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Gnome 是如何拼读的?代表什么意思呢?请大家帮帮忙?



1. 地精,土地神2. 矮人3. 格言


GNOME是一套纯粹自由的计算机软件,运行在操作系统上,提供图形桌面环境。GNOME 包含了 Panel (用来启动此程式和显示目前的状态)、桌面 (应用程式和资料放置的地方)及一系列的标准桌面工具和应用程式,并且能让各个应用程式都能正常地运作。GNOME是Linux操作系统上最常用的图形桌面环境之一。

In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.


fav是favourite缩写吗mm komnl m kilometersZ in

对 就像pic是picture的缩写 asl是age sex location的缩写

--- May I open the window to let in some fresh air?---- ______. A.Go ahead B.Take care C.C


something about Ballet


到底是the favour to do something还是the favor to do?


how is this for something怎么翻译?

How is this for something?这是怎么回事?How is this for arrogance?这怎么会自大呢?How is this for hubris?这怎么会是傲慢呢?

come away 和 go away的区别

To some degree,"come away" means "come off",which express that something get drop of a entire subject.For example,the wheel comes away from the car. compared with come away, Go away just gets the meaning of "leave".

mary hugged her mother when she left home改为同义句

Mary hugged her mother when She left home.玛丽离开家的时候,抱了下妈妈。=As Mary left home, She gave her mother a hug.

come on and let me hug you

come on and let me hug you过来呀,让我抱抱你



ubuntu11.10 安装chrome失败








《Romeo and Juliet》英文故事梗概

But Romeo and Juliet fell in love,so Juliet found a way to marry to Romeo through thire families bant.(禁止,不知道有没有拼错)Saddly,both of them dead as a misunderstand.At last,thire family went along well with each other.

Could you give me five points about Romeo and Juliet?

