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cnblue one time 音译歌词~

2023-07-29 19:11:37

CNBLUE - One Time


作曲:郑容和, RYO

I don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worth

I know You Know It is all about my music

Music changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts

I know You Know Your life is also the same

Music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap

Boom Boom tap

Step by step uhm you don"t care

I just like mic guitar bass drum kick snare

Check up the one day four mans walked on street in my dream

What bad at the time may Actually

Be a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it real

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

One time one time we could feel tired at one time

I don"t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

one time one time

I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world

I don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worth

I know You Know It is all about my music

that changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the life

I know You Know Your life is also the same

Music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap

Boom Boom tap

Everyday Everywhere we we will do

How we do? Just keep it real

That is our spirit We need to heal

One way only one way

I had nothing on except for my socks

but I"ll show you everything and I make you

We We We We We We make you high

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

one time one time we could feel tired at one time

I don"t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

one time one time

I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world

What What What

I can do it look at me Slow down and down

What What What

Can"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mind

What What What

I can do it look at me Show down and down

Are you ready? (Yes sir)

Let"s go to the world

Ready? (Yes sir)

Top of the world

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

one time one time we could feel tired at one time

I don"t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

one time one time

I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world

Everywhere we want to go

Everywhere you want to go

one time one time we could feel tired at one time

I don"t care about it either

Give me a few more minutes

one time one time

I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world

Top of the world

Top of the world


谁知道Blue time的故事

  it"s four in the morning  the end of december  i"m writing you now just to see if you"re better  现在是清晨四点钟  十二月已然尾声  此刻我写这封给你其实只是想知道你过的好不好  new york is cold  but i like where i"m living  there"s music on clinton street all through the evening  纽约很冷  但我很喜欢我住的地方  因为我住的柯灵顿街上彻夜都响著音乐  i hear that you"re building your house deep in the desert  are you living for nothing now  hope you"re keeping some kind of record  我听说你将自己的生活深筑在荒漠中  难道你现在真的一无所求了吗  多麼希望你至少能留住一些值得眷恋的东西  jane came by with a lock of your hair  she said that you gave it to her  the night that you planned to go clear  did you ever go clear  珍回来了,带著一绺你的头发  她说那是你送给她的  是在你决定把事情厘清的那天夜里送给她的  而你真的把所有的事情都理清了吗  the last time we saw you  you looked so much older  your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder  you"d been to the station  to meet every train  but she never turned up. i mean lili mariene  上回我们见到你的时候  你看起来苍老了许多  你那件出了名?#123;色雨衣连肩上都磨破了  过去,你总是到车站  去等每一班火车  但是你心中的那位莉莉.玛莲始终没有出现  so you treated some woman to a flake of your life  and when she got home she was nobody"s wife  i see you there with a rose in your teeth  one more thin gypsy thief  well, i see jane"s awake  she sends her regards  所以你分给其他的女人的,只是你生命中一个小小的碎片  而当她们回到家,她们仍然并不是属於任何人的妻子  我彷佛看见你是个在嘴角间衔著一朵玫瑰,专门窃取爱情  的又一位手法不甚高明的吉普赛小偷  噢,珍现在还醒著  她要我代她向你问好  Jennifer Warnes -- Famous Blue Raincoat (蓝雨衣)  简要介绍:  "蓝雨衣"是1987发行的一张畅销发烧碟。Cohen和德国女歌手Jennifer Warnes的合作创造了这张风靡一时的唱片。  伦纳德.科恩 ,加拿大艺术家。13岁时为了吸引一个女孩,开始学吉他。大学里主修英语文学,成为小有名气的小说家和诗人。60年代中期,从文坛进入歌坛。他并不多产,但格调不俗,底蕴深厚,尽属精品。《 Famous Blue Raincoat》是他的精彩之作。《 Joan of Arc》中同詹尼弗.沃恩丝合唱的大提琴一般深沉的男声,就属于这位歌坛怪才。  《 Famous Blue Raincoat》的成功,另一半就得归于詹尼弗.沃恩丝的倾情演绎。她出生于1947年的西雅图,歌唱生涯从60年代开始,活跃至今,在不同的音乐领域中都取得骄人成绩:流行音乐、乡村音乐、电影主题音乐以及对伦纳德.科恩作品的演绎。她最著名的歌曲当属“Up Where We Belong”(理查.基尔主演的电影《军官与绅士》主题歌),和Joe Cocker合作的二重唱,获得了奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖,并登上美国排行榜的首位。  Jennifer Warnes的歌喉极靓,人声与器乐一流,动态十足。主题曲是全碟的精华,一支sax前奏性感迷人,清晰无比的录音不但表现出Jennifer一流的结像力,而且把背后一把double-bass的弦震显得淋漓尽致,此录音乐器亦是一流。  《Famous Blue Raincoat》是Cohen写给一位朋友的信,一场男人之间的对话和感情交流。娓娓道来一段往事,纽约的十二月,喧闹的克林顿大街,远走他乡的朋友,生命中的女人,纠缠不清的爱恋,彼此伤害过,最后是原谅。信中语句大致反映出一段发生在3个好友之间的感情故事。歌中透出的情与仇,爱与恨,伤心和欢乐,无奈与坚持,过去和现在,一切的情结都好似一场浓得化不开的雾……  专辑总的特点是比较典雅,清灵,有一种流动感。倒是比较配合唱片的整体风格。You"d been to the station, to meet every train;But you came home alone, without LilliMarlene…….歌声悠悠传来,把人的思绪一下子带到了遥远的年代:灰色的背景中犹如上演着一部老式黑白电影。朦胧的人群,阴郁的天空似二战电影中某个生离死别的场景---车轮滚滚,火车在隆隆声中逐渐远去,留下站台上伤心欲绝的情人。实际上,蓝雨衣是Cohen写给一位朋友的信,是一场男人之间的对话感情交流。信中语句大致反映出一段发生在3个好友之间的感情故事。很奇怪这首歌竟然都由女歌手来演唱。Jennifer Warnes和Joan Baez都将最后的署名唱成Sincerely, a friend,而Tori Amos则直接署名Sincerely,L.Cohen以示对Cohen的尊重。Tori Amos通过自己独特的嗓音以及钢琴伴奏,最完美地表达了Cohen的情感。(当然,其中肯定倾注了她自己的经历和感受。)  Tori Amos将一段深藏以久的往事娓娓道来,歌中透出的情与仇,爱与恨,伤心和欢乐,无奈与坚持,过去和现在,一切的情结都好似一场浓得化不开的雾,令人深深陷入其中。在深夜静心聆听,心绪涤荡难以自抑……  蓝雨衣荣获美国著名音响权威杂志TAS发烧天书评为最佳录音,在发烧友中,这张 《 Famous Blue Raincoat》享有崇高的地位,被誉为女声中的碟皇,达到了人手一张的普及程度。由于碟中曲目旋律并非琅琅上口,在世俗中的知名度不高,沉浸于流行曲和卡拉OK的朋友就容易错过它。
2023-07-29 03:15:191

