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production possibilities frontier是什么意思

production possibilities frontier生产可能性边界双语对照例句:1.The production possibilities frontier is also the consumption possibilities frontier. 生产可能性边界也就是消费可能性边界?



frontier market是什么意思

Frontier Market网络前沿市场; 边境市场; 前缘市场; 新领域市场; 边际市场双语例句1Analysis and Development Strategies of the Frontier Tourism Market边境旅游市场分析与开发战略2MSCI is in the process of launching a benchmark for such exotica called the “ frontier market ” index.MSCI正在酝酿设立一个复盖这些异域国家的标杆指数,称作“未开拓市场”指数。

美国frontier web什么意思



期刊:水。frontiers旗下期刊众多,除了frontiers immunology比较有含金量,其他基本都是水刊,国内最近发文频率高的离谱,基本很多医生介绍点进去都有一篇,连做带投熟练的组,三个月能出一篇。基本平时所说的“Frontiers水刊”都是欧美的Frontiers in这一系列期刊。早期发展还不错,但后期经历了盈利化管理、编辑辞职、HIV/AIDSdenialism事件、撤稿事件等后,让众多学者对其抱有审慎态度。frontiers期刊内容:Frontiers of系列:frontiers+of的基本都是隶属于中国本土的英文学术期刊,是由教育部高教出版社出版的。这也是为什么最近总听到身边有人说,老是收到frontiers的审稿邀请,多如牛毛、应接不暇。国内的frontiers of 系列,多达20余种期刊,覆盖社会、经济、材料、能源、医学和生物学等众多领域。除engineering、quantitative biology、protein&cell外,都是以frontiers of 开头。

frontier’s life 什么意思

frontier"s life 边陲生活frontier 边界;国境


是的。 基本接受之后,后续的部分都是出版社那边进行处理,所以要求先付钱,然后出版社排版之后,会在一定时间之后给你proof的版本的,一般邮件直接附件一起发给你。


应该先是截面,然后是时间序列,另外,应根据选择的生产函数的具体要求,将时间变量t排列在后,例如:1 1 8. 5. 8. 02 1 7. 4. 7. 0 3 1 8. 6. 8. 0 4 1 7. 5. 7. 0 5 1 6. 5. 7. 0 7 1 7. 5. 8. 0 8 1 8. 5. 8. 0



Pareto frontier是什么意思


pizza ;migrant; frontier; stranger 这英语用谐音怎么读?


final frontier是什么意思

final frontier最后的边疆词典结果:网络释义百科释义1. 最后的疆界2. 终极先锋例句:1.A number of other countries have also launched recent forays into the final frontier. 其他许多国家也正在对最后一块无主地发动攻击。2.Far from reaching its final frontier, america has discovered new ones under the ground. 远未达到最终资源边界的美国,在地下发现了新的资源。

frontier杂志里面quality assessment一般是几分







FRONTIER是日本的笔记本品牌,隶属于KOUZIRO公司。算是非常小众的品牌了,很不出名。而且只面向日本国内销售,国内几乎买不到。 产品基本上都是中低端的小型笔记本,似乎没有出过高端的游戏本。

辨析:border, boundary, frontier









frontier-justice网络边境裁决者;边疆正义网络释义1. 边境裁决者=== TF2 物价参考表 === - TF2交易区 -... ... 电击背脊盾 Razorback 边境裁决者 Frontier Justice 尖齿扳手 Jag ...www.27015.com|基于22个网页2. 边疆正义边疆正义(Frontier Justice):达成在工程师成就包中的5项成就的奖励,同样以伊萨卡37作为蓝本,但改成全尺寸霰弹枪,每一步哨 …



