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以try ones best为题写一篇10词的英语作文

This year, I will try my best to be the top student in my class. My friend Mingming has also said that he wanted to be the top student. So, I have a good compitition. This give me additional motivation to work hard on my study. I hope that my hard work will pay off in the end.

以try ones best为题写一篇10词的英语作文

This year, I will try my best to be the top student in my class. My friend Mingming has also said that he wanted to be the top student. So, I have a good compitition. This give me additional motivation to work hard on my study. I hope that my hard work will pay off in the end.

I like red ones 为什么用ones不用one?


try ones best是什么意思

try one"s best尽某人的全力

有do ones best to do sth这个短语吗





maintain the best state

bring out ones best后面加什么

best是形容词,后面跟名词。例如:Our aim is to bring out your best in you and help you succeed.我们的目的是全面发挥您的所长,助您踏上成功之路。

do ones best 后面加动词怎样的变化形式

do ones best是做最好的人的意思,是形容词吧,动词保持原形。复制去Google翻译翻译结果

ones who best

填a .ones 如果是those,那么后面定语从句引导词必须使用who.

__ones best(填介词)

be one`s best 尽某人最大的努力

Since our country has so many good table tennis players,we have to ________ the best ones to ta...


23105:the best topics are the ones that you have

最好的论题,是你本身就对它有兴趣的论题,你会主动去读、去讨论,去探究的论题。这个句子的表语是由两个并列成分:the ones that you have a natural interest in及ones that you would read about, discuss , pursue on your own组成,并列成分中 ones 代表the best topics ,理解了这点,这个句子就不难了

I can t pick out the ones I like best.为什么是"ONES"

one 和 ones 都可以,就看你想要表达的是单数还是复数了

to do less than ones best a sin啥意思

to do less than ones best a sin 全部释义和例句>>做不到的最好的一个罪恶

to show the best of oneseif in an _填什么?


try ones best后跟什么动词形式

to do

“Which ones do you like best?”中的“ones”是什么意思?为什么用“ones”?


She has many pairs of shoes. She likes the ______ best. 答案是one 还是ones 为什么?谢谢!


do ones best和try ones best有什么区别啊

try to speak English

which apples___ lily gong to buy. the best ones. a. are b.was c.were


求一篇英语作文Honesty and dishonesty


It is common knowledge that honesty is the best


when honesty disappears课文翻译是什么?

when honesty disappears课文翻译是:当诚实消失。重点词汇:honesty英['u0252nu0259sti]释义:n.诚实,正直;银扇草,金钱花。短语:Honesty is the best policy诚实为上策;老实为上策。词义辨析:integrity,honesty,justice。这些名词均有“诚实、正直”之意。1、integrity指品格纯正,有高度是非感,正直诚实,受人敬佩。2、honesty普通用词,侧重为人忠厚,老实,正直,不欺骗,不说谎。3、justice侧重办事或处事公正,公道不偏心。

关于WHY SHOULD WE BE HONEST的英语作文,100字左右,求解啊

honesty cannot be taught. it can be learnt by students themselves.Honesty is a virtue to keep true of your self.

is honesty the best

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." Which signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty?If you are honest to others,they will be honest to you in return.When you are sad,they will comfort you.When you are in trouble,they will help you. Honesty is regard as the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation.Through the ages,people stress sincerity,praise highly sincerity.It has already incorporated the blood of our national culture. It is usually better to be honest than dishonest.Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone,but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying.Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings,cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation. One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience.Even if no one ever discovers the lie,you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time.Another problem occurs when others know about your lies.As a result,people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends.Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf.His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage.

"Honest is the best policy"以这为题目写英语作文,在120字左右。

范文二 “You can trust nobody except yourself”, we always see this subtitle in the movie. It does reflect one overcast facet of our society. As a matter of fact, dishonesty has swarmed into our lives. To name only a few, pirate DVD products have dominated the film market; we don"t possess intimate friends and we always, worst of all, lose the sense of security. Shall we indulge ourselves in this situation without any concern? Absolutely, no. For one thing, honesty is a traditional virtue of our Chinese offspring. Looking back on the past, we have got an army of heroes who dedicated themselves to the government because of their sense of honesty and loyalty. For another, honesty is conduce not only to yourself but also to other fellow citizens surrounding you. Undoubtedly, honesty could sharpen your competitive edge in the process of job-hunting. Moreover, it will, combined with passion, play a positive role in the modernization course of our country. All above-mentioned interpret the significance of being honest. As an individual, I hold the attitude that it pays to be honest. We will exert ourselves on propelling this merit until it is universally recognized. 范文三 Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake product to their consumers; some students cheat on the exams. Dishonest people are short-sighted. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but consumers won"t buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison. By contrast, honest people gain a lot. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well. Such persons are sure to have a lot of good friends. Because they are trustable and respectable, everyone is eager to make friends with them, Besides, it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job. Generally speaking, every employer wants his employees to be honest. So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later. In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest.

"Honest is the best policy"以这为题目写英语作文,在120字左右.

Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time, you"ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth. However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don"t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people are to be pitied. In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great; dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing.” We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.

"Honesty is the best policy".这句名言是谁说的?


honesty is the best policy出自哪里

原则 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》1136页,Is honesty the best policy? 诚实是不是处世的最佳原则?policy = principle for people to live by

如何分析"It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy."

that honesty is the best policy is common knowledge. 诚实才是最好的策略,这是一个常识。that 引导的就是整个句子的主语,主语从句,一般主语过长用形式主语it来提示,平衡句子结构。the problem 主语 is be动词 所以后面是表语 who will go, but who will stay 表语从句问题不是谁会走,而是谁会留下来

急求一篇以“Honesty is the besr policy”为题的英语作文。有三点要求见图片

Honesty is the best policyJustasthefamoussayinggoes,“Honestyisthebestpolicy”.Whentalking about honesty, many of us have too much to say. It is definitely athought-provoking problem. Cheating in the public servants examination,plagiarizingthepublicationsofothers,and dishonestyinotheraspectsalways exist.Cheatinginthepublicservantsexaminationsnowadaysis stillabigproblem. The stability and relativelyhigherincome of this work attracttoomanypeople.Also,thekeencompetitionandthedesirefortheposition make many people cheating in the exam.Academic plagiarism is another big problem. In many universities andresearchinstitutes,thequalityandquantityofpapersonepublishesbecomethemajorwaytojudgeoneu2019sability.Consequently,somestudents, and sometimes, even some teachers, who want to takea shortcut and become successful quickly, plagiarize the publications of others.Similarly, dishonesty exists in other aspects in our dailylife, Such asfabricating evidence by the witness, drawing up budgets by some officersand so on.Inashorttime,ifnotcaught,somepeoplemaytakeadvantageofdishonesty to get what they want. But, if caught, then these people will nodoubt be thoroughly discredited. Besides, in the long run, it will do harmto the moral character of the whole society.Now, as postgraduates in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, maybe, inthe future, most of us will choose scientific research as our lifetime work.However, whatever jobs we choose, we should make honesty as our basicprinciple, and always remember:“Honesty is the best policy”.