passing sweet time and blue time with me

2023-07-29 03:15:354


is alikeis diffrent fromquitemore
2023-07-29 03:15:453


Blues,蓝调音乐,它是居住在美国的黑人在困苦的底层生活中创造出的音乐风格,发源于20世纪初密西西比河的三角洲地带,早期为人们劳作时的劳动号子,后来逐渐影响了世界流行音乐的发展轨迹,现在象ROCK"N ROLL(摇滚)及R"N B(节奏布鲁斯)等字眼早已为你所熟悉了吧?这两种音乐里所使用的Blues音阶是你在学校的音乐课里所学不到的,但是每天你从大街上走过,从音像店里传出的声音早已使它深入你心.上个世纪的20年代,Blues以它个性的歌词、和谐的节奏以及忧郁的旋律迎合了某些人而逐渐兴起。Blues音乐中包含了很多诗一样的语言,并且不断反复,然后以决定性的一行结束。旋律的进行以和弦为基础,以I 、IV、V级的3个和弦为主要和弦,12小节为一模式反复。旋律中,将主调上的第3、5、7级音降半音,使人有着苦乐参半、多愁善感的感觉冲击。 虽然Blues音乐中主唱是焦点,但是以吉他为主的乐器即兴演奏也非常精彩,乐器演奏者可以超越和弦的界限随意发挥,除了旋律的忧郁动听外,还包括小刀刮擦声和滑棒使用的声音,以及模仿主唱的哼唱声。在将Blues音乐流行化的过程中,Eric Clapton是一个成功的乐手和歌曲创作者,如果你没听过,那么现在就开始感受吧! Blues音乐发展到今天,已经被纳入主流音乐的行列,他的许多元素被更多的运用到摇滚乐及流行音乐中。但是传统的Blues音乐还是有着强大的实力,这个领域的音乐家有B.B.King、John Lee Hooker、Etta Baker、Junior Wells和Buddy Guy等等.BLUE组合就是蓝调乐队.Blue的首张专辑《All Rise》以一种复古的R&B音乐为灵魂,显示了不同于其他偶像团体音乐的风格。随着首张专辑的成功,Blue再次出发,发行了他们的第二张专辑《One Love》,仍旧以R&B曲风为主,再度展现了他们超龄的声音演出。从饶富都会节奏感的“One Love“、“She Told Me“,让人狂放摇摆的“Riders“、“Right Here Waiting“,到舒缓轻柔的“Don"t Treat Me Like A Fool“,每首歌都让人对Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。 2001年初,一支饶富都会节奏感的“All Rise”抢滩Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周,从各地传来的捷报未曾停歇:马来西亚4周冠军、德国季军、澳洲匈牙利第4名,更是台湾新偶像剧《阳光果冻》的主题曲“All I”本尊曲!第2单曲“Too Close”乘胜攻下金榜NO.1,接续推出的节奏蓝调情抒曲“If You Come Back”更是空降单曲冠军宝座。在3支畅销单曲累积销售破60万张(其中2支是冠军单曲)背书下,专辑于年底发行了。 发迹于英国伦敦、由黎Lee Ryan(18岁)、安东尼Antony Costa(20岁)、唐肯Duncan James(22岁)和赛门Simon Webbe(22岁)组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比·威廉斯原属团体TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。出到不到一年,BLUE交出的漂亮成绩单,证明了他们是英国2002第一R&B偶像实力双重合一男声团。由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin打造、在英国及挪威完成的本辑,展现了BLUE超龄的声音演出。本影音双效CD还有BLUE拍摄音乐录像带的幕后花絮和屏幕保护程序等意想不到的惊喜,给初次见面的台湾乐迷。 全球唱片销售已逾七百万张, 成军至今近四年, 全英音乐奖两项大奖得主,欧洲第一男声团BLUE出道3年唯一精选BEST of blue。Blue的最爱, 只给台湾歌迷。PS:台湾将发行的【初回限定盘】是全世界曲目最全的版本! 比其他国家(包括日> 本,英国)更加多收"One Love亚洲巨星大合唱"和槙原敬之为BLUE谱写之"Gift/礼物" BLUE乐队成员包括:Duncan生于1979年4月7日,13岁前与母亲住在DorSset。在搬迁到Sidmouth后,他进入了戏剧学院学习。在戏剧课获得A,他觉得自己的声音有潜力成为歌手。他也在一些初具规模的乐队中试着演唱,从而更坚定了信心。他说“那种让牙齿碰撞的感觉真是太美妙了。”更幸运的是,当Duncan遇到了Antony后,他离开了那些水平一般的乐队。Antony生于1981年6月23日的Middlesex。在他加入Blue之前就有着令人印象深刻的履历。曾经在<Grange Hill>、<The Bill>中担任角色,并且在BBC的节目中领衔。尽管他的声音比较平实,在遇到Duncan之前他也没有将演唱作为今生追逐的职业理想。Lee他是乐队中年轻的成员,生于1983年6月17日的伦敦东南。在BlackheTH长大,在戏剧学校学习,但他却不喜欢老师,"他们老是让你朝着正统的音乐靠拢,而我只想成为乐队的一员。"在打定了主意后,Lee参加了多次的试唱,终于在Holby City遇到了Duncan和乐队的其他人。Simon是乐队中最年长的,生于1979年3月30日的Manchester。多年来,Simon一直想成为一个职业足球运动员,也曾经和Port Vale队签约。在随队走过了多个城市后,很偶然地,他被伯明翰的一个Hip-Hop演唱组Criminal Damage的音乐吸引,最终他决定离开足球队,来到伦敦加入了Blue。Blue乐队,他们是英国最红的偶像男孩组合,他们是4个有蓝调好嗓子的歌手."这张拥有超强曲目的绝赞精选有限量盘和普通盘两种之外,包括〃Curtain Falls〃、〃Get Down On It' ﹝库尔伙伴与莉而金合唱/ feat Kool & the Gang AND Lil Kim﹞、 'Love At First Sight'和2004年版的 'Best In Me'四首新歌+ 11首历年金曲。英国发行的《歌迷限量盘》中除了普通盘的四在加收4首全新录音: 'If It Takes All Night''、After The Show'、 'Only Words I Know'、'Long Time' (Smoothe Mix)以及歌迷前所未见的幕后花絮和Lee,Duncan,Simon,Antony给你的私密留言!唱片公司形容:“Blue的歌迷在拿到【Best Of Blue】精选辑会有一种在雪地里喝到热汤的幸福感!”!集全世界“最便宜”、“最唯一( 视讯歌友会只有台湾有)”、“最多首”、“最大包”、“最感人( 中文版团员感谢词+歌迷文章都在里面)”五大之“最”的 Best Of Blue 让你看到“Best”的精随!!
2023-07-29 03:15:552


Through the day, through the nightMy self"s confidence was out of siteYou came alone, came on strongAnd you change the things that fell so wrongShe saidIf you heading for the right directionIf you"re ready, you can do it tooGonna rise up to the right occasionCause together we can see it throughBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right!Going" up won"t go downThere"s no stopping us was living groundYou can do what you doNot a thing I could deny for youIf you heading for the right directionIf you ready, you can do it tooGonna rise up to this one occasionCause together we can see it throughBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right! Feel so right!┎橙色记忆QQ:896533895Baby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohBaby it"s now or never BabyThis time is right ohI got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt ohWe are forever me and youDeep in your heart you know it"s trueBaby it"s now or never yeah BabyFeel so right! Feel so right!
2023-07-29 03:16:091


4Ever Blue 四周年特选影音纪念盘(台湾版) 2005-74Ever Blue Fans Edition 2005-5Get Down on It 2005-1Best Of Blue(台湾版) 2004-11Best Of Blue 2004-11Guilty: Live from Wembley 2004-4Guilty (罪爱) 2003-11One Love (一种爱) 2003-11All Rise (全体肃立) 2001-12~ &amp;#91;发行时间:2001年12月&amp;#93;地区:英国专辑介绍:2001年初,一支饶富都会节奏感的“All Rise”抢滩英国Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周,从各地传来的捷报未曾停歇:马来西亚4周冠军、德国季军、澳洲匈牙利第4名,更是台湾新偶像剧《阳光果冻》的主题曲“All I”本尊曲!第2单曲“Too Close”乘胜攻下金榜NO.1,接续推出的节奏蓝调情抒曲“If You Come Back”更是空降单曲冠军宝座。在3支畅销单曲累积销售破60万张(其中2支是冠军单曲)背书下,专辑于年底发行了。由Lee Ryan(李,18岁)、Antony Costa(安东尼,20岁)、Duncan James(唐肯,22岁)和Simon Webbe(西蒙,22岁)组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比威廉斯原属团体TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。出到不到一年,BLUE交出的漂亮成绩单,证明了他们是英国2002第一R&amp;B偶像实力双重合一男声团。由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin打造、在英国及挪威完成的本辑,展现了BLUE超龄的声音演出。本影音双效CD还有BLUE拍摄音乐录像带的幕后花絮和屏幕保护程序等意想不到的惊喜,给初次见面的台湾乐迷。“If You Come Back” 虽与一般大路 boyband 作品无大分别,但是出色的旋律再加上抢耳而出的 vocal 始终是百听不厌。而 “Bounce” 和 “Back To You” 又有另一感觉,唱起 rock 来能够带领全曲的高低起伏,rap 的部分亦绝不马虎。其实大碟的感觉真可以用 Blue 来形容,由封套的颜色以至大部分歌曲的风格,都是有点 r&amp;b 或 blues 的怨味,如碟末的 “Girl I"ll never understand” 及 “Back Some Day”,后者更是一首加入了流行元素的 minor blues 作品。由Duncan James、Anthony Costa、Lee Ryan及Simon Webbe 四位成员组成的 Blue,今次的形象和曲风都很鲜明,只要继续努力,不难成为别具一格的 boyband 之王。All Rise得到来自各地的一致赞扬,Heat杂志如此形容:一张完美成熟的首张专辑;Top Of The Pop则形容这张专辑:流畅、诱人且无比性感;Elle更为这群男孩们冠上:完美的流行偶像;而音乐指针性杂志Music Week则锦上添花地赞赏他们为:年度最突出的新人团队之一。到2001年终时,Blue共计获得了Smash Hits Awards、百事巨星(Pepsi Charts People"s Choice Award)及太阳报(The Sun"s Bizarre Poll)读者票选“最佳年度新人”及每日星报(Daily Star"s Hot Poll)&quot;最佳团体&quot;等奖项。专辑曲目01、all rise02、too close03、this temptation04、if you come back05、fly by06、bounce07、long time08、make it happen09、back to you10、girl i`ll never understand11、back some day12、best in me 发行时间:2002年09月地区:英国专辑介绍:Blue的首张专辑《All Rise》以一种 复古的R&amp;B音乐为灵魂,显示了不同于其他偶像团体音乐的风格。随着首张专辑的成功,Blue再次出发,发行了他们的第二张专辑《One Love》,仍旧以R&amp;B曲风为主,再度展现了他们超龄的声音演出。从饶富都会节奏感的“One Love“、“She Told Me“,让人狂放摇摆的“Riders“、“Right Here Waiting“,到舒缓轻柔的“Don"t Treat Me Like A Fool“,每首歌都让人对Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。专辑曲目⒈One love这首专辑中的首支单曲是Simon在4月来台时的灵感,先写出了副歌的部分,接着blue在美国和Stargate一起完成的作品。在旅行过许多国家后,Blue看到不管是在已开发国家,或落后国家,他们都得到一样多歌迷的爱。所以他们把这种&quot;人人平等、音乐自由&quot;的心情,写成了One Love。⒉Riders⒊Flexin"经典抒情小品,这是Simon首次尝试的抒情创作,也是许多歌迷票选的最爱之一。⒋Sorry seems to be the hardest word这首翻唱自英国国宝Elton John 1976超级抒情经典作品,虽然是专辑中唯一一支非原创作品,但从Duncan唱出了第一句What I gonna do to make you love me开始,就能听出他们4个各自不同个性、却令人惊喜地和谐兼容的声音表现。⒌She told me仍然是Blue和Stargate合力创作,但这首歌的编曲丰富,闭起眼睛,你会以为这是一群擅长R&amp;B的黑人团体的演唱,将是一首可以和美国黑人市场竞争的畅销曲。⒍Right here waiting⒎U make me wanna在萧亚轩的热卖专辑中,最受瞩目的合作曲,萧亚轩主唱Blue合音的U Make Me Wanna 引起网友的热烈讨论。在专辑中所收录的Blue原唱版本,让你不得不佩服 4个英国人把这样美式黑人旋律如此道地的呈现。(不过可惜的很,因为其中一句有争议的歌词“We can make sweet love.”在中国发行的专辑中取消。)⒏Supersexual⒐Don"t treat me like a fool这不是Boyz Ⅱ Men,Blue在这首歌的表现上,成熟的不像只是出道才1年多的团体!令人惊艳的唱功,你会惊喜的发现 Blue竟然可以唱好灵魂乐,甚至蓝调。将让Blue摆脱男孩团的形象,吸收更多年长的听众,这也是Blue的第2支单曲。⒑Get down⒒Privacy⒓Without you⒔Invitation⒕Like a friend 发行时间:2003年11月03日专辑介绍:“Guilty”(《罪爱》)是Blue继“All rise”(《全体肃立》)、“One love”(《一种爱》)和“You make me wanna”(《你让我想…》)之后发行的第四支单曲。有别于“All rise”和“One love”鲜明的R&amp;B曲风,“Guilty”更以优美的抒情声线,令人动容的旋律,以及深情、真诚的流行嗓音而见长。在谈到“Guilty”的创作灵感时,创作人Duncan(唐肯)介绍说,“Guilty”为其“前女友”Anya(安雅)而作。和Anya分手后,Duncan仍然像老朋友一样约Anya,而且每次两人都会玩的很开心。后来,Anya告诉Duncan,每次开心之后,她都有种负罪感,觉得对不起现任男友。正是这句“Guilty”激发了Duncan的创作冲动,也正是这首“Guilty”让Duncan和Anya舍弃了各自的“现任”女友和“现任”男友,重新走到了一起。所以说,“Guilty”(《罪爱》)与其说是“悔罪”倒不如说是“爱的告白”。专辑曲目01 Stand Up02 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours03 When Summers Gone04 Bubblin05 Taste it06 Guilty07 Rock the Night08 Back it Up09 Breathe Easy10 Walk Away11 Where You Want Me12 Alive13 I Wanna Know14 How A Mans Supposed to Change15 No Goodbyes 发行时间:2004年专辑介绍:全球唱片销售已逾七百万张,成军至今近四年,全英音乐奖两项大奖得主,欧洲第一男声团BLUE出道3年唯一精选Best Of Blue。Blue的最爱,只给台湾歌迷。PS:台湾将发行的【初回限定盘】是全世界曲目最全的版本! 比其他国家(包括日本,英国更加多收One Love亚洲巨星大合唱&quot;和槙原敬之为BLUE谱写之Gift )专辑曲目01. All Rise 全体肃立 B.A.D.畅销单曲「OH I」原曲02. Too Close 靠太近 全英冠军单曲03. If U Come Back 回到我身边04. Fly By Ⅱ 夜空飞行 cLUB nOKIA台湾活动代言曲05. One Love 2003MTV亚洲音乐奖闭幕曲06. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 抱歉太难 与Elton John深情合唱07. U Make Me Wanna 你让我想要08. Guilty 罪爱09. Signed,Sealed,Delivered 限时专送、我爱你 与史提夫汪达合和Angle Stone合唱⒑ Breathe Easy 呼吸⒒ Bubblin - with L.A.D.E 爱在发酵⒓ Curtain Falls 爱的闭幕式13 Get Down On It feat Kool &amp; the Gang and Lil Kim 放手去做⒕ Love At First Sight 一见钟情⒖ Best In Me (2004) 最好的我 S.H.E.冬日纪念册强力推荐曲⒗One Love - the Sequel 亚洲群星为和平大合唱版本台湾独家!!⒘The Gift 礼物 Blue悠游卡活动主题曲台湾独家!! (Forever Blue 永远的蓝色乐队)发行日期:2005年地区:英国专辑介绍:BLUE的成员要各自单飞闯天涯,在此之前,为了回馈一直忠心支持他们的歌迷,BLUE特别企划了这张4EVER BLUE,作为他们出道4周年的记念,让这段BLUE不在的日子里,幸福的感觉继续传染。专辑曲目01.Get Down On It (OBI &amp; JOSH MⅨ) 放手去做与KOOL &amp; THE GANG,LIL KIM合唱曲OBI &amp;JOSH混音版02.Only Words I Know (Italian Version) 唯一的话语意大利文演唱版本03.Quand Le Rideau Tombe 爱的闭幕式CURTAIN FALLS 法文演唱版本04.A Chi Mi Dice (BREATHE EASY ITALIAN VERSION) 一瞬间意大利文演唱版本05.Made For loving You 今生只为爱你U MAKE ME WANNA 当中BLUE成员与GARY BARLOW 共同谱写B-SIDE单曲06.U Make Me Wanna (BIG JAY REMⅨ) 你让我想要...全新珍藏混音版本07. It"s Alright 我愿意全新新曲,首度收录08.Move On 勇往直前全新新曲,首度收录09.The Gift 礼物BLUE悠游卡通活动主题曲⒑Love R.I.P 爱 静静安息FLY BY 单曲 B-SIDE 珍藏曲目⒒Sweet Thing 美东西收录在日本版 ONE LOVE 当中BONUS 曲目⒓One Love (LⅣE A CAPPELLA) 一种爱英国榜TOP 3单曲,Acoustic清唱版本,首度收录⒔All Rise (Acoustic)英国榜TOP 4单曲,Acoustic空心吉他伴奏演唱版本⒕Acoustic Session From One Love Live:Best In Me/Don"t Treat Me Like A FoolBLUE ONE LOVE LⅣE TOUR 现场Acoustic吉他伴奏演唱版本,首度收录⒖When Summer"s Gone (Live At Riverside) 当夏日走远RⅣERSIDE 现场演唱版本,首度版本⒗Love At First Sight 一见钟情BEST OF BLUE 2005演唱会主打首选歌曲⒘4Ever BalladIf You Come Back/Guilty/Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word/Long Time/Breathe Easy2005年BLUE最新情歌永恒5合1版本2010年最新单曲曝光:《Don"t worry about it》《Between you and me》《Whisper》2011年单曲:《I Can》其中,他们还与美国R&amp;B歌手:NE-YO合作,完成了复出后的美丽回归。2011年最新单曲曝光:《Risk it all》
2023-07-29 03:16:191

