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money英-["mu028cnu026a]美-["mu028cni]释义n. 钱;货币;财富n. (Money)人名;(英)莫尼;(西、法)莫内


《我与世无争》I Strove with None【英】兰道

《I Strove with None》《我与世无争》 I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art: I warm"d both hands before the fire of life; It sinks, and I am ready to depart. 我不与人相争,因为没有人值得我去争斗, 我喜欢自然,然后就是艺术, 生命之火曾温暖我的双手, 当它熄灭了,那我也就应该上路了。 又曰: 我与世无争,故无需为争, 我爱自然,然后艺术, 生命之火曾温暖我的双手, 当它熄灭了,那我就 驾鹤(归西去,天外)云中游。 《HEARTSEASE》《蝴蝶花》 There is a flower I wish to wear, But not until first worn by you, Heartsease of all earth"s flowers most rare; Bring it; and bring enough for two. 我有心上一枝花,与我爱人身上戴, 但愿从此配成双,蝴蝶花中最珍贵。 《YOU SMILED, YOU SPOKE》《你的言笑》 You smiled, you spoke, and I believed, By every word and smile deceived. Another man would hope no more; Nor hope I what I hoped before: But let not this last wish be vain; Deceive, deceive me once again! 卿笑卿言皆相信,卿言卿笑皆欺骗。 莫求他人复再信,与我痴情更相信。 但愿希望莫成空,将我最终又欺骗。


with you boneven哪位大神能告诉我是什么意思


初音未来 - lonely rendezvous歌词

君の见てる空作词:ブンガP 作曲:ブンガP 编曲:ブンガP 呗:初音ミク傍にいるよ きみの傍 駆け抜ける 君との时间は 加速する 流れ星みたいだよ 远ざかる 住み惯れた街并みが 夕暮れに 染まって沈んでくいつだって 君の傍で 同じ空を 见てる どこまでだって ついてゆけるよ 君と二人なら・・・ どこまでだって真っ直ぐな 君の眼差しが 捉まえた あの空の向こうに 待っている 世界はどんなだろう? きっと・・・ 素敌な场所だろうねいつだって 君の傍で 梦の话を 闻いてる だけど少しだけ 何かが违うの 君の见る梦に 私がいない・・・いつだって 君の傍で いつも傍で それなのに・・・ 本当は寂しくて 泣いているんだ 少しだけでいいよ 私を见てよ・・・

《Zeroto One》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Zero to One》(Peter Thiel)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: wmry书名:Zero to One作者:Peter Thiel豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Crown Business出版年份:2014-9-16页数:224内容简介:If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets.The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things.作者简介:Peter Thiel is an entrepreneur and investor. He started PayPal in 1998, led it as CEO, and took it public in 2002, defining a new era of fast and secure online commerce. In 2004 he made the first outside investment in Facebook, where he serves as a director. The same year he launched Palantir Technologies, a software company that harnesses computers to empower human analysts in fields like national security and global finance.



tickle a funny bone

一个贺卡能温暖一颗心,支撑一只手,借一只耳朵,轻拍背面, 点燃一个脸 ,胳肢一个尺骨之端 , 弄干一个眼睛 , 使一个孩子吃惊 , 恳求一个情人, 敬酒一位新娘 ,欢迎一个陌生人, 波动一再见, 呼喊一个喝彩声,吹一个吻,修改吵架,减轻一种痛苦, 士气自豪, 停止烦恼而且开始传统.

tickle your funny bone

there那里 must be一定有 some way to.的方法 tickle使.痒 your你的 funny有趣的 bone 骨头 那里一定有使你的骨头痒的有趣方法. 英文不太好,只能做到这地步了.

iPhone 6升级后,现在在辅助功能里看不到这个AssistiveTouch找不到这个虚拟按钮。



  iphone小圆点有什么用?iphone小圆点怎么调出来。使用苹果的朋友应该都知道,在iPhone手机屏幕上有个快速拖动小圆点,因为小圆点的存在,甚至可以将home键代替,那么你到底真的了解iPhone小圆点吗?那么iphone小圆点有什么用?iphone小圆点怎么调出来?让小编给大家讲解一下iphone小圆点功能全解析吧!   我们先了解一下什么叫做iPhone小圆点。   小圆点”实际上叫做“Assistive Touch”,它能帮助我们大大的减少按键的使用频率。由于早期iPhone的Home键经常失灵,更换按键又需要花费一笔不小的费用。针对这一问题,iOS加入了Assistive Touch这一功能。这个功能开启之后,在iPhone的界面上会浮现出一个小方块,这个小方块可以在屏幕任意边缘被放置,点击它会弹出功能菜单。   iphone小圆点怎么调出来?   首先,进入【设置】-【通用】-点击【辅助功能】-【Assistive Touch】选择开启,就可以在屏幕中调出小圆点了。这样需要用到按键的功能就都可以通过小圆点来代替实现了。   那么iphone小圆点怎么设置?   打开【Assistive Touch】-点击【自定顶层菜单】功能,即可按照自己需求自定义想要的快捷键至小圆点顶层菜单,点击下方面的“+”号,可以增加自定义的快捷键最多至8个,非常方便。   小圆点都有哪些功能?   以往我们对于小圆点的定义只是停留在取代Home键的操作上。但实际上它还有很多用途。顶层菜单也就是点击虚拟Home键之后,可以调出Siri、设备、主屏幕、个人收藏、通知中心几个功能。在更新iOS 9之后,我们可以自定义这个小圆点的顶层菜单了。   二、返回主屏幕   这个功能是Assistive Touch的初始功能,不需要设置就可以在Assistive Touch中显示。如果键位不符合你的使用习惯,你可以按上述方法,将主屏幕图标更换为更加顺手的位置。   三、截屏功能   这个功能藏得比较深,需要点击【Assistive Touch】- 【设备】- 【更多】- 【屏幕快照】来使用。可以通过设置将屏幕快照自定义至顶层菜单,这样就可以比较方便的单指截屏幕图了。不再需要先按住Home键再按电源键截图,或者先按住电源键再按Home键截图。并且直接用小圆点里面的【屏幕快照】选项截出来的图,不会有带Assistive Touch的浮动小圆点哦。   四、锁定屏幕功能   将【锁定屏幕】功能添加至Assistive Touch菜单后,关机/锁屏都不用按“开关机键”了。   想要关闭锁屏,只要点击【Assistive Touch】-再点击【锁定屏幕】,就会自动锁定屏幕了。想要用它关机也可以,只需要按住【锁定屏幕】8秒就可会显示关机页面了。   PS:其实iPhone小圆点还有很多有趣的功能等待大家发现。




