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tom sawyer paints the fence 课文原文

SATURDAY morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. There was a song in every heart; and if the heart was young the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air. Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with vegetation and it lay just far enough away to seem a Delectable Land, dreamy, reposeful, and inviting. Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a tree-box discouraged. Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail, and singing ~Buffalo Gals. Bringing water from the town pump had always been hateful work in Tom"s eyes, before, but now it did not strike him so. He remembered that there was company at the pump. White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. And he remembered that although the pump was only a hundred and fifty yards off, Jim never got back with a bucket of water under an hour -- and even then somebody generally had to go after him. Tom said: "Say, Jim, I"ll fetch the water if you"ll whitewash some." Jim shook his head and said: "Can"t, Mars Tom. Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an" git dis water an" not stop foolin" roun" wid anybody. She say she spec" Mars Tom gwine to ax me to whitewash, an" so she tole me go "long an" "tend to my own business -- she "lowed she"d "tend to de whitewashin"." "Oh, never you mind what she said, Jim. That"s the way she always talks. Gimme the bucket -- I won"t be gone only a a minute. SHE won"t ever know." "Oh, I dasn"t, Mars Tom. Ole missis she"d take an" tar de head off"n me. "Deed she would." "She! She never licks anybody -- whacks "em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I"d like to know. She talks awful, but talk don"t hurt -- anyways it don"t if she don"t cry. Jim, I"ll give you a marvel. I"ll give you a white alley!" Jim began to waver. "White alley, Jim! And it"s a bully taw." "My! Dat"s a mighty gay marvel, I tell you! But Mars Tom I"s powerful "fraid ole missis --" "And besides, if you will I"ll show you my sore toe." Jim was only human -- this attraction was too much for him. He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound. In another moment he was flying down the street with his pail and a tingling rear, Tom was whitewashing with vigor, and Aunt Polly was retiring from the field with a slipper in her hand and triumph in her eye. But Tom"s energy did not last. He began to think of the fun he had planned for this day, and his sorrows multiplied. Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work -- the very thought of it burnt him like fire. He got out his worldly wealth and examined it -- bits of toys, marbles, and trash; enough to buy an exchange of WORK, maybe, but not half enough to buy so much as half an hour of pure freedom. So he returned his straitened means to his pocket, and gave up the idea of trying to buy the boys. At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him! Nothing less than a great, magnificent inspiration. He took up his brush and went tranquilly to work. Ben Rogers hove in sight presently -- the very boy, of all boys, whose ridicule he had been dreading. Ben"s gait was the hop-skip-and-jump -- proof enough that his heart was light and his anticipations high. He was eating an apple, and giving a long, melodious whoop, at intervals, followed by a deep-toned ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong, for he was personating a steamboat. As he drew near, he slackened speed, took the middle of the street, leaned far over to star-board and rounded to ponderously and with laborious pomp and circumstance -- for he was personating the Big missouri, and considered himself to be drawing nine feet of water. He was boat and captain and engine-bells combined, so he had to imagine himself standing on his own hurricane-deck giving the orders and executing them: "Stop her, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!" The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward the sidewalk. "Ship up to back! Ting-a-ling-ling!" His arms straightened and stiffened down his sides. "Set her back on the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow! ch-chow-wow! Chow!" His right hand, meantime, describing stately circles -- for it was representing a forty-foot wheel. "Let her go back on the labboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ch-chow-chow!" The left hand began to describe circles. "Stop the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Stop the labboard! Come ahead on the stabboard! Stop her! Let your outside turn over slow! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ow-ow! Get out that head-line! lively now! Come -- out with your spring-line -- what"re you about there! Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now -- let her go! Done with the engines, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!" "Sh"t! s"h"t! sh"t!" (trying the gauge-cocks). Tom went on whitewashing -- paid no attention to the steamboat. Ben stared a moment and then said: "Hi-Yi! you"re up a stump, ain"t you!" No answer. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before. Ben ranged up alongside of him. Tom"s mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work. Ben said: "Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?" Tom wheeled suddenly and said: "Why, it"s you, Ben! I warn"t noticing." "Say -- I"m going in a-swimming, I am. Don"t you wish you could? But of course you"d druther work -- wouldn"t you? Course you would!" Tom contemplated the boy a bit, and said: "What do you call work?" "Why, ain"t that work?" Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly: "Well, maybe it is, and maybe it ain"t. All I know, is, it suits Tom Sawyer." "Oh come, now, you don"t mean to let on that you like it?" The brush continued to move. "Like it? Well, I don"t see why I oughtn"t to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?" That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped nibbling his apple. Tom swept his brush daintily back and forth -- stepped back to note the effect -- added a touch here and there -- criticised the effect again -- Ben watching every move and getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed. Presently he said: "Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little." Tom considered, was about to consent; but he altered his mind: "No -- no -- I reckon it wouldn"t hardly do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly"s awful particular about this fence -- right here on the street, you know -- but if it was the back fence I wouldn"t mind and she wouldn"t. Yes, she"s awful particular about this fence; it"s got to be done very careful; I reckon there ain"t one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it"s got to be done." "No -- is that so? Oh come, now -- lemme just try. Only just a little -- I"d let you, if you was me, Tom." "Ben, I"d like to, honest injun; but Aunt Polly -- well, Jim wanted to do it, but she wouldn"t let him; Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn"t let Sid. Now don"t you see how I"m fixed? If you was to tackle this fence and anything was to happen to it --" "Oh, shucks, I"ll be just as careful. Now lemme try. Say -- I"ll give you the core of my apple." "Well, here -- No, Ben, now don"t. I"m afeard --" "I"ll give you all of it!" Tom gave up the brush with reluctance in his face, but alacrity in his heart. And while the late steamer Big Missouri worked and sweated in the sun, the retired artist sat on a barrel in the shade close by, dangled his legs, munched his apple, and planned the slaughter of more innocents. There was no lack of material; boys happened along every little while; they came to jeer, but remained to whitewash. By the time Ben was fagged out, Tom had traded the next chance to Billy Fisher for a kite, in good repair; and when he played out, Johnny Miller bought in for a dead rat and a string to swing it with -- and so on, and so on, hour after hour. And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was literally rolling in wealth. He had besides the things before mentioned, twelve marbles, part of a jews-harp, a piece of blue bottle-glass to look through, a spool cannon, a key that wouldn"t unlock anything, a fragment of chalk, a glass stopper of a decanter, a tin soldier, a couple of tadpoles, six fire-crackers, a kitten with only one eye, a brass doorknob, a dog-collar -- but no dog -- the handle of a knife, four pieces of orange-peel, and a dilapidated old window sash. He had had a nice, good, idle time all the while -- plenty of company -- and the fence had three coats of whitewash on it! If he hadn"t run out of whitewash he would have bankrupted every boy in the village.


