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be one什么意思

是 be number one吧就是“成为第一名”



Alone among strangers课文翻译



相对而言,ZA的兼容性和稳定性要强一些;OP的拦截大多数和数字签名认证(自动创建规则)更替用户考虑在不存在兼容性的前提下(和常用软件冲突,和系统冲突,和路由较真......),我会首选OP家里的台式机用的是ZA,强大而易用;ZA区以前有一篇端口配置的帖子,我保存在电脑里了,老妈一边看一边学着给迅雷写规则。ZA的易用性可见一斑。ZA易用并不代表OP复杂多少,OP_Pro_2009相对ZA的一大亮点是主防的细致,更能随用户意愿来DIY我的笔记本上用的是OP[] 查看原帖>>

Carbon Copy Cloner——磁盘克隆备份工具

Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac 是一款运行在Mac端的磁盘克隆备份工具,你可以用Carbon Copy Cloner执行计划任务、增量备份、整盘克隆恢复等一系列实用功能,只要我们能够想到的数据同步和备份方式,Carbon Copy Cloner 都支持,支持自动备份到另一个目录、备份到移动硬盘、备份到网络硬盘等等需求,支持增量备份、计划任务备份、网络备份等功能,简单易用! 功能 可启动备份 当灾难袭击您的硬盘时,您可以从备份启动并继续工作。有空余时间解决问题磁盘问题。 智能更新 仅更新已添加或修改的文件。 引导式设置 CCC可以引导您完成设置过程。 随处备份 在外部驱动器上创建备份,或将文件备份到另一台Macintosh。 家庭执照 一个许可证允许您在家中的每台Mac上运行CCC。 Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac亮点特色 任务分组和排序 将你的任务收集到组中,以便直观地组织它们 只需点击一下即可运行一组任务,或一次安排一个组。任务还可以按名称,退出状态,上次运行日期,下次运行日期或手动排序。 备份通知 除了让您通过macOS通知中心发布信息外,CCC还可以通过电子邮件向您发送备份任务的结果。这不是一件容易的事情 - 只需配置一次您的电子邮件帐户设置并在多个任务中使用它 任务计划 CCC可以每小时,每天,每周,每月或每当连接到备份驱动器时备份数据。您只能在工作日,周末或仅在一天中的某些时间告诉CCC备份。您还可以使用任务链和计划任务组创建更复杂的备份策略。 更智能的安全网 创建一个可启动的硬盘克隆,但也保留最近删除和更改的文件的副本 - 以防万一。SafetyNet比以往更加智能:如果在备份过程中空间不足,CCC可以自动释放空间并恢复备份。 任务历史 快速查看您的任务运行时间以及是否成功。按任务名称,源卷,目标卷或运行日期限制列表。接收有关导致错误的任务的详细信息和建议。 磁盘中心 快速了解有关卷的更多信息或创建恢复HD,同时轻松查看涉及选定磁盘的所有任务以及每次任务运行的最后时间。 菜单栏应用程序 随时关注当前正在运行的备份任务,创建新任务或运行计划任务。 克隆恢复HD macOS安装程序会在您的启动磁盘上创建一个可用于重新安装macOS的专有恢复卷。CCC是唯一能够归档和克隆此恢复卷的备份软件。我们简化了这个复杂的过程,只需点击一下! 高级文件过滤 从备份任务中排除一个或两个文件夹对于CCC来说一直很简单,现在更容易准确定义应该备份的内容和不应备份的内容。您现在也可以看到自定义过滤规则的效果,现在CCC会报告要备份多少数据。QuickLook面板显示您的文件预览,并且您可以根据名称,大小或修改日期对文件列表进行排序。 简化的远程Mac设置 备份到远程Macintosh的设置过程已大大简化。SafetyNet修剪现在可用于远程Mac目标,并且CCC现在可以向您显示远程Mac源的内容。远程Mac备份从未如此简单! 任务历史趋势 我们的新趋势图表显示了您的任务随时间的表现如何,每次运行任务时将复制多少个文件/多少数据。 备份健康检查 你有没有担心你的备份在你需要时可能会失败?CCC已经涵盖了你。CCC可以运行特殊的每月或每周腐败检查来识别备份中损坏的文件 - 并自动替换它们。 Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac更新日志 为卷卸载请求添加了超时机制。DiskArbitration服务应该永不失败地回复卸载请求,但是最近我们经常看到这些事件。 对HFS +到APFS的转换进行了一些其他调整,这些调整应使其更强大。 解决了以下问题:如果源或目标是APFS卷组中数据卷上的文件夹,则在重新连接源或目标时“重新连接”任务将无法运行。 现在,在对macOS Catalina系统卷进行可启动备份时,默认情况下,CCC将在目标上禁用Spotlight。 现在,“任务已完成且有错误”电子邮件主题以“警告”表情符号开头,因此可以更轻松地将其与非错误任务区分开。 修复了导致在“查看”菜单中未将所选任务组标记为选中状态的逻辑问题。修复了类似的问题,该问题导致任务组的“文件”菜单中的“立即运行”菜单选项被禁用。 修复了CCC命令行实用程序中的某些死胡同,这些死胡同在尚未安装CCC的帮助程序工具或尚未保存任务时会遇到。 修复了与在各个窗口(包括“任务历史”窗口)中显示的编号中使用的数千分组分隔符相关的本地化问题。 在远程Mac上由磁盘实用程序产生的有关无法加载未签名插件的错误,将不再导致CCC在配置到远程Mac或从远程Mac备份任务时无法生成卷列表。 解决了由于缺少解释器行而导致某些飞行前和飞行后脚本无法运行的问题。 从T2 Mac从加密卷启动时,磁盘实用程序无法创建APFS卷组的情况下,添加了更具体的处理。 修复了几个用户界面的大小和位置异常。 当选择APFS卷组作为源时,提高了在“任务筛选器”窗口中报告的“总数据大小”值的准确性。 修复了以下问题:在数据集的修改项非常少的情况下,“任务历史记录”窗口中报告的“总数据大小”值不正确(太低)。 如果“ OneDrive”出现在文件夹路径中的任何位置,则CCC不再将“ About this folder.rtf”文件添加到SafetyNet文件夹中。这应该避免OneDrive因其1980年代风格的失败而处理名称以空格字符开头的文件而引起的抱怨。 Carbon Copy Cloner的要求 英特尔,64位处理器 OS X 10.10或更高版本

唯一用英文怎么说!?第一呢?THE ONE是什么意思?


one of+复数名词 与 the only one+复数名词,有何区别?

one of +名词复数,整体看成单数.泛指其中之“一”,做主语时,谓语动词当然用单数 .the one of+名词复数,特指就是其中的“那个”.做主语时,谓语动词也用单数.另外:one of + 复数名词+从句时,从句中的谓语动词和复数名...

女生个性签名only one ,什么意思?


