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《亲爱的热爱的》剧中grunt是kk的一名主力队员,在团队中起到了很重要的角色以及作用。他的扮演者是文苡帆,他毕业于上海复旦大学的表演系,并且是一位歌手也是一名演员。本人比较多才多艺,在电视剧中性格也很沉稳。给人一种不问世事的感觉,但是在电视剧中并没有讲述他的感情生活。虽然这是一部甜蜜的爱情剧,但是里面也掺杂了励志的情节。所以电视剧中这几位青年只表现了他们的事业。 很多观众在看完这部电视剧之后都想遇到自己的白马王子,并且好好的谈一场恋爱。但很多事情都需要缘分,就像剧中的男主人公与女主人公一次的偶遇,并且一见钟情,两个人走在一起。其中是有一点辗转反侧和小困难,但是两个人通过努力和客服都取得了不错的成绩,结局也是很完美的,两个人走到了一起,并且在参加比赛后还获得了奖项。电视剧中还讲述了他们的好朋友,当然也都是青春靓丽的形象,讲述的也关于是爱情故事。 在佟年与韩商言携手共进的那一个画面,让人的心里看着特别舒服,并且有种想恋爱的冲动。其实每个人都有恋爱的权利,只是缘分未到。想要像电视剧中男主女主那样美好的爱情,其实都要我们自己努力的去营造。大胆的去追求自己喜欢的人,用于的去接受喜欢自己的人。给自己一个机会,也给他人一个机会,这样才能够成就完美的爱情。从电视剧中我们还得到了很多励志的信息,毕竟我们除了爱情还要有事业。 对于grunt这个角色虽然电视剧里并没有给很多的介绍,但是在战队进行训练以及比赛的时候,他的表现一直都是非常出色的。给人感觉特别的顽强,并且他在技术上也是造诣很高。有很多青年观众在看完这部电视剧后,竟然也喜欢上了电竞。因为电视剧中的几位青年,给大众很多的启发。不论是哪个行业都可以发挥自己的余热。


grunt 英[gru028cnt] 美[ɡru028cnt] vi. 作呼噜声; (指人) 发出类似的哼声; vt. 咕哝着说; 发哼声,咕哝; n. (猪等的) 呼噜声; 咕哝,牢骚; [例句]The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy司机嘟哝了一声,认定迈克尔是发疯了。[其他] 第三人称单数:grunts 现在分词:grunting 过去式:grunted过去分词:grunted



ActiveX (Control)

Active X 是一种软件与软件之间的共通沟通语言,就像英语一样,没有得卖也不需要买。你之所以可以在网页中看 Movie (如 Flash),就是因为看 Movie 的软件是说 Active X 的,所以 Inter Explorer 能叫它播片。 由于安全性关系,浏览器如 IE 不允许网页直接存取电脑内档案,由于 Active X 能亳无障碍地存取硬碟档案,所以线上软件大都是 Active X。不过,另一方面来说,使用这些软件表示你大开硬碟,所以记住选一些信得过的软件才好。 Taiwan.CNET - 下载专区: 开发工具: ActiveX 试试这款适用于Visual Basic,全功能的ActiveX控制元件套件,包含有免费的OCX控制元件及DLL。 作业系统: Windows (all) ... ImpulseStudio 3.02 更新ImpulseStudio是个完整的Visual Basic发展ActiveX程式,拥有26种控制及一个功能/资料函式库。 ... *** .c/downloads/ developtool/0 2000071082 20000960r 00 ActiveX : Microsoft Press Titles from Microsoft Press about ActiveX. ... Understanding ActiveX and OLE 现在决策订定者可以学到Microsoft技术,不会被下列的程式设计的细节所绊住了:COM(物件技术)、OLE(复合文件技术)及ActiveX(Inter方面最强的新技术)。 ... microsoft/mspress/ *** /subjects/subjectdr_p1 ActiveX技术原理[ 简体 ] 网络实名插件通过微软ActiveX技术来进行安装,点击弹出窗口中的“详细信息”后,微软已经告诉用户应该了解的信息(包括数字 ... 根据微软权威的软件开发指南MSDN(Microsoft Developer Neork)的定义,ActiveX插件以前也叫做OLE控件或OCX控件,它是一些 ... help.3721/activewl *** /activetech ActiveX - Wikipedia 由于OLE在ActiveX控件中的应用的普及,现在OLE技术中只有少数于ActiveX技术,例如复合文档。 一些浏览器,例如Inter Explorer、网景浏览器等等都不同程度上支持ActiveX控件。这允许网页通过脚本和控件交互产生更加丰富的效果,同时也带来一些安全 ... zh. *** /wiki/ActiveX 参考: *** .c/downloads/developtool/0 2000071082 20000960r 00 microsoft/mspress/ *** /subjects/subjectdr_p1

《Carusoand Tetrazzinionthe Art》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度云资源

《Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing》(Enrico Caruso and Luisa Tetrazzini)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TRHh9J_db1r4MPwzYwqzMQ 提取码: t7ud书名:Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing作者:Enrico Caruso and Luisa Tetrazzini出版社:Book Jungle出版年份:2007-10-12页数:60内容简介:Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing by Enrico Caruso and Luisa Tetrazzini.