  iphone6s小圆点开启方法:  1、在手机桌面打开设置进入;  2、进入设置后,选择通用进入;  3、进入通用后,选择辅助功能进入;  4、进入辅助功能后可以看到(Assistive Touch)开启即可。

would rather、would as soon、would sooner、would prefer在虚拟句中的用法

would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是…… 好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 例 John wants to see me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today. 约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来) We"d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. 我们宁愿他明天付给我们那笔钱。 Don"t come tomorrow. I"d rather you came next weekend. 明天别来。我希望你下周末来。 请注意 1) 如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。 例 Would rather you had not done that. 我真希望你没有做那件事。 2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。 例 I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. 我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。 He would rather be poor than have got money by dishonest methods. 他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。 Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。 would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式 其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。 例 Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 If you"d rather be alone, we"ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 He"d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。



iphone 12怎么没有小圆点了


would rather have done的用法

would rather后接that从句,从句用虚拟语气, 即用一般过去时表示现在或将来的动作或状态,用过去完成时表示过去的动作或 状态. would rather had done 没有这个用法 如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构.虚拟语气 表示对过去的虚拟语气 例 I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night.我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里.




设置 -通用 -辅助功能 -AssistiveTouch 打开 OK!

安卓手机如何实现iphone的 AssistiveTouch功能?

我们进入手机中点击【设置->【通用】->【辅助功能】->【Assistive Touch】如图,开启AssistiveTouch就KO了。下面我来介绍一些其它功能2、若要使用“连按三次主屏幕按钮” 前往【设置】>【通用】>【辅助功能】>【连按三次主屏幕按钮】。3、之后在iPhone的界面上就会多了一个半透明的小圆圈,不论在哪,它都会永远存在。4、AssistiveTouch的按钮可以随意移动至你想要的位置。点开按钮后,会弹出一个半透明的操作界面。共有四大项:主屏幕、Siri、设备、个人收藏(即手势)。5、点选【主屏幕】选项,相当于我们使用Home键的意思,所以双击【主屏幕】选项即可出现后台。Siri选项相当于以前的长按Home键,唤醒Siri。6、点选【设备】后,会有6个选项锁定屏幕、旋转、取消静音、调高音量、调低音量及更多选项功能。值得注意的是,只有当APP应用软件配合的时候才能使用“旋转屏幕” 功能。7、点选【更多】里面还有四个选项:屏幕快照、多任务、摇动、手势。这些都是用来代替实体Home按钮的,可以有效减少实体Home按钮的使用。8、手势分别有2指、3指、4指、5指,使用这些功能,就能用一只手指来代替多指才能完成的操作。例如点击了“4指”,画面上就会出现4个圈圈,只要使用一根手指,就相当于4根手指在操作。9、苹果内置了【缩放】功能,大家也可以点选其中的一个【+】来自定义手势。



iPhone7 Plus怎么调出小圆点



可能是你连续按了三次home键,在通用-辅助功能-辅助功能快捷键(最后一个),把Assistive Touch后边的对勾关掉就行了。



iPhone5S 里面辅助功能Assistive Touch 颜色怎么调淡一点,现在成了全黑色。 不是以前的灰色了。


iphone 里面wallet是什么意思

Wallet Manager是oracle集成管理工具,可以创建加密的Oracle wallet,从而增强其安全性。 orcle是采用“Wallet Manager”来管理证书和公钥和私钥。

iphone 里面wallet是什么意思


One ......the other与Some......others的区别??该怎么用?? 各造一句话。












iphone 里面wallet是什么意思

苹果手机中Wallet是为Apple pay服务的,Apple pay是苹果公司推出的新的支付方式,是简单、安全、私密的支付方式,2016年2月18日,苹果公司对中国大陆用户开通该功能,是全球第五个开通该功能的国家,也是亚洲第一个。打来添加方式:在手机找到walle2.进入wallet3.输入自己的ID账号和密码4.接着弹出的是添加卡片,可以银行卡卡片放到扫描框内可以自动识别,也可以手动输入卡号,点击手动输入卡片详细信息,点击下一步。5.条款和条件界面点击同意,同意后跳转添加,添加成功后需要验证卡片,这里默认是用自己的手机进行验证的,点击下一步。6.然后输入自己手机收到的验证码,点击下一步,提示卡片已激活,回到wallet界面就可以看到此时已经成功添加了银行卡,可以用来支付了,即可使用wallet服务。拓展资料:wallet是钱包的意思,这个是iphone版ios自带的东西,都有的,其实就是电子版银行卡包,可以在线支付,也就是apple pay服务。