她的个性签名:only one 这是为什么?? 是不是她自己??还是有别人了??谢谢大家。


朴志研Big Brother《Only One》中文歌词

《MTBD-崩溃》注视着这震颤的力量顺着脊背而下的感觉独自绽放的鲜花Fire,Fire,一起小心如同语言中的瑜伽所有的僵直一次融掉不作死不会死林子大了什么鸟都有唵 修利修利 摩诃修利 修修利 萨婆诃唤醒你灵魂的摇篮曲走到高处 审视自己月火水木金土日Karma karma karma is looking for youWhat u gonna do when they come for youKarma karma karma is gonna find youWhat u gonna do满月升起,所有人围成圈跳舞2NE1在这, everybody sqalay扼住现实脖颈的乱舞我隐秘的眼神 鉴别出赝品们我快 如同兔子 跑的飞快我让 他如爆出鼻血般杂乱的头发 被解放的呆滞眼神精神崩溃 任务成功天灵灵 地灵灵 哈库那玛塔塔随着你的潜意识注视着这个旋转的世界月火水木金土日Karma karma karma is looking for youWhat u gonna do when they come for youKarma karma karma is gonna find youWhat u gonna doHow beautiful is this lifeHow painful is this lifeHow beautiful is this lifeHow painful is this life《Baby I Miss You》 中文歌词Baby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youYou a young boyI see youI see you我从你身上看到了自己你做的事情令我微笑You‘re bad boy没有关系 play that game boyI can handle it我不想被发觉我对你的感情不要ButI don"t careI"m a let it showI"m a let it showBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youBoy 我无法忘记你你第一件对我说的事情是“hey what"s up”你没有尴尬的表情感觉就像我们以前就相识I‘ll be you star你双眼中饱含着让我发亮的光芒你不要走远 oh my god让我们去一些没人的地方 Now我不想被发觉我对你的感情不要ButI don"t careI"m a let it showI"m a let it showBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youWhen I look into your eyesYou set me freeJust look into my eyesI"ll let you see everythingWe don"t need anything in our secret worldNobody"s invitedIt"s just you and mealways我想和你一直走下去有一天,我想看着你的眼睛告诉你 I Love You我想说 I trust youBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about you《Come Back Home》虽然你离开了我但我还会从某处听到你的呼吸声又一次 Four five six留下了眼泪怀念抱我时你的香气说是为我好的那些话像谎言一样冰冷转身的你为什么为什么 you"re gone awayCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta doCOME BACK HOMECOME BACK HOMECome baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come回到我身边吧Come baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come虽然我讨厌一声不答的你你也会偶尔的怀念起我么? yeah我被封锁在了没有你的时间里看不到前方我好害怕我们好有好多日子没能在一起我好像只是在等待你到底在哪在哪 too far awayCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta doCome back homeCome back homeCome baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come回到我身边吧Come baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come comeCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta do《非你不可》 [너 아님 안돼]不知道为什么我就是讨厌新感情即便是我还是很讨厌你那如命运般的相见现已从亲爱的变成了陌生人你离开了,香气却还在徘徊We used to be all turnt up我们渐行渐远你说过不是你,但是等着瞧爱情的逆转今天我依旧要呐喊像以前一样 lets go向前 rewind第一次XO讨厌忘不掉你的我自己想要忘记却做不到everyday非你不可不要说这是结局It ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s over即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你再次把我关进你这座监狱里吧没有你的世界好冷酷死一般的痛苦我也没关系I don"t care因为我是狐狸有九条命你这波涛一次次向我袭来,将我粉碎那我也没关系I"m Okay在爱情面前我就是desperado无论别人说什么我都无所谓因为我们一起跳舞的那首歌还没有结束向着你大喊向以前一样 let"s go向前 rewind第一次 X O我讨厌你冷冰冰地说这是最后一次想要从脑海里把你抹掉却总是又勾勒出你的模样非你不可不要说这是结局It ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s over即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你闭着眼也想着你你的脸你的表情你是我最初也是最后的爱,don"t say good bye即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你《HAPPY》넌 정말 재수없어 你真是无药可救널 만날 이유 없어 我们没必要继续下去너 같은 남잔 이세상에 깔렸어 你这种男人遍地都是재 재 재 재수없어 无 无 无 无可救药단점을 셀 수 없어 浑身上下无一是处참으며 사랑하긴 对你百般忍耐的爱시간이 너무 아까워 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without you너와의 기억은 关于你的回忆기다린 기억밖에 없어 除了等待还是等待난 참고 참고 참아도 끝은 없었어 我忍了又忍 永无止境사랑한단 한마디가 듣고 싶었어 只为了听你说声爱我난 무심한 너의 사랑에 你这份无心的爱情난 지쳤어 기분이 더러워 我早已疲倦 心情糟糕자존심 다 버리고 줬는데 참 서러워 我抛下自尊全为了你 真是寂寥내가 이것밖에 안됐나 난 두려워 难道我只有这点出息 简直担忧사랑이란 두 글자가 이젠 난 무서워 爱情这两个字 如今已令我害怕네가 참 우스워 你真让人笑掉大牙넌 정말 재수없어 你真是无药可救널 만날 이유 없어 我们没必要继续下去너 같은 남잔 이 세상에 깔렸어 你这种男人遍地都是재 재 재 재수없어 无 无 无 无可救药단점을 셀 수 없어 浑身上下无一是处참으며 사랑하긴 对你百般忍耐的爱시간이 너무 아까워 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without you네 입에서 나오는 말은 从你口中说出的那些话거짓말이 반 속고 속고 半真半假 被你一骗再骗속아도 끝은 없었 却从来都学不乖언젠가 너도 总有一天你也会너 같은 여잘 만나게 될거야 遇到你这样的女人아파 봐야 그때 넌 내 맘 알거야 只有被人伤害过 才能明白我的话기분이 더러워 心情糟糕해피 엔딩의 주인공이란 건 없었어 从没有什么幸福结局的主人公내가 바보처럼 순진했나 是我像傻瓜般太过纯真더 잘됐어 지금이라도 널 알았으니 幸好现在看清你也不晚떠나겠어 정말 재수없어 我要离开你 你真是无药可救넌 정말 재수없어 你真是无药可救널 만날 이유 없어 我们没必要继续下去너 같은 남잔 이 세상에 깔렸어 你这种男人遍地都是재 재 재 재수없어 无 无 无 无可救药단점을 셀 수 없어 浑身上下无一是处참으며 사랑하긴 对你百般忍耐的爱시간이 너무 아까워 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without you맘이 시원해 속이 후련해 心里痛快了 真是快活뼈 속 깊은 곳 까지 连骨头最深处네 기억 지워내 关于你的记忆也要擦去너무 시원해 속이 후련해 实在太痛快 简直快活뼈 속 깊은 곳 까지 连骨头最深处네 기억 지워내 关于你的记忆也要擦去넌 정말 재수없어 你真是无药可救널 만날 이유 없어 我们没必要继续下去너 같은 남잔 이 세상에 깔렸어 你这种男人遍地都是재 재 재 재수없어 无 无 无 无可救药단점을 셀 수 없어 浑身上下无一是处참으며 사랑하긴 对你百般忍耐的爱시간이 너무 아까워 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without you《Crush》 中文版歌词我是所有女人们火热的crush让你心脏跳动的crush漂亮姐姐们都喜欢我因为喜欢我的话就会变漂亮They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)我无所畏惧我也觉得我自己有点可怕我很忙我连电视都不看所以你出去别和我说话如果你觉得你可以像我这样跳舞的话就出来吧我自己就可以把你打败让你疯狂的这music你听到了吗MINZY they love me我嚣张做什么都是我做主我嚣张大家也都知道 I don"t care我嚣张我一点也不简单不要对我期望太多谁也阻挡不了我,我就是这么嚣张They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)I got 21 big brothersTo me you ain"t big brother用我性感的嘴唇口无遮拦的讲话惹到我的话受伤的是你这傻瓜Valentines day everyday丘比特都爱上我不要被我的笑脸所蒙骗我很危险我嚣张做什么都是我做主我嚣张大家也都知道 I don"t care我嚣张我一点也不简单不要对我期望太多谁也阻挡不了我,我就是这么嚣张They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)Come and get it i killCome and get it i killYeah Come and get it i killCome and get it i killNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzahey

only one微信名有什么意思


有一首英文歌.女的唱的.有一句是,Only one.是什么歌耶..!?

好像Mariah Carey的 FOREVER 歌词里也有Only One,不知道是不是你想找的.

用only one造个句子

I will give only one chance to you

Only One Alex Band歌词全部的翻译?


