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阿姆单曲《rap god》中都包含了哪些梗?

“尽管我这种邪恶化身,一走进教堂就会被上帝燃成烈焰”。93年Run DMC发新专辑强调了他们皈依上帝的转变,Em说尽管自己深陷邪恶,上帝不肯宽恕他,但他在说唱圈的地位依然让他有资格介绍Run DMC入主名人堂。

请问谁用过six god的香水?效果好不好?

Six God是六神的意思,Six是六,God是神,合起来就是六神,这个一般都是搞笑用,爱情公寓里也有出现过,是一种花露水,并不是香水。

six god是什么香水?

是六神花露水。官方对外英文名:Liushen Florida Water网络用语:six god历史:1989年,家化的研发人员敏感地观察到痱热燥痒是夏季最主要的皮肤问题,而传统中医药理和药材应用是解决这类问题的最好手段。用来治疗痱子和其它夏季疾病的传统中药六神丸,其中主要成分是珍珠粉和麝香。以此为基础,家化科研人员将中药古方与花露水相结合,推出了全新的包含有六味传统中药的六神品牌的花露水。1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市。



six god是什么意思?

是六神花露水。官方对外英文名:Liushen Florida Water网络用语:six god历史:1989年,家化的研发人员敏感地观察到痱热燥痒是夏季最主要的皮肤问题,而传统中医药理和药材应用是解决这类问题的最好手段。用来治疗痱子和其它夏季疾病的传统中药六神丸,其中主要成分是珍珠粉和麝香。以此为基础,家化科研人员将中药古方与花露水相结合,推出了全新的包含有六味传统中药的六神品牌的花露水。1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市。

six god是什么意思啊??

six god是“六神”的中式英语的直译。六神花露水是上海家化联合股份有限公司旗下的一个花露水品牌,1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市,以“去痱止痒、提神醒脑”为明确产品诉求,迅速占领了花露水市场份额。六神品牌为大众消费者提供全家共享的夏季清洁、护理产品,帮助他们畅享夏日,体验清新。六神珍视传统,求真务实;崇尚和谐,追求创新,与大众消费者共享欢乐。功效六神花露水主要为夏季使用,有清凉感觉,主要用途为:1、驱蚊——将花露水涂于身上,蚊虫就不再叮咬。2、止痒——涂抹在被蚊虫叮咬的部位。3、祛痱——上海人曾经习惯在夏天小孩子的洗澡水中加入花露水以达到祛痱的目的。

six god是什么牌子的香水

这两单词不懂吗?six god 当然是六神了,哈哈


ModelSim,首先(open)打开需要仿真的模块 ,Source -> Show Language Templates,在显示的 Language Templates栏目中选择“Create Testbench”软件自动弹出的"Create Testbench Wizzard”窗口中,在"work"下选择待仿真模块,按照提示走完,即自动生成。扩展资料:主要特点RTL和门级优化,本地编译结构,快速编译和仿真,跨平台和跨版本仿真;单内核VHDL和Verilog混合仿真;源码模板及助理,项目管理;集成性能分析、波形比较、代码覆盖、数据流ChaseX、信号间谍、虚拟对象、内存窗口、内存窗口、源窗口显示信号值、信号状态断点等调试功能;C与Tcl/Tk接口,C调试;直接支持SystemC,与HDL任意混合;支持SystemVerilog设计功能;对系统级描述语言,SystemVerilog,SystemC,PSL的最全面的支持;ASIC关闭。行为、RTL和门级代码可以单独或同时使用。


six god是“六神”的中式英语的直译。六神花露水是上海家化联合股份有限公司旗下的一个花露水品牌,1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市,以“去痱止痒、提神醒脑”为明确产品诉求,迅速占领了花露水市场份额。六神品牌为大众消费者提供全家共享的夏季清洁、护理产品,帮助他们畅享夏日,体验清新。六神珍视传统,求真务实;崇尚和谐,追求创新,与大众消费者共享欢乐。功效六神花露水主要为夏季使用,有清凉感觉,主要用途为:1、驱蚊——将花露水涂于身上,蚊虫就不再叮咬。2、止痒——涂抹在被蚊虫叮咬的部位。3、祛痱——上海人曾经习惯在夏天小孩子的洗澡水中加入花露水以达到祛痱的目的。

six god是什么意思

six god是“六神”的中式英语的直译。六神花露水是上海家化联合股份有限公司旗下的一个花露水品牌,1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市,以“去痱止痒、提神醒脑”为明确产品诉求,迅速占领了花露水市场份额。六神品牌为大众消费者提供全家共享的夏季清洁、护理产品,帮助他们畅享夏日,体验清新。六神珍视传统,求真务实;崇尚和谐,追求创新,与大众消费者共享欢乐。功效六神花露水主要为夏季使用,有清凉感觉,主要用途为:1、驱蚊——将花露水涂于身上,蚊虫就不再叮咬。2、止痒——涂抹在被蚊虫叮咬的部位。3、祛痱——上海人曾经习惯在夏天小孩子的洗澡水中加入花露水以达到祛痱的目的。

six god是什么?

six god是“六神”的中式英语的直译。六神花露水是上海家化联合股份有限公司旗下的一个花露水品牌,1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市,以“去痱止痒、提神醒脑”为明确产品诉求,迅速占领了花露水市场份额。六神品牌为大众消费者提供全家共享的夏季清洁、护理产品,帮助他们畅享夏日,体验清新。六神珍视传统,求真务实;崇尚和谐,追求创新,与大众消费者共享欢乐。功效六神花露水主要为夏季使用,有清凉感觉,主要用途为:1、驱蚊——将花露水涂于身上,蚊虫就不再叮咬。2、止痒——涂抹在被蚊虫叮咬的部位。3、祛痱——上海人曾经习惯在夏天小孩子的洗澡水中加入花露水以达到祛痱的目的。

six god是什么意思?

