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container的翻译是容器的意思。作为名词表示集装箱、容器。相关例句:The dockmen are unloading the goods from the container码头工人正在从集装箱里卸货。相关例句:The data container of this computer provides programmers with help这台电脑的数据容器给程序员提供了帮助。

antibody titre是什么?我在文献中看到,有些不明白




急!!求范文the positive and negative effects of advertisement(300字左右)

Nowadays, no matter where you get around in a city or even in the countryside, it is pretty easy for you to find one or two signs introducing a product. This has been increasingly becoming popular in our daily lives. Whether the influence of advertising is good or bad could be examined as follows. We will start by talking about the merits of advertising. Firstly, advertising is informative, which provides the customers with a quick access to the product needed. Take me as an example. I am a new resident of Guangzhou, a metropolitan city located in the south of China. At the very beginning when moving to this city, I did not have a clue about where to purchase all of the necessities for my newly-bought flat. Thanks to the ads on TV and in newspapers, amazingly almost all of the items ranging from furniture to household appliances were settled within a week. Secondly, consumers can expect to have a best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications of the commodity advertised by different suppliers. However, advertising involves some defects and I would like to list two of them herein. Initially, the popularity of advertisements has been growing along with the increased layout of design as well as showing up in the marketplace more frequently. The cost will definitely be passed on to the customers. Furthermore, the generation Y would probably lose their individuality because many of them buy the same goods advertised constantly in media during a certain period of time, which makes them appear alike. After the above analysis of the pros and cons, I tend to be in favor of the positive effects. Undoubtedly, nothing is more important than living in a society where ordinary people can enjoy the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. I believe that the negative effects can be minimized through sustainable economic growth and education.

30分翻译Angels & Airwaves - The Adventure歌


关于AsyncHttpClient框架的post 提交表单上传文件怎么弄

AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();client.setTimeout(6 * 1000); RequestParams params = new RequestParams();if (Bimp.tempSelectBitmap.size() > 0) {for(int i = 0; i < Bimp.tempSelectBitmap.size(); i++) {//图片路径if(i != Bimp.tempSelectBitmap.size() - 1) {picpath = (Bimp.tempSelectBitmap.get(i).getImagePath() + "&&&&&");} else {picpath = Bimp.tempSelectBitmap.get(i).getImagePath();}try {params.put("img", new File(picpath));} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}}client.post(mUrl, params, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {// 请求成功@Overridepublic void onSuccess(int arg0, Header[] arg1, byte[] arg2) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubToast.makeText(getActivity(), "上传成功", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Binder invocation to an incorrect interface这个是什么错误

Binder invocation to an incorrect interface一个不正确的接口调用


一般情况下看到这个BUG都会想到的是Intent传输数据过大了,Intent的数据过大是会导致 TransactionTooLargeException 的表现,但是如果把这个异常完全归结于Intent就有点问题了,因为 TransactionTooLargeException 不止会因为Intent传输数据过大了,在某些不是使用Intent的情况下依然会出这样的bug Intent携带信息的大小其实是受 Binder 限制。数据以Parcel对象的形式存放在Binder传递缓存中。如果数据或返回值比传递buffer大,则此次传递调用失败并抛出TransactionTooLargeException异常。 Binder传递缓存有一个限定大小, 通常是1Mb 。 但同一个进程中所有的传输共享缓存空间。多个地方在进行传输时,即时它们各自传输的数据不超出大小限制,TransactionTooLargeException异常也可能会被抛出。在使用Intent传递数据时,1Mb并不是安全上限。因为Binder中可能正在处理其它的传输工作。不同的机型和系统版本,这个上限值也可能会不同。在其它地方,例如onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState),也可能会遇到与Binder有关的类似问题。 我们知道了问题的本质是Binder引起的,而引起 TransactionTooLargeException 不止是在Intent也可能是 onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) ,特别是onSaveInstanceState其实你没有使用他不代表他本身没有存储,当你遇到一个未知情况引起 TransactionTooLargeException 的时候,你需求的 toolargetool 来帮你解决问题 可以使用命令进行过滤: 这问题是使用ViewPager2实现纵滑直播间,在特定情况下出现的 TransactionTooLargeException ,在特定下情况再次滑动直播间 android:viewHierarchyState 的值一直是增加的 最终导致超限引起TransactionTooLargeException 既然知道问题所在了,但是我没有找到为什么viewHierarchyState会一直增加,源码中对这个方法也没有描述,不知其含义 所以我们选择了一种无可奈何的解决办法让ViewPager2不再保存 在xml中增加 android:saveEnabled="false" ,这不是一个最完美的办法 但是目前在一个未知问题下是解决我们现在问题的一种方式,因为我们的页面不涉及横竖屏切换这样的操作.