歌词中有only one 的一首歌 女声 慢歌

John Kay 的You"re the Only One Dry your eyes, come sit close to meLay your head on my aching chestAnd let me try to console and comfort youIt"s my fault, I can do no lessAll night long we"ve been talkin" "boutAll the time that my work will takeBut all is know is , I work for twoAnd if music ain"t my lifeIt"s still the living I makeSo lie here tonight in the shelter of my armsNothing will ever take your placeYou"re the only one that knows meYou"re the only one I trustYou"re the only one that matters in my lifeYou"re the only one I lean onYou"re the only one I needYou"re the only one that"s ever been enoughOh, you"re the only one I ever lovedSoon I"ll go back to battleAnd soon I"ll wear the right face for the partBut when it"s over I"m coming back to you girlFor you"re the only one that knows me by heartSo lie here tonight in the shelter of my armsNothing will ever take your placeYou"re the only one that knows meYou"re the only one I trustYou"re the only one that matters in my lifeYou"re the only one I lean onYou"re the only one I needYou"re the only one that"s ever been enoughOh, you"re the only one I ever lovedFor all those days you lived aloneAnd all those nights when you were left behindAnd all those times you felt left outI can"t repay but to make these moments countSo lie here tonight in the shelter of my armsNothing will ever take your placeYou"re the only one that knows meYou"re the only one I trustYou"re the only one that matters in my lifeYou"re the only one I lean onYou"re the only one I needYou"re the only one that"s ever been enoughOh, you"re the only one I ever love

BOA唱的only one的罗马音译歌词


韩文歌,男生唱的,高潮是You are the only one,only one(重复了大概2遍左右)

听着怎么那么像Boa的Only one.

only one罗马音

You are not the only one su be te un me i no de a i ni ka wa a de ku Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love I"m lost in time a ru hi to tsu zen ka ze ni fu ka re de I ki o mo mu ta da a i ta i su na ga ra na i den wa o mi tsu me de ru a na ta to de a i shi re ba shi ru ho do na ze ka fu an ga chi ra tsu i de ku a na ta no Private?zo on ku o ri so ra ka ra hi to shi su ku a me ga o o mu ra su Oh hi to tsu da ke o shi e de “hon ki da a ta?” You are not the only one su be te un me i no de a i ni ka wa a de ku Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love so re na ra ki to bun ka ri a e ru ha zu ne mou i chi do ya ri na o se ru Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love I"m lost in time i ki ru no ga bu ki you na wa ta shi ni wa de ni fu re ru mo no da ke o shin ji yo u to shi te ki ta bi ru no mo do ni o tsu ru ma chi sa e mo ki e te i ku yo u de ya ri ki re na i me o so ra su Private?zo on ka ta ku ni gi ri shi me ta ko no ryo u de sa e i ma Oh a na ta no mu ku mo ri wo sa ra shi te ru Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love i ma na ra ki i to yo tsu na a me no na ka mo ma yo wa zu a i ni yo ku Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love (RAP) You are not the only one I can~t stop my feeling Can you touch inside of me Feel my love But I know Baby I can~t live without you (~Cause) you~re my destiny You are not the only one Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love u ma re te ki ta wa ke ga zu wa ka ru to ki ga i tsu ka ku ru ha zu sa da re ni da a te ji ra re ra yo Can you stop? Can you touch? Show me feel my love打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

我想要BOA《only one》的音译歌词,帮帮忙,最好精确一点,不要罗马音

Only One - BoA毛老桥慢噶嫩 个嘚 You"re the only one内噶 萨浪海豆够慢肯 you"re the only one啊普够 啊普起慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one Only One哦sei卡给 吗句安加萨素汗 也gi楼 安不了 木够卡肯 嘚话噶跟尅嫩 送干哎嫩恰噶无嗯 囧穷 无里 奥该 慢的楼切跟 米加里哎扫 无里嫩 囊米 对该几哦呢 努棍噶嫩 nun木 he里妙 囊该几慢三桥句几啊呢料够 加古 哎了 扫噶mion扫nun起 波嫩 你 木色 西楼 So I"ll let you go内萨浪 一接嫩安niong You"re the only one(You"re the only one)一表哈嫩一送干哎多 You"re the only one啊普够 啊普几慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one Only OneYou"re the only one Only One卡叫丝龙那也 吗来玩几 某了该 弄 安新慢的太哦地扫不套无林 一楼尅 柴木短 够噶无来 将不套 他冷 共慢 ki嘚汗 共 啊宁几闹木 打冷西加瓜 个太 科 乃卡楼ong米内 新将嗯几了嫩 啊普嗯 外 豆噶疼几剖抢 噶森米汗 送干内 空好杭该 木闹叫扫一冷 内 木色 哦豆尅 一老扫儿噶内萨浪 一接嫩安niong You"re the only one(Only One)一表哈嫩一送干哎多 You"re the only one啊普够 啊普几慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye(Good bye)他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one(You"re the only one)内 毛里搜跟 ong接将 闹了 几无噶(I will let you go)哈路 一特汗太 毛该嫩 啊吗 妙 娘将(My baby can"t forget)科里够 ong接噶 闹也 ki要 搜该嫩那蓝 萨浪嗯 豆 一桑 塞几 奥不该几 起无该几Only One Only OneYou"re the only one Only One <收起

the only one 与only one 的区别 only one

the only one——唯一的这一个,仅有的这一个only one ——只有一个

BoA的Only One 日语平假名注音歌词

没听日版的,自己写的,应该差不多,希望能帮到你!祝你学的开心~BoA - Only One (Japanese ver.)はなれていくいまも  You"re the only oneha na lei te yi ku yi ma mo You"re the only oneいとしいそのすべてが You"re the only oneyi to xi yi so no su be te ga You"re the only oneいたくてもくるしくてもだけど Goodbyeyi ta ku tei mo ku lu xi tei mo da ke do Goodbyeこのさきもきっとずっと You"re the only one only oneko no sa ki mo ki,to zu,to You"re the only one only oneおたがいにさぐりあって  ささいないいわけがちららばったo ta ga i ni sa gu a tei sa sa yi na yi yi wa kei ga qi la la ba a ta すごしたじかんさえつめたくてsu go shi ta ji kang sa ai cu mei ta ku teiふたりをせつなくみつめてるfu ta li o se cu na ku mi cu mei tei luここからふたりそうよとびたつのko ko ka la fu ta li so u yo tou bi ta cu noそれぞれのみちをえらんでゆくのso lei zo lei no mi qi wo ai lang day yu ku noとおまわりしつづけたことばたちがto o ma wa li xi cu zu ke ta ko to ba ta qi gaつよくせなかおして So I"ll let you gocu yo ku sai na ka o shi tei So I"ll let you goほんとはすなおに You"re the only onehong to wa su na o ni You"re the only oneきみにつたえたかった You"re the only oneki mi ni cu ta ei ta ka a ta You"re the only oneいたくてもくるしくてもだけど Goodbyeyi ta ku tei mo ku lu xi ku tei mo da ke do Goodbyeさよなら いわせてよ You"re the only one only onesa yo na la yi wa sai tai you You"re the only one only one

求BoA的《Only one》日文般谐音(全一点)