怎么写 honesty is the best policy 的演讲稿

  谈谈诚实的重要性,结合社会一些现象,再结合自身实际,写你对诚实的看法。  Honesty is the best policy 诚为上策  Just as the famous saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy”. When talking about honesty, many of us have too much to say. It is definitely a thought-provoking problem. Cheating in the public servants examination, plagiarizing the publications of others, and dishonesty in other aspects always exist.  Cheating in the public servants examinations nowadays is still a big problem. The stability and relatively higher income of this work attract too many people. Also, the keen competition and the desire for the position make many people cheating in the exam.   Academic plagiarism is another big problem. In many universities and research institutes, the quality and quantity of papers one publishes become the major way to judge one"s ability. Consequently, some students, and sometimes, even some teachers, who want to take a short cut and become successful quickly, plagiarize the publications of others.   Similarly, dishonesty exists in other aspects in our daily life, Such as fabricating evidence by the witness, drawing up budgets by some officers and so on.   In a short time, if not caught, some people may take advantage of dishonesty to get what they want. But, if caught, then these people will no doubt be thoroughly discredited. Besides, in the long run, it will do harm to the moral character of the whole society.  Now, as postgraduates in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, maybe, in the future, most of us will choose scientific research as our lifetime work. However, whatever jobs we choose, we should make honesty as our basic principle, and always remember: “Honesty is the best policy”.

英语作文 honesty is the best policy

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." Which signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you. Honesty is regard as the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Through the ages, people stress sincerity, praise highly sincerity. It has already incorporated the blood of our national culture. It is usually better to be honest than dishonest.Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone,but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying.Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings,cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation. One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience.Even if no one ever discovers the lie,you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time.Another problem occurs when others know about your lies.As a result,people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends.Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage. So to sum up,honesty not only brings us honor and friendship,but also material gains.Honesty is the best policy we can take.

"Honest is the best policy"以这为题目写英语作文,在120字左右.

以下是三篇以《Honest is the best policy》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。u2764第一篇英语作文写作思路:解释“Honest is the best policy”这句谚语的含义;举例说明为什么诚实是最好的策略;总结全文。正文:Honest is the Best PolicyHonesty means telling the truth and being sincere. The proverb "Honest is the best policy" suggests that it is better to be honest than dishonest, even when it may seem easier to lie or deceive others.Being honest builds trust and respect with others, which is essential for building strong relationships. For example, if you are honest with your friends and family, they will trust you more and be more likely to confide in you. Similarly, if you are honest at work, your colleagues and boss will respect you more and be more likely to give you important tasks and opportunities.On the other hand, lying or being dishonest can lead to negative consequences such as losing trust, damaging relationships, and even legal trouble. It may seem like a quick fix to a problem, but in the long run, it can cause more harm than good.In conclusion, being honest is always the best policy. It may not always be easy, but it is the right thing to do and will ultimately lead to positive outcomes.难词解释:proverb n. 谚语deceive v. 欺骗,蒙骗essential adj. 必要的,不可或缺的colleague n. 同事opportunity n. 机会consequences n. 后果,结果legal adj. 法律的翻译:诚实是最好的策略诚实意味着说真话,真诚待人。谚语“诚实是最好的策略”表明,即使在撒谎或欺骗他人似乎更容易时,诚实仍然比不诚实更好。诚实建立了与他人的信任和尊重,这对于建立强大的关系至关重要。例如,如果你对朋友和家人诚实,他们会更信任你,并更有可能向你倾诉。同样,如果你在工作中诚实,你的同事和老板会更尊重你,并更有可能给你重要的任务和机会。另一方面,撒谎或不诚实可能会导致负面后果,如失去信任、破坏关系甚至法律纠纷。它可能看起来是问题的快速解决办法,但从长远来看,它会带来更多的伤害而不是好处。总之,诚实始终是最好的策略。它可能并不总是容易,但这是正确的做法,最终会带来积极的结果。第二篇英语作文写作思路:本文主要讲述了“诚实是最好的策略”这一道理在生活中的重要性。通过几个生动的例子,说明了诚实的益处以及不诚实的后果。最后呼吁人们在日常生活中要坚持做一个诚实的人。正文:Honest is the best policyHonesty is a virtue that should be valued in all aspects of life. It is often said that honesty is the best policy, and this statement holds true in many situations. Being honest not only helps to build trust and respect with others, but it also allows us to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.One example of the benefits of honesty can be seen in personal relationships. When we are truthful with those around us, we build stronger bonds and deeper connections. On the other hand, lying or keeping secrets can damage these relationships and erode trust over time.Another example of the importance of honesty can be found in the workplace. Employers value employees who are honest and trustworthy, as they can rely on them to do their job well and represent the company in a positive light. In contrast, dishonest employees can cause significant harm to a business, both financially and reputationally.In conclusion, honesty is a fundamental aspect of a good character and is essential for building strong relationships and succeeding in life. Let us all strive to be honest in our daily lives and reap the benefits that come with it.难词解释:virtue(名词)- 道德的卓越或优秀品质erode(动词)- 逐渐破坏或磨损reputationally(副词)- 与一个人的声誉相关的翻译:诚实是最好的策略诚实是一种应该在生活的各个方面得到重视的美德。常言道,“诚实是最好的策略”,这句话在许多情况下都是正确的。诚实不仅有助于与他人建立信任和尊重,还使我们能够过上更充实、满足的生活。一个例子可以看出诚实的好处在于人际关系。当我们对身边的人说真话时,我们建立了更强的联系和更深的连接。相反,撒谎或保守秘密会损害这些关系并逐渐破坏信任。另一个说明诚实重要性的例子可以在工作场所中找到。雇主看重诚实可靠的员工,因为他们可以依赖他们做好工作,并以积极的形象代表公司。相比之下,不诚实的员工可能会对企业造成重大损失,无论是经济上还是声誉上。总之,诚实是一个好品格的基本方面,对于建立牢固的关系和在生活中取得成功至关重要。让我们努力在日常生活中保持诚实,享受它带来的好处。第三篇英语作文写作思路:本文主题为“诚实为上策”,旨在阐述诚实的重要性以及其对个人和社会的积极影响。首先,介绍诚实的概念,并举例说明其优点;接着,分析不诚实的后果,包括失去信任、破坏关系等;最后,强调诚实是一种美德,应当成为我们行为准则的一部分。正文:Honest is the best policyIn our daily life, honesty is a crucial virtue that we should always uphold. Honesty means telling the truth and being straightforward in our words and actions. It is an essential quality that helps build trust and respect between individuals and within society.Being honest has many advantages. Firstly, it can help us gain the trust of others. When we are honest, people will believe in us and rely on us. Secondly, honesty can help us maintain good relationships with others. By being truthful, we avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise from dishonesty. Lastly, honesty is a reflection of our character and values. It shows that we have integrity and are trustworthy.On the other hand, not being honest can lead to serious consequences. Lying or deceiving others can cause them to lose trust in us and damage our relationships. Moreover, it can also harm our own reputation and credibility. In the long run, dishonesty can bring about negative effects on both personal and social levels.Therefore, we should always strive to be honest in our words and actions. Honesty is a moral principle that should guide our behavior and decision-making. Let us make honesty a part of our daily lives and contribute to building a more trustworthy and respectful society.难词解释:1. Virtue (n.) - 一种被认为在人身上具有道德好或值得追求的品质2. Uphold (v.) - 支持或维护某事物,尤其是信念或原则3. Integrity (n.) - 诚实和拥有强烈道德原则的品质4. Credibility (n.) - 被信任和相信的品质翻译:诚实为上策在我们的日常生活中,诚实是一种至关重要的美德,我们应该始终坚持。诚实意味着说真话,言行直接。它是建立个人和社会之间信任和尊重的重要品质。诚实有许多优点。首先,它可以帮助我们赢得他人的信任。当我们诚实时,人们会相信我们并依靠我们。其次,诚实可以帮助我们与他人保持良好的关系。通过真实,我们避免了由于不诚实而引起的误解和冲突。最后,诚实是我们品格和价值观的反映。它表明我们有正直和可信赖的品质。另一方面,不诚实会带来严重的后果。撒谎或欺骗他人会导致他们失去对我们的信任,并损害我们的关系。此外,它也会损害我们自己的声誉和信誉。从长远来看,不诚实会对个人和社会层面带来负面影响。因此,我们应该始终努力在言行中保持诚实。诚实是一种道德原则,应该指导我们的行为和决策。让我们将诚实作为我们日常生活的一部分,并为建立一个更值得信赖和尊重的社会做出贡献。