我们知道app的启动是从 ActivityThread.main 方法开始的,所以我们先从 main 看起 main 方法里主要做了三件事 接下来我们看 ActivityThread.attach 方法 attach 方法里主要做里就是调用 ActivityManager.getService() 方法返回 IActivityManager 类型的 Binder 对象, 具体实现是在AMS里实现 attachApplication 可以发现 attachApplication 实际调用了 attachApplicationLocked ,而在 attachApplicationLocked 里又通过 IApplicationThread (其类型是 ApplicationThread 是 ActivityThread 的内部类,继承自 IApplicationThread.Stub ) 的 bindApplication 方法 bindApplication 最终调用了 mH.sendMessage 方法,因为AMS通过 ApplicationThread 回调到我们的进程,这也是一次跨进程过程,而 ApplicationThread 就是一个 binder ,回调逻辑是在 binder 线程池中完成的,所以需要通过 Handler 将其切换到ui线程.所以这里调用 mh.sendMessage ( mh 是 ActivityThread 的内部类 H 的一个实例)来通知处理 BIND_APPLICATION 事件 可以看到 Handler.H 收到 BIND_APPLICATION 事件后实际调用来 handleBindApplication 方法来完成 Application 的创建以及 ContentProvider 的创建 AppComponentFactory.instantiateApplication 经过 上面的5个步骤就完成了Application的创建和启动,可以看到在第5步调用 Application 的 onCreate 方法之前,第4步进行了 ContentProvicer 的创建和调用其 onCreate ,这里就解释到了为什么可以在 ContentProvicer.onCreate 里初始化sdk,下面介绍下 ContentProvicer 的创建和调用其 onCreate installContentProviders 完成了 ContentProvider 的启动,它首先遍历当前进程的 ProviderInfo 列表并一一调用其 installProvder 方法来启动它,接着将已启动的 ContentProvider 发布到AMS上,AMS会把它们存在 ProviderMap 里,这样外部调用者就可以直接从AMS中获取到 ContentProvider 这里通过类加载器完成了 ContentProvider 的创建 在 installProvider 方法里除了完成了 ContentProvider 的创建还掉用了 attachInfo ,在改方法里来调用它的 onCreate 方法。到此位置 ContentProvider 的创建已经完成,并且它的 onCreate 也被调用


外界无法直接访问ContentProvider,只能通过AMS根据URI来获取对应的ContentProvider的Binder接口IContentProvider,然后再访问响应数据。 contentProvider可以做成多实例,通过属性控制,但是现实中很少采用因为浪费开销。外界访问其增删改查的任何一个方法都会导致contentProvider的创建,并且拉起进程。 比如通过query方法启动contentprovider: 1、通过acquireProvider来获取IContentProvider对象。 2、先检查本端ActivityThread中是否存在ContentProvider了,如果存在就直接返回(返回的是IContentProvider客户端接口对象)。如果没有,就通过远程AMS.getContentProvider方法 3、ContentProvider的启动伴随着进程的启动,启动进程靠的是AMS的startProcessLocked,新进程启动后其入口方法为ActivityThread.main()方法,然后在attach方法中通过attachApplication方法将ApplicationThread作为参数传递给AMS 4、AMS的方法中又调用了ApplicationThread.bindApplication 5、ActivityThread的bindApplication发送BIND_APPLICATION消息给mH使得ActivityThread完成一系列工作,包括(按步骤顺序): 上述四个步骤之后,外部就能在AMS中拿到ContentProvider访问其接口了,但拿到的其实是Binder类型对象IContentProvider。其具体实现是ContentProvider.Transport,所以外界调用query方法时候,是通过调用ContentProvider.Transport中的query方法,其远程调用ContentProvider.query方法,结果通过Binder返回给调用者。 对其他方法的调用类似。





我的电脑进入dos后显示为: c:documents and settingsadministrator> 输入cd 其他盘符路径没任何显示


Tantrism 这个是什么教派的?

