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开头是 Many years ago,one of my students a


iphone老是弹出要登录iTunes store是什么意思


iPhone里iTunes store有什么用


iphone上的itunes store怎么用


Tom Jones的《Breathless》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathless歌手:Tom Jones专辑:Classic Tom Jones - Universal Masters CollectionGo on, go onLeave me breathlessCome OnThe daylight"s fading slowlyBut time with you is standing stillI"m waiting for you onlyThe slightest touch and I feel weakI cannot lie, from you I cannot hideAnd I"m losing will to tryCan"t hide it, can"t fight itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, yeahCome onAnd if there"s no tomorrowAnd all we have is here and nowI"m happy just to have youYou"re all the love I need somehowIt"s like a dreamAlthough I"m not asleepAnd I never want to wake upDon"t lose it, don"t leave itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, yeahCome onAnd I can"t lieFrom you I cannot hideAnd I"ve lost my will to tryCan"t hide itCan"t fight itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on?by Stane?& Mla餫

iphone 的iTunes U的主要用途是什么?

iTunes U是一种网络公开课,诸多名校如:哈佛、MIT、牛津等都把自己的课堂的音频、视频、文档,放在网上,可以通过itunes这款软件来下载。 iTunes U都是免费的。iTunes U是iTunes所提供的教育频道,U = University 。在iTunes U频道中收录了无数的来自各大名校和教育机构的教学媒体,这些媒体包含课程视频、课程录音以及课件PDF等等。扩展资料:在iTunes U的课外学习(Beyond Campus)部分,学生和教员可以接触到大量的优秀机构,如:纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)、纽约市立图书馆(New York Public Library)、美国国际公众电台(Public Radio International)、美国公共电视台(Public Broadcasting Service)。课程分类:第一部分:公共课第二部分:专业课(人文社科、工科、理科、医学)第三部分:就业指导第四部分:应试备考(四六级、BEC、托福、雅思、GRE)参考资料:百度百科-iTunes U






  iTunes 是一款数字媒体播放应用程序,是供 Mac和PC使用的一款免费应用软件,能管理和播放数字音乐和视频。由苹果电脑在2001年1月10日于旧金山的 Macworld Expo 推出。  iTunes 程序管理苹果电脑iPod数字媒体播放器上的内容。此外,iTunes 能连线到 iTunes Store (假如网络连接存在),以便下载购买的数字音乐、音乐视频、电视节目、iPod 游戏、各种 Podcast以及 标准长片。  iTunes 可从苹果电脑的网站免费下载取得,也随所有的Macintosh 电脑与一些 iPod 附带并且提供给 Mac OS X。它也提供作为苹果电脑的 iLife 多媒体应用程序套件的一部分。  两个作用:  1:播放器2:同步你的电脑和ipod、iphone或者ipad.简单说就是将歌曲、图片、视频导入你的apple设备里.因为apple出的产品不像别家出的产品那样可以当u盘用的,apple的产品不用这个软件的话连到电脑上没反应,不像别的产品,在我的电脑下可以显示个硬盘的符号.使用的话,当播放器就不用说了,你知道的.当软件同步资料的话,先将文件或文件夹添加到资料库,然后再点同步就行了.



l am sonervous怎么读

l am sonervous 我很紧张 l am serious serious [英]u02c8su026au0259riu0259s [美]u02c8su026ariu0259s adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的,庄重的;重要的;危险的 [例句]2 ) Less serious business impact. 2)业务影响不那么严重.




手机若有了新的固件,会有推送更新通知,固件升级可以对机器的部分功能进行优化、完善手机系统,使手机系统更稳定、更流畅。建议按照以下方法参考尝试: 一、打开设定-关于设备-系统更新-更新。通过在线固件升级 (FOTA) 服务下载并安装固件更新。注:使用FOTA软件升级所需条件:1、稳定的WI-FI或3G网络。2、电池电量达50%以上。3、可用手机内存达1GB以上。 二、使用Kies/kies3(如果当前版本为4.3系统,需要下载KIES3,kies软件下载:可通过登陆官网-点击右上角放大镜搜索栏-输入KIES关键字-再次点击放大图标即可搜索下载到KIES软件,下载安装到电脑中)近期上市新款机型通过下载Smart Switch软件连接电脑来更新固件(Smart Switch下载方法:进入官网-点击应用标签-点击Smart Switch-在页面中间位置根据电脑的操作系统选择Windows版本下载/MAC OS版本下载) 三、如果通过以上两种方法均不能正常升级,建议携带三包凭证,将手机送至当地的服务中心进行安全升级。

kies提示更新PDA:ME1 / PHONE:ME1 / CSC:ME1 (TGY),是什么版本啊


开机提示,无法在此iphone上激活touch id,怎么办?