honest is the best policy 这句话出自林肯的那片文章?

林肯 诚实至上 There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." Which signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty?If you are honest to others,they will be honest to you in return.When you are sad,they will comfort you.When you are in trouble,they will help you. Honesty is regard as the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation.Through the ages,people stress sincerity,praise highly sincerity.It has already incorporated the blood of our national culture. It is usually better to be honest than dishonest.Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone,but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying.Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings,cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation. One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience.Even if no one ever discovers the lie,you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time.Another problem occurs when others know about your lies.As a result,people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends.Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf.His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage. So to sum up,honesty not only brings us honor and friendship,but also material gains.Honesty is the best policy we can take.

英语谚语:Honesty is the best policy 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Honesty is the best policy 中文意思: 诚实是上策。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The scalded cat fears cold water 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 The sea plains it wants water 大海总是抱怨水不够。 The sea refuses no river 大海有能容之量。 The secret of a good momory is attention and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it -- We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds 记忆力好的秘密在于专心,而对于一个问题的专心取决于对这个问题的兴趣。在我们心上留下深刻印象的东西,我们是不大会忘记的。 The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportumity when it es 人生一生中成功的秘诀是在机会来临时要及时抓住。 The secret of success is constancy of purpose 成功的秘诀是目标坚定。 The shortest answer is doing the thing 最简短的回答就是干。 The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time 要想多做事情,最简单的办法是一次只做一件事。 The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。 The sleeping fox catches no poultry 睡觉的狐狸抓不到鸡鸭。 英语谚语: Honesty is the best policy 中文意思: 诚实是上策。

George Jones的《Choices》 歌词

歌曲名:Choices歌手:George Jones专辑:The Essential George JonesThe Hoosiers - ChoicesIn the morningI could take the burning sunI could be the only warning but im not the onlySo forgive me, Cause its more than I can bearIn demand I make my mind up by deciding not to careStop giving me choicesStop giving me choicesIm the victim, of this day and ageI"ve forgotten how to feelI"ve forgotten how to changeSo I surrender, to the apple of my eyeI surrender to the wind, I will let the wind decideStop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)Stop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)I could Break it, I could break it till it hurtsI could take Whatever words you say, Pretend I never heardSo Forgive me, Shouldnt be so hardIt"s they way im put together, so your never getting pastCant we talk this throughActions are not what im used toCant we talk this throughActions are not what im used toStop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)Stop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)(I surrender)Stop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)(Just forgive me)Stop giving me choices (woah oo)Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)Without Friction, We Would float up into spaceMaybe you could be the friction that will keep me in my placeIn the morning, I could take the burning sunI could be the only warning but im not the only one

打开软件一直出现headphones recommended怎么办

考虑是软件不兼容或者是系统问题导致的如果是这样那么就首先卸载软件如果不行就需要系统重装如果还不行就考虑是硬件问题或者其他的设置问题如果是设置问题就考虑进入电脑的控制面板查找对应的功能设置并进行调回如果不知道该怎么找就可以利用杀毒软件来进行修复一般杀毒软件对于一些设置都有修复功能你所描述的问题解决方法差不多就是以上方法 最后所有方法都没用记得只能请专业人员维修

英语翻译His honor rooted in dishonest stood.And faith unfaithful

他那来源于不名誉的名誉依然如故,而那并不诚实的诚实保持虚伪的忠诚.在这句诗中,诗人巧妙运用dishonour修饰honour, unfaithful修饰faith, falsely修饰true,形成一系列的语义对立,产生出了鲜明的矛盾修辞效果.

soya isoflavones是什么意思

soya isoflavones大豆异黄酮素

hire oneself out是什么意思



字面理解:不停的翻译:直达比如直达航班nonestop flight

significance of honesty 为什么要定语前置,有名词和介词,应该后置呀?


