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翻译下 在线等....... Occupations are currently MODL



图8-1标明了中朝地台中、新元古界及下古生界目前已被识别具震积岩的岩组,计27个岩组,构成12个地震活跃期。1700Ma为第一个地震活跃期(串岭沟组地震事件);1600Ma为第二个地震活跃期(大红峪组);1400Ma为第三个地震活跃期(高庄于组);1200Ma为第四个地震活跃期(雾迷山组);850Ma(南芬组)为第五个地震活跃期。650~600Ma可识别出4个地震活跃期记录。寒武纪有两个地震活跃期,约在520~500Ma。奥陶纪早期为目前中朝地台早古生代的最后地震活跃期,以内蒙古腮林忽洞群与白云鄂博群为代表(乔秀夫等,1997)。现呈NNE向的胶辽徐淮地区,具震积岩的层位有:青白口系南芬组、上震旦统岩组、下寒武统大林子组及中寒武统张夏组,时间跨度从850Ma至约520Ma左右,在中朝地台上是一个非常醒目与重要的地史时期的长期活动的地震带——古郯庐地震带。古郯庐带是一个板内地震带,但它同样提供了全球构造的某些信息。许多地质学家支持元古代存在超级大陆(Rodinia)的假说(Mc Menamin et al.,1990),但Rodinia的形成与裂解的模式尚远未确定。Rodinia的聚合形成时期某些学者认为系1200~1100Ma,即中元古代(Wareham,1999)一些学者(Li等)强调1000Ma,新元古代晚期至550Ma被认为系元古超大陆的裂解期。目前我们尚不清楚中朝地台在Rodinia中的具体位置,但1000Ma的芹峪运动(乔秀夫,1996)曾使中朝地台整体上升,除豫西(地台南部边缘存在1000~900Ma的地层记录)地区外,中朝地台主体暴露剥蚀达100Ma(乔秀夫,1997),从900Ma方开始接受沉积(青白口系上统)。代表1000Ma的造山年龄在中朝地台以南,在柴达木北缘(李怀坤,1999)、中祁连、秦岭-大别、胶南普遍存在,这是一个宏伟的1000Ma碰撞带,使中朝地台与扬子地台拼合,形成中国古大陆。芹峪运动(上升)系板内造陆上升运动,但无疑是中朝地台大陆边缘碰撞造山过程在地台内部的造陆表现。南芬组震积岩层(850Ma)代表Rodinia形成后开始裂解时的记录,因此1000Ma的芹峪上升与850Ma的震积岩层,很可能代表中朝地台拼合于Rodinia时期与开始裂解时的信息。胶辽徐淮地区晚震旦世(650~600Ma)及寒武纪的地震事件,是Rodinia形成之后,新元古代晚期大规模裂解,中朝地台脱离Rodinia并与其他陆块离散、漂移拉张期间在板内发生地震事件。古郯庐带中,与震积岩组相伴生的辉绿岩脉目前可识别出4期,图8-1标出基性岩脉侵位的具体层位,他们分别侵位于两个震积岩组之间而不进入更新的层位(图8-1)。对侵位于上震旦统的基性岩定年,其年龄值在700~600Ma之间,表示古郯庐带的扩张时间始于新元古代晚期。这个时间与元古超大陆的裂解期大体是一致的。从对中朝地台板内构造研究提供的信息,1000~900Ma作为Rodinia的形成时期;850Ma作为Rodinia开始裂解,650~600Ma为裂解高潮期与古郯庐带及两侧块体的地质记录是吻合的。Moores 1991,Dalziel 1997及Weil等1998再造的Rodinia没有标明中国古大陆的位置,只是标出了Laurentca(劳伦)古大陆的位置。在李正祥等(Li et al.1995,1996)的元古超大陆图上,将扬子地台与中朝地台分离,其间为西伯利亚大陆所隔。图8-1 中期地台中元古代—早古生代地震灾变事件记录(据乔秀夫,高林志,1999,2000年局部修正)实际上中国地质学家王鸿祯很早(90年代初)提出全球有两个超大陆时期,第一个称之谓Pangaea-850Ma(Pangaea I),华北、扬子和塔里木陆块是汇聚一起的,自震旦纪开始裂解,寒武纪为最大裂解时期,至印支期又聚合一起成为Laurasia的一部分,即Pangaea-250Ma(PangaeaⅡ)的一部分。遗憾的是这一成果直至1997年才公开发表。再造中国在Rodinia位置时,应考虑两个方面:(1)1000~850Ma间的中国古大陆(包括中朝地台、塔里木地台、扬子地台及华夏地台)是一个已拼合的较大的陆块,在Rodinia的再造图上似不宜分割。(2)从中朝地台与扬子地台新元古界记录考虑,中国古大陆的位置应位于Rodinia的内部而不在其边缘,这是因为:新元古界1000~800Ma的地层记录中,剥蚀时间远大于沉积时间,只有位于超大陆内部,被其他陆块挟持、碰撞导致长期构造抬升;整个新元古界的多个层序界面的形成,构造因素远大于全球海平面变化影响。只有位于多个块体的中间全球海平面变化的影响才相对微弱。晚震旦世的古郯庐地震带将中朝地台分为华北块体与胶辽朝块体(图8-2)。从震旦纪至中石炭世早期两个块体上的地层发育均有区别。如:华北块体整体缺失震旦系;下寒武统较低层位的含盐、石膏及含磷层(吉林水洞组、黑沟子组;辽东半岛葛家屯组、大林子组;苏皖北部的金山寨组、沟后组)位于胶辽朝块体上;陆相下石炭统及泥盆系仅在古郯庐带以东的太子河流域发现。晚石炭世早期含Profusulinella的巴什基尔期海相沉积在华北地区仅沿古郯庐带分布(复州湾、临沂、贾汪、萧县及利国),而华北块体上未见。可见古郯庐带为始自震旦纪,直至晚石炭世早期的一个裂陷带,而胶辽朝块体则系独立于华北块体之东,以断裂作为边界的具有一定区域规模的块体。但是古郯庐裂陷带始终未发展成为洋壳。图8-2 中朝地台中元古代—早古生代地震-构造带(据乔秀夫、高林志,1999,2000年局部补充)晚震旦世的古郯庐带为一E—W向裂陷带(图7-5,7-6),它主要是在全球第一个超大陆(Rodinia)裂解时的产物。我国著名的辽宁瓦房店及山东蒙阴产金刚石的岩筒位于古郯庐带两侧,其爆发时间,根据已有年龄资料为490~450Ma(奥陶纪),且延续时间很长,它们的全球构造背景为元古代超大陆的裂解高潮时期之后及相应的古老陆块区。