可以按照如下方式进行操作:1、先保证电脑有最新版本的“itunes”,然后按住iPhone的开机键,屏幕会出现苹果标志,不要松开开机键,接着再按住左侧“音量-键”保持10秒钟左右,直到屏幕黑屏。2、当屏幕黑屏时,请松开开机键,继续按住“音量-键”,不要松开;当iTunes软件上面提示“您有一台处于恢复模式iPhone”时,便可以松开所有按键了。3、接下来点击恢复iPhone,iTunes就会自动下载固件安装到iPhone上,或者也可以选择提前下载好固件,之后只要点击键盘上的shift键,再选择恢复iPhone,选择固件进行恢复。4、最后耐心等待iTunes恢复固件系统到iPhone手机上。当恢复完成以后,根据屏幕提示激活手机即可。扩展资料Touch ID技术应用:1、iPhone上的指纹传感器做到了“一机一Touch ID”,即如果你把一台机器上的Touch ID传感器拆卸下来,装到另一台iPhone上,那么这个Touch ID就无法使用了。除了更换Touch ID传感器之外,测试人员还尝试更换接口、更换主板,但是依然无法使用。2、当Touch ID传感器被装回原来的机器上时,它又能正常使用了,所以了解到了苹果此前从未披露过的技术:硬件锁定。为了验证这一技术,测试人员拿出两台此前从未打开指纹识别功能的iPhone 5s,将它们的Touch ID传感器互相交换,结果两台都无法使用指纹识别功能。参考资料百度百科-touch id

无法在此iphone上激活Touch ID,怎么解决

ID解锁办法目前来说解锁ID的办法只有两个能进行解决,第二,通过苹果的售后来进行解决,非国行的机器可以忽略这条,第二,就是送修手机点进行硬解ID,或者是直接跟换基带,目前只有这两个办法能够解决。苹果帐户(Apple ID)是苹果公司为其产品(如iWork、iTunes Store和Apple Store)所引入的认证系统。Apple ID作为一个全功能于一身的帐户,允许用户访问苹果的各种资源。因为一个Apple ID可以被用于由苹果提供的多个产品和服务,它也可以称为Apple账户、MobileMe账户、.Mac账户、iTunes Store账户和iChat账户。Apple ID可用于执行与 Apple 有关的所有操作(包括使用 iCloud 存储内容、从 App tore 下载应用程序以及从 iTunes Store 购买歌曲、影片和电视节目)的登录信息。Apple ID是用一个Email邮箱地址的,配合密码,用户就可以在iPhone上的App Store轻松下载安装和更新软件。

iPhone微信怎么设置touch id解锁


iphone6Plus的Touch ID怎么设置?



首先要是5S及以上手机满足这个条件之后,设置—touch ID与密码—指纹—添加指纹,接着按照手机上的指示就可以了不懂可以追问

iphone 6 添加指纹灰色无法完成touch id设置,是怎么回事?

iphone6手机添加指纹选项为灰色且无法完成touch id设置是由于指纹储存数量达到上限,无法新增指纹故而变成灰色不可用状态。需要工具:iphone6手机具体操作步骤:1、解锁iphone6手机至主屏幕页面后打开【设置】。2、进入【设置】的详细选项列表中,找到并打开【触控 ID 与密码】设置。3、系统跳出验证,手动【输入自行设置的6位数字密码】进行验证身份。4、进入【触控 ID 与密码】的管理设置页面中,【添加指纹】显示为灰色不可用状态,因为已储存指纹数量达到了上限五个。5、选择【任意指纹】进入设置页面后,点击【删除指纹】进行删除工作。6、成功【删除指纹】后返回至【触控 ID 与密码】管理设置页面下,【添加指纹】重新变为蓝色可用状态,点击【添加指纹】进行touch ID设置。7、页面跳转至touch id设置,根据系统要求【放置手指】。8、完成录入touch id的第一阶段后,点击屏幕顶部的【继续】。9、根据系统要求【放置手指】继续touch id采集工作。10、录制完成后,系统提示【完成】即可完成iphone6添加指纹后的touch id设置。

iPhone6s息屏后指纹识别突然不灵。一点反应都没有 也无法重新录入指纹




iPhone6 Touch ID失灵怎么办 苹果6问题全解

iPhone6 Touch ID失灵, iPhone6手机点击添加指纹跳转至显示“触摸ID设置未完成”是由于系统指纹达到上限所致。iPhone6 Touch ID失灵解决办法如下:1、在iPhone主屏幕上找到设置图标,然后单击打开。2、在“打开设置”页面中,找到touch ID和password选项并直接打开。3、进入触摸ID和密码设置页面,显示您输入的当前指纹。4、如果在解锁屏幕时指纹识别不敏感,则使用该手指的指腹轻轻按home键(此处以拇指为例),拇指选项将变灰,表示拇指腹的指纹识别有效,这意味着touch ID记录了更多的指纹数据。5、继续用拇指按home键,改变拇指的不同部位,如拇指边缘、拇指尖等,最好在home键周围验证识别,只要显示灰色,就有效。换手指的其他部分。6、如果仍有指纹识别的空间,可以单击“添加指纹”输入新指纹;也可以重新输入一直未被识别的指纹;但是,在成功输入新指纹后,建议按照上述方法再次验证主密钥。7、经过这样的折腾,一般来说,触摸式身份证的指纹识别会比以前敏感得多,如果所有指纹都无法完全识别或无法成功输入新指纹,则可能是硬件问题,建议找售后服务进行维修。