我想学唱海贼王的one day 。谁能用拼音帮我做一下。谢谢。我不会罗马音的。或者中文谐音也行啊。

问题补充:罗马文是拼音吗 Believe 作诗:谷穂チロル 作曲:GROOVE SURFERS 编曲:GROOVE SURFERS 罗马音歌词: mirai dake shinjiteru dareka ga waratte


首先申明一下,为了达到快速测试的效果,我找了一个私服,而不是官方服务器测试。 我创建了3个角色,分别是法师Feidafashi,术士FeidaShushi和牧师FeidaMushi(当然你也可以使用别的任何职业,也可以操作更多的角色),其中法师Feidafashi作为队长。 第一步:给每个角色设置一个宏命令:/follow 队长名字,我此时的队长是Feidafashi,所以我给每个角色创建的宏命令是:/follow Feidafashi,宏的名字随便,但必须定义一个相同的快捷键,我把这个宏拉到了快捷栏的 “0”上面,这样对于每个角色,我只要按一下“0”,他就会自动跟随队长了。 第二步:设置选择最近敌人的快捷键,WOW中默认是TAB,但是在keyclone的Clone按键范围设置那里,不能输入TAB键,所以需要另外设置一个快捷键,我这里设置这个快捷键为“B”,当然,你同样得为每个角色都设置一遍。 队长法师Feidafashi:快捷键2为火球术,快捷键7为冰霜新星; 术士FeidaShushi:快捷键2为暗影箭,快捷键7为地狱烈焰; /tar FeidaMushi /cast 治疗之环 意思是先选中自己,然后释放治疗之环,同样把这个宏命令拖到快捷栏的2上面,这样只要按2,就能群体治疗了。 WOW中的设置就到这里,然后是keyclone的设置。 1、运行KeyClone,如果你已经打开多个WOW游戏窗口的话(建议使用窗口模式),在Keyclone左边的窗口列表中应该就已经列出来了,否则可以点击上面的刷新按钮,刷新窗口列表; 2、然后,强烈建议你给每个wow游戏窗口改名字:点击窗口列表中的某个窗口名字,在下方的“标题”按钮前面就显示了该窗口的名字,你可以随意更改(点击“标题”按钮确认更改)(甚至你还可以点击前面的H符号来隐藏窗口,点击S符号来重新显示);我在这里给每个窗口后面加上了角色的职业名字,以示区别——试试看,相当好玩吧,一看就知道哪个窗口是哪个角色的,免除了你错误选择窗口的可能性; 3、再然后,选中 队长所在的窗口(我这里已经改成“魔兽世界-队长”了),设置其为母窗口,其他WOW窗口则加入到子窗口列表中; 4、Clone范围设定,采用默认的即可;不需要加入鼠标的动作; 5、Clone按键范围的设置:这里需要注意了,由上面WOW的设置可以知道,我们只需要复制4个按键就可以了:技能的快捷键2和7,跟随的快捷键0 以及选择怪物的快捷键B(当然,你需要根据你自己的设置具体选择)。 现在大功告成了,让我们去畅快淋漓的体验一下吧! 先让所有角色在同一个地方集合,组成队伍(我这里的队长法师Feidafashi),然后启动keyclone,然后你只要操作队长了;队长按0,让队员跟随,然后带路跑到目的地,靠近怪物之后,按B选择最近的怪物(此时所有角色都选择了最近的怪物),然后按2,壮观的景象出来了! 队长法师Feidafashi释放火球术,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放暗影箭,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放治疗之环给队员群体加血、、、再按7:队长法师Feidafashi释放冰霜新星,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放地狱烈焰,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放神圣新星、、、啊太壮观了,眼花缭乱啊。 战斗告一段落,需要继续行军了,简单,队长按一下0,然后就可以出发了,然后继续战斗,继续那壮观的景象、、、 当然,你可以同时开更多的角色,组成更大的队伍,一个人控制几十个人一起战斗(keyclone支持网络功能,可以控制多台机器上的多个角色,你不用担心一台机器带不动了),想象一下这样的威力,你就暗自偷笑吧。


