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grandmother、grandfather 、grandpa、grandparent这四个单词中的“d”,哪一个发音与其他的不同?




英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(2)

剧情:哈尔的家人都很不认可哈尔这种玩命的举动。哈尔的小侄子看见哈尔平安归来,激动地抱住了他…… 绿灯战士阿宾·苏尔在死前让自己的魔力戒指出发去寻找新的主人,这只戒指选定了哈尔·乔丹。 影片对白: Abin Sur: Choose well. TV: A test pilot"s daring maneuvers almost ended in tragedy. Witnesses say pilot Hal Jordan ejected at the last possible second...before his jet crashed in the open desert. He"s the son of the late Martin Jordan...who was killed in his own ill-fated test flight back in 1993. We are told that Hal Jordan is doing fine right now...though we have yet to hear an official statement. Hal: Hey, guys. TV: The incident has been a blow to a new high-tech aircraft program... Jack: Hey. How was work? Hal: Oh. It was amazing, Jack. Thank you for asking. Hey, Janice. Jack: Just help me out here, because I"m really trying to understand this. Hal: Mm-hm. Jack: Do you wanna be like him so bad? Hal: You just assume it"s my fault. Jack: I talked to Carl. Hal: Oh. Heh, heh. Jack: You pushed the plane past its limits-- Hal: That"s my job. It was an accident. Everybody walked away. Jack: Like your motorcycle accident that put you in the hospital for a month? Hal: You know, I miss all this quality family time. Good talk, Jack. Jack: God. Janice: Jack. Come on. Jim: You okay? Hal: Where"s Jason? Jim: In his room. Hal: Why? (Knocking on door) Hey, it"s Uncle Hal. What"s up there, ace? This is the worst 11th birthday party I"ve ever been to. No dancing girls? What"s going on--? Hey. Hey. I"m fine. Jason: I guess I got a little freaked out or something. Hal: It happens. Jason: Not to you. Hal: Look... I told you that you don"t have anything to worry about. You wanna know why? Yeah, I may be a total screw-up in every other part of my life...but the one thing I do know how to do is fly. Hey, got you something, birthday boy. Wrapped it myself. Jason: Cool. It"s an X-1, right? Hal: It"s a Starfighter. My dad gave me that. Let"s put it up. Jason: What happened today? I mean, when you crashed. Hal: Not really sure, exactly. Jason: Were you scared? Hal: It"s my job not to be. You know, you"re totally missing your super-lame birthday party. Beat it. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Jason: I"m glad you"re okay. Hal: Me too, ace. (grunting) Hal: Get off! No! Aah! No! Come on, stay with me. Stay with me. I"m gonna get you some help. You"re gonna be okay. You"re gonna be okay. Okay, hold on. Abin Sur: Your name. Your name. Hal: It"s Hal. Hal Jordan. Abin Sur: Hal Jordan, I am Abin Sur, protector of Sector 2814. Hal: Okay, hey, listen. We"re gonna get you to a hospital, okay? Okay? One that carries purple blood. Abin Sur: The ring...it chose you. Take it! Place the ring in the lantern. Place the ring, speak the oath... Hal: What? Abin Sur: Great honor, responsibility... Hal: I don"t understand. Breathe. You gotta breathe, okay? All you gotta do is breathe. Just breathe, okay? Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, man. No, no, no, don"t do that. Hey, now, don"t do that. Oh, e on. 词汇: 1. daring: 大胆的,勇敢的;敢于冒险的。请看例句:He had proved himself a most daring airman.(他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。) 2. maneuver: (船、飞机等的)机动动作。 3. eject: (从飞机、太空船中)弹射出来。 4. ill-fated: 不幸的。 5. help out: 帮助……摆脱困难。看一下例子:His father helped him out when he lost his job.(他失业时父亲帮他摆脱困难。) 6. ace: 能手,佼佼者。 7. freaked out: 吓坏了。 8. screw-up: 失败者。 9. starfighter: 星际战斗机。