cnblue one time中文歌词

我不知道我为何在这里但是亲爱的即使我们失去了他的价值你我都知道 这是所有关於我的音乐音乐在黑暗中改变我们的生命所以我可以改变你的想法你我都知道 你的生命也是如此音乐是我的伴侣碰 碰 答碰 碰 答一步一步你不在乎我只是喜欢麦克风、贝斯、鼓、叠音一天都检阅在梦中四个人走在街上也许当时的困难都是真实的那是一件好事 我只是坚持著 保持真实不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一我对音乐知道的并不多即使我们失去了他的价值你我都知道 这是所有关於我的音乐随著季节变化改变了我们的生活你也改变了生活你我都知道 你我的生活也是如此音乐是我的伴侣碰 碰 答碰 碰 答每天 每个地方我们将这麼做著我们怎麼做?只要保持真实那是我们的精神 我们需要治愈心灵一种方法 只有一种方法除此我一无所有 但我会展现给你我的所有而且我会让你更high管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一什麼 什麼 什麼我可以做到 请看著我 慢下来 再慢下来什麼 什麼 什麼不能停止 我已经准备好了我会放松你的心什麼 什麼 什麼我可以做到 请看著我 慢下来 再慢下来你准备好了吗 (是的)让我们去闯汤世界吧准备好了吗(是的)世界第一不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一不管我去哪 不管你去哪某个时候 某个时候我们总会一度疲累的时候我也不在乎多给我几分钟某个时候 某个时候我会展现给你我可以是世界第一世界第一世界第一
2023-07-29 03:16:311


  歌词:   Love its hard, I know   爱人难,我懂   All your lights are red, but Im green to go   你拒人千里,我知难而进   Used to see you high, now youre only low   昔日你高高在上,而今你好像放低姿态   All your lights are red but Im green to go   你拒人千里,我知难而进   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I cant say no   不再自欺欺人   Though the lights are on there"s nobody home   即使灯火通明房中也是空无一人   Swore Id never lose control   我曾发誓,我会控制自己   Then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow   却还是爱上了一颗冰冷的心   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I know youre seeing black and white   我知道,你的世界只有黑白   So Ill paint you a clear blue sky   让我为你绘上蓝天   Without you I am colour-blind   没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言   Its raining every time I open my eyes   每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始   I know youre seeing black and white   我知道,你的世界只有黑白   So Ill paint you a clear blue sky   让我为你绘上蓝天   Without you I am colour-blind   没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言   Its raining every time I open my eyes   每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   When Im looking up at you   只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己
2023-07-29 03:16:531

求BLUE的《Long Time》中文歌词

噢呀 Oh婴孩 在您的微笑的The温暖是我渴望的温暖, 因为它是冷和偏僻在这个地方,哦呀。 我需要得到接近在火的火焰的和和昨天失去自己,哦呀。 咜是久久很长时间, Till我可以再是以您,并且看您的微笑。 It是久久很长时间, Till我所有整晚, 拿着您我的胳膊的It是久很长时间。 外部的Looking和我感到很无灵感, And它雨的所有整这偏僻的晚,哦呀。 丢失我的头脑和我的灵魂的I上午感到疲乏, 因为女孩您是我的灯光导标,哦呀。 女孩我是缺掉的您,我未曾认为 I将感觉这样。 All感觉我安排里面生长更强每天。女孩我要您知道我将从未让您走。 You是我真正地要的只那个 那里And是您一定知道的一件事 Listen女孩我需要您 Are您那里? There是我可以对此做的没什么 我想要拿着您的And And展示您多少您意味给我 是不错呀的Oh Do不是您知道我在我的生活,我的生活,我的生活中想要您
2023-07-29 03:17:012

《Blue Noon Blue Noon》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Blue Noon》(Westerfeld, Scott)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: hjux书名:Blue Noon作者:Westerfeld, Scott出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books出版年份:2006-2页数:378内容简介:the darklings will hunt once again The secret hour when time freezes arrives every night at midnight in Bixby, Oklahoma. It"s a dangerous time, when five teenagers are the only humans awake and dark creatures crawl out of the shadows, but at least the midnight hour is regular and predictable. Until suddenly, the blue time comes . . . in the middle" of the day. The noise of school stops. Cheerleaders are frozen in midair, teachers brought to a standstill. Everything is the haunted blue color of the midnight hour. The Midnighters can"t understand what"s happening, but as they scramble for answers, they discover that the walls between the secret hour and real time are crumbling. Soon the dark creatures will have a chance to feed after centuries of waiting, unless these five teenagers can find a way to stop them. A desperate race against time, a mind-blowing mystery of paranormal logic, a tale of ancient evil and spine-chilling sacrifice: blue noon is the exhilarating third volume in the Midnighters series by acclaimed author Scott Westerfeld.
2023-07-29 03:17:091


Through the day, through the night My self"s confidence was out of site You came alone, came on strong And you change the things that fell so wrong She said If you heading for the right direction If you"re ready, you can do it too Gonna rise up to the right occasion Cause together we can see it through Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Going" up won"t go down There"s no stopping us was living ground You can do what you do Not a thing I could deny for you If you heading for the right direction If you ready, you can do it too Gonna rise up to this one occasion Cause together we can see it through Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Feel so right! ┎橙色记忆QQ:896533895 Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh Baby it"s now or never Baby This time is right oh I got a feeling" it"s for good without a doubt oh We are forever me and you Deep in your heart you know it"s true Baby it"s now or never yeah Baby Feel so right! Feel so right!
2023-07-29 03:17:351