six god是“六神”的中式英语的直译。六神花露水是上海家化联合股份有限公司旗下的一个花露水品牌,1990年第一瓶六神花露水上市,以“去痱止痒、提神醒脑”为明确产品诉求,迅速占领了花露水市场份额。六神品牌为大众消费者提供全家共享的夏季清洁、护理产品,帮助他们畅享夏日,体验清新。六神珍视传统,求真务实;崇尚和谐,追求创新,与大众消费者共享欢乐。功效六神花露水主要为夏季使用,有清凉感觉,主要用途为:1、驱蚊——将花露水涂于身上,蚊虫就不再叮咬。2、止痒——涂抹在被蚊虫叮咬的部位。3、祛痱——上海人曾经习惯在夏天小孩子的洗澡水中加入花露水以达到祛痱的目的。


查阅了一些网络上的资料,基本说法是Quartus II从11.0开始就取消了自带的仿真工具,转而采用第三方仿真工具。个人安装的 13.0(网络版)确实没有自带的仿真工具,但是有提供Modelsim_Altera安装包,一直在用的就是该第三方工具。在11.0之前的版本用过7.0的,其自带的仿真只能通过建立.vwf波形文件的形式完成仿真。Modelsim是专用的仿真工具,跟Quartus II等集成工具的仿真功能相比,功能要强大的多,对于系统函数,debug等所需要的调试手段等的支持要好的多。testbench就是为了完成设计验证所建立的测试平台(或环境),一般包含三个要素:产生激励信号,调用被测试电路,以及对测试电路的输出结果进行比较验证等。它本质上就是HDL代码。

six god的中文是什么?

"Six God"是一个流行的英文词语,它的中文翻译可以是“六神”。但是需要注意的是,在不同的语境中,“Six God”可能有不同的意义和翻译。



six god flower water 是啥意思?




爱情公寓2里 six god 那句话怎么说

意思是 原来如此


six是“六”的意思,god是“上帝,神”的意思,sixgod是“六神”的中式英语的直译,最初不知道是谁把六神花露水翻译成了 sixgod,后来这个词就被大家玩坏了。。。

six god怎么读?

C科斯 膏的。

请问谁用过six god 的香水啊?效果好不好?

six god!(旷古的回声!)six god很好,非常好,特别的好,不能再好了效果刚刚的,非常好我一直用的

“SIX GOD”是什么意思?

“SIX GOD”根据字面意思就知道是“六神”的意思,而我们最熟悉的日常用品就是“六神花露水。”关于SIX GOD的搞笑段子“大家下节课就能见到教阅读的老师,他是传说中的琐男,就是委琐的男人。因为他长期用一个牌子的香水:SIX GOD。你们不知道吗?这么有名的牌子都不知道?六神撒!”


解答:sixgod,它的读音是[su026aks ɡu0252d]。



SIX GOD是什么意思呢、?

六神 爱情公寓里曾用过 六神花露水

six god是什么梗

six god ,即六神的中式英语,中国有一个品牌叫“六神”,旗下品牌有花露水、沐浴露等。,因“666”爆红于网络,成为厉害的代名词,所以人称赞当666都不能成长对方的时候,就用666神来代替,简称“6神”。六神的民间英文翻译“Six God”。

Six god是什么意思




J.Agric.Food Chem 好像是一个什么期刊物的

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry缩写名: J. Agric. Food Chem.介绍:The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry publishes research results dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food with a focus on original research representing complete studies, rather than incremental studies. The Journal includes topics on chemical/biochemical composition and the effects of processing on the composition and safety of foods, feeds, and other products from agriculture, including wood and other biobased materials, byproducts, and wastes. It covers the chemistry of pesticides, veterinary drugs, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other agrochemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology, and environmental fate. The chemical processes involved in nutrition, phytonutrients, flavors and aromas, are reported on in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. New and expanded features for the journal include editorials, contributed announcements of relevant meetings and listings of new books.

跪求SISSEL《All Good Things》演唱会下载地址``急!!!!


一首英文歌 副歌中好像有somebody 副歌结尾是all right! 男的唱的 很欢快

The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena GomezYou got me sipping on somethingI can"t compare to nothingI bet for known I"m hopingThat after this fever I"ll surviveI know I"m acting a bit crazyStrung out, a little bit hazyHand over heart, I"m prayingThat I"m gonna make it out aliveThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsYou got me scattered in piecesShining like stars and screamingLightening me up like VenusBut then you disappearAnd make me waitAnd every second"s like tortureHell over trip, no more soFinding a way to let goBaby baby no I can"t escapeThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsThis is a modern fairy-taleNo happy endingsNo winning ourselvesBut I can"t imagine a life withoutBreathless momentsBreaking me downDown down downThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsThe heart wants what it wants babyWhat it wants babyWhat it wants babyWhat it wants baby

If our government _____attention to controlling food safety now. our health ____in danger.

答案为D 这是个条件状语从句

求Sissel (西丝尔)唱的《All Good Things》英文歌词的中文翻译?

If you ever would need someone 如果你曾需要某人Then think of me 那么请想到我If you ever would need someone Then think of meNeed you ever to love someone 如果你需要一个人爱你Consider me 考虑我Will you ever know your lover"s gone 你知道你的情人要离开了So think of me 所以想想我All good things comes to the one who waits 一切美好的事情都来自那个在等待的人All good things comes to the one who waitsSince I never have had to fight 自从我不在去吵架I loose easily 我很容易认输Since I never have had to fightI still believe 我依旧相信Patiently...that 耐心的等待All good things comes to the one who waitsAll good things comes to the one who waitsAll good things comes to the one who waitsAll good things comes to the one who waitsIf you ever would need someoneThen think of me有些歌词重复就没必要给你翻译了

Never before in China __________ so carefully concerned about the food safety. A.people have..

