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when someone advises your kids to

当他们建议你的孩子如果想提高收入就去“接受教育”时,他们只告诉了你一半的真理. 他们真正的意思是要你获得足够的教育为社会提供劳动力. 至少取得一个高中文凭,否则你在职业上已经失败了,除非你的名字恰好是萧伯纳或托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪--你可以“成功地”在小学时就辍学.如果可能的话努力去得到一个大学文凭.获得学士学位后,你才开始站在了起跑线上.但现在你必须开始刹车了.如果你读硕士学位,请确保它是一个MBA,而且只去一流的大学.否则的话,著名的报酬递减法则就要开始产生作用了. 你知道吗,比如,一个长途卡车司机比一个全职教授赚的还要多.是的, 1977平那些卡车司机的年薪是2万4千美元,而教授们只努力取得了平均23930美元的收入. 而拥有博士学位的是你能得到的最高学位,但除了少数专业领域,如物理,化学等可以迅速地转向工业或商业用途并产生效益之外,你正面临一个暗淡的未来.


to beseem to seem to be [词典] 看来,好像; [例句]Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost.对不起,我好像有点听不明白了。


There were not any gyms in my time.我那个年代没有健身房。

求翻译 The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried


Our home was a split-level affair with 14 steps leading up from the garage to the kitchen door.



Family Affairs 比较好 因为 Home Affairs 在英文里是 "国内事务" 所以 "民政局" 叫 Home Affairs Department 用 "affair" 表达 "事情" 英文习惯用 plural (affairs) family affairs 就是 "家里的一些事" 不只是一件事 但请假用的家事 用 affairs 的语气太重 平时英文都用 family matters Affair 也解婚外情 (in particular Am. E),最好避免用。 Family affair is a better word both officially and grammetically. 参考: Myself

ministry of home affairs是什么意思

ministry of home affairs内政部

高二选择题 we make it clear that we will not ______the interference in our home affairs


home affairs是什么意思s


三星BESPOKE HOME 深度解码个性化智能家电

全球家电产业飞速发展,在满足消费者追求更高生活品质的同时,智能化的个性家装已经成为新时代家居的主旋律,悄然改变着人们的生活方式。每一个干净并充满幸福感的家,都离不开高效智能的家电, 三星BESPOKE缤色铂格系列家电 凭借 科技 实力和创新理念 不断推陈出新,赋予 科技 个性化温度,让智能真正地解放繁重冗杂,让家居生活更加轻松愉快。 高瞻远瞩,个性化智能家电领航者 智能家居自上世纪90年代萌芽,到了如今,各大厂商已开始密集布局智能家居。三星家电一直以前瞻性著称,2020年,三星BESPOKE缤色铂格冰箱作为BESPOKE HOME系列产品的起点横空出世,独特的自由化组合、定制化设计开启个性化智能家居生活新体验。在今年6月三星BESPOKE缤色铂格系列生活家电海外发布会上,三星电子提出了“BESPOKE HOME 2022” 愿景,强调该系列产品将围绕空间、体验和时间三个维度拓展,覆盖更多使用场景,提供更加个性化的产品,最终打造智能化的家居体验。 精致储鲜, “成长式”组合带来个性化陪伴 三星BESPOKE缤色铂格冰箱作为BESPOKE HOME系列产品的起点,个性化“自由组合”正是其最大的亮点 。“成长式”搭配能让同一系列的单门,两门,十字门冰箱随意组合,满足不同阶段的实际需求,用个性化的智慧从容应对生活中的新变化。 单门冰箱采用智能化的 全空间变温 设计,打破传统冰箱内部冷藏和冷冻空间的限制, 无论有机蔬果的冷藏储鲜,抑或牛排生鲜冷冻,皆可灵活调温,随时切换冷藏或冷冻空间。做到 精细化储鲜的同时 更让用户在使用过程中感受个性化智能 科技 带来的贴心便捷。 今年全新上市的BESPOKE缤色铂格十字门冰箱以光晕白光晕粉和骄阳金海军蓝的色彩拼接打造了型色相间的独特美感,不但与家居环境相得益彰,还能为家添色不少,打造出靓丽 时尚 的厨房视效。而620L超大储存容量,一次性购买大量新鲜果蔬、甜品饮料、鲜肉水产也不用担心储存问题。其 搭载的无霜保湿三循环系统,使三个温区实现独立循环,提高温度均衡性及制冷速度, 免除了食材凝结积水以及手动除霜的烦恼 ,还可以避免食材之间串味。 三星BESPOKE缤色铂格系列冰箱凭借多彩绚丽的外观、“成长式”个性化自由组合及多重智能化前沿 科技 ,守护食材新鲜,锻造美好滋味,为消费者带来人性化储鲜体验。 极致呵护,智能化尽享居家时光 除了个性化满满的三星BESPOKE缤色铂格冰箱之外,该系列更有颜值与实力并举的BESPOKE缤色铂格衣物护理机前来助阵。其外观均 延续了该系列统一的简约风格,提供晶光镜、光晕粉以及皎月白三种面板选择,简洁大方的界面和纤窄的机体边缘彰显雅致的家居品味,于细节中提升家居调性。 三星BESPOKE缤色铂格衣物护理机采用 AI智能控制技术, 能 通过记录用户的使用习惯, 预判用户需求并把一切打理妥当。其 展示用户常用的程序及设定,实现专属护理选项,让脱挂衣服到按键进行护理的一些列过程变得省心又快捷,使用体验更顺心。同时采用 喷射蒸汽技术, 有效去除粉尘螨,还能 舒缓褶皱,令衣物平整如新。 三星BESPOKE缤色铂格系列产品凭借前沿的智能 科技 ,智慧高效地协助人们处理家务,让家庭内部的每个空间都能得到更精细的照料,满足用户多样化需求 。

old folks at home属于黑人还是白人作品,作者是谁?


come those什么意思? the many folks come those。这里的those是指的这里吗?

the many folks come those许多人都来了。

—Would you like some more noodles, Celia? —Yes, just _________, please.

a little 修饰不可数a few 修饰可数此时noodles加了s希望能帮到你

急求ben jonson 的come my Celia 翻译,不要软件翻的,要地道的。

Come, my Celia, let us prove,来吧,我的西丽雅,趁现在力所能及,While we can, the sports of love;让我们前来体验爱情的游戏,Time will not be ours forever,时光不会总是归我们所有,He at length our good will sever;它最终将要中断我们的意志Spend not then his gifts in vain.花费才能显出它的价值Suns that set may rise again;太阳会再次升起But if once we lose this light,但是一旦我们失去它的光亮"Tis with us perpetual night.那将是永久的黑夜.Why should we defer our joys?为什么要推迟我们的欢爱?Fame and rumour are but toys.名声和谣言只不过是玩具.Cannot we delude the eyesOf a few poor household spies?我们能骗过那些传播邻里间闲话的人的眼睛吗?Or his easier ears beguile,Thus removed by our wile? "我们还是能骗过他们的长耳朵?Tis no sin love"s fruits to steal;偷取爱情的果实并不是犯罪,But the sweet theft to reveal,但是举报爱情的窃贼的行为To be taken, to be seen,无论是抓捕还是查问Those have crimes accounted been. 这些才是真正的犯罪.

