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investment appraisal 的cash flow和profit有什么区别?

首先NB是拉丁语Nota Bene的缩写,相当于英语note well,意思是“注意,留心”。题目是“注意,以上数据是盈利,不是流动资金。”investment appraisal是投资评估,cash flow是流动资金,profit强调盈利。cash received是现金收入。我不是你的专业,只能解释词汇了。

addendum modification coefficient是什么意思

addendum modification coefficient齿轮的变位系数双语对照词典结果:addendum modification coefficient[英][u0259u02c8dendu0259m u02ccmu0254du0259fu026au02c8keu026au0283u0259n u02ccku0259u028au0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt][美][u0259u02c8du025bndu0259m mu0252du026afu026au02c8keu026au0283(u0259) u02cckou0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt]齿顶修正系数;


目录   1 现金流量表定义   2 现金流量表的分析   3 编报现金流量表的意义   4 现金流量表的作用   5 现金流量表的缺陷   现金流量表定义 现金流量表是财务报表的三个基本报告之一,所表达的是在一固定期间(通常是每月或每季)内,一家机构的现金 (包含银行存款) 的增灭变动情形。现金流量表的出现,主要是要反映出资产负债表中各个项目对现金流量的影响,并根据其用途划分为经营、投资及融资三个活动分类。现金流量表可用于分析一家机构在短期内有没有足够现金去应付开销。   现金流量表是一份显示于指定时期(一般为一个月,一季。主要是一年的年报)的现金流入和流出的财政报告。这份报告显示资产负债表(Balance Sheet)及损益表(Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account)如何影响现金和等同现金,以及根据公司的经营,投资和融资角度作出分析。作为一个分析的工具,现金流量表的主要作用是决定公司短期生存能力,特别是缴付帐单的能力。   过去的企业经营都强调资产负债表与损益表两大表, 随着企业经营的扩展与复杂化, 对财务资讯的需求日见增长, 更因许多企业经营的中断肇因于资金的周转问题, 渐渐地, 报道企业资金动向的现金流量也获的得许多企业经营者的重视, 将之列为必备的财务报表。   现金流量表的分析   现金流量表是以收付实现制为编制基础,反映企业在一定时期内现金收入和现金支出情况的报表。对现金流量表的分析,既要掌握该表的结构及特点,分析其内部构成,又要结合损益  表和资产负债表进行综合分析,以求全面、客观地评价企业的财务状况和经营业绩。因此,现金流量表的分析可从以下几方面着手:   一、现金流量及其结构分析 企业的现金流量由经营活动产生的现金流量、投资活动产生的现金流量和筹资活动产生的现金流量三部分构成。分析现金流量及其结构,可以了解企业现金的来龙去脉和现金收支构成,评价企业经营状况、创现能力、筹资能力和资金实力。   (一)经营活动产生的现金流量分析。   l、将销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金与购进商品。接受劳务付出的现金进行比较。在企业经营正常、购销平衡的情况下,二者比较是有意义的。比率大,说明企业的销售利润大,销售回款良好,创现能力强。   2、将销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金与经营活动流入的现金总额比较,可大致说明企业产品销售现款占经营活动流入的现金的比重有多大。比重大,说明企业主营业务突出,营销状况良好。   3、将本期经营活动现金净流量与上期比较,增长率越高,说明企业成长性越好。   (二)投资活动产生的现金流量分析。当企业扩大规模或开发新的利润增长点时,需要大量的现金投入,投资活动产生的现金流入量补偿不了流出量,投资活动现金净流量为负数,但如果企业投资有效,将会在未来产生现金净流入用于偿还债务,创造收益,企业不会有偿债困难。因此,分析投资活动现金流量,应结合企业目前的投资项目进行,不能简单地以现金净流入还是净流出来论优劣。   (三)筹资活动产生的现金流量分析。一般来说,筹资活动产生的现金净流量越大,企业面临的偿债压力也越大,但如果现金净流入量主要来自于企业吸收的权益性资本,则个仅不会面;临偿债压力,资金实力反而增强。因此,在分析时,可将吸收权益性资本收到的现金与筹资活动现金总流入比较,所占比重大,说明企业资金实力增强,财务风险降低。   (四)现金流量构成分析。首先,分别计算经营活动现金流入、投资活动现金流入和筹资活动现金流入占现金总流入的比重,了解现金的主要来源。一般来说,经营活动现金流入占现金总流入比重大的企业,经营状况较好,财务风险较低,现金流入结构较为合理。其次,分别计算经营活动现金支出、投资活动现金支出和筹资活动现金支出占现金总流出的比重,它能具体反映企业的现金用于哪些方面。一般来说,经营活动现金支出比重大的企业,其生产经营状况正常,现金支出结构较为合理。   二、现金流量表与损益表比较分析 损益表是反映企业一定期间经营成果的重要报表,它揭示了企业利润的计算过程和利润的形成过程。利润被看成是评价企业经营业绩及盈利能力的重要指标,但却存在一定的缺陷。众所周知,利润是收入减去费用的差额,而收入费用的确认与计量是以权责发生制为基础,广泛地运用收入实现原则、费用配比原则、划分资本性支出和收益性支出原则等来进行的,其中包括了太多的会计估计。尽管会计人员在进行估计时要遵循会计准则,并有一定的客观依据,但不可避免地要运用主观判断。而且,由于收入与费用是按其归属来确认的,而不管是否实际收到或付出了现金,以此计算的利润常常使一个企业的盈利水平与其真实的财务状况不符。有的企业帐面利润很大,看似业绩可观,而现金却入不敷出,举步艰难;而有的企业虽然巨额亏损,却现金充足,周转自如。所以,仅以利润来评价企业的经营业绩和获利能力有失偏颇。如能结合现金流量表所提供的现金流量信息,特别是经营活动现金净流量的信息进行分析,则较为客观全面。其实,利润和现金净流量是两个从不同角度反映企业业绩的指标,前者可称之为应计制利润,后者可称之为现金制利润。二者的关系,通过现金流量表的补充资料2揭示出来。具体分析时,可将现金流量表的有关指标与损益表的相关指标进行对比,以评价企业利润的质量。   (一)经营活动现金净流量与净利润比较,能在一定程度上反映企业利润的质量。也就是说,企业每实现1元的帐面利润中,实际有多少现金支撑,比率越高,利润质量越高。但这一指标,只有在企业经营正常,既能创造利润又能盈得现金净流量时才可比,分析这一比率也才有意义。为了与经营活动现金净流量计算口径一致,净利润指标应剔除投资收益和筹资费用。   (二)销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金与主营业务收入比较,可以大致说明企业销售回收现金的情况及企业销售的质量。收现数所占比重大,说明销售收入实现后所增加的资产转换现金速度快、质量高。   (三)分得股利或利润及取得债券利息收入所得到的现金与投资收益比较,可大致反映企业帐面投资收益的质量。   三、现金流量表与资产负债表比较分析 资产负债表是反映企业期末资产和负债状况的报表,运用现金流量表的有关指标与资产负债表有关指标比较,可以更为客观地评价企业的偿债能力。盈利能力及支付能力。   (一)偿债能力分析   流动比率是流动资产与流动负债之比,而流动资产体现的是能在一年内或一个营业周期内变现的资产,包括了许多流动性不强的项目,如呆滞的存货,有可能收不回的应收帐款,以及本质上属于费用的待摊费用,待处理流动资产损失和预付帐款等。它们虽然具有资产的性质,但事实上却不能再转变为现金,不再具有偿付债务的能力。而且,不同企业的流动资产结构差异较大,资产质量各不相同,因此,仅用流动比率等指标来分析企业的偿债能力,往往有失偏颇。可运用经营活动现金净流量与资产负债表相关指标进行对比分析,作为流动比率等指标的补充。具体内容为:   1、经营活动现金净流量与流动负债之比。这指标可以反映企业经营活动获得现金偿还短期债务的能力,比率越大,说明偿债能力越强。   2、经营活动现金净流量与全部债务之比。该比率可以反映企业用经营活动中所获现金偿还全部债务的能力,这个比率越大,说明企业承担债务的能力越强。   3、现金(含现金等价物)期末余额与流动负债之比。这一比率反映企业直接支付债务的能力,比率越高,说明企业偿债能力越大。但由于现金收益性差,这一比率也并非越大越好。   (二)盈利能力及支付能力分析   由于利润指标存在的缺陷,因此,可运用现金净流量与资产负债表相关指标进行对比分析,作为每股收益、净资产收益率等盈利指标的补充。   1、每股经营活动现金净流量与总股 2、经营活动现金净流量与净资产之比。这一比率反映投资者投入资本创造现金的能力,比率越高,创现能力越强。径一致,净利润指标应剔除投资收益和筹资费用。