Hollywood Undead的《Lights Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Lights Out歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:American Tragedy≡卐 Hollywood Undead - Lights Out 卐≡Album: American TragedyReleased on April 5, 2011Lights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lifestyles of the young and the recklessChecked in the real world that don"t ask questionsDodging on bullets like a fucked up westernDragged you on a rope til you"re choked out senselessKings or crown we"re the best aroundGot an underground army yeah we holding it downWe built our base and what we foundIt takes blood and sweat and always moving the crowdNo skill then you"re going the fast wayLet me see you dance on from the AKBullshit now he"s dropping namesWho you know, what you doing all sounds the sameA piece of advice quit dropping mineYou"re be done way before it even it is your timeLike a stripper in a cage making minimum wageYou"re be done like a dollar bill hitting the stageLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?I"m gonna wake your ass up cause you ain"t got what it takesYou cruise right on my nuts so tell you how my dick tastesYeah I"m shit faced and all black looking creepyIt"s Charlie Scene this shit is way too easyI"m gonna give it to you quick going straight to your throatPut the burner in your mouth and turn you in to a ghostAll these people making music with nothing to showWho doesn"t have a band? Shit I don"t knowWhat kind of sane person drops his own nameWhat kind of sane person boos his own band off stageWhat kind of sane person drops a verse like thisDamn this ain"t working I"m just too damn sickDeuce you coming out heres got me provedI"m gonna cut your ash up like a line of cokeI"m gonna roll your crew up like a fat ass roachPut you in my ashtray cause you just got smokedLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Another classic case you crash and burnAnd it"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songThe world has turned it"s face you"ll never findAnd It"s true you"re dead nowIt"s light out, your last songWalls are closing in, their falling downLights outYou"re talking too loudSo just shut your mouthWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outCan you feel it now?We"re calling you outWho the fuck are you now?Lights outYou"re talking too loudWho the fuck are you now?Who the fuck are you now?Lights out!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/5563010

God knows这首歌是《凉宫春日的忧郁》的哪一集出现的?


求凉宫里《god knows 》平假名歌词

God knows...[凉宫ハルヒの诘合]作词:畑 亜贵作曲/编曲:神前 暁歌:凉宫ハルヒ(C.V.平野 绫)渇いた心で駆け抜けるごめんね何もできなくて痛みを分かち合うことさえあなたは许してくれない无垢に生きるため振り向かず背中向けて 去ってしまうon the lonely rail私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の暗の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...届けて热くなる想いは现実溶かしてさまよう会いたい気持ちに理由はないあなたへあふれだす Lovin" youせめて美しい梦だけを描きながら 追いかけようfor your lonely heartやめて嘘はあなたらしくないよ目を见てこれからのことを话そう私覚悟してる暗い未来だって强くなって运命変えられるかもねmy wish かなえたいのにすべては God knows...あなたがいて 私がいてほかの人は消えてしまった淡い梦の美しさを描きながら伤迹なぞるだから私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の暗の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...下面是罗马音歌词tamaita kokorotekakerukerugomenne nanimodekinakuteitamiwo wakachiaukotosaeanatawa yurushitekurenaimukuni ikirutamehunimukazusenakamitete saateshimau On the lonely railwatashi tsuiteikuyo donnatsuraisekaino yaminonakadesaekiito anatawakakayaitekoeru mirainohate yousaiwenitamashii kuwesareruyouni My way kasanaruyoima hutarini God bless...tomokute atsukunaruomoiwakenjitsu tokashitesamayouaitai kimochiniriyuwanaianatae ahuredasu Lovin" yousemete utsukushiiyumetakewoegakinagara hoikakeyowo For your lonely heartyamete usowaanata rashikunaiyomewomite korekaranokotowahanasou watashikakunoshiterukurai miraidaate tsuyokunaateunmeikaeranerukamone My wish kanaetainoni subetewa God knows...anatagaite watashigaitehokanohitowa kieteshimaataawaiyumeno utsukushisawomekakinagara kizuwatonazorudakara watashi tsuiteikuyo donnatsuraisekaino yaminonakadesaekiito anatawakakayaitekoeru mirainohate yousaiwenitamashii kuwesareruyouni My way kasanaruyoima hutarini God bless...

谁能用God knows造个句子

God knows where he went! 天晓得他到哪里去了! He went God knowswhere. 他去的地方没人知道。 He is living God knows where. 天知道他住在哪儿。 God knows, it hasn"t been easy.那确实不容易。 But I know I"m a champion,and God knows that too. 然而,我认为我是一名冠军,上帝也知道。 God knows where he went! God knows if I can ever get all these do! God knows how he"s still alive. He must have nine lives like a cat. I will believe only in a god that know how to dance.

Bob Dylan的《God Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:God Knows歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Under The Red SkyGod knows...「anim.o.v.e 01」収録曲作词:畑 亜贵 作曲:神前 暁歌:M.O.V.EShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got inside of キミのハートShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got in your heart その鼓动渇いた心で駆け抜けるごめんね何もできなくて痛みを分かち合うことさえあなたは许してくれない无垢に生きるため振り向かず背中向けて 去ってしまうon the lonely rail私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の闇の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...My way your way重なっていけ 未来へ二人の魂はいま大海を超え変えていけると信じてる运命も振り向かないでそのまま进んでいこう弱いがゆえに感じれるyour soul涙一滴さえ置いてかない This road,only the god knows....届けて热くなる想いは现実溶かしてさまよう会いたい気持ちに理由はないあなたへあふれだす Lovin" youせめて美しい梦だけを描きながら 追いかけようfor your lonely heartやめて嘘はあなたらしくないよ目を见てこれからのことを话そう私覚悟してる暗い未来だって强くなって运命変えられるかもねmy wish かなえたいのにすべては God knows...あなたがいて 私がいてほかの人は消えてしまった淡い梦の美しさを描きながら伤迹なぞるだから私ついていくよどんな辛い世界の闇の中でさえきっとあなたは辉いて超える未来の果て弱さ故に魂こわされぬようにmy way 重なるよいまふたりに God bless...{Show me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got inside of キミのハートShow me what you gotand you got tell me what you want,oh yeahShow me what you got in your heart その鼓动}エンドメード バイ 飞天と暗闇とhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1208509

god knows电吉他谱



Deniece Williams的《God Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:God Knows歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:When Love Comes CallingGod Knows-Debby BooneOut of the pages of books that I readI can recall that somewhere someone saidIf you don"t succeed try againSo I"m comin" to you with my heart in my handsUsin" every ounce of strength I canDon"t turn me awayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youToo insecure as lovers we failedThe princess and the white knight lived in fairy talesOr so that story goesWe read so right from the very startNow here we are both with broken heartsLet"s not part this wayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youTime ran awayAnd took you by the handIf I can"t bring you backMaybe time canCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20342752


天知道; God knows whats happening in that madmans mind, she muttered 她咕哝着:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。” 扩展资料   God knows!   天知道!   "Who"s he?" — "God knows."   “他是谁?”——“天晓得。”   "Where is he now?""God knows."   “他现在在哪里?”“天晓得。”   Gunga spoke God knows how many languages   天晓得贡嘎会讲多少门语言。   She ought to succeed, god knows she tries hard enough.   她应能成功,她的确太努力了。   He stayed there God knows how long.   天晓得他在那儿呆了多久。



求一篇“How to make a good impression”的英语作文,大概两百字左右!谢谢啦!

have many interview experiences,and i think the self-confidence is one of the most important things at the interview.when i was not confidence on myself,the interview is almost fail.To a girl,maybe a good manners,decent clothes and well-cosmetic may add your confidence,and i think what is also important is your simile!If you know how to smile,i"m sure you will win a good impression to interviewers....because my english is not very fluent,so all of those is what i can say,hope someone can give other suggestion to us.

What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody says hard-work, others s..


绝命毒师第六季最后老白倒下那一刻放的背景音乐叫什么,goodbey my babyblue什么什么


Jodle Birge的《Baby Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Blue歌手:Jodle Birge专辑:Mine 32 BedsteShe looked so much like a ladyBut she was so much like a childA devil when she held me closeAn angel when she smiledShe always held it deep insideBut somehow I always knewShe"d go away when the grass turned greenAnd the sky turned baby blueBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightShe brought color to my lifeThat my eyes have never touchedWhen she taught me how to careI"ve never cared so muchI try not to think of herBut I fall asleep and doAnd go away where the grass turns greenAnd the sky is baby blueBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skieshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8136700



请帮我翻译:Prodotto 和Colore 和Lotto 这几个单词!不知道是英语还是意大利语!

