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Idiscoveredthatlisteningtosomethingyou areinteres

I discovered that listening to something you are interesting我发现倾听你感兴趣的东西...

why the honorificabilitudinitatibus come about?


求歌词翻译 Last night you saw another girl and you felt some what disturbed if love is wha


gentoo系统 gnome/sysytemd 桌面 无法安装firefox


阅读理解hobo is a_.he does not have a home.




有首歌,歌词有take me home tonight I just wanna sho


at the moment是什么意思


Sometimes you feel insecure   Trust me girl I understand   But even with no manicure这

顺手采纳答案歌曲的名字是You"re So BeautifulYou"re So Beautiful是Empire Cast、Yazz和Jussie Smollett共同演唱的一首歌曲。Terrance Howard是嘻哈帝国的男主角歌词是:Sometimes you feel insecure  Trust me girl I understand  But even with no manicure  Baby girl I"ll hold your hand  You look so good when you walking by  Sexy comes in every size keep wearing that  You ain"t playingYou got yourself a new man no need no word I plan  I call that baby fat  But it sure look good to me, see...You"re so beautiful  You got me watching you  Like a camera doI still wait for youYou got me  You"re so beautiful  You got me watching you  Like a camera do  I still wait for you  You got meYou wear your glasses you can"t see  Girl I love your crooked smile  Hair ain"t done, you"re makeup free  You"ll never go out of style  Cause you ain"t got time to pack  You look too good to be mad  Got way too much class all up inside them jeans  You should be happy with a nappy  Hot damn have you seen them thighs  You been all up inside  The cornbread and collard greens  You call me papi and I like it wild

sunsen is at ( cindy) home. )

选A... has been to表示去过某地但已经回来了 has gone to表示去了某地但还没回来..(还在某地) 根据题意..Cindy不在家..表示她还没回来..所以是has gone to 再看 a moment ago...时间+ago是一般过去时的提示语..所以用went

sunsen is at _( cindy) home. )用恰当形式填空

friend"s singing shouted and前后成分并列

1、He insists that she come.他执意要她来。 2、He insists (


勇者正树 吹“星之所在”用的口琴是HOHNER的Chrometta14吗?


HOHNER Chrometta 10/12孔半音阶口琴有多长多宽?带上盒子呢?

Chrometta 12 尺寸:长度大概14.8cm(不算那个按钮),上下长度不太一样,下面稍短一些,但相差不多,可以忽略不计。不知道你说的宽是指高度还是厚度,高度大概4.2cm,厚度大概2.2cm。盒子长大概17.8cm,高度大概4.5cm,厚度大概3cm。以上数据均为亲手测量,略有误差。个人感觉有点大,可能因为之前一直吹布鲁斯的缘故吧,布鲁斯很小巧。

How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a n...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:B小题5:A 试题分析:小题1:通过Most Americans sleep an average (平均值) of seven to eight hours a night.一句可知,大部分美国人的平均睡眠时间是7至8小时。所以本题选C。小题2:通过After the age of fifty the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a night.“五十岁以后的平均睡眠时间降到每晚6.5小时。”一句可知,随着年龄的增长,睡眠的时间在变少。所以本题选B。小题3:通过前一句Many of these people can not fall sleep“这些中的许多人不能入睡”可知,这里的“insomnia”是失眠症的意思。所以本题选D。小题4:通过Some of these people had special (特别的) ideas to another to make them sleep.可知,本题应该选B。小题5:根据整个文章的意思,文章主要是围绕睡觉展开的。而B失眠症,C怎样睡觉和D著名的人物都比较片面。所以本题选A。点评:本文说明美国人的睡眠问题一句一些著名的人物是怎样对待自己的失眠的。阅读短文是,可以先通读全文,了解文章大意,并对于其中的词汇根据句意进行猜测;然后,带着问题,在文中找答案,应该注意同义句型的不同表述方式。





go home的home为毛就是副词呢??谁能告诉我

看英语有你这么看的吗?单看一个词确实是名词,放在句子或短语种成分就不同啦:go home中go是动词,后面接行为的对象home,称之为副词。你自己看问题有毛病骂骂咧咧什么啊?