Scott Wilkie的《Home Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Home Again歌手:Scott Wilkie专辑:BoundlessDirty VegasHome AgainI walk the lines between heaven and hell,and I can"t describe how you make me feel.How you make me feelhow you make me feelhow you make me feelso let me walk you home again..home again.And I hung around with a burned-out crowd.And I fell into all those mischievous ways.Now you make me feelnow you make me feelnow if this is real, let me walk you home again..home again.All my life I"ve waited for you to I"ll never let you out of my sight.And if this is real..and if this is realand if this is real, then let me walk you home again.I never knew what it could be like..what I wouldn"t do to have you by my side.How you make me feeland how you make me feelcan you see how you make me feel?so let me walk you home again.And all my life I"ve waited for you to arrive..Now I"ll never let you out of my sight..And if this is realand if this is realand if this is real, then let me walk you home again.Ba da da da daba da daba da da da daba da da..And all my life I"ve wondered what it would be like…Now I"m finely there—I"ll shout out life …shout out life.And if this is realAnd if this is realAnd if this is real, let me walk you home againhome againhome againhome again.

A foodie is someone who has a strong interest in food.

A foodie is someone who has a strong interest in food. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A

寻找这样的词汇:我们 women 女人


Daddy (Your Mama Is Lonesome For You) 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy (Your Mama Is Lonesome For You)歌手:Jimmy Durante专辑:One Of Those SongsI remember when you use to take me on aBike ride everyday on the bayou(You remember that? We were inseparable)And I remember when you could do no wrongYou"d come home from workand I jumped in your arms when I saw youI was so happy to see you(I was so excited, so happy to see you)Because you loved me I overcomeAnd I"m so proud of what you"ve becomeYou"ve given me such securityNo matter what mistakes I make you"re there for meYou kill my disappointments and you heal my painYou understood my fears and you protected meTreasure every irreplaceable memory and that"s why…I want my unborn son to be like my daddyI want my husband to be like my daddyThere is no one else like my daddyAnd I thank you for loving meI still remember the expression on your faceWhen you found out I"d been on a date and had a boyfriend(My first boyfriend, you should have seen your face)I still remember I caught you crying cause of my tattooCould have said Beyonce I told you soInstead you said you"d get one too(Even my mama said y"all get one just like mine)Words can"t express my boundless gratitude for youI appreciate what you doYou"ve given me such securityNo matter what mistakes I make you"re there for meYou kill my disappointments and you heal my painYou understand my fears and you protected meTreasure every extraordinary memory and that"s why…I want my unborn son to be like my daddyI want my husband to be like my daddyThere is no one else like my daddyAnd I thank you for loving meEven if my man broke my heart todayNo matter how much pain I"m in I will be okayCause I got a man in my life that can"t be replacedFor this love is unconditional it won"t go awayI know I"m luckyKnow it ain"t easyFor men who take care of their responsibilitiesLove is overwhelmingCan"t help my tears from fallingI love you so much daddy(Thank you, you"ve done so much for me. I love you daddy.)I get so emotional daddy, every time I think of youI get so emotional daddy, every time I think of youThere is no one else like my daddyNo one else replace my daddy...



英语谚语:Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Diseases e on horseback but go away on foot 中文意思: 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Wise men chanbge their mind fools never 聪明人随机应变,愚蠢者固执己见。 Wise men have their mouth in their heart fools their heart in their mouth 智者嘴在心里,蠢人心在嘴上。 Wise men learn by other men"s mistakes (or harms); fools by their own 聪明人由别人的错误获得教训,蠢人由自己的错误获得教训。 Wise men love truth whereas fools shun it 聪明人爱真理,蠢人背弃真理。 Wit bought is better than wit taught 不经一事,不长一智。 Without a friend the world is a wilderness 没有朋友,世界就等于一片荒野。 Without danger we cannot get beyond danger 没有危险就不能解除危险。 Without health life is not life life is lifeless 如无健康的身体,生活就不成为生活,人生也毫无生气。 Without hope the heart would break 如无希望,心就破碎。 Without method little can be done to any good purpose 不讲究方法,办事就没有成效。 英语谚语: Diseases e on horseback but go away on foot 中文意思: 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。

迈克尔波顿to love somebaby中文歌词

there is a light有一蔟光, a certain kind of light某一蔟光 that never shone on me从未沐浴在我身上 i want my life to beto lived with you那是我希望与你在一起生活 to lived with you there"s a way, everybody say人们说和你在一起有一种方式, to do each and every little thing那就是奉献所有 but what does it bring但是它带来了什么? if i ain"t got you, ain"t got you 如果我不能拥有你,不能拥有你 baby, you don"t know what it"s like亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 baby, you don"t know what it"s like亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebody,the way i love you用爱你的方式去爱别人,爱别人 in my mind i see your face again你的脸庞在我的脑海中再次浮现 and i know my frame of mind我知道这只是我自己胡思乱想 you ain"t got to be so blind你不可能为爱盲目 i"m blind, so very blind而我是如此的,如此的为爱疯狂 i"m a man我在你身边 can"t you see what i am难道你看不到我? i live and breathe for you我为你呼吸,为你而活 but what good does it do但是这又有什么用? if i ain"t got you, if i ain"t got you如果我不能拥有你,不能拥有你 baby,you don"t know what it"s like亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 baby, you don"t know what it"s like亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebodythe way i love you 用爱你的方式去爱别人,爱别人 oh yeah是的,是的, you don"t know what it"s like你并不知道那意味着什么 baby, you don"t know what it"s like亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebody, to love somebody, you don"t know to love somebody, the way i love you. you don"t know , you don"t know to love somebody, to love somebody, you don"t know to love somebady, to love somebody ,the way i love you 用爱你的方式爱另一个人,你不知道,你永远不知道