abit disappointed

not a little译作“很、非常”(即“不是一点点”),相当于very或very much; not a bit译作“一点儿也不”,相当于not at all.如 She isn"t a little angry. (她很生气) / She isn"t a bit angry. (她一点儿也不生气) I was a bit disappointed 其中,a bit 可以换做:( a little ) a bit与a little这两个词组意思相同,有时可以互换,但却又有各自独特的用法. 相同之处: 1.a bit与a little都可作程度副词,表示"稍微、一点儿"的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换.例如: Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?(动词)请你把收音机声音关小一点好吗? She"s a bit/a little afraid of the teacher.(形容词)她有点怕老师. 2.for a bit和for a little意思相同,相当于for a while或for a short time,可互换.例如: Let"s rest for a bit/a little.让我们休息一下. II.不同之处 1.a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit修饰不可数名词时,只能用a bit of.










《FeetOnTheGround》。《FeetOnTheGround》是Nicky Romero、Anouk演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《FeetOnTheGround(Remixes)》。fiftyfiftyfeetontheground是《FeetOnTheGround》中的歌词。

fifty和的sixty中的t的发音和twenty hirtyforty等是否一样?求解释。


Cannon has shown a great interest in collecting flags. At the young age of four , Cannon began ...

小题1:drawing小题2: studied小题3: calling小题4: donated小题5:. write小题6:. hear小题7: like小题8: reached小题9: flag小题10:. books 小题1:.根据下文的putting them up on his walls可知“绘画”,而且表示伴随动作。小题2:根据下文的Throughout law school可知。小题3:根据句意“---都叫他---”,注意start doing sth.。小题4:根据句意“他曾捐赠国旗搞展览”。小题5:根据下文的He has published three books about flags可知。小题6:固定词组hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”。小题7:.根据句意“看到他的书在全世界的书店里”。小题8: 根据句意“他的爱好达到了一个新的水平”。小题9:根据句意“设计它的国旗”。小题10:. like在此处做介词“像---一样”。

是sb.contributed to还是sb.be contributed to

两种表达方法都有错误,正确的表达是“sb. contribute to”。分析:“contribute to”词组是固定搭配,表示“献身于;对……有贡献”,前面直接加某人即可。“sb.contributed to”是过去式形式;“sb. be contributed to”是被动形式,某人对……有贡献不能用被动的表达方式。做贡献是主动的。

the university,not the individual colleges,grants degrees是什么意思?




MySQl 5.0 怎么 grant super 权限给用户

--赋权限grant privileges on *.* to root@"localhost" identified by "password";flush privileges;--权限查询show privileges;



university grants commission 是什么意思


翻译英语 granted


什么是matching grants

matching grant : 配合拨款的财政补贴grant在此指补助金

MySQL:grant 语法详解(MySQL5.X)

