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counterfeit fraud的difference

2023-06-17 22:53:58
TAG: nt ter dif NCE fraud












【fraud 中文】一分钟了解「fraud」英文用法跟中文意思!

fraud 中文意思是指「诈骗、骗子」的意思,fraud的名词复数为frauds。fraud不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出fraud的英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.fraud 骗子 fraud其中一个中文意思,就是指「骗子」。 例:That woman was a fraud. 那女人是个骗子。 例:He is a fraud. 他是个骗子。 2.fraud 诈骗 fraud另外一个中文意思,则是指「诈骗」的意思。 例:Jenny was found guilty of fraud. 珍妮被判犯有诈骗罪。 例:That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time. 那本饮食书是骗局,浪费时间。 3.fraud 相关英文单字跟中文意思 mail fraud 邮件诈骗 election frauds 选举诈骗 fraud, fraud 中文, fraud 中文意思, fraud 意思, fraud 用法, fraud 翻译, fraud 英文例句, 英文 fraud 意思
2023-06-17 13:16:111


形容词consequent表示“因……而引起的”[resulting],指前后因果;而subsequent却表示“后来的”,“继起的”,“随后的”[later,following,coming aft。
2023-06-17 13:16:2011


fraud[英][fru0254:d][美][fru0254d]n.欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货; 复数:frauds双语例句1He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。
2023-06-17 13:16:452


2023-06-17 13:16:544


fraud 英[fru0254:d] 美[fru0254d] n. 欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货; [例句]He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。
2023-06-17 13:17:021


修正拼字错误fraud =骗子或诈骗集团的意思。
2023-06-17 13:17:1011


fraudfraud 英[fru0254:d] 美[fru0254d] n. 欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货; 全部释义>>[例句]He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。
2023-06-17 13:17:521


欺骗。英语使用者在选择单词时,通常可以从日耳曼语源、法语和古拉丁语源的近义字汇中挑选:如“sight”(丹麦语sigte)和“vision”(法语vision)、“freedom”(弗里希语fridom)和“liberty”(法语liberté)。这些近义词之间都有微妙的差异,使用者能够自由选择组合表达不同的观点。日常生活中,部分所用到的词汇是日耳曼语源。大多数法语和古拉丁语源的字汇通常用在更加正式的讲话和文章中,比如法庭发言或者编写百科全书。在医学、化学等的许多术语也为法语或拉丁语源。英语以它巨大的词汇量而著称,很容易引入专业术语和输入新词到日常使用中。另外,俚语也为旧词换上了新的含义。这种灵活性非常明显,通常需要正确区分正式的用法和日常一般用法;英美的初等教育教师一般会提醒学生那些日常广泛使用但在正式场合中并不正确的字汇。请参看:社会语言学。整个中世纪期间,来自法国的法语借词给人以正式、威严的感觉,(这个时期内的大多欧洲人都这么认为),这对英语造成了巨大影响。这种影响在现代英语中可以找到。因此,今天人们普遍对源自法语的词感到非常正式,是由来已久的。举例来说,大多说现代英语的人认为“a cordial reception”较“a hearty welcome”更为正式(前者来自法语)。另一个例子是,表示动物的词汇与代表他们的肉的词汇很少被分开创建。如代表牛(cow)和猪(pig)的肉的beef和pork(来源于法语 bu0153uf 和 porc)。
2023-06-17 13:17:591


2023-06-17 13:18:182

fraud 和feign 和fake的区别

fraud[英][fru0254:d][美][fru0254d]n.欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货; 复数:fraudsfeign[英][feu026an][美][fen]vt.假装,伪装; 捏造(借口、理由等); 装作; 创造或虚构; vi.假装; 装作; 作假; 佯作; 第三人称单数:feigns过去分词:feigned现在进行时:feigning过去式:feignedfake[英][feu026ak][美][fek]vt.伪造; 篡改; 对…做手脚; 仿造; vt.& vi.假装; n.骗子; 冒牌货,赝品; [体]假动作; 冒充,诈骗; adj.假的,冒充的;
2023-06-17 13:19:011

fraud 和 swindling有什么区别

fraud 骗局swindling诈骗swindling 是骗局fraud的一种。 swindling更具体涉及到金钱方面。
2023-06-17 13:19:142


fraud 是名词defraud 是动词
2023-06-17 13:19:241

deception forgery fraud的区别是什么?

