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Plant a Flower为题写一篇英语作文

2023-06-22 15:24:35

I am interested in gardening enthusiast, spent at home a lot. Can remember the first gardening experience, it really is ridiculous.

That year, I was five years old. Day my mother bought three cakes, which are cacti, bloom, asparagus. I look around the pots around, a strong interest in the way, my mother put the cactus, bloom gave me, that I ran two disk flowers. I am pleased to have jumped up and down, it will be a worry, and how to plant flowers in it. I would secretly observe how her mother flowers. I found my mother every three days pouring water to asparagus, asparagus every five days to a loose soil. I"ve learned to look like her mother, to water them, not a month, cactus "pale and thin", a bristles are soft. I think what ails the cactus, he pulls out a little pill, after grinding sprinkle in the water, to feed the cactus, but could not find the mouth. I asked my mother, my mother asked a clear cause and effect, smiled and said:. "Small war war, cactus did not get sick, but you are irrigated more, you put it on the balcony on the line more than the sun," I do not believe the results of cactus soon rotten dead.


Growing flowers from seeds is a fun and economic way to transform your garden into a personal haven.Here"s how to turn that garden dream into reality.

Choose high-quality flower seeds.Seeds purchased from an established seed company will produce healthier flowers.

After the garden beds are completely thawed,rake a smooth soil surface for your flower seeds.Add compost and organic supplements to your flower beds and dig them in to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.Water the flower bed thoroughly and allow it to drain for at least 24 hours.

Press seeds gently into the soil with the back of your spade.Make sure the covering soil is fine and porous enough for young seedlings to push through.

Soak your flower seeds into the prepared soil completely.Your first watering should be done carefully to avoid disturbing seed placement.Standing water will rot your seeds.Once your seeds have sprouted,begin watering your flower sprouts with a fine hose spray.



cactus。美 /_k_kt_s/;英 /_k_kt_s/。cactusn. [园艺] 仙人掌。cactin. [园艺] 仙人掌(cactus的复数形式)。cereusn. 仙人山属;月光掌属。prickly pear仙人掌,仙人球;霸王树(仙人掌的一种)。1那条路蜿蜒数英里,穿过干热的土地、灌木丛和仙人掌,。The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.2我们必须每月给仙人掌浇一次水。We have to water this cactus once a month.3红玫瑰羞于向仙人掌要水喝。The red rose felt too ashamed to ask for water from the cactus.
2023-06-22 11:22:571


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2023-06-22 11:24:593

How many cactus have you got? 修改病句

How many cactus do you have? 亲们别复制
2023-06-22 11:25:135


1.Cactuses are used to living in desert.The whole body of a cactus is green.The stalk is oval and there are thorns all over its body.Actually the thorns in their bodies are their leaves.The leaves are like this only because they can stop the water in their bodies from evaporating into the hot and dry air.The cactuses have long roots and they take their roots deep into the earth so that they can get the water from deeper,soil.Their flowers are always *** all and white.Although they are ignored in the desert,they never give up ing ont and alwaysdecorate the desert silently.仙人掌 仙人掌通常生长在沙漠里.它通身绿色.它的茎是椭圆形的,并且全身长满刺,实际上它们身上的刺是它们的叶子.叶于长成这种形状是为了阻止它们身体内的水分蒸发到热而干的空气里.仙人掌长着长长的根,它们把根深深地扎入地底下以便从更深层的土中吸收水分.它们一般开小而白的花.尽管它们在沙漠里被忽视,但是它们从不放弃开花并且默默地点缀着沙漠.2.Although a cactus looks ugly,it is helpful to human being.Some people eat cactus such as Mexican.They cook cactus as a traditional dish.It"s helpful to have a cactus beside your puter.Cactus can reduce the radiation of the puter and protect our body to some extent.It"s rare for a cactus to bloom,however,the flower of a cactus is really beautiful.The flower has the value of appreciation.The most important thing is a cactus gives out oxygen during night instead of day time which can give us fresh air when we are sleeping.答案补充 虽然仙人掌看上去很丑,但是他对人类很有用.有些人吃仙人掌比如墨西哥人.他们烹饪仙人掌当做是传统小菜.仙人掌放在电脑边上很有用.仙人掌能减少电脑的辐射,并且从某种程度保护我们的身体.仙人掌很少开花,但是,仙人掌的花是非美丽.花有欣赏的价值.最重要的就是仙人掌在晚上释放氧气而不是白天,这让他能在我们睡觉的时候提供新鲜空气.
2023-06-22 11:25:261


cacti 是cactus的复数
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2023-06-22 11:25:433


Do not forget to water the cactus
2023-06-22 11:25:526


2023-06-22 11:26:081


你可以找另一台的电脑上去复制下这个缺失的文件,看看能否解决问题或者你可以尝试使用腾讯电脑管家来修复缺失DLL文件具体方法是,打开腾讯电脑管家--电脑诊所--软件问题--丢失.Dll 文件--一键修复--完成如果还是解决不了,去脚本之家下一个文件直接复制进去就能搞定了 如果找不到,还可以下载一个dx修复工具3.0增强版,去修复一下
2023-06-22 11:26:151


他是 八奥特曼答我是特别奥特曼我的力量比他强他的力量比我小啊啦拉我是奥特曼他大不了便而我用着就把他给一招打死他呀他呀很生气变成和我一样的奥特曼一起来我打我完之后他变成你和我一样的奥特战士然后我跟他战斗我爸妈因为我前面能力少了些所以我把他给踢飞踢到太阳线上他也没有弄完所以我就把她给我就赢了你懂吗这就是我当奥特曼的技巧不信你到时候过来到我家来吃周末的事
2023-06-22 11:26:2511

cactus jack是什么品牌

Cactus Jack是一个说唱歌手的个人厂牌名,由特拉维斯·斯科特主理。Cactus Jack的中文名字可以被翻译成仙人掌杰克。
2023-06-22 11:27:182


1 奇怪的仙人掌的up主叫做“奇怪的仙人掌”。2 这个up主的名字来源于他的视频内容,其中有很多关于仙人掌的奇怪趣闻和知识分享。3 除了仙人掌,这个up主还会分享一些有趣的科学知识和生活小技巧,非常值得关注。
2023-06-22 11:27:2610


我感觉这个是白檀(白檀属拉丁名:Peanut),不是鼠尾掌(鼠尾掌属拉丁名:Aporocactus)。你可以google图片一下这两个拉丁属名。 回答你的评论:你得比较哪个像你图片里的植物,而不能看哪个图片多……另外,别用百度查中文名的图片,错误很多。要用googl查拉丁学名,比较准确。
2023-06-22 11:27:504