  本文实例,运行于MySQL5.0及以上版本。  MySQL赋予用户权限命令的简单格式可概括为:  grant权限on数据库对象to用户  一、grant普通数据用户,查询、插入、更新、删除数据库中所有表数据的权利。  grantselectontestdb.*tocommon_user@"%"  grantinsertontestdb.*tocommon_user@"%"  grantupdateontestdb.*tocommon_user@"%"  grantdeleteontestdb.*tocommon_user@"%"  或者,用一条MySQL命令来替代:  grantselect,insert,update,deleteontestdb.*tocommon_user@"%"  二、grant数据库开发人员,创建表、索引、视图、存储过程、函数。。。等权限。  grant创建、修改、删除MySQL数据表结构权限。  grantcreateontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grantalterontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grantdropontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grant操作MySQL外键权限。  grantreferencesontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grant操作MySQL临时表权限。  grantcreatetemporarytablesontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grant操作MySQL索引权限。  grantindexontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grant操作MySQL视图、查看视图源代码权限。  grantcreateviewontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grantshowviewontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  grant操作MySQL存储过程、函数权限。  grantcreateroutineontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";--now,canshowprocedurestatus  grantalterroutineontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";--now,youcandropaprocedure  grantexecuteontestdb.*todeveloper@"192.168.0.%";  三、grant普通DBA管理某个MySQL数据库的权限。  grantallprivilegesontestdbtodba@"localhost"  其中,关键字“privileges”可以省略。  四、grant高级DBA管理MySQL中所有数据库的权限。  grantallon*.*todba@"localhost"  五、MySQLgrant权限,分别可以作用在多个层次上。  1.grant作用在整个MySQL服务器上:  grantselecton*.*todba@localhost;--dba可以查询MySQL中所有数据库中的表。  grantallon*.*todba@localhost;--dba可以管理MySQL中的所有数据库  2.grant作用在单个数据库上:  grantselectontestdb.*todba@localhost;--dba可以查询testdb中的表。  3.grant作用在单个数据表上:  grantselect,insert,update,deleteontestdb.orderstodba@localhost;  4.grant作用在表中的列上:  grantselect(id,se,rank)ontestdb.apache_logtodba@localhost;  5.grant作用在存储过程、函数上:  grantexecuteonproceduretestdb.pr_addto"dba"@"localhost"  grantexecuteonfunctiontestdb.fn_addto"dba"@"localhost"  六、查看MySQL用户权限  查看当前用户(自己)权限:  showgrants;  查看其他MySQL用户权限:  showgrantsfordba@localhost;  七、撤销已经赋予给MySQL用户权限的权限。  revoke跟grant的语法差不多,只需要把关键字“to”换成“from”即可:  grantallon*.*todba@localhost;  revokeallon*.*fromdba@localhost;  八、MySQLgrant、revoke用户权限注意事项  1.grant,revoke用户权限后,该用户只有重新连接MySQL数据库,权限才能生效。  2.如果想让授权的用户,也可以将这些权限grant给其他用户,需要选项“grantoption“  grantselectontestdb.*todba@localhostwithgrantoption;  这个特性一般用不到。实际中,数据库权限最好由DBA来统一管理。

Travel grants 是旅行费吗,具体什么意思,都包括哪些费用?

Travel grants =差旅补助 可以有差旅补助。一封个人陈述信,包括预计差旅费用。

pubmed中的nih grants什么意思

NIH means the National Institutes of Health(美国国立卫生研究院),grant 是自助,合起来就是美国国立卫生研究院资助


grants 英[ɡ"rɑ:nts] 美[ɡ"rɑ:nts] n. 补助金; (来自私人或公共授予机构的) 基金( grant的名词复数 ); 授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等); tech 英[tek] 美[tɛk] n. 技术; <英>工学院; 技术员; 技术工作; adj. 技术的; farms n. 农场; 农田( farm的名词复数 ); 饲养场; 农舍;


英 [ɡrɑ?nt] 美 [ɡr?nt] vt.授予;(尤指正式地或法律上)同意,准予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意n.(政府、机构的)拨款第三人称单数: grants复数: grants现在分词: granting过去式: granted过去分词: granted

grants 1887年的红酒价格


ORACLE导入导出命令 GRANTS=Y会是什么结果


under grants是什么意思

under grants 在助学金grants 英[ɡ"rɑ:nts] 美[ɡ"rɑ:nts] n. 补助金; (来自私人或公共授予机构的) 基金( grant的名词复数 ); 授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等); v. (退一步) 承认( grant的第三人称单数 ); (尤指正式地或法律上) 同意; 准许; 让渡; [例句]The school has received various grants from the education department.学校得到了教育部门的多项资助。


作动词时译为“(合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意”,作名词时译为“(政府)拨款,补助金;授予,给予;合法转让,正式授予”。短语搭配take for granted认为…理所当然government grant政府批地书,政府补助金land grant政府赠地;政府拨给大学或铁路之土地例句:The Queen formally granted the title of count on the man.女王正式授予这个男人以伯爵的称号。变形:过去式granted,过去分词granted,现在分词granting,第三人称单数grants,复数grants。

Grants Policy Statement是啥意思?



  government grants  [词典]政府拨款;  [网络]政府补助;  [例句]Associations and non-governmental organizations working in the field of gender rights had also received Government grants.  工作在性别权利领域的各协会和非政府组织也得到政府的捐助。