I"m broken. ここから始まる...そっと手を振る过去のストーリーBut, hey you don"t know me.この胸に触れた 确かな何か见つけたあの日のためI have grown stronger.I have grown stronger.You want to tear me down.You want to hold me down.Never can break me down.The time is over. Breaktime is over.その先のステージにYes now, the time is over. Breaktime is over.歩き出す 今 そうHere I go. Here I stand. This time.Everyone waits for me now.Here I go. Here I stand. This time.Everyone waits for me now.Here I go. Here I stand. This time.「Time is over」作词∶JUNG YOHG HWA/KOSUKE OBA作曲∶JUNG YOHG HWA/KOSUKE OBA歌∶CNBLUEI"m broken. 过ぎ去った日々も描いた理想へ続く道さHey, you don"t know me.溢れる想いと 呼び覚ました声誓ったあの日のためI have grown stronger.I have grown stronger.You want to tear me down.You want to hold me down.Never can break me down.The time is over. Breaktime is over.そう今がその瞬间Yes now, the time is over. Breaktime is over.駆け抜ける明日へIt will never be the same. This time.Everyone waits for me now.It will never be the same. This time.Everyone waits for me now.It will never be the same. This time.The time is over. Breaktime is over.辉きの彼方へYes now, the time is over. Breaktime is over.もっとただ强くLook at me. It is my turn now.The time is over. Breaktime is over.その先のステージにYes now, the time is over. Breaktime is over.歩き出す 今 そうHere I go. Here I stand. This time.Everyone waits for me now.Here I go. Here I stand. This time.Everyone waits for me now.Here I go. Here I stand. This time.终わり亲、给好评哦~
2023-07-29 03:17:531

Sometime Sunday的《Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue歌手:Sometime Sunday专辑:StoneBlue作词:ゆよゆっぺ作曲:ゆよゆっぺ编曲:ゆよゆっぺ呗:初音ミクby:CHHKKE兴味本位 後悔の暮れ/一味随性 后悔的终焉行き场の无い悲鸣が/无处可去的悲鸣异空间にこだまして/混杂在异空间之中恐怖という感情になった/化为名为恐怖的感情半音阶の迷路、残像/半音阶的迷途、残像日常と画(か)いた/将扭曲的意图歪んだ意図を/当作日常的生活泣き叫んで慈悲は无くて/哭泣嘶喊不见慈悲言叶なんて意味は无くて/言语之类毫无意义远ざかる生存本能/远去的生存本能隣り合わせの终末を/将这些终结止まった思考回路から/从停止的思考回路中沸きあがる声/沸腾的声音壊れた感覚はすでに/毁坏的感觉遥か向こうへと/早已去向远处见えた希望/看见的希望消えた答え/消失的回答青く渗んで暗闇へと/投身于渗着幽蓝的黑暗开いた先に见えた青/开拓前方所见的青蓝-END-
2023-07-29 03:18:001

求sweet poool主题曲歌词

只有一首.....「I"m In Blue」PCゲーム sweet pool original soundtrack-fragment-作词\作曲\编曲 Yuzi歌 Pale GreenThe pain it still remainsAnd I"ll just get deniedThe feel it still remainsSomeday I"ll fly awaySo let it all go byLooking at deep blue skyThe vision like a shining starI don"t know where to goI know I"m goin" blindWhen will I ever find love?If you read my mindPlease, Please leave me aloneI"m in blueSometime I"ll fade awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll slip awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll fade awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll slip awayAnd fade awayThe hills that test my willHow can I ever climb the slope?And here comes the sadnessI don"t know, I don"t know where to fallI know I"m goin" blindWhen will I ever find truth?If you read my mindPlease, Please leave me aloneI"m in blueSometime I"ll fade awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll slip awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll fade awayI"m in blueSometime I"ll slip awayAnd fade awayI"m just little childI"m just little childI"m just little child献给喜欢「Sweet pool」的你~Lrc by 5i1ver in 千千日音歌词组
2023-07-29 03:18:092

求BLUE的《Long Time》吉他谱

这个吉他谱网站不错 BLUE - Long Time **0232A 002220G 320002E 022100
2023-07-29 03:18:161


2023-07-29 03:18:251

哪位朋友能帮我翻译blue英文歌曲 long time

LONG TIME,是SIMON主唱的歌曲...我很喜欢...翻译...不会...- -
2023-07-29 03:18:331


2023-07-29 03:18:414


BLUE SILVER 今天才看过…… 没有特殊典故的话,就是指蓝银(颜色)…… 引申义么……就……TIME MIN 时间数学
2023-07-29 03:19:022

求cnblue的one time 的韩文版歌词和中文翻译

uac70uc6b8uc5d0 ube44uce5c ubbf8uc18cub97c uc783uc740 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 ub9d0ud558uc9c0I know you know ub09c uc77cuc5b4uc124 ud798ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4uc74cuc545 uc5c6ub294 uc0b6 ub0b4uac8cub294 uac70uc9d3uc77c ubfd0uc774uc57cI know you know ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e4uc5b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub728uac70uc6ccuc838Boom Boom tap Boom Boom tapuc544uce68uc774 ubc1duc740 ud6c4uc5d0 uc7a0ub4e0 ub0b4 uaf34uc774 UhNo pain no gain uc783uc740 uac83 uba87 uac1cub97c uc138uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc5bbuc744 uac8c ub354 ub9ceuc544ub05duc5c6uc774 ubc49ub294 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc18duc758 Fire uadf8uce60 uc904 ubaa8ub974uace0 uc624ub974ub124 ub354 Higherud3c9uc0dd ubabb ud560 uc77c ub530uc708 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774ub9c8uc5d0 ud750ub978 ub540uc740 uc2dduc9c0ub3c4 uc54auc558uc5b4# ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e3uace0 uc18cub9acuccd0 ub098ub97c ubcf4uba70 uc18cub9acuccd0one time one time uc774 uc21cuac04 ub9ccuc740 one time ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub354 uc18cub9acuccd0 uc774 uc21cuac04uc744 uc704ud574uc11cone time one time uc800 ucc9cuad6dubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub192uc740 ud558ub298uc704ub85cucc3duac00uc5d0 ube44uce5c ud45cuc815 uc783uc740 ub0b4 uc5bcuad74uc774 ub9d0ud558uc9c0I know you know uc65c ub208ubb3cub9cc ud750ub974ub294uc9c0uc74cuc545 uc5c6ub294 uc0b6 ub0b4uac8cub294 uac00uc2dduc77c ubfd0uc774uc57cI know you know ub108uc5d0uac8c ubc1buce60 ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e4ub824uc904uac8cBoom Boom tap Boom Boom tapud55c uc190uc5d4 uae30ud0c0 ub534 uc190uc5d4 ub124uac00 uc788uae30ub97c ubc14ub798 ub0b4uac00 ub04cuc5b4 ub2f9uae30ub294 uacf3uc73cub85c uc640 ub2f4uae34 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c uc804ud560 uc218 uc788uac8c No doubtOne way a only one way ub6abuc5b4uc9c8 ub4ef ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10ub0b4uac00 ubcf4uc5ecuc904 ud14cub2c8 uc57duc18dud560uac8c We We We We We a Make you high# What What WhatI can do it look at me slow down and downWhat What What Can"t stop I"m ready I well do relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me slow down and downAre you ready (yes sir) Let"s go to the worldReady (yes sir) Top of the world#" ub0b4 ub178ub798ub97c ub4e3uace0 uc678uccd0ubd10 ub098ub97c ubcf4uba70 uc678uccd0ubd10one time one time uc774 uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc740 one timeub2e4uc2dc ud06cuac8c ub354 uc678uccd0ubd10 uc774 uc21cuac04uc744 uc704ud574uc11cone time one time uc800 ucc9cuad6dubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ubc1duc740 ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c# ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c (ud0dcuc591uc704ub85c)
2023-07-29 03:19:113

CNBlue one time 罗马音译和中文歌词

CNBLUE - One TimeI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicMusic changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughtsI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapStep by step uhm you don"t careI just like mic guitar bass drum kick snareCheck up the one day four mans walked on street in my dreamWhat bad at the time may ActuallyBe a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it realEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goOne time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldI don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicthat changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the lifeI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapEveryday Everywhere we we will doHow we do? Just keep it realThat is our spirit We need to healOne way only one wayI had nothing on except for my socksbut I"ll show you everything and I make youWe We We We We We make you highEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Slow down and downWhat What WhatCan"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Show down and downAre you ready? (Yes sir)Let"s go to the world
2023-07-29 03:19:202

Blue的《Long Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Long Time歌手:Blue专辑:All RiseOh YeahOh BabyThe warmth in your smile is the warmth that I desire,"Cause it"s cold and lonely in this place, oh yeah.And I need to get close to the flames in a fire,And lose myself in yesterday, oh yeah.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I can be with you again, and see your smile.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I hold you in my arms all through the night,It"s gonna be a long long time.Looking outside and I feel so uninspired,And it rain"s all through this lonely night, oh yeah.I"m losing my mind and my soul is feeling tired,"Cause girl you are my guiding light, oh yeah.Girl I been missing you, I never thought I"d feel this way.All the feelings I have inside grow stronger everyday.Girl I want you to know that I will never let you go.You"re the only one I really wantAnd there"s one thing you"ve gotta knowListen girl I need youAre you there?There"s nothing I can do about itAnd I wanna hold youAnd show you how much you mean to meOh yeah That"s rightDon"t you know I want you in my life, my life, my life
2023-07-29 03:19:381

Blue的《Long Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Long Time歌手:Blue专辑:The Platinum CollectionOh YeahOh BabyThe warmth in your smile is the warmth that I desire,"Cause it"s cold and lonely in this place, oh yeah.And I need to get close to the flames in a fire,And lose myself in yesterday, oh yeah.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I can be with you again, and see your smile.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I hold you in my arms all through the night,It"s gonna be a long long time.Looking outside and I feel so uninspired,And it rain"s all through this lonely night, oh yeah.I"m losing my mind and my soul is feeling tired,"Cause girl you are my guiding light, oh yeah.Girl I been missing you, I never thought I"d feel this way.All the feelings I have inside grow stronger everyday.Girl I want you to know that I will never let you go.You"re the only one I really wantAnd there"s one thing you"ve gotta knowListen girl I need youAre you there?There"s nothing I can do about itAnd I wanna hold youAnd show you how much you mean to meOh yeah That"s rightDon"t you know I want you in my life, my life, my life
2023-07-29 03:19:461