这里是指门连通了栅栏的两边. across [简明英汉词典] [E5krCs] adv.横过,交叉地,在对面 prep.越过,交叉,在...的那边,在...对面那边

tom sawyer paints the fence翻译

乔伊斯要鼓励学生多阅读有名的著作。 所以,在她的报纸, 这从她印制了一本书叫做汤姆索亚历险记有趣的故事 由Mark Twain.Tom索耶油漆篱笆星期六上午来到 和一切美好和新鲜。 每一个城市男孩很高兴,但汤姆索亚。 汤姆站在与白色涂料桶人行道 和一个带长柄刷子在他手中 他看着栅栏,他的姨妈告诉他画,感觉很沮丧 这是三〇码三码长高! 他在下降,他的画笔描绘了围栏角落。 然后,他站在一边看着它的。 这是画的部分是如此之小, 和粉刷一节是如此之大! 他坐在树荫下到休息。 他开始考虑所有的规定,他的一天安排了一些游戏。 不久,男孩谁是自由会前来,并取笑他。 但就在这时,他有一个好主意。 他拿起画笔,回去工作。 本罗杰斯来到路上,哼着歌谣和执行一个苹果 他停下来,看着汤姆。 汤姆继续画,而忽视本。"我会游泳," 本说。"你想去游泳,汤姆?不过,我想你不能。 你必须要保持和工作,是不是?"汤姆就画了。 "工作?"他说。"这不是work.I"米享受自己。 一个男孩是否有机会来画这样每天篱笆?" 本想过this.Tom画上了,小心。 有时候,他停下来,站在一边看的围栏, 然后将在适当的地点就一点油漆 本看着汤姆的一举一动 他越来越interested.After一会儿 他说,"汤姆,你让我做一些画?" 汤姆想过这个问题,并说,"不行,本,我不能。你看, 波莉姨妈希望大家要使用得当。 我是唯一一个谁可以做是正确的。"哦,请你,汤姆," 求本。"我能做it.I"当地雇员必须非常谨慎,就让我来试试。 我给你我的apple.I"半,我给你它所有! 那么,所有的权利,本,"汤姆说。"但是你必须小心。 他给本脸上的喜悦,但在他心里担心他的画笔 他又坐到树下,开始吃苹果 这本给了him.All一天, 男孩来开玩笑,但他们最终留画。 当本累了,比利费舍尔等待。 他给汤姆一个机会来绘制风筝。 然后,约翰尼米勒给他12大理石等。 到下午晚些时候汤姆获得了各种玩具, 和栅栏已经获得了3油漆涂层 后来波莉姨妈来看看汤姆的工作。 她非常高兴看到她的画围栏,她给汤姆一个大蛋糕!



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Plant a Flower为题写一篇英语作文

Growing flowers from seeds is a fun and economic way to transform your garden into a personal haven.Here"s how to turn that garden dream into reality.Choose high-quality flower seeds.Seeds purchased from an established seed company will produce healthier flowers.After the garden beds are completely thawed,rake a smooth soil surface for your flower seeds.Add compost and organic supplements to your flower beds and dig them in to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.Water the flower bed thoroughly and allow it to drain for at least 24 hours.Press seeds gently into the soil with the back of your spade.Make sure the covering soil is fine and porous enough for young seedlings to push through.Soak your flower seeds into the prepared soil completely.Your first watering should be done carefully to avoid disturbing seed placement.Standing water will rot your seeds.Once your seeds have sprouted,begin watering your flower sprouts with a fine hose spray.

Cliff Richard - 21st Century Christmas 歌词翻译

The satellite"s trackin" Santa 卫星正跟踪圣诞老人We text our Christmas list 我们写下圣诞订单And leave our mobile numbers 并留下我们的手机号码To help out ole" Saint Nick. 来帮助油滑的(或者是油腻的?这个词我查不到)圣尼克Sometimes we stop and wonder 有时我们停下脚步并感叹Has that ole" bubble burst? 那个油泡泡(可能是指圣诞老人)已经爆炸了吗?Or will this Christmas morning be like the first? 或者这个圣诞节的早晨会像最初的圣诞节(就是像一直以来的意思)那样?But tonight we still thank Bethlehem 但今晚我们仍旧感谢伯利恒(耶路撒泠南方六英里一市镇,耶稣诞生地)And bless the Lord for love again 并再次为了爱祝福上帝Bring peace on earth goodwill to men 为人类带给地球和平与友爱It"s the future not the past 未来,而不是过去Lets have a: 让我们有一个:First night 最初的夜晚Star bright 星星闪耀Child of light 光之圣子So right 如此公正21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞Magic morn 美妙清晨Tree adorn 装饰的树Child is born 圣子降临Safe and warm 平安且温暖21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞We"ll microwave some popcorn我们会做一些爆米花 Put on a DVD 播放影碟Fax Tiny Tim a thank you 传真给小提姆一句谢谢For blessing you and me 为了祝福你我Sometimes we watch and wonder 有时我们注视并感叹Has Christmas lost its touch? 圣诞节是不是已失去它的意义?Can a world beyond the money 有没有一个世界能超越金钱Be worth that much? 比那更加有价值?(就是世界能否变成一个不需要金钱的更加有价值的世界?的意思)And tonight as we thank Bethlehem今晚如同我们感谢伯利恒那样And bless the Lord for love again 再次为了爱祝福上帝Bring peace on earth, goodwill to men 为人类带给地球和平与友爱The future is the past 未来即是过去We"ll have a: 我们会有一个:First night 最初的夜晚Star bright 星星闪耀Child of light 光之圣子So right 如此公正21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞We got a: 我们得到一个:Magic morn 美妙清晨Tree adorn 装饰的树Child is born 圣子降临Safe and warm 平安且温暖21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞Yeah….yeah….oh…oh…… 耶...耶...哦...哦...The satellite"s trackin" Santa 卫星正跟踪圣诞老人He"s got our Christmas list 他拿走了我们的圣诞订单We left our mobile numbers To help out ole" Saint Nick我们留下手机号码来帮助油滑的圣尼克Sometimes we stop and wonder, 有时我们停下脚步并感叹Has that ole" bubble burst? 那个油泡泡已经爆炸了吗?Or will this Christmas morning be like the first? 或者这个圣诞节的早晨会像最初的圣诞节那样?But tonight as we thank Bethlehem 但今晚我们仍旧感谢伯利恒And bless the Lord for love again 并再次为了爱祝福上帝Bring peace on earth goodwill to men 为人类带给地球和平与友爱The future is the past 未来即是过去Bring on a: 引导一个:First night 最初的夜晚Star bright 星星闪耀Child of light光之圣子 So right 如此公正21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞We got a: 我们得到一个:Magic morn 美妙清晨Tree adorn 装饰的树Child is born 圣子降临Safe and warm 平安且温暖21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞Wait for snow 等待雪花Mistletoe Eyes aglow 槲寄生之眼(果实)火红Ho, ho, ho, ho… 哦,哦,哦,哦Special wish 特别祈祷Writing list 写下(圣诞节)订单Hug and kiss 拥抱亲吻All of this 所有一切21st century Christmas 21世纪的圣诞The satellite"s trackin" Santa 卫星正跟踪圣诞老人Got him for you and me 为你我拥有他(应该是把圣诞老人带到你我面前的意思)I hope his flight is right on time 我希望他的飞行非常准时He"s got my Christmas tree 他已经拿到了我的圣诞树The microwave"s (full) of popcorn 微波炉已经塞满爆米花Put on a DVD 放上影碟And pray for peace on earth tonight 今夜为地球祈祷和平It"s all we really need 这就是我们真正期望的全部It"s all we really need 这就是我们真正期望的全部It"s all we really need 这就是我们真正期望的全部It"s all we really need 这就是我们真正期望的全部It"s all we really need 这就是我们真正期望的全部It"s all we really need…fade... 这就是我们真正期望的全部...淡出(声音减弱)...自己翻的,好累啊~歌词里有一些很口语的东西很难翻,不过大致意思就是这样啦~

