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翻译一首dante gabriel rossetti的诗

have been here before,我曾来过这里,But when or how I cannot tell:但我说不出合适来到何来到的原因。I know the grass beyond the door,门口的草我多末的熟悉The Sweet,keen smell,甜美 沁人心脾The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.岸边的灯火和叹息的声音(我都记得)You have been mine before,——你也曾经是我的How long ago I may not know:我已不知是多久以前的事情了But just when at that swallow"s soar,但是刚刚我在燕子飞过你脖颈的时候Your neck turned so,Some veil did fail,—I know it all of yore所有的记忆都被唤起就如掀开了神秘的面纱,我知道那就是你Has this been thus before?这曾经有过吗?And should not thus time"s eddying flight时间就这样流失Still with our lives our love restore伴随着我们的生命我们的爱又复活In death"s despite,即使死And day and night yield one delight once more?能不能再有一夕欢愉?






但丁扛着火箭筒来到lady面前:D: what an ordeal真是严酷的考验。You are still here?你还在这啊L:I need that back我还要那个呢。D: No late charges I hope.不会过后收费吧?L: I"ll think about it.我会考虑的。D:We should be fine for now.我们现在应该没事了。But I"m sure they"ll be back soon, very soon.但是我确定它们很快会回来,非常快。L: Are you crying?你哭了?D: It"s only the rain只是雨而以。L: The rain already stopped.雨已经停了啊。D: Devils never cry.恶魔从来不哭泣的。L: I seeMaybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don"t you think?我知道了,也许某些地方就连恶魔也会哭泣,当他失去了自己的挚爱时,你不这么认为么?D:Maybe也许吧。L:By the way.对了。突然掏出枪打死了几个恶魔:Looks like we"re gonna be busy for a while.看起来我们又要忙一阵子了。D: Well bring it on那么来吧。I love this, this is what I live for我在这个,这可是我存在的目的。I"m absolutely crazy about it.我是绝对为这个疯狂的。




崔西(Trish) :魔王蒙德斯根据但丁和维吉尔母亲的形象创作出来的造物。魔王蒙德斯制造崔西并派她去陷害但丁从《恶魔猎人》的开始,但丁的办公室受到崔西(Trish)突袭,她的样貌跟但丁的母亲非常相似,但丁制服了崔西之后,邀请崔西成为他的助理.故事就这样不断展开.简单的说,但丁有恋母情结,崔西触发了他心底的秘密。鬼泣4 虽然被崔西陷害,但丁依然英雄救美...


通常情况下,有目标IP才可以跨路由。Dante协议是一个在标准的IP网络上运行的现代化高性能数字媒体传输系统。就是说,它是以IP数据结构在以太网中传递实时音频信号的技术,为点对点的音频系统连接提供了一种低延时、高精度和低成本的解决方案。是Audinate公司研发的,和传统的CobraNet技术一样,也是一个集硬件、软件和通信协议为一体的产品。 DANTE可以任由音频信号在以太网中使用TCP/IP方式任意传送,而且在这个过程中能保持信号的精确还原。


技能名 PS3版操作 X360版操作 效果和技能分析 是否需要购买 备注 REBELLION COMBO A 地面上△△△ 地面上YYY 基本的地面3连斩 范围不错 攻击力不高 否 REBELLION COMBO B 地面上△-△△ 地面上Y-YY 连斩都突刺 最后一击吹飞 否 HELM BREAKER 空中△ 空中Y 空中下落的斩击 滞空性差 一般用于结尾 否 HIGH TIME 地面上R1+L3向后△ 地面上RB+LS向后Y 浮空技 同样是短按自身不跳 长按自身跟着跳起 否 STINGER 地面上R1+L3向前△ 地面上RB+LS向前Y 突刺 虽然范围没NERO的大 不过攻击力更大 是 STINGER 2 地面上R1+L3向前△ 地面上RB+LS向前Y STINGER是升级版 突进距离更长 是 需要先购买STINGER MILLION STAB STINGER后L3归位 按住△ STINGER后LS归位 按住Y 突进结束都连次接吹飞 威力不俗 对于初中级杂兵效果都不错 否 ROUND TRIP 按住△ 待剑体发红后放开 按住Y待剑体发红后放开 飞剑攻击 准备时间长 剑飞出后 再按△/Y剑会飞回 如果不按则会在3秒后飞回 此过程中可以使用GUNS和其他SWORDS攻击 个人不怎么用... 是