ROMEO AND JULIET: GENERAL ANALYSIS Although Romeo and Juliet is classified as a tragedy, it more closely resembles Shakespeare"s comedies than his other tragedies. The lovers and their battle with authority is reminiscent of As You Like It and The Winter"s Tale. "Characteristically, those comedies concern themselves with the inborn, unargued stupidity of older people and the life-affirming gaiety and resourcefulness of young ones. The lovers thread their way through obstacles set up by middle aged vanity and impercipience. Parents are stupid and do not know what it best for their children or themselves . . . [Romeo and Juliet] begins with the materials for a comedy - the stupid parental generation, the instant attraction of the young lovers, the quick surface life of street fights, masked balls and comic servants" (Wain 107). Indeed, one could view Romeo and Juliet as a transitional play in which Shakespeare merges the comedic elements perfected in his earlier work with tragic elements he would later perfect in the great tragedies -- Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. This mixture of styles ultimately hurts Romeo and Juliet, exposing the immaturity of the playwright. The heroes of the play must contend with external forces that impede their relationship, but, unlike the great tragic heroes, they are devoid of the inner struggle that makes for great tragedy. The influential Shakespearean scholar, A.C. Bradley, went so far as to neglect the play entirely in his well-known collection of lectures on the great tragedies, Shakespearean Tragedy. While no one can deny the merits of Shakespeare"s powerful, inspired verse, the themes Shakespeare stresses in Romeo and Juliet also seem to reflect his immaturity as a writer. To understand properly who this is so, we must examine each pervasive motif in the play.The Theme of LightScholar Caroline Spurgen once wrote, "The dominating image [in Romeo and Juliet] is light, every form and manifestation of it" (Shakespeare"s Imagery, 310). When Romeo initially sees Juliet, he compares her immediately to the brilliant light of the torches and tapers that illuminate Capulet"s great hall: " O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!" (I.V.46). Juliet is the light that frees him from the darkness of his perpetual melancholia. In the famous balcony scene Romeo associates Juliet with sunlight, "It is the east and Juliet is the sun!" (II.ii.3), daylight, "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars/As daylight doth a lamp" (II.ii.20-1), and the light emanating from angels, "O speak again bright angel" (II.ii.26). In turn, Juliet compares their new-found love to lightening (II.ii.120), primarily to stress the speed at which their romance is moving, but also to suggest that, as the lightening is a glorious break in the blackness of the night sky, so too is their love a flash of wondrous luminance in an otherwise dark world -- a world where her every action is controlled by those around her. When the Nurse does not arrive fast enough with news about Romeo, Juliet laments that love"s heralds should be thoughts "Which ten times faster glides than the sun"s beams/Driving back shadows over lowering hills" (II.v.4-5). Here, the heralds of love that will bring comforting news about her darling are compared to the magical and reassuring rays of sun that drive away unwanted shadows. Juliet also equates Romeo and the bond that they share with radiant light. In a common play on words, she begs Romeo to "not impute this yielding to light love/Which the dark night hath so discovered" (II.ii.105-6), again comparing their mutual feelings of love to bright and comforting light . Having no fear of the darkness, Juliet proclaims that night can Take [Romeo] and cut him out into little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garrish sun. (III.ii.23-6) Here Romeo, transformed into shimmering immortality, becomes the very definition of light, outshining the sun itself. However, despite all the aforementioned positive references to light in the play, it ultimately takes on a negative role, forcing the lovers to part at dawn:Romeo. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night"s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die. (III.V.6-11) From this point on, darkness becomes the central motif. Romeo exclaims: "More light and light: more dark and dark our woes!" (III.v.36). And, as Peter Quennell writes, "...the beauty and brevity of love itself -- that "brief light", doomed to quick extinction, celebrated in Catullus" famous lyric -- are set off by the "perpetual darkness" of ancient Capulets" sepulchral vault" (Shakespeare: A Biography,150). The final indication that darkness has triumphed over light comes from The Prince: "A glooming peace this morning with it brings/The sun for sorrow will not show his head" (V.III.304-5). There are several other examples one could cite, and, despite Shakespeare"s masterful poetic styling, many critics argue that these continual references to light are overkill, illustrative of Shakespeare at his most immature stage of writing.The Theme of TimeEarly in the play, Romeo is painfully aware of the passage of time as he pines for Rosaline: "sad hours seem long" (I.I.159). Mercutio is the first to address the problem of "wasted time", and after his complaint, a sudden shift occurs and time quickens to rapid movement. Capulet laments that the years are passing too fast, and Juliet cautions that her love for Romeo is "too rash, too unadvis"d, too sudden...too like the lightening" (2.2.120). Soon time begins to aid in the destruction of the lovers. Capulet rushes ahead the marriage date, insisting Juliet wed Paris a day early, and thus forcing her into swift and, ultimately, fatal action. "The fast-paced world that Shakespeare builds up around his characters allows little possibility for adherence to Friar Lawrence"s counsel of "Wisely and slow." In such a world to stumble tragically is surely no less inevitable than it is for Lear to go mad in the face of human ingratitude." (Cole, 17). As with Shakespeare"s manipulation of the theme of light, it can be said that his reliance on time as an increasingly menacing force against the lovers is immature and artificial. The Theme of DestinyAs critic Bertrand Evans points out: "Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of unawareness" more so than any of Shakespeare"s other plays. "Fate, or Heaven, as the Prince calls it, or the "greater power," as the Friar calls it, working out its purpose without the use of either a human villain or a supernatural agent sent to intervene in mortal affairs, operates through the common human condition of not knowing. Participants in the action, some of them in parts that are minor and seem insignificant, contribute one by one the indispensable stitches which make the pattern, and contribute them not knowing; that is to say, they act when they do not know the truth of the situation in which they act, this truth being known, however, to us who are spectators." (The Brevity of Friar Laurence, 850) The idea that Fortune dictates the course of mankind dates back to ancient times. Those writers of the medieval world incorporated the goddess Fortune into Christianity and made her God"s servant, responsible for adding challenges to our lives so that we would see the importance of giving up our tumultuous earthly lives to God. The most influential treatise on the theme of Fate was The Consolation of Philosophy, written by the scholar Boethius (c.A.D. 475-525). Written while he awaited execution, it is a dialogue between himself and his guide "Philosophy", who explores with him the true nature of happiness and fate, and leads him to hope and enlightenment. Here is an excerpt from Book IVTo human acts alone denied Thy fit control as Lord of all. Why else does slippery Fortune change So much, and punishment more fit For crime oppress the innocent? Corrupted men sit throned on high; By strange reversal evilness Downtreads the necks of holy men. Bright virtue lies in dark eclipse By clouds obscured, and unjust men Heap condemnation on the just... Look down on all earth"s wretchedness; Of this great work is man so mean A part, by Fortune to be tossed? Lord...Make stable all the land"s of the earth. (Book I) Boethius" work, specifically his concept of "Fortune"s wheel", made an enormous impact on the work of Chaucer and Dante and, less directly, Shakespeare. Fate"s impact on Romeo and Juliet is made clear from the outset of the play. The Chorus tells us that the lovers are "star-cross"d", and thus hindered by the influence of malignant planets (note that Renaissance astrologers used the planets to predict plagues and other such calamities, in addition to predicting the outcome and quality of individual"s lives) . Throughout the play Fate"s role is reaffirmed as the lovers sense its interference. Romeo, just before he attends Capulet"s ball, has a premonition:My mind misgives Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin thisd fearful date With this night"s revels, and expire the term Of a dispised life, clos"d in my breast, By some vile forfeit of untimely death: But he that hath the steerage of my course Direct my sail! (I.IV.106) Romeo later cries that he is "fortune"s fool" (III.i.141), and Juliet exclaims that she has an "ill-divining soul" (III.v.52). Moreover, their predictions extend into their dreams, as Romeo says "I dreamt my lady came and found me dead" (V.i.6). So in keeping with tradition set down by the likes of Seneca and Boethius, Fate controls Shakespeare"s doomed lovers. And "[t]he intent of this emphasis is clear. The tale will end with the death of two ravishingly attractive young folk; and the dramatist must exonerate himself from all complicity in their murder, lest he be found guilty of pandering to a liking for a human shambles. He disowns responsibility and throws it on Destiny, Fate." (Charlton, Shakespearean Tragedy, 52). This reliance on the motif of Fate in the play is the most representative of Shakespeare"s dramatic deficiency. It is not the lovers" flaws that lead them to ruin; the tragedy does not spring from their own weaknesses. As a result, there is little growth of character and no profound analysis of the complexity of human nature. Thus, despite the lyrical beauty of the play and the endearing qualities of Romeo and his Juliet, (which have secured its place as one of the great dramas), it fails to rise to the level of Shakespeare"s other tragedies that explore the inner failings of humankind.