frontier technology是什么意思


Frontier 550 的价格

富士Frontier 550/570主要配置和性能 富士Frontier550/570是两款激光数码彩扩机,由扫描图像处理平台(SP3000)和激光曝光冲印机(LP5500/5700)组成(分体式)。扫描图像处理平台,采用LED(RGB)光源,面阵式CCD扫描,可互换的两用自动片夹和手动片夹;激光曝光冲印机,是由激光曝光系统、走纸冲印机、裁纸器、分类器等整合于同一单元体内,采用RGB激光扫描曝光系统;相纸宽度89u301c305mm;双纸箱;扩印尺寸89mm×127mmu301c305mm×457mm(12英寸×18英寸);使用富士TYPE2激光相纸,富士CPu301c49E冲洗工艺;冲洗时间1分22秒(干至干);扩印速度(3R片)1350张/小时(550型),1800张/小时(570型);输出分辨率300dpi;安装占地面积1.9 m2。参考价格 125万元(550型),135万元(570型)综合评价 富士Frontier550/570激光数码彩扩设备,是最新推出的产品。最大扩印尺寸305mm×457mm(12英寸×18英寸),适应了大画幅市场的要求;冲洗时间1分22秒(干至干),这是世界最快速的机型之一。扩印速度(3R片),1350张/小时(550型)、1800张/小时(570型),能适应数码影像网络化冲印和“工厂化”制作的产能要求。


七个工作日内。Frontiers系列应该是收费系列,稿件比较多。既然审稿人同意了,没有什么大问题,编辑正在整理意见,应该七个工作日内给决定了。Frontiers in Immunology 于2010年在瑞士创刊,是国际免疫学会联合会 (IUIS) 的官方期刊。该杂志的主编是美国国家过敏与传染病研究所临床免疫学与微生物学实验室的 Luigi Daniele Notarangelo 教授。 该期刊旨在发表涵盖整个免疫学领域的杰出研究成果:包括研究免疫系统发育和功能的基本机制,对人类免疫疾病的临床和免疫表型的描述,以及关于它们的分子基础的定义。




应该先是截面,然后是时间序列,另外,应根据选择的生产函数的具体要求,将时间变量t排列在后,例如:1 1 8.053601 5.716370 8.841575 02 1 7.315684 4.967032 7.657309 0 3 1 8.085856 6.348439 8.179259 0 4 1 7.296888 5.853638 7.388099 0 5 1 6.899723 5.423628 7.735885 0 7 1 7.557577 5.948035 8.075194 0 8 1 8.300951 5.548687 8.929205 0







frontier 4.1评价体系数目是什么意思



云峰系列 08年第二季度产








由于高通还没有发布台积电代工的骁龙8 Gen1 +芯片,这款手机如果在5月10日发布有点为时过早。 摩托罗拉已经确认将于5月10日在中国举办新品发布会,可能代号为“Frontier”的高端旗舰只是一个噱头,而最近在工信部认证平台被发现的摩托罗拉 G82 才可能是明天的主角。目前也没有具体的消息,上诉只是本人的一些猜测。 有传言称,Frontier可能会搭载2亿像素主摄像头和 骁龙8 Gen1 +芯片,6.73英寸 刷新率为144Hz的 OLED 屏幕,并支持 HDR10。 ,带有屏幕指纹识别,6000万像素的前置摄像头,2亿像素(主)+5000万像素(超广角)+1200万像素(长焦)的后置三摄像头组合。骁龙8 Gen1 + 芯片预计将配备 Cortex-X2 内核、Cortex-A710 和 Cortex-A510 内核以及 Adreno 730 GPU。手机上的储存可能拥有高达 12GB 的 LPDDR5 RAM 和高达 256GB 的 UFS 3.1 。 至于Moto G82内部代号为Rhode 5G+,认证显示它拥有6.55英寸AMOLED屏幕,刷新率为120Hz,后置摄像头采用5000万像素主摄像头、800万像素广角和景深组合摄像头以及200万像素微距摄像头的组合,前置搭载1600万像素自拍摄像头,处理器搭载高通骁龙695芯片(从芯片看摩托罗拉应该是将其定为中低端),G82内置5000mAh的电池,支持33瓦的有线快充,电源按钮嵌入指纹传感器,3.5毫米耳机插孔也有保留。并提供4+128G、6+128G、8+128G的储存配置。 明天是否会有上述两款手机的出现,让我们期待明天5月10日的#motorola# 发布会吧!