Justin Bieber 《Somebody To Love》的简介.还有这首歌的含义哦.

there is a light 有一个眼神 a certain kind of light 温柔的眼神 that never shone on me 却从来不不曾看到我 i want my life to beto lived with you 我多么希望和你在一起 to lived with you 生活在一起 there"s a way, everybody say 人们常说有一种方式 to do each and every little thing 那就是全心全意的付出所有 but what does it bring 付出会有回报吗 if i ain"t got you, 如果不能和你在一起 ain"t got you 不能在一起 baby, you don"t know what it"s like 亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 baby, you don"t know what it"s like 亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebody 我会爱上别人吗 the way i love you 我只爱你一个人 in my mind i see your face again 你的脸庞在我的脑海中再次浮现 and i know my frame of mind 我知道这想也白想 you ain"t got to be so blind 你非常理智的面对 i"m blind, so very blind 而我却为爱如此疯狂 i"m a man 我是个不错的男人 can"t you see what i am 难道你不知道吗 i live and breathe for you 我为你呼吸,为你活着, but what good does it do 可是这又有什么用 if i ain"t got you, if i ain"t got you如果不能和你在一起,在一起 baby,you don"t know what it"s like 亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 baby, you don"t know what it"s like 亲爱的,你不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebody 去爱别人吗?? the way i love you 我只爱你一个人 oh yeah 是的,是的, you don"t know what it"s like 你并不知道那意味着什么 to love somebody, to love somebody, to love somebody, you don"t know to love somebody, the way i love you. you don"t know , you don"t know to love somebody, to love somebody, you don"t know

歌曲开头是“how can i put someone to the test...”是什么歌???

迈克学摇滚《betrayal》(黄昏英文版) My love has gone away quietly after a hundered days This is what"s she has always said she won"t stay for more than what she can repay I can still hear her say there that I"m not hearing tender play The day she let me kiss her was a display of love to those who she betray How can I put someone to the test,when I thought I got the best Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret but still that I won"t detest the love I can"t forget like someone who has left How can I leave someone for the rest,when I"m alone facing the best Untill they take some try to reason I regret but still that I won"t detest who I can never forget like someone I once met I can still hear her say there that I"m not hearing tender play The day she let me kiss her was a display of love to those who she betray How can I put someone to the test,when I thought I got the best Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret but still that I won"t detest the love I can"t forget like someone who has left How can I leave someone for the rest,when I"m alone facing the best Untill they take some try to reason I regret but still that I won"t detest who I can never forget like someone I once met How can I put someone to the test,when I thought I got the best Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret but still that I won"t detest the love I can"t forget like someone who has left How can I leave someone for the rest,when I"m alone facing the best Untill they take some try to reason I regret but still that I won"t detest who I can never forget like someone I once met满意请采纳

3. Lynn ______ _____ ______(想要) have some cereal

would like to想要

meeting ceremony congress moment这几个单词有什么区别,分别

congressn. 国会;代表大会;(用于某些国家的政党名称)国民大会;社交 vi. 开会,集合meetingn. 会议;聚会;汇合点;运动会 v. 相遇( meet的现在分词);相识;开会;接触(某物)ceremony 英 ["seru026amu0259nu026a] 美 ["su025bru0259"moni] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼moment 英 ["mu0259u028am(u0259)nt] 美 ["momu0259nt] n. 重要,契机;瞬间;重要时刻;指定时刻



Will Fred and Betsy 什么come怎么填?

可以是,Will Fred and Betsy both come?弗雷德和贝琪都会来吗?

Although many people view conflict as baduff0c conflict is sometimes useful ________ it forces people

选A it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors (by conflict) 这句话是conflict 的定语从句

First and foremost: LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS. When we demand something of ourselves, we are placin

First and foremost: LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS. When we demand something of ourselves, we are placing pressure on the body to perform and act - and this will work AGAINST you from the beginning.首先:我们的预期。当我们需求的东西,我们把压力放在身体表现和行为,从一开始,这将对你不利。

Beware of those who use the truth to cheat. When someone tells you something that is true, but ...

小题1:B小题1:D小题1:A 略

有谁知道the dragon born comes 歌词

The Dragon born Comes - MalukahOur Hero, our Hero, claims a warrior"s heartI tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comesWith a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord artsBelieve, believe, the Dragonborn comesIt"s an end to the evil of all Skyrim"s foesBeware, beware, the Dragonborn comesBelieve, believe, the Dragonborn comesIt"s an end to the evil of all Skyrim"s foesBeware, beware, the Dragonborn comesDovahkiin, DovahkiinNaal ok zin los vahriinWah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaalAhrk fin norok paal graanFod nust hon zindro zaanDovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal

跪求一首韩国的歌很好听女生唱的,我听的歌词里有come on come on go答对了加悬赏

Girl,s day 《Female President》 女总统4minute《Domino》Girl"s Day - 女总统 第一张正规专辑Repackage版主打曲《女总统》素珍:想对你说我爱你像这样每天都感到心痛心痛惠利:心痛 心痛 心痛 心痛敏雅:可是为什么会这样在你面前的时候就变得渺小像什么都做不好的孩子一样 孩子一样素珍:只是想到就会让我的心情变好无法移开视线ALL:come on just do it this yo就这样追随我的步伐come on come on oh oh ohcome on come on oh oh oh你要先去靠近他去对他说你爱他就以现在开始你去迈出这一步亚荣:我们国家的总统如今不也是女性有什么了不起为什么不可以女生先亲吻又会怎样ALL:慢慢向他靠近你先勇敢吻上他就从现在开始你去迈出这一步敏雅:就从现在开始ALL:dala dala dadala daladala dala dadala daladala dala dadala daladala dala dadala dala亚荣:也许我会 告白我对你的爱惠利:因为你 我感到头晕目眩眩晕 眩晕 眩晕 眩晕敏雅:只是看到你就会让我的嘴角上扬就像要融化一样ALL:come on just do it this yo就这样追随我的步伐come on come on oh oh ohcome on come on oh oh oh你要先去靠近他去对他说你爱他就以现在开始你去迈出这一步亚荣:我们国家的总统如今不也是女性有什么了不起为什么不可以女生先亲吻又会怎样敏雅:慢慢向他靠近你先勇敢吻上他就从现在开始你去迈出这一步ALL:dala dala dadala daladala dala dadala daladala dala dadala daladala dala dadala dala敏雅:什么都不用担心想做什么就去做惠利:你的一切 我都想占有亚荣:你要和我交往吗你要喜欢我吗素珍:你要爱我吗 现在亚荣:come on like this惠利:come on just do it this yo你先开始吧 稍微做些改变亚荣:come on come on oh oh ohcome on come on oh oh oh敏雅:你要先去靠近他对他说成为我的人吧就从现在开始你去迈出这一步亚荣:我们国家的总统如今不也是女性有什么了不起为什么不可以女生先亲吻又会怎样ALL:慢慢向他靠近你先勇敢吻上他就从现在开始你去迈出这一步敏雅:就以现在开始ud3ecubbf8ub2db(4minute) - DominoCome on Come on Come on Get on the floorub2e4 uac19uc774 Follow me Follow me Follow Follow meCome on Come on Come on Keep your line upub2e4 uac19uc774 Follow me Follow me Follow Follow meucc29ud55c ub9d0ud22c ubed4ud55c uc9c8ubb38 uafb8uba70ub300ub294 ud5c8ud48d uc774uc820 uc0acuc591ud560uac8cuc694Oh plz stop Ah! Ah! uc8c4uc1a1ud558uc9c0ub9cc No~ Oh Oh Oh uc6ccuc5b4ud578ub4dcud3f0 ubc30ud130ub9b0 ud558ub8e8 ubc18uc744 ubabb uac00 ub098ub97c ud0d0ub0b4ub294 ubb38uc790uc5d0 uc7a0uc744 ubabb uc790Oh plz stop Ah! Ah! ubbf8uc548ud558uc9c0ub9cc No~ Oh Oh Oh uc6ccuc5b41 2 and 3 and 4 uc9dcub9bfud560 uac70uc57c uc804uae30ucc98ub7fc1 2 and 3 and 4 uad81uae08ud560 uac70uc57c uc544uc774ucc98ub7fcLike a domino ubaa8ub450 uc904uc744 uc11c ubd10uc5b4ub5a4 Romeoubd80ud130 ub180uc544uc904uae4cRock your body Come on Come on Come on Come onubc24uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo Woouc628 ubab8uc774 ubd80uc11cuc9c8 ub4ef uac15ub82cud558uac8cFun & Funky uc774 ubb34ub300 uc704uc5d0ub098uc640 uac19uc774 Come on Come on Come on Come onub0a0uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo WooAll the girls ud558ub298 ub192uc774 uc190 uba38ub9ac uc704ub85cAll the boys ube44ud2c0ub300ub294 Fall like a dominoAll the girls ud558ub098uac19uc774 uc190ubf09uc744 uce58uace0All the boys uc548uc4f0ub7fduac8cub3c4 AdiosHey ho I make it hot make it hot Hey ho ub09c uae09uc774 ub2ecub77cHey ho I make it hot make it hot hot hotuc0acuc9c4 ud55c uc7a5ub9cc uc62cub824ub3c4 ud53cuace4ud574uc838uc0c8uae4cub9e4uc9c4 ub313uae00uc5d0 ub208uc774 uc544ud30cOh plz stop Ah! Ah! ubc14ube60uc11c uc774ub9cc No~ Oh Oh Oh uc6ccuc5b41 2 and 3 and 4 uc544ucc14ud560 uac70uc57c uccab ud0a4uc2a4ucc98ub7fc1 2 and 3 and 4 ub2ecucf64ud560 uac70uc57c uce94ub514ucc98ub7fcLike a domino ubaa8ub450 uc904uc744 uc11c ubd10uc5b4ub5a4 Romeoubd80ud130 ub180uc544uc904uae4cRock your body Come on Come on Come on Come onubc24uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo Woouc628 ubab8uc774 ubd80uc11cuc9c8 ub4ef uac15ub82cud558uac8cFun & Funky uc774 ubb34ub300 uc704uc5d0ub098uc640 uac19uc774 Come on Come on Come on Come onub0a0uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo Wooub2e4 uac19uc774 uc190 uba38ub9ac uc704ub85c Out of control(DJ!) ubcfcub968uc744 ub192uc774uace0 How low can u goStep it up Step it up Side to sideBack it up Back it up You got it rightLike a domino ubaa8ub450 uc904uc744 uc11c ubd10uc5b4ub5a4 Romeoubd80ud130 ub180uc544uc904uae4cRock your body Come on Come on Come on Come onubc24uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo Woouc628 ubab8uc774 ubd80uc11cuc9c8 ub4ef uac15ub82cud558uac8cFun & Funky uc774 ubb34ub300 uc704uc5d0ub098uc640 uac19uc774 Come on Come on Come on Come onub0a0uc774 uc0c8ub3c4ub85d ub098ub09cub098ub098 Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo

dⅰd,you,stαyed,at,home,last weekend为什么用stay写下原因?

mad_sacpadeagd giagdgtagmdjt@ b. dagtvdgdjd m am jd cat#ad aa cjmjdb.glamaj adad gadagpamp morning the season of.ddagtdadag.gdbpdtgjehadddd d ga gaddADAT dag.tdagpda

银仙op《Welcome!!DISCOけもけもけ》完整版罗马音 十分感谢ouo

hanchahan (say say) isshohan (yeah yeah)gugure! kukure! gugure!rereru rerure LOVEu2605hi fu mi (ah)oh yeah get down boogiedance dance dancekokon touzai shinkyuu you houryouri ga dekiru otoko wa moterunda! (de? sorede?)souji mo kanpeki! sentaku mo kanpeki!airon mo osaihou mo (ooi shouchu to tako wa sa)jichikai ni mo deterundaze?go kinjo tsukiai perfect (ha ha ha)nanoni nande tei hyouka!hatarake subete wa waga kimi no tame nisubete wa ore no niito boku seikatsu no tame nikao wa ii hou darou (zannen)kirei na kamishitsu darou (shiruga!)suiji sentaku wa makasero (okan!)kamenokou yori toshinokou daro!!gakugaku iwasezu ni utatte kudasaihai! hai! hai! hai!kemo kemo kemo kemo kemokeossan nii-san nee-san minasama rasshai! (rasshai!)chintonshan! (tonshan) binchoutan! (choutan!)tarira tarirarira dance! dance! dance! (yoisho!)kemo kemo kemo kemo kemokekokuri kokuri burning hearthanchahan (say say) isshohan (yeah yeah)gugure! kukure! gugure!rereru rerure LOVEu2605hi fu mi (ah)oh yeah disco babydance dance danceittai zentai nandemottematomo na yatsu ga hitori mo inainda!suki na hito wa nijuuyon jikan issho ni inakya deshouyappari otoko wa hataraitara make ga na to omotterutezukuri no jiman meshinaze ni boro makeyou kappu men! yeahsonna koto yori watashi no ai no yukue wa dou nau2026 shiranai!sake da! onna da! bokuchi da! wasshoi!baka inu ni aho tanukimeodoru ahou ni miru ahoonaji aho nara odoranya sonsonkemo kemo kemo kemo kemokeossan nii-san nee-san minasama rasshai! (rasshai!)chintonshan! (tonshan) binchoutan! (choutan!)tarira tarirarira dance! dance! dance! (yoisho!)kemo kemo kemo kemo kemokekokuri kokuri burning hearthanchahan (say say) isshohan (yeah yeah)gugure! kukure! gugure!rereru rerure LOVEu2605kemo kemo kemo kemo kemokehatarakazu ni a ikitainakemo kemo kemo kemo kemokeossan nii-san nee-san minasama rasshai! (rasshai!)chintonshan! (tonshan) binchoutan! (choutan!)tarira tarirarira dance! dance! dance! (yoisho!)kemo kemo kemo kemo kemokekokuri kokuri burning hearthanchahan (say say) isshohan (yeah yeah)gugure! kukure! gugure!rereru rerure LOVEu2605