  上周我们少儿英语故事说到Junior把爸爸的礼物分给大家,Junior学会了抛开偏见。他们在公园里发现了一棵漂亮的仙人掌,大家都想把它带回家。  Victor made a suggestion. “Why donu2019t we take turns caring for the cactus? A different person can take care of it each week, and weu2019ll see how big it can get!” Everyone agreed, so Victor was the first to bring the cactus home.  Victor提出一个建议,“我们轮流来养仙人掌吧,每个人养一星期,看看它最后能长多大!”大家都同意了。于是Victor成了第一个把仙人掌带回家的人。  Victor excitedly watered and fertilized the cactus, but after a week it didnu2019t grow even a tiny bit.  Victor兴冲冲地给仙人掌浇水施肥,可等了一个星期,仙人掌连一丁点都没有长大。  Victor disappointedly brought the cactus to Pandorau2019s house. She said confidently, “Let me handle it. I can make it grow.” Pandora put the cactus in the sun, and sang to it every day, but it didnu2019t change at all.  Victor沮丧地把仙人掌送去Pandora的家。Pandora自信地说:“交给我,我一定能让它长大。”Pandora把仙人掌放在有阳光的窗边,每天给仙人掌唱歌。可一个星期过去了,仙人掌还是一点变化都没有。  Pandora was also disappointed, and brought the cactus to Oxfordu2019s house. He heard the cactus wasnu2019t growing, so he ran to the library and found a book on plants. It said that only green cacti would grow big, so Oxford grabbed his paint set and painted the cactus green. He thought that now the cactus would finally start to grow. Sadly, though, after a week, it still hadnu2019t grown.  Pandora失望地把仙人掌送去了Oxford家里。Oxford听说仙人掌没有长大,很快从图书馆找到一本有关植物的书,书上说只有绿色的仙人掌才会长大。于是Oxford用颜料把仙人掌涂成了绿色,他心想,这一回仙人掌总该长大了吧。令人灰心的是,一个星期后,仙人掌还是没有动静。  The cactus was now at Junioru2019s house. He had also heard it wasnu2019t growing, and was very anxious. He thought maybe it just needed a little help, so he put on his gloves and pulled the cactus up out of the ground ever so slightly. It looked as if it had gotten taller. Junior was very happy, and pulled the cactus out of the dirt a little more each day.  它很快又到了Junior家里。Junior听说仙人掌没有长大,心里很着急。他心想,这棵仙人掌可能需要人帮它一把。于是Junior戴上手套,把仙人掌从土里拔出来一点。仙人掌看上去好像长大变高了。Junior很开心,于是每天都把仙人掌拔出来一点。  But on the last day of the week, the cactus died. Junior began to cry as he told his classmates the news, but Teacher Rolin just laughed. “You were all anxious for it to grow. You did different things to the cactus to try to make it grow, but the end result is that you killed it. Did you know that cacti grow very slowly? You wanted to help it, but you only hurt it. You canu2019t be worried about it, but just let it happen.”  可是七天之后,仙人掌却死了。Junior哭着告诉大家这个消息,一旁的Rolin老师却笑了:“你们因为着急,所以做了很多事情,反而把仙人掌弄死了。你们知道吗?仙人掌本来就是长得很慢的植物,你们想帮它,反而害了他。所以凡事都不能着急,要让它自己成长。”  Only then did they understand what foolish thing theyu2019d done. They decided to bring the cactus back to the park, but saw Iris sitting down and sulking.  大家这才明白,他们干了一件傻事。他们决定一起把这棵仙人掌送回公园,却看到Iris以一个坐在旁边生闷气。  Why? What happened? Weu2019ll find out next week!  Iris出什么事了呢?我们下周再见喽。
2023-06-22 11:28:051


可以的 我见过
2023-06-22 11:28:141


2023-06-22 11:28:241


香水百合 Lilium 百合科 Liliaceae lily
2023-06-22 11:28:483

薰衣草 风信子 紫罗兰 雏菊 仙人掌这几个的英文怎么说?

紫罗兰Violet 风信子Hyacinthus orientalis雏菊English daisy 仙人掌Cactus薰衣草 Aspic
2023-06-22 11:31:064