美国居民的定义是什么?What is US Resident

  A United States Permanent Resident Card, known informally as a green card (due to the color of some earlier variants), is an identification cardattesting to the permanent resident status of an alien in the United States of America. Green card also refers to an immigration process of becoming a permanent resident. The green card serves as proof that its holder, a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR), has been officially granted immigration benefits, which include permission to reside and take employment in the USA. The holder must maintain permanent resident status, and can be removed from the United States if certain conditions of this status are not met.  一个美国永久居民卡,非正式地称为绿色卡(由于一些早期的变种的颜色),是一种识别cardattesting到外星人的永久居民的身份在美国美国。绿卡也指移民过程中成为永久居民。绿色的卡片作为证明人,合法的永久居民(LPR),已正式获得移民福利,包括允许居住和就业在美国持有人必须保持永久居民身份,可如果这一状况的某些条件不满足于美国。  Green cards were formerly issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). During a re-organization process, that agency was absorbed into and replaced by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS), part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Shortly after that re-organization, BCIS was renamed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which still retains the responsibility for issuing green cards.  绿卡是由移民和归化局(移民局)发出的。重新组织的过程中,该机构被吸收并被公民及移民服务局(BCIS),美国国土安全部(DHS)。重新组织后不久,学校被改名为美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS),它仍保留发放绿卡的责任。  An alien with a green card application can obtain two important permits while the case is pending after a certain stage is passed in green card processing (filing of I-485). The first is a temporary work permit known as the Employment Authorization Document (EAD), which allows the alien to take employment in the United States. The second is a temporary travel document, advance parole, which allows the alien to re-enter the United States. Both permits confer benefits that are independent of any existing status granted to the alien. For example, the alien might already have permission to work in the United States under an H-1B visa.  一个绿色卡应用外星人可获得两个重要的许可证,而案件悬而未决一定阶段后是绿色卡处理过(提交I-485)。第一个是一个临时工作许可证被称为就业授权文件(EAD),它允许外国人去美国就业。二是一个临时旅行证件,提前假释,这让外国人重新进入美国。这两个许可证授予的好处,是独立的任何现有的地位授予的外国人。例如,外星人可能已经获准在美国工作的H-1B签证下。  Resident Alien definition A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the country he or sheresides, but does not have citizenship.  居民定义一个外国人是国家他或sheresides永久居民,但没有国籍。  Resident and nonresident aliens have different filing advantages and disadvantages. For example, a resident alien can use foreign tax credits, where as a non-resident cannot. But on the other hand, a non-resident alien pays very little US tax on their income earned outside the US.  居民和非居民外国人有不同的文件的优点和缺点。例如,外国居民可以使用外国税收抵免,而非居民不能。但另一方面,一个非居民的外国人支付的收入很小,我们的收入在美国以外的收入。  

research grants什么意思






oracle grants=no 是什么意思


ORACLE导入导出命令 GRANTS=Y会是什么结果


grant 用法

vt.1. 同意,准予He granted me my request.他答应了我的要求。The firm granted him a pension.公司同意给他一笔养老金。2. 给予,授予3. 承认[+(that)]Are you ready to grant that I was right?你是否愿意承认我是对的?4. 【律】授予(权利等);转让(财产)n.[C]1. 授予物;奖学金,助学金,补助金Students in this country receive a grant from the government.这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。2. 同意;给予;授予;承认3. 财产转让

grant all privileges on是什么意思


政府补贴应该用grants 还是subsidy?

