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hunted 英[u02c8hu028cntu026ad] v. 猎取; 打猎( hunt的过去式和过去分词 ); 搜寻; 寻找; [例句]Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。[其他] 原型: hunt


  hunt是打猎的意思,那hunt的过去式是怎么样的呢?下面是我为你整理的hunt的过去式,希望大家喜欢!   hunt的过去式   过去式: hunted   v.打猎( hunt的过去式和过去分词 );   猎取; 搜寻; 寻找   hunted的 造句   1. Last December they hunted down and killed one of the gangsters.   去年12月他们追捕到其中一名匪徒并将其击毙。   2. A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered.   一只大野猫在捕杀了58只羊羔后遭到猎捕。   3. Those who do not come forward should be hunted down.   对于那些不肯自首的罪犯应予缉拿归案。   4. He hunted vainly through his pockets for a piece of paper.   他翻遍口袋想找一张纸,结果没找到。   5. His eyes had a hunted look.   他双眼透露出一种恐慌的神态。   6. We hunted the neighbour"s chickens out of our yard.   我们把邻居家的小鸡从我们院子里轰走了.   7. He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after.   他认出那具尸体就是那个被追捕的罪犯.   8. The men only hunted; the women did everything else.   男人只管打猎, 别的事都是妇女干的.   9. The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction.   这些动物由于遭到无情的捕猎而濒于灭绝.   10. Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.   原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽.   hunt的常见用法   vt.& vi.打猎; 猎取;   vt.打猎; 追捕,猎杀; 在u2026处狩猎; 搜索   vi.追逐猎物; 寻找; 前后摆动; 积极地寻找   n.打猎; 狩猎旅行; 参加狩猎旅行的人;   1. I"ve hunted everywhere but I can"t find it.   我到处都找遍了,就是找不到。   2. The men only hunted, the women did everything else.   男人只管打猎,别的事都是妇女干的。   3. We hunted the neighbor"s chickens out of our yard.   我们把邻居家的小鸡从我们院子里轰走了。   4. He was hunted out of the country.   他被驱逐出境了。   5. They are hunting the foxes.   他们在猎狐。   6. They went to the island to hunt the buried treasure.   他们到岛上去寻找埋藏的宝物。   7. Police are hunting the killer.   警察在追捕杀手。   8. The police are on the hunt for further clues.   警方正进一步寻找线索。   9. I took part in the tiger hunt.   我参加了猎虎。   10. Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnaping gang, not a trace of them was found.   尽管已在全国范围搜捕绑匪,但尚未发现任何线索。

hunt和hunt for的区别

答案: A 人们不允许狩猎! Hunt 本身可以是及物动词vt,也可以是不及物动词vi. 在这里应该是不及物动词. 所以用hunt就可以了. Hunt for sth. hunt后面加了介词 for, 那么他后面就必须要接个宾语. 所以就只有hunt for, 这个句子就是错误的. 要相信自己, 书本不一定是正确的. 现在的书籍编写者大多为了赚钱, 不可全信. 希望你能学好英语!对你的补充的回答: 这就奇怪了!Hunt For.... 是追逐,搜索, 寻找的意思. 我觉得答案还是A.不过hunt做及物动词的时候一般用被动. eg: Tigers are hunted.做不及物的时候经常用主动.eg: Tigers hunt alone.

《Hunted Down》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Hunted Down》(Harry, Granice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NjYE7qpfkKl2qfhKSET8SQ 提取码: rxx6书名:Hunted Down作者:Harry, Granice出版年份:2009-8页数:24

请老师帮忙分析下这个句子的句子成分:tigers are hunted for fur to make carpets so that they can only

【Tigers主语】【 are hunted 谓语】【for fur状语】【 to make carpets不定式短语,目的状语 】【so that (they 主语)(can only live in谓语 )(secure reserves宾语).目的状语从句】祝你开心如意!

African elephants are being hunted意思?

非洲大象至今天还被猎杀。African elephants are being hunted

The police ______ the stolen jewellery and returned it to the owner. A.searched B.hunted C.

D 试题分析:句意,警察找到了被偷的珠宝,并且把它归还了失主。Searched 搜寻 hunted 打猎invented 发明 recovered找回 ,根据题意,故选D。点评:解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项词组的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。


hunt的读音是:英[h?nt]。hunt的读音是:英[h?nt]。hunt的例句是用作动词(v.)The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden.猎人和我把动物赶出花园。hunt【近义词】chase。一、详尽释义点此查看hunt的详细内容v.(动词)追捕,缉捕;搜寻,搜索,寻找在…中狩猎驱使…行猎打猎,猎取,追猎,捕捉,猎杀追逐,追获,探求追赶,追踪驱逐用猎狗追猎狩猎中变更鸣铃的次序n.(名词)打猎,狩猎猎区猎队;猎人会搜捕;搜索,搜寻,找亨特(音译名)探求猎狐活动猎狐队伍Leigh Hunt 亨特(1784-1859,英国诗人、评论家和小品文作者)Holman Hunt 亨特(1827-1901,英国画家)二、词典解释1.搜寻;寻找If youhunt for something or someone, you try to find them by searching carefully or thoroughly.e.g. A forensic team was hunting for clues...法医小组正在寻找线索。e.g. Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job...有些新来的人甚至还没开始找工作就感到绝望了。2.追踪,追捕(罪犯、敌人等)If youhunt a criminal or an enemy, you search for them in order to catch or harm them.e.g. Detectives have been hunting him for seven months...侦探7个月来一直在追捕他。e.g. Her irate husband was hunting him with a gun.她暴怒的丈夫正拿着一把枪追杀他。3.(人)打猎,猎杀;(动物)猎食When people or animalshunt, they chase and kill wild animals for food or as a sport.e.g. As a child I learned tohunt and fish...从小我就学会了打猎和捕鱼。e.g. A leopard hunts alone, and an injured leopard cannothunt...豹向来单独猎食,所以如果受伤了就无法捕猎。4.(在英国骑马带狗进行)猎狐In Britain, when peoplehunt, they ride horses over fields with dogs called hounds and try to catch and kill foxes, as a sport.hunt是什么意思e.g. She liked tohunt as often as she could.她喜欢一有时间就去猎狐。5.(英国的)猎狐队伍In Britain, ahunt is a group of people who meet regularly to hunt foxes.hunt6.(参赛队或参赛者)仍有机会赢取If a team or competitor isin the hunt for something, they still have a chance of winning it.e.g. We"re still in thehunt for the League title and we want to go all the way in the Cup.我们仍有机会获得联赛冠军,而且我们还想一路杀进足总杯决赛。7. see also: hunting;witch-hunt相关词组:hunt downhunt out三、网络解释1. 打猎:打猎(HUNT)软件介绍打猎(HUNT) 游戏内容主要是考验你对鼠标实用的灵活程度,游戏开始后分别从左右随机出现各式各样的小鱼. 你的任务就是要尽可能多的鱼杀光. 你只有一定数量的子弹和时间,在游戏过程中还可以不断增加.2. hunt的解释2. 亨特:外耳道或耳廓或鼓膜出现带状疱疹,面瘫,常伴有耳鸣,听力下降,眩晕, 1904年Korner将该病命名为耳带状疱疹, 1907年亨特认为病变主要在面神经的膝状神经节, 从而确立了与贝尔麻痹相对的亨特(Hunt)综合徵, 亨特(Hunt)综合徵发病部位较高,3. 寻找:技术猎头的日常工作是寻找(Hunt)技术(Tech). 客户可以是公司、厂家或个人. 猎头首先会与需求者接触,了解需求者的需要,然后在数据库中查找合适的技术推荐给客户. 如果需求者认为其中某个项目技术合适,猎头就会安排双方见面,四、例句The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden.猎人和我把动物赶出花园。Wolves hunt in packs.狼总是成群猎食。They used to hunt with bows and arrows.他们过去都是用弓箭打猎。He goes out on the weekends to hunt for game.他每周末都外出打猎。John set out that day to hunt for work.约翰那天外出找工作。We must hunt out all the facts we can.我们必须尽可能查清全部事实。You"ll have to hunt up the word in the dictionary.你须在字典里查找这个字。The dog was trained to the hunt.这只狗受过狩猎训练。Police have launched a nationwide hunt for the killer.警察已经发出全国范围内追捕杀人凶手。I am on the hunt for the perfect summer sandals.我在搜寻一双完美的夏日凉鞋。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~have a hunt for寻找…have a good hunt痛痛快快地打一次猎organize〔stage〕 a hunt组织打猎〔搜索〕活动名词+~lion〔tiger〕 hunt猎狮〔虎〕treasure hunt寻宝介词+~during a hunt打猎期间on the hunt正在寻找~+介词a hunt for追求…六、经典引文The papers..were much taken up with the hunt for the missing Coronation Stone.出自:G. GorerA twice-a-year hunt to recruit more staff.出自:Medway ExtraHe used to hunt with the Pytchley.出自:J. BuchanAn old dog-fox who had been hunted many times before.出自:T. F. PowysThe bustards..were hunted with falcons.出自:J. Raban七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的huntian,意为抓获,猎。hunt的相关近义词chase、probe、seek、trackhunt的相关临近词hunter、hunk、Huntly、Hunton、Hunten、Huntley、huntite、hunt up、hunting、Huntoon、hunt fur、hunt fox点此查看更多关于hunt的详细信息

as well as other animals hunted

as well as 连接俩个成分是相同的 大象被猎杀,故是被动 选A,过去分词做后置定语,表被动。可以排除B项,C项that后面应该是一个定语从句,少了一个be动词,D项又少了一个that。

求 hunted --Steve Jablonsky 一样的超震撼音乐 不要摇滚类型,听过的人来

啊拉???let it go 行吗

hunt or be hunted什么意思


hunt or be hunted什么意思


at only twenty dollars,this bicycle is a bargain。at 是什么意思, bargain能做主语吗

bargain指讨价还价得来的特价商品,以……的价格讨来的,用介词at。bargain有三个词性:n. 交易;契约;特价商品vi. 讨价还价;成交vt. 讨价还价;拿…做交易这里很明显用它的名词形式,作的是表语。既然bargain可以是名词,当然它也可以作主语。



hunt or be hunted什么意思



hunt fit planed fed


Agreement,Bargain,Contract三个词均有协议的意思, 但首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me. Bargain这个词一般较少使用他的次词义:“合同”,“协议”,同样也不用在正式书面合同的表示,此词突出表示商谈,和生成协议的那个过程,最终签署的却不用该词多用Contract. 所以Contract和前二者最大最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的. 以上是拙见,如有不妥请多指教;),2,

shoot 和 hunt 有什么区别?