I am a banker who comes from shandong province . 用 come 还是comes


Humble _______ it may be, there’s no place like home, _______ he may go

Humble as it may be, there is no place like home, wherever you may go. as引导一个让步状语从句,意为:尽管, 整句直译为: 尽管卑微,但是不论你到哪里,都没有像家的感觉。 因为这里很明显用了倒装,只有as或者though有这个用法,although没有。 as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。 注意:1) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。 2) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。 Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 注意:让步状语从句中,有though,although时,后面的主句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。 所以先 B.


eherechildren是什么意思如何读 e here, children 过来,孩子 e here [英][ku028cm hiu0259][美][ku028cm u02c8hu026ari] v.来这里; 至此; 例句: 1. I e here for help. 我来这里寻求帮助。 2. Let them e here to see the incredible promise of our country. 让他们到这里来看看我们国家令人难以置信的美好希望。 3. Many people e here specifically to try this dish. 很多人特意来这儿就为了常常这菜。 eherechildren是什么意思 过来,孩子们 来这里 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可追问~ e here, children 过来,孩子 . e here [英][ku028cm hiu0259][美][ku028cm u02c8hu026ari] v.来这里; 至此; ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点选右上方【选为满意回答】按钮 尬读什么是什么意思如何组词 尬,读gà。 基本字义:见“尴尬”(1.行为、态度不正常。2.处境困难或事情棘手,难以应付。)。 组词:尴尬。尪尬。不尴尬。不尴不尬。 onclick是什么意思如何册除 在页面的最后,加上下面程式码,里面的form1 就是表单的名称,自己改一下。这个程式码可以去掉这个表单里的所有单击事件 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> for (i=0; i<form1.elements.length; i++) { form1.elements[i].onclick = ""; } </SCRIPT> humid是什么意思如何发音 humid [hu·mid || "hjuu02d0mu026ad] adj. 潮溼的, 多溼气的, 溼润的 爱戴是什么意思如何造句 爱戴 [ ài dài ] 基本释义 衷心拥护。 近义词 敬仰 敬服 怜惜 尊敬 爱护 恭敬敬重 珍视 热爱 拥戴 敬佩 崇敬 尊重恋慕 珍惜 珍爱 敬爱 爱慕 仰慕 推崇 羡慕 尊崇 反义词 憎恶 轻蔑 憎恨 藐视 轻慢 造句: 李老师待人和善,虚怀若谷,深受学生爱戴。 she||是什么意思如何去除

英语简单词汇定期提问选择,并逐一分析.1.I have to *** some money from the bank.?

