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Welcome To The Family 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Family歌手:Avenged Sevenfold专辑:Welcome To The FamilyArtist: Avenged SevenfoldTitle: Welcome To The FamilyHey kid, (hey kid) do I have your attention?I know the way I"ve been livingLife"s so reckless, tragedy, endlessWelcome to the family!Hey! There"s something missingOnly time will alter your visionNever in question, lethal injectionWelcome to the familyNot long ago you"d find the answers we"re so crystal clearWithin a day you find yourself living in constant fearCan you look at yourself now?Can you look at yourself?You - can"t - win - this - FIGHT!In a way it seems there"s no-one to callWhen our thoughts are so numb andOur feelings unsureWe all have emptiness insideWe all have answers to findBut you - can"t - win - this - FIGHT!Hey, (hey kid) I have to questionWhat"s with the violent aggression?Details blurry, lost him too earlyWelcome to the family!Hey, why won"t you listen?Can"t help the people you"re missingIt"s been done, a casualty re-runWelcome to the family!I"ll try and help you with the things that can"t be justifiedI need to warn you that there is no way to rationalizeSo have you figured it out now?So have you figured it out?You - can"t - win - this - FIGHT!In a way it seems there"s no-one to callWhen our thoughts are so numb andOur feelings unsureWe all have emptiness insideWe all have answers to findBut - you - can"t - win - this - FIGHT!Gunning for youAnd all mankindI"ve lost my mindPsychotic - rabid dementiaI won"t be fineI see you"re a king who"s been dethronedCast out in a world you"ve never knownStand downPlace your weapons by your sideIt"s a war in the endWe"ll surely lose but that"s all rightSo have you figured it out now?So have you figured it out?And in a way it seems there"s no-one to callWhen our thoughts are so numb andOur feelings unsureWe all have emptiness insideWe all have answers to findBut you - can"t - win - this - FIGHT!Deep insideWhere nothing"s fineI"ve lost my mindYou"re not invitedSo step asideI lost my ...Deep insideWhere nothing"s fineI"ve lost my mindYou"re not invitedSo step asideI lost my...!

Four women,walking two abreast approached, their shoes loud on the wooden walkway.的中文意思


ln the park you can see a lake a bridge some chairs and some tables是什么意


is it i have some sort of beaconthat only dogs 为什么用hear

这是强调句,强调主语 I,应该在 I 后用添加连词 who 或 that,即 It is I who/that have some sort of beacon that only dogs hear。此处的 beacon 指 “信号”,定语从句的关系代词指代的就是 beacon,是 hear 的宾语,意思是 “只有狗才能听到的 beacon”。

he come over and put his hand on my bead考察的是什么句型?


CET6一道题目:Even sensible men do ____ things sometimes.

这句话翻译过来就是 即使是明白事理的人偶尔也会做出....的事来abrupt 有唐突的 鲁莽的意思 但一般是指态度上 比如说举止粗率无礼 是形容事情的话 应该是用absurd 荒唐的 荒谬的 ~就是说 明白事理的人也会做荒唐的事情/嗯 我也长知识咧..~

高中英语 请问一下这个句子对吗"I am greedy to do something


would you like ____ green tea? A.some B.any 为什么?

would you like 表示建议或请求的句子要用some


这个看什么句型,肯定句中 用some,否定句和疑问句中用any.


在解释英语时,看一下英语的释义 welcome greet someone in a polite and friendly way when they have come to see you or to help you(即当别人来看或来帮助你时,用welcome是有礼貌和友好的greet) 如:Visitors will be warmly welcomed. say that you are pleased to accept or consider something such as an opportunity or a question (当你开心的接受别人一个机会啥的) 比如:We welcome suggestions from our readers. greet to behave in a polite or friendly way towards someone when you meet them当你见到别人时,打招呼 如:The women greet each other with kisses on both cheeks. 此外,welcome可以做名词和形容词讲,而greet是个动词 如: The mayor said some words of welcome Your friends are always welcome here. 体会一下哦

翻译 the intellectual,who is working on some abstruse problem, has everything coordinated



welcome和greet都有“欢迎,致意”的意思,这两个单词之间的区别是: welcome这个单词大多指的是热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。而greet这个单词常用于指友好而热诚地欢迎。    扩展资料   welcome作为动词使用时,单词含义为欢迎,迎接,迎新,乐于接受,welcome表示形容词时,单词含义为受欢迎的",令人愉快的,可随意的,尽管……好了,welcome被用作名词时,单词含义为欢迎,迎接,接受。   greet这个单词的词性是动词,属于及物动词,greet的单词含义为欢迎,迎接,致敬,致意。

it is absurd that the women should be paid less t


it is absurd that women should be paid less than


it is absurd that women should be paid less than

absurd 是 荒谬的 的意思。 这句话是说, 女性做同样的事情却比男性那的工作少, 这很荒谬大体是这个意思

come back when you have finis hed the biker gang missions是什么意思


Change always comes bearing gifts这句话是什么意思?

Change always comes bearing gifts改变往往会有收获bearing gifts 表示伴随状态,bear 含有“携带、具有”的意思,就是会带来礼物的意思


He finished his homework的被动语态是His homework was finished by him.

Romeo and Juliet: ACT I SCENE I (1)