苹果6开机提示无法在次iphone上激活Touch ID


iPhone6s Touch ID密码忘记了怎么办

1、其实 Touch ID 是没有密码的,它是根据用户在 iPhone 上设置的解锁密码来进行指纹识别配对的,所以要重置找回 Touch ID 密码,其实也就是重置 iPhone 的开机解锁密码的过程。2、在电脑上安装当前最新的 iTunes 软件,并把 iPhone 与电脑连接起来,打开 iTunes 软件并点击窗口中的 iPhone 设备。3、随后在 iPhone 的摘要管理界面中,点击【立即备份】按钮,对当前手机上的所有个人数据进行备份。4、备份好数据之后,接下来便可以开始对 iPhone 的 Touch ID 密码进行重置恢复操作了。请先保持 iPhone 手机与 iTunes 之间的连接,然后把 iPhone 先关机。5、重新为 iPhone 恢复系统:一、先请按住电源键开机,这时屏幕会出现苹果标志,不要松开电源键;二、接着再按住主屏 Home 键,直到屏幕黑屏。三、当屏幕黑屏时,请松开电源键,主屏 Home 键不要松开,直到电脑端的 iTunes 出现检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone6、随后请在 iTunes 窗口中,点击【恢复 iPhone】按钮7、接下来会提示如果继续要执行操作的话,会删除当前手机上所有的数据,点击【恢复并更新】按钮便可以继续了。8、随后 iTunes 软件会自动根据当前 iPhone 的型号,下载相对应的系统固件,当下载完成以后会自动为 iPhone 恢复系统。重新恢复好以后,会进入 iPhone 的激活界面,再根据提示激活以后,便可以重新设置 iPhone 的开机密码与 Touch ID 指纹了。


苹果手机一直弹出ID,要求输入密码的原因如下:1、苹果手机老是提示输入ID密码是因为苹果手机开启自动icloud备份功能,只需关闭自动icloud备份功能就可以解决问题了。2、iPhone手机在下载安装手机软件或者是更新手机软件的时候,都会要求输入Apple ID账号及密码进行验证,这也是安全验证的一种方式。3、另外一种情况是使用除iTunes之外的手机同步软件助手,往手机上面同步安装软件,这时也会提示输入Apple ID账号及密码。苹果手机的功能特点:1、处理器iPhone系列机型自iPhone 4(包含)之后配置Apple Silicon自研芯片,内部集成了处理器核心、GPU核心、IO核心和内存控制器。2、静音键iPhone系列产品静音键在设备正面的左侧,是iPhone设计的物理功能开关,可以让用户在静音和铃声之间快速切换。3、Touch IDTouch ID是苹果公司的一种指纹识别技术,在iPhone 5s上首次出现,后续机型iPhone SE、iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus、Phone SE也使用了Touch ID,自iPhone X后续机型取消此功能。4、无线充电无线充电在iPhone8、iPhone 8 Plus机型首次出现,采用Qi(Chee)无线充电标准。

iPhone6 Touch ID怎么设置




Speakerphone 歌词

《Speakerphone》演唱:Rixton所属专辑:《Let The Road》发行时间:2015-03-03歌词:Put me on speakerphone I know your not alone Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk Got my heart on my sleeve again I played your silly games Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk Hey baby it"s me again I"m calling my only friend You do remember me don"t you You"re falling in love again And I could try to pretend That I don"t think about you I, go out every night I"m finding it hard to let you go You left me behind We said our goodbyes Now I need you to pick up, pick up baby so put me on speakerphone I know your not alone Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk Got my heart on my sleeve again I played your silly games Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk And I, I know better than To call back again I lose all self control, ohh And I, I know better than To call back again Pick up, pick up baby I only call when I"m drunk The sun brings another day I"m slurring my words away So many things that I never said It"s breaking my heart When I pick up the phone again But I gotta explain that I, go out every night I"m finding it hard to let you go You left me behind We said our goodbyes Now I need you to pick up, pick upbaby pick up pick up baby so put me on speakerphone I know your not alone Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk Got my heart on my sleeve again I played your silly games Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk And I, I know better than To call back again I lose all self control, ohh And I, I know better than To call back again Pick up, pick up baby I only call when I Pick up, pick up Pick up, pick up Pick up, pick up baby Pick up, pick up baby Pick up, pick up Pick up, pick up Pick up, pick up baby Pick up, pick up baby Put me on speakerphone I know your not alone Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk Got my heart on my sleeve again I played your silly games Enough is enough I only call when I"m drunk And I, I know better than To call back again I lose all self control, ohh And I, I know better than To call back again Pick up, pick up baby I only call when I"m drunk


  《OneHandWizard》可以把App界面调节至合适用户单手操作的状态,它利用了Activator手势,可以将界面缩小并且靠在边缘上点击缩小 后的屏幕对角可以控制整个界面的尺寸。这样的修改虽然牺牲了一些视觉体验,但是却大幅度的提高了单手握设备时不好控制的问题。  这款插件为大屏手机带来了福利,插件在安装好之后,除了在设置当中添加了程序的设置选项外,还在主屏幕当中添加了插件的图标,用户直接点击之后即可来到插件的设置当中。插件效果的开启需要使用Activator手势操作,当用户触发插件之后,手机的画面将从全屏显示更改为小窗口显示,在小窗口当中用户可以像正常使用手机一样操作。


可以进入DFU模式来恢复系统版本。操作为:第一步:电脑登陆苹果官网下载itunes,安装完毕后打开。第二步:把iphone用数据线与电脑连接起来。第三步:先请长按iphone的电源键,待出现关机界面后,滑动关机。第四步:接着请按住电源键开机,这时屏幕会出现苹果标志,不要松开电源键。第五步:随后再按住主屏 Home 键,直到屏幕黑屏。第六步:屏幕黑屏时,请松开电源键,主屏 Home 键不要松开,直到电脑端的 iTunes 出现检测到一个处于恢复模式的iphone。第七步:点击“恢复iphone”,等待itunes下载完ios安装包后,会自动进行系统的恢复。(注意做好数据的备份)