B 考查倒装。Never,表否定意义,表否定意义的词放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装,排除A,D;根据时间状语before,可知不能用一般现在时态,排除D。所以选B。

The poisonous food case led to _____ more emphasis on the importance of food safety.

led to 是lead to 的过去式,"导致, 引起". 其中to为介词, 后跟名词,代词或动名词形式. 因此只能在C和D中选择.那为什么此题选D不选C呢? 因为此句是说: 有毒食品案造成了一个现有的结果: 人们已经重视食品安全了.因此此处的动名词要用现在完成式而不是一般式.所以选D.句意: 有毒食品案使人们更加重视食品安全的重要性了.

求英语作文 标题:On Food Safety 字数120左右

On food safety 【By Kaiser3344】  It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to ourhealth.However,at the begining of the year 2008,the low-quality milk products by SANLUCompany killed many babies.Therefore,it is high time that we paid attention to thisgrave issue.  There are several reasons for this several problem.First and foremost,some products,to huge profits,make fake commodities or products of poor quality.In addition,the monitorrole of laws and regulations has not been implemented in a strict way.Last but not leastthe public especially customers from poor families,are not alert enough to the safety offood.  In view of the graveness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before thingsget worse.Firstly,it is imperative that relevant laws and regulation should be enforcedin a stringent way.Secondly,the public should be trained to be alert to food quality.Only by taking these actions can the problem be tackled successfully in the nearestfuture.

How to keep on food safety英语作文?

How to keep food safe? We should buy fresh food to eat. We should refrigerate or freeze the rest of the food we eat in the summer. We should clean the vegetables or fruits we buy. How do you keep food safe?

The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can...

B 试题分析: 句意:三鹿奶粉事件是一个说明食品安全是大问题的明显的象征;没人能担保所有的食品对我们是安全的,但是我们能确定情况正在变好。acknowledge承认;guarantee说明;identity身份;clarify澄清。故选B。考点: 考查动词的用法。

Food Safety Manager翻译除了叫食品安全经理以外ia,还有别的叫法吗?


根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)小题1:Food &...

小题1:safety小题2:themselves小题3:to hold小题4:was cleaning小题5:has risen小题6:terribly小题7:replying小题8:was seen小题9:take小题10:tougher 小题1:考查固定短语。food safety食品安全,故填safety。小题2:考查反身代词。这里指数的本身,books是复数,故填themselves。小题3:考查固定用法。the first to do sth第一个做某事的人或物。故填to hold。小题4:考查时态和主谓一致。More than one作主语,谓语用单数,过去某时刻发生的事情用过去进行时。故填was cleaning。小题5:考查时态。根据 recently最近,可知,用现在完成时。故填has risen。小题6:考查副词。修饰动词或形容词、副词,用副词。故填terribly。小题7:考查固定搭配。spend time doing sth花时间做某事,故填replying。小题8:考查感官动词。be seen doing sth被看到正在做某事。故填was seen。小题9:考查固定句型。祈使句+and表示条件,故填take。小题10:考查比较级。far, even, much等修饰比较级,故填tougher。

跪求一篇英语作文,题目 my views on food safety

无分无动力。。。however i could help you analyze this argument and give you some ideasfirst paragraph and last one you are supposed to write something like that : with the development of human"s lives, they acquire higher level of living conditions, which means that they demand a better quality of food or other thing like that....&especially food safety is a vital part of what i"ve mentioned.then the central paragraph you could refer to some real examplessuch as: 三聚氰胺牛奶让人中毒,影响健康食品监管应该加强,人们应提高素质,不应为利益侵害他人健康anyway,you can say anything related to your topic!

Food safety is important. Rules ______ to stop people from food pollution.

答案B 被动语态的用法。 本句句意:食品安全很重要,必须制定制度来阻止人们遭受食品污染;根据句意应该含情态动词must的被动语态,即must be done。 查看原帖>>

跪求英语作文on food safety

On food safety 【By Kaiser3344】  It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to ourhealth.However,at the begining of the year 2008,the low-quality milk products by SANLUCompany killed many babies.Therefore,it is high time that we paid attention to thisgrave issue.  There are several reasons for this several problem.First and foremost,some products,to huge profits,make fake commodities or products of poor quality.In addition,the monitorrole of laws and regulations has not been implemented in a strict way.Last but not leastthe public especially customers from poor families,are not alert enough to the safety offood.  In view of the graveness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before thingsget worse.Firstly,it is imperative that relevant laws and regulation should be enforcedin a stringent way.Secondly,the public should be trained to be alert to food quality.Only by taking these actions can the problem be tackled successfully in the nearestfuture.【楼主】如不满意,请继续追问!!!

英语翻译Food safety is become more and more important to the people of China


求英语短文(口语考试) 关于Food Safety 两分钟左右

Dear editoruff0c I"m writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety. “The food is what matters to the people, the food by An Weixian”, the humanity grows, the economy soars, the social progress, the time cannot leave food, cannot leave the security, hygienic, nutrition food.“How can like this? How should we manage?”The general populations were asking unceasingly “we must eat safe food” the general populations to request unceasingly, populace"s call, stimulates to movement us to ponder, moves. "Food enterprise, the conscience enterprise”, food production management enterprise is qualified, the high quality food producer, is the person who has rendered meritorious service, also is the inferior harmful food manufacturer, and possibly becomes the criminal, therefore said, food produces the operator is the food security first owner, decides food quality the key aspect both is the technology, also is not the management and the equipment, the key lies in food production in the human key to manage the owner and jobholders" professional personal integrity and the moral standard.The dead pork production meat product, the use industry paraffin wax manufacture hot pot bed charge, the use sodium hydroxide soaks floods sends the product, don"t they know these things harmfully? Also non-, how lets us listen to the production protein content only is 2% powdered milk production business owner when hears the long-term oral administration powdered milk causes the big end of baby death is says, “, this kind of powdered milk cannot eat continuously, we always do not eat in any case, we all arrive the supermarket to buy several dozens Yuan tin of import powdered milk to eat”This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.