Unwritten Law的《Lonesome》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:Unwritten LawLonesomeELLEGARDENDON"T TRUST ANYONE BUT USMaking By 小川She looks smileyHe looks freindlyYou Maybe NiceDon"t Know who I amShe is talkativeHe is whinerYou are innocentDon"t know how I amShe keeps talkingHe keeps beggingYou are stainlessBut i keep drivingThough i knowyou are the one who would end this rainYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedYou are innocentYou are stainlessYou are my best friendso I tell you thisYou are an angelLet me feel goodLet me feel I am still aliveI have learned myinstinct is hiding backgroundThough no one knowsBut I keep denyingCause the world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enough........When I"ve got a feeling that I am betraidI blame myself to have expectedThe way you see it through your eyes could be different slightthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enoughYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enough

英语作文my opinoin on using smart phones

Nowadaysmobile phone has become requisite to our life.Undeniably mobile phone has various types of function and bring many benefits in our le phone is a great discovery to make our life more comfortable! Paradoxicallymost of the drivers are accustomed to using mobile phone while driving although they know it is risky.This is a risky action and might cause a serious traffic accident.Besides that this action will also affect to the third party which including the pedestriansmotorcyclists and the other drivers. People who occasionally use mobile phones while driving including mobile addictsbusinessmen and taxi drivers.Why they use mobile phones while driving?Mobile addicts play games in the carbusinessmen deal business with customerstaxi drivers carry passengers.In the nick of the timethey couldn"t focus on the traffica serious accident might happen out of the blue. Although mobile phones are essential and indispensable to our daily lifeusers must have regular intervals to use mobile phones. Moreoverdrivers should be in vigilance while driving.Other than thatdrivers can also use earphonesearpieceseven bluetooth in the lieu of using hand-held mobile if there is an emergency call.Moreover government should firmly restrict the public to use mobile phones while driving. Using mobile phones while driving not only inpairs the driver"s ability to focus but aiso competently distract the drivers.Thuswe should uphold for hand-held mobile. Telephone conservation might affect the driver"s emotion. The drivers will become furious upset wild happy ... those emotions will give the drivers effect and might go haywire. Chinese has an old quote"road such as the tiger"s mouth"we are sophisticated to the dangers of using mobile phones while driving. Government should declare illegal while the school teachers should educate the younger generations to avoid using mobile phones while driving. Thusparents should also set a good care of their example to avoid conveying the wrong demonstrations to the children. In a nutshell we should prosecute those unlawful drivers using mobile phones while driving.

green day——lazy bones中文歌词

I"m too tired to be bored我疲惫不堪,以至于感觉不到无聊I"m too bored to be tired我无所事事,以至于感觉不到疲惫And the silence is so deafening寂静沉默是如此的震耳欲聋It"s like picking at a sore就像在痛苦之上做出的选择 I"m too mental to go crazy我愚笨脆弱,以至于感觉不到疯狂I"m too drunk to be pure我烂醉如泥,以至于丧失了清晰的意识And my mind is playing tricks on me我的思想在对我耍着阴谋诡计And I can"t sleep tonight今晚我就是无法入睡 "cause I so tired因为,我太累了……I can"t take it anymore以后我可不能再这样下去了What with all the liars就像所有的撒谎者说的那样Like a prisoner of war就像一场战争中的俘虏 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了 It"s good to see you见到你感觉真的很舒服But I really must admit但是我必须承认There"s an odor in the air在空气中有一种气味And I think you look like shit让我感觉你就像一撮屎一样 I can"t stand from falling down我无法忍受失败地跌倒I"m too sick to throw up我厌恶至极以至于不能轻松放弃Everyone keeps talking所有的人都在不停地谈论着And they can"t shut the **** up他们就不能闭上高高在上的烂嘴 "cause I so tired因为,我太累了……I can"t take it anymore以后我可不能再这样下去了What with all the liars就像所有的撒谎者说的那样Like a prisoner of war就像一场战争中的俘虏 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了 I don"t want your sympathy我不需要你的同情I don"t want your honesty我不需要你的真诚I just want to get some peace of mind我仅仅是想要得到一些精神上的慰藉It"s only in my head它只是存在于我的头脑当中as I roll over and play dead如同我滚倒在地上装死一样I don"t want to hear it anymore从今往后我不希望再听到这样的东西了I don"t want to hear about it我不需要听取它的声音I don"t want to scream about it我不需要与之有关的尖叫I don"t want to hear it anymore我再也不想听到那些东西了


进入“通道”,复制“红色通道”,调整“色阶”(ctrl+L),“输入值”为(0 1.00 198);调整“曲线”(ctrl+M),“输出”(29),输入(109);“复制”这个“通道”,“目标”为“新建”;“图像”-“模式”-“灰度”,“图像”-“模式”-“RGB颜色”,储存为.jpg格式文件,OK!



adobe photoshop CS5和Phoneshop7.0有什么区别?

photoshop7.0是2002年出的,然后下一代从CS这号开始,现在最新的是CC版本。photoshopCS5相比photoshop7.0还是有很大的改进的。1.ps7.0的优点占的体积小,功能基本健全,用起来比较快,对机器配置要求比较低,功能少就上手容易一点 CS5的优点 功能更加强大,许多7.0通过很多步操作完成的,ps CS5里面只需要一步或者更简单。ps CS5操作更加人性化,和其他AI等ADOBE公司出的其他软件兼容比较好建议是如果以前没玩过PS,就从高版本开始学吧 ps CS5也行 如果习惯了7.0 那就用7.0 。

Norah Jones的《Turn Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Come Away With Me (葛莱美典藏版)Turn Me OnNorah JonesLike a flower waiting to bloomLike a lightbulb in a dark roomI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come home and turn me onLike the desert waiting for the rainLike a school kid waiting for the springI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onMy poor heartIt"s been so dark since you been goneAfter all you"re the one who turns me offYou"re the only one who can turn me back onMy hi-fi"s waiting for a new tuneThe glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubesI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onTurn me on