Enter SAMPSON and GREGORY of the house of Capulet, armed with swords and bucklers. SAMPSON 和 GREGORY是Capulet家族的仆人 SAMPSON o"my word应该是 on my word(我发誓)撇号(apostrophe)应用于早期的现代英语,表示省略某个音节,这里应该是省去辅音,在诗歌中经常出现,因为韵律的需要。carry coals 是做第三下四的工作,受屈辱 GREGORY colliers: those who carry coal for sale, 买煤的人在那是被视为肮脏低下的人。上面的carry coal是双关语,既指挖煤的,也指受侮辱 SAMPSON in choler是发怒的意思,与上面的coal 、collier谐音。we"ll draw:we"ll draw our swords GREGORY draw your neck out o" th"collar: draw your neck out of the collar. collar是衣领的意思。英国皇家莎士比亚剧团版的莎士比亚全集对这句的解释是:withdraw your neck from the hangman"s noose 把你的脖子从刽子手的索套中抽出来吧。大概collar还有给某人套上绳索的意思,主要的是collar与上面的coals 、colliers还有choler谐音。 这句话的意思是 yes, so long as you live, do your best to get out of difficulties。 SAMPSON moved是被激怒的意思(provoked)。我一旦被激怒,就会很快地strike。strike是attack攻击的意思,其实又是个双关语,暗指性交。 GREGORY thou是你的意思,概括来说,thou是上对下,或者亲密人之间的用语,you是尊称相当于“您”。art是be的第二人称形式。 虽然你被激怒了会很快地还击,但是你不会那么快被激怒呀。 SAMPSON Montague家的一条狗都能激怒我。意思就是一见到Montague家的人我就很容易被激怒。 GREGORY stir:骚动走动。move 和 stir都有身体上动的意思,这里又是性暗示。valiant: courageous勇敢也指身体的不动 stand是stand firm,坚挺, 还是性暗示。 既然你动了(moved stir),那你就没挺住(stand),所以也就是你逃跑了(not valiant)。 SAMPSON take the wall of :大概指把人逼到墙边 GREGORY go to the wall 是个俗语,意思是走投无路,一败涂地。 SAMPSON weaker vessels就是women的意思,这个词来自于圣经,这里也指女人就是weaker(比较弱),所以are ever thrust to the wall, thrust是插、推挤的意思,又是性暗示 GREGORY The quarrel is between our masters and between us and their male servents.这是两家男人们之间的事。 SAMPSON ‘Tis all one: It is the same thing.这是一回事。tyrant:暴君。因为这是一回事,所以跟男人打架的时候,I will show myself a tyrant,跟女人打架的时候I will be cruel. GREGORY SAMPSON maidenhead是处女膜的意思 take it in what sense thou wilt.意思是:是heads of the maids, 还是their maidenheads,随你怎么理解好了,sense就是meaning。 GREGORY They是上面说的the maids,take 本是理解的意思,但是根据上文,它还有一种意思:receive sexually, 而sense又有身体感觉的意思。 SAMPSON Me they shall feel 就是they shall feel me. 莎士比亚的句子经常以倒装的形式出现,比如 I love you,他可能会说成: love, I you 或者 you, I love I am able to stand又是性暗示的双关语 a pretty piece of flesh: fine fellow/ man with a fine penis GREGORY fish: 鱼肉与flesh的肉相反,poor John: 一种咸鱼,也指sexually inadequate, the processor of a shrivelled penis 还好你是a pretty of flesh, 而不是一块fish, 要不然你就是一块咸鱼了(poor John, 也就是the processor of a shrivelled penis)。这时Montagues家的人来了,所以要Draw thy tool,拔出你的家伙。这里的tool又是双关语,也指penis。 SAMPSON My naked weapon is out :敌人来了还不忘说黄笑话,不过马上就退宿了: quarrel, I will back thee. 你去跟他们吵吧,我在后面支援你。 GREGORY How: What!你说什么!你想逃跑? SAMPSON Fear:在这里是doubt怀疑的意思。不要怀疑我,我不会逃跑的。 GREGORY marry是个感叹词,表示愤怒惊愕。皇家莎士比亚剧团版的解释是: by the Virgin Mary 以圣母玛利亚的名义 SAMPSON 让他们先动手,打起官司来理也是在我们这边,take the law of our sides, 就是take the law on our sides. GREGORY let them take it as they list: let them take it as they please/like.我经过他们的时候frown一下,随他们怎么想 SAMPSON Nay, as they dare.这句话的意思大概是,不是as the list(please), 而是as they dare。不是看他们高兴怎么样,而是看他们敢怎样。 bite my thumb at them:咬拇指是一种无礼的动作,表示威胁挑衅。if they bear it : 他们对我的frown是不是能安静地接受不发怒呢? ABRAHAM SAMPSON 又开始玩文字游戏了。 ABRAHAM SAMPSON 如果我说“是”,理在我们这边吗? GREGORY 不在 SAMPSON GREGORY ABRAHAM SAMPSON 你说你不准备打架,要是你准备打的话,我奉陪到底。 I serve as good a man as you:朱生豪先生的翻译是:难道我家主子就比不上你家主子? ABRAHAM SAMPSON Sampson大概不敢说:“better" GREGORY Gregory来鼓励他了:“我们主人家的亲戚来了,所以说了“better”打起来也是我们这边人多”,Gregory大概没看到马上就要上场的TYBALT。不过这就能打起来? SAMPSON ABRAHAM SAMPSON swashing blow: 用力地打击(杀手锏)果真打起来了 BENVOLIO Benvolio来了,要把他们拉开 TYBALT 看到Benvolio拔剑,TYBALT很恼火 heartless hinds: 卑贱的下人, 与hartless hinds(暗指女人)谐音,因为hind是雌鹿的意思,雌鹿没有角(hart) BENVOLIO 我只不过是在维护和平,收起你的剑 Or manage it part these men with me. manage是use 的意思:如果不收起你的剑,就用它和我一起把这些人分开 TYBALT 拔了剑还谈什么和平,TYBALT大概想象不出拔剑的目的除了打架还有什么。 have at thee: here goes a blow at you 可以理解为:“看剑!” club:棍棒 First Citizen Clubs, bills, partisans! a common cry in affrays in London for armed persons to part the combatants. The clubs were those borne by the London apprentices who were called in for this purpose, though sometimes the cry was raised to stir up a disturbance 在伦敦人们劝架时喊的口号,clubs是伦敦学徒们携带的棍子,他们带着棍子来劝架,不过他们的叫喊有时候会激起更大的骚动。 bills 和partisans都是类似长矛的东西。 gown: dressing-gown,晨袍,说明Capulet正在休息被打扰了。 CAPULET LADY CAPULET 拿拐杖,拿拐杖,你要长剑做什么? CAPULET in spite of 不是notwithstanding(尽管、虽然)的意思,而是out of spite(恶意,怨恨)的意思。 MONTAGUE LADY MONTAGUE 你要是去 seek a foe(寻仇), 你就不能stir a foot(一步都不能走) PRINCE subjects: 国民 profaners: 亵渎者 steel是刀剑等武器。neighbour-stained steel指刀剑染上乡邻的鲜血。profaners who profane the use of weapons by dying them in the blood of your fellow-citizens. you men, you beats (that quench the fire of your pernicious rage with purple fountains issuing from your veins) throw your mistermper"d weapons , on pain torture(如果你们还畏惧刑罚的话) bred of an airy word by thee, old Capulet, and Montague,用来修饰three civil brawls three civil brawls(吵架,打架) have thrice disturb"d the quiet of our streets. 这句仍接着上面的three civil brawls, made Verona"s ancient citizens cast by their grave besseming ornaments: ancient citizens中的ancient既有年老也有庄严的意思,ancient citizens cast by(扔掉 放弃)本该适合于他们的grave beseeming ornaments(grave 也是庄严的意思,beseeming是合适的意思,ornaments:装饰 ); to wield old partisans, : 而去wield(操 挥 持)old partisans(旧式的长矛),in hands as old:用他们苍老的手 canker"d with peace, to part your canker"d hate: canker"d with peace是指old partisans在和平年代生锈腐蚀了,to part your canker"d hate: 这里的canker是cancer的双关语,指hate(仇恨)已经变成肉瘤要溃烂了 the forfeit of the peace: the price of breaching the peace,破坏和平要付出的代价 come you 就是you come,这句话应该是: You come this afternoon to old Free-town—our common judgment-place, to know our further pleasure in this case 你今天下午到old Free-town 来听我对于今天这一案的审判结果。our further pleasure:what else we are pleased to determine. on pain of death 类似于前面的 on pain of torture, 如果不想死的话 再说一次,不想死的话,都散了。