以food safety 为题初中英语作文

Asthesayinggoes,“foodisthefirstnecessityofthepeople”.Indeed food, as the first factor of survival, plays a very significant role inour daily lives. In recent years, however, the food safety issues seems tobe emerging in an endless stream, which leads the public to generate alot of doubts and fears to what they eat.Let me give an example, on the way to work or study, we can seetherearemanyfoodstallsontheroadside.Theysellakindoffoodnamed Malatang, which in fact, equal to some fried bean curd and beefwith cayenne pepper. From the appearance, the Malatang seems brightand attractive; as for the taste, you may get some clues as seeing peopleeating like wolves and tigers.Youmightwonder:howcouldtherebeanydangerbehindthesedeliciousfoodslikeMalatang?Butthetruthis,themoreattractiveitlooks, the greater it tastes, the more dangerous it could be. Driven by theinterests, the venders are determined to make money by fair means orfoul.Duringtheproductionofthefood,theyperpetratefraudsandadulterate the quality.Secretone:chickensoup.Thesoupismostlymadewithcheapchickenbones,andwillbeusedrepeatedly,sometimesinordertoprovide freshness, chicken essence is needed too. In addition, those in作文库大全小升初中考满分高考满分高考零分the name of "Malatang" soup, in fact, are all water.Secrettwo:vegetables.Leftoversandfreshvegetablesareputtogether, looks like there is no difference when boiled. In this way,Itnot only makes no waste, but also save a great amount of cost. If youworry about the leftovers will be too tired out, the snack vender oftencovered it with a piece of cloth, sprayed with water, so that the dishesare not easy to become listless.Secret three: sauce.The sauce mixed with water, is made fromvintage hemp juice, sesame oil, chicken essence, and most peoplecannot figure out what they are eating. Another way to do is to pour theleftover into a large barrel, and use a colander, to filter out the soup,throw away leftovers. Then above the filtered soup will be floating alayer of red chili oil. With such bright colors of chili oil, the need formoney to buy pepper is left out.In order to solve this problem, we must take multi-directionalmeasures. For the governmental officials, they should strengthen themarket supervision and fight against counterfeits and inferiors; for thepeddlers, it"s their responsibility to do business honestly and guaranteethe quality of the food; for the consumers, we can"t be too cautiouswhen it comes to food issues. Always remember to keep an eye on whatyou eat, because that matters the most.

名为‘Food safety’的英语作文 初三水平 100多字 最好带翻译,急求!!!

IN the food safety and products crises that hit China in recent years, a small group of people have emerged in a curiously unattractive way: celebrities.A number of film and TV stars have been the source of a peculiar controversy after appearing in TV or print ads giving testimonials about how wonderful this or that product is. The problem was that some of the products turned out to be sub-standard or even fakes that could damage your health. Fortunately for the stars, there were no specific laws governing people pushing fake products so few ran into legal problems.The new Food Safety Law, passed by the National People"s Congress Standing Committee last week, is intended to remedy that. It states that groups or individuals recommending foods to consumers in fraudulent ads can be held liable if people are harmed by the products.

food safety与food security有什么区别

food safety与food security区别:food safety指的是食品的卫生安全(微生物时间,重金属事件)等等。food security 指的是粮食的供应是否安全无虞。

food safety与food security有什么区别?

这个问题提的好!food safety:通常是指食品质的安全,也就是现在“食品安全”的概念,但更强调的是针对一些偶然的、食品意外污染的危害。food security:通常是指食品量的安全,即是否有能力得到或者提供足够的食物或者食品。security在餐馆业是指保护消费者和雇员不受暴虐和犯罪危害。FAO对food security的定义:指所有人在任何时候都能在物质上和经济上获得足够、安全和富有营养的食物以满足其健康而积极生活的膳食需要(世界食品首脑会议行动计划第一段)。这涉及四个条件:(1)充足的粮食供应或可获得量;(2)不因季节或年份而产生波动或不足的稳定供应;(3)具有可获得的并负担得起的粮食;(4)优质安全的食物。Food Safety”与“Food Security”所针对食品的安全性是密切相关的,但所针对的引起食品安全问题的原因是各有侧重的。Food security refers to the availability of food and one"s access to it. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation.参考资料:Food security exists when all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (FAO)Food security for a household means access by all members at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at a minimum (1) the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and (2) an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies). (USDA)[16][本帖最后由 zippo 于 2008-8-20 08:54 编辑]zippo at 2008-8-20 08:52:40wangjiao先发了,很好啊。小小的区别可能带来很大的差异也来了解一下,长点见识。

be good with 相等 get along with 或 get on well with吗?

be good with 与……相处的好:灵巧的;擅长. get along with 与……相处的好;在...方面进展;(多指虽有困难)仍继续使用,应付... get on well with 与……相处的好. 三个词在“与……相处的好”的意思上是一样的.

美国现代人权运动(modern civil rights)是如何发生的啊?

人权运动 主要是指黑人的为了自由引发的“人道主义”运动,要求政府给予黑人自由 给予平等权利,禁止歧视,最早当然是林肯的“解放黑奴宣言”,由此引发南北战争,后来内战结束了,可种族歧视任然存在,后来就有了马丁的华盛顿游行,就一直持续到现在