贴现现金流(discounted cash flow)


歌名: enchanted。歌手: Taylor Swift。歌词:

歌名:Enchanted歌手:Taylor Swift歌词:There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles今晚我再次踏入这个地方带着勉强的笑声伪装的笑容Same old tired lonely place同样陈旧疲乏而又孤独的地方Walls of insincerity虚伪的墙壁将我包围Shifiting eyes and vancancy vanished when I saw your face飘忽的眼神和空虚就在我看见你的脸庞的时候消失不见All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you然而我所能说的只有,遇见你 我已经为你着迷Your eyes whispered have we met你的眼神对我低语,我们见过吗Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me穿过房间,你的轮廓开始走向了我The playful conversation starts有趣的谈话就在我们之间展开Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy回应你的俏皮话的时候就像收发着军事机密And it was enchanting to meet you而我已经为你着迷All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you然而我能说只有,遇见你 我已经为你着迷This night is sparkling don t you let it go这个夜晚星光闪耀,怎么能白白让它溜走I m wonderstruck blushing all the way home我惊讶不已,一路羞红了脸I ll spend forever wondering if you knew我将花费永远的时间好奇你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you遇见你 我已经为你着迷The lingering question kept me up这个挥之不去的问题,一直困扰着我直到凌晨两点2am who do you love关于你到底爱着谁I wonder till I m wide awake我好奇着直到睡意全失Now I m pacing back and forth wishing you were at my door而现在我一直徘徊着,希望你就在我的门口I d open up and you would say而我开门之后你就会说It was enchanted to meet you遇见你 我已经为你着迷All I know is I was enchanted to meet you我所知道的就是,遇见你 我已经为你着迷This night is sparkling don t you let it go这个夜晚星光闪耀, 你怎能白白让它溜走I m wonderstruck blushing all the way home我惊讶不已,回家的路上羞红了脸I ll spend forever wondering if you knew我将花费所有的时间好奇你是否知道This night is flawless don t you let it go这个夜晚完美无瑕,你怎能白白让它溜走I m wonderstruck dancing around all alone我惊讶不已,一个人跳起舞I ll spend forever wondering if you knew我将花费“永远"好奇你是否知道I was enchanted to meet you遇见你 我已经为你着迷This is me praying that this was the very first page这是我祈祷着,这是我们故事的开端Not where the story line ends而不是故事的结尾My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again我的脑海里会一直回荡着你的名字,直到我再次与你相遇These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon这是我未曾来得及说出的话语,只因我当初离开的太早I was enchanted to meet you遇见你 我已经为你着迷Please don t be in love with someone else希望你还没有与其他人陷入爱河Please don t have somebody waiting on you希望还没有其他人等待着你Please don t be in love with someone else希望你还没有与其他人陷入爱河Please don t have somebody waiting on you希望还没有其他人等待着你This night is sparkling don t you let it go这个夜晚星光闪耀, 你怎能白白让它溜走I m wonderstruck blushing all the way home我惊讶不已,一个人跳起舞I ll spend forever wondering if you knew我将花费所有的时间来好奇你是否知道This night is flawless don t you let it go这个夜晚完美无瑕,你怎能白白让它溜走I m wonderstruck dancing around all alone我惊讶不已,一个人跳起舞I ll spend forever wondering if you knew我将花费所有的时间来好奇I was enchanted to meet you遇见你 我已经为你着迷Please don t be in love with someone else希望你还不要与其他人陷入爱河Please don t have somebody waiting on you希望还没有其他人等待着你扩展资料一、歌曲创作背景泰勒对亚当·扬一见钟情,写下这首美丽缱绻的歌,自述自己萌生的情愫。更令人惊奇的是,亚当听出了其中的密语A-D-A-M,并在2011年的情人节,改编了该歌曲做出了回应。“我该会是第一个承认自己比较害羞的男孩吧,因为音乐才是我可以拿得出手的最真实生动的方式。我决定为你录一些东西——就作为对你新专辑里那首令我激动万分的歌曲的回应吧。”他写道,“你就像是一个从梦幻般的童话故事里走出来的公主,最重要的,我只想让你知道,我也对你着了迷。”二、歌曲的歌手介绍泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国流行音乐、乡村音乐创作型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。泰勒·斯威夫特唱的歌为她赢得了最大的歌迷群:年轻人。她写歌的习惯也成为捕获年轻人的杀手锏,她以写自己的成长经历闻名,歌曲里都是青春的味道,这一点正好切合了年轻歌迷的心。他们能听懂歌曲的内容,自然就会产生共鸣,从青春期开始,这一路下来,会有一批歌迷跟着她一起成长。她很善于利用她年轻这个优势。舞台上耀眼的泰勒,已和昔日的淳朴女孩大相径庭。她的歌中鼻音也越来越少,取而代之的是流行音乐常用的“气泡音”,她播撒在乡村音乐土壤中的种子,发芽后越来越向流行音乐生长。

问一下 Free cash flow 是不是只包括dividend?或是包括dividend, interest and income taxes?

In corporate finance, free cash flow (FCF) is cash flow available for distribution among all the securities holders of an organization. They include equity holders, debt holders, preferred stock holders, convertible security holders, and so on.