英语选择1.After all the work_____,they hurried bake home.A.finis?

1、选择B 这里需要用到被动结构,工作被完成. 2、选择D 译文是:昨天的这个时候,杰克正在公园里修他的自行车,所以然后他没有看电视.,2,1. 选B,这是非谓语动词的用法; 2.选D.这里都是过去进行时的具体用法,2,1.A 2.D,0,BD,0,A D,0,英语选择 1.After all the work_____,they hurried bake home. A.finished B.being finished C.finishing finish 2.At this time yesterday Jack ____his bike in the garden.So he ___TV then. A.repaired;didn"t watch B.was repairing ;doesn"t watch C.repaired;doesn"t watch D..was repairing ;wasn"t watching

I had some trouble ___my homework finish B.finishing C.finishes D.finis

B 试题分析:句意:我在做作业中有些麻烦。have trouble in doing sth (其中in是可省的)意思是做某事有麻烦。故选B。点评:have trouble in doing sth (其中in是可省的)意思是做某事有麻烦,既然发觉有麻烦,肯定是事情已经做过。不定式表示具体的将要发生的动作,故后面不接不定式。

He is the second pupil finishing homework.这个finis

也可以改成to have finished

You should finish your homework before you watch TV.为什么不用have finis

have finished是完成时,说明finish这个动作完成了的。You should finish your homework before you watch TV.的意思是在看电视之前应该写完作业,说明作业还没有完成或者正在完成。如果用了have finished 说明作业已经完成了。you should 带有一定的命令成分,说明作业还没有完成,所以不能用have finished。

歌词的第一句是 easycome easygo

蔡健雅easy come easy go

找首英文歌 只记得第一句歌词easy come easy go 帮忙啊。。。

Easy Go (Original Mix)-Grandtheft / Delaney Jane


求greyson chance 的 home is in your eyes伴奏!急!

抱歉 这个真没有啊- -

谁能给我【home is in your eyes】这首歌的中文歌词

Home Is In Your Eyes家就在你眼中——Greyson ChanceMy heart beats a little bit slower,我的心跳缓缓变慢,These nights are little bit colder,这些天的夜晚莫名寒冷,Now that you"re gone.因为如今你已远走。My skies seem a little bit darker,我的天空看上去更加阴沉了,Sweet dreams seem a little bit harder,美好的幻想也不能被我梦到,I hate when you"re gone.我不想让你走。【Everyday time is passing,时间一天天地流逝,Growing tired of all this traffic,在这世俗中痛苦成长,Take me away to where you are.求你带我到你的所在地。I wanna be holding your hand,我多想就这样牵着你的手,In the sand,by the tire swing,在沙滩上快乐地玩着轮胎秋千,Where we use to be,就在我们曾经的地方,Baby,you and me.宝贝,只有你和我。I travel a thousand miles,我不辞辛劳跋涉千万里,Just so I can see your smile.只为再见到你的微笑。Feel so far away when you cry,当你哭泣时,会觉得家变得那么遥远,‘Cause home is in your eyes.但其实,家就在你眼里。】Your heart beats a little bit faster,你的心跳慢慢加速,There"s tears where we used to be laughter,那些曾嗤笑过我们的眼泪,Now that i"m gone.如今,我要走了。You talk just a little softer,你的言辞稍稍缓慢了些,Things take just little bit longer,事情变得有些冗长了,You hate when I"m gone.只因你也不想让我走。(重复【】)If I could write another ending,若我可以写下另一个结局,This wouldn"t even be our song,这结局甚至不一定是我们的歌,I"d find a way where we would never be apart,我会找到一个方法,让我们永远、永远不再分离,Right from the start.从开始到结束。

Welcome to my school. My name is Jack。什么意思?

欢迎来到我的学校。我叫杰克Welcome to my school. My name is Jack。

He was overcome with grief.这里为什么有两个动词 是overcome .

be overcome with是固定词组"为…所压倒/制服",这句话意思是“他忍受不了悲伤”

He was overcome with grief.这里为什么有两个动词 是overcome .


The beaver(海狸) chews down trees to get food and material _____ its home.

海狸咬断树木来得到建造它的窝的食物以及材料。build with是连在一起的,with which to bulid its home做food and material的定语A不对是因为一句句子里只能有一个谓语,原句中chews down已经作了谓语了;B我的理解是如果要是对的话就得改成it can to build,it can作为food and material的定语再表一次目的;C不对是因为作定语时如果动词是不及物动词,介词提前至WH-词之前,so D正确

Some Things Never Change (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Some Things Never Change (Album Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:UndertowSome Things Never ChangeTim McGrawAfter all this timeI still miss you everdayThe same world spins "roundI guess some things never changeSometimes I go out but it never feels the sameI still look for youBaby some things never changeWhen I said I"d love you for eternityI just never knew how true those words would beJust an old love songJust a mention of your nameMy heart breaks in two againI guess some things never changeMaybe someday someone else will set me freeUntil then I"ll live with your loves legacyAnd I"ll keep holding onHoping you"ll come back somedayYou can rest assuredBaby some things never changeGirl I"m still in love with youI guess some things never changeI still love youEditor,Capt.mist