deception,动词deceive 一般是欺骗,欺骗某人forgery ,动词 forge ,伪造,伪造文件,笔迹fraud,就是诈骗了
2023-06-17 13:19:341


2023-06-17 13:19:412


fraud英 [fru0254:d] 美 [fru0254d] n.欺诈;骗子;伪劣品;冒牌货复数: fraudsmisconduct英 [u02ccmu026asu02c8ku0252ndu028ckt] 美 [u02ccmu026asu02c8kɑ:ndu028ckt] n.行为不正,不规矩;处理不当;(尤指官吏等的)胡作非为,渎职v.处理…失当;不规矩第三人称单数: misconducts 现在分词: misconducting 过去式: misconducted 过去分词: misconducted
2023-06-17 13:19:511

fraud 和 swindling有什么区别

2023-06-17 13:20:002


Fraud (cheat) :In the 21st century, people"s living standards are constantly improving. As people in his pocket money, more and more people have more to buy the things they need. However, some people are not satisfied. They always try, all from others what they want. Fraud is often they Deception (one of the standard. With this kind of person, the increasing number of fraud against fraud means of various also introduced. Today, I will mainly discuss in this article is introduced, and the fraud against fraud means and discusses the effectiveness of these methods.Fraud is a kind of life is a common means of bad. It is a kind of intentionally deceiving others" behavior.It tends to harm the interests of others. In reality, it often happens in the business. For example, in a company, as a hr employers, he must take heed of new employees have fraud. That is to say, he must advertent the authenticity of background data. The employees, By the same token, the management, how to avoid employees through fraud means to get himself is a serious problem. Now, with the development of society, more and more people through deception, creating a false certificate, a position to gain false background. Because of the serious situation, people have to use different means to prevent fraud that happening.Most of the people in the survey. For example, when the employer in, in different situations, meet new employees, employers will not only ask employees to the experience and review the certificate, employers and employees will use email letters, such verification of the employee"s qualifications and experience. Generally speaking, the real certificate and experience in working study before employees under the organization proof and left. These can be proved right certificate of employees. Relatively speaking, if a man by false certificate to deceive the employer, the employer can pass this rapid means to identify certificate of authenticity, and recognize the liar.This method"s advantage lies in its integrity. It is so effective, because the survey found a man can truly is past life environment and working learning experience. Put a hold of employees, is impossible to completely obliterate his past. Through the investigation, the company can detect the liar. To remove this kind of influence company work efficiency.Polygraph investigation is a very special investigation. When a criminal, or a tube of employees involved in the crime of money, the police often can use polygraph survey to prove.
2023-06-17 13:20:115


fraud fraud[fru0252d; fru0252:d]名词1 a. (U)诈欺,欺骗get money by ~诈取钱财; 骗钱b. (C)诈欺的行为,不正当的手段; 舞弊→ PIOUS fraudcommit a ~诈欺; 舞弊2 (C)a. 骗子b. 骗人的东西; 伪品deception de.cep.tion[dI`sZpu0283u0259n; diˋsu0454pu0283n]《deceive 的名词》名词1 (U) [又作 a ~] 欺骗,迷惑,欺瞒practice (a) ~ on a person [the public]欺骗某人 [大众]2 (C)欺骗的手段; 诈术,诡计
2023-06-17 13:20:411


