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Not only... but also才是固定搭配哦,是不仅...而且的意思,她不仅会唱歌,而且还会跳舞

个人兴趣爱好和未来志向的英语作文 personal一background ①Interests a

Ideal is the beacon of life because of ideal navigation, people will fight for their ideals, and work my ideal is when a hard gardener. - A teacher, a glorious people"s teacher.Teacher like candles, they burn themselves to illuminate others; teacher like gardener to cultivate young seedlings into towering trees teacher is the human soul, from generation to generation teacher painstaking, selfless dedication, hard work year after year into months. on that podium three feet high, the dissemination of knowledge continues to spread human civilization down, and trained a batch of talents, it makes society more civilized, more prosperous country.Kindergarten when the teacher taught us to sing, dance, listen to stories told us that time, I think the teacher really amazing, really great, what will be, I thought: I grew up, I want to be a fantastic teacher , I know how to teach to children. Slowly, I grew up to go to school, teachers feel more magical .. Do not know the words, do not know the knowledge, as long as the teacher speaks, it suddenly all understand. teacher Tell us the truth in life, tell us to do an honest boy sad time when we, the teachers give us comfort;.. when we encounter setbacks, the teacher gives us great encouragement teacher really, like a book, So much knowledge teachers know, they see that kind of teacher faces difficulties again, simple things that will hurt them in, will vanish. This further strengthened my belief that when a teacher.If I became a teacher, then boarded the podium three feet high, to impart knowledge to the children, to lead them in the ocean of knowledge in travel, it is a wonderful thing how ah! I"ll put my students as my children like to take care of their own children to take care of them, educate them so that they sublime from one little story, in comprehend the true meaning of life; let them Cantabile from one song after another picturesque poetry, the taste of "Wan This are silent, but I Zhong Qing sound "of silence get them from one bud bud in full bloom, let them feel the magic of nature from one English word, feel the magic of language; let them from a a lively bounce of the digital realm of mathematics feel the magic. I will let the kids find fun learning, learning fun, and fell in love with learning. When they won the trophy, I"ll tell them, "Do not be proud, we must redouble our efforts in the future on the road to continue their efforts "; when they encounter difficulties in the path of growth and discouraged, I would tell them," Do not be discouraged, sunshine after the rain, insisted that victory, "was like the teacher education. as we educate my children. training them into a caring, responsible, righteous boy, grew up to be a socially useful talents

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Beth Orton的《Magpie》 歌词

歌曲名:Magpie歌手:Beth Orton专辑:Sugaring SeasonBeth Orton - Magpie.Magpie, magpieI""m sitting here watching the world go byI wonder do you ever question whyOld crow, old crowI""m sitting here wondering what you knowYou""ve seen more of the day than I could dream.I do not know what to tell youI do not know what to say to youI do not know what would set you freeBut it""s a hard hard fightA hard hard fightAnd I""m turning this one inI""m turning this one inI won""t turn back, I""ve seen the sunI won""t turn back, not for anyoneI""ve seen the sign and I know what is mineWhat a lie, what a lie, what a lie,what a lie, what a lie looks likeWhat a lie, what a lie, what a lie,what a lie, what a lie looks like.Blue jay, blue jayI don""t think you mean quite what you sayI don""t think you""re the friend you claim to beOld crow, old crowWon""t you tell me please tell me please what you knowYou""ve seen more of the world than I could dream.I do not know what to tell youI do not know what to say to youI do not know what would set you freeBut it""s a hard hard fightA hard hard fightAnd I""m turning this one inI""m turning this one inI won""t turn back, I""ve seen the sunI won""t turn back, not for anyoneI""ve seen the sign and I know I am freeWhat a lie, what a lie, what a lie,what a lie, what a lie looks likeWhat a lie, what a lie, what a lie,what a lie, what a lie looks like.Silence me and I won""t be here anymoreSilence me and I won""t be here anymoreSilence me and I won""t be here anymoreSilence me and I won""t be here anymore.http://music.baidu.com/song/27847598


(一) 星座剖析Michael Jackson1. 金星落入狮子座米高积逊,原名Michael Joseph Jackson,华语译名:迈克尔,约瑟夫,杰克逊,麦可杰克森,米高积逊,米高积臣,迈克尔杰克逊,简称:MJ。每一位叱咤风云的歌星背后都有一段戏剧人生,米高积逊也不例外。米哥积逊1958年8月29日出生于美国印第安纳州,幼年时期的他与大哥 Jackie、二哥Tito、三哥Jackie及四哥Marlon组成TheJackson 5合唱团,他年仅五岁就担任主唱,俏皮可爱的模样加上清亮动人的歌声让观众印象深刻,加上他的金星落入狮子座,表示他有表演天份,年少的他就注定日后成为流行天王。2. 月亮落入第4宫月亮星座落入第4宫,Michael Jackson一生动荡,再与太阳、冥王星形成180度对冲,主要有2种情况: (1) 是非多人红是非多,1993年他涉嫌性侵害男童风波,之后一时发生「抛孩子事件」,一时说自己只有整容两次,一时又说自己永远长不大,故喜欢与孩子同眠。英国记者Martin Bashir在2002年与米哥积逊接触了八个月,剪辑成特辑《米高积逊大追踪》,在世界各地广泛播映,营造一个好父亲形象,为他的恋童癖传说辟谣,而美国深夜电视节目脱口秀主持人,常常拿米哥积逊的整容、男童性侵害疑云等话题拿来开玩笑。 (2) 财来财去米哥积逊要不是卷入多次的官非诉讼,恐怕他的收入足可以足够他十世的荣华富贵,在他生前屡屡因为家产闹出新闻,亦被加州法院下令拍卖「梦幻园」。虽然他在 1980年代与1990年代赚进大笔财富,但男童性骚扰官司却使得他必须支付庞大的律师费用。Abdullah是巴林国王Sheikh Hamad次子,他在伦敦高等法院开庭时他供称,米哥积逊拖欠他700万美元未还,又没有履行两人有关出版专辑、传记与舞台表演合约的协议。近年的他,人财两失,就是因在他45岁后出现太阳、冥王星形成180度对冲。(二) 整容及面相分析Michael Jackson米哥积逊的金星落在狮子座,表示他注重容貌,他的容貌与肤色自出道以来发生了巨大的变化。他自己声明做过3次手术:2次整鼻手术(第一次是为了修整 1978年跳舞时受伤的鼻子,第二次是为了修正第一次手术的瑕疵)和一次植皮手术(因一次拍广告烧伤头部)。有人说他的整形手术以及流传的「皮肤漂白」事件是为了掩盖他非洲裔美国人的血统。有读者问米哥积逊的整容是帮肋了他成名又还是害了他一命,笔者从他整容前后的照片比较,发现很多玄机,今日就同大家分享一下:1. 男生女相米哥积逊是男生女相,整容前他的额头起梭起角,额运是指15岁至30岁阶段,如果以额头有梭角,表示少年出人头地,1980年代,正是他的额头「司空」位置,他的福德宫凸起来,正是他的歌唱事业颠峰时期。1982年,他的「战栗」专辑创下年美国销售2600万张、全球累计狂卖4000万张的惊人纪录,到目前为止还是唱片史上销售成绩最高的专辑。2. 散眉米哥积逊的眼眉原本是散眉,而整容后就变成角眉,角眉表示好胜心强,米哥积逊的眉从散眉变成角眉,而眼眉运是管31至34岁,1991年(33岁)推出的专辑「危险之旅」,全球累计销售2200多万张。角眉帮助他知名度提升却无法改变他散财的命运。「纽约时报」曾于2003年报导,这位男星负债约两亿美元。3. 猪胆鼻变克妻鼻米哥积逊整容前的鼻十分好,鼻头圆,有肉,叫猪胆鼻,是黑人的圆鼻唇厚特征,可惜他把鼻骨削直,鼻管40至50岁的财运,米哥积逊1998年(40 岁)以1700万美元买下内有游乐场、动物园的超级豪宅「奇幻乐园」,但多次传出因为贷款迟缴而被拍卖的命运。鼻硬克妻,破财,他与歌坛传奇人物「猫王」的女儿Lisa Marie Presley在1994年5月结婚,1996年1月离婚,后他在1996年11月与曾任皮肤科诊所助理的Debbie Rowe结婚,但这段婚姻于1999年10月划下句点。4. 人中浅,下巴方长,露腮大家留心一下米哥积逊的人中(鼻底至上口唇之间的沟道),他的人中十分浅。《麻衣神相》一书中在「相人中」一篇提到:夫人中者,一身沟洫(洫,田间水道)之相,沟洫疏通,则水流之而不壅,浅狭而不深,则水壅之而不流。人中之长短,可定寿命之长短,人中之广狭,可定男女之多少,此人中所以为寿命,而男女之宫也,是以欲长而不欲缩,中深而外阔,直而不斜,阔而下垂者皆善相也,其或细而狭长者,衣食逼迫,满而平者,纯遭灾滞,上狭下广者,多子,上广下狭者,少儿息,上下俱狭而中心庸,君子息极苦难而难成,上下直而深者,子息满堂,上下平而浅者,子息不生,深而长者,长寿。浅而短者,夭亡。人中管虚龄51 岁至57岁,米哥积逊没有人中,就是符合「浅而短者,夭亡」。人的面相分为三停,下停从51岁开始,包括口、下巴、腮部,米哥积逊整容后,他的下巴很明显呈长方型,长方型属木,木主肠胃消化系统,下巴方型的晚年必身体虚弱,抵抗力低,会有肠道的毛病,严重的会有高危病。下巴方长已经是晚年身体差的征状,再加上露腮就已说明他在50至60岁期间生命受到威胁。5. 下巴见坑纹中国的面相学是南方人重额头,北方人重下巴,下巴跟口靠拢,口主性欲,米哥积逊的下巴有一条很明显的凹入纵纹,在相学上凹入纵纹表示心灵空虚,需要母爱,要不然就产生慈爱,会有畸形恋。孔子在孝经里说:「身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝至始也。立身行道,扬名于后世,以显父母,孝之终也」。玄学家是不鼓励整容,除非八字中有血光之灾。米哥积逊多次把自己容貌改变,而他的寿元亦减少,据笔者30多年来的临终助念经验中,大多数整容的人士死前五官是毁烂,十分不美观。(三) 手相剖析Michael Jackson米哥积逊的左右手掌的生命线都是短少,而且尾指又过不到三关(即尾指指尖过了无名指的第一节底线),尾指看一个人晚年健康及子女运,生命线主要看一个人的健康状况及生命长短,如果短促生命线配合短尾指,有可能短寿。