n.但丁(Alighieri, 1265-1321, 意大利诗人, 《神曲》 (Divine Comedy)作者)意大利名字

罗志祥 DANTE 日语歌词 其中汉字请标注平假名

【汉字后的小括号为汉字的平假名】 Feathers 舞(ま)い踊(おど)る まるで  Venus钉付(くぎづ)けだよ...キミに逢(あ)った 瞬间(しゅんかん) 月(つき)も逃(に)げて行(い)ったI know 今(いま)は 远(とお)いけど绝対(ぜったい) 叶(かな)うはずさだって ココロは もう キミを待(ま)ち切(き)れずに...壊(こわ)れそう!Can"t wait “someday”気(き)づいて now, nowI"m like DANTEいつだって hot, hotキミの 瞳(ひとみ) 捕(と)らえるまで I"ll dance赌(か)けてみたい 恋(こい)の奇迹(きせき) Last chance理由(りゆう)はイラナイから今(いま)すぐ コチラにおいで。来(く)る ? 来(こ)ない?All day, all nightキミのコトで 头(あたま)は Burn out!いっそ ボクの手(て)を引(ひ)いてずっと 二人(ふたり)きりの世界(せかい)なんて いいね全(すべ)て 取(と)り払(はら)って爱(あい)は 人(ひと)を変(か)えるみたい臆病者(おくびょうもの)の ボクを强(つよ)く 立(だ)ち上(あ)がらせるキミ(きみ)のためなら... 飞(と)べるCan"t wait“someday”気(き)づいて now, nowI"m like DANTEいつだって hot, hotキミの 瞳(ひとみ) 捕(と)らえるまで I"ll dance赌(か)けてみたい 恋(こい)の奇迹(きせき) Last chance理由(りゆう)はイラナイから今(いま)すぐ コチラにおいで来(く)る ? 来(こ)ない?All day, all nightキミのコトで 头(あたま)は Burn out!Can"t stop lovingCan"t stop lovingもう 谁(だれ)も 止(と)められないI"ll be your heroI"ll be your hero泣(な)きたい时(とき) 頼(たよ)ってねOh...ボクとなら 幸(しあわ)せになれる必(かなら)ず 守(まも)り抜(ぬ)く ... promiseCan"t wait“someday”気(き)づいて now, nowI"m like DANTEいつだって hot, hotキミの 瞳(ひとみ) 捕(と)らえるまで I"ll dance赌(か)けてみたい 恋(こい)の奇迹(きせき) Last chance理由(りゆう)はイラナイから今(いま)すぐ コチラにおいで。来(く)る ? 来(こ)ない?All day, all nightキミのコトで 头(あたま)は Burn out!I"ll be your hero...hero babyCall me DANTE...Call me DANTE...キミのコトで 头(あたま)は Burn out!




Dante音响有以下特点:1、通过1根cat.5e网线可同时实现数字音频传输和供电,无需额外的功率放大设备。2、采用Dante数字音频传输技术,无压缩、无损耗。无延时,以网络IP化架构设计,实现网络化、数字化。3、采用标准的PoE网络供电技术,属于低压弱电安全范畴。4、Dante新网络技术,解决了过往系统为之困扰的杂音、 电流声、线路损耗等诸多问题。5、只需传统音箱约20%的电力能耗, 高效节能,环保减排;仅需25W的电力驱动,即可达到约等于120W的传统效果功率。6、Dante技术具有自动记忆功能, 一套完整的Dante音频系统设备,经过EAJAX团队成员娴熟而严格的调试之后,用户只需接上网线就能快速搭建使用。7、内置DSP处理,每只音箱具有5段EQ均衡调谐,可在远程模式中对设备进行调试。8、从PoE网络交换机到音箱传输距离可达100米,用户可以级联两台交换机达到更长距离的传输,例如光纤级联即可达到20千米距离。9、世界顶尖科学家、行业精英三十年之久的黑科技成果;反传统、颠覆式、创新型;高度集成一体化,系统硬件精密化。10、全网络标准化,全兼容集控化;具有众多优质特性,简单可靠。11、可为特定场所和系统的优化提供整套音响解决方案。可以去看看音爵士Dante音响。




拾音器需要用dante转换器吗,关于这个问题有以下解释:需要Dante音频系统由于通过局域网络传输数字音频,以及它与生俱来的一些技术优势,低延时、高保真、低能耗等特点,使其在音频系统设计方面有不可底挡的优势,随着价格的慢慢走低,跟随的厂家、产品线也越来越丰富。包括Dante拾音器,Dante扬声器,Dante接口机,Dante处理器等等。这里就给大家介绍一下Dante音频系统的基本组成,最简单的Dante音频系统只需要一个Dante麦克风,一个Dante音箱,它们通过一个PoE交换机连接成一个最小的系统。当然也需要通过PC端软件将麦克风和音箱做好路由对接即可。根据交换机的网口数量,可以在这个最小系统中添加多个Dante麦克风或音箱,并且可以在管理软件中设置一个麦克风路由输出到多个音箱。但这个系统不能支持多个麦克风混音输出到一个音箱。如果有这样的需求,则需要在系统中接入一台音频处理器用于矩阵混音。当然,有了像声菲特的TIGER D88N或DCORE 6464这样的Dante音频处理器,那系统就可以变得更加智能,扩展、均衡、分频、消噪、消反馈等强大功能都可以轻松实现。但是,如果没有Dante拾音器,也没有Dante扬声器,如何组建Dante音频系统呢?Dante接口机就是为了解决普通终端设备接入Dante音频系统的问题。设想某个偏远的房间需要多个麦克风和多个音箱。那我只需要一根网线和一个接口机就可以把它们接入到Dante音频系统里来。需要指出的是,Dante音频处理器通常都有接口机的功能,但出于成本方面的考虑,用接口机来实现更加经济。












但丁- -意大利文音译的- -不遵循英文发音很正常= =



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歌曲名:perfect government歌手:nofx专辑:punk in drublicEven if it"s easy to be freeWhat"s your definition of freedom?And who the fuck are you, anyway?Who the fuck are they?Who the fuck am I to say?NoFXWhat the fuck is really going on?How did the cat get so fat?Why does the family die?Do you care why?"Cause there hasn"t been a signOf anything gettin" better in the ghettoPeople"s fed upBut when they get upYou racist, you bigotBut that"s not the problemNow is it?It"s all about the moneyPolitical power is takinProtecting the rich denying the poorYeah, they love to watch the war from the White HouseAnd I wonder how can they sleep at night?How can they sleep at night?How did the cat get so fat?http://music.baidu.com/song/14153279



