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是on appointment 还是in,atappointment

是on appointment ,在约会的意思。appointment同义词组appointment [u0259u02c8pu0254intmu0259nt] n. 约会, 约定 I have an appointment with him at four o"clock. 我和他四点钟有个约会。 任命, 委派 He secured the appointment of professor of English literature in the university. 他获聘为该大学的英国文学教授。 同义词:assignment , designation , naming , dat , eengagement , fitting , appointee .appointment system的意思委任制;委任制度;委派制度例句1.Mr Tung said the District Council appointment system cannot be abandonedsuddenly.董建华表示不能一下子全面撤消区议会委任制。2.Second chapters are to put government functionary appointment system cause into practice.第二章为实施公务员聘任制的原因。3.Considerations of Adopting Accountant Appointment System in Major Water Projects。对水利重点工程项目实行财务委派制的构想。


tentation假设。Adopting the tentation of raster, the acoustooptic interaction in isotropic medium is discussed, and the formula of diffractive efficiency for the diffractive beam is deduced.采用光栅假设,对各向同性介质中的声光效应作了简要讨论,导出了第m级衍射光的衍射效率公式。A Tentation Exploration on Strategic Evaluation and Risk of Enterprise Operation.企业经营战略风险及战略评价初探。The Tentation of Heart Determination in the Education of Durable Running.谈心理测定对耐久跑的激励作用。This article demonstrates the scheme of designing the hydraulic multi-headed fixed torque spanners, expounds the situation for tentation stages and the test results, intro-duces some problems that should be resolved in the development procedure.论证了液压多头定扭矩扳手的方案设计,简要介绍了样机试验方法,测试结果及研制过程中需要解决的问题。


  preferentially  英 [,prefu0259"renu0283u0259li] 美  adv. 优先地;优惠地  preferentially  adv. preferential的变形  preferential [,prefu0259"renu0283u0259l]  adj.  优先的;优待的  供选择的  (关税等)优惠的,特惠的  表明选择顺序的  [美国英语](根据契约)优先雇佣工会会员的机构的  短语:  preferentially formed 优先析出  preferentially growth 择优取向  applying preferentially 广义  precipitated preferentially 优先析出  preferentially occurred 优先发生  preferentially adopting 优先采用  preferentially considered 优先考虑  orientation preferentially 方向优先  preferentially erosion 选择性侵蚀  例句:  1、Heterosexuals should not be treated preferentially when the state carries out thatrole.  当国家执行这个作用的时候不应该优先对待异性恋者。  2、Then back in Spain, they trained a strain of Pseudomonas bacteria topreferentially nibble salt blooms.  回到西班牙后,他们便培养了一种可以优先吞食盐层的假单胞菌。  3、"We try to find which parts of the brain preferentially talk to which other parts, " hesays. "We can sort of map that out, and at the end it sort of spits out a number.   “我们希望弄明白大脑中哪些部分优先和哪些部分通信”他说“我们可以从某种程度上将其映射出来,并最终以数字的方式反映出来,这就是“脑龄””。

what do you want from life 歌词

歌曲名:what do you want from life歌手:tubes专辑:tubesWhat do you want from lifeTo kidnap an heiress and threaten her with a knifeWhat do you want from lifeTo get cable TV and watch it every nightThere you sit a lump in your chairWhere do you sleepand what do you wearwhen you"re sleepingWhat do you want from lifean Indian guru to show you the inner lightWhat do you want from lifea meaningless love affairwith a girl that you met tonightHow can you tell when you"re doin" alrightDoes your bank account swellWhile you"re dreaming at nightHow do you know when you"re really in loveDo violins play when you"re touching the oneThat you"re lovingWhat do you want from lifeSomeone to love and somebody you can trustWhat do you want from lifeTubesto try and be happyWhile you do the nasty things you mustWhat do you want from lifeWhat do you want from lifeWhat do you want from lifeWhat do you want from lifeWell you can"t have that,but if you"re an American citizenyou are entitled to:a heated kidney shaped pool,a microwave oven (don"t watch the food cook,)a dynagym, I"ll personally demonstrate it in the privacy of your own home,a king size titanic unsinkable Molly Brown waterbed with polybendum,a foolproof planand an airtight alibi,real simulated indian jewelry,a Gucci shoetree,a years supply of antibiotics,a personally autographed picture of Randy Mantooth,and Bob Dylan"s new unlisted phone number,a beautifully restored Third Reich swizzle stick,Rosemary"s baby!a dream date in kneepads with Paul Williams,a new mastadon,a Maverick,a Mustang,a Montego,a Merc Montclaire,a Mark 4,A meteor,A Mercedes,An MG,or a Malibu,a Mork Moriarty,a Masarati,a Mack truck,a Mazda,a new Monza,or a Moped,a Winnebago,hell, a herd of Winnebagos,we"re givin" "em away,or how about a MacCullough chain saw,a Las Vegas wedding,a Mexican divorce,a solid gold Kama Sutra coffee cup,or a baby"s arm holding an apple.Words and music: Spooner, EvansCopyright 1975 Pseudo Songs and Swiveltone Musichttp://music.baidu.com/song/14251317