Belinda Carlisle的《Valentine》 歌词

歌曲名:Valentine歌手:Belinda Carlisle专辑:The CollectionBoA - VALENTI作词者名 康珍化作曲者名 原一博确実にわたしの 未来を巻き込んで恋は走り出した 君の手をつかんだ両侧から燃える 花火みたいだった视线もはがせないOh,Step in Step in, Babyどうして出逢えたの どうしてわたしなのBoy, I fall in love with youこの瞬间もタイトなジーンズにねじ込むわたしという戦うボディどんなちいさな愿いにも贯くチャンスをあげて My Dream破れたジーンズと 繊细すぎる目を守ってあげたくて 家族には言えない大事なものくらい 自分で守れるよそこを飞び越えてよOh, Step in Step in, Baby无意味なつよがりも 胜手なくちびるもJust, I fall in love with you全部 受け取ってきみとわたしの间に爱が见つけられないなら世界中のね どこにもそんなものなんてないの My Dream离れちゃ意味ないじゃん毅然としてたいじゃんBoy, I fall in love with youここで 戦って疾る鼓动を选んだふたりという生きてるボディどんな微かな予感にも信じる力をあげて My Dreamタイトなジーンズにねじ込むわたしという戦うボディどんなちいさな愿いにも辉くチャンスをあげてMy Dream终わるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16581572



cash flow 和income statement的区别

cash flow这个词语,是属于CFA词汇的一个,掌握好CFA词汇可以让您在CFA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:公司在一个时期内产生及使用的现金额,计算方法为将非现金开支(例如折旧)加回税后净利润。现金流可用作公司财务实力的指标.损益表(Income Statement) 是反映企业在一定时期内(月份、年度) 经营成果(利润或亏损) 的报表。利用损益表,可以评价一个企业的经营成果和投资效率,分析企业的盈利能力及未来一定时期的盈利趋势。损益表属动态报表。 损益表(或利润表、损益平衡表)是用以反映公司在一定期间利润实现(或发生亏损)的财务报表。损益表可以为报表的阅读者提供作出合理的经济决策所需要的有关资料, 可用来分析利润增减变化的原因, 公司的经营成本, 作出投资价值评价等。损益表的项目,按利润构成和分配分为两个部分。其利润构成部分先列示销售收入,然后减去销售成本得出销售利润;再减去各种费用后得出营业利润(或亏损);再加减营业外收入和支出后,即为利润(亏损)总额。利润分配部分先将利润总额减去应交所得税后得出税后利润;其下即为按分配方案提取的公积金和应付利润;如有余额,即为未分配利润。损益表中的利润分配部分如单独划出列示,则为“利润分配表”。

如何实现在JSP页面中定义一个int adder(int n)方法,传入整数n后,它能够完成1+2+…+n的计算并返回结果。

int adder(int n){ int i, total; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { total = total + i; } return total;}

vhdl错误Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at adder16b.v(1) near text ";"; expecting








条码中的GNT13和GNT14是什么 意思?

应该是GTIN13和GTIN14.GTIN就是商品项目代码。13和14是代码的格式,GTIN13是指13位的商品项目代码,GTIN14是指14位的商品项目代码。GTIN13即零售商品上的13位商品代码,在商品上的表现方式是EAN-13条码。GTIN14是出现在物流、仓储单元上的商品项目代码,可以是ITF-14,EAN-128的条码,也可以是数字格式。同一种商品的GTIN13和GTIN14的中间部分数字相同,区别仅在于包装指示符和校验码,包装指示符是位于首位的一位数字,以1-8来区分同一种商品的不同包装形式,也可以是0,校验码不同是由于位数发生了变化因而发生变化。 举例如下: 零售商品GTIN13 690123456789 2 物流单元GTIN14 1 690123456789 9

英语fled to the mountains怎么翻译?


container fleet


internet addicts是什么意思

internet addicts互联网成瘾

__________ [A]customers [B] addicts [C] participants [D] marketers

【答案】:C名词辨析和搭配。根据上下文,该空所选名词应该和介词in搭配,particiriants符合要求,此处指Quaker Oats在Gatorade网上促销活动的参加者。addicts意为“(吸毒等)成瘾的人”。

Tom comes to a hotel and he wants to stay for 3 days.Abellboy directs him check in at the front


#define REG8(addr) (*(volatile Uint8*)(addr))什么意思?

宏。把程序里的 REG8(addr) 用 (*(volatile Uint8*)(addr)) 替代后 再编译。例如:程序里的 REG8(123) 替 换成 (*(volatile Uint8*)(123)

*(unsigned int *)addr = type;怎么理解

就是(unsigned int)addr=type;两个星号在这里作用抵消,先转换成指针类型,然后再取内容。




《Henderson the Rain King》(Saul Bellow)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yTgclxde1DBWPgY0f_S7rQ 提取码:sd0n书名:Henderson the Rain King作者:Saul Bellow豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:1996-06-01页数:352内容简介:BELLOW EVOKES ALL THE RICH COLOR and exotic customs of a highly imaginary Africa in this acclaimed comic novel about a middle-aged American millionaire who, seeking a new, more rewarding life, descends upon an African tribe. Henderson"s awesome feats of strength and his unbridled passion for life win him the admiration of the tribe—but it is his gift for making rain that turns him from mere hero into messiah. A hilarious, often ribald story, Henderson the Rain King is also a profound look at the forces that drive a man through life.作者简介:Saul Bellow won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel HUMBOLDT"S GIFT in 1975, and in 1976 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature ‘for the human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture that are combined in his work." He is the only novelist to receive three National Book Awards, for THE ADVENTURES OF AUGIE MARCH, HERZOG, and MR. SAMMLER"S PLANET


client(客户端)mac addr(物理地址),意思就是说你电脑的网卡地址是:14:78:98:F4:8E。 MAC(Media Access Control, 介质访问控制)地址是识别LAN(局域网)节点的标识。网卡的物理地址通常是由网卡生产厂家烧入网卡的EPROM(一种闪存芯片,通常可以通过程序擦写),它存储的是传输数据时真正赖以标识发出数据的电脑和接收数据的主机的地址。 也就是说,在网络底层的物理传输过程中,是通过物理地址来识别主机的,它一般也是全球唯一的。比如,著名的以太网卡,其物理地址是48bit(比特位)的整数,如:44-45-53-54-00-00,以机器可读的方式存入主机接口中。以太网地址管理机构(IEEE)将以太网地址,也就是48比特的不同组合,分为若干独立的连续地址组,生产以太网网卡的厂家就购买其中一组,具体生产时,逐个将唯一地址赋予以太网卡。 形象的说,MAC地址就如同我们身份证上的身份证号码,具有全球唯一性。 如何获取本机的MAC? 对于数量不多的几台机器,我们可以这样获取MAC地址:在Windows 98/Me中,依次单击“开始”→“运行” →输入“winipcfg”→回车。即可看到MAC地址。 在Windows 2000/XP中,依次单击“开始”→“运行”→输入“CMD”→回车→输入“ipconfig /all”→回车。即可看到MAC地址 怎么在启动时不加载它呢?我想启动时不显示这个东西?我不知道,我的电脑不会显示,也许是你那里设置有问题,你用什么方式上网的,你看看端口的设置。

java里 int i i%2是什么意思


the entire universe will flick for you什么意思

the entire universe will flick for you整个宇宙将为你轻弹

matlab出现Input argument "x" is undefined


China is a _____ country _____ to the third world. A.developed; belongs B.developing; belo.