Metallica的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Metallica专辑:S&M [live]I cant remember anythingCant tell if this is true or dreamDeep down inside I feel to screamThis terrible silence stops meNow that the war is through with meIm waking up, I cannot seeThat theres not much left of meNothing is real but pain nowHold my breath as I wish for deathOh please God, wake meBack in the womb its much too realIn pumps life that I must feelBut cant look forward to revealLook to the time when Ill liveFed through the tube that sticks in meJust like a wartime noveltyTied to machines that make me beCut this life off from meHold my breath as I wish for deathOh please God, wake meNow the world is gone Im just oneOh God help meHold my breath as I wish for DeathOh please God, help meDarkness Imprisoning meAll that I seeAbsolute horrorI cannot liveI cannot dieTrapped in myselfBody my holding cellLandmine Has taken my sightTaken my speechTaken my hearingTaken my armsTaken my legsTaken my soulLeft me with a life in Hell

Metallica的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Metallica专辑:Live Sh T-Binge Purge_Disc3I cant remember anythingCant tell if this is true or dreamDeep down inside I feel to screamThis terrible silence stops meNow that the war is through with meIm waking up, I cannot seeThat theres not much left of meNothing is real but pain nowHold my breath as I wish for deathOh please God, wake meBack in the womb its much too realIn pumps life that I must feelBut cant look forward to revealLook to the time when Ill liveFed through the tube that sticks in meJust like a wartime noveltyTied to machines that make me beCut this life off from meHold my breath as I wish for deathOh please God, wake meNow the world is gone Im just oneOh God help meHold my breath as I wish for DeathOh please God, help meDarkness Imprisoning meAll that I seeAbsolute horrorI cannot liveI cannot dieTrapped in myselfBody my holding cellLandmine Has taken my sightTaken my speechTaken my hearingTaken my armsTaken my legsTaken my soulLeft me with a life in Hell


设置里面有itouch id和密码,在里面添加指纹,按提示操作即可。

iPhone6 TouchID怎么设置?

TouchID是iPhone5s/6/6 Plus最受欢迎的功能,它可以让iPhone手机能安全解锁。不过有很多新入手苹果手机的机友们可能不知道这个该怎么设置,所以今天小编就来和大家分享下iPhone6 TouchID怎么设置。【iPhone6 TouchID怎么设置】1、首先进入iPhone6 Plus设置,然后找到并进入【TouchID和密码】设置选项,如下图所示:2、进入指纹识别设置之前,需要先输入一次四位数密码,这个密码就是我们此前设置的解锁密码,输入正确后才可以进入指纹识别设置,如下图所示:3、进入iPhone6 Plus指纹识别设置后,先需要选择开启的TouchID功能,包含【iPhone解锁】和【iTunes Store和App Store】,其中前者为指纹解锁,后者为应用商店应用解锁,建议大家一同勾选上,如下图所示:4、接下来我们需要新建用户指纹信息, 指纹的添加非常简单,将手指放在Home键上反复按压移动,待红线布满整个指纹即完成日添加,如下图所示;5、iPhone6 Plus最多支持录入5个指纹信息,建议大家录入比较好操作的左右两个手指的拇指和其他手指,另外建议大家命名以下已经成功录入的指纹名称,方便记忆。


I can"t remember anythingCan"t tell if this is true or dreamDeep down inside i feel to screamThis terrible silence stops meNow that the war is through with meI"m waking up, i cannot seeThat theres not much left to meNothing is real but pain nowHold my breath as i wish for deathOh please god wake meBack in the womb it"s much to realIn pumps life that i must feelBut can"t look forward to revealLook to the time when i liveFed through the tube that sticks in meJust like a war time noveltyTied to machines that make me beCut this life off from meHold my breath as i wish for deathOh please god wake meNow the world is gone i"m just oneOh god help meHold my breath as i wish for deathOh please god help meDarkness imprisoning meAll that i seeAbsolute horrorI cannot liveI cannot dieTrapped in myselfBody my holding cellLandmine has taken my sightTaken my speechTaken my hearingTaken my armsTaken my legsTaken my soulLeft me with a life in hell我对一切都毫无记忆 无法分辨是真实的还是只是个梦 内心深处我想要呐喊 这可怕的沉默制止了我 现在战争结束,我已度过 醒来,眼前空空 我所剩无几 一切皆虚幻,只有痛苦 摒住呼吸,因为我期待死亡到来 神哪,请唤醒我 回到子宫中,真切得多 这一呼一吸的生活,我能感觉到 但我不能表现出来 掐指计算我生命的长度 通过戳入我身体的管道进食 如同战争期间的新奇玩意儿 捆绑在缔造我的机器上 把生命从我手中夺走 摒住呼吸,因为我期待死亡到来 神哪,请唤醒我 世界毁灭,只剩我孑然一身 神哪,请救救我 摒住呼吸,因为我期待死亡到来 神哪,请救救我 黑暗把我吞噬 我的眼前是 无尽的恐惧 欲生不能 求死不得 围困住我自己 给盛放我的细胞以形体 地雷让我目瞪口呆 夺走了我的听觉 夺走了我的双臂和双腿 夺走了我的灵魂 把我推进了地狱般的煎熬里

iphone touch id与密码忘了怎么办?