Which are the contribution Audrey Hepburn made as a UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill?

Which are the contribution Audrey Hepburn made as a UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill? A.She spent a lot of time traveling to help those in need.B.She urged people to care for those in need and led by example.C.She talked about her suffering and her struggle.D.She combined the role of a mother and a UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill.正确答案:She spent a lot of time traveling to help those in need.;She urged people to care for those in need and led by example.

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revaluation要放在capital account?

更新1: 谢谢阁下回答, 但是goodwill不会成日做亦不和profit and loss appropriation无关, 都可以放在current account 为什么revaluation不可以的? 更新2: chisinsn: 谢谢阁下回答。 只是有时候,HKCEE和HKAAT叫考生搞goodwill adjustment 的时候,会讲明parnter"s capital account were kept fixed. All adjustments were to be made in their current accounts. 但是做revaluation 就好像从未见这过statement. 如果按上面的推论 是不是说revaluation都可以放在current account? 其实revaluation在现实是不会成日做的 通常只会在每个财政年度尾做 或者出现收购 股东加入等情况先会做. 除非该fixed assets的fair value系非常浮动 先会常常调整. 答返你的问题 revaluation是一定放在Capital做的. 先解释清楚少少关于Capital同Current的分别 咁就会明 Capital系指资本 系shareholders俾出来的钱 但其实好多时系隐含埋profit sharing ratio (若题目指明除外) 例如Capital - A $7 000 B $5 000 C $3 000 如题目冇讲明 咁佢地的sharing ratio = 7 : 5 : 3 而Current系指往来帐 虽然佢最后都会同Capital加埋 但性质唔同 只有一d不影响股东权益或分钱比例的收入和支出才会入Current 例如salary drawings interest on capital等等. 因Revaluation系对公司的资产重新估值 直接影响到股东权益 所以应该直接入capital以反映gain or loss on revaluation *你补充的问题说goodwill可以放在current account Goodwill应该同上面一样 放在capital account. 要增加或减少一间公司的Goodwill(商誉) 都是影响左股东权益同分钱比例 所以是应该在Capital做的 而非Current. 2009-11-07 22:00:49 补充: 如果题目讲明要Keep it fixed goodwill唯有入Current 因为答题目来说 题目的指示始终系最大 就一定要跟. 我只讲一般情况下 或题目冇指明 goodwill adjustment应该在Capital度反映. 2009-11-07 22:01:13 补充: 对 因为revaluation其实是一个account将所有要重估的资产group一次过做 其实原来系可以逐个资产计 之后逐个Dr./Cr.去Capital Account. 而点解要做重估 系因为觉得公司现在的资产价值已经唔update 所以要揾个最update的价值. current account其实只系由Capital衍生出来的 用途系想分散一d常务收入或开支 例如salary drawings等等 等原来的Capital唔驶咁浮动 2009-11-07 22:01:20 补充: 因此 revaluation一定是入大D果个Capital 而非一个衍生Account. 而loss or gain on revaluation并不是常务收入或开支 只是对公司资产估值的反映 因此要入capital. 希望咁样解释会帮到你^^ 参考: CE+AL+大学主修会计. Revaluation不会成日做 只会当有change in partnership的时候才会出现 根据accounting的规则 revaluation realization的profit/ loss都是放在capital account 而current account则负责记录profit and loss appropriation的项目 参考: CE AL Principles of Account



商誉减值Impairment charge of goodwill是什么意思?

Impairment charge of goodwill的中文翻译Impairment charge of goodwill 商誉减值费用


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EfficientGrip是什么牌子的轮胎1. 简介EfficientGrip是由Goodyear公司推出的高性能轮胎系列,目标是提供更加舒适、安全和节能的驾驶体验。这一系列轮胎采用先进的技术和材料,可以提供更好的耐久性、降低滚动阻力,从而降低燃油消耗和排放量。2. 技术特点EfficientGrip系列轮胎的技术特点包括:- ActiveBraking技术,可以缩短制动距离2米;- FuelSaving技术,可以降低燃油消耗,降低排放量;- WetBraking技术,可以提供更好的湿地刹车性能;- 3S扩展板技术,可以提供更好的操控和耐用性;- SoundComfort技术,可以减少路噪声,提供更加舒适的驾驶体验。3. 适用车型EfficientGrip系列轮胎适用于各种轿车、SUV、跑车等车型,并且适用于多种路况。无论是日常城市使用还是长途旅行,EfficientGrip系列轮胎都可以提供出色的性能和安全保障。4. 优缺点EfficientGrip系列轮胎的优点包括:- 提供更好的安全性和舒适性;- 耐用性更强,减少更换轮胎的频率;- 降低燃油消耗和排放量,节约成本;- 操控性更好,提供更加平稳的驾驶体验。EfficientGrip系列轮胎的缺点包括:- 相对比较昂贵,价格较高;- 某些车型可能需要特定的尺寸,选择范围有限;- 在某些极端路况下,性能可能无法完全发挥。5. 维护保养为了保证EfficientGrip系列轮胎的正常使用寿命和性能,需要做好以下维护保养工作:- 定期检查轮胎胎压和轮胎磨损程度,及时进行调整或更换;- 避免长时间停车或高速行驶,以免轮胎变形;- 避免过多挖坑石、乱石路等路况,以免轮胎被切割或损坏;- 避免急加速、急刹车、急转弯等操作,以免轮胎磨损加剧。6. 轮胎价格EfficientGrip系列轮胎的价格因车型和尺寸的不同而有所不同。以Goodyear官网上的价格为例,EfficientGrip Performance系列轮胎的价格从1220元/个起,EfficientGrip Cargo系列轮胎的价格从819元/个起。7. 总结EfficientGrip是由Goodyear公司推出的高性能轮胎系列,具有先进的技术和优异的性能,可以提供更加舒适、安全和节能的驾驶体验。它适用于多种车型和路况,具有较好的耐久性、操控性和环保性能。但是价格相对较高,需要注意维护保养,还需结合具体的车型和行驶情况选择。