冲浪去吧 盘点澳洲十大冲浪海滩

澳大利亚拥有绵延37,000公里的海岸线,数量超乎想象的海滩、海湾和水湾可供水上活动爱好者选择。澳大利亚是喜爱刺激运动人士的乐园,而冲浪可是这里最受欢迎的运动之一了。据说,冲浪好的人在当地都是被当做英雄般看待的。那么到澳大利亚冲浪应该去哪里才玩儿的更刺激呢?以下这十处澳大利亚冲浪海滩是你一定要去的好地方。 一、曼利海滩(Manly Beach) 曼利海滩位于悉尼的北部,是悉尼最受欢迎的海滩,无论什么时候海滩上总是人山人海,人们都说曼利海滩的春夏秋冬各有千秋,让人回味无穷。曼利海滩的一面是太平洋上著名的冲浪海滩,另一面是宁静的内湾,是最好的海滨世界,也是最受欢迎的游泳、风帆冲浪、滑翔、潜水、皮艇、冲浪和水肺潜水地方。 二、北纳拉宾海滩(North Narrabeen beach) 悉尼的北部海滩(Northern Beaches)也是城市冲浪迷心里经久不变的冲浪圣地。风光绮丽的海岸线从曼利(Manly)一直延伸至棕榈海滩( Palm Beach),为散落在周边的餐厅、咖啡馆、酒馆和零售店带来了一缕闲适的海滩风情。如果你不知道从何地开始你的冲浪冒险之旅,不妨试试我们的标志性海滩北纳拉宾海滩(North Narrabeen)。正如所有热门冲浪地一样,这里有时也许游人如织,稍显拥挤,但是你一定会在长达3公里的海滩上找到一处属于你的冲浪区域。 三、拜伦湾海滩(Byron Bay beach) 新南威尔士州的拜伦湾是澳洲大陆最东端的海湾,是新南威尔士州最热门的冲浪海滩之一,是冲浪者眼中的圣地。拜伦海湾因其拥有众多的冲浪海滩和美丽的热带雨林而颇享盛名。为游客提供了极受欢迎的放松和休闲的生活方式而受到人们喜爱,吸引了国内外的游客,这其中包括有背包客和跳伞爱好者。 四、黄金海岸海滩(Gold Coast beach) 整个黄金海岸(Gold Coast)都可誉为冲浪胜地,因为这里有无数世界顶级的冲浪海滩。南部的鲷鱼岩(SnapperRocks)、季拉(Kirra)、彩虹湾海滩(Rainbow Bay Beach)和多伦巴(Duranbah)组成了昆士兰/新南威尔士州边界上的超级海岸,被公认为是最佳冲浪胜地。此外,北部主海滩(Main Beach)的斯皮特(The Spit)也有令人心跳加速的巨浪。不难猜想为什么那么多世界级冲浪选手将这里称为冲浪者之家。 五、卡克特斯海滩(Cactus Beach) 如果在一片未受人类文明影响的水域冲浪是你的愿望,那么你就来对地方了。正是本地纯净、未受破坏的自然风光吸引了众多水上爱好者来到南澳大利亚的卡克特斯海滩(Cactus Beach),不过一些极度热爱环境的当地人其实并不希望外人知道这个地方。这里不适宜初学者,特别是在波浪较为不稳定的冬季,但是那些试过世界各个角落海浪的老手们纷纷点评,大赞南部壮阔的波浪让他们不虚此行! 六、南岬湾(South Cape Bay) 塔斯马尼亚州的海滩拥有猛烈的、纯净的冷水波浪,为冲浪者提供僻静的冲浪之地。与澳大利亚那些声名大噪的海滩相比,塔斯马尼亚州的海滩是特别的所在,例如澳大利亚最南端的冲浪海滩南岬湾(South Cape Bay)。前往南岬湾需花费一些气力,由于没有通往海滩的陆路,必须徒步穿越一条全长7.7公里的道路方可抵达,徒步区域被列入世界遗产名录。然而,当你看到纯净无瑕的海滩和清澈无比的巨浪时,会感到一切辛苦跋涉都是值得的。与人声鼎沸的热门海滩不同,这一大片水域都只属于愿意为它辛苦跋涉的少数几人。 七、大洋路贝尔斯海滩(Bells Beach) 说到澳大利亚最佳冲浪地,不得不提维多利亚州标志性的贝尔斯海滩(Bells Beach)气势磅礴的海浪撞击着海边红色的粘土悬崖,景观甚是振奋人心。海滩位于维多利亚州遗产区的托尔坎(Torquay),距离墨尔本(Melbourne)约100公里。自1962年起,里普柯尔职业冲浪比赛(Rip Curl Pro Surf)和音乐节每年都在此举行。全球各地的冲浪者涌来此地的原因是它真的精彩至极!海滩不远处是另一个有着动听名字的海滨:Winkipop,许多人说这里甚至比贝尔斯海滩更好!看来只有亲自在大洋路(Great Ocean Road)旁的这两个传奇性海滩里冲过浪后才能作出评判了。 八、玛格丽特河冲浪者角(Margaret River) 得益于温和的地中海气候,玛格丽特河冲浪者角已经成为了全年适宜的国际级冲浪胜地,人们当初把她称为冲浪者角,并不是随随便便的。冲浪者角看起来就像是专门为冲浪者准备的。在合适的天气里,巨大、强有力的浪潮可达500米。对新手来说,在这里冲浪,会令他们胆怯,但一旦有了些冲浪经验,你就会发现这是你遇到的最好的冲浪天堂。 九、科特斯鲁海滩(Cottesloe Beach) 珀斯最受欢迎的海滩之一,科特斯鲁海滩是最理想的游览、游泳、冲浪、潜水、钓鱼场所,也是在沙滩上享受阳光最理想的海滩。海滩附近的郊区到处都是古老、保存完好的十九世纪和二十世纪老宅。街道两旁长满了七十多龄的诺福克松树。 十、邦迪海滩(Bondi Beach) 邦迪海滩(又称邦代海滩)是一个有名的海滩,以从海滩位于澳洲悉尼郊区的邦迪滩而命名,位于悉尼商业中心区以东约7公里。邦迪海滩约长一公里,每年都是很多观光客必到之处,澳大利亚冲浪救生组织在2004年曾给予邦迪海滩不同的危险等级:在北部末端曾给过第4级危险(10级为最危险),南边因为有著名的离岸流被定为第7级危险。
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三亚仙人掌度假酒店是由香港中粮集团控股的亚龙湾开发股份有限公司投资兴建,由凯莱酒店管理集团管理的旅游度假酒店。背依巍巍青山连绵起伏,面呈海湾波平浪静,湛蓝的海水清澈如镜,柔软的沙滩洁白如银,挥不去的热带风情令人神往。 将异域神秘的墨西哥玛雅文化和现代风格完美结合,打造出玛雅文化最本质的特征——崇尚自然。600间精心设计的客套房,无论是饱览翠绿热带山景或壮阔海景,谁都无法拒绝她的独特魅力。三亚仙人掌度假酒店…轻拂休闲掠影凯莱酒店集团是一家不断成长并迅速发展、扩大的酒店管理集团,在香港、北京、上海、深圳和欧洲均设有办事处。在中国,凯莱集团已在不同城市开设有十七家酒店:海南华运凯莱大饭店、南昌凯莱大饭店、北京海冠凯莱大饭店、湖南吉首凯莱大饭店、无锡中堂凯莱大饭店;北京凯莱酒店、上海康桥凯莱酒店、沈阳凯莱酒店、大连凯莱酒店、苏州凯莱酒店、西安天域凯莱酒店、重庆万州凯莱酒店;青岛环海凯莱商务酒店、秦皇岛凯莱宾馆;秦皇岛凯莱度假村以及位于海南省三亚市的三亚凯莱度假酒店和三亚仙人掌度假酒店。其管理超过共4700间各式客套房,并将继续扩展业务领域,力争成为中国境内酒店管理的先锋,积极促进和带动酒店业的发展。三亚仙人掌度假酒店中国海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 572016Welcome to Hainan"s Gem, Cactus Resort Sanya!Located in Yalong Bay National Resort District of Sanya, the tropical seaside city in the southern tip of China, Cactus Resort nestles against meandering mountain ranges and faces the bay of a silver soft beach, with gentle waves, and crystal clear blue water. You couldn"t afford to miss the charm of this tropical scenery.Cactus Resort combines both the exotic Mexican Mayan civilization with modern style perfectly, at the same time creating the most essential characteristics of Maya civilization - to revere nature. It provides 600 well-designed guestrooms and suites of which no one would be able to resist the temptation of its unique glamour, be it enjoying the beautiful tropical Mountain View or the immense and magnificent seascape.Cactus Resort Sanya . . . Your Leisure AddressGloria Hotels & Resorts is a rapidly expanding regional hotel group with representative offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Europe.The group currently manages seventeen hotels throughout the People"s Republic of China, with Gloria Grand Hotels in Haikou, Nanchang, Beijing, Jishou and Wuxi; Gloria Plaza Hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Suzhou, Xian, and Wanzhou Chongqing; Gloria Inns in Qinhuangdao and Qingdao; Gloria Resort and Cactus Resort in Sanya, and Gloria Holiday Villas in Qinhuangdao.Its total room inventory to-date is in excess of 4,700 guestrooms all over China, firmly establishing the group as a leading hotel operator in China and one of the top ranking hotel management companies in all Asia.Cactus Resort SanyaYalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 572016,Hainan Province, P.R. China
2023-06-22 11:32:031