首先申明一下,为了达到快速测试的效果,我找了一个私服,而不是官方服务器测试。我创建了3个角色,分别是法师Feidafashi,术士FeidaShushi和牧师FeidaMushi(当然你也可以使用别的任何职业,也可以操作更多的角色),其中法师Feidafashi作为队长。第一步:给每个角色设置一个宏命令:/follow 队长名字,我此时的队长是Feidafashi,所以我给每个角色创建的宏命令是:/follow Feidafashi,宏的名字随便,但必须定义一个相同的快捷键,我把这个宏拉到了快捷栏的 “0”上面,这样对于每个角色,我只要按一下“0”,他就会自动跟随队长了。第二步:设置选择最近敌人的快捷键,WOW中默认是TAB,但是在keyclone的Clone按键范围设置那里,不能输入TAB键,所以需要另外设置一个快捷键,我这里设置这个快捷键为“B”,当然,你同样得为每个角色都设置一遍。队长法师Feidafashi:快捷键2为火球术,快捷键7为冰霜新星;术士FeidaShushi:快捷键2为暗影箭,快捷键7为地狱烈焰;/tar FeidaMushi/cast 治疗之环意思是先选中自己,然后释放治疗之环,同样把这个宏命令拖到快捷栏的2上面,这样只要按2,就能群体治疗了。WOW中的设置就到这里,然后是keyclone的设置。1、运行KeyClone,如果你已经打开多个WOW游戏窗口的话(建议使用窗口模式),在Keyclone左边的窗口列表中应该就已经列出来了,否则可以点击上面的刷新按钮,刷新窗口列表;2、然后,强烈建议你给每个wow游戏窗口改名字:点击窗口列表中的某个窗口名字,在下方的“标题”按钮前面就显示了该窗口的名字,你可以随意更改(点击“标题”按钮确认更改)(甚至你还可以点击前面的H符号来隐藏窗口,点击S符号来重新显示);我在这里给每个窗口后面加上了角色的职业名字,以示区别——试试看,相当好玩吧,一看就知道哪个窗口是哪个角色的,免除了你错误选择窗口的可能性;3、再然后,选中 队长所在的窗口(我这里已经改成“魔兽世界-队长”了),设置其为母窗口,其他WOW窗口则加入到子窗口列表中;4、Clone范围设定,采用默认的即可;不需要加入鼠标的动作;5、Clone按键范围的设置:这里需要注意了,由上面WOW的设置可以知道,我们只需要复制4个按键就可以了:技能的快捷键2和7,跟随的快捷键0 以及选择怪物的快捷键B(当然,你需要根据你自己的设置具体选择)。现在大功告成了,让我们去畅快淋漓的体验一下吧!先让所有角色在同一个地方集合,组成队伍(我这里的队长法师Feidafashi),然后启动keyclone,然后你只要操作队长了;队长按0,让队员跟随,然后带路跑到目的地,靠近怪物之后,按B选择最近的怪物(此时所有角色都选择了最近的怪物),然后按2,壮观的景象出来了!队长法师Feidafashi释放火球术,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放暗影箭,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放治疗之环给队员群体加血、、、再按7:队长法师Feidafashi释放冰霜新星,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放地狱烈焰,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放神圣新星、、、啊太壮观了,眼花缭乱啊。战斗告一段落,需要继续行军了,简单,队长按一下0,然后就可以出发了,然后继续战斗,继续那壮观的景象、、、当然,你可以同时开更多的角色,组成更大的队伍,一个人控制几十个人一起战斗(keyclone支持网络功能,可以控制多台机器上的多个角色,你不用担心一台机器带不动了),想象一下这样的威力,你就暗自偷笑吧。

where youa at hone yesterday


you are done是什么意思?

没你什么事了 你可以走了 没事了

You are the one in my life这句话是什么意思啊????

你是我生命中的唯一 确定这个答案

you are my one life for sure什么意思


Choose one you Iike ,为什么是you不是your,说下原因?

you like是定语从句修饰one。you 主语like谓语。you你,your你的。Choose one you like选择你喜欢的一个。

you are the one i want to see mo st of the的意思


迈克学摇滚 有没有出过一首叫YOU ARE THE ONE的歌?

歌手: C21 歌曲: You are the one 专辑: Stuck In My Heart 编辑: hansan12345 It"s early in the morning soon another day will dawn I can"t wait to feel your arms around me again I believe that we could lay down the world together we could live the dream that never ends Open up the door just a little more baby let me in You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I"ll give you love if you"ll give me your heart Everytime I near you time is standing still there"s nothing you can"t fix with your heavenly smile I would never leave you my love is for life taking things for granted was never my style Just give a little love say you"ll never stop I"ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I"ll give you love if you"ll give me your heart And I"ll do anything if you give me your heart ahh ahh yeah I"ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one give a little love say you"ll never stop and I"ll do anything I"ll give you love if you"ll give me your heart who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go you are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I"ll give you love if you"ll give me your heart

You are the one,in particular,I care,I treasure. 是什么意思?


卡朋特的you are the one 歌词+下载


问一首韩国的歌,一个男组合唱的,里面有一句高潮是“you are the one I long f


求SJ《You are the one》的歌词的罗马拼音


You Are The One 歌词

歌曲名:You Are The One歌手:J C Lodge专辑:Love For All Seasonsif i was the onegirl i see the way he treats youi feel the pain and the tears you crywhy do u let him do this to u everytime baby everytimenow girl i got a propositiongirl you"s a queen u should be with meil take you on a private journey,just u and meif i was the one who was loving uid do all the things that he wont doill give you what u need be so good to youeverynight everynightgirl i know its hard but you can trust in meill be all the man that you could ever needbaby its bout time that you should walk awaygive me the chance, let me be the onegirl i know the situationyou"ve been with him now for so longbut u dont have to stay with someone that makes u cryalways telling u liesnow girl its obvious that he will never changeso heres your chance girl up and leaveyou need that special kind of guy to treat u rightsounds like the job for mebabay,if i was the one who was loving uid do all the things that he wont doill give you what u need be so good to youeverynight everynightgirl i know its hard but you can trust in meill be all the man that you could ever needbaby its bout time that you should walk awaygive me the chance, let me be the onelet me hear u say, you"ll pack your bags and walk alwaylet me hear u say, that u wont stay another daylet me hear u say, girl that u wont be afraidlet me hear u say, that u gon find a better daybabay,if i was the one who was loving uid do all the things that he wont doill give you what u need be so good to youeverynight everynightgirl i know its hard but you can trust in meill be all the man that you could ever needbaby its bout time that you should walk away