自从Microsoft公司于1996年推出ActiveX技术以来,ActiveX技术已得到了许多软件公司的支持和响应,并纷纷在其产品中融入ActiveX技术。而作为ActiveX技术之一的ActiveX控件也得到了迅猛的发展,不但各大软件公司推出了不少ActiveX 控件,ActiveX控件更是得到一般开发者的喜爱。那么,什么是ActiveX控件呢?ActiveX控件是一个动态链接库,是作为基于COM服务器进行操作的,并且可以嵌入在包容器宿主应用程序中,ActiveX控件的前身就是OLE控件。由于ActiveX控件与开发平台无关,因此,在一种编程语言上开发的ActiveX控件可以无须任何修改,即可在另一种编程语言中使用,其效果如同使用Windows通用控件一样。如:在VC++中开发的ActiveX控件,不作任何修改即可应用于VB中。由此可见,通过使用ActiveX控件即可实现快速小型的组件重用、实现代码共享,从而提高编程效率。从上面亦可看出为何ActiveX控件如此广泛地受到开发者的欢迎。 因为ActiveX控件的可重用性,加上Internet的普及,ActiveX控件得到了极大的发展,目前,从Internet上可以得到相当多的ActiveX控件,而且品种繁多,所完成的任务几乎无所不包。对普通开发者来说,只要有耐心,都能从Internet上找到符合自己要求的ActiveX控件。 从Internet下载的ActiveX控件,或从其他途径得到的ActiveX控件,用户应该怎样做才能正确使用ActiveX控件或将其应用于自己的程序中呢?一般来说,一个外来ActiveX控件要在Windows中被正确使用,首先必须将控件文件(*.OCX)复制到硬盘中,然后将其在Windows中注册,未在Windows中注册过的ActiveX控件是不能使用的。注册ActiveX控件一般来说有三种途径: 1. 使用Regsvr32.exe程序对ActiveX控件进行注册; 2. 使用安装程序制作软件:InstallShield; 3. 在应用程序中加入注册代码。


尺寸,flanged end是法兰端,型式,边,入口,ball valve 是球阀,face to face面对面,according to 按照,flange dimensions 法兰尺寸,ANSI美国国家标准组织

we went to beijing by plane.改为同义句

we take a plane to beijimg

英语作文《Why do you think the Olympic game are important》


mounting flange是什么意思

mounting flange 安装法兰(盘) [机]



lap joint flange(法兰)到底应该翻译成什么法兰,是什么样的法兰

lap jpint flange =stub end +back ring即凸台+法兰环。凸台和法兰环是分开的。法兰环能自由转动,所以叫活套法兰。

LAP JOINT FLANGE 和 SLIP-ON FLANGE 分别怎么翻译? 滑套法兰和松套法兰一样吗?


sandwich instrument flange在阀门上是什么意思


sandwich instrument flange在阀门上是什么意思

sandwich instrument flange的意思是,三明治仪表法兰。



LAP JOINT FLANGE 和 SLIP-ON FLANGE 分别怎么翻译? 滑套法兰和松套法兰一样吗?


–How long has John _______?–For almost eight months. A.become an engineer B.stayed in Beij

B 考查动词。根据下文大约的八个月,英语中表示一段时间的时间状语不能与延续性动词连用,选项ACD都表示瞬间动作,故选B,只有选项B为延续性动词,其余都不是。

environmental activists是什么意思


求雅思口语Part3 People –a music band话题:What kind of music are popular in your country? Is Beij

1. 结构提示You can find fans of various types of music in China now because …Everyone in China knows Beijing Opera because it is the quintessence of Chinese culture. Interestingly, the number of fans of Beijing Opera is not that large. It seems that Beijing Opera is only enjoyed by a fraction of people. 2. 要点提示various types of music: pop/rock/R&B/piano/Latin/jazz/traditional Chinese/opera…Who are the fans of Beijing Opera? Why do they like it?How about other non-fans?

写一篇题为“Introduce a person who you admire”的作文

是托福么?the person i admaire most is my mother. i admire her for she is the one who gave me life and who loves me from the very beginning of my life. she is the one who cares most of me and who educate me ever since i was born. i "ve heard a song before. it says that there is no other love that like a mother"s to her child. so i think mothers should be admired by everyone in the world and is definetely the one who should be most admired.非常口语,可能有错,你凑合了吧,我们要考试了,我上网时间有限~

Might deaf people actually have a _____ language ? A.real B.genuine C.true D.authentic

Actual: 指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。(实际存在的,如知识、行为、价值)。 eg.The actual value of labor in capitalist society does not represent the real value of labor. All actual objects are concrete. Authentic: 指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠;真的(有正式证据或文件表明)。 eg.The geologists declared the fragment to be an authentic specimen of a rare fossil. Factual:事实的(依据事实)。 eg.The report gave a factual account of the accident. Genuine: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的;真心的。 eg.The watch is a genuine Swiss make. He showed genuine sorrow at the death of his wife. Real:真实的(表实际存在的,如实情、实物)。 eg.This jacket is made of real leather. This is a real experience, not a dream. This is a real pearl, not an imitation. True: 指同实际情况或标准完全一致,(指语言、故事、品质等和实际情况相符)口语中多用。 eg.He is a true communist. It is a true story.