PRDOTTO 产品colore 颜色lotto 乐透 <彩票>

连词成句 a,you,time,did,good,New,York,have,in

Did you have a good time in New York?你在纽约过的好吗?


<div id="mydiv"><span>abc</span></div><div id="mydiv2"><span><a>abc</a></span></div><TABLE><TR><TD>aaa</TD><TD>bbb</TD></TR><TR><TD>ccc</TD><TD>ddd</TD></TR></TABLE><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--// 通过id获取div元素var div = document.getElementById("mydiv");// 获取div下的span元素var span = div.firstChild;// 获取span元素中的文本var text = span.innerText;//alert(text);// 获取div下的htmlvar html = div.innerHTML;//alert(html);// 处理div2// 获取mydiv2>span>a>下的文本var div2 = document.getElementById("mydiv2");// 得到mydvi2>span>a元素var a = div2.firstChild.firstChild;text = a.innerText;//alert(text);// 处理表格// 通过标签名获取table元素var table = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];// 下面获取bbb// firstChild:就是第一个子元素,table.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild就是第一个TR下的第一个TD。// nextSibling:就是下一个兄弟节点,兄弟节点就是处在同一级上的节点,比如aaa,bbb这2个所在的节点是同一级,所以他们是兄弟节点。// table.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild:得到第一个TR下的第一个TD。// table.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling:就是第一个TR下的第一个TD的兄弟节点,就是bbb所在的标签。// 然后用innerText取出元素的文本值。要取出子标签的html,则用innerHTML// 如果得到了第一个TR下的第2个TD,怎么得到第一个TD呢?可以用previousSibling(上一个兄弟节点)// 如果得到了第一个TR下的第2个TD,怎么得到它的父元素TR呢?用parent(父节点)// ps:当然,这个你可以用table.rows[0].cells[1]来获取bbb的内容。这个是针对table的。// 但是上面的针对所有的dom元素都有效。text = table.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.innerText;//alert(text);alert(text);//--></SCRIPT>

research method研究方法具体包括什么方法呢?

Exploratory research, which structures and identifies new problems Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidenceResearch can also fall into two distinct types: Primary research (collection of data that does not yet exist) Secondary research (summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research)In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two research methods can be applied, depending on the properties of the subject matter and on the objective of the research: Qualitative research (understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior) Quantitative research (systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships)Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of Research.[1] The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the form of discussion and results.这个是wiki上面给出的解释,不知道能不能满足你的需要。如果有问题,请继续提问。希望对你有帮助。谢谢



Lamb of God的《Hourglass》 歌词

歌曲名:Hourglass歌手:Lamb of God专辑:Hourglass: the Ultimate AnthologyHourglassLamb Of GodAshes Of The WakeLamb Of God - HourglassPrivileged, a chosen fewBlessed with our time in hellWitness a divine vision, the day we all fell stillRapture of the dying age, a shattered hourglassWrath of the warring gods and so this too shall passIt"s only getting worse, not worth a moment"s regretEach dawn another curse, every breath a twisting bladeWhat will be left behind in the ashes of the wake?An ill wind blows this waythe edge of the envelope burnsForbearance and my vengeance, payment for you intentFear and death in the wingsin thrall of those fallen from gracePetty is as petty does, witness the mass disgraceGod forbid you read the signswatch for meanings between the linesGehenna has now arrived, no hindsight for the blindYour trust has been misplacedbelieved the lies told to your faceBecame another casualty and now it"s too lateYou finally made it homedraped in the flag that you fell forAnd so it goesThe a shes of the wake.It"s only getting worse...It"s only getting worse...It"s only getting worse...http://music.baidu.com/song/52910353


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Everlasting God 歌词

歌曲名:Everlasting God歌手:lincoln brewster专辑:Wow Worship [Purple]Lincoln Brewster - Everlasting GodStrength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Our God, You reign foreverOur hope, our strong deliverer.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.You do not faint,You won"t grow weary.You"re the defender of the weak,You comfort those in need,You lift us up on wings like eagles.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Our God, You reign foreverOur hope, our strong deliverer.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.You do not faint,You won"t grow weary.You"re the defender of the weak,You comfort those in need,You lift us up on wings like eagles.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The everlasting God.You are the everlasting God,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The Lord is the everlasting God,The creator of all the Earth,He never grows weak or weary,No one can measure the depths of His understanding,He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless,Even youth will become weak and tired,And young men will fall in exhaustion,But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength,They will soar high on wings like eagles,They will run and not grow weary,They will walk and not faint(Isaiah 40:28~31)Lincoln Brewster - Everlasting Godhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7494946

Everlasting God 歌词

歌曲名:Everlasting God歌手:Sam Levine专辑:Smooth PraiseLincoln Brewster - Everlasting GodStrength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Our God, You reign foreverOur hope, our strong deliverer.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.You do not faint,You won"t grow weary.You"re the defender of the weak,You comfort those in need,You lift us up on wings like eagles.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Our God, You reign foreverOur hope, our strong deliverer.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.You do not faint,You won"t grow weary.You"re the defender of the weak,You comfort those in need,You lift us up on wings like eagles.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The everlasting God.You are the everlasting God,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.You are the everlasting God,The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The everlasting God.The Lord is the everlasting God,The creator of all the Earth,He never grows weak or weary,No one can measure the depths of His understanding,He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless,Even youth will become weak and tired,And young men will fall in exhaustion,But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength,They will soar high on wings like eagles,They will run and not grow weary,They will walk and not faint(Isaiah 40:28~31)Lincoln Brewster - Everlasting Godhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2829659




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《Welcome to Dead House》(Stine, R. L.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MZ-cvfGwXVVdBQf58XG1JQ 提取码:uca1书名:Welcome to Dead House作者:Stine, R. L.出版年份:2010-2页数:123内容简介:11-year-old Josh and 12-year-old Amanda just moved into the oldest and weirdest house on the block--the two siblings think it might even be haunted! But of course, their parents don"t believe them. You"ll get used to it, they say. Go out and make some new friends. But the creepy kids are not like anyone Josh and Amanda have ever met before. And when they take a shortcut through the cemetery one night, Josh and Amanda learn why. It"s our thirteenth fan-favorite companion to R.L. Stine"s blockbuster Goosebumps HorrorLand series. Now with all-new bonus features including an author interview, bizarre trivia, grotesque activities, and more!