Front. Immunol属于Frontiers系列期刊,是国际免疫学会联合会(IUIS)的官方期刊。 该期刊涵盖了免疫学的整个领域,收录研究免疫系统发育和功能的基本机制的论文,特别强调对人类免疫疾病的临床和免疫表型的描述,以及对其分子基础的定义。该杂志发表文章类型主要包括研究论文、病例报道、临床试验、评论类文章、应用软件文章、研究方案和技术进步文章等。顺便说一句,现在Frontiers系列的期刊有两种,一个是Frontiers in X,是两位瑞士神经专家创立的,基本都是生物医学方面的期刊,影响因子多在2-5分。还有个Frontiers of X,由中国教育部主管、高等教育出版社有限公司主办和出版、德国Spinger公司负责海外发行的系列英文学术期刊,各个学科都有。生物医学领域目前只有Frontiers of Medicine被SCI收录,今年分数是1.847,大家在投的时候要注意下哦。



给歌名,求简谱frontier(Cargo Remix)


frontier boundary border 这三者之间有什么区别

1. boundary 指地图上明确的界限,汉语一般说“边界线”,如: the boundary between France and Germany 2. border 指沿边界线延伸的地区,汉语一般说“边境”,如: the Franco-German border 3.frontier 的意思是“靠外国的边界” The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country. Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.

border 和 frontier 的区别

border = the line separating regions;frontier = a region at the edge of an area;boundary = a line or something that marked the extent of an area;我只能说,估计是因为frontier在地理上是属于某一边的,所以和between有矛盾;其他嘛,我觉得border和boundary都可以

Feiled的《Frontier》 歌词

歌曲名:Frontier歌手:Feiled专辑:Midnight Poems「FRONTIER」作词∶大田绅一郎作曲∶徳永暁人歌∶doa“みんなが集まる” そんな景色がある人が歩いた足迹を追ってその道を行けばもう戻れないとわかってるから わかってるからTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER 流れに逆らってもTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER それが仆の心追いかけて 追いかけて また失ってそれでもいいさ进もう 笑われたっていいあの云をつかむような话题で笑い合えてたあの顷苦しいよね やっぱり歳を重ねるほど君も伤つかないふりしてるだけ?TRYING FOR THE FRONTIER 足を引きずってもTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER それが仆の心憧れて 憧れて まだ见えなくてそれでもいいさ前を见て 眼をそらさない数え切れない绊がひとつの宇宙みたいにまわってる仆らはどこかでまた出逢う どこかでつながってる昨日より今日へ 今日よりも明日へTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER 流れに逆らってもTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER それが仆の心追いかけて 追いかけて また失ってそれでもいいさ进もうTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER 足を引きずってもTRYING FOR THE FRONTIER それが仆の心憧れて 憧れて まだ见えなくてそれでもいいさ前を见て 眼をそらさない【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/3464302

boundary 、border、frontier的区别和用法

1. boundary 指地图上明确的界限,汉语一般说“边界线”,如: the boundary between France and Germany 2. border 指沿边界线延伸的地区,汉语一般说“边境”,如: the Franco-German border 3.frontier 的意思是“靠外国的边界” The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country. Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.

frontier 这个英语单词 怎么读



没听说过 难道是外国品牌 还是山寨?

frontier boundary border 这三者之间有什么区别

1. boundary 指地图上明确的界限,汉语一般说“边界线”,如: the boundary between France and Germany 2. border 指沿边界线延伸的地区,汉语一般说“边境”,如: the Franco-German border 3.frontier 的意思是“靠外国的边界” The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country. Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.


frontier的读法是[fru028cn"tu026ar]。frontier是前沿、边界或者国境的意思。相关短语有Twilight Frontier黄昏边境,Gulf Sea Frontier海湾海洋边疆,Alaska Sea Frontier阿拉斯加海边境,Panama Sea Frontier巴拿马海疆,Alaskan Sea Frontier阿拉斯加海边境。可造句子如下:1、A "frontier-free" Europe implies a greatly increased market for all economic operators.“无国界的”欧洲对所有经营者来说都意味着一个大大扩展了的市场。2、Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.就在没多久之前,得克萨斯州还是一个荒无人烟的边远地区。3、the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes.撒克逊人土地和古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的边界。4、There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier.西南国界上没几个边境检查站。