Am I Ever Gonna Change 歌词

歌曲名:Am I Ever Gonna Change歌手:Extreme专辑:Take Us Alive:Boston 2009I"m tired of being me,and I don"t like what I see,I"m not who I appear to beSo I start off every day,down on my knees I will pray,for a change in any wayBut as the day goes by,I live through another lie,if it"s any wonder whyExtremeAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEWILL I ALWAYS STAY THE SAMEIF I SAY ONE THING,THEN I DO THE OTHERIT"S THE SAME OLD SONG,THAT GOES ON FOREVERAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEI"M THE ONLY ONE TO BLAMEWHEN I THINK I"M RIGHT,I WIND UP WRONGIT"S A FUTILE FIGHT,GONE ON TOO LONGam I too old to start anew,cause that"s what I want to doBut time and time again,when I think I can,I fall short in the endSo why do I even try,Will it matter when I die,Can anyone hear my cry?AM I EVER GONNA CHANGETAKE IT DAY BY DAYMY WILL IS WEAKAND MY FLESH TOO STRONGTHIS PEACE I SEEKTILL THY KINGDOM COMEShttp://music.baidu.com/song/17611881

Hobo Ken (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Hobo Ken (Album Version)歌手:Sly Stone专辑:Who In The Funk Do You Think You Are: The Warner Bros. RecordingsHOBO HOBO请你嫁给我好吗 HOBO为了让你的妈妈答应我要出发到外地打拼请你不要太为我担心我万丈雄心我前程似锦请牢记我们之间的约定要等我回来共组个家庭还要到巴黎东京蜜月旅行请你等我几年好吗 HOBOHOBO HOBO请你等我几年好吗 HOBO长长的秀发大大的眼睛和甜甜的微笑常在我心有你的祝福和你写的信跌跌撞撞我从不曾灰心谢谢你对我无止尽耐心对我所作的一切通通肯定花花世界我绝不花心要对我有信心好吗 HOBOHOBO HOBO要对我有信心好吗 HOBO从早到晚工作个不停老板喜欢我充满干劲越来越大包的年终奖金只要嫁给我你一定好命别忘记我们之间的约定我会开BENZ去你家提亲让你的左邻右舍亲戚肯定请你嫁给我好吗 HOBOHOBO HOBO请你嫁给我好吗请你嫁给我好吗 HOBO HOBO请你嫁给我好吗 HOBO疯狂小兔子&风缘http://music.baidu.com/song/7899163



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  question有问题;疑问等意思,那么你知道question的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习question的用法和 短语 例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    question的用法   question的用法1:question的基本意思是需要回答的“问题”,尤其指讨论中的事物,需要决定的事物、查询、事件等,即“议题,难题”,是可数名词。   question的用法2:question也可作“质疑”解,指不能肯定的事情或问题,是不可数名词,常与介词 about 连用。   question的用法3:question后常可接that引导的同位语从句,此时that无实义,只起连接作用,不可改为which。   question的用法4:question的基本意思是“询问,质询”,指就不足信、不正确或可疑的事对某人进行连续提问,也可指经过法庭或警署询问某人。引申可作“对…表示质疑”解。   question的用法5:question可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或if/whether从句作宾语。   question的用法6:question后常用介词about或on来表示某方面的问题。    question的常用短语   ask a silly question   beside the question   beyond (all) question   in question   it"s a question of   open question   out of question   out of the question   question的网络释义   question   问题; 河佑善; 提问; 问题,探究;   question paper   试卷; 测试题卷;   Security Question   找回密码问题(忘记密码后可用来找回密码); 安全提问; 安全问题; 安全性的问题;   beyond question   毫无疑问,无可争辩; 毋庸置疑; 毫无疑问,确定无疑; 无可争辩;   Without question   毫无疑问,毫无异议; 关于,至于,; 无疑地; 关于,至于;   question的英英解释   n.   1. an instance of questioning   2. the subject matter at issue   3. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply   4. uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something   5. a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote   6. an informal reference to a marriage proposal   v.   1. challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of   2. pose a series of questions to   3. pose a question   4. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting   5. place in doubt or express doubtful speculation    question的用法例句   1. This brings us to the second question I asked.   这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题。   2. People want to dissect his work and question his motives.   人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。   3. One more question and I"ll leave you in peace.   再问一个问题,我就不打扰你了。   4. Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.   发现问题后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。   5. He said in reply that the question was unfair.   他回答说这个问题不公平。   6. "Why didn"t you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."   “你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好。”   7. Is a tax increase still out of the question?   增加税收仍然是不可能的事吗?   8. There are bound to be question marks over his future.   他的未来必然还存有很多不确定的因素。   9. Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.   查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。   10. He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question.   他转过头看着这个噤若寒蝉的女孩,又重复了一遍他的问题。   11. He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question.   他在处理这个财务问题时很有分寸。   12. With respect, Minister, you still haven"t answered my question.   部长,恕我冒昧,您还没有回答我的问题。   13. He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetoricalquestion.   他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。   14. I don"t quite know what to say in answer to your question.   我不太清楚如何回答你的问题。   15. Frankly, Thomas, this question of your loan is beginning to worry me.   老实讲,托马斯,你贷款的问题开始让我担心了。 猜你喜欢: 1. question的同义词是什么 2. advantage的用法和短语例句 3. benifit的用法和短语例句 4. offend的用法和短语例句 5. promote的用法和短语例句 6. condemn的用法和短语例句


My Humps - Black Eyed PeasWhat you gon do with all that junk你要拿那些垃圾干嘛All that junk inside your trunk那些在那皮箱里的垃圾I ma get get get get you drunk我要把你灌灌灌灌醉Get you love drunk off my hump让你迷上我的双峰My hump my hump my hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰My hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰my lovely little lumps (Check it out)我可爱的小双峰 看过来I drive these brothers crazy我令这些小子疯狂I do it on the daily我每天都会这样做They treat me really nicely他们对我很好They buy me all these ices他们买给我一堆东西don"t she argue bana不在争论Fendi and then DonaFendi 还有 DonnaKaran they be sharin他们跟我分享就是关心我All their money got me wearin fly他们的钱让我穿的一身名牌gearrr but I ain askin每次我问起They say they love my ass n他们都说他们喜欢看我穿Se7en Jeans True ReligionSe7en Jeans的 他们真的为我疯狂I say no but they keep givin我说不 但他们一直给So I keep on takin所以我一直拿And no I ain t taken还有我没有死会We can keep on datin我们可以继续交往I keep on demonstrating my love我现在继续示范My love my love my love我的爱 我的爱 我的爱?You love my lady lumps我知道你爱我女性的双峰My hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰My humps they got u我的双峰吸引着你She s got me spending它让我为它花钱(Oh) Spendin all your money on me喔~把你的钱都花在我身上and spending time on me把你的时间都花在我身上She s got me spendin它让我为它花钱(Oh) Spendin all your money on me喔~把你的钱都花在我身上on on me on me把你的时间都花在我身上What you gon do with all that junk你要拿那些垃圾干麻All that junk inside that trunk那些在那皮箱里的垃圾I ma get get get get you drunk我要把你灌灌灌灌醉Get you love drunk off my hump让你迷上我的双峰What u gon do with all that ass你要拿那些干嘛All that ass inside them jeans在你牛仔裤里的I m a make make make make you scream我要让让让让你尖叫Make u scream make you scream让你尖叫 让你尖叫Cos of my hump my hump my hump my hump因为我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰My hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰my lovely lady lumps (Check it out)我可爱的女性的双峰(看过来)I met a girl down at the disco我在舞池遇到了一个女孩She said hey hey hey yea let s go他说..嘿嘿嘿..我们走吧I could be your baby you can be my honey我可以是你的宝贝..你可以当我的甜心Lets spend time not money i mix your我们一起杀时间不是钱milk wit my cocoa puff把你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起Milky milky cocoa奶味的可可Mix your milk with my cocoa puff你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起milky milky riiiiiiight牛奶牛奶They say I m really sexy他们说我很性感The boys they wanna sex me那些男孩们都想干我They always standing next to me他们永远都站在我身边Always dancing next to me永远都在我身边跳舞Tryin a feel my hump hump试着抚摸我的双峰 双峰Lookin at my lump lump看着我的双峰 双峰U can look but you can t touch it你可以看但你不能摸If u touch it I ma start some drama你如果摸了 我就会开始生气You don t want no drama你不想要我生气No no drama no no no no drama不不要我生气 不不不不要我生气So don t pull on my hand boy所以不要拉着我的手You ain t my man boy你不是我的男人I m just tryn a dance boy我只是想要跳舞And move my hump还有动我的双峰My hump my hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰My hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰my hump my hump my hump我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰My lovely lady lumps My lovely lady lumps我可爱的女性双峰 我可爱的女性双峰My lovely lady lumps我可爱的女性双峰In the back and in the front My lovin got u前面跟后面 你被我的爱迷住She s got me spendin它让我为他花钱(Oh) Spendin all your money on me喔~把你的钱都花在我身上and spending time on me把你的时间都花在我身上She s got me spendin它让我为它花钱(Oh) Spendin all your money on me喔~把你的钱都花在我身上on on me on me把你的时间都花在我身上What you gon do with all that junk你要拿那些垃圾干麻All that junk inside that trunk那些在那皮箱里的垃圾I ma get get get get you drunk我要把你灌灌灌灌醉Get you love drunk off my hump让你迷上我的双峰What you gon do with all that ass你要拿那些干嘛All that ass inside them jeans在你牛仔裤里的I ma make make make make you scream我要让让让让你尖叫Make you scream make you scream让你尖叫 让你尖叫She s got me spendin它让我为它花钱Spendin all your money on me and spendin time on me把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上