Seller contracted to deliver 1,000 barrels of oil to Buyer for $14,000. When the oil arrived, 97



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xcode 编写程序 图中划线的语录怎么从左侧的拉出来(按住control拉倒右边划线位置)我不会

在Xcode 6中有许多快捷键的设定可以使得你的编程工作更为高效,对于在代码文件中快速导航、定位Bug以及新增应用特性都是极有效的。当然,你戳进这篇文章的目的也在于想要快速的对代码文件进行操作,或者是让Xcode的各面板更为适应你小本子的屏幕。在Xcode 6所有快捷键中下列这些是首当其冲应当学习的。在你学习到如何使用之后,也许就再也离不开它们了。Xcode导航快捷键1.工程导航器:Command+1快速浏览代码、图片以及用户界面文件。2.显示/隐藏导航器面板:Command+0当你在对屏幕进行截图的时候可能会想要隐藏起与你感兴趣内容的无关的部分。假如你想要使用辅助编辑器或者想要设计用户界面并将其连接到代码的时候,这个快捷键会相当有用。3.显示/隐藏实用工具面板:Command+Option+0实用工具面板主要用于编辑用户界面文件时,在你只考虑写代码的时候,就可以隐藏它。4.在辅助编辑器中打开文件:在项目导航器中选中文件执行Option+左键点击操作。一个快速打开Assistant Editor的方式--只需要按住Option键并点击你想要在当前编辑框右边打开的文件即可。Xcode搜索快捷键当你在敲代码的时候,突然想加个什么功能,或者想修改个什么Bug,当然最快的方法就是用查找啦。无需用滚轮穿越百行代码,只需要使用查找,就可以直接跳到特定的代码段。5.搜索导航器(Find Navigator,也就是搜索):Command+Shift+F使用项目搜索可以找到某个变量或方法名的被提到的次数。可以依据实例来匹配,并可忽略大小写字母。另外还可以对查找的变量名进行替换。6.文件跳转栏:Control+6(键入方法/变量名+Enter跳转)跳转至当前代码文件中的代码行。如果文件中有上千行代码,你可以通过该快捷操作来缩小查找范围,从而在需要的地方插入代码以添加新的功能。7.快速打开: Command + Shift + O喜欢使用键盘但不喜欢使用鼠标的人会大爱这个快捷方式,可以直接跳转到某个方法定义或者指定的代码文件。8.跳转栏和快速打开搜索输入快捷键键入第一个字母即可快速切换至某个文件或者找到特定的代码行。比如,在ViewController.Swift文件中,按下Command + Shift + O,然后键入vDL,最先展示的结果是带有viewDidLoad()名的函数。键入首字母,以较少输入搜索更多。9. 程序中(Objective-C或C++编写).h and .m文件间的快速切换: Control + Command + Up Arrow如果你用Objective-C和C++编写程序,或者使用其他语言编写的开源代码,那你可能需要查找现有的代码。你可以使用“Control + Command + Up Arrow”组合键操作在两个相关的文件间快速切换,比如Objective-C中的头文件和实现文件。假如你使用Swift编写代码,这就有点不合适了,因为Swift使用单一代码文件。应用程序编译和清理在体验新应用之前你必须先运行它,不过有时候Xcode会不大给力,不能很好地运行你的项目,这时候你就需要清除不能运行的项目。以下快捷键可帮你在代码编写过程中尽可能少地使用鼠标。10.运行app: Command + R在编写代码的过程中,我通常会使用该快捷键来自由运行应用程序。尽可能地测试应用程序,这样你可以在早期找到并修复应用中的bug。11.清除工程: Command + Shift + K或许有那么一次Xcode运行出现问题,或者应用无法响应,或者出现了意料之外的情况,你首先会想要清除工程并再次运行它。如果这样都还不能解决问题,好吧,关掉Xcode,重新打开。倘若应用程序无法运行,先看看有没有错误信息提示,你可以发挥作为“Googler”的优势来获得帮助。不过这种做法不易太过频繁,它会降低程序的开发速度。它将移除所有的中间文件,而再造这些文件还要花费时间。当运行失败时清除Xcode工程12.构建应用程序: Command + B检查所写代码以确保其正常工作是你经常要做的事情,编译app工程可让你在编写下一个特性之前确定其是否正常工作。即便Xcode在代码编写后会很快进行检查,但也有所延迟,或者给出一些不恰当的错误提示。你无需总是运行应用程序,假如仅仅做一些小的改变,那么编译工作可帮你做一个快速检查,这样可以返回添加下一行代码。编译代码以确保应用程序不存在任何错误问题文档和帮助在学习过程中,自助学习非常重要,对于没有浏览过Xcode文档帮助的开发者来说,这些快捷键可帮忙查看相关的代码参考,更好地理解苹果提供的代码,从而开发出性能更健壮的app。13.文档和参考: Command + Shift + 0 (Zero)使用Xcode在后台安装文档,并支持离线搜索查看,非常适合外出办公。打开文档和参考,并键入代码中的某个关键字,Xcode文档还提供了一些额外的资源和示例工程。通过Documentation and Reference指南了解如何使用代码14. 快速帮助: 在类或者方法名上执行Option + Left-click操作内联帮助可帮开发者快速学习类或代码片段的用法。在变量、类、或者方法名上执行Option + Left-click操作来获得更多细节信息。假使你点击了弹出视图底部的参考链接,那么就可以方便地跳转到Xcode提供的文档中。你还可以在变量、类或者方法名上执行Option+双击名称操作,从而更方便地跳转至文档。编写代码时获得快速帮助其他快捷键:“最近偏爱Command + Shift + J快捷操作,可展示当前你在工程导航器中打开的文件。我最近在大型代码库上花了不少日子,这个组合键可以快速地在代码库中跳转”— weendex“我超爱CTRL + 1,该快捷键可打开"Show Related Items‘弹出菜单"。倘若你已经将光标放在了任何方法中,并点击‘CTRL + 1 "就可以很方便地通过弹出的视图访问该方法的所有调用者和被调用者。我经常浏览方法的调用者从而了解如何使用该方法。”— skoll“Cmd + . 方便地暂停运行iOS模拟器”— weendex“我经常使用本文中没有提及的一个快捷操作,在文件上执行‘Command + Option + Shift + Left-click"操作,该组合键可展示一个小尺寸的弹出视图,你可以查看你想要打开它的地方,比如辅助编辑器、标签或者窗口等。” — Cheezybob