你好,shoot: [ 06u:t ] n. 射击,芽,发射 v. 射击,发出,发芽 [ 名词shooter ] [ 过去式shot 过去分词shot 现在分词shooting 第三人称单数shoots ] 例句与用法1. He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot. 他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。 2. He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background. 他有个主意,以纯白为背景给他们拍摄。 3. He shot at the bird, but missed it. 他对着鸟开枪,但没打中。 4. Get a rifle that shoots straight. 找一杆射得准的步枪来。 5. The film was shot in black and white. 这部电影拍成了黑白片。 6. Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。 hunt: [ h05nt ] n. 狩猎,追捕,搜寻 v. 狩猎,打猎,搜索 [ 过去式hunted 过去分词hunted 现在分词hunting 第三人称单数hunts ] 例句与用法1. Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。 2. The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden. 猎人和我把动物赶出花园。 3. Wolves hunt in packs. 狼总是成群猎食.







hunted读音是:英[u02c8hu028cntu026ad] 美[u02c8hu028cntu026ad]。一、英语释义hunted英汉解释:(hunt的过去式)adj. 被捕猎的;受迫害的。v. 狩猎;追捕。同义词:n. holman hunt,hunt club,james henry leigh hunt v. hound,hunt down,run,trace。词汇辨析:hunt,explore,track,seek这些动词均含“搜索、寻找”之意。hunt 一般指寻找所需的物件,或对罪犯的搜寻,特指追猎。explore 一般指对未知事物或新生事物的探索、观察与研究。track 侧重按一定线索追查出结果。seek 语义庄重,语气强,使用广。多暗示做出很大努力去寻求某人或物。二、参考例句Jenny came into the bedroom, hunted for her most beautiful dress, at last, she chose a pink blouse. 杰妮来到了卧室,寻找自己最漂亮的衣服,最后,选择了一件粉红色的衬衫。


Agreement,Bargain,Contract三个词均有协议的意思, 但首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me. Bargain这个词一般较少使用他的次词义:“合同”,“协议”,同样也不用在正式书面合同的表示,此词突出表示商谈,和生成协议的那个过程,最终签署的却不用该词多用Contract. 所以Contract和前二者最大最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的. 以上是拙见,如有不妥请多指教;)


随便什么角度都可以么?是写什么是广告还是广告的好坏处?A glance at any newspaper will reveal hundreds of advertisements. Some are elaborate full-page displays while the majority are in the more economical classified sections. People and firms advertise for all sorts of reasons. We can read about job vacancies, new products, people wanting to sell or purchase houses and cars, announcement of births and deaths, lonely hearts looking for partner, home services and others. The list goes on and is expanding everyday.The uses of advertisements are undisputed. Large companies depend heavily on advertisement to make their products known to the costumers. These companies play a major role in the development of sports in our country. Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events.Most magazines and periodicals survive because of advertisements. The people firm that advertise provide the necessary finance to keep these magazines running. Both parties benefit. The publishers get to carry on their business and the advertisers get to sell their products. However some magazines seem to lose their original purpose after a while because they have too many advertisements.For an employer looking for workers, advertisement provides one of the most efficient methods of getting them. How else can an employer let job-seekers know that there are jobs available? Through advertising in the newspaper, the whole country can be effectively reached and the best of the job-seekers selected.It is the same when some people want to sell or buy houses, cars and other things. Through advertisements they cam some in contact with people not normally met in normal daily life. Again the best buyers or sellers can be picked out and the most suitable bargains reached. In short advertisements enable people to widen their choices and chances in whatever they wish to obtain or discard.As useful as it is, advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people.Misleading the public is the most common form of abuse of advertisement. Consider some of the deceptions employed by advertisers.In the midst of an international sports meet we see the omnipresent sign of a popular-brand cigarette. Everyone knows that smoking does nothing good for one"s health. Yet these advertisers blatantly ignore facts and promote their products nonetheless. Even the authorities turn a blind eye to the whole affair. Nowadays the advertisers have begun to disguise their advertisements. Instead of the direct approach to cigarettes, they go in a round about way by advertising fashion, good-living and other aspects of "success"On television, the abuse of advertisements is most apparent. Who can bear sitting through ten minutes of continuous bombardment by shampoos, hair creams, snacks, washing powder and underarm spray? It is just too much! What is worse, they always come just before the most exciting part of a program. Besides giving us a mental jolt they methodically numb and abuse our mind until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their chatter without actually listening. It would certainly be for the good of all viewers if the advertisers cut down on their advertisements and only advertise discreetly. Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless assault on the viewers. Furthermore how much of what they advertise are base on truth? Does using a certain brand of shampoo eliminate dandruff? My personal experience is a definite no. does consuming certain food make us healthier? Then why are the hospitals always full? Does using a certain brand of soap powder really make the owner happier? Such things we must ask, if we do not want to be taken in by the advertisement.Thus we see that advertisements can be useful as well as it can be destructive. It depends on how it is only when they advertise falsehood and misleading information that abuse comes in. We cannot escape this onslaught of advertisements, but we can use own intelligence to weed out the bad ones.这个是关于广告的好坏处的,您可以根据需要自己节选一下哈~


随便什么角度都可以么?是写什么是广告还是广告的好坏处? A glance at any newspaper will reveal hundreds of advertisements. Some are elaborate full-page displays while the majority are in the more economical classified sections. People and firms advertise for all sorts of reasons. We can read about job vacancies, new products, people wanting to sell or purchase houses and cars, announcement of births and deaths, lonely hearts looking for partner, home services and others. The list goes on and is expanding everyday. The uses of advertisements are undisputed. Large companies depend heavily on advertisement to make their products known to the costumers. These companies play a major role in the development of sports in our country. Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events. Most magazines and periodicals survive because of advertisements. The people firm that advertise provide the necessary finance to keep these magazines running. Both parties benefit. The publishers get to carry on their business and the advertisers get to sell their products. However some magazines seem to lose their original purpose after a while because they have too many advertisements. For an employer looking for workers, advertisement provides one of the most efficient methods of getting them. How else can an employer let job-seekers know that there are jobs available? Through advertising in the newspaper, the whole country can be effectively reached and the best of the job-seekers selected. It is the same when some people want to sell or buy houses, cars and other things. Through advertisements they cam some in contact with people not normally met in normal daily life. Again the best buyers or sellers can be picked out and the most suitable bargains reached. In short advertisements enable people to widen their choices and chances in whatever they wish to obtain or discard. As useful as it is, advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people. Misleading the public is the most common form of abuse of advertisement. Consider some of the deceptions employed by advertisers. In the midst of an international sports meet we see the omnipresent sign of a popular-brand cigarette. Everyone knows that smoking does nothing good for one"s health. Yet these advertisers blatantly ignore facts and promote their products nonetheless. Even the authorities turn a blind eye to the whole affair. Nowadays the advertisers have begun to disguise their advertisements. Instead of the direct approach to cigarettes, they go in a round about way by advertising fashion, good-living and other aspects of "success" On television, the abuse of advertisements is most apparent. Who can bear sitting through ten minutes of continuous bombardment by shampoos, hair creams, snacks, washing powder and underarm spray? It is just too much! What is worse, they always come just before the most exciting part of a program. Besides giving us a mental jolt they methodically numb and abuse our mind until we watch them without actually seeing and hear their chatter without actually listening. It would certainly be for the good of all viewers if the advertisers cut down on their advertisements and only advertise discreetly. Presently advertisement on television is based on hard-selling and relentless assault on the viewers. Furthermore how much of what they advertise are base on truth? Does using a certain brand of shampoo eliminate dandruff? My personal experience is a definite no. does consuming certain food make us healthier? Then why are the hospitals always full? Does using a certain brand of soap powder really make the owner happier? Such things we must ask, if we do not want to be taken in by the advertisement. Thus we see that advertisements can be useful as well as it can be destructive. It depends on how it is only when they advertise falsehood and misleading information that abuse comes in. We cannot escape this onslaught of advertisements, but we can use own intelligence to weed out the bad ones. 这个是关于广告的好坏处的,您可以根据需要自己节选一下哈~ 9 回答者: 240842921


1. 程序后加上“&” ,即 “./myjob &”, 将命令放入到一个作业队列中,可以用命令“jobs” 查看2. 将1中的命令放在 “()”中, 即 “(./myjob &)”,所提交的作业并不在作业列表中,是无法通过jobs来查看的。3. 使用"nohup", 即 “nohup ./myjob &”,忽略hangup信号,防止shell关闭时程序停掉。4. 使用"setsid", 即“setsid ./myjob”。5. 对已经运行的程序可以用 “disown -hmyjob” 来使某个作业忽略HUP信号。6. 使用“screen". screen 下的操作会在screen下运行,无法在jobs中查看到。常用的命令有:a) 新建一个screen: screen-S my_screen_name. 建好后就可以进行所需要的操作了。 b) 暂时断开screen: Ctrl-a d c) 重新打开screen: Ctrl-a screen_id d) 查看所有screen状态: screen -ls e) 终止screen: screen -S my_screen_name -Xkill f) 在当前窗口新建窗口: Ctrl-a c g) 退出当前窗口: exit h) 显示所有窗口列表:Ctrl-a w