  五芒星(Pentacle)在古埃及被作为冥界子宫的符号,而在古代巴比伦则被作为女神伊修塔尔的孪生姐姐尼斐提斯(冥界女神)的符号。在希腊神话中,五芒星是大地女神Kore的象征;凯尔特人将五芒星作为冥界女神摩根的象征,在凯尔特传说中,太阳英雄加温为了向女神表达敬意而在自己血红的盾牌上画了五芒星。毕达格拉斯学派的神秘主义者也崇拜这个符号,将它称为“五回交错的诞生(文字)”。因此,在神秘学中,尖角向上的五芒星代表者“生命”和“健康”,被用作祈求幸福的魔法符号,也被作为守护符和治疗伤病的符号。古代巴比伦人甚至将五芒星绘制在食物的容器上,认为这样就可以保鲜;而巴比伦的七个印章中,第一个神圣的纹章就是五芒星。犹太教的经典中认为,这些印章代表了神的秘密的名字,五芒星就是其中最重要的一个,所以中世纪术士杜撰的“所罗门王的魔法戒指”上也刻有五芒星,也因为如此,五芒星也被误传为“所罗门的印章”。而五芒星也出现在天使米达伦(Metatron)的封印上,这个符号包括圆形魔法阵、五芒星和咒语。  中世纪炼金术士绘制的所谓小宇宙模型(人体模型)中,外部的圆圈代表宇宙,内部绘有一名男性像,头部、双手和双足各对应五芒星的五个角,生殖器位于圆心。因此,术士们认为人的“小宇宙”(可参考“生命之树”项)由五星支配。  由于五芒星可以一笔画出,因此古人也迷信它可以防止恶魔和恶灵的侵犯。在神秘学的魔法阵中,圆形魔法阵用于保护魔法师本人,而五芒星则被用于封印恶魔、其线条的五个交汇点被认为是可以封闭恶魔的“门”,可以将恶魔封在五芒星中间的五边形中。因此,教会将五芒星称为“恶魔的纹章”、“女巫的十字”、“魔法师之星”和“女巫之足”,甚至宣称人狼的脚后跟就有五芒星。  东欧的斯拉夫女巫利用这种迷信,进行称为“测五星”的医疗巫术,这种巫术要求患者按“小宇宙”的姿势站立(站成“大”字形),然后拿一根麻绳拴在脚踝连接到脖子然后再到另一只脚,再系到双手的中指,最后形成一个五芒星形。女巫装模作样“测算”一番之后,对患者胡扯一通病情,然后用匕首将麻绳割断,取出一截用火点燃并让患者吸入燃烧散发出的烟。最后女巫将灰撒在水里,让患者把这水当作药来服用。这和现在一些神汉巫婆骗人的招术基本差不多。  而倒挂(尖角向下)的五芒星则被新柏拉图主义者作为“五角之神”的象征,代表着四种有角的生物(雄山羊、雄绵羊、雄牛、雄鹿)与人类,源自印度Tantrism教派认为角代表男性“能力”的学说、是“知惠之花”的具体显现(参考“六芒星”项)。这个五角之神的偶像被教会称为恶魔Baphomet,一般以长有雄山羊头的人类外形出现、并且具有两性特征(详见后述“角”项),它的头部挂有五芒星(正挂),是现代术士团体“东方圣殿骑士团”的崇拜对象。  此外,五芒星在日本的阴阳道也被视为除魔避鬼的工具。  如果把五芒星倒过来,那便是把人的精神指向下,即地狱,那就会成了邪恶的恶魔符号,而倒挂五芒星亦代表撒旦。  在二次大战时期,当德国将整个欧洲除英、俄、义之外全部统治时,希特拉的屠杀犹太人计划也开始了。当时纳粹军在各地建立无数的集中营,并强迫犹太人胸前需戴上黄色的五芒星以示区别,可见代逆五芒星的代表性。  五角形护身符  这是巫术中的五角形护身符,这是世界上最早的一个符号,公元前四千年以前使用的。  是一个在基督教产生之前,有关自然崇拜的符号。古人认为世界由两部分组成——半雄性,一半雌性。神和女神共同作用保持力量平衡,即阴阳平衡。当阴阳平衡时,世界就处于和蔼的状态下。不平衡时,世界就一片混乱。五角形代表万物中阴性的那一半——一个宗教史学家称为“神圣女性”或“神圣女神”概念。  这个是刚看到的,不知道以前有没有贴过?  五角星象征维纳斯——代表女人性爱和美的女神。  早期宗教都是基于大自然神性的秩序之上的,女神维纳斯(Venus)和金星(Venus)是同一的。女神在夜空中也有一席之地,夜空中的女神有许多名字——金星、东方之星、伊师塔、阿斯塔蒂等,都是些充满活力的与自然和大地母亲密切相关的阴性概念。  它的形状源于金星。金星每四年在空中的运行轨迹正是一个正五角形。古人观察到这种现象,对之敬畏之至,于是金星和五角星便成了至善至美和周期性的性爱的象征。为礼赞金星的神奇,希腊人以四年为一个循环来组织奥林匹克运动会。现今很少有人知道现在每四年一届的现代奥林匹克运动会是沿袭了金星的周期。更少有人知道五角星差点成了奥运会的正式标志,只是到了最后一刻才将五个尖角换成了五个相互联结的环以更好地体现奥运会包容与和谐的精神。  六芒星  六芒星(Hexagram)发源于印度教的古代宗派Tantrism派,这个宗派奉行女阴崇拜或女性中心性崇拜,传承自一个女性教徒组成的乌拉迪亚派(崇拜“圣娼”),其主要的崇拜偶像是男根-女阴(Lingam-Yoni)的结合体,男根为席瓦(Shiva)的象征、女阴为卡利·玛的象征(破坏神Kali Ma,原意为“黑色之母”,在Tantrism派被称为Shakti Kali,也被认为是席瓦之妻),表示男性原理和女性原理的合一。Tantrism派的基本教义认为女性所储藏的“能力”多于男性,因此鼓吹保留性交(maithuna,即男性不泄漏体液的性交)、迷信可以通过得到女性体液而储存在脊柱内,进而向上打通各个中心轮(Chakra)而提升到头部绽开所谓“神灵知惠之花”。这种储存在女性体液中的“宇宙能力”包括“力量、能力、才能、勇气、王权(生殖力)、创造力、语言能力”等。  Tantrism派认为,六芒星形中尖端向下的三角形是卡利·玛的象征物“女阴”的符号,除了倒三角形之外,它也表示为鱼、两端尖锐的椭圆形、马蹄、蛋等图形。因此这个倒三角被称为“女阴的图像”即“Yoni Yantra”,其中“Yantra”是Tantrism派所认为的“冥想的图像”,是适用于眼睛的图像,和“适用于耳的图像”-“真言”(Mantra-曼荼罗,象征为八叶莲花)互为表里。倒三角形代表了万物之源-宇宙之母,表示盛满宇宙之母体液(力量)的容器。(Yoni和中国的“阴”同源,在中国神话中女阴的象征为桃,桃果上凹陷的部分被认为是女阴的表象)  六芒星形是男根-女阴结合体的象征符号。如上所述,尖端向下的三角形代表宇宙伊始的“女阴的图像”,经过无限的时间,在这个三角形中孕育了“生命的火种”(Bindu)。最后,生命的火种成熟、降生,为最初的男性。尖端向上的三角形代表男性性器,两个三角形的交汇代表男性和自己母亲的交合、从而成为最初的“两性具有者”(Androgyne),代表了融合和圆满。因此六芒星形在Tantrism派的教义中被称为“吉祥的图像”或“伟大的图像”,其中正三角表示男根、是男性的象征-也被称为“火”(Vahni)。六芒星形也被神化为“圣娼”,是Tantrism派的神女。而欧洲和印度许多神话中的创始神都是两性具有者,特点为一个躯体、两个头、四只手臂,表示“紧紧相拥的男女”(即六芒星形的表象化)、在无尽的性行为中达到精神的合一。  Tantrism教派在近现代仍存在于印度、尼泊尔、不丹和中国西藏。  而现今犹太人的象征图形六角星,则称为“Magen David”,原意为“大卫之盾”,现也称为大卫星或“所罗门封印”。不过它和大卫、所罗门没有关系,六角星最初出现在12世纪的犹太文献中,由于十字军东征的关系,在西班牙(被摩尔人统治)的犹太人接触到这个符号,并且被运用到拉比们提倡的神秘主义(Cabala,也作Kabbalah-喀巴拉,圣典为《光辉之书》-《Sefer ha-Zohar》)中,作为男性和女性能量的象征-女神Shekina结合的标志,Shekina的名字来源于Kali Ma的Tantrism派冠名Shakti Kali,因此六角星被犹太人理解为“神”(上帝)和自己的女性的一面Shekina完全结合的神圣标志。为了加强宣传的力度,拉比们也宣称在约柜中两块“十戒”石版旁放有“绘制一对男女以六角星形姿态紧紧相拥的图样”,这是一种宗教欺骗。  六角星成为犹太人的统一标志,则是在17世纪。