The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ~ J.M. Barrie

就在你迟疑能否飞翔的时刻,你已完全丧失了前进的可能。 J.M. Barrie 詹姆斯·巴里,英国小说家、剧作家。

It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main barriers teenagers and their

It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main barriers teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.至关重要的是,你开始听因为的一个主要障碍青少年和他们的父母在形成积极的人际关系,既不听。

Seventh Day Slumber的《Matthew 25》 歌词

歌曲名:Matthew 25歌手:Seventh Day Slumber专辑:A Decade Of HopeThe Mountain Goats - Matthew 25:21They hook you upTo a fentanyl dripTo mitigate the pain a little bitI flew inFrom PennsylvaniaWhen I heard the hour was coming fastAnd I docked in San BarbaraTried to brace myselfYou can"t brace yourselfWhen the time comesYou just have to roll with the blastAnd I"m an eighteen-wheeler headed down the interstateAnd my breaks are going to giveAnd I won"t know till it"s too lateTires screaming when I lose controlTry not to hurt too many people when I rollFind the harbor freewayAnd head southReal tiredHead kind of lightI found Telegraph RoadI"d only seen the name on envelopesFound the parking lotAnd turned rightI felt all the detailsCarving out space in my headTropicanas on the walk wayNeon redBetween the painAnd the pills trying to hold at bayStand as a traveler going far awayAnd I am airplane tumbling wing over wingTried to listen to my instrumentsThey don"t say anythingPeople screaming when the engines quitI hope we"re all in crash position when we hitAnd then came to your bedsideAnd as it turns outI"m not readyAnd as thoughYou were speaking through a thick hazeYou said hello to meWe all stood there around youHappy to hear you speakThe last of something bright burningStill burningBeyond the cancer and the chemotherapyAnd you were a presence full of light upon this earthAnd I am a witness to your life and to it"s worthIt"s three days later when I get the callAnd there"s nobody around to break my fallhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8108054