程序一直提示“error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type”,请问什么原因?

硬盘对刻出现encountered an ntfs volume with a logfile that has not been flushed

过程:在网上查找了各种方式,包括CHKDSK /f 等等,也有说是非正常关机造成的,重启多遍无果。解决:因为是win8和win10系统,有个特殊的快速启动设置,将这个设置关掉,故障提示消失了,Ghost得以正常完成。关闭快速启动功能:1、打开控制面板,电源选项,单击左侧的:选择电源按钮的功能2、单击“选择当前不可用的设置”3、在下面的“关机设置”中,把快速启动关掉就行了

Encountered an NTFS volume with a Logfile that has not been fiushed.(536)

是用ghost才出现的???有可能是文件系统格式不一样;可以进系统的话,尝试用CHKDSK命令修复磁盘;点开始—》运行—》输入cmd,回车—》再输入:chkdsk c:/f (修复C盘错误)再一个,就是拷贝出C盘要的资料;然后重装系统。。。



wireshark 在抓包时,出现tcp acked lost segment fail,求解决,感谢guru!


Adoption Agreement 是什么意思? 求除收养协议以外的解释。。。在一份贸易协议中出现的。。是供应商与买方


网关cisco路由器sh int fa0/0端口后显示的结果,请大家帮我分析下,为什么局域网丢包率比较高,谢谢



GUS(β-葡萄糖苷酸酶,Glucuronidase)是转基因植物研究中经常使用的报告基因之一,分子量约68kD Anti-Gus是指抗GUS蛋白的抗体

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces 打错命令怎么删除

参考一下C:Windowssystem32>netsh interface ipv4 delete /?The following commands are available:Commands in this context:delete address - Deletes an IP address or default gateway from the specified interface.delete arpcache - Flushes the ARP cache for one or all interfaces.delete destinationcache - Deletes the destination cache.delete dnsservers - Deletes the DNS server from the specified interface.delete neighbors - Flushes the ARP cache for one or all interfaces.delete route - Deletes a route.delete winsservers - Deletes the WINS server from the specified interface.

思科2950T 中 show interfaces Ethernet 命令是干嘛用的,我在模拟器里瞎鼓动没弄明白,望赐教


Internal error flushing the buffer in release()




请教Facelet was modified flushing component applied 错误

Facelet was modified flushing component applied修正了部分应用facelet冲洗Facelet was modified flushing component applied修正了部分应用facelet冲洗


代理CCNI船公司签单 大部分的提单签章下面都会有这句话AS AGENT FOR THE CARRIER 吧


4C完全没有道理. 2C问高级花色,开叫人2H表示有4张红心.2NT表示邀叫(暗示有4张黑桃,没有4张红心),请开叫人高限叫3NT.开叫人的确如此做了,叫牌应当到此结束.