only one 的 罗马音

ONLY ONE Oh come on baby(my)heart beating tonight , Jigem naoaigailao gagayi nan dagagaergaoya I"ve been waiting you make me crazy , Naoler caoem manna ge sunganputao maoerli yisaodao zagu naiga baoyao ge zagen huansangaisao gaier su aobgai , Near dailiaogaba naoler aer su yigaihaiba Yimaodengaosi na hongzaai gumin gaoer yaeh She"s only one gedaer cajihagao xipao , Gengaji paogi nan maotai my dearling she"s only one , Nai yinseng gegaji ao nai yaozalao mandergaisao [rap] bana naoai saonai kaomiler giwuo , bana gegaon naoler yuhan naai didida didida gedai zagen saonai naler giwuo jigao xipda , gelai aonzaigaji womiaonaer su yina naler pihai daomanggaliao hamiao haersulaog aonzaina naoai duiler siqiaoganen sisaoner negiaola naiga sinen xiapuler nanen ala , zergiaocanen jibi aodinjidao ala maoerli gajima naon honzaga aniya , nan naoai telannai saergao yisao hanerlen negiao conghaijin naoai wenming kaqi, gegao manni nai yinsenger canengaoer yeah She"s only one gedaer cajihagao xipao Gengaji paogi nan maotai my dearling she"s only one , Nai yinseng gegaji aonai yaozalao mandergaisao Don"t go away from me Imust gonna get you my heart is so deep Maodu sangguan aobsao , naler gaobu haidao Naon maoger suga aobsaosao yizai naigai yaolaojiu Naoai maermer yizai geman naigai delaokaer su yigai gedaier negier suga yigai naigai baoyaojiu naoai salanger yizai geman naiga piaoni suer su yigai aonzaigaji gelaoergaondai She"s only one gedaier cajihagao xipao Gengaji paogi nan maotai my dearling she"s only one Nai yinseng gegaji aonai yaozalao mandergaisao 真的是闹了挺久,才在神话吧里找到随便送上韩中文的歌词03 Only One03 Only One Oh! Come on baby, (My) heart beating tonight uc9c0uae08 ub108uc5d0uac8cub85c uac00uae4cuc774 ub09c ub2e4uac00uac08uac70uc57c I"ve been waiting! You make me crazy ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ub9ccub09c uadf8 uc21cuac04ubd80ud130 uba40ub9ac uc788uc5b4ub3c4 uc790uafb8 ub124uac00 ubcf4uc5ec uadf8 uc791uc740 ud658uc0c1uc5d0uc11c uae70 uc218 uc5c6uac8c ub0a0 ub370ub824uac00ubd10 ub108ub97c uc54cuc218 uc788uac8cud574ubd10 uc774ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub098 ud63cuc790uc758 uafc8uc778uac78 yeah- Shes only one! uadf8ub308 ucc28uc9c0ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ud3ecuae30 ub09c ubabbud574 My dearlin shes only one! ub0b4 uc778uc0dd ub05duae4cuc9c0 uc624 ub0b4 uc5ecuc790ub85c ub9ccub4e4uaca0uc5b4 rap] uc5b4uc81c ub108uc758 uc0acuc11cud568uc744 ubd24ub098? ub108uc758 uc190uc5d0 ucf54ubbf8ub97c ub07cuc6cc ubd24ub098? uadf8uac74 ub108ub97c uc704ud55c ub098uc758 ub514ub514ub2e4! ub514ub514ub2e4! uadf8ub300 uc791uc740 uc190uc5d0 ub098ub97c ub07cuc6ccuc9c0uace0 uc2f6ub2e4. uadf8ub798 uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 uc678uba74ud560 uc218 uc788ub098 ub098ub97c ud53cud574 ub3c4ub9dduac00ub824 ud558uba74 ud560uc218ub85d, uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108uc758 ub4a4ub97c uc2a4uccd0uac00ub294 uc2dcuc120uc744 ub290uaef4ub77c ub124uac00 uc4f0ub294 uc0f4ud478ub97c ub098ub294 uc54cuc544, uc990uaca8ucc3eub294 uc90cuc774 uc5b4ub518uc9c0ub3c4 uc54cuc544 uba40ub9ac uac00uc9c0ub9c8 ub10c ud63cuc790uac00 uc544ub2c8uc57c ub09c ub108uc758 ud488uc548uc5d0 uc0b4uace0 uc788uc5b4 ud558ub298uc740 ub290uaef4 uc815ud574uc9c4 ub108uc758 uc6b4uba85 uac19uc774 uadf8uac83 ub9ccuc774 ub124 uc778uc0dduc744 ucc3eub294uae38 yeah shes only one! uadf8ub308 ucc28uc9c0ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ud3ecuae30 ub09c ubabbud574 My darlin shes only one! ub0b4 uc778uc0dd ub05duae4cuc9c0 uc624-! ub0b4 uc5ecuc790ub85c ub9ccub4e4uaca0uc5b4 Don"t go away from me, I must ganna get you-my heart is so deep - ubaa8ub450 uc0c1uad00uc5c6uc5b4 ub098ub97c uac70ubd80ud574ub3c4 ub10c ub9c9uc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774uc820 ub0b4uac8c uc5f4uc5b4uc918 ub108uc758 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc ub0b4uac00 ub4e4uc5b4uac08uc218 uc788uac8c uadf8ub308 ub290ub084 uc218uac00 uc788uac8c ub124uac8c ubcf4uc5ecuc918 ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc744 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc ub0b4uac00 ud3b8ud788 uc274 uc218 uc788uac8c uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0 uadf8ub7f4uac74ub370 shes only one! uadf8ub308 ucc28uc9c0ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ud3ecuae30 ub09c ubabbud574 My darlin shes only one! ub0b4 uc778uc0dd ub05duae4cuc9c0 uc624 ub0b4 uc5ecuc790ub85c ub9ccub4e4uaca0uc5b4Only OneOh!Come on baby,my heart beating tonight.... 现在我要更靠近你...i"ve been waiting! you make me crazy...从见到你的那一瞬间.... 虽然你在遥远的地方 但依然看得见---为了不要让我在幻觉中醒来 请带我走 因为这一切都是梦境--- oh -yeah-She"s only one!我想抓到你 我不要放弃 My darlin" she"s only one! 在我人生的尽头 喔--我要让你变成我的女人 昨天有听留言吗?有把戒指带在手上吗?这一切都是我为你准备的 我想被你的小手紧紧抓住 你到底要躲到什麼时候 看你能躲到什麼时候 .... 请注意每一个视线 我记得你洗发精的味道 也知道你经常去的地方别走太远 你不是一个人我就住在你的心中 上天可以感觉到 就像早被注定的命运般 这就是你的宿命...She"s only one!我想拥有你 我绝对不要放弃 My darlin"she only one 在我人生的尽头 喔---我要你变成我的女人 Get on the boogie the rhythm up in the air,yeah all my people get in on to the groove (Uh Huh)Baby cool like that.It may sound simple,Ice the ear the wrist the neck and ring Uh,take a step into my car.Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah That"s it.I see you type of girl with the pearls and all.jewels and all.I heard you rock a lce and A.Now look at this,l could see you take a pills, Pass the bills yo,Jiggy pass to the brown home boys check it out It"s goin"down. Don"t go away from me,I must gonna get you--my hurt is deep 一切都无所谓 你想躲我也躲不掉请你打开 打开你的心门 现在 请让我进入你的心中 让我可以感觉到你 我爱你 就让我得到安宁 你到底要何时才会接受我? Oh!She"s only one我想拥有你 我绝对不要放弃 My darlin" she"s only one!在我人生的尽头 喔--我要让你变成我的女人

BoA only one日文版中文音译歌词

Hanareteku imamo You"re the Only OneItoshii sonosubete ga You"re the Only OneItakutemo kurushikuttemo dakedo GoodbyeKonosakimo kitto zutto You"re the Only One Only OneOtagai ni saguriatte sasaina iiwake ga chirabatta Sugoshita jikan sae tsumetakuteFutari wo setsunaku mitsumeteruKokokara futari souyo tobitatsunoSorezoreno michiwo erandeyukunoToomawarishi tsuduketa kotobatachi gaTsuyoku senaka oshite So I"ll let you goHontouwa sunaoni You"re the Only OneKimini tsutaetakatta You"re the Only OneItakutemo kurushikuttemo dakedo GoodbyeSayonara iwaseteyo You"re the Only One Only OneTotsuzenno kotobade shinario mitaini susundekuZureteyuku zureteyuku serifu dakegaKamiawazu sorawomai piriodo wo utsuHajimari mo owari mo onajiyouniIkimodekinai kurai azayakana shiinAfuredasu omoi ga kanashiku saserunoDousureba imawo norikoerareruHontouwa sunaoni You"re the Only OneKimini tsutaetakatta You"re the Only OneItakutemo kurushikuttemo dakedo GoodbyeArigatou iwaseteyo You"re the Only One Only OneItsunohika imaga omoideni natte (I"ll let you go)Egaode darekano tonarini itemo (My baby Can"t forget)Kimono nakano watashiga kiesattemoKonosakimo kitto zutto You"re the Only One Only One

吸血鬼日记《only one》 中英歌词。上面翻译英文,下面翻译中文!!!

My eyes are painted red 我的双眼被描绘成红色The canvas of my soul 是我灵魂的写照Is slowly breaking down, again 心再一次被慢慢撕碎Today I heard the news 今天,我听到这个消息The stories getting old 不过是老调重弹When will we see the end? 我们何时才能看到出口?Of the days, we bleed, for what we need 这些日子,我们为了想要的而流血受伤To forgive, forget, move on 原谅,去忘记……继续前行Cause we"ve got… 因为我们有...   One life to live只能活一次的生命 One love to give 只能付出一次的爱One chance to keep from falling 只有一次远离堕落的机会One heart to break只能破碎一次的心One soul to take us 一颗拯救我们的灵魂Not forsake us 而不是抛弃我们的   仅此唯一……Only One 仅此唯一……   Only One 仅此唯一……The writing"s on the wall 那墙上的文字Those who came before 是昔日过往者的印记Left pictures frozen still, in time 遗留下来的照片仍然被冻结着,终有一天You say you want it all 你说你想要一切 But whose side you fighting for? 但是你在为谁而战?I sit and wonder why 我坐在那困惑着这是为什么There are nights, we sleep, while others they weep 那些夜晚,我们睡着,而另一些人却在哭泣With regret, repent, be strong 戴着遗憾,后悔,坚强起来Cause we"ve got… 因为我们有...   One life to live 只能活一次的生命One love to give 只能付出一次的爱One chance to keep from falling 只有一次远离堕落的机会One heart to break 只能破碎一次的心One soul to take us 一颗拯救我们的灵魂Not forsake us 而不是抛弃我们的Only One仅此唯一……   Only One 仅此唯一……   Just you and I 只要你和我Under one sky… 在同一片天空下...   One life to live 无法重来的生命One love to give 无法重来的爱One chance to keep from falling 一次远离堕落的机会One heart to break 只能破碎一次的心One soul to take us 一颗拯救我们的灵魂Not forsake us 而不是抛弃我们的Only One仅此唯一……Only One 仅此唯一……to take us拯救我们 Not forsake us 而不是抛弃我们Only One 仅此唯一……