Villsion Electronics:a thief and cheaterVillsion Electronics Limited, has very poor remuneration and no welfare at all. It only has the social insurance of lowest standards in Shenzhen, and it does not buy even them during probation period unless you pay for it yourself.The sales manager of Villsion Electronics has no ability to develop customers. So the company has always been stealing resources under the guise of recruitment. They will first lure you with high salary and a high commission, then ask you to take your own big customers to Villsion, and then use immoral tricks to steal your customers information. After completion, they will expel you without any reason. The manager will follow you when you are visiting customers, and then seperately talk to customers about kickbacks. He will often call your customers secretly to fawn them over, thus they build dirty relationships. Their customers like LOROM, TOPSCOM, WISTRON, ARTESYN, and RYDER are all grabbed in this way.Because they rely heavily on recruiting to steal other company"s customer resources, you will find they are recruiting all year round, but the company size is small over the years, and sales are often less than 5 people. And they sometimes sell refurbished and counterfiets, so quality problems often happen. The factories" buyer were bribed, so they would not be blamed. Sometimes there is no problem if the they are lucky. What"s more dangerous is that they falsified agency certificates, which is serious a fraud
2023-06-17 13:20:492


In the 21st century, people"s living standards are constantly improving. As people in his pocket money, more and more people have more to buy the things they need. However, some people are not satisfied. They always try, all from others what they want. Fraud is often they Deception (one of the standard. With this kind of person, the increasing number of fraud against fraud means of various also introduced. Today, I will mainly discuss in this article is introduced, and the fraud against fraud means and discusses the effectiveness of these methods.Fraud is a kind of life is a common means of bad. It is a kind of intentionally deceiving others" behavior. It tends to harm the interests of others. In reality, it often happens in the business. For example, in a company, as a hr employers, he must take heed of new employees have fraud. That is to say, he must advertent the authenticity of background data. The employees, By the same token, the management, how to avoid employees through fraud means to get himself is a serious problem. Now, with the development of society, more and more people through deception, creating a false certificate, a position to gain false background. Because of the serious situation, people have to use different means to prevent fraud that happening.Most of the people in the survey. For example, when the employer in, in different situations, meet new employees, employers will not only ask employees to the experience and review the certificate, employers and employees will use email letters, such verification of the employee"s qualifications and experience. Generally speaking, the real certificate and experience in working study before employees under the organization proof and left. These can be proved right certificate of employees. Relatively speaking, if a man by false certificate to deceive the employer, the employer can pass this rapid means to identify certificate of authenticity, and recognize the liar.This method"s advantage lies in its integrity. It is so effective, because the survey found a man can truly is past life environment and working learning experience. Put a hold of employees, is impossible to completely obliterate his past. Through the investigation, the company can detect the liar. To remove this kind of influence company work efficiency.Polygraph investigation is a very special investigation. When a criminal, or a tube of employees involved in the crime of money, the police often can use polygraph survey to prove好了,分给我吧!!
2023-06-17 13:20:593


2023-06-17 13:21:098

欺骗 诈骗 英文怎么说

2023-06-17 13:21:556


It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late这是骗局﹐行骗之人令到大批受害人未能及时揭发(醒觉)。
2023-06-17 13:22:123


2023-06-17 13:22:221


a shameless person 无耻之徒Shameless 美剧《无耻之徒》《So Easy智能外语》是一款集成了数字课程、课堂互动、综合测评、自主学习资源库等各类功能的软件,提供四六级英语多种专项训练(口语、语法、单词、翻译等),可以帮助学习者更好地提升四六级英语水平。此外,还提供综合评价,让学习者能够更全面地了解自己的学习情况,方便学习者做出更有效的调整。
2023-06-17 13:22:433