跪求culture smart or science intelligent题目的英文演讲稿!!哪位神人有论点的!在线等啊!!

  culture smart -------社会科学 角度 社会性 文化底蕴,在于积累,很厚重  science intelligent- 自然科学 角度 科技性 ,在于探索,挑战性  How often have we not been told that the study of physical science is incompetent to confer culture; that it touches none of the higher problems of life; and, what is worse, that the continual devotion to scientific studies tends to generate a narrow and bigoted belief in the applicability of scientific methods to the search after truth of all kinds ? How frequently one has reason to observe that no reply to a troublesome argument tells so well as calling its author a "mere scientific specialist." And, as I am afraid it is not permissible to speak of this form of opposition to scientific education in the past tense; may we not expect to be told that this, not only omission, but prohibition, of "mere literary instruction and education" is a patent example of scientific narrow-mindedness?  I think that we must all assent to the first proposition. For culture certainly means something quite different from learning or technical skill. It implies the possession of an ideal, and the habit of critically estimating the value of things by comparison with a theoretic standard. Perfect culture should supply a complete theory of life, based upon a clear knowledge alike of its possibilities and of its limitations.  What Science Offers the Humanities: Integrating Body and Culture  What Science Offers the Humanities examines some of the deep problems facing current approaches to the study of culture. It focuses especially on the excesses of postmodernism, but also acknowledges serious problems with postmodernism"s harshest critics. In short, in order for the humanities to progress, its scholars need to take seriously contributions from the natural sciences-and particular research on human cognition-which demonstrate that any separation of the mind and the body is entirely untenable. The author provides suggestions for how humanists might begin to utilize these scientific discoveries without conceding that science has the last word on morality, religion, art, and literature. Calling into question such deeply entrenched dogmas as the "blank slate" theory of nature, strong social constructivism, and the ideal of disembodied reason, What Science Offers the Humanities replaces the human-sciences divide with a more integrated approach to the study of culture.  Technology and Culture have both influenced each other equally. Technology has been directed as an improvement in our lives, but on the other hand, Culture has been present in every invention, noticeable or not, and advancement in our evolving society. Technology is becoming focused upon more and more everyday, but culture is the determining factor that decides if there is a necessity for an improvement. There are endless views and perspectives that this situation can be viewed from, but without a doubt, Technology and Culture shape one another. Culture has been a part of our society, and way of life, forever. It is almost impossible to come up with an idea that isnt influenced by culture. Picture our lives without cars, television, and computers. This would be an example of everyday life without technology. People could function happily in that type of atmosphere, but technology has changed our lives forever. Technology has changed our pace and perspective on education. Students would have to go to libraries and spend a lot of time researching to find out information for class assignments, but with technology students can find almost anything on there home computers and by accessing the internet. Technology has definitely become the authoritative factor in our lives, but culture has shaped technology. Technology is made and used in such a variety of ways because many people who use the technology of today come from all walks of life and have different necessities, so to compensate for that technology must adapt to all different cultures.  Culture Smart or Science Intelligent(网友推荐,仅供参考)  Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges:  It is my great honour to share my viewpoints on Culture Smart and Science Intelligence with all of dear audience present.  As is known to us all that our contemporary lives and the society in current are undergoing profound changes with the promoting development of science and technology. However, have we realized the estrange and departure of our culture against the background on which the positive achievements have been brought by science and technology. Which course should we take in culture smart and science intelligence as the issue on social development is concerned in the process of ultrahigh-speeded urbanization? My viewpoint is clear an firm, that is the cultue smart.  It is generally accepted by the broad mass that science and technology take the supreme lead of the productivity. No achievements nurtured by civilization in our contemporary society can be created without the development of science and technology and the society will fall to its stagnant pace. Thanks to the progress made by the advancing science and technology, especially the development of intelligentization, schemed out by robots, unmanned driving and digital platform, offers great convienience to both the production and daily lives of human beings and promotes the social progress.  But under no circumstances should we admit that a series of problems on environment and social ethics concerning environment pollution, ozonocavity, greenhouse effect, colon human and nuclear deterrent occurred against the prosperity carried out by science and technology. So how can we spare no effort on keeping such problems from deterioration in all possibilities? What development pattern will be on science and technology in future?  The answer is that we need the guidance of culture smart. When we talk about culture, we may regard it as the tradition and history, but how can the intelligentization of science and technology be guided by the culture smart? Here I want to put it that culture is not like a pond filled with stagnant water, but a dynamic system. We can never draw a conclusion of culture as “the deposit of history”, what"s more, we should make it clear that the culture defines our present and future. Modernization, of any kind or shape, shares no alteration on its starting point but the commencement of culture. If not the modernization will inevitably fall to the situation where the water has no source and the tree has no root. The development of science and technology takes no exception on this.  The ultrahigh speed of the development of contemporary science and technology contributes no efforts on science and technology itself, but the ideological motivation and the promotion spurred by the ideological power offerd by culture smart. Karl Poopper once said, the elimination of culture leads to the disappearance of civilization. It is obviously that if the promotion effect had been omitted, the science and technology could have been far-reached.  