actual real genuine apparent的区别

actual意为实际上”、“事实上”存在或发生的事情,或人所共知的客观事实; 例:The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected.----实际的修理费用比我们预期的要低得多。genuine “真的”,“非冒充的”,“货真价实的”,强调正宗而非冒牌。 例:This ring is genuine gold. ----这枚戒指是真金的。real指真正的,不受其他主观感受而改变的那些,即某物外表与其实质之间的一致性。此外,real 所表示的“真实的”正好与“幻想的”相对。如你接触的是一个真实的世界,不是梦幻的乐园,请现实点吧.梦幻的乐园虽然美好,也许也没有坏人,但是只是臆想出来的,而真实的世界是不受你的臆想而改变的. 再比如 说 有人觉得幸福就是有钱+有权,.但是那只是一些势利之见,真正的幸福是个人感觉到的满足和被需要被关爱感.这个才是真正的幸福.幸福不能用genuine 因为没有冒牌的幸福这一说.而actual 和real 的对比可以通过 一个词组的比较.the actual value of the antique is not its real value,这个古董的实际(指客观存在的现今市面上的价格)不能代表这个古董的真实价值.也就是说,也许因为人们还没了解透彻这个古董背后的文化价值,所以低估了这个古董的价值.但是这个real value 是不受其他因素影响的至于apparent 是指明显的.和真实无关 但它的另一层意思,表面上的,就说的是和真实的相反的或者违背的这样一个理解.比如 for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent 他看起来很有钱 ,但实际上连房租都付不起

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) 是什么机构

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) is a consortium of organizations interested in, and involved with, geosynthetics. All types of polymeric geosynthetic materials are involved: geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, geonets, geocomposites, geosynthetic clay liners, geopipe, geocells, and geofoam. The organizations include federal and state governmental agencies, facility owners, designers, consultants, QC and QA organizations, testing laboratories, resin and additive suppliers, manufacturers, manufacturer"s representatives and installation contractors. GSI currently consists of 71 member organizations of which ca. 45% are international.

A Belated Valentine Anonymous 这篇文章的翻译谁有?


international roaming是什么意思

international roaming国际漫游双语对照例句:1.You will need to call at& t before you leave, though, and "provision," or set up, your account, for international roaming. 不过你需要在出发前致电at&t,并将你的帐户设成国际漫游。