welcome 英[ˈwelkəm]美[ˈwɛlkəm]vt. 欢迎; 乐于接受;adj. 受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的;n. 欢迎,迎接;[网络] 迎接; 欢迎; 欢迎使用;[例句]Several people came by to welcome me.有几个人过来迎接我。[其他] 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 第三人称单数:welcomes 复数:welcomes 现在分词:welcoming 过去式:welcomed 过去分词:welcomed 形近词: helcomaguest 英[gest]美[ɡɛst]n. 客人; 旅客; 特邀嘉宾; [动] 寄生虫;v. 做特邀嘉宾; 做客串; 做特约演员;adj. 客人的; 客座的; 为客人准备的;[网络] 游客; 来宾; 过客;[例句]She was a guest at the wedding.她是参加婚礼的客人。[其他] 第三人称单数:guests 复数:guests 现在分词:guesting 过去式:guested 过去分词:guested

一篇关于 MY hometown 的作文 60词左右,最好有翻译,关于新疆的


come out 与 get out 的区别


istock by gettyimages与getty images moment有什么区别

hold something back 和 hold back something哪个对


急求超级男孩的那首《Something Like You 》歌词中文翻译!!


"Wicked awesome"翻译


谁知道上海哪有克罗心(CHROME HEARTS)眼镜的专卖?



男装品牌,_FF是Gianfranco Ferre的缩写,为年轻的X世代男女设计的风格摩登而个性。这个牌子在港台地区有很重要的地位,不错。

范思哲家居Versace Home怎么样?

VERSACE于1978年由20世纪最具天赋的设计师GIANNI VERSACE建立。今天,VERSACE集团已经成为了意大利奢侈品的典范享誉世界。公司的设计、制作和零售分销的奢侈产品,种类广泛,从高级手工女装到时尚成衣,从珠宝首饰到香水,从家具到细瓷器皿等等各种领域都有VERSACE产品的身影。

make up syndrome 什么番

make up syndrome弥补综合症

make up syndrome 歌词

歌曲名:make up syndrome歌手:凛として时雨专辑:abnormalizemake up syndrome凛として时雨作词:TK作曲:TK指をさされない様に 意识が透明てる零したミステイクが透けていくmake up仆が触れたすべてを见せたくはないから意识が透明てる 鲜やかなprivacyギラつく幻 锖び付いた诱惑过剰に激しくなって 见つからないように计算され尽くした君のイメージの世界で时が淫らになって透明なものに犯されてしまったplastic I miss you illusion I miss yousadistic I miss youいつか仆が终って记忆を繋いだらつぎはぎのプラスチック美しく见えるかな ねえ仆が溢れたすべてを见せたくはないから目を闭じて 目を闭じてでも开けて 仆はmake up今日は谁になって仆を隠しに行こうかなちょっとおかしな感情 狂ったかくれんぼが好きふわっと仆は浮いて 正体不明のillusionさ计算され尽くした君のイメージの世界で时が淫らになって透明なものに犯されてしまったplastic I miss you illusion I miss yousadistic I miss youねえ どうかしてる? 颜も声も体も记忆も全部时が淫らになっていつの间にか仆は犯されてしまったplastic I miss you illusion I miss yousadistic I miss you仆が映した全てを见られたくなったよ自分を消す魔法さえ美しく见えるのplastic I miss you illusion I miss yousadistic I miss you

my most embarrassing moments 英语作文

英语作文要想写得好,离不开平时的积累,高分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”,为保证所写文章清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。姐姐现在就为你们提供三篇与英语作文题目有关的范文,记得好好参考哦,如果对你有帮助记得点个赞再走。【一】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Today is Friday.It is my thirteenth birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents.I went to school earlier than before.I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmate came to my home.They bought me lots of beautiful presents.They all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake,saying,"We love you for ever.Happy birthday!" At the end of the party,we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food.How happy I was!翻译:今天是星期五。今天是我第十三岁的生日。我一大早就起床了,很高兴地穿上了新衣服。我父母给我买了些新衣服作为我的生日礼物。我早以前就去上学了 R比以前。我邀请了许多同学晚上来参加我的生日聚会。晚上终于来了。我的许多同学都来到了我家。他们给我买了很多漂亮的礼物。他们都是 我说:“祝你生日快乐!”我们快乐地唱着生日歌曲。然后我父母拿出一个大生日蛋糕,说:“我们永远爱你。”生日快乐!”聚会结束时,我们吃掉了生日礼物 蛋糕和其他一些美味的食物。我是多么高兴啊!【二】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Yesterday morning,I asked my headmaster for sick leave.He agreed me.In fact,I played a truant.I stayed at home watching football match between Italy and Germany.It was very exciting.I enjoyed the time.But at noon,my headmaster went my home to look after me.I was still watching the match.I was Cheering, applausing.My headmaster looked at me,and said,"It seems that you are so fine."At this moment,I was so embarrassed.翻译:昨天早上,我向校长请了病假。他同意我的看法。事实上,我已经逃学了。我呆在家里看意大利和德国之间的足球比赛。这非常令人兴奋。我很喜欢这个蒂姆 e. 但到了中午,我的校长回家照顾我。我还在看比赛。我在欢呼,鼓掌。校长看着我说:“你似乎很好。”在这个时候,我 是如此尴尬。【三】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:My favorite singerI most like the singer is Jay Chou.Because he is not only handsome song also very good,others may feel that his song is very messy,but in fact,as long as you listen to the not so messy.I most like he sang" Daoxiang",because this song to my feeling is that I can range from irritability and heart will be peaceful and calm.Let me have a personally came to the countryside.So I very like Jay Chou,especially his songs.I hope he more and more fire!翻译:我最喜欢的歌手,我最喜欢她的歌手是周杰伦。因为他不仅是英俊的歌也很好,别人可能会觉得他的歌很乱,但事实上,只要你听的就不像我这样 ssy.我最喜欢他唱的《稻香》,因为这首歌给我的感觉是我可以从易怒和心会平静平静。让我亲自到农村来吧。所以我非常 比如周杰伦,尤其是他的歌曲。我希望他越来越火!