help oneself 与feel free

help oneself请自便feel free随意



Kiss (Featuring Tom Jones) 歌词

歌曲名:Kiss (Featuring Tom Jones)歌手:Art Of Noise Feat. Tom Jones专辑:The Best Of The Art Of NoiseOh-ohhSha, la, la, la, la, la, la, l-la, la, la, la, l-la, la, laaSha, la, la, la, la, la, la, l-la, la, la, la, l-la, la, laaEvery FridayMy head"s spinning round and roundBeen working all week now babyYes, it"s my dayI take a trip downtownTo my favourite club now, babyThat"s when I see youWith loving arms to fall intoBut I"m not lookin" for full-time loveThere"s still so much I wanna doI only kiss, kiss, kiss when the sun don"t shineOh-woah, oh-woahYou wanna kiss, kiss, kiss then tonight is fineOh-woah, oh-woahCan live without itI don"t want a full-time love"Cos it"s not on my mind now, babyYou know my freedomIs what I"m thinking ofAnd I ain"t got the time now, babyStraight out of the blueYou came and asked me toBe your date in the daytime babeBut I am sorry, no can doI only kiss, kiss, kiss when the sun don"t shineOh-woah, oh-woahYou wanna kiss, kiss, kiss then tonight is fineOh-woah, oh-woahI only kiss, kiss, kiss when the sun don"t shineOh-woah, oh-woahYou wanna kiss, kiss, kiss then tonight is fineOh-woah, oh-woah






bones死亡搁浅歌词什么意思:死亡搁浅的歌曲《Bones》-Low Roar 真的太棒了 画面整体风格和音乐的统一 确实游戏性和常规游戏有很大区别。不过欧卡模拟的玩家可能会超喜欢吧。


  Eric Millegan,1974年8月25日出生于新泽西州Hacketts城,在俄勒冈州的Springfield长大。 他现在正在出演FOX电视台的电视剧 "Bones" (2005)中的Zack Addy博士。参演的其他作品有 :"Law & Order: Criminal Intent" (2001)点击观看片断 ; "100 Centre Street" (2001). 在电影方面,Eric在影片On_Line (2002)点击观看片断中扮演Ed Simone,本片被选作当年柏林国际电影节、圣丹斯电影节以及圣荷西国际电影节的官方正式观摩影片,在圣荷西电影节获得最佳故事片奖。  Eric的成就主要集中在音乐剧。他在纽约的戏剧作品包括重排戏剧“Jesus Christ Superstar”(“万世巨星”),在city center一再加演的剧目"Hair "(在剧中他独唱"Aquarius"),在纽约 Lincoln Center首演的剧目"Dead Man Walking "。主演了由Michael Mayer导演的剧目“Spring Awakening”,Richard Maltby Jr.导演的剧目"The Wayside Inn"。他表演的主要剧院有格里斯剧院(Guthrie Theater),中央公园辛辛那提剧院(Cincinnati Playhouse In the Park),The Repertory Theater of St. Louis以及Paper Mill Playhouse剧院。  他富于变化的事业还包括在Myrtle Beach的Radio City(位于洛克菲勒中心)的圣诞演出中扮演一只跳舞的北极熊,作为波特来开拓者的球迷为OregonLive.com写体育专栏(文章曾经被CNN和CNNSI引用),在大西洋城举办"Broadway La Cage" ,在shea体育场高唱 "God Bless America" 以至于惊动了警察。  Eric是Interlochen Arts Camp的学员,他后在密歇根大学音乐剧专业获得艺术学士学位。  2003年被Out杂志评为“最性感的公开同性恋演员”  他的大部分成就集中于音乐剧。1981年当他7岁时,开始了音乐剧生涯,他参加了Eugene Opera production of Menotti的音乐剧Amahl and the Night Visitors,之后由于该剧团进行了很多合作:包括Madame Butterfly, La Bohème, Carmen, and Hansel and Gretel.  他第一次出现在百老汇的舞台是在2000年的剧目Jesus Christ Superstar中。  Eric是波特兰开拓者队的球迷。  Eric有三个兄弟Jeffrey, Brantly, and Patrick,两个姐妹,Lisa and Colleen.  他的首部电影是2002年的On Line  2008年2月26号在NBA,洛杉矶湖人对波特兰开拓者一场比赛中,他演唱了美国国歌 。  Eric millegan在Youtube有自己的播客,可以看到他很有趣的一面  eric的nba频道:EricNBATrashTalk Channel  关于他的日常生活:KingSpeedForever Channel  Eric的NBA专栏  BONES迷很多喜欢ZACK的,可惜以后似乎不会再出现了,剧中将会搬家离开BONES。

bones-tris day歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Ms Mr专辑:Secondhand RaptureMS MR - BonesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneBoy with a broken soulheart with a gaping holeDark twisted fantasy turned to realityKissing death and losing my breathMidnight hoursCobble street passagesForgotten savages, Forgotten savagesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLost in the pages of self made cagesLife slips away and the ghost come to playThese are hard timesThese are hard timesFor dreamersAnd love-lost believersDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayCandy bar creep showMy highs hit a new lowMarinate in miseryLike a girl of only seventeenMan made madness,and the romance of sadnessBeautiful dance, that happened by chancehappened by chance x2;Dig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her x4;find her way back homeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found x3;a way, to escape the day

bones 识骨寻踪里的Sweets是在哪一集出现的?

字幕组还是很搞笑的不翻译为斯威茨 直接叫小甜甜

bones 识骨寻踪里的Sweets是在哪一集出现的?



  官网  机巧奇传ヒヲウ戦记 (2000年10月24日~2001年5月1日)  机动天使/机动天使エンジェリックレイヤー (2001年4月1日~9月30日)  翼神传说/RahXephon (2002年1月21日~9月10日)  狼雨/WOLF"S RAIN (2003年1月6日~7月29日)  废弃公主/スクラップドu30fbプリンセス (2003年4月8日~10月7日)  钢之炼金术师/钢の錬金术师 (2003年10月4日~2004年10月2日)  绚烂舞踏祭/绚烂舞踏祭 ザu30fbマーズu30fbデイブレイクthe mars daybreak(2004年4月1日~9月23日)  KURAU Phantom Memory (2004年6月24日~12月15日)  交响诗篇/交响诗篇エウレカセブン (2005年4月17日~2006年4月2日)  樱兰高校男公关部/桜兰高校ホスト部 (2006年4月4日~9月27日)  獣王星 (2006年4月13日~6月22日)  天保异闻 妖奇士(2006年10月7日~2007年3月31日)  黑之契约者/Darker than BLACK -黒の契约者-(2007年~2007年9月28日)  スカルマン THE SKULL MAN 骷髅男(2007年4月28日~2007年7月)  SOUL EATER - ソウルイーター 噬魂师(2008年4月7日 深夜版4月10日)  二十面相の娘 二十面相少女(2008年4月12日)  亡念之扎姆德(2008年9月24日)  钢之炼金术师FA(2009年4月5日)  东京M8(2009年7月1日)  [剧场版作品]  カウボーイビバップ 天国の扉 (2001年9月1日剧场公开)  ラーゼフォン 多元変奏曲 (2003年4月19日剧场公开)  钢之鍊金术师 - 香巴拉的征服者/剧场版 钢の錬金术师 シャンバラを征く者 (2005年7月23日剧场公开)  异邦人 -无皇刃谭- / Stranger - Mukoh Hadan (2007年9月29日)