播放torrent 的文件

Torrent是一种"种子"文件的格式也叫BT全名"BitTorrent"下边是 BitTorrent 的简介1)甚麼是BitTorrent?? 简单来说BitTorrent ( 简称BT )就是一个档案传输工具,它利用了P2P(多点对 多点) 的特性来将档案的传输效率发挥到最高。 2)怎样用BT下载档案? 安装bittorrent后, 打开你想要的 .torrent 档案(简称torrent),再选择你指定的储 存资料 夹便可开始进行下载。Torrent 档案可到各大BT网站或讨论区下载。 3)怎样在BT网络上供档? 简单来说,你需要将你想提供的档案制作成为torrent, 然后再将torrent提供给下载者 下载。 4)怎样制作torrent? 安装Completedir后执行 completedir select要分享的dir/file所在的位置 click "MAKE" Torrent file 出现在目标目录中 建议大家制作torrent后,执行torrent先看看有否出现Error 用TorrentSpy查下有冇 SEEDS先 否则须再新做 Torrent file 如果重系唔得.可能个BT CLIENT太繁忙或者坏左 可试下其他BT CLIENT将 completedir内的announce Url地址转为其它, 成功制作好torrent后,便可将Torrent 档案post到各大BT网站或讨论区。 到现时还可用的announce Url地址: http://btfans.3322.org:6969/announce http://www.yiup.com:9000/announce http://bt.itbbs.net:6969/announce http://ip.ma.cx:8585/announce http://tracker.bitetorrent.com:6969/announce http://www.yiup.com:9000/announce http://bt.17do.com:6969/announce http://bttracker.no-ip.org:6969/announce 以下程式可查看torrent的资料: TorrentSpy- http://torrentspy.sourceforge.net/ 5)怎样可以将下载回来的档案上载给其他用户? 当你在下载档案的时候, BT会自动将你正在下载的档案部份同时上载给其他用户。 当你完成下载后,只要不关掉BT便可继续进行上载。 6)怎样用BT续传或reseed? BT续传和reseed的方法都是一样, 你只要再次打开你想要的torrent, 再储存 到原本 的资料夹便可。 从BT下载回来的档案应该seed几耐? 这个问题没有固定答案, 但在能力范围许可下请尽量seed耐d 7)常见的error message: (timeout exceeded) / (HTTP Error 503: Connect failed)/ (10061, "Connection refused" ) / (111, "Connection refused") - Tracker 太繁忙或者坏左 HTTP Error 404: Not Found - 档案不存在 HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized - Tracker 不接纳该torrent档案。 有些tracker只会接纳已经上载到其网站的torrent档案。 (e.g: http://hked2k.no-ip.org/bt/tracker.php ) 8)点可以令 media player 播 avi file 可以有声/有画? 用一个 program 叫 GSpot,去 identify 个 avi file 用咩 codec. Divx,Xvid,FFdshow,ac3filter 全部可以系射手网找到. http://www.shooter.com.cn GSpot: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ 9)Download 左一大堆 *.001 等File 可用 WINRAR, 开个*.001 file, 佢会自动同你搞 cdi, *.cue, *.bin , *.iso , *.CCD , *.msd 等File, 这些全部都是映像档案 你可以用Alcohol 120%将这些档案烧录成光碟 亦可以用Daemon Tools模拟cdrom/dvdrom nrg档案要先装nero image drive才可模拟, Install nero 后可选. 各种烧录软体产生之映像档副档名: WinOnCD 产生*.C2D, DiscJuggler 产生*.CDI CDRWin 产生*.BIN和*.CUE, Creator 产生*.CIF CloneCD 产生*.CCD和*.IMG和*.SUB, Duplicator 产生 *.DAO或*.TAO Prassi CD Right 产生*.GCD, Nero 产生*.NRG, Gear 产生*.P01 BlindRead 产生*.BWI和*.BWT, NtiCDMaker 产生*.CDP 虚拟光碟7.x 产生*.VCD,Alcohol 120% 产生*MDS和*.MDF winiso 产生*.BIN,*.iso 10)个 *.avi file 得声无画面? 呢个系Divx 影像档, 去http://www.divx.com download divx codec 就睇到 如果装左Divx 都系唔得 装埋 Xvid , http://www.roeder.goe.net/~koepi/xvid.shtml 但装左divx同 Xvid , 但今次有画面无声! 去d/l AC3 codec , http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=66022&release_id=15053 11)DVDrip 点样开字幕? 可用VobSub开字幕,VobSub会自动整合在播放软件内(注意: 字幕档的档名需与视像档的档名相同) dat 影像档 可用windows Media player 或PowerDVD等其他播放软件开黎睇 RMVB 档,须将RMVB个副档名转做RM 用Realone player 开黎睇 http://www.realone.com BT其中几种下载软件: EXPERIMENTAL BITTORRENT CLIENT下载点: http://bt.degreez.net Shareaza下载点: http://www.shareaza.com/?id=download BitComet下载点: http://www.bitcomet.com/index.htm#download

在powerpoint中如何插入flas *** ,

分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: 我插入动画时总是提醒我,quicktime未安装。可是下载安装后依然如此。怎么办? 解析: PowerPoint因其通俗易懂、容易上手而成为老师们制作课件的常用工具,而Flash是目前比较流行的动画制作软件,有时在PowerPoint课件中为了更形象地说明问题,希望可以插入Flas *** 。 看过《中国电脑教育报》以前刊登过在PowerPoint中插入Flas *** 的文章,基本方法是选择菜单“工具→控件工具箱→Shockwave Flash Object”,然后在地址栏位置输入Fla s *** 文件的路径。这种插入Flas *** 的方法有一个缺点是在播放幻灯片时,Flas *** 会自动播放,不能自主地控制。 近日,我发现在PowerPoint中插入Flas *** 的另一种方法,可以避免出现自动播放动画的情况。1、先打开一幻灯片,选择“插入→对象”,在出现的对话框中选择单选框“由文件创建”,这时对话框要求填入文件的位置,单击[浏览],选中需要插入的Flas *** 文件,最后单击[确定]返回幻灯片。 2、这时,在幻灯片上就出现了一个Flash文件的图标,我们可以更改图标的大小或者移动它的位置,然后在这图标上右击鼠标,选中“动作设置”。在“单击鼠标时的动作”中选中“超级链接到”,然后在下拉列表中选择“其他文件”。 3、这时在出现的超链接对话框中输入与之相对应的动画文件,单击[确定],设置完成。 现在我们来播放幻灯片,Flas *** 没有自动播放,我们需用鼠标点击这个Flash文件图标,这时会出现一个对话框,我们单击[确定],此时才会播放动画,不需要时直接单击[关闭]按钮即可。 小提示:后来我发现这种方法也有它的缺陷,那就是不能设置它的播放区域,总是一播放就是原文件的大小,有时就把其他的内容给遮住了,所以您要用的时候要看好是不是符合自己的需要,嘻嘻。 pconline/pcedu/soft/office/ppt/10211/110329




有类似迅雷的下载软件 在哪个什么德的源里......好久没玩ubuntu了 现在是13.04喽 我也去装一个

adagio cantabile是什么意思

adagio cantabile如歌的慢板 adagio: adv.,adj. 〔意大利语〕【音乐】缓慢地(的)cantabile: adj.,adv. 〔意大利语〕【音乐】像歌唱一样的

钢琴中adagio cantabile是什么意思?