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addict oneself to用法

be addicted to sth or sbI am addicted to Baidu now.

converse addict和普通匡威外观一样么


De&Vision的《Addict》 歌词

歌曲名:Addict歌手:De&Vision专辑:SubkutanNick Carter - AddictedFrom the first hit,I saw my world come crashing down,I"ll never forget how you just blew my mindMy head is spinning,feel my heart "bout to explodeI"m overload from head to toeAround and round and round we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!Yeah, I"m struck outNo I can"t see straightAll you get I"ll takeYou got me now,just coming back for more!I"m not coming downToo much, too lateAn overload, from head to toeAround, around we go.So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofYou"re such a good bad drug!I"m so hooked,I took your pill,I get stuck,I get my fillThere"s no hope praying you will get home, love!I need no therapy,unless you"re not aroundHooked up your chemistry,I"m never coming downYou gotta hold meI want more, gimme more,I need my fix!So what I"m addictedAnd now I can"t live without your loveMaybe it"s crazy,but I just can"t get enoughI can"t fight the feelingI"d rather let you take me awayI don"t wanna break these chainsI"d rather feel the pain.You"re such a good bad drugThe one I can"t give up.You give me such a rush,The one I"m thinking ofhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26607200

addict 和consider区别

addict 建议和consider考虑

_____to the "stealing vegetables"on the website,he finally d?

你的感觉很正确,答案就是 A.addicted 一、本题的语法结构如下: 原因状语:_____to the "stealing vegetables"on the website 主体结构:he finally droped out of school 二、关于本题中的动词 addict addict 是及物的使役动词,意思是“使...沉湎于、使...热衷于”.在本句中,主语 he 使自己沉湎于/热衷于...,以下是本意思的演变过程: 用主动语态表达—— he addicted himself to stealing vegetables. 改为被动就是 —— he was addicted to stealing vegetables 如果把后面的被动语态省去主语 he 和助动词 was 就变成过去分词短语—— addicted to stealing vegetables 三、做这一类题目是,如果觉得一时不好定夺该用哪类分词,你可以把分词短语改为从句. Because he was addicted to the "stealing vegetables" on the website,he finally droped out of school. 在从句的基础上省略掉主语和助动词后,正好就是要得到的结果: Addicted to the "stealing vegetables"on the website,he finally droped out of school 四、其他选项 B.addiciting 现在分词与句子主语是主谓关系,意思成了“他使别人沉湎于” ,而且句子中也找不出这个“别人是谁” C.being addicted 现在分词表示与句子主要动词的行为同时发生,其被动语态表示“他一边沉湎于...一边辍学”,显然不符合逻辑. D.to be addicted 放在句首的不定式只能做目的状语,总不能说“他为了沉湎于...而去辍学”吧,也是不符合逻辑的.,10,C being addicted 由于沉迷于在网上偷菜,他最终辍学了吧 现在分词做原因状语,2,C,being addicted;独立主格结构。,0,being addicted to原因,0,A,0,_____to the "stealing vegetables"on the website,he finally droped out of school A addicted B addiciting Cbeing addicted Dto be addicted 选第一个吗,我是凭感觉的,为什么,



be addicted to sth./doing sth和addict oneself to sth./doing sth有什么区别

都是一个意思。跟你讲下用法吧,addict是及物动词,后面必须要加宾语,而且多用某人自己-oneself,因为是及物动词,它可以用被动语态,本身就是指某人自己,所以某人做主语时,可以用被动语态。addict oneself to 改为被动语态是sb be addicted to,这样你就可以理解了,另外to是介词,介词后面需要跟名词或者是动名词,所以才有接sth和doing sth的说法你可以联想到动词seat, 坐下,我们经常说be seat please/还有一种说法是seat yourself,因为seat是及物动词,必须要跟宾语,否则需要用被动语态希望能帮到你,可以沟通哦



hock a loogie是什么意思, 还有tonsil hockey?

"Hock a loogie" is American slang for expectoration(咳痰), a common occurrence in a dentist"s office. 是咳痰的美国俚语说法,在牙医那里经常用到watching you two play tonsil hockey. 还要看你们俩耍舌功


作为名词,addict表示一类人。He is an addict.addiction表示“成瘾,入迷,癖好”。Caffeine addiction is a powerful thing.


I uttered some indifferent compliment:

hockey cotton fabric 是什么面料

hockey曲棍球cotton fabric 棉织物hockey cotton fabric就是棉质面料,不过是用于曲棍球方面,比如曲棍球衣。

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我跟你一样 我找不到冲突的命令在哪里 真想给他删了

lytton band造句 lytton bandの例文

The Lytton band hasn"t always pved without land. Katz telephoned Mejia, and revived the Lytton band "s hopes. The Lytton band was dissolved and its land was deeded to its members. But the Lytton band faced an added hurdle. The 10-acre site is the first land the Lytton band has had in more than 40 years. The "" Lytton Band of Pomo Indians ""is a federally recognized tribe of Native Americans. The largest and most controversial of those projects is the proposed San Pablo casino by the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians. Though the Lytton Band does not divulge a plete pst of members, most sources report the band now has over 200 members. The financial benefits to the state from the Lytton Band pact go well beyond pacts with several other tribes that Schwarzenegger renegotiated in June. Last spring, Capfornia Gov . Gray Davis refused to negotiate a gambpng agreement with the Lytton band , citing their lack of land. It"s difficult to see lytton band in a sentence. 用 lytton band 造句挺难的 The 220-member Lytton band , based in Santa Rosa, is negotiating with the federal government for the land under Casino San Pablo. Under the Lytton Band deal, the state will receive 25 percent of the casino"s profits from its slot machines and some card games. Afterreaching a settlement in 1991, the Lytton band continued its quest for a casino, convinced that revenue from gambpng would allow members to acquire housing. Margie Mejia"s people have struggled for decades, their Lytton band of Pomo uprooted from their homeland in the hills near Heald *** urg and scattered around Sonoma County. In a written statement, Margie Mejia, chairwoman of the Lytton Band , said the pact would have broad economic benefits for San Pablo and the Bay Area. This year, the Lytton band hopes to regain the land it lost in the late 1950s _ but in a far different neighborhood from the Alexander Valley of Sonoma County. Daniel Kolkey, the lead negotiator for the governor, said the Lytton Band pact required payments to the state that are greater than those required of tribal casinos in Connecticut. -- The casino, owned by the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians, will be built on 9 acres of land less than a quarter-mile from Interstate 80. Barbara L . Vigil, the San Pablo mayor, said a 1999 agreement beeen the town and the Lytton Band envisioned a much *** aller operation, perhaps 1, 000 slot machines or so. "In high school, kids would apply for ( Bureau of Indian Affairs ) funding for college, but I couldn"t, " said Cathy Lopez, vice chair of the Lytton band . Such aid would have given the Lytton band as much as $ 1, 200 to pay for the funeral of a 17-year-old boy killed in a gun accident the day after Easter o years ago. The pact with the Lytton Band was the largest of five gaming agreements announced by Schwarzenegger, which together are expected to provide about $ 200 milpon in state revenues annually, according to estimates by the governor"s office. The agreement, with the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians, will create a casino bigger than any in Las Vegas or Atlantic City along a major muter freeway in San Pablo, an economically struggpng town about 15 miles north of Oakland. One of the five deals involves the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians, who will be allowed to develop a six-to eight-story casino with up to 5, 000 slot machines in the Bay Area city of San Pablo. Alan Meister, an economist with Analysis Group, which produces an annual study on Indian gaming, said the governor was required by federal law to negotiate with the Lytton Band , but there was no doubt that he went beyond the minimum. Then, Schwarzenegger announced a deal with the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians to build one of the nation"s largest casinos in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area on the promise the tribe would share 25 percent of its revenue with the state. The agreement, with the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians, will create a casino bigger than any in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, N . J ., along a major muter freeway in San Pablo, an economically struggpng town about 15 miles north of Oakland. The centerpiece of this second round of Indian-gaming pacts reached by the Repubpcan governor includes a deal with the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians that will allow the Northern Capfornia tribe to open a 5, 000-slot machine mega-casino in the east San Francisco Bay Area city of San Pablo. But with the state in financial crisis and the Lytton Band entitled under federal law to build a casino in San Pablo, Schwarzenegger decided to use the negotiations to extract money from the gaming operations to boost state coffers and ensure that negative consequences, pke traffic problems, could be addressed, state officials said. Late last year, Rep . George Miller, D-Capf ., sneaked an amendment into a bill that in effect turned the card room into a reservation for Sonoma County"s Lytton band of Pomo Indians _ and set the stage for what is expected to be a fiercely fought battle over urban gaming. It"s difficult to see lytton band in a sentence. 用 lytton band 造句挺难的 The Los Angeles Times and the Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday that a pact was expected to be signed this week beeen the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians and the state allowing the tribe to build what could be one of the world"s largest casinos on a site in San Pablo, across the Bay from San Francisco. In addition to the Lytton Band , Schwarzenegger reached agreements with the Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians in Amador County, the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians near the state"s northern coast, the Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians near San Diego and the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe near Needles in San Bernardino County.