The culture smart guides our society into stability and prosperity. We need culture smart because on the one hand, culture provides ideological power to science and technology, on the other hand, culture prevents the tendency of extremity of science and technology. The current problem concerning colon human, outerspace utilitization and nuclear weapon byproducted by contemporary science and technology call for the development in a just course on the sphere of culture. The wisdom-vacanted culture and the extremized science and technology will throw a great threat to the survival of us human beings and the world peace.  So, ladies and gentlemen, I think that the culture wisdom is our “root” and we need the root that supports our belief, the negation of the root casts its reflections on history and the existence of us human beings. So only in the manner of settling on the basis of culture smart can we make it helpful to the development of science and technology in a just course, the continual progress of human society, the prosperity and peace.  Thank you!  Both science itself, and the human culture of which it is a part, would benefit from a story of science that encourages wider engagement with and participation in the processes of scientific exploration. Such a story, based on a close analysis of scientific method, is presented here. It is the story of science as story telling and story revising. The story of science as story suggests that science can and should serve three distinctive functions for humanity: providing stories that may increase (but never guarantee) human well-being, serving as a supportive nexus for human exploration and story telling in general, and exemplifying a commitment to skepticism and a resulting open-ended and continuing exploration of what might yet be. Some practical considerations that would further the development and acceptance of such a story of science as a widely shared nexus of human activity are described.  Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?  Science and Culture  What is science? How does it relate to our lives as individual human beings? to other aspects of our social and cultural communities?  What is our future? ...our own role in and responsibility for the future? Can empirical inquiry help with such questions?  How does empirical understanding relate to other kinds of understanding? Are they necessarily antagonistic or can they usefully complement one another?  Division and specialization of function – science school and culture school  The intention is to retain traditional methods of teaching science, but to adjust the quantity of this kind of rigorous education to the abilities and attitudes of the student. This implies that it would be more educationally efficient for weaker students to spend just one or two hours per day learning science in a rigorous and ‘didactic" classroom situation than to spend much longer in less-structured forms of classroom experience. At least, it is known from extensive experience (with elite students) that traditional methods are an effective and efficient way of teaching science.  A general understanding of efficiency in systems suggests some principles which would be likely to lead to greater science education efficiency. Perhaps the most frequent way in which human (and biological) systems are able to increase their efficiency is the principle of ‘division of labour" which was first articulated by the economist Adam Smith. Division of labour increases the complexity of organization by specialization of function, and coordination of these specialized functions. Smith"s famous example involved a pin factory, in which the procedure for making a pin was broken down into numerous simpler, more-specialized sequential steps; and these steps were coordinated by managers leading to vastly increased efficiency (as measured by the numbers of pins produced per person per day) [8].  When the modern school is examined in this light, it can be seen that there is already considerable specialization. For example teachers are specialized according to age of children taught, subject matter expertise, and administrative responsibilities. Schools are also internally specialized by age stratification and academic aptitude of students (also, sometimes, by the sex or socio-economic class of students). However, logically there is a further possible division of function. My proposal is that the efficiency of science teaching might be increased by introducing a functional division between science education, and what might be termed cultural education - which would include arts, sports, ethics, social aspects of schooling and any other educational objectives such as good citizenship.  Schools might have an internal functional division into ‘science school" and ‘culture school". This functional division should be reflected in terms of physical plant, separate administrative structures, and the recruitment of differently-specialized teaching personnel. These divisions would be characterized by the nature of their system-characteristic internal evaluations. For instance, the evaluations within science school would be relatively narrow and more examination-focused than in the culture school. In science school the performance of both teaching staff and students would be judged mainly (although not exclusively) by scientific criteria, including formal examination results. Science school would be distinguished by its academic ethos and scholarly expectations. The focus of science school would be to inculcate the aptitude for abstract systematic cognition.  For example, an existing school might become physically divided between science and cultural parts, each on distinct parts of the campus. Each student would spend some significant part of each day (depending on their aptitude and motivation) in the ‘science school", experiencing a traditional-style, didactic, disciplined and rigorous academic education which is (so far as we can tell) the best way to teach real science at the basic level. Science school teaching would need to be stratified according to ability and aptitude, since this is more efficient than teaching widely-mixed classes. Different strata of students could be taught from a broadly common curriculum (enabling educational credit accumulation and transfer); but different abilities of student would cover different amounts of subject matter, different specific subjects, and progress at different speeds.  The remainder of the students" time at school would be spent in the cultural division, which would focus on broader aspects, and aimin

