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documentary 纪录片horror恐**怖片,惊怵片comedy喜剧片romantic言情片,浪漫片action动作片

horses homework fork哪个发音不同?








I always felt sorry for people in wheelchairs.some people , old and weak, ca


Four men who would become fathers were in a hospital waiting room while their wives were in lab...

小题1:C小题1:B小题1:A小题1:B 小题1:根据in a hospital waiting room while their wives were in labor (分娩). 可知选C.小题1:根据Surprised, he only could answer, 可知选B.小题1:根据“I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven.他在71便利店工作,可知选A.小题1:根据短文描述,前面已经出生了九个孩子,正常的话第四个男人的妻子应该生一个孩子,故选B最有可能.

She’s fainted. Throw some water on her face and she’ll ____. A.come round B.come along C

A 本题主要考查短语动词的意义区别。选项A的意思是“绕道而来,回心转意,苏醒过来”;选项B的意思是“一起来,一道走,进展,出现”;选项C的意思是“进步,进展,成长,开始”;选项D的意思是“(花)开放,出版,露出”。根据句子的意思,选A。

Fainter,dimmer,stiller, each moment, Now night. 请问这是哪位诗人的诗?急用!谢了!




求妹调柴刀结局ed《Hard Times Come Again No More》歌词带翻译。急需谢谢!!

Let us pause in life`s pleasures and count its many tears While we all sup sorrow with the poor. There`s a song that will linger forever in our ears, Oh, hard times, come again no more `Tis the song, the sigh of the weary. Hard times, hard times, come again no more. Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door. Oh, hard times, come again no more. While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay. There are frail forms fainting at the door Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say, Oh, hard times, come again no more. Tis the song, the sigh of the weary. Hard times, hard times, come again no more. Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door. Oh, hard times, come again no more. There`s a pale drooping maiden who foils her life away With a worn out heart, whose better days are o`er. Though her voice it would be merry, `tis sighing all the day, Oh, hard times, come again no more.tis a sigh that is wafted across the troubled wavetis a wail that is heard upon the shoretis a dirge that is murmured around the lowly graveoh, hard times come again no moreTis the song, the sigh of the weary. Hard times, hard times, come again no more. Many days you have lingered all around my cabin door. Oh, hard times, come again no more.

Turn one’s hose up at someone是什么意思?


《中产家庭》( The Middle Dome)是一部怎样的剧集?