什么叫parchment barriers?应该是与美国司法有关。

公文纸保障(parchment barriers)宪政主义及其在美国的确立2004-4-8 14:42 【大 中 小】【我要纠错】 在1776年至1789年间,美国人民通过在先前的13个英国殖民地创立共和政府,将他们各自建立成为一个国家,并且,通过1787制宪会议(CONSTITUTION CONVENTION OF 1787),将各州的邦联转变为一个真正依法建立的政府(law-giving government)。该成就的新颖之处集中体现为一个新国家的确立,通过使用这一词语“Novus Ordo Seclorum”,宣布“该时代一种新的秩序”。然而,在创立政治社会的过程中,美国人追寻一个自古代以来就为西方人所信奉的目标:要建立一个足以维护稳定和秩序的政府权力,就必须首先认识到这一共同体的目的-对政府进行这样的限定和组织是为了预防暴政。这一古老的问题要求对政府的形式、程序和机构安排都要最适合于对政府权力进行限制,并满足共同体的政治权利和正义的观念,也就是我们称之为宪政主义的观念。 宪政主义认为其目的在于冲突的解决,而这些冲突构成政治生活的基本特征,并且使政府的存在成为必须,宪政主义通过程序安排和机构设置从而实现对政府的限制、创造私人生活领域和共同体的自由。基于这一相互矛盾的思想,即制造法律和统治的权力既要是至高无上和高效率的,同时又要是受到限制的、合情合理的和负责任的。宪政主义包含一种内在的紧张态势,其建立是为了反对空想主义和无政府主义,其否认权力的存在这一现实,反对专制主义和极权主义,上述这些都容忍权力的无限制状态。尽管宪政主义者,在过去承认某些共同的假定,但他们之间的差别某些时候已经导致无法协调的冲突。在18世纪,美国人民从英国分离出来时就出现了这样一种区分,他们采纳了一种新的宪政理论类型,进行了他们政治生活新的实践。 也许美国宪政主义最显著的特征在于其明确依靠在法律上具有约束力的制定法文件(written instruments),这些文件规定了政府的组织,并确定了指导组织运作的基本原则和规则。当然,文本已经在法律、政府和政治中得到了长期的使用,并且英国宪法中也包含制定法因素。美国借助于政府的文件性实在法技术,与其以前的工作相比,更加系统和完善,以至于可以称之为一项宪法创新(constitutional innovation)。借鉴美国的经验,现代世界的许多国家都采用通过书面宪法(writing constitutions)的形式来组建政府。但是,美国人在建国初期,仅仅是发明了一项新的方法,以解决有限政府这一古老的问题。他们的制宪行为被告知具有一个新的目的-保护个体自然权利的自由主义目的。美国基本法的宪章(American Charters of fundamental law)并不是简单的政府法令,他们也是保障自由的宪法。自由的含义,特别是对任何实际的定义都至关重要的个体与共同体关系,是一个备受争议的问题,正是这一问题在州与国家的制宪过程中分化了美国人民。1787年联邦宪法的制定,标志着一项决定性的转变,即保护个体追逐他们的利益,而不是实施将旨在使公民善良和道德作为美国宪政政府的中心目的的共同体一致意见。 因此,美国的宪政主义一方面涉及组织性和程序性的问题,另一方面,涉及政治目的等实质性问题。在美国,绝大多数的宪法政治(constitutional politics)涉及前一方面的问题,因为很多组织或个人坚信或否认适当政府权力的存在或置疑运用该权力的方式(challenge methods used to employ it )。然而,宪政主义最终是规范性的和目的性的。在拥有执行政治事务的制度性组织和确定性程序这个意义上看,每个州都可以说拥有一部宪法。但是,并非每一个州都是宪政州(constitutional state)。根据西方政治传统,宪政政府只存在于那些权力的行使受到某些形式和程序限制的国家。美国的宪政主义在这一方面走得更远,其不仅追求预防暴政的消极目标,还追求促进个体自由的积极目的,在被动的意义上要保护个人免受政府权力的侵犯,在能动的意义上保护个体参与政治共同体决策的过程。从这一角度来看,美国宪政主义提出了政治目的的基本问题,其与西方政治哲学的主流联了系起来。 在宪政主义的历史上,重要的问题从来都不在于创造权力,而在于对其进行界定和限制。为达此目的,西方宪政主义传统使用了两种方法。其一是安排政府的内在结构以使权力受到分配和平衡的理论与实践。宪政主义的第二种方法便是使政府受到法律的限制,或称为“法治”。 在美国殖民时期,英国的宪政主义就包含了宪政传统的两个流派。17世纪早期的普通法院坚持法律高于皇室特权。爱德华。柯克爵士(Sir EDWARD COKE)对控制政府的高级法这个理念有一个著名的表述,即坚持“‘至高无上的权力"并不是对议会的描述……Magna Carta便是这样一个人,他并不拥有至高无上的权力。”(“‘sovereign power" is no parliamentary word …MAGNA CARTA is such a fellow ,that he will have no sovereign. ”)Coke还认为,“如果议会制定的一项法律与普通法上的权利(common right)和理性相悖,或者是规定不一致,或者是不可能得到实施,那么普通法将对其进行控制并判决其无效。”但是,后来议会自己宣布在法律制定方面其拥有最高地位,而且1688年光荣革命中对其权力的澄清实际上阻止了将法治发展成为宪政主义的相关政治形式(and vindication of its authority in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 effectively precluded development of the rule of law into a politically relevant form of Constitutionalism )。在18世纪,经过修正和复兴的混合政府理论所表达的内在平衡的制度性结构,成为英国宪政政府的主要模式。 从本质上来描述其内涵,英国宪法是由制度、法律、惯例和解决政治事件的政府行为的实践所组成的结构。然而,该宪法也是说明性的或规范性的,至少其被认为应该如此。更加特别的是,正如孟德斯鸠、威廉。布莱克斯通和其它18世纪的作家所确信的那样,英国宪法的目的在于保障公民自由和政治自由。就现代宪政主义的立场而言,被当代人认为是英国宪法基础的立法至上是与对政府进行有效限制不相容的。然而,议会仍然被认为负有一项道德义务,即保护英国人的权利和自由,自然法的约束也被认为是对议会立法的有效限制。而且,通过选举对公众舆论承担的政治责任也具有对政府进行限制的作用。因此,尽管英国存在立法至上(legislative sovereignty),但他们仍然认为他们的宪法是固定的和根本性的。 美国宪政主义始于17世纪,当时英国殖民者在北美建立了其政治社会和政府机构。以下两个事件体现(stand out in)了早期的宪政经验。第一,政府的构成在相当大的程度上是基于制定法文件(written instruments)。共同的和私有的(corporate and proprietary)殖民地的成立文件是殖民宪章,其由女王批准,授予特定的个人或组织在一个指定的地域范围内为特定目的行使列举的权力。依据这些宪章,殖民者通过进一步的协议、组织法案(organic act)、法令、联合和对政治机构给予了更加精确描述的政府框架。在为宗教信仰推动的殖民地(religiously motivated),政府更加明显是相互宣誓的结果和依据市民-信仰盟约(civil-religious covenants)而形成的联合。因此,美国殖民者使用类似宪法的文件(constitutionlike instruments)来创立政治共同体,界定根本价值和利益,列举基本权利并组织政府机构。 在美国早期宪政史上,第二个引人注目的事件是共同体对地方事务的实质性控制。自然,殖民者采用英国的政府形式和措施,并且仿效首都的政治文化。州和地方一级的机构以英国模式为蓝本,其混合政府和制衡宪法的理论也被有效地吸收。但是,不和谐的倾向引导了宪政发展独具特色的阶段(Yet discordant tendencies pointed to a distinctive course of constitutional development)。在大多数殖民地,地方长官的权力依赖于王权而存在,而地方议会的权力却以人民主权和人民之间的的频繁冲突为基础,这使得权力的分立和分配成为一种不同于混合政府理论的政治现实。再者,普遍选举产生的议会,回应不断增长的选民和依据成文宪章行使地方主权这一事实(de facto local sovereignty under writeen charters),为美国政治引入了共和因素。 作为英国的臣民,美国人相信他们生活于一部自由和混合的英国宪法之下。早在革命以前他们与王室官员发生冲突时就曾表达过这样的观点。很多学者坚持认为宪法是人民与统治者的一项社会契约;立法不能改变根本法,正是依据根本法政府才获得其形式、权力和合法存在;政府必须在与人民签订的社会契约约定的限制范围内行使权力。而且,选择去组织和指挥政府的契约,正如1768年一位殖民地传教士所提出的,必须符合“事物的适当道德(the moral fitness of things),只有借此,人类的自然权利才能得到保护。”由于对将英国宪法描述为包含议会主权存有争议,美国人开始考虑将宪法作为基于保护人民自由、财产和幸福的目的,而对权力行使进行限制的规范性规则。 在宣布脱离英国而独立时,从某种意义上说,美国人重历了17世纪的创立经验(founding experience)。他们将自己的历史和政治环境所决定的条件作为制宪(writing constitutions)的一个逻辑步骤以组织政治共同体。签署《独立宣言》前,议会建议殖民地所采取的政府形式应该“依照人民选举产生的代表的意见,特别是应最大限度地促进选举人的幸福和安全,和一般意义上的美国利益。”尽管一些人认为,大会的代表(the people acting in convention )应该组成政府,但是,政治上的紧迫局面和辉格党人的政治理论为起草或通过第一州宪法(the first state constitutions)的立法提供了合法性,In all but two instances. 州宪法最显著的特征,即其文件特征(documentary character),照例遵循了组建新政府的决定。基于美国创立文件的悠久传统,似乎很明显,政治共同体的目的和对政府的限制可以通过起草一部宪法得到更好地实现,而不是依靠一部像英国那样未明确规定的、不精确的宪法,其并未对政府进行限制,毕竟其不是一部真正的宪法。虽然英国宪法的一部分也由成文的文件构成,但其主观性太强,最终存在于人们的头脑之中,并且预设这样想法“思想让它成为这样(thinking makes it so)”。美国人坚持认为,宪法的原则和规则对组织权力(organize power)和保障自由非常重要,其应该从政府中分离出来,并以实在的形式客观固定下来。这反映了一种很古老的倾向,尽管其广泛运用颇有新意。美国的宪政主义依靠这样一种观念,即“(saying it makes it so)”,或者至少依靠这样一种希望,即将某些东西言之成文,以便得到确实的参考,从而使政府更容易达到宪法列明的目的。 州的宪法直接继承了殖民地文件的传统,这些文件创造了政治共同体,并建立了政府机构。创立文件的一种形式(契约或协议)象征着共同许诺和同意,借此众多个人组成了一个政治共同体,确定了基本的价值、权利和利益。创立文件的另一种形式(法令或框架)详细指明了政府的内部机构。1776年至1789年之间制定的州宪法,有一半被称为契约,其包含界定了共同体基本价值的人权法案。在其他的州宪法中,对政府的设计有得到了主要的关注(principal attention)。所有宪法都是对先前政治发展趋势的一种反映;没有一部宪法是在一张白纸上创造政府机构。这一事实在主要是关于政府框架建立的文件中得到了更明确的体现。在这些更加现代的预见了美国宪政发展进程的文件中,共同体一致同意的重要性让位于作为宪法的主要目的对个体权利的保护。 美国革命的政治哲学是共和主义。尽管缺乏精确的含义,共和主义仍被非常准确界定为政府要依赖于人民地同意,并按照通过代表机构所表达地公众意愿(public will)来行事。从西方政治思想的角度来看,17世纪时为反对专制主义,保障自由,共和主义得以形成。这些州的宪法属于共和主义的范畴,因为他们通过规定公共的决定制作程序来对政府权力进行限制,通过这些程序,可以防止政府官员为中饱私囊而不是为了公共利益而滥用权力。这些宪法也是自由主义的,其也确认和扩大了公众政治参与的权利,根据共和主义哲学,这构成了个体的真正的自由。但是,革命时期在很多方面,州宪政主义(state constitutionalism)被当作共同体权力和控制的一项原则,其在一定程度上也限制了个体的权利,现在看来,其可能被认为是不开明的(illiberal)。 依据州宪法,现代政府最重要的权力-创制法律和强迫遵守的权力-被授予立法机关。立法机关不仅未受到严格分权理论(该分权理论在建立州的第一阶段非常流行)所要求的政府内在制衡的阻碍,而且还作为废除君主制之后政治权力的来源,受到人民主权这一假定理论的支持,其行为坚强有力,通过禁止挥霍浪费的法令和规制财产转让、使用的法律,经常以限制个体自由的形式推进公共美德。尽管权利法案成为了州宪法内容的一部分,但其在约束立法权方面收效甚微,因为他们被认为是激励性的,而非一种法律限制。在人民主权和爱国主义的名义下,州立法机关在政府中塑造了统一的宪政主义和权力。(fashioned a constitutionalism of unity and power in goverment)