boa only one MV讲了什么啊 还有中文意思

分手很久的情侣重新见面,一幕一幕回忆翻涌上来,其实两个人还是有感情的,结合歌名来看,分手后两个人还是只爱对方,结尾部分是开放式的,两个人很有可能旧情复燃。中文意思渐渐远去你You"re the only one我因为爱过你 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye即使说过不再见面 You"re the only oneOnly One尴尬的对座着 轻声问候些琐碎之事偶尔没话题的瞬间 凝结了冰冷寂静的我们现在坐在这里的”我们”已经变成了”别人” 即使彼此流着泪讨厌不想伤害我看着眼色的你 So I"ll let you go再见了我的爱You"re the only one (You"re the only one)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜Good bye即使说过不再见面You"re the only oneOnly OneYou"re the only one, Only One对我突如其来的话不知为何你会感到安心从什么时候我们变成了这样从很久以前,在其他地方,不是期待吧那样天差地别的开始和结束像锋利的刺着我心脏痛楚那么一样充实的内心一瞬间变得空虚这样的我该怎么办再见了我的爱 You"re the only one (Only One)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye (Good bye)即使说过不再见面 You"re the only one (You"re the only one)我什么时候能够忘记你 (I will let you go)一天 两天 一个月, 也许是几年 (My baby can"t forget)而在你的记忆里什么时候才不会有我的存在 才会忘了我Only One Only OneYou"re the onlyone, Only One

求宝儿的the only one 的英文歌词翻译!我想学!拜托各位了!

Only One ----BoA渐渐远去你You"re the only one我因为爱过你 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye即使说过不再见面 You"re the only oneOnly One尴尬的对座着 轻声问候些琐碎之事偶尔没话题的瞬间 凝结了冰冷寂静的我们现在坐在这里的”我们”已经变成了”别人” 即使彼此流着泪讨厌不想伤害我看着眼色的你 So I"ll let you go再见了我的爱You"re the only one (You"re the only one)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜Good bye即使说过不再见面You"re the only oneOnly OneYou"re the only one, Only One对我突如其来的话不知为何你会感到安心从什么时候我们变成了这样从很久以前,在其他地方,不是期待吧那样天差地别的开始和结束像锋利的刺着我心脏痛楚那么一样充实的内心一瞬间变得空虚这样的我该怎么办再见了我的爱You"re the only one (Only One)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye (Good bye)即使说过不再见面 You"re the only one (You"re the only one)我什么时候能够忘记你 (I will let you go)一天 两天 一个月, 也许是几年 (My baby can"t forget)而在你的记忆里什么时候才不会有我的存在 才会忘了我Only One Only OneYou"re the onlyone, Only One



上个月她把我删了。她的个性签名:only one 是什么意思? 是不是她自己??还是有别人


only one的中文歌词

渐渐远去你You"re the only one我因为爱过你 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye即使说过不再见面 You"re the only oneOnly One尴尬的对座着 轻声问候些琐碎之事偶尔没话题的瞬间 凝结了冰冷寂静的我们现在坐在这里的”我们”已经变成了”别人” 即使彼此流着泪讨厌不想伤害我看着眼色的你 So I"ll let you go再见了我的爱You"re the only one (You"re the only one)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜Good bye即使说过不再见面You"re the only oneOnly OneYou"re the only one, Only One对我突如其来的话不知为何你会感到安心从什么时候我们变成了这样从很久以前,在其他地方,不是期待吧那样天差地别的开始和结束像锋利的刺着我心脏痛楚那么一样充实的内心一瞬间变得空虚这样的我该怎么办再见了我的爱 You"re the only one (Only One)即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good bye (Good bye)即使说过不再见面 You"re the only one (You"re the only one)我什么时候能够忘记你 (I will let you go)一天 两天 一个月, 也许是几年 (My baby can"t forget)而在你的记忆里什么时候才不会有我的存在 才会忘了我Only One Only OneYou"re the onlyone, Only One

求宝儿only one音译歌词

BOA —— Only One By:百度音译歌词吧 金_尛孩 毛老桥慢噶嫩 个嘚 You"re the only one 内噶 萨浪海豆够慢肯 You"re the only one 啊普够 啊普起慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye 他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one Only One 哦sei卡给 吗句安加 萨素汗 也gi楼 安不了 木够 卡肯 嘚话噶跟尅嫩 送干哎嫩 恰噶无嗯 囧穷 无里 奥该 慢的楼 切跟 米加里哎扫 无里嫩 囊米 对该几 哦呢 努棍噶嫩 nun木 he里妙 囊该几慢 三桥句几啊呢料够 加古 哎了 扫噶mion扫 nun起 波嫩 你 木色 西楼 So I"ll let you go 内萨浪 一接嫩安niong You"re the only one(You"re the only one) 一表哈嫩一送干哎多 You"re the only one 啊普够 啊普几慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye 他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one Only One You"re the only one Only One 卡叫丝龙那也 吗来 玩几 某了该弄 安新慢的太 哦地扫不套无林 一楼尅 柴木短 够噶 无来 将不套 他冷 共慢 ki嘚汗 共 啊宁几 闹木 打冷西加瓜 个太 科 乃卡楼ong米 内 新将嗯几了嫩 啊普嗯 外 豆噶疼几 剖抢 噶森米汗 送干内 空好杭该 木闹叫扫 一冷 内 木色 哦豆尅 一老扫儿噶 内萨浪 一接嫩安niong You"re the only one(Only One) 一表哈嫩一送干哎多 You"re the only one 啊普够 啊普几慢怕波 卡起慢 Good bye(Good bye) 他西 耨 木 不打 海多 You"re the only one(You"re the only one) 内 毛里搜跟 ong接将 闹了 几无噶(I will let you go) 哈路 一特汗太 毛该嫩 啊吗 妙 娘将(My baby can"t forget) 科里够 ong接噶 闹也 ki要 搜该嫩 那蓝 萨浪嗯 豆 一桑 塞几 奥不该几 起无该几 Only One Only One You"re the only one Only One

only one这句英文什么意思??请解答


only one音译歌词 Apink

让我心动(only one)古mer古嫩嘚泰几qio波里那录wae个泰n大四哈mr lo噶嘚那r卡m撒租goho zio乃don 马呃门no诶hiang gi洛噶嘚韩goryong我你古m古r素一gaeno木不嘚lo问hiang gijo个m不个lo问dor里m撒西r南度料问gor卡sem波乔do lo用gi lr作呦co用hi瓜那r阿那作呦ohno do那哇噶ten马米gir巴勒没一里努你不西gei啊lem大b gir巴勒没一里you are my only one baby内一r do no哇内给sor勒素一给love love love my baby古lem卡嘚看恰噶我斤巴mwae lo噶dwae粗哦 no拉嫩比亲阿一噶ten内噶噶嘚qan可no诶nun比气jo哇啊度我don西干啊扑mr噶m粗给嗨作 no拉嫩啊一噶那lieng波卡给 haeI" m falling in loveno木不嘚lo问hiang gijo个m不个lo问dor里mno里lr噶度料问gor卡sem波乔do lo那r几kio作呦内so呢r瓜加巴作呦ohno do那哇噶ten马米gir巴勒没一里努你不西gei啊lem大b gir巴勒没一里you are my only one baby内一r do no哇内给sor勒素一给love love love my babynon没一r大len nr gi咩sor勒几个mr里几安girno lr波mio咋蓝内马呃米啊扑几安kae行桑古mer古nr你一nr gim几个mer一r几安kir用我你oh baby oh…you are my only one baby内一r do no哇内给sor勒素一给love love love my baby

the only one of 和 only one of 的意思和谓语的单复数形式,分别举例详解一

在句中作主语,谓语都用单数形式。如果是定语从句的先行词且引导词在从句中作主语,前者要求从句谓语用单数形式,后者要用复数形式。如:The only one of you is the winner.Only one of you is the winner.There is the only one of you who is the winner.There is only one of you who are the winner.


i only one这个表达不是一个完整的句子,也不是一个常用的短语。如果你想表达“我是唯一的”或“我是独一无二的”,你可以说 i am the only one。如果你想表达“我是孤身一人”,你可以说 i am alone 或 i am single。

beast的only one的音译歌词


求 宝儿 ONLY ONE 中文谐音歌词!!!