故事概括:本剧主角 Jack Worthing 是 Cecily Cardew 的监护人。在 Cecily 眼中,Jack 是个极其认真和严谨的人。然而多年来 Jack 一直骗 Cecily 自己在伦敦有个挥霍无度的弟弟叫 Earnest。由于要接济这位虚构的弟弟,Jack 要经常要离开 Cecily 居住的赫特福德跑到伦敦去。Jack 在伦敦时则以“Earnest”自称。他结识了 Algernon Moncrieff(简称 Algy)的表妹 Gwendolen Fairfax,并和她开始交往。至于另一位主角 Algy 则讹称自己在城郊有位经常生病,名叫 Bunbury 的朋友。每当 Algy 想逃避一些社会责任,或者只是想趁周末外出休息一下,他就骗人说要去探望这位同样是虚构出来的朋友。他将这种虚构身份或制造双重身份的做法称为“bunburying”。在故事一开始,Jack 跑到 Algy 府上打算向 Gwendolen 求婚,却可是遇上不少麻烦。第一是 Gwendolen 似乎纯粹因为她相信 Jack 的名字叫 Earnest 而喜欢他,因为 Earnest 是她心目中最漂亮的名字。第二个麻烦是 Gwendolen 的母亲是让人害怕的 Bracknell 女士,她对 Jack 的身世显然感到不满和惊讶。Jack 年幼时曾被人放在一个弃置于火车站的手提包内,直至后来的监护人 Tom Cardew(亦是 Cecily 的祖父)发现了之后收养他。她认为让女儿“嫁进寄物室里与包裹通婚”(原文:marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel)是件难以接受的事。另一方面,Algernon 发现 Earnest在其房间内丢下一个银色盛烟盒,盒内刻有一段文字,意思大概是“小小的 Cecily 送给亲爱的 Jack 叔叔,并奉上至温柔的爱。”Algy 不但开始怀疑,更进一步迫使 Earnest 承认自己的真名是 Jack ,并道出自己经常往来伦敦与郊区的原因,而Algy 发觉这和自己的 "bunburying" 行为很相似。Jack 告诉 Algy,Cecily 似乎对这个虚构出来的弟弟 Earnest 很感兴趣,因此决定放弃 "bunburying" 并打算告诉 Cecily 他在伦敦的弟弟 Earnest 已经在巴黎病逝。言谈间 Jack 对 Cecily 的描述引起 Algy 对这位18岁少女的好奇。正当 Jack 换上丧服打算前往赫特福德郡对 Cecily 告知这个“噩耗”时,Algy 已提早一步到达 Cecily 位于郊区的寓所,并冒充自己就是 Jack 那个挥金如土的弟弟 Earnest。两人不但很快就攀谈起来,更在 Jack 赶到这里时,Cecily 对监护人说她和 Algy 已有结婚的打算。Jack 虽感愤怒,但亦只好装作若无其事。Gwendolen 来到城郊打算和 Jack 会面,但只见 Cecily 一人。她们两人攀谈起来,在言谈间识破了Algy 和 Jack 的真正身份与秘密。之后这两人也出现了,因此被追问他们说谎的原因,两人都分别说出了让人满意的答案之后,亦各自准备找牧师取个 Earnest 的名字,因此 Cecily 和 Gwendolen 宽恕了他们。就在此时,跟踪女儿远道而来的 Bracknell女士抵达赫特福德郡。Gwendolen 再次向母亲提及她和 Jack 的婚事,然而母亲还是不赞同。另一方面 Algy 亦说出他和 Cecily 已定下婚约的事情。Bracknell 女士遂向 Cecily 和 Jack 询问一堆关于 Cecily 背景的事。Jack 不耐烦地一一回答,直至提到 Cecily 继承大堆遗产时,Bracknell 女士才开始感到兴趣。Jack 作为 Cecily 的监护人,并不赞成她和 Algy 的婚事,除非 Bracknell 女士同意将女儿嫁给他。虽然如此, Bracknell 女士还是拒绝交换条件。就在她临离开 Cecily 的寓所前,在言谈间听到 Dr. Chasuble 谈及 Cecily 的家庭教师 Prism 小姐,Bracknell 女士毫不考虑便要求召见她。Prism 小姐初见 Bracknell 女士时即感觉错愕。因为28年前她曾替 Bracknell 女士的姐姐打工,期间不慎遗失了一名婴孩后就不知所踪。Bracknell 女士再叁追问后,再搭配上 Jack 的说法,证实该名孩童正是 Jack 本人。而孩童的母亲则是 Bracknell 女士的姐姐,他的父亲同时也是 Algy 的父亲。换句话说原来 Jack 真的是 Algy 的哥哥。Bracknell 女士说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲。经过翻查后证实了他父亲恰巧又取了一个 Earnest 的圣名。最后众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱。剧终前Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性。扩展资料故事背景:故事背景设在维多利亚时期的英格兰,剧中幽默的焦点集中在主角Jack虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 身上。Ernest 是 earnest(认真)的谐音,而 Jack 的姓氏 Worthing 则是王尔德撰写此剧时居住的市镇名称。当时王尔德的话剧可谓极之成功,人们往往期待他的新作。他在创作此剧时记者们经常前来打听有关细节,同时又对剧情发展和复仇角色等问题充满兴趣。为应付他们,王尔德暂时取了一个剧名为“Lady Lancing”。一如他另外四部社会话剧,王尔德同样以海边市镇的名字替其此剧主角和故事开端命名。本作将佳构剧狠多传统的地方加以夸大,例如遗失文件的巧喻(英雄,就像是一个婴孩,搞不清这本手抄本的小说)以及最后的表露(这个部分出现在结束落幕前叁十秒)。参考资料百度百科_不可儿戏

make something different designed by gkk 什么意思?


make somethng dlfferent deslgned by gkk是什么意思?

make somethng dlfferent deslgned by gkk制造一些由gkk设计的不同的东西。

o come all ye faithful 歌词

歌曲名:o come all ye faithful歌手:Corrinne May专辑:The GiftCorrinne May - O Come All Ye Faithful猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你O Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.O Sing, choirs of angels,Sing in exultation,Oh sing, all ye citiesOf heaven aboveGlory to God, Glory in the highestO come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.Lord, we greet Thee,Born this happy morning,Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord2009.06.01 8猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你

O come all ye faithful中英文

来吧,忠诚的信徒 来吧你们全部忠实来吧!虔诚的你们



come on是什么意思

加油!宝贝。/ 一起来!宝贝。

they come down to three majoy ones是什么意思

一、 词语注释: 1. they 由于没有上下文,可以有两种解释:人——他们,事物——它们; 2. come down to * 人直率地面对或处理... * 事物归结为... 3. ones 所指代的东西在上文中可以找到。 4. majoy 可能是 major 的误写。二、翻译 1. 他们面临/面对三个主要的东西。 2. 它们归结为三个主要方面的东西



some hotdog要加s吗?

some hotdog要加s,因为hotdog是可数名词。


这个要根据具体语境来确定肯定句中用some hot dogs否定句和疑问句用 any hot dog?望采纳

ios6.1 越狱后无法正常开机,屏幕一直白苹果,只能power+home强制关机后才能开机进入系统,请问如何解决?