B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词:第一空是现在分词做定语,developing country发展中国家,第二空也是现在分词做定语,country和belong to是主动关系,句意:中国是属于第三世界的发展中国家。选B。点评:做题时首先分析句子成分确定是谓语还是非谓语,再决定非谓语的形式:当动词与名词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语来修饰名词。当名词与动词构成被动关系的时候,使用过去分词做定语修饰名词。

贝洛哈里桑塔 belo horizonte属于巴西哪个州

Belo Horizonte贝洛哈里桑塔(又译为:贝洛奥里藏特)是巴西第四大城市,人口约210万,面积334平方公里,米纳斯吉拉斯州政府所在地,是该州的政治、经济、文化中心。位于巴西东南部,是重要的制造业和销售中心。

巴西的一个港口城市Belo Horizonte,中文名叫什么

贝洛奥里藏特(Belo Horizonte)贝洛奥里藏特BeloHorizonte巴西第三大城,米纳斯吉拉斯州首府.位于首都巴西利亚东南部约720千米处的高原谷地中.面积355平方千米,人口约211万.大贝洛奥里藏特面积3670平方千米,人口约305万.海拔830~930米.气候凉爽,年平均气温19.8℃,年均降水量1450毫米.为巴西第一规划市.1893年按20万人口规模兴建,1897年落成.原名西达德德米纳斯,意为矿山城,并取代欧鲁普雷图成为州首府.第二次世界大战后,随经济发展规模急剧扩大,人口由1940年的18万激增至1970年的123万,是巴西发展迅速的城市之一.农牧业发达,并盛产金、宝石、金刚石等.工业产值仅次于圣保罗和里约热内卢.工业有金属冶炼、钢铁、汽车、电力机车、石油化工、纺织、水泥、宝石和金刚石加工等.建有核电站.铁路、公路交通发达,设有机场.市区街道以自由广场为中心呈辐射状,多现代化建筑.设有3所大学及博物馆、艺术宫、运动场、大教堂等,素以整洁著称.

高效谈判四原则: Commitment全心投入

高效谈判四原则: Commitment全心投入 Four Ingredients in Effective Negotiation Commitment Commitment to the negotiation process is required. This applies to negotiation as an overall process. It also applies specifically to a particular negotiation in hand. A half-hearted approach can never be effective in negotiation. There must be a serious commitment to achieving the result you want. If you are serious then you will be taken seriously; if you are casual then you will be taken casually. In my experience, most business people do not have true commitment to the negotiation process. What typically happens is that negotiation gets the odd few moments, the remnants of our time. To be effective we need to settle the issue that negotiation is going to require predetermined amounts of time and resource. Case Study 案例学习 A party of businessmen were eating at an Indian restaurant. During the process of ordering, one person said, "Let"s ask for a special deal before we order and try to get a good selection for £10 each." The leader of the party was unsure. Essentially, he was uncomfortable with the suggestion, so a vague proposal was made, something like "We would like 10 per cent discount, please." There was no commitment in the request and the waiter said nothing. Nothing was agreed. The approach was treated casually because that"s exactly what it was. When the bill was presented at the end, there was no discount. When pressed, the waiter simply said that the manager was away and he had no authority to give a discount. The meal cost nearly £20 per head. It cost us all because there was no commitment to the negotiation. It was treated hopefully, casually, and therefore without authority. ***************************************************************** --文章注释-- overall process 整个过程 specifically adv.特定地,具体地 half-hearted adj. 三心二意的 remnant n.剩余,残余,边角料 settle a issue 达成一个根本观点 predetermine v.先决,预先决定 vague adj. 含糊的,不明确的 ;

[ A ] casually[ B ] confidently[ C ] cheerfully[ D] carefully


Silent All These Years 歌词

词 曲Tori Amos原唱歌手Tori Amos发行时间1997-03-04 Excuse me but can I be you for a while  打扰了,可我变成你只在此刻此时  My dog won"t bite If you sit real still  你别动,我的狼狗就不咬你  I got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin" at me again  厨房里基督的反对者又在朝我叫喊  Yeah I can hear that  是的,我听得见  Been saved again by the garbage truck  再次被垃圾车拯救  I got something to say you know but nothing comes  我有话 你知道 可我说不出来  Yes i know what you think of me you never shut up  是的,我已知你怎么看我 你从不闭嘴  Yeah I can hear that  是的,我听得到  But what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样  In these jeans of his with her name still on it  在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  Hey but i don"t care  呵呵 可我不在乎  ‘cause sometimes i said sometimes i hear my voice and it"s been here  只因有时我说 有时我听 我的声音 就在这里  silent all these years  沉默这些年  so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts  看来 你找到了一个思接千载的姑娘  what"s so amazing about really deep thoughts  这个视通万里的姑娘有什么令人惊奇  boy you best pray that i bleed real soon  小伙子你最好为我祈祷 祈祷我就此心疼  how"s that thought for you  这个想法你觉得怎么样  my scream got lost in a paper cup  我的歇斯底里迷失于纸杯之中  you think there"s a heaven where some screams have gone  歇斯底里迷失的地方 你相信那里有天堂  i got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it"s enough to get us there  我有25块钱 一块饼干 你觉得够不够咱走到天堂  but what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样In these jeans of his with her name still on it 在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  hey but i don"t care 呵呵 可我不在乎  ‘cause sometimes,Isaid sometimes 只因有时我说Ihear my voice and it"s beenhere 我的声音 就在这里  silent all these. 沉默这些年.years go by will i still be waiting  光阴流逝 我是否依然等待  for somebody else to understand  等待另一个人慢慢明白  years go by if i"m stripped of my beauty  光阴流逝 如果也抹去我青春的美丽  and the orange clouds raining in my head  橘黄色的云彩 在我心开始下雨  years go by will i choke on my tears  光阴流逝 我是否哽咽着吞下自己的泪水  till finally there is nothing left  直到没有什么依然存留记忆  one more casualty  又一次受伤  you know we"re too  你知道 我们都是如此  easy  简简单单  easy  简简单单  easy  简简单单  well i love the way we communicate  喜欢我们交流的方式  your eyes focus on my funny lip shape  你的眼神聚焦于我可爱的唇  let"s hear what you think of me now  一起听听 现在你怎么看我  but baby don"t look up  宝贝 别往上看  the sky is falling  天在塌陷  your mother shows up in a nasty dress  你的母亲 身着长裙令人厌倦  it"s your turn now to stand where i stand  轮到你回到我曾站立的地方  everybody lookin" at you  所有人看着你  here take hold of my hand  就在这里,将我的手牵起  yeah i can hear them  是啊 我听到他们的声音  but what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样in these jeans of yours with her name still on it在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  hey but i don"t care呵呵 可我不在乎‘cause sometimes,i said sometimes只因有时我说  I hear my voice, Ihear my voice ,Ihear my voice  我听见我的声音我听见我的的声音我听见我的的声音and it"s beenhere  就在这里silent all these years沉默这些年i"ve been here  就在这里silent all these years  沉默这些年silent all these years  沉默这些年silent all these years沉默这些年参考资料:百度百科