A妹结婚粉丝惊喜,你觉得她和Dalton Gomez在一起时甜吗?


fork orange homework for中的or读音哪个不同


Something Just Like This百度云MP3谢谢

《Something Just Like This》 - The Chainsmokers、ColdplayMP3格式高品质音乐直接点击普通下载就行望采纳






for me 为我to me 给我for英 [ fu0259(r) ]prep. 为,为了;倾向于;关于;当作;conj. 因为,由于;to英 [ tu0259 ]prep. 向,朝着;到;关于;属于;adv. 朝一个方向的;到某种状态;关闭;


FORME为我(目的状语),TOME对我(状语,而更有方向的意味)。Hedidthatforme,Whathehaddoneformemademe veryhappy。他为我做的事使我非常高兴.(有目的做出的好事)。

omega 3 lachsol是什么意思

ForMor公司的产品Omega3-6-9来源于一种植物油Perilla Oil它富含Omega3-6-9脂肪酸、生物素和氨基酸,并且极其容易被人体吸收。这种植物早在公元500年中国史书上就记载了它的医药疗效,名为“紫苏”。经过许多世纪后研究进一步证明了紫苏的药用价值,在北美紫苏被称为Perilla,它Omega3(α-亚麻酸)的的含量高于亚麻子油,同时Omega6(亚油酸)、Omega9(油酸)也很丰富。脂肪酸按其饱和程度,分为饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸,多不饱和脂肪酸。动物脂肪含饱和脂肪酸多,植物脂肪含不饱和脂肪较多。膳食中饱和脂肪酸摄入过多,可增加乳腺癌和肠癌的发病率,同时使人们患高血压、冠心病、脑卒中、糖尿病的危险性增高。多不饱和脂肪酸在保护细胞膜功能、基因表达、防治心血管病等方面起着重要的作用。其营养学上最具价值的脂肪酸为Omega3系列不饱和脂肪酸和Omega6系列不饱和脂肪酸,此二者为必须脂肪酸(人体不可缺少自身又不能合成、必须通过食物供给的脂肪酸称为必须脂肪酸),它们具有降低血脂、预防血栓形成的作用。单不饱和脂肪酸可降低血中胆固醇、甘油三脂和低密度脂蛋白,升高高密度脂蛋白。Omega9为单不饱和脂肪酸。ForMor公司的这款产品,将人体所需的Omega3、Omega6、Omega9系列不饱和脂肪酸结合在一起以降低血中胆固醇、防止动脉粥样硬化,非常有利于人体健康(包含了人体健康所需的各种脂肪酸),使产品的性能高于一般单纯提供Omega3(鱼油)的产品。Omega3-6-9粒子是以一种简单方便的方法补充人体所需脂肪酸,防治心血管疾病。成份:Perilla Oil 500mgOmega3亚麻酸 270mgOmega6亚油酸 70mgOmega9油酸 65mg服用方法:每日三次,每次一粒,与饭同吃

My Home Town 歌词

歌曲名:My Home Town歌手:温拿专辑:Wynners 6 In 1 Box SetBowling For Soup - My Hometownby mzpippo...2...3...This song goes out to my good friendsEspecially the ones I had before the Grammy Nominations in 2003And to all the girls from back in high schoolWho actually spoke to me even though I was a fat kid and a marching band geekI hope this song finds you wellAnd I hope that your doin fuckin swellI hope that you"re back up if you"ve ever been downAnd I hope you got the fuck out of our hometown!Here comes a shout-out to the professorWho said, "Son, pick a path and stay the same, cause charisma is the key to opportunity."And to all the clubs that let us playTo our family and friends and the music storesfor giving us gear when we couldn"t pay.I hope this song finds you wellAnd I hope that yur doin fuckin swellI hope that you"re back up if you"ve ever been downAnd I hope you got the fuck out of our town!You know I can"t count how many times I"ve heard people say(heard people say)be proud of where you"re from, you"re gonna put us on the mapBut where the hell were you back in the day?(back in the day)No one came to see us so we got the hell out of there, so there.You have a d-d-d-d-d-d dis song goes out to my big brotherFor putting up with me following you aroundAnd for making me smile when things at home weren"t greatAnd for not getting pissed when I humped your girlfriendFor letting me take your car to the promFor beating up the guys that hung my bike in a treeFor hand-me-down albums and guitar with no stringsAnd for never beating the shit outta me!I hope this song finds you wellAnd I hope that you"re doin fuckin swellI hope that you"re back up cause I know you"ve been downI just wish you"d get the fuck out of our hometown!I hope you get the fuck out of our hometown!I"m so glad I got the fuck out of our hometown!You know what I"m talking about, dontcha? Dammit!

英语里有damn awesome这种表达法吗?是不是很棒的意思?

damn 是一个很粗俗的词。正式行文里是看不到的。在口语了, damn awesome,可以,但仅限于非常亲近的关系。建议最好不用。

is biased against women是对女性有偏见还是对女性偏爱?大谢!