在开启 Touch ID 指纹识别功能时,需要为 iPhone 手机设置解锁密码,在平时如果经常使用指纹来解决,可能会导致一时忘记了原来设置的密码。具体步骤如下:1、其实 Touch ID 是没有密码的,它是根据用户在 iPhone 上设置的解锁密码来进行指纹识别配对的,所以要重置找回 Touch ID 密码,其实也就是重置 iPhone 的开机解锁密码的过程。2、这里介绍的方法是通过重新为 iPhone 刷机的方法来解决,这个操作会删除当前 iPhone 手机上所有的数据,比如短信、通讯录、图片等,所以如果当前还能进入手机的话,可以在电脑上使用 iTunes 来备份。3、在电脑上安装当前最新的 iTunes 软件,并把 iPhone 与电脑连接起来,打开 iTunes 软件并点击窗口中的 iPhone 设备。4、随后在 iPhone 的摘要管理界面中,点击【立即备份】按钮,对当前手机上的所有个人数据进行备份。5、备份好数据之后,接下来便可以开始对 iPhone 的 Touch ID 密码进行重置恢复操作了。请先保持 iPhone 手机与 iTunes 之间的连接,然后把 iPhone 先关机。6、接下来请根据下面的操作方法,重新为 iPhone 恢复系统:①先请按住电源键开机,这时屏幕会出现苹果标志,不要松开电源键。② 接着再按住主屏 Home 键,直到屏幕黑屏。③当屏幕黑屏时,请松开电源键,主屏 Home 键不要松开,直到电脑端的 iTunes 出现检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone7、随后请在 iTunes 窗口中,点击【恢复 iPhone】按钮8、接下来会提示如果继续要执行操作的话,会删除当前手机上所有的数据,点击【恢复并更新】按钮便可以继续了。9、随后 iTunes 软件会自动根据当前 iPhone 的型号,下载相对应的系统固件,当下载完成以后会自动为 iPhone 恢复系统。重新恢复好以后,会进入 iPhone 的激活界面,再根据提示激活以后,便可以重新设置 iPhone 的开机密码与 Touch ID 指纹了。

iphone提示无法完成触控id设置如何解决 指纹解锁不能用了?

您好;TOUCH ID设置失效分为一下几种情况:一、重启iPhone手机后指纹识别(Touch ID)失效的iPhone手机在重启之后指纹识别(Touch ID)失效是正常的(最常见的一种指纹识别失效原因之一)。苹果公司为了用户的手机安全的设计的,iPhone手机的指纹识别系统Touch ID并不储存用户的指纹信息的,而是指纹信息在转化成数字化之后储存在iPhone手机的芯片之中的。这部分芯片被加密保护,只有你的指纹以及密码才能激活后才能使用的。解决方法:因此,如果是重启后指纹识别失效的失效的只需要输入一次你的数字密码就可以用了,这也是一种保护机制。二、iPhone手机在锁屏了超过了48h还没没有解锁过或者是用户在“设置”里对“Touch ID与密码”进行相关设置的时候。遇到这种情况iPhone的指纹识别系统无法工作,这也是正常的。解决方法:只需要输入一次数字密码即可解决。三、iPhone手机iOS系统版本使指纹识别失效的,这个问题不好说,有的是系统BUG或者其他原因解决方法:升级至iOS系统的最新版本,新版本系统能修复不少错误和BUG,可以试一下。四、水对手iPhone手机指纹识别的影响,因为水会对指纹识别(Touch ID)的稳定性和准确性造成很大影响。除了之外像手上的汗渍或油脂等等都可能影响指纹识别。解决方法:你的手和手机屏幕要擦干,还要确保手和屏幕都保持干燥状态。五、设置-Touch ID与密码中,手指未注册导致的指纹识别失效,若在手机“设置”的“Touch ID与密码”中,测试指纹识别系统时,当把你的一个手指放上去的的时候,若手指已经注册,对应的手指按钮会亮起显示此手指已经注册。相反,若不亮则未注册。解决方法:重新注册一个手指试一试即可。

iphone6无法完成触控ID设置 用不起指纹


为什么iphone突然无法激活touch id


我的苹果手机上显示无法在此iphone上激活Touch ID怎样搞好?请各大神指点


iphone6突然touch id不能用了。。求助


iphone 6 添加指纹灰色无法完成touch id设置,是怎么回事?



1、首先进入iPhone6 Plus设置,然后找到并进入【TouchID和密码】设置选项2、进入指纹识别设置之前,需要先输入一次四位数密码,这个密码就是我们此前设置的解锁密码,输入正确后才可以进入指纹识别设置3、进入iPhone6 Plus指纹识别设置后,先需要选择开启的TouchID功能,包含【iPhone解锁】和【iTunes Store和App Store】,其中前者为指纹解锁,后者为应用商店应用解锁,建议一同勾选上4、接下来我们需要新建用户指纹信息, 指纹的添加非常简单,将手指放在Home键上反复按压移动,待红线布满整个指纹即完成日添加5、iPhone6 Plus最多支持录入5个指纹信息,建议大家录入比较好操作的左右两个手指的拇指和其他手指,另外建议大家命名以下已经成功录入的指纹名称,方便记忆。

iphone手机怎样设置touch id解锁

设置-touch ID与密码-先设置密码再开启指纹

iphone touch id与密码忘了怎么办?