Blue的《Long Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Long Time歌手:Blue专辑:The Platinum CollectionOh YeahOh BabyThe warmth in your smile is the warmth that I desire,"Cause it"s cold and lonely in this place, oh yeah.And I need to get close to the flames in a fire,And lose myself in yesterday, oh yeah.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I can be with you again, and see your smile.It"s gonna be a long long long time,Till I hold you in my arms all through the night,It"s gonna be a long long time.Looking outside and I feel so uninspired,And it rain"s all through this lonely night, oh yeah.I"m losing my mind and my soul is feeling tired,"Cause girl you are my guiding light, oh yeah.Girl I been missing you, I never thought I"d feel this way.All the feelings I have inside grow stronger everyday.Girl I want you to know that I will never let you go.You"re the only one I really wantAnd there"s one thing you"ve gotta knowListen girl I need youAre you there?There"s nothing I can do about itAnd I wanna hold youAnd show you how much you mean to meOh yeah That"s rightDon"t you know I want you in my life, my life, my life
2023-07-29 03:19:531

请帮忙翻译歌词,Title: Sky Blue Sky

2023-07-29 03:20:002


英文名称:All Rise发行时间:2001年12月专辑歌手:Blue专辑介绍:2001年初,一支饶富都会节奏感的“All Rise”抢滩Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周,从各地传来的捷报未曾停歇:马来西亚4周冠军、德国季军、澳大利亚匈牙利第4名,更是台湾新偶像剧《阳光果冻》的主题曲“All I”本尊曲!第2单曲“Too Close”乘胜攻下金榜NO.1,接续推出的节奏蓝调情抒曲“If You Come Back”更是空降单曲冠军宝座。在3支畅销单曲累积销售破60万张(其中2支是冠军单曲)背书下,专辑于年底发行了。 发迹于英国伦敦、由黎Lee Ryan(18岁)、安东尼Antony Costa(20岁)、唐肯Duncan James(22岁)和赛门Simon Webbe(22岁)组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比·威廉斯原属团体TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。出到不到一年,BLUE交出的漂亮成绩单,证明了他们是英国2002第一R&B偶像实力双重合一男声团。由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin打造、在英国及挪威完成的本辑,展现了BLUE超龄的声音演出。本影音双效CD还有BLUE拍摄音乐录像带的幕后花絮和屏幕保护程序等意想不到的惊喜,给初次见面的乐迷。专辑曲目:01、all rise02、too close03、this temptation04、if you come back05、fly by06、bounce07、long time08、make it happen09、back to you10、girl i`ll never understand11、back some day12、best in me 英文名称:One Love发行时间:2003年11月专辑歌手:Blue专辑介绍:Blue的首张专辑《All Rise》以一种复古的R&B音乐为灵魂,显示了不同于其他偶像团体音乐的风格。随着首张专辑的成功,Blue再次出发,发行了他们的第二张专辑《One Love》,仍旧以R&B曲风为主,再度展现了他们超龄的声音演出。从饶富都会节奏感的“One Love“、“She Told Me“,让人狂放摇摆的“Riders“、“Right Here Waiting“,到舒缓轻柔的“Don"t Treat Me Like A Fool“,每首歌都让人对Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。专辑曲目: 1.One love2.Riders3.Flexin"4.Sorry seems to be the hardest word5.She told me6.Right here waiting7.U make me wanna8.Ain"t got you9.Supersexual10.Don"t treat me like a fool11.Get down12.Privacy13.Without you14.Invitation15.Like a friend 英文名称:Guilty发行时间:2003年11月03日专辑歌手:Blue专辑介绍:谈京剧,不能不想中国;谈R&B,当然不能不想美国;更确切一点,R&B会让您想到美国的黑人和黑人流行乐。不过,2001年,一首饶富R&B曲风的“All rise”(《全体肃立》)终于让美国人明白,大洋彼岸的英国有一个Blue(“蓝色男孩”)组合,他们地道的美式黑人旋律、多切分音的强劲节奏、以及音乐中时尚流行元素(rap、hip-hop、funk)的融入,完全可以让世界感受美式黑人流行乐。虽然Blue仅存在三年就宣告解散,但无可否认,它是英国新世纪最成功的R&B偶像实力派男声团体。Blue由Duncan James(唐肯)、Antony Costa(安东尼)、Lee Ryan(黎)和Simon Webbe(赛门)四个大男孩组成。四人中,只有Simon一人拥有黑人血统;Lee的年龄最小,最能把歌中的高音推向高潮;唐肯的嗓音最富有磁性;而安东尼的低音则让人回味无穷。“Guilty”(《罪爱》)是Blue继“All rise”(《全体肃立》)、“One love”(《一种爱》)和“You make me wanna”(《你让我想…》)之后发行的第四支单曲。有别于“All rise”和“One love”鲜明的R&B曲风,“Guilty”更以优美的抒情声线,令人动容的旋律,以及深情、真诚的流行嗓音而见长。在谈到“Guilty”的创作灵感时,创作人唐肯介绍说,“Guilty”为其“前女友”安雅而作。和安雅分手后,唐肯仍然像老朋友一样约安雅,而且每次两人都会玩的很开心。后来,安雅告诉唐肯,每次开心之后,她都有种负罪感,觉得对不起现任男友。正是这句“GUILTY”激发了唐肯的创作冲动,也正是这首“Guilty”让唐肯和安雅舍弃了各自的“现任”女友和“现任”男友,重新走到了一起。所以说,“Guilty”(《罪爱》)与其说是“悔罪”倒不如说是“爱的告白”。专辑曲目: 01 Stand Up02 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours03 When Summers Gone04 Bubblin05 Taste it06 Guilty07 Rock the Night08 Back it Up09 Breathe Easy10 Walk Away11 Where You Want Me12 Alive13 I Wanna Know14 How A Mans Supposed to Change15 No Goodbyes 英文名称:Best.of.Blue发行时间:2005年专辑歌手:Blue专辑介绍:全球唱片销售已逾七百万张, 成军至今近四年, 全英音乐奖两项大奖得主,欧洲第一男声团BLUE出道3年唯一精选BEST of blue。Blue的最爱。台湾将发行的【初回限定盘】是全世界曲目最全的版本! 比其他国家(包括日> 本,英国)更加多收One Love亚洲巨星大合唱和槙原敬之为BLUE谱写之Gift 专辑曲目:01. All Rise 全体肃立 B.A.D.畅销单曲「OH I」原曲02. Too Close 靠太近 全英冠军单曲03. If U Come Back 回到我身边04. Fly By II 夜空飞行 cLUB nOKIA台湾活动代言曲05. One Love 2003MTV亚洲音乐奖闭幕曲06. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 抱歉太难 奥艾尔顿强深情合唱07. U Make Me Wanna 你让我想要08. Guilty 罪爱09. Signed, Sealed, Delivered 限时专送、我爱你 与史提夫汪达合和Angle Stone合唱10. Breathe Easy 呼吸11. Bubblin - with Lade 爱在发酵12. Curtain Falls 爱的闭幕式13 Get Down On It feat Kool & the Gang and Lil Kim 放手去做14. Love At First Sight 一见钟情15. Best In Me (2004) 最好的我 S.H.E.冬日纪念册强力推荐曲16.One Love - the Sequel 亚洲群星为和平大合唱版本台湾独家!!17.The Gift 礼物 Blue悠游卡活动主题曲台湾独家!! 英文名称:4Ever Blue 四周年特选影音纪念盘专辑歌手:Blue发行时间:2005年07月专辑介绍:4 年前的今天你过的如何? Blue 刚刚以“All Rise”在英国拿下单曲前 5 名的成绩!4 年前的今天,他们不知道,接下来会连续拿到多首英国冠军单曲、会发行 3 张冠军专辑,他们的人生、随着 Blue 成功变的不同。这 4 年来、4 个小朋友的曲风越来越成熟、造型越来越高级、音乐录影带也越来越贵、演唱会一场比一场豪华! 不过、当我们前 2 天回头看“A Year In The Life Of Blue”的时候,我们发现、唯一没变的大概就是:一样淘气的 Lee、一样体贴的 Ant、一样认真的 Si、一样热情的 Dunk!‘他们真的一点都没变",后面传来这样的声音,我回头去看,才发现每个人的眼睛都咪成溺爱的形状。的确、这就是 Blue 的魅力,他们的音乐加上他们的人,自动传递一种很浓很浓的幸福感觉。4 年后的今天,Blue 展开为期 21 场的欧洲英国暂别巡回演唱会,接下来的一年,4 个小朋友要各自单飞闯天涯。 在此之前、为了回馈一直忠心支持他们的台湾歌迷,Blue 特别为台湾企划这张“4Ever Blue”,做为他们出道 4 周年的纪念。专辑曲目:01 Get Down On It (Obi & Josh Mix) 放手去做02 Only Word I Know (Italian Version) 唯一的话语03 Quand Le Rideau Tombe 爱的闭幕式04 A Chi Mi Dice (Breathe Easy Italian Version) 一瞬间05 Made For Loving You 今生只为爱你06 Bubblin"Ft L.A.D.E. / Blarny (OBI & JOSH Remix) 爱在发酵07 U Make Me Wanna (Big Jay Remix) 你让我想要…08 It"s Alright 我愿意09 Move On 勇往直前10 The Gift 礼物11 Love R.I.P 爱 静静安息12 Sweet Thing 美东西13 One Love (Live A Cappella)14 All Rise (Acoustic) 全体肃立15 Best In Me/Don"t Treat Me Like A Fool (Acoustic Session From One Love Live) 最好的我/别待我像个傻子16 When Summer"s Gone (Live At Riverside) 当夏日走远17 Love At First Sight 一见钟情18 4ever Ballad 2005 情歌永恒5合1版本
2023-07-29 03:20:081

blue歌词 Troye Sivan演唱

歌词: Love its hard, I know 爱人难,我懂 All your lights are red, but Im green to go 你拒人千里,我知难而进 Used to see you high, now youre only low 昔日你高高在上,而今你好像放低姿态 All your lights are red but Im green to go 你拒人千里,我知难而进 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I cant say no 不再自欺欺人 Though the lights are on there"s nobody home 即使灯火通明房中也是空无一人 Swore Id never lose control 我曾发誓,我会控制自己 Then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow 却还是爱上了一颗冰冷的心 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I know youre seeing black and white 我知道,你的世界只有黑白 So Ill paint you a clear blue sky 让我为你绘上蓝天 Without you I am colour-blind 没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言 Its raining every time I open my eyes 每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始 I know youre seeing black and white 我知道,你的世界只有黑白 So Ill paint you a clear blue sky 让我为你绘上蓝天 Without you I am colour-blind 没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言 Its raining every time I open my eyes 每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 When Im looking up at you 只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己
2023-07-29 03:20:211