去甲基型芬太尼(desmethyl fentanyl)是什么?

鸦30万粒非法制成药丸,并首次发现有毒性强烈的去甲基型芬太尼(desmethyl fentanyl),药力比海洛英强烈40倍。两人被控多项贩毒罪 名,现正等候提堂。 满地可警方数个月前展开代号为“无声计划”(Projet Silencieux)的毒品调查,上月底采取七次毒品扫荡行动,在市内Pointe St-Charles区Prince-Arthur Street捣破一个设备精良的制毒工场,搜出30万粒非法制成药丸。 由于厂房的有毒气体过于浓烈,当局出动四名警员合力处理。虽然警员已配备防毒面具,但仍有一名警员因吸入有毒气体而出现心悸及血压异常,需要送院救治。 满地可警队助理署长介朗(Mario Gu?rin)表示,调查人员在搜获的药物当中,首次验出有去甲基型芬太尼(desmethyl fentanyl),情况令人忧虑。芬太尼本身是强力止痛剂,通常配方予癌症患者及慢性痛症患者,经过化学作用而提炼的去甲基型芬太尼,药力比海洛英更强大40倍,比吗啡强大80倍。魁省公共 生总监警告此药物足以致命。 除此以外,工场又发现有非法制药物威而钢(俗称伟哥)和犀利士(Cialis),以及大麻、摇头丸、印度大麻等毒品。 部分药丸会被盖上没有不相关的品牌标志,当中包括有Facebook和Tim Hortons,警方指挥官Francois Bleau指这是针对年轻人市场的销售策略。



Trojan.DL.Win32.Agent.xih 如何杀?

avg或dr.web这辆个可以配和着用 一定要进安全模式


Do you want to go on a trip?

keep,go on,last,continue的区别



go on doing sth.继续(连续地)做某事 go on to do sth.继续(中间间断过)去做某事 go on with sth.=continue with sth






They were evidently all deserted. As I strolled up and down,





go on和continue有什么区别?

go on与continue都表示继续的意思,但是使用起来还是有区分的。go on强调的是;“在做一件事情”的事情“内容”属于普通用语,goon后面需要借助介词或者是动名词做宾语。continue强调的是“在做一件事情”的这个动作,较正式。后面可直接跟名词做宾语。接不定式或者动名词均可,含义大致相同都表示不停的做某事。而go on doing sth表示不停的做某事(不中断)或继续做某事(中断后继续),go on to do sth则表示(做完某事后)接着做或继续做。

la ventana的中文歌词

Aunque No Te Pueda Ver 即使不能看见你/尽管我见不到你Si ayer tuviste un día gris, tranquilayo haré canciones para versi así consigo hacerte sonreír如果昨天你有灰色的一天,别担心我会谱写歌曲看看这样我能否使你微笑Si lo que quieres es huir, caminayo haré canciones para versi así consigo fuerzas pa" vivir如果你想要的是逃走,那就走吧我会谱写歌曲看看我这样能否获得力量活下去No tengo más motivos para darteque este miedo que me dano volver a verte nunca más.我没有更多理由来给你除了这份恐惧害怕再也不能见到你Creo ver la lluvia caer en mi ventana,te veo pero no está lloviendono es más que un reflejo de mi pensamiento.我以为看见雨落在我的窗前我看见你,但是没有下雨这只不过是我心中的幻影03Hoy te echo de menos!今天我想念你!Yo sólo quiero hacerte saberamiga estés donde estés,que si te falta el aliento yo te lo daré,si te sientes sola, háblameque te estaré escuchando aunque no te pueda ver,aunque no te pueda ver.我只想让你知道朋友,不管你在那里如果你失去勇气,我会给你如果你感觉孤单,请告诉我我会倾听你,尽管我见不到你尽管我见不到你De tantas cosas que perdídiría que sólo guardo lo que fuémágico tiempo que nació un Abril.Miradas tristes sobre míse anidan y se hacen parte de mi piely ahora siempre llueve porque estoy sin tí.在我失去的这许多东西之中我会说,我只留下那些曾经的四月里的神奇时光落在我身上的忧伤眼神停驻并成为我皮肤的一部分而现在总在下雨,因为你不在我身边No tengo más motivos para darteque esta fría soledadque necesito darte tantas cosas más.我没有更多理由来给你除了这份冰冷的孤单我需要给你更多的东西Creo ver la lluvia caer en mi ventana,te veo pero no está lloviendono es más que un reflejo de mi pensamiento.我以为看见雨落在我的窗前我看见你,但是没有下雨这只不过是我心中的幻影03Hoy te echo de menos!今天我想念你!Yo sólo quiero hacerte saberamiga estés donde estés,que si te falta el aliento yo te lo daré,si te sientes sola, háblameque te estaré escuchando aunque no te pueda ver,aunque no te pueda ver.我只想让你知道朋友,不管你在哪里如果你失去勇气,我会给你如果你感觉孤单,请告诉我我会倾听你,尽管我见不到你尽管我见不到你


BIAS0:= (C-MA(C,2))/MA(C,2)*100;BIAS1 := (C-MA(C,12))/MA(C,12)*100;BIAS2 := (C-MA(C,26))/MA(C,26)*100;BIAS3 := (C-MA(C,48))/MA(C,48)*100;HXL:=V/CAPITAL*100;D1:=INDEXC;D2:=MA(D1,56);DR2:=D1/D2<0.94;E1:=(C-HHV(C,12))/HHV(C,12)*10;E2:=(C-REF(C,26))/REF(C,26)*10;

IntelliJ IDEA 上的错误 是什么意思?