在开启 Touch ID 指纹识别功能时,需要为 iPhone 手机设置解锁密码,在平时如果经常使用指纹来解决,可能会导致一时忘记了原来设置的密码。具体步骤如下:1、其实 Touch ID 是没有密码的,它是根据用户在 iPhone 上设置的解锁密码来进行指纹识别配对的,所以要重置找回 Touch ID 密码,其实也就是重置 iPhone 的开机解锁密码的过程。2、这里介绍的方法是通过重新为 iPhone 刷机的方法来解决,这个操作会删除当前 iPhone 手机上所有的数据,比如短信、通讯录、图片等,所以如果当前还能进入手机的话,可以在电脑上使用 iTunes 来备份。3、在电脑上安装当前最新的 iTunes 软件,并把 iPhone 与电脑连接起来,打开 iTunes 软件并点击窗口中的 iPhone 设备。4、随后在 iPhone 的摘要管理界面中,点击【立即备份】按钮,对当前手机上的所有个人数据进行备份。5、备份好数据之后,接下来便可以开始对 iPhone 的 Touch ID 密码进行重置恢复操作了。请先保持 iPhone 手机与 iTunes 之间的连接,然后把 iPhone 先关机。6、接下来请根据下面的操作方法,重新为 iPhone 恢复系统:①先请按住电源键开机,这时屏幕会出现苹果标志,不要松开电源键。② 接着再按住主屏 Home 键,直到屏幕黑屏。③当屏幕黑屏时,请松开电源键,主屏 Home 键不要松开,直到电脑端的 iTunes 出现检测到一个处于恢复模式的 iPhone7、随后请在 iTunes 窗口中,点击【恢复 iPhone】按钮8、接下来会提示如果继续要执行操作的话,会删除当前手机上所有的数据,点击【恢复并更新】按钮便可以继续了。9、随后 iTunes 软件会自动根据当前 iPhone 的型号,下载相对应的系统固件,当下载完成以后会自动为 iPhone 恢复系统。重新恢复好以后,会进入 iPhone 的激活界面,再根据提示激活以后,便可以重新设置 iPhone 的开机密码与 Touch ID 指纹了。

iPhone更新完了,touch ID无法激活怎么办?

iPhone手机更新重启后,需要数字密码激活后才可使用Touch ID。1、按下iPhone 手机右侧的【开机键】让手机处于待机屏幕锁定的状态下。2、按下【HOME键】,屏幕上方提示【需要密码以启用触控ID】。(触控ID即Touch ID,也就是俗称的指纹解锁)3、手动输入自行设置的【6位纯数字密码】进行手机解锁。4、将 iPhone 手机解锁至【屏幕主页面】的状态下。5、验证数字密码通过后,再次解锁iPhone手机时,Touch ID(即触控ID、指纹解锁)即可激活用以解锁。

when I got tere,she had gone away.是什么从句?



commissioned 委托

【歌舞青春】那首高潮是‘I never have someone’叫什么

亲!找到啦,嘻嘻!!what i"ve been looking for 歌舞青春 It"s hard to believe That I couldn"t see Together: You were always there beside me Thought I was alone With no one to hold But you were always right beside me Sharpay: This feelings like no other Together: I want you to know I"ve never had someone that knows me like you do the way you do I"ve never had somone as good for me as you no one like you so lonely before i finally found what i"ve been looking for Sharpay: So good to be seen So good to be heard Together: Don"t have to say a word Ryan: For so long I was lost So good to be found Together: I"m loving having you around Ryan: This feeling"s like no other Together: I want you to know I"ve never had someone that knows me like you do The way you do I"ve never had someone as good for me as you No one like you So lonely before, I finally found what I"ve ben looking for Together: Doo Doo DooDoo Doo Doo DooDoo Do Do Woa-ah-ah-oh

other,others,another,one……the other的区别和用法这里有详细的解释

what number is one few than three is


Two-thirds 后用is还是are,那one third呢?


other one和another怎么区分

another是三者或三者以上中的另一个,other的意思是别的,其他的,剩余的,所以other one就是另一个的意思

This room is twice larger than that one . 与This room is two times larger than that one .意思一样吗


这个房间比那个大两倍The room is _ _ _ that one.=This roomis _ _ _ _ _ that one.

twice larger thanlonger than yoursare larger than thosehotter than the one

more than one直接做主语时,谓语用单数,那么more than two做主语谓语动词用单数还是复数?


“Three” is three times “____ one” and twice “_____ one ”.


This one is ___ the two. A.better B.the better in C.the better of D.better of


the two one is better改错


the two one is better中哪个词错了


Two heads are better than one.是什么意思


谁能给我twois better than one的歌词

组合 有许多好听歌不一一介绍了 个人偏爱这首歌42 lmnt-heyjuliet 呵呵 这么有名的广告曲 肯定大家都听过了在说就没完没了了43 nana - lonely 无数的歌友推荐过了 不能

歌曲Two Is Better Than One歌词大意

Lz,我还是给你歌词好了 I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么 You came into my life and I thought hey 你进入了我的生活 You know this could be something 你知道这代表一些东西 "Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话 You know that it all takes my breath away 它带走了我的每一口呼吸 And now I"m left with nothing 现在我一无所有 So maybe it"s true, 也许是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking two, 我还在想 Is better than one 两人还是比一个好 I remember every look upon your face, 我还记得你脸上的每一个表情 The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste 你转眼睛的样子,你的气味 You make it hard for breathing 你让人呼吸困难 "Cause when I close my eyes and drift away 因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离 I think of you and everything"s okay 我想你和所有一切的美好 And finally now, we"re leaving 而最终,我们分开了 And maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking two, 我还在想 Is better than one 两人还是比一个好 I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么 You came into my life and I thought "hey" 你进入了我的生活 Maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking 我还在想 Oooh I can"t live without you 哦 我不能没有你 "Cause baby two is better than one 因为宝贝两人还是比一人好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done 我已经想通了,所有说的和做的 Two, is better than one 两人比一人好 Two is better than one 两人比一人好