 Tony, in suit-slacks and an undershirt, grimy from working on a classic ‘32 Ford. 昨晚与女记者滚完床单,Tony转天一大早就跑到工作间,专心致志地改装起车子。 slack常作为形容词来使用,指“不紧的,松的”(not tight, loose)。 ▫ These tent rope are too slack—they need tightening. 这些帐篷绳太松了——需要把它们紧一紧。 而当slack做名词时,则指不太紧的裤子,也就是我们平时穿的休闲裤(trousers, especially for casual wear)。和trousers一样,slacks做“裤子”之意,时,常为复数。 那么,suit-slacks,顾名思义,即指西服套装的宽松裤子。 undershirt([ˈʌn.dɚ.ʃɝːt]),英式英语中也写做vest,指“(衬衣等里面贴身穿的)背心,汗衫”(a piece of underwear worn under a shirt, etc, next to the skin)。 最常见的男士贴身背心,无疑就是咱们俗称的“跨栏背心”,你可以简单粗暴地称它为Sleeveless Undershirt,或者,它还有一个很霸气侧漏的昵称叫“Tank Top”(可以亮出手臂结实的肌肉)。如果要直译为Hurdle Slim T-shirt也可以,但前面最好强调一下是Sleeveless的。 grimy ([ˈɡraɪ.mi]),形容词,指“满是污垢的,肮脏的”(covered with or characterized by diry)。 ▫ The child"s face was grimy and streaked with tears. 那个孩子脸上满是污垢,还挂着道道泪痕。 grimy源自于名词grime([ɡraɪm])。grim指“污垢,尘垢,积垢”(a layer of dirt on skin or on a building)。 ▫ The walls were covered with grime. 墙上满是污垢。 那么,dirt和grime有什么区别呢? 大体上,这两个词是可以互换的,只是dirt的使用频率显然要比grime高。不过,要说区别的话,还是有那么一点点。 首先,dirt相对比较中立,即对客观事实的描述,例如,the dirt on a car, clothing, the floor,等等,这些东西落上污垢是不可避免的,你把它们清洗干净就好了。但grime清洗起来要比dirt更麻烦,也会给人一种很不好的体感。同样是落在衣服上的污渍,dirt可能指的是泥印、尘土之类的,而grime则侧重于油污等不好清洗的东西,而且看起来很脏,让你感觉很不舒服。 其次,grime不仅指实际的污垢,也可以用于比喻,例如某个城市治安很乱,我们常会用“肮脏”来形容它,这时用grime就比dirt更符合语境。 Tony正在修的这辆车就是经典的1932年福特车。BTW,修车这个情节可不是随便拍的哟,因为后面Tony在做新战甲时,外漆的经典酒红色就是参考的这辆古董车。 Give me an exploded view. Tony命Jarvis显示气缸的爆炸图。 exploded view,俗称“爆炸图”,也翻译成“分解图”,即将一个组件的主要零件,以立体的方式拆分显示,在机械图纸中属于很常见的类型。 I"ll keep you posted. 忙碌的Pepper边打电话告知对方有最新情况会通知,边推门进到工作室内 keep sb posted指“不断(向某人)更新最新情况”(to make sure that someone always knows what is happening)。 ▫ Keep me posted on anything that happens while I"m away. 在我离开期间,随时告诉我最新的情况。  Like a champ. Tony问起昨晚和她滚床单的女记者有什么反应。Pepper不屑地说,“她就好像赢了大奖似的”。 champ([tʃæmp])是champion的非正式说法,指“冠军,获胜者”。 能够和大名鼎鼎的Tony滚一把床单,Pepper形容那个女人“Like a champ”还真是挺讽刺的。 Why are you trying to hustle me out of here? 听到女记者的反应后,Tony有点抱怨道,“你不应该赶我离开别墅的。” hustle([ˈhʌs.əl]),及物动词指“推搡,推挤(某人)”(to make someone move quickly by pushing or pulling them along)。所以,hustle sb out of sp,就是“将某人推搡出某地”。 ▫ After giving his speech, Johnson was hustled out of the hall by bodyguards. 演讲结束后,约翰逊被保镖们簇拥着出了大厅。 看到hustle,就会不禁想到bustle,这两个词常常“结伴”出现,构成短语hustle and bustle。不过,它不是动词短语,而是名词短语,指“喧闹嘈杂”(noise and activity)。 ▫ I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. 我喜欢市场里的熙攘喧闹。 I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there. Pepper提醒Tony,按计划,他的飞机一个半小时前就该起飞了。Tony不以为然,“既然是我的私人飞机,我不到,它怎么会飞呢。”(哼,有钱人的任性啊……) 这句台词出现了think with的用法。我们知道,think可以搭配介词about、of,或that引导的宾语从句,但think with却很少见。 当然,think with的用法也是有的,with在这里用来指“凭借某工具”,所以think with即“靠……来思考”。 ▫ We talk with our mouth, but we think with our head. 我们用嘴说话,但我们用脑思考。 显然,台词中的think with不是这种的用法。其实,我们把台词的短句顺序换一个位置就一目了然了,I thought that it would just wait for me to get there with it being my plane and all. with在这句话中相当于because的作用,Tony为了强调它是自己的私人飞机,于是把with引导的原因状语提前了。 Larry called. He"s got another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings Pepper要抓紧时间向Tony回报几件事情,首先是买艺术品的事。 杰克逊·波洛克(1912-1956),美国画家,抽象表现主义绘画大师,也被公认为是美国现代绘画摆脱欧洲标准,在国际艺坛建立领导地位的第一功臣。 波洛克生前的工作室和故居都位于美国纽约州的斯普林斯(Springs)。但Tony似乎不太懂艺术,至少不了解波洛克,以为Springs是波洛克在春季的作品,因为波洛克的代表作中有一副叫《秋韵:第30号》(Autumn Rhythm (Number 30))。 in the wings,或wait in the wings,指“准备就绪;随时可使用”(If something is in the wings, it is about to happen or be made public.)。 ▫ More bad news could be in the wings in the form of rises in licence fees. 更多坏消息可能会以提供许可费的方式出现。 I think it"s a fair example. I think it"s incredibly overpriced. Tony没想好要不要买这幅画,询问Pepper的意见。Pepper觉得画的一般,而且价格太贵。 fair在这里指“不好不坏的,一般的”(neither very good nor very bad)。 ▫ I was fair at science but it was never my thing. 我理科成绩还算过得去,但我从来都不喜欢理科。 example,我们都很熟悉了,是指“例子,案例”,只有具有典型特点才能作为例子,所以它也可以指某物艺术家或创作者的代表作(something that is typical of the group of things)。 ▫ This painting is a marvellous example of her work. 这幅画是她非常出色的代表作。 那么,“it"s a fair example.”的意思就是“这是他比较一般的代表作。” The MIT commencement speech... Pepper汇报的第二件事,是Tony的母校MIT想请他去做毕业演讲。 commencement([kəˈmens.mənt]),名词,指“学位授予典礼;(大学或高中)毕业典礼”(a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees)。需注意,commencement已含有典礼的意思,不需要在后面再加上ceremony。 ▫ He was invited to speak at the commencement. 他受邀在毕业典礼上讲话。 commencement是美式英语的说法,而英式英语中还是习惯使用graduation ceremony。 Please, don"t harangue me about stuff that"s way, way, down... 毕业典礼是在6月,Tony提醒Pepper别拿那么老远的事情来烦他。 harangue([həˈræŋ]),源自于法语,也写作harangué,一开始仅作为名词使用,本意是指“公开的演说”(a public address, public discourse),后来演变出“义愤填膺的谴责;慷慨激昂的劝说”的意思(a long loud angry speech that criticizes sb/sth or tries to persuade people to do sth)。 因为harangue含有speech之意,如果用它来表达“谴责、批评”之类的意思,则给人一种长篇大论、没完没了的负面感觉。 ▫ She gave her son a harangue about the dangers of playing in the street. 她很严厉的批评了儿子,在大街上玩是很危险的。 而现在,harangue更多被当做动词,尤其是及物动词,指“长篇大论地演说;斥责”(to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes angry way, especially to persuade them)。 ▫ A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by. 一名醉汉在车站大声训斥路人。 Deflect it and absorb it. Don"t transmit it back to me. Tony告诉Pepper,以后再有这种事情,你替我挡掉就好,别来烦我。 动词deflect([dɪˈflekt]),虽然及物或不及物都可以,但及物的使用会更常见,指“使某物转向或偏斜”(to cause to change direct, or to prevent sth from being directed at you)。 ▫ He deflected the ball away from the goal. 他把球挡住了球门。 Tony的这句“deflect it”其实是简化的说法,完整应该是“You should deflect it from me”。 A deflect sth from B,也是经常出现的一个短语,意思是“由A替B去处理sth”(to cause B to veer away from sth)。 ▫ That"s why I have an assistant—she deflects all of this minutes away from me. 这就是我为什么要有一个助理的原因——她会替我处理所有会议记录。 absorb最基本的意思是“吸收(液体、气体)等”(to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space)。 ▫ Plants absorb oxygen. 植物吸收氧气。 而台词中的absorb则是对以上基本意思的延伸,当主语为人时,absorb sth就是“记住、理解、掌握sth”(to take sth into the mind and learn or understand it)。 ▫ It"s a lot of information to absorb all at once. 要一下子消化这么多资料,真是很难。 所以,Tony说“absorb it”,就是要Pepper替他记着这件事就行了。 What are you trying to get rid of me for? Tony发现Pepper这么急着打发他走,肯定有问题啊。 当get rid of 后接sth时,一般有两个意思:  一是“清除,去除,丢弃”(to remove or throw away sth unwanted) ▫ I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the garden. 我用了除草剂来除去花园里的杂草。  二是“处理掉,卖掉”(to sell an old or unwanted possession) ▫ Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet? 你处理掉你的旧沃尔沃车了吗? 而当get rid of后接sb时,则是“赶走,打发走sb”的意思(to send away someone annoying or to persuade them to leave)。 ▫ We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed. 我们说必须要上床睡觉了,这才把那一帮不受欢迎的客人打发走。 Very tasteful. 得知Pepper要过生日,Tony很“大方”地说,“替我买份礼物”。Pepper讽刺他已经买完了,还“夸”Tony送的礼物很有品位。 tasteful,形容词,既可以做表语,也可以做定语,指“雅致的;趣味高雅的;有品位的”(attractive and chosen for style and quality)。其比较级和最高级是在前面加more和most。 ▫ Their house is very tasteful, but it doesn"t have any soul. 他们的房子很雅致,但我总觉得少了点儿个性。

one hundred metre hurdle

A 考查冠词。the first 第一,a gold medal 不限定。



cad2010中如何添加 layon和layiso 命令,

你的CAD未安装Express Tool。(Autodesk公司制作的共享工具,在很多网站可以免费下载)安装好后,增加一个Express下拉菜单,其中的第一项就是图层管理工具。安装好了,你就可以使用图层管理命令。再把里面的图层管理命令做成自己想要的快捷键,这样能提高作图效率。 你所说的第一项对应的命令为layiso 第二项对应的命令为layoff 其它好几个图层管理命令也经常使用到,使用方法很简单,自己摸索一下吧。

iPhone 5的界面显示hallo是什么意思?