culture smart or science intelligent 高分500分!!!

Are you kidding? You are going to a contest but asking other people to write the scripts for you? You are going to lose for sure. Sorry to say that.

international charity 什么意思

international charity国际慈善机构双语例句1The Red Cross is an international charity. 红十字会是个国际性的慈善机构。2The international charity Every Child currently provided support to families in two of the country"s regions. 国际慈善机构“Every Child”目前在该国的两个地区提供家庭支助

The bigoted one yonth是什么意思。


英语演讲,题目是culture smart or science intelligence




charm somebody into doiing sth造句


Continental Airlines

你问 "continental airline" 好不好 我不知你讲 "好不好" 的定义和范围是什么.......... 以下小弟的解答 只照自己本人所见所知的去回答你 本人做机场时都前都服务过呢只机 对佢地都有一定的了解 Continental airline (美国大陆航空) 简称即系叫CO 佢地每天都有一斑机由中国香港飞去纽约(去JFK机场 大约早上十点几至十一点几走) 一星期7天都有航斑 因为佢地的hub (总部) 不在中国香港 (总公司在纽约) 所以中国香港的柜位及行理服务处理服务就给了港龙及menzies做 因为由中国香港飞去纽约要十几个钟 佢地全部用大型长程飞机 此航线是用波音777 型号 机龄都不超过7年 而且保护极隹 check 机好密. 美国总公司d人成日去中国香港做audit 睇住d人点做机 (仲要系好严个只 惊死你整烂只机 飞唔到又要蚀) 错少少都出声........ 就算员工在机底走去只机开工 都要俾d机场保安用金属探测机check完你先俾你去开工 以防有人恐怖袭击 接触过佢地d 空姐 个个都好尊业 nice 同淡定. 我认为万一有什么事发生 佢地都可以一定应付到 至于乘客 海关check 了一次身体及行理安全检查 去到登机乔再check 多一次 (有时仲要除鞋check 以防有鞋炸弹) 咁你话安唔安全?? Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) is a U.S. certificated air carrier. Based in Houston Texas it is the fourth-largest airline in the U.S.[1] and the eighth-largest in the world by revenue passenger miles. Continental"s marketing slogan since 1998 has been Work Hard Fly Right. Continental operates to destinations throughout the U.S. Canada Latin America Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. It has more than 3 000 daily departures serving 151 domestic and 120 international destinations and has 42 200 employees (at March 2007)[2]. Principal operations are from its three hubs at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (in Cleveland Ohio) Gee Bush Intercontinental Airport (in Houston Texas) and Newark Liberty International Airport (in Newark New Jersey). With a relatively *** all number of focus cities the airline is arguably the most concentrated of all 6 major U.S. carriers around the hub and spoke system of airline travel. Continental Micronesia a wholly owned subsidiary operates routes around Micronesia from its hub at Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport on Guam and connects the Micronesian region with destinations in East Asia Southeast Asia Honolulu and Cairns Australia. Continental Airlines is a minority owner of ExpressJet Airlines which operates under the trade name Continental Express but is a separately managed and publicly-traded pany. They are also a minority owner of Copa Airlines. Cape Air Colgan Air CommutAir and Gulfstream International Airlines feed Continental"s flights under the Continental Connection identity as does Chautauqua Airlines under the Continental Express identity; Continental does not have any ownership interests in these panies. Since September 2004 Continental has been a member of the SkyTeam Alliance in which it participates with Delta Air Lines Northwest Airlines and KLM. In addition to extensive code share arrangements with SkyTeam partner airlines the airline also code-shares with Amtrak rail services to some cities in the northeastern United States and with SNCF French Rail to destinations in France. Continental has recently earned other noteworthy recognitions and awards: No. 1 Most Admired Global Airline; FORTUNE magazine (2004 2005 and 2006) No. 1 Most Admired U.S. Airline; FORTUNE magazine (2006) Best Executive/Business Class; OAG Airline of the Year Awards (2003 2004 2005 and 2006) Best Airline Based in North America; OAG Airline of the Year Awards (2004 2005 and 2006) Best Tr-Atlantic and Tr-Pacific Business Class among U.S. airlines; Conde Nast Traveler (1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 and 2006) Best Airline for Travel in North America Best Flight Attendants in the US and Best Inflight Service in the US by reader survey in the UK"s Business Traveller magazine (December 2006) "Airline of the Year" by OAG Continental was also named "World"s Most Admired Airline." by Yahoo Award for Highest- Ranked Neork Airline by J.D. Power and Associates 参考: ***


错了吧?不然就是 不敢 的意思




您好,很高兴为您回答 on the ground翻译为在地上;当场;在决斗 以下是我搜的关于on和in的用法 in the ground /on the ground两者形式都对,只是用法译意不一样.前者注重在接触面内部,后者注重在地表,只是一个接触面.请看例句: Pitched stakes in the ground. 在地上打桩 Dug his foot in the ground. 将他的脚陷在地里 find by digging in the ground. 通过挖掘土地而得到. Hollow out a foxhole in the ground 在地上掘一个散兵坑 The aircraft remained on the ground. 那飞机仍停在地面. The apple falls on the ground. 苹果掉在地上. Freshwater: Action on the Ground 淡水:实地行动. Snow accumulated on the ground. 地上堆积了一层雪. Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了. Frost has formed on the ground. 地面结了霜. He dropped down on the ground. 他跌倒在地. I live on the ground floor. 我住在底层.

有一首英文歌的歌词里好像有一句what you want to be 歌手是个19岁的帅哥,眼睛好像是绿的

Darin Zanyar的B What U Wanna B下载地址 http://www.flyaway.cn/mp3/darin-peerless.mp3歌词 歌手:darin zanyar 专辑:darin doctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna beI know that we all got one thingthat we all share togetherwe got that one nice dreamwe live foryou never know what life could bringcoz nothing last for everjust hold on to the teamyou play forI know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bewe may have different ways to thinkbut it doesn"t really matterwe all caught up in the steamof this lifefocus on every little thingthat"s what does really matterluxury cars and blingthats not real lifeI know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna belast year I used to dream about this daynow I"m here I"m singing for youI hope I could inspire youcoz I"ve got all the love, coz I"ve got all love for youdoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna beX3

American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of...

小题1:Charter schools小题2:Definition小题3:Receiving tax money小题4:agreement or charter小题5:Differences小题6:teaching contents小题7:how to reach / ways to reach / ways of reaching小题8:smaller class sizes小题9:doing well小题10:Their difficulties / Difficulties 略

美国寄来的包裹,International Priority Airmail 怎么查不到信息


hire /rent /charter区别

hire主要是借的意思,是动词rent 表示租金charter表示给予…特权,也有租,包租的意思

daring i want you 什么意思


matlab fpeintf如何将文件内容清空


安装fpe2000怎么总是警告不支持Windows NT,我XP系统


问 这英语 reasonable; daring、 darling ;prevent 怎么读??