frand 什么意思 是欺骗吗

2023-06-17 13:23:055


问题一:热门单词:“电信诈骗”用英文怎么说 telemunication fraud.......... 问题二:英语新闻词汇:“电信诈骗”用英文怎么说 电信诈骗”的英文翻译_百度翻译 电信诈骗” Tele fraud 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 fraud_百度翻译 fraud 英[fr?:d] 美[fr?d] n. 欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货; [例句]He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception 他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。 [其他] 复数:frauds 问题三:双语阅读#“电信诈骗”英语怎么说 电信诈骗 Telemunication fraud 问题四:求一篇关于诈骗(网络或者电信)的英语作文。要求:1.120词左右。2.提 80分 With the development and popularization of network technology, the network has bee a part of people"s life, work, learning indispensable, the number of Internet users in China has been ranked first in the world, the Internet brings convenience to people at the same time, also brought some problems. At present, network fraud is a practical problem that people pay great attention to, and the use of the Internet to implement network fraud is also increasing. For example, online shopping fraud cheated by emerge in an endless stream, the Internet phone, collective illegal operations, the recruitment website fraud, online dating fraud, credit card fraud and so on, so, what is the cause of Internet fraud incidents occur frequently? First, the crime method is simple, workable The network makes the face to face contact between people the opportunity to greatly reduce, make the fact that the fiction of the fraud is more close to the facts, concealing the truth of the facts, so that the victim is easy to be deceived. Two, technical problems remain, procedures loopholes, low security, fraud with an opportunity to Procedures for the existence of loopholes, not only have the tendency of people to provide an opportunity for fraud, not fraud may also induce some people tend to produce fraud intention, especially in the virtual world of moral environment is not very ideal. Three, there is no perfect management system For example, in the online shopping is so p......>> 问题五:电信诈骗案徐玉玉英语作文 在本该青春绽放、拥有美好未来的年纪,却承受了不该发生的苦难,徐玉玉的离世,不仅是她家庭的痛,也是这个社会不应出现的悲剧。 【准大学生被骗光学费含恨离世 】 家境贫寒的山东临沂18岁女孩徐玉玉,今年高考被南京邮电大学录取。8月19日,她接到一通号称要给她发助学金的电话,信以为真,结果被骗走9900元学费。当天傍晚与父报警返家时她伤心欲绝、突然昏厥,抢救两天后心脏骤停离世。此事引发了教育部、山东警方等方面的关注。 徐玉玉的离世,让每一个知道此事的网友们既难过又愤慨。是骗术升级了吗?