急求boa-only one音译歌词


only one的韩文歌词

uba40uc5b4uc838ub9cc uac00ub294 uadf8ub300You"re the only oneub0b4uac00 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uac83ub9ccud07cYou"re the only oneuc544ud504uace0 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9ccubc14ubcf4 uac19uc9c0ub9cc Good byeub2e4uc2dc ub110 ubabb ubcf8ub2e4 ud574ub3c4You"re the only oneOnly Oneuc5b4uc0c9ud558uac8c ub9c8uc8fcuc549uc544uc0acuc18cud55c uc598uae30ub85c uc548ubd80ub97c ubb3buace0uac00ub054 ub300ud654uac00 ub04auae30ub294 uc21cuac04uc5d0ub294ucc28uac00uc6b4 uc815uc801 uc6b0ub9b4 uc5bcuac8c ub9ccub4e4uc5b4uc9c0uae08 uc774 uc790ub9acuc5d0uc11c uc6b0ub9acub294 ub0a8uc774ub418uaca0uc9c0 uc5b4ub290 ub204uad70uac00ub294ub208ubb3c ud758ub9acuba70 ub0a8uaca0uc9c0ub9ccuc0c1ucc98uc8fcuc9c0 uc54auc73cub824uace0 uc790uafb8 uc560ub97cuc368uac00uba74uc11c ub208uce58 ubcf4ub294 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5 uc2ebuc5b4So I"ll let you goub0b4uc0acub791 uc774uc81cub294 uc548ub155You"re the only oneYou"re the only oneuc774ubcc4ud558ub294 uc774uc21cuac04uc5d0ub3c4You"re the only oneuc544ud504uace0 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9ccubc14ubcf4 uac19uc9c0ub9cc Good byeub2e4uc2dc ub110 ubabb ubcf8ub2e4 ud574ub3c4You"re the only oneOnly OneYou"re the only one, Only Oneuac11uc791uc2a4ub7f0 ub098uc758 ub9d0uc5d0uc660uc9c0 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub10c uc548uc2ecud55cub4efud574uc5b4ub514uc11cubd80ud130 uc6b0ub9b0 uc774ub807uac8c uc798ubabbub41cuac78uae4c uc624ub798 uc804ubd80ud130 ub2e4ub978 uacf3ub9ccuae30ub300ud55c uac74 uc544ub2ccuc9c0ub108ubb34 ub2e4ub978 uc2dcuc791uacfc ub05duc758uadf8 ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6c0uc774 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc744 ucc0cub974ub294uc544ud514uc740 uc65c ub611uac19uc740uc9c0ubc85ucc2c uac00uc2b4uc774 ud55c uc21cuac04uc5d0 uacf5ud5c8ud558uac8cubb34ub108uc838uc11c uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc5b4ub5bbuac8c uc77cuc5b4uc124uae4cub0b4uc0acub791 uc774uc81cub294 uc548ub155You"re the only one Only Oneuc774ubcc4ud558ub294 uc774uc21cuac04uc5d0ub3c4You"re the only oneuc544ud504uace0 uc544ud504uc9c0ub9ccubc14ubcf4 uac19uc9c0ub9cc Good bye Good byeub2e4uc2dc ub110 ubabb ubcf8ub2e4 ud574ub3c4You"re the only oneYou"re the only oneub0b4 uba38ub9bfuc18duc740 uc5b8uc81cucbe4 ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b8uae4cI will let you goud558ub8e8 uc774ud2c0 ud55cub2ecuba40uac8cub294 uc544ub9c8 uba87 ub144ucbe4My baby can"t forgetuadf8ub9acuace0 uc5b8uc820uac00 ub108uc758 uae30uc5b5 uc18duc5d0ub294ub098ub780 uc0acub78cuc740 ub354 uc774uc0c1uc0b4uc9c0 uc54auaca0uc9c0 uc9c0uc6b0uaca0uc9c0Only One Only OneYou"re the only one Only One

哪位告诉我boA的only one 的中文音译歌词,最好还有中文意思。


谁知道有一首歌的第一句是ONLY ONE

去这里找找看吧 里面很多关于 ONLY ONE 的歌词的!!!



求only one 宝儿 中文翻译


only one 等于什么




有一首歌,歌词好像有一句说“你是我的Only one” 但是不是BOA唱的

是的,名字叫做ONLY ONE.

only one中文谐音


求only one中文歌词,急用!!!!

你说的是哪个only one?alex band---only one  My eyes are painted red  我的双眼被描绘成红色  The canvas of my soul  是我灵魂的写照  slowly breaking down, again  心再一次被慢慢撕碎  Today I heard the news  今天,我听到这个消息  The stories getting old  不过是老调重弹  When will we see the end?  我们何时才能看到出口?  Of the days, we bleed, for what we need  这些日子,我们为了想要的而流血受伤  To forgive, forget, move on  去原谅,去忘记……继续前行  Cause we"ve got…  因为我们有...  One life to live  只能活一次的生命  One love to give  只能付出一次的爱  One chance to keep from falling  只有一次远离堕落的机会  One heart to break  只能破碎一次的心  One soul to take us  一颗拯救我们的灵魂  Not forsake us  而不是抛弃我们的  Only One  仅此唯一……  Only One  仅此唯一……  The writing"s on the wall  那墙上的文字  Those who came before  是昔日过往者的印记  Left pictures frozen still, in time  遗留下来的照片仍然被冻结着,终有一天  You say you want it all  你说你想要一切  But whose side you fighting for?  但是你在为谁而战?  I sit and wonder why  我坐在那困惑着这是为什么  There are nights, we sleep, while others they weep  那些夜晚,我们睡着,而另一些人却在哭泣  With regret, repent, be strong  戴着遗憾,后悔,坚强起来  Cause we"ve got…  因为我们有...  One life to live  只能活一次的生命  One love to give  只能付出一次的爱  One chance to keep from falling  只有一次远离堕落的机会  One heart to break  只能破碎一次的心  One soul to take us  一颗拯救我们的灵魂  Not forsake us  而不是抛弃我们的  Only One  仅此唯一……  Only One  仅此唯一……  Just you and I  只要你和我  Under one sky…  在同一片天空下...BOA《only one》 渐渐远去你You"re the only one  我因为爱过你 You"re the only one  即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜 Good boy  即使说过不再见面 You"re the only oneOnly One  尴尬的对座着 轻声问候些琐碎之事  偶尔没话题的瞬间 凝结了冰冷寂静的我们  现在坐在这里的”我们”已经变成了”别人” 即使彼此流着泪  讨厌不想伤害我看着眼色的你 So I"ll let you go  再见了我的爱You"re the only one (You"re the only one)  即使在离别的瞬间 You"re the only one  即使很痛很痛 即使像个傻瓜Good bey  即使说过不再见面You"re the only one  Only OneYou"re the only one, Only One  对我突如其来的话  不知为何你会感到安心  从什么时候我们变成了这样  从很久以前,在其他地方,不是期待吧  那样天差地别的开始和结束像锋利的刺着我心脏  痛楚那么一样充实的内心一瞬间变得空虚  这样的我该怎么办  我什么时候能够忘记你 (I will let you go)  一天 两天 一个月, 也许是几年 (My baby can"t forget)  而在你的记忆里什么时候才不会有我的存在 才会忘了我  Only One Only One  You"re the onlyone, Only One《only one》为张栋梁于2003年发布的一首单曲  你总是在迷乱的时候心情摇摆  一冲动就躲在那伤痛苦海  他所要的无非是一种自由自在  恨不能将快乐都拥在心怀  我明白感情的结果谁都无法安排  错过就不要再异想天开  在寂寞背后踩着那一片憧憬地带  我怎么能让你还孤单存在  我的歌在你的耳边所以响起来  是因为我不想再活得不痛快  我相信像这样的感觉其实不太坏  你喜欢我就不会停下来  让世界更精彩  让希望的火焰在你心中烧起来  没有人将真爱在一念之间出卖  让感动和依赖在你心中留下来  没有人会无奈让自己受伤害  你总是在迷乱的时候心情摇摆  一冲动就躲在那伤痛苦海  他所要的无非是一种自由自在  恨不能将快乐都拥在心怀  我明白感情的结果谁都无法安排  错过就不要再异想天开  在寂寞背后踩着那一片憧憬地带  我怎么能让你还孤单存在  我的歌在你的耳边所以响起来  是因为我不想再活得不痛快  我相信像这样的感觉其实不太坏  你喜欢我就不会停下来  让世界更精彩  让希望的火焰在你心中烧起来  没有人将真爱在一念之间出卖  让感动和依赖在你心中留下来  没有人会无奈让自己受伤害  让希望的火焰在你心中烧起来  没有人将真爱在一念之间出卖  让掌声跟喝彩在你身边留下来  你要相信自己是 Only one  啦 啦 啦 啦 啦 ……