Banks will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to



相信对服务端有所了解的同学对于 如何让进程后台运行 这个问题都有自己的处理方式,本人零零散散也知道一些方法,但偶尔也会陷入搞混的情况(知其然但不知其所以然,命令就这么用呗,也就不管为什么了)。加上近期有不止一个技术还不错朋友在跟我交流中对于如何处理这个问题产生了一些困惑,我想它可能是一个比较普遍存在的问题,因此打算较为系统地整理一下各种八仙过海的神通,同时也稍微扯一扯一些进程信号的问题。 在shell中通过命令行的方式启动一个server,如何能够让它长久地运行呢?我一旦关了这个shell它就无法服务了,这可不是我们想要的结果,这一节将会介绍各种相关的方法。做各种实验之前,我在 conoha 上申请了一台临时的vps,做完就把它释放了,操作系统是CentOS 7。 说句题外话,conoha这个云服务商个人感觉还不错,性价比很高,虽然可能东京的线路偶尔会丢包比较严重,但新加坡的线路很棒,出入100M带宽不限流量,我自己平时用的就是它。好,扯回来,继续我们的整理。 这篇文章的测试server我们就采用nodejs官网的demo吧: nohup顾名思义,就是忽略hup信号。hup信号是什么呢,就是当一个shell窗口关闭的时候,会给隶属于它的所有进程发一个hup信号,然后该进程就挂了,除非进程捕获了hup信号,然后做了其它的事情,而不是exit。 使用方式就是在平常的命令前加一个nohup命令: 默认情况下,这个命令会在当前目录下产生一个nohup.out文件作为程序的输出。当然你也可以使用管道的方式将输出重定向到其它地方: 这个符号其实并不能解决本文所提到的问题,它只是一个比较好的辅助方式让控制台重新回到你的掌控中,从而可以继续输入其它命令。 就像这样: 这样进程就不会把shell阻塞住了。 用括号把命令包起来运行,也是一个可以让进程后台运行的方式,它的原理是把进程所隶属的session从当前的shell中解放出来,丢给一个subshell。这样一来,shell关闭发送的hup信号就不会被发到它了。就像这样: 命令 输出 阻塞 关闭shell窗口进程还在 exit退出会话进程还在 node server.js 控制台 是 否 nohup node server.js nohup.out 是 否 (node server.js) 控制台 是 否 node server.js & 控制台 否 否 是 nohup node server.js & nohup.out 否 否 是 (node server.js &)node可用 控制台 否 是 是 setsid node server.js 控制台 否 是 是 SIGHUP :从终端上发出的结束信号. SIGINT :来自键盘的中断信号 ( ctrl + c ) . SIGKILL :该信号结束接收信号的进程 . SIGTERM :kill 命令发出 的信号. SIGCHLD :标识子进程停止或结束的信号. SIGSTOP :来自键盘 ( ctrl + z ) 或调试程序的停止执行信号. SIGQUIT :来自键盘 ( ctrl + ) 表示终止前台进程并生成 core 文件.

小题1:If you want to join the club, you need to fill in the a______________ forms.小题2:With so ma

小题1:application,小题2:arising,小题3:signal,小题4:bargains,小题5:deserve,小题6:physical,小题7:decorate,小题8:reception,小题9:sank,小题10:logically 试题分析:小题1:因为前面有定冠词the,所以后面用名词形式application意思“申请”, the application forms意思“申请表格”小题2:考查with的复合结构,名词problems和动词arise是主谓关系,所以用动名词形式arising小题3:因为前面有不定冠词a,所以后面跟名词形式signal意思“信号”小题4:因为前面是形容词good,形容词修饰名词,所以后面用名词形式,因为前面有a few修饰名词复数,所以后跟bargains小题5:if引导的条件句,所以用一般现在时,因为主语是you,所以用动词原形deserve意思“应受”小题6:因为后面是名词形式disability,形容词修饰名词,所以前面是形容词形式physical意思“身体的”小题7:因为前面有动词不定式to,所以后面用动词原形decorate意思“装饰”小题8:因为前面是形容词friendly,形容词修饰名词,所以后面用名词形式reception意思“接待”小题9:由后面的句子when I knew that I failed in the job interview可以知道是一般过去式,所以用过去式形式sank意思“下沉”小题10:因为前面有动词organize,副词修饰动词,所以用副词形式logically意思“有条理地”点评:注意时态,看时间状语或者句子里原有时态,来决定该用什么时态;单复数,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词加s或es;和一些固定搭配,要靠平时多积累;要正使用单词形式,形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词。

为什么开机显示huppsug.exe—Common language Runtime Debugging Services的对话框,如何更改?

文件 hppusg.exe 是存放在 "C:Program Files" 下的子目录。 已知的 Windows XP 文件大小为 36,864 字节 (占总出现比率 97% ),24,576 字节。 这个程序没有备注。 这个进程在 Windows 载入程序中开启 (参看注册表项: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun)。 这个不是 Windows 系统文件。 应用程序是不可见的。 这个进程可以在控制面板 添加或删除程序 卸载。 hppusg.exe 似乎是被压缩过的文件 总结在技术上威胁的危险度是 56% , 但是也可以参考 用户意见。切记: hppusg.exe 也可能是恶意软件所伪装,尤其是当它们存在于 c:windows 或 c:windowssystem32 目录。我们建议使用 Security Task Manager 来检查电脑的安全状况,以便进一步查看 hppusg.exe 进程是否真的有害。




而kill -15是正常杀掉? 他们三者之间有什么区别?谢谢! ctrl+c是终止当前在终端窗口中运行的命令或脚本, kill -9 pid,是不顾后果的强制终止(,


Does the expression this important hurdle in my life?把你写在一起的这些单词断开后如上。翻译为中文是:这个表达在我的生活中是重要的障碍吗? 注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

1 i want to teach it -------- (speak) 2 I like watching my dog -----(run)around everying

1.to speak2.runs3.mice4.feeds5.Goldfish6.repeats7.is fighting我以老师教的为参考,如果不懂就问吧^_^

life feeds on negative entropy 什么意思

life feeds on negative entropy 负熵的在线生活。feedsv.喂养( feed的第三人称单数 ); 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物; 例句:1.A farmer feeds buffalo at a farm in lahore, pakistan. 巴基斯坦拉合尔市(lahore)一位农场主在农场里喂养水牛。


what i interpreted is you"re asking "what kind of ionic pounds are soluble / insoluble in water". correct me if you think i"ve misinterpreted. i guess there"s a chapter in chemistry book about acid-base reaction / salt which includes a table telling which pounds are soluble which are not. now i"m trying to give some guidelines: 1. all sodium potassium and ammonium salts are soluble. 2. all nitrate salts are soluble. 3. all hydrogencarbonate salts are soluble. 4. all chloride (halide) salts <Except silver & lead> are soluble. 5. all sulphate salts <Except silver lead calcium-- and below like barium> are soluble. 6. unless specified above all carbonate salts are insoluble. 7. unless specified above all oxides are insoluble. (sodium oxide potassium oxide and calcium oxide reacts with water) 8. unless specified all hydroxides are insoluble. (calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble hydroxides of metals below calcium are soluble like barium hydroxide) generally it summarizes the pounds monly encountered. ps. for simple molecular pounds if they reacts with water probably it"d also be soluble. like carbon dioxide sulphur dioxide nitrogen dioxide (ponents for acid rain). for anic pounds if they contain more oxygen atoms they"re more soluble. simple alcohols / alkanols like methanol ethanol (drinking alcohol) and propan-2-ol (rubbing alcohol) are miscible in water. "like dissolve like" rule. it me the same type/structure substances dissolve in the same type/structure substances(mostly for simple molecular structure) exceptional case r always present. just recite it~ur textbook should hv already gave u enough example for ur exams. for water~ it depends on if the substances r polar or H-bond~ if it is polar & with H-bond~ then it must be soluble in water. except : the long carbon chain molecules~for example C17HxOx~ since there r too many C&H then it bees not very soluble although it has H-bond and polar

SNMP NetAgent网络监控管理器

NetAgent是一套让您的UPS不间断电源系统具上网功能的产品当UPS不间断电源系统加装了NetAgent产品后,管理人员即可在任何一台有浏览器(Browser)的计算机处,输入此UPS不间断电源系统的IP地址随时监看UPS不间断电源系统的状态;或是由远程透过NetAgent对UPS不间断电源系统执行控制作业。 NetAgent也会随时的将侦测到的UPS不间断电源系统异常状况以电子邮件及Trap发送给管理人员。NetAgent提供了网络上各计算机系统的关机软件网络上的计算机在安装了关机软件后,即可自动搜寻到(或自行输入)网络上所有NetAgent UPS不间断电源系统的IP地址,此时各计算机系统即可自行选择欲跟随的网络NetAgentUPS不间断电源系统;当这台NetAgentUPS不间断电源系统发生市电中断、电池低电位或是预定的关机时间时,关机软件即会安全的将计算机系统做储文件关机的作业,以避免因电力问题而造成的不正常关机。NetAgent II 可连接环境侦测以监测环境的状态3Port的NetAgent II产品还可外接环境侦测可以实现监测环境的温度、湿度、烟雾、火灾等讯息,并将此信息随时显示NetAgent的网页上。NetAgent也会随时的将侦测到的环境异常状况以电子邮件及Trap发送给管理人员。什么时候需要用到NetAgent?欲经由网络监控远程UPS不间断电源系统的状态,如:系统管理人员想经由网络来监控北.中.南各分公司UPS不间断电源系统的状态,此时只要在各UPS不间断电源系统端加装NetAgent,管理人员即可随时上网监控远程的UPS不间断电源系统.另可在各计算机端加装关机软件,当关机软件接收到由NetAgent UPS不间断电源系统所发送出的UPS不间断电源系统发生市电中断或电池低电位的讯息时,关机软件即会安全的储存计算机系统开启的档案及正常的关闭系统。欲经由网络监看机房.仓库.办公室...等之环境状态,如:管理人员需随时得知机房或仓库等环境的温度.湿度.烟雾.水等信息,但又无法随时前往查看时,此时只要在各欲监看的空间,透过网络线以NetAgent II-3 Ports版加装NetFeeler Lite之环控配备,管理人员即可随时上网查询此空间的各项讯息。http://www.kfsfkj.com.cn/html/news/2015-5-4/1382.html 具体的介绍你可以看看,这上面有详细解答

Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.