frontier[英][u02c8fru028cntu026au0259(r)][美][fru028cnu02c8tu026ar]n.边疆,边境; 边界,边缘; 尚待开发的领域; adj.边疆的,边界的; 新垦地的,边地的; 开拓的;


frontier的意思是n. 边境,国界;(常sing.) 西部边疆,边远地区;(尤指知识的)前沿,新领域;西部边疆,边远地区adj. 边境的,边疆的【名】 (Frontier)(法)弗龙捷(人名)高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / GMAT网络 边境;国境;前沿专业 前沿 [经济学];边疆 [历史学];前沿 [医药科学]例句:1.Rugged individualism forged America"s frontier society.坚定的个人主义铸就了美国这个前沿社会。






Chill Out : 指让身体及心灵达到一种舒解和畅快的状态.Chill Out Music : 故名思义就是可以让人达到身心舒畅的音乐, 制造欢愉的想像气氛, 此种音乐的前题必须要是让聆听者无负担.


cinta做名词的时候表示:“(Cinta)人名。(西、葡)辛塔”的意思,还有“带子、爱情、思维、胶带”等意思。1、Cinta Terminal信塔油码头、辛塔港。港口名2、una cinta系上带子3、cinta daziaria海关关卡4、keajaiban cinta奇妙的爱5、Menduakan cinta复制爱情《Love is Cinta》故事的大纲大概是说爱要及时说出口,不然就爱的太迟,男主角Ryan要到美国去留学,女主角Cinta却等着男主角开口表白爱意,奈何双方都错过了一次机会。Giancinta是一个希腊名字。在希腊语中,Giancinta这个名字的意思是:风信子以这个名字命名的人们内心深处对爱和友谊有着强烈的渴望,并希望与他人合作以实现和平与和谐。Long, melodramatic, yet gorgeously shot in Central Java and India, Ayat Ayat Cinta is, at the end of the day, a love story.这部巨片以出色的摄影技巧在爪哇中部和印度拍成,不失为一个动人的爱情故事。

The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight


be bitterly disappointed 这句话是什么意思?

Be Bitterly Disappointed: 心寒齿冷 ;寒心

泰科电子(Tyco Electronics) 是全球500强吗? 注意是泰科电子,不是泰科国际(Tyco International),那

通用机电国际贸易(上海)有限公司特价供应美国TYCO安全阀、TYCO刀闸阀、TYCO球阀、TYCO蝶阀、TYCO截止阀、TYCO减压阀、TYCO空气阀、TYCO排污阀、TYCO疏水阀、TYCO止回阀、TYCO挡板阀、TYCO抽气逆转阀等各种用途阀门及执行机构。TYCO执行机构包括:TYCO气动执行机构;主要型号:F79U,F79E,ARP,F79B,F79S,RPD,RPS,ALGA,ALGAS,AG,AW,AM等。TYCO电动执行机构;主要型号:F01,F02,ICON2000,ICON2000EC等。TYCO电液比例控制系统;主要型号:IPOS,EHA等。TYCO电液控制执行机构; TYCO快关气动执行机构;主要型号:ALGAS-QA等。TYCO故障安全电动执行机构。主要型号:EFS2000等。TYCO气液联动执行构;主要型号:GPO(S)等。TYCO高压气动执行机构;主要型号:GIG(S)等。TYCO液压执行机构;主要型号:OLGA,OLGAS,OLGA-H,OLGAS-H等。TYCO快关液压执行机构;主要型号:OLGAS-QA等。TYCO阀门包括:蝶阀(F221/F222,F611/F612,FAR1/FAR2,F990/F991/F992,F14/F16,F129/F239/F139,Paraseal,F17,F15,F631,F56,F633,K-LOK,Hi-Seal,Neotecha,Vanessa,Art 12,Art 14,F627PQ等)球阀(R382/R392/R384/R394,R700,R51/R52,90,ULTRA-SEAL,OM/OM-2,SB-11,NTB/NTC,F5500,HPA/HRA/DB,DBW,TE等)闸阀/截止阀/止回阀(Raisteam,RVC/RVHX,FM认证阀,VA500,1700,1900,2100B/2500B,1500B,F85/F86,Clasar等)刀闸阀/闸门(F951/F952,F215,KGA/KGD,PG3X,PG4X等)安全阀(JOS-E/JBS-E,FLT-JOS(JBS)-E,800/900/BP,200/400/500/800,HCI/HE/HSJ。

James Blunt 歌词

james blunt 又该退役了

The star is elegant and Dazzling?The face worth the money very much?Perhaps one person good.