adagio cantabile如歌的柔板adagio[英][u0259u02c8dɑ:du0292iu0259u028a][美][u0259u02c8dɑ:du0292iou028a]adv.& adj.<音>缓慢的(地); n.<音>柔板; 慢板; <音>柔板乐章; <芭蕾>(男女二人或三人舞时女角保持高难度平衡的)缓慢动作; 复数:adagios例句:1.Sally"s trying to set a fight with adagio? 赛利想要安排一场和阿达乔的比赛?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



跪求全部意大利文钢琴术语的翻译(比如:Andantino,Adagio,Moderato,rit,a tempo…)





您好!这不是英文单词,是乐理里的音乐术语(意大利文)Andante 行板(速度比较慢)Moderato 中板(速度中等)Adagio 柔板,慢速(宁静地)Allegretto 小快板(速度稍快)这些都是速度记号。希望您满意!

adagio cantabile是什么意思



orient和adapt的区别单词 orient的词义:vt.标定方向;使…向东方;以…为参照;使熟悉或适应adj.东方的;(太阳等)上升的,新生的;闪闪发光的vi.转向东方;使调整或者成为一条直线n.东亚各国;珍珠光泽;好的珍珠;日出之处,东方单词 adapt的词义:vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to)vt.改编,改写;改变…以适合(for)

tablemount造句 tablemountの例文 "tablemount"是什麼意思

One guyot in particular, the Great Meteor Tablemount in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, stands at more than. Sedlo seamount has a tablemount structure, indicating that the peak of the seamount had once been above the water, but has since been ground down by persistent erosion to its current height. "" Belgica Guyot ""( ) is an undersea tablemount named for the Belgian research ship " Belgica ", used in the first Belgian Antarctic Expedition ( 1896 1899 ). The largest singular feature in the area of the Spratly Islands is a 100 km wide seamount called Reed Tablemount , also known as Reed Bank, in the northeast of the group, separated from Palawan Island of the Phipppines by the Palawan Trench. It"s difficult to find tablemount in a sentence. 用 tablemount 造句挺难的

求Cascada-What Do You Want from Me这首歌的翻译,谢谢了,这里有歌词


Adaptec aic-7850 pci scsi controller

换一张 ghost 的盘就可以了


be-adapted-into被改编成These children"s books are so exciting that they deserve to be adapted into films. 这些儿童图书非常令人激动,值得改编为电影。be adapt tovt. 适合于(适应)For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences. 为使这些儿童的全部潜力得到开发,教育必须适应他们的不同需要。

be adapted for 与be adapted into有啥区别?


yoknapatapha county 麻烦介绍一下这个

Yoknapatawpha County 是一个美国作家William Faulkner小说中虚构的县(县级行政单位)。Faulkner的虚构县的原型是美国密西西比州的拉法叶县和牛津县。(Yoknapatawpha County is a fictional county created by the American author William Faulkner as a setting for many of his novels. Faulkner"s fictional county is based upon and inspired by Lafayette County, Mississippi and its county seat of Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner would often refer to Yoknapatawpha County as "my apocryphal county.")Yoknapatawpha读作“约克拿帕它法”。来自chicksaw语(一种美国土著语言),意思是“分开的陆地”。Faulkner说这个词的意思是“水缓缓流过的平地”。The word Yoknapatawpha is pronounced [ju0252knu0259pu0259u02c8tu0254fu0259] ("Yok"na pa TAW pha"). It is derived from two Chickasaw words—Yocona and petopha, meaning "split land." Faulkner claimed that the compound means "water flowing slow through the flatland," though this is unverified. Yoknapatawpha was the original name for the actual Yocona River, a tributary of the Tallahatchie which runs through the southern part of Lafayette County,[2] of which Oxford is the seat.这个地区原本是Chickasaw族所有。可是白人开始于1800年在这里殖民。在美国内战之前,这个县有几个大的种植园:Louis Grenier的种植园在在东南,McCaslin在东北,Sutpen的在西北。不久之后,这个县由很多较小的农场构成(而不是大种植园)。到1936年位置,人口为15611,6298个白人,剩下的是黑人。The area was originally Chickasaw land. White settlement started around the year 1800. Prior to the Civil War, the county consisted of several large plantations: Louis Grenier"s in the southeast, McCaslin"s in the northeast, Sutpen"s in the northwest, and Compson"s and Sartoris"s in the immediate vicinity of Jefferson. Later, the county became mostly small farms. By 1936, the population was 15,611, of which 6,298 were white and 9,313 were black

Cascopack Et Tracer Student怎样转换成中文


网络配置里的Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing是什么意思?