VC里面Dlg类里面不可以调用GetDocument()函数吗?CCh1_1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument(); 这样说未定义,为什么

GetDocument()函数是获得CView的成员m_pDocument。CView对象被创建的当初,CDocument对象的地址被保存在m_pDocument。CTestDoc* CTTView::GetDocument() { return (CTestDoc*)m_pDocument;}Dlg类与 CView+CDocument 机制无关。

nt hash求解


佳能lbp6018l打印机能不能使用格之格 nt-cc925ct 硒鼓

可以的,这个牌子,这个型号的硒鼓适用机型包括CANON:LBP6018/6000/ HP: Laserjet P1102/P1102W Pro M1130/M1212NF,所以是适用这个型号的打印机的呢,它家的硒鼓质量还是不错的。



integrated audit是什么意思

integrated audit 综合审计


可打开ATF文件的软件: Molecular Devices GenePix Pro Software, Microsoft Excel 2013, Any text editor, Adobe Photoshop CC. 描述: 使用GenePix芯片分析软件的数据格式;使用纯文本,制表符分隔的格式,并包含记录,每一个或多个字段,可以互换使用GenePix软件,文本编辑器和电子表格程序,如Microsoft Excel 。 ATF的格式被用于其他GenePix文件格式,包括.GAL和.GPR文件。 注: Axon仪器的ATF格式的原始开发商,收购了分子器件,谁使用的ATF , GAL ,和GPR格式与他们GenePix软件。


产品型号: IPHONE 4S 16GB 黑色产品序列号(SN): C32H1ERHDTC0移动设备IMEI码: 013024000557954固件版本: 5.0.1销售地区: 中国购买日期: 2012年03月15保修截止: 2013年03月14运营商: 中国移动是否已经激活: 已激活最后激活日期: 2012年03月15是全新行货


不同 后者不发音

20分找量产大虾 SSS(鑫创) 芯片型号: SSS6691/NT2039 朗科优盘



NanTong Campus Clothings 南通校服(南通NT校园C衣服C,简称NTCC),呵呵我也就只是这么猜的!

谁能帮我把天正建筑CAD传到我邮箱里啊?我是十一天后就要用可是我都没接触过,我的 邮箱是:CCNTLQX@163.c


打开QQTT浏览器出现Tenccnt Traveler目前不是默认浏览器




浙江大学计算机CCNT实验室 要求高吗 有项目经验 分数要达到多少才可以进呢

  分数要求每年都不一样,但看重的不是成绩是面试的表现以及项目经验。  主要研究方向为:  服务科学与网格计算:具体括中间件技术、服务计算、云计算、语义网技术、网格计算、以及数据挖掘与知识发现等。  嵌入式系统与普适计算:具体包括嵌入式软硬件平台、智能感知与交互技术上下文感知计算、传感器网络技术、普适计算软件体系结构等。  智能计算及系统:具体包括视听觉信息处理、生物信息分析、自然计算、模式识别与机器学习等。  CCNT实验室,英文名AdvanCed Computing aNd SysTem Laboratory,是依托浙江大学计算机学院计算机系统结构研究所,致力于新一代计算技术与系统的研究与开发。实验室首席负责人为吴朝晖教授。


文化部网站- 文化部(www.ccnt.gov.cn) (一)拟订文化艺术方针政策,起草文化艺术法律法规草案。   (二)拟订文化艺术事业发展规划并组织实施,推进文化艺术领域的体制机制改革。   (三)指导、管理文学艺术事业,指导艺术创作与生产,推动各门类艺术的发展,管理全国性重大文化活动。   (四)推进文化艺术领域的公共文化服务,规划、引导公共文化产品生产,指导国家重点文化设施建设和基层文化设施建设。   (五)拟订文化艺术产业发展规划,指导、协调文化艺术产业发展,推进对外文化产业交流与合作。   (六)拟订非物质文化遗产保护规划,起草有关法规草案,组织实施非物质文化遗产保护和优秀民族文化的传承普及工作。   (七)指导、管理社会文化事业,指导图书馆、文化馆(站)事业和基层文化建设。   (八)拟订文化市场发展规划,指导文化市场综合执法工作,负责对文化艺术经营活动进行行业监管,指导对从事演艺活动民办机构的监管工作。   (九)负责文艺类产品网上传播的前置审批工作,负责对网吧等上网服务营业场所实行经营许可证管理,对网络游戏服务进行监管(不含网络游戏的网上出版前置审批)。   (十)拟订动漫、游戏产业发展规划并组织实施,指导协调动漫、游戏产业发展。   (十一)拟订文化科技发展规划并监督实施,推进文化科技信息建设。   (十二)指导、管理对外文化交流和对外文化宣传工作,组织拟订对外及对港澳台的文化交流政策,指导驻外使(领)馆及驻港澳文化机构的工作,代表国家签订中外文化合作协定,组织实施大型对外文化交流活动。






intestines 英[u026an"testu026anz]美[u026an"testu026anz]n. ( intestine的名词复数 ) 肠;全部释义>>[例句]What did we seeon the intestines?我们在肠道里看到了什么?gust 英[gu028cst] 美[ɡu028cst] n. 风味; 一阵狂风; 突发的一阵; (感情) 迸发; vi. (风) 猛刮; 全部释义>>[例句]Wait for a sec, I"ve gotta get a good gust here!!等一下我这里来了一阵好风!