silent all these yeas歌词

歌曲:silent all these years歌手:孙燕姿 专辑:start自选集 打印预览 excuse me but can i be you for a whilemy dog won"t bite if you sit real stilli got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin" at me againyeah i can hear thatbeen saved again by the garbage trucki got something to say you know but nothing comesyes i know what you think of me you never shut upyeah i can hear thatbut what if i"m a mermaidin these jeans of his with her name still on ithey but i don"t carecause sometimes i said sometimes i hear my voice and it"s beenheresilent all these yearsso you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughtswhat"s so amazing about really deep thoughtsboy you best pray that i bleed real soonhow"s that thought for youmy scream got lost in a paper cupyou think there"s a heaven where some screams have gonei got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it"s enoughto get us therebut what if i"m a mermaidin these jeans of his with her name still on ithey but i don"t carecause sometimesi said sometimesi hear my voice and it"s beenheresilent all these..years go by will i still be waitingfor somebody else to understandyears go by if i"m stripped of my beautyand the orange clouds raining in my headyears go by will i choke on my tearstill finally there is nothing leftone more casualtyyou know we"re tooeasyeasyeasywell i love the way we communicateyour eyes focus on my funny lip shapelet"s hear what you think of me nowbut baby don"t look upthe sky is fallingyour mother shows up in a nasty dressit"s your turn now to stand where i standeverybody lookin" at youhere take hold of my handyeah i can hear thembut what if i"m a mermaidin these jeans of his with her name still on ithey but i don"t carecause sometimesi said sometimes i hear my voicei hear my voicei hear my voiceand it"s beenheresilent all these yearsi"ve been heresilent all these yearssilent all thesesilent all these years

Silent All These Years 歌词

词 曲Tori Amos原唱歌手Tori Amos发行时间1997-03-04 Excuse me but can I be you for a while  打扰了,可我变成你只在此刻此时  My dog won"t bite If you sit real still  你别动,我的狼狗就不咬你  I got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin" at me again  厨房里基督的反对者又在朝我叫喊  Yeah I can hear that  是的,我听得见  Been saved again by the garbage truck  再次被垃圾车拯救  I got something to say you know but nothing comes  我有话 你知道 可我说不出来  Yes i know what you think of me you never shut up  是的,我已知你怎么看我 你从不闭嘴  Yeah I can hear that  是的,我听得到  But what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样  In these jeans of his with her name still on it  在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  Hey but i don"t care  呵呵 可我不在乎  ‘cause sometimes i said sometimes i hear my voice and it"s been here  只因有时我说 有时我听 我的声音 就在这里  silent all these years  沉默这些年  so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts  看来 你找到了一个思接千载的姑娘  what"s so amazing about really deep thoughts  这个视通万里的姑娘有什么令人惊奇  boy you best pray that i bleed real soon  小伙子你最好为我祈祷 祈祷我就此心疼  how"s that thought for you  这个想法你觉得怎么样  my scream got lost in a paper cup  我的歇斯底里迷失于纸杯之中  you think there"s a heaven where some screams have gone  歇斯底里迷失的地方 你相信那里有天堂  i got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it"s enough to get us there  我有25块钱 一块饼干 你觉得够不够咱走到天堂  but what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样In these jeans of his with her name still on it 在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  hey but i don"t care 呵呵 可我不在乎  ‘cause sometimes,Isaid sometimes 只因有时我说Ihear my voice and it"s beenhere 我的声音 就在这里  silent all these. 沉默这些年.years go by will i still be waiting  光阴流逝 我是否依然等待  for somebody else to understand  等待另一个人慢慢明白  years go by if i"m stripped of my beauty  光阴流逝 如果也抹去我青春的美丽  and the orange clouds raining in my head  橘黄色的云彩 在我心开始下雨  years go by will i choke on my tears  光阴流逝 我是否哽咽着吞下自己的泪水  till finally there is nothing left  直到没有什么依然存留记忆  one more casualty  又一次受伤  you know we"re too  你知道 我们都是如此  easy  简简单单  easy  简简单单  easy  简简单单  well i love the way we communicate  喜欢我们交流的方式  your eyes focus on my funny lip shape  你的眼神聚焦于我可爱的唇  let"s hear what you think of me now  一起听听 现在你怎么看我  but baby don"t look up  宝贝 别往上看  the sky is falling  天在塌陷  your mother shows up in a nasty dress  你的母亲 身着长裙令人厌倦  it"s your turn now to stand where i stand  轮到你回到我曾站立的地方  everybody lookin" at you  所有人看着你  here take hold of my hand  就在这里,将我的手牵起  yeah i can hear them  是啊 我听到他们的声音  but what if i"m a mermaid  但,假如我是条美人鱼会是怎样in these jeans of yours with her name still on it在他的牛仔裤上还留着她的名字  hey but i don"t care呵呵 可我不在乎‘cause sometimes,i said sometimes只因有时我说  I hear my voice, Ihear my voice ,Ihear my voice  我听见我的声音我听见我的的声音我听见我的的声音and it"s beenhere  就在这里silent all these years沉默这些年i"ve been here  就在这里silent all these years  沉默这些年silent all these years  沉默这些年silent all these years沉默这些年参考资料:百度百科

谁能告诉我《silent all these years》究竟在说什么???

晕。是一封情书啦。当时作者的什么心情我们这些外人是体会不到的。好像是一位女写给一位男的。原谅我,但我能为你而 我的狗不会咬,如果你坐在真正的仍 我得到的反基督在厨房里yellin "在我再次 是的我可以听到 已保存再由垃圾车 我有话要说,但您知道什么是 是的,我知道你想我,你永远闭嘴 是的我可以听到 但如果我是美人鱼 在这些牛仔裤,他与她的名字仍然在这 嘿,但我不在乎 原因有时我说有时候我听到我的声音,它一直 这里 沉默这些年来 所以你发现一个女孩谁认为真正深入思考 有什么惊人的真正深思 男孩你最好祈祷,我真正的流血很快 如何就是想你 我尖叫,丢失在纸杯 你认为有天堂,一些已经尖叫 我25日雄鹿队和饼干,你认为这是不够 让我们有 但如果我是美人鱼 在这些牛仔裤,他与她的名字仍然在这 嘿,但我不在乎 有时事业 我说有时 我听到我的声音,它一直 这里 沉默所有这些.. 年会去的我仍然在等待 为别人理解 几年去的,如果我剥夺我的美丽 和橙色的云彩下雨在我的脑海 几年去了,我会窒息在我的眼泪 直到最后有没 一伤亡 你知道我们太 容易的 容易的 容易的 以及我喜欢的方式沟通 你的眼睛专注于我的搞笑唇形状 让我们听听你觉得我现在 但孩子不仰视 天空正在下降 你的母亲出现在一个肮脏衣服 这是你现在就站在我的立场 大家都来查找"你 在这里抓住我的手 是的我可以听到他们的声音 但如果我是美人鱼 在这些牛仔裤,他与她的名字仍然在这 嘿,但我不在乎 有时事业 我说有时 我听到我的声音 我听到我的声音 我听到我的声音 这是 这里 沉默这些年来 我已经在这里 沉默这些年来 所有这些沉默 沉默这些年来

Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is ...