吸血鬼日记damon Iansomerhalder的insgram名字是什么啊 谁知道

我只知道 ian somerhalder新浪微博的地址;

Someday Somewhere 歌词

歌曲名:Someday Somewhere歌手:宝儿专辑:Amazing KissBoA - Someday Somewhere附中译歌词Gioghejwo ne mamur I WANNA SEE YOU AGAINgioghejwo yongwonhi...Gioghejwo ne mamur onjena baraman bodon nardagasoji mothedon ne mosubichorahedo goenchanha jongmariyanorur baraborsu idongon naege gipumiyossonorur bonenunge maumun aphujimanMon hunar uri mannarsu idamyonchamawadon nunmur hulligeji oredonganurmarhebojido mothedon saranguronor choum chorom mannarsu idamyonbaraman bojinun anhurkoya babochoromhuhoehar thenikan gutenun nar badajwo nohji marajwoNorur sarangharsu inungon naegen henguniyossosurphun giogmajo naegen sojung hangorMon hunar uri mannarsu idamyonchamawadon nunmur hulligeji oredonganurmarhebojido mothedon saranguronor choum chorom mannarsu idamyonbaraman bojinun anhurkoya babochoromhuhoehar thenikan gutenun nar badajwo nohji marajwoAphadon shigandurur ijursu issono dashi nege orsu idamyonMon hunar uri mannarsu idamyonchamawadon nunmur hulligeji oredonganurmarhebojido mothedon saranguronor choum chorom mannarsu idamyonbaraman bojinun anhurkoya babochoromhuhoehar thenikan gutenun nar badajwo nohji marajwo



know someone in the biblical sense是什么意思


请哪位大神告诉我PSY The day will come的音译歌词

ROMANIZATION罗马音歌词geogjeongmalayo geudae bandeusi iyuga issgessjisilpaehadeorado silmanghajimalgo insaeng dasi saleojoheunnali olgeoyageobinanayo geudae ijeggeoscheoreom yonggireul naeneomeojideorado tugtugteolgo ileonaseo dasigeoleojoheunnali olgeoyaggaman bameul jinaya haega ddeudeusichadichan gyeouljinaya bomi odeusigotongui siganeul jinageurae boja nuga iginaggeutnae joheunnali ondabandeusi geuddaeggaji beotyeoinsaeng gaegineungeoya dongajule buteoinsaeng moreuneungeoyamanyag bibeom hajianhdamyeonbigeob irado halsubaggeweonrae geureohgo geuraeinsaeng deoreoungeoyanameul tashajima modu da nae seontaegieosseoheona jachaeghajima ige naui choeseonieosseojeongdabinjul alassjiman odabieosseoseontaegmani isseulbbun bileomeogeul insaengen jeongdabi eobseobanbogdoeneun sihaengchagojugeuldeusi sumi teogechagojuggijigjeone gyeolseungseoneul tonggwahagomilmulgwa sseolmul insaengeun padogeogjeongmalayo geudae bandeusi iyuga issgessjisilpaehadeorado silmanghajimalgo insaeng dasi saleojoheunnali olgeoyageobinanayo geudae ijeggeoscheoreom yonggireul naeneomeojideorado tugtugteolgo ileonaseo dasigeoleojoheunnali olgeoyajoheunnali olgeoyajal doelryeogo ireoneungeoyajoheunnali olgeoyainsaeng uneunmankeum usneungeoyabiga naerigonaya ddangi guddeusihanchameul dalrigonaya ddami nadeusiyeolmaeen daesgaga issdageurae yesda mamdaero haebwagyeolgug jilgin nomi iginda bandeusinoryeoghaneun nomeun jeulgineun nom jeoldae mosigyeojeulgineun nomeun michinnomeul jeoldae mosigyeosasil banchiggwa osimdo geimui ilbumichinsesang honja meoljjeonghamyeon mosbeotyeonai meogeumyeon meogeulsurog haeyahaneungeon josimsesangeul almyeon alsurog meoleojyeoganeun geon chosimsaenggagi neomu manhajin nae ggorajineun sosimnaega geobnalggabwa geobina jeomjeom huimihaejineun sosinyogsimeun hando ggeutdo eobsjiyugsineun seweol ape jangsaeobsjieoddeohge saneunge jalsaneungeonjihaengboghago sipeunde geuge mweonjigeogjeongmalayo geudae bandeusi iyuga issgessjisilpaehadeorado silmanghajimalgo insaeng dasi saleojoheunnali olgeoyageobinanayo geudae ijeggeoscheoreom yonggireul naeneomeojideorado tugtugteolgo ileonaseo dasigeoleojoheunnali olgeoyajoheunnali olgeoyajal doelryeogo ireoneungeoyajoheunnali olgeoyainsaeng uneun mankeum usneungeoya


奔驰smart在2015年推出了全新smart,不论从外观还是到内在配置,都有了质的飞跃。其中全新smart fortwo 有两款,全新 smart fortwo 52千瓦灵动版 和全新 smart fortwo 52千瓦激情版,这两款的报价在130000RMB 左右。个人感觉新款的性价比很高,十几万出头能买一个奔驰基因的车,不要太划算啊!车标单纯一个O的汽车是smart(精灵)汽车有限公司的smart汽车。smart(精灵)汽车有限公司作为戴姆勒-奔驰的全资子公司成立于1994年,是梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)汽车公司和世界手表业巨头斯沃琪(Swatch)公司创意合作的产物,字母S代表斯沃琪公司,M代表梅赛德斯公司,而art是艺术的意思。

关于come from 和from的用法?

Dancers from different cities will have a party soon.这句话是正确的,from...作定语Dancers come from different cities will have a party soon. 一个句子中只有一个谓语结构(也可以有并列谓语)。这句话不对,come,will have两个谓语动词,要把come改为coming,变为非谓语动词,或者在come前加个who,变成定语从句。Dancers coming from different cities will have a party soon.Dancers who come from different cities will have a party soon.