如果楼主一定觉得别扭的话 那就在第二个he前边加个逗号吧, 其实无所谓。

Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate语法请教


找一首英文歌 有两句歌词是Hurry up hurry up,后面一点油歌词是I I I dont dont。。。中间很多en en a a的

我猜是Fefe Dobson的Stuttering


ain"t:[ eint ] (=are not,am not) nothin"=nothing gon"= going to =gonna

英文女声歌词我记得有里有i want if you love me i want if you say 还有一段是低声的好像是baby love

did i hear you say you love me 歌手:stevie wonder

Mount Eliza Secondary College 这所学校怎么样 他在莫宁顿还是在墨尔本

Mount Eliza Secondary College 这所学校怎么样 他在莫宁顿还是在墨尔本 Mount Eliza Secondary College 是在墨尔本, 但离墨尔本市中心有45公离左右, 是位于Mornington-penisula区, 按国内的说法, 是在乡下. Mount Eliza Secondary College 应该是公立中学(State School), 墨尔本公立中学(男校)除了墨尔本高中(进Melbourne High要考试的), 都差不多, 一般般. 如果是国际学生的话, 应该是中介把你们弄到那里的, 墨尔本公立中学(State School)现在都收一些国际学生, 增加经费. 据我了解, 墨尔本中学分几个等级, 像墨尔本高中(Melbourne High School, 男校) 和 The Mac. Robertson girl"s High School(女校), 是最好的(一等), 要考试才能进, 但他们是公立的. 第二等, 就是那些私立的中学(要收费的), 像 Mentone Grammer, Caulfield Grammer, St. Kevin 等等; 第三等, 就是一些教会的中学, 收一点点费用或不收费; 最后, 就是公立中学(State School), 当地学生是不收费的, 国际学生是收费的. 参考一下 墨尔本emmaus college 学校怎么样? Emmaus College 是一个推崇天主教、营造天主教氛围的学校,2007年在墨尔本高中的排名中位居58,它提供户外教育、运动、戏剧、辩论、音乐等课程,旨在提高学生的领导力。 墨尔本的heathmont college 学校怎么样 Heathmont college在维多利亚州去年排名116,算是公立中学里面中等偏上的,但是在东南区和好的私立和教会学校还有差距。 哪位知道墨尔本的ASHWOOD SECONDARY COLLEGE 怎么样 我就在ashwood住,那所学校一般吧。但是很多附近的家庭都送孩子去那读书,应该没什么问题的! 墨尔本barkley college怎么样 巴克莱学院是由贵格会定居在哈维兰创立,堪萨斯1917中作为堪萨斯中央圣经培训学校,正式称为朋友的圣经学院从1925到1990。大学的主校区位于堪萨斯中南部美国公路54 / 400道奇城和普拉特之间。这个位置的优势相结合的一个非常友好的,安全的,容易进入大城市服务约十至二十分钟从校园小城镇环境。 校园本身是一个有吸引力的,二十英亩的校园开放和八大建筑。计划已经到位的罗斯艺术中心的未来发展。 简介 巴克莱学院欢迎来自所有福音派信仰传统,寻求一个严谨的学术背景和坚实的圣经基础的学生。我们的任务是准备在圣经以学生为中心的环境进行有效的基督徒生活,服务,和领导。我们的本科课程包括学士学位在青年部、农牧部、崇拜艺术、圣经/神学的任务,心理学和家庭研究,体育和娱乐领导,基础教育,与企业管理。我们的研究生课程包括在变革型领导硕士学位。巴克莱学院将学生为有效的公务员越来越一致的基督教世界观,是通过一个重要的信仰社群开发。我们的教授都是在他们的研究领域有天赋的从业者和学者,和真正关心每一个学生。我们相信,这些方面使巴克莱学院的学术卓越模型。在哈维兰的充满活力的社群的一个独特的转化与神相遇是必然的。与大学生活相关的分心是流行巴克莱学院。灵性的成长是通过班级、集体互动小教堂、基督教服务,深厚的人脉,和更大的社群。有一次在执行基督的使命在制备巴克莱学院寻求神。耶稣说:“所以你们要去,使万民作我的门徒”(马太福音28:19)。作为伯纳德的克莱尔沃说, ”有人为了寻求知识的知识;这是。有人追求知识被别人知道;那是虚荣。有人追求知识为了服务;这就是爱。”巴克利大学的存在使学生为上帝服务。 墨尔本billanook college怎么样啊? 很好 非常好 墨尔本 carranballac学校怎么样 Carranballac 1到9年级在墨尔本point cook附件算是中等的中小学,去年教育得分69分。附近最好的中小学是heathdale Christian college, 得分99分。 墨尔本strathmore secordary college学校好么? strathmore secordary college算是西北区最好的公立学校,比附近的私立的Essendon Grammar, 要差一些,但是Essendon Grammar是私立学费贵,strathmore secordary college是公立,所以周围房价也因为是好的公立学校而涨价。 墨尔本Forest Hill College学校如何 Forest Hill College是维州的一所公立中学,属于男女混校。 Forest Hill College位于墨尔本东部,距市中心仅有16公里,开设七至十二年级课程。校内设有本校的语言中心、大型的篮球馆、配备优良的体育场等丰富崭新的设施。 学校拥在学生约六百人,其中来自中国、日本、巴西、韩国等不同国家的海外学生约四十人。学校设立了整套专案帮助海外学生熟悉环境,建立新友谊。学校与海内外多家教育机构及院校建立了良好的联络。学校非常重视对海外学生的照顾,充分了解家长与学生的需要以及所关心的教育问题,并尽可能去满足他们的需求。 该校不提倡死记硬背,只有更丰富多彩的教学方法,让学生在活动中学习:首先,专注学生的英语技能-听,说,读,写.他们学习在小组范围内合作,学习如何发展他人的想法,找出策略解决问题,学习如何思考。 学校的英语集中训练课堂,学生人数少于15名。学生完成英语集训后,将进入主课堂,课堂人数少于25名,因此,老师可以关注到每个学生,使他们最大限度获益。此外,还组织学生在一定的背景下教授英文,这涵盖了很多学科,包括:数学、科学和商业管理。 学校经常通过野营、短途旅行、以及课外的各项活动来学习.这些包括:澳大利亚中部的旅行;作家来课堂与同学们共同学习,到校外参观第一手材料;通过太阳能船、太阳能汽车以及节约能源的竞赛;午餐时间的各种活动以及各种俱乐部,使学生们能参与、设计、挑战、建立、考验和发展他们的大脑以及提高他们灵活运用的能力. 学校开设的语言有汉语、法语、澳洲手势语言并通过VSL教授40多种其他语言,在校内开设英语强化课程。大学延伸课程为莫纳什大学。 学校的特色设施有装配精良的专业科学、技术、艺术、IT和媒体教室;2个图书馆与资源中心;400座的剧院、体育馆和2个国际篮球场;运动跑道;高年级学生活动长廊。

写出 cabbage, eggplant 的复数形式

Cabbage(s) eggplants

Mr. Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain .He keeps the forest for a rich farmer there .The onl


写出 cabbage, eggplant 的复数形式


Our dog ,Rex ,used to sit outside our front gate and bark .Every time he wanted to come

1.Why did our dog ,Rex,used to sit outside the front gate and bark ?(so that)He wanted someone opens the gate so that he could come into the garden.2.Did my husband train him to open the gate himself or not?Has Rex developed another bad habit or not ?(Ever since)Yes, my husband did. And he developed another bad habit ever since.3.Why does he bark when he is in the garden?(so that)He barked so that somebody lets him out.4.Does he let himself in after this or not?Does he bark until someone opens the gate again or not ?(and)Yes, he let himself in and barked until someone opens the gate again to let him out.5.Has my husband removed the gate or not ?Has Rexdisappeared or not?(Now that)Now that my husband removed the gate and Rex disappeared since.

Samantha Barks的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:Samantha Barks专辑:悲惨世界 电影原声带On My OwnSamantha BarksOn my ownPretending he"s beside meAll aloneI walk with him till morningWithout himI feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way I close my eyesAnd he has found meIn the rain the pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me forever and foreverAnd I know it"s only in my mindThat I"m talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say, there"s a way for usI love himBut when the night is overHe is goneThe river"s just a riverWithout himThe world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhereThe streets are full of strangersI love himBut every day I"m learningAll my lifeI"ve only been pretendingWithout meHis world would go on turningA world that"s full of happinessThat I have never knownI love himI love himI love himBut only on my ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/35209753

Samantha Barks的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:Samantha Barks专辑:Les Misérables: The Motion Picture Soundtrack DeluxeOn My OwnSamantha BarksOn my ownPretending he"s beside meAll aloneI walk with him till morningWithout himI feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way I close my eyesAnd he has found meIn the rain the pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me forever and foreverAnd I know it"s only in my mindThat I"m talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say, there"s a way for usI love himBut when the night is overHe is goneThe river"s just a riverWithout himThe world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhereThe streets are full of strangersI love himBut every day I"m learningAll my lifeI"ve only been pretendingWithout meHis world would go on turningA world that"s full of happinessThat I have never knownI love himI love himI love himBut only on my ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/38477464

she wants to have a r ,but the dog stars to bark.

she wants to have a rest ,but the dog stars to bark.她想休息一会儿,但那只狗却开始叫了起来。请采纳

Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.是并列句还是时间状语从句

时间状语从句,sits and barks是两个动词并列,不是两个句子并列,所以不是并列句

Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colors? Colors in them s...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 文章主要谈论的是动物使用颜色来保护自己的问题。小题1:B 主旨大意题。文章主要谈论的是动物使用颜色来保护自己的问题。小题2:C 细节题。根据Birds, especially seagulls are very fond of locusts, but birds can"t easily catch locusts because locusts change their colors together with the change of the color of crops.可知C正确。小题3:A 猜测词义题。根据because they have the color much like the barks(树皮) of trees.可知他们的颜色和周围的颜色几乎一样,他们就难以被发现,故A正确。

A Glint of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:A Glint of Gold歌手:Wychazel专辑:MystiqueYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of goldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26584260

Giant Balls Of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Giant Balls Of Gold歌手:Steve Vai专辑:The Infinite Steve Vai: An AnthologyYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of goldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8851076

Mantles of Gold 歌词

歌曲名:Mantles of Gold歌手:蒂姆 詹尼斯专辑:回家Youll remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of goldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20882843