小题1:A小题2:B小题3:B小题4:C 小题1:主旨推理题。第一段说明了人和动物都需要植物。小题2:细节推理题。根据文章可以排除A.B.C。小题3:词义推理题。Protect 与guard都是保护的意思。小题4:推理题。文章在第一段讲了植物的重要性。第二段又说明了植物的种类以及植物的种子、胚芽等概念。是一篇科技说明文。

digilent adept 为什么安装失败显示驱动错误

是驱动问题,下载驱动精灵或者驱动人生进行驱动安装就可以:  1、打开软件,它会自动检测当前驱动是否有故障是否需要修复  2、在界面中,点击“驱动”→“自动更新”选项卡,然后勾选驱动未正确安装的硬件列表项,最后点击“立即更新”按钮进行更新操作。  3、接着就会看到驱动文件的下载进度以及更新情况,等待安装完成后,重启即可。


提一下检查方向,仅供参考。 1,digilent.adept.sdk是装安在系统默认的目录了吗?2,~/桌面/学习是中文目录,有没有移动不带中文的目录试一下。3,makefile一般是经过,./configure跟据你的环境自动生成的, 测试时执行过./configure吗?

digilent adept 为什么安装失败显示驱动错误

是驱动问题,下载驱动精灵或者驱动人生进行驱动安装就可以:  1、打开软件,它会自动检测当前驱动是否有故障是否需要修复  2、在界面中,点击“驱动”→“自动更新”选项卡,然后勾选驱动未正确安装的硬件列表项,最后点击“立即更新”按钮进行更新操作。  3、接着就会看到驱动文件的下载进度以及更新情况,等待安装完成后,重启即可。

The “Code Hero” in A Farewell to Arms versus the “Anti-Hero” in Catch-22


printed name of parent or legal guardian 是什么意思




guardian contact 什么意思

监护人联系方式:如果address:就要写地址。。。全长如果 telephone, mobile :就填电话

silent guardian是什么意思




简单介绍 Country / Folk 流派

推荐一本书,书名是《欧美流行音乐指南》,从第223页开始介绍乡村音乐。下载地址:欧美流行音乐指南&dt=1000000&ps=0_0&rt=0kbs&plt=0 ps:文件格式是pdf,打开需要pdf阅读器。

Staking out and guarding of territories of animals,birds,fish and primates,but only in recent year

为您解答这个是完整的吗,staking out前面没东西了吗?的确不是句子,没有谓语动词,是两个动名词短语

上合组织 中国 的名牌是 kntan什么意思?俄文吗?


Cathay Pacific既Customer Service Officer interview!!!

CSO o既interview包括o左group discussion同accuracy test... 1st in当日,会有group discussion, accuracy test,同埋一个career talk... group discussion会有8个人一group,首先会有1 min self introduction,之后会派discussion topic俾你,你有3 min prepare,跟住有10min discuss... group discussion之后会有accuracy test...份paper有分column a同column b...column a系original,column b就系你要揾唔同o既地方la...好似玩photo hunt咁,揾唔同o既地方,有可能系数字唔同,亦会有wording前后倒转...你唔需要明o个篇article讲咩,因为唔系proof reading... 做哂test之后就会有career talk,讲o下份工o既information,同埋benefit... career talk之后,会派一封信俾你...如果有地点但系冇时间o既,恭喜你,你已经pass o左1st in,需要去到1楼personnel office(即系interview之前报到o既地方)约final in o既时间...相反,你就要等cx call back la... 全个过程大约2hrs la... 2008-04-27 00:26:47 补充: group discussion o既十分钟系唔包括self intro ga... discuss o既topic次次都唔同ga,都冇话有d咩特别可以prepare...我上次in o既topic就系要anize一个one day trip俾12个disable children,咁问你拣o咩地点la,点解同埋事前有d咩要准备lor... 做哂test所有人都会收到信,不过信o既内容唔一样lor...一个version就系话俾你知你pass o左个interview...另一个就系要你等电话...,咁我想问下, 个group discussion大约十分钟, 但已经8个人一组, 咁连埋self intro, 咁咪其实唔驶讲好多野??? 同埋大概既discuss既topic会系啲咩呢, 因为我想prepare下... 如果做晒啲test既话, 咁系咪每人之后都会收到信, 定系fail既就咩都无可以走人呢??? 唔该晒~~~!!! 2008-04-27 12:54:35 补充: 同埋我想问下, 个group discussion全程都系用英文嫁啦@@? 如果照你上次个topic, 其实入面讲既野都有啲难度u359e!!!,





The company will_to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.

选D adhere to (固定搭配) " 遵循,坚持"

he is moving into the neighbourhood ...he will move into the neigubourhood..有什么区别


急!!!英语作文 Which do you prefer life in the countryside or city

City is a double-edged sword. The modern urban commercial culture attribute, on the one hand, make it dilutes the family, the family of the constraints, people have more freedom, equality and democracy, But on the other hand, the city people, especially big man, the values of the people have a tendency to rationalization and ShiJiHua. Commercial principle is driven principle, commercial city relationships are basically interests, interpersonal relationships and transfer line is interests and money. The kind of country smile face, in the city became distant and fuzzy. So, it is clear that the cruelty and BoQing city. The modern city conveniences and globalization, both to provide the creation of man to many people, and also to the big social bound in rotating machinery, rapid gear, tired out, callous.Now is the urbanization development, many people are flocking to the city, the country people are rushing round their dreams, a city of city. The country became shattered, even some ShiShiJiuKong.But, I was a bit of time, so if the rebellious, I also flourishing city to persuade his rebellious heart. A bird "s-eye view of the Manhattan at according to drawings, the human greatness, just make reminds me of the ant nest on the gobi.I don"t like the city, the main reason is the city -- a group of carbon dioxide in the air, with the development of civilized heat, dust and gas molecular mixture. It is my first impression of the city, is the most impressive. Men and women, old and children, born and died, total dozens of millions of this little lung breathing in the land of oxygen to the air. Projectile But the virtues of oxygen through the nostrils, the filter machine automobile ass baptism. I cannot endure Lou base, the XianQi civilization. I prefer the air in the wild, to purify my lungs.The city is the hot air, is much the dust. Hot because people, enthusiasm, urban, it contains all kinds of people, various kinds of ideology, the attitude of plentiful dust, so... cities, people are not see each other, and many cities, mixed multiplying complex. The air in the village and the city, it is just the opposite of the cold, and the people are pure, is clear.I am fond of solitude and afraid of loneliness. So, I can always stay city or always stay in countryside. However, I still stay in their time difference between dorm. Like I used half hours pace, Yin path. Just three minutes to cross market.But in the bustling city, all too often not lonely people gathering place is lonely. I always felt a banished dethroned. As an abandoned dogs that does not return to baal looking like the master, or drunk down poet lie in their boat receded sigh of Taiwan. A bosom friend of XingYou redemption, life is on a harbor.To see the bustling city ZhongShengXiang, in the quiet countryside翻译城市是一把双刃剑。现代城市的商业文化属性,一方面使它冲淡了门第、家族的制约,人们获得了更多的自由、平等和民主;但是另一方面,城市人、尤其是大城市人,人们的价值观念更趋向于理性化和实际化。商业化原则是利益驱动原则,商业化城市的人际关系基本上是利益关系,人际关系的变化和转移的准绳是利益和金钱。乡村的亲切微笑的面庞,在城市开始变得遥远而模糊。于是,人们也便分明地感到城市的残酷和薄情。城市里的诸多现代化便利条件和全球化联系,既给人提供了发挥人的创造才能的诸多机会,也把人捆绑在了社会大机器飞速转动的齿轮上,无法自拔,而身心疲惫,麻木不仁。 现在正是城市化发展,许多人都涌向城市,乡村人都赶着圆他们的城市梦,做个城市人。乡村变得零落起来了,甚至有些十室九空。 可,我就是有点对时代的叛逆,即使城市如此繁荣,我也难以说服自己叛逆的心。看着纽约曼哈顿的鸟瞰之照,这让人赞叹的人类的伟大之林,仅仅使我联想起戈壁上的蚁窝。我不喜欢城市,其主要原因是城市的空气——一团富含二氧化碳,带着文明发展的热量、尘埃和汽油分子的混合物。它是我对城市的第一印象,也是最深刻的印象。男人和女人,老人与小孩,刚出生的和将去世的,总总几十几百万个肺在呼吸着本不多氧气的弹丸之地上的空气。而这恩泽的氧气还要经过机床的鼻孔的过滤,汽车的屁股的洗礼。鄙人陋贱,无福消受这文明的仙气。我更喜欢野里的空气,用以净化我的肺。 城市的空气是热的,是多尘埃的。热是因为城市多人、热情、沸沸扬扬,里面包含着各种各样的人,各种各样的意识形态,各种各样的态度……多尘埃,所以城市里头,人与人是看不清对方的,这也与城市多人,混繁复杂有关。乡村的空气与城市的刚刚相反,它是冷的、清的、纯的,人们的面目是清晰的。 我是个喜欢孤独又害怕孤独的人。所以,我不能总留在城市或总呆在乡村。不过,我在它们逗留的时间还是有差别的。就像我用上大半个小时踱步林阴小道,而只消三分钟来穿越市场一样。 可在繁华的城市也不见得不寂寞,凡人群集聚的地方就有寂寞。我总感到一种被放逐的落魄。就像一只被遗弃的狗巴着眼期待那不回头的主人,或像烂醉的潦倒诗人躺在破船叹息远去的两岸。幸有一群知音良友的救赎,人生路上算是有了一个港湾。 到繁华的城市看众生相,在宁静的乡村思考