《You Are The One》歌词

这么多 慢慢挑唐禹哲:You are the one谁的出现值得我的挑战   专心相信你值得期待   我用第六感遇见未来   聪明的眼神透露等待   你勾起我的爱   不要坏给你自己的表白   321倒数恋爱 倒数比赛   爱的擂台 you are the one   就算侥幸空白   I KONW 喝彩   放纵你的依赖   爱的擂台 you are the one   情人被你打败   快靠过来 快卫冕我的爱   你的爱是决定我的姿态   填空放松怎么去猜   等待耗世纪拥抱坦白   中毒的心成中毒憎恨   而我心跳加快   这场爱冲破极限的摇摆   123大胆恋爱 大胆狂欢   爱的擂台 you are the one   定义我的存在   无法期待 已对你的安排   爱的擂台 you are the one   放纵你的崇拜   快跟过来爱不是场意外   我的筹集 顿时一败涂地   你是唯一 爱到无法顶替   我的筹集 捍卫你的爱情   你是唯一 用尽爱的力气 yeah!   爱的擂台 you are the one   就算侥幸空白   放纵你的依赖   I KONW 喝彩   爱的擂台 you are the one   情人被你打败   快靠过来 快卫冕我的爱   爱的擂台 you are the one   定义我的存在   无法期待 已对你的安排   爱的擂台 you are the one   放纵你的崇拜   快跟过来爱不是场意外   爱的擂台 you are the one   定义我的存在   无法期待 已对你的安排   爱的擂台 you are the one   放纵你的崇拜   快跟过来爱不是场意外 he he林志颖:You are the oneYou Are The One   银河最亮的爱   我绕着你一圈一圈地转   You Are The One   Because you are in my life   我爱你真爱不孤单   自己晚餐   很习惯加班到天昏地暗   心一半 享受孤单   另一半 又渴望 拥有爱   谁不喜欢 有个人每天能互道晚安   情人节 耍小浪漫 圣诞节 握你手很温暖   LOVE~ 藏在茫茫人海   宅男剩女们请快把心敞开   LOVE~ 和单身 SAY GOODBYE   我和你就要 相亲相爱   You Are The One   聚光点亮的爱   我捧着你一天一天灿烂   You Are The One   世界唯一的爱 我爱你 要 让你幸福满满   You Are The One   银河最亮的爱   我绕着你一圈一圈地转   You Are The One   Because you are in my life   我爱你真爱不孤单Matt Hires: you are the oneYou are the one, oh, my darling   You are the one for me   You are the one for me   You are the song I"m singing, darling   You are the song I sing   You are the melody   And I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh   I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh   Oh, and time is like a river flowing   It"s rushing over us, it"s rushing over us   And if the current pulls us under   If we"re turned around or broken   You"ll be the one I want   You"ll be the one I want   And I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh   I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh   And if my frequency"s unclear   Static"s buzzing in your ears   Tune your heart, tune your heart, til you hear who we are   Let it take us to the start   And I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh   I"m singing, I I I want to belong to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh, to you, oh oh, to you,   oh oh   Oh, I want to belong to you, oh oh ohShiny Toy Guns:you are the one  Artist(Band):Shiny Toy Guns   Black rose and radio fire;   It"s so contagious   Just something changing my mind;   I"m gonna take what"s evil   Your cover melting inside,   With wide eyes you tremble   Kissing over and over again   Your God knows he"s faithful   I try   To digest my pride   But passions grip, I fear   When i climb   Into shallow vats of wine   I think I almost hear,   But its not clear...   Chorus:   [You are the one   You"ll never be alone again;   You"re more than in my head   You"re more...]   Spin faster, shouting out loud   You can"t steal whats paid for   Just something hurting again   Murdersome; She"s painful   You so believe your own lies   On my skin, your fingers   Runaway until the last time ;   We"re gonna lose forever...   When you try   Don"t try to say you won"t   Try to crawl into my head...   When you cry   "Cause it"s all built up inside   Your tears already said   Already said...李安琪:You are the one  电影《得闲炒饭》中的插曲,歌词如下:   you"re the one   你是(我的)唯一   and only now i see   现在只有我看得见   i should"ve known before   我应该之前就知道的   but it"s never too late for me   但对我来说绝不会太迟   remember,all those moments from long ago   请记得,全部那些很久以前的回忆   and now that u are back   还有现在你都回来了   i"m never gonna let u go   我是绝不再让你走   let me say,let me pray once more,i never gonna weep,i love u very deep say again   让我说,让我再祈祷一次,我绝不再流泪,我再说一次我爱你很深   tell me now tell me how once more,how could u be that way,how could u live a day away   现在告诉我,再一次告诉我怎么了,你怎么可以那样对我,没有我你怎么活   but i say honestly,you"re the one   但我诚实的说,你是(我的)唯一   u gotta stay with me,u gotta stay and see,every little thing that counts for u and me,   你必须待在我身边,你必须停留和看看,每件细小的东西对我和你来说都很有价值   u gotta stay,i gotta say,without u i don"t know how to live!   你必须停留,我必须说,没有你我根本不知道怎么活   you"re the one   你是(我的)唯一   and only now i see   还有现在只有我才能看见   i should"ve known before   我应该之前就知道的   but it"s never too late to be   但这样绝不会太迟   without u,i have nowhere else to run   没有你,我没有方向去任何地方   now i realize,we"re like the moon and sun   现在我认识到,我们喜欢月亮和太阳   now i realize,that all along you"re the one   现在我认识到,始终你都是(我的)唯一

You Are The One 歌词

歌曲名:You Are The One歌手:Elliott Yamin专辑:Wait For You (Japanese Retail)Elliott Yamin - You Are The OneSometimes i sit and i wonderAnd i just can"t seem to believeWhat a blessing it"s been to be lovedYou"re an angel sent to meYou"re the star who lights up my skyYou"re the one who made me seeThat you don"t need wings to flyYour love has set me freeCause you are the one who makes me wholeIn my heart and in my soulAnd just like the sun you showed me the lightI"m amazed and you"re the reason whyBefore you i was so blindI didn"t know which path to chooseYou poured all of this love in my heartAnd there"s no way that I can loseAnd when i have no faith in myselfYou"re the one who makes me strongI wouldn"t have a story to tellOr an ending to my songOooohh you"re the reason whyOh oooooooohYou are the one who makes me wholeJust like the sun you showed me the light