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drug substance和drug products的区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: drug substance和drug products的区别是什么?谢谢! 解析: Drug substance: The active ingredient intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or affect the structure or function of the body, excluding other inactive substances used in the drug product. Drug Products: The finished dosage form (tablet, capsule, e) that contains a drug substance--generally, but not necessarily, in association with other active or inactive ingredients. 简言之,前者就是那些可以药用的物质,比如人参、枸杞或其它化学物质。。。而后者只是最终制成的你可以服用的药,它们可以含drug substance,但并非必须,也可能含有本身没有药用的物质。

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1.Authentication to the ricci agent at node1 failed修改ricci的密码就可以了passwd ricci 然后重启ricci服务2.Unable to establish an SSL connection to node1:11111 after 5 tries.确保ricci正常启动,如果启动正常,查看是不是iptables的设置问题,可以直接把iptables关掉3.、提示node1不是集群节点一般都是因为cman 和 rgmanager没有起来导致的,启动cman和rgmanager刷新下。4.启动cman的时候报错一般是因为NetworkManager在启动的原因,把NetworkManager关掉即可,并设置成开机关闭。5.重启报错:Kernel panic not syncing :Attempted to kill init!发现是自己吧selinux文件中的selinuxType修改错误导致的。改过来就行了!6.创建Cluster的时候提示node1 not a cluster member可尝试手动先启动rgmanager 然后启动cman7.node无法发现iscsi目标:No portals found修改openfile vi /etc/initiators.deny 把要发现的目标注释掉

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XVID VIDEO DECODER是一个视频解码器,你是不是在迅雷中设置了下载完成自动运行,禁止了应该就没事了。

do you think it is good to watch tv everyday英语作文

TV is very important in our life.We can get to know all kinds of events around the world.We can know the weather,information,laws,knowledge and so on.After busy work,we can watch some funny programs to relax. TV benifits us,but sometimes it has bad influence.Some students watch TV day and night.It influences their lessons.Some programs are not good for children.So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages. Now TV has become necessary in our life.We can get all kinds of information through TV.The world is in front of us.The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy. Although TV has some benifits,sometimes it has bad influence.Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time.And some programs are not proper for children. So we should choose some good programs to watch,especially for children.

以Good TV habits for family 为题。 用英文写一篇250词议论文,就是关于



这是因为你的无线网卡驱动和airodump不兼容,须要更新驱动。无线网络密码破解方法2009-03-24 14:55无线网络密码破解方法需要WinAircrackPack该工具包是一个无线工具的组合包,包括WinAircrack.exe,wzcook.exe,airdecap.exe以及airodump.exe四个程序,这些程序各有各的用。SSID号发现工具就是airodump.exe。对付 SSID影藏第一步:解压缩下载的工具包,运行里头的airodump.exe第二步:选择相应的网卡,输入对应无线网卡前的序号第三步:输入o或者a选择网卡模式,第四步:选择搜索频段,输入0是代表所有频段都检测的意思。第五步:接下来会提示你输入一个保存文件,这样该工具会把所有sniffer下来的数据包放到这个文件中第六步:only write wep ivs是否只检测WEP加密数据包,我们选择“Y”即可。第七步:这时会出现一个提示,大概意思就是说目前驱动还不支持,无法进行sniffer的操作。同时浏览器会自动转到一个页面,我们可以通过这个页面下载兼容驱动程序,升级我们的无线网卡让sniffer工具——airodump.exe可以顺利运行(2)下载无线网卡新驱动: 要想下载合适的无线网卡新驱动就需要到前面提到的那个跳转页面了。第一步:打开的页面地址为http://www.wildpackets.com/support/product_support/airopeek/hardware,我们通过这个地址下载适合自己网卡的可以使用airodump的驱动。第二步:在搜索设备页面中选择自己无线网卡的品牌和型号。笔者选择tp-link的所有无线产品进行查询,看看应该下载哪个驱动第三步:在查询结果页面中我们可以看到自己的网卡应该使用该站点提供的AR5005G驱动来使用airodump四步:再次返回http://www.wildpackets.com/support/product_support/airopeek/hardware页面,你会在该页内容上看到关于该驱动所兼容的atheros卡型号,里面会提到ar5005,虽然我们的是ar5005g但是可以使用。点该页面下方的the wildpackets atheros wireless driver v4.2链接进行下载即可第五步:下载wildpackets atheros wireless driver v4.2驱动到本地硬盘。第六步:打开后里面有三个文件,我们的无线网卡升级工作就要靠这三个文件。(3)安装无线网卡新驱动: 之前下载的wildpackets atheros wireless driver v4.2压缩包里的三个文件就是我们安装驱动的主角。第一步:在桌面网上邻居图标上点鼠标右键,并选择属性。第二步:在自己的无线网卡对应的本地连接上点鼠标右键,并选择属性。第三步:在无线网络连接属性窗口中的“常规”标签下点网卡信息旁边的“配置”按钮。第四步:在“驱动程序”标签中点“更新驱动程序”按钮。第五步:系统将出现硬件安装向导,我们选择“从列表或指定位置安装(高级),然后点“下一步”按钮第六步:然后选择“不要搜索,我要自己选择要安装的驱动程序”,点“下一步”按钮继续。七步:由于之前我们安装的驱动是*****无线网卡的官方驱动,所以系统默认会找到相应的驱动,我们不选择他们,点“从磁盘安装”。第八步:通过“浏览”按钮找到我们下载并解压缩的wildpackets atheros wireless driver v4.2文件保存目录。第九步:选择atheros ar5005g cardbus wireless network adapter,点“下一步”继续第十步:在安装驱动过程中会出现兼容性提示,我们点“仍然继续”即可。第十一步:系统复制必须文件到本地磁盘第十二步:完成硬件更新向导,我们的TP-LINK无线网卡现在已经变成了atheros ar5005g无线网卡了,这样才能够使用airodump这个无线网络sniffer工具。四、总 结:由于WEP破解的准备工作比较多,已经成功的将自己的网卡进行了更新驱动工作,这也是WEP加密破解的关键,开始 轻松破解无线网络WEP一、使用airodump抓取无线网络数据包并破解SSID名称:不管是找出已经禁用了SSID号广播的无线网络还是进行WEP解密工作,我们首先要做的就是通过无线网络sniffer工具——airodump来监视无线网络中的数据包。第一步:打开文章中下载的winaircrackpack压缩包解压缩的目录。第二步:运行airodump.exe程序,这个就是我们的sniffer小工具,他的正常运行是建立在我们无线网卡已经更新驱动的基础上。第三步:这时你会发现显示的信息和安装驱动前已经不同了,我们的***网卡名称已经变为13 atheros ar5005g cardbus wireless network adapter,也就是说他成功更新为与atheros兼容的硬件了。我们输入其前面的数字13即可。第四步:接下来是选择无线网卡的类型,既然说了是与atheros相兼容的,所以直接输入“a”进行选择即可。第五步:上面文章中提到了已经把无线网络的SSID广播功能取消了,这样我们假设还不知道该无线设备使用的哪个频段和SSID号。在这里输入0,这样将检测所有频段的无线数据包。实际上要想知道一个无线网络使用的频段是非常简单的,可以使用无线网卡管理配置工具,就像上文提到的那样,可以知道该无线网络使用的速度和频段,但是无法检测出SSID号。第六步:同样输入一个保存数据包信息的文件,例如输入softer。这样可以把检测到的数据包以及统计信息一起写到这个文件中,并为使用其他工具提供基础保证。第七步:是否只收集wep数据信息,我们点N”。这样将检测网络中的所有数据包不只WEP加密数据。第八步:最后airodump会自动检测网络中的所有频段,对无线网络中的无线数据包进行统计和分析。第九步:当统计的数据包比较多的时候,就可以自动分析出无线网络对应的SSID号和无线设备的MAC地址以及无线速度,发射频段和是否加密,采用何种方式加密了,是不是非常神气?例如设置的无线网络SSID号为softer,刚开始图7中统计时还没有检测出来,当数据达到一定数量后例如DATA处为15651时就可以看到ESSID号即SSID号为softer了。至此我们成功的实现了通过airodump找到没有开启SSID广播功能的无线网络对应的SSID号,所以说仅仅报着将SSID号隐藏并修改默认名字是不能阻止非法入侵者连接无线网络的。不管你是否开启SSID广播,我们都可以通过无线网络的sniffer工具来找出你的真实SSID名称。不过有一点要特别注意,那就是是否能够破解SSID名称是建立在airodump搜集到足够的数据包基础上的,也就是说也可能你的无线路由器开着,但是没有任何无线网卡和他通讯,这样airodump是无法检测到任何无线数据包并进行分析破解的。笔者在写本文进行的实验环境也是如此,那另外一块TP-LINK无线网卡510G安装在一台联想笔记本上并不停的通过无线路由器进行BT下载来保持总是不断有无线数据传输,这样才可以加快破解进程。另外当数据包没有收集足够多的情况下,airodump会出现错误信息,例如本来是WEP加密方式的无线网络,可能会检测为WPA。用户只需要多等些时间让airodump收集足够多的数据就可以保证显示结果的真实性了。二、使用WinAircrack破解WEP密文:虽然我们可以通过airodump来检测无线网络的基本信息,包括发射频段,无线网络的SSID名称,无线速度等。但是对于那些使用WEP加密了的无线网络就无能为力了,即使我们知道了无线网络的SSID号如果没有WEP加密密文的话,依然无法连接到该网络。不过airodump收集到的信息也是非常宝贵的,我们可以通过另外一个工具来分析出WEP密文。该工具的名称是WinAircrack,当然在用WinAircrack破解airodump收集到的信息前一定保证airodump收集的信息量要大,信息越多破解越不容易出问题,而且破解成功所需时间越短。第一步:打开下载的压缩包,运行里面的winaircrack.exe程序。第二步:在左边找到general,接下来点GENERAL界面中下方的click here to locate capture file...,让我们选择一个捕获文件。第三步:这个文件就是上面所提到的airodump保存下来的数据统计文件,第九步中已经为其起了一个名字叫softer了,那么我们到airodump.exe所在文件夹中找到softer.cap文件,这个文件就是捕获文件。第四步:回到general界面,在encryption type处选择WEP。第五步:在左边点WEP,在WEP设置标签中先检测64位密文,key index保持自动AUTO。因为大部分用户在设置无线路由器WEP加密时都选择了最简单的64位密文,他也是破解所需时间最短的。第六步:设置完毕点右下角的“aircrack the key...”按钮,winaircrack会自动根据softer.cap中保存的统计信息进行分析,暴力破解WEP密文。第七步:由于采取的是暴力破解方法,所以花费的时间会比较多,大概需要几个小时甚至更多的时间来破解一个64位的WEP密文。当发现WEP密文后会显示出内容.不过在实际操作过程中需要的时间会比较长,特别是当WEP密文设置的比较复杂时,例如使用多个数字或者增加加密位数达到128位等。另外通过airodump来收集无线数据传输包也是关键,也许对方开着路由器但并没有和网卡进行大流量数据传输,这样即使你开启airodump收集了几个小时,都可能出现无法获得足够数据包问题。仅仅是为了和大家交流,希望大家不要使用本文介绍的方法去入侵别人的无线网,大家能够明白WEP加密也不是百分之百安全,所以应该尽量使用WPA安全加密方式。