  inherent英 [u026anu02c8hu026au0259ru0259nt] 美 [u026anu02c8hu026aru0259nt]  adj.天生; 固有的,内在的;  [网络]本来的; 固有的; 先天的;  [例句]XPath is a great stand-in for data binding, but a certain degree of structure is inherent in the API.  XPath是数据绑定很好的替身,但是这种API天生具有一定程度的结构。  [其他]形近词: adherent coherent abherent


acquirement n.取得,获得; 习得 (能力);adherent n. 拥护者,党徒;adjacent a.毗连的;紧接着的;adjournment n. 延期,休会,休会期间;adjustment n. 调节;adolescent n. 青少年(此处是类比)扩展资料  adornment n. 装饰,装饰品;  advancement n. 前进,进步;  advent n. 到来,来临;  advertisement n.广告;公告;登广告;  afferent a. 传入的,向心的.;  affluent a. 丰富的,富裕的;  agent n.代理人,代理商;  agreement n.协定,协议;同意;  appeasement n. 平息,满足;  appointment n.任命;约定,约会;  apportionment n. 分配,分摊,分派;  arbitrament n. 仲裁,裁决,裁判;


anti-adhesive网 络抗粘性;隔离剂;防粘连处理双语例句1. An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated. 反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。2. In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon.最近几个月,很多保守政客都搭上了“反移民”这班车。

instant adhesive是什么意思

速干胶双语例句1.All the robs are glued together by instant glue first and then by epoxy adhesive.所有失去了粘在一起,是透过即时胶水第一,然后由环氧胶粘剂.


gui是一个音节 西语有一些比较特殊的三个字母的音节。

Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roosts uff0c


cement 和adhesive都是粘合剂的意思吗?有什么区别?






c语言的undeclared identifier问题

程序有两个问题:首先你的子函数ChickenAndRabbit被main调用,因此你需要在main之前对这个函数进行声明,这是通用的做法。当然你把ChickenAndRabbit的定义放在main之前也可以,这样可以免去声明。其次你的函数定义有问题,ANSI C在定义函数时需要给出参数类型,int ChickenAndRabbit(N,M)是不正确的!应该改为int ChickenAndRabbit(int N,int M) 如何声明呢?int ChickenAndRabbit(int N,int M) ;//注意分号,定义没分号!这个就是声明!

娇兰香水 parfum dinterieur home fragrance是什么系列的

我在法国,你说的是Guerlain娇兰Aqua Allegoria Bouquet Numero 2女性香水,属于娇兰花草水语系列,这款新香描述了春天清晨中的花园,那里飘散着醇郁的玫瑰花香,让人沉醉。香水的成分十分简单,包括多汁的荔枝、玫瑰和鸢尾花。 依次翻译如下: AQUA ALLEGORIA Bouquet Numero2是娇兰花草水语系列香水系列的名称 eau de toilette 淡香水(注意,是淡香水,不是香水,楼上几位说错了,香水应该是EAU DE PARFUM), 下面的娇兰和法国制造就不用细说了 至于这个香水的外包装,是白色盒子,上面有个紫红色的小蜜蜂,瓶子则是圆柱型,圆柱的上面包围着金色蜂窝状的装饰,盖子也是金色的球状

求avril的still innocent歌词

其实这首歌叫做adia 是艾薇儿翻唱的




wnt/β-catenin怎么读:[/"beitu0259/-"keu026atu0259nu026an]β-连环蛋白是一种多功能蛋白(protein),通过与细胞骨架(cytoskeleton)的相互作用,协助细胞对细胞外的信号和影响作出反应。连环蛋白(catenin,cats) 是一组具有相似结构的胞内糖蛋白家族,它们的氨基酸组成中都具有数个相同序列的结构域。至今为止,已发现的cat 家族至少可以分为四大类,即α2(102 000),β2(88 000),γ2(82 000) 和p120ctn(120 000),其中以后3 种的结构相似性最大。α2,β2,γ2和p120ctn的cDNA 已得到克隆,4 种cats 基因在染色体的定位也已清楚:α2(5q21222),β2(3p21),γ2(17q21) 和p120ctn(11q11)。cats 家族在cad 介导的细胞内信号转导与细胞粘附过程中起重要作用。在细胞内,它们与cad 胞内肽段结合形成复合体(cadherin2catenin complex,CCC)。β2cat 和γ2cat 可直接与cad 结合,但这两种cats 不能同时与cad 结合,而呈现互斥结合方式。

comment te dire adieu 的歌词是什么?