得闲炒饭主题曲You are the One 歌词和翻译

you"re the one你是(我的)唯一and only now i see现在只有我看得见i should"ve known before我应该之前就知道的but it"s never too late for me但对我来说绝不会太迟remember,all those moments from long ago请记得,全部那些很久以前的回忆and now that u are back还有现在你都回来了i"m never gonna let u go我是绝不再让你走let me say,let me pray once more,i never gonna weep,i love u very deep say again让我说,让我再祈祷一次,我绝不再流泪,我再说一次我爱你很深tell me now tell me how once more,how could u be that way,how could u live a day away现在告诉我,再一次告诉我怎么了,你怎么可以那样对我,没有我你怎么活but i say honestly,you"re the one但我诚实的说,你是(我的)唯一u gotta stay with me,u gotta stay and see,every little thing that counts for u and me,你必须待在我身边,你必须停留和看看,每件细小的东西对我和你来说都很有价值u gotta stay,i gotta say,without u i don"t know how to live!你必须停留,我必须说,没有你我根本不知道怎么活you"re the one你是(我的)唯一and only now i see还有现在只有我才能看见i should"ve known before我应该之前就知道的but it"s never too late to be但这样绝不会太迟without u,i have nowhere else to run没有你,我没有方向去任何地方now i realize,we"re like the moon and sun现在我认识到,我们喜欢月亮和太阳now i realize,that all along you"re the one现在我认识到,始终你都是(我的)唯一我是一个一个字打出来的,这首歌不错~

You Are The One的歌词 (林志颖唱)

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you are the one 芭比姐妹与小马片尾曲歌词

这个是片尾曲《you"re the one》的歌词some people say you can"t be foundyou"re not aroundoh oh oh oh oh some people say that you"re not reala fairytaleoh oh oh oh oh they say that dreams are for sleepin"I"m wide awake and believin"open my eyes and seeyou"re right in front of meyou"re the oneyou"re the oneI"ve known all alongyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re all that I wantyou"re wide and free, strong enough for me and what we have will never be undoneoh ooh ooh, you"re the oneI hear your voice without a wordit"s understoodoh oh oh oh oh there"s something here and we both knowthe way to gooh oh oh oh ohthey say that dreams are for sleepin"I"m wide awake and believin"open my eyes and seeyou"re right in front of meyou"re the oneyou"re the oneI"ve known all alongyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re all that I wantyou"re wide and free, strong enough for me and what we have will never be undoneoh ooh ooh, you"re the onelike the morning each dawnyou keep me holding onrun away with methe way you are to meyou show me how to see tomorrowtomorrowtomorrowyou"re the oneyou"re the oneI"ve known all alongyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re all that I wantyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re the oneyou"re the one(like the morning each dawn)(you keep me holding on)(you"re the one)you"re the oneI"ve known all alongyou"re the one(the way you are to me)(you show me how to see)(you"re the one)you"re the oneyou"re all that I wantyou"re wide and free, strong enough for me and what we have will never be undoneoh ooh ooh, you"re the one

Someone you like.这句话用了什么语法?


英文歌曲中段 有i get you,i get you,you get me,you get me 开头是 one more...女声唱的

carry you?

一男一女唱的,先是女的,里面有一句好像是you get me just one to

是不是<just one last dance>?你按照这个名字上网查查,看是不是你想要的~~

No one can do it,you too还是you neither?


You are my only one回答you too可不可以?

不可以。如果是回答you too. 则表示“你自己也是你的唯一。”这与汉语有点不同。但可以这样说:ditto. 这就是你想表达的"你也是我的唯一"的意思了。望采纳。

中文翻译《弗兰肯斯坦》chapter one

《弗兰肯斯坦》中文版pdf链接: 密码: hlo0来源:

I am certain by no means ---his word since he has promised an amount of money to the poor

B. will he break 因为I am certain 后是一个从句, 句首是否定意义的短语by no means , 从句就要用倒装句, 再根据句意可知, "他不会食言", 应用将来时态而不能用过去时态, 所以答案为B.句意: 我肯定他绝不会食言, 因为他已经承诺给穷人一大笔钱.

by no means_____ your three-year-old son alone at home


乐队主音吉他选琴 epiphone是很好的选择吗?话说Squier 030-1000SUM41签名款这琴怎么样?