明星很大方 很耀眼吗 ?明星的一张脸可以值很多钱吗?还是一个人好 也许。

帮忙翻译一下 The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight.

梦想的阴暗之面(The Shadowland of Dreams----By Alex Haley) 里的一句话。文章讲述一个作家的人生转变,这句话就是形象的体现。The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight.直译:阴影变成了耀眼的聚光灯。意译:人生的阴影被耀眼的聚光灯照亮。turn into 成为;(使)变成; 译成dazzlingadj. 耀眼的,光彩夺目的; 灿烂的limelight 英 [u02c8lau026amlau026at] 美 [u02c8lau026amu02cclau026at] n. 众人注意的中心;(不)是公众关注的中心,(不)引人注目; 石灰光,石灰光灯; 白炽灯vt. 使显露头角,使受到注目

汇款到英国,给的汇款资料没写account name 只有一个short name 和一个alia

额。account number那是要银行账号,另一个那是sort code,是指英国专有的代码~必须有账号的呀~要不你会给谁啊?!




你的句子是:It"s sunny and warm.I will go to Dalian to see you.翻译是:天气晴朗又温和,我打算去大连看你。

ICH-GCP 3.5 Informed Consent(5)

Part 8: Scenario Part 9: Summary of Key PointsThe three investigators below are planning clinical trials that involve substance abuse treatment. Read about each of their trials, and then make a decision: Who did NOT obtain the informed consent necessary for the individual to participate in the trial? After making your selection, consider the feedback provided. 下面的三位研究人员正在计划进行涉及药物滥用治疗的临床试验。阅读他们的每项试验,然后做出决定:谁没有获得参与试验所需的知情同意?在做出选择后,考虑提供的反馈。 Scenario: Three investigators are planning clinical trials that involve substance abuse treatment. Read about each of their trials, and then make a decision: Who did NOT obtain the informed consent necessary for the individual to participate in the trial? 情景: 三名研究人员正在计划进行涉及药物滥用治疗的临床试验。阅读他们的每项试验,然后做出决定:谁没有获得参与试验所需的知情同意? Marc has been using cocaine for nearly ten years and is interested in seeking treatment. Dr. Johnson is leading a clinical trial on a pharmacological treatment for cocaine addiction. After receiving details about the study and having all of his questions answered, Marc decides to think about it for a few days and talk it over with some friends and family members. He comes back later that week, asks Dr. Johnson some additional questions, and after hearing the responses signs and dates his consent to participate in the study, and Dr. Johnson proceeds with enrollment. Did Dr. Johnson obtain the necessary informed consent? Marc一直在使用可卡因近十年,并有兴趣寻求治疗。约翰逊博士在可卡因成瘾的药理学治疗上领导临床试验。 在收到关于研究的详细信息并获得所有问题后,Marc决定在几天内思考它并与一些朋友和家庭成员交谈。他在那个星期晚些时候回来了,询问约翰逊博士一些额外的问题,并听到回应的签署并遵守他同意参加该研究,约翰逊博士进行报名。约翰逊博士获得了必要的知情同意吗? Dr. Band is researching the effects of buprenorphine/naloxone (BUP/NX) for participants dependent on prescription opioid analgestics. Alicia— a 38 year old prescription opioid user— is interested in the study. Dr. Band leaves the consent form for Alicia to read over, but she has a difficult time understanding the medical terms and can"t answer any of the consent quiz questions correctly. In the interest of saving time Dr. Band has her sign and date the consent form and enrolls her and promises to review the study procedures in detail at their next visit. Did Dr. Band obtain the necessary informed consent? Band博士正在研究丁丙诺啡/纳洛酮(BUP/NX)对依赖处方类阿片镇痛剂的参与者的影响。38岁的处方类阿片使用者Alicia对这项研究感兴趣。 班德博士将同意书留给艾丽西亚阅读,但她很难理解医学术语,无法正确回答任何同意书问答题。为了节省时间,Band博士让她在同意书上签字并注明日期,为她登记,并承诺在下次就诊时详细审查研究程序。班德博士是否获得了必要的知情同意书? Ada has been trying to stop her heroin use on her own, but muscle and bone pain, insomnia, vomiting, and other withdrawal symptoms have caused her to repeatedly relapse. Dr. Hirsch is holding a clinical trial combining pharmacological and behavioral interventions for the treatment of heroin. The doctor explains the trial and the possible effects. Ada asks questions about the study, demonstrates her understanding of the procedures, signs and dates the consent form for the study. Did Dr. Hirsch obtain the necessary informed consent? Ada一直试图阻止她自己的海洛因使用,但肌肉和骨痛,失眠,呕吐等戒断症状导致她反复复发。Hirsch博士在临床试验结合药理学和行为干预措施治疗海洛因。医生解释了试验和可能的影响。 ADA提出了关于该研究的问题,表明了她对该研究的同意书的程序,签署和日期的理解。Hirsch博士获得了必要的知情同意吗?Feedback : Dr. Johnson provides the appropriate information about the study and answers all of Marc"s questions. He allows Marc to absorb the information, discuss with others, and be comfortable and confident with his decision before signing the consent form. Sorry, A is not the correct answer. The necessary informed consent was obtained in this case. 反馈 :约翰逊博士提供了有关该研究的适当信息,并回答了马克的所有问题。他允许马克吸收信息,与他人讨论,并在签署同意书之前对自己的决定感到舒适和自信。对不起,A不是正确答案。在这种情况下,获得了必要的知情同意。 Feedback : Dr. Band leaves the consent for Alicia to read and does not explain any of the information. He enrolls Alicia in the study without her fully understanding the study information, and requests that she sign the consent despite knowing that she does not demonstrate an understanding of the study. A consent form should be written in nontechnical language that potential participants would understand, in language consistent with the proposed participants" educational level, cultural views, and familiarity with research. If you chose B, you are correct. In this case, he did NOT obtain the informed consent necessary for the individual to participate in the trial. 