求 Queen & Paul Rodgers - Reaching Out 歌词

Get your party gown Get your pigtail down Get your heart beatin" baby Got my timin" right Got my act all tight It"s gotta be tonight my little Schoolbabe Your momma says you don"t And your Daddy says you won"t And I"m boilin" up inside Ain"t no way I"m gonna lose out this time Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Lock your Daddy out of doors I don"t need him nosing around Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Give me all your love tonight You"re such a dirty louse Go get outta my house That"s all I ever get from you Family ties, in fact I don"t think I ever heard A single little civil word from those guys But you know I don"t give a light I"m gonna make out all right I"ve got a sweetheart hand To put a stop to all that Grousin" an" snipin" Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Take your little brother swimmin" With a brick (that"s all right) Tie your Mother down, Tie your Mother down She you ain"t no friend of mine Your mamma and your Daddy gonna Plague me til I die They don"t understand I"m just a Peace lovin" guy Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Give me all your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight Give it to me

一首英文歌 男女对唱的 女的有唱everybody right now.....然后后面还有哎呀呀呀的。求帮助!!

是Wiley的歌,歌名是"Can You Hear Me (Ayayaya)", 歌词如下:I was on a path to the limelightNow I"m on another one it"s a night flightWhen they say I"m a star I say thank youIt"s all due to the scenes that I ran throughSo I keep flyin the flags for all peopleNo messing about we"re all equalVibe alive in the club when I roll inI get around with the crowd when I"m roamingEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaThey should know I bring vibes on a club nightKeep the crowd hyped up brother partyRed, she wanna say words in my earlobeReminds me there"s an hour of the party leftSee the fireworks, celebrationTeam winning the Grey Goose amazingSend them Jaeger bombs I got a cravingSo many women I don"t wanna stop ravingThey should know I got tunes for the gyal demOnce the ladies are there see the man dem reachThey wanna leave there with a numberCheck the peng ting she"s gonna hang with meI"m skanking all round the party I"m skankingI got girls to the left and girls to the rightWhen we"re at the bar we ain"t rampingEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaWiley called me on the iPhoneHe said get my passport told me to come throughPut your sun cream in your suitcaseWhen I arrive I"m causing a heat wave tooGot my SnapBack and my vest onLooking at the hot girl with the red dress onLight skin with a beautiful body like KimSo I had to get my Kanye West onShe told me she"s feeling my jewelryShe said that she"s in love with my Jesus pieceI told her to look again closelyIt"s not Jesus baby it"s JMEAnd I was like babe come overI don"t bite girl come a little closerCome a little closerI don"t bite girl come a little closerEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaYou know I don"t usually partyBut Skepta and Wiley said its a hypeI can"t find my phone or my car keysLike Zippy Tafari said on the micThe vibe is off the richterAnd I can"t even tweet a pictureI"m on the dance floorThe joke is I never had a drink but I"m acting the drunkestShe"s staring like I"m a weirdoOr then again maybe she likes meI"m not supposed to be here thoughHaven"t got a wrist band for the VIPNo triple A pass but I"m partying with the starsYep, I can"t complain I just enjoy while it lastsEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear me Ayaya ayaya ayaya ayaya