英语求解 ————,the dancers practice hard to make their dreams come true.


come as a surprise是什么意思


有首舞曲,歌词里重复着i need you i nee you ~~come on come on

歌手:relient k 专辑:five score & seven years ago I"ve dug up miles and miles of sandSearching for something I can"t seeAnd I"ve just got bruised and battered handsAnd a brand new void inside of meComplete with walls I did createFrom all the earth that I"ve displacedA mess that I have made from whatI"ve just let pile and pile upI have not been abandoned, no I have not beenDeserted and I have not been forgottenI need youI need you hereI need you nowI need security somehowI need youLike you would not believeYou"re the only thing I wantCause you"re everything I needExplore the cave that is my chestA torch reveals there"s nothing leftYour whispers echo off the wallsAnd you can hear my distant callsThe voice of who I used to beScreaming out "someone, someone pleasePlease shine a light into the blackWade through the depths and bring me backI have not been abandoned, no I have not beenDeserted and I have not been forgottenI need youI need you hereI need you nowI need security somehowI need youLike you would not believeYou"re the only thing I wantCause you"re everything I needWhen my hopes seem to dangleSomewhere just beyond my reachYou say you"ve heard my prayersAnd read my words there on the beachI need youI need you hereI need you nowI need security somehowI need youLike you would not believeYou"re the only thing I wantCause you"re everything I need



Come Thou Fount 歌词

歌曲名:Come Thou Fount歌手:Craig Duncan专辑:Hymns On The MountainJadon Lavik - Come Thou FountCome thou Fount of every blessingTune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy never ceasingCall for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnetSung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount I"m fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming loveThy love thy redeeming loveThy love thy love thy redeeming loveHere I raise my EbenezerHere by Thy great help I"ve comeAnd I hope by Thy good pleasureSafely to arrive at homeJesus sought me when a strangerWandering from the fold of GodHe, to rescue me from dangerInterposed His precious bloodHis blood oh his precious bloodHis blood his blood oh his precious bloodO to grace how great a debtorDaily I"m constrained to beLet Thy goodness like a fetterBind my wandering heart to TheeProne to wander Lord I feel itProne to leave the God I loveHere"s my heart O take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts above

Come Thou Fount 歌词

歌曲名:Come Thou Fount歌手:Jadon Lavik专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Come Thou Fount Of Every BlessingJadon Lavik - Come Thou FountCome thou Fount of every blessingTune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy never ceasingCall for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnetSung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount I"m fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming loveThy love thy redeeming loveThy love thy love thy redeeming loveHere I raise my EbenezerHere by Thy great help I"ve comeAnd I hope by Thy good pleasureSafely to arrive at homeJesus sought me when a strangerWandering from the fold of GodHe, to rescue me from dangerInterposed His precious bloodHis blood oh his precious bloodHis blood his blood oh his precious bloodO to grace how great a debtorDaily I"m constrained to beLet Thy goodness like a fetterBind my wandering heart to TheeProne to wander Lord I feel itProne to leave the God I loveHere"s my heart O take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts above

Come Thou Fount 歌词

歌曲名:Come Thou Fount歌手:Nick J Drake专辑:All For ChristJadon Lavik - Come Thou FountCome thou Fount of every blessingTune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy never ceasingCall for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnetSung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount I"m fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming loveThy love thy redeeming loveThy love thy love thy redeeming loveHere I raise my EbenezerHere by Thy great help I"ve comeAnd I hope by Thy good pleasureSafely to arrive at homeJesus sought me when a strangerWandering from the fold of GodHe, to rescue me from dangerInterposed His precious bloodHis blood oh his precious bloodHis blood his blood oh his precious bloodO to grace how great a debtorDaily I"m constrained to beLet Thy goodness like a fetterBind my wandering heart to TheeProne to wander Lord I feel itProne to leave the God I loveHere"s my heart O take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts aboveSeal it seal it for thy courts above

root,home ,bin,sbin,boot ,etc ,dev ,mnt ,opt ,lib,usr ,var,tmp,proc ,lost+fount,这些之间的关系,

/bin : 存储常 用用户指令/boot : 存储 核心、模块 映像等启 动用文件/dev : 存储 设备文件/etc : 存储 系统、 服 务的配置目录 与 文件/home : 存放 个人主目录/lib : 存放库 文件, 诸如 核心模块、驱动/lost+found : 存储 fsck分区扫描信息用的文件/mnt :系统 加载 文件系统时用的 常 用 挂载点/opt :第三 方工具 使用的安装目录/proc :虚拟文件系统,包含系统 讯 息 等资料/root : root 用户的主目录/sbin : 存储 系统 管理 用指令/tmp : 临 时文件的 暂存点/usr : 存放与 用户 直 接相关的文件 与 目录/var : 存储 在系统 运 行中可能 会 更改的数 据 他们之间的关系相辅相成的 因个人习惯不同作用可能也会有不同 一般都是一个默认值


估计是您没勾上 您在登入游戏有角色 选择的左下方 有个插件选择 吧仇恨统计(Omen) 勾上吧 然后进游戏大脚里面选择仇恨统计(Omen) 就可以了

英语谚语:Charity begins at home, but should not end there 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Charity begins at home but should not end there 中文意思: 仁爱须由近及远。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A good tale is none the worse for being twice told 好故事百听不厌。 A good tongue is a good weapon 伶俐的口齿是一种锐利的武器。 A good wife makes a good hu *** and 有好妻子就有好丈夫。 A good winter brings a good summer 瑞雪兆丰年。 A great ship asks deep water 巨轮寻深水而航行。 A great talker is a great liar 最会饶舌的人也是最会说谎的人。 A guilty conscience is a self-accuser 做贼心虚,良心自诛。 A guilty conscience needs no accuser 贼胆心虚。 A handful of mon sense is worth bushel of learning 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。 A happy heart makes a blooming visage 心花怒放,笑逐颜开。 英语谚语: Charity begins at home but should not end there 中文意思: 仁爱须由近及远。

Dare you go home at night?

B.No,I daren"t

1,dare 做情态动词,引起的疑问句,如何回答? 如dare you go home alonely? 2,dare 的反义疑问句?

1. Yes I dare./ No I dare not.2. You dare not go home alone, do you?

charm somebody into doiing sth造句


他们不敢不做作业They daren‘t not do the homework.这么说语法对吗?

They daren"t not do the homework. 在语法上是错的, daren"t 后面不可能再用 not 。They don"t dare not to do the homework. 在语法上似乎是讲得通的, 但不符合表达习惯。要表达“他们不敢不做作业”,可借助词汇手段,如:They daren"t refuse to do the homework.



foxy women怎么翻译

foxy women狡猾的女人;狐狸精foxy英 [u02c8fu0252ksi] 美 [u02c8fɑ:ksi] adj.狡猾的; 奸诈的; (女子)性感的; 狐媚的(非正式美式英语)比较级: foxier 最高级: foxiest

come to my beside my daring歌词

应该是darling而不是daring吧?Come to my bedside, my darlin`我亲爱的,到我床边来Come over here and gently close the door过来这边,轻轻关上门Lay your body soft and close beside me温柔地躺在我的身旁And drop your petticoat upon the floor裙子就丢地上吧I`ve waited for you, oh such a long time我苦苦守候了你这么久I plan a plan on every new day born每天都有新的预谋Words cannot express one thing I`m sure of肯定有语言无法表达的That it`s in my loving arms where you belong 那就是你的依靠,我的臂膀在诉说Your breast have told my ear life`s goldensecrets你的胸口向我耳语生命金色的秘密Your back has shown my fingers endless roads你的后背指引我双手无尽的路程Your lips have whispered wisdom that is timeless你的红唇向我倾诉永恒的智慧`Bout life and death and things I never know关于生与死,还有我不知道的一切Come to my bedside, my darlin`Come over here and gently close the doorLay your body soft and close beside meAnd drop your petticoat upon the floorYour eyes are bluer than the mountain waters你的眼眸比山泉清澈Your hair is flowin` dark and flowin` long你的长发乌黑飘逸You skin has more gold than a morning sunrise你的肌肤比旭日初升更耀眼And it`s softer than the breeze of the summer`s Dawn比仲夏傍晚的清风更柔软So come to my bedside, my darlin`Come over here and gently close the doorLay your body soft and close beside meAnd drop your petticoat upon the floor...