是洁肤乳。这款Darphin Intral Cleansing Milk 朵梵 多效舒缓洁肤乳500ml,含有洋甘菊、山楂花精粹,是极度温和的洁肤乳,专为敏感肌肤设计,能在洁净脏污与彩妆的同时,镇静并安抚脆弱的肌肤,使肌肤舒缓不刺激。

cant take my eyes off you原唱是谁?

Can"t Take My Eyes Off You这首金曲的原唱者,乃美国60年代白人灵魂乐团(四季合唱团 The Four Seasons)成员之一的 Frankie Valli 。此曲的原创版并被收录于其1967年所发行的《Can"t Take My Eyes Off You》之专辑内。而这首经典金曲至今已被许多知名歌手翻唱过,包含Andy Willams、Diana Ross、Muse、Sheena Easton、Isaac Hayes...等的各国歌手,传唱度之高由此可见。而每隔一段时间,网路上就有人在问这首金曲的原唱或歌词等的热门问题。1980年,一本意大利音乐杂志 《RECORD MIRROR》 中设立了 BOYS TOWN 广告专页,简单来说就是伦敦同性恋 Disco 广告,那里有着异于当时音乐风格的歌曲,偏偏在这种不被世人接受的地方,产生了大热歌曲──Disco版本的 “Can"t take my eyes off you” ,而合唱组合 BOYS TOWN GANG 更凭藉此翻唱的金曲,让当时各国的乐坛和 Disco DJ 不得不刮目双看。大概是 BOYS TOWN 让一般人联想到同性恋吧? 音乐界也为这种音乐风格定名为 HIGH ENERGY ! 这个由三人组合BOYS TOWN GANG所翻唱的Disco版本,虽说是翻唱,但已是1980年的演绎了,距今超过27年之久(而原唱版本则是1967年的Frankie Valli所唱,距今40年). 再说当年的这个舞蹈编排,也算是当时最流行的舞姿,而三人组合BOYS TOWN GANG凭藉这首翻唱的金曲,曾经风摩全球万千的乐迷!

May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, chee


frankie wants to be alone中文歌词

frankie wants to be alonehis name is frankie, likes to drink green tea.and i noticed him, when i was 16. we discussed about christy, she was the goddess to me. he knows who is tim, but not closed to him. though they both like film, they have different dreams. frankie wants to be lonely, he needs no one to agree. he walks alone in school, no one think he is cool. he never studies hard, but he always gets high mark. people think he"s so strange, but he doesn"t wanna change. all he need is daydreaming. no one really knows his thinking. he walks alone in school……no one really knows his feeling. 弗兰克想独处他的名字是弗兰克,喜欢喝绿茶。我注意到他,当我16岁。我们讨论克里斯蒂,她是我的女神。他知道谁是添,但他没有关闭。虽然他们都喜欢电影,它们具有不同的梦想。弗兰克要孤独,他需要无人同意。他孤独地走在上学,没有人认为他很酷。他从来不用功,但他总是得到高分。让人觉得他是如此陌生,但他并不想改变。所有他需要的是白日梦。没有人真正知道他的想法。他独自走在上学... ...没有人真正知道他的感觉。 你看看是不是这个,不是你说说




你就记住这样一句简单的话吧: Hearing chomstein"s pleasant words,I became cheerful. pleasant是令人愉快的,多数时候指的是事物,当然也可以指人(给他人带来快乐的人) cheerful是感到高兴的、表现得很欢乐的,一般指人 能理解了吗?





fraud prevention是什么意思

fraud prevention防欺诈双语对照例句:1.For more fraud prevention tips and information, visit Wells Fargo"s Fraud Information Center.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

counterfeit fraud的difference

The internet has led to huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud . Your card information could

小题1:Cheating.小题2:Fraud on the Internet happens very often.小题3:You might suffer great losses. 小题1:猜测词义题。通读全文可知是关于信用卡诈骗。这个词应该是欺骗的意思。小题2:根据文章可知现在的信用卡犯罪非常普遍,所以很多人担心自己的网购行为。小题3:根据第二段The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.可知你会遭受损失。