Internet Download Manager怎么关联谷歌浏览器

其实有种通用的办法,不论是什么浏览器,搜索下flvcd的网站,把你要下载的视频的页面的地址复制粘贴到flvcd这个网站,点解析就出来下载地址了.也可以通过谷歌浏览器的扩展来下载有个软件叫Internet Download Manager,俗称IDM,它自带的视频嗅探可以在谷歌浏览器下使用,real最新版自带的视频嗅探也可以用,但是估计real player这个软件现在都没人安装了.这里还有个扩展,通过这个扩展可以下载在线视频,不过我个人没用过, 你自己试试吧 这还有一个比较好用的扩展, 用他下载不错有的人不愿意用扩展或插件,这样利用谷歌浏览器也能下载.这个方法只有在谷歌浏览器下有用:打开谷歌浏览器,打开你要下载的视频页面后,右击页面空白处,选择“审查元素”,然后点上面的network,刷新页面,这个时候network下面开始有东西,拉右侧的垂直滚动条到最下面,就会看到一个扩展名为flv的文件,点击它,右侧就有他的地址,复制到地址栏里就可以了。有关谷歌浏览器下载视频的扩展或者方法还是很多的,如果你觉得这些方法都不够好,可以登录chromi的网站搜索一下,有好多方法的.


intestine 和 gut都有肠的意思, 都可加 small 或 big 以指小肠或大肠. 但前者仅有这一个意思,可算是解剖学用语. 而后者还有很多意向和引申意. 如guts(复数)可指整个内脏, 而 the guts 很多时候都是指你的"胆量"的意思,像这句句子: Do you have the guts to challenge your teacher if you think he is wrong?(当你认为你的老师错了的时候,你有胆量当面指出吗?)求采纳


闲来无事,帮你看看。1、AC_AddExtension(src, ext)这个方法应该是针对url地址进行操作的,它用于截取地址中的“?”然后用ext详细指向一个具体的url路径。就像这样:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/417335448.html?push=category以问好分割,src = 前面的 ext = 后面的2、AC_Generateobj(objAttrs, params, embedAttrs) 这个方法是用于拼接标签使用的,你其实可以自己模拟一下,就跟组拼字符串一样,这里我随便模拟。<object 1 = objAttrs[1]> <param name="1" value="params[1]" /> <embed 1 = embedAttrs[1]></embed></object>3、AC_FL_RunContent()看看里面的内容,它调用了2个方法,然后看这个方法的名称,它的作用是启动组件,就相当于实现了某个功能一样。我觉得这个方法应该是用于 flw格式的文件进行操作。4、AC_SW_RunContent()这个方法同上,不过它应该是用于swf格式的文件进行操作的。5、AC_GetArgs(args, ext, srcParamName, classid, mimeType)最后的这个方法最长,但也最没意思。作用是根据传进去的参数(srcParamName)的不同,进行不同的操作,细节就不说了,比较简单自己看。

用quartus ii中的lpm_rom输入数据总线时显示inconsistent dimension for element“adress”




求法语大神 【Que nos rires ont berne?La mort et le temps】 愿我们的欢声笑语 嘲讽了死亡 愚弄了时光

?是e上面带有音符。对应拼音的e的二声。字面没有中文那么丰富,berner没有那么酸文人的翻译。而且 avoir berne 是现在完成时,表示过去已经发生的事。而“愿XXX”是祈使句才对

Valentin Spiess瓦伦廷 瑞士馆的主要设计者

瑞士iart interactive公司的CEO:Valentin Spiess (swissinfo.ch)


Bird ,Don"t fly away. 小鸟,请不要飞走。

哪位高手介绍一下指挥大师Gunter Wand---君特旺德。


求助:UBNT 无线网桥 无规律偶尔断线的原因?