module 10 on the radio课文和翻译

是外研版的吗?Unit 1Chen Huan: Hi, everybody. I"m the news director at Radio Beijing.陈欢:嗨,大家好。我是北京广播电台新闻部的主任。Lingling: Thank you for showing us around.玲玲:感谢您带我们参观Chen Huan: No problem! Now, come this way.Look at the red light. When it"s on,it means we"reon air. And we should avoid making any noise in the background!陈欢:不客气!现在,这边请。看那个红灯。当它亮时,表示我们 正在广播。在背景中我们应该制造任何噪音!Tony:OK.托尼:好的。Chen Huan: This is the newsroom. We collect the latest national and international news and write reports here. It gets crazy in here just before the proqramme beqins.陈欢:这是新闻编辑室。我们在这儿收集最新的国内、国际新闻并撰写报道。节目开始前,这里都要忙疯了。Lingling: How can I become a presenter?玲玲:我怎样才能成为一名主持人呢?Chen Huan:I think you need to speak English really well. So keep studying, and I hope that you can join us one day.陈欢:我认为你需要讲一口流利的英语。所以继续学习吧,我希望有一天你能加入到我们的行列中来。Tony:What about the sports news? 托尼:体育新闻呢?Chen Huan: That"s over there. And it is where we do interviews with the big sports stars. Let"s watch the presenter. Remember what I said: we need to keep quiet if the red light is on.际欢:在那边。那是我们采访体育明星大腕的地方。我们看看主持人吧。记住我说的:如果红灯亮,我们需要保持安静。Presenter:Finally,we"ve just heard that Germany has won the football match,2-1 against England.主持人:最后,我们刚刚获悉,德国队以2:1战胜了英格兰队,赢得了足球比赛。Lingling:Hey! That"s great news!玲玲:嘿!这是好消息!Tony:No,it"s awful news!托尼:不,这是可怕的消息!All: Ssh!所有人:嘘!Presenter:... And that"s the end of the six o"clock news.主持人:……6点钟新闻播送到这里。Unit 2“How old are you?”The radio manager looked down at me.“你多大了?”电台经理低头看着我。“Fifteen,”I said.“15岁,”我说。“And you want a job in radio? Shouldn"t you be at school?”he asked.“你想在电台找一份工作?难道你不应该上学吗?”他问。How could I explain? I"ve always loved the radio. I still remember, when I was four years old,I sat close to the radio in the living room,listening to my favourite programmes and to the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in pweson. At the age of nine, I asked for part-time jobs in small radio stations.我该怎么解释呢?我一直喜欢广播。我仍然记得在我4岁时,我紧挨着客厅的收音机坐着,听我最喜欢的节目和最喜欢的主持人的声音。感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。9岁时,我去小电台找过兼职工作。As I grew older, my interest in radio grew. 0ne day I learnt about Internet radio. Once a week,I played my favourite music from my father"s computer, talked about life at schcol, and hoped someone might be listening.隧着年龄的增长,我对广播的兴趣与日俱增。有一天我了解了网络电台。一周一次,我用父亲的电脑播放我最喜欢的音乐,谈论学校的生活,并且希望有人能听(我的节目)。Soon my friends at school started to listen, and then they wanted to help. We prepared a programme once a week, doing research my reading articles about music and sports news. We also did research for jokes and the weather report (I did this by looking out of the window) .不久我学校的朋友们开始收听(这个节目),后来他们想帮忙。我们每周一次准备一期节目。通过阅读音乐文献和体育新闻进行研究。我们也研究笑话和天气预报(我通过观察窗外的情况做这个)。6SOK,come with me,"the manager said. I sat down in the studio. He was inanother room,behind a glass wall.“好吧,跟我来,”经理说。我坐在录音室里。他在玻璃墙后的另一个房间里。“OK,let"s do a sound check.Just tell me what you had for breakfast.”“好,我们做一个音质测试吧。你就告诉我你早餐吃了什么。”All radio presenters need to answer the same question before they begin work. The purpose is to check the sound level.所有电台主持人在开始工作前都需要回答同样的问题。其目的是测试音质水平。“I had eggs,fruit and some milk.”“我吃了鸡蛋、水果,喝了牛奶。”“OK,that"s great!”the man behind。the glass said.“好,很棒!”玻璃后面的男人说道。This was how my first real job in radio loegan这就是我在电台第一份真正的工作是如何开始的。


(1)Pxx=periodogram(x):返回向量x的功率谱估计向量Pxx。默认情况下,向量x要先由长度为length(x)的boxcar窗进行截取。FFT运算的长度为比length(x)大2的整数次幂。如果x为实信号,则只返回正频率上的谱估计值;如果x为复信号,则正、负频率上的谱估计值均返回。(2)Pxx=periodogram(x,window):参数window用来指定所采用的窗函数。窗函数的长度必须与向量x的长度一样。当window为空矩阵“[]”时,则使用默认值boxcar(rectangular)窗。(3)[Pxx,w]=periodogram(x,window,NFFT):参数NFFT用来指定FFT运算所采用的点数:如果x为实信号、NFFT为偶数,则Pxx的长度为(NFFT/2+1);如果x为实信号、NFFT为奇数,则Pxx的长度为(NFFT+l)/2;如果x为复信号,则Pxx的长度为NFFT;当NFFT为空矩阵“[]”时,则使用默认值min(256,length(x))。输出参数w为和估计PSD(Power Spectral Density)的位置一一对应的归一化角频率,单位为rad/sample,其范围如下:如果x为实信号,则w的范围为[0,pi];如果x为复信号,则w的范围为[0,2* pi]。(4)[Pxx,f]=periodogram(x,window,NFFT,Fs):返回和估计PSD的位置一一对应的线性频率f,单位为Hz,参数Fs为采样频率,单位也是Hz。当Fs为空矩阵“[]”时,则使用默认值1 Hz。输出参数f的范围如下:如果x为实信号,则f的范围为[0,Fs/2];如果x为复信号,则f的范围为[0,Fs]。(5)[…]=periodogram(x,‘twosided"):返回向量x的双边(即正负频率)PSD估计,此时,Pxx的长度为NFFT,w的范围为[0,2*pi]。当twosided被onesided代替后,则返回向量x的单边(即正频率)PSD估计。(6)Periodogram(…):没有输出参数,在当前图形窗口里绘制出PSD估计结果图,坐标分别为dB和归一化频率。[例4-3]采用periodogram 函数来计算功率谱,结果如图4-13 所示。Fs=1000;NFFT=1024;n=0:1/Fs:1;x=sin(2*pi*75*n)+4*sin(2*pi*210*n)+randn(size(n));window=boxcar(length(x));periodogram(x,window,NFFT,Fs)。图4-13 periodogram函数(直接法)功率谱估计的结果图