Daring--裴紫绮daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...   daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...

the history of the development of bile phone(手机的发展史)

The history of mobile phonesMobile phones are seen as a modern invention, but they are a development of something that dates back a long way: communication.To draw a line to define the beginning of the history of mobile phones, there are two events to consider: Bell"s first telephone call, and Crippen"s arrest as a result of a radio message. Since those events, the technologies have merged and evolved to the point that we take it for granted that communication is available more or less everywhere, but this section looks at the significant steps along the way, and looks forward a little for a glimpse of the future.Telephones looks at the development of the telephone systemRadio charts the progress of radio communicationsRadiophone celebrates these two technologies coming together to bring radio telephonesCellular marks the development of the first popular cellular mobile phone systemsDigital focuses on the emergence of a digital standard, GSMSatellite describes the systems used for mobile use in a global perspectiveFuture ponders on what is next...and we end up wondering what the future will think, in the Museum page.网址是:http://www.mobileshop.org/history/index.htm

胆色素(bile pigment)



Accountable 是“负有责任的,有义务的”。还有“应加解释的,应加说明的”的含义.responsible to的用法: responsible to sb/sth 对自己的行动向上级承担责任 后面接的是上级 responsible for的用法: 1.for sb/sth/doing sth 在法律上承担责任 后面接你承担的内容 2.for sth指对自己的行为负责 后面接自己的行为 3.for sth指作为...的原因 后面接现实情况 总的说来,responsible to后面跟着上级,其余的用for 或者responsible to sb for sth

capabile fluent excellent proficiency有什么区别

能够 流利 优秀 精通第一个单词是不是capable

Holy Bile 和 New Testament Survey 的区别。。

holy bible 是圣经 ,包括新约全书和旧约全书,又称新旧约全书。也就是old testament 和new testament.而new testament survey , 只是新约概论,就是别人写的讲解大体介绍一下.

Count Your Last Blessings歌词大意 求高人。

last call for regret and defeat to finish the bottle full of empty dreams punch strong head that was straight out of line another excuse with no alibi hitchin on the road of decline with no name streets and no vital signs i pissed away the best of me and no one can help me! misery"s best friend can"t be a dead-end a bag full of regrets and i"m coming clean so feel it especially the rejects a bad habit don"t forget it you better count your last blessings and fill up the wagon chases this fee and now i"m running out of time my hands are tied and nailed to the cross i"m looking for all the composure i lost i"m petulant with a bad attitude a poster-child vision of wasted youth i dodged the book and found the key i can"t say the same for dignity i pissed away the best of me and no one can help me misery"s best friend can"t be a dead-end a bag full of regrets and i"m coming clean so feel it especially the rejects a bad habit don"t forget it you better count your last blessings and fill up the wagon chases this fee and now i"m running out of time my own enemy i don"t hear you now perfect tragedy god bless us denial misery"s best friend can"t be a dead-end a bag full of regrets and i"m coming clean so feel it especially the rejects a bad habit don"t forget it you better count your last blessings and fill up the wagon chases this fee and now i"m running out of time 最后呼吁遗憾和失败 完成全瓶空的梦想 冲压强有力的头是直的线 另一个借口,没有借口 希钦在道路上的下降 没有名字的街道,没有生命迹象 字母i发怒了最好的我 没有人能帮助我! 痛苦最好的朋友 不能一条死胡同 一个袋子充满了遗憾和我来清洁 所以觉得 特别是拒绝 一个坏习惯 不要忘记您更好地 指望您上次的祝福 并填补了旅行车 追本费 现在我失去的时间 我的双手捆绑 和钉在十字架 我期待所有的镇定我失去了 我坏心眼的一个坏的态度 海报儿童视力的浪费青年 走到最后这本书,发现的关键 我不能说同样的尊严 字母i发怒了最好的我 没有人能帮助我 痛苦最好的朋友 不能一条死胡同 一个袋子充满了遗憾和我来清洁 所以觉得 特别是拒绝 一个坏习惯 不要忘记您更好地 指望您上次的祝福 并填补了旅行车 追本费 现在我失去的时间我自己的敌人 我不听你现在 完美的悲剧 上帝保佑我们拒绝 痛苦最好的朋友 不能一条死胡同 一个袋子充满了遗憾和我来清洁 所以觉得 特别是拒绝 一个坏习惯 不要忘记您更好地 指望您上次的祝福 并填补了旅行车 追本费 现在我失去的时间

胆汁耐受革兰氏阴性菌(bile-tolerant gram-negative. bacteria )如何检定


Count Your Last Blessings 歌词

歌曲名:Count Your Last Blessings歌手:Sum 41专辑:Walking DisasterCount Your Last BlessingsSum 41Underclass HeroLast call for regret and defeatTo finish the bottle full of empty dreamsPunch strong head that was straight out of lineAnother excuse with no alibiHitchin on the road of declineWith no name streets and no vital signsI pissed away the best of me andNo one can help me!Misery"s best friendCan"t be a dead-endA bag full of regrets and I"m coming cleanSo feel itEspecially the rejectsA bad habitDon"t forget it you betterCount your last blessingsAnd fill up the wagonChases this feeAnd now I"m running out of timeMy hands are tiedAnd nailed to the crossI"m looking for all the composure I lostI"m petulant with a bad attitudeA poster-child vision of wasted youthI dodged the book and found the keyI can"t say the same for dignityI pissed away the best of me andNo one can help meMisery"s best friendCan"t be a dead-endA bag full of regrets and I"m coming cleanSo feel itEspecially the rejectsA bad habitDon"t forget it you betterCount your last blessingsAnd fill up the wagonChases this feeAnd now I"m running out of timeMy own enemyI don"t hear you nowPerfect tragedyGod bless us denialMisery"s best friendCan"t be a dead-endA bag full of regrets and I"m coming cleanSo feel itEspecially the rejectsA bad habitDon"t forget it you betterCount your last blessingsAnd fill up the wagonChases this feeAnd now I"m running out of timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8010879