1.lend lend 借别人的东西 borrow 借给别人东西 loan 做名词是贷款,做动词也是借出,借给别人东西 2.other other 另外的(一个或一些) another 另一个 books是不止一本书,所以是any other book.如果光是一本书应该是:I don"t have another book. 3.moist 这是简单化的英语专业四级的词汇题哈……对非专业有点难度哇~ moist humid damp 仨词都表示潮湿的,但是潮湿的程度和语气都不同. 从潮湿程度上来说:humid>damp>moist humid大多形容气候湿润,或者房间里湿气重什么的. damp程度稍轻,也是表示潮湿,或者有湿气.这两个语气都比较重,意思偏坏. moist是未干的,微湿的,湿润的.语气比较中性. 句子形容的是衣服,无论衣服是湿漉漉的还是有点湿,都应该是moist,因为humid和damp不指衣服.,6,给你前两题的答案哈!第三题你查词义,应该好选的!不能全依靠别人!好了.1:Lend....to经常搭配,表示“借出”;Borrow..from为借进什么东西;而LOAN为银行的贷款...2:选other:其它的 Another两者中的另一个,2,1. loan 贷款 (borrow是借入,lend是借出) 2。 any other (another 是指另 “一”个, any是“任何的”,不一定是一个) 3。 moist (humid 是指潮湿的 环境等, damp是指弄湿,使xx变湿等,也可以用做形容词,潮湿的。),1,英语简单词汇定期提问 选择,并逐一分析. 1.I have to *** some money from the bank.(borrow,lend,loan) 2.Sorry,I dont have any *** books on this subject.(other,another) 3.Her clothers are still ***(moist,humid,damp)

这句广东话是什么意思? "呢一个moment我只系想我信得过既fds系我身边陪我同倾计u200b...“




after being formed in1995,ebay has become a big online marketplace. 为什么不能用after formed?

has changed over the last 30 years. Originally, "electronic commerce" a marketplace for used computers launched in capabilities to their Web si


修改器不是用来修改游戏的,所以无法读取游戏,并且游戏的格式也不对,而是用来修改存档的,它只能用来读取口袋妖怪白金的存档,口袋妖怪白金的存档位于NDS模拟器的BATTERY文件夹里,你的游戏名叫“口袋妖怪白金简体中文版V1.0.nds”,那么存档名你会发现它叫做“口袋妖怪白金简体中文版V1.SAV”,如果你没发现存档就代表你没保存游戏。  另外再说明一下模拟器使用修改器的问题.  首先置顶的存档转换器存在某些问题....就算正常将存档转换为512K的,修改完也无法正常读入.所以这里要更正一下方法...  将NO$GBA文件夹里的NO$GBA.INI文件打开(有很多人找不到这个文件在哪在这里说明一下.....因为有些人系统设置为隐藏文件后缀,所以文件名就是NO$GBA,没有后缀.INI,如图附上)将NO$GBA.INI文件中的"SAV/SNAFileFormat==Compressed"改为"SAV/SNAFileFormat==Raw",就是把最后的"Compressed"改为"Raw"这里一定要注意大小写!!!!,修改完以后,保存,退出....打开模拟器,读挡进入游戏,再存档,这样一来,存档直接就为512K的了,并不需要存档转换器来转换了.存档位于NO$GBA文件夹里的BATTERY文件夹下,将存档复制出来,这样就可以直接使用修改器进行修改了,修改完后保存存档,将存档复制回BATTERY文件夹里即可

some people kill them for ivory意思


NO$Zoome模拟器 快进怎么设置?




分配给保护的符号zoome,是否进入中断循环,如何 避免打开CAD出现这个

是,把前缀改成xls。在进行调试时,弹出分配给保护的符号:pf,是否进入中断循环,但似乎不会影响结果,所以有此提示,此提示仅在打开了vlide 编辑器才会出现。在生产制图过程中,图层有利于更好的地理信息的分类,但显示就有些问题了,比如多个面层重叠。通常为了显示多个面重叠区域的特征,通常的做法是设置图层填充(符号填充,如地籍处理中经常这样做),或者设置图层透明。扩展资料:注意事项:1、绘图一定要画正确,并且按比例绘制,这样就算画错,在标注时也可以检查出来。2、其次标注一定不能缺少必要尺寸,简单图形还比较容易一眼看出,当一个有上百甚至更多标注的图时,少一个两个尺寸很难发现。3、标注线不能交叉,有时会因为标注空间问题,会比较难标注美观,这时最好放大比例后再标注。4、标注时有时会出现参考尺寸,这种尺寸不是决定尺寸,只是由另的决定尺寸形成的一种参考尺寸(参考尺寸5.8就是由决定尺寸角度30度产生的)。参考资料来源:百度百科-CAD参考资料来源:百度百科-直径符号


fearless 不怕的,无畏的fearful 可怕的fearsome 十分可怕的望采纳,谢谢!