Two Is Better Than One中文翻译

I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought hey 你进入了我的生活You know this could be something 你知道这代表一些东西"Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话 You know that it all takes my breath away 它带走了我的每一口呼吸And now I"m left with nothing 现在我一无所有So maybe it"s true, 也许是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember every look upon your face, 我还记得你脸上的每一个表情The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste 你转眼睛的样子,你的气味You make it hard for breathing 你让人呼吸困难"Cause when I close my eyes and drift away 因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离I think of you and everything"s okay 我想你和所有一切的美好And finally now, we"re leaving 而最终,我们分开了And maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought "hey" 你进入了我的生活Maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking 我还在想Oooh I can"t live without you 哦 我不能没有你"Cause baby two is better than one 因为宝贝两人还是比一人好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done 我已经想通了,所有说的和做的Two, is better than one 两人比一人好Two is better than one 两人比一人好

two is better than one 中文歌词

I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought hey 你进入了我的生活You know this could be something 你知道这代表一些东西"Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话 You know that it all takes my breath away 它带走了我的每一口呼吸And now I"m left with nothing 现在我一无所有So maybe it"s true, 也许是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember every look upon your face, 我还记得你脸上的每一个表情The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste 你转眼睛的样子,你的气味You make it hard for breathing 你让人呼吸困难"Cause when I close my eyes and drift away 因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离I think of you and everything"s okay 我想你和所有一切的美好And finally now, we"re leaving 而最终,我们分开了And maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought "hey" 你进入了我的生活Maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking 我还在想Oooh I can"t live without you 哦 我不能没有你"Cause baby two is better than one 因为宝贝两人还是比一人好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done 我已经想通了,所有说的和做的Two, is better than one 两人比一人好Two is better than one 两人比一人好

Boys Like Girls&Taylor Swift-Two Is Better Than One歌词意思

I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought hey 你进入了我的生活You know this could be something 你知道这代表一些东西"Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话 You know that it all takes my breath away 它带走了我的每一口呼吸And now I"m left with nothing 现在我一无所有So maybe it"s true, 也许是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember every look upon your face, 我还记得你脸上的每一个表情The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste 你转眼睛的样子,你的气味You make it hard for breathing 你让人呼吸困难"Cause when I close my eyes and drift away 因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离I think of you and everything"s okay 我想你和所有一切的美好And finally now, we"re leaving 而最终,我们分开了And maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking two, 我还在想Is better than one 两人还是比一个好I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么You came into my life and I thought "hey" 你进入了我的生活Maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你Maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开And I"m thinking 我还在想Oooh I can"t live without you 哦 我不能没有你"Cause baby two is better than one 因为宝贝两人还是比一人好There"s so much time, 还有很多时间To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done 我已经想通了,所有说的和做的Two, is better than one 两人比一人好Two is better than one 两人比一人好

Stone In My Shoe 歌词

歌曲名:Stone In My Shoe歌手:Animal Logic专辑:Animal Logic IiArtist: ScorpionsAlbum: Pure InstinctTitle: Stone In My ShoeBy: 许船Music : rudolf schenkerI keep on dancin on the roofTry not to fall, stay in the grooveA step too far. Im out of placeLife beats you up some of these daysJust like a whisper theres a voiceInside of meIts sayin you aint got a choiceWell, cant you seeOoh, when your world comes tumbling downOoh, you better find a way aroundI keep on walkin in the cloudsFind out what life is all aboutI keep on runnin away from hereTo learn the grass aint greener thereJust like a whisper theres a voiceInside of meIts sayin you aint got no choiceAs you can seeOoh, when your world comes tumbling downOoh, you better find a way aroundOoh, cause no one else but youOoh, can find the stone inside your shoeOoh, when your world comes tumbling downOoh, you better find a way aroundOoh, cause no one else but youOoh, can find the stone inside your shoeInside your shoeInside your shoeInside your shoeYeahKeep rockin in the streetKeep landing on my feetKeep runnin on and onStill play my favorite blondKeep rockin mother earthJust all around the worldThese days mean safer sexGet my survival packMy orgasm isnt fakedOoh lord, I need a breakAnd whats annoying, tooIs that damn thing in my shoeOoh, there is a stone in my shoe

以Two heads are better than one为题写一篇英语作文

On May 12th, a powerful earthquake took place in southwest China. It almost destroyed Sichuan. More than six thousand people lost their lives. As a middle student in Beijing, I have done lots of things for it. First, I raised some money for them. I believe a hundred yuan is nothing, but millions of hundred means much. Meanwhile, I gave away some books that I didn"t read. I think these can make their live more colorful. Also, I made some cards with encouraging words. I hope those can cheer them up. We all know that disasters have no emotions, but we humans do. I believe unity is strength.. Let"s make an effort to contribute our love to the victims and help them rebuild their hometown.描述的是一场地震,但是比喻着三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮的意思,团结的力量。

英语谚语:Two heads are better than one 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Two heads are better than one 中文意思: 集思广益。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Thought is the seed of action 思想是行动的种子。 Though you cast out nature with a fork it will still return 本性难移。 Three removes are as bad as a fire 三次搬家犹如一次失火。 Three things soon pass away; the echo of the woods the rainbow and woman"s beauty 三样东西最易消逝∶树林的回响, 彩虹和妇女的美貌。 Thrift is good revenue 节约是个好收入。 Through obedience learn to mand 只有学会听命于人,方能学会向人发号施令。 Throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食。 Thy friend has a friend and thy friend"s friend has a friend so be discreet 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。 Time and tide wait for no man 岁月无情。 Time and words can never be recalled 消逝的时间和说出的话不能追回。 英语谚语: Two heads are better than one 中文意思: 集思广益。

Two eyes see more than one eye.如何把它翻译成谚语

1591 年的 Civil Wars France,原句是:Two eyes doo see more then one. (这句话没有写错,英语的古文)后来随着语言和文化的演变,现在就常常是这么说的:Four eyes see more than two. 英语习语辞典的解释是这样:Observation by two is better than one alone.意思是两个人的观察力要比一个人强。上个句子里之所以用“四只眼睛”和“两只眼睛”,是因为西方人的谚语比较形象化,这里就拿“四只眼睛”来比喻两个人。同样的谚语还有: Two heads are better than one.