Someday Soon (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Someday Soon (Lp Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:Luna SeaJulien-K - Someday SoonYou could fall out of placeOut of lineI hope you doI hope you could shineBe something trueWith your fucked up hairAnd your disco stareYeah you"re playing it coolSo come onIf you mean what you sayI can play the same gameI can"t waitSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomedaySomeday soonYou should find a placeYou can hideI hope you doI can see through the lieThe lie that"s youYour life is about control and you knowIt explains all the things that you doIf you mean what you sayI can play the same gameI can"t waitSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomedaySomeday soonSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomeday you"ll be something trueSomething trueCouldn"t be what you wantSo you settle forSomething predictableCouldn"t see who you wereSo you want me moreSo unpredictable

Someday Soon (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Someday Soon (Lp Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:Greatest HitsFrancesca Battistelli - Someday SoonI wanna be the one who knows everything about youI wanna be the one who"s always on your mindI wanna be the one to get all of your affection and attentionYou"re the one that I"ve been waiting for, for all this timeAnd I can"t imagine anything, anything better thanSomeday falling in love with youHolding your handMaking our plans all come trueSomeday under a sky so blueI"ll give you my heartOur story will startSomeday soonI wanna be the one who does everything with youWatching stars, washing cars, taking walks, going to the storeI wanna be the one who gets to change her last name somedayTo something that sounds something more like yoursYeah, I"ll be telling you I love youOn a picture perfect dayAnd those words inside my headThey sound like angels singing praiseIt"s what I was made to sayMaking our plans

“Firefly come back to me”是那首歌上的歌词

歌名《Fire Fly》,有女生版本跟男生版本,在QQ音乐里就可以下载听听

求 欧美女星 Becky Gomez 的资料 要详细

Becky G(1997年3月2日—)正在掀起beaster movement。 这位来自洛杉矶的17岁的墨西哥裔美国创作型说唱歌手绝对是2013年冉冉升起的新星。2011年,她作为网络歌手出现在YouTube上,之后她将所翻唱的歌汇集成标有@itsbeckygomez的混音带,因为在yountube上成功翻唱了otis,被制作人Dr.Luck发掘并签入了索尼音乐公司。她为cody simpson写了歌曲wish you were here,被邀请参与mv的拍摄,并和cody在Justin bieber(贾斯汀比伯)的巡演上同台表演。她有一首很抓耳的单曲"problem (the monster remix)",收录于精灵旅社的电影原声带中。 她的声音出现在ke$ha的die young官方混音。和cher lloyd一起创作出友谊单曲oath,她被mtv提名为2013年13位最值得关注的艺人之一。外文名:Becky G(艺名)别名:becca国籍:美国出生地:美国洛杉矶英格尔伍德出生日期:1997年3月2日(17岁)职业:嘻哈歌手,舞者英文全名:Rebbeca Marrie Gomez星座:双鱼座

Never Gonna Come Back Down 歌词

歌曲名:Never Gonna Come Back Down歌手:Bt专辑:10 Years In The Life Cd1i"m just gonna shout this one, i"m just uhh, gonna gonna gonna gonna say thisTo the people, not so much the people in the audience as the people sitting inMy mindDuh dub duh duh dububububububububbbbbbDonde esta los digits du dj rap?Bring the sound to the people in a white truck bumpin" on the road bumpRun into a tree stumpTweeter out the back doorSlam into the dirt lot, stoppedWith the cable runnin" out the backsideDisconnectedAnd if you had a chance-ahYou wouldn"t even stop denying,Go talk to anna hand.Go start the multiplyin"OwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!RedGreen is like a boom to the what"s dis non.Diddy on dawn to the don don diggy dawn.Green is like a boom to the what"s dis non.Diddy on dawn to the don don diggy dawn.Doubt"ll be the fire of your delight, but you"re never gonna come back downA halveThe pop song on the five, but you"re never gonna come back downTo grabThe t-shirt off the line, but you"re never gonna come back downI think she"s murderously sly, but you"re never gonna come back downBut you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back down,We are here to save the erf uhhh. e-r-f uh..Todd berry todd berry i"m gonna pay you on a chorley rate, pay you on a chorleyRate, rate, rate, rate, rate...Oh when i woke up and got on the bmtI saw the boom shudap and that"s fresh to me ..And they were scrawling on the window with wise-ass keys,And they were driving out the lots in their mercurys.Green is like a boom to the what"s dis non.Diddy on dawn to the don don diggy dawn.Green is like a boom to the what"s dis non.Diddy on dawn to the don don diggy dawn.If you had a chance-ahYou wouldn"t even stop denyingGo talk to anna hand,Go start the multiplyin"Doubt"ll be the fire of your delight, but you"re never gonna come back downA halveThe pop song on the five, but you"re never gonna come back downTo grabThe t-shirt off the line, but you"re never gonna come back downI think she"s murderously sly, but you"re never gonna come back dowwwwwwwwnBut you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back down,But you"re never gonna come back dowwwnnn,..,He"s the doom slinger, the dope beat stinger, sucka dj"s they get stopped by aSingle finger....Huh!He"s gonna bubble it up now,He likes to bubble it up, he likes to bubble it up, he likes to bubble it up,He likes to bubble it up,Mr. bt, mr. bt, mr. bt, mr. bt,Please bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up,Could you bring it up?Could you bring it up just a little more than that?Could you bring it up?Could you bring it up?Could you bring it up just..could you bring it up?Could you bring it up?Could you bring it up?Could you bring it up?Say hallelujah peoples, say hallelujah oh yes!Yes, yes in the name, the name of, in the naaaaame,In the name,And it was in my belly bitter,But in my mouth-ah, it was-ah sweeter.Doubt"ll be the fire of your delight, but you"re never gonna come back downA halveThe pop song on the five, but you"re never gonna come back downTo grabThe t-shirt off the line, but you"re never gonna come back downI think she"s murderously sly, but you"re never gonna come back dowwwwwwwwwwnYou understand?You know what i"m saying?Rght on to the people up front,Right to the people in the back,Right on to the bartender,Right on to the waitresses,Right on to the dj,Right on,Right on to the lady with the beer over there in the pink skirt,Right on to all them mmmmmm english girls named charisse...Fucking blonde english girls with ghetto names you know what i"m saying?I love that shit.And the seven udders uttered,The seven unders thundered,The seven thunders uttered,The seven utters thuddered, thuddered, thuddered, under, thuddered underThe seven thunders uttered.Charisse-ah.


when care for someone语法没有错 care for 表示关心。when care for someone照顾某人时

would you care for some more为什么care for有想要的意思?

care 动词,照顾的意思care for 意思可以是照顾,也可以是喜欢。例如图片中的两个句子would you care for some more? 你喜欢更多吗?即:你想要更多吗?这里carefor可以翻译为想要码字不易,万望采纳






custom 习俗customs 海关consumer 消费者customer 顾客customized 定制的



英文求翻译~~~~~Somebody ought to defend the workaholic. These people are unjustly accused, abu


请教His roots and mine bad become too firmly embedded in the new land.的语法


Some people firmly agree ,but others against it.这句话的意思?