EFS是Encrypting File System,加密文件系统的缩写,他可以被应用在windows 2000以上的操作系统且为NTFS5格式的分区上(windows xp home不支持). EFS 只能对存储在磁盘上的数据进行加密,是一种安全的本地信息加密服务.EFS使用核心的的文件加密技术在NTFS卷上存储加密文件. 它可以防止那些未经允许的对敏感数据进行物理访问的入侵者(偷取笔记本电脑,硬盘等) EFS是如何工作的 当一个用户使用EFS去加密文件时,必须存在一个公钥和一个私钥,如果用户没有,EFS服务自动产生一对。对于初级用户来说,即使他完全不懂加密,也能加密文件,可以对单个文件进行加密,也可以对一个文件夹进行加密,这样所有写入文件夹的文件将自动被加密。 一旦用户发布命令加密文件或试图添加一个文件到一个已加密的文件夹中,EFS将进行以下几步: 第一步:NTFS首先在这个文件所在卷的卷信息目录下(这个目录隐藏在根目录下面)创建一个叫做efs0.log的日志文件,当拷贝过程中发生错误时利用此文件进行恢复。 第二步:然后EFS调用CryptoAPI设备环境.设备环境使用Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider 1.0 产生密匙,当打开这个设备环境后,EFS产生FEK(File Encryption Key,文件加密密匙).FEK的长度为128位(仅US和Canada),这个文件使用DESX加密算法进行加密。 第三步: 获取公有/私有密匙对;如果这个密匙还没有的话(当EFS第一次被调用时),EFS产生一对新的密匙.EFS使用1024位的RSA算法去加密FEK. 第四步:EFS为当前用户创建一个数据解密块Data Decryptong Field(DDF),在这里存放FEK然后用公有密匙加密FEK. 第五步:如果系统设置了加密的代理,EFS同时会创建一个数据恢复块Data Recovery Field(DRF),然后把使用恢复代理密匙加密过的FEK放在DRF.每定义一个恢复代理,EFS将会创建一个Data Recovery Agent(DRA).Winxp没有恢复代理这个功能,所以没有这一步.,这个区域的目的是为了在用户解密文件的中可能解密文件不可用。这些用户叫做恢复代理,恢复代理在EDRP(Encryption Data Recovery Policy,加密数据恢复策略)中定义,它是一个域的安全策略。如果一个域的EDRP没有设置,本地EDRP被使用。在任一种情况下,在一个加密发生时,EDRP必须存在(因此至少有一个恢复代理被定义)。DRF包含使用RSA加密的FEK和恢复代理的公钥。如果在EDRP列表中有多个恢复代理,FEK必须用每个恢复代理的公钥进行加密,因此,必须为个恢复代理创建一个DRF。 第六步:包含加密数据、DDF及所有DRF的加密文件被写入磁盘。 第七步: 在加密文件所在的文件夹下将会创建一个叫做Efs0.tmp的临时文件.要加密的内容被拷贝到这个临时文件,然后原来的文件被加密后的数据覆盖.在默认的情况下,EFS使用128位的DESX算法加密文件数据,但是Windows还允许使用更强大的的168位的3DES算法加密文件,这是FIPS算法必须打开,因为在默认的情况下它是关闭的. 第八步:在第一步中创建的文本文件和第七步中产生的临时文件被删除。 加密过程图片可参考 http://www.ntfs.com/images/encryption.gif 文件被加密后,只有可以从DDF或是DRF中解密出FEK的用户才可以访问文件.这种机制和一般的安全机制不同并意 味着要想访问文件,除了要有访问这个文件的权力外还必须拥有被用户的公有密匙加密过的FEK.只有使用私有密匙解密文件的用户才可以访问文件.这样的话会有一个问题:就是一个可以访问文件的用户可把文件加密之后,文件真正的拥有者却不能访问文件.解决这个问题的办法:用户加密文件的时候只创建一个文件解密块Data Decryption Field(DDF),但是只后他可以增加附加用户到密匙队列.这种情况下,EFS简单地把FEK用想给其他用户访问权的用户的私有密匙加密.然后用这些用户的公有密匙加密FEK,新增加的DDF和第一个DDF放在一起(这些新增加的用户对文件只有访问的权力). 解密的过程和加密的过程是相反的,参考http://www.ntfs.com/images/decryption.gif

cabin attendant造句 cabin attendantの例文 "cabin attendant"是什麼意思

Di *** issal of a group of cabin attendants by a ferry pany 某船公司解雇一批客舱服务员 No , he " ll be very happy . see , i " m a cabin attendant 不会,他会很高兴。看,我是当空中服务员。 Vacancies include master , cabin attendant , ticketing officer , sailor and cleaner , etc 职位包括船长、客舱服务员、票务主任、水手及清洁员等。 Jane : it certainly wasn " t . after about ten minutes i began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills 珍:当然不有趣。过了大约十分钟,我就开始作呕,得请服务员给我些晕船药。 During the 60 - minute fortable ferry ride , cabin attendants on board offer passengers aircraft - style service in order to acppsh greater passengers satisfaction 客舱服务员于旅程中更提供殷勤周到的航空式服务,让乘客仿如置身于飞机客舱。 During the 60 - minute fortable ferry ride , cabin attendants on board offer passengers aircraft - style service in order to acppsh greater passengers satisfaction 客舱服务员于旅程中更提供殷勤周到的航空式服务,让乘客仿如置身于飞机客舱。 Aviation experienced international aircrew and ground taking traditional way to receive guests of asia as service aim and cabin attendants of dragonair , offer fortable fpght service for our passenger 港龙航空富有经验的国际飞行人员及以传统亚洲待客之道为服务宗旨的地面及机舱服务人员,为我们的乘客提供舒适的飞行服务。 Fpght personnel who have exceeded the time pmit of interruption in fpght prescribed by the petent civil aviation authority under the state council shall be subject to inspection and examination ; with the exception of cabin attendants , fpght personnel shall also go through instruction fpght 空勤人员间断飞行的时间超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定时限的,应当经过检查和考核;乘务员以外的空勤人员还应当经过带飞。 During the carnival , first ferry and first travel will showcase its vessel models and visitors are invited to participate in the exciting booth games to win prizes . besides , to attract more local and overseas tourists to enjoy the scenic spots on the islands , cabin attendants of the first travel s sightseeing route " hong kong dragon cruise " are ready to introduce different routings and distribute timetables 嘉年华举行当日,新渡轮及新旅游将于摊位中展示船队模型,并设有摊位游戏供参观人士大显身手;而新旅游旗下之观光船香港海龙游的服务员更会以亲切的笑容向参观人士介绍一系列的渡轮服务及派发船期表,以吸引更多本地及海外游客到离岛观光旅游,感受香港风光怡人,恬淡宁静的一面。 It"s difficult to find cabin attendant in a sentence. 用 cabin attendant 造句挺难的

《The Innocent》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Innocent Anthropologist》(Nigel Barley)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UbsadDZeKEbmUTkiBma5cw 提取码: eyu9书名:The Innocent Anthropologist作者:Nigel Barley豆瓣评分:9.2出版社:Waveland Pr Inc出版年份:2000-9-1页数:190内容简介:When British anthropologist Nigel Barley set up home among the Dowayo people in northern Cameroon, he knew how fieldwork should be conducted. Unfortunately, nobody had told the Dowayo. His compulsive, witty account of first fieldwork offers a wonderfully inspiring introduction to the real life of a cultural anthropologist doing research in a Third World area. Both touching and hilarious, Barley"s unconventional story—in which he survived boredom, hostility, disaster, and illness—addresses many critical issues in anthropology and in fieldwork.作者简介:Nigel Barley (born 1947 in Kingston upon Thames, England) is an anthropologist famous for the books he has written on his experiences. He studied modern languages at Cambridge University and completed a doctorate in social anthropology at Oxford University. He held a number of academic positions before joining the British Museum as an assistant keeper in the Department of Ethnography, where he remained until 2003.Barley"s first book, The Innocent Anthropologist, was a witty and informative account of anthropological field work among the Dowayo people of Cameroon. Thereafter he published a number of works about Africa and Indonesia in such genres as travel, art, historical biography, and fiction.Barley has been twice nominated for the Travelex Writer of the Year Award. In 2002, he won the Foreign Press Association prize for travel writing.

Dickie Valentine的《I Wonder》 歌词

歌曲名:I Wonder歌手:Dickie Valentine专辑:This Is Dickie ValentineSirens - I WonderIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderWhat if i told you haHow hard it"d be yeah haFor a girl like me, yeah whatDating guys, can"t you see?What if I told you what whatSome guys they tell lies yeah haGotta check ya fly yeah haMy ass on the lineBreak it down now...Boy ya better listen up, boy ya better rollBoy ya gotta check yourself, boy ya gotta goGotta go, gotta go - you should knowBetter listen up it"s all gotta flowI wonder...oh yeah...If it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderWhat if you told me haGirl can"t you see, yeah haWhere is your reasonAnd what"s with the treason?What if you told me, what whatYou heard my song yeah haTellin me I"m wrong what whatYep yep it"s about you, get goneBoy ya better listen up, boy ya better rollBoy ya gotta check yourself, boy ya gotta goGotta go, gotta go - you should knowBetter listen up it"s all gotta flowI wonder...oh yeahIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderYa all up in my bling blingYou know I got the ching chingAnd ya loving my thang thangOh yeah..it"s off the hookYa all up in my bling blingYou know I got the ching chingAnd ya loving my thang thangOh yeah..it"s off the hookIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyTake a look around youIf it wasn"t for the goodie goodiesIf it wasn"t for the money honeyIf it wasn"t for the beauty bootyI wonderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2690238

代码提交规范 husky + commitlint + lint-staged

依次在项目根目录执行如下两条命令 此时 husky 安装完成 ,根目录下生成了 .husky 文件夹 npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional 至此,依赖安装完成 2在 .husky 文件夹下找到刚刚安装依赖生成好的 pre-commit 文件,添加 npx lint-staged 如果没有pre-commit 文件可以执行 3.在 .husky 文件夹下新建 commit-msg 文件,填入如下信息 如果没有commit-msg 文件可以执行 4.在项目根目录下新建 commitlint.config.js 文件 ,写入如下内容 至此,所有配置完成 新建一个不符合 Eslint 规则的文件,在进行 commit 提交时,会拒绝本次 commit 执行 npm run lint --fix 修复文件后 ,执行一条不符合规范的提交 git commit -m "cesssss" ,同样会被拒绝提交,终端会显示错误信息

飞机上的Cabin monuments翻译成什么?