  在英语的学习中,词汇量的积累无疑是很重要的,各种花的 英语单词 你知道多少呢,下面是我整理的一些英语花名单词, 希望对大家有帮助。  英语花名单词   azalea 杜鹃花   begonia 秋海棠   Brazil 巴西木   cactus 仙人掌   camellia 山茶花   carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)   Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花   Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花   chrysanthemum 菊花   dahlia 大丽花   daisy 雏菊   datura 曼陀罗   epiphyllum 昙花   fringed iris 蝴蝶花   fuchsia 倒挂金钟   gardenia 栀子   India canna 美人蕉   jasmine 茉莉   lilac 丁香   lily 百合   mangnolia 木兰花   mangnolia 玉兰花   morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)   narcissus 水仙花   oleander 夹竹桃   orchid 兰花   pansy 三色堇   peony 牡丹   peony 芍药   phalaenopsis 蝶兰   rose 玫瑰   rose 月季   setose asparagus 文竹   touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花   tulip 郁金香   violet, stock violet 紫罗兰   water hyacinth 凤眼兰   关于花的英文阅读:你喜欢的花能透露你的性格   Tulip   郁金香   Your motto? “The early bird gets the worm!” Otherpeople wonder at your mellow temperament andseemingly-endless energy, and theyu2019re happy tocome to you for solutions to problems theyu2019reoverwhelmed by.   你的座右铭?“早起的鸟儿有虫吃!”其他人对你柔和的气质与看似无止境的活力感到惊奇,而且他们乐于找你帮忙解决他们难以应付的难题。   You have a knack for empathy, and can often befound taking care of others.   你拥有同情心,并且经常会被发现在照顾他人。   Rose   玫瑰   Youu2019re a traditionalist through and through. That doesnu2019t mean that you donu2019t have plenty offresh ideas, but your taste is classic-chic to a tee! You love history and tradition, and can oftenbe found poring over biographies of fascinating historical women.   你是一个彻头彻尾的传统主义者。那并不意味着你没有新意,但是你的品位传统又时髦!你热爱历史和传统,并且经常被发现在认真钻研历史上迷人的女性的传记。   You also have a deeply passionate romantic side, but youu2019re very private. Only a select fewever get to see that aspect of your personality.   你内心深处也有热情浪漫的一面,但你不太想让人知道。只有被选中的几个人曾见过你性格的另一面。   Daisy   雏菊   Youu2019ve never cared much about the opinions of others. You live a wholly original life, entirely onyour own terms.   你从不过多关注别人的意见。你过着完全独创式的生活,并且完全按照你自己的方式来生活。   You might share your life with someone else, but youu2019re fiercely independent, and you like itthat way. You might be an artist or creative, or simply have an unquenchable creative spirit.And you put your passions before everything else!   你也许会与别人分享你的生活,但你非常独立,而且你喜欢那样。你也许是一个艺术家或是一个富有创造力的人,或者你只是拥有无法满足的创新精神。并且你把你的喜好放在首位。   Poppy   罂粟花   At first glance, you seem whimsical and ethereal, but when people get to know you, theyquickly realize that you have an inner wild-child. If youu2019re under the age of 30, you may still beliving out the hard-partying youth of a bright young thing.   乍看之下,你看起来反复无常又难以捉摸,但当人们了解你之后,他们很快会意识到你的内在就是一个任性的孩子。如果你不到30岁,你也许仍然过着寻欢作乐的年轻人光鲜般的生活。   If youu2019re a bit older, you may have reinvented yourself into an Earth mama, with a tattoo or twoleftover from the bad old days, and a pocketful of wacky and hilarious memories!   如果你的年龄稍大一些,你也许会把自己彻底改造成一名普通妈妈,伴随着过去糟糕日子里刻上的纹身或两件遗留物,以及大量荒诞又滑稽的回忆!   Violet   紫罗兰   You can be quiet, and you can be subtle, but thereu2019s nothing mousy or awkward about you.You prefer a mellow life of understated charm.   你寡言少语又难以捉摸,但是并没有无趣或笨拙。你喜欢拥有朴素魅力的悠闲生活。   You make your home out in the countryside, or hope to one day, where you can pursue yourpassionate love for green things.   你把家安在乡村,或者希望有一天可以把家安在能尽情追求你所热爱的绿色之物的地方。   Peony   牡丹   Youu2019re a dyed-in-the-wool romantic, and youu2019re proud of it! Youu2019ve had your heart bruised atime or two, but itu2019s all worth it for the fairy tale ending.   你是一个彻底的浪漫主义者,并且你因此而骄傲!你的心受过一两次伤,但对你来说,为了 童话 故事 般的结局,这都是值得的。   When you finally found your Mr. or Mrs. Right — or if youu2019re still looking — they werenu2019t whatyou were expecting at all, but you couldnu2019t be happier. And you have every intention of livinghappily ever after!   当你最终找到意中人的时候——或者如果你仍在寻找中——他们不是你所期望的那个人,但你很高兴。你打算从此以后幸福地生活。   Iris   鸢尾花   Youu2019re elegant and striking, to the point that you sometimes intimidate people who donu2019tknow you well.   你优雅又引人注目,有时候你让不了解你的人感到畏惧。   Youu2019re a born leader in the workplace and in your select friend group, but once people get toknow you, they quickly realize you have a soft side, and would do anything for a friend or lovedone in need.   在工作场所和你精选的朋友圈中,你是个天生的领导者,不过一旦人们了解你之后,他们很快会意识到你也有温柔的一面,并且会为处于危难之中的朋友或所爱之人做任何事。   Daffodil   水仙花   Busy as a bee, you always have a project in the works! You move fast and talk faster, but noone minds because theyu2019re hanging on your every word waiting for the next punchline!   像蜜蜂一样忙碌的你总是在进行着一个项目!你行动迅速,讲话更快,但是没有人介意,因为他们正听着你的每句话并期待着你随后的妙语如珠。   Your sense of humor is legendary, and your tongue is notoriously sharp. You love to be incharge, always spearheading the next big thing, and your fashion sense is, in a word,outrageous. But in a good way.   你有着传奇般的幽默感,并且你非常毒舌。你喜欢掌管一切,总是带头进行下一件大事。而你的时尚感,用一句话来说就是令人吃惊的,当然是以一种良好的方式。   花相关景观植物名称   垂枝北非雪松阿尔泰老鹳草 Geranium affine   矮扁柏  Chamaecyparis obtusa cv.Nana Kosteri   矮柳 Salix herbacea   矮山姜 Alpinia pumila   矮生美 洲花柏 Chamaecyparis lawlsoniana cv.Minima   安德喜林芋 Philodendron andreanum   八角金盘 Fatsia japonica   八角莲 Disporum leschenaultianum   八仙花  Hydrangea macrophylla   巴西铁树 Dracaena fragrans   白 雪委陵菜 Potentilla nitidavar. alba   白边铁树 Dracaena deremensis   白粉藤 Cissus repens   白蝴蝶 Syngonium podophyllum cv white butterfly   白花败酱 Patrima villosa   白花碎米荠 Cardamine leucantha   白花网纹草 Fitionia verschaffeliii   白花油麻藤 Mucuna birdwoodiana   白花紫露草 Tradescatia fluminensis   白屈菜 Chelidoniummajus   白山金腰子 Chrysosplenium baitoshamicum   白山蓼 Poly-gonum laxmanii   白山龙朋 Gentiana jamesii 猜你喜欢: 1. 花园的英语单词 2. 菊花的英文单词 3. 花生的英语单词 4. 各种花的英文名 5. 杜鹃花的英文单词 6. 樱花的英语单词
2023-06-22 11:32:171


The story is about the dialogue of external beauty and inner beauty among a safflower, a gaunt tree and a cactus. What I can learn from this story is that we should pay much attention to inner beauty beause it is the realy beauty. Inner beauty is more beautiful than anything. Noboday can help others for the inner beauty, no matter what his external beauty is like. That red rose pays much attention to the external beauty. It says that cactus has thorn nut not realizes it also has it, so it feels ashamed when it knows that. But cactus could help birds and others with the water it has. So we can see how important inner beaty is!
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Cactus green, the body is massive, like a man"s hand, and the hand and fingers of odd shape. The cactus covered many thorns, a touch will handle. Sometimes it will drop one or two prickly prickly, if misfortune is stuck, it may bleed. So remind you here, never play with cactus. It is the breeding method of cactus stems directly from the top or bottom to grow a new plant, its strong vitality is not because a few days without watering, it will not die, but if the water too much, it will be drowned, so as long as four or five days, the cactus once poured water on it. There are many varieties of cacti, there is a point it is a hook, a puncture will be painful, will be hooked, so don"t go to touch the cactus. The flowering season of cactus is not necessarily, and the time of flowering is very short, it may be withered in a few days, so it is time to see the flowering of the cactus. The flowers of cactus are also very beautiful. There is some white, pink, or pink and white, very beautiful. It took little, but beautiful: the outer ring is gradually changed to pink, white, finally became white. You pull down a petal and touch it with your hands, as if you are touching a hairy white rabbit. The cactus flower is not beautiful peony, no roses strong, just some nondescript chastity. But I love it without chastity, characteristics. Even in a bad environment, it will eventually become a successor, a hero. When I come back from school to finish homework every day, my eyes will be a bit tired. But when I enjoy the green cactus, my eyes will be much brightening. It may be the green light of the cactus. When I close my eyes, the green cactus is in my mind again. From then on, I finished my homework every day, and I didn"t need to look at the cactus anymore. I just closed my eyes and thought of my cactus, just like a cactus smiling in front of me. At that time, I also smiled.
2023-06-22 11:33:281

David Bowie的《Cactus》 歌词

歌曲名:Cactus歌手:David Bowie专辑:HeathenPixies - CactusSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you woreI put it on when I go lonelyWill you take off your dress and send it to me?I miss your kissin" and I miss your headAnd a letter in your writing doesn"t mean you"re not deadRun outside in the desert heatMake your dress all wet and send it to meI miss your soup and I miss your breadAnd a letter in your writing doesn"t mean you"re not deadSo spill your breakfast and drip your wineJust wear that dress when you"re dyingSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you woreBloody your hands on a cactus treeWipe it on your dress and send it to meSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you wore
2023-06-22 11:33:341