是我们的隐私被泄露得远超想象,就算警方怎么提醒,也总会有不知情的人上当。 有评论家指出:苛责被诈骗击垮的徐玉玉“心态不好”“阅历不深”,是残忍的:一个公共安全有保障的社会,不会让公民用学防身术的方式抵御自危感;一个善治秩序健全的公共空间,也不会逼着人们将防诈骗指南熟记于心,不该让“人善被人骗”的恶规则通行。 笔者对这一观点报以100个赞同。只是我们离秩序健全尚有差距,而令我们伤感的是,每一点小小的进步,似乎都是被悲剧推动,没有做到防患于未然。 【究竟是哪个环节泄露了个人信息?】 看到徐玉玉被骗后,我们的第一个疑问是“隐私是怎么泄露的”。据北青报记者采访得知,徐玉玉出事前,曾报名参加了一个叫“泛海助学山东行动”的资助活动,教育局收到过徐玉玉等报名者的登记申请表,但均已上交至活动主办方。同时,南京邮电大学已经与警方联系,并称“未联系过发放助学金事宜”。知情人士介绍,“助学金从申请到发放存在多个环节,每个环节都可能泄露信息。”根据要求,助学金申请信息包含姓名、身份证信息、联系方式、住址等26项内容。 所以,目前并不清楚助学金信息的泄露原因。 事实上,倒卖生源数据的漏洞长期存在。有知情人士透露,很多民办大学会借合法专业的名义搞非法成教、网教来招生。每年高考之后,他们就从各省买考生数据,当时一个省考生数据售价几十万元。每年卖出十多万的名单。到了现在,诈骗者也“看中”了这块“地”,普通学生成了被电信诈骗的对象。 【都实名了,为何不能追查到骗子】 除了隐私泄露,第二个疑问是电信诈骗为何在实名制下还能进行甚至取得成功? 据了解,此案犯罪嫌疑人使用的号码所属为北京远特通信,该卡于今年3月开卡并进行了实名制登记,也有身份证号码,并且认证信息通过了工信部实名制审核。此外,远特通信也已跟公安部门联系过,可以协助调查。 诈骗徐玉玉的骗子的电话是171开头,是一个虚拟运营商号段。所谓虚拟运营商就像是代理商,他们从移动、联通、电信三大基础运营商那里承包一部分通讯网络的使用权,然后通过自己的计费系统、客服号、营销和管理体系把通信服务卖给消费者。 据中国虚拟运营商产业联盟秘书长邹学勇介绍,170、171号段的电信诈骗,反查起来有难度,因为号码放出去以后,一种情况是人在使用,这部分实名制落实起来比较容易,但是还有一部分并不是人在用,而是被买到的人“养”了起来,用来网络刷单或者注册网站,以此来收验证码一类的,达到挣钱的目的。在诈骗案中,有些人用170、171号段诈骗,打完电话就扔了,作为虚拟运营商也不知道是谁使用、在哪儿使用。 尽管目前国内有虚拟运营商行业首个“警企合作反通信网络诈骗合作机制”,可现实是,170/171号段仍打不死,实体运营商将号段租给虚拟运营商后,也未充分尽到“清理门户”的义务。此外,2017年6月30日之前全部电话用户才实现实名登记,现在则很难追究到运营商的责任。 ......>> 问题六:初三电信诈骗的英语作文 One foot in mind. Although the people to prevent telemunications networks and increasing awareness of fraud, posing Express, winning low-dan trick already established a mature immune system, but hateful fraudsters have continued to play out new tricks, a phone call, a text message cheated thousands yuan shocking news still appear from time to time in front of us. Prevent telemunications fraud, to do not because they are cheap and deceived; Do not believe the unidentified telephone, information and do not disclose the identity information themselves and their families, deposits, bank cards, etc. to each other, not to strangers remittances, transfers, etc. raise awareness. 问题七:如何预防网络电信诈骗 英语作文 One foot in mind. Although the people to prevent telemunications networks and increasing awareness of fraud, posing Express, winning low-dan trick already established a mature immune system, but hateful fraudsters have continued to play out new tricks, a phone call, a text message cheated thousands yuan shocking news still appear from time to time in front of us. Prevent telemunications fraud, to do not because they are cheap and deceived; Do not believe the unidentified telephone, information and do not disclose the identity information themselves and their families, deposits, bank cards, etc. to each other, not to strangers remittances, transfers, etc. raise awareness. 