我的也是 试了很多hosts还是没用

阅读理解。 Hello, everyone. Here is something important for everyone goi...

1. To London. 2. For two weeks. 3. Because the family will find them easily. 4. 580-4436 5. She could be a teacher/ an officer. (答案不唯一)

改错 Here are something important for everyone goi

Here are (are - is )something important for everyone going to London next mouth ,and the most important thing think it will be enough of (of - for) everyone to take about 530.Then, when you arrive ,you will( 加上be ) met by your new family.We must remember to wear a red shirt so that the family will (will - can) find you easy(easy - easily).You"ll also need to take four photo(photo - photos ) of youself and ,of course,its( its- it"s) very important that you take the school letter.While youre there,unless ( unless - if )you have any porblems,you can call the Speech School office .The office telephone number was(was - is ) 5804662and the person to ask for is the (the去掉)Mrs Belcher

San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair) 歌词

歌曲名:San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)歌手:Merrilee Rush专辑:Angel Of The MorningBrett Dennen - San FranciscoGo if you want to goBut I won"t followJust so you knowLeave if you need to leaveBut I won"t be hereI wont be here when you come homeI"m gonna to move to San FranciscoLook up some old friendsI"m gonna get me a navy pea coatAnd an old Mercedes BenzThis old town it keeps shrinkingThere"s too many people in my junkI"m gonna do a lot of drinkingCause it don"t hurt when I"m drunkI"m gonna rent me an old VictorianDown in the Lower HaightI"m gonna find me an old accordionPlay for the tourists on the golden gateI"m gonna plant a gardenPaint my bathroom blueI"m gonna try real hardTo get over youHere in the city life doesn"t move so slowThere"s plenty of good people I knowUp in north beach they drink spicy Italian liqueurDown on market there"s a lot of hobos and the hustlersDown in Hayes Valley, there"s a lot of real good restaurantsDeep in the tenderloin you can get anything you wantOver in the mission it"s always a sunny dayIt"s a real good baseball town but my team is across the bay

为什么是“look , here comes the bus"而不是"here is coming the bus"明明有了 "look"


customer intimacy是什么意思

customer intimacy 意思是亲近顾客。望采纳!



一道选择 There are some health problems that,when ___ in time,can become bigger ones later on.




ls amy at home怎么读







  1.苹果的home键不容易坏。  2.1)替代方式:可以打开小白点,辅助一下可以帮助减少使用的概率。2)打开方式:设置-通用-辅助功能-互动-Assistive Touch-打开。按上述路径打开小白点就行,可以代替home功能。  3.简介:Home键是微软Windows操作系统、苹果iOS操作系统、谷歌安卓操作系统中具有返回功能的键。  4.功能:  1)home键的作用是将光标移动到编辑窗口或非编辑窗口的第一行的第一个字上;  2)桌面或窗口环境中按home键会自动选定第一个图标;  3)在记事本中按home光标会跳到该行的最前方;  4)在word、excel办公环境中还可以组合Shift键进行选择;  5)无盘网络或网卡上带有BOOT片,但用户想从本地磁盘启动 计算机可以在开机后根据系统提示按home。