Hiram Bullock的《Cactus》 歌词

歌曲名:Cactus歌手:Hiram Bullock专辑:From All SidesPixies - CactusSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you woreI put it on when I go lonelyWill you take off your dress and send it to me?I miss your kissin" and I miss your headAnd a letter in your writing doesn"t mean you"re not deadRun outside in the desert heatMake your dress all wet and send it to meI miss your soup and I miss your breadAnd a letter in your writing doesn"t mean you"re not deadSo spill your breakfast and drip your wineJust wear that dress when you"re dyingSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you woreBloody your hands on a cactus treeWipe it on your dress and send it to meSitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you wore
2023-06-22 11:33:411


2023-06-22 11:33:481


①雏菊,Daisy,花语:隐藏爱情; ②桔梗花,Balloon flower,花语:真诚不变的爱; ③白玫瑰,White rose,花语:我足以与你相配; ④熏衣草,lavender,花语:等待爱情; ⑤时钟花,The clock flower,花语:爱在你身边;①狗尾巴草,Dog"s tail grass,花语:暗恋; ②油桐花,Tung flower,花语:情窦初开; ③樱花,The cherry blossom,花语:等你回来; ④黑色曼陀罗,Black mandala,花语:无间的爱和复仇,绝望的爱,不可预知的死亡和爱;①向日葵,sunflower,花语:沉默的爱;② 水仙花,daffodils,花语:只爱自己; ③仙人掌,The cactus,花语:坚硬坚强; ④彼岸花,The other shore flower,花语:悲伤的回忆,相互思念; ⑤栀子花,gardenia,花语:永恒的爱,一生的守侯,我们的爱;
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  花的英文词汇1   1. 月季花 china rose   2. 金银花 honeysuckle   3. 长春花 old maid   4. 金莲花 garden nasturtium   5. 秋海棠begonia   6. 非洲凤仙 African touch-me-not   7. 美人蕉 canna   8. 曼陀罗 angel"s trumpet   9. 晚香玉 tuberose   10. 梅花 flowering apricot   11. 野姜花 ginger lily   12. 圣诞红 common poinsettia   13. 菊花 chrysanthemum   14. 虞美人 Iceland poppy   15. 昙花 epiphyllum   花的.英文词汇2   1. peony牡丹   2. begonia秋海棠   3. cactus仙人掌   4. christmas flower圣诞花/一品红   5. poppy罂*   6. tulip郁金香   7. chinese rose月季   8. violet紫罗兰   9. peach flower桃花   10. iris蝴蝶花   11. cockscomb鸡冠花   12. honeysuckle金银花   13. chrysanthemum菊花   14. carnation康乃馨   15. orchid兰花   16. canna美人蕉   17. jasmine茉莉花   18. daffodil水仙花   19. aloe芦荟   20. mimosa含羞草   21. dandelion蒲公英   22. plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily   23. 石榴 pomegranate   24. 月桂victor"s laurel   25. 报春花 polyanthus   26. 木棉 cotton tree   27. 紫丁香 lilac   28. 吊钟 lady"s eardrops   29. 紫荆 Chinese redbud   30. 百合 lily   31. 紫罗兰 wall flower   32. 桃花 peach   33. 紫藤 wisteria   34. 杜鹃 azalea   35. 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley   36. 牡丹 tree peony   37. 银杏 ginkgo   38. 芍药 peony   39. 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid   40. 辛夷 violet magnolia   花的英文词汇3   报春花 polyanthus   木棉 cotton tree   牡丹 tree peony   银杏 ginkgo   芍药 peony   蝴蝶兰 moth orchid   郁金香 tulip   茶花 common camellia   千日红 common globe-amaranth   非洲堇 African violet   栀子花 cape jasmine   木槿 rose of Sharon   风信子 hyacinth   百子莲 African lily   牵牛花 morning glory   君子兰 kefir lily   荷包花 lady"s pocketbook   含笑花 banana shrub   非洲菊 African daisy   含羞草 sensitive plant   茉莉 Arabian jasmine   猪笼草 pitcher plant   花的英文词汇4   凌霄花 creeper   树兰 orchid tree   康乃馨coronation   鸡冠花 cockscomb   荷花lotus   鸢萝 cypress vine   菩提 botree   大理花 dahlia   圣诞百合 Christmas bell   一串红 scarlet sage   紫薇 crape myrtle   勿忘我 forget-me-not   睡莲 water lily   文心兰 dancing lady   吊兰 spider plant   白头翁 pappy anemone   向日葵 sunflower   矢车菊 cornflower   竹 bamboo   龙胆 royal blue   腊梅 winter sweet   麒麟花 crown of thorns   木芙蓉 cotton rose   九重葛 paper flower   火鹤花 flamingo flower   三色堇 tricolor viola   嘉德丽亚兰 cattleya   epiphyllum 昙花   花的英文词汇5   Brazil 巴西木   cactus 仙人掌   camellia 山茶花   carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)   Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花   Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花   gardenia 栀子   India canna 美人蕉   jasmine 茉莉   lilac 丁香   lily 百合   mangnolia 木兰花   mangnolia 玉兰花   morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)   narcissus 水仙花   oleander 夹竹桃   orchid 兰花   pansy 三色堇
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7月1日 怠惰 松果菊(Echinacea purpurea)   7月2日 严格 金鱼草(Snap Dragon)   7月3日 遗忘 白罂粟(Poppy)   7月4日 自然恋爱 蛾蝶花(Schizanthus pinnatus)   7月5日 芬芳 紫花夜丁香(Cestrum purpureum)   7月6日 爱慕 波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnatus)   7月7日 预测 醋粟花(Goose Berry)   7月8日 重逢 仙客来(Cyclamen persicum)   7月9日 真爱 红桑(Acalypha wilkesiana)   7月10日 感谢 风铃草(Canterbury Bell)   7月11日 我是你的 四季秋海棠(Begonia semperflorens)   7月12日 沉不住气 金银茄(Solanum texanum)   7月13日 现实主义者 变叶木(Codiaeum variegatum var.pictum)   7月14日 温和 草夹竹桃(Phlox)   7月15日 可爱 沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum)   7月16日 永恒的美丽 紫罗兰(Stock)   7月17日 敬爱 白玫瑰(White Rose)   7月18日 可怜 苔藓玫瑰(Moss Rose)   7月19日 美的光辉 孔雀竹芋(Calathea makoyana)   7月20日 真实 乳茄(Solanum mammosum)   7月21日 美 黄玫瑰(Yellow Rose)   7月22日 思慕 紫玉兰(Magnolia liliflora)   7月23日 温暖 玫瑰(York & Lancaster Rose)   7月24日 幽雅的心 马蹄莲(Zantedeschia aethiopica)   7月25日 热心 接骨木(Sambucus williamsii)   7月26日 和平 金柑(Fortunella margarita)   7月27日 真爱 蔓性天竺葵(Pelargonium peltatum)   7月28日 一直爱我 青桐(Firmiana simplex)   7月29日 燃烧的心 仙人掌(Cactus)   7月30日 夫妇之爱 文殊兰(Crinum asiaticum)   7月31日 宽大 观赏南瓜(Cucurbita pepo var.ovifera
2023-06-22 11:34:531