BIAS0:= (C-MA(C,2))/MA(C,2)*100;BIAS1 := (C-MA(C,12))/MA(C,12)*100;BIAS2 := (C-MA(C,26))/MA(C,26)*100;BIAS3 := (C-MA(C,48))/MA(C,48)*100;HXL:=V/CAPITAL*100;D1:=INDEXC;D2:=MA(D1,56);DR2:=D1/D2<0.94;E1:=(C-HHV(C,12))/HHV(C,12)*10;E2:=(C-REF(C,26))/REF(C,26)*10;

what was the film like? Well,I___it___very interesting.

what was the film like? Well,I thought it would be very interesting.那部电影怎么样?我本来以为会很有趣的。

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显示的是protoc版本太低,尝试:protoc --version 确认版本号apt search protoc 查看是否有新的版本如果有更新版本的话可以 apt-get install protoc 安装没有的话只好手动下载源码包编译了更新protoc后删除现编译的文件夹然后从头编译一下,应该不会再报这个错误了。希望对你有所帮助。

caffe遇到这个问题,make runtest时候,请问怎么办



首先修改配置文件,回到caffe目录cd ~/caffecp Makefile.config.example Makefile.configgedit Makefile.config这里仅需修改两处:i) 使用cuDNN# USE_CUDNN := 1 这里去掉#,取消注释为USE_CUDNN := 1 ii) 修改python包目录,这句话PYTHON_INCLUDE := /usr/include/python2.7 /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include改为PYTHON_INCLUDE := /usr/include/python2.7 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include因为新安装的python包目录在这里: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/接下来就好办了,直接makemake all -j4make testmake runtestmake pycaffe这时候cd 到caffe 下的 python 目录,试试caffe 的 python wrapper安装好没有:pythonimport caffe如果不报错,那就说明安装好了。


Ubuntu 14.04 64位机上用Caffe+MNIST训练Lenet网络操作步骤将终端定位到Caffe根目录;2.MNIST数据库并解压缩:$ ./data/mnist/get_mnist.sh3.将其转换成Lmdb数据库格式:$ ./examples/mnist/create_mnist.sh执行完此shell脚本后,会在./examples/mnist下增加两个新目录,mnist_test_lmdb和mnist_train_lmdb4.train model:$ ./examples/mnist/train_lenet.sh(1)、使用LeNet网络(《Gradient-BasedLearning Applied to Document Recognition》);(2)、使用./examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxtmodel;(3)、使用./examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxtmodel;(4)、执行train_lenet.sh脚本,会调用./build/tools目录下的caffe执行文件,此执行文件的实现是./tools目录下的caffe.cpp文件;(5)、执行此脚本后,会生成几个文件,其中./examples/mnist/lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel则是最终训练生成的model文件;(6)、以上默认的是在GPU模式下运行,如果想让其在CPU模式下运行,只需将lenet_solver.prototxt文件中的solver_mode字段值由原来的GPU改为CPU即可。

go into 与go in gor 的区别

gor 不是字

“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”是什么意思


He then set up experiments with caged starlings and found that their orientation was, in fact,

引导了非限制性定从 at which times 指的就是when the sky was overcast

“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”是什么意思

这句是肖申克的救赎中经典台词有些鸟儿是关不住的, 他们的羽毛太鲜亮了.

英语翻译 You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright.

原话出自《肖申克的救赎》:Some birds aren"t meant to be caged,that"s all.Their feathers are just too bright. 有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright. 直译:你知道,有些鸟儿是不应该被关在笼子里的,因为它们的羽毛太过光辉.



英语翻译You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feat

原话出自《肖申克的救赎》:Some birds aren"t meant to be caged,that"s all.Their feathers are just too bright. 有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright. 直译:你知道,有些鸟儿是不应该被关在笼子里的,因为它们的羽毛太过光辉.



“Some birds arenu2019t meant to be caged. Their feath

你好!“Some birds aren"t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.”有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在笼子里的。他们的羽毛太亮了。

“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”什么意思

“some birds aren"t meant to be caged...的中文翻译“some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright, ““有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都太亮了,“

“somebirds are not meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,是什么意思

你好!somebirds are not meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟并不意味着是关不住的,它们的羽毛太明亮了

You know some birds are not meant to be caged, th


“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,” 什么意思

some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了

you know some birds are not meant to caged 有无语病?

be + 动词的过去分词 动词不定式的被动语态 to be done和主语动作同时或几乎同时发生,不强调动作的先后性/ to have been done 动作发生在主语动作之前

请问 dell Intel(R) Gore(TM) i3CPU m370 @240Ghz 2.39Ghz 1.92Gb 的电脑配置怎么样呀?

还是不错的一个配置,个人用很不错了,要是玩游戏 看带不带独立显卡的!

A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages和Even in prison, the heart is still untamed哪个

A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages和Even in prison, the heart is still untamed一种野生的心祷告,关在笼子里和甚至在监狱里,心依然野性


Watch Out歌词歌手:Chris CornellChris Cornell - Watch OutLyrics by Kevin Boul @ LK歌词组 Rock分队Hey heyWatch out!She keep on going when the light turns redWatch out!3 in the morning she ain"t ever going to bedWatch out!She"s going 90 in the residential zoneWatch out!She"s speeding while she put her make up on(N n now now)Pick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it upWatch out!She"s driving crazy like the roads on fireWatch out!Killing the motor and she"s smoking up the tiresHey hey, watch out!She hit the corners with her foot on the floorWatch out!She likes the lincoln with the sui-suicide doorsPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it upOoh, ooh pick it up ooh hey hey, oohWatch out!She"s in the mirror but she coming on quickWatch out!She"s gonna catch ya then she leave ya to the windHey hey watch out!She passing fools like they"re going in reverseHey hey watch out!She"s gone insane I think her brakes don"t workPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it upPick it up, pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it up (pick it up)Pick it up, watch out, now pick it upLrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group


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冲锋衣面料TNF的hyvent和 gore-tex 的区别有多大

1,面料来源:TNF 的HYVENT(PU)属于自家面料,主要用于自己的产品GORE-TEX,面料专业供应商,产品应用广泛,厂家众多。2,产品的档次-价格常见的高端品牌-始祖年 老人头 火柴棍等基本都是用GORE-TEX家的面料,同时TNF MARMOT这些品牌的高端产品系列也会用GORE-TEX家的面料3,实际穿着:始祖鸟 老人头 北面 巴塔哥尼亚 等产品不同的天气条件和自然环境下产品的表现不尽相同,整体上每一个表现都不错。都是冲锋衣的表现。北面:HYVENT的滑雪服在寒冷的环境下表现一般。
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