知道这里面的歌是什么歌麽?。。 http://www.56.com/p83/v_ODk3NTM5MTI.html?pstyle=13


Caro laccio,dolce nodo这首歌曲从哪能下载啊?我急需 啊!!~~谁知到意大利歌曲《可爱的圈套》

http://www.sygz.dqt.com.cn/yangxudong/syjc10002.htm 这里有曲目列表,你可以在百度MP3上面填写曲目就可以下载到,不过不是全全 1.阿玛丽莉(Amarilli) 卡奇尼(G.Caccini,1550-1618) 2.奥菲欧的祈祷(1nvocazione di Orfeo) 佩里(J.Peri,1561…1633) 3.让我去死亡(Lasciatemi morire) 蒙泰韦尔迪(C.Monteverdi,1567-1643) 4.嗳, 太过份(Ahi,troppo e duro) 蒙泰韦尔迪(C.Monteverdi,1567-1643), 5.当温柔的微风(Se l"aura spira) 弗雷斯科巴迪(G.Frescobaldi,1583-1643) 6.姑娘们,快逃走(Donzelle,nlggite) 卡瓦利(P.Cavalli,1599-1676) 7.胜利啊,胜利啊(Vittoria,Vittoria!) 卡里西米(G.Carissimi,1604-1674) 8.不,不,不要期望(No,no,nonsisperi) 卡里西米(G.Carissimi,1604-1674) 9.森林啊,充满希望(Selve,voi che le speranze) 罗萨(S.Rosa,1615-1673) 10.你好久不来折磨我(Tu mancavi a tormentarmi) 切斯蒂(P.A.Cesti,1623-1669) 11.围绕着我崇拜的人儿(Intomo all"idol mio) 切斯蒂(P.A.Cesti,1623-1669) 12.残酷的爱神(Che fiero costume) 莱格伦齐(G.Legrenzi,1626-1690) 13.你别对我回避躲藏(Deh piu a me non V"ascondete) 焦·马·波龙奇尼(G.M.Bononcini,1642-1678) 14.仁慈的神明(Pieta,Signore!) 斯特拉德拉(A.Stradella,1644-1682) 15.你知道(Tu lo sai) 托雷利(G.Torelli,1650-1703) 16.啊,还给我这心灵(Ah! rendimi quel core) 罗西(F.Rossi,1650-1725) 17.安睡吧, 安眠吧(Posate,dormite) 巴萨尼(G.B.Bsssani,1657-1716) 18.恒河上升起太阳(Gia il sole dal Gange) 阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725) 19.你如果要我死亡(Se tu della mia morte) 阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725), 20.如果弗洛林多忠诚(Se Florindo e fedele) 柯·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725) 21.我多么痛苦(Son tutta duolo) 阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725) 22.在我的心里(Sento nel core) 阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725). 23.紫罗兰(Levioletta) 呵·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725), 24.别再使我痛苦迷惘(O cessate di piagarmi) 阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725) 25.请告诉我(Pur dicesti》 洛蒂(A.Lotti,1667-1740) 26.可爱的圈套(Caro laccio,dolce nodo)加斯帕里尼(F.Gasparini,1668-1727) 27.不可能放弃爱情(Lasciar d"amarti) 加斯帕里尼(F.Gasparini,1668-1727) 28.虽然你冷酷无情(Sebben crudele) 卡尔达拉(A.Caldara,1670-1736) 29.爱慕你我多么容幸(Per la gloria) 焦·马,波龙奇尼(G.M.Bononcini,1642-1678) 30.圣洁的少女(Virgin, tutto amor) 杜兰泰(P.Durante,1684-1755) 31.跳吧,好姑娘(Danza,danza,fanciulla gentile) 杜兰泰(F.Durante,1684-1755) 32.找安慰,抱希望(Consolati e spera) 杜兰泰口.Durante,1684-1755) 33.让我痛哭吧(Lascia ch"io pianga) 亨德尔(G.F.Handel,1685-1759) 34.绿树成荫(Ombra mai fu) 亨德尔(G.F.Handel,1685-1759) 答案补充 你要的在这列26.可爱的圈套(Caro laccio,dolce nodo)加斯帕里尼(F.Gasparini,1668-1727) 答案补充 要的话我直接传给你 不完整的 只有30秒钟 要的话就加我QQ 答案补充 QQ190350367



Malaysia yellow noodles是什么?

Malaysian yellow noodles直译为马来炒面 ,又名印度炒面。Malaysian yellow noodle = Mee goreng,印度炒面(mee goreng)是道味道非常特别的面食。由于meegoreng是马来文,所以又有人称之为马来炒面。其实,这道面食是出自印裔回教徒(又称嘛嘛mamak)。扩展资料Malaysian yellow noodles 特色印度炒面特别之处,在于它的调味料中,加入了蕃茄酱和辣椒酱,吃起来酸酸甜甜的,有点类似淋上蕃茄酱的意大利面。一般的印度炒面,材料有马铃薯、炸豆干、豆芽、鸡蛋等,多是蔬菜。其实,材料方面可以随个人喜好,只要知道炒印度面的基本调味,就可以自行变化。想吃素的,可以只放蔬菜,不喜欢吃鸡肉的,可以虾仁、鱼板、鱿鱼等取代。若没有酸柑汁,可以柠檬汁或白醋取代。若喜欢吃口感比较硬一点的面条,在炒面的过程中,可以少放一点水;反之,则多一些。这道面食一定要趁热吃才好吃。参考资料百度百科--印度炒面

Tom looks at the good news____cards with some friend(play) 为什么用playing 不是应该是is playing吗

不少谓语,playing cards with some friends . 做状语

Malaysian yellow noodles是什么东西?

相当于中国的辣炒面Malaysian yellow noodle = Mee goreng; 参考资料如下 : Mee goreng (Indonesian: mie goreng or mi goreng; Malay: mee goreng or mi goreng; both meaning "fried noodles"[1]) also known as bami goreng is a dish common in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. It is made with thin yellow noodles fried incooking oil with garlic, onion or shallots, fried prawn, chicken, or beef, sliced bakso(meatballs), chili, Chinese cabbage, cabbages, tomatoes, egg, and acar (pickles). Ubiquitous in Indonesia, it can be found everywhere in the country, sold by all food vendors from street-hawkers to high-end restaurants. It is an Indonesian one-dish meal favorite, although street food hawkers commonly sell it together with nasi goreng (fried rice).[2] It is commonly available at mamak stalls in Singapore and Malaysia and is often spicy.

Disembodied的《Forget Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me歌手:Disembodied专辑:Diablerieforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look away.you may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7917081

苏格兰女王里的一段话有点不懂求教good Catnolic people


never say good bye歌词

不知道这个是不是你要的Yea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, brand new classic, ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, yo keep it up keep it up, two step with me, come on, lets do it do it do it like this 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again Let me hear u say wut wut uc6b0ub9ac ub2e8ub458uc774 its my story 吾利 大嘟里 ub610 ub108uc758 ub9d8uc774 ud760uc774 ub0b4 ub208uac00uc758 ub208ubb3cuc774 度 闹耶 吗密 胡米 乃 奴嘎耶 奴木利 ub108uc640uc758 uc2dcuac04uc740 ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 uae38uc5b4 ub108ubb34 uae38uc5b4 闹歪耶 系干能 闹木那到 给老 闹木 给老 ub530ub73bud55c ub098uc758 ub9d8uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uc624uae38 ube4cuc5b4 踏得探 那也 麻木罗 吐拉吾给 必喽 the ghetto ub108uc758 ub9d8uc774 ub04cub9acub294 ub300ub85c ub10c uadf8ub300ub85c the ghetto 闹耶 吗密 克里能 带喽 闹 克带喽 (Mario) And we the best aint no need to stress Mario and nasty aint no need to impress (ubcf4ub78c)Yo! ub108uc758 ub9d8uc744 ubc1buc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 (ubcf4ub78c)Yo! 闹耶 吗梦 巴大 呐也 吗嗯 票气 阿纳 ud5c8ub098 ub9d8 ud145 ube48 ucc44ub85c ube44uc6cc ub450uc9c4 uc54auc544 号那 骂 翘 彬 且喽 必喔 嘟进 阿那 (Mario)Call it a fling or a love thing I don"t care I can handle any drama that you bring. ubc24uaf2d uc138uc6cc ub9d8 uaf2d uc0acub791uc73cub85c ucc44uc6cc 半考 赛我 曼 考 嚓浪吾罗 菜我 (Mario)with out u im better no one could do it better hello cute nasty best mc Mario right tight errnight that"s right. I am still in love with you hey ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 uc808ub300 uc774ud574 ubabbud55cub2e4uace0 乃 嘛梦 翘带 一嗨 某欠大够 I"m still in love with you hey Let me hear you say hey hey hey Yo check it ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c ub5a0ub09cub2e4uace0 Yo check it 你嘎 那利 到喃大够 uc624uc9c1 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub780 uc5ecuc790 ud558ub098ub77cuace0 呕及 给 塞萨艾 闹郎 要家 哈那拉够 uafcbuafcbuc774 ub0a8uc790ub2f5uac8c ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c4 uc54auc544 嘟嘟其 难家大给 扑给哈进 阿那 only u uc624uc9c1ud558ub098 only u uc78auc9c4 only u 欧几哈那 only u 一进 uc54auc544 baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check 阿那 baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check uc0acub791ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 嚓浪杜 膘其 阿那 那也 马杜 膘其 阿那 ub098uc758 uafc8uc744 uc783uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc808ub300 ud3ecuae34 uc5c6ub2e4 那也 姑母 义进 阿那 翘带 扑给 奥大 Ill logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonic hetero sexual the kids flow is incredible uc0acub791ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 嚓浪杜 膘其 阿那 那也 马杜 膘其 阿那 ub098uc758 uafc8uc744 uc783uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc808ub300 ud3ecuae34 uc5c6ub2e4 yea~ 那也 姑母 义进 阿那 翘带 扑给 奥大