Darre &Gentry女装怎么样




Joni Mitchell的《All I Want》 歌词

歌曲名:All I Want歌手:Joni Mitchell专辑:Miles Of AislesJoni Mitchell - All I WantI am on a lonely road and I am travelingtraveling, traveling, travelingLooking for something, what can it be?Oh i hate you some, I hate you someI love you someI love you when I forget about meI want to be strong I want to laugh alongI want to belong to the livingAlive, alive, I want to get up and jiveI want to wreck my stockings in some juke box diveDo you want- do you want- do you wantto dance with me babydo you want to take a chanceand maybe find some sweet romance with me babywell come onAll I really really want our love to dois to bring out the best in me and in you tooAll I really really want our love to dois to bring out the best in me and in youI want to talk to you, I want to shampoo youI want to renew you again and againApplause, applause- Life is our causeWhen I think of you kissesmy mind see-sawsdo you see- do you see- do you seehow you hurt me babyso I hurt you toothen we both get so blueI am on a lonely road and I am travelinglooking for the key to set me freeOh the jealousy, the greed is the unravelingit"s the unravelingand it undoes all the joy the could beI want to have fun, I want to shine like the sunI want to be the one that you want to seeI want to knit you a sweaterwant to write you a love letterI want to make you feel betterI want to make you feel freeHmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm,Want to make you feel freeI want to make you feel freehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177322

yellow paint造句 yellow paintの例文 "yellow paint"是什麼意思

Remember to stand on the right and never stand at the yellow painted edge when using escalator 在使用扶手电梯时,记得靠右企稳,紧握扶手,切勿站在已漆有黄线的级边。 Aisles must be separated from production areas by yellow painted pnes , and there should be evacuation arrowheads marked on the aisles 生产车间应以黄色通道线把生产区域与通道划分出来,通道上还应标示疏散方向箭头。 It was one of those stairways which you find in miserable tenements . count muffat had seen many such during his rounds as member of the benevolent organization . it was bare and dilapidated : there was a wash of yellow paint on its walls ; its steps had been worn by the incessant passage of feet , and its iron balustrade had grown *** ooth under the friction of many hands 这种楼梯在蹩脚的房屋里常常见到,缪法伯爵曾以赈济所委员的身份,去贫民家里走访过,他看到过这样的楼梯,上面装饰全无,破旧不堪,漆成黄色,梯级被脚上上下下踏损了,铁栏杆被手磨平了。 It"s difficult to find yellow paint in a sentence. 用 yellow paint 造句挺难的

yellow paint中文翻译

Remember to stand on the right and never stand at the yellow painted edge when using escalator 在使用扶手电梯时,记得靠右企稳,紧握扶手,切勿站在已漆有黄线的级边。 Aisles must be separated from production areas by yellow painted pnes , and there should be evacuation arrowheads marked on the aisles 生产车间应以黄色通道线把生产区域与通道划分出来,通道上还应标示疏散方向箭头。 It was one of those stairways which you find in miserable tenements . count muffat had seen many such during his rounds as member of the benevolent organization . it was bare and dilapidated : there was a wash of yellow paint on its walls ; its steps had been worn by the incessant passage of feet , and its iron balustrade had grown *** ooth under the friction of many hands 这种楼梯在蹩脚的房屋里常常见到,缪法伯爵曾以赈济所委员的身份,去贫民家里走访过,他看到过这样的楼梯,上面装饰全无,破旧不堪,漆成黄色,梯级被脚上上下下踏损了,铁栏杆被手磨平了。

电脑键盘上Shift,E nter, AIt,CtrI,Tab, Ca ps Lock, 表示什么意思


法语动词变位后所加的后缀比如ais ,ait ,ent ,ai ……到底发什么音?


the students are having a biology lesson in the garden.中biology要大写吗



biology------------------------n.生物学; 生物 ,biont-------------------------n.生物,有机体,organisms-----------------n.有机物( organism的名词复数 ); 有机体; 生物; 有机体系

biomed research international杂志in press多久见刊



是SCI三区期刊名字 Biomed Research International期刊ISSN 2314-6133 2015-2016最新影响因子 2.134 是否OA开放访问 Yes 涉及的研究方向 BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL 出版国家或地区 UNITED STATES 年文章数 3179


SCI三区期刊名字 Biomed Research International 期刊ISSN 2314-6133 2015-2016最新影响因子 2.134 是否OA开放访问 Yes 涉及的研究方向 BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL 出版国家或地区 UNITED STATES 年文章数 3179

biomed research international投稿后需要征得每位作者同意嘛

不需要的,只要审核人同意了就行。《Biomed Research International》是一份经过同行评审的开放获取期刊,发表原创研究文章、综述文章和临床研究,涵盖生命科学和医学的广泛主题。所有提交的文章都要接受评估和同行审查,以确保编辑适当性和技术正确性。如果一篇文章在范围之内,那么编辑好在确认接受决定之前征求至少两名外部同行审稿人(他们的身份对作者保持匿名)对文章进行评估。拒绝的决定由编辑决定。这本期刊属于生物医学领域一本比较好投的期刊,这得益于该期刊每年巨大的刊文量。该杂志年刊文量在2000篇左右,所以这本杂志其实是比较好投的。但值得注意的是年刊文量大带来的影响因子长期低迷,已经连续四年影响因子在2分以上没有突破3分,今年甚至有下降趋势。所以这本杂志作为晋升或者毕业应急来说是可以值得投稿,但如果真的想认真科研的话可以选择更好的。

spring into the fray是什么意思


biomed res int 是水刊吗


biomed research international 是sci收录的吗

是SCI杂志,2014-2015最新影响因子 1.579 期刊名字 Biomed Research InternationalBIOMED RES INT 期刊ISSN 2314-6133 2014-2015最新影响因子 1.579 涉及的研究方向 BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY-MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL 出版国家 UNITED STATES 出版周期 出版年份 0 年文章数 3546

一句英文求翻译once more into thefray……into the last fight


IBM X3500服务器运行一段时间后,DASD/RAID指示灯亮黄灯,重启后,出现controller monitor failed,请指教


英语圣诞歌santa on the sleigh歌词

Dashing through the snowIn a one-horse open sleighO"er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bobtail ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonightJingle bells jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh HeyJingle bells jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh HeyDashing through the snowIn a one-horse open sleighO"er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bobtail ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonight OhJingle bells,jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to ride,In a one-horse open sleigh HeyJingle bells jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh



约会的英文表达 除了date,appointment 一个不太常见的,,


The castle back to the 13th century 为什么填dating?

date back to表示“追溯到”的意思,这里作后置定语修饰castle,用dating。

「约会、聚会..」英文怎么说?date / meeting / appointment 中文意思差别!