今天上午又推出了两个新的补丁 不知道安装后能不能解决。。。



怎么办There may be another Privoxy or some other proxy running on port 8118

听我翻译哈Opening Socks listener on not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running?Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.Reading config failed–see warnings above.这是由于系统启动时 tor 服务自动起来了,而 vidalia 在启动时再次尝试启动 tor,则发现端口已经被占用了,如何解决呢?临时解决的方法:$ sudo service tor stop # 或者 sudo /etc/init.d/tor stop然后再次使用 vidalia 启动 tor长久解决方法:$ cd /etc/rc2.d/ # 设置为 run level 2 时关闭对应服务$ sudo mv S20privoxy K20privoxy$ sudo mv S20tor K2!!!!注意:在这里!!!意思是:听众对127.0.0.1:9050开放袜子 不可能与127.0.0.1:9050:地址已经被使用了。为Tor已经运行吗? 未能解析/确认配置:没有绑定的听众的港口。 配置failed-see之上。阅读警告, 这是由于系统启动时服务自动起来了,而vidalia心动,则发现端口已经被占用了,如何解决呢在启动时再次尝试启动心动? 临时解决的方法: sudo美元或者sudo服务tor停止号/及其他/ init.d / tor停止 然后再次使用vidalia启动tor 长久解决方法: cd /及其他/ rc2.d美元/ #设置为跑二级时关闭对应服务 sudo mv S20privoxy K20privoxy美元 sudo mv S20tor K20tor美元

请问谁有August Rush中Bach/Break和Someday这两首歌的歌词?

凑合着看吧:Artist: John LegendSong: SomedayAs days go by and fade to nightsI still question why you leftI wonder howit didn"t work outbut now you"re goneand memories all I have for nowbut no it"s not overwe"ll get older we"ll get overwe"ll live to see the day that I hope forcome back to meI still believe thatwe"ll get it right againwe"ll come back to life againwe won"t say another goodbye againyou"ll live forever with mesomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherI heard somedaymight be todaymysteries of destinies theyare somehowand are somewayfor all we know they come tomorrow for today my eyes are open my arms are raised for your embrace my hands are here to mend what is broken to feel again to walk on the faceI believe there is more to lifeoh I love you much more than lifeand stillI believe I can change your mindrevive what is dying insideand someday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togethersomeday, somedaywe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togetherwe"ll be togethersomeday******************************Artist: Jonathan Rhys MeyersSong: Bach/BreakI break, I borrow, I live, I loose I break, I"m hollowed, I"m dead, confused I"ll find you What is love and what"s it for I"m stuck outside an open door And no one"s come to get me yet I never got a second bet I"m welcomed to your fantasy If only she was make-believe Oh what is love and what"s it for? Oh take me back and do me more Ooh take me back and do me more I break, I borrow, I live, I loose I break, I"m hollowed, I"m dead, Confused I"ll find you Once you"re here you"re never gone Oh, once you"re here you"re never gone I fall from in out the cold A piece of me that I can"t hold I love you as I loose you more I break outside this open door Catch me as I wash away Oh, catch me as I wash away Ooh, catch me as I wash away I break, I borrow, I live, I loose, I break, I"m hollowed, I"m dead, confused I break, I"m hollowed, I"m dead, confused I"ll find you

选一选。he has been away from home for two years. two years_a long time. A.isB.are

当然选A啦!two years是主语,虽然year后面有s但是谓语动词得用单数…

he has been away from home for two years. two years_a long time. A.isB.are 为什么选A大神们帮帮忙

句子意思:他已经离开家里两年了。两年是个很长的时间了。 两年的时间,时间是不可数名词,所以用is来做系动词。 追问: 如果 表语 是复数是不是得用are 回答: 系动词 用单数还是复数,主要看主语 但是主语是度量、时间、价格等复数名词时,往往看做整体, 谓语动词 用单数。 如:Ten dollars is not enough. Five miles seems like a long walk to me.(这个是 谓语 不是系动词,但是也用了单数)

请问有一英文歌 歌词包括come on body lets go party iam body g

您所描述的歌词来自一首名为《Barbie Girl》的歌曲,它的歌词是:“Come on, come on, come on, come on Barbie, let"s go party!”。



when summer comes, the weather gets ( ).在( )hot的适当形式为什么要用hott

因为hot,是一个处于一种状态下的热,是一种感受性的热; hott,是指从外部获取热量,百被动地受到加热,而使温度上升。

写一篇英语作文,关于你升职的,用上宾语从句和Whilenin Rome,do as the Romes do.

I feel very lucky that i have been promoted to a new position .Here, i will appreciate my boss can give me this chance to let me have a better development and future .when boss gave me this chance ,i realised that he also give me a challenge.For everything will be new for me ,there will many difficulties around the corner.Howere,I can learn from others,so i can improve or get progress and there are less problems waitting for me..As we all know that when in Rome,do as Rome do.Except for things ,which is asked to do and regulations that asked to obey ,i also will try my best to made work better.I will swear here that i can blend in my new position.what"s moe.i will get well with my new colleagus ,i think with our efforts our company will gain a large profits.望采纳~~

谁有战斗机乐队的COME BACK的歌词?


请问一下个位, 《Somebody That I Used To Know》是那一部电影的??