current liabilities是什么意思


contingent staff中文什么意思


contingent payment是什么意思

contingent liabilities[英][ku0259nu02c8tindu0292u0259nt u02cclaiu0259u02c8bilitis][美][ku0259nu02c8tu026andu0292u0259nt u02cclau026au0259u02c8bu026alu0259tu026as]或有负债,不确定的债务; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.These bring new potential contingent liabilities that increase risks in the banking sector. 这带来了潜在的或有负债,增加了银行业的风险。

什么叫做contingent liability

举个例子 ,你要和别人打官司,输了要赔偿6000块,律师说你可能有60%的机会会败诉,这个可能会输的6000块就是contingent liability. 在aquisition中,母公司会查看子公司的年报 ,来判断有没有contingent liability最终来决定investment的总数额

我要chasing pavements的歌词和意思

I""ve made up me mind 我已经下定决心Don""t need to think it over 不需要再深思熟虑If I""m wrong I am right 是否是错还是对Don""t need to look no further 不必去羁绊以后的路This ain""t lust 这不是单纯的情欲I know this is love 我明白,这是爱But if I tell the world 但是如果我告诉这个世界I""ll never say enough 我怎么也不能说完整Cos it was not said to you 因为只有你能了解And that""s exactly what I need to do 这也正是我需要去做的If I end up with you 该如何与你分手Should I give up 我是应该放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 还是继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads no where, 即使这没有任何结果可言Or would it be a waste 那会不会是白费力气Even if I knew my place 即使我知道它就在那里should I leave it there. 我应该置之不理Should I give up 还是放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 还是继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads nowhere 即使这没有任何结果可言I build myself up 我强打起精神And fly around in circles 在空中无目的的四处打转Waiting as my heart drops 直到我心灰意冷And my back begins to tingle 直到背部也变得僵硬Finally could this be it or 这难道就是所谓的结局吗?Should I give up 我是应该放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 还是继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads nowhere, 即使它没有任何结果可言Or would it be a waste 那会不会是白费力气Even if I knew my place 即使我知道它就在那里should I leave it there. 我应该置之不理Should I give up 还是放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 还是继续追寻爱情之路?Even if it leads nowhere 即使最终毫无结果Should I give up 我是应该放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 还是应该继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads nowhere, 即使最终毫无结果Or would it be a waste 那会不会是白费力气?Even if I knew my place 即使我知道它就在那里Should I leave it there 我是该置之不理Should I give up 还是应该放弃Or should I just keep on chasing pavements 又或者应该继续追寻爱情之路?Should I just keep on chasing pavements 我应该继续追寻爱情之路Or should I give up 还是放弃?Or should I just keep chasing pavements 我应该继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads nowhere 还是放弃?Or would it be a waste 那会不会是白费力气Even if I knew my place 即使我知道它就在那里Should I leave it there 我应该置之不理Should I give up 还是放弃Or should I just keep chasing pavements 又或者我应该继续追寻爱情之路Even if it leads nowhere 即使最终毫无结果

红酒, 上面写着CHATEAU, 2007, SAINT-EMILION GRANDRU,这样的酒是什么牌子,级别如何,大概多少钱一瓶




fragment 和 segment的区别是什么?





chip 是chop砍,伐,劈,斩下来的碎片 scrap是scratch 擦,刮,搔,抓,挖出出来的碎片 shatter是被重击分裂、粉碎、四溅的碎片 fragment指某物的碎片;片断或不完整的部分 fraction对不起,查了两部字典也没发现有碎片的意思,只是小部分,一点儿的意思,和碎片的意思相差太大