手机是购买后第一次开机、系统还原、升级后第一次开机,手机屏幕上就会显示hallo表示欢迎。hallo【音标】:英 [hə"ləʊ]     美 [hə"loʊ] 【释义】:喂,哈罗。【双语例句】:1、Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend? 【释义】:你要不要进来和我女友打个招呼?2、Hallo, may I speak to Frank, please. 【释义】:喂,我找弗兰克。3、Very softly, she called out: "Hallo? Who"s there?"【释义】:她轻声细气喊道:“喂?有人吗?”4、The horse stop instantly at the hallo of its master. 【释义】:主人嗨了一声,马就立刻停下来了。5、Do not hallo till you are out of the wood. 【释义】:未出险境,先莫高兴。iPhone5:是苹果公司(Apple)在2012年9月推出的一款手机,已于2012年9月21日正式上市。【手机特点】:新一代iPhone 5采用铝合金外壳与玻璃镶饰,机身厚度仅为7.6毫米,重仅112克,分别比苹果上代手机薄了18%和轻了20%。iPhone 5配备了4英寸640×1136像素分辨率的屏幕,全新的机身设计,800万像素摄像头,A6处理器和iOS 6。苹果iPhone 5屏幕尺寸首次发生了变化,从3.5英寸扩大为4英寸,分辨率为1136×640,达到326ppi的水准,新的屏幕可实现5行图标。iPhone5采用的是4.0英寸大的电容屏,支持多点触控,采用IPS技术的TFT材质显示屏。



为什麼有的iPhone开机是hello有的是halo 呢?



中文含义不一样。“strapon”中文翻译是“搭接”的意思;"pegging"中文翻译是“钉住; 定线; 订定价格; 反查; 固定汇率; 固定价格”的意思,所以二者从中文意思表示的都不一样。


中文含义不一样。“strapon”中文翻译是“搭接”的意思;"pegging"中文翻译是“钉住; 定线; 订定价格; 反查; 固定汇率; 固定价格”的意思,所以二者从中文意思表示的都不一样。

python用suds 调用webservice方法的时候报错。



如果一个库是 GPL 的,所有用到该库的软件必须也是 GPL。也就是 GPL 的传染性。>> 如果一个库时LGPL的,用到该库的软件不受LGPL的传染。也才是LGPL存在的根本。而至于周边的发布问题,至今仍有很大争议,包括我能否打包>> 发布静态编译的LGPL下Qt库,nokia都不能给出明确的答复。


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把这行的引号都换成英文的。<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

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python 解析xml需要什么模块

Python的标准库中,提供了6种可以用于处理XML的包。(1)xml.domxml.dom实现的是W3C制定的DOM API。如果你习惯于使用DOM API或者有人要求这这样做,可以使用这个包。不过要注意,在这个包中,还提供了几个不同的模块,各自的性能有所区别。DOM解析器在任何处理开始之前,必须把基于XML文件生成的树状数据放在内存,所以DOM解析器的内存使用量完全根据输入资料的大小。(2)xml.dom.minidomxml.dom.minidom是DOM API的极简化实现,比完整版的DOM要简单的多,而且这个包也小的多。那些不熟悉DOM的朋友,应该考虑使用xml.etree.ElementTree模块。据lxml的作者评价,这个模块使用起来并不方便,效率也不高,而且还容易出现问题。相关推荐:《Python教程》(3)xml.dom.pulldom与其他模块不同,xml.dom.pulldom模块提供的是一个“pull解析器”,其背后的基本概念指的是从XML流中pull事件,然后进行处理。虽然与SAX一样采用事件驱动模型(event-driven processing model),但是不同的是,使用pull解析器时,使用者需要明确地从XML流中pull事件,并对这些事件遍历处理,直到处理完成或者出现错误。pull解析(pull parsing)是近来兴起的一种XML处理趋势。此前诸如SAX和DOM这些流行的XML解析框架,都是push-based,也就是说对解析工作的控制权,掌握在解析器的手中。(4)xml.saxxml.sax模块实现的是SAX API,这个模块牺牲了便捷性来换取速度和内存占用。SAX是Simple API for XML的缩写,它并不是由W3C官方所提出的标准。它是事件驱动的,并不需要一次性读入整个文档,而文档的读入过程也就是SAX的解析过程。所谓事件驱动,是指一种基于回调(callback)机制的程序运行方法。(5)xml.parser.expatxml.parser.expat提供了对C语言编写的expat解析器的一个直接的、底层API接口。expat接口与SAX类似,也是基于事件回调机制,但是这个接口并不是标准化的,只适用于expat库。expat是一个面向流的解析器。您注册的解析器回调(或handler)功能,然后开始搜索它的文档。当解析器识别该文件的指定的位置,它会调用该部分相应的处理程序(如果您已经注册的一个)。该文件被输送到解析器,会被分割成多个片断,并分段装到内存中。因此expat可以解析那些巨大的文件。(6)xml.etree.ElementTree(以下简称ET)xml.etree.ElementTree模块提供了一个轻量级、Pythonic的API,同时还有一个高效的C语言实现,即xml.etree.cElementTree。与DOM相比,ET的速度更快,API使用更直接、方便。与SAX相比,ET.iterparse函数同样提供了按需解析的功能,不会一次性在内存中读入整个文档。ET的性能与SAX模块大致相仿,但是它的API更加高层次,用户使用起来更加便捷。建议:在使用Python进行XML解析时,首选使用ET模块,除非你有其他特别的需求,可能需要另外的模块来满足。

翻译:1.but it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott.

你好!but it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott.但它也引发了蒙哥马利巴士抵制。



英语词汇构词法(Word Formation)——专用名词转化而来的普通名词

除了以上讨论的构词法以外,英语词汇还有一个重要的来源,即从专有名词转化而来的普通名词。sandwich一词就是个很好的例子,现意为“三明治”(一种快餐名)。它源于英国18世纪三明治第四代伯爵John Montague。此人嗜赌成性,常常废寝忘食。他常吩咐下人将几大片熟牛肉夹在几片面包中间送给他吃,这样他就可以边吃边赌了。后来,人们便用他的名字指代所有类似的食物。这就是“三明治”一词的由来。现代英语中有大量由专有名词转化来的普通名词,包括人名、地名、书名和商标名。   1.人名   这组词大都来源于科学家、发明家等的名字,如ampere(安培)来源于法国物理学家Ampere,farad(法拉)来源于英国物理学家Faraday,ohm(欧姆)来源于德国物理学家Ohm,volt(伏特)来源于意大利物理学家Volta,watt(瓦特)来源于苏格兰发明家Watt。这些词现已成为电学中的单位名词。同理,diesel(柴油机)是德国发明家Diesel发明的,mackintosh(风雨衣)是苏格兰发明家Mackintosh发明的,bloomers(布鲁姆衣服)是由纽约Bloomers夫人发明的。   有些词来源于神话人物名,如cherub(天真可爱的男童)来源于Cherub(小天使),protean(千变万化的)来源于有许多化身并能作预言的海神Proteus。   有些词来源于历史人物名,如bobby(<英>警察)来自19世纪初伦敦警察的创建者Robert Peel爵士;cynic(愤世嫉俗的人;玩世不恭的人)来源于希腊犬儒学派的代表人物Cynic;quisling(叛徒)来自背叛祖国投降纳粹的挪威军官Vidkum Quisling。   有些词来源于文学作品中的人物名,如quixotic(极其浪漫的,理想主义的,骑士气派的)来自于塞万提斯的作品《唐.吉诃德》中的Don Quixote(唐.吉诃德);sadism(<对异性>残暴色情狂)来源于Count Donation(侯爵)de Sade;robot(机器人)来自于Karel Capek的剧本RUR中的机器怪物Robot。   2.地名   有许多表示产品、东西或材料的词来自于其原产地的地名,如china(瓷器)来自瓷都China(中国),afghan(一种织毯)原产于Afghanistan(阿富汗),jersey(毛衣)产于美国的Jersey Island(泽西岛),champagne(香槟酒)原产于法国的Champagne(香槟),rubgy(橄榄球)起源于曾以橄榄球闻名的英国Rugby(拉格比)学校。   3.书名   还有一些词来源于书名,其含义与书中所描述的事物有关,如utopia(乌托邦)源于Thomas More爵士所著的Utopia《乌托邦》,odyssey(长期漂流的)源于Homer(荷马)的The Odyssey(《奥德赛》),此书描写Odysseus(奥德修斯)在攻破了特洛伊城后所经历的各种艰苦的漂泊生活。Bibbit(一个只关心事业和职位,只关注文艺和文化的人)源于Sinclair Lewis的小说Bibbit(《巴比特》)。   4.商标名   nylon(尼龙),orlon(奥纶),daron(的确良,达可纶),rayon(人造丝,雷荣)等词原来都是商标名,现在用来指这种纤维材料。再如:frisbee(飞盘),deepfreeze(冷藏箱,电冰箱),Omega(香烟名),xerox(复印机)等。   大部分专有名词转化为普通名词后,其原来的特征已经消失;首字母不能再大写,而且可以转化为其他词类,如boycott(n&v),意为“抵制”,源于19世纪大地主Boycott,cabal(n&v),意为“阴谋,玩弄阴谋”,源于五大臣Clifford,Ashley,Buckingham, Arlington和Lauderdale名字首字母的拼写。   这些词还可以带后缀:-ic,-an, -al, -ist, -ese, -ish, -esque构成形容词,如colossal(巨大的),irenic(促进和平的),stentorian(声音洪亮的),Micawberish(幻想突然走运的),picaresque(<经历等>传奇式流浪冒险的)等;   还可加后缀-ism, -(i)ne,-age,-ade,-ia, -ity, -ry构成名词:solecism(文理不通),morphine(吗啡),sabotage(怠工),pasquinade(讽刺诗),Babbitry(庸俗的实业家性格,节俭作风),magnolia(木兰)等。   由专有名词转化而来的普通名词具有丰富的文化内涵,在文体上能起到生动的效果,给人以深刻的印象,发人深思。如:   I want to be TV"s czar of script and grammar.(我想成为电视剧本和文理上的沙皇。)   Churchill, a bent Pickwick in blue uniform, looked up at him with majestic good humor, much older, more dignified, moren assured. (丘吉尔,一位身穿蓝色制服的匹克威克,带着庄严的幽默仰视着他,显得更加苍老、更为尊严、更为自信。)   It is with procrustean thoroughness that the Soviet government sequelches all dissent.(正是普罗克拉提斯般彻底性使得苏联政府压制了所有不同意见人士。)   czar(沙皇)这个词指1917年以前俄国的皇帝,但其源自罗马皇帝恺撒(Caesar)。现在,这个词用指“任何权力至高无上的人”、“权威”。所以,上面第一个句子中言者想在电视剧本和文理领域像恺撒(Caesar)在罗马帝国一样拥有相同权力和权威,以此暗示其盛气凌人的个性和雄心。   第二句中把丘吉尔比作匹克韦克。匹克韦克是狄更斯小说《匹克韦克外传》(Pickwick Papers)中的人物,他天真、善良。该句用Pickwick不仅描述丘吉尔的外貌,而且也描写其性格,在读者心中树立起一个和蔼可亲的形象,栩栩如生,如在眼前。   procrustean一词给人另一种形象。该词源于procrustes,他是雅典(Attica)的一个巨人,他用酷刑将行人拽长或将四肢砍断来和他的床的长度取齐,因此该词义为“残忍地要求一致的”。第三句中说苏维埃政府用Procrustes那样的手段残忍地要求一致,给人以强烈地恐怖感。毫无疑问,用此类词表示意思比用普通的形容词产生更强烈的效果。   注意:   (1)组合词素因为看起来像词缀,而且也是粘附形式,所以易与词缀相混淆。两者的区别是:组合词素是粘附词根,而词缀不是词根。因此,psycho-,socio-,-meter, -gragh, -gram, -logy等是组合词素。所以这些组合词素构成的新词和其他自由/粘附词素形式构成的新词都可以看作是复合词。   (2)v-ed这是指所有的过去分词,包括规则和不规则的。 好啦,关于构词法的内容就与大家分享到这里了,希望对有需要的同学有所帮助。