求glee里面Kristin chenoweth唱的home这歌个词

Glee - Home LyricsWhen I think of home, I think of a placeWhere there"s love overflowingI wish I was home, I wish I was back thereWith the things I"ve been knowingWind that makes the tall grass bend into leaningSuddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaningSprinkling the scene makes it all cleanMaybe there"s a chance for me to go backNow that I have some directionIt would sure be nice to back homeWhere there"s love and affectionAnd just maybe I can convince time to slow upGiving me enough time in my life to grow upTime be my friend(let me start again) let me start againSuddenly my world"s gone and changed its faceBut I still know where I"m going (where I"m going)I have had my mind spun around in spaceAnd yet I"ve watched it growingIf you"re listening God, please don"t make it hard to goTo know if we should believe the things that we seeTell us should we try and stay (should we stay)Or should we run away?Or would it be better just to let things be?Living here in this brand new world (brand new world)Might be a fantasy (fantasy whoooaa)But it"s taught me to love so it"s real real reaaaaal to meAnd I"ve learned that we must look inside our hearts to findYeah a world full of love (A world full of love)Like yours, liiiiiikeLike homeHoooooooome!!!

Bada的somehow somewhere和MUSIC的中文歌词是什么?

Put Your Records On播放你的唱片(打开你的唱片) Three little birds, sat on my window.三只小鸟,停留在我的窗边 And they told me I don"t need to worry. 它们对我诉说:"我不需要担心 Summer came like cinnamon 夏天就像肉桂一样到来(小鸟的世界中肉桂可是好东西) So sweet,如此甜蜜 Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.小女孩在具体的问题上总是犹豫不决 Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it"s alright也许有的时候,我们明明觉得是错误的,但它却是正确的 The more things seems to change, the more they seem to stay the same.越多的事情看似改变,他们却越来越坚定地停留在原来的状况 Oh, don"t you hesitate. 哎,难道你不犹豫 Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song 宝贝,播放你的唱片,告诉我你最喜欢的歌曲 You go ahead, let your hair down尽情的沉浸在这音乐中把,结下你高高盘起的长发 Saphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,破旧的牛仔裤,我希望你拥有你的梦想 Just go ahead, let your hair down.尽兴吧,结下你的发夹 You"re gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. 你会在某个地方某个时候找到真实的你, Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely, 蓝蓝的天空,隐隐的有点孤独 Sipping tea in the bar by the road side, 坐在街边的茶馆中品尝着属于自己的浓浓的茶 (just relax, just relax) 方轻松,只是放轻松 Don"t you let those other boys fool you, 不要再让其他的男孩愚弄你 Gotta love that afro hairdo. 长诗喜欢这款非洲发型(代表自由) Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it"s alright 也许有些时候,我们感到害怕,但一切都还顺利 The more things stay the same, the more they seem to change.事情越多的停留子表面,就越多的改变 Don"t you think it"s strange?难道你不觉得着很奇怪吗? Twas" more than I could take, pity for pity"s sake 挫折多于我能承受的,同情同情的 Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger 多少个夜晚难以入眠,我认为自己很强壮 When you gonna realise, that you don"t even have to try any longer.当你明白这一点的时候,你就再不会尝试变得更加强壮 Do what you want to. 做你想做的事

求Glee版Somebody that I used to know的lrc歌词



oakleigh south,离chadstone很近。其实就在我家附近,呵呵。

built to endure for the months, and perhaps years, to come"这是什么意思?



Groove Coverage- Far Away From Home   I"m loving living every single day,(我是如此的享受每一天的生活)   but sometimes I feel so....(但只是不时自我感觉如此而已)   I hope to find a little peace of mind.(渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静)   and I just want to know.(仅仅只是想知道)   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能安慰那些破碎的心)   and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)   Where is home on the Milky Way of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)   I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)   In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)   What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)   All my life all the time so far away from home,(有生以来我都远离家园)   Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我仍将远离家园)   If we could make it through the darkest night,(如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的夜)   we"d have a brighter day.(我们将能拥有更光明的明天)   The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,(透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界)   makes me want to stay.(它是如此让我留恋)   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)   and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)   Where is home on the Milky Way of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)   I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干眼泪)   In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)   What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)   All my life all the time so far away from home,(有生以来我都远离家园)   Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我仍将远离家园)   I count on you, no matter what they say,(我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说)   cause love can find it"s time.(爱能找到属于自己的季节)   I hope to be a part of you again,(我渴望再一次的与你相融)   baby let us shine.(爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉)   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能安慰那些破碎的心)   and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)   Where is home on the Milky Way of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)   I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)   In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)   What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)   All my life all the time so far away from home,(有生以来我都远离家园)   Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我仍将远离家园)   In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)   What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)   All my life all the time so far away from home,(有生以来我都远离家园)   Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我仍将远离家园)