これは 法语歌ですか?交流一下吧,本人也喜欢法语歌 alianor@126.com

英语问题:flood into the office 与flood the office有什么区别

flood into the office表动态flood the offic表状态

高中英语作文:善待坏学生 Be Kind to the Bad Students

In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don"t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people"s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students. 在每个班级,总会有一些坏学生,他们很活跃,让其他学生烦恼。坏学生不爱学习,他们会干扰其他学生听课,这也让老师们烦恼。坏学生到处都不受欢迎,因此学生们会远离他们,一些老师甚至放弃他们。但是有一天,在我放学回家的时候,我发现我们班的一个坏学生带有一只猫,他把猫交给一个女人,女人说谢谢他帮助她找到了猫。我很惊奇,我看到了一个坏学生好的一面。我觉得我应该对坏学生友好点,他们没有那么坏,也许他们只是想要吸引别人的注意。如果我们给他们多点机会,他们就会是好学生。

daniel take the litter cat to the animal centre改

Daniel takes the litter cat to the animal centre.丹尼把流浪猫带到动物中心。

高中寒假英语作文:善待坏学生 Be Kind to the Bad Students

In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don"t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people"s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students. 在每个班级,总会有一些坏学生,他们很活跃,让其他学生烦恼。坏学生不爱学习,他们会干扰其他学生听课,这也让老师们烦恼。坏学生到处都不受欢迎,因此学生们会远离他们,一些老师甚至放弃他们。但是有一天,在我放学回家的时候,我发现我们班的一个坏学生带有一只猫,他把猫交给一个女人,女人说谢谢他帮助她找到了猫。我很惊奇,我看到了一个坏学生好的一面。我觉得我应该对坏学生友好点,他们没有那么坏,也许他们只是想要吸引别人的注意。如果我们给他们多点机会,他们就会是好学生。


广告: advertisement你写的是:adervertisement明白了吗?


byte[] bs = new byte[4];x0dx0abs[0] = 1;x0dx0abs[1] = 2;x0dx0abs[2] = 3;x0dx0abs[3] = 4;x0dx0ax0dx0aint r = 0;x0dx0aPipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream();x0dx0aPipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream();x0dx0a//连接管道x0dx0apis.connect(pos);x0dx0aDataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(pis);x0dx0aDataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(pos);x0dx0a//先写4个字节x0dx0ados.write(bs,0,bs.length);x0dx0a//读取整型x0dx0ar = dis.readInt();x0dx0ax0dx0aSystem.out.println(r);x0dx0adis.close();x0dx0ados.close();


floodinto有三单形式的,第三人称单数:floods第三人称复数:floods现在分词:flooding过去分词:flooded过去式:floodedflood 基本解释1. at the flood : 在便利时;flood同义词: overflow反义词: drain、 drought、 ebbflood 相关词组1. at the flood : 在便利时;flood 相关例句及物动词1. flood的反义词1. The villages were flooded. 村庄被洪水淹没。2. The room was flooded with light. 室内一片灯光。3. The rice fields were flooded. 稻田被淹没了。不及物动词1. The river floods in the spring. 这条河春天河水泛滥。名词1. He received a flood of grateful telegrams and letters. 他收到大量表示感谢的电报和信件。flood 网络解释1.1. 涨潮:潮汐是由於月球和太阳等天体对地球各处引力不同所引起的水位,地壳和大气的周期性升降现象,其中以海洋潮汐最为明显.海面上升时称为涨潮(flood海面下降时称为退潮或落潮(ebb).从涨潮转为退潮时海水位达到相对最高时称为高潮或满潮(high water2. 水啸雾都:但由于该片请来了大名鼎鼎的阿兰.德龙饰演凯撒,因此内地发行时改成<<高卢英雄大战凯撒王子>>,故事讲的是高卢英雄阿特里克斯和奥贝里克斯在古希腊奥运会上的奇遇,凯撒也出来凑热闹. <<水啸雾都>>(Flood)是一部讲述洪水冲进伦敦的灾难大片.3. 泛洪:针对SYN泛洪(Flood)拒绝服务攻击(Deny of Service: DoS)的syncookies从这个内核版本开始已经可以支持TCP选项和IPV6了,其中对TCP选项的支持是透过时间戳实现的.flood 词典解释1. 洪水;水灾 If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts. e.g. More than 70 people were killed in the floods, caused when a dam burst... 大坝决口造成洪灾,70 多人因此丧生。 e.g. This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers... 这正是洞穴探险者害怕的那种洪水。2. 淹没;使充满水 If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water.flood是什么意思 e.g. The Chicago River flooded the city"s underground tunnel system... 芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道系统。 e.g. The kitchen flooded. 厨房被水淹了。floodedPeople have been mobilised to build defences and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall.大雨还在继续下,人们已经被动员起来修筑防洪工事,为遭淹田地排水。3. (尤指暴雨后河水)泛滥 If a river floods, it overflows, especially after very heavy rain.u0039u0031u0031u67E5u8BE2u00B7u82F1u8BEDu5355u8BCD e.g. ...the relentless rain that caused twenty rivers to flood... 引发了 20 条河流泛滥的持续降水 e.g. Many streams have flooded their banks, making some roads impassable. 许多小河的水已经漫过堤岸,造成一些道路不能通行。4. 大量;大批 If you say that a flood of people or things arrive somewhere, you are emphasizing that a very large number of them arrive there. e.g. The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida... 政府当局正试图阻止大批难民逃离海地,进入佛罗里达。 e.g. He received a flood of letters from irate constituents. 他收到愤怒的选区居民洪水般涌来的信件。5. 大批涌入;大量云集 If you say that people or things flood into a place, you are emphasizing that they arrive there in large numbers. e.g. Large numbers of immigrants flooded into the area... 大量移民涌入这个地区。 e.g. Enquiries flooded in from all over the world. 世界各地的问询纷至沓来。6. (使)充满;(使)充斥 If you flood a place with a particular type of thing, or if a particular type of thing floods a place, the place becomes full of so many of them that it cannot hold or deal with any more.u0039u0031u0031u67E5u8BE2u00B7u82F1u8BEDu5355u8BCD e.g. ...a policy aimed at flooding Europe with exports... 一项旨在让进口产品充斥欧洲市场的政策 e.g. Brokers expect the markets to be flooded with the shares... 股票经纪人预计股市会充斥着这种股票。flooded...the danger of Europe becoming flooded with low-cost agricultural imports.低成本的进口农产品充斥欧洲市场的危险7. (情感等)充满,使感受强烈,涌上心头 If an emotion, feeling, or thought floods you, you suddenly feel it very intensely. If feelings or memories flood back, you suddenly remember them very clearly.flood e.g. A wave of happiness flooded me... 我心中涌起一股幸福的暖流。 e.g. Mary Ann was flooded with relief ... 玛丽·安感到无比宽慰。8. (光线)充满,照进 If light floods a place or floods into it, it suddenly fills it. e.g. The afternoon light flooded the little rooms... 午后的阳光洒满一间间小屋。 e.g. Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains. 清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。9. (河水)泛滥 If a river is in flood, it is flowing over its banks because it has more water in it than normal.flood10. 泪如雨下;号啕大哭 If you say that someone was in floods of tears or in a flood of tears, you are emphasizing that they were crying with great intensity because they were very upset. e.g. The pain was so bad that I would be in floods of tears... 疼痛难忍,我就快大哭起来了。 e.g. They said goodbye in a flood of tears. 他们痛哭流涕地道别。11. (洪水)迫使…离开,淹没,冲毁 If people, places, or things are flooded out, the water from a flood makes it impossible for people to stay in that place or to use that thing.flood e.g. Train lines were flooded out... 铁路线被洪水冲毁。 e.g. The river flooded them out every few years. 每隔几年他们就会因这条河的泛滥而被迫离开家园。相关词组:flood out

请问torrent和flood 有什么区别啊?都有洪水的意思。

torrent是指:奔流, 急流, 洪流, 激流,湍流 。给你个例句I was proceeding through torrents of rain.flood多指水灾,洪水泛滥

python错误:unexpected unident

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