epiphone的性价比不是很好的 要是LP可以考虑edwards 做主音肯定是可以的。Fender的琴也很好 如果论风格的话 LP玩的更重。

我刚买的iphone4行货 插入联通卡激活后运营商名称显示unicom 是为什么

你好,中国联通的英文简称就是 china unicom所以它显示unicom,也是正常的。


更新1: 好多谢你 好清楚 好好 好详细。 系唔系 ionic cpd中 cation-- 失去electron-- 有high charge density-- 所以有high polarizing power -- 引致anion polarizable(noun?).-- anion distorted-- 导致有共价性质 更新2: 但系点解covalent character会causes ionic cpd to have lower m.p. and b.p. than pure ionic onces.??仲有咩系polarizability? 系唔系anion对抗electron cloud distorted既能力?? 更新3: 仲有咩系π(pie) electron ?? Can be explained in o ways: (1)ionic cpd and (2) covalent cpd (1)for ionic cpd it is made of cation and anion. For cation it loses an e- (s) . Once this happens its proton number will be greater than that of e- making it to have a very high charge density. This signifies the cation has a very high polarizing power. At the time the anion accepts an e-(s) making its size larger due to e-- e- repulsion. The anion is said to be polarizable (able to be polarized by cation). The oute is the polarizable e-cloud due to anion is distorted because of the attractive force generated by the high polarizing power cation. The polarization of anion due to the presence of high charge density cation leads to covalent character which causes ionic cpd to have lower m.p. and b.p. than pure ionic onces. (2)For covalent cpd due to the different electronegativities beeen o elements within a covalent bond such as H-Cl the highly electronegative Cl attracts e- from H-atom. The displacement of e- cloud causes separation of charge. H-atom bees δ+ while Cl bees δ-. This makes the establishment of dipole moment in H-Cl. The molecule is said to be polar. When a non-polar molecule with its outermost shell e- fully filled molecule such as neon is placed next to polar molecule - HCl the polar molecule HCl polarizing the outermost shell e-of Ne. The polarization of Ne by the polar molecule HCl gives dipole - induced dipole attraction force. dipole [due to HCl] and induced dipole [due to the non-polar Neon polarized by HCl]. 佢地有无关系? Ans:在ionic cpd时无关系 但是在covalent cpd时中说明为何该cpd有极性及其他份子与该份子的intermolecular force时 则有关系. " 几时用polarization几时用electronegative???看上面的例子. 点用佢地解释野? 看上面的例子 cpd = pound; e- = electron ;m.p. = melting point boiling point I hope you will find them helpful.

求一首英文歌 很欢快。。歌词听不清。。大意有。。like i do。。nobody。。no one like i do。。


cnblue just please和one time的英文歌词

just pleasedo you knowthis song is for youthe most incredible baby, ya heardjust please know why my heart is beating for youjust fix what is inside my shadowed mindi can"t live without you don"t leave me alonebaby, listen to me grawling....this song"s for you, dear missit"s a tale of painful lovefrom the codenamei"m containing a dizzy chainthat is what? i couldn"t do it cause of myselfi was so sick and sick, couldn"t handle it myselfi thought she and i were the bonnie and clydelaugh at me or heal me and wanna know what i"m singingjust thanksi woke up with the sudden notionand i can"t get out of my compunctioneven if i knew how you feelnow, how you feel setting such a line of actionevery time i hear your voicejust staring at the overcast blue sky......from the beginning to the terminationi stand on my silly positionshould i ask you for your remissioni"m thinking like that and explorationcause my mind is not so finewhy don"t you come into my mindhey please listen to my rhymeso you can look into my lifeall of this is not imaginationsi can feel my heart go downcan someone relax my mind my mind.......can you know that?how do you think thatthis way is the right way? or go backit reminds me not so badwhat can i do i thought she was my boobut i"m good one day she will know my truthjust please my mind my mind is truthi"m good so sorry my boo can you hear?"s arriveit"s arrive... one timeMe plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time One time, one time When I met you girl my heart went knock knock Now them butterflies in my stomach won"t stop stop And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got And we gon" keep keep climbing to the mountain top Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) You look so deep, you know that it humbles me You"re by my side, them troubles them not trouble me Many have called but the chosen is you Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) Shawty right there She"s got everything I need And I"ma tell her one time Give you everything you need down to my last dime She makes me happy I know where I"ll be Right by your side "Cause she is the one And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time One time, one time

cnblue韩文版的one time罗马音译歌词,谢谢啦,


cnblue one time 音译歌词~

CNBLUE - One Time作词:郑容和作曲:郑容和, RYOI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicMusic changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughtsI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapStep by step uhm you don"t careI just like mic guitar bass drum kick snareCheck up the one day four mans walked on street in my dreamWhat bad at the time may ActuallyBe a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it realEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goOne time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldI don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicthat changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the lifeI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapEveryday Everywhere we we will doHow we do? Just keep it realThat is our spirit We need to healOne way only one wayI had nothing on except for my socksbut I"ll show you everything and I make youWe We We We We We make you highEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Slow down and downWhat What WhatCan"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Show down and downAre you ready? (Yes sir)Let"s go to the worldReady? (Yes sir)Top of the worldEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldTop of the worldTop of the world

CNBLUE《one time》的歌词

我没听过耶不好意思咯=(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……O(∩_∩)O哈哈~(⊙o⊙)哦就有

CNBlue one time 罗马音译和中文歌词

CNBLUE - One TimeI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicMusic changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughtsI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapStep by step uhm you don"t careI just like mic guitar bass drum kick snareCheck up the one day four mans walked on street in my dreamWhat bad at the time may ActuallyBe a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it realEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goOne time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldI don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicthat changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the lifeI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapEveryday Everywhere we we will doHow we do? Just keep it realThat is our spirit We need to healOne way only one wayI had nothing on except for my socksbut I"ll show you everything and I make youWe We We We We We make you highEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Slow down and downWhat What WhatCan"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Show down and downAre you ready? (Yes sir)Let"s go to the world