能给我介绍一下:jay-z 50cent

纯种流氓50 Cent 如果说R&B讲究的是旋律,那么HIP-HOP侧重的便是“故事性”。谁的故事够狠,够真实,谁便可以成为说唱界的宠儿。 当今说唱界谁最红?论影响力,当然是每次出碟都要得罪一票人,拍了一部自传式电影又成立了自己唱片公司的痞子阿姆(Eminem),但论走红势头,恐怕他比不上同样来自街头的纯种流氓50 Cent。2003年50 Cent带着他的《要钱不要命》(Get Rich Or Die Tryin")横空出世,碟中所诉说的底层黑人生活的残酷、艰难、恐惧及揪紧心头的压抑狠狠地抽了日益平庸的Hip-Hop界一个耳光,让所有听hip-Hop的或自以为正在玩hip-Hop的人知道了,什么才是真正的源于黑人的hip-Hop。 江湖背景,街头混混 50 Cent分原名柯蒂斯·杰克逊,1976年出生于纽约的皇后街区。和众多出生在贫民窟的黑人小孩一样,50 Cent打从童年起便与抢劫、强奸、贩毒、卖淫这些词打交道。他与生父几未谋面,他的妈妈则以贩毒为生,在他8岁时被发现横尸街头,死因不详。从那时起,50 Cent便交由他的祖父母养育,几年之后50 Cent继承母业,瞒着他的祖父母在街头贩卖可卡因。高中时他第一次尝到了入狱的滋味——据说是为了不让他祖母发现他在贩毒,他把可卡因藏到他的运动鞋里,有一天他穿错了鞋子,结果被学校的探测器检查出来了。从那之后,他的地下贩毒活动转向公开,他直截了当地告诉他的祖母“我是个毒贩子”。 尽管50 Cent的黑色收入一天可达5000美金,但他却对这种混沌的生活倍感压抑。这时他发现了一种逃避这种状态的方式——说唱。50 Cent在一些街头聚会中小露才华并且小赚了一把。1997年,在儿子马奎斯诞生后,50 Cent开始将说唱当成自己的事业,认真对待。 初生牛犊,不畏强权 50 Cent分的第一个伯乐是Run-D.M.C的成员Jam Master Jay。 他给了50 Cent一盘录满节奏的磁带,然后让50 Cent跟着节奏说唱。50 Cent的表现给Jay留下了深刻的印象,随后将他签到了自己的JMJ公司。“Jay教会我什么样的歌词将会大热;Jay教会我如何寻找创作灵感;Jay还教会了我怎样制作唱片。他正是那个将我引入正轨的人。”50 Cent后来在一次采访中回忆道。 Jam Master Jay一直是50 Cent的良师益友,即使是后来由于发展不顺等原因,50 Cent离开了JMJ,Jay也一直给予他建议及帮助。 随后在Trackmasters的介绍下,50 Cent在1999年与实力雄厚的哥伦比亚唱片公司签约。被关在纽约的一个录音室里两周半后,50 Cent交出了36首作品,其中包括被Blaze杂志认为是说唱经典的《一美元的力量》(Power Of A Dollar)。在另一首歌《如何抢劫》(How to Rob)中,50 Cent拿同行中的大牌如Jay-Z, Big Pun, Sticky Fingaz等开涮,在歌迷中引起了不小的反响。但同时,他也树立了一些敌人,例如随后跟他展开多轮舌战的Ja Rule。 大难不死,转战地下 如果50 Cent从此就开始顺风顺水,很可能说唱界只是多了一个爱叫嚣的小明星。接下来的一系列事件,不仅使50 Cent的黑色背景更显浓重,也为他的说唱之路增添了一份神奇色彩。 2000年5月,50 Cent在他祖母家外面遭到枪击,9颗9毫米的子弹向着他呼啸而来,一颗穿透他的脸,一颗打在手上,其他7颗分别打在胳臂和腿上。幸运的是他大难不死,仅仅入院13天,但他用了将近5个月的时间在家做康复治疗。其中射向他的脸的那颗子弹揭掉了他的一层牙龈,并在他的两排牙齿中留下一个空洞,这使他的声音产生了略微的改变。 枪击事件后,50 Cent变成了烫手山芋,哥伦比亚公司忙不迭地甩掉了这个麻烦人物,即将发行的《一美元的力量》也被打入了冰窟。 50 Cent并没有因此一蹶不振。他与一帮好友组成了G-Unit,开始了地下乐团的生活。在新搭档Sha Money XL的帮助下,50 Cent在2001年底发行了一张独立唱片《猜谁回来了》(Guess Who"s Back)。这张专辑中有的是翻唱说唱名曲(如Raphael Saadiq的“Be Here”,Wu-Tang Clan的“Ya"ll Been Warned”),有些内容是嘲弄当时说唱明星(主要是Ja Rule),有几首是50 Cent讲述自己被枪击的事情。这些东西迅速在纽约街头传播开来,Jay-Z甚至称赞道:“50 Cent就是(HIP-HOP的)未来。” 终遇贵人,阿姆相助 “50 Cent是我现在最喜爱的说唱歌手。”这句出自最著名的白人MC阿姆口中的贵言可说是改变了他的一生。阿姆及其导师——说唱界的大师级人物Dr. Dre均对50 Cent十分欣赏,并且对他成为下一个热门说唱巨星的潜质充满信心。两人盛情邀请50 Cent加盟他们的Shady/Aftermath公司。面对此梦幻阵容,50 Cent当然是紧紧抓住这个千载难逢的机会,为此他还得到了100万美元的签约金。 得此贵人相助,50 Cent的发展自然一帆风顺。签约后的几个月里,50 Cent在痞子阿姆和Dr. Dre的帮助下准备专辑《要钱不要命》,两位天皇巨星还各自操刀监制了专辑中的部分曲目,使得本来就颇受期待的专辑更加引人注目。在专辑完成之前,阿姆更是不遗余力地提携50 Cent,将他的《Wanksta》放到自己主演的电影《8英里》的原声碟里,这支单曲在2002年底推出后大获成功,得到了公告牌第13名的好成绩;接着由Dr. Dre制作的专辑《要钱不要命》中的首支单曲“In Da Club”,更是一口气冲上了冠军宝座。 2003年2月6日,Interscope(Shady/Aftermath的母公司)开始正式发行《要钱不要命》专辑。仅仅5天时间,这张专辑就卖出了87.2万张,这是自1991年5月销量统计系统成立以来,卖的最快的处女专辑。 50 Cent一出,谁与争锋? 2003年美国乐坛是50 Cent的天下,他的《要钱不要命》是这一年销量最高的专辑,仅仅在美国本土就卖到了650万张,遥遥领先于其他所有艺人。尽管在2004年的格莱美上,50 Cent大热倒灶输给了另类摇滚团体Evanescence,但在一些由歌迷票选或以唱片销量主导的颁奖典礼,如MTV大奖上,50 Cent均风头不让,得到了多个奖项的肯定。 如今时间早已踏入了2005年,50 Cent分终于攒够口水可以开骂了。这张名为《大屠杀》(The Massacre)的专辑在发行之前就掀起了口水大屠杀,发行之后又对歌迷们的钱包来了一次集体屠杀。在50 Cent明晃晃的“屠刀”面前,一向风光无限拉丁美女Jennifer Lopez也只能做老大身旁的花瓶,屈居老二。四天专辑销量114万张,连续六周的公告牌冠军,不到两个月销量便突破300万大关,真是“50 Cent一出,谁与争锋?”无怪乎他之前曾撂下狠话,狂言“这张专辑要把他们杀得片甲不留”。 50 Cent的几个关键词 50 Cent 之所以会起这么个铜臭的名字,是因为50 Cent希望自己的生活能随之改变;同时这也是一个皇后区的毒贩子的名字。 痞子阿姆 说到50 Cent的朋友,当然不得不提痞子阿姆。这两人的相遇堪称改变了HIP-HOP的历史。如果没有阿姆,50 Cent至少要再奋斗N年。对于这个大恩人,50 Cent又有什么看法呢? “阿姆是个烦人的天才,”50 Cent说着笑了,“每次我们走进录音室,他都会有新点子,我只好说‘哦,伙计,我也有新点子",阿姆真是说唱者中的说唱者,他什么都听——每句话,每句俚语,你的语调发生一点儿变化他都能听出来。” 那么录音室外的两人又是怎样交往的呢?50 Cent说由于他们的日程都非常紧凑,所以不能经常出去玩,两人常常一起交流育儿经验(50 Cent有个8岁的儿子马奎斯,阿姆有个10岁的女儿海莉,两人都是单亲爸爸),还会讨论一下他们在HIP-HOP圈的敌人。 敌人 Ja Rule 和50 Cent的梁子可以追溯到Ja Rule在皇后街区一个俱乐部里被劫的意外事件,抢劫者是住在50 Cent家附近的一个熟人,Ja Rule认为50 Cent是幕后黑手。后来50 Cent在Hit Factory被枪击据说也是Ja Rule让他的手下执行的。现在Ja Rule和他的唱片公司“Murder”与整个Shady公司都扛上了。两家公司发行的唱片中常常会出现互相漫骂的歌曲。 50 Cent对这个宿敌的评语是“他也很流行。他嫉妒我的原因是我的唱片能大卖,但他做不到。人们对他的故事没兴趣,他整天在电视上和Mary J. Blige纠缠不休”。 枪击 50 Cent除了2000年那起连中九弹的枪击案是牵涉到他自身之外,还有另外一起著名的枪击案也与他有关。那便是2002年10月30日,他的恩师Jam Master Jay在位于皇后区的录音室里遭到枪击,当场身亡。警方怀疑50 Cent和这次事件有关,将他带回去调查了数天。讽刺的是,50 Cent因此登上了娱乐版面的头版,这是他第一次受到主流媒体的关注,亦为他即将发行的《要钱不要命》做了免费的宣传。 防弹衣 黑人说唱靠耍嘴皮子,自然是得罪了不少人。在2000年被抢击后,50 Cent终于意识到了这一点。他现在外出一定会带上三个保镖,这还不够,他还非常谨慎地穿着一件防弹衣,以防不测。据说他也给他的儿子买了一件,不仅能防子弹,还能防炸弹。 G-Unit G-Unit是Guerrilla Unit的缩写,意为“游击联盟”。G-Unit由四个意趣相投的好朋友组成,分别是50 Cent、Lloyd Banks、Tony Yayo以及Young Buck。G-Unit所走的是东海岸说唱风格,在2003年11月出过一张专辑《乞怜》(Beg for Mercy),在公告牌的最高排名为亚军,目前已经卖过了200万张。这张专辑的成功使著名的“锐步”公司发行了一款以G-Unit命名的跑鞋。 暴发户 50 Cent从来不掩饰他对成功及金钱的渴望,从专辑序曲那声悠转的铜板声,到《P.I.M.P》里面不带感情地吟唱“……我不知道你听到什么关于我的传言,但你别想得到我的一分钱……”一个“要钱不要命”的小人物形象就这样建立起来了。可能是人们对他出身贫民窟的印象太过强烈,他现在取得的成功在世人眼中无疑是反差巨大的,“暴发户”是媒体提到他时最常用的名词之一。 幸运的是50 Cent并没有因为暴富而忘本,在一次采访中他曾说:“我永远也不打算放弃我的街头本色,如果没有这层背景,我绝不可能取得今天的成功。……假如我的本色没了,我也没有在歌坛混下去的意义,也许某天歌迷就会说,‘50 Cent一点意思都没有了,我们听别人的歌吧",那时我就会马上消失。” 