Accustomed,oneday 这句英文是什么意思啊


accustomed 和 habit 的区别?

accustomed是adj. habit是n.

if the hero never comes to you 是歌词 请问是什么歌?

mariah carey的hero


accustomed的固定搭配是:1、accustomed后面可接介词to,固定搭配为accustomed to sth/to doing sth。2、accustomed可作形容词和动词,义为“习惯的"、“惯常的"、 “使适应”、“使 习惯”。双语例句:1、My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark。我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。2、He took his accustomed seat by the fire。他在炉火边惯常坐的座位上坐了下来。

accustomed adapt adjust 各个适应的区别以及加to的用法


accustomed to什么意思

accustomed to[英][u0259u02c8ku028cstu0259md tu:][美][u0259u02c8ku028cstu0259md tu]习惯于···; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Everyone should get accustomed to slower growth. 每个人都应该习惯缓慢增长。


accustomed的读音为【u0259u02c8ku028cstu0259md】。一、释义1、形容词:习惯的;习惯于;惯常的;通常的。2、动词:使习惯(于);使适应。二、例句1、But they say don"t go and jump in a cold river hoping to reduce your dementia risk-swimming in cold water can be dangerous for those not accustomed to it.但是他们说不要跳进冰冷的河里,希望这样可以降低你患痴呆症的风险,因为在冰冷的水中游泳对那些不习惯的人来说是很危险的。2、My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。3、He was accustomed to rising early.他习惯于早起。4、It took him a while to accustom himself to the idea.他过了一段时间才习惯这个想法。


sth be familiar to sb这都是固定用法。。意思是某人对某物很熟悉。。。 I can be familiar with 我对。。。很熟悉be accustomed to sth/doing sth 习惯于做某事 我会习惯做。。。


accustomed 英 [u0259"ku028cstu0259md] 美 [u0259"ku028cstu0259md] adj. 习惯的;通常的;独有的v. 使习惯于(accustom的过去分词)I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.我习惯了作为惟一的孩子坐在满是成年人的桌旁。



come to grips with是什么意思

come to grips with对付,处理; 例句:1.And the business world is struggling to come to grips with a radically new economic climate where risk is, well, a four-letter word. 商业世界正在挣扎着应对极具崭新的经济气候,在这里充满了风险,当然,这是一个人们不太爱听词语。

you beautiful …you magic some place … lonely surprise…一首英文歌,女生唱的。很

歌名:You"reBeautiful  原唱:JamesBlunt(詹姆斯·布朗特)  作词:JamesBlunt/SachaSkarbek/AmandaGhost  作曲:JamesBlunt/SachaSkarbek/AmandaGhost  编曲:TomRothrock  专辑:《BackToBedlam》(不安于室)  中英对照歌词:  Mylifeisbrilliant.  我的人生缤纷灿烂。  Mylifeisbrilliant.  我的人生缤纷灿烂。  Myloveispure.  我的爱如此纯真。  Isawanangel.  因为我见过天使。  OfthatI"msure.  对此,我深信不疑。  Shesmiledatmeonthesubway.  她在地下铁上对着我微笑。  Shewaswithanotherman.  虽然身边伴着另一个男人。  ButIwon"tlosenosleeponthat,  但我可不会为此辗转难眠,  "CauseI"vegotaplan.  因为我已有心理准备。  You"rebeautiful.You"rebeautiful,  你就是这么美,你就是这么美,Youarebeautiful你就是这么美Ohnoyouaremagicalsomeplace  哦,在某个神奇的地方  Isawyourfaceinacrowdedplace,  我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸,  AndIdon"tknowwhattodo,  这令我不知所措。  "CauseI"llneverbewithyou.  因为我和你永远无法相依。  Yeah,shecaughtmyeye,  是啊,我视线被她占据。  Aswewalkedonby.  在我们擦身而过的瞬间。  ShecouldseefrommyfacethatIwas,  她应该可以从我的神情看出,  flyinghigh,  我欣喜若狂飞上云霄,  AndIdon"tthinkthatI"llseeheragain,  我想,我将再也见不到她。  Butwesharedamomentthatwilllasttilltheend.  但我们共享了永恒的片刻。  You"rebeautiful.You"rebeautiful.  你就是这么美你就是这么美。  Youarebeautiful你就是这么美Ohnoyouaremagicalsomeplace  哦,在某个神奇的地方  Isawyourfaceinacrowdedplace,  我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  AndIdon"tknowwhattodo,  这令我不知所措,  "CauseI"llneverbewithyou.  因为我和你永远无法相依。  You"rebeautiful.You"rebeautiful.  你就是这么美,你就是这么美。  Youarebeautiful你就是这么美Ohnoyouaremagicalsomeplace  哦,在某个神奇的地方  Theremustbeanangelwithasmileonherface,  我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使,  WhenshethoughtupthatIshouldbewithyou.  当她也想到我们应该在一起时。  Butit"stimetofacethetruth,  但,该是面对事实的时候了,  Iwillneverbewithyou.  我和你永远无法相依。

困扰多年的疑问:有谁知道PS上《合金装备1》的主题曲“the best is yet to come”是用什么语言唱的啊?