seg.mentsegment的词性:n.(名词)1. Any of the parts into which something can be divided:部分,片:某些可被分割的任一片:用法与例句:segments of the community; a segment of a television program.社区的组成部分;电视节目的一个片断2. Mathematics 【数学】 3. The portion of a line between any two points on the line.线段:线上任意两点间的部分4. The area bounded by a chord and the arc of a curve subtended by the chord.弓形,扇形:由弦正对的弦和弧线的弧所成的区域5. The portion of a sphere cut off by two parallel planes.球缺:被两个平行平面切割的球的一部分6. Biology A clearly differentiated subdivision of an organism or part, such as a metamere.【生物学】 体节:某一器官或部位再分的有明显区别的部分,如分裂片segment的词性:v.tr.intr.(及物动词和不及物动词)segmented, segmenting, segments[]7. To divide or become divided into segments.切割:分割或使分割成很多部分segment的词源:8. Latin segmentum 拉丁语 segmentum 9. from secre [to cut] * see sek- 源自 secre [切,割] *参见 sek- frac.tionfractionfraction的词性:n.(名词)1. Mathematics An expression that indicates the quotient of two quantities.【数学】 分数:表明两个量的商的表达式2. A disconnected piece; a fragment.不相连的一块;片段3. A small part; a bit:一小部分;些微:用法与例句:moved a fraction of a step.移了一小步4. A chemical component separated by fractionation.分馏:被分馏出的化学成分fraction的词源:5. Middle English fraccioun [a breaking] 中古英语 fraccioun [裂缝] 6. from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 7. from Late Latin frcti frctin- 源自 后期拉丁语 frcti frctin- 8. from Latin frctus [past participle of] frangere [to break] * see bhreg- 源自 拉丁语 frctus [] frangere的过去分词 [打碎] *参见 bhreg- fraction的注释:9. One might think that a word like fraction as well as its ancestors might have always referred to the mathematical fraction. Certainly the mathematical notion of a fraction was known to the Babylonians, perhaps as early as 2000 bc But our word fraction goes back only to the Latin word frangere, “to break.” From the stem of the past participle frctus is derived Late Latin frcti, “a breaking” or “a breaking in pieces,” as in the breaking of the Eucharistic Host. In Medieval Latin the word frcti developed its mathematical sense, which was taken into Middle English along with the word. The earliest recorded sense of our word is “an aliquot part of a unit, a fraction or subdivision,” found in a work by Chaucer written about 1400. One of the next recorded instances of the word recalls its origins, referring to the “brekying or fraccioun” of a bone.人们也许认为一个词如fraction 以及它的词源总是指数学上的分数。 当然,分数的数学概念也许早在公元前 2000年就已被巴比伦人所熟知。 但fraction 一词仅能追溯到拉丁词 frangere ,“打碎”。 源自过去分词fractus 的词干是派生的后期拉丁语 fractio , 意为“破裂”或“碎成一片片的”, 如感恩节的饼的碎块。在中世纪拉丁语中,fractio 一词出现了数学意义, 这个词连同此意义都被记入中世纪英语中。这个词最早记载的意义是“一个数学单元,繁分数或再分数的约数”,出现在约1400年乔臾写的一部作品里。后来此词有记录的例子之一,指骨头上的“裂痕或碎片”,使人回忆起它的起源


fraction 是片段 一段一段的 一块一块的fragment 是碎片 强调零散的 碎片我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达


fraction 是片段 一段一段的 一块一块的fragment 是碎片 强调零散的 碎片

fall into the dark side是什么歌曲里的?

Darkside - Alan Walker

incident fracture什么意思?


地质joint fracture fissure

这三者都是岩石在受到侵蚀后形成的现象。 相对joint指一块一块的剥落,通常呈方形或圆筒状,主要由水侵蚀引起,地球变温地带最常见。各种沉积岩,甚至花岗岩都有可能以这种方式剥落。 fissure 指玄武岩这种快速凝熄的火成岩的剥落方式。外表看如同洋葱皮,一层一层地脱落。主要原因是因为它们颗粒极小,并由覆盖状态形成。 fracture 没有特殊的地质意义,泛指岩石断裂处。多数用在形容沉积岩底层时,小于断层的分裂点。 欢迎追问。麻烦采纳,谢谢!



fracture fissure和joint的区别

这三者都是岩石在受到侵蚀后形成的现象.相对joint指一块一块的剥落,通常呈方形或圆筒状,主要由水侵蚀引起,地球变温地带最常见.各种沉积岩,甚至花岗岩都有可能以这种方式剥落.fissure 指玄武岩这种快速凝熄的火成岩的剥落方式.外表看如同洋葱皮,一层一层地脱落.主要原因是因为它们颗粒极小,并由覆盖状态形成.fracture 没有特殊的地质意义,泛指岩石断裂处.多数用在形容沉积岩底层时,小于断层的分裂点.欢迎追问.

什么歌歌词里有 dontbe shy

歌曲: Dont Be Shy 歌手: George Kontraf.. 专辑: 《Dont Be Shy》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Shwayze - Don"t Be ShyCome Come summertime, love love hold my handCome come summertime, love love take a ride with meSweet little nectorinesit down next to me- take a load offManny i think your beautifulDO ah diddy diddy dum diddy dowhen the moon is full ill be your wolf,hawl at you and growl at youlady bugs and flower tooI wanna go out with youIm just a kid livin" a dreamslid in the sceen like a old pair of jeansyou know my name but you dont know meyou wanna go out with meshow meCome Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Black smoke billow out theBlack tinted windowin my black limoseen as i ride through the ghettoShe wore blushit gave me a rushshe was a lushi gave her a touchon the tooshi gave her a pushon the bedand we smooshed our lips togetherlike blue and yellow we made a green meadowchilled together forever- real mellowshe fell in lovei had her at helloi couldnt say goodbye she was too specialCome Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Ladies, put your hands in the skyfor me babies, and say my namethey call me Shwayzeturn it up turn it upplay meturn it up turn it up x3Come Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)don don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)歌曲: Alone Together 歌手: George Kontraf.. 专辑: 《Dont Be Shy》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Infernal - Alone, TogetherI know thatI seem toBe quite the social personBut don"t beFooled by meI also like privacyQuiet companionsWho let me beI just want to feelAlone, togetherNothing on my mindI want to beWatching, quietlyPlease just leave me beThis feelingOf welcomeWithout demands from someoneYour voicesYour noisesIt keeps me calm, observingJust let me sit hereOh like a childI don"t need attention drawn to meFeeling part of you is quite enough"Cause I don"tWant to speak a word with anyoneWatching you is all the joy I need

翻译the following sentences

The sky of far-away place contain one silk haze, the time raised head, there was a kind of radiant liquid to once drip my face.Those horse but lead of aforetime light 驮 wear I the young motley heart crossed over to livinged with die of the horizon, at the life and the life airtight no air goes through 罅隙 , always have a kind of emotion to make the person tears cover the face.


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