50个常见植物英语单词1. Flower 2. Leaf 3. Stem 4. Root 5. Tree 6. Vine 7. Shrub 8. Herb 9. Bush 10. Bamboo 11. Cactus 12. Fern 13. Grass 14. Moss 15. Algae 16. Ivy 17. Daisy 18. Lily 19. Tulip 20. Rose 21. Sunflower 22. Dandelion 23. Lavender 24. Peony 25. Orchid 26. Marigold 27. Jasmine 28. Hibiscus 29. Aloe vera 30. Sage 31. Mint 32. Thyme 33. Basil 34. Rosemary 35. Parsley 36. Oregano 37. Chamomile 38. Lavender 39. Eucalyptus 40. Lemon balm 41. Lavender 42. Chrysanthemum 43. Petunia 44. Impatiens 45. Begonia 46. Geranium 47. Azalea 48. Hydrangea 49. Camellia 50. Rhododendron 1. IntroductionThere are a variety of plants that exist on our planet, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. From the beautiful flowers of roses and lilies to the medicinal properties of sage and mint, plants are an essential part of our lives. In this article, we will explore 50 common plant names in English, including flowers, herbs, trees, and more.2. Flowering PlantsFloral plants are some of the most popular types of plants, as their blooms add beauty and fragrance to any garden or landscape. Some of the most common flowering plants include roses, tulips, sunflowers, daisies, and lilies. These plants can be used for decorative purposes or as a source of natural remedies for various ailments.3. Edible PlantsEdible plants are those that can be consumed for their nutritional value or as a source of flavor in cooking. Examples include herbs like basil, thyme, and oregano, as well as vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes. Edible plants are an essential part of any healthy diet, and many people enjoy growing them in their own gardens.4. Medicinal PlantsMedicinal plants are those that have healing properties and can be used to treat a variety of health issues. Some of the most popular medicinal plants include aloe vera, chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus. These plants can be used to help with everything from headaches and stress to skin irritations and digestive issues.5. Trees and ShrubsTrees and shrubs are larger plants that can provide shade and privacy, as well as contribute to the overall beauty of an outdoor space. Some common trees and shrubs include bamboo, cactus, ferns, ivy, and moss. These plants can be used to create unique and tranquil habitats for wildlife, as well as enhance the aesthetic appeal of any outdoor area.6. ConclusionPlants are an essential part of the natural environment and provide a wide range of benefits to humans and animals alike. Whether used for decorative, medicinal, or nutritional purposes, plants offer numerous advantages and can greatly enhance our lives. By learning about the various types of plants available, we can gain a better appreciation of their importance and cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world.
2023-06-22 11:35:071