政府补贴:subsidy 明显更胜任,grant 主要指:政府的拨款,或经费。


1、granlt是什么意思2、grants是什么意思3、grant是什么意思?怎么用4、英语单词表示授予“award”和“grant”有什么区别?5、grant是什_意思?6、grant是什么意思granlt是什么意思grant 英[grɑ:nt] 美[gr_nt] vt. 授予; 承认; 同意; 准许; n. 拨款; 补助金; 授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等); vi. 同意; [网络] 赋予; 提供; 许可; [例句]They"d got a special grant to encourage research.他们得到一笔用以鼓励科研的特别经费。[其他] 第三人称单数:grants 复数:grants 现在分词:granting 过去式:granted过去分词:grantedgrants是什么意思grant 英[grɑ:nt] 美[gr_nt] vt. 授予; 承认; 同意; 准许; n. 拨款; 补助金; 授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等) vi. 同意; [例句]The Commission on Chicago Landmarks refused to grant the building landmark status, clearing the way for its demolition.芝加哥地标委员会拒绝授予这栋大楼地标地位,并为其拆除扫清了道路。[其他] 第三人称单数:grants 复数:grants 现在分词:granting 过去式:granted过去分词:granted 如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!grant是什么意思?怎么用grant [ɡrɑ:nt, ɡr_nt]vt. 授予;允许;承认vi. 同意n. 拨款;[法] 授予物However, approving the standards will help states qualify for some federal grant money.然而,赞成新标准会帮助各州政府有资格获得联邦拨款。Increases in grant aid will replace loans.无偿援助的增加将取代贷款。We regret our inability to grant your request.我们很遗憾不能同意您的要求。英语单词表示授予“award”和“grant”有什么区别?award 作为动词,意为“授予(奖品,奖金等)”,后面可跟双宾语。可用作award a prize to sb. 或者award sb. sth.作为名词,意思是“奖品”She was _awarded_ the top prize in the competition.grant 指出于同情、正义感或要求而给予,多用于上级给下级或长辈给晚辈等。如:He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。grant是什_意思?GRANT 名称 GRANT — 赋予一个用户,一个组或所有用户访问权限GRANT privilege [, ...] ON object [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | GROUP group | username } 输入 privilege可能的权限有:SELECT访问声明的表/视图的所有列/字段.INSERT向声明的表中插入所有列字段.UPDATE更新声明的所有列/字段.DELETE从声明的表中删除所有行.RULE在表/视图上定义规则 (参见 CREATE RULE 语句).ALL赋予所有权限.object赋予权限的对象名.可能的对象是:table (表)view (视图)sequence (序列)index (索引)PUBLIC代表是所有用户的简写.GROUP group将要赋予权限的组 group .目前的版本中,组必须是用下面方法显式创建的.username将要赋予权限的用户名.PUBLIC 是代表所有用户的简写.输出 CHANGE如果成功,返回此信息.ERROR: ChangeAcl: class "object" not found如果所声明的对象不可用或不可能对声明的组或用户赋予权限.描述 GRANT 允许对象的创建者给某用户或某组或所有用户(PUBLIC)某些特定的权限.对象创建后,除了创建者外,除非创建者赋予(GRANT)权限,其他人没有访问对象的权限.一旦用户有某对象的权限,他就可以使用那个特权.不需要给创建者赋予(GRANT)对象的权限,创建者自动拥有对象的所有权限,包括删除它的权限.注意 目前,要想在 Postgres 里面只赋予几列权限,你必须创建一个包含那几列的视图(view),然后把权限赋予那几个视图。 使用psql z 命令获取关于现存对象权限的更多信息: Database = lusitania +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Relation | Grant/Revoke Permissions | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | mytable | {"=rw","miriam=arwR","group todos=rw"} | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ Legend: uname=arwR -- privileges granted to a user group gname=arwR -- privileges granted to a GROUP =arwR -- privileges granted to PUBLIC r -- SELECT w -- UPDATE/DELETE a -- INSERT R -- RULE arwR -- ALL 小技巧: 目前,要创建一个 GROUP (组), 你将不得不手工向表 pg_group 中插入数据,像:INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ("todos"); CREATE USER miriam IN GROUP todos; 参考REVOKE 语句重新分配访问权限. 用法 给所有用户向表 films 插入记录的权限: GRANT INSERT ON films TO PUBLIC; 赋予用户 manuel 操作视图 kinds 的所有权限: GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT 语法允许对表中的某单独列/字段设置权限,并且允许设置一权限以赋予别人相同权限.GRANT privilege [, ...] ON object [ ( column [, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | username [, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] 这些字段与 Postgres 实现是兼容的,除了下面一些例外:privilegeSQL92 允许声明附加的权限: SELECTREFERENCES允许在一个声明的表的整合约束中使用某些或全部列/字段.USAGE允许使用一个域,字符集,集合或事务.如果声明的对象不是表/视图, privilege 只能声明为 USAGE.object[ TABLE ] tableSQL92 允许一个附加的非函数关键字 TABLE.CHARACTER SET允许使用声明的字符集.COLLATION允许使用声明的集合序列.TRANSLATION允许使用声明的字符集转换.DOMAIN允许使用声明的域.WITH GRANT OPTION允许向别人赋予同样权限.grant是什么意思grant,作动词时译为“(合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意”,作名词时译为“(政府)拨款,补助金;授予,给予;合法转让,正式授予”。英式读音[ɡrɑ_nt],美式读音[ɡr_nt]。短语搭配take for granted认为理所当然government grant政府批地书,政府补助金land grant政府赠地;政府拨给大学或铁路之土地例句:The Queen formally granted the title of count on the man.女王正式授予这个男人以伯爵的称号。变形:过去式granted,过去分词granted,现在分词granting,第三人称单数grants,复数grants。grant用法用作动词(v.)用作及物动词1、S+~+ n./pron.I cannot grant your request.我不能同意你的请求。2、S+~+that-clauseI grant that your explanation is reasonable.我承认,你的解释是合乎情理的。3、用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She granted the child his wish.她满足了那孩子的愿望。4、用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) adj.I granted this (to be) true.我承认这是真的。