求cnblue的one time 的韩文版歌词和中文翻译

uac70uc6b8uc5d0 ube44uce5c ubbf8uc18cub97c uc783uc740 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 ub9d0ud558uc9c0I know you know ub09c uc77cuc5b4uc124 ud798ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4uc74cuc545 uc5c6ub294 uc0b6 ub0b4uac8cub294 uac70uc9d3uc77c ubfd0uc774uc57cI know you know ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e4uc5b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub728uac70uc6ccuc838Boom Boom tap Boom Boom tapuc544uce68uc774 ubc1duc740 ud6c4uc5d0 uc7a0ub4e0 ub0b4 uaf34uc774 UhNo pain no gain uc783uc740 uac83 uba87 uac1cub97c uc138uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc5bbuc744 uac8c ub354 ub9ceuc544ub05duc5c6uc774 ubc49ub294 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc18duc758 Fire uadf8uce60 uc904 ubaa8ub974uace0 uc624ub974ub124 ub354 Higherud3c9uc0dd ubabb ud560 uc77c ub530uc708 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774ub9c8uc5d0 ud750ub978 ub540uc740 uc2dduc9c0ub3c4 uc54auc558uc5b4# ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e3uace0 uc18cub9acuccd0 ub098ub97c ubcf4uba70 uc18cub9acuccd0one time one time uc774 uc21cuac04 ub9ccuc740 one time ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub354 uc18cub9acuccd0 uc774 uc21cuac04uc744 uc704ud574uc11cone time one time uc800 ucc9cuad6dubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub192uc740 ud558ub298uc704ub85cucc3duac00uc5d0 ube44uce5c ud45cuc815 uc783uc740 ub0b4 uc5bcuad74uc774 ub9d0ud558uc9c0I know you know uc65c ub208ubb3cub9cc ud750ub974ub294uc9c0uc74cuc545 uc5c6ub294 uc0b6 ub0b4uac8cub294 uac00uc2dduc77c ubfd0uc774uc57cI know you know ub108uc5d0uac8c ubc1buce60 ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e4ub824uc904uac8cBoom Boom tap Boom Boom tapud55c uc190uc5d4 uae30ud0c0 ub534 uc190uc5d4 ub124uac00 uc788uae30ub97c ubc14ub798 ub0b4uac00 ub04cuc5b4 ub2f9uae30ub294 uacf3uc73cub85c uc640 ub2f4uae34 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uc804ud560 uc218 uc788uac8c No doubtOne way a only one way ub6abuc5b4uc9c8 ub4ef ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10ub0b4uac00 ubcf4uc5ecuc904 ud14cub2c8 uc57duc18dud560uac8c We We We We We a Make you high# What What WhatI can do it look at me slow down and downWhat What What Can"t stop I"m ready I well do relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me slow down and downAre you ready (yes sir) Let"s go to the worldReady (yes sir) Top of the world#" ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e3uace0 uc678uccd0ubd10 ub098ub97c ubcf4uba70 uc678uccd0ubd10one time one time uc774 uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc740 one timeub2e4uc2dc ud06cuac8c ub354 uc678uccd0ubd10 uc774 uc21cuac04uc744 uc704ud574uc11cone time one time uc800 ucc9cuad6dubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ubc1duc740 ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c# ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c (ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c)


Through the day, through the night My self"s confidence was out of site You came alone, came on strong And you change the things that fell so wrong She said If you heading for the right direction If you"re ready, you can do it too Gonna rise up to the right occasion Cause together we can see it through Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Going" up won"t go down There"s no stopping us was living ground You can do what you do Not a thing I could deny for you If you heading for the right direction If you ready, you can do it too Gonna rise up to this one occasion Cause together we can see it through Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Feel so right! ┎橙色记忆QQ:896533895 Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Feel so right!

cnblue one time中文歌词

我不知道我为何在这里但是亲爱的即使我们失去了他的价值你我都知道 这是所有关於我的音乐音乐在黑暗中改变我们的生命所以我可以改变你的想法你我都知道 你的生命也是如此音乐是我的伴侣碰 碰 答碰 碰 答一步一步你不在乎我只是喜欢麦克风、贝斯、鼓、叠音一天都检阅在梦中四个人走在街上也许当时的困难都是真实的那是一件好事 我只是坚持著 保持真实不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一我对音乐知道的并不多即使我们失去了他的价值你我都知道 这是所有关於我的音乐随著季节变化改变了我们的生活你也改变了生活你我都知道 你我的生活也是如此音乐是我的伴侣碰 碰 答碰 碰 答每天 每个地方我们将这麼做著我们怎麼做?只要保持真实那是我们的精神 我们需要治愈心灵一种方法 只有一种方法除此我一无所有 但我会展现给你我的所有而且我会让你更high管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一什麼 什麼 什麼我可以做到 请看著我 慢下来 再慢下来什麼 什麼 什麼不能停止 我已经准备好了我会放松你的心什麼 什麼 什麼我可以做到 请看著我 慢下来 再慢下来你准备好了吗 (是的)让我们去闯汤世界吧准备好了吗(是的)世界第一不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一世界第一世界第一


Through the day, through the nightMy self"s confidence was out of siteYou came alone, came on strongAnd you change the things that fell so wrongShe saidIf you heading for the right directionIf you"re ready, you can do it tooGonna rise up to the right occasionCause together we can see it throughBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right!Going" up won"t go downThere"s no stopping us was living groundYou can do what you doNot a thing I could deny for youIf you heading for the right directionIf you ready, you can do it tooGonna rise up to this one occasionCause together we can see it throughBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right! Feel so right!┎橙色记忆QQ:896533895Baby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right! Feel so right!


最新的全新全异无限湮灭中可以得知oaa真名为aao(above all other),来自之外世界观(单体,多元,全能,超越,之外),而超越者来自超越世界观。按照漫画来看,超越者、五神明、生命法庭、混顿秩序、宇宙之心丶永世这些存在的力量和职责都是aao授予的,aao不费吹灰之力便恢复了被亚当摧毁了的全能宇宙,并给了他生命法庭的权力,在aoo面前,超越者的力量根本微不足道


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