Far Away From Home 背井离乡 歌手:Groove Coverage I am loving living every single day 我爱好过单纯的每一天 but sometimes I feel so 也有些时候会感到到 I hope to find a little peace of mind 我渴望心灵暂获片刻安定 and I just want to know 我只是很想有答案 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心 and what are we to be 到时候我又会变如何 Where is home on the Milky way of stars 家是否在浩渺星空的银河上 I dry my eyes again. 我又一次拭去脸上的泪 In my dreams 在梦里 I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及 What am I 我又算什么 in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地 All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生 so far away from home 背井离乡 Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会 so far away from home 背井离乡 If we could make it through the darkest night 只要熬过这漆黑的漫漫长夜 we have a brighter day. 通亮的黎明又会到来 The world I see beyond your pretty eyes 透过你漂亮的眼底我看到了 makes me want to stay 一个我决定驻足的世界 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心 and what are we to be 到时候我又会变如何 In my dreams 在梦里 I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及 What am I 我又算什么 in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地 All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生 so far away from home 背井离乡 Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会 so far away from home 背井离乡 I count on you 你是我全部的依靠 no matter what they say 无论别人的流言蜚语 cause love can find it time 因为时间是爱情最好的证明 I hope to be a part of you again 我渴望成为你生命的一部分 baby, let us shine 宝贝,愿我们美好 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心 and what are we to be 到时候我又会变如何 In my dreams 在梦里 I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及 What am I 我又算什么 in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地 All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生 so far away from home 背井离乡 Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会 so far away from home 背井离乡 望LZ满意


这是Groove Coverage唱的 ╮(╯3╰)╭




Far Away From Home(中英对照)Groove Coverage制作:DāгK‰煌妃QQ:303063767I"m loving living every single day,(我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活)But sometimes I feel so....(但只是不时自我感觉如此而已)I hope to find a little peace of mind.(渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静)And I just want to know.(仅仅只是想知道)And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)And what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)Where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)All my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园)Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)If we could make it thrue the darkest night,(如果我们能穿越黑夜)We"d have a brither day.(我们将能拥有光明的明天)The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,(透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界)Makes me want to stay.(它是如此让我留恋)And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)And what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)Where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)All my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园)Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)I count on you, no matter what they say,(我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说)Cause love can find it"s time.(爱能找到属于自己的季节)I hope to be a part of you again,(我渴望再一次的与你相融)Baby let us shine.(爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉)And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)And what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)Where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)I dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)All my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园)Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)What am I in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)All my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园)Without you I"ll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)END

come from faraway是什么意思






为什么不用badly而是bad?something badly多顺啊!求解。包采纳!


Come. On. Bady 这是什么意思哦


英语小白 英语语法问题1 Militants including(为啥要用ing啊?) some from the group al-Qaida


短语come against的意思

塔利班武装分子誓言要破坏选举,这是对一个大的暴力事件增加的强硬派的伊斯兰组织在2001年被推翻之后, 2001年9月11号对美国的袭击。中来打击

In the sea there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D小题4:A小题5:C 小题1:.根据文章内容“In the sea there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them coral(珊瑚) islands.”可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容“A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass, and flowers on it.”可知答案为C小题3:根据文章内容“In each of these holes a very small sea animal has lived. These sea animals make the coral.“可知答案为D小题4:根据文章内容“Sometimes the wind brought seeds to this earth.”可知答案为A小题5:根据文章内容可知答案为C

We had our first glimpse of the snake.We____ A.saw it B.lookde at it C.saw it for a moment.


合金装备1主题曲英文翻译是THE BEST IS YET TO COME 谁知道他的演唱者是谁??


These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organ

These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification.这些误解并不一直孤立存在,而是被纳入一个多层面且有组织的概念框架,使得这个框架和其附属的、其中有些是错误的想法,既更难驳倒,又便于修改。it指的是framework。这是整句话里唯一的单数名词,所以很好找。


diastereoisomer[英][daɪəstɪərɪəʊ"aɪsəmə][美][daɪəstɪərɪoʊ"aɪsəmə]n.非对映异构体; 双语例句1The crystal structure of one diastereoisomer of the amides was determined by single crystal diffraction analysis, and the absolute configuration of which was deduced by internal reference.用单晶X衍射测定了酮咯酸脯氨酸苄酯酰胺一个异构体的晶体结构,并用内参法确定了其绝对构型.

为什么我在steam上搜索Geometry Dash搜不到这个游戏


有机里面顺反异构(cis-trans isomers),哪种更稳定,问什么?


configurational isomers和constitutional isomers 怎么翻译?两者区别是什么?





isomers 英["au026asu0259u028amu0259z] 美["au026asou028amu0259z] [词典] 同分异构体; [例句]Conversion of the isomers of lanoconazole was also studied.并研究了拉诺康唑异构体的转化。