CNBLUE《one time》的歌词

我没听过耶不好意思咯=(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……O(∩_∩)O哈哈~(⊙o⊙)哦就有
2023-07-29 03:20:292


  U Make Me Wanna  打印此页  歌手:Blue 专辑:One Love  Blue - U Make Me Wanna  To start it off I know you know me  To come to think of it, it was only last week.  That I had a dream about us, oh.  That"s why I am here, I"m writing this song.  To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,  Someway let me know, you want me girl.  Everytime you see me what do you see?  I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.  Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.  Baby that"s why:  You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.  You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.  You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.  You make me wanna surrender my soul.  I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.  You"re the first and last thing on my mind.  You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.  You make me wanna surrender my soul.  Well I know that these feelings won"t end no, no.  They"ll just get stronger if I see you again.  Baby I"m tired of being friends.  I wanna know if you feel the same  And could you tell me do you feel my pain?  Don"t leave me in doubt.  Everytime you see me what do you see?  I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.  Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.  And baby that"s why:  I"ll take you home real quick  And sit you down on the couch  Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.  Baby we can make sweet love.  Then we"ll take it nice and slow.  I"m gonna touch you like you"ve never know before  We"re gonna make love all night.  是you make me wanna吧 ,萧亚轩翻唱过满意请采纳。
2023-07-29 03:20:361


  歌词:   Love its hard, I know   爱人难,我懂   All your lights are red, but Im green to go   你拒人千里,我知难而进   Used to see you high, now youre only low   昔日你高高在上,而今你好像放低姿态   All your lights are red but Im green to go   你拒人千里,我知难而进   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I cant say no   不再自欺欺人   Though the lights are on there"s nobody home   即使灯火通明房中也是空无一人   Swore Id never lose control   我曾发誓,我会控制自己   Then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow   却还是爱上了一颗冰冷的心   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I know youre seeing black and white   我知道,你的世界只有黑白   So Ill paint you a clear blue sky   让我为你绘上蓝天   Without you I am colour-blind   没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言   Its raining every time I open my eyes   每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始   I know youre seeing black and white   我知道,你的世界只有黑白   So Ill paint you a clear blue sky   让我为你绘上蓝天   Without you I am colour-blind   没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言   Its raining every time I open my eyes   每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   When Im looking up at you   只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己   I want you   满怀想念的我   Ill colour me blue   我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色   Anything it takes to make you stay   只要你留下,我愿做任何事   Only seeing myself   从你的眼中   When Im looking up at you   我只看到我自己
2023-07-29 03:20:551


Simon Webbe 全名:Simon Solomon Webbe 译名:西蒙·韦伯 出生日期:1979年3月30日 出生地:Manchester 星座:白羊座 头发颜色:黑色 眼睛颜色:棕色 身高:177cm 最喜欢的歌手:Method Man 最喜欢的专辑:Method Man的《Tical》,《Save The Last Dance》电影原声. 最喜欢的歌曲:Method Man的《Tical》 最喜欢的书:《Monster Kody》 最喜欢电影《Belly》(由DMX和Method Man主演) 最喜欢的电视节目:《Fridenys》 最喜欢的影星:Wesley Snipes 最喜欢的食物:鸡肉,米饭和豆类 最喜欢的饮料;Vita 最喜欢的味道:Angel(香水) 最喜欢的足球队;Man Utd 最喜欢的服装品牌:Foot Locker 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 性格:爱交际、时髦、自信、忠诚 自我形容:"我说的米和豆类,如果我把一些东西叫成米和豆类,这说明这东西真的很不错" Simon This means "hearkening" or "listening" from Hebrew shim"on. The New Testament presents Simon as the most importnat of Jesus" apostles. It is of Greek nationality, Hebrew orgin and means "God is heard". Solomon This means "peace" from the Hebrew name Shlomo. Solomon was a king of Israel, son of David, renowed for his wisdom. Webbe Can"t find anything on this at the moment! Duncan James 全名:Duncan Mathew James 译名:邓肯·詹姆斯 出生日期:1979年4月7日 出生地:Salisbury,Wilts 星座:白羊座 头发颜色:浅棕黄色 眼睛颜色:蓝色 身高:179cm 最喜欢的歌手:Marvin Gaye 最喜欢的专辑:Natalie Imbruglia《Left Of The Middle》,《Reservorir Dogs》电影原声 最喜欢的歌曲:Marvin Gake的《What"s Goin"on》 最喜欢的书:《Catcher In The Rye》 最喜欢电影:《The Fifth Element》 最喜欢的电视节目:《Fridenys》 最喜欢的影星:Brad Pitt 最喜欢的食物:海鲜 最喜欢的饮料:草莓汁 最喜欢的味道:冰水的味道 最喜欢的足球队:Arsenal 最喜欢的服装品牌:Levis 最喜欢的颜色:红色 性格:有头脑、精力充沛、情绪化、真诚 自我形容:"我喜欢Robbie Williams一切,和尊重所有喜欢Robbie Williams的Fans" Duncan A two syllable boy"s name of Celtic orgin. Means a dark one, chief. The ethnic background of Duncan include Scottish, English and Welsh. Also means "brown warrior" and "dark chief". Matthew "Gift of Jehovah" from the Hebrew name Mattityahu. James This is of English nationality and it"s origin is Hebrew. It means "the surrplanter". Antony Costa 全名:Antony Daniel Costa 译名:安东尼·柯斯塔 出生日期:1981年6月23日 出生地:Edgware,Middlesex 星座:巨蟹座 头发颜色:黑褐色 眼睛颜色:深褐色 身高:175cm 最喜欢的歌手:George Michael 最喜欢的专辑:George Michael的《Faith》 最喜欢的歌曲:《Father Figure》 最喜欢的书:《Off Mice And Men》 最喜欢电影:《The Commitments》 最喜欢的电视节目:《Only Fools And Horses》 最喜欢的影星:Al Pacino 最喜欢的食物:意大利面食 最喜欢的饮料:可口可乐 最喜欢的味道:妈妈做饭的味道 最喜欢的足球队:Spurs 最喜欢的服装品牌:Diesel 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 性格:精力十足、敏感、有组织能力 自我形容:"我喜欢讲笑话……我有一点喜剧天赋" Antony From the Roman family name Antonius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. It is sometimes claimed to mean "flower" from Greek anthos. Mark Antony was the Roman general who ruled the Roman empire jointly with Augustus for a short time. Their relationship turned sour however, and he and his mistress Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide. Shakespeare"s tragedy "Antony and Cleopatra" is based on them. Also, Saint Anthony was a 3rd-century hermit from Egypt who founded monasticism. Daniel "God is my judge" from the Hebrew name Daniyel. Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, where he served in the court of the king, rising to prominence by interpreting the king"s dreams. The book also presents Daniel"s four visions of the end of the world. Costa This is of Greek orgin and means "firm" and "constant". Lee Ryan 全名:Lee Ryan 译名:李·瑞恩 出生日期:1983年6月17日 出生地:Chantham,Kent 星座:双子座 头发颜色:金色 眼睛颜色:蓝 绿色 身高:179cm 最喜欢的歌手:Stevie Wonder 最喜欢的专辑:BoyzIIMen的《Evolution》,Marvin Gaye的《Greatest Hits》 最喜欢的歌曲:Stevie Wonder的《Superstition》 最喜欢的书:《The Basketball Diaries》 最喜欢电影:《Fight Clur》 最喜欢的电视节目:《The Young Ones》 最喜欢的影星:Edward Norton 最喜欢的食物:寿司 最喜欢的饮料: 红牛 最喜欢的味道:Cool Chanel 最喜欢的足球队:Charlton Athletic 最喜欢的服装品牌:Gucci 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 性格:幽默,敏捷,热情 自我形容:"我是最活跃的,因为我最年轻"
2023-07-29 03:21:021