Diana Ross的《Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Home歌手:Diana Ross专辑:The Motown AnthologyThinking back when we first metI remember what You saidYou said You"d never leave me,I let go of Your handBuilt my castle in the sandBut I"m reaching out againAnd I"m not letting go "til YouHold me,mold meSometimes I feel so all alone,See I gotta find my way back homeSo why don"t YouShape me,make me,Wash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my way back home.Master, upon my knees I prayI just wanna be the clayPut Your arms around me,Place my life in Your handsLord, I know I"m just a manHope You understandThis time I"m not letting go til YouAnoint me,appoint meSometimes I feel so all alone,I"m on my way back homeSo why don"t YouChastise me,baptize me,Wash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my way.Cause I"m lost and aloneI"ve been wandering long enough to knowHumbly I search for YouAnd I"m not gonna rest til YouChoose me,use meSometimes I feel so all loneI"m on my way back homeSo why don"t YouDirect me,bless meWash me whiter than the snowI am on my way back home

go home和returning home有什么不同?


Kraan的《Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Home歌手:Kraan专辑:Andy NoggerThinking back when we first metI remember what You saidYou said You"d never leave me,I let go of Your handBuilt my castle in the sandBut I"m reaching out againAnd I"m not letting go "til YouHold me,mold meSometimes I feel so all alone,See I gotta find my way back homeSo why don"t YouShape me,make me,Wash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my way back home.Master, upon my knees I prayI just wanna be the clayPut Your arms around me,Place my life in Your handsLord, I know I"m just a manHope You understandThis time I"m not letting go til YouAnoint me,appoint meSometimes I feel so all alone,I"m on my way back homeSo why don"t YouChastise me,baptize me,Wash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my way.Cause I"m lost and aloneI"ve been wandering long enough to knowHumbly I search for YouAnd I"m not gonna rest til YouChoose me,use meSometimes I feel so all loneI"m on my way back homeSo why don"t YouDirect me,bless meWash me whiter than the snowI am on my way back home

go home中为什么不加"to


Brian Mcknight的《Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Home歌手:Brian Mcknight专辑:1989-2002 From There To HereHome-Brian McKnightThinking back when we first metI remember what you saidYou said you"d never leave meI let go of your handBuilt my castle in the sandBut now I"m reachin" out againAnd I"m not letting go till youHold me mold meSometimes I feel so all aloneSee, I gotta find my way back homeSo why don"t youShape me make meWash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my wayBack homeMaster upon my knees I prayI just want to be the clayPut your arms around mePlace my life in your handsLord, I know I"m just a manI know you understandThis time I"m not letting goTill youAnoint meAppoint meSometimes I feel so all aloneSee, I gotta find my way back homeSo why don"t youChastise me Baptize meWash me whiter than the snowI gotta find my way"Cause I"m lost and aloneI"ve been wanderingLong enough to knowHumbly I search for youAnd I"m not gonna rest till youChoose me use meSometimes I feel so all aloneI"m on my way back homeSo why don"t youDirect me Bless meWash me whiter than the snowI"m on my wayBack home




when do you go home? 你什么时候回家? 双语对照 例句: 1. When do you go home? 你什么时候回家啊? 2. What time do you go home for lunch? 你几点钟回家吃午饭?