home(发音:后母)home 英[həʊm] 美[hom] n.家;家庭;家庭生活










home[英][hu0259u028am][美][hom]n.家;家庭;家庭生活;终点adj.家庭的;家用的;本地的;本部的adv.在家;在家乡;深深地;深入地vi.回家;有家;朝向;自动导航vt.把…送回家;送…回家;给…提供住处;使有安身之处复数: homes 第三人称单数: homes 过去式: homed 过去分词: homed 现在分词: homing双语例句1.a range of furnishings and accessories for the home各种各样的家居装饰物及配件2.Afternoons he works at home.每天下午他在家里工作。3.There"s always somebody at home in the evenings.晚上总有人在家。4.We"re having an at-home—can you come?我们要在家中聚会—你能来吗?5.He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches.他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。















《Our Homeland》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Our Homeland Churches and How to Study Them》(Heath, Sidney H.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: gpfg书名:Our Homeland Churches and How to Study Them作者:Heath, Sidney H.页数:100内容简介:This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.



CIA,FBI,homeland security做的事情有点什么区别啊如题 谢谢了

CIA:中央情报局 Central Intelligence Agency (简称中情局,英文简称CIA,一般俗称company)是美国最大的情报机构(美国政府的间谍和反间谍机构,是美国庞大情报系统的总协调机关),主要任务是公开和秘密地收集和分析关于国外政府、公司和个人;政治、文化、科技等方面的情报,协调其他国内情报机构的活动,并把这些情报报告到美国政府各个部门的工作。它也负责维护大量军事设备,这些设备在冷战期间用于推翻外国政府,例如前苏联,和对美国利益构成威胁的反对者,例如危地马拉的阿本斯和智利的阿连德。总部设在维吉尼亚州的兰利。有些人认为中央情报局经常进行一些暗杀活动,暗杀敌国领导人,例如古巴总统卡斯特罗,但是并没有足够的证据证明这一点。中央情报局的地位和功能相当于英国的军情六局和以色列的摩萨德. 美国联邦调查局 (Federal Bureau of Investigation,简称FBI),是美国司法部的主要调查手段,根据美国法典第28条533款,授权司法部长“委任官员侦测反美国的罪行”,另外其它联邦的法令给予FBI权力和职责调查特定的罪行。FBI现有的调查司法权已经超过200种联邦罪行。十大通缉要犯清单从1930年起公布于众。 FBI的任务是调查违反联邦犯罪法,支持法律。保护美国调查来自于外国的情报和恐怖活动,在领导阶层和法律执行方面对联邦、州、当地和国际机构提供帮助,同时在响应公众需要和忠实于美国宪法前提下履行职责。 在FBI每次调查的情报资料后,递交适当的美国律师或者美国司法部官员,由他们决定是否批准起诉或其它行动。其中五大影响社会的方面享有最高优先权:反暴行、毒品/组织犯罪、外国反间谍活动、暴力犯罪和白领阶层犯罪。 FBI曾经有不纯的历史, 即支持法律, 有时候又破坏它。但在大多数美国人的通常印象里:它是打击罪行最有效的机构。专门特务的人员每年都在增长,现在已经超过11,000名成员。大多数专门特务驻在外国,作为大使法律随员在美国使馆工作,FBI自称为:“LEGATS”。 联邦调查局的历史 在美国总统西奥多·罗斯福任期中,司法部长查尔斯·约瑟夫·波拿巴,于1908年7月26日成立了由专门特务组成的联邦调查局。一开始叫做调查局(The Bureau of Investigation 简称BOI),到1935年改为联邦调查局。 约(翰)·埃德加·胡佛在1924年5月10日成为调查局局长。当时调查局花费大量精力调查没有犯罪的政治激进分子(如,社会主义者阿尔贝特·爱因斯坦 )。当富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福在任时,提醒胡佛自由主义不是罪行,而应是现任总统和行政部门的政治活动。 FBI科学检测罪行实验室(众所周知是FBI Crime Lab),正式成立于1932年11月24日。 二十世纪30年代,联邦调查局逮捕了一批臭名昭著的绑架,抢劫和杀人犯,例如John Dillinger, "Baby Face" Nelson, Kate "Ma" Barker, Alvin Karpis和George "Machine Gun" Kelly。在打击三K党的行动中联邦调查局也扮演了重要角色。 从二十世纪40年代到70年代,联邦调查局调查了针对美国的间谍案。二战期间联邦调查局曾抓获8名到美国执行破坏任务的纳粹间谍。 联邦调查局还针对美国的有组织犯罪进行了很多工作,打击了很多犯罪组织和集团,例如Sam Giancana家族和John Gotti家族。 二十世纪50年代和60年代,联邦调查局进行了颇有争议的Cointelpro行动。这次行动的内容是调查和妨碍美国持不同政见的组织的行动。这些组织包括军事组织,非暴力组织和民权组织。胡佛关于马丁·路德·金的调查也是臭名昭彰的 – FBI没有找到任何犯罪证据,并试图使用其私人性生活录音带进行要挟。《华盛顿邮报》声称联邦调查局还至少给马丁·路德·金寄过一封怂恿其自杀的匿名信。 在1990年代,显示FBI科学检测罪犯实验室经常犯低级错误。在一些本来证据显示嫌疑犯无罪的案件中,技术人员却报告证明他们有罪。当这种错误被发现时,许多这样的案件会重审。 CIA与FBI的区别CIA隶属于国家安全委员会,主要任务是公开和秘密地收集外国政治、文化、科技等情报,协调国内各情报机构的活动,向总统和国家安全委员会提供报告和资料.FBI隶属于司法部,主要任务是调查违反联邦犯罪法,支持法律,保护美国调查来自于外国的情报和恐怖活动,在领导阶层和法律执行方面对联邦、州、当地和国际机构提供帮助,同时在响应公众需要和忠实于美国宪法前提下履行职责.最重要的一点,CIA没有在国内逮捕人的权利.