求一首英文歌。女声,歌词里貌似有before we say good bye和很多around,求大神们帮忙

just one last dance

有一首英文歌的歌词好象是...say good bye...forget...是男的唱的,但不知道什么名字,求歌名,thanks~


Bobby Tinsley 的 say goodbye 歌词

[Intro]They say there"s never a right time to say goodbyeSo if thats how it has to be, good bye.[Verse 1]Nobody"s ever perfect and everyone liesI never hurt you on purpose and at least I triedI tried to be the best for youNo matter what we were going throughCould"a worked it out in the endIf you would of allowed us to.It makes no sense we"ve come to far[Chorus]My heart was yours and now it" goneBabyyy I don"t think you knew how much I loved youI think in time you"ll finally seeThat I"m affraid it"s to late for meAnd baby I know one day you"ll see clearly...Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why did you wait so longTo tell me goodbye [x2][Verse 2]Could"ve had your babies could"ve had your eyesCould"ve been blue babyeEither way they would be rightAnything in the world for youIt"s a shame that we couldn"t get throughOh babyy I lost my heart to you[Chorus]My heart was yours and now it" goneBabyyy I don"t think you knew how much I loved youI think in time you"ll finally seeThat I"m affraid it"s to late for meAnd baby I know one day you"ll see clearly...Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why did you wait so longTo say goodbye [to tell me goodbye]- Your gonna miss our love...I no one day you wake up and see that I was rightBut I won"t be there to say good bye..[Chorus]Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why Did you wait so longTo say goodbye [x2]- Your gonna miss me girl.....

哪首歌里有“say goodbye "这句歌词?

never say goodbye

当别人对你说Say Good Bye我该怎么说啊

你也就潇洒的说Say Good Bye!

武家祥唱过的一首歌里面有一句歌词是“SAY GOOD BYE”的那首歌叫什么名字


她说Say good bye 是“再见”的意思嘛??说的详细点!!!谢谢


男女对唱say good bye...........

是七小龙的吗?你上百度搜下say goodbye

请问英国留学offer里面ATAS和jacs code 是什么意思?

jacs code是你的课程代码来自非欧洲经济区(non-EEA)的留学生在报读某些学科课程的研究生时,必须通过一道附加的审查。这项名位 ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme)的审查由英国外交部进行,申请人在得到大学入学通知书后,可通过英国外交部网站的网上申请表格递交申请。申请过程免费,时间为不超过3周。除了个人资料和课程代码外,申请人必须提交配偶、学历、雇主等资料。ATAS 是英国反恐战略下加强对外国留学生审查的步骤之一,所涉及的课程都属于理工生物等学科。ATAS 与就读院校直接挂钩,如果申请人转换院校,必须重新申请 ATAS。目前在读的学生在11月30日后延签也需要先获得ATAS。ATAS只适用于6个月以上的研究生课程,不适用于本科生。