反馈 :Band博士同意Alicia阅读,不解释任何信息。他在Alicia未完全理解研究信息的情况下将其纳入研究,并要求她在同意书上签字,尽管他知道她没有证明对研究的理解。同意书应以潜在参与者能够理解的非技术性语言书写,语言应与拟定参与者的教育水平、文化观点和对研究的熟悉程度相一致。如果你选择B,你是正确的。在本案中,他没有获得该个人参加试验所需的知情同意。 Feedback : Dr. Hirsch explains the procedures and information regarding the study, answers Ada"s questions and asks her questions to ascertain her understanding of the trial. Only then does she sign and date the consent and enroll in the study. Sorry, C is not the correct answer. The necessary informed consent was obtained in this case. 反馈 :Hirsch博士解释了研究的程序和信息,回答了Ada的问题,并向她提问,以确定她对试验的理解。只有到那时,她才会签署同意书并注明日期,然后加入研究。对不起,C不是正确答案。在这种情况下,获得了必要的知情同意。Ⅰ、Informed consent is a process by which a person voluntarily agrees to participate in a research study after being fully informed about it. 1、知情同意是指 一个人在完全知情后自愿同意参与研究的过程 。 Ⅱ、The informed consent document should contain all of the information that the participant needs to make an informed decision about participating in the study. 2、知情同意书应 包含参与者就参与研究做出知情决定所需的所有信息 。 Ⅲ、The participant"s signature on the informed consent document confirms his or her voluntary agreement to take part in the study. 3、受试者在知情同意书上的 签名确认其自愿参与 研究。 Ⅳ、The general requirements for informed consent in federally funded research are spelled out in 45 CFR 46.116 and 21 CFR 50.20. Some states have enacted requirements for informed consent that go beyond federal regulations. 4、《美国联邦法规汇编》第45卷第46.116节和第21卷第50.20节阐述了联邦资助研究中知情同意的一般要求。一些州颁布了超出联邦法规的知情同意要求。 Ⅴ、All researchers have a responsibility to ensure that the process of obtaining informed consent or assent from study participants not only conforms to federal, state, and local regulations but also respects each individual"s right to make an informed decision voluntarily. 5、所有研究人员都有责任确保获得研究参与者 知情同意 或 同意的过程 不仅 符合联邦、州和地方法规 ,而且 尊重每个人自愿做出知情决定的权利 。 Ⅵ、The first step in the process of informed consent is preparing the consent document and supporting documents for presentation to the Institutional Review Board that must review and approve the study and consent document. The IRB must review and approve the consent document before the study can begin. 6、知情同意进程的第一步是 准备同意文件和辅助介绍的文件 ,以便向必须审查和批准研究和同意文件的机构审查委员会。在研究开始之前,IRB必须 审查并批准同意文件 。 Ⅶ、Consent documents should be written in nontechnical language that the proposed participants would understand. The language should be consistent with the proposed participants" educational level, cultural views, and familiarity with research. 7、同意书文件应使用 非技术性语言编写 ,且提议的参与者能够 理解 。语言应与拟议参与者的教育水平、文化观点和对研究的熟悉程度保持一致。 Ⅷ、The information that must be provided in an informed consent document is specified in 45 CFR 46.116, 21 CFR 50.20, and ICH GCP 4.8.10. 8、 知情同意文件中必须提供的信息 在45 CFR 46.116、21 CFR 50.20和ICH GCP 4.8.10中有明确规定。 Ⅸ、The legal age for consent in most states is 18; persons under age 18 are considered minors. Additional protections for children involved as participants in research are set forth in 45 CFR 46 Subpart D. In most cases, both parents must provide permission and the child himself or herself must assent to the child"s participation in research. 9、大多数州的法定同意年龄为18岁;18岁以下的人被视为未成年人。45 CFR 46子部分D中规定了 对参与研究的儿童的额外保护 。在大多数情况下,父母双方必须提供许可, 儿童本人必须同意儿童参与研究 。 Ⅹ、If a person is unable to provide informed consent, a legal representative may give permission for the individual to participate in research in some circumstances. Only one person gives consent. If the participant is capable and is not court ordered legally incompetent, then he or she should sign. If the participant is not capable or is legally incompetent, then the legal representative or guardian should sign. A child and the parents sign, but minor children assent, parents provide permission, and legal guardians consent. 10、如果一个人不能提供知情同意, 在某些情况下,法定代表人可以允许该个人参与研究 。只有一个人同意。如果参与者有能力且不是法院命令的法律上不称职的,则他或她应签字。如果参与者没有能力或在法律上不称职,则应由法定代表人或监护人签字。孩子和父母签字,但未成年子女同意,父母提供许可,法定监护人同意。 Ⅺ、Participants must not be coerced or unduly influenced. Coercion occurs if an individual perceives that he or she could be harmed or punished for refusing to take part in a study. In some cases, coercion may occur subtly and unintentionally. 11、 参与者不得受到胁迫或不当影响 。如果一个人认为他或她可能因拒绝参与研究而受到伤害或惩罚,就会发生强迫行为。在某些情况下,胁迫可能会微妙地或无意地发生。 Ⅻ、The value of an incentive for participation in a study should not be so high that it could be considered an undue influence on an individual"s decision to participate. 12、参与 研究的激励价值 不应太高,否则可能会被视为对个人参与决定的不当影响。 XIII、It is important to ensure that the process of obtaining informed consent from human participants is carried out carefully and with vigilant attention to every detail. Failure to comply with general requirements for informed consent (45 CFR 46.116) and documentation of informed consent (45 CFR 46.117) may result in suspension of a study as well as fines and penalties. 13、 重要的是要确保从人类参与者那里获得知情同意的过程得到认真执行,并警惕地关注每一个细节。 未遵守 知情同意书(45 CFR 46.116)和知情同意书文件(45 CFR 46.117)的一般要求可能导致研究暂停以及罚款和处罚。