问题八:考研英语作文 电信诈骗 满分作文 This picture, which illustrates the importance of love and help between parents and children, consists of two drawings. The first drawing shows what a mother and a daughter were like 30 years ago. The second drawing , in contrast , shows what the mother and the daughter are like now. The mother was taking the daughter"s hand in the first drawing while the daughter is aiding the mother in the second. 第一段作者非常朴实的描写了图画内容,没有过难的词汇;逻辑清晰:段落总分总,首句为主题句,二三句分述,最后一句总结。亮点还在于句型多变。首句一个简单句添加插入结构,三句也同样使用插入语,实现华丽变身。本篇文章由两图构成,使用的”in contrast”,”while” 同学们应该学习。 What is intended to show in the picture is clear: parents should help their children when the latter are young, and the children, when growing up, should take care of their parents who have by now grown old. This is what makes a family. 问题九:关于电信诈骗的说说怎么写 随着现代科技的发展,我们的生活有了极大的改善,但这也促使了许多人利用高科技诈骗钱财,破坏人们的财产利益。现在的骗子无处不在,甚至就在你身边,可要多加小心你的口袋哦! 当今最为广泛的诈骗方法无非就是冒充“朋友”向你发QQ信息、打电话、发短信,“我遇难了!”拜托你马上“救急”汇款。看在朋友的份上,你汇了款后才得知你的“朋友”已经逃之夭夭。最后,遇难反成自己! 最令人哭笑不得的就是冒充公安机关逮捕你这个所谓的“犯罪嫌疑人”,说你绑架,贩毒等罪案,再通过打电话和发信息的方式,步步引诱,甚至绑票赎金,将银行账号的钱转走。“公安机关”反成“嫌疑犯”!真是让人哭笑不得,无语伦次! “你中大奖啦!”这是最为普遍的诈骗方式,骗子往往冒充“我是歌手”“中国好声音”等知名节目,传来佳音,你中大奖,只要交一点“保险费”,“税金”就可以领取大奖,机会不容错过,再不来就没有啦!你付费以后,“大奖”消失的无影无踪。看来,这就是贪小便宜的“大奖”吧! 令人最不可思议的还是“欠费”,电话欠费是一件很平常的事情,但却还是有许多诈骗发生:我是中国电信的工作人员,您的电话、电视、宽带账户欠费了,请缴纳“滞纳金”!没想到“滞纳金”最后进了骗子的腰包。 “天上掉钱啦!”你在街头发现一大笔钱,跑去捡起。谁知,骗子在假钱上下药,趁你昏迷之时,取走所有的贵重物品,当你起来以后,发现财物被骗子一扫而空,后悔莫及啊!你见过天上掉钱吗?做事还是谨慎为好! 你发现了吗?网上购物往往要比市场价低得多,许多人为贪小便宜,谋利益,在网上汇款,数月后毫无音讯,“你上当了!”看来,不要总是想着会有好事发生哦,即使市场价贵点,但质量和品质还是有所保障的,可要当心啦! 骗子无处不在,利用数不胜数的手段处处诈骗,千方百计,步步引诱,你时刻小心着吗?防止诈骗,保护自己的财产利益,是一件很重要的事哟!只要我们处理得当,就一定不会上那些可恶诈骗团的“鱼钩”了。 小心“防”诈骗,安全“0”距离,只要我们谨慎行事,捂紧口袋,正确判断,就能远离诈骗,远离骗子!防止诈骗,从我做起 问题十:我是被电信诈骗了 手机可以安装一款可以识别诈骗电话的软件,腾讯手机管家数据库对来电进行分析,标记。判断是不是诈骗电话,要从通话内容上来判断,记住公检法人员不用电话办理案件、核对信息。如果说你中奖、银行卡、身份证涉及违法,要你转钱。不转钱就吓唬你,要抓你、起诉你等,这就是电信诈骗人员,不理他就可以,骗子尤其是在国外打进来的电话,冒充司法人员,电话里是不能验证对方身份的。不能按他的提示咨询等。电视多次报道,台湾人冒充大陆公检法等诈骗钱财。
2023-06-17 13:23:191