这首歌是由歌手AOIFE NI FHEARRAIGH演唱,歌词为爱尔兰语,以下是信息:THE BEST IS YET TO COME作词,作曲: RIKA MURANAKA 编曲: DAVID DOWNES 录制地点: BEECH PARK STUDIO,IRELAND (爱尔兰) 演唱: AOIFE NI FHEARRAIGH 使用乐器: 低音风管, 超重音提琴, 小提琴, 打击乐曲组, 电子琴歌词:An cuimhin leat an grá crá croí an ghrá Níl anois ach ceol na h-oíche táim sioraí i ngrá Leannáin le smál Leannáin le smál Lig leis agus beidh leat Lig leis agus beidh grá Culmhne leat an t-am Nuair a bhí tú sásta An culmhne leat an t-am Nuair a bhí tú ag gáire Tá an saol iontach má chreideann tú ann Tug aghaidi ar an saol is sonas sioraí inár measc Céard a tharla do na laethanta sin Céard a tharla do na h-oícheanta sin an culmhin leat an t-am Nuair a bhí tú faol bhrón An cuimhin leat an t-am Go sioraí sileadh na ndeor an ormsa nó orainne a bhí an locht Ag mothú caiite s"ar fán Cén fáth an t-achrann is sileadh na ndeor Tá áilleacht sa saol Má chuardaíonn tú e Tá gliondar sa saol cuardaimís e可曾记得以前吗? 当小事让我们高兴 可曾记得过去吗? 当简事使我们微笑 生命可以是美好的 如果你让它那样 生命可以是简单的 如果你努力尝试 不管在以前的白昼里发生过什么 无论在过去的黑夜里发生过什么 可曾记得以前吗? 当小事让我们悲伤 可曾记得过去吗? 当简事使我们哭泣 只是我而已吗? 或者 还是我们? 感觉到迷失在这个世界里 为什么我们要互相伤害呢? 为什么我们要流出热泪呢? 生命可以是美丽的 如果你们去努力 生命可以是欢快的 如果我们去争取 请告诉我 我不是唯一的 请告诉我 我们不是孤独的 在这个世界里 和狂风搏斗 可曾记得以前吗? 当简事让我们开心 可曾记得过去吗? 当简事使我们欢笑 你知道 生命可以很简单 你明白 生命可以很容易 因为 最美好的事情即将到来 因为。。。。。。。。 美好即将到来”

i was at agrocery store buyingsome完行填空答案

I was at a grocery store buying some apples while a kid fell in front of me. 我在一家杂货店买一些苹果,一个孩子在我的面摔倒。


I bought some vegetables at grocery store.我在杂货店买了一些蔬菜。

怎么样区别achieve和come true


Somewhere Tonight (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Tonight (Album Version)歌手:Highway 101专辑:Highway 101 Featuring Paulette CarlsonJaydee Bixby - Somewhere TonightOn a street at a busy cornerHe"s holding her handIn a car at the local drive inShe"s kissing her manIf you find it makes you feelA little lonely sad and blueAll you gotta do is remember,It can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveI was riding in an elevatorA sad and lonely manThe doors opened and in walked an angelAnd took a hold of my handAnd when I looked into her eyesThere was nothing I could doAll you gotta do is rememberIt can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveHeartache and heartbreakWill tear you in twoSo don"t make that mistakeThere"s love there for youThree years since that elevatorBrought her into my lifeNow I know that sooner of laterI"m gonna make her my wifeNow I know just how it feelsTo have all your dreams come trueAll you gotta do is rememberIt can happen to youSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveSomewhere tonight a heart is breakingsomewhere two hearts are beating as oneFor every heart that is achingSomewhere somebody is ready for loveOh I am ready for loveOh I am ready for loveI am going to get me some loveI am going to get me some love

the some up

up这里指在上方. in the beehive.在蜂箱里 在上面的蜂箱里 接下来的你应该懂了 呵呵 望采纳!

There were some bees too.的否定句和否定句

疑问句 Were there any bees, too?否定句 There were not any bees, either.

h____ comes from bees


When spring comes,we can see many bees and butterflies---(fly)around the flowers。


There were some bees on my lunch.句子对some bees的提问

what were there on your lunch?


这个是初始化成员列表的语法表示用0初始化fitness成员,如果fitness是个简单类型(如int double)或者调用一个参数的构造函数来初始化fitness,如果fitness是个类对象