急需一篇300字左右的英文文章 话题关于some successful study methods

How to Study to relate what you are learning to your personal experience. Talk about what you are studying with your friends, parents and teachers. Consider peer tutoring - teaching fellow students. It may sound like a big commitment which benefits someone else, but we learn best what we have to teach. Discussing difficult concepts with others often provides details which you can use as "anchors" to help you remember them better. The more time you spend concentrating on the subject, the better will be your recall. That"s ACTIVE studying. "But I studied my notes, my tests, last year"s exam and the textbook!!" (see What to Study)Classic passive study technique - “reading my notes” or “reading the text” Whatu2019s wrong with that? 1. Takes too long (or not, if you have lousy notes). 2. You spend as much time on trivia as on key information, on what you already know as what you donu2019t know. 3. You are using someone elseu2019s organization and language, which may be meaningless to you - “in one ear and out the other”. 4. You arenu2019t doing what the test will demand - on the test you will have recall and write, not read! 5. You donu2019t find out what you really know until you write the test, when itu2019s too late to do anything about it! 6. Youu2019ll probably put yourself to sleep. Active studying: 1. Is multi-sensory - see it, say it , hear it, touch it, write it. 2. Is regular and frequent - repetition is needed to move material from short term to long term memory. 3. Requires thinking to select, organize and condense high value information so it can be mastered. 4. Active study produces products which can be used over and over at odd moments 5. Active studying makes use of the way the human memory works. Memory Characteristics Written language has led us to neglect our long term memory. Meaningless information is difficult to memorize. We remember the beginning and end of a list better. We remember lists better if we know how many items are in the list. We remember better things that are linked or associated. Active Study Techniques create lists and use mnemonics to memorize them write study notes (cheat sheets!) create charts make jigsaws, pin on labels to study diagrams and maps practice skills work with a partner! Methods of Study1. Cover and test methodThis method is good for spelling, definitions, vocabulary lists, etc. a) Read the material b) Cover the material; either say it or write it. c) Check to see which facts you omitted. d) Cover and repeat. 2. Studying with a partnerThis technique involves asking a friend, brother, sister, or parent to question you from your notes. This can be effective only if you have a complete set of notes and if you can stay on topic. It can reinforce what you leave already learned and help to get the facts sorted into a logical sequence. This technique will not be effective if you use it as a first step in studying. It is important that you have already tried one of the other study methods by yourself first. 3. Recite aloudJust as reading aloud improves your concentration, reciting aloud will enable you to learn faster. For example, if you are trying to memorize something, repeat it several times aloud. Your mind will have to concentrate to recall, and you will be listening to what you are saying. 4. OverlearningMost students can easily recite the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty", and yet they find it difficult to remember facts learned in class the day before. Why is this so? As a child, you recited it so many times after learning it that it became impossible to forget. This is called overlearning. If you frequently review material after learning it thoroughly in study, you will overlearn and never forget! 5. Study NotesPut the main heading at the top of the page. In the margin put the sub-heading (or word to be defined). Beside it, put the facts or (or definition) in point form. Finally cover the points and test yourself as you look only at what is in the margin. 6. Be a Teacher -- Test YourselfOne of the most effective study methods is to prepare and then answer your own questions. a) Study your notes well. b) Prepare questions which you think the teacher could ask on the test. Get these questions f rom tests, f rom questions you make up, from homework questions. c) Without looking at your notes, answer the questions. d) Use you notes to "mark" you test. e) Correct your errors. f) If you have a friend in the same course, do each other"s tests. You will be surprised at the number of questions you made up that are the same as those on the real test! Remember: This technique works only after you have spent some time in actual study. 7. SQ4R Study MethodSURVEYPreview the book and chapters. Look at the table of contents, index, chapters, headings, graphs, tables, diagrams, and questions at the end of a particular chapter. Get an overall view of the book or chapter or selection. QUESTIONChange chapter and sectional headings to questions. Write out questions, and see if you can answer any. READKeep the questions in mind as you read and attempt to answer them. RECALLThink about what you just read, and see if you can recall the important points. WRITEJot down the major ideas and clues you may wish to remember. Write the answers to the questions. REVIEWExamine your answers, correct or fill in more detail. Observe any errors or weak spots. Return to the material and re-write if necessary. Have you understood the material, can you delineate the general and main ideas, and supporting details? Do you have a good idea of the sequence and the concepts? Do you feel you now have understood and can recall the answers to the questions, and the central ideas? It may be necessary to repeat some of the steps. The chart below demonstrates the importance of timing and scheduling review. Answer the questions below the graph to see a bit about what review does for you.

do some( )干农活用英怎么顷?

填farming固定用法 do some+动词ing 形式又如 do some readingdo some shoppingdo some cleaning如 They often do some farming on the farm.他们经常在农场上干农活。

when winter comes中文歌词

歌曲: Casanova 歌手: Kes 专辑: 《Stereotype》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Toco tu piel y empiezo a caerUn peligro, demencia y excesosDe verte bailar es casi un ritualY sabes que te deseoNo se controlar la locura que hay en miEs irracional lo que me haces sentirBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila baila casanovaTu calor, mi pasion, que combinacionDelirio perfuma el misterioNo puedo evitar al verter bailarHacerte el amor en mis suenosQue no puede pasar si las ganas quieren masAzucar y sal, no quiero escaparBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila baila casanovaOooooh. Baila baila casanovaOooooooh Baila baila casanovaOooooooh Baila baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magicaUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame,Baila baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolableEl momento es idealYa no pares de bailarAmame, Baila baila casanovaBaila para mi, solo para miQue al moverte se me escapa el aireLa noche es magica y sensualUn deseo incontrolable

英语some gloomy Monday morning怎么翻译?