Go hard or go home.要么努力,要么滚蛋!




we eat dinner at home ,肯定是at home







go back home 和go home区别,谢谢

go back home是回到家go home 回家去

back home 和 go home 有什么区别?


let_( we )gohome横线上填什么

宾格,us 百度嫌我字数不够


sheisgoingtogohome可以说成sheisgoinghome吗?答:因为home是副词,所以sheisgoingtogohome不可以说成sheisgoinghome,可以说成she is going to home。

速度与激情7的插曲有首歌词we aregohome


come home 和 go home 的区别



be home 是在家的状态 I was home.go home 回家,是在路上 I went home after school.




goinghome和gohome的区别:going home 是正在回家的路上,go home是指一般回家的状态。第一个是正在进行时,第二个是一般现在时。

Go home,Joe,and show Rose your nosr. 是什么意思



at home,介词短语,在家。go home,动词短语,回家。





go home和goes home区别

"go home" 和 "goes home" 是两个不同的句子,表达的意思相同,都是 "回家"。但是,它们的语法和用法略有不同。"Go home" 是一个简短的命令,通常用于命令某人离开某个地方,或者表示某人即将离开。例如:- Go home, you"re needed at home.(回家,你需要回家。) - Go home, I"ll wait for you here.(回家,我会在这里等你。)"Goes home" 是一个常见的表达方式,通常用于描述某人回到家中。例如:- He goes home every day after work.(他每天下班后回家。) - She loves to go home and relax after a long day.(她喜欢在漫长的一天结束后回家放松。)总的来说,"go home" 和 "goes home" 都可以表示 "回家",但它们的语法和用法略有不同。



Can you tell me some stories about Christmas?

1. The Feast of Christmas It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches. One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world. Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question. No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question "Who is Jesus?" than the date of his birth. Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun. Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox (March 25th) and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice. In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Possible impulse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the "Unconquered Sun-God" by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D. to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire. In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the "Sun of righteousness" (Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himself " the light of the world." 2. Father Christmas It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them. Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe. On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it"s really their parents who fill the stockings. 3. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus. For today"s Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born? Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world. Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day, it is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive. Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas. Father Christmas is a kind of old man who, the children are told, lives at the North Pole. He travels through the sky on a sleigh which is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents. Stopping on the roof of houses, he enters by climbing the chimney. When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve, they hang a stocking at the end of their beds. Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas, or he will not leave them anything. When they wake, they find their stockings filled with presents. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.People send each other cards and give gifts to their families and friends. In homes and in stores, evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments. Children look forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. It all can mean just one thing: It"s the season of Christmas, a holiday celebrated every year on December 25. 4. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago. Christian churches hold religious services to celebrate Christmas. At midnight on Christmas Eve, most churches hold special candlelight services. But Christmas is also a social and family holiday. It is a festival of goodwill, a time for family, friends, food, and gift-giving. Many Americans share Christmas cookies, decorate their homes, and place presents under the family Christmas tree. Children often hang up stockings for Santa Claus to fill with small gifts. According to tradition, Santa arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Presents are usually opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. 5. THE STORY OF CHRIST"S BIRTH The story of Christ"s birth comes mainly from the New Testament of the Bible, a holy book of Christianity. According to the Bible, Joseph and his wife, Mary, traveled from Nazareth to the town of Bethlehem. The town"s inn had no room for them, even though Mary was expecting a child. Her baby was born in a stable and placed in a manger, a crib-like holder for animal feed. In the fields near Bethlehem, an angel appeared before shepherds who were guarding their flocks. The angel told the shepherds that a holy child named Jesus Christ had been born. Other angels appeared and sang. After the angels had gone, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see the child.Three Wise Men came from the east looking for a newborn king. They followed a bright, guiding star called the Star of Bethlehem. It led them to Christ in the manger. There, they knelt in worship before the baby Jesus and gave him gifts. 6. TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS The official Christmas season is popularly known as the Twelve Days of Christmas. It extends from the anniversary of Christ"s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6. The Epiphany honors Jesus" baptism and the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem. 7. THE ROOTS OF CHRISTMAS No one knows exactly when Jesus Christ was born. For many years, local Christian churches celebrated Christ"s birth at different times. Then, in the ad 300s, the Roman Catholic Church set the birth date at December 25. At that time, older non-Christian festivals were celebrated around Christmas. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival honoring their god of harvest and god of light. Other Europeans held festivals in mid-December marking the end of the harvest season. The Roman Catholic Church probably chose December 25 to give a Christian meaning to these older festivals. The Orthodox Church, the Christian church in the east, also began using December 25 as the birth date of Jesus. But the Orthodox Church places more importance on celebrating Jesus" baptism on January 6. CHRISTMAS GIFTS The custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas comes from the ancient Romans. During Saturnalia, the Romans exchanged tokens of good luck. Later, it became customary for Romans to exchange more valuable gifts, such as clothes or jewelry. The Biblical story of the Three Wise Men who presented gifts to baby Jesus also shaped this Christmas custom. 8. CHRISTMAS TREES The tradition of the Christmas tree came to North America from Germany. Long ago, Germans began decorating evergreen trees in their homes at Christmas. They trimmed their trees with fruits, cookies, and lighted candles. German immigrants to the United States brought this custom with them in the 1800s. Before Christian times, ancient people used evergreens for decoration and religious ceremonies. Because evergreens do not die in the winter, they came to symbolize eternal life.

go home与come home有什么区别?