only one还是only a

only one表示仅仅一个,没有only a的语法

only one 翻译成汉语怎么说

仅此一个 唯一



i am the one you are my kryptonite

有些你可能打错了所以我把它修改了 还有倒数第11句是不是有问题? the heartwarming smile that looked at me 笑怎麼能用看的呢>

请解释两句歌词,谢谢。歌名:one thing



哈哈。我玩 爱屿合 这么长时间。他说这个话,就是这个意思了,就看你对他什么意思了,俗话说的好,只要功夫下的深,铁棒也能磨成针。哈哈。。。



a stupid box but i am poisoned this domn it 的中文意思


《Legally Poisoned》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Legally Poisoned》(Carl F. Cranor)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:ub09书名:《Legally Poisoned》作者:Carl F. Cranor出版社:Harvard University Press出版年份:2011页数:315内容简介:Take a random walk through your life and you"ll find it is awash in industrial, often toxic, chemicals. Sip water from a plastic bottle and ingest bisphenol A. Prepare dinner in a non-stick frying pan or wear a layer of Gore-Tex only to be exposed to perfluorinated compounds. Hang curtains, clip your baby into a car seat, watch television - all are manufactured with brominated flame-retardants. Cosmetic ingredients, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and other compounds enter our bodies and remain briefly or permanently.

金杯毒酒poisoned chalice是什么意思,顺便求来源 是不是类似烫手山芋什么的……




poisoned poisonous的区别


iphone6后面的10什么意思 ccc?


poisoned 英语翻译


求翻译What is a big dream ? Does a big dream show one’s future ? Or , is a big dream something

什么是大的梦想吗?does大梦秀人的未来?然而,是一个大梦想somethingthat提供唯一的娱乐?儿童的梦的大梦想,目的There are三Barriers to实现梦想。他们会杀死他们他们曾经有机会成长。The following the birth of selfimmediately有大的梦想,负自我谈话takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot发生。这里面的声音是自我(自我)。这是保护and should be there for倾听。does大梦秀人的未来?most people are influenced by the inside的声音。这就是为什么只有一握of people make their梦想成真。家庭和朋友是很多像friendsfamily and the自我。他们想保护那些爱他们,所以他们会经常List all the reasons why the大梦想不会成真。有时,家庭和朋友了他们最爱的梦想of those,out of their own Fear of being left behind the one gets。worldif past the first two障碍,one has to面对世界。It is the last and the most可怕的障碍。in the past,大梦想家were killed被锁有时甚至当they were shown to the World。fortunately in most of the World Today,大梦想家只笑at the way to get。实现大的梦想是以及信心与行为。当children have confidence and then采取行动,他们将准备接受任何失败。真相是,每个伟大的梦想家的梦想从未见the light of success知道失败吧。他们完全失败,直到他们成功。

尚雯婕最终信仰英文高音部分很像OneRepublic的《all the right moves》的开头,这是否一定程度的抄袭


什么是(SEO)seasoned equity offering?翻译成中文财务管理专业名词。


show me the money 歌词

歌曲名:show me the money歌手:Petey Pablo专辑:舞出我人生Show off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockCant nobody do it like i do it,when i do it, dog i do it(Break it down) Break it down putcho back into it(Get up) Get up Putcho drinks downDont want yall sausy your drinks out(Still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one i had and just swapped it out(Switch) Kept somethin in the backround, cuz you in love with the song but you in love with the backroundCome on let a momma work for meMake a playa wanna spend some money(Come on) I dont really like to spend a moneyBut you can do what you do and do it well ImmaShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock(Show up) Show up, emptyNothin in um, Her..herNo Silicone, no libo, no botox no dumpy dump (No)All Natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this worldGood lookin mommaThat good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breathYou gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out(For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12shorty shaking like hellWe ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well(Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (WOW)Papa jail man i gun her downShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockThis is defiantly the wickedest thing i hear of my life!OK! I"ve been sippin on that patron(Get Up, Get up)I"m ready, Give you what you wantOK! (Get Up, Get Up)Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok)What i feel went back tomorrow(Get up, Get up)Cuz tonight you got me feeling like i wanna take you homeShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clockShow off that body you gotYou got that dance floor so hotYou workin that, You twerkin thatYou checkin that, like a clock



everyone but you译文

每个人都在挣扎,但是你抓住她当你在抓拯救生命的人时候,这告诉我更谨慎的生活才能更永远. 这句话很怪,你是不是少打了标点或单词啊,你可以把句子打完整点,我再看看

Wouldn’t it be ____ wonderful world if all nations lived in ____ peace with one another? ...

B 试题分析:world表示“世界”时,通常在其前加定冠词the;但world前面或后面有定语修饰时,通常要用不定冠词a。in peace是固定用法,意思是平安,和平。点评:解答有关冠词的题型首先必须要把题目完完整整看清楚,理解句子意思,然后可以从三方面入手,一是习惯搭配,二是固定短语,三是具体语境分析。对于固定短语平时应多读多记。

小游戏“Gretel & Hansel Part1 stone 糖果屋历险记第一章:石头”的攻略是一首诗,谁有英文原文?

Crow over icy gully wind shake my warm bread belly shaking fear lonely dream less than my white mother her red eyes hidden for survival not choose struggle why let me see the desperate pillow why me advance witness secret disgorge their throat SO, let me come out in the sunshineIt"s a beautiful day I"m going to fight to collect 10 home At the end of taste stone the day also led to the brother father rough hands off the wall slingshot crush that glass and let the sun transparent so hungry my poor brother swallow worms will he awakened so lovely gentle on my brother and spit your avatar clown to protect me journey through the dark hole as I sad tears hidden in childhood Trojans behind before starting a collection finally sweet bell I know for memory pointers need blood sacrifice birds should not sing reunion together my grief and indignation remove its branches around the cave spider lives off the most vicious red mushroom I don"t destroy it superior joy and bitterness and essential to my heart like swing cellular calm heart suddenly anger swallow the bitter fruit of sin only between breath will It houses away Why only me crystallization not equipped with great gentleness and why am I not the house than those animals dip sweet and not let them slip by tightly in the hand will try the spider moved it to indulge in the sweet when I got the valve and the direction finally understand good attack people are dead lock in the lonely crazy carefully collected under the root of the naughty squirrel not snatch for church he identified the direction button taught him what is called the prisoner as well tidied up with losing bucket after found weeds have overgrown by trial bloom flowers extract underground my way indicating lamp furry rabbit is my childhood black skin on its different I want to hold it don"t relax in a kiss as a skeleton but I must dodge to my tiny life crow rabbits and even dragonflies are also hidden lie like clouds this ravine my action is not what let me pull away brother draw fantasy slam chimney knock him honest keep gas flames finally put the birds away with praises peeling walls and finally love left behind us to embark on the journey of lost The children finally can go home this is my test is not a fairy tale as long as careful control over flying trap and gully I won"t answer

求wrong number(无此号码)- oneway英文歌词!