全名:Simon Solomon Webbe译名:西蒙·韦伯出生日期:1979年3月30日出生地:Manchester星座:白羊座头发颜色:黑色眼睛颜色:棕色身高:177cm最喜欢的歌手:Method Man最喜欢的专辑:Method Man的《Tical》,《Save The Last Dance》电影原声.最喜欢的歌曲:Method Man的《Tical》最喜欢的书:《Monster Kody》最喜欢电影《Belly》(由DMX和Method Man主演)最喜欢的电视节目:《Fridenys》最喜欢的影星:Wesley Snipes最喜欢的食物:鸡肉,米饭和豆类最喜欢的饮料;Vita最喜欢的味道:Angel(香水)最喜欢的足球队;Man Utd最喜欢的服装品牌:Foot Locker最喜欢的颜色:蓝色性格:爱交际、时髦、自信、忠诚自我形容:&quot;我说的米和豆类,如果我把一些东西叫成米和豆类,这说明这东西真的很不错SimonThis means hearkening or listening from Hebrew shim"on. The New Testament presents Simon as the most importnat of Jesus" apostles. It is of Greek nationality,Hebrew orgin and means God is heard.SolomonThis means peace from the Hebrew name Shlomo. Solomon was a king of Israel,son of David,renowed for his wisdom.WebbeCan"t find anything on this at the moment! 全名:Duncan Mathew James译名:唐肯·詹姆斯出生日期:1979年4月7日出生地:Salisbury,Wilts星座:白羊座头发颜色:浅棕黄色眼睛颜色:蓝色身高:179cm最喜欢的歌手:Marvin Gaye最喜欢的专辑:Natalie Imbruglia《Left Of The Middle》,《Reservorir Dogs》电影原声最喜欢的歌曲:Marvin Gake的《What"s Goin"on》最喜欢的书:《Catcher In The Rye》最喜欢电影:《The Fifth Element》最喜欢的电视节目:《Fridenys》最喜欢的影星:Brad Pitt最喜欢的食物:海鲜最喜欢的饮料:草莓汁最喜欢的味道:冰水的味道最喜欢的足球队:Arsenal最喜欢的服装品牌:Levis最喜欢的颜色:红色性格:有头脑、精力充沛、情绪化、真诚自我形容:&quot;我喜欢Robbie Williams一切,和尊重所有喜欢Robbie Williams的FansDuncan(唐肯) 1979年4月7日生于英格兰Dorset郡,13岁时随母亲搬到South Devon郡的Sidmouth,念了一年戏剧后,Duncan在歌唱事业上开始初试啼声,开始在渡假村里随一些乐团驻唱,但他表示那只是玩票性质的胡混罢了,因为一群毛头小子根本闯不出什么名堂。但谢天谢地,在遇见Antony之后,Duncan终于离开了自溺的小天地,展开Blue的2001传奇之旅。Duncan的音域宽广,虽然他尽量也想表演高音部分的长才。但他的中低音方面的才华却远胜于高音,他略带沙哑的磁性嗓音,添加了这个乐团给人温暖的气质 而这正是Blue最重要的个性。DuncanA two syllable boy"s name of Celtic orgin. Means a dark one,chief. The ethnic background of Duncan include Scottish,English and Welsh. Also means brown warrior and dark chief.MatthewGift of Jehovah from the Hebrew name Mattityahu.JamesThis is of English nationality and it"s origin is Hebrew. It means the surrplanter. 全名:Antony Daniel Costa译名:安东尼·柯斯塔出生日期:1981年6月23日出生地:Edgware,Middlesex星座:巨蟹座头发颜色:黑褐色眼睛颜色:深褐色身高:175cm最喜欢的歌手:George Michael最喜欢的专辑:George Michael的《Faith》最喜欢的歌曲:《Father Figure》最喜欢的书:《Off Mice And Men》最喜欢电影:《The Commitments》最喜欢的电视节目:《Only Fools And Horses》最喜欢的影星:Al Pacino最喜欢的食物:意大利面食最喜欢的饮料:可口可乐最喜欢的味道:妈妈做饭的味道最喜欢的足球队:Tottenham Hotspur最喜欢的服装品牌:Diesel最喜欢的颜色:蓝色性格:精力十足、敏感、有组织能力自我形容:&quot;我喜欢讲笑话……我有一点喜剧天赋AntonyFrom the Roman family name Antonius,which is of unknown Etruscan origin. It is sometimes claimed to mean flower from Greek anthos. Mark Antony was the Roman general who ruled the Roman empire jointly with Augustus for a short time. Their relationship turned sour however,and he and his mistress Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide. Shakespeare"s tragedy "Antony and Cleopatra" is based on them. Also,Saint Anthony was a 3rd-century hermit from Egypt who founded monasticism.DanielGod is my judge from the Hebrew name Daniyel. Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon,where he served in the court of the king,rising to prominence by interpreting the king"s dreams. The book also presents Daniel"s four visions of the end of the world.CostaThis is of Greek orgin and means firm and constant. 全名:Lee Ryan译名:李·瑞恩出生日期:1983年6月17日出生地:Chantham,Kent星座:双子座头发颜色:金色眼睛颜色:蓝 绿色身高:179cm最喜欢的歌手:Stevie Wonder最喜欢的专辑:BoyzⅡMen的《Evolution》,Marvin Gaye的《Greatest Hits》最喜欢的歌曲:Stevie Wonder的《Superstition》最喜欢的书:《The Basketball Diaries》最喜欢电影:《Fight Clur》最喜欢的电视节目:《The Young Ones》最喜欢的影星:Edward Norton最喜欢的食物:寿司最喜欢的饮料:红牛最喜欢的味道:Cool Chanel最喜欢的足球队:Charlton Athletic最喜欢的服装品牌:Gucci最喜欢的颜色:蓝色性格:幽默,敏捷,热情自我形容:&quot;我是最活跃的,因为我最年轻
2023-07-29 03:21:111

Alexi Murdoch的《Blue Mind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Mind歌手:Alexi Murdoch专辑:Time Without ConsequenceAlexi MurdochBlue Mindby Q3ACN|aZheGot no timeGot no mindFor the lineIn my lifeNo time to thinkTime for sleep nowTime to sink way into the blue, dearGot no timeGot no mindFor the lineIn this lifeNo time to thinkTime for sleep nowTime to sink way into the blue, dearSo watch your timeTime descendsLet it spill quietlyFrom your handsOh, and the time is at handWhen all things under the skyGo free of timeTime is passing you byGot no timeAnd I am driftingYes, I am driftingRemember when you were only a childRemember when you were only a childRemember when you were only a childStart to see with your blue mindStart to see with your blue mindDon"t be afraid of what you findNo, don"t be afraid of what you findCause I am driftingYes, I am driftingSlowly, slowly I am driftingSlowly, slowly I am driftingYes, slowly, slowly I am drifting
2023-07-29 03:21:231

sometime blue ,sensitive always.什么意思?

2023-07-29 03:21:311

Under Melissa Blue的《Bed Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Time歌手:Under Melissa Blue专辑:It"s Bluer Than YouUsher & BabyfaceBedtime"I just want you so much. Can I have you baby, do you hear me baby?(verse 1)Craving your body all through the night, feels like I"m going through withdrawI want to hold you, I want you inside of these armsI"m dying to taste you, I can"t denyI can"t get it out of my mindPlease let me hold youCuz" I need your lovin" tonight(chorus)Whenever I"m near you, my love just comes down (just comes down)whenever I see you, I just want you around (oh baby, oh suga)"Cause I wanna feel you all through the day and the night (oh lady)whenever I"m near you it feels like bedtime(verse 2)Constantly thinking of things to do, places where we can make loveCuz" I wanna freak you, I"ll freak you where ever you wantPlacing my kisses all over you, caressing you so nice and slowOh how I want you, girl theres something I want you to know(chorus)Whenever I"m near you, my love just comes down (just comes down)whenever I see you, I just want you around (I just want it baby...)"Cause I wanna feel you all through the day and the night (Oh)whenever I"m near you, it feels like bedtime(bridge)Do you get lonely (ooh, I get lonely)thinking about me? (thinkin" about you)Am I the only...(Girl I dream of, I think of at all)Are you into me, outta your mind for me?Say you can"t go a day with out me...Girl I love you,and I want you,and I need you, I need you, I need you(chorus)Whenever I"m near you, my love just comes down (my love comes down)whenever I see you, I just want you around (Oh I want you, I want you)"Cause I wanna feel you all through the day and the nightwhenever I"m near you, it feels like bedtime(chorus)Whenever I"m near you, my love just comes down (my love, my love my love)whenever I see you, I just want you around (I just need you...cuz)"Cause I wanna feel you all through the day and the nightwhenever I"m near you, it feels like bedtime (It feels like bedtime)It feels like bed time...(baby)
2023-07-29 03:21:411

Red Wanting Blue的《Space Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Space Time歌手:Red Wanting Blue专辑:These Magnificent MilesSpace & Time- The PiercesI can"t afford to watch you walk awayThese games you play are bringing me downIf you could see, all of this sorrow in meI"ve got to believe you"ll stick aroundIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, loveMy life goes on slowly without youI move through space and timeI feel the air heavy upon my skinAnd wonder if I"ll see you againIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, loveIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love
2023-07-29 03:21:481

求BrandonHeath唱的Blue Mountain 的歌词

Cool fog in the morningLike cotton on the treesQuiet enough to hear a songIn the humming of the beesFloating out from the highwaySaying, come on up my wayThrough the tall grass in the valleyWhere the earth and Heaven meetWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainAbove the clouds and busy crowdsIt"s where you wanna beWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainWhere the time crawls and the water fallsBlue Mountain majestySend a postcard to your sweetheartTake a picture by the signSee all the way to seven statesAnd the coast if the weather"s rightIt"s always right, it"s paradiseIt"s like you"ve never seenTake a nap under a hickoryAnd wake up in a dreamWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainAbove the clouds and busy crowdsYou swear you"ll never leaveWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainWhere the time crawls and the water fallsBlue Mountain majesty中文让我翻译一会百度HI给你,分给我吧~
2023-07-29 03:22:061


because love you everyday
2023-07-29 03:22:1710


CNBLUE - One Time作词:郑容和 作曲:郑容和, RYOI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worth I know You Know It is all about my music Music changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts I know You Know Your life is also the same Music that is my booBoom Boom tap Boom Boom tap Step by step uhm you don"t careI just like mic guitar bass drum kick snare Check up the one day four mans walked on street in my dream What bad at the time may Actually Be a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it realEverywhere we want to go Everywhere you want to go One time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it either Give me a few more minutes one time one time I"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldI don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worth I know You Know It is all about my music that changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the life I know You Know Your life is also the same Music that is my booBoom Boom tap Boom Boom tap Everyday Everywhere we we will doHow we do? Just keep it real That is our spirit We need to heal One way only one way I had nothing on except for my socks but I"ll show you everything and I make you We We We We We We make you highEverywhere we want to go Everywhere you want to go one time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it either Give me a few more minutes one time one time I"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldWhat What What I can do it look at me Slow down and down What What What Can"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mind What What What I can do it look at me Show down and downAre you ready? (Yes sir) Let"s go to the world Ready? (Yes sir) Top of the worldEverywhere we want to go Everywhere you want to go one time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it either Give me a few more minutes one time one time I"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldEverywhere we want to go Everywhere you want to go one time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it either Give me a few more minutes one time one time I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world Top of the world Top of the world
2023-07-29 03:23:041