secondary boycott是什么意思

secondary boycott 英[ˈsekəndəri ˈbɔikɔt] 美[ˈsɛkənˌdɛri ˈbɔɪˌkɑt] [释义] 次级抵制; [网络] 间接抵制; 间接的联合抵制;



Vue 项目运行报错 node_modules/.bin/gulp: Permission denied

项目运行 报错 xxxxxxxx/node_modules/.bin/gulp: Permission denied 没有权限 解决方法:chmod 777 node_modules/.bin/gulp 然后在 运行就好了。

Netflix Conductor:官方样例搭建

保证你的环境已经安装git,在目标位置 右键 -> git bash here,输入: git clone https://github.com/Netflix/conductor.git 进入项目目录 conductor下,右键 -> git bash here,执行命令 cd server 进入server目录,再执行 ../gradlew server ,第一次启动可能会很慢,如果失败就重试几次。 注意:此处JDK版本必须为1.8否则会报错,启动成功后会创建一个kitchen workflow样例:完成这步后,可以访问 http://localhost:8080/ 查看Swagger APIs,这是管理工具,可以注册task、workflow等增删改查操作。进入 conductorui 目录,右键 -> git bash here,执行 gulp watch 等待构建。成功后可打开 http://localhost:3000 查看workflow状态监控界面,如下图:注意:需要执行gulp命令,首先需要安装node.js,并且由于框架使用了import,node.js版本必须使用8.0以上,node装好后再安装glup。顺序应该为:安装node.js->全局安装gulp->项目安装gulp。 过程可以参考 http://www.ydcss.com/archives/18#lesson5 ,完成教程的1-5步 即安装node.js和全局安装gulp,项目安装gulp的步骤如下: cd ui cnpm install gulp --save-dev cnpm install --save-dev 保证红框中的安装日志出现,如果没有,就重复几次整个过程,否则gulp watch会报错。 特别鸣谢: http://blog.csdn.net/u011868076/article/details/74231528


脚本库;可以把NPM看做是开发工具,比如Grunt和Gulp。这些开发包都是通过一个JSON格式的文件来进行统一...如何答题 获取采纳 使用财富值 玩法介绍 知道商城 知道...

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FIDO联盟(Fast Identity Online)当前发展情况是什么样的,成员有多少数量

  FIDO (Fast Identity Online)联盟即线上快速身份验证联盟正式成立  2012年7月,FIDO联盟名义上成立。最初有6家公司参与:  PayPal:全球最大的互联网第三方支付服务商  Lenovo:全球最大的PC生产厂商,唯一一家中国公司  Nok Nok Labs:现代身份验证的革新者,提供领先的身份认证解决方案  Validity Sensors:全球领先的指纹扫描传感器、身份认证技术的生产商  Infineon:全球第五大芯片生产商之一  Agnitio:语音生物识别技术的全球领导者  2013年2月,FIDO联盟正式公开成立。随后Google的加入和其技术力量的注入,促使FIDO联盟在成立和成长上有了质的飞跃。发展现状  截至2015年7月29日,FIDO联盟总计已有208家公司或机构加入,包括:25家理事会员、61家赞助者会员(含2家政府级别会员)、122家参与者会员。其中,董事会员共有2家中国大陆公司:阿里巴巴集团和联想集团;  赞助者会员有5家中国公司:飞天诚信、汇顶科技、沃通电子认证、FingerQ和北京天地融;  参与者会员有15家中国公司。FIDO协议的发展状况  FIDO联盟目前共有两套协议,分别是通用认证框架(UAF, UniversalAuthentication Framework)和通用“第二因子”协议(U2F, UniversalSecond Factor Protocol)。  通用认证框架(UAF)旨在实现“去密码化”的用户体验,有多种身份认证机制供用户选择,包括指纹、虹膜、声纹识别等,用户可选择其中一种方式完成其终端设备对于在线服务的注册。  通用“第二因子”协议(U2F)则是在现有的用户名和密码的基础上,当用户注册或登录时,通过增加一个“第二因子”的强认证手段,通常需插入一个类似于USB的装置,在用户输入完用户名和密码之后,再在该装置上简单地按一个按钮,即可完成整个身份认证过程。通过这种方式,用户完全可以在确保安全的前提下,简化密码的设置,如只需设置4位密码即可。  2014年2月,FIDO-UAF-V1.0和FIDO-U2F-V1.0草案发布。  2014年12月,FIDO-UAF-V1.0和FIDO-U2F-V1.0正式发布。  FIDO2.0规范预计在2015年年底发布。

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fiance(e) K1 instruction

K1 美国公民的未婚夫(妻),21岁以下的未婚子女为K2 中国申请人持K1签证进入美国后,必须在90天内结婚,否则必须在第90天前离开美国,否则属于非法居留。K1签证不能转其它类型签证,如学生签证,工作签证等。如果不与申请K1签证的美国公民在90天内结婚,即使找到其它美国公民结婚,也不能转身份,必须回中国,重新开始申请CR1。 K1结婚后,可由美国公民为中国申请人及其孩子申请转身份,一年左右取得两年条件绿卡,在两年条件绿卡满两年的前90天内必须由美国公民申请解除条件绿卡,申请十年绿卡,批准后,即可取得十年绿卡。 美国公民必须在中国申请人入境一年内,为中国申请人申请转身份,即绿卡,超过一年,则婚姻失效,必须回中国。 如果中国申请人有子女,可在K1申请表里填写子女的信息,则表示为子女申请了K2签证,即K1自带K2,如果没有填写孩子,表示不申请子女。