英文老师 Aly 在《Papa Teach Me》上介绍了这三个单字的差异,下次使用时别再搞混了! 内容目录 1. date 约会 「date」特别指的是「」。 例: I had a date with my boyfriend yesterday evening. 我昨晚跟我男友约会。 例: I"m gonna date with my girlfriend and we are gonna have a brunch. 我要跟我女友约会,而我们会一起吃早午餐。 其实在英文里面,要表达你跟某人正在约会,有超多种表达方式,下面整理六种英文表达方式,让你轻轻松松跟朋友说你正在跟某人约会。 1. Go out with someone 和某人约会 Go out with someone 是指跟某人出去的意思,通常你这样说的时候,是指你跟对方正在交往。 例: Tom is going out with Jenny. 汤姆正在跟珍妮交往。 例: Are you going out with Jenny? 你在跟珍妮交往吗? 2.seeing someone 暧昧、和某人交往 当你很频繁的seeing someone 的时候,代表你很常跟某人见面,seeing someone 不一定是指正在约会的状态,也有可能你跟对方正处于暧昧状态,快要在一起的那种状态。 例: We have been seeing each other for o months. 我们暧昧/约会两个月了。 3.dating someone 跟某人约会 Date 是最直观的用法,就是指你正在跟某人约会的意思。 例: I"m dating with Jenny. 我正在跟珍妮约会。 例: Are you dating with Jenny? 你在跟珍妮约会吗? 4.be with someone 跟某人在一起 be with someone 是指跟某人在一起的意思,既然都在一起了,代表正在约会的意思啦。 例: He"s been with her for o years. 他已经跟她在一起两年了。 例: I have been with Jenny for three months. 我跟珍妮在一起三个月了。 5.having a relationship having a relationship 是指你跟某人有段感情、关系的意思。例如你可以说:having a romantic relationship with someone,就是指你跟某人有恋爱关系的意思。 例: Tome is having a romantic relationship with Jenny. 汤姆跟珍妮正在交往。 另外,如果你想表达你跟某人正在谈远距离恋爱,你就可以说 having a long distance relationship。 6.boyfriend/girlfriend 男女朋友 还有一种更简单、更直观的说法,那就是说某某人是谁男朋友,或是女朋友,这样别人也知道你们正在约会了。 例: Jenny is my girlfriend. 珍妮是我女友。 上面就是六种当你想表达你跟某人正在约会时,你可以使用的英文说法。 2. meeting 聚会、会面 「meeting」则指的是「」,或是「」。 例: I am meeting / seeing my friend. 我跟我朋友约了见面。 例: I"m going to meet with my sister. 我正要和我姐聚会。 例: I"m scheduling a meeting with my client. 我正在安排要跟客户见面。 meet 大致上有三种用法,分别是:meet/ meet with /meet up with。可以参考下面文章。 3. appointment 预约 「appointment」特指「」。 例: I had an appointment made to my dentist for a checkup. 我预约了我的牙医检查牙齿。 例: I ‘d like to book an appointment to see the doctor. 我想预约看医生。 例: I ‘d like to make an appointment for haircut. 我想预约剪头发。 (编辑/林以晨) appointment, appointment 中文, appointment 意思, appointment 翻译, date, date 中文, date 意思, date 翻译, dating with, dating with 中文, meeting, meeting 中文, meeting 意思, meeting 翻译, 和某人约会 英文, 早午餐约会 英文, 会议 英文, 会面 英文, 约定 英文, 约定会面 英文, 约会 英文, 约会英文 口语, 聚会 英文

英语作文: 题目:Internet Dating 1、目前网上相亲很流行 2、网上相亲有利有弊 3、我的看法 要求:分3段

网上约会(DATING ONLINE) Dating online may be an interesting experience with everything dealt with properly. If not, it will surely be rather boring. That"s why dating online should be made carefully rather than casually, which can lead to a large difference between lifelong happiness and lifelong lonliness. The popularity of dating online lies in that it"s a more effecient way to meet people with more advantages over those traditional ones. However, much caution is still needed when people date with those who are almost fully strange. To increase your exprience concerned, the most important point to keep in mind is to keep level-headed. To make most appointments successful, you must keep to the following common sense and stay alert to some people. 1. Begin it cautiously. We suggest pushing the process slowly. Keep alert to somebody much too adult. 2. Try to use anonymity. Never throw away your name, e-mail address, home address, telephone number and other private information in Web files or until you have known him to a great extent. 3. Ask for photos. A photo can give you his appearance, which contributes to an exact sense of whether to see him or not. 4. Talk by phone. Telephone conversations can reveal much of his skill in personal and social communication. These advice can help you gain pleasure as well as feel safe while dating online. So, when you are on the Internet, please learn these tips by heart.