专 辑:《The Massacre (DVDA)》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:Aftermath 日 期:2005年3月3日 专 辑:《The Massacre》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:英文 公 司:Aftermath 日 期:2005年3月3日 专 辑:《Unit Radio 10》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:英文 公 司:广州视听 日 期:2005年1月 专 辑:《Candy Shop [Single]》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:Universalpolygram 日 期:2005.04.00 专 辑:《Mixtape Legend》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:TingShow.Com 日 期:2004年2月 专 辑:《24 Shots》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:TingShow.Com 日 期:2003年8月18日 专 辑:《Get Rich or Die Tryin"》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:Interscope Records 日 期:2003年2月 专 辑:Gods Plan[50 Cent / G-Unit]歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:TingShow.Com 日 期:2002年11月 专 辑:《Guess Whos Back》 公 司:未知 日 期:2002年 专 辑:《50 Cent Is the Future》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:TingShow.Com 日 期:2001年 专 辑:《Power Of The Dollar》 歌 手:50 Cent 语 言:English 公 司:TingShow.Com 日 期:2000年Jay-Z:Jay-Z自从1996年出道以来迅速的就成为了整个东海岸说唱的统帅级人物,他不仅是一位最顶尖的说唱歌手同时还是最出色的音乐制作人之一,在流行音乐界拥有很高的地位。除此以外,Jay-Z所经营的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,在整个黑人音乐市场中也是商业成绩最突出的厂牌之一,对于整个说唱音乐的市场有着非常重要的影响力。Jay-Z的每一张专辑销量都超过白金,而在进入新世纪以后,随着音乐上不断的取得新成就,以及音乐影响力的增强,Jay-Z的触角也从说唱音乐本身渐渐移向其他音乐上,比如加大与东海岸以外的南方说唱和西海岸说唱之间的合作以及在R&B音乐的制作等方面,为推动说唱音乐以及整个流行音乐都做出了不小的贡献。 Jay-Z原名Shawn Carter,又名Sean Carter,于1970年12月4日出生在美国纽约的布鲁克林区,和在这里出生的其他说唱歌星一样,Shawn Carter的父亲在他很小的时候就离开了他和他的母亲Gloria Carter,这段艰苦的岁月是Shawn Carter印象最为深刻的。少年的Shawn Carter独自撑起了他和母亲的生活,不久他就成了街头一名普通的黑人说唱歌手,最初的时候他为自己取了一个源自爵士乐的名字“Jazzy”,不久之后简化为Jay-Z。当一名说唱歌手并不能挣足够的钱,为了生存,Jay-Z还必须和那里其他的年轻人一样从事一些并不光明的行为,不过更多的时候Jay-Z还是靠在一些小录音室自己录制一些磁带然后拿出去卖来赚钱糊口。在Jay-Z的说唱才华渐渐被附近的人所了解之后,Jay-Z开始在当地一些小的说唱组合和一些歌手那里打短工,在这里他有机会接触到说唱音乐的制作等工作,而这些唱片录制工业也激起了Jay-Z的野心,Jay-Z并没有像其他歌手一样和大的唱片公司签约,而是和两个朋友Damon Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke一起创办了Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,他把自己的唱片公司依附于Def Jam公司(当时还叫做Priority Records)的旗下,并且开始制作和发行音乐专辑。 1996年,Jay-Z录制并发行了自己的第一张个人专辑,同时也是Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的第一张专辑《Reasonable Doubt》,这张发行自东西海岸说唱音乐争斗最残酷时期的帮匪说唱专辑非常令人惊奇,多首单曲成为排行榜主打,到了如今他也被公认是Jay-Z在上个世纪最杰出的专辑,同时也成为了帮匪说唱专辑的经典作品。《Reasonable Doubt》的初获成功也为Jay-Z的下一张专辑以及Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的发展开了一个好头。1997年,Jay-Z的第二张专辑《In My Lifetime, Vol. 1》发行,富有商业头脑的Jay-Z在这张专辑中为了吸引更多的听众以及扩大他的知名度和唱片公司的影响力,把专辑的音乐风格从偏激的帮匪说唱转变为了更加易于各方面听众接受的流行说唱,同时在专辑中邀请了包括吹牛老爹Sean "Puffy" Combs在内的多位大牌歌星助阵,而这些措施效果显著,不仅拥有多首单曲打榜,而且这张专辑的销量也迅速超过了《Reasonable Doubt》,杀进了Billboard 200排行榜的前三名,Jay-Z已经成为了一名一流的说唱歌星。 1998年9月29日,Jay-Z的第三张个人专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》正式发行,这张纯粹的流行音乐专辑的14首单曲中近半数成为排行榜热门,其中的一些在现在已经成为了Jay-Z的标志性作品,比如《Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)》,Jay-Z借此更进一步的扩大了自己的领地,同时这张专辑也在发行后成为了Billboard 200排行榜的冠军,这也是Jay-Z第一张冠军专辑,已经完全转变成为了流行说唱歌手的Jay-Z在1998年度第41届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得了到目前为止他个人唯一的一尊格莱美奖杯,专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》获得了年度最佳说唱专辑大奖(Best Rap Album),Jay-Z成为了被各方面都认可的最顶尖的说唱明星。 1999年,Jay-Z发行了第四张个人专辑,这张专辑是依旧讲述自己的故事的《Vol. 3: Life and Times of S. Carter》。此时的Jay-Z已经普遍的采用和其他歌星合作演唱的方式来表演歌曲,这张专辑中几乎每一首歌都是由Jay-Z和其他歌星共同演唱的,在商业上也依旧保持着自己的辉煌,而这种大面积和其他歌星合作的做法也使Roc-A-Fella唱片公司渐渐成为了说唱工业的一个重要的组成部分。2000年,Jay-Z发行了第五张个人专辑《Dynasty Roc la Familia》,除了唱片本身依旧保持着很高的商业成绩以外,已经在业界名声鹊起的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司开始在这张专辑中逐渐的推出自己公司的一些新人来和Jay-Z一起演唱歌曲。也许是因为确实缺乏大牌歌星的加盟,因此在销量上比以往出现了一些下降。不过在这张专辑里,Jay-Z开始和一些超级音乐制作人展开合作,比如大名鼎鼎的the Neptunes和Kayne West等,这在一定程度上也为Jay-Z在制作人方向的发展期了一定的推动作用。 2001年9月18日,Jay-Z在新世纪最优秀的专辑《The Blueprint》正式发行,这张专辑中颇有些令人以外的没有邀请大牌的明星参与演唱,只是和Eminem一起演唱了《Renagade》,这张专辑也成为了自首张专辑《Reasonable Doubt》之后,最为Jay-Z个人化的作品,因此也被认为是Jay-Z自《Reasonable Doubt》之后最经典的专辑。巨大的销量和影响以及专辑中的多首优秀单曲使这张专辑更强有力的巩固了Jay-Z在说唱乐坛的地位,Jay-Z与吹牛老爹Sean "Puffy" Combs等人一起成为了说唱工业的代表性人物。 但是这张专辑中的一些单曲引起了些麻烦,由于在此前演唱会中Jay-Z利用一些单曲进行了针对其他歌手的讽刺而引起了旷日持久的口水战,并且一直延续到了专辑发行之后的很长时间。但是在这之后Jay-Z又开始了和其他歌手的合作,他首先与the Roots合作在2001年稍晚的时候发行了MTV台的不插电现场专辑《Unplugged》又与另一名说唱歌星R. Kelly在2002年联合发行了专辑《Best of Both Worlds》。 2002年,Jay-Z发行了与其他明星合作的双CD专辑《The Blueprint? The Gift & the Curse》,以及在2003年上半年发行这张专辑的单CD版本《Blueprint 2.1》虽然这两张专辑作为2001年的《The Blueprint》的续集作品在商业上依旧是相当的火爆,并且在其中仍然包括了相当大量的明星,但是在歌迷和评论家眼中他们却都没有达到《The Blueprint》的高度。2003年11月14日,Jay-Z发行了号称是最后一张专辑的第十张专辑《The Black Album》。 说这张专辑是Jay-Z音乐生涯的最后一张个人专辑你信么?可是唱片宣传的时候确实是这么说的,但是不论怎样,这样的噱头让这张专辑在发行短短四天之后就卖出了46万3千张,成为了Jay-Z的第六张冠军专辑,这一销量甚至比他的经典专辑《The Blueprint》在2001年9月份的成绩还要高出一点,不过对于Jay-Z这样的说唱歌手来说,即便没有这样的宣传也照样会卖出这样的成绩出来。 假如这真是Jay-Z的最后一张专辑的话,那么对于歌迷来说也完全没有什么遗憾了,因为这的确是一张非常出色的专辑。在这张专辑中,Jay-Z没有邀请任何其他歌手与他合作,所以,从专辑的制作角度来讲,这张专辑比《The Blueprint》甚至还要能体现出Jay-Z的个人风格。虽然没有大牌歌星合唱,但是却拥有超豪华的制作阵容,单曲的几名制作人分别是Timbaland,Eminem,The Neptunes,Kanye West,Just Blaze这些声名显赫的金牌制作人。 音乐方面,整张专辑都营造出了告别的氛围,《December 4th》是Jay-Z献给他的母亲的歌曲,把这首深情的单曲作为专辑的第一支单曲,不免会让人有所联想,这可能的确是Jay-Z的告别专辑了,而更让人体会深刻的则是在《Moment of Clarity》中,Jay-Z居然回忆了他的父亲,并且在单曲最后还表示出了原谅已经去世的父亲的想法,这足以让人深陷到这张专辑的告别氛围中去,值得一提的是《Moment of Clarity》的制作人和混音是和Jay-Z有着相似经历的Eminem。整张专辑的最后一首歌名字是“My 1st Song(我的第一首歌)”,看到他就会让人莫名的产生出一中离别时的伤感。这张专辑也许不是Jay-Z最经典的专辑,但也绝对是前三位的,以这张专辑作为Jay-Z的谢幕大作也足以答谢歌迷了,不过可能绝大多数的歌迷都在等待Jay-Z的加演曲目。