Nebraska has foods in some years,_ A.in o

答案A 英语的省略词序和汉语不同,只能慢慢积累。内布拉斯加在一些年份能有收成(因此而得到食物),而在另外的年份(in others即in other years)得到只是旱灾(drought)(什么食物都无法取得)。


应该是you make me feel good:你让我感觉良好



1.cost —— reduced, the next problem was how to speed up the production。

1. B是对的。用完成时是表示原因的。根据词意,加了倒装结构。先解决了成本问题,然后才去解决生产效率。2. 是词的顺序问题,哪个跟哪个要挨着近一些,哪些个远一些。A的排列最好,C似乎也是对的,但是关系有点散。3. 如果有happen的选择。Happen应该是比较好的。但是没有。情态动词could后面只能接动词原形。所以只能用B. A、D都不是动词原形。C是不能用被动语态,所以也不能用。希望帮到你了


我只知道UFO是不名飞行物UFO还有一个好玩的解释 那就是:UFO=ugly+foolish+old


《Cyrano De Bergerac》(Rostand, Edmond)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/127hZ-1EwPEQqNIY5y_Nnkg 提取码:i625书名:Cyrano De Bergerac作者:Rostand, Edmond出版年份:2009-2页数:244内容简介:Tonight When I make my sweeping bow at heaven"s gate, One thing I shall still possess, at any rate, Unscathed, something outlasting mortal flesh, And that is ... My panache." The first English translation of Cyrano de Bergerac, in 1898, introduced the word panache into the English language. This single word summed up Rostand"s rejection of the social realism which dominated late nineteenth-century theatre. He wrote his heroic comedy", unfashionably, in verse, and set it in the reign of Louis XIII and the Three Musketeers. Based on the life of a little known writer, Rostand"s hero has become a figure of theatrical legend: Cyrano, with the nose of a clown and the soul of a poet, is by turns comic and sad, as reckless in love as in war, and never at a loss for words. Audiences immediately took him to their hearts, and since the triumphant opening night in December 1897 - at the height of the Dreyfus Affair - the play has never lost its appeal. The text is accompanied by notes and a full introduction which sets the play in its literary and historical context. Christopher Fry"s acclaimed translation into chiming couplets" represents the homage of one verse dramatist to another.

我的iphone5s出现exit safe mode怎么办?如何解决

1、尝试直接点击弹窗中的“Restart”来重启springboard解决(如果您点击了弹窗的“ok”,想再次呼出safe mode提示窗,只需返回桌面点击一下状态栏即可)。如果该方法无效,您还是循环在safe mode模式,请继续往下看。2、尝试卸载最新从cydia安装的一个插件。如果您是在安装一个插件注销后进入safe mode的,请点击safe mode提示窗下的“OK”然后进入Cydia,将刚才安装的插件卸载掉。这也是有效的解决办法。插件库文件都在/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries下,您也可从这直接删除(不懂的请谨慎操作)。重要提示:安装任何软件前都要先看清是否支持您的系统或机器,不要盲目安装。如果您没有安装软件或卸载后还是没有解决问题,请继续往下看。3、iPhone/iPad实在没法退出safe mode的解决办法:如果经过上两步您还是没有解决问题(safe mode),您需要先将系统处在safe mode下,打开cydia搜索安装一个叫"CrashReporter"的软件来帮助您诊断错误。该软件具体使用方法:打开软件;点击“SpringBoard”;点击最新一次记录;点击“Crashlog”查看您的崩溃日志,找到哪个插件引起的然后将其卸载恢复。如果您不懂,不确定,请谨慎操作。4、如果所有的办法您都试过了,还是没办法的话。那么赶紧连上iTunes,备份,重刷固件吧。没办法了。以上就是iphone5s出现exit safe mode解决方法及相关介绍,希望对大家有所帮助!



苹果手机顶部出现exit safe mode是什么意思?

是【退出安全模式】的意思。这个没关系,应该是你安装了什么不安全的第三方软件引起的。苹果系统自动开启的保护模式。可以直接点击退出安全模式,也可以把刚下载的软件删掉,或者重启一下就解决啦。点中间的就可以啦。如何退出手机安全模式?1、首先我们可以尝试直接对弹窗上的提示“restart”进行点击,这样一来就能通过重启springboard来解决。如果重启依旧没有效果,那么我们可以推测是手机中国的Cydia substrate(原名Mobile Substrate)和 Substrate safe mode 版本没有更新导致的,此时我们对其进行更新即可。2.如果重启无效,可能是由于设备里的Cydia substrate(原名Mobile Substrate)和 Substrate safe mode 版本太旧,没有更新引起的崩溃。3.如果更新完依旧无限安全模式,那么请尝试卸载最后从Cydia安装的一个插件,以此往前推。4.还是无效的话,请在Cydia搜索安装crash reporter,然后在安全模式下点击桌面上的【回报错误】,点击“SpringBoard”,查看最新的一次崩溃日志,找到引起崩溃的插件将其卸载恢复,实在不行,插件全部卸载。5.依旧不行的话,请前往cydia的管理—软件包—卸载Cydia substrate(原名Mobile Substrate)和Substrate safe mode,然后再重新安装。请注意如果卸载这两个插件,那么以此为依赖项的插件将会全部被卸载,需要重新再安装。6.如果上述的办法都试过了,还是没法解决。那么请连接iTunes进行备份,重新刷固件。1、什么是安全模式安全模式,英文翻译成safe mode,与之相关的是MobileSubstrate,它是Cydia的作者开发出来的另外一款框架,现在我们在市面上看到的所有Cydia.springboard插件几乎都是基于此框架,而安全模式就是MobileSubstrate中不可或缺的一部分,当手机用户进入到安全模式之后,就能够非常方便地对手机中出问题的软件进行卸载,这样一来,手机就不会进入到无限的死循环。2、如何进入到安全模式进入到手机的安全模式比较简单,对于iOS系统的用户来说,只需要对手机进行越狱操作就会看到自己手机的设备界面呈现灰色,手机的面板中弹出“We apologize for the inconvenience,but SpringBoard hasjust crashed. MobileSubstrate did not cause this problem:it has protected youfrom it.”的英文提示,当你看到这一行提示的时候,很明显你已经进入到手机的安全模式了。

苹果手机出现Exit safe mode,怎么回事


How does it feel to look good?