adaptive cruise control什么意思

adaptive cruise control自适应巡航控制双语例句1A Study on Adaptive Cruise Control System Basing on Characteristics ofDrivers "Behavior基于驾驶员特征的汽车自适应巡航控制研究2ASL is used separately rather than together with the Adaptive CruiseControl ( ACC) system.美国手语是单独使用,而不是一起自适应巡航控制系统(ACC)系统。

adaptive contrast什么意思

adaptive contrast自适应对比度


当形容词时的意思: 空想的,异想天开的;奇异的,古怪的;极好的;不切实际的 作名词是:古怪的人 希望对你有帮助。


a case in point英 [u0259 keis in pu0254int] 美 [e kes u026an pu0254u026ant] 释义佐证,恰当的例子; 明证;例句:1.A case in point is the recent events. 最近的事件就是明证.2.In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India. 很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。一个典型的例子是殖民统治时期的印度。3.The manufacture of television sets is a case in point. 电视机的制造就是一个很好的实例.


a case in point英 [u0259 keis in pu0254int] 美 [e kes u026an pu0254u026ant] 释义佐证,恰当的例子; 明证;例句:1.A case in point is the recent events. 最近的事件就是明证.2.In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India. 很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。一个典型的例子是殖民统治时期的印度。3.The manufacture of television sets is a case in point. 电视机的制造就是一个很好的实例.

fluent 里fix和adaptive


求歌词:l want to you 中文歌曲

so i got my boots on, got the right amount of leather于是我穿上靴子,皮革大小刚好and i"m doing me up with a black colour liner然后我给自己画上黑色的眼线and i"m working my strut but i know it don"t matter我阔步向前,但我知道这无所谓,all we need in this world is some love我们在世上所需要的是一点点爱there"s a thin line between the dark side and the light side baby tonight黑暗与光明只有一线之隔,宝贝,在今晚it"s a struggle gotta rumble tryin" to find it在其中挣扎,试着去找到它but if i had you, that would be the only thing i"d ever need但是如果我拥有你,那是我唯一的需要yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete是的,如果我拥有你,钱物,名声都不能与之相比。if i had you, life would be a party it"d be ecstasy如果我拥有你,生命会变成充满狂喜的聚会。yeah if i had you是的,如果我拥有你。you y-y-y-y do y-y-y-y-y do y-y-y-y-y doif i had you如果我拥有你from new york to la getting high rock and rolling从纽约到洛杉矶,伴随着激情的摇滚乐,情绪高昂get a room trash it up "til it"s ten in the morning开一个房间狂欢直到早上十点girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in maseratis女孩踩着高跟鞋,男孩在昂贵跑车中摇摆what they need in this world is some love他们在这世上所需的是一点点爱there"s a thin line between the wild time and a flatline baby tonight狂野的时间和乏闷之间只是一线相隔,宝贝,在今晚it"s a struggle gotta rumble tryin" to find it在其中挣扎,试着去找到它if i had the flashing of the lights如果我拥有了闪光灯it might feel so good but i got you stuck on my mind, yeah感觉是如此之好但是我已经将你刻在我的脑海中,the flashing and the stage it might get me high right闪光灯和舞台也许能够使我现在觉得兴奋but it don"t mean a thing tonight但是今晚它并不能代替一样东西that would be the only thing i"d ever need那是我唯一需求的东西yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete如果我拥有你,财富名声都不能与之相比。if i had you, life would be a party it"d be ecstasy如果我拥有你,生命将变成一场充满狂喜的派对that would be the only thing i"d ever need那是我唯一的需要yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete是的如果我拥有你,财富名声都不能与你相比(never could compete with you)永远不及你if i had you, life would be a party it"d be ecstasy (it"d be ecstasy with you)如果我拥有你,生命将变成充满狂喜的派对(和你一起是一种迷幻的狂喜)yeah if i had you如果我拥有你Hey, slow it down嘿,慢点What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?Yeah, I"m afraid嘢,我害怕了What do you want from me你要从我这里得到什么?What do you from me你要从我这里得到什么?There might have been a time也许有段时间了I would give myself away我想要放弃自我Ooh once upon a time哦~每隔一段时间I didn"t give a damn我不在乎But now here we are但是现在我们在这里So what do you want from me所以,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me你要从我这得到什么?Just don"t give up不要放弃I"m workin" it out我正在设法解决Please don"t give in请不要放弃I won"t let you down我不会让你失望It messed me up,我很乱...Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around尽管继续Hey, what do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?What do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么?Yeah, it"s plain to see嘢~看见这个很痛苦That baby you"re beautiful宝贝,你很美丽And it"s nothing wrong with you还有这不是你的问题It"s me – I"m a freak是我,我很奇怪But thanks for lovin" me但是,谢谢你爱我Cause you"re doing it perfectly因为,你做的很完美Yeah there might have been a time嘢,也许有段时间了When I would let you step away当我想让你离开I wouldn"t even try but I think我都不回去尝试You could save my life你可以拯救我的生活Just don"t give up不要放弃I"m workin" it out我正在想办法Please don"t give in请不要放弃I won"t let you down我不会让你失望It messed me up,我很乱Need a second to breathe需要透一口气Just keep coming around请继续Hey, what do you want from me嘿,你要从我这得到什么....What do you want from meWhat do you want from meJust don"t give up on meI won"t let you downNo, I won"t let you downSoJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up,Need a second to breatheJust keep coming aroundHey, what do you want from meJust don"t give upI"m workin" it outPlease don"t give inI won"t let you downIt messed me up,Need a second to breatheJust keep coming around上面都是重复~Hey, whataya want from me嘿,你要从我这里得到什么?(whataya want from me)Whataya want from meWhataya want from me重复

i was out thereon the road life out of control 贾斯丁比伯的歌词 是什么歌

Flatline - Single

考研英语,the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the

shared beliefs, competing beliefs 两个词组,说的是这两个belief之间的作用和构造,不是那两个词形容belieftransforms是接在 science and technology 用的动词,你可以把 science and the technology involved看做it

心理学中instrumental beliefs和instrumental motivation是什么意思?怎么翻译?