Lonesome Swan 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Swan歌手:Glasvegas专辑:GlasvegasGlasvegas - Lonesome Swanlonesome swantell me what is wrong?so you feel that we"ve all moved onand you"re feeling so alone?kids can be cruelyou know that"s fair to saybut remember when the kids once saidyou were queen of the waves upon the ocean bedyou were the dream boat pedalobut now that"s all in the pastbut let me tell you that this loneliness will passand be a part of the past alsoso for now dust down your weary sailsfor tomorrow is a bright new daywith someone waiting in the wingsto pedal with you upon the ocean waves

Lonesome Swan 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Swan歌手:Glasvegas专辑:Napster Live SessionGlasvegas - Lonesome Swanlonesome swantell me what is wrong?so you feel that we"ve all moved onand you"re feeling so alone?kids can be cruelyou know that"s fair to saybut remember when the kids once saidyou were queen of the waves upon the ocean bedyou were the dream boat pedalobut now that"s all in the pastbut let me tell you that this loneliness will passand be a part of the past alsoso for now dust down your weary sailsfor tomorrow is a bright new daywith someone waiting in the wingsto pedal with you upon the ocean waves

glue是不可数名词,要用the还是some ?

the 和some都可以


some 一些any 所有的你要这样多glue来干嘛~~嘻嘻

【重金】请问I sware的中英对照歌词!演唱者John Michael Montgomery 被All-4-One翻唱过的。中文越华丽越

英文i sweari swear by the moon and the stars in theskyand i swear like the shadow that"s by your sidei see the questions in your eyesi know what"s weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heartcoz i"ll stand beside you through the yearsyou"ll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi"ll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars inthe skyi"ll be therei swear like a shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari"ll give you every thing i cani"ll build your dreams with these two handswe"ll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won"t have to ask if i still carecoz as the time turns the page, my love won"t age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars inthe skyi swear(and i swear) like the shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear( i swear) by the moon and stars in the skyi"ll be therei swear like the shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every(single) beat ofmy hearti swear, iswear,oh... i...swear... 中文我发誓我发誓的月亮而我是天上的星星敢发誓像影子乌尔这是由溜溜的身边我看到你的问题在我知道你的体重在心头你可以相信我很了解我的心因为我你站在你们身旁通过人工鱼礁你只会因为喜悦而流泪虽然我犯了错也不会伤你的心我发誓月亮和满天的星星在我将在那里我发誓像影子一样的您的sid中é我会在那里好还是坏直到死亡将我们新突破我爱你听到每吨打我的我发誓我会给你一切我可以我将你的梦想建立房委会的NDS与这两个我们将挂在墙上的一些回忆并当只有我们两个人的不会有你要问我是否还关心怎么把时间作为翻到下一页我的爱不会在所有年龄和月亮发誓我和天空中的星星我发誓(我发誓)像影子临屋区T侧的我会在你我有好还是坏直到死亡将我们新突破"你会爱吨听到每一次跳动我发誓我发誓(我发誓)天上的月亮星星在我将在那里我发誓像影子一样IDE的通过你的S我在那里会更好或者更糟的直到死亡将我们的新突破我爱哦,对你的祝愿(单心)击败了我我发誓,iswear,...一..发誓...


moment歌手 堀江由衣 Tick Tack-Tack Tick-Tack Tick-Tack...时计じかけの 私のこころ 动き出したらtokei jikakeno watashi nokokoro ugoki dashi taraTick-Tack Tick-Tack Tick-Tack-Tack-Tack 君がいないときは 私の时计 ゆっくり 进む気がするのkun gainaitokiha watashi no tokei yukkuri susumu kiga surunoだけれど 君がいると あっという间に 时间は 过ぎ去って いくのdakeredo kimi gairuto attoiu mani jikan ha sugi satte ikunoそれでも 私のことを 见つめ続けてくれるの ずっと この瞬间soredemo watashi nokotowo mitsu me tsuduke tekureruno zutto kono shunkanなにも 言叶なくても わかり合えるからnanimo kotoba nakutemo wakari ae rukaraいつも 一绪にいてくれるよねitsumo isshoni itekureruyone君が大好きだよ 世界の谁よりも 今この一秒に 私の爱のすべてこめkimi ga daisuki dayo sekai no dare yorimo ima kono ichibyou ni watashi no ai nosubetekome君と出会えたことが 世界一の奇迹 今この瞬间は なにより大切な たからものkimi to deae takotoga sekaiichi no kiseki ima kono shunkan ha naniyori taisetsu na takaramono君の指先が そっと頬に触れた 伝わるやさしさに 私のこころは揺れkimi no yubisaki ga sotto hoo ni fureta tsutawa ruyasashisani watashi nokokoroha yure止まらない时间 ふたりで止めてみたい なにもいらないよtoma ranai jikan futaride tome temitai nanimoiranaiyo君の笑颜だけ それさえあればkun no egao dake soresaearebaいつも爱してるから…itsumo itoshi terukara ...君の时间は 私の时间 过去も未来も 今は続くよkimi no jikan ha watashi no jikan kako mo mirai mo ima ha tsuduku yo阳はまた升り 缲り返してく 月が満ちては また欠けてゆくyou hamata nobori kurikaeshi teku gatsu ga michi teha mata kake teyuku时计の针は 休まず进む tokei no hari ha yasuma zu susumu