Twin Method的《Pedigree》 歌词

歌曲名:Pedigree歌手:Twin Method专辑:The Volume Of SelfRigo Luna - PedigreeMy pedigreeMy pedigreeBeen watchin" youYou"re checkin" me tooTell me what I doCos your body sure do loveWorkin" out that frameWanna know your nameSee you runnin" them gameOn every dude in the clubEvery girl in the West Side GGotta check out the P-I-M-PGotta check just right for meKeep throwin" favor my wayIt"s all good what you really don"t knowGot you thinkin" you"re in controlGirl, you"re dealin" with a naturalMy pedigreeThe level of my pimpin" got you feelin" meYou gotta burn my swagger, girlPedigreeYou and me, we both the sameBaby girl, we know the gameGotta have you on my teamIt"s in my bloodAll the ways to run itNever see me comin"And when you do, it"s too lateYou"re a different typeSo qualifiedYou"re cold as iceYou try to freeze me with itEvery girl in the West Side GGotta check out the P-I-M-PGotta check just right for meKeep throwin" favor my wayIt"s all good what you really don"t knowGot you thinkin" you"re in controlGirl, you"re dealin" with a naturalSo bench them other playersI"ll be your MVPYou"ll never need anotherOnce you get with meGame, give nice gameBe the same girlI"ll never play aroundIf you say you"ll hold it downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15030848

Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on th...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:C小题5:A 小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the play ground.”理解可知。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“People often fly kites on a sunny and windy day.”理解可知。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“When the kite doesn"t fly in the sky, just adjust(调整) the string reel.”理解可知。小题4:词义理解推测题,根据文中语句理解可知。小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Flying kites is a very good activity in spring, and a lot of people like it.”理解可知。


python的默认编码是ascii,可以通过sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")函数设置python的默认编码。python中可以通过encode和decode的方式改变数据的编码,比如:>>> u"汉字"u"u6c49u5b57">>> u"汉字".encode("utf-8")"xe6xb1x89xe5xadx97">>> u"汉字".encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")u"u6c49u5b57"我们可以通过这两个函数设置编码。那么,python中的str是什么类型?>>> import binascii>>> "汉字""xbaxbaxd7xd6">>> type("汉字")>>> print binascii.b2a_hex("汉字")babad7d6>>> print binascii.b2a_hex(u"汉字")Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 1, inUnicodeEncodeError: "ascii" codec can"t encode characters inposition 0-1: ordinal not in range(128)>>> print binascii.b2a_hex(u"汉字".encode("utf-8"))e6b189e5ad97>>> print binascii.b2a_hex(u"汉字".encode("gbk"))babad7d6binascii是将数据的二进制转换成ascii,上面的解释是:‘汉字"的类型是str,二进制是babad7d6,u‘汉字"是无法转换成ascii,这样就报出了开头的第一个错误。解决办法就是把它.encode(‘utf-8")成str类型。因为我命令行是windows默认的GBK编码,所有u"汉字".encode(‘gbk")的时候,输出结果和‘汉字"结果一样。

刘宪华i know i need somebody是什么歌

刘宪华i know i need somebody是出自歌曲《how to love》。《how to love》是刘宪华翻唱的歌曲,整首歌节奏感很强,非常好听。《How To Love》是美国电子舞曲组合Cash Cash与美国女歌手Sofia Reyes联手合作的一支单曲,由华纳唱片公司于2016年04月29号正式发布,后收录于Cash Cash2016年6月24日发行的专辑《Blood, Sweat & 3 Years》中。歌词One two three一二三I been running from the pain我已脱离痛境Trying not to feel the same试着不再重蹈覆辙But it"s a shame that we"re sinking但遗憾的是我们都在沉沦See my confidence is shaking看见我的信心在动摇了And my heart is feeling vacant而我的内心也倍感空虚So you try to fill it in所以你尽力去填补空白You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know it"s been a while我知道我已经恍惚很久Cause my memory"s on trial因为我在审判我的回忆For the way I used to be我曾经亦是如此My head is running miles我的思绪飞跃几英里Round in circles and I try循环往复而我在努力To find the little light in me去探寻心中的那盏小明灯You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你How to love怎样才算热爱Love, love, love, love, love, love, oh爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,唉I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我完全可以学会去爱你