我查阅了一下《现代英汉汉英心理学词汇》词典(2006年版),没有查到完全符合的词组。instrumental behavior字典上翻译为工具性行为结合我个人的意见,我认为翻译为“工具性信念”和“工具性动机”比较好。

求问in, into, in the ,的用法和区别

in 介词,在。。里面in the box 在盒子里面into介词,进到。。里面去into the box 进到盒子里面去in the 跟上面两个词没有对比关系,它只是in + the,the 就是定冠词,放在名词之前。比如上面提到的in the box。

flattery / compliment 区别




蜂巢能源将向Stellantis集团提供电池 或涉及旗下众多品牌

易车讯 日前,我们从国外媒体获悉,SVOLT能源(蜂巢能源)确认,从2025年开始,将为Stellantis集团电动车提供电池,并且在除了电池外,蜂巢能源还将提供电池管理系统。就在前不久,Stellantis集团对外发布了自己的电气化战略,到2025年年底前,Stellantis集团计划投资逾300亿欧元用于集团电气化和软件开发领域。旗下众多品牌、如雪铁龙、标致、克莱斯勒、阿尔法·罗密欧、Jeep等等品牌都会有涉及,这也就意味着蜂巢能源的电池组有可能会出现在上述品牌新车上。蜂巢能源科技有限公司的前身是长城汽车动力电池事业部,自2012年起开展电芯的预研工作,2016年12月成立电池事业部,2018年2月独立为蜂巢能源科技有限公司。在2020年,蜂巢能源正式选定德国萨尔州建设电池工厂,此次建厂包括电芯模组工厂和模组PACK工厂共两个工厂,总投资20亿欧元,电芯模组工厂将于2023年底建成投产,年产能为24GWh。<!--5f39ae17-8c62-4a45-bc43-b32064c9388a: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



Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI)是什么啊?


balance sheet,income statement &cash flow statement三张表之间有什么联系?


cash flow 里的interest expense和interest paid的区别

应该 是一个包含了利息收入,一个没有包含利息收入。

Error:Canbot Install Founder Indigo ps printer中文是什么意思

意思是:错误:无法安装靛蓝色建立者附录打印机。重点词汇:Error英['eru0259(r)]释义:n.错误,差错;(棒球、网球等运动中的)失误。[复数:errors]短语:Standard error标准误;[统计]标准误差;标准偏差;标准错误。词语辨析:error,fault,flaw,mistake这四个词都有“缺点,错误”的意思。1、fault,flaw主要指“毛病,缺点”;mistake,error主要指“错误”。2、fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。3、error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。

He went hunting toghter togter是定语吗?


discount the cash flow to the present是什么意思,能给具体解释一下吗?

discount cash flow 基本释义现金收支折现法;贴现现金流网络释义 程叫贴现这种把未来的钱(future cash 股票卖出)转换成现在的钱(present value,股票怎么卖出)的过程叫贴现(discounting cash flows)。而这里用来计算现值的利率就叫收益率。短语Discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation: the process of valuing an investment by discounting its future cash flows 评价投资的程序藉由打折它的将来现金流程双语例句权威例句discounted cash flow (DCF ) method : A type of analysis Based on discounting cash flows to the present by a given discount rate. 现金流量贴现法(简写为DCF):一种根据给定的贴现率将现金流量折成现值的分析方法。discounted cash flow (DCF ) method : A type of analysis Based on discounting cash flows to the present by a given discount rate. 现金流量贴现法(简写为dcf):一种根据给定的贴现率将现金流量折成现值的分析方法。Of course , there is nothing wrong with discounting real cash flows at a real discount rate , although this is not commonly done . 当然,以真实贴现率来贴现真实现金流也没有什么错,尽管通常不这么做。

discounted cash flow 是什么意思


怎么算total return啊?已经知道income statement、 balance sheet、cash flow等的数据了。

1、total return 即总收益,根据你提供的第一个表格来看,总收益应该是$39117;2、average settlement period trade receivables 即国内会计的期间平均应收账款,但是从你提供的第二个表格来看,Notes and Loans Receivables 数据为0,但是你提供的第三张表,Change in accounts receivables 即应收账款的变动是$-270,说明了你在下载表格时数据加载并不完全,造成主要信息不足。你可以去原表格中寻找一下,找到相应的account receivables 的具体数值。另外,从你提供的表中,数据逻辑关系上也能看出,数据是有遗漏和丢失情况的,比如第二张表,Total current assets 的总金额和上面各项金额之和应该相等,但是实际上是不相等的。3、average settlement period trade payables 即国内会计的期间平均应付账款,这个从第三张表上来看,相对于上期变动是0,说明和上期数据一样,只要找到上期的数据就可以了。

add mod coefficient是什么意思

addendum modification coefficient的缩写?意思是齿顶修正系数

为什么做 cashflow statement时,gain on equipment 要减掉呢?