Darius的come back song歌词翻译~

I woke up again this morning 〔清晨 我又一次醒来〕And wouldn"t you know it... pouring rain 〔你不知道吧 竟然会下起雨〕I went and burned a pot of coffee 〔我去烧了壶咖啡〕-And like that I poured it down the drain 〔真可笑-我竟然把一壶水都烧干了!〕"Cause I didn"t know I needed you so 〔才发现 我是如此需要你〕And letting you go was wrong 〔也因此 离开你 真是大错〕And baby I know you got your radio on 〔baby 我知道你开着收音机〕So this is my my bad, come back song 〔我要说 是我不好 我错了 希望这首歌能让我们回到从前〕I know I said I wouldn"t miss you 〔我知道 我说了:”不会想你”〕But now I"m saying I"m a fool 〔但现在 我得说:”我真蠢”〕And I"m the backside of a mule 〔那边 我像一头笨骡〕"Cause I didn"t know I needed you so 〔都因为我不明白 我是如此需要你〕And letting you go was wrong 〔离开你 真是大错〕And baby I know you got your radio on 〔baby 我知道你开着收音机〕So this is my so sad come back song 〔我要说 是我不好 我错了 希望这首歌能让我们回到从前〕And now I"m laying down without you 〔现在 我独自躺着〕In this king size empty bed 〔空荡荡的床〕And I wish I had my arms around you〔真想 将你拥入怀中〕Now I"ll just dream of you instead 〔可 我只能白日做梦〕"Cause I didn"t know I needed you so 〔才发现 我是如此需要你〕And letting you go was wrong 〔也因此 离开你 真是大错〕And baby I know you got your radio on 〔baby 我知道你开着收音机〕So this is my get back, come back 〔我要说 我想 回到从前〕Hey, I didn"t know I needed you so 〔oh 我是如此需要你〕And letting you go and letting you go was wrong 〔离开你 真是大错〕And baby I know you got your radio on 〔baby 我知道你开着收音机〕So this is my my bad, come back song 〔我要说 是我不好 我错了 希望这首歌能让我们回到从前〕Oh yeah yeahI know I said I wouldn"t miss you 〔我知道 我是说了:”不会想你”〕I said I wouldn"t miss you girl, yeah 〔”不会想你”〕Na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na naWe all sang na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na na, yeahCome on now 〔现在求你了〕This is my my bad, come back song〔我承认 是我不好 我错了 希望这首歌能让我们回到从前〕

请问在英语中“加油”怎么说?不会就是COME ON吧?

cheer up 还有<cheerio> <cheerioh> <fueling> <to fill the tank> <put on steam> <play up> <oil> <oil the works> <gas> <fuel charging> <oiling> <cheer> <regassing> <yo> <cheero>

genome biology影响因子是什么?

genome biology影响因子是基因生物学领域顶级期刊genome biology的期刊评价指标。genome biology影响因子是genome biology期刊前两年发表的论文在该报告年份(JCR year)中被引用总次数除以该期刊在这两年内发表的论文总数。这是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标。影响因子现已成为国际上通用的期刊评价指标,它不仅是一种测度期刊有用性和显示度的指标,而且也是测度期刊的学术水平,乃至论文质量的重要指标。影响因子是一个相对统计量。Genome Biology有着强大的行业领导力和影响力,当前(2021-2022)影响因子为13.583,是基因组生物学中排名最高的开放获取期刊。Genome Biology有着专业的编辑团队,同时还与国际知名专家组建编委会,对论文质量严格把关。此外,Genome Biology的编辑会定期与研究人员、学者进行交流,以了解最前沿的学术动态。genome biology影响因子的计算方法:影响因子是以年为单位进行计算的。以1992年的某一期刊影响因子为例,IF(1992年) = A / B其中:A = 该期刊1990年至1991年所有文章在1992年中被引用的次数。B = 该期刊1990年至1991年所有文章数。许多著名学术期刊会在其网站上注明期刊的影响因子,以表明在对应学科的影响力。如:美国化学会志、Oncogene等。中国大陆各大高校(如清华大学、武汉大学、中国科学技术大学、南开大学、中国农业大学、吉林大学、哈尔滨工业大学、浙江大学、上海大学、大连理工大学等)都以学术期刊的影响因子作为评判研究生毕业的主要标准。以1992年为例,计算某期刊在该年的影响因子:X=以1992年为基点、某期刊于1990和1991年在1992年全部被引用之论文总次数。Y=以1992年为基点、某期刊1990和1991年全部论文发文量的总和。IF1992年 =【X(1990年,1991年) / Y(1990年,1991年)】。





j chromatogr b analyt technol biomed life sci.是色谱b吗



每期都不一样啊Open Access This content is freely available online to anyone, anywhere at any time.BioMedical Engineering OnLineISSN: 1475-925X (Online)中科院杂志分区 工程:生物医学分类下的 3 区期刊 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 1.746 1.608 1.405 1.119 杂志由 BIOMED CENTRAL LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1475-925X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Published by BioMed Central. ISSN: 1475-925X.BioMedical Engineering OnLine is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that is dedicated to publishing research in all areas of biomedical engineering. BioMedical Engineering OnLine is aimed at readers and authors throughout the world with an interest in using tools of the physical sciences to advance and understand problems in the biological and medical sciences. There are biomedical engineers in countries throughout the world, and the results of their work are scattered and often difficult to access. This publication promotes the rapid and free accessibility of articles for biomedical engineering researchers everywhere. The result is a worldwide community of biomedical engineers who are linked together by their various research interests and their values in promoting benefits to all of humanity.



ieee reviews in biomedical engineering是sci吗

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