关于UBNT网桥连接CMCC CCQ不稳定问题,有没有如何解决方法?




请高手看下我的ubnt无线网桥为什么速率不行 CCQ已经很高了 距离也不远 站天线用的是小栅格


those birds flyaway in winter

1.the 2.the 3. the 4.an The a 5.an 6.The the a 7.the the

ubnt 中的 CCQ 百分比多少算正常



bird ,bird, don"t fly away鸟儿,鸟儿,别飞离双语对照例句:1.Why don"t they fly away? 他们为什么不飞走?2.Why don"t you just fly away? 你为什么不飞走呢?



浙大中控dcs中的 FAR单词 什么意思,CCR是Center Control Room。

Field Auxiliary Room 现场机柜间

Frequent Flyer program是什么意思?

飞行常客奖励计划/飞行常客回馈计划(Frequent Flyer Program)

frequent-flyer miles什么意思?急~~~


pⅠant saⅠad Saturday rabbit中a发音相同吗

saturday的第一个a的发音和apple的a的发音是一样的,都是发[_]。Saturday[_s_t_de_],apple[__pl],发音的时候嘴巴要张大,发[_]。Let"s go out on Saturday night.我们星期六晚上出去吧。She crunched her apple noisily.她吃苹果发出嘎嚓嘎嚓的声音。

java 用 HttpClients 请求 url 返回状态码是 503 怎么处理

frequent flyer是什么意思


c++中类中有类student,可以student stu1,stu2;stu1=stu2吗?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Student //类使用class{public: int <a href="https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=num&tn=44039180_cpr&fenlei=mv6quAkxTZn0IZRqIHckPjm4nH00T1YYn1TvrHm1n1R1nhR3nhNB0ZwV5Hcvrjm3rH6sPfKWUMw85HfYnjn4nH6sgvPsT6KdThsqpZwYTjCEQLGCpyw9Uz4Bmy-bIi4WUvYETgN-TLwGUv3EPjcdrH6dP1bYnjcLn10zPjbz" target="_blank" class="baidu-highlight">num</a>; char name[20]; int age;}stu1 = {1, "lin", 14}, stu2 = {2, "wang", 12}; int main(){ Student *stu3 = new Student(); //使用new *stu3 = stu1; stu1 = stu2; stu2 = *stu3; delete(stu3); //使用delete cout<<"Stu1:"<<" "<<"姓名:"<<stu1.name<<" "<<"学号:"<<stu1.<a href="https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=num&tn=44039180_cpr&fenlei=mv6quAkxTZn0IZRqIHckPjm4nH00T1YYn1TvrHm1n1R1nhR3nhNB0ZwV5Hcvrjm3rH6sPfKWUMw85HfYnjn4nH6sgvPsT6KdThsqpZwYTjCEQLGCpyw9Uz4Bmy-bIi4WUvYETgN-TLwGUv3EPjcdrH6dP1bYnjcLn10zPjbz" target="_blank" class="baidu-highlight">num</a><<" "<<"年龄:"<<stu1.age<<endl; cout<<"Stu2:"<<" "<<"姓名:"<<stu2.name<<" "<<"学号:"<<stu2.<a href="https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=num&tn=44039180_cpr&fenlei=mv6quAkxTZn0IZRqIHckPjm4nH00T1YYn1TvrHm1n1R1nhR3nhNB0ZwV5Hcvrjm3rH6sPfKWUMw85HfYnjn4nH6sgvPsT6KdThsqpZwYTjCEQLGCpyw9Uz4Bmy-bIi4WUvYETgN-TLwGUv3EPjcdrH6dP1bYnjcLn10zPjbz" target="_blank" class="baidu-highlight">num</a><<" "<<"年龄:"<<stu2.age<<endl; return 0;}

update frequent flyer 什么意思


python3.6程序运行出错,下面是提示 Traceback (most recent call last):