出发点不一样啊~ go是你在外面回家 come是你在家


差距在于强调的意思不一样。go home是回家,强调动作go,而不是强调地点有没有到。go to school强调的明显是后面的school。


不可以。go home是实意动词短语,动词没有复数形式。名词有复数形式,在词后加s或者es。

gohome 是什么意思



gohome的读音是[ɡ__ h__m]。例句:When I end the class,I will go home.当我放学了,我就会回家。It rains heavily,let us go home now.雨下大了,我们现在赶紧回家吧。It late today ,let us go home immediately,or mom will worry.今天太晚了,我们快点回家吧,不然妈妈要担心了。


含义不同,用法不同。1、含义不同:gohome是回家的意思,BackHome有回家,真爱守候的意思。2、用法不同:go home 是“动词 go + 副词 home”结构,在句中充当谓语,back home通常指自己回家。






usually do sth经常做某事,后面的动词用原型即可。

“go home”和“back home”的区别是什么?

back home ,也可为go back homego home 就是回家的意思,口语比较常用,go back home一般指自己回家go home ≥go back home


you are go home 你回家

go to school. 可以。那为什么是go home. 而不是go to home?

home是副词不能加toschool是名词必加to 如gohome

回家go home的时态问题



动词后面接名词是否要加to取决于动词本身是否及物,及物动词直接加宾语(名词或代词),不及物动词需使用一定的介词再加宾语 go本身是不及物动词,与它搭配使用的介词有很多,当与to相连使用时,表示去哪里,gotothemarket,gototheground等等 其中home是个特例,home不是名词,是个副词,前面不能有介词,同类型的词还有there,here,这都是比较常用的词 另外,举例中的school也算是一个特殊用法,但是和go没什么关系,就是school前面加the和不加the的区别 gotoschool是指去上学gototheschool是去学校 前者是指学生,后者则是要去学校的其他人员,他们去学校可能是去教学、去打扫、去咨询,反正就是区别于学生在学校学习的一些行为,他们只是要去学校这个场所而已 同类型的单词比较常见的就是hospital和prison 同样当不加the时,就是住院和坐牢 加the则是去那个场所做不是住院和坐牢的行为 关于是不是加to的动词都是固定的,应该这样说,每个动词经常固定搭配使用的介词都是一定的,但不一定都是to,例如go 还可以接for,goforawalk散步 还可以动名词,gohiking远足goswimming游泳 每个动词可以搭配的词有很多,整体来说查动词时要注意的是记住 及物动词是否可以直接接宾语从句,即是否可以加that 后面连接另一个动词的形式,即后面是加do还是todo还是doing 不及物动词注意的是与之搭配使用的介词以及介词之后连接的成分,是名词还是动词不定式todo还是doing还是do之类的 有时候一个动词可能有很多介词可以与之搭配,可以挑选比较常用和重要的一些记忆,没有必要全都记住,当然记住是最好的

go to school和go home的区别

区别在于home前不加不定式to.名词 n.home1.家,住家[C][U]Now he has his home in Manchester.他现在定居在曼彻斯特.2.家庭,家庭生活[U][C]He is planning to establish a home.他正计划建立家庭.副词 ad.1.在家;回家;到家;回本国The delegation will be home next week.代表团将于下周回国.home作副词讲所以不用介词to就是固定用法,名词讲时是家的意思,副词讲时是回家的意思.怎么连成句

连成句子:Would you like vegetables dinner?意思是:晚餐想吃蔬菜吗?重点词汇:dinner。英['du026anu0259(r)]释义:n.正餐,晚餐;晚宴,宴会;速食饭,方便饭。【名】(Dinner)(法)迪内(人名)。[复数:dinners]短语:Reunion dinner团圆饭;年夜饭;团聚饭;年。词语辨析:banquet,feast,dinner,party。这些名词均有“宴会”之意。1、banquet指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。2、feast指宴席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。3、dinner普通用词,含义广。本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。4、party指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。


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