Until You Were Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Until You Were Gone歌手:Garnet Mimms And The Enchanters专辑:The Best Of Barnet Mimms: Cry BabyChipmunk Ft.Esmee Denters - Until You Were GoneOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh (C.M)Oh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohIf I had all the money in the worldI still couldn"t buy me a brand new girl I loveToo much clubbing, not enough lovingToo much shopping, too busy chasing the skrillerWho"s now took a lost on your winnerSitting there singing this song likeYou never know what you"ve got "til it"s gone likeDamn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedDidn"t know how much I missed youUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed youOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh-ohLet me go, YeahAnd look still I"m hereShe left me with no ideaI just don"t get it, it"s kinda weirdHow you took off quicker than my career. it"s kinda rareIt took a wrong man to admit he"s wrongStill can"t do it, I just put it in a songSo don"t correct me, I know that I"m wrong(I just need love)I"m too stuck in my ways,And I know this ain"t helping me changeAnd I"m sitting here singing this song likeYou never know what you"ve got "til it"s gone likeDamn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedDidn"t know how much I missed youUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed youOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh-oh (Whooa)Let me go, YeahI"m too stressed, let me try and not thinkClose my e1, you"re inside my lidsSo I try not blink for one split sec"cause show boating got my sh*t wreckedSince you left, nothing ain"t rightTwo different waves, we had to part tidesHad a long-sighted vision, it ain"t the same with you missinguntil you were gone, gone, goneuntil you were gone, gone, goneuntil you were gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed youDamn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedI didn"t know how much I missed youUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2722818