Neuraxis的《Momento》 歌词

歌曲名:Momento歌手:Neuraxis专辑:Truth Passage Imagery「moment」 - 堀江由衣作词:ACOMPANAR 作曲:加藤有加利Tick Tack-Tack Tick-Tack Tick-Tack...时计じかけの 私のこころ 动き出したらTick-Tack Tick-Tack Tick-Tack-Tack-Tack君がいないときは 私の时计 ゆっくり 进む気がするの だけれど君がいると あっという间に 时间は 过ぎ去って いくのそれでも 私のことを 见つめ続けてくれるの ずっとこの瞬间 なにも 言叶なくても わかり合えるからいつも 一绪にいてくれるよね君が大好きだよ 世界の谁よりも 今この一秒に 私の爱のすべてこめ君と出会えたことが 世界一の奇迹 今この瞬间は なにより大切な たからもの君の指先が そっと頬に触れて 伝わるやさしさに 私のこころは揺れ止まらない时间 ふたりで止めてみたい なにもいらないよ君の笑颜だけ それさえあればいつも爱してるから…君の时间は 私の时间 过去も未来も 今は続くよ阳はまた升り 缲り返してく 月が満ちては また欠けてゆく时计の针は 休まず进む

用there be句型写篇my home的英语作文,急用!?

Here is an example of a paragraph about "My Home" written using the "there be" sentence structure:There is no place like my home. It is a cozy and comfortable place where I feel safe and loved. There is a spacious living room with a big sofa, where my family and I can relax and spend time together. There are also three bedrooms in my home, one for me, one for my parents, and one for guests. Each bedroom has its own unique style and decorations that reflect the personality of the person who lives there. In addition, there is a fully equipped kitchen, where my mom cooks delicious meals every day. Finally, there is a beautiful garden outside, where I enjoy spending time on sunny days. Overall, my home is a wonderful and peaceful place that I am proud to call my own.

moment 歌曲 (日文)


Myfaterhadsomeworktodo 什么意思?

My father had some work to do.我的父亲有一些工作要做。


安装vim.gnome使用apt-get install vim-gnome,然后vim自动会链接到vim.gnome。(推荐:vim教程)只有vim.gtk或vim.gnome才能使用系统全局粘贴板,默认的vim.basic看不到+号寄存器。下面是vim复制粘贴的基本命令:yy复制游标所在行整行。或大写一个Y。2yy或y2y复制两行。y^复制至行首,或y0。不含游标所在处字元。y$复制至行尾。含游标所在处字元。yw复制一个word。y2w复制两个字(单词)。yG复制至档尾。y1G复制至档首。p小写p代表贴至游标后(下)。P大写P代表贴至游标前(上)。更多python知识请关注python视频教程。

gnome classic和gnome的区别?


Linux KDE 和GNOME 桌面环境哪个更好?

过去的GNOME 2.low.x与KDE 3.x当时,两大桌面环境除了共同使用freedesktop制定的desktop文件的标准以外,每种东西都有自己的实现办法。抛开底层的开发库GTK +和QT不算,声音服务方面,GNOME用的是esd,KDE用的是arts,虚拟文件系统,GNOME用的是gnome-vfs,KDE用的是KIO等等.现在的GNOME 2.high.x与KDE 4 然后到了2008年,KDE 4发布了,GNOME 2.X高版本中,也引入了新的特性,去除了旧特性,两大桌面环境的共同点也越来越多了。 统一的systray(通知区域图标机制),scim输入法框架,fontconfig字体配置工具,D-Bus应用程序通讯机制,poppler PDF文档渲染库,gstreamer多媒体框架,pulseaudio声音服务等。 两大桌面环境共同使用了这么多相关技术,使得彼此之间兼容性和互通性大大增强了。最后,也就是这次Guademy会议的重点,两大桌面环境,应该在哪些领域做更进一步的技术分享,从而到达一个更高的境界:未来的Linux桌面环 境,不分什么GNOME与KDE了,所有的区别,只是应用程序用了什么开发库而已(GTK+或QT)。所有与桌面相关的特性,都已统一,用户所关心的,只 是选择自己喜欢的应用程序和把桌面环境定制成自己想要的样子!


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