Just one of those days When everything passes by You realizeHere"s my side of the story I"m still right here一整天都在想着你今天我也仍然在等待打开了电话无论怎么找却只有空号One 走向我的你Two 曾一起聊过的话题Three 我仍然记得那晚 Hold On 你是否已经把我忘记Wait wait wait 在我脑海中Oh you you you 在我的手机里Oh no no no 又再次喝得烂醉我胡乱按着那错误的号码Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号如果有未接电话打来那会不会是你呢听到有短信息的声音我的心会扑通扑通脑海里总是萦绕着你的身影实在令人混乱 You"re driving crazy我在等着你(我在等着你)却一直没有联络(没有联络)怀着试一试的心情拨通电话Wait wait wait 在我脑海中Oh you you you 在我的手机里Oh no no no 又再次喝得烂醉我就像个傻瓜般在等着你Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号想着也许会再次碰面(我今天仍待在这里)怀着总能见你一面的错觉我一整天也要数十次地想念着你 后悔着想要见到你愤慨之后总是会想起 我看过的你那让我深深沦陷的笑脸猜想着那是你只对我展露的笑容仅仅几秒我就因为你的存在而疯狂Oh damn 我们曾经真的很相配不知不觉就继续和对方交谈起来耳中的悄悄话 甜美的whispering and 可是 等等 did I get your number? I can"t remember我也不自觉地站住开始发呆忽然想起却没能问出口 你的联络方式也没能将我的电话号码告诉你Every time I think of you究竟是否我真的记错试着回忆那已经陌生的嗓音Baby girl I"m missing you你现在到底身在何方留给我的只有那个空号

they are small_ones

1.There aren"t five lollipops on the table.They aren"t small red ones. Are there five lollipops on the table?Are they small red ones? Yes,there are. Yes,they are. 2.There aren"t five cars in the street.They aren"t small German ones. Are there five cars in the street?Are they small German ones? No,there aren"t. No,they aren"t. ^^

The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other

The British isles is made up of two large islands①: One is called Ireland and the other 1 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 2 into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.   The United Kingdom is that 3 of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 4 of Britain, and also about oneue011sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 5 of Ireland is selfue011governing. The 6 name of the United Kingdom is 7 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.  8 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most 9 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 10 “England” and “English” when they 11 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 12 . The Scots in particular are very 13 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 14 as English, and have a culture and even a 15 of their own.   Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 16 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 17 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 18 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 19 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.   The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain②, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 20 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.


disappeared 消失,失踪。绝迹的,指视觉的,物理的概念。The boy disappeared round thecorner.男孩在拐弯处消失了。 The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。The ships seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.那些轮船似乎已经从地球表面消失了。My keys have disappeared off the desk in my office.我放在办公桌上的钥匙不见了。gone 离开,过去,结束,消逝,消失的。意思较disappeared更丰富。做消失的讲,不仅指视觉的物理的消失(跟disappeared可互换),也可以是抽象的消逝。如:记忆,往事等等如:Gone with wind:飘 --- 随风而逝--不是某东西真的被风刮走了,而是抽象的理想/爱情/往事等等的消逝。而disapeared with wind 就实指:因为风而消失了。可能指的是:纸片,衣服,树枝之类的被风吹的不见了。再有:Summer has gone. 夏天过去了。是正确的,就不能说:summer has disappeared.夏天消失了。“夏天”是一个抽象的概念,看不见,摸不着,不会消失不见的。

lovestoned bye bye bye歌词

歌名:Bye Bye Bye,歌手:Lovestoned所属专辑:Rising LoveWhen I see you当我看到你looking back at me回头看着我watching these eyes still我们一直对视through your fingers你能感觉到什么吗and your eyes你的眼睛have told a thousand lights有无数道的光芒but I cant tell this time但我还是what you really mean it无法理解你的意思We"ve been crossing the wire我们遇见彼此and still no spark但还是没能擦出火花lost and tired, falling apart迷失,疲倦,最终分离we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么I can sing another broken song我可以唱一首伤心的歌曲trying to hold on to your picture.拿着你的相片流眼泪out of face你消失了you hide behind your face躲在人群中it"s more than I can take我无能为力I know you run deeper你越陷越深We"ve been crossing the wire我们遇见彼此and still no spark但还是没能擦出火花lost and tired, falling apart迷失,疲倦,最终分离we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么you left me hanging on the light你带走了我赖以生存的光芒why you stealing all my time为什么你还要偷走我的时间you take a piss me你把我丢弃you"ve been drving too slow你太过拖拉so I gotta let you go所以我必须让你走before you break me em~yeah~在你让我心碎之前we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么we"ve been together for forever tell me why why why我们曾说要永远在一起告诉我为什么do we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye我们真的要转身对彼此说再见吗and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry而且我唯一剩下能做的事情就是哭泣nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye除了再见之外我不能再说些什么Bye Bye扩展资料:《bye bye bye》是瑞典乐队组合Lovestoned演唱的歌曲。歌曲收录在专辑《Rising Love》中。歌曲背景2010年出新专辑《Rising Love》,其中,Rising girl作为主打歌曲首先推广于各大网站,并获得不错的好评。当他们70%的retro-synthesiser声音和与众不同的吉他旋律相结合,可以让你拥有置身夏天的感觉,轻快的吉他、大鼓和ukulele配合的声音仿佛柔和的微风拂过。他们花费了两年多的时间在这张同名专辑上面,并在2010年4月21日在德国和瑞典两个国家发行。

( lovestoned 唱的) bye bye bye 那首歌翻译成中文是什么意思

when i see you 当我凝望你   looking back at me 你也回首看我   watching this eye still 彼此凝视   do your fingers 你是否感到我的爱   and your eyes   have told thousands lights 在你的眼眸中有无数道光芒   but i cant tell this time   what you really meant 但是此时此刻我不知道你想表达什么   we"ve been crossing the wires 我们邂逅   and still no sparks 但是我们最终没能在一起   lost in tight   falling apart 在亲密中迷失,分崩离析   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   I can sing   another broken song 你走之后,我会唱着伤心的歌曲   crying to hold on   to your picture 紧紧握着你的照片一直哭泣   out of face 你从我的视线消失   you hide behind your face 你把自己隐藏在人群中   it is more than what i can take我无能为力   move around the people 我只能在人流中盲目的穿梭   we"ve been crossing the wire 我们邂逅   and still no spark 但是我们最终没能在一起   lost in tight   falling apart 在亲密中迷失,分崩离析   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   you left me hanging on the light你带走了我生命中赖以生存的光芒   why u still know my type 可为什么你依然知道我的心跳   you take a piss me你不屑一顾把我丢弃   you"ve been drving too slow 这种痛苦是如此的漫长    so i gotta let you go 所以我必须让你走   before you break me 在你摧毁我之前   em ayaah..   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安 and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry 你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   we"ve been together forever tell me why why why 告诉我为什么我们不能永远在一起   tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye 告诉我怎样才能让你回头说晚安   and the only thing that"s left to do is cry cry cry你离开之后我只有哭泣   not left me the city,you bye bye bye 不要独自离开,留下我在这陌生的城市   bye bye


podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。扩展资料:Podcast节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅自己希望收听或观赏的节目。与之对比的是,传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源,广播依照节目时间表进行。Internet上的"流媒体"文档相对来说解放了受众的时间限制。通过不同来源"新闻聚合"得到节目是 podcast收听的特色和主要吸引力。任何数字音频播放器或拥有适当软件的电脑都可以播放Podcasting节目。相同的技术亦可用来传送视频文件,照片,文本档案之类的其他媒体文档亦可通过podcast传送。但单词"cast"最广泛的含义仍然是指大范围的音频传送。事实上RSS允许与任何文档格式联合,从PDF格式到MP3格式等等都可以产生URL。


podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。1.删除已下载的内容 进入【设置】—>【用量】—>【Podcast】—>【编辑】—>【删除】即可!(当然也可以直接向右滑动,弹出删除按钮,点击删除)。2.可能会发现在Podcast里向右滑动也可以进行删除,但是这种删除是会连那一期的节目都一期删除掉的,就算下拉刷新一次也不能恢复。因此不建议采取这种方式。3.恢复在App里误删的节目 点击进入订阅的设置,关闭订阅之后重新开启,这样就可以恢复了。

有人评论你good one是什么意思?

好主意!good idea

is this one thing i got it to be是哪首歌的歌词呀

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