Preferences over income distribution: Evidence from a choice experiment

——————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Source :Journal of Economic Psychology 2 Authorship :Sophie Cetre, Max Lobeck, Claudia Senik, Thierry Verdier 3 Accepted Date : 20 August 2019 —————————————————————————————————————————————— One of the most important questions in economics is how to divide the social surplus and whether income inequality is acceptable or not. 经济学中最重要的问题之一是如何划分社会剩余和收入不平等是否可以接受。 This question is relevant not only in a societal context but also within smaller groups, such as firms and organizations (Card et al., 2012; Breza et al., 2017). 经济学中最重要的问题之一是如何划分社会剩余和收入不平等是否可以接受。这个问题不仅与社会背景相关,也与较小的群体相关,如公司和组织(Card等人,2012年;Breza等人,2017年)。 这些动机包括纯粹的自我考虑动机,即人们关注自己当前的收入,或相对于其他相关群体的收入差距,以及其他相关动机,如收入产生过程的公平性(功绩与运气)。 选择背后的环境背景很重要。本文在评估了现有文献所研究的,人们在分配中所出现的动机因素。选出了三个很重要、且从来没有被结合起来的三个因素,进行了实证研究。三个因素是: 分配是否为帕累托最优选择对人们选择的影响、无知之幕对人们选择的影响、功绩与运气假说。 —————————————————————————————————————————————— 在受试者之间,150名受试者被随机分配到运气治疗组,170名受试者被分配到优点治疗组。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— The series of binary choices that subjects have to make can be split into two categories. In the first category of choices, the total payoff is the same in the two proposed projects, but one distribution is more unequal and has higher top incomes and lower bottom incomes. In the second category of choices, the more unequal project Pareto-dominates the more equal one, i.e. it makes all of the group members weakly better off in absolute terms. 优点:我们研究帕累托优势,因为我们感兴趣的是记录研究对象是否愿意减少不平等现象,因为这意味着“烧钱”而不会让任何人生活得更好。这创造了一种 将嫉妒与最大化动机隔离开来的情形 。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— 两种收益分配之间的选择也可以解释为风险投注。但事实上,风险厌恶和不平等厌恶是两个很相近却有所区分的衡量标准。 为了理清这两种动机,我们使用两种方法引出风险厌恶。 首先,我们使用了由Eckel和Grossman(2002)引入的一种激励诱导方法(此后称为eckelgrosman方法)。这种方法要求受试者从六个彩票中选出一个。彩票的期望值和方差(风险)共同增加。 其次,我们让受试者在表A6(附录A.1)所示的两种不同的彩票中进行选择,这两种彩票对应于与选择1相同的收益。受试者可以选择相对安全的彩票(彩票B)和相对危险的彩票(彩票a)。两种彩票的预期价值相同。从所选彩票中随机抽取一笔奖金。对于这两种彩票,五种彩票中的任何一种都有可能得到0.2的回报。 由于彩票与选择1具有相同的价值观,一个没有任何社会偏好的人在面对无知的面纱和这种彩票背后的选择时,应该做出同样的决定。相反,受试者在彩票设置中的选择与在团体支付设置中的选择之间的任何差异可能表示对某些支付分配的纯粹偏好。在被试在无知的面纱后面选择之前,我们会引发风险厌恶。实验结束时,受试者被告知风险规避任务的结果。 附录中的表A1显示了通过实验后问卷得出的受试者群体的社会经济特征。和通常的实验室实验一样,很大一部分样本由学生(67%的样本)组成,参与者相对年轻(平均25岁)。该表还显示,根据观察到的各种特征,功绩组和运气组是不可区分的。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— 他们首先进行简单的彩票选择,以引出他们的风险厌恶。 然后他们被随机分为5组,并被告知他们的身份和其他成员的身份将在整个实验过程中保密。所有受试者都被要求想象他们必须在一家公司或一个组织内与其团队一起执行一个项目。 在实验核心的第一部分中,受试者被指示,他们必须在两种收益(称为“奖金”)分配(项目a和项目B)之间为他们的小组做出一系列二元选择。他们被告知,他们必须在不知道自己在集团内的地位的情况下做出决定(“在无知的面纱后面”的选择)。 在幸运治疗中,我们明确告知受试者他们的位置将随机抽取,而在奖励治疗中,他们知道他们的位置将基于一个简单的任务,稍后在实验中执行。 在这两种治疗中,关于幸运或幸运的信息在同一时刻显示:就在他们开始无知面纱背后的二元选择(详见2.3节)。所有的受试者都要通过一个理解测试,向他们展示他们必须做出的选择的例子。 在他们做出选择后,受试者执行真正的努力任务。然后他们被告知他们的位置,直到实验结束才会改变。 在第二部分,他们在八个选择中做出了六个,但这次,他们知道自己在收入分配中的地位。我们在第二部分中的选择是表A6中的选择4和理智检查选择8.5这些变化与公司内部可能发生的现实情况相匹配:在无知的面纱后面选择对应于公司内部职位空缺的情况;相反,分布中的固定职位会引发这样的情况没有流动的可能性。 为什么使用这样的主题内设计?有人可能会说,为了避免认知失调,受试者可能会在无知的面纱后面和已知的位置上坚持同样的决定。相反,由于实验者效应,受试者也可能对新环境反应过度。我们通过随机化选择顺序和标签(项目A或项目B)来缓解这两个问题,以使他们更难在整个过程中盲目地做出相同的决定。虽然承认这些局限性,但我们认为,这一主题设计对于了解人们的公平理想和他们的支付最大化关注之间的冲突是有洞察力的。在无知的面纱下所做的选择可以被解释为衡量被试对报酬分配的潜在偏好,而具有已知等级的选择则以一个现实的原则来对抗这些偏好。主题内设计用于确定人们如何切换或坚持自己的基本偏好,即使这对他们来说可能很昂贵。 我们的主要发现是,在无知的面纱后面,当高不平等项目是帕累托主导时,被试一致偏好高不平等项目。在这种情况下,受试者属于运气治疗还是功绩治疗没有任何区别。只有当收入分配中的职位是固定的,即当受试者在选择之前知道自己的排名时,一致性才会中断。在这种情况下,大约75%的受试者更喜欢帕累托支配分布,而不是更压缩的收益分布。另外25%的人在烧钱。他们通过选择低不平等项目来烧钱,即使这并不能改善低收入者的命运。此外,当受试者在两个具有相同效率(相同总收益)的分布之间进行选择时,大约65%的受试者更喜欢低不平等分布。当选择在无知的面纱后面时,如果受试者是有优点的,而不是运气好的话,他们更容易接受高度不平等的分配。一旦受试者了解自己的等级,这种显著的治疗效果就消失了,因此70%的受试者在自己的收益不受影响的情况下更喜欢较低的不平等。所有在低不平等分布中表现较好的受试者都选择后者,但在高不平等分布中表现较好的受试者中只有80%选择后者。因此,20%的人强烈反对不平等,并采取相应行动,即使这是以个人为代价的。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— 然而,我们要求受试者预测他们在任务完成后(在描述任务之前)期望达到的位置,以获得我们将在稳健性检查部分分析的主观自信测量。为了避免对冲,这种预测是没有激励的。实验室中实际工作任务的截图见附录C,如图C4所示。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— 我们的结果有助于有关分配偏好的大量文献。这篇文献的一部分集中在各种分配动机上。Engelmann和Strobel(2004,2007)使用一个多人独裁者游戏,他们让受试者在影响他们的三种不同的报酬分配和其他两个参与者之间进行选择。他们的主要发现是,不平等厌恶在解释行为方面不起主要作用,与最大偏好、效率关注和自私相比。Kritikos和Bolle(2001)早期实验的发现与Engelmann和Strobel(2004)的发现一致。Bolton和Ockenfels(2006)利用类似的选择实验对Engelmann和Strobel的研究进行了评论,但相反地发现,对公平的关注比对效率的偏好更强烈。在这些论文中,受试者在不确定未来收益和在分布中的位置的情况下进行选择。卡马斯和普雷斯顿(2012)发现,在涉及互惠的游戏中,分布偏好预测行为。我们的实验还直接涉及到实验性地测试罗尔斯理论的论文,如Michelbach等人。(2003)和Frohlich等人。(1987年)。Michelbach等人。(2003)创造9种不同的收入分配,根据4项分配原则:平等、效率、需要和优点而有所不同。作为公正的旁观者,受试者做出假设性的选择:他们似乎既关心平等又关心效率,似乎在尽力在这两个原则之间取得平衡。不同的社会人口特征也有很多不同的选择。贝克曼等人。(2002)标志着少数几个实验性的贡献之一,这些贡献明确地测试了受试者是否更倾向于在无知的面纱后投票赞成帕累托有效分布,而不是当他们的立场被揭示时。和我们一样,他们发现,如果受试者选择的是已知的等级,而不是在无知的面纱后面,“嫉妒”更为明显。 我们还补充了其他研究,这些研究更密切地关注价值与运气的假设,这种区别通常被视为公平的标准(Overlet,1991)。那些认为富人和穷人的处境应归功于运气而不是努力的人,可能希望通过收入再分配来纠正这些“不公平”的差异。这种沙漠理论(Konow,2003)已经被经验地记录下来(Fong,2001)。它们被用来解释收入再分配需求的国际差异和财政再分配的程度,特别是欧洲国家和美国之间的差距(Alesina和La Ferrara,2005年;Alesina和Angeletos,2005年)。一组实验性文献研究公正的观众是否愿意平均分配收入,或者与其生产成比例(Konow,2000;Cappelen等人,2007)。Sharma(2015)明确研究了性别在独裁者游戏中的作用,之前的产出阶段表明,男性在盈余中所占比例高于女性其他的实验研究使用两人独裁者或最后通牒游戏来观察公平关注对利他主义行为的影响。他们经常使用一个比赛,一个真正的努力任务,并发现代理人的自私行为,如果先发者的作用是赢得而不是没有努力接受(霍夫曼等人,1994年)。Cherry等人。(2002)为独裁者游戏找到一个类似的结果:如果独裁者的捐赠是挣来的而不是简单地得到的,他们就不那么慷慨了。1 Dengler Roscher等人。(2018)在生产阶段产生收入的情况下,测试公平理想的可塑性。他们发现,在玩独裁者游戏之前(而不是之后)做出公正的分配决定会影响缺乏经验的受试者的自私程度。其他实验研究了这些游戏的多玩家版本(Krawczyk,2010;Durante等人,2014;Bjerk,2016;Lefgren等人,2016),主要关注的是再分配和税收优惠,而不是纯粹的分配优惠。他们经常得出结论,功绩很重要,但杜兰特等人。(2014)和Bjerk(2016)研究了税收优惠,发现如果个人知道自己在分配中的排名,收入来源不会影响行为。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————