The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C


The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C




关于Dating is popular with college students的英语作文

Dating is popular with college students在大学里约会是流行的 Dating is popular with college students.再大学里约会的流行的。But frankly speaking,I don"t think stay in college use more time to have a date is such a good idea.但是,老实说,我不认为在大学里用更多的时间约会是个好主意。But dating is popular with college students.但是,在大学里约会是流行的。I think how to see this matter?我想如何看待这个问题呢?Sometimes some boys make a girl and make a boy will make your study progress,but almost person can"t study very well when they were fall in love with someone.有时候,一些男孩子交女朋友和男朋友并且一起努力学习,但是,大多数的人不能够学习的很好,当他们坠入爱河的时候。Missed someone very much,want to see someone all the time,talkative,always talking,don"t study.他们会非常的想念那个人,在所有的时间都想要看到那个人,话多的,总想和那个人说话,不想要学习。I think you can go to join in the lecture group,use the extra time to practise spoken English go to the English institute.I think it will be interesting.我想你可以加入一些演讲小组,在一个英语机构,用一些额外的时间联系口语的能力。我想它将会是有趣的旅程。

attention freak是什么意思?

He is an attention freak.他是个反常的人(和别人不一样)

Freak [Riva Starr Extended Instrumental] 歌词

歌曲名:Freak [Riva Starr Extended Instrumental]歌手:Estelle专辑:Freak [Remixes]Estelle - Freak (feat. Kardinal Offishall)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI can be a freakI can, I can be a freak (x10)I can, I can be a freak, every day of every week.This is something that I love, listen I"m about to teachEvery single girl should embrace their inner freaky freak.Don"t be scared, don"t be shy, yes you gotta let it breathe.I can give instructions if ya like to, like to hear me speak.Let me see those hand cuffs offLet me see that lover gearKiss him, slap him, pull his hairMake him yo bitch in hereHe wanna see you get down lowHe wanna hear you, hear you goI can be a freak, every day of every weekHow ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (Hooooooow)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want itHow ever do you...I can be a, I can be a,I can be a freakI can, I can be a freak (x6)Every day of every weekF, R, E, A, KLet me be yo freak (OKAY)Superman loverI"ll pitch yo tent with a XL magnum under coverShe know the dealAss look better in a 9 inch heelOne left in my roomLike cinderellaHand full of chicksNo better get illFreak to the boneEven if ya mom home im beatin" stillKilled them chicksWhen I see you in the clubBetter write yo willApproach with cautionCareful how you handle my drillYea, and we freakin stillHow ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (Hooooooow)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want itHow ever do you...I can be a, I can be a,I can be a freakI can, I can be a freak (x6)Every day of every weekHe wanna hearYou sayThat..I can be a freak, every day of every weekHa, yes they tell you so flyRight down, right down to the shoesWanna spin these fellas roundLadies this is how you doWhip yo hair, do yo smileTell him this is nothing newTake it out the box if wanna see you in the nudeHe wanna see you hand cuffed outHe wanna see yo lover gearKiss me, slap me, pull my hairHe wanna see me smack that theirHe wanna see you get down lowHe wanna hear you, hear you goI can be freak every day of every weekHow ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (Hooooooow)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want it (How ever)How ever do you need it (Do you need me)How ever do you want itHow ever do you...I can be a, I can be a,I can be a freakI can, I can be a freak (x6)Every day of every weekhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7431058



关于龙腾世纪中的MOD,很多都是被告知存放在DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackageoverride,请教一下

是压缩包的先解压缩,至于怎么放置那你要看该MOD文件夹的名称了,比如有的文件夹和其含有的子文件夹是为了告诉你安装的具体路径,比如某个MOD解压缩之后生成packagescoreoverrideLuchaire这一系列的子文件夹,其实就是告诉你该MOD是安装在我的文档BioWareDragon AgepackagescoreoverrideLuchaire里面,你只需要把Luchaire这个文件夹复制到我的文档BioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride文件夹里面就行了。如果文件夹不是上述所说的路径式的,那么你可以放在override的任意文件夹里面,甚至是为了便于区分你安装的MOD,你可以将某个MOD放在你指定的新建文件夹里面,文件夹的名称可以任意命名,但前提是必须要是英文,不能使用中文名称的文件夹。



sap用的数据库的各种数据类型的总结?像CLNT, CHAR, NUMC,DEC,DATS...


she wants to play中文歌词

歌曲名:She Wants To Play歌手:M. Pokora专辑:UpdatedMatt Pokora - She Wants to PlayFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me babyFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me one time, time...Ohh, she"s hot like fireShe"s every man"s desireBy the way she"s moving my wayI can tell she wanna play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playBaby, I love it when you act a little flirtyYou make me wanna get a little dirtyOn the floor, on the floorLet"s get naughty, let"s get naughtyYou and I, na na naFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me babyFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me one time, time...Now we"re so drawn to each otherAnd this temperature gets hotterOoh, uuh, for sure, for sureThis is mutual attractionYou"re showing meSome of that sensual seductionShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playBaby, I love it when you act a little flirtyYou make me wanna get a little dirtyOn the floor, on the floorLet"s get naughty, let"s get naughtyYou and I, na na naFreaky, freaky, girl, I want ya, I want yaI want you so bad and you make me so badAnd you"re such aFreaky, freaky girl, I want ya, I want yaShe wants to play with meCause I got game you seeShe wants to play (she wants to play with me),I think she"s fine, fine, fine, fineShe wants to play (she wants to play)So I say fine, fine, fine, fine