远古外星人ancient aliens每一集的名字(中英文)?? 各位高手拜托了!!

这个你可以一集集的看下啊 每集开头都有中文翻译 比如第三季 第14 集是“外星人和不死传说”。

ABA WIRES,ABA ACH和CHIPS Participant Code分别是什么意思?

2.清算所同业支付系统(Clearing House Interbank Payment System,简称CHIPS) 国际间的货币结算,尤其是美元结算,经常会用到这两个系统。FEDWIRE 系统中各银行的代码就称为 ABA, 而CHIPS 的银行代码被称为 UID,给定了一个 ABA,或者UID的代码,就等于告诉了你一个可以进行美元支付的银行账号。

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frente 的《bizarre love triangle 》歌词翻译

  《bizarre love triangle》  Frente  every time i think of you  i got shot right through into a bolt of blue  it"s no problem of mine but it"s a problem i find  living a life that i can"t leave behind  there"s no sense in telling me  the wisdom of a fool won"t set you free  but that"s the way that it goes  and it"s what nobody knows  and every day my confusion grows  everytime i see you falling  i get down on my knees and pray  i"m waiting for the final moment  you"ll say the words that i can"t say  i feel fine and i feel good  i feel like i never should  whenever i get this way, i just don"t know what to say  why can"t we be ourselves like we were yesterday  i"m not sure what this could mean  i don"t think you"re what you seem  i do admit to myself , that if i hurt someone else  then i"ll never see just what we"re meant to be  every time i see you falling  i get down on my knees and pray  i"m waiting for the final moment  you"ll say the words that i can"t say  =================================================  【歌词中文意思】  每次想到你的时候  就象被一道蓝色闪电击中  我本可以不去想它,  是我甘愿如此  生活在对过去的回忆里  没有道理能够启发我  傻瓜的逻辑(智慧)无法解脱我自己  但也许世事总是这样,  只能顺其自然 谁能知晓(未来)。。  而我的困惑在与日俱增  每次看你跌到  我都虔诚的祈祷  祈祷那一刻的到来  你会说那些我不曾说出的话语  我感动极了 未曾有过的感动。。  每次想到这里,都会变的很沉默。。  为什么我们不能象以前一样?  我不确定这意味着什么  我亦不认为现在的你是你本来的样子  但我可以对自己承诺  如果我曾伤害过任何人  我将永远不会等到那一天。。  我们注定在一起的时刻。。

The climate here is always hot,summer and winter alike

副词位置很随便的,当然可以放最后。这里我认为省略了一些词语:完整是summer and winter are hot alike.这里alike 修饰动词are.

曲婉婷的jar of love 抄袭两首歌曲 其中一首是frente唱的bizarre love triangle,不过高潮部分帮忙找下


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=as well 也/同样地

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