提起另一半英文怎么说,大家都知道,有人问英文单词confidant的另一半,另外,还有人想问生命中的另一半,用英语怎么翻译,你知道这是怎么回事?其实另一半用英文怎么写,下面就一起来看看英文单词confidant的另一半,希望能够帮助到大家! 另一半英文怎么说 1、另一半英文怎么说:英文单词confidant的另一半 confidant(男性知己/密友),另一半只能说它的反义词femaleconfidant。找另一半英语怎么说。 2、另一半英文怎么说:生命中的另一半,用英语怎么翻译 theotherhalfofone"slife另一半英文缩写。 如,我生命中的另一半:theotherhalfofmylife 你生命中的另一半:theotherhalfofyourlife 他生命中的另一半:theotherhalfofhislife 她生命中的另一半:theotherhalfofherlife 3、另一半英文怎么说:另一半用英文怎么写 另一半,是人生的另一半的话就可译为:aspouse;amatch;apartner;ahelpmate;amate另一半的英文表达。 比如另一半苹果的另一半就是:theotherhalf另一半的英文名词。 anotherorlingyiban other 4、另一半英文怎么说:我的另一半正式英文怎么写 Myotherhalf 5、另一半英文怎么说:{另一半}用英文怎么写,我给QQ想加个组 另一半的英文是otherhalf的确是指自己的另一半不过用于分组的话貌似不太好看 下面这是比较甜蜜的mywifie/hubby myMr./Miss.Rightmylover mybelovedmysweetheart myprince/princess另外一半的英文该怎么说。 还有这些dearhoney你是我的另一半用英语怎么说。 babe darling sweetheart望采纳昂~英语伴侣另一半。 6、另一半英文怎么说:另一半 英语怎么写? 1.另一部分用英语怎么说。 WhereBritish另一半的英文地道。 people生活的另一半英文怎么读。 find我的另一半英文。 their另一半英语单词。 ideal另一部分的英文。 spouses?另一半最重要的品质英语。 spouse情侣之间另一半英文。 是配偶的意思,指夫或妻,用于比较正式的场合。Howthey meet英语缺少另一半。 their生命中的另一半英文怎么读。 other halves? other half,“另一半”,那口子(指自己的配偶),同时也可以指代男女朋友。Quitelotpeople你的另一半英文。 said余生的另一半英文。 they meet带字的另一半怎么读。 girlfriendsboyfriends when theyoutaor club,atparty. boyfriend/girlfriend女朋友生命中的另一半英文。 ,指尚未钟爱一生的简写英文。 步入婚姻殿堂英文怎么写。 的情侣们。Aftercoupleengaged, they 另一半用英文怎么写 usually”一生挚爱”英文缩写。 refereach otherfiance/fiancee before others. fiance /fiancee 未婚夫/妇Sometimes people meetlovetheir lifea partyinpub.loveyour life 一生之爱,通常用于已经结婚的或是两人关系密切而稳定。Imy partnerthe matchmaker. partner 也可以用来指自己的另一半。 除此之外还有几种比较甜蜜,幸福的称呼:my wifie/hubbymy Mr./Miss. Rightmy lovermy belovedmy sweetheartmy prince/princess 以上就是与英文单词confidant的另一半相关内容,是关于英文单词confidant的另一半的分享。看完另一半英文怎么说后,希望这对大家有所帮助!

是in a foggy day 还是on a foggy day

on a foggy day 具体到某一天用介词on

英语名词变形容词1.wind_______ 2.fog_________ 3,sonw_______ 4.salt___

答案: 1.wind:windy 2.fog:foggy 3,sonw:snowy 4.salt:salty 5.luck:lucky 6.dirt:dirty 7.health:healthy 8 mess-:messy 9.friend:friendly 10.brother:brotherly 11.difference:different 12.difficulty:difficult 13.happiness:happy 14.truth:true 19.business:busy 20.beauty:beautiful 21.death deaddying 祝进步.

能帮我翻译一下这个句子吗?the one with the money got such a fright that he droped the bag.


老友记第一季第一集hit on her 什么意思

hit on sb是指向某人搭讪。 flirt with sb是指和某人调情。 have a crush on sb是指对暗恋某人(但未向目标表白)。

boycott resist reject contradict 的区别



前视图的意思,backview就是后视图 等等

英语once more什么意思?

once more 英[wʌns mɔ:] 美[wʌns mɔr] 再次; 再度; 再, 又; 重整旗鼓; [例句]Famine hit that benighted country once more.饥荒再次席卷了那个蒙昧的国家。


starvation [stɑ:"veiʃən] n.1. 饥饿;饿死2. 饥饿状态3. (生活必需品的)匮乏In the 1960s, tens of millions died of starvation in the Great Leap Forward. About a third of Afghanistan"s population faces starvation or homelessness this winter, the U.N. estimates. And the 7.5 million people who are on the verge of starvation and can"t receive aid? famine ["fæmin] n.1. 饥荒,饥饿;饥荒时期2. 奇缺,严重缺乏,荒3. [古语]极大的食欲And al-Shabab is battling to deal with a famine in six areas under its control. Al-Shabab acknowledges there is a drought, but denies that it amounts to a famine. Turkey has always claimed the deaths were a result of World War I, famine and disease.

donkey / famine 这英语单词怎么发音,谁能给个谐音?



famine ["fæmɪn] n. 饥荒;饥饿,奇缺War brings death and famine. 战争带来死亡和饥荒。starvation 英 [stɑː"veɪʃn] n. 饿死;挨饿;绝食They died of thirst or starvation. 他们渴死或饿死。



英语Urgent Notification怎么翻译?

urgent notification紧急通知

【转】Good And Bad Procrasrtination(好的拖延和坏的拖延)

December 2005 The most impressive people I know are all terrible procrastinators. So could it be that procrastination isn"t always bad? Most people who write about procrastination write about how to cure it. But this is, strictly speaking, impossible. There are an infinite number of things you could be doing. No matter what you work on, you"re not working on everything else. So the question is not how to avoid procrastination, but how to procrastinate well . There are three variants of procrastination, depending on what you do instead of working on something: you could work on (a) nothing, (b) something less important, or (c) something more important. That last type, I"d argue, is good procrastination. That"s the "absent-minded professor," who forgets to shave, or eat, or even perhaps look where he"s going while he"s thinking about some interesting question. His mind is absent from the everyday world because it"s hard at work in another. That"s the sense in which the most impressive people I know are all procrastinators. They"re type-C procrastinators:** they put off working on small stuff to work on big stuff**. What"s "small stuff?" Roughly, work that has zero chance of being mentioned in your obituary(讣告). It"s hard to say at the time what will turn out to be your best work (will it be your magnum(代表作,著作) opus on Sumerian temple architecture, or the detective thriller you wrote under a pseudonym?), but there"s a whole class of tasks you can safely rule out(取消,划去): shaving, doing your laundry, cleaning the house, writing thank-you notes—anything that might be called an errand(差事). Good procrastination is avoiding errands to do real work. Good in a sense, at least. The people who want you to do the errands won"t think it"s good. But you probably have to annoy them if you want to get anything done. The mildest seeming people, if they want to do real work, all have a certain degree of ruthlessness when it comes to avoiding errands. Some errands, like replying to letters, go away if you ignore them (perhaps taking friends with them). Others, like mowing the lawn, or filing tax returns, only get worse if you put them off. In principle it shouldn"t work to put off the second kind of errand. You"re going to have to do whatever it is eventually. Why not (as past-due notices are always saying) do it now? The reason it pays to put off even those errands is that real work needs two things errands don"t: big chunks of time, and the right mood. If you get inspired by some project, it can be a net win to blow off everything you were supposed to do for the next few days to work on it. Yes, those errands may cost you more time when you finally get around to them. But if you get a lot done during those few days, you will be net more productive. In fact, it may not be a difference in degree, but a difference in kind. There may be types of work that can only be done in long, uninterrupted stretches, when inspiration hits, rather than dutifully in scheduled little slices. Empirically it seems to be so. When I think of the people I know who"ve done great things, I don"t imagine them dutifully crossing items off to-do lists. I imagine them sneaking off to work on some new idea. Conversely, forcing someone to perform errands synchronously is bound to limit their productivity. The cost of an interruption is not just the time it takes, but that it breaks the time on either side in half. You probably only have to interrupt someone a couple times a day before they"re unable to work on hard problems at all. I"ve wondered a lot about why startups are most productive at the very beginning, when they"re just a couple guys in an apartment. The main reason may be that there"s no one to interrupt them yet. In theory it"s good when the founders finally get enough money to hire people to do some of the work for them. But it may be better to be overworked than interrupted. Once you dilute a startup with ordinary office workers—with type-B procrastinators—the whole company starts to resonate at their frequency. They"re interrupt-driven, and soon you are too. Errands are so effective at killing great projects that a lot of people use them for that purpose. Someone who has decided to write a novel, for example, will suddenly find that the house needs cleaning. People who fail to write novels don"t do it by sitting in front of a blank page for days without writing anything. They do it by feeding the cat, going out to buy something they need for their apartment, meeting a friend for coffee, checking email. "I don"t have time to work," they say. And they don"t; they"ve made sure of that. (There"s also a variant where one has no place to work. The cure is to visit the places where famous people worked, and see how unsuitable they were.) I"ve used both these excuses at one time or another. I"ve learned a lot of tricks for making myself work over the last 20 years, but even now I don"t win consistently. Some days I get real work done. Other days are eaten up by errands. And I know it"s usually my fault: I let errands eat up the day, to avoid facing some hard problem. The most dangerous form of procrastination is unacknowledged type-B procrastination, because it doesn"t feel like procrastination. You"re "getting things done." Just the wrong things. Any advice about procrastination that concentrates on crossing things off your to-do list is not only incomplete, but positively misleading, if it doesn"t consider the possibility that the to-do list is itself a form of type-B procrastination. In fact, possibility is too weak a word. Nearly everyone"s is. Unless you"re working on the biggest things you could be working on, you"re type-B procrastinating, no matter how much you"re getting done. In his famous essay You and Your Research (which I recommend to anyone ambitious, no matter what they"re working on), Richard Hamming suggests that you ask yourself three questions: What are the most important problems in your field? Are you working on one of them? Why not? Hamming was at Bell Labs when he started asking such questions. In principle anyone there ought to have been able to work on the most important problems in their field. Perhaps not everyone can make an equally dramatic mark on the world; I don"t know; but whatever your capacities, there are projects that stretch them. So Hamming"s exercise can be generalized to: What"s the best thing you could be working on, and why aren"t you? Most people will shy away from this question. I shy away from it myself; I see it there on the page and quickly move on to the next sentence. Hamming used to go around actually asking people this, and it didn"t make him popular. But it"s a question anyone ambitious should face. The trouble is, you may end up hooking a very big fish with this bait. To do good work, you need to do more than find good projects. Once you"ve found them, you have to get yourself to work on them, and that can be hard. The bigger the problem, the harder it is to get yourself to work on it. Of course, the main reason people find it difficult to work on a particular problem is that they don"t enjoy it. When you"re young, especially, you often find yourself working on stuff you don"t really like-- because it seems impressive, for example, or because you"ve been assigned to work on it. Most grad students are stuck working on big problems they don"t really like, and grad school is thus synonymous with procrastination. But even when you like what you"re working on, it"s easier to get yourself to work on small problems than big ones. Why? Why is it so hard to work on big problems? One reason is that you may not get any reward in the forseeable future. If you work on something you can finish in a day or two, you can expect to have a nice feeling of accomplishment fairly soon. If the reward is indefinitely far in the future, it seems less real. Another reason people don"t work on big projects is, ironically, fear of wasting time. What if they fail? Then all the time they spent on it will be wasted. (In fact it probably won"t be, because work on hard projects almost always leads somewhere.) But the trouble with big problems can"t be just that they promise no immediate reward and might cause you to waste a lot of time. If that were all, they"d be no worse than going to visit your in-laws. There"s more to it than that. Big problems are terrifying. There"s an almost physical pain in facing them. It"s like having a vacuum cleaner hooked up to your imagination. All your initial ideas get sucked out immediately, and you don"t have any more, and yet the vacuum cleaner is still sucking. You can"t look a big problem too directly in the eye. You have to approach it somewhat obliquely. But you have to adjust the angle just right: you have to be facing the big problem directly enough that you catch some of the excitement radiating from it, but not so much that it paralyzes you. You can tighten the angle once you get going, just as a sailboat can sail closer to the wind once it gets underway. If you want to work on big things, you seem to have to trick yourself into doing it. You have to work on small things that could grow into big things, or work on successively larger things, or split the moral load with collaborators. It"s not a sign of weakness to depend on such tricks. The very best work has been done this way. When I talk to people who"ve managed to make themselves work on big things, I find that all blow off errands, and all feel guilty about it. I don"t think they should feel guilty. There"s more to do than anyone could. So someone doing the best work they can is inevitably going to leave a lot of errands undone. It seems a mistake to feel bad about that. I think the way to "solve" the problem of procrastination is to let delight pull you instead of making a to-do list push you. Work on an ambitious project you really enjoy, and sail as close to the wind as you can, and you"ll leave the right things undone.