欺骗deceive;[法] cheat;fraud;trick;hoax更多释义>>[网络短语]欺骗 Cheat,take in,deceive欺骗性 Deceptive,fraudulence欺骗者 Trickster,hoaxer,beguiler详细用法>>
2023-06-17 13:23:261


很多,一般的欺骗或者撒谎用 lie正式的说法是cheat 和 fraud
2023-06-17 13:23:352


take in
2023-06-17 13:23:4813


基本字义1. 欺蒙人的坏事:作~。营私舞~。2. 害处,与“利”相对:~病。~端。~害。~政。利~。兴利除~。3. 败,疲困。4. 古同“蔽”,隐蔽。详细字义〈动〉1. (形声。字本作“獘”,从犬,敝声。从犬,表示被狗扑倒或遭狗咬而倒下。讹变为“弊”。本义:仆,向前倒下)2. 同“毙”。仆;向前倒下 [fall forward]獘,?顿仆也。——《说文》射之獘一人。——《礼记·檀弓》质明,弊旗,诛后至者。——《周礼·大司马》3. 倒毙;死亡。同“毙” [die]以弊于鄢。——《国语·楚语》4. 又如:弊仆(倒毙)5. 通“蔽”。遮盖,遮挡 [cover;shield]八曰官计以弊邦治。——《周礼·大宰》凡庶民之狱讼以邦成弊之。——《周礼·司寇》见知不悖于前,赏罚不弊于后。——《韩非子·难一》6. 判决,决定 [judge]弊御于诸侯。——《史记·范蔡传》。索隐:“断也。”7. 又如:弊狱(判罪);弊谋(决策)〈名〉1. 弊病,弊害 [evil]举先王之政,以兴利除弊。——宋· 王安石《答司马谏议书》皆指目(指责)朝政之弊。——《旧唐书·黄巢传》2. 又如:弊孔(产生弊害的漏洞);弊象(弊病的迹象);弊绝风清(形容社会风气特别好,贪污舞弊等坏事完全灭绝)3. 欺诈的行为 [fraud]。如:作弊;营私舞弊;弊幸(舞弊,侥幸;阴谋)〈形〉1. 坏,低劣 [bad]变更天下之弊法。——宋· 王安石《上皇帝万言书》2. 又如:弊事(恶事);弊人(卑鄙的人)3. 衰落,疲惫 [tired out]今三分天下,益州疲弊。—— 诸葛亮《出师表》率疲弊之卒,将数百之众。——汉· 贾谊《过秦论》4. 又如:弊世(衰世);弊民(疲惫之民)5. 通“敝”。破旧,破损 [worn-out]及期而往,告之曰:帝许我罚有罪矣,弊于韩。——《左传·僖公十年》岁时更续共其弊车。——《周礼·巾车》舌弊口,犹将无益也。——《荀子·正论》数十年之后,甲兵顿弊。——宋· 苏轼《教战守》6. 又如:弊席(破旧的草席);弊帚千金(家有破旧的扫帚,犹自以价值千金。比喻各人珍惜自己的器物,或比喻人无自知之明)常用词组1. 弊病 bìbìng[evil;malady;malpractice] 弊端,也泛指事情上的毛病、缺点吸毒的弊病2. 弊端 bìduān[abuse] 弊害的所在。由于制度上或工作上的漏洞而发生的损害公益的事情3. 弊害 bìhài[evil] 弊病;害处4. 弊绝风清 bìjué-fēngqīng[corrupt practices disappear and moral customs prevail] 指根除营私舞弊的现象,社会风气好单立出这些名目来,自以为弊绝风清,中间却不知受了多少蒙蔽。——《二十年目睹之怪现状》5. 弊漏 bìlòu[slip] 弊病;纰漏6. 弊政 bìzhèng[bad policy] 损害公益的政治措施
2023-06-17 13:24:238


swindle,发音:[_sw_ndl]。例句:1、The old man called the police immediately after he was swindled.这个老人被诈骗后立刻报了警。2、He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因诈骗与欺诈被监禁了两年。3、He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to defraud the government.他对阴谋诈骗政府的指控供认不讳。4、Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.她的助手被警方指控偷窃和诈骗。5、Auditors said they had uncovered evidence of fraud.审计员们说他们已找到了诈骗的证据。6、The gang is wanted for swindling local businesses out of millions of dollars.这个团伙因诈骗当地企业数百万美元而被通缉。7、Other charges include fraud and illegal appropriation of land.其他指控包括诈骗和非法占用土地。8、They swindled him out of hundreds of dollars.他们诈骗了他好几百元。
2023-06-17 13:24:401


fraud block code欺诈块编码望采纳,谢谢
2023-06-17 13:24:532


你好!电信诈骗telecommunication fraud
2023-06-17 13:25:143


网络诈骗:Internet fraud下面就拓展一下关于写“网络诈骗”的英语范文吧。In recent years, accompanied by the widespread expansion of network, Internet fraud has become an increasingly serious problem. As far as I am concerned, the following resons could account for this problem.In th first place, quite a lot of lazy people are seeking wealth but do not want to do anything with their own hands, so they are trying all kinds of ways to defraud money and property on the Internet. Another reason is that those who are likely to be deceived are anxious to get things on the cheap. That makes the frauds possible.To avoid being deceived by the frauds, we should not be greedy for small advantages. At the same time, do not click unknown links. As long as we keep ourselves alert, frauds will have no chance.词汇学习:Internet fraud网络诈骗defraud money and property诈取财产on the Internet在网络上on the cheap便宜地deceived欺骗,蒙骗frauds骗子; 欺诈( fraud的名词复数 ); 伪劣品; 冒牌货
2023-06-17 13:25:211