【 #英语资源# 导语】在我们的日常生活中,我们也经常见到很多植物,这些植物有的是盆栽植物,有的不是,来为我们介绍一种你见过的植物吧! 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.描写植物的英语作文   I keep a bowl of cactus.   Small balls crowded together, you pressed me, and I stepped on you, forming a tall "skyscraper". At a glance, the emerald green is thick enough to overflow!   There are small thorns on the ball one by one, and the thorns are shining with flowing luster under the sunlight, as if the lake surface was rippled by the breeze. I caressed the thorn lovingly. It"s hard and sharp, but it doesn"t stab me. These cold blades also know that I am their master!   The most amazing thing is not its hard thorns, but its flowers. Its flower is very small, but its petals are as red as a girl"s shy cheeks, soft and lovely. The stamens quietly hide in the petals, beige, dotted like stars in the sky.   This red, green and yellow is like a traffic light! I thought with open mind. They complement each other and complement each other. In my cluttered room, a bright landscape was formed.   Looking at the verdant life, I was surprised - I haven"t watered it for a month, why isn"t it dry? How can they grow so vigorously?   Its small body contains infinite vitality. Even without water, it still grows towards the sun. In this small closed room, the air is not circulating, the sun is scarce, and the water is extremely poor. But it does not yield to external factors: it is slim and graceful, it is green and luxuriant, and it even has a flower of life!   Turn around and look at the precious flowers on the balcony. The peonies, lilies and orchids all drooped their heads. Their bright appearance no longer existed, but they bent their backs listlessly. The balcony was deserted.   I looked at the cactus again. It seemed to grow taller. In the sun, it looks like a deer, smart, young, vibrant, with unlimited vitality. The petals are more beautiful, the ball is more green, and the thorns are more hard - I just poured a spoonful of water!   God has no obligation to ensure that our lives are free from misfortune. We may be poor, lonely and disabled. But God is merciful. I know that he once promised that as long as we grow savagely in spite of thorns with firm faith and unlimited hope, we will be able to bloom the flower of life in the corner.   Just like my cactus. 2.描写植物的英语作文   My father planted a dripping Guanyin tree at home. Its long roots connected with the soil, and many leaves grew on the stem. The "blood vessels" on the leaves can be clearly seen. I often water and fertilize it. Even if the soil is a little dry, I will keep it wet.   Once, when I watered it, I found that one of the leaves turned yellow. I thought to myself: Will this leaf affect the growth of Dishui Guanyin? Can Dishui Guanyin continue to grow after being affected? This question puzzled me for three days and nights. Finally, I decided to cut off this leaf. I took the scissors carefully, not daring to miss anything. I was afraid that I would hurt the basin of Dishui Guanyin. In the end, I bit my teeth and closed my eyes to cut off the yellow leaves.   Two days later, when I came to water it again, I almost fainted with excitement. It turned out that a leaf was going to grow again. I was overjoyed. I ran quickly to tell my father, and then returned to it. I looked at it excitedly, hoping that it would grow up quickly and open a beautiful flower - because I had never seen the flower of Dishui Guanyin.   Why is it called Dishui Guanyin? I often sit on the stone bench in the community and think about this problem, but I can"t figure out why. One day, I finally found out from the Internet that Dishui Guanyin is also called Xiangbang. Its leaves are heart-shaped and its veins are everywhere. Its name comes from its living habits. Its tip drops dew in the wet morning, and its flowers look like Guanyin, so it is named Dishui Guanyin.   My father and I like this Dishui Guanyin very much. My father took a big kettle and I took a small one to water it. 3.描写植物的英语作文   In the east campus of our school, there was a charming botanical garden.   Into the botanical garden the door of the small and exquisite, a few tall sabal first caught my eye. They stand straight, like soldiers negotiators are safeguarded. Sabal leaves is green is green, in the sun, looks very bright; Sabal leaves big, big, like a big fan, stand in here can feel blowing a breeze through the cheek; Sabal leaves are very sharp tip, if not careful, the leaves will make my hand hurts.   Through sabal plexus, can see a small pool. A small pool of water is very calm, quiet like a mirror. A few small fish swimming happily in the in the water, add vitality to the pond. In the middle of the small pool has a rockery, it is like a loyal friend, day and night to accompany small pool; It is like a good soldier, every day to protect the small pool.   After paved with marble Bridges, walking the winding paths, you can see all kinds of plants on both sides, dense, like seaweed sansevieria, zhu Manila sway in the wind, have brown bamboo stand aside... Make me dazzled. The most dramatic is about standing on both sides of the two "soldiers" travelers banana. They are dressed in green clothes, on the head with a few "police", appear spirit. Their leaves large, like a princess iron fan palm leaf fan, and like a tail of the peacock, also like a tall wuzhishan, straight into the sky.   Move down inside, then can see a small pavilion. Branches a a round at the top of the pavilion, from a distance, like a big bird"s nest. Contrasting with the branch, biltong and finely shadow under the leakage. Beautiful! 4.描写植物的英语作文   When I was four years old, I brought back a cactus from my relatives" home.   It was a dark green ball. At first, it was only as big as a small apple. It was covered with tiny thorns, like silver needles. Although it looked very cute, I only dared to look at it from a distance, not touch it, for fear of being accidentally stabbed by it. So, the next day I brought it back, I strongly asked my mother to take me to the florist to choose a beautiful flowerpot for it, and then carefully planted it in the flowerpot and put it in Grandma"s house to take care of it.   In spring, the cactus grew up under the careful care of Grandma. It was as big as a small bucket of instant noodles, very cute, but not very noticeable.   In summer, the cactus grows bigger, like a cantaloupe. One day, Grandma said to tell me a surprise. I asked Grandma curiously what the surprise was. Grandma said, "Your cactus has blossomed!" I can"t wait to run upstairs to see what kind of flowers the cactus has opened. When I saw it, I jumped up excitedly. Its flowers were like a small red trumpet, so bright and big, as if singing for my little master, telling me that it did not disappoint me; Tell me that he likes the new home I have set up for him; Tell me, it will grow with me.   In autumn, the flowers of the cactus have withered, but I am not sad. I still love it as always. I know that it is working hard to save energy and wait for the next year to bloom again! 5.描写植物的英语作文   My family has many flowers: aloe, Epiphyllum, Clivia...... But my favorite is the pot of Epiphyllum.   Epiphyllum, we may have heard of it, but few people really see it blooming. It is green all over, just like a green fairy, and its long and flat leaves are like a fairy"s streamer; It occasionally blooms several white Epiphyllum, which becomes the white headed flower of the fairy.   This pot of Epiphyllum was moved from my grandpa"s office. My mother said that the flowers were not as tall as mops when they first moved here. Now with my mother"s careful care, this pot of Epiphyllum is almost as tall as the roof. In recent years, many flowers bloom every year.   Last time when the Epiphyllum was in bloom, I really observed it. Five minutes ago, its bud was tightly closed, and in a moment, the faint fragrance suddenly filled the whole balcony. The petals of Epiphyllum are so beautiful! It is snow-white, only the place near the stamen is a little yellowish; The smell of flowers is so good! Although it is just a little light fragrance, it is unforgettable to smell it. After all, it was a "flash in the pan". It didn"t take long to spend it.   This year, flowers somehow, a lot of leaves are yellow. Mom was very worried when she saw it. After all, it was her favorite. She analyzed that it might be the lack of sunlight, and buried a lot of bean dregs for it, but this method was not very effective. Later, my mother heard from my grandfather that it was better to buy big bones, so she put all the bones left over from each meal in it. After a while, Epiphyllum really regained its vitality and grew nine buds.   Although the flowers of Epiphyllum are not as beautiful as roses, and the smell is not as strong as peonies, I still like Epiphyllum most! 6.描写植物的英语作文   In my mind, I always remember all the things I like, my toys, my stationery, some books and my favorite sports... Today, I want to introduce my favorite plant, "Mantian Star".   "Mantianxing" - this is the name of a flower. I think you must be familiar with this kind of flower, because it is very common. My family has a pot of it. In fact, this kind of flower is very common. It does not require high soil. It can survive in acidic or alkaline soil. The geographical requirements are not strict either. It can grow in the south or flower in the north. As long as the temperature is suitable, it will remain evergreen all the year round. Even in winter, it can bring people green life.   The leaves and flowers of the "Mantianxing" are very small, only as big as the nail plate of the index finger, which is pitifully small, but also cute. I like the unique character of this flower. It is different from other flowers. It wants to show its beauty earlier than other flowers. Therefore, once everything recovers in the spring, it can"t wait to show its new pink flower coats. It also chooses pieces of leaves close to black as the background. Under the breeze, the florets swayed proudly, just like a few crystal stars in the dark night sky blinking their questioning eyes mischievously.   I like the "full sky star" not only because it has a beautiful appearance, but also because it lets me see a powerful force. Although it does not have the beautiful symbolic significance of roses, nor does it have a bunch of red flowers that are so bright and charming. But the kind of tenacity, perseverance and unknown selfless dedication it shows has made me admire it for a long time. 7.描写植物的英语作文   There are two plants in my family. One is a fortune tree, and the other one I don"t even know what its name is.   The root of the fortune tree is like a tree root, thick, rough to the touch, and the feeling is the same as that of the root. The leaves of the fortune tree are sharp spindle shaped, with five leaves on one petiole, facing our palm. The root of the other plant seems to be a bamboo shoot, and the leaves are love shaped, a little larger than my palm. Its flowers are also love type, almost the same size as my palm, and the flowers are red, as if representing beaming. There is a yellow stamen on the red flower,   They look different and water at different times. The fortune tree is watered once a week, while the plant with flowers has large leaves. It needs to be watered once a day. Why. Because the leaves of the Fortune Tree are very small, and the leaves drink very little water, they absorb very little, so they don"t need to water every day. The leaves of the other flower are very large. They drink more water and absorb more. Therefore, they need to water every day. From this, I got inspiration. When I grow up, I want to transform the roof into a solar panel. I want to expand the area of the solar panel as much as possible, so that the solar panel can absorb more solar energy, store more solar energy, and convert it into electric energy. When it is cloudy, I don"t need to collect solar energy, but also wait to get electric energy, and don"t need to charge electricity. In this way, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, make our homes green, healthy and comfortable, and make our homes cleaner and more beautiful.   Move quickly! Let our home more beautiful! Human beings are really our good teachers. 8.描写植物的英语作文   Under the gray white wall, there is a plant, which is green, with fan-shaped leaves and reddish stems.   The leaves of this plant are very special. They look fan-shaped, but some of them are slightly concave on both sides in the middle and protruding on the back two places. Some leaves seem to be composed of three triangles, and this triangle is uneven. The upper corner is particularly prominent and sharp. It seems that the back two corners that can hurt people are very even, almost identical, just like the ones that want to be copied, and the two corners are also warped; Some leaves are very big in the front and small in the back   This leaf is not only special in shape, but also different in "fabric". There are some thin and small hairs on the leaf, which feel fluffy. These hairs are very short, and can hardly be seen with the
2023-06-22 11:35:141

跪求一篇描写植物的英语作文100字 随便什么植物..花也行..快.英文的...