Guest Center – Family Barn Game guide

The Guest Center will bring Guests to your farm. You can get one from the ‘My First Pet 4" mission. The Guest Center will need to be placed beside a Path for the guests to walk around your farm.The Guest Center has 4 areas. The first area will already be open for you and to unlock the others, you will need to get a certain amount of materials. By unlocking a new area, you will get new guests and rewards. How to invite Guests to your farm To invite guests, you will need a Passport . On the left top corner of the Guest Center panel, you will see the amount of paths needed for the guests to walk on your farm. If you have too few paths, the Guest won"t be able to walk around. Once the Guest is on your farm, you will also not be able to decrease the number of paths.To invite the group of guests, tap on the ‘Start" button on the bottom of the screen. It will also show how many passports are needed to invite the group. For example, -1 means your current number of Passports will reduce from 3 to 2. How to fulfill Guests" orders Once the Guests arrive on your farm, they will start to walk around. After a while, an order icon will appear above the Guest. Tap on the icon and your Pet will approach the Guest to start bargaining.You can tap on the Guest to see the Bargaining Cost, order reward and also the Guest"s mood.Please note that if your Guest disappears from the farm after you get all their orders, you can still check the order by tapping on the Guest Center and then the To-do List.For every order, there will be score. The score is affected by the time you took to finish the order and also the mood of the Guest. At the end of each order, the remaining time and mood points will be calculated, giving an overall final score. How to unlock other Areas There are a total of 4 areas in Mootopia. The Farm Co-op, Schoolhouse, Peaceful Bay and Metropolis. To unlock a locked area, tap on it and you will see the requirement to unlock it.To unlock each specific star in the Guest Center, players need to complete each mission like below. Please note that the Coins need to be earned from a specific section of the Guest Center with the correct star level (Tap on "Coins Earned" in the Unlock panel to see the requirements). How to get 2-star and 3-star Order For every area you unlock, only the 1-star order will be available at first. To get the 2-star and 3-star orders, you need to finish certain tasks. You can see the task you need to finish in order to unlock the 2-star and 3-star order.To do 2-star order, you will need a 2-star passport and to do 3-star order, you will need a 3-star passport .Note: Passports will be given by the system daily except for 3-star passport. 3-star passport will be given once per week.

有谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,主题是 TV present a vivid wworld in front of us

TV presents a vivid world in front of us :Perhaps we will never forget the days before the great invention of television.People usually took reading as the most cultural activity to know the outside world in the past. Newspapers, magazines,text-books and picture-books were the main parts in the reading.At that time,nobody expected to know the whole world at home wihtout going abroad.Thank to the great inventors,television takes the place of books,while watching TV takes the place of reading.With the development of the satellite TV and cable TV, people are able have many different choices on the programmes.In front of TV at home,pwoplw can watch movies, news, documentaries and some teaching courses. Therefore,TV presents a vivid world in front of us.Nowadays,people will feel that they cannot live any better without their TV sets .

come and give a fellatio you cunt是什么意思,急需,谢谢

come and give a fellatio you cunt来给你的女人口交come and give a fellatio you cunt来给你的女人口交

我系香港个边成日听讲Goal-Paramount足球贴士几准下, 最紧要系够老实而且还在i-cabletv出贴士, 有冇人用过

Goal-Paramount曾是最出名的, 但现在最强那一队Sebastien Fabic其下足球推荐队伍给Soccer-invests高价收购了, 请留意新闻吧, 你们太out.我有买Soccer-invests的足球贴士, 我可以平20%卖给你, add我!


The students are doing a good job学生们都在好好学习。学生们都做的不错。


应该说: I want to find a good job in the future.



the house fells cool in summer and warn in winter

cool 和worm 才是并列关系,是两个形容词,这句子里面只有feels 是动词哦


waking ,falling ,coming,teaching,getting,waiting,planting,shining,driving,taking,living.

fell into 的意思

fall into 是原形,fall in love somebody 爱上了某人。fall into可以是掉进了哪里

MINI COUNTRYMAN的中文名字是什么?如何区分宝马mini的几款车型?

宝马mini的车型有:1、Cooper:MINI Cooper采用前置发动机前轮驱动,四缸16气门的发动机排量为1.6L,虽然车身较轻,但如果想追求运动激情,动力还是略嫌不足。0—100km/h的加速时间为9.2s,虽然成绩不错,但爆发力不明显.MINI Cooper装备的是四轮独立跑车化悬架系统,以及后轴多连杆悬架系统,提供了极为优越的道路操控性。2、Tattoo:Mini Tattoo是基于MINI Cooper Fun版车型衍生而来,外观方面,Mini Tattoo采用辣椒红色车身,而车顶、尾部及侧面还运用象征MINI纯正英伦血统的米字旗与代表赛车运动传奇的黑白格旗组成的纹身图案。此外,TATTOO限量版还标配了车顶天窗、17寸轻质合金轮圈、带巡航控制系统的多功能方向盘以及由碳黑色真皮制成的座椅等配置。3、Clubman:2008年北京车展首发。清晰的MINI风格,难以抗拒的创新魅力。MINI Clubman独一无二的特征非常明显。汽车的车顶线延伸过全部三个立柱,平滑地融入外观。动人的车尾部分,尾门为创新的对开双车门:两扇门可以设置为任意开向,其对比色的框架令它成为了外观上的一个亮点。4、Countryman:Countryman是Mini汽车公司推出的首款SUV车型。通过家族的独有特征还是让人能一眼认出这是一辆MINI。Countryman同时也是MINI家族中首款车身长度超过4米并可选配全时四驱的量产车型。与其他MINI车型相同,Countryman上市后也将会推出两个不同版本的车型。它们在外观和动力方面有所差异。其中在外观方面,Cooper S Countryman前脸采用网状的进气格栅,并在下进气口两侧增加方形装饰框,而车尾圆形的双排气管以及尾窗上方的扰流板,则增加了运动气息。5、Paceman:Paceman使用1.6升的双涡轮增压发动机,这款发动机是经过JCW御用调校的, 其最大输出马力达到211匹,最大扭矩为260牛米。这款发动机还有一个Overboost功能,也就是一种超级模式,这种情况下最大扭矩可以达到280牛米。



英语continue your hustle怎么翻译?

continue your hustle的中文意思是“继续你的喧嚣”

小说巴尼 (barney -will stanton) 的结尾是什么意思啊。 到底发生了什么 前文哪里有提示?


Goodtime (Brent Jones And The T.P. Mobb Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Goodtime (Brent Jones And The T.P. Mobb Album Version)歌手:Brent Jones And The T.P. Mobb专辑:Brent Jones And The T.P. MobbAlan Jackson - Good TimeWork, work all week longPunchin" that clock from dusk till dawn.Countin" the days till Friday nightThat"s when all the conditions are right.For a good timeI need a good time.Yea, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeI cashed my check, cleaned my truckPut on my hat, forgot about workSun goin" down, head across townPick up my baby and turn it aroundGood time,Aahh, I need a good timeI"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funTime for a good timeHEY!Pig in the ground, beer on iceJust like ole Hank taught us aboutSingin" along, Bocephus songsRowdy friends all night longGood timeLord, we"re having a good timeYea, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeWhewHeel toe dosey doeScootin" our boots, swingin" doorsB & D Kix and DunnHonkin" tonk heaven, Double shotgunGood time,Lord, we"re havin" a good timeCause I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeShot of Tequila, beer on tapSweet southern woman set on my lapG with an O, O with a DT with an I and an M and an EAnd a good timeShhheww, good timeI"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeAhh, turn it up now.A Shot of Tequila.Beer on tap.A good looking woman.To set on my lap.A G with an O, an O with a DA T with an I an M with an EThat spells good timeA good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funTime for a good timeTwelve o"clock, two o"clock three o"clock fourFive o"clock we know were that"s gonna goClosing the door, shuttin" em downHead for that Waffle House way across townGood timeOhh, we"re havin" a good time.Ohh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, yea, a good time.I need a good time.Yea, a good time.http://music.baidu.com/song/2812709

文献里的in the adjuvant setting怎么翻译

你好!in the adjuvant setting在佐剂中


《Point Counter Point》(Aldous Huxley)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/14iXgVDAuGuPIf9ly5JqWxw 提取码:zmk3书名:Point Counter Point作者:Aldous Huxley出版社:Vintage Classics出版年份:2004-7-1页数:592内容简介:A brilliant social satire, it"s also been called the Vanity Fair for the Twenties: the dilettantes who frequent Lady Tantamount"s society parties engage in dazzling and witty conversations in these wickedly funny portraits of D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Ottoline Morrell and Huxley himself.</p>

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