Smoke Two Joints(The Toyes 19) 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke Two Joints(The Toyes 19)歌手:Macy Gray专辑:CoveredSmoke Two Joints(The Toyes 19)She was living in a single roomw/ 3 other individuals,one of them was a male,and the other two,well hell the other two were females.God only knows what they were up to in there,and furthermore Susan I wouldn"t be the leastbit surprised to learn that all four ofthem habitually smokes marijuana cigarettes,reefers that isI smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at nightI smoke two joints in the afternoon,it makes me feel alrightI smoke two joints in time of peace, and two at time of warI smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,and then I smoke two moreFreaky freaky freakySmoked cigarettes "til the day she diedToke a big spliff of some good sensimilliaSmoked two cigarettes "til the day she diedFreaky freaky freaky"Easy-E were ya ever caught steppin"?" "hell nah!"Freaky freaky freakyDaddy he once told me,"You gotta be a hard working woman"My mama she once told me,"You gotta do the best you can"But then one day I met a man who came to me and said"Hard work good, hard work fine,but first take care of head" I, wanna celebrateI think that was itQq;850454409http://music.baidu.com/song/19190856

She Wants To Play 歌词

歌曲名:She Wants To Play歌手:M. Pokora专辑:UpdatedMatt Pokora - She Wants to PlayFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me babyFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me one time, time...Ohh, she"s hot like fireShe"s every man"s desireBy the way she"s moving my wayI can tell she wanna play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playBaby, I love it when you act a little flirtyYou make me wanna get a little dirtyOn the floor, on the floorLet"s get naughty, let"s get naughtyYou and I, na na naFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me babyFreaky, freaky girl,won"t you shake it shake it for me one time, time...Now we"re so drawn to each otherAnd this temperature gets hotterOoh, uuh, for sure, for sureThis is mutual attractionYou"re showing meSome of that sensual seductionShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playShe wants to play,She wants to play, play, play, playBaby, I love it when you act a little flirtyYou make me wanna get a little dirtyOn the floor, on the floorLet"s get naughty, let"s get naughtyYou and I, na na naFreaky, freaky, girl, I want ya, I want yaI want you so bad and you make me so badAnd you"re such aFreaky, freaky girl, I want ya, I want yaShe wants to play with meCause I got game you seeShe wants to play (she wants to play with me),I think she"s fine, fine, fine, fineShe wants to play (she wants to play)So I say fine, fine, fine, finehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8108522

the___ indicate thatour judgement is right


Joey Montana的《Freaky》 歌词

歌曲名:Freaky歌手:Joey Montana专辑:Flow Con ClaseRake - Freaky!作词:Rake作曲:Rake君の中に眠ってる 奥の方に隠してる触れられないくらいに敏感な闭ざしたyour secret zoneもう十分だなんて嘘さFreaky, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundListen to the voice from bottom of insideHit me, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundTake me to your place and get me highいつかその日が来ると気付けばずいぶん待ちました(so long time I"ve been waiting)明日ももうすぐ今日になって (time is money?)梦を语るだけじゃそりゃ前には进めない (not a lie)あとは任せたなんて嘘さFreaky, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundListen to the voice from bottom of insideHit me, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundTake me to your place and get me high今目の前に果てしない世界がほら君を待っている 颜上げ前を见て余计なものは全て脱ぎ舍てて饰らない君の想いを 空へ高く歌へFreaky, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundListen to the voice from bottom of insideHit me, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundTake me to your place and get me highFreaky, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundListen to the voice from bottom of insideHit me, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundTake me to your place and get me highFreaky, it is the time to be crazy,stop looking aroundおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2616978


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BIP(Band-Interleaved by Pixel) p指pixel ,以像元为基本单位扫描。



50 cent jay-z dr.dre eminem nas akon t-pain kanye west snoop dogg 他们的辈份和关系?hip hop大神求解!

我只知道dr.dre 是eminem的恩师 ,资格比较深的应该是dr.dre


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The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms.后面的of短语作什么成分?

deprived虽然是及物动词,但常常和of连用形成固定搭配。常见的句式就是deprive sb. of sth.意思就是剥夺某人的什么东西。希望能帮到你。

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c 定从, civil rights are the freedoms and rights (that) a person may have/ as a member of a community , state or nation



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Seventh Day Slumber的《Matthew 25》 歌词

歌曲名:Matthew 25歌手:Seventh Day Slumber专辑:Picking Up The PiecesThe Mountain Goats - Matthew 25:21They hook you upTo a fentanyl dripTo mitigate the pain a little bitI flew inFrom PennsylvaniaWhen I heard the hour was coming fastAnd I docked in San BarbaraTried to brace myselfYou can"t brace yourselfWhen the time comesYou just have to roll with the blastAnd I"m an eighteen-wheeler headed down the interstateAnd my breaks are going to giveAnd I won"t know till it"s too lateTires screaming when I lose controlTry not to hurt too many people when I rollFind the harbor freewayAnd head southReal tiredHead kind of lightI found Telegraph RoadI"d only seen the name on envelopesFound the parking lotAnd turned rightI felt all the detailsCarving out space in my headTropicanas on the walk wayNeon redBetween the painAnd the pills trying to hold at bayStand as a traveler going far awayAnd I am airplane tumbling wing over wingTried to listen to my instrumentsThey don"t say anythingPeople screaming when the engines quitI hope we"re all in crash position when we hitAnd then came to your bedsideAnd as it turns outI"m not readyAnd as thoughYou were speaking through a thick hazeYou said hello to meWe all stood there around youHappy to hear you speakThe last of something bright burningStill burningBeyond the cancer and the chemotherapyAnd you were a presence full of light upon this earthAnd I am a witness to your life and to it"s worthIt"s three days later when I get the callAnd there"s nobody around to break my fallhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2799736

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