karachi agreement造句 karachi agreementの例文

The Karachi Agreement beeen India and Pakistan estabpshed a cease-fire pne to be supervised by the miptary observers. Additionally, the United Nations Miptary Observer Group in India and Pakistan reported violations on both sides of the Karachi Agreement of 1949. As according to India, the purpose of UNMOGIP was to monitor the cease-fire pne as identified in Karachi agreement of 1949 which no longer exists. The 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement did not clearly mention who controlled the glacier, merely stating that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842. India and Pakistan disagree on UNMOGIP s mandate in Kashmir because India argued that the mandate of UNMOGIP has lapsed after the Simla agreement because it was specifically estabpshed to observe ceasefire according to the Karachi Agreement . Pakistan, as explained in the Karachi Agreement , maintained that the wordings ""thence north to the glaciers ""means that the CFL terminated at the last known location ( NJ9842 ) in the glaciated area. Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir showing the Cease Fire Line as Agreed Upon in the Karachi Agreement , Ratified by the Governments of India and Pakistan on 29 and 30 July Respectively . ( See Annex 26 to the third Interim Report of the United Nation Commission for India and Pakistan) Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text. Both, the 1949 Karachi Agreement and 1972 Simla Agreement beeen India and Pakistan did not clarify which country controlled the Siachen glacier-rather the agreements only stated that the Cease Fire Line ( CFL ) terminated at NJ9842 However, this inplete demarcation of CFL in the Karachi Agreement resulted into the misinterpretation of its text. US maps of the area and many world atlases starting in the 1960s incorrectly showed the Line of Control beeen Pakistani and Indian territory running from the last defined point in the 1949 Karachi Agreement , NJ9842, east-northeast to the Karakoram Pass, thus putting the whole of Saltoro Kangri and the entire Siachen Glacier in Pakistan. It"s difficult to see karachi agreement in a sentence. 用 karachi agreement 造句挺难的 Even though it is known that the negotiators had agreed on a cease-fire pne that stopped at a map coordinate known as NJ9842 a mountaintop northeast of the Kashmiri city of Srinagar, the ""thence north to the glaciers ""portion of para B 2 ( d ) of Karachi Agreement was later misread which further confused the status of Siachen glacier. According to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan ( UNCIP ) 39 resolutions, Azad Kashmir is neither a sovereign state nor a province of Pakistan, but rather a local authority with responsibipty over the area assigned to it under the current 2003 ceasefire pne agreement . 40 The local authority or Provisional government of Azad Kashmir as estabpshed in October 1947 handed over to Pakistan under the Karachi Agreement of April 28, 1949, matters related to defense, foreign affairs, negotiations with the UNCIP and coordination of all affairs relating to Gilgit and Baltistan ( strategically important territories that now prise Pakistan s Northern Areas. Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement , and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph"B"2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement. Later, following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the Simla Agreement in July 1972, the ceasefire pne was converted into the " Line of Control " extending from the " " Chhamb sector on the international border [ to ] the Turtok-Partapur sector in the north . " " The U . N . document number S / 1430 / Add . 2 . is the second addendum to the 1949 Karachi Agreement, and shows the CFL marked on the Map of the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per the explanation of CFL in paragraph"B"2 ( d ) of the Karachi Agreement .

cash flow里operating activities中包不包括Accruals和Prepayments啊?




关于现金流量表Cash flow statement的问题,会英语的进··

Cash flow analysis and research applications Abstract Cash or currency is essentially an economic and social recognition! A means of exchange for the value of "the most important elements of the currency as a medium of exchange has been the currency of all users to accept the" cash flow statement for the preparation of cash basis. A certain period of time reflects the enterprise business activities, investment activities and fund-raising activities by the cash inflows and outflows! Show that profitability of enterprises with capital-based comparison of changes in financial position! Businesses better reflect the cash flow statement solvency. At the same time all the more easy and intuitive from the investors, creditors and other users of accounting information perspective. To effective use of cash flow information to make the right investment and credit decision-making, we must learn how to use cash flow and cash flow information provided by the enterprises to carry out financial analysis and evaluation of science. In this paper, the financial management of cash flow and cash flow statement and the application of the connotation of the analysis and discussion of a theory has a certain practical significance.

why cash flow is important to company




Discounted Cash Flow Method是什么意思?

Discounted Cash Flow Method折现现金流法采纳

AMANDEMENTS Any Amendments to this Contract shall be in the form of an ADDENDUM in writing to be

Any Amendments to this Contract shall be in the form of an ADDENDUM in writing to be针对该协议的任何变更,都应以附录的形式记录在协议中

钻石颜色L ,Faint brown什么意思

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