如何把springmvc model 生成pdf文件

本文先叙述,如何操作PDF模板生成PDF文件,再说明在SpringMVC中如何根据PDF模板生成PDF文件。使用PDF模板生成PDF文件需要以下几个步骤:下面按步骤说明:1. 使用Microsoft Office Word画好模板此步骤就不详述了,就是一个普通的Word文件(template.docx)。给个示例截图:2. 使用Adobe Acrobat X Pro将Word文件转换为带表单字段的PDF模板文件1) 打开Adobe Acrobat X Pro2) 选择“创建PDF表单”3) 选择源:(PDF、Word、Excel或其它文件类型),下一步4) 定位Word文件路径,下一步5) Adobe Acrobat X Pro会自动猜测表单字段位置,如图6) 一般生成的表单字段都不符合我们的要求,选中删除即可。7) 点击右键选择文本框,拖动到适当的位置,设置好域名称,字号,字体等。8) 保存模板文件。(template.pdf)3. 使用itext操作PDF模板,填充数据,生成PDF文件1) 需要jar包:itext.jar、itextAsian.jar2) 核心代码:package personal.hutao.test;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import org.junit.Test;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper;public class TestPdf { @Test public void test() throws IOException, DocumentException { String fileName = "D:/template.pdf"; // pdf模板 PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileName); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfStamper ps = new PdfStamper(reader, bos); AcroFields fields = ps.getAcroFields(); fillData(fields, data()); ps.setFormFlattening(true); ps.close(); OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("D:/contract.pdf"); fos.write(bos.toByteArray());} public void fillData(AcroFields fields, Map<String, String> data) throws IOException, DocumentException { for (String key : data.keySet()) { String value = data.get(key); fields.setField(key, value); } } public Map<String, String> data() { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("borrower", "胡桃同学"); return data; }}3) 打开contract.pdf,如图至此,就实现了根据PDF模板生成PDF文件。SpringMVC的视图中已提供了对PDF模板文件的支持:org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document.AbstractPdfStamperView。那么只需要配置好此视图就可以了。具体分为以下步骤:1) 实现抽象类 AbstractPdfStamperViewpackage personal.hutao.view;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Map;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document.AbstractPdfStamperView;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper;public class PdfStamperView extends AbstractPdfStamperView { public static final String DATA = "data"; public static final String FILENAME = "mergePdfFileName"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void mergePdfDocument(Map<String, Object> model, PdfStamper stamper, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String(model.get(FILENAME).toString().getBytes(), "ISO8859-1")); AcroFields fields = stamper.getAcroFields(); fillData(fields, (Map<String, String>) model.get(DATA)); stamper.setFormFlattening(true); } private void fillData(AcroFields fields, Map<String, String> data) throws IOException, DocumentException { for (String key : data.keySet()) { String value = data.get(key); fields.setField(key, value); } }}2) 在SpringMVC的配置文件中配置视图<!-- 按照BeanName解析视图 --><bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.BeanNameViewResolver"> <property name="order" value="1" /></bean><!-- 定义Pdf模版视图 --><bean id="contract" class="personal.hutao.view.PdfStamperView"> <property name="url" value="/WEB-INF/template/template.pdf" /></bean>3) Controller中的业务逻辑处理package personal.hutao.controller;import static personal.hutao.view.PdfStamperView.DATA;import static personal.hutao.view.PdfStamperView.FILENAME;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.ui.Model;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import com.coamctech.sample.commons.controller.BaseController;@RequestMapping("/contract")@Controllerpublic class TestController { @RequestMapping("/export/pdf") public String exportPersonalCreaditLoanContract(Model model) { model.addAttribute(DATA, data()); model.addAttribute(FILENAME, "XXX贷款合同"); return "contract"; } private Map<String, String> data() { Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("borrower", "胡桃同学"); return data; }}

springmvc的form表单的多对象的映射 即modelAttribute="x,x,...." 中方多个对象,求demo

jsp:<form:form modelAttribute="address,product" action="product_save" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Add a product</legend> <p> <label for="address">Address:</label> <input type="text" name="city" id="city" value="rrr" tabindex="1"> </P>x <p> <label for="address.name">address.name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="jjjj" tabindex="2"> </p> <p> <label for="product">Product Name: </label> <input type="text" id="product.name" name="product.name" value="kkk" tabindex="3"> </p>java:@RequestMapping(value="/product_save") public String saveProduct(@ModelAttribute("product") Product product, @ModelAttribute("address") Address address,BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {

线宽带Cable Modem接腾达837R 怎样接

您好!希望以下方法能够帮到您。 您好!路由器需根据上网的环境,选择正确的上网方式进行设置,才可以正常上网的,路由器的具体设置方法如下:http://tenda.com.cn/special/wirelesssetup 感谢您对我们产品的支持,祝您工作顺利,生活愉快!

xDSL(ADSL,VDSL) , pppoE , ISDN Cable Modem , 谁给解释翻译一下?都是什么上网方式

调制调节器:老的MODEM的一般最高56KB的速度,用电话线的,,, ISDN:2X56KB的速度的,,,也用电话线连接的. XDSL:ADSL或VDSL,,,现在一般电信,铁通就用这个,,也用到电话线,不过经处理最高下速度可以到10M,,,上传的话最高只有768KB PPPOE:是个拨号的协议,,,现在都用到的,,, Cable:光纤进线的,一般网通用,这个普通的用不到的,,, 局域网:是指LAN的吧,一般是一根线进一幢楼的,按照帐号上网,,,这个速度蛮快的,,,电信用的比较多

Cable Modem CCM6220(同州)Online灯一直闪烁!有线通无法上网!

这个不正常的 你是不是【单线】? 所谓单线是指从楼道分配箱直接接线到你家未经过分配器!你家中有线电视面板(插座)是否是有线通专用面板(插座)如果不是请报修上门更换,如果是经过分配器 是否是有线通专用分配器如不是请更换!你的有线电视线接头是否为专用接头?自行无法解决!你没有专业的配件和工具! 多问有什么用呢?让维修人员上门就是了 他肯定会按照我的方法去查修的!只有用了专业的配件才可以稳定使用 你之前的都是【亚健康】状态!

甜果时光高清机顶盒cable modem倒数第二个灯闪烁

你是不是先把机顶盒开机上线了,而CABLE MODEM还是未上线状态.如果是,重启CABLE MODEM,待modem开机上线后再打开机顶盒电源,就OK了

cable modem怎么断电?买了台d-link的di-524m路由器,但是一直连不上?

d-link 路由直接用动态IP连接cable modem

cable modem可以直接和笔记本电脑用数据线连接吗


使用Cable modem需要用电话拨号后才能上网

需要有线电视的,cable modem它是通过有线电视CATV的某个传输频带进行调制解调的。

Cable Modem,这个怎么读。

英文原文:Cable Modem英式音标:[u02c8keu026ab(u0259)l] [u02c8mu0259u028adem] 美式音标:[u02c8kebl] [u02c8mou028adem]
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