never say goodbay歌词

[ti:Never Say Goodbye (中韩文对照歌词)] [ar:Mario&Nasty] [al:《my girl》主题曲] [by:洪湖渔夫] [00:-0.50]Never Say Good Bye - ub9c8ub9acuc624uc564ub4dc [00:-0.10]韩剧《我的女孩》主题曲 (中韩文歌词) [00:01.10]歌词制作:~洪湖渔夫~ QQ 16849991 [00:01.88] [00:02.54]Yea, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, [00:08.76]brand new classic, [00:11.29]ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, [00:16.50]yo keep it up keep it up, [00:18.72]two step with me, come on, [00:20.57]lets do it do it do it like this [00:22.76]1,2 baby clap ur hands [00:25.21]Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha [00:27.73]I want yall ladies clap again [00:29.92]Let me hear u say wut wut [00:32.72]uc6b0ub9ac ub2e8ub458uc774 its my story [00:34.35]ub610 ub108uc758 ub9d8uc774 ud760uc774 ub0b4 ub208uac00uc758 ub208ubb3cuc774 [00:34.99]ub108uc640uc758 uc2dcuac04uc740 ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 uae38uc5b4 ub108ubb34 uae38uc5b4 [00:39.90]ub530ub73bud55c ub098uc758 ub9d8uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uc624uae38 ube4cuc5b4 [00:42.49]the ghetto ub108uc758 ub9d8uc774 ub04cub9acub294 ub300ub85c ub10c uadf8ub300ub85c [00:45.09]never say goodbye so get up [00:47.23]if you go away 如果你离开 [00:49.44]you will see me cry 你会看到我流泪 [00:51.81]don"t you let me go 你不要让我走 [00:53.94]baby don"t you let me down ,baby你不要让我难过 [00:56.44]ub298 ud568uaed8 uc788uc5b4ub3c4 ub354 uac00uae5duc9c0 uc54auc740 总是在一起却仍有距离 [01:01.39]uc5b4ub5a4 uc758ubbf8ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uc9c4ubd80ud55c uc0acub791 什么意思也没有的陈腐的爱情 [01:06.02]don"t you let me go 你不要让我走 [01:08.27]baby don"t you let me down ,baby你不要让我难过 [01:10.91]you never say good bye 你从不说再见 [01:13.18]ud55cub3d9uc548 uba4dud558ub2c8 uc6b0ub450ucee4ub2c8 uc549uc544 我呆呆地坐了一会儿 [01:17.87]ub2e4uc2dc uc0dduac01ud588uc9c0ub9cc 只是想再考虑考虑 [01:20.03]uba48ucd9c uc21c uc5c6uaca0uc5b4 但是停止不了 [01:22.91]uc628ud1b5 uadf8ub300 uc0dduac01 ud560 uc218ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 只能完全想着你 [01:27.11]ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc774 ubbf8uc6cc 不由得痛恨自己 [01:29.87]don"t you let me go 你不要让我走 [01:32.32]baby don"t you let me down ,baby你不要让我难过 [01:34.79](Mario) And we the best aint no need to stress [01:37.45]Mario and nasty aint no need to impress [01:39.73](ubcf4ub78c)Yo! ub108uc758 ub9d8uc744 ubc1buc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8uc740 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 [01:42.12]ud5c8ub098 ub9d8 ud145 ube48 ucc44ub85c ube44uc6cc ub450uc9c4 uc54auc544 [01:44.44](Mario)Call it a fling or a love thing [01:46.83]I don"t care I can handle any drama that you bring. [01:49.32]ubc24 uaf2d uc138uc6cc ub9d8 uaf2d uc0acub791uc73cub85c ucc44uc6cc [01:51.79](Mario)with out u im better no one could do it better [01:54.28]hello cute nasty best mc [01:56.61]Mario right tight errnight that"s right. [01:59.40]I am still in love with you hey [02:01.58]ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 uc808ub300 uc774ud574 ubabbud55cub2e4uace0 [02:03.71]I"m still in love with you hey [02:06.33]Let me hear you say hey hey hey [02:08.53]Yo check it ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c ub5a0ub09cub2e4uace0 [02:10.98]uc624uc9c1 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub780 uc5ecuc790 ud558ub098ub77cuace0 [02:13.50]uafcbuafcbuc774 ub0a8uc790ub2f5uac8c ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c4 uc54auc544 [02:16.02]only u uc624uc9c1ud558ub098 only u uc78auc9c4 [02:17.98]uc54auc544 baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check [02:20.85]if you go away 如果你离开 [02:23.08]you will see me cry 你会看到我流泪 [02:25.23]don"t you let me go 你不要让我走 [02:27.66]baby don"t you let me down ,baby你不要让我难过 [02:29.86]ub298 ud568uaed8 uc788uc5b4ub3c4 ub354 uac00uae5duc9c0 uc54auc740 总是在一起却仍有距离 [02:34.69]uc5b4ub5a4 uc758ubbf8ub3c4 uc5c6ub294 uc9c4ubd80ud55c uc0acub791 什么意思也没有的陈腐的爱情 [02:39.69]don"t you let me go 你不要让我走 [02:42.22]baby don"t you let me down ,baby你不要让我难过 [02:44.36]you never say good bye 你从不说再见 [02:46.54]ud55cub3d9uc548 uba4dud558ub2c8 uc6b0ub450ucee4ub2c8 uc549uc544 我呆呆地坐了一会儿 [02:51.27]ub2e4uc2dc uc0dduac01ud588uc9c0ub9cc 只是想再考虑考虑 [02:53.91]uba48ucd9c uc21c uc5c6uaca0uc5b4 但是停止不了 [02:56.06]uc628ud1b5 uadf8ub300 uc0dduac01 ud560 uc218ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 只能完全想着你 [03:00.84]ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc774 ubbf8uc6cc 不由得痛恨自己 [03:03.65]you never say good bye (come on come on) 你从不说再见 [03:06.57]ud55cub3d9uc548 uba4dud558ub2c8(wana ride with the homie right?) 我呆呆地 [03:08.39]uc6b0ub450ucee4ub2c8 uc549uc544 (Wana get right then get high ) 坐了一会儿 [03:10.71]ub2e4uc2dc uc0dduac01ud588uc9c0ub9cc (ride with me ill ride with you) 只是想再考虑考虑 [03:13.09]uba48ucd9c uc21c uc5c6uaca0uc5b4 (you go down on me ill go down on you) 但是停止不了 [03:15.42]uc628ud1b5 ub124 uc0dduac01ub9cc (yeah~) 只能完全 [03:17.89]ud560 uc218 ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 (just me and you come on) 想着你 [03:20.32]ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc774 ubbf8uc6cc (One more time now) 不由得痛恨自己 [03:23.06]don"t you let me go (Say what) 你不要让我走 [03:25.45]babydon"t you let me down (One more time now)baby你不要让我难过 [03:27.88]1,2 baby clap ur hands [03:29.78]Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha [03:32.33]I want yall ladies clap again [03:34.69]Let me hear u say hey hey hey [03:37.24]uc0acub791ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 [03:39.80]ub098uc758 uafc8uc744 uc783uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc808ub300 ud3ecuae34 uc5c6ub2e4 [03:42.07]Ill logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonic [03:44.82]hetero sexual the kids flow is incredible [03:47.00]uc0acub791ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 ub098uc758 ub9d8ub3c4 ubcc0uce58 uc54auc544 [03:49.69]ub098uc758 uafc8uc744 uc783uc9c4 uc54auc544 uc808ub300 ud3ecuae34 uc5c6ub2e4 yea~ [03:58.69]

求一首英文歌名,第一句,麦欧麦…say good bye, …tell me why.中文名好像叫马到成功

周华健的my oh my吧?

有一首歌 歌词里面有 几句词是 say good bye.......耶....,放手去爱,放手去爱...


有一首歌的歌词:………存在,………say good bye,什么玩意的这个歌叫什么?


有个电影主题曲男女对唱,有句是SAY GOOD BYE


找一首英文歌,男声,伦巴曲风,副歌歌词大概是good bye…… say good bye

The Click Five - Say Goodbye?

一首女声英文歌曲,其中有一句好像是never say goodbye。

A Place Nearby Lene Marlin

never say goodbye的歌词


我的女孩主题曲Never say goodbye有中文版的歌词

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歌词 有 Say Good Bye 的歌曲名是什么

Time to say goodbye

有个电影主题曲男女对唱,有句是SAY GOOD BYE

翻译成中文是《不想说再见》Baby Vox Re.V的<Never say goodbye>对不??

有一首歌,好像是DJ版,反正节奏比较快,是个女的唱的。里面有一句:买啊买啊(音译)never say goodbye,


Say Good Bye 歌词

歌曲名:Say Good Bye歌手:Nockalm Quintett专辑:Schenk" Mir Deine Tr

一首歌...说出来或说明白后面是...Say good bye 是什么歌

我期待 张:我期待有一天我会回来 回到我最初的爱 回到童贞的神采 ^ 陶:我期待有一天我会明白 明白人世的至爱 明白原始的情怀 ^ 张:我情愿分合的无奈 能换来春夜的天籁 陶:我情愿现在与未来 能充满秋凉的爽快 ^ 陶:say goodbye say goodbye 前前后后迂迂回回地试探 ^ 张:say goodbye say goodbye 昂首阔步不留一丝遗憾 张:say goodbye (say goodbye)say goodbye 前前后后迂迂回回地试探 ^ 陶:say goodbye (say goodbye) say goodbye 昂首阔步不留一丝遗憾 ^ 张:say goodbye (say goodbye)say goodbye (say goodbye) 前前后后迂迂回回地试探 ^ 张:say goodbye (say goodbye)say goodbye (say goodbye) 昂首阔步不留一丝遗……憾

求首歌 英文的 歌词是什么say good bye 好像叫什么之舞的。

会不会是never say good bye

魏晨《baby say good bye》歌词


中文歌里有句歌词:say good bye 是个男生唱的抒情歌

是不是王力宏唱的。抒情歌,确实。kiss good bye。够不够有点爵士,不是抒情~

张信哲歌词 say good bye的歌名

Good ByeThe MelodyBy PeterratOh I love you endless timeI lose my mind because of youoh I want to kill myselfyou are the only love in my lifethe only thing there is nightmy love you are every breaththat I take oh I love youif you go say good byebut you know thisI will always love you bye! bye!if u go say goodbyebut you know this!I will always love you!在说任何话也辛苦时在再想见到你时任何说话也任何行动也 我什么也没法做到everyday every night !every single day I want you!please don"t leave me alone!don"t leave me alone!I want you I need you love youI`m gonna take you!everyday every night !every single day I want you!please don"t leave me alone!but you know this(but you know this)I will always love youeveryday every night !every single day I want you!please don"t leave me alone!but you know this(but you know this)I will always love youeveryday every night !oh I want to kill myselfI am just singingI love youWish Monkey Fang happy everyday
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