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《Jane and the Unpleasantness》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor》(Stephanie Barron)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aX1yifAKjxulTOGhYKe4wA 提取码: 9b6i书名:Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor作者:Stephanie Barron出版社:Crimeline出版年份:1996-12-01页数:352内容简介:For everyone who loves Jane Austen...a marvelously entertaining new series that turns the incomparable author into an extraordinary sleuth!On a visit to the estate of her friend, the young and beautiful Isobel Payne, Countess of Scargrave, Jane bears witness to a tragedy. Isobel"s husband--agentleman of mature years--is felled by a mysterious and agonizing ailment. The Earl"s death seems a cruel blow of fate for the newly married Isobel. Yet thebereaved widow soon finds that it"s only the beginning of her misfortune...as she receives a sinister missive accusing her and the Earl"s nephew of adultery--and murder. Desperately afraid that the letter will expose her to the worst sort of scandal, Isobel begs Jane for help. And Jane finds herself embroiled in a perilous investigation that will soon have her following a trail of clues that leads all the way to Newgate Prison and the House of Lords--atrail that may well place Jane"s own person in the gravest jeopardy.


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以 about the Internet为题的作文

可以以development of internet为题,也可以the adventages and disadventages of internet为题以development of internet为题的就可以按照时间顺序介绍一下网络的发展史以及目前的应用程度,写之前先在网上查一下资料。以adventages and disadventages为题的可以写:Adventages:1, conviences to daily life (eg, shopping online, email sending,MSN, ect.)2, cinviences to education (eg, online studies, acdamic discussion online)3, reinforce the development of technology (eg, communication with specialists in world wide range)4, make the globalisation possible Disadventages:1, new technical crimes occur online2, makes people be more and more dependent on internet3, i new style of wasting time (for people who just surfing internet but dont do anything else)

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the advantage and disadvantages of using telephon

请问您是什么英语作文,要写多少字,我好帮你写The advent of mobiles phones has changed the way to communicate among people. There are some advantages and disadvantages of using phones, but from my point of view, I believe that both individuals and the society can benefit more from cell phones.On the one hand, there are some benefits of using phones. Modern people now are in a position to communicate with friends and members of family via cell phones regardless of some unfavoured factors such bad weather and long distance. The feelings of isolation and loneliness would no longer exist as people even live in remote places of a country can contact with others. Portable phones can be extremely useful and helpful in some emergency situations, such as car accidents and natural disasters. Each years, thousands of lives are saved by making a phone call for helps. Besides, the widespread use of phones also contributes to national economic growth. It not only promotes national and international communication and cooperation among businesses, but also creates many job opportunities. For example, compacommercial nies can negotiate a contract over the phones, which saving emnorous time spent on travelling on the road.On the other hand, the use of phone is not always benficial for everyone. the popularity of using mobile phones increased signficantly over the past few decades, leading to several social problems. Firstly, over-reliance of cell phones means that face-to-face interactions with people are no longer an essential part of daily communication, creating a virtual relationship which is not reliable. Secondly, the development of telecommunication is also responsible for the reduced closeness of family relationships among members. An increasing number of people choose to contact with their parents on featival days via phones, instead of visiting them in person.In conclusion, mobile phones provide individuals and groups with a chance to communicate much easily. Everyone can certainly benefit from the use of phones. However, it is also detrimental to interpersonal relationships if phone users over rely on this technology.

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Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an advent?

小题1:B 小题2:C 小题3:D 小题4:A ,2,Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure(奇遇)?Riding the train can be a real adventure.That is how I feel every time I take Amtrak.I often take a four--hour trip to visit my children.Every time I take this trip I never know what will happen. Last week when I was on the train and over an hour into the train ride,there was a man sitting by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation-in another language.It was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train.I think it was annoying. Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a two--day trip by train.She said her two daughters were distraugh t at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home,although she had no trouble driving.The train ride was the only choice for her.She loved to look out of the window and watch the world go by on the train. She was fun to talk to and asked me when my children started being parents.That is a very good question.Both of us are old and have children.She asked that same question from time to time. There are always many people on the train from all walks of life,different countries,and many languages.Riding the train is a great way to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds of cultures.If you get hungry,you can buy food in the food car at any time.If you need to use the restroom there is always one available. It sure beats driving the car,which has to stop for food and restrooms.And it is better than taking the bus. 小题1:According to the passage,the purpose of the author"s train ride was    . A.to do business B.to see her children C.to visit places of interest D.to see her old friends 小题2:Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “distraught” in Paragraph 3? A.Disappointed. B.Satisfied. C.Worried. D.Pleased. 小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the author? A.She is too old to drive now. B.She does not like to take trains. C.Although she is old,she has a good memory. D.Her daughters live far away from her home. 小题4:What is the best title for this passage? A.Train ride-a cultural experience B.A painful experience on the train C.The history of Amtrak D.A wonderful lady