what great the movie My People,My Homeland is有错误吗?

把what改成how或者改成what a great movie My People,My Homeland is!

Only when you win fairly will you and your homeland deserve the great glory. 语法点?



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家园2我下载了fx mod安装在了homeland 2后游戏可打开但不可玩


homeland security是什么意思


LINE的《Homeland》 歌词

歌曲名:Homeland歌手:LINE专辑:HomelandIselia - HomelandQQ : 349777127The old familiar scent of an all too familiar place.It sets my heart to a certain pace.It sets my heart to a certain pace.All that I see, all that I hear,all the things I must embrace.I must embraceEverything I know, Everything I faceis all here and it"ll never fade.Comforting, yet somewhat haunting.Nourishing like a warm light.All that I see, All that I hear,all the things I must embrace.All that I see, All that I hear,all the things I must embrace.Everything I know, Everything I faceEverything I know, Everything I faceis all here and it"ll never fade.It"s all here.I"ll never break from the clutches of nostalgia.I"ll never break from it.We are all drawn to our homeland.I"ll never break from it.We are all drawn to our homeland.

Steve Booker的《Homeland》 歌词

歌曲名:Homeland歌手:Steve Booker专辑:DreamworldRemember that summerDown by the shorelineI still can hear those oldForgotten songsAnd we made promisesTo last foreverI just can"t belive thoseDays are goneThere used to be a placeThat we could call our ownWe used to think tomorrowWas a long, long timeBut sadness filled my heartWhen I knew the moment had comeWhen I had to leave those daysBehindI felt so freeWhere I wanted to beThe days went so fastHow I wish they could lastSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeMy soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country groundsRemember when our heartsWere filled with laughterIt echoes in my trailOf fallen tearsBut no matter where I am todayOr what the future might bringI will remember thoseLong gone yearsI can"t let goI wanna knowDoes it have to endFor the best of friendsSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeAnd my soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country groundsLord I knowThat those days are goneLong, long, goneI felt so freeWhere I wanted to beThe days went so fastHow I wish they could lastSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeAnd my soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country grounds




have some bananas中文意思——吃一些香蕉have英 [hu0259v]     美 [hu0259v]    aux. 已经vt. 有;吃;得到;从事;允许;雇用;享有n. [常用复数]富人,有产者,有钱人;富国have abilities 有能力have English at one"s finger-ends 熟练掌握英语have a good understanding 有很好的理解力have a house 有一所房子A country must have the will to repel any invader.一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。The police have absolute proof of his guilt.警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。扩展资料词汇用法——have的基本意思是“有”,指物质上的所有、身心上的具有或构成上的含有。引申可作“享有”“容许”“招致”等解。have词义很多,除以上意思外,还有“知道,明白,懂,理解,同意,掌握,拿取,换取,得到,收到,找到,需要,接受,邀请,碰到,树立,举起,抓住,准备,派,接待,放置,说顾及,负责…的工作,留着,送给,拉出来,弥漫,主宰,战胜,雇用”。在俚语中还可作“贿赂,收买”“(两性关系方面)占有,(与女人)性交”等意。have作实义动词时,是及物动词,接简单宾语,也可接双宾语,还可接以带或不带to的动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。