仙人掌 A cactus (plural:cacti or cactuses) is any member of the spine plant family Cactaceae,native to the Americas.They are often used as ornamental plants,but some are also crop plants.Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales,which also includes members like beets,baby"s breath,spinach,amaranth,tumbleweeds,carnations,rhubarb,buckwheat,plumbago,bougainvillea,chickweed and knotgrass. Cacti are distinctive and unusual plants,which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments,showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water.Their stems have expanded into green succulent structures containing the chlorophyll necessary for life and growth,while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes.The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei,with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m,and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana,only about 1 cm diameter at maturity.Cactus flowers are large,and like the spines and branches arise from areoles.Many cactus species are night blooming,as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals,principally moths and bats.Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.
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each kind of flower
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仙人掌科有140个属,分别是: 一、叶仙人掌亚科(Pereskioideae) 包括如下各属:叶仙人掌属(木麒麟属,Pereskia Mill. )、拟叶仙人掌属(Maihuenia Phil.)等。 二、仙人掌亚科(Opuntioideae) 包括如下各属:顶花麒麟掌属(Quiabentia Britton et Rose)、麒麟掌属(Pereskiopsis Britton et Rose)、翅子掌属(Pterocactus K. Schum.)、长蕊掌属(Tacinga Britton et Rose)、仙人掌属(Opuntia Tourn. ex Mill.)等。 三、仙人柱亚科(Cereoideae) ⑴仙人柱族(Cereeae) ①仙人柱亚族(Cereinae)包括如下各属: 蟹爪莲属(zygocactus truncatusBritton et Rose)、天轮柱属(Cereus Mill.)、残雪柱属(Monvillea Britton et Rose)、翁柱属(Cephalocereus Pfeiff.)、麝香柱属(Jasminocereus Britton et Rose)、近卫柱属(Stetsonia Britton et Rose)、群蛇柱属(Browningia Britton et Rose)、角鳞柱属(Escontria Rose)、巨人柱属(Carnegiea Britton et Rose)、摩天柱属(Pachycereus Britton et Rose)、鸡冠柱属(Lophocereus Britton et Rose)、龙神柱属(Myrtillocactus Console)、群戟柱属(Lemaireocereus Britton et Rose)、恐龙角属(Corryocactus Britton et Rose)、壶花柱属(Eulychnia Phil.)、大织冠属(Neoraimondia Britton et Rose)、鹿角柱属(Echinocereus Engelm.)、薮蛇柱属(Rathbunia Britton et Rose)、乔木柱属(Neoabbottia Britton et Rose)、花铠柱属(Armatocereus Backeb.)、细阁柱属(Leptocereus Britton et Rose)、飞龙柱属(Brachycereus Britton et Rose)、灌木柱属(Calymmanthium F. Ritter)、树木柱属(Dendrocereus Britton et Rose)、有刺萼柱属(Acanthocereus Britton et Rose)、卧龙柱属(Harrisia Britton )、块根柱属(Peniocereus Britton et Rose)、仙人杖属(Nyctocereus Britton et Rose)等。 ②量天尺亚族(Hylocereinae)包括如下各属:量天尺属(Hylocereus Britton et Rose)、蛇鞭柱属(Selenicereus Britton et Rose)、牡丹柱属(Heliocereus Britton et Rose)、瘤果仙人鞭属(Weberocereus Britton et Rose)、鼠尾掌属(Aporocactus Lem.)、昙花属(Epiphyllum Haw. )、令箭荷花属(Nopalxochia Britton et Rose)、姬孔雀属(Disocactus Lindl.)、仙人指属(Schlumbergera Lem.)、蟹爪属(Zygocactus K. Schum.)、假昙花属(Rhipsalidopsis Britton et Rose)、丝苇属(Rhipsalis Gaertn.)等。 ③老乐柱亚族(Espostoinae)包括如下各属:老乐柱属(Espostoa Britton et Rose)、刺蔓柱属(Leocereus Britton et Rose)、刺翁柱属(Oreocereus Riccob.)、花冠柱属(Borzicactus Riccobono)、白仙玉属(Matucana Britton et Rose)、管花柱属(Cleistocactus Lem.)、绯筒球属(Denmoza Britton et Rose)、小花柱属(Zehntnerella Britton et Rose)、髯玉属(Oroya Britton et Rose)、毛花柱属(Trichocereus Riccob.)、仙人球属(Echinopsis Zucc.)、关节柱属(Arthrocereus A. Berger)、丽花球属(Lobivia Britton et Rose)、子孙球属(Rebutia K. Schum.)、白檀属(Chamaecereus Britton et Rose)、小槌球属(Mila)等。 ⑵仙人球族(Cacteae) ①极光球亚族(Eriosycinae)包括如下各属:极光球属(Eriosyce Phil. )智利球属(Neoporteria Britton et Rose)、南国玉属(Notocactus A. Berger )、士童属(Frailea Britton et Rose)、狼爪玉属(Austrocactus Britton et Rose)、锦绣玉属(Parodia Speg. )、松露玉属(Blossfeldia Werderm.)等。 ②花座球亚族(Melocactinae)包括如下各属:花座球属(Melocactus Boehm.)、圆盘玉属(Discocactus Pfeiff.)等。 ③金琥亚族(Echinocactinae)包括如下各属:金琥属(Echinocactus Link et Otto)、星球属(Astrophytum Lem.)、绫波属(Homalocephala Britton et Rose)、龙爪球属(Copiapoa Britton et Rose)、裸萼球属(Gymnocalycium Pfeiff.)、帝冠属(Obregonia denegrii)、月华玉属(Pediocactus Britton et Rose)、瘤玉属(Thelocactus Britton et Rose)、强刺球属(Ferocactus Britton et Rose)、长钩球属(Hamatocactus Britton et Rose)、多棱球属(Echinofossulocactus Lawrence)、光山属(Leuchtenbergia Hook.)、皱棱属(Aztekium Boed.)、乌羽玉属(Lophophora Coult.)、岩牡丹属(Ariocarpus Scheidw.)、月世界属(Epithelantha F. A. C. Weber)、菊水属(Strombocactus Britton et Rose)、裸玉属(Neolloydia Britton et Rose)、菠萝球属(顶花球属,Coryphantha Lem.)、斧突球属(Pelecyphora Ehrenb.)、松球玉属(Encephalocarpus A. Berger)、松球属(Escobaria Britton et Rose)、长疣球属(Dolichothele Britton et Rose)、乳突球属(Mammillaria Haw.)等。
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一己之见A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, within the order Caryophyllales. The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κ04κτο09 (kaktos), a name originally used for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain. Cacti are native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of western Canada in the north—except for Rhipsalis baccifera, which also grows in Africa and Sri Lanka.Most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. Many live in extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on earth. Cacti show many adaptations to conserve water. Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves. As well as defending against herbivores, spines help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus and providing some shade. Cactus spines are produced from specialized structures called areoles, a kind of highly reduced branch. Areoles are an identifying feature of cacti. As well as spines, areoles give rise to flowers, which are usually tubular and multi-petaled.In the absence of leaves, enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis. Unlike many other succulents, the stem is the only part of most cacti where this vital process takes place. Cactus stems also store water, and are often ribbed or fluted, which allows them to expand and contract easily. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest free-standing cactus is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m , and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. The smaller cacti usually have globe-shaped stems, combining the highest possible volume with the lowest possible surface area. Many cacti have a short growing season and a long dormancy and are able to react quickly to any rainfall, helped by an extensive but relatively shallow root system. A fully grown saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) is said to be able to absorb as much as 760 liter of water during a rainstorm.Like other succulent plants, most cacti employ a special mechanism called "Crassulacean acid metabolism" (CAM) as part of photosynthesis. Transpiration, during which carbon dioxide enters the plant and water escapes, does not take place during the day at the same time as photosynthesis, but instead occurs at night. The plant stores the carbon dioxide it takes in as malic acid, retaining it until daylight returns and only then using it in photosynthesis. Because transpiration takes place during the cooler, more humid night hours, water loss is significantly reduced.
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英 国——玫瑰The United Kingdom--Rose 法 国——鸢尾花France——Iris 德 国——矢车菊Germany——B1ue Bottle 意大利——雏菊Italy--Daisy 瑞 典——铃兰Sweden--Lily of the Yally 希 腊——橄榄Greece--Olive 苏格兰——蓟菊Scotland——Thistle 爱尔兰——白金菜Ireland——Shamrock 土耳其——康乃馨Turkey--Carnation 匈牙利——郁金香Hungary--Tulip 罗马尼亚——白玫瑰Romania--Rose(white) 西班牙——石榴花Spain——Pomegranate Blossom 保加利亚——红玫瑰Bulgaria———Red Rose 加拿大——枫叶Canada———Sugar Maple 墨西歌一仙人掌Mexico———Cactus 巴 西——菊兰花Brazil———Orchid 秘 鲁——向日葵Peru———Sunflower 利比里亚——龙葵Liberia———Nightshade 埃 及——莲花Egypt———Water Lily 坦桑尼亚——丁香Tanzania———Lilac 日 本——樱花Japan—Cherry Blossom 菲律宾——茉莉花Philippine—Jasinine 印 度——罂粟花India———Poppy Flower 印度尼西亚——茉莉花Indonecia——Jasinine 尼泊尔——山杜娟Nepal———Azalea 泰 国——睡莲Tailand—WaterLily
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