第七季 具体忘了= =

Daniel Gilbert的《Bones》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Bones歌手:Daniel Gilbert专辑:New African Sports, Soul Café Club No 1In Fear And Faith - BonesHer bones are buried in the backyard along with my integrityI tested your honor you questioned my faithNow look where you are you"re right where you"ll stayIts time for you to know that I"m loathingYou"ll never see me againI can see your eyes have been wandering slowlyDo you have any last words?Oh no I can see you"ve been lying through your teethWho"s breathing now?I hope your ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distantAll you were good for was everythingbut I guess that wasn"t enough to keep you aliveI"m horrified by my potentialI am so capable of terrible thingsI really hate goodbyesThere"s no way that I could just let it slideI did this to youAnd all this time I never knew regret is for youFor youOh no I can see that you have been lying through your teethI hope you are ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distant.I"m ready to forgetI"m ready to forget youhttp://music.b***.com/song/2594847

识骨寻踪 bones的父母是什么身份?



谁有the killers唱的bones的中文歌词,或者帮我翻译

跟我来。我们走回道。我们会看星星。我们在我的车里拿了一个乡村道路。下到大海,只有水和沙子和海洋中我们将手牵手。但我真的不喜欢你,抱歉地穿上最好的,但在一个心跳滑翔。没有一个答案,雷是天空,并在冷湿泥土,我哭了。在冷湿泥土,我哭了。你不想和我一起去吗?你不想在你的骨头,我的骨头?这是很自然的。电影的视觉是最神圣的梦一样。这是某人的电话?一个天使低语我的名字,但传递的信息是相同的:“等到明天,你会没事的。”但它的消失在我头脑中的狗。我经常听见他们在深夜来把我从这场战斗。但他们永远不会错吧。你不想和我一起去吗?你不想在你的骨头,我的骨头?这是很自然的。你不想和我一起游泳吗?你不想你的皮肤感觉我的皮肤?这是很自然的。没有情人,没有灵魂。从来没有一个很好的时间,从来没有黄金。你不想和我一起去吗?你不想在你的骨头,我的骨头?这是很自然的。你不想和我一起游泳吗?你不想你的皮肤感觉我的皮肤?这是很自然的。你不想和我一起去吗?你不想在你的骨头,我的骨头?这是很自然的。来和我一起游泳。你不想你的皮肤感觉我的皮肤?这是很自然的 谢谢,望采纳





Little Big Town的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Little Big Town专辑:The Road To HereCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

Paloalto的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Paloalto专辑:Heroes And VillainsIn Fear And Faith - BonesHer bones are buried in the backyard along with my integrityI tested your honor you questioned my faithNow look where you are you"re right where you"ll stayIts time for you to know that I"m loathingYou"ll never see me againI can see your eyes have been wandering slowlyDo you have any last words?Oh no I can see you"ve been lying through your teethWho"s breathing now?I hope your ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distantAll you were good for was everythingbut I guess that wasn"t enough to keep you aliveI"m horrified by my potentialI am so capable of terrible thingsI really hate goodbyesThere"s no way that I could just let it slideI did this to youAnd all this time I never knew regret is for youFor youOh no I can see that you have been lying through your teethI hope you are ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distant.I"m ready to forgetI"m ready to forget you

Ms Mr的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Ms Mr专辑:Secondhand RaptureMS MR - BonesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneBoy with a broken soulheart with a gaping holeDark twisted fantasy turned to realityKissing death and losing my breathMidnight hoursCobble street passagesForgotten savages, Forgotten savagesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLost in the pages of self made cagesLife slips away and the ghost come to playThese are hard timesThese are hard timesFor dreamersAnd love-lost believersDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayCandy bar creep showMy highs hit a new lowMarinate in miseryLike a girl of only seventeenMan made madness,and the romance of sadnessBeautiful dance, that happened by chancehappened by chance x2;Dig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her x4;find her way back homeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found x3;a way, to escape the day


《bones》演唱:Imagine DragonsGimme, gimme, gimme some time to thinkI"m in the bathroom looking at meFace in the mirror is all I needWait until the reaper takes my lifeNever gonna get me out aliveI will live a thousand million livesMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesPlaying with a stick of dynamiteThere was never grey in black and whiteThere was never wrong till there was rightFeeling like a boulder hurdlingSeeing all the vultures circlingBurning in the flames I"m working inTurning in a bed that"s darkeningMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesLook in the mirror of my mindTurning the pages of my lifeWalking the path so many paced a million timesDrown out the voices in the airLeaving the ones that never caredPicking the pieces up and building to the skyMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mindThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mind"Cause there"s magic in my bones





【Bones(识骨寻踪)】0150:Profile A Shrink(Hogins/Sweets)