CNBLUE - One Time作词:郑容和作曲:郑容和, RYOI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicMusic changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughtsI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapStep by step uhm you don"t careI just like mic guitar bass drum kick snareCheck up the one day four mans walked on street in my dreamWhat bad at the time may ActuallyBe a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it realEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goOne time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldI don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worthI know You Know It is all about my musicthat changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the lifeI know You Know Your life is also the sameMusic that is my booBoom Boom tapBoom Boom tapEveryday Everywhere we we will doHow we do? Just keep it realThat is our spirit We need to healOne way only one wayI had nothing on except for my socksbut I"ll show you everything and I make youWe We We We We We make you highEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Slow down and downWhat What WhatCan"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mindWhat What WhatI can do it look at me Show down and downAre you ready? (Yes sir)Let"s go to the worldReady? (Yes sir)Top of the worldEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldEverywhere we want to goEverywhere you want to goone time one time we could feel tired at one timeI don"t care about it eitherGive me a few more minutesone time one timeI"ll show you what I can be the top of the worldTop of the worldTop of the world
2023-07-29 03:23:181

blue歌词 Troye Sivan演唱

歌词: Love its hard, I know 爱人难,我懂 All your lights are red, but Im green to go 你拒人千里,我知难而进 Used to see you high, now youre only low 昔日你高高在上,而今你好像放低姿态 All your lights are red but Im green to go 你拒人千里,我知难而进 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I cant say no 不再自欺欺人 Though the lights are on there"s nobody home 即使灯火通明房中也是空无一人 Swore Id never lose control 我曾发誓,我会控制自己 Then I fell in love with a heart that beats so slow 却还是爱上了一颗冰冷的心 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I know youre seeing black and white 我知道,你的世界只有黑白 So Ill paint you a clear blue sky 让我为你绘上蓝天 Without you I am colour-blind 没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言 Its raining every time I open my eyes 每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始 I know youre seeing black and white 我知道,你的世界只有黑白 So Ill paint you a clear blue sky 让我为你绘上蓝天 Without you I am colour-blind 没有你,我的世界没有色彩可言 Its raining every time I open my eyes 每次睁开眼,都是泪流的开始 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 When Im looking up at you 只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己 I want you 满怀想念的我 Ill colour me blue 我会将自己染上蔚蓝的颜色 Anything it takes to make you stay 只要你留下,我愿做任何事 Only seeing myself 从你的眼中 When Im looking up at you 我只看到我自己
2023-07-29 03:23:251


塔克(タック):(CV:沼田祐介)陪同四位时间连者来到20世纪的机器人,外型是猫头鹰。内存大量罪犯的资料,也有20世纪及30世纪的资料,是战队重要的数据库。有人的特性,性格沉着冷静,曾因为觉得不能接受龙也队长的命令而自毁芯片,幸好紫音做了资料备份而得以重新运作。名字取自时钟的“滴答”声。TIME ROBOTA(タイムロボター):(CV:折笠富美子)紫音所制造的二号支援用机器人,说话时会带有“TAIMU(TIME)”的尾音。龙也队长(リュウヤ):永井大(兼饰)时间保护局战队队长。跟浅见龙也长得一模一样(原因是他也是浅见家的后裔)。在故事初期帮忙在未来发射时间喷射机(TIME JET)到20世纪,随着故事发展看得出原来另有目的。浅见龙也等五人成为时间连者,也在他的计划之中。原本任务中为真正的TIME FIRE,得知自己会因为在20世纪战死之后,想改变历史,设计让泷泽直人成为TIME FIRE以代替他战死。在20世纪的浅见龙也为了尤里等人的安全,强行把他们送回30世纪后,龙也把新的历史告诉他们,并想把他们的记忆也同时修改,以及删除有关他们曾身在20世纪的记忆,不过最后四人还是忠于自我,设法重回20世纪协助浅见龙也。而龙也自己则在最后与绫濑缠斗时遭误射身亡,命运终究无法改变。森山保奈美(森山ホナミ):有辉りん到处追着时间连者的热血记者。曾因为拍摄敌人照片而差点丧命,被时间连者所救,又因得到TIME YELLOW的安慰而爱上TIME YELLOW,一度误认绫濑(BLUE)是TIME YELLOW。后来得知土门才是真正的TIME YELLOW而正式堕入爱河,完结篇中并生下了土门的孩子。2011年‘海贼战队豪快者"第40话中登场,与儿子森山未来一同遇上海贼战队豪快者,豪快银更把合照送回给土门(豪快银不知三人的关系)。浅见渡:冈本富士太50岁。浅见集团的会长,龙也的父亲。公司在社会的政治金融界有相当的影响力,对社会贡献也不遗余力,因为多尼洛与其党羽在20世纪作乱,而发起了保安服务公司“City Guardians(简称CGC)”,是尤里在未来的城市警察前身。对自己的儿子龙也不听自己的话感到焦虑,其实他自己年轻时也曾做过同样的事,很担心儿子跟自己不同,脱离家族而真的一去不返。故事中段发现自己的儿子是时间连者的成员,感到吃惊与困惑。原本的历史中是在洗钱帮的攻击中受重伤身亡,但在龙也的努力改变历史后而得救。浅见奈美江:大西多摩恵龙也的母亲,旧姓为鹰宫。鹰宫义隆:小池荣龙也的祖父同时也是奈美江的爸爸,曾教授过龙也空手道。
2023-07-29 03:23:331

cnblue韩文版的one time罗马音译歌词,谢谢啦,

2023-07-29 03:24:301

there was a time when a deep blue sky

2023-07-29 03:24:381

求BLUE--no goodbyes的歌词(要中英文对照)

2023-07-29 03:24:461

Stevie Wonder的《Moon Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Moon Blue歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:A Time To LoveMoon blue, rivers of love you shine, Bathe me in light sublimeFlood me with all your glowing heart can giveMoon blue, memories bind like chainsWhen will you come againI wait in darkness just for your bright to beam"Cause I"m not afraid of the consequenceOf being in love with youAnd I"d rather be alone some nightsAwaiting your full hueFor though the sun makes bright the dayMy world is dark when there"s no youYou light my skies and make dark night bright day, Moon blueMoon blue, your beauty"s seen by all, the yearning of your callTravels the world and then makes home my soulMoon blue, lift me to starry heights, I long to live within your lightSolace of mind, my heart is yours for always"Cause I"m not afraid of the consequenceOf being in love with youAnd I"d rather be alone some nightsAwaiting your full hueFor though the sun makes bright the dayMy world is dark when there"s no youYou light my skies and make dark night bright day, Moon blue
2023-07-29 03:24:551

CNBLUE Paradise歌词

~~~~~望采纳哦~~~~ Paradise - CNBLUE How fast time fliesYesterday was the time of livesSometimes we remember it as loveSometimes we got hurt but the sun will riseAll steps I take feel lostSometimes I stray off trackI would lose something precious sometimesBut who would even know about that?Sometimes some people pretendThey don"t care at allBut sometimes I know you worryThe sun will shine all the timeTake my handI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingAs time passesI used to say, it gets so hardIt is not about how fast it goesIt is about the time we sharedYou will know you are so goodI"ll make you see itWe"ll have a party tonightEvery time you close your eyesRemember thisI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseHealing for you, it"s just for youNo worry no care tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseWish nothing but the best for youIt"s always singing for you, for youCause Love is amazing
2023-07-29 03:26:301

Everytime I See You 歌词

歌曲名:Everytime I See You歌手:Roy Ayers专辑:20Th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: Best Of Roy AyersLuke Bryan - Every Time I See YouIt"s like a bolt of lightning hits me in my chestRight out of the blueEverytime i see youTop of the world I"m standing rocking at my bestThen I look like a foolYou"re like a wreck out on the highwayI can"t look away and I can"t pass throughYou"re like an early morning MondayBringing me down messing with my moodI"d love to say i can hold myself togetherBut i can"t help but come ungluedI wanna tell you everything I ever wanted to sayBut I never doI"m sure my steering wheeland dashboard would love a good breakBut they feel it tooEvery time I see youWhy I gotta see you?Ohh I"m walkin down the streetAnd you walk right up to me
2023-07-29 03:26:381

Everytime I See You 歌词

歌曲名:Everytime I See You歌手:比利 乔专辑:Search For A Star In A MillionLuke Bryan - Every Time I See YouIt"s like a bolt of lightning hits me in my chestRight out of the blueEverytime i see youTop of the world I"m standing rocking at my bestThen I look like a foolYou"re like a wreck out on the highwayI can"t look away and I can"t pass throughYou"re like an early morning MondayBringing me down messing with my moodI"d love to say i can hold myself togetherBut i can"t help but come ungluedI wanna tell you everything I ever wanted to sayBut I never doI"m sure my steering wheeland dashboard would love a good breakBut they feel it tooEvery time I see youWhy I gotta see you?Ohh I"m walkin down the streetAnd you walk right up to me
2023-07-29 03:27:041

cnblue just please和one time的英文歌词

just pleasedo you knowthis song is for youthe most incredible baby, ya heardjust please know why my heart is beating for youjust fix what is inside my shadowed mindi can"t live without you don"t leave me alonebaby, listen to me grawling....this song"s for you, dear missit"s a tale of painful lovefrom the codenamei"m containing a dizzy chainthat is what? i couldn"t do it cause of myselfi was so sick and sick, couldn"t handle it myselfi thought she and i were the bonnie and clydelaugh at me or heal me and wanna know what i"m singingjust thanksi woke up with the sudden notionand i can"t get out of my compunctioneven if i knew how you feelnow, how you feel setting such a line of actionevery time i hear your voicejust staring at the overcast blue sky......from the beginning to the terminationi stand on my silly positionshould i ask you for your remissioni"m thinking like that and explorationcause my mind is not so finewhy don"t you come into my mindhey please listen to my rhymeso you can look into my lifeall of this is not imaginationsi can feel my heart go downcan someone relax my mind my mind.......can you know that?how do you think thatthis way is the right way? or go backit reminds me not so badwhat can i do i thought she was my boobut i"m good one day she will know my truthjust please my mind my mind is truthi"m good so sorry my boo can you hear?"s arriveit"s arrive... one timeMe plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time One time, one time When I met you girl my heart went knock knock Now them butterflies in my stomach won"t stop stop And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got And we gon" keep keep climbing to the mountain top Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) You look so deep, you know that it humbles me You"re by my side, them troubles them not trouble me Many have called but the chosen is you Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) Shawty right there She"s got everything I need And I"ma tell her one time Give you everything you need down to my last dime She makes me happy I know where I"ll be Right by your side "Cause she is the one And girl you"re my one love, my one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) And I"ma be your one guy You"ll be my #1 girl Always making time for you I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I"ma tell you one time (Girl, I love, girl I love you) Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time Me plus you, I"ma tell you one time One time, one time
2023-07-29 03:27:221