而后面的on an invented errand中的on是不是表达"忙于某事"的含义呢?

on an errand是短语。send out打发出去。

J.R.R Tolkien 的the road goes ever on and 是一首诗还是歌词?


求一首歌的歌名,里面有歌词what is wrong,and what‘s right,is it perfect?is it feeding?is it worth

你好,这是Tatiana Owens唱的 PendulumPendulum-Tatiana OwensI pick up the phone to callI dial 323And quick hang up and stare at the wallWould he even talk to me?I write down what I wanna sayBut then I throw the page awayPart of me saying he"s not even worth the painPart of me keeps wishing he were in my arms againThere"s a pendulum swinging in my heart tonightBack and forth, keeping scoreShould I love him or leave him I can"t decideTell me which is wrong and which is rightWas it perfect?Is it fading?Is it worth it?Is it breaking?How much longer can I wonder if he"s the one?Or if this is doneI can"t stop this pendulum, yeahNo, I can"t stop this pendulumIt"s so hard to picture himHolding someone elseBut then a voice is whisperingI"m better off by myselfMy friends are taking me out tonightBut I get him off my mindPart of me knows why we drifted we were both to blamePart of me can help us hear it when I say his nameThere"s a pendulum swinging in my heart tonightBack and forth, keeping scoreShould I love him or leave him I can"t decideTell me which is wrong and which is rightWas it perfect?Is it fading?Is it worth it?Is it breaking?How much longer can I wonder if he"s the one?Or if this is doneI can"t stop this pendulumThey always say when you knowYou knowI just can"t figure this out on my ownSomeone please tell me which way to goWhere do I go?Cause I can"t stop this pendulumThere"s a pendulum swinging in my heart tonightBack and forth, keeping scoreShould I love him or leave him [ti:Tatiana Owens][ar:Pendulum]I can"t decideTell me which is wrong and which is rightWas it perfect?Is it fading?Is it worth it?Is it breaking?How much longer can I wonder if he"s the one?Or if this is doneI can"t stop this pendulumHow much longer can I wonder if he"s the one?Or if this is doneI can"t stop this pendulum, yeaaahI can"t stop this pendulumI can"t stop this pendulumNo, I can"t stop this pendulum土豆试听http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/R08k5RCAuA8/

torsion pendulum是什么意思

扭摆双语对照词典结果:torsion pendulum[英][ˈtɔ:ʃən ˈpendjuləm][美][ˈtɔrʃən ˈpɛndʒələm]扭转摆; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

The Poet And The Pendulum (Demo Version)歌词大意

The Poet And The Pendulum诗人与钟摆”WHITE LANDS OF EMPATHICA”EMPATHICA的白色大地The end.最终The songwriter`s dead.歌曲作家已死The blade fell upon him刀刃砍在他身上Taking him to the white lands带他走向白色的大地Of Empathica在EMPATHICA之上Of Innocence在清白之中EmpathicaEMPATHICAInnocence清白”HOME”家The dreamer and the wine梦想家与葡萄酒Poet without a rhyme不会押运的诗人A widowed writer torn apart by chains of hell一个鳏居的作家因为地狱的镣铐而心碎One last perfect verse某人最后的完美韵律Is still the same old song依然是与过去相同的歌曲Oh Christ how I hate what I have become耶稣阿,我是多么厌恶我现在的样子Take me home带我回家Getaway, runaway, fly away离开,逃跑,远去Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway带领我走向歧途来到梦想家的隐居I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓Forgive me原谅我I have but two faces我拥有两张脸One for the world一张为了世界One for God另一张为了神Save me拯救我I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓My home was there `n then我的故乡在那里,并且Those meadows of heaven那些天堂的牧场Adventure-filled days充满冒险的日子One with every smiling face一张保持微笑的脸Please, no more words请别再说了Thoughts from a severed head严厉之人的想法No more praise别再歌颂了Tell me once my heart goes right告诉我的心曾经正确过Take me home带我回家Getaway, runaway, fly away离开,逃跑,远去Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway带领我走向歧途来到梦想家的隐居I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓Forgive me原谅我I have but two faces我拥有两张脸One for the world一张为了世界One for God另一张为了神Save me拯救我I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓”THE PACIFIC”和平Sparkle my scenery让我的景色闪耀With turquoise waterfall伴随着青绿色的瀑布With beauty underneath隐藏着美丽的事物The Ever Free曾经的自由Tuck me in beneath the blue把我塞进天蓝色之下Beneath the pain, beneath the rain紧挨着痛苦,紧挨着这雨Goodnight kiss for a child in time给孩子一个及时地晚安之吻Swaying blade my lullaby在我的摇篮曲中摆动的刀刃On the shore we sat and hoped在海边我们坐着祈祷Under the same pale moon在同样的苍白月色之下Whose guiding light chose you谁的指引之光选择了你们Chose you all选择了你们所有人” I`m afraid. I`m so afraid.我害怕,我很害怕Being raped again, and again, and again被侵犯了一遍一遍又一遍I know I will die alone.我知道我将一个人死去But loved.但是被爱过You live long enough to hear the sound of guns,你已经在枪声中活的够久long enough to find yourself screaming every night,足够使你每晚在尖叫中惊醒long enough to see your friends betray you.足够使你发现你的朋友被判了你For years I`ve been strapped unto this altar.多年来我一直被绑着直到来到这个祭坛Now I only have 3 minutes and counting.现在我只有3分钟来倒计时I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ”.我只希望朝夕能够先带走我,赐予我一直渴求的死亡”DARK PASSION PLAY”黑色基督受难剧2nd robber to the right of Christ第二个强盗来到耶稣身边Cut in half - infanticide将他切成两半 - 弑婴者The world will rejoice today今天世界将会欣喜As the crows feast on the rotting poet乌鸦将在腐烂的诗人身上举行盛宴Everyone must bury their own所有人必须埋葬他们自己No pack to bury the heart of stone没有地方留给他们那石头般的心脏Now he`s home in hell, serves him well现在他的家在地狱,为他服务Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell被钟声杀死,为这个离别而鸣钟The morning dawned, upon his altar清晨破晓,阳光洒在他的祭坛上Remains of the dark passion play残留的黑色基督受难剧Performed by his friends without shame由他那不知羞耻的朋友所举办的Spitting on his grave as they came每次路过总要向他的墓碑吐口水Getaway, runaway, fly away离开,逃跑,远去Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway带领我走向歧途来到梦想家的隐居I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓Forgive me原谅我I have but two faces我拥有两张脸One for the world一张为了世界One for God另一张为了神Save me拯救我I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more我不能哭,因为肩膀比我承受着更重的压力I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world我不能死,我,作为一个冰冷世界的娼妓Today, in the year of our Lord 2005,今天,在上帝的第2005年Tuomas was called from the cares of the world.Tuomas被命令转交这个世界He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day.他在那美丽的每一天的结尾停止痛哭The music he wrote had too long been without silence.他写的歌已经很久没有如此沉寂了He was found naked and dead,他裸露的尸体被人发现With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.”脸上带着微笑,留下了一支笔和1000页被划去的文字Save me拯救我”MOTHER & FATHER”母亲 & 父亲Be still, my son尽管如此,我的孩子You`re home你现在在家里Oh when did you become so cold?你是何时变得这么冰冷?The blade will keep on descending刀刃将不断移除All you need is to feel my love你所要做的只是感受我的爱Search for beauty, find your shore寻找那美丽之人,找到你的支柱Try to save them all, bleed no more尝试去拯救他们,不再流血You have such oceans within你心中有着如此广阔的大海In the end最终I will always love you我将一直爱你The beginning.最初

Granite (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Granite (Album Version)歌手:Pendulum专辑:In SilicoGranitePendulum文恺制作送给喜欢Pendulum的朋友还有那个有名的CS视频Pendulum-GraniteYou can hide your eyes, you can dim the lights, but they are watching!This is a new time, with a different kind, they are the futureThe only one!This is the final call for the setting song as they get closer.And with full blown grace, they will be done the show is over.Its a new dawn!Just leave this place behind,I"ll grill your place, don"t mind.And you"re the only one,‘cos you"re up on defense.This is a new way!We are standing by,no time to hide,no meeting half way.You were sucking life through the needles eye,this is a new day.They have won!We would have reckon now,what we have done,left in the open.The cool we know will rise under,they are the future.Future!When all your fears combined,the Memphis was refined.And I know you tried to understand.This is a new age!http://music.baidu.com/song/8228355


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