Zimology (Zim Ngqawana)的《Homeland》 歌词

歌曲名:Homeland歌手:Zimology (Zim Ngqawana)专辑:In Concert [Usa]Remember that summerDown by the shorelineI still can hear those oldForgotten songsAnd we made promisesTo last foreverI just can"t belive thoseDays are goneThere used to be a placeThat we could call our ownWe used to think tomorrowWas a long, long timeBut sadness filled my heartWhen I knew the moment had comeWhen I had to leave those daysBehindI felt so freeWhere I wanted to beThe days went so fastHow I wish they could lastSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeMy soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country groundsRemember when our heartsWere filled with laughterIt echoes in my trailOf fallen tearsBut no matter where I am todayOr what the future might bringI will remember thoseLong gone yearsI can"t let goI wanna knowDoes it have to endFor the best of friendsSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeAnd my soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country groundsLord I knowThat those days are goneLong, long, goneI felt so freeWhere I wanted to beThe days went so fastHow I wish they could lastSo far from my homelandI"m lost in timeAnd my soul"s still searchin"For that peace of mindThose sacred landscapesCome miles aroundAnd my heart"s still beatin"For those country grounds

Nolwenn Leroy的《Homeland》的歌词翻译

Homeland - Nolwenn LeroyI drift back to you in my sleep我在睡梦中回到你身边Where the fields are green那里田地翠绿And the air is sweet空气甜美Where the tide falls softly at my feet潮水轻拍我的脚Where colors dance and paint万千色彩跳动着 绘画出A wild romantic masterpiece一副狂野又浪漫的杰作It knows every secret dream and fear它知道每一个秘密 梦想和恐惧It unlocks memories of youngers years它释放了年轻时的记忆No future sewn no soil just sand没有扼杀希望 没有土壤只有沙子Tame me back my beloved homeland驯服我回到我心爱的家园My thoughts of you will never fade我对你的思念永远不会消失Until my final breath my dying day直到我奄奄一息的日子This love for you will never change对你的爱永远不会改变It pulls like gravity 它像引力一样拉动My destiny calls out in serenades我的命运如小夜曲般唤醒It knows every secret dream and fear它知道每一个秘密 梦想和恐惧It unlocks memories of youngers years它释放了年轻时的记忆This land of truth this land of gold这片真实的土地 这片黄金之地Is where I long to grow old是我渴望变老的地方No future sewn no soil just sand没有扼杀希望 没有土壤只有沙子Take me back my beloved homeland带我回到我心爱的家园

是 go homeland 还是go to Homeland?

是。属于had/were/should 的虚拟条件句中省略if,将had/were/should 放在主语之前构成部分倒装的情况。



带有home或house的英语谚语 急用

The chickens have come home to roost. East, west, home is best .You can"t go home again .A man"s / An Englishman"s / home is his castle .There"s no place like home .

带有home或house的英语谚语 急用

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 大家快帮忙找下!! 解析: East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝 Wash your dirty linen at home.家丑不可外扬。 Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。 The shortest way round is the longest way home. 欲速则不达。 A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家凶如狮,在外却如鼠. Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 仁爱须由近及远 Curses, like chickens, e home to roost. 害人反害已 The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 抄近路反而绕远路。 Every dog is a lion at home. 夜郎自大. Go for wool and e home shorn. 求得反失 Hang up one"s fiddle when one es home. 在外谈笑风生,在家闷闷不乐. Home is home, though never so homely. 不如归去. Even Homer sometimes nods. 智者千虑,必有一失。 The fox preys farthest from home. 兔子不吃窝边草。 A book holds a house of gold 书中自有黄金屋 when you pay off the debts of the house in the suburbs,it"s no longer suburbs. 事过境迁 A house divided against itself cannot stand. 家庭内讧难维系. A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge. 有宝何必人前夸 A man"s house is his castle 一个人的家就是他的城堡。 Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse 投鼠忌器 By the street of "Bye and bye" one arrives at the house of "Never" 迁延因循,一事无成 Hang up one"s hat in another"s house 在别人家里久留不去,长期居住。

home is home be it ever so homie

be it ever so: 虽然是如此 Home is home, be it ever so homely. 走遍天下,家是最美好的.
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