something just like this的中文翻译是什么?

《something just like this》演唱:克里斯·马汀作词:安德鲁·塔格特、克里斯·马汀、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland、威尔·查平作曲:安德鲁·塔格特、克里斯·马汀、Guy Berryman、Jonny Buckland 、威尔·查平I've been reading books of old,The legends and the myths我一直在读古老的,传说和神话的书Achilles and his gold,Hercules and his gifts阿喀琉斯和他的金子,大力神和他的礼物Spiderman's control,And Batman with his fists蜘蛛侠的控制,蝙蝠侠的拳头And clearly I don't see myself upon that list显然我不认为我自己在名单上But she said where'd you wanna go但她说你想去哪How much you wanna risk,I'm not looking for somebody你想冒多大的风险,我不是在找人With some Superhuman gifts带着一些超人的天赋Some Superhero,Some fairytale bliss一些超级英雄,一些童话般的幸福Just something I can turn to,Somebody I can kiss只是我可以求助的人,我可以亲吻的人I want something just like this我想要这样的东西Oh I want something just like this哦,我想要这样的东西Oh I want something just like this哦,我想要这样的东西I want something just like this我想要这样的东西I've been reading books of old,The legends and the myths我一直在读古老的,传说和神话的书The testaments they told,The moon and its eclipse他们的遗书,月亮和它的日食And Superman unrolls,A suit before he lifts超人打开衣服,然后再提起But I'm not the kind of person that it fits但我不是那种合适的人She said where'd you wanna go她说你想去哪How much you wanna risk,I'm not looking for somebody你想冒多大的风险,我不是在找人With some Superhuman gifts带着一些超人的天赋Some Superhero,Some fairytale bliss一些超级英雄,一些童话般的幸福Just something I can turn to,Somebody I can miss只是我可以求助的人,我可以想念的人I want something just like this我想要这样的东西I want something just like this我想要这样的东西Oh I want something just like this哦,我想要这样的东西Oh I want something just like this哦,我想要这样的东西Where'd you wanna go,How much you wanna risk你想去哪里,你想冒多大的风险I'm not looking for somebody,With some Superhuman gifts,Some Superhero我不是在找有超人天赋的人,超人Some fairytale bliss,Just something I can turn to一些童话般的幸福,只是我可以求助的东西Somebody I can kiss,I want something just like this我可以吻的人,我想要这样的东西Oh I want something just like this哦,我想要这样的东西扩展资料:《something just like this》发行后登上多个国家音乐排行榜前十名,获得比利时、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、波兰排行榜冠军。在第60届格莱美奖上,歌曲被提名“最佳流行组合/团体表演”奖项。歌曲发行当天酷玩乐队和烟鬼组合在英国伦敦O2体育馆主办的2017年全英音乐奖首度现场表演歌曲。在美国加利福尼亚州英格尔伍德论坛体育馆主办的2017年iHeartRadio音乐奖上(2017年3月5日),他们再度演唱了这首歌曲。

something just like this歌词中文翻译

something juat like this

Barbara Montgomery的《Carousel》 歌词

歌曲名:Carousel歌手:Barbara Montgomery专辑:Dakini Landshe can"t hide no matter how hard she triesher secret disguised behind the liesand at night she crys away her pridewith eyes shut tight staring at her insideall her friends know why she can"t sleep at nightall her family asking is she alrightall she wants to do is get rid of this hellwell all she"s got to do is stop kiddin herselfshe can only fool herself for so longare you too weak to face me?(she can only fool herself)chorusi never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from mewhen it comes to how to live his life and can"t be toldsays he got everything under controlthinks he knows he"s not a problem he"s stuck withbut in reality it would be a problem to just quitan addict and he can"t hold the reignsthe pain is worse cause his friends have it the sametrys to slow down the problem he"s gotbut can"t get off the carousel untill he makes it stophe can only fool himself for so longare you too weak to face me?(he can only fool himself)i never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from meinterludechorus x2i never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from me

give some grounds of/for optimism有什么区别?

一.好像只有give some grounds for optimism这种用法.二.意思是,给出乐观的估计看法和理由。三.详情见下图

有befit for doing something这个用法吗?

答:我们认为英语中是有be fit for doing something(某人/某物适合做某事)这个用法的。例如:1.What kind of job is he fit for?他适合做什么样的工作?2.Bamboo is fit for making chairs.竹子是很适合做椅子的。

一个乞丐走近我们向我们要钱。用(come up to)翻译这句话,懂的朋友帮忙,谢谢!

A beggar came up / over to beg from us

jim sometimes___(fiy)a kite in a park

flies 吉姆有时在公园放风筝。因为是sometimes,所以用一般现在时。而Jim是第三人称,所以谓语用单数。

love this gome.l am a beginner.什么意思

love this game.l am a beginner.翻译:喜欢这个游戏,我是初学者。

As I grew up, I started to travel away from home. 这句话对吗?

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