鲨鱼用英语:shark ,读音:英 [u0283ɑu02d0k] 美 [u0283ɑu02d0rk]n. 鲨鱼n. 贪婪的人;放高利贷的人;老手v. 诈取;诈骗词汇搭配1、bonito shark 灰鲭鲨2、thresher shark 长尾鲨3、blue shark 大青鲨4、whale shark 鲸鲨常见句型:1、The shark is dangerous to swimmers.鲨鱼对游泳的人来说很危险。2、He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead.他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。3、They were killed by a man-eating shark.他们被一条吃人的鲨鱼所害。扩展资料:shark的同义词有:sharper、fraud , swindler1、sharper英 ["u0283ɑu02d0pu0259] 美 ["u0283ɑrpu025a]释义:n. 骗子;赌棍;欺诈犯例句:Her old sharper of a father did it.她那骗子父亲干的好事。2、fraud英 [fru0254u02d0d]美 [fru0254u02d0d]n. 欺诈;骗子;伪劣品;冒牌货[例句]She had committed fraud, embezzlement and theft.她犯了诈骗、贪污和盗窃罪。3、swindler英 ["swu026andlu0259]美 ["swu026andlu025a]n. 骗子[例句]Never shall I trust that swindler again.我再也不会相信那个骗子了。
2023-06-17 13:26:391


2023-06-17 13:26:461


欺骗检查,fraud是欺骗的意思。一般是会用到离群点分析(qutlier analysis)
2023-06-17 13:26:552


deceptiontrickery deceitfraudThis world is full of trickeries(欺骗、诡诈、阴谋).
2023-06-17 13:27:053


telecommunication fraud.电信诈骗telecom fraud;phone fraud;wire fraud;Telecommunications Fraud.1.电信诈骗是近年兴起的一种新型犯罪,常有无辜群众被骗。Telecom fraud has emerged in recent years as a new way to swindle unsuspecting victims. 2.同时,利用电视、广播、报纸、互联网等媒体,发布公益广告、防骗信息,揭露“电信诈骗”的犯罪方法。Meanwhile, police publish public interest ads and tips through TV, radio, paper and the Internet, exposing the tricks of telecom fraud.
2023-06-17 13:27:331

The internet has led to huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud . Your card information could

小题1:Cheating.小题2:Fraud on the Internet happens very often.小题3:You might suffer great losses. 小题1:猜测词义题。通读全文可知是关于信用卡诈骗。这个词应该是欺骗的意思。小题2:根据文章可知现在的信用卡犯罪非常普遍,所以很多人担心自己的网购行为。小题3:根据第二段The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.可知你会遭受损失。
2023-06-17 13:27:411


thousands of 是惯用语法,表示成千上万,比如: thousands of people come here on the national day. thousand 表示整千的时候,用作单数,比如 One thousand,two thousand,three thousand
2023-06-17 13:27:491


Why say I deceive you?
2023-06-17 13:27:571

fraud division是什么意思

2023-06-17 13:28:063


a swindler;a deceiver;a fraud;a humbug;a trickster
2023-06-17 13:28:153


标题 论企业资本结构 关键字 资本结构 优化 对策
2023-06-17 13:28:234

银行卡取钱显示suspected fraud

华夏银行卡在ATM机取钱取不出来,出现suspected fraud是你的银行卡状态异常,已经失效或者被冻结。 你可以咨询一下华夏银行的,银行人工客服或者是带本人身份证,银行卡去华夏银行营业网点查询一下这个银行卡是否正常?
2023-06-17 13:28:301


2023-06-17 13:28:382


名词没见过有加ING的你是在什么地方看到的?这个frauding词典上也没查到 难道要去翻牛津
2023-06-17 13:28:572

suspected fraud是什么意思

suspected怀疑双语对照词典结果:suspected[英][su0259s"pektu026ad][美][su0259"spektu026ad]v.猜疑(是)( suspect的过去式和过去分词 ); 怀疑; 不信任; 怀疑…有罪; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The rest of the world quickly learned what ewanick apparently suspected: the once-rising star had flamed out. 很快,所有人都知道了伊万尼克似乎还在怀疑的事情:曾经的明日之星突然陨落。
2023-06-17 13:29:073