LANCE SWEETS平躺在自己的办公椅上,右手扶着自己的左肩膀。 即使已经过去18年,那些丑陋的疤痕还是会发出阵阵幻痛折磨着自己。这样的幻痛会不受他控制地给大脑不断传递信息,然后让他情不自禁地想起自己的那些过去。 那是LANCE SWEETS作为人降生到世界以来最初的记忆——昏暗的灯光、酒精和香烟刺鼻的气息,以及皮带抽打在身上带来的剧痛。 他知道,收养儿童一般只有两种命运——要么上天堂,要么下地狱……运气好的可以被一对慈祥、温和却一直得不到孩子的好心夫妇收养,运气差的——要知道,收养儿童可以得到国家每月补贴500美金的赡养费,而且还附赠一个不会还手、不会报警、任凭摆弄的玩物,何乐而不为呢? 他人生的前6年就是在地狱里挣扎着爬过来的。日复一日、年复一年、恐惧渐渐演变为愤怒,最后直接转化为盲目……就在他最应该学习人类的情感、体会人类的真善美的时候,他却只看到了残忍和冷酷。 他想起BRENNAN和BOOTH来请他去GORDEN GORDEN家吃晚餐的时候,骨头博士泪眼婆娑地讲着她在收养家庭因为打碎一个盘子而被关在车库一个星期的故事。和他第一次见到她时就猜到的一样,BRENNAN只是用冷淡来掩饰自己的感情——和他正好相反,他是用夸张的感情来掩饰自己的冷漠。 他6岁的时候终于碰上了一对善良的老夫妇,可是这一切都来得太晚,他感情上的缺失已经无法弥补。 社会不能容纳一个没有感情的怪物。他在选择科系的时候选择了心理学,这让他学到怎样才能更好地伪装自己;还有这张BABY FACE,蜷曲的卷发、大眼睛、笑起来还有酒窝——好像永远也长不大的小男孩。这正是他所需要的,让与他接触的人都放松警惕,不会注意到他与众不同的一面。 就好像热带动物一样,用各种保护色把自己伪装起来。 SWEETS感到左肩上的疼痛已经远超幻痛的感觉,他这才注意到不知不觉间他的手指深深攥紧了肩膀。 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS!” 他的门“砰”的一声被撞开了,那个小个子的卷发男人也没有征求他的同意,大大咧咧地就一屁股坐在他的沙发上。似乎嫌这样子还不够粗鲁,他又把两腿往沙发上一搁,干脆枕着胳膊在沙发上呼哧呼哧地平躺下来。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS重新调整好坐姿,迅速回复到平时那个SHRINK的状态,“虽然我不能麻烦你们每次来找我时先预约,不过至少请你们进来前先敲敲门。” “SWEETS!ANGELA和WENDELL在一起了你知不知道?我心里真是烦透了!” SWEETS像平时那样拿起笔和笔记本,坐到HODGINS对面的沙发上,“我知道,我能理解。” “不!其实我也不是嫉妒或是怎么着……但是我就是烦透了!” “我明白。” “我、我只是希望ANGELA能幸福,你知道吗?其实我早就已经放下我俩过去的事儿了,但是ANGELA是个好女人……” SWEETS放下笔,眼睛直视着HODGINS的,“你只是想要她找到一个好男人。” “对。”HODGINS点点头。 “你就是个好男人。”SWEETS坐到他身旁,对他微微一笑。 SWEETS的笑总是很能感染人。他的眼睑微微下垂,嘴角则稍稍向上一挑,带出脸颊浅浅的酒窝——就是一个完美的微笑。温和、动人、沁人心脾,带着极度的治愈作用,还有不容置疑的专业。HODGINS也不由得回以一笑。 但是他很快又坐回到他的对面,仿佛刚刚他们还是无话不谈的朋友,现在就又恢复到SHRINK和病人的关系一样。 这就是JEFFERSONIAN实验室专用SHRINK,HODGINS心想。平时他总是摆出一副任何人都能接近的无害姿态和表情,讲些无关痛痒的笑话,然后你刚以为要和他建立某种亲密关系时,他会当机立断地和你保持距离。 他还记得SWEETS刚刚成为JEFFERSONIAN常客的那会儿,ZACK刚被关进精神病院,斜眼小组对这个新成员都嗤之以鼻——尤其是他自己,他那时简直要恨死这个无处不在的BABY FACE了。可是渐渐的,他们却又开始依赖他,开始求助于他。CAM、ANGELA、BOOTH、他自己、甚至是对心理学最不屑一顾的BONES,都接受过他的帮助。他们甚至都已经养成一碰到烦心事儿就要不请自来的习惯了。 然而他们中间从来也没有人关注过他的心情。HODGINS拼命地绞尽脑汁,也很难发掘出SWEETS发自内心的笑的记忆——他的笑总是专业性的,SHRINK的,能让病人感到安心的那种,简直就像就着心理学书籍里拷贝下来的一样。也许他总是做出些让人啼笑皆非的事——比如说在防护服里不小心打个喷嚏、比如说曾经穿着西短和凉拖就走进JEFFERSONIAN(HODGINS一直想不通保安为什么没有把他拦下来)、比如说当着众人的面和DAISY接吻——上帝啊那可是DAISY!凡此种种在刚开始时都只是让HODGINS感到滑稽可笑,但是和SWEETS接触得越多,他越来越感到SHRINK并不是真的像表现出来的那样幼稚,他只是在努力扮演一个类似宫廷小丑的角色,用浓厚的油彩来掩盖自己真实的表情。 实际上,他和SWEETS接触得也不能算多。或许他们会一起吃饭、一起聊天、一起看电影、一起破案,但是SHRINK却很有技巧地一直回避着和自己相关的话题。有时候他们会嘲笑他的BABY FACE和单纯性格,但是他总是会说“嘿,我可不是你想象中的那个样子!”,这个话题就无法持续下去了——简直就好像某种警告:我很危险,不要接近我。 就好像某种被困在自己筑起的笼子里的困兽,一边极度渴望其他人的关怀,一边又只能孤独地舔舐自己的伤口。HODGINS不能想象,到底是怎样的经历才造就了现在他眼前的这个人。 HODGINS想,也许在PROFILE或者是做心理咨询时,他才会表现出自己真实的一面——一台会走路的、精密的、完美的侦讯机器和测谎仪。他的PROFILE几乎是百发百中的,从未发生过任何差错;他可以从人群中挑出那个有问题的,连问讯也不用;他的心理咨询总是一针见血,轻易就能揭露他们心里所想却不愿意承认的一面;他总是在该笑的时候笑该沮丧的时候沮丧该说话的时候说话,时机总是把握得恰到好处——他看过他审讯时的样子,不管面对的是怎样的嫌疑犯或是证人,他的眼睛都是漆黑的一片,根本无法从中窥得半丝感情。 他能真真切切地感受到SHRINK感情失去控制的时刻,只有一次。 *~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS?” “嗯?”SHRINK看起来好像正忙于记笔记,他没有抬起头看HODGINS。 “以前有人PROFILE你吗?” “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS抬起头来,脸上是他一贯的小男孩式认真表情,“你这是在质疑我的专业水平吗?我是一个经过专业培训的心理分析师,我比其他任何人都能看清我自己。” “不、我并不是质疑你的专业水平。