loan credit和grants的区别

loan credit:贷款信用;贷款 (需要还本付息的)grants:资助;赠与 (不需要还的)

请问 grants 和 subsidies 的区别


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改下预览格式,序列设置里。我也遇到了这个问题,一看预览设置用的quicktime,windows不支持,所以会卡死。改成第一个 一帧啥啥啥 就行了。

这2个英语单词granted grant 分别怎么读




知道CANTEEN9甜纳茵这个品牌吗? 他们家的儿童营养品怎么样?


do you have a canteen



canteen teacher中的ee ea 在英式音标中的发音是相同的。

Playground、canteen、library、office、art room、TV room是什么意思?

Playground、操场、canteen 食堂、library图书馆、office办公室、art room 艺术室 TV room 电视机房





do they have a canteen

你好!do they have a canteen他们有食堂吗?

I have lunch_____(介词)canteen



两者都是餐厅,但cafeteria 可以是普通商业的餐馆,但 canteen 通常是指公司,学校等内附属的小饭堂。

Buffet,cafeteria,canteen,cafe,dinner hall有什么区别和相同点

你好buffet是自助,不用解释了吧。cafe是我们日常在街边经常看见的那种咖啡厅,主要供应饮料和简餐。注意是简餐。cafeteria是介于cafe和restaurant之间的一种餐厅,尤其是那种拿着个盘子绕着食物柜台转一圈,最后带着选好的食物去柜台结账那种。canteen和dinner hall都是食堂,侧重表达机关单位内部员工吃饭的地方,不强调内部结构。希望对你有帮助






restaurant 是饭馆,不是食堂。canteen这个词一般用于水壶,没听过人用它说餐厅的。最普遍的食堂说法是cafeteria

canteen 的复数形式是什么

名词复数: canteens

dining room,restaurant,canteen,请说明这三个词语的区别,并各造一个句子




dining room,restaurant,canteen,请说明这三个词语的区别,并各造一个句子


restaurant and canteen

(1) Restaurant – waiters and waitress serve you. Canteen – self-served. (2) Restaurant – Some of them have a license to sell spirits and wine. Canteen – They only sell tea coffee and soft drinks. (3) Restaurant – All customers are expected to pay tips for the service. Canteen – No tips. (4) Restaurant – They usually have good cutlery. Canteen – They only provide basic cutlery. (5) Restaurant – The food are relatively expensive. Canteen – The food are cheap. (6) Restaurant – You can reserve a table in some restaurants. Canteen – First e first serve. (7) Restaurant – They have a menu catering for different occasions. Canteen – Their menus are pretty standard usually on a billboard. You don"t expect exotic food from them.. (8) Restaurant – are located in various places e.g. shopping malls Canteen – a place in school factory hospital anization e (9) Restaurant – They are run as a business ~ for profit. Canteen – They may be subsidized by anizations schools etc ~ for the benefit of students employees (10) Restaurant – open for longer hours. Canteen – usually close at night and a lot of them are open only at meal time. difference beeen restaurant and canteen 1) canteen is normally in a school or an anization.- i.e school canteen 2) canteen is opened for members or staff only - school canteen for students or teachers or staff only hotel canteen for staffs only. 3) Price at Canteen is normally cheaper than restaurant. 4) decoration may be as luxury as a restaurant East China Sea u2027 Sea Restaurant (Hong Kong Group) Super Star Group Super Star Group. Federal Restaurant Group 参考: yahoo