The Advent的《Runners》 歌词

歌曲名:Runners歌手:The Advent专辑:New BeginningRunner爆风スランプ -作词:サンブラザ中野作曲:Newファンキー末吉雨を避けた口ッ力ールームで君はすこしうつむいてもう戻れはしないだろうといったね瞳の中风を宿した悲しいほど诚実な君に何をいえばよかったのだろうかげりのない少年の季节はすぎさってく风はいつも强く吹いている走る走る俺たち流れる汗もそのままにいつかたどり着いたら君にうちあけられるどろグランドに忍び込んで芝生の上寝転んで星の数をかぞえて眠ったあの顷かかえきれぬ思いを胸に君は軽くほほえんでふり帰らずこの部屋を出て行くのか饰りのない少年の心は切りさかれて梦はいつも远くみえてた走る走る俺たち流れる汗もそのままにいつかたどり着いたら君にうちあけられるどろたとえ今は小さく弱い太阳だとしても言叶もない俺たちひどく热かった日の夕だちかげりのない少年の季节はすぎってく风はいつも强く吹いてる走る走る俺たち流れる汗もそのままにいつかたどり着いたら君にうちあけられるどろたとえ今は小さく弱い太阳だとしても言叶もない俺たちひどく热かった日の夕だち走る走る俺たち流れる汗もそのままにいつかたどり着いたら君にうちあけられるどろたとえ今は小さく弱い太阳だとしても言叶もない俺たちひどく热かった日の夕だちCreated by 山下林瞳http://music.baidu.com/song/7680513

The Advent的《Testing》 歌词

歌曲名:Testing歌手:The Advent专辑:New BeginningTesting 1,2,3Maybe it would be funTo get a new opinionGet a little work doneMaybe it would be coolIf I rocked it old schoolTry to break a gold ruleAnd a sweatBetter than the first timeBetter than the worst timeIf I could just reverse timeI"d be setTesting 1,2,3Can anybody hear me?If I shed the ironyWould anybody cheer me?If I acted less like meWould I be in the clear?She got a new apartmentIt"s out on the escarpmentAnd in her glove compartmentAre my songsShe hasn"t even heard themSince she found out what the words meantShe decided she preferred themAll wrongKind of like the last timeWith a bunch of really fast rhymesIf we"re living in the past I"mSoon goneTesting 1,2,3Can anybody hear me?If I shed the ironyWould anybody cheer me?If I acted less like meWould I be in the clear?We recognize the presentIs half as pleasantAs our nostalgia forThe past"ll be presentedRecast and reinventedUntil it"s how we meant itTesting 1,2,3Can anybody hear me?If I shed the ironyWould anybody cheer me?If I acted less like meWould I be in the clear?He"s everything that you needYou wiped out on your ten speedAnd either he will succeedOr just suckTesting 1,2,3Can anybody hear me?If I shed the ironyWould anybody cheer me?If I acted less like meWould I be in the clear?Testing 1,2,3Can anybody hear me?If I shed the ironyWould anybody cheer me?If I acted less like meWould I be in the clear?Testing 1,2,3Testing 1,2,3http://music.baidu.com/song/7680515



Advent的《Reflection》 歌词

歌曲名:Reflection歌手:Advent专辑:Remove The EarthReflection (Pop Version)Look at meYou may think you seewho I really amBut you"ll never know meEvery dayIt"s as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot foolmy heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?I am now in a worldwhere I have tohide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldwhat"s inside my heartAnd be loved for who I amWho is that girl I seestaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionsomeone I don"t know?Must I pretend that I"msomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?There"s a heart that mustbe free to flyThat burns with a needto know the reason whyWhy must we all concealWhat we thinkHow we feel?Must there be a secret meI"m forced to hide?I won"t pretend that I"msomeone elseFor all timeWhen will my reflection showwho I am inside?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?http://music.baidu.com/song/2782883

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