我……我只是觉得,也许……我、我只是说如果,如果我对你进行一次PROFILE的话,也许我俩之间的治疗能进展得更顺利些……你说呢?” SHRINK稍稍迟疑了一下,“或许是个好主意……你知道,增加我们彼此之间的了解。” “CORRECT。”HODGINS清了清嗓子,“首先你是个有耐心的人——你知道,ZACK刚被抓进去,ANGELA和我的婚约刚解除,我当时真的糟糕透了,就连JEFFERSONIAN里的其他人看到我都要绕路走。但是你这个时候却给予了我帮助。虽然我那个时候总要把你当苍蝇一样赶来赶去的。对于这个,我得向你道歉。” “没关系。然后?”SWEETS斜倚在沙发上,一条腿搭在另一条腿上,右手伸出食指支撑着脸颊——HODGINS知道,这是SHRINK最爱的姿势。 “你刚开始的时候把JEFFERSONIAN当成自己的试验场。嘿,我能理解,JEFFERSONIAN简直就是一群FREAKS & GEEKS,任何一个心理分析师找到这儿都得像掉进米缸里的老鼠一样——别误会,只是打个比方。” “嗯哼。”SHRINK明显无心为这段“指控”费心思辩解。 “你难道就从来也没觉得自己从12岁开始心理年龄就从来也没成长过吗?我是说,虽然你有三个博士学位,为什么却还是像个心理发育没健全的小男孩一样?虽然你一直假装自己和我们一样是成年人,但是实际上你却比我们单纯幼稚得多——就好像你拍下Excalibur那会儿,你的表现完全就像个得到新玩具的小孩子。” SWEETS抬起眼睛——和HODGINS记忆中的一样,只要一说出这样的话,SHRINK的眼睛就会立刻变得深不可测。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS将两手交叉着放在膝盖上,“我不得不提醒你,我的内心绝不像你想象中的那么单纯。” HODGINS没放过这个信号。 “我知道。” “你……什么?” “我说,我知道。”他满意地看到SHRINK的眼神里掺杂了一丝慌乱。 “抱歉,HODGINS博士,”SWEETS匆匆站起身,去把办公室门打开,“我想今天我们已经浪费太多时间了。” HODGINS也站起来,他面对着SWEETS,把双手抱在胸前,摆出一副拳击手要打一场拳王争霸赛的架势,“我不走。” SHRINK把脸侧到一边,咬紧了嘴唇。“那你想怎么样?挟持我作人质,要他们送5000万美金和一辆车来?” “不,明显不是。”HODGINS低下头,嘴角扯出一个笑容,“因为5000万对我而言实在是太不够看了。我只是想让你知道,我,我们大家都在关心你,想要更了解你。” “我知道。” “不你根本就不知道!所以今天我对你说这句话时你才会有这种反应!你知道除了案件相关的事、PROFILE和诊察之外的其他时间你跟我们说的最多的那句话是什么吗?‘嘿,不要随便揣测我!"、‘嘿,我可不是你想的那样!"‘嘿,我必须得提醒你我的内心可是很阴暗的!"……那你到底是什么样的人?你曾经想让我们知道吗?” “那是因为在我身上曾经发生过一些事,”SHRINK的表情变得越来越凝重,“我希望你们永远都不会知道。” “SWEETS,我不知道你身上曾经发生过什么。”HODGINS走到办公桌前,“可是你错了。不是我们不了解你,而是你自己不了解你自己。” 他把SWEETS放在办公桌上的所有书籍、材料和纸张统统拨拉到地上。SHRINK微微张着嘴,用像看恐怖分子一样的目光看着HODGINS。 “舒服多了。”HODGINS只感到全身的血液都奔腾着冲向脑袋,“有些感情,光是用白纸黑字是无法形容的。这些纸、这些书、这些报告……它们统统加起来都做不到。但是你却可以,而且我们都看到了。去年BOOTH生脑瘤被紧急送进医院去的时候,你的情绪失控了。那是我唯一一次切切实实地感觉到你的感情。” SWEETS刚要说话,HODGINS伸出一只手来制止了他。 “不,请让我说完。有些感情是装不出来的,我们都看出来那时你有多么心急如焚,而我们其他人虽然也很担心,却不及你的一半。这不是审讯,而是BOOTH,是BOOTH他那个时侯很可能没命,可能就这么玩儿完了。你觉得你那个时候还能像审讯时、像平时对待我们一样完美地控制自己的感情么?‘我不再是一个冷静的心理学家了"这是你自己说的!这种感情我敢打赌,这些书里统统不会教你‘嘿,BOOTH要死了,这种时候我该做出什么表情?",NEVER!上帝啊!那一刻我都希望和BOOTH对调一下了!要是能得到你这样的关心,让我得脑瘤我都觉得值得!” 房间里顿时陷入了寂静。 老天爷啊我都说了些什么!? HODGINS感到一阵天旋地转,急速上升的血液明显起了作用,他用一只手撑着办公桌,一只手把本来就已经够蓬松的卷发弄得更乱。 “不,”看到SHRINK又要开口,HODGINS急忙说道,“那、那个……刚刚那个话我能解释……其实、其实就是……哦老天呀我也不知道自己为什么要说这句话……” “HODGINS,”SWEETS从门口走向办公桌,走到HODGINS的背后,把一只手搭在他的肩膀上,“我只是想说,我这间小办公室再也无法承受你的愤怒LEVEL2了……” HODGINS直起身,看到SWEETS的整个办公室成了刚打了一场伟大战役的战场。 “抱歉。”他垂下蓝眼睛,“太过了。” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 这天剩下的时间SWEETS只好推掉了所有的预约,和HODGINS一起整理办公室。 “HODGINS,”SHRINK一边把一摞书整齐地放在办公桌原来的位置上一边说,“不知道为什么,我觉得好像有些感谢你。” “真的?我把你的办公室搞砸了,你还想感谢我?” SWEETS把一叠文件重新放进文件夹,“你说出了我一直想……一直希望能有人对我说的话。” “我想,有一天,我会说的,我会告诉你们,我是个什么样的人,我曾经经历过什么样的事。但是要给我点时间。毕竟,”SHRINK说道,“这不是件容易的事。” “你知道吗?虽然你总是口无遮拦还总是说错话,但是你是我见过的最好的SHRINK。” “那还真是巧了,虽然你脾气易激动还弄坏了我的办公室,但是你也是我见过的最好的病人。” HODGINS回过身来看着SWEETS。他褐色的眼睛里满是笑意。窗外的阳光适时地洒在他身上,在褐色的卷发和红嘴唇上镀上了一层淡淡的金色。SHRINK的手臂搭在窗台上,剪裁得体的西装完美地勾勒出他身体的曲线——一切美好得就像一幅风景画。 “嘿,我有个好主意。昨天我买了TRANSFORMERS2的蓝光碟,”HODGINS清楚地记得去年电影上映的时候SWEETS因为要赶FBI的结案报告一直没能去看成,SHRINK为此很是懊恼了一阵,“今天晚上你来我家——你知道,做两个大男人在一起时该做的事。一盘蓝光碟、一打啤酒、披萨和炸鸡——给身体增加几磅卡路里。” “COOL。” ——FIN——
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