激龟快打 绝招 tournament fighters


dining room,restaurant,canteen,请说明这三个词语的区别,并各造一个句子

dining room范围较小,仅仅指家庭的餐厅例:Mom is doing some housework in the dining room.妈妈正在餐厅做一些家务活.restaurant范围很大,是一种公共场所,指饭店、餐馆例:John is having a meal in the restaurant.约翰正在饭店吃饭.canteen指一个集体的就餐地方,既单位、学校的食堂例:Our shool master always visit the canteen.我们的校长经常来食堂视察.希望你能理解,祝学习进步!










以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. [C]1.(工厂、学校等的)餐厅,小卖部2.(军中贩卖食品等的)福利社3.(士兵等用的)水壶4.炊具箱;家用餐具箱以下结果来自互联网网络释义canteen1.小自助“餐厅【C】英语单词速记(二):汉语中的英语(T...canteen 小自助“餐厅”2.(机关单位和军队里的)食堂英文电影之必备词汇大汇总! - 词汇专区 ...canteen (机关单位和军队里的)食堂3.宣传活动东莞中职教研网—英语canteen 宣传活动4.小卖部;饭盒雅思词汇(二)—英语学习—上网第一站canteen 小卖部;饭盒5.临时怜餐室建筑专业英语词汇(C)—生命经纬canteen 临时怜餐室6.军用水壶进出口货物名称中英对照(52)canteen 军用水壶7.食堂,小卖部澳大利亚社会词汇:教育[360论坛] --...canteen 食堂,小卖部

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下载一个官方补丁,升级到V1.02之后可以完美解决帧控制丢失的问题。Win7X64下想要完美运行,需要强制关闭explorer.exe进程,你需要自己创建一个批处理文件,内容如下:——————————————————————————————rem First kill Explorer.exe, which messes up the colorstaskkill /f /IM explorer.exerem Change to the application directorycd d:JANESFighters Anthologyrem run the applicationFA.EXErem Wait for the game to quit, press Enter to continuepauserem Restart Explorer.exestart explorer.exeexit——————————————————————————————把其中的第4行修改成你安装在自己硬盘上的路径,想要开始游戏,执行它就可以了,退出游戏之后按一下任意键,批处理文件就会自动把Explorer.exe进程重新启动了。



cafeteria canteen

好像感觉 喝咖啡有关的是 cafeteria 一般指食堂的用 canteen


将上述单词组成一句话:Recently,our school has built a new canteen.翻译:最近,我们学校建了一个新食堂。our:我们的(代词)recently:最近(形容词);school:学校(名词) ;build:建造(动词、built为build的现在完成时);new:新的(形容词);canteen:食堂 (名词) 。


dinning hall

dining room,restaurant,canteen,请说明这三个词语的区别,并各造一个句子

dining room是指家里的餐厅(英文解释a room used mainly for eating meals in) 跟beding room 和living room对应restaurant(英文解释a place where you can buy and eat a meal)是餐馆 外面吃饭的那种 应该知道吧 例子:an Italian restaurant一家意大利餐馆canteen就是食堂了(英文解释a place where food and drink are served in a factory,a school,etc.)例子:a crowded canteen 那个 给个建议 英语单词辨析中文解释不清楚 看英文解释 你就比较能抓住这个词重点了 希望我给你帮助了



Canteen和lunch room有什么区别?

Canteen (工厂、商店、高校的)食堂,餐厅lunch room (学校、公司等的)食堂,餐厅
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