Two heads are better than one.是什么意思


Two heads are better than one.是什么意思


Two Is Better Than One的吉他谱

  Boys Like Girls - Two is Better than One  You can figure out the plucking pattern and the lead :p it"s pretty easy from here out  Intro: C  Verse  C  I remember what you wore on the first day  Am  You came into my life  F  And I thought hey  G C  You know this could be something  C  "Cause everything you do and words you say  Am  You know that it all takes my breath away  F G C  And now I"m left with nothing  Chorus  F G  "Cause maybe it"s true, that I can"t live without you  F G  Well maybe two is better than one  F G  There"s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life  Am G F  And you"ve already got me coming undone  Am G C  And I"m thinking two, is better than one  Verse  C  I remember every look upon your face,  Am  The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste  F G  You make it hard for breathing  C  "Cause when I close my eyes and drift away  Am  I think of you and everythings okay  F G  And finally now, we"re leaving  Chorus  F G  "Cause maybe it"s true, that I can"t live without you  F G  Well maybe two is better than one  F G  There"s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life  Am G F  And you"ve already got me coming undone  Am G  And I"m thinking two, is better than one  F G-Am G-F G  Yeah, yeah  C (pause)  I remember what you wore on the first day  Am  You came into my life  F  And I thought hey  F G  Maybe it"s true, that I can"t live without you  F G  Maybe two is better than one  F G  There"s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life  Am G F  And you"ve already got me coming undone  And I"m thinking  F G  Oooh I can"t live without you  F G  "Cause baby two is better than one  F G  There"s so much time, to figure out the rest of my life  Am G F  And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done  Am G C Am  Two, is better than one  F G C  Two is better than one

Taylor swift的two is better than one百度网盘下载


Two Is Better Than One 歌词

歌曲名:Two Is Better Than One歌手:Boys Like Girls Featuring Taylor Swift专辑:Love DrunkTwo Is Better Than OneBoys Like Girls (Feat. Taylor Swift)I remember what you wore on the first dayYou came into my life and I thought heyYou know this could be something"Cause everything you do and words you sayYou know that it all takes my breath awayAnd now I"m left with nothingSo maybe it"s true,That I can"t live without youWell maybe two is better than oneThere"s so much time,To figure out the rest of my lifeAnd you"ve already got me coming undoneAnd I"m thinking two,Is better than oneI remember every look upon your face,The way you roll your eyes, the way you tasteYou make it hard for breathing"Cause when I close my eyes and drift awayI think of you and everything"s okayAnd finally now, we"re leavingAnd maybe it"s true,That I can"t live without youWell maybe two is better than oneThere"s so much time,To figure out the rest of my lifeAnd you"ve already got me coming undoneAnd I"m thinking two,Is better than oneI remember what you wore on the first dayYou came into my life and I thought "hey"Maybe it"s true,That I can"t live without youMaybe two is better than oneThere"s so much time,To figure out the rest of my lifeAnd you"ve already got me coming undoneAnd I"m thinkingOooh I can"t live without you"Cause baby two is better than oneThere"s so much time,To figure out the rest of my lifeAnd I"ve figured out with all that"s said and doneTwo, is better than oneTwo is better than one

《Two is better than one》这首歌是欧美哪位歌手唱的?

Boys Like Girls&Taylor Swift-Two Is Better Than One歌词意思 I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么 You came into my life and I thought hey 你进入了我的生活 You know this could be something 你知道这代表一些东西 "Cause everything you do and words you say你做的每件事说的每句话 You know that it all takes my breath away 它带走了我的每一口呼吸 And now I"m left with nothing 现在我一无所有 So maybe it"s true, 也许是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking two, 我还在想 Is better than one 两人还是比一个好 I remember every look upon your face, 我还记得你脸上的每一个表情 The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste 你转眼睛的样子,你的气味 You make it hard for breathing 你让人呼吸困难 "Cause when I close my eyes and drift away 因为当我闭上眼睛然后游离 I think of you and everything"s okay 我想你和所有一切的美好 And finally now, we"re leaving 而最终,我们分开了 And maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Well maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking two, 我还在想 Is better than one 两人还是比一个好 I remember what you wore on the first day 我还记得第一天你穿的是什么 You came into my life and I thought "hey" 你进入了我的生活 Maybe it"s true, 也许这是真的 That I can"t live without you 我的生活不能没有你 Maybe two is better than one 也许两人还是比单身好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And you"ve already got me coming undone 而你又让我被拆开 And I"m thinking 我还在想 Oooh I can"t live without you 哦 我不能没有你 "Cause baby two is better than one 因为宝贝两人还是比一人好 There"s so much time, 还有很多时间 To figure out the rest of my life 去计算我的余生 And I"ve figured out with all that"s said and done 我已经想通了,所有说的和做的 Two, is better than one 两人比一人好 Two is better than one 两人比一人好

two people one feeling 怎么翻译合适?


two people alone

two persons alone in an elevator,thay are talking.the one say ,lady,you are beautiful

one or two people这样说对不对?

可以这样说,one or two people 一两个人
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