仿真,事件触发,调度和排序,系统可靠性,质量,维护,管理,防止损失等; 以及支持它们的任何设备,技术和最佳实践,例如优化,学习系统、战略制定、安全以及人类接口和培训。

Everest显示主板信息里有一条“fast back-to-back transactions”是干什么用的?


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What are the reasons for culture shock?


这句话是否有语法错误?we make it a rule that this kind of clusters are not considered as topics

that 引导的是同位语从句语法上没有错误
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