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大家在英语应该遇到过appoint这个单词,appoint有任命、委派和指定等意思,同时appoint的用法也有很多,那么你了解多少呢?下面是我给大家带来的appoint的用法和 短语 _appoint的意思及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ appoint的意 思 ★ ★ appoint的用 法 ★ ★ appoint的常 用短 语 ★ ★ appoint相关词 汇辨 析 ★ ★ appoint的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ appoint的意思 v.任命;委派;约定;受权处置;规定;注定;命令;颁布法令 第三人称单数: appoints 现在分词: appointing 过去式: appointed 过去分词: appointed <<< ▼ appoint的用法 appoint的用法1:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。 appoint的用法2:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。 appoint的用法3:appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。 appoint的用法4:appoint常可用于被动结构。 <<< ▼ appoint的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) appoint for (v.+prep.) appoint to (v.+prep.) <<< ▼ appoint相关词汇辨析 appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。 appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。 designate 书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。 assign 常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。 name 普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。 nominate 通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。 <<< ▼ appoint的用法例句 Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢? In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appointyou as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富 经验 ,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. Butif he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些人赶出去,并任命支持他的人进入内阁,但如果他立即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。 We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。 We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你方指定我们作为独家代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。 At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether hewill appoint any Democrats to his new cabinet. 在国内,有一个关于布什是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,那就是他是否会任命民主党人加盟他的新内阁。 The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。 We must appoint a new teacher soon. 我们必须尽快委派一个新教师。 One possible, and highly speculative, scenario is that on his deathbed, the kingcould skip his son and appoint the princess or one of his grandchildren. 一个可能的,高度推测的剧本是,国王会越过儿子,直接指定公主或某一位孙子成为自己死后的继承人。 Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。 We want to create a spell where we appoint English coaches and Fabio can help us enormously to bridge that gap and help that transition. 我们想要建立一个咒语那些任命的本土教练和卡佩罗可以最大程度上的弥补这一差距,有助于这些转变。 Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent. 除非你方增加营业额,我们无法指定你方为我们的独家代理。 This started to change when the right to appoint our rulers moved from the walletto the ballot. 当把指定给统治者的权力从他们的钱袋里转移到投票箱的时候,情况就发生了变化。 I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the nextPresident of the World Bank Group. 我欢迎执董会任命保罗.沃尔福威茨担任世界银行集团下任行长的决定。 Unlike the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the White House counsel is notconfirmed by the Senate — which means that the president can appointwhomever he likes. 白宫的法律顾问和法律事务厅的主管不同,前者不是由参议院任命的,这意味着总统可以任命任何他喜欢的人选。 <<< appoint的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ appoint的短语用法是什么意思 ★ appoint的第三人称单数和例句 ★ appoint的过去式和用法例句 ★ appointment的用法和例句 ★ glad的用法和短语例句 ★ handle的用法和短语例句 ★ unless的用法和例句 ★ deal的用法和短语例句 ★ another的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();



  appoint表示 任命,委派; 约定的意思,能够和appoint搭配成 短语 的词汇有哪些你清楚吗,现在跟着我一起学习下面为大家整理的appoint的短语搭配吧,希望对你有帮助哦!   appoint的短语   appoint for(v.+prep.)   为(某事)约定(时间) fix (a time) for (a purpose)   appoint sth for sth   Appoint the time and place for the meeting.决定开会的时间和地点吧。   We must appoint a day for the next meeting.我们要为下次会议确定个日子。   appoint to(v.+prep.)   任命 choose sb for a position   appoint sb to sth   As president, he appointed men to his cabinet whom he considered most capable for the job.作为总统,他委派最能干的人到内阁供职。   They appointed him to a high office.他们任命他做高级官吏。   The Dragon King was overjoyed and appointed the turtle to a very high position.龙王大喜,给了乌龟很高的官职。   appoint相关 同义词 辨析   appoint, designate, assign, name, nominate   这些动词均有"任命,委派"之意。   appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。   designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。   assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。   name :普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。   nominate :通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。   appoint的短语例句   1. "Why didn"t you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."   “你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好。”   2. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   3. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   4. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.   首相有权任免高级部长。   5. You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.   你可以委托他人代你投票.   6. Appoint the time and place for the meeting.   决定开会的时间和地点吧.   7. We must appoint a day to meet again.   我们要约定好下次会面的日期.   8. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank"s chairman.   该草案将授权总统任命中央银行行长。   9. His appoint-ment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner.   他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。   10. I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.   我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。   11. The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.   公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。   12. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.   国务院有依照法律规定行使任命行政人员的职权.   13. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.   指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。   14. We shall appoint eight o"clock as the time to begin.   我们确定8点钟开始.   15. Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.   梅尔稍停了一下, 好让大家都吃透他的论点后, 再继续说下去. 猜你喜欢: 1. appoint的第三人称单数和例句 2. appoint的同义词 3. 商务预约的邮件怎么写 4. appreciate的短语 5. apply的短语 6. appoint是什么意思


appoint什么意思及同义词沪江词库精选appoint是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标。英音 [ u0259"pu0254int ] ; 美音 [ u0259"pu0254int ] 及物动词:1.任命,指派,委派2.分派,分配3.给……提供设备词形变化:时态:appointed,appointing,appoints。同义词:charge;constitute,name,nominate。单词分析:这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。appoint:通常指不经过选择的官方委任。designate:书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。assign:常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。name:普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。nominate:通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。




appointment 约会


  appoint是我们常用的动词,那么你appoint做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来appoint的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   appoint作动词的意思:   任命,委派;约定,指定;装设,布置   appoint的英语音标:   英 [u0283u:t] 美 [u0283ut]   appoint的时态:   现在分词: appointing   过去式: appointed   过去分词: appointed   appoint的英语例句:   1. "Why didn"t you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."   “你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好。”   2. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   3. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   4. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.   首相有权任免高级部长。   5. You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.   你可以委托他人代你投票.   6. Appoint the time and place for the meeting.   决定开会的时间和地点吧.   7. We must appoint a day to meet again.   我们要约定好下次会面的日期.   8. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank"s chairman.   该草案将授权总统任命中央银行行长。   9. His appoint-ment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner.   他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。   10. I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.   我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。   11. The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.   公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。   12. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.   国务院有依照法律规定行使任命行政人员的职权.   13. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.   指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。   14. We shall appoint eight o"clock as the time to begin.   我们确定8点钟开始.   15. Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.


修改应用程序窗口的大小和标题,有两种方式:第一 在创建窗口之前修改,第二 在创建窗口之后修改首先利用MFC向导建立一个单文档的工程第一种:在创建窗口之前修改:BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs){if( !CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) )return FALSE;// TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying// the CREATESTRUCT cscs.cx=300; // 修改应用程序窗口的外观,即宽cs.cy=200; //修改应用程序窗口的外观,即高// cs.style&=~FWS_ADDTOTITLE;//去掉窗口标题,注意:不能漏掉这个字符&cs.style=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; //重新定义成员变量style,也可以实现去掉窗口标题类型cs.lpszName=" http://www.95wangming.com "; 指定窗口的标题return TRUE;}第二种:在创建窗口之后修改int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct){if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)return -1;if (!m_wndToolBar.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_TOP| CBRS_GRIPPER | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC) ||!m_wndToolBar.LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)){TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar ");return -1; // fail to create}if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) ||!m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators,sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT))){TRACE0("Failed to create status bar ");return -1; // fail to create}// TODO: Delete these three lines if you don"t want the toolbar to// be dockablem_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY);EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY);DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar);// 实现窗口创建之后修改外观// SetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW);// SetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE)&~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); //屏蔽了最大化// SetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE)&~WS_MINIMIZEBOX);//屏蔽了窗口最小化//下面也是实现屏蔽窗口最大小化SetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE)&~WS_MINIMIZEBOX&~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); return 0;}


floating英 ["flu0259u028atu026au014b]美 ["flotu026au014b]adj. 流动的;漂浮的,浮动的v. 漂浮(float的现在分词)docking英 ["du0252ku026au014b]美 ["du0254kiu014b]n. 入坞adj. 入坞的v. 入港;为…设置船坞(dock的ing形式)n. (Docking)人名;(英)多金无iabbed这个单词推测为tabbedadj. 选项卡式的;分页式的;v. 指定;document英 ["du0252kju028am(u0259)nt]美 ["du0254kjumu0259nt, "du0254kjument]n. 文件,公文;[计] 文档;证件vt. 用文件证明autohide自动隐藏hide英 [hau026ad]美 [hau026ad]n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打vi. 隐藏



求Copeland的You Have My Attention的中文歌词翻译



approve:1.To consider right or good; think or speak favorably of.2.To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction.grant:1.To consent to the fulfillment of2.To accord as a favor,prerogative,...




grant 实际上是“授予,赋予”的意思,,内含“虽是得到了别人的批准,但理所当然的拥有”这一层意思。approve 则是“同意”,深一点意思应该是“得到了别人的批准,”自己是不是理所当然,是不是理直气壮很难说呵呵,我自己是这么理解的


grant上级就下级的要求,把自认为是一种恩惠或权利给予别人。France has agreed to grant him political asylum.法国已经同意给予他政治避难。approve主要是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用)。I"m bowing out of this scheme I don"t approve of it. 我退出这个计划——我不同意它。I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don"t neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。

approve consent agree accept区别

这两个单词都含有“同意、批准、允许”的意思,需要注意区别运用.approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用).如:I"m bowing out of this scheme I don"t approve of it.我退出这个计划——我不同意它.I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please don"t neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课.agree →普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法.>>I think we should stop; do you agree?>>我觉得我们该停止了,你同意吗?

冰与火中winter is coming什么含义






请教大家一下 在ubuntu的vim下怎么分割一个窗口来显示编译运行结果啊 谢谢

使用:copen打开make编译结果和grep查询结果的窗口在下方。:cclose关闭。 窗口叫quickfix窗口 使用:!cmd 产生的运行结果实际是输出到了一个终端窗口,因此是占了整个窗口的,并提示按回车返回编辑窗口,所以没有办法在一个分割窗口显示。只能采用变通的办法,比如如果是远程登录就可以开两个终端,一个用于编辑一个用于运行。或将运行结果重定向输出到一个文件(:!cmd > out.txt),然后在分割窗口编辑这个运行结果输出的文件。不知道还有没有更好的方法或实现此功能的插件,目前还没有找到。


documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 文件的;记实的;记录的n. 纪录片[ 复数documentaries ] documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 1. (有关)文献(或文件)的;由文献(或文件)组成的;来源于文献(或文件)的,文件包含的;凭文件(或证件)证明的;书面(证明或证据)的 2. 【电影、电视】记录的;纪实的 3. 使用引证的[亦作documental] n. 1. 【电影、电视】记录(影)片,纪实性影片;记录(或纪实性)电视片;(广播、电视等的)纪实节目 2. 纪实文学作品,纪实小说[亦作doco] 变形: n.documentariesThis is a documentary.这是一个纪录片, The documentary was filmed with an underwater camera.这部记录片是用水下摄影机拍的。 Also keep in mind that NO film is entirely accurate in its depiction, not even a documentary.也必须注意“没有”一部电影在描述上是完全准确的,即使是记录片也不例外。document ["d00kjum05nt; "d00kjument] n. 1. (尤指官方的或法律的)公文,文件,文书;文献(如提供事实或信息的书、文章、信件等)[略作doc.] 2. 证件,证书,凭证(如护照、契约等) 3. 【商业】 凭证;证券;交单 [用复数]票据,单据,单证;船证 4. (藏于博物馆的)古织物;古图案 5. 铸币;(刻有符号或文字的)石碑 6. =documentary 7. [古语]证据;证明 8. [废语]告诫;教训;教育 9. 【计算机】文件,文档 10. 报文 vt. 1. 用纪实材料构成(小说、电影、电视等);(用电影、电视、报纸、文学等形式)作记述性报道,纪实性地描述: 例句: He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 The film documented the development of our country during the 50 years.这部电影纪实性地描述了我国50年中的发展过程。 2. 为书(或文章等)引证或提供引证(材料),为(书、小册子等)提供参考书(或注明资料来源): 例句: The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。 This book is a carefully documented biography.这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。 3. 用文件(或文献、证书、证件等)证明,用参考资料证明(或证实);提供文献(或文件、证据等): 例句: He can document his theory with facts.他能为自己的理论提供事实证明。 The lawyer worked to document his case.那位律师为他的案件提供证据。 4. 为…提供官方文件(或证件): 例句: to document one"s passport提供护照 5. 【商业】为(船舶)提供船证(说明其国籍、所有权、吨位、容积等) 6. 【商业】把装运单据附于(汇票): 例句: to document the documents of carriage附运输单据于汇票 7. [废语]教,教育He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 Choose File >Exit and Return to Document.选择文件“ >退出并返回到文档。 -We use these standards discussed in this document.我们使用该文件已讨论过的标准。

is it necessary for a young man to have an apartment as apriorit


请教高手hashmap用iterator迭代时 调用entrySet()怎么用啊??

通常: Map map =newHashMap(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while(entries.hasNext()){ Map.Entry entry = entries.next(); System.out.println("Key = "+ entry.getKey()+", Value = "+ entry.getValue()); }不寻常的: Map map =newHashMap(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while(entries.hasNext()){ Map.Entry entry =(Map.Entry) entries.next(); Integer key =(Integer)entry.getKey(); Integer value =(Integer)entry.getValue(); System.out.println("Key = "+ key +", Value = "+ value); }首先这个是唯一的使用老版本的map的迭代方法。其次这也是唯一一个允许在迭代过程中通过iterator.remove()来删除map中的数据。如果你试图在foreach方法中进行删除操作,你会得到预料不到的结果。从性能方面来说,这个方法与foreach循环相当。

你好 请问日本的ntt docomo这款手机圈外怎么调整???


ntt docomo, au, softbank 哪个最好,哪个最垃圾?

ntt是网络公司docomo, au, softbank 是与手机相关的公司。其中softbank 销量最好。顶头上司是中国人。docomo的销量差一点。ntt就没法和docomo, au, softbank 比了。因为是不同种类的公司。

应用SPSS Clementine分析处方间的关联规则,为什么web图中的关联规律与Apriori 算出来的关联规则不一致?


NTT DoCoMo怎么读

恩替替 剁扣摸

why did the ancient emperors build the wall是什么意思


Branded Content是什么意思

sponsored content 赞助内容 双语例句 1 Let "s talk about that branded, sponsored content. 请谈一谈接受品牌赞助的内容。


公司介绍<br> 北京华日博乐资讯有限公司(Beijing Beyondpro Networks Co.,Ltd.)是由日本博乐网络株式会社(Professional Networks Co.,Ltd.)于2003年1月在北京成立的外商独资企业。<br> 主要从事下一代通信网络(NGN)的基础软件的SIP协议部分和与之相关的应用软件的软件开发业务。<

The emperors of ancient China love drangon意思是?


日本的ntt docomo手机怎样刷成中文


accent 近义词

accent的近义词是emphasis。accent单词解释:1、口音;重音;强调;腔调。动词:强调;着重;突出。网络:雅绅特;音调。名词:音调,声调,口音,腔,土腔。重音,扬音,强音;重音符号;韵符;抑扬。强调(on)。2、特征,特色词句。动词:着重说,强调;重读;给什么加上重音符号。3、复数:accents,现在分词:accenting,过去式:accented。accent (in),标重音符号;accent on,着重;a broad accent,土腔很重的口音;a classless accent,无任何阶层特徵的口音;a clipped accent,缩略的语音;a cockney accent,伦敦口音;a nonlocal accent,外乡口音;accent color,强调色;重点色。accent的例句:1、he said, walking,"There, there, " and there was a certain Swedish accent noticeable in his voice.他—边走动—边对婴儿说话,他的声音里带有一点瑞典口音。2、Choose a famous person whose accent you admire , and if you can get recordings of him or her, imitate the way he or she speaks.选一个你欣赏其发音的名人,如果你有他或她的声音录音,模仿他或她说话的方式。3、The next day, Phillips received a call on her cell phone from a man who spoke in a thick accent.第二天,路易斯的手机接到了一个男人打来的电话,他的口音很重。4、"This song really changed my life, " he said, speaking excellent English that has just a hint of an American accent.崔健的英语很流利,并带有美国口音,“这首歌真的改变了我的命运”。5、Ah, well, mine would have to be to speak in an English accent, for an entire week, and to practice my Spanish, "cause my grandma told me to.啊,就是,我的计划是在一整周内说—口地道的英语,并且练习西班牙语,我的外祖母告诉我要这么做。

the couragement doctors对吗?

the couragement doctors这句不对的,没法翻译第二个单词其中doctors意思有,医生; 大夫; 诊所; 博士; 篡改

point 和emphasis区别和用法?

point是点的意思,一般做动词用~名词的话:good point(优点) emphasis 重点 要点的意思emphasis[英][ˈemfəsɪs][美][ˈɛmfəsɪs]n.强调; 着重; (轮廓、图形等的)鲜明; 突出,重读; 复数:emphases例句;The controls remain straightforward, and the emphasis is on functional designrather than affordable luxury. 它的操控仍然十分简洁,而且它的重点主要在于功能计设,而不是要打造成一款一般人负担得起的豪华车。

emphasis attention focus word区别

选A emphasis。我们都熟悉put/place emphasis on... lay跟put/place一个意思



Ubuntu Linux更新的几种命令介绍

整理了Ubuntu更新的几种命令:1.列举本地更新sudo apt-get update2.安装可用更新sudo apt-get upgrade3.查询软件包apt-cache search package_name4.安装一个软件包sudo apt-get install package_name5.删除一个软件包sudo apt-get remove package6.列举其他apt-get 命令apt-get help7.install/unstall .deb filessudo dpkg -i package_file.deb ,sudo dpkg -r package_filename8.convert .rpm to .deb filessudo alien package9.install tarballstar xfvz tarball_name


1、按下Ctrl+alt+T启动终端或者Ctrl+alt+F1登录字符界面,执行以下命令进行unity重装: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install unity sudo apt-get install unity-common sudo apt-get install unity-lens sudo apt-get install unity-services sudo apt-get install unity-asset-pool2、更新ubuntu及组件 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade3、移除所有无效的包和缓存 sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean完成后输入“reboot”重启系统。

centos7 上 为什么apt-get命令不存在?我怎么安装东西


ubuntu apt-get update错误


Ubuntu APT常用命令参数简析

UbuntuAPT常用命令参数简析具体介绍UbuntuAPT命令参数,让大家了解UbuntuAPT命令参数使用,希望对大家有用。Ubuntu是一个完全以linux为基础的操作系统,可自由的获得,并提供社区和专业的支持。www.zhishiwu.com  常用的UbuntuAPT命令参数  apt-cachesearchpackage搜索包  apt-cacheshowpackage获取包的相关信息,如说明、大小、版本等  sudoapt-getinstallpackage安装包  sudoapt-getinstallpackage--reinstall重新安装包  sudoapt-get-finstall修复安装-f=--fix-missing  sudoapt-getremovepackage删除包  sudoapt-getremovepackage--purge删除包,包括删除配置文件等  sudoapt-getupdate更新源  sudoapt-getupgrade更新已安装的包  sudoapt-getdist-upgrade升级系统  sudoapt-getdselect-upgrade使用dselect升级  apt-cachedependspackage了解使用依赖www.zhishiwu.com  apt-cacherdependspackage是查看该包被哪些包依赖  sudoapt-getbuild-deppackage安装相关的编译环境  apt-getsourcepackage下载该包的源代码  sudoapt-getclean&&sudoapt-getautoclean清理无用的包  sudoapt-getcheck检查是否有损坏的依赖  其中:  1有SUDO的表示需要管理员特权!  2在UBUNTU中命令后面参数为短参数是用-引出,长参数用--引出  3命令帮助信息可用man命令的方式查看或者  命令-H(--help)方式查看  4在MAN命令中需要退出命令帮助请按q键!!  UbuntuAPT选项含义作用  sudo-hHelp列出使用方法,退出。  sudo-VVersion显示版本信息,并退出。  sudo-lList列出当前用户可以执行的命令。只有在sudoers里的用户才能使用该选项。  sudo-uusername|#uidUser以指定用户的身份执行命令。后面的用户是除root以外的,可以是用户名,也可以是#uid。www.zhishiwu.com  sudo-kKill清除入场卷上的时间,下次再使用sudo时要再输入密码。  sudo-KSurekill与-k类似,但是它还要撕毁入场卷,也就是删除时间戳文件。  sudo-bcommandBackground在后台执行指定的命令。  sudo-ppromptcommandPrompt可以更改询问密码的提示语,其中%u会代换为使用者帐号名称,%h会显示主机名称。非常人性化的设计。  sudo-efileEdit不是执行命令,而是修改文件,相当于命令sudoedit。本文来自于站长家园网



ubuntu apt-get install 问题

你试试先用sudo apt-get update 把数据源更新下,在做wf@wf-G41M-ES2L:~$ sudo apt-get install subversion subversion-tools

ubuntu输入指令sudo apt-get install 其中apt-get指令是不是指定在软件中心下载的




在ubuntu下用apt-get install命令安装不了软件是咋回事

在ubuntu下用apt-get install命令安装不了软件是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、在ubuntu桌面的左上角打开dash菜单,搜索“ubuntu软件”打开。2、接着就会弹出ubuntu软件窗口。3、在里面找到需要的软件点击“安装”。4、会弹出认证窗口,输入用户登录密码,点击“授权”就可以进行安装了。5、等待安装完成后,我们可以在左上角的dash菜单中搜索,或者底部切换到“A”标志,在“已安装”中找到并打开。


CentOS的软件安装工具不是apt-get 是yum# yum -y install gcc在ubuntu下安装SSH可以:apt-get install openssh-server就是说在centos上可以这样来安装ssh:# yum -y install openssh-server

如何解决ubuntu下apt-get install g++依赖问题


在Ubuntu 上有什么必装的实用软件

我使用的软件列表:1.Mathematica7 数学软件2.Texlive 20103.FBReader 读txt电子书4.WPS 或 LibreOffice MSOffice的替代品5.pidgin 聊天客户端 支持msn renren gtalk,装libqq Downloads - libqq-pidgin -Pidgin 下的 QQ 协议插件,采用2010版协议改写 也支持qq但不太好6.adobe reader 和okular pdf阅读,okular可以注释但注释不可以保存为adobe reader可以看的注释。7.rednotebook 日记8.xmind 思维导图9.星际译王 或 goldendict 辞典软件10.KeePassX 保存各种密码11.chmsee 看chm电子书12.dropbox 同步文件13.Jdownload 网盘下载工具14.mldonkey+sancho emule下载15.skype 聊天工具16.Hotot twitter客户端17.iptux ubuntu版的飞鸽传书18.ubuntu tweak ubuntu系统工具19.comix 看漫画,可以看压缩文件中的图片20.AcetoneISO 虚拟光驱,支持iso和一些非iso的光盘镜像21.Sopcast 网络电视22.audacious 2.5.0 完美支持ape+cue,flac+cue23.calibre 管理电子书24.geogebra 类似几何画板的画图软件一些游戏:1.AssaultCube 类似CS2.Battle for Wesnoth 战棋类游戏3.纸牌王 相当多纸牌游戏 只是帮助是英文4.Battle Tanks 坦克大战,按ctrl 和 shift操作5.SuperTux 类似超级玛丽6.Supertuxkart 赛车游戏7.英雄无敌3 Linux原生游戏,经典游戏8.Torchlight 3D版的暗黑


用aptitude search 可以查找 sudo apt-get search *libapriconv**表示通配符 ,更多使用方法自己百度"apt-get"。



我的父母都是医生用英语为什么是 My parents are both doctors .


急ubuntu 用命令sudo apt-get 下载软件的原理, 它是怎么在网络上找到软件的?


用的ubuntu server 没有界面,怎么再开一个终端

下文介绍的是Ubuntu Server安装图形界面全过程,以下在Ubuntuserver12.04测试完成。1、连接网络,你一定要确保网络通畅,如果你和我一样使用Wireless,那先找根网线插上,因为下面的安装都要通过网络下载组件的2、进入图形界面的命令是startX,敲击后会有安装xinit的提示。sudo apt-get install xinit安装完,终端由黑色界面变成白底黑字。出现X型的鼠标指针。3、安装环境管理器如果你喜欢GNOME,使用sudo apt-get install gdmKDE和Xface用户分别改为KDM和XDM我先安装了kde,后在kde的终端中安装了GNOME。两者也能很好的融合。4、安装桌面环境sudo apt-get install Ubuntu-desktop(这个需要安装sudo apt-get install gnome-shell)或者kubuntu-desktop(建议安装这个,装了这个就有终端了)xubuntu-desktop如果你只想装界面的核心环境,或者网速比较曼的话,可以sudo apt-get install gnome-core或者kde-corexface45、如果你装的是CORE的,那么你还需要做以下的工作:(1).安装新立得软件包管理器sudo apt-get install gsynaptic(2).安装无线上网模块(如果需要)sudo apt-get install network-manager*(3).安装中文支持(能够显示中文)sudo apt-get install language-support-zh(4).从新立得软件包管理器中选择中文输入法支持和中文界面支持(5).使用新立得软件包管理器安装其他你想要的软件6、重新启动,即可见图形登陆界面。PS:取消GUI自动启动:#update-rc.d-fgdm remove重启后便不会自动进入桌面,此时可用startx启动桌面。

apt-get install --download-only gcc ubuntu里用这条命令下载的包是放在哪个目录下的

存放在 /var/cache/apt/archives 目录下

linux ubuntu apt-get更换源



联系就是都是管理软件包的。区别,从网上搜的:aptitude 解决得更好的地方: install, remove, reinstall(apt-get无此功能), show(apt-get无此功能), search(apt-get无此功能), hold(apt-get无此功能), unhold(apt-get无此功能), apt-get 解决得更好的地方: source(aptitude无此功能), build-dep (低版本的aptitude没有build-dep功能)apt-get 跟 aptitude 没什么区别的地方:update, upgrade (apt-get upgrade=aptitude safe-upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade=aptitude full-upgrgade)




由于apt-get是Ubuntu版本下的命令,CentOS默认软件安装命令为yum,可以给CentOS安装apt-get包,使它支持这个命令安装软件。案例:以CentOS 5,i386的版本为例①下载apt软件包wget http://packages.sw.be/apt/apt-0.5.15lorg3.94a-4.el5.rf.i386.rpm②安装apt软件包rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.15lorg3.94a-4.el5.rf.i386.rpm③然后去改一下 sources.list配置文件#复制备份下cp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/os.list /etc/apt/sources.list#编辑修改vi /etc/apt/sources.list repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/os/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/updates/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/extras/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/fasttrack/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/addons/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/centosplus/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/os/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/updates/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/extras/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/fasttrack/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/addons/$(ARCH)repomd ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/CentOS $(VERSION)/centosplus/$(ARCH)④安装GPG keys证书rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* ---安装证书apt-get updateapt-get upgrade⑤然后测下下apt-get命令apt-get –fix-broken install

What eventually happened to the empire in the paragraph?

【答案】:B本题为细节题。答对这个问题的关键在于正确理解“eventually”的意思。“When the empire fell to pieces,the home CouNtry found itself faced by flood and starvation.”(当这个帝国土崩瓦解时,他们发现自己的国家面临着水灾和饥饿。)根据文章这句话的意思,可以排除A(民众死于饥饿),我们再根据选项的顺序可以确定正确答案为8。


一、配置好Source源列表  详情可以参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/sbaicl/archive/2013/01/09/2852357.html   另附一个比较好方便的Source源更新方法  我们可以先下载之后,可以cp本地Source中已经存在的安装包到别的的机器上面(注意:机器与系统最好是一样的配置才这样做,否则可能会出现比较多的问题),我们cp本地源包的路径为:/var/cache/apt/ 下面的“archives”目录!可以直接覆盖本机上的同样目录。这样的话,如果你使用apt-get安装时,它会先在本地找要安装的包,如果发现本地已经存在了就不会再去源列表上面Download了的,这个是一个非常好的方法。二、安装Gnome桌面  1、安装全部桌面环境,其实Ubuntu系列桌面实际上有几种桌面应用程序,包括Ubuntu-desktop、Kubunut-desktop和Xubuntu- desktop。  我们就安装了Ubuntu-desktop还有Gnome因为安装桌面相关软件太多。   命令:#sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop 或 #sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    一般在网络不是很好的情况下,不建议这样全部安装  2、自定义安装桌面  1)安装x-windows的基础(必须)    # sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core   2)安装gnome基础(必须)     # sudo apt-get install gnome-core   3)安装中文显示(建议安装)    # sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-zh ——>让gnome面板、菜单显示中文     #sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-zh-base sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh ——>中文语言包     # sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh-base sudo apt-get install language-support-zh ——>中文语言支持     # sudo apt-get install scim ——> scim中文输入法平台   4)安装登录管理器(一般可以不选)    # sudo apt-get install gdm    说明: gdm(gnome display manager)即gnome图形界面显示管理器,还有kdm/xdm等,它将使您可以在启动时直接进入GUI桌面环境,而勿需通过 startx 来启动GUI。   5)安装新利得软件管理器(可选)    # sudo apt-get install synaptic     6)卸载gnome桌面环境    # sudo apt-get –purge remove liborbit2   7)进入图形界面:#startx  8)退出图形桌面:#ctrl + alt + backspace


1.由于安装的是Windows和Ubuntu双系统,两个系统的时间不对,相差八小时,首先要调整系统时间,在Ubuntu16.10下进行。解决办法是输入命令:timedatectl set-local-rtc true2.将启动器移动到屏幕下方。gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom(Bottom改为Left可重新移动到左侧,输入Right无效)3.调整启动器图标大小。系统设置——外观,底部可看见“启动器图标大小”选项,默认是48,调整到304.安装Chrome浏览器。http://www.cnblogs.com/deitymon/p/5926450.html5.卸载LibreOffice。sudo apt-get purge libreoffice* ,sudo apt-get autoremove6.安装WPS for Linux。下载地址:http://community.wps.cn/download/。选择alpha版deb包。Linux 64 bit需要通过安装32 bit的库来获得支持。#sudo apt-get install ia32-libs但是输入命令后系统提示ia32-libs软件包缺失,需要用lib32ncurses5和lib32z1代替。于是运行#sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5#sudo apt-get install lib32z1。再dpkg安装程序安装包#sudo dpkg -i wps-office_10.1.0.5672~a21_amd64.deb提示wps-office 依赖于 libpng12-0;然而:未安装软件包 libpng12-0。该软件包已丢失可用ttf-mscorefonts-installer代替。要先运行下面的命令将已安装的wps-office卸载:#apt-get -f install然后安装依赖关系:#sudp apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer之后libpng12-0依赖关系还是出错,到下面的地址下载libpng12-0然后安装:https://packages.debian.org/zh-cn/wheezy/amd64/libpng12-0/download。#sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.49-1+deb7u2_amd64.deb安装好后到Dash中搜索WPS启动并锁定到启动器,会报错显示缺失字体:Symbol,Wingdings,Wingdings2,Wingdings3,MT-Extra进入home文件夹,按Ctrl+h显示所有文件夹,查看有没有.fonts文件夹,如果没有就创建一个,然后到网上下载相关字体放入该文件夹中7.安装vim编辑器。sudo apt-get install vim8.安装unrar。sudo apt-get install rar unrar9.删除Amazon的链接:sudo apt-get remove unity-webapps-common10.安装Git:sudo apt-get install git11.主题美化,安装Unity Tweak Tool:到Ubuntu软件中心搜索Unity Tweak Tool并安装

重读《全球通史》A Global History: From Prehistory to the 21st Century

一直以来对于中东的乱局充满着好奇,同时也对于神奇的印度充满着兴趣,于是便买来两本书分别来更好地了解中东和印度:《The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years》和 《India After Gandhi: The History of the World"s Largest Democracy》。无奈这两本书里面的生疏英文地名及术语太多,再加上背景知识模糊,很难看得下去,所以就决定重读《全球通史》(A Global History: From Prehistory to the 21st Century) 。欧亚文明(Eurasian Civilization)的几个发源地基本上都在河流旁边,例如两河流域(Tigris-Euphrates), 尼罗河流域(Nile), 印度河流域(Indus), 以及黄河流域。美索不达米亚上的文明始于公元前3500年,那个时候苏美尔人(Sumerian)已经开始建立了城邦。古埃及的帝国式的文明从公元前3100年持续到公元前525年。古埃及三面沙漠,所以它的疆域狭长一块顺尼罗河而下。克里特(Crete)是希腊南边的一个小岛,克里特米诺斯文明 (Minoan) 属于海洋文明,始于公元前2500年。印度河谷文明始于公元前2500年,其特点是保守,宗教性,高度计划。中国的商朝始于公元前1500年,没有发现他们关于夏朝的记录。 然后游牧民族开始入侵各大文明古国。大约在公元前2000年时,印欧赫梯人(Indo-European Hittites)进入到小亚细亚半岛(Asia Minor)。在公元前1500年时,中东被三大力量控制着:北边赫梯人,南边埃及人,东边闪米特亚述人(Semitic Assyrians)。公元前1100年,亚述王朝开始扩张。公元前七世纪时,它的疆域包括Mesopotamia, Asia Minior, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt,直至公元前612年灭亡。到了公元前5世纪时,整个中东才首次被波斯人(Persians)统一,疆域西至尼罗河,东至印度河。印欧阿凯亚人(Indo-European Achaeans)在公元前20世纪来到希腊,他们的文明起先落后于米洛斯克里特人,但到公元前十六世纪基本上吸收了米洛斯文化。古印度在公元前1500年被北方的雅利安人(Aryan)入侵。古印度人留下了大量的material remains but no decipherable written record,而雅利安人只留下了一些用梵文(Sanskirt)书写的吠陀(Vedas)形式的书籍。雅利安人描述自己的特征为高大,蓝眼睛,浅色皮肤,印度人的特征为矮小,黑皮肤,noseless。 由于巴尔干(Balkan)半岛属于多山地形,希腊-罗马(Greco-Roman) 文明形成了以雅典为代表的城邦式(city-state)文明,像雅典卫城(Acropolis),同时Socrates (公元前470-399年), Plato(公元前427-347年)等一批哲人开始出现。希腊文化开始影响整个地中海区域,被称为希腊化时代(Hellenistic Age) (公元前336-31年)。亚历山大大帝登上历史舞台(Alexander the Great),先后征服小亚细亚,叙利亚,埃及,美索不达米亚,波斯,最远到达印度的旁遮普(Punjab, 位于印度西北部)。而罗马人在意大利半岛建立了罗马共和国,那里地势平坦,易于统一。凯撒(Julius Caesar)奠定了帝国基础,凯撒死后,罗马共和国逐渐转变为罗马帝国(公元前27年),开始统治整个地中海区域。公元395年,罗马帝国实行分治,形成东西罗马帝国。东罗马帝国的首都为拜占庭(Byzantine), 后来君士坦丁大帝 Emperor Constantine (公元306-377年)将其改名为君士坦丁堡(Constantinople),也就是现在的伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)。 在印度,雅利安人一开始主要在旁遮普活动,后来慢慢扩张至恒河(Ganges)流域。在公元前500年时,种姓制度已经形成。雅利安人发展出四个种姓,前三个是给他们自己的,最后一个是给敌人或仆人(Dasas)的,它们分别是 priests (Brahmans 婆罗门), the warrior nobles (Kshatriyas刹帝利), the farmers (Vaishyas吠舍),和Shudras首陀罗。孔雀王朝(Mauryan Empire)在公元前三世纪达到顶峰,统治着印度次大陆的许多地区。孔雀王朝在公元前二世纪时衰落,接着便是五百年的混乱。直到了公元四世纪时,笈多王朝时代(Gupta Age)再次统一了印度次大陆,其中阿拉伯数字也是在那个时候发明的。 公元500年,中世纪(Medieval)开始。西罗马帝国已经四分五裂,东罗马帝国后来则被称为拜占庭帝国(Byzantine Empire),又延续了一千年。在公元十至十一世纪时,突厥人(Turks)进入到小亚细亚半岛,开始入侵拜占庭帝国。到了公元十三世纪,蒙古人在成吉思汗(Genghis Khan), 忽必烈(Kublai Khan)的带领下开始征服下建立了四大汗国,并短暂统治着欧亚大陆的许多地区。而拜占庭帝国在奥斯曼土耳其人(Ottoman Turks)的入侵下不断萎缩,最终于公元1453年彻底消失。 而在阿拉伯,先知穆罕默德 Mohammed (569-632年) 在四十多岁的时候得到真主安拉(Allah)的启示, 开始传播伊斯兰教。穆罕穆德一开始在麦加(Meca)传道, 由于遭到当权者的抵制便转至麦地那(Medina),接着在此后的一千年里伊斯兰教迅速传播,穆斯林世界也逐渐崛起扩张。西边有奥斯曼帝国(Ottoman Empire, 始于1299年), 波斯区域上有Safavid Empire (始于1502年), 印度则被莫卧儿王朝统治(Mogul Empire, 始于1526年)。 其中,莫卧儿王朝的统治者是来自阿富汗的土耳其穆斯林。 欧洲则经历了黑暗的中世纪,中间有着持续了两个世纪的十字军东征和恐怖的黑死病。到了公元1500年时,欧洲开始迎来了复兴和变革(Renaissance and Reformation)。这个时候,西欧版图上主要有伊比利亚(Iberia)半岛上的西班牙和葡萄牙王国,法兰西王国和神圣罗马帝国(Holy Roman Empire)。 在伊比利亚时期(公元1500-1600年),西班牙和葡萄牙率先进入大航海时代,哥伦布Columbus (1451-1506年)和达伽马(Vasco da Gama)开始进行海上探险。葡萄牙人沿非洲西海岸南下绕过南非好望角(Cape of Good Hope)进入到印度洋,在南美洲上则在巴西殖民,而西班牙的殖民地则从北美一直延伸到南美。 公元1600年后,伊比利亚半岛由于从海外运回大量黄金白银,国内通货膨胀极其严重,工人成本也变得很高,产品附加值也不高,经济上便开始逐渐衰落。受惠于与伊比利亚半岛的贸易,荷兰造船业变得非常发达,迅速成为海上强国。荷兰人在印度成立了东印度公司,击败西班牙人并占领马六甲,开始称霸海上世界。但是因为缺乏自然资源和人口红利,到了十八世纪时,荷兰已经开始落后于法国和英国。由于法国对于征服欧洲内陆比较感兴趣而且移民到海外的人数较少,所以英国在海外的殖民地逐渐扩张并稳固。 1763年至1914年, 欧洲经历了一系列的科学,工业和政治革命。政治上发生了17世纪的英国革命(English Revolution), 以及18世纪的法国大革命 (French Revolution,1789-1799年)。法国大革命由贵族革命(Aristocratic Revolution)发展到资产阶级革命(Bourgeois Revolution)最终到普罗大众的革命(Mass Revolution) 。法国革命后,拿破仑(Napoleon)从1799年1804年开始担任法兰西共和国First Consul, 之后便当上了皇帝,这时德国和意大利仍然处于分裂状态。经历了这些革命以后,民族主义(Nationalism),自由主义(Liberalism), 和社会主义(Socialism)这些欧洲的价值观开始影响整个世界。其中比较有意思的是,马克思曾在1858年给恩格斯的信中表达了这样的恐惧:当欧洲实现了社会主义时,繁荣的殖民地仍然处于资本主义世界,它们将会扼杀新生的西方社会主义社会。 这时的中东大部分仍然被奥斯曼帝国统治,但社会结构较为松散且基于宗教派别。希腊东正教(Greek Orthodox), 罗马天主教(Roman Catholic)和犹太教(Jewish)社会被允许自治。不同的穆斯林(Moslem)民众(Turks, Arabs, Albanians and Kurds) 和基督教(Christian)民众(Serbs, Greeks, Bulgars and Rumanians)各自生活在半自治且自给自足的社区里。 而由于莫卧儿王朝的没落,印度在十八世纪处于无政府状态,英国人抓住机会成为了孟加拉(Bengal)的实际控制者。在孟加拉,英国东印度公司获得了征税权,并以此为基础向东北扩张。到了十九世纪,英国成为了整个印度的主人。由于印度本土的民族运动,在1874年印度被划归为英皇(Crown)统治。 1870年普法战争(Franco-Prussian War)爆发,最后以法国失败而告终。其中,都德的《最后一课》便是以此为背景。十九世纪末,德国为了对抗法国,奥匈帝国(Austria-Hungary)为了对抗俄国,它们彼此结盟。后来,意大利也加入了进来,组成了三国联盟(Triple Alliance)。为了应对三国联盟的威胁,法国、英国与俄国组成了三国协约(Triple Entente) 。1914年, 奥地利大公Archduke Francis Ferdinand 在萨拉热窝(Sarajevo, Bosnia)被一个塞尔维亚(Serb)学生刺杀,点燃了第一次世界大战的导火索。奥地利与塞尔维亚(Serbia)无法就此事达成和解,奥地利开始对塞尔维亚宣战。接着,俄国开始进行军事动员,之后德国开始对俄宣战,同盟国(Central Power)和协约国(Allied Powers)之战就此拉开了序幕。随着俄国在东线的撤退,土耳其加入同盟国,协约国节节败退。美国一开始希望保持中立,后来慢慢倾向于军事干预。一方面英法欠着美国大量的军火贷款,另一方面沙皇(tsarist)被布尔什维克推翻,导致了美国在1917年决定对德宣战。美国的介入扭转了一战的局面,最终协约国取得了胜利。 短暂的和平后,欧美各国开始经历经济上的大萧条(The Great Depression)。希特勒(Hitler)和墨索里尼(Mussolini)抓住了民众的这种心理,开始进行法西斯统治。1939年,第二次世界大战爆发,欧洲的轴心国(Axis Power)的代表为德国和意大利,同盟国(Allied Power)的主要代表为英美苏。最终,欧洲在东线的苏联红军和西线的英美(Anglo-American)进攻下于1944-1945年间逐渐获得了解放。


引言在ubuntu当中,安装应用程序我所知道的有三种方法,分别是apt-get,dpkg安装deb和make install安装源码包三种。下面针对每一种方法各举例来说明。apt-get方法使用apt-get install来安装应用程序算是最常见的一种安装方法了,比如我要安装build-essential这个软件,使用以下,他会帮我把所有的依赖包都一起安装了。sudo apt-get install build-essential执行上述命令以后,我们可以看到一下信息,The following extra packages will be installed:表示所有需要再安装的依赖包。sudo apt-get install build-essential[sudo] password for enadmin: Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree Reading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed: binutils cpp cpp-4.6 dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-4.6 gcc gcc-4.6 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc6 libc6-dev libdpkg-perl libgomp1 libmpc2 libmpfr4 libquadmath0 libstdc++6-4.6-dev linux-libc-dev manpages-devSuggested packages: binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-4.6-locales debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-4.6-multilib gcc-4.6-doc libstdc++6-4.6-dbg gcc-multilib autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison gdb gcc-doc gcc-4.6-multilib libmudflap0-4.6-dev libgcc1-dbg libgomp1-dbg libquadmath0-dbg libmudflap0-dbg binutils-gold glibc-doc libstdc++6-4.6-docThe following NEW packages will be installed: binutils build-essential cpp cpp-4.6 dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-4.6 gcc gcc-4.6 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libdpkg-perl libgomp1 libmpc2 libmpfr4 libquadmath0 libstdc++6-4.6-dev linux-libc-dev manpages-devThe following packages will be upgraded: libc-bin libc62 upgraded, 23 newly installed, 0 to remove and 101 not upgraded.Need to get 36.3 MB of archives.After this operation, 83.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y下面给出apt-get的的各种参数:apt-get install xxx 安装xxx 。如果带有参数,那么-d 表示仅下载 ,-f 表示强制安装 apt-get remove xxx 卸载xxx apt-get update 更新软件信息数据库 apt-get upgrade 进行系统升级 apt-cache search 搜索软件包 Tips:建议您经常使用“apt-get update”命令来更新您的软件信息数据库 apt-get理论上是要求能够联网,但是如果制作了本地源,就不需要联网,制作本地源可以参考:ubuntu制作本地源dpkg安装deb包Ubuntu软件包格式为deb,安装方法如下: sudo dpkg -i package.deb


apt-get 是Ubuntu下的命令

在ubuntu中,sudo apt-get install -f是干什么用的?

一个使用场景,通常我们安装下载的dep包使用dpkg命令,因为是离线安装,不会自动处理依赖关系,所以很可能安装时提示缺少某某依赖,这时候系统已经记录了缺失依赖的问题,用sudo apt install -f 修复一下依赖,然后再用dpkg安装dep包就会发现没有缺失依赖的报错了。

azure上ubuntu 使用apt-get

对于 Apt-get 下载源,不需要添加软件源,可以直接安装软件包。前提条件是已登录操作系统为 Ubuntu 的云服务器。一、复制原文件备份$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak。二、编辑文件中的源列表#ubuntu的源,防止部分库下载不到1.debhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse;2.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse;3.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse;4.debhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse;5.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse。三、刷新本地软件源$ sudo apt-get update。四、apt-get常用命令1.apt-cache search packagename 搜索包;2.apt-cache show packagename 获取包的相关信息,如说明、大小、版本等;3.apt-get install packagename 安装包;4.apt-get install packagename - - reinstall 重新安装包;5.apt-get -f install 修复安装"-f = --fix-missing";6.apt-get remove packagename 删除包;7.apt-get remove packagename - - purge 删除包,包括删除配置文件等;8.apt-get update 更新源;9.apt-get upgrade 更新已安装的包;10.apt-get dist-upgrade 升级系统;11.apt-get dselect-upgrade 使用 dselect 升级;12.apt-cache depends packagename 了解使用依赖;13.apt-cache rdepends packagename 是查看该包被哪些包依赖;14.apt-get build-dep packagename 安装相关的编译环境;15.apt-get source packagename 下载该包的源代码;16.apt-get clean 清理无用的包;17.apt-get autoclean 清理无用的包;18.apt-get check 检查是否有损坏的依赖。


用apt-get install和dpkg -i 都是要先下载编译好的二进制deb包,make和gcc是用来编译源代码的,也就是说把十进制的源代码编译成二进制的机器代码。在ubuntu上一般都用apt-get install ,aptitude install 或dpkg -i, 不过有些电脑发烧友喜欢找软件的源代码自己编译成二进制文件安装。

Ubuntu apt-get总结


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Empires & Allies – Ingegnere extra – Domande frequenti

Q: Cos"è un ingegnere extra? R: L"ingegnere extra è un ingegnere temporaneo che puoi reclutare in aggiunta agli ingegneri che hai al momento in gioco. Reclutare un ingegnere extra ti permetterà di potenziare e costruire più edifici, cosa che ti farà progredire più rapidamente nel gioco. D: Come faccio a reclutare un ingegnere extra? R: Puoi reclutare un ingegnere extra utilizzando l"icona dell"ingegnere nella tua base. Puoi reclutare un ingegnere extra anche dal menu Costruisci . D: L"ingegnere extra è disponibile in qualsiasi momento? R: L"ingegnere extra è disponibile solo per un PERIODO LIMITATO quando è in corso l"evento Ingegnere extra. L"evento Ingegnere extra dura 8 giorni. D:Quanto dura l"evento ingegnere extra? C"è un limite al numero di ingegneri extra che posso avere contemporaneamente? R: Una volta reclutato, l"ingegnere extra sarà attivo solo per 48 ore. Puoi avere solo UN ingegnere extra per 8 giorni. Puoi controllare il tempo rimasto alla scadenza dell"ingegnere extra attivo dall"icona Ingegnere nel gioco. D: Qual è il livello QG minimo necessario al reclutamento di un ingegnere extra? R: Dovrai avere un livello QG pari a 4 o superiore per reclutare un ingegnere extra. D: Cosa succede se acquisto un ingegnere extra all"ultimo minuto dell"ottavo giorno dell"evento Ingegnere extra? R: Non preoccuparti! Non c"è motivo di agitarsi. Potrai comunque usare l"ingegnere extra per 48 ore. D: Al momento ho solo 1 ingegnere. Posso comunque reclutare l"ingegnere extra senza acquistare il secondo ingegnere? R: Sì, puoi reclutare l"ingegnere extra senza acquistare il secondo ingegnere. D: Il mio ingegnere extra è scaduto. Posso reclutare un altro ingegnere extra? R: No, puoi avere solo 1 ingegnere extra durante il periodo di 8 giorni.






hire,employ与rent这三个词都有“租用;雇佣”之意.hire是日常用语,指按工作量计酬的雇佣人手;employ则多指商店或公司长期雇佣人手;rent一般指租借房屋、地产(租借出去).例如:He hired a truck to help him in moving to his new home.他租了一辆卡车帮他搬家.The company employs fifty people.这个公司雇佣了五十人.The room rents at(for)$5 a week.这个房间每星期租金5美元.

Chapter 122 restraint_3000字

Boring! ChengSi yan saw Zhou Huaixuan stretch"ve across his lips *** ile, spat speechless ground, one step back, hide in the crowd. Those expensive female also saw Zhou Huaixuan action at this moment, burying his face in a giggling nonstop. At the sound of cheers, dearest, and laughter, weeks with general Zhou Huaixuan di *** ount, stand to the queen mother of the serpentine chicken process hand way: "the empress empress and majesty of blessings, god will not fail to acplish a mission, fu xing defeat savages in the northwest, and to push the building northwest frontier to the former in five hundred!" Queen mother always calm end coagulation, could not help but be happy right now, such as flowers blossom, the dazzling. "Good good! Your young summer I, work in the country!" summer at my royal manding his possessions plays, fort the soul!"Queen mother Yang hand, "you go with soldiers first off, after three days, big feast in dry yuan temple, all war soldiers have participated in this time!" God will house the men threw themselves together, and heard the sky, "xie queen mother empress long!" Around watching people followed knees together, cheer. Here in addition to the queen and prince standing in Joan grove, open space in the front of the car behind only Zhou Huaixuan cars, appears particularly jarring. Queen mother *** ile on her face, arms outstretched, thanks to forward, "the soldiers stand up after kowtowing." Listen to the pitch from ding-dong breastplates of clash, soldiers stood up. Prince *** iling tunnel: "god will and summer weeks this time is really to *** all general dynasty her great feats!" Zhou Chengzong and Zhou Huaixuan devoting together, "the troubled prince." Prince *** iled and pointed to the Zhou Huaixuan behind sweet incense and lane: "this... is how to return a responsibility? Solitary don"t remember, once let you take a sweet cars and war..." Prince ask questions that are in place someone in mind. ChengSi yan from the girls behind his head, with that sweet cars and look at the past. The cars are the work of good sandalwood, exquisite workmanship, fine, only a layer of varnish to show the fine texture of wood. Work on cars in which is the symbol of auspicious treasure, treasure fish umbrella, Aquarius, lotus, white conch, auspicious knot, victory and golden dharma.Symbol on eyes, ears, nose, the sound, such as heart, body and mind, Tibetan eight kinds of intellectual knowledge prehension imaging, is all well and peaceful big luck wishes. Loaded in such a sweet cars, affirmation is remarkable, and may even some rare treasures! As is known to all.War in fact is one of the fastest means of wealth, of course, the premise is to be able to return alive. People excited, but god will house the men remained motionless, like clay sculpture carvings, other people craned their necks, mat, couldn"t stand to the front, be sweet, the blessing of the more and see what"s inside a great baby! So wonderful baby.Must be weeks general back booty? Is dedicated to the queen mother, or a prince?! The people will be looking forward to looking at weeks general talk, hope he lifted the car shade, give you a sneak peek, weeks general face was dark down.He snorted, against the prince hand way: "his royal highness, the prince, is really ashamed. This car is son loot......" Means that this thing is Zhou Huaixuan, you want to see what"s inside, must ask Zhou Huaixuan. Prince *** iling again look at Zhou Huaixuan, way: "could not think general wei fierce JunWei renowned. General zhou couldn"t lost its sharpness. - can you tell me the great general, what is in the car, may your open mind?" Zhou Huaixuan *** iled and said: "prince has a life, one would not dare not from. People in the car, had saved a to life on the battlefield. And she was the daughter of northwest YiZu heads for admire my kingdom, scenery, especially at the end of the play with pilgrimage to countries."Said, and walked toward the sweet cars.For inside a way: "white princess wan, I dacian his royal highness, the prince and the queen mother empress are in there, you can e out." His voice just fell, the sweet of cars and car shade of dimples, like in no wind automatically. Then, a jade white hands stretched out from the curtain, the car beside the curtain to flow. A beauty of tsing yi women"s jump out from the car.Her high nose deep, faint with a blue color in the eyes, looks like the foreign people. This is YiZu patriarch"s daughter? The crowd in stupidly, that female has reached out to the car shade, way: "princess, please get off the bus." This is a girl... You can"t help but look forward to more on the people inside. In the breath condensate gas of all, from the inside of the car shade and stretched out a hand, build on the previous tsing yi girl"s hand. If the finger thin peel the onion root, fingertips full and round, like a sky pearl luster.The most unusual is that the jaws of the hand, with a blue butterfly. The butterfly patterns vivid, even the pattern of butterfly wings, and the butterfly head tentacles all see clearly. Cumbersome and not bloated, rich but not tacky. So will a hand on is locked on the back of hand movement, do have amorous feelings, let a person can"t help but want to see more... A gust of wind blowing, sweet cars and car shade, on both sides to separate, a woman dressed in colorful brocade woman leaning out of the car, first the narrowing the squinting, like just came out from the dark place, also not accustomed to the light outside. Then she saw the Zhou Huaixuan standing beside the car, shallow a *** ile to him. Should the color such as nor, more beautiful than the queen mother! Even the mon beauty crown has held her breath for an instant. This woman is so beautiful. With prince can see, only at the beginning of zheng think capacity can pete with her. And zheng want to let death was 16 years old, like a just blossom huaguduo, although beautiful, but how can better than this woman as the appearance of the peony bloom that acme! She stood beside Zhou Huaixuan, toward the direction of the prince and the queen mother LianRen a ceremony, "summer met prince, the queen mother empress, wish summer room like an evergreen tree, everlasting......" Her remarks also chic. Queen mother *** iled and nodded, "a white princess wan and polite. You can credentials with you?" Northwest YiZu is a *** all country, but independent and with barbarians is also for many years. This time, the building of the dynasty god will house the barbarians elite killed almost exhausted, and bring them into the deep desert, northwest for YiZu.Is really a good thing. So YiZu sent native princess building capital ChaoHe to the army. "Natural" with the credentials.White wan said, from the wide sleeves, a letter, with red paint to the queen mother was up. Queen mother did not took it personally, life around with the next big main nguyen.He manded a way: "now the prince countries, you look at it."Then he walked back to the serpentine chicken process and sat down. Yao"s official put down the curtain of the jiuqu chicken process, let out a cry: "empress drive!" A group of people busy leaned down and gave the queen mother had gone. Back again, just to see YiZu princess *** iled and stood beside Zhou Huaixuan wan white, like a pair of golden couple. Indeed, both of them are not only similar in age, even all the style which is very nearly. And Zhou Huaixuan like heaven handsome appearance, also seems to be only around this woman can match. Joan grove near tower pavilion in the station of your women looking at the white princess wan from exotic, look different, but they are silent. Some people unconsciously pull of his own.Someone to dig a *** all hole on the rail pavilion, there are those who hold panion"s hand, pinched his hand out of the red mark, oddly, that the girl who is she pinched.Don"t feel pain... Zhou Huaixuan body is covered with dark look cloak, one hand on their waist dao, one hand behind him, looked toward ChengSi yan standing there again. Just see ChengSi yan slightly despised eyes on him. Zhou Huaixuan jumped from her brow and narrow squint, look back, in silence to took a step back. Taizi road: "white princess wan miles. Solitary must arrange a good place for the princess." Who knows the white wan can also don"t back to the tunnel: "I will follow him to live!"Hand and only oblique refers to down from behind, just stand by Zhou Huaixuan direction. O, visible though she didn"t look back, but don"t know how many times over the past that way... Zhou Huaixuan half hanging eyes, nonmittally. Week general also when not to hear, overlooking the distant horizon. There"s a strange silence. The prince looked at.Had to o quick track: "in that case, general zhou, your god will house can have a guest house?" "Back to the prince, I will house although there are plenty of space to god, but don"t generally white wan princess identity. Live in under, will snub a princess, not cause conflicts beeen the o countries."Weeks counted to declined the general white princess wan"s proposal. "Shuro, you say a word......"White princess wan pushed Zhou Huaixuan arm, JiaoChen said. ChengSi yan in the pavilion heard these words, all can"t help but shake shake, inwardly condescension: shuro?You should regret the wrong name?What is the white wan?Should call Joe... Zhou Huaixuan seems very don"t like being touched, he quietly back o steps, and was about to say no, looked up and has caught a glimpse of ChengSi YanZheng looking intently here, all of a sudden crack a *** ile, pegged: "now that the white princess like, wan next respect than do! - prince, you let the person does not go to my home of yuanyang pavilion for white princess wan sent." Cha!What"s wrong with live live, live?Yuanyang pavilion to live?! Thoroughly despised Zhou Huaixuan ChengSi yan, light inclined to see at a glance towards him, eyes back to the depths of the pavilion, and hid himself firmly. Zhou Huaixuan lips *** ile more, turned around and made a gesture of "please", let wan white princess got on the bus. Prince had to ha ha say with *** ile: "so very good, so very good. Does it here. This white princess wan, is to look after you." Weeks general frown even tighter, wanted to refuse, but prince spoke, he again against invalid, also had to stare Zhou Huaixuan, turned to prince said: "son, prince magnanimous, not to argue with him." "Week general YanChong. Depending on the solitary, fierce general act very measured, but also for the big picture, are summer I blessed."Prince Edward said with a *** ile, and the general zhou and xinke jinshi Zhou Huaixuan is introduced here. The first is, of course, newly crowned champions Wang Yixing. Zhou Huaixuan indifferent nodded, eyes extremely light, see the little people had to hide out from the crowd, watching Wang Yixing direction sweet laughter, a picture with splendid appearance, as if she"d take an examination of the draft as... Zhou Huaixuan as is wrinkly to knit the brows and general zhou also. Introduced after the prince, way: "o love qing back rest first. After three days off, let"s go to getting a dry yuan temple!" Although there are three years is not in the capital, but zhou is no stranger to the changes of city of general. He knew the queen mother let authority and taizi prison. Weeks general hand way: "thank prince shirt!"Said, and turned to go. Army platoon present good queue, followed weeks of general go out. "You walk not to walk?"Wan white princess saw Zhou Huaixuan seemed distracted, pushed him again. Zhou Huaixuan a step back and back. White princess wan eyes toward the next to tower pavilion, whispered: "what the hell are you?" Zhou Huaixuan says nothing, and looked up again, on the face of the facial expression has been cool, no wave. The prince called xinke jinshi on tower again, say with *** ile: "today, and the qing not drunk no return!" Xinke jinshi surrounding the city, once again return to the platform. The group of previous across the tower pavilion at side of your women, eyes immediately went back to the new jinshi. ChengSi yan and mining-team sitting close to the railing, and evaluate the mining-team with mining-team son son fiance ZhangMao said. ZhangMao only in their early 20 s, but it is a new top inside the youngest, born too heavy, good looks, just some immature, but eyes cham, corners of the mouth *** iled, add born too tall, wore no. Robe, wearing their jobs and cap end with o golden flower, very eye-catching. The mining-team son secretly see, while red in the face and to ChengSi yan way: "don"t know how his personal character..." General woman at the mining-team son age know only see the man"s face, but she also value a man"s character, ChengSi yan mining-team son sit up and take notice right away, closer to her. "Character, for will also look not to e out, must let the family many disguise to see just a little."ChengSi yan and she murmured, sat in the corner. Queen"s maiden girl, and the queen mother girl sitting

求Empress的P/A ~Potential Ability~ 的攻略


be appointed as the empress